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Same Era, New Attitude!

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Same Era, New Attitude!


Chapter One: Stepping Into The Attitude


December 1st 1997 was the start of my career, and without a doubt, it was the best moment of my life. I walked into the locker room that night in Montreal, and things were intense. The Undertaker was yelling his head off, Bret was running around looking for McMahon, and I still have no idea where Earl Hebner went after the show. Vince hired me I think because he had nobody left to turn to, so he called me in and we got talking. Vince McMahon said he wanted Russo out as fast as possible, it was because of Russo at that time that WCW had beaten WWF at every turn. Ratings wise, PPV buy rates… They were just getting their asses whooped at every turn. Walking into that locker room in Montreal was scary for two reasons. One, because everyone wanted to leave, and attack anyone in the process. Two, as soon as that door shut, and a twenty year old man was standing in front of them, everything got real quiet.


I remember Triple H saying “What the hell is this guy doing here?” Now I knew that that right there would be the start of many problems, so as they say… I went Napoleon on them. “Alright, who here wants to leave?” I said really wanting someone to speak up. “I do!” I looked over to see that the first person to be fired was none other than Steve Lombardi. “OK Steve… Get your s#!t, and get the hell out of here. Anybody else?” The room was silent after that. “Good… Hello, I am Keenan Johnson, or as you will call me from now on, Mr. KJ. I am the new sheriff in town.” I knew that things were going to change with not to many people enjoying the experience.


The next morning people were lined up outside my office. I had to deal with firings, and release requests from people like Mick Foley, and Owen Hart. I said no, and explained to them how much they meant to the business, and would do nothing to jeopardize that. They were angry, but agreed to stay with us. One man that startled me to have someone be fired was Shawn Michaels who asked for Owen Hart to be fired. When I asked why, he gave me some bulls#!t excuse about him I couldn’t understand. Later on, I’ll tell you just how much of a little a$$hole HBK was.


I quickly fired Vince Russo just like McMahon wanted, and other unnecessary people like Michael Cole, and Luna Vachon. Hours went by, and it was almost time to do my first Raw, sadly it wasn’t really my Raw. Vince gave me what was the breakdown of the card he was going to do, and stressed time and time again don’t say anything about Bret. The mood in the locker room was tense, no one wanted to co-operate, let alone put anyone else over. I was more worried about the money that we had, when I was told that the month prior to my arrival, the WWF had lost $855,000. I was horrified, because in that same month WCW made $6,000,000. What the hell had my favourite wrestling promotion turned into? Some place where it was only about winning a match then it was about the fans of sports entertainment? I don’t think so… If I was going to run the WWF, it wasn’t going to be anything like what it was before, and I was willing to quit if we so much as lost a penny.

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Chapter 2 Writing The New Order


As my first few months went by, I can’t say it was the best start. My shows were doing alright, but it was not enough to really stand up to WCW. On the plus side, we were making a few million dollars a month, and already had the indoor attendance record of 55, 000 people in New York for the Royal Rumble. I must tell you however… I didn’t like the way that PPV turned out.


Owen Hart won the Rumble match, which was great, but it wasn’t the best show, and it just didn’t sit right. During this time some of the best feuds of the year were happening, like The Undertaker vs. Kane and that storyline took a big twist when Kane burned Undertaker when inside a casket. People always asked did I build that match right? I feel like it was a great success at Wrestlemania. The whole plot was that The Undertaker wasn’t going to show up until Wrestlemania night, and when he did, Kane and The Undertaker had a amazing I quit match.


Also, Austin vs. McMahon was quickly becoming a very big feud with Austin fighting through everyone to get a shot a Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania 14 in a steel cage match. Another feud that was awesome, but not given enough credit was the story of the three faces of Foley vs. The Rock, sounds complicated, but the story behind that was Mankind was turning into the three faces of Foley to attack The Rock, and play mind games. To the fans delight, they loved every minute of it, and wanted more from them.


At that time we were winning people on the streets that WCW couldn’t get. We sold out more shows than them, and were talked about more than them leading up to Wrestlemania. The big question was would Wrestlemania be better with KJ than last years? Was the big celebrity going to be the baddest man on the planet Mike Tyson? So many questions, I didn’t want to deal with any of the “TV people” so I decided to attack WCW, and how they did business.


Instead of lying and making false accusations, I told the press just how I felt about WCW, well the very next night we beat Nitro in the ratings for the first time in two long years! I won’t forget the date, it was February 16th 1998, and the boys in the locker room that night really accepted me as the guy to make things better. Even though my talk on WCW worked out for TV, it didn’t set right with McMahon, and that would last for a few weeks after.


We were going full steam ahead until Shawn Michaels walked in to tell me what he thought of me. “Just who do you think you are taking the belt off me?” “What are you talking about Shawn?” “I know what your doing, your trying to pull me out the picture, you are such a back stabbing hypocrite!” I looked at Shawn with a smirk on my face, but Shawn was mad at me. “You said it yourself Shawn, that you are feeling bad, that your back is hurting you, well what else can I do?” “Screw you KJ! This is not about my back, your jealous of my popularity here.” Once he said that I was tired of Shawn’s crap. “Look Shawn let’s face facts, your not the big thing anymore, Austin is, and the fact is you haven’t worked a good match in how many years? You don’t get your way, then you start crying like a little bit%h! Shawn, at Wrestlemania, as far as I am concerned, your time is up.”


Shawn looked like he was going to cry, I always thought of him as a little puss! “You know what KJ, if you have me drop the belt to Owen Hart of all people, I will never wrestle, ever again.” I thought for a second that what I was about to say might have been a bad move, but I did it anyway… “Well Has Been Kid! I guess that you better bring you’re A game come Wrestlemania.” Then he stormed out.


Moments later, Vince McMahon walked in looking angry. “Listen McMahon I don’t need to hear this.” “Who the hell do you think your talking to?” “I am talking to my boss, that right now needs to cool down, and listen to all the facts before he gets jumpy.” I seen fire in Vince’s eyes “ Ok KJ, what have you done to Shawn? He wants to quit!” I was stunned for a sec… But not surprised. “Oh really, let me ask how many times has he done this to you?” “Twice.” “And how does that turn out for you?” “He does what you ask, even though he fights you the whole way through.” Vince calmed down now knowing the situation. “Well then Vince, I don’t think you have much to worry about.”


