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Same Era, New Attitude!

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Chapter 6 Setting Things Right


So After Shawn Michaels was on the desk at Unforgiven it raised a lot of questions about Shawn and I. I guess people felt that Shawn wasn't getting out of a spotlight that was clearly not his anymore, and to most stand points they were right. Not only that but they also questioned me because many thought I was given Shawn everything he wanted and had no control over my own company! No, no, no, I was more angry about that then when WCW invaded us, I have a firm grip on my company and also getting the ratings up, slowly the WWF was getting better and I would like to think it's because of me and the way a delt with my talent.


Sadly my fun time wouldn't last, I was in my office on Saturday getting the papers for the next Raw Is War. When in comes Faarooq, Mark Henry, and the man better known as The Godfather. They were looking angry as they were yelling my name storming into my office.


"You sir are a racist!" Said Faarooq, puzzled I asked "Just how am I a racist?" "Ever since you took over the booking, you haven't used us at all, not only that but you have said some pretty bad stuff about us." Mark Henry answered. "Guys there're more then fifty people on the roster and one show to put them on it's hard to use everybody." Faarooq stood there not caring about what I was saying. "Listen KJ... Mr. KJ... if you know talent then you should be going out of your way to make us big stars!" "OK Faarooq, but let me remind you this week on Raw, you are going against the biggest star we have Steve Austin, as for these two if you want a job here then watch you tone!" Mark Henry walked closer and yelled, "You can go to Hell! You racist A$$!" I got to tell you in reflection... I really wanted him to do that. You see at that point in time Mar Henry was a really bad wrestler and we were paying him $60,000 a month on a written contract, he was driving us into the ground every month.


"Alright then Mr. Henry... Tell me do you like your job here?" "No sir." "OK well how about you get a raise..." Faarooq and The Godfather looked at each other, "A raise can be given to you somewhere where someone would be stupid enough to hire a talentless piece of garbage like yourself! And if you ever show your face anywhere near any of our company locations, I sware on my life I will make danm sure you never get a job anywhere." "Mr. KJ please think about this." "Oh I have Mark, you can't be in a place that has good wrestling because then you just don't fit, but I'll tell you where you can go... Back home, never to return again!" Faarooq and The Godfather just stood there making surn they wern't next to be fired, "And because we ran a recent drug test, guess who came back positive on the "roids" therefore seeing as you violated your contract I have legal right to fire you without paying you anything, so Mark you are fired."


Calling me a racist really wasn't true, in fact it was far from it, I mean The Rock is quickly being put on the map as someone to look at, and I wasn't about to let anything get in the way of WWF winning this Monday night war.
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WWF Monday Night Raw Monday May 4th, 1998

Live Fron The Dahlberg Arena Missoula, Montana

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Thank you ladies and gentlemen for welcoming us into your homes this week! I'm Jim Ross alongside my broadcast partner Jerry "The King" Lawler, King a lot of great action tonight let's run down the card.


Jerry Lawler:
Tonight is the night where we see a new champion J.R I can feel it! Owen Hart defends the title against both Triple H and The Rock!


Owen Hart has done a good job at holding on to that gold King and I don't think that his title reign will end tonight either.


Jerry Lawler:
Whatever J.R, the point is this, we will be crowning a new champion by tonight.


You are starting to sound like Shawn Michaels! And in our main event tonight The Undertaker takes on Mankind for the number one contendership.


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Jerry Lawler:
Oh yes! Put your fat hands together J.R because the owner of the World Wrestling Federation is heading to the ring!


Oh God King give it a rest.


Vince McMahon: Good evening everyone.


Boos quickly fill the arena as Vince smiles and speaks again


Vince McMahon: Now as I said last week I was going to put Steve Austin in his place tonight, and that he would never get the better of me ever again. So... Mr. Austin, if you have any guts at all then get yourself out here because your boss... Is waiting.


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As soon as Austin hit's the ring Vince runs from the ring and stops at the ramp. Steve Austin is embracing the crowd and the fans are going nuts to see Stone Cold.


Steve Austin: Well look at what we have...


Vince McMahon: Shut your damn mouth Austin! You aren't going to speak unless your told to Austin!