Not only was Shawn a problem, but so was most of DX, Triple H was unhappy that he was working with Goldust at Wrestlemania but then again they ended up having one of the best matches on the card. Road Dogg and Billy Gunn were unhappy that I wasn’t using them enough, even though they would work ten minute matches every time they were seen on TV.
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Chapter 3 Road To Wrestlemania


The Road to Wrestlemania was a great mix of hits and misses, during this time everything in the WWF was revolving around Vince McMahon vs. Steve Austin. In wrestling Austin vs. McMahon was the most talked about thing in wrestling, that feud was bigger than Hollywood Hogan, and the entire WCW at that time. The pay per view’s that were being put on worked out in the process of building up to Wrestlemania. The first PPV was In Your House, and the show wasn’t built up enough to really turns some heads, but did manage to set up some good things to come.



WWF In Your House 1997

The Palace Of Auburn Hills 24,000

Sunday Week 4 December 1997


Video of Shawn Taunting Owen Hart

New Age Outlaws defeated The Legion Of Doom to keep Tag Titles

Triple H defeated Ken Shamrock to keep European Title

D’Lo Brown defeated Blackjack Windham

Owen Hart defeated Faarooq and Jeff Jarrett

Vince makes Steve Austin vs. Kane as punishment for Stunner last week

Kane defeated Steve Austin After McMahon uses chair

Shawn promo on main event with The Undertaker

Mankind defeated The Rock

The Rock beats down Mankind then talks smack

Triple H is seen attacking Vader

The Undertaker defeated Shawn Michaels By DQ

Owen attacks Shawn but fails to attack Undertaker


In January things were setting up for Wrestlemania and the big stories were that The Undertaker was going to fight HBK for the WWF Championship, and Kane was attacking Mankind leading to a Cage match… a Barbed Wire Steel Cage Match!



WWF Royal Rumble

Yankee Stadium 55,000

Sunday Week 4 January 1998


Highlights Of The Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels

Goldust defeated Ken Shamrock

Triple H defeated Vader to keep European Title

Steve Austin talks winning the Royal Rumble & McMahon

Mable defeated Billy Gunn

Kane defeated Mankind

Shawn Michaels defeated The Undertaker to keep the WWF Championship

Kane burns The Undertaker inside a Casket

Owen Hart wins the Royal Rumble Match


After that PPV it was really time to cement the Wrestlemania card, as we went forward to No Way Out, the storylines were in place, Kane and Paul Bearer had been taunting Undertaker and daring him to show up at No Way Out. The Rock was put in place to stop Austin from getting McMahon at Wrestlemania, as the stipulation of that match was if Stone Cold won the match he would get to fight Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania, and was able to pick what match as well. Finally Shawn Michaels would put the title on the line against number one contender Mankind after beating Triple H a few weeks before.



WWF No Way Out

Rupp Arena 23,500

Sunday Week 2 February 1998


Video of Steve Austin, The Rock & Vince McMahon

Blackjack Windham defeated D’Lo Brown

Terry Funk defeated Masato Tanaka

Owen Hart defeated Triple H

Triple H challenges Goldust for Wrestlemania

Kane defeated Vader and Jeff Jarrett

Paul Bearer Taunts Underaker

HBK Promo for title match

Mankind defeated Shawn Michaels By DQ

Stone Cold hypes main event against The Rock

Steve Austin defeated The Rock


No Way Out set huge numbers and gained us a lot of popularity leading into Wrestlemania. It was the first signs of the WWF really taking a turn for the better, as Wrestlemania came closer and closer I was trying to sign a huge worker from WCW and I knew if I was to get him then I would be set for the next few years. The only consern was that he didn’t really fit the new attitude that the WWF had become, with T&A, hard hitting action, and the curse words… so many god damn curse words! I had never actually heard bit**h on TV but what I didn’t know is that you could connect a women to a donkey’s genitals! Anyway this guy would need to be different.


-Who is the new signing set to debut at Wrestlemania 14?-
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Steve Austin vs Mr. McMahon Steel Cage Match


Main Event


Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart WWF Championship




Chapter 4 Wrestlemania 14


It was the morning of Wrestlemania 14 and I was ready to outshine both WCW and the Wrestlemania from last year. I was more then ready for 72, 000 plus fans to witness a guy that you would never think to see in the attitude era of the WWF. So I was inside the ring going through how I wanted the show to flow and also working with the superstars so that the flow would work that much better. As I was going through the match between The Rock and Mankind the man of the hour walked into the ring getting a great reception from everyone. “How’s it going KJ?” “Wonderful I can’t believe you are here for Wrestlemania.” I was grinning from ear to ear, I knew I stole a good star from WCW and couldn’t look much happier. “So about Wrestlemania, what is going to be my role? Am I talking or what’s the deal?” “Well I thought you could talk after your attack angle but now I feel it should be saved until RAW because I have a stable idea for you.” He looked a bit puzzled like he was thinking not this again, but I had to sell it. “What did you have in mind KJ?” “Will it concerns the two new signings of Chris Jericho and William Regal, but also Ken Shamrock, I think you know where I am going with this.” He looked happy that these where the men he was going to work with. He liked both Jericho and Regal but didn’t know much about Ken, he had many new ideas that he ran past me, and I loved all of them.


As Wrestlemania was coming close I felt everything was set to go, people were just starting to come to the door, waiting impatiently to get their seats. I told everyone to bring their A game tonight because this might be the biggest night in the WWF in five years! I looked at my special guest… smiled… then went out to welcome the fans, and really get them riled up for the action. I hyped up the main events that would be happening like Vince McMahon vs. Steve Austin inside a Steel cage. Also Shawn Michaels defending the WWF title against Owen Hart in the main event.


I always thought Wrestlemania was the most important night in the entire world, but nothing is more nerve racking then your first Wrestlemania. Wrestlemania 14 was set at Phoenix Stadium in Arizona, as 72, 200 fans watched what was a great Wrestlemania! Korn was the special band that night and the results were good as well.


Wrestlemania 14 The Showcase Of The Immortals

Korn played Freak On A Leash as a video of Shawn Michaels & Owen Hart played

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Chris Jericho won the Light Heavyweight Battle Royal

In a good match, but not enough heat Chris Jericho pulled out the victory in a battle royal that featured many new stars to the WWF like Eddie Guerrero, Rey Misterio Jr., Great Sasuke plus many others.


Sabu defeated Terry Funk in a Hardcore match

A match that brought to the table just what I wanted, Terry Funk and Sabu had a great Hardcore match with it ending as Terry Funk attempted a moonsult on Sabu with a steel chair, but Sabu moved and hit an Arabian face buster.


Goldust defeated Triple H to become European Champion

In a great match with lot’s of action Goldust would beat Triple H as the bizarre one would reverse the Pedegree into the Curtain call to become the new European champion.


The Rock defeated Mankind wearing pieces of clothing from Dude Love and Cactus Jack (Tie MOTN)

In my personal favourite match of the night, The Rock would have an all out brawl with Mankind, and the highlight point of the match was Mankind jumping off the fifteen foot ladder onto the Rock who was on the Spanish announce table! Even though that happened The Rock would turn things around and give a Rock Bottom to Mankind onto ten thousand tacks!


New Age Outlaws defeated D’Lo Brown and Mabel to keep Tag Titles

Not to much to say about the match, other then the New Age Outlaws doing what they do best… not sell a damn thing!



The Undertaker defeated Kane in a I Quit Match

In a brutal match with a lot of hard hitting action, Undertaker picked up a win over his brother when Taker would both, drive a steel chair on Kane’s head three times, but also deliver three tombstones until Paul Bearer would Quit for Kane.


Steve Austin defeated Vince McMahon in a Steel Cage Match

In a match that past it’s expectations, Austin and McMahon would beat the hell out of each other for twenty minutes until Austin would throw Vince off the top of the cage! The crowd was off of their seats and were screaming in happiness as Vince looked dead on the ring floor, Austin dropped down the cage step, by step to leave in victory.


Owen Hart defeated Shawn Michaels to become the WWF Champion (Tie MOTN)

This match was the all important match, and would bring to the table some of the best counters I have ever seen! Shawn Michaels took advantage for a good part of the match until HBK set up for the elbow drop from the top, Owen would spring to his feet and nail a belly to belly suplex. HBK was looked hurt as Owen ran at HBK, but HBK would sidestep Hart and he would go sailing over the top. Then Shawn hit the top again and we watched Shawn’s moonsult fail! As Owen would move having HBK hit the announce desk. Owen took Michaels back to the ring, but it lead to an HBK advantage, then setting up the Sweet Chin Music but it was countered right into the Sharpshooter for the win.


Owen Hart celebrated with the fans chanting Owen's name, until the debut of the one and the only… WOO Ric Flair!




The buzz of Wrestlemania was amazing, as many said that it was a huge success and was way better then expected. Also it beat out Wrestlemania 13 last year. I couldn’t ask for a better response, and with the return of Ric Flair I knew that things were tuning around fast in the WWF, and that my new attitude had begun!
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For those that enjoyed Wrestlemania 14 then you should love Raw Is War!

Wrestlemania 14 was a amazing experience for everyone and coming off the heels of it, means everyone is focusing on the next pay per view Unforgiven.


For tonight's episode, Ric Flair ruturns to the WWF and will speak on his actions. Also Shawn Michaels gives his final words.


Also on the show, Triple H has called out The Rock! for what reason the fans have know idea but Triple H is determined to fight The Rock.


Stone Cold Steve Austin will make his appearance felt tonight as he said he will do something no one will ever forget!


Last but not least, in the main event The Undertaker will take on the returning Ric Flair in the main event with Owen Hart sitting at ringside.


Raw Is War Card:


Chris Jericho defends Light Heavyweight championship against Rey Misterio Jr.


Eddie Guerrero vs Faarooq


Kane vs Goldust


Main Event

Ric Flair vs The Undertaker


Feel free to make predictions!
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Chris Jericho defends Light Heavyweight championship against Rey Misterio Jr.

Just wins the title, so he'll retain


Eddie Guerrero vs Faarooq

I see Faarooq as the bigger star here, and as such he should win.


Kane vs Goldust

It's Kane... Old School Kane... Which equals squash.


Main Event

Ric Flair vs The Undertaker

I see dirty tricks on the horizon.

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WWF Raw Is War Monday April 6th, 1998

Live From Williams Arena


Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Raw Is War live from the wonderful Williams Arena! We are just twenty-four hours removed form Wrestlemania which very well could have been the best in years King.


Jerry Lawler:
Let's say it this way J.R, Wrestlemania will by far set the standard of how great WWF action will be this year. Something we should keep an eye on is Steve Austin, because he said he will do something that we won't forget.


Your right King Austin has said that but yo make it seem that we should look out for a criminal.


Jerry Lawler:
Absolutely Ross! After what Austin did to Mr. McMahon inside that steel caga last night Steve is a damn delinquent and needs to be stopped.


Weather that be or not king fish, Ric Flair is back in the World Wrestling Federation, not only that he will step inside the ring in the main event against The Undertaker tonight on Raw!



Shawn Michaels walks down to the ring with a strong reaction of cheers as he grabs a mic and begins to talk on the fact he will be sadly retiring from active competition, but has a plan to stay within the company. After that heartfelt speech HBK then calls out none other than Ric Flair to the ring. A few moments go by and then WOOO!!! Starts the loud boos as a very flamboyant Flair struts to the ring and grabs the mic from Michaels and cuts a terrific promo on himself stating that he is a better wrestler then the New WWF champion Owen Hart. HBK and Ric Flair both hug and Shawn raises Flair hand to the disgust of the crowd until Owen runs to the ring having Flair and Michaels bail the ring.


Chris Jericho defeated Rey Misterio Jr. to retain Light Heavyweight championship

Good ol' J.R doing what he is good at, calling the fast pace action with some great one liners here and there by the King. Chris Jericho would win the match by using the lionsault to get a three count.


Eddie Guerrero defeated Faarooq

I don't know what happened with this match, unless of course it was that fact they have no chemistry what so ever... that's it! Eaither way they did do well under the circumstances.



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A deafening crowd reaction as Stone Cold comes down to the ring to talk on just how he feels about nearly killing Mr. McMahon at Mania. One thing about Steve is that he can keep the fans excited just by saying HELL YEAH! After Steve talked about his win, he went on to speck on what he meant by something the fans wouldn't forget. Just then the lights went out for a few moments... when they came back on you could see Mankind beating the hell out of Austin leaving him bloody in the ring with fans screaming "Mankind sucks!"


Triple H as promised is in the ring set to call out The Rock with no one really understanding why.


Triple H:
Rock everyone wants to know why I have taken this time to call you out here tonight, now to be completely honest with everyone here... I don't give a damn about you people, at this point all I care about is the fact that I have beaten everyone in this business and I at this point have but only one man to finish off... and that is you Rock! So I am not waiting any further Rock get your a$$ down here now.


The Rock doesn't come out to the ring in what could be called fear of getting attacked by DX... or you could call it smart but anyway The Rock shows up on a titantron with a reaction of cheers for The Rock.


The Rock:
Well, well, well Triple H you want The Rock to come out there and get stuck in your trap. The Rock says this Triple H, you say you have beaten everyone except for Th Rock but have you already forgotten that you got your Roody-poo candy a$$ whooped by a gold freak last night! While The Rock did a little whopping of his own on Mankind! So Triple H by saying you only have me to beat well that's a lie.


Triple H:
Shut your mouth Rocky! Here's the thing about Goldust he cheated to beat me last night, because we both know that I would have won! And now it seems that your to much a cowered to even show your face in the arena tonight.


The Rock:
You think that you're pretty slick don't you... Trying to get a little one upping on The Peoples Champ! You actually think by disrespecting these fans that you are going to one up The Rock? Well little Jabroni I do something that you might never do, and that is even though some fans don't like The Rock, I respect them. So Triple H if you wanna go one on one with the Great One? Then The Rock will see you next week and you Triple H can just bring it Bit*h!

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Kane defeated Goldust

In a amazing match Kane just managed to pick up the victory after Goldust had Kane rocked a few times. Kane won with a cokeslam on a chair trown in by Paul Bearer.


Kane stood tall in the ring as Paul walked over to Kane and whispered something in Kane's ear leading to Kane picking back up the chair and nailing the ref out the way with the chair. Kane walked slowly to a fallen Goldust raising the chair high above and smashing it on the back of Goldust. Kane walked out, and just when you thought it was over Kane came rushing back furious that he lost to Undertaker picked up Goldust and lifted him to deliver another chokeslam until Undertaker's music hit and Taker rushed to the aid of Goldust fighting with Kane until finally Kane was thrown out of the ring by The Undertaker.


Ric Flair is standing with Jim Cornette who asked the question whats it going to be like facing The Undertaker up next and what Ric Flair said next is to good to leave out of this book.

Ric Flair:
Well Jimmy baby all I can say is that much like most of the boys in the locker room back here, can't hold a candle to what I can do in the ring! I have seen The Undertaker and let me tell you if this is the competition that I have to face... then how's about giving me the belt right now. Woo! Because I know I am the living legend, and God of Wrestling and WOO! A winner at everything I do, because you Undertaker have no chance on beating the true Phenom of the Wrestling world... wait for it... WOOOOO!!!


It's now time for our main event of the evening and we have seen some shocking stuff here tonight on Raw King.


Jerry Lawler:
I can tell you right now J.R something bad is going to happen between Steve Austin and Mankind in the upcoming weeks. Mankind brutally attacks Austin leaving him bloody on the canvas Ha Ha! I love it J.R!


That's sick King... dirty and sick!


Ric Flair defeated The Undertaker

The Undertaker and Ric Flair went at it tooth and nail with Undertaker changing the way Flair thinks of The Undertaker. At one point in the match it looked like Undertaker would pick up the victory after a tombstone through the announce table! Ric Flair was limp and Taker would try to capitalize on this, but as Flair was picked up for yet another tombstone Flairs foot hit the ref knocking him down. Undertaker was reviving him when Ken Shamrock, Chris Jericho, and William Regal came rushing down to the ring attacking The Undertaker then Chris pulling Flair over top Taker for the win.


Soon Taker was being beaten down by everyone in the ring as Kane and Mankind rushed down to the ring as well to get in on the mauling. Suddenly Steve Austin came running in with a steel chair in hand and clearing the ring! With fans on their feet the show went off the air with a big bang!


Attendance 14,577

Show Rating Overall


The Show went down well and I was very happy with it seeing as it was a good ste up to the next PPV that month. I would say though the best part of the show was the great back and forth work of The Rock and Triple H. The Rock turned face that night and went over well, changing his gimmick to Peoples Champion which got a 88 rating.


WCW Nitro tied in the ratings with a
as well, they put down a good match being Bret Hart defeating Scott Hall getting an
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After last weeks Raw Is War things are heating up for Unforgiven on April 24th, 1998 and on this next episode Ric Flair explains the actions of Jericho, Shamrock, and Regal last week.


Steve Austin was attacked by Mankind last week and left bloody in the ring. Mankind has said that he will talk about his actions face to face with Stone Cold on Raw.


The Rock told the world that he will show this week on Raw to confront Triple H, on WWF.com Triple H said if The Rock shows his face in the arena, he will hurt "Rocky" so bad he won't ever want to come back!


Specking of Triple H, he will be in the main event against the new WWF champion Owen Hart.


Raw Is War Card:


Ric Flair & Chris Jericho vs Rey Misterio & Eddie Guerrero


Mankind vs Goldust


The Undertaker vs Ken Shamrock


The Rock vs Jeff Jarrett


Main Event

Owen Hart vs Triple H



WWF Unforgiven In Your House

Live From Madison Square Garden New York City, New York

Sunday April 26th, 1998

Order Only On Pay-Per-View

Card TBA In The Coming Weeks

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WWF Raw Is War Monday April 13th, 1998

Live From The Bismark Civic Center


Welcome everyone to Raw Is War! We are bringing Raw to you live from the Bismark Civic Center and after last week King, I expect an explosion tonight.


Jerry Lawler:
Your are right J.R, after what we seen last week I wouldn't want to be on the bad side of any of these superstars.


In tonights main event Triple H will be going one on one with the WWF champion Owen Hart, and also The Rock is in the building tonight and he said last week he will call out Triple H.


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Jerry Lawler:
Will you listen to that J.R, guess who's making his way to the ring! It's the Nature Boy Ric Flair! Come on J.R give me a big WOO!!!


Ric Flair stands in the ring letting the fans boo himself and the people he has with him in the ring. Ric stands with the people that came to his aid last week; Chris Jericho, William Regal, and Ken Shamrock. Ric speaks on why these men came to his aid and explained that these men are loyal to Ric Flair, and that they want to learn how to be the single greatest performers in wrestling! He starts taunting the fans doing as only Ric Flair could do, Flair then called his new team or stable The Extraordinary Gentlemen! Before Ric and Chris Jericho would have a match he threatened Owen Hart by saying, "If I don't get a title shot at Unforgiven, then myself and the rest of The Extraordinary Gentlemen will snap your leg... WOO!"


Ric Flair & Chris Jericho defeated Rey Misterio Jr. & Eddie Guerrero

A great match to start off the show, with a lot of high flying action by Chris, Eddie, and Rey. But things would end badly for Rey when one to many sentons would result in a reversal by Flair into a painful Figure-Four Leglock to win the match.


Mankind defeated Goldust

There wasn't much chemistry between the two but I wasn't expecting a classic match anyway. Mankind would beat on Goldust until a double arm DDT would hit solidifying the victory.


After the win from Mankind, he would grab a chair and beat Goldust over and over again with it. Mankind slid out of the ring and grabbed a mic and said, "Austin... Don't show up and Unforgiven... or else this will happen to you."

The Undertaker stands backstage and is keeping his eye out for Kane. Jim Cornette walks up to Undertaker and asks if Taker is ready for a match against Ken Shamrock next, The Undertaker says nothing and stares at Cornette until he backs off, then Take looks into the camera and does his signature throat slit as we cut to commercial.

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Kane walks out onto the stage with Paul Bearer and stand on the stage waiting for The Undertaker to arrive.


The Undertaker defeated Ken Shamrock/w Ric Flair

The Undertaker fought through all the odds and distractions to pick up a major victory. It all ended with Undertaker evading Ric Flair's closeline and deliver a chokeslam to get the pinfall.


Before The Undertaker could have any celebration the lights went out in the arena and just moments later the lights would come back on with Kane's music playing and The Undertaker face down in the ring.


The Rock defeated Jeff Jarrett

Sadly wasn't the best match on the card because of chemistry, the ending to this match was actually well done with The Rock running off the ropes ducking the spinning heel kick by Jarrett leading to the Rock Bottom pinfall.


Quickly after the match Triple H runs down to the ring and tries to attack The Rock from behind, but The Rock with a couple good hits sends Triple H running back to the ramp way. The Rock grabs a mic and starts talking some smack before challenging Triple H to a match at Unforgiven. Triple H then says that he refuses to fight The Rock... now and says, "...if you can beat Kane at Unforgiven, then you can fight me." The Rock says yes and the fans erupt to The Rock's answer.


Jerry Lawler:
Oh yes J.R, coming up next is the all important main event.


You'd be right King, our new champion is in his first match since winning the gold against Triple...


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Jerry Lawler:
Oh damn it! What the Hell does this jerk want?


Steve Austin comes walking down the ramp to a riotous crowd chanting 3:16! Austin walks over to and angry Jerry Lawler and tells Jerry to move. But The King stays in his place, that is until Austin forces him up and give the King a good ol' Stunner! After this he put's on the headset and says to J.R, "I will be commentating this S.O.B!"


Owen Hart defeated Triple H

The best I had seen in a long time as Owen proves why he should be champion, and why Triple H should be contender sometime soon. The ending was a wonderful reversal of the Pedigree into a Sharpshooter.


Ric Flair would soon be down with the rest of the new Extraordinary Gentlemen beating down Owen... Until Austin ran into the ring to save the day having Flair call back the Gentlemen as Austin and Owen stood tall inside the ring to end the show.

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We are just one week away from WWF Unforgiven and things are slowly moving into place. This week on Raw Is War an incredible main event will be taking place as Stone Cold Steve Austin will be taken on leader of the Extraordinary Gentlemen Ric Flair!


Also The Undertaker asked for some time to talk on his lights out attack of last week and he said his vengeance will be felt.


Last main point of this weeks Raw is the much anticipated return of Vince McMahon. He has said what he will say will effect the main event of Raw Is War.


Raw Is War Card:


Eddie Guerrero vs William Regal


Ken Shamrock vs D' Lo Brown


Goldust vs Chris Jericho


Kane vs Rey Misterio Jr.


Main Event

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Ric Flair


Something I forgot to do was what WCW Nitro results were.Hollywood Hulk Hogan would put the title on the line against DDP and would pull out the victory getting a
and match of the night. Bot Raw and Nitro would grab a
overall rating, but Raw sold out with 10,100 while Nirto could only get 5,325 in Neal Blaisdell Arena.


On Sunday April 26th, 1998 WWF Unforgiven and WCW Spring Stampede will be live on Pay-Per-View. The match's known for both events are.



WCW World Championship Match Hollywood Hulk Hogan vs Bret Hart

DDP and Sting vs The Giant and Lex Luger



Kane vs The Rock

Unsanctioned Match Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Mankind

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Eddie Guerrero vs William Regal



Ken Shamrock vs D' Lo Brown


Goldust vs Chris Jericho

Again... Extraordinary.


Kane vs Rey Misterio Jr.

Hello Mr. Squash.


Main Event

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Ric Flair

I calls it a draw, just because I'm tired of writing extraordinary. Plus I don't know what McMahons announcement will be.

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Chapter 5 WCW Invades New York Wrestling Show


I remember like it was yesterday, a few of us had just finished a WWF house show up in New York. It was myself, The Rock, Ric Flair, Kane, The Undertaker, I think Jericho made an appearance, and a few others. The fans that were there were very happy with the action as was I. So after the show most of the fans stayed around and I had the wrestlers sign some pictures and make the fans happy. Maybe like a half and hour later The Rock was first at the door and just about to leave with us when I heard him yell out, "What the Fu*k are you guys doing here?" Soon after I heard that a fight broke out between The Rock and others when I ran over to see that Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Randy Savage, and Buff Bagwell were "In Town" and decided to see the show. I could tell just by looking at them they were drunk, and the stupid a$$holes had been sent to basically attack our show by Bischoff. The fight was quickly broken up and I had The Rock walk to his locker room to settle down until I could get rid of them, I knew for a fact that The Rock hated Hogan and Savage and we all had to get out of there.


Well the very next day I went to Vince McMahon in his office and told him about what happened. "Those pieces of Sh*t man!" I said to Vince, who was actually trying to calm me down normally it's the other way round. "Listen KJ, the last thing we need is a physical war with you and WCW. I'm want you to just take it and leave it at that." "Are you kidding me McMahon? They have pissed on you for close to two years now and maybe it's because you have done nothing about it. You've never fought back." Vince stood up and slammed his hands on the desk scaring the hell out of me. "Don't make it seems as if I have no balls! I am ordering you to leave this incident alone!" I couldn't believe that he just wanted to leave this alone. "McMahon, you know just as much as I do these people are a$$holes they used to give away our results before we switched to live Monday nights. They have openly taken shots at you and the company, and now they are invading our shows." Vince looked at me for a good thirty seconds without saying anything. "What do we have planned for Raw this week?" "All four members of Extraordinary Gentlemen in matches." "Alright, I give you permission to... I guess take shots at them, but that's it for now OK?" Not exactly what I wanted but it was a start. "Yes Vince, that's all I want."


It was about time Vince wanted to teach these kids who the better company is, and he gave me some power to do. Just wonderful, I knew that Raw would be something special that wouldn't soon be forgotten. I also knew that if I do this then WCW would inevitably have a come back waiting to go, but hey... they can go Fu*k themselves!



A quick prediction post:


Raw Is War Card:


Eddie Guerrero vs William Regal


Ken Shamrock vs D' Lo Brown


Goldust vs Chris Jericho


Kane vs Rey Misterio Jr.


Main Event

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Ric Flair

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WWF Raw Is War Monday April 20th, 1998

Live From Beard-Eaves Coliseum


Welcome everyone once again to Raw Is War, and we are just six days away from Unforgiven so everything must be cemented for that big Pay-Per-View.


Jerry Lawler:
Oh Yes Ross, It's all about Unforgiven Ric Flair made the challenge to Owen Hart and tonight we need an answer, but if I were you Owen I'd be scared to face the Extraordinary Gentlemen.


Speaking of the Gentlemen, all four members of the group will be in action including a big main event Ric Flair vs Stone Cold Steve Austin.


Jerry Lawler:
Just Before you start promoting Austin, you need to factor in that Mr. McMahon returns tonight and he has an announcement for that very match.


You're right King that and much more is coming your way tonight on Raw Is War!


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Owen Hart heads to the ring with the loudest reaction I heard for him ever! He grabs a mic and walks into the crowd and starts talking about how these fans want to see a real mans man, and a true fighting champion. He goes on to say that indeed he is those things and that by not accepting Flair challenge then what he stands for is a lie. Most of the time he's talking the fans are much louder with chants of "We love Owen (clap, clap, clap, clap, clap)!!! Owen finishes by saying he will meet Flair at Unforgiven. Before he could walk away, Ric Flair comes from behind hiding as a fan and begins to attack Owen leading into an all out brawl to the locker rooms.


William Regal defeated Eddie Guerrero

In a match that only lacked heat Regal picked up the win for the Gentlemen with the newly invented Regal stretch.


Ken Shamrock defeated D'Lo Brown

This match brought to the table what a thought it would bring, an average match that made Ken Shamrock look strong as a enforcer for the Gentlemen.


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The Undertaker walks down to the ring and he at least for me always get's the biggest crowd reactions I've ever heard. The Undertaker grabs the mic and begins to speak to the fans. He says that he is fine after his attack last week, and he also claims that it was indeed Kane that attacked him, saying Kane gave Taker the chokeslam before leaving. Lastly Undertaker warned Kane to watch his back before Taker continues what he did to Kane and Wrestlemaina!


Goldust defeated Chris Jericho By DQ

Goldust won his match but didn't look like a winner as Jericho was out to hurt, as he would grab a steel chair and would smash it off the head of the Dust before leaving.


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The "Vince Sucks!" chants happened almost instantly as Vince stepped through the curtain. As Vince Grabbed the mic people just chanted "Austin... Austin..."


Vince McMahon: May I please have some quiet? You people really want to hear this.


No one wants to hear McMahon and they keep booing.


Vince McMahon: No matter what you people decide to do, I will keep talking... so let's settle down a minute.


Still the fans get louder and louder.




The fans boo, but soon quiet down.


Vince McMahon: Thank you very much... Now as we know, the main event of tonight's match is Steve Austin vs Ric Flair! But I don't like what I seen from Austin last week. He stunned Jerry Lawler and invaded the happenings after the main event! So tonight the main event of tonight will be Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Ric Flair... in a no disqualification match!


The Fans don't boo Vince this time but cheer for him.


Vince McMahon: But just one more thing... Jerry Lawler is going to be the Guest Referee!


Kane defeated Rey Misterio Jr.

In a great match with a lot of good spots, you know even though it was a squash, Rey made Kane look a ton better then he normally would. The match would end with Kane delivering a tombstone for the pinfall victory.


The Undertaker is walking down the hall but is stopped by a passing Austin, Stone Cold says quickly that he needs Taker to have his back if things go bad. Undertaker says nothing but nods and walks into his locker room.


WWF Unforgiven In Your House


Live From Madison Square Garden New York City, New York

Sunday April 26th, 1998

Order Only On Pay-Per-View

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Before we go onto our main event match let's run down the official card for WWF Unforgiven.




First up on the card a European championship match with Goldust defending his title for the first time against a mystery opponent.




No doubt about the fact that this will end up being a number one contenders match for the tag team titles later on in the future.




This match is very important to The Rock, he must defeat the monster Kane to even get a chance at fighting Triple H, who in fact will be sitting at ringside this Sunday at Unforgiven.




This needs to be stressed that this match is and unsanctioned match between these two, in our records this match is not happening at Unforgiven. Then again that gives these two men an even bigger reason to tear each other apart at Unforgiven.




This match is official and will happen for the WWF championship this Sunday, we can only speculate that this will be a classic. All this plus a bonus match set for this years Unforgiven.


Ric Flair defeated Stone Cold Steve Austin

In one of those classic matches that don't come along often, Ric Flair would get the victory after one sided officiating from Jerry Lawler and interference by none other then Mankind. Ric Flair would get the win after Mankind put Austin through the table with the double armed DDT.


After the match Mankind, and Flair wants to continue his beat down as does Jerry Lawler, but as Lawler picks up Austin he receives a Stunner and Mankind is dropped with a spear until Kane runs down and begins to manhandle Austin. The Undertaker's music hits as both Taker and Owen run in to save Austin who had their backs weeks before, having Flair take a Stunner the show ends with Ric laid out in the ring.


Shows Overall Rating


WCW Nitro would put up a
show with the main event of the show being Sting defeating Kevin Nash.
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WWF Unforgiven In Your House


Live From Madison Square Garden New York City, New York

Sunday April 26th, 1998

Order Only On Pay-Per-View


WWF Unforgiven is live this Sunday on pay-per-view and the card is going to be great.


Coming off a awesome Raw Is War the card has been set in stone.


Predictions Key

Unforgiven Card:

European Championship Match Goldust vs ???

Chris Jericho and William Regal vs Eddie Guerrero and Rey Misterio Jr.

Kane vs The Rock/ With Triple H At Ringside

Unsanctioned Match Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Mankind

Main Event

WWF Championship Match Ric Flair vs Owen Hart ©

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Loving it so far man! So many possibilities here.


Predictions Key

Unforgiven Card:

European Championship Match Goldust vs D'Lo Brown

Chris Jericho and William Regal vs Eddie Guerrero and Rey Misterio Jr.

Kane vs The Rock/ With Triple H At Ringside

Unsanctioned Match Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Mankind

Main Event

WWF Championship Match Ric Flair vs Owen Hat ©

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European Championship Match Goldust vs ???

Chris Jericho and William Regal vs Eddie Guerrero and Rey Misterio Jr.

Kane vs The Rock/ With Triple H At Ringside

Unsanctioned Match Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Mankind

Main Event

WWF Championship Match Ric Flair vs Owen Hart ©

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WWF Unforgiven In Your House


Live From Madison Square Garden New York City, New York

Sunday April 26th, 1998

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Unsanctioned Match Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Mankind


Main Event

WWF Championship Match Ric Flair vs Owen Hart


Welcome everyone to Unforgiven! Madison Square Garden is sold out and ready for the best action the WWF has to offer and boy what a card we have King.


Jerry Lawler:
You're right J.R, the Garden is where most of our history is made and tonight will be no different. Like that Unsanctioned Match as that idiot Steve Austin will walk right into the match of Mankind.


As far as I'm concerned, Austin can fight with anybody and this match even though it's not going to be in our record books, will be an all out street fight.


Jerry Lawler:
Well J.R what ever you say, let's talk about the big main event match for tonight's event.


you're absolutely right King-fish, Ric Flair is challenging Owen...


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Shawn Michaels! It's HBK!


The fans are happy to see HBK, but then again they don't know why he's in the building tonight.


Hello J.R and King-fish, guess what... you have got yourself a little friend to do some commentary with! Your good pal the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels.


Jerry Lawler:
Wow we got a legend sitting here with us J.R! Much better then that stupid Austin.


So what were we talking about.


Well Shawn, we were talking about the main event of tonight, care to share some input.


Oh yeah the man that stole my title at Wrestlemania, will be won by a man that definitely deserves it Ric Flair... WOO!



Goldust defeated ??? to retain the European championship


Who's is the European champion fighting?


I hope it's Triple H, I mean he should get his rematch.


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Jerry Lawler:
It's Ken Shamrock of the Extraordinary Gentlemen!


This match was bad! I feel really bad about saying that but, the match had no fan into it and left us with a bad taste in our mouths. Goldust would pick up the victory by dropping a bulldog from the top rope.


Chris Jericho & William Regal defeated Eddie Guerrero & Rey Misterio Jr.


What a match! this was great and the only reason it was a low mark was because Jericho was working through an injury and couldn't perfrom as well as normal. But Regal would help the match by winning with the Regal Stretch on Eddie.


Bonus Match Jeff Jarrett defeated Jerry Lynn


The debut of Jerry Lynn is not what you call idle but still what can you do when Jarrett uses the ropes to get the win.


Jim Cornette is standing by with The Rock who gets a large pop in the Garden. He tries to ask a question but The Rock just tells him to shut up and move as he takes the mic.

The Rock:
Triple H and Kane, are you both ready to get your Monkey A$$es kicked by The Rock in the Garden tonight! The Rock says this, he will whoop Kane's a$$ and then he will come over to you Triple H, and The Rock will deliver the most electrifying beatdown in history! And then The Rock will have his arm raised in victory, and by the end of this night The Rock and his millions, and millions of Rock fans will celebrate as The Rock finally becomes the peoples champion in Madison Square Garden. If yea smelllllllllllll what The Rock... Is cooking!


The Rock defeated Kane


The match was awesome and very fun to watch, The Rock was taking it to Kane and at one point put Kane through the announce table with the Rock Bottom! But once the ref was knocked out then it was Triple H's time to attack...


The ref is down and Triple H has got a steel chair! Kane is back to his feet after the peoples elbow.


Get him Triple H! Knock him out with that chair!


Jerry Lawler:
Oh no! The Rock is fighting them both off.


The Rock now has got the chair from Triple H, and... OH!!! The Rock drops Kane with the chair shot!


Yes Triple H has got him now! Pedigree is coming up.


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My God here comes The Undertaker with a walk of determination! And a chokeslam on Kane my god!


No! leave Triple H alone!


And Triple H gets a Tombstone for his troubles! The Rock into the cover on Kane as Taker gets the ref... One... Two... Three! He did it! The peoples champion did it!

A angry Triple H waits for The Undertaker to leave and then attacks The Rock from behind, he hits the Pedigree as the fans chant, "You Suck" Triple H leaves happy.


A Steve Austin vs Mankind mini video shows to recap what's been going on before the match up next.


Steve Austin defeated Mankind


This match was a classic brawl match leading all the way to the parking lot. As for the ending to the match, the ending was very exiting as Mankind was beating on Stone Cold making his way to the car set up in the parking lot. Mankind put Austin on top of the car getting ready for the double arm DDT on the top of the car, but Austin would turn things around and give Mankind a Stunner on the car.


That wasn't all as Austin took him off the car and drove Mankind's head through the window cutting Mankind open. He would then pin for the win.




Owen Hart defeated Ric Flair to retain the WWF championship


Another great match to end the pay-per-view, as Owen would overcome and win his match against Ric Flair who had the upper hand most of the match. The way the match would end was pretty creative as Ric Flair would go to the top for a moment, Owen hopped up after him and delivered a belly-to-belly suplex off the top! Which would then lead to Ric tapping out to the Sharpshooter.


Even though Ric would lose his match it wasn't over for the Extraordinary Gentlemen, as they would come down and destroy Owen Hart. Ric Flair would stand over top Owen with the WWF championship around his waist as the show would come to a close.


Attendance 20,000 Sell Out

PPV Buy Rate 5.97

Show Rating B+/89


WCW Spring Stampede

Attendance 11,500 Sell Out

PPV Buy Rate 6.21

Show Rating B


So More people watched WCW on PPV but hey I still felt good about our show, but it's not up to me how do you feel?
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Live Monday on Raw Is War an amazing main event you can't miss. It will be Ric Flair, Kane, and Mankind taking on Steve Austin, The Undertaker, and Owen Hart in a six man tag match.


Triple H is cashing in his rematch on Goldust for the European championship. The question is what has The Rock got in store.


Vince McMahon has another big announcement concerning next week main event on Raw Is War.


The Undertaker has asked for time this week to talk face to face with Paul Bearer.


Predictions Key

Raw Ia War Card:

The Rock vs Ken Shamrock


New Age Outlaws vs Eddie Guerrero & Rey Misterio Jr.


European Championship Match Goldust© vs Triple H


Chris Jericho vs Vader


Main Event

Ric Flair, Kane, and Mankind vs Owen Hart, The Undertaker, and Stone Cold Steve Austin

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The Rock vs Ken Shamrock


New Age Outlaws vs Eddie Guerrero & Rey Misterio Jr.


European Championship Match Goldust© vs Triple H


Chris Jericho vs Vader


Main Event

Ric Flair, Kane, and Mankind vs Owen Hart, The Undertaker, and Stone Cold Steve Austin

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WWF Raw Is War Monday April 27th, 1998

Live From The TD Garden


Once again we welcome you to Raw Is War live from beautiful TD Garden! Tonight is the night that you can't miss, tonight in the main event a six man tag team attraction that will stick in everyone's mind for quite sometime.


Jerry Lawler:
J.R, you couldn't say that much better... I mean I could but that's another story.


Well thanks there King... wait what?


Jerry Lawler:
Nevermind Ross, that six man tag will be historic as that no good Steve Austin will team up with The Undertaker and the WWF Champion Owen Hart.


Another big moment in the War Zone tonight will be the rematch of Triple H and Goldust for the European Championship.


Jerry Lawler:
And last but certainly not least I... Yes me, Jerry "The King" Lawler will get the honor to interview the owner of the World Wrestling Federation here tonight so you better listen up when that occurs J.R.


You are really looking for that big raise arn't you King... I think you kiss more ass the Gerald Brisco!


Jerry Lawler:

The Rock defeated Ken Shamrock


In a pretty solid match, The Rock would put on a good performance with Ken. The match would end when Ric Flair mistakenly hit Shamrock which would lead to a Rock Bottom finish.

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The Rock's turns as soon as Triple H's music plays, just then Ric Flair throws a chair to Ken Shamrock and Shamrock uses it on Rock foot. The Rock is clutching at his foot, as you could see very hurt. A stretcher with some E.M.T's rush out to help Rock. Once put on the stretcher, out Triple H came running down to start his unnecessary attack on The Rock leaving him down a bloodied.


New Age Outlaws defeated Rey Misterio Jr. & Eddie Guerrero


Some cheap action is displayed by the Outlaws as Billy Gunn used knucks to get the victory.



Goldust defeated Triple H to retain the European Championship


What a match! twenty minutes of hard fought action and both men proved why the European title is so important in our business. The result of this match was The Rock would return the favor not fiscally but by having his music play during the match. Goldust would jump from the top rope landing a missile dropkick on a distracted Triple H for the pinfall.


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Jerry Lawler: It's now time you morons, to listen up... Because the man that has let you all come here tonight. The man that you all need as your role model! The owner of this great company, stand on your feet you subjects for Mr. Vince McMahon!!!


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An extraordinary amount of boos fill the arena as Vince walks with his very own walk to the ring. Many of you are asking, "What is with the music?" Well I'll tell you, Vince asked me to try out this song on him and quite frankly I think it sound better then what we came up with. Anyway Vince steps in and shakes hands with King and begins to speak.


Vince McMahon:
Thank you King, you people tonight seem just great. (You suck chants come in) But if I could, I would get out of here right now because I don't care for the smells that come from each and every single one of you.


Jerry Lawler:
You're right Mr. McMahon, these peopler smell so bad, that even their poop tries to run away! Ha Ha Ha Ha!


Vince McMahon:
But enough about the stench of you people, that's not why I'm here, you see I'm here tonight because we need to talk about the WWF. You see right now what the WWF needs is some real competition around here. So What will be done next week, we will have two main attractions. Triple H, The Rock, and Owen Hart will be in a triple threat match for the WWF Championship!


Jerry Lawler:
No way!


Vince McMahon:
And Last but not least Mankind will take on The Undertaker in the main event right here next week for the number one contendership!


The fans go nuts in approval for McMahon's decisions.


Jerry Lawler:
Mr. McMahon if I could ask you something, why don't you just fire the piece of trash Steve Austin and get him out of your life forever?


Vince McMahon:
There is a thing about Steve Austin and let me put it to you this way. It would do nothing to my ego to just fire Mr. Austin, that's just two easy... but to humiliate Austin, to watch him squirm that is what would give me the most satisfaction. So Mr. Austin you will get yours, but by the hands of McMahon.


Chris Jericho defeated Vader


Controversy erupts in the middle of the match, Vader hurt himself and we had to work our way and cut the match short. People were very upset that the match only lasted 4 minutes and 22 seconds ending with a quick pin.


Steve Austin and The Undertaker are standing at the interview area and begin to cut a promo on last night and how Austin whopped Mankind's A$$ and that The Undertaker will do the same next week. They then went on to hype the main event next.


It's main event time King and what a match this will be.


Jerry Lawler:
there is a lot of heat between all of these men and there is no doubt in my mind that this will be an all out brawl.


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Mankind walks down to the ring with his normal psycho babble as he grabs the mic.


Stone Cold, I will beat you... I know I can and trust me Austin I will. I will rip flesh, I will break bones, and I will shed blood before I lose to you again!


This is the first time I have ever been scared on Mankind King. We will be back with our main event.


Ric Flair, Kane and Mankind defeated Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Owen Hart


A tremendous main event that ended in absolute bedlam! The Undertaker took Mankind and Steve Austin took Kane up the ramp leaving Flair and Owen in the ring, The Undertaker actually had move of the match with Mankind choke slamming Mankind through the ramp and Steve Stunned Kane on the ramp as well. The Problem is by leaving Ric with Owen, Owen would be locked in the figure-four leg lock having poor Owen tap out.


The match at least from Ric Flair's point of view never ended because he wouldn't release the hold. Owen was screaming in pain! Fans were throwing food and drinks as the show went off the air.


Attendance 17,733

Show Rating


Attendance 5,248 Sell Out

Show Rating

Main Event Hollywood Hulk Hogan defeated Sting
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Live this Monday Raw Is War rocks the fans with a strong double main event card. First on the card for the WWF Championship Owen Hart takes on both Triple H and The Rock.


Scheduled for the main event The Undertaker vs Mankind!


The Undertaker last week didn't end up calling out Paul Bearer because Paul never even showed up, but this week will be different as Paul will join us via satellite.


Vince McMahon is starting off Raw this week by calling out Steve Austin. He has stated on WWF.com that what he has to say to Austin will put Stone Cold in his place!


Raw Is War Card:


WWF Championship Match Triple H vs The Rock vs Owen Hart©


Rey Misterio Jr. vs William Regal


Steve Austin vs Faarooq


Kane vs Eddie Guerrero


Main Event

The Undertaker vs Mankind




WWF Over The Edge


Live From The Rose Garden Arena

Sunday May 17th 1998

Only Available On Pay-Per-View

Card TBA In Coming Weeks

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