Steve Austin: Oh really Vince? Well I don't think ol' Stone Cold needs to do much talking when kicking your little A$$ all over this arena!

The fans chant Austins name as Vince gets madder and madder on stage.


Vince McMahon: Real funny Steve, but I think you and I both know you won't... No you can't do that. Because Mr. Austin quite frankly your are a coward...


If there is one thing I know about Steve Austin, you don't call him a coward.


Vince McMahon: See Austin I think just like these people that you are and yellow, little, BIT**!


Austin then takes off after Vince who runs all the way to the parking lot where his limo is waiting. Austin catches up to McMahon's car but Kane from out of no where attacks Steve Laying him out as Vince runs to his office laughing.




Owen Hart defeated Triple H and The Rock to retain the WWF Championship

A great match that ended up being more about Triple H and The Rock then the champion, which is what would be the downfall of Triple H. After The Rock was Pedigreed Triple H taunted leaving a quick pinfall opening for Owen Hart to win with a roll up.


After the match Triple H got a chair getting set to hit The Rock with it, but Rock blocked the chair and dropped a Rock Bottom on the floor! The Rock then grabbed the same chair and began to lay it into Triple until he grabbed the mic and threatened Triple H that if he didn't give The Rock a match at Over The Edge then Triple H's life would be a living hell thanks to The Rock.


Rey Misterio Jr. defeated William Regal

Rey would pick up a big victory over Regal with a roll up.

Vince is sitting in his office with security standing watch for Austin when Ric Flair storms into the room, Ric states that he should be number one contender and that he should be added into that match. Vince says that indeed he can be in that match... But as guest Referee.


Steve Austin defeated Faarooq

Steve Austin was very hurt and it was a very hard match for Steve to win, but with a Stunner Austin walks away the winner.

Kane defeated Eddie Guerrero

Kane tried many times to dominate the match but Eddie being faster gave Kane a hard worked victory. At one point Steve Austin ran to the ring but was stopped by refs and security giving Paul Bearer enough time to attack Eddie, leading to the win with a Tombstone.


A video of last weeks Chokeslam on the stage leading to this match up next.


Mankind defeated The Undertaker (MOTN)

An Awesome match just like the past three weeks of Raw, The Undertaker just couldn't get the job done as a reluctant Ric Flair rang the bell after The Undertaker past out from the Mandible Claw.


Attendance 7,500 Sell Out

Show Rating


WCW Nitro

Attendance 17,950 Sell Out

Show Rating

Main Event Rick Steiner defeated Hollywood Hogan
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Chapter 7 A Negative Interview


The time of the interview was in such bad timing because the racist scandal was still fresh in everyone's mind, and during this time I was booking shows and I couldn't be bothered about listening to some guy talk about the wrongs of the Wrestling World and how I'm not helping it. I told Vince I don't want to do this interview but he said, "It's just business KJ." So I had to go and do this and the interviewer goes by the name Gary Stoneworth, walked up to me and shook my hand but said, "watch what you say."


Thank You KJ for taking the time to answer some questions for us.


KJ: No problem sir.


First things first how does it feel to work in the phenomenon known as the World Wrestling Federation?


KJ: It's the greatest thing in the world to be doing, I work with the greatest wrestlers on the planet, and the tings they shine at doing I specialize in working with so it's wonderful.


Many people ask if you were there during the indecent that came about in Montreal last year, and if you were then what was it like then?


KJ: I don't know much about what happened, and even if I did I couldn't say anything about because it's not my situation. What I can tell you is that I was there that night and I got to start my job the next day.


Do you feel like what happened to Bret Hart was reasonable?


KJ: Absolutely... Absolutely because if I was Mr. McMahon I would have done the same thing.


So what your saying is that Bret deserve to be cost his final match in Canada? What if it was someone like Steve Austin or Owen Hart your current champion?


KJ: I see what your trying to do here but there is a difference between the people you mentioned and Bret Hart, and all do respect to him but Owen and Austin are smart and honest men that wouldn't do that to McMahon or anyone for that matter.


Wrestlemania 14 was a major success but if you could change something about that event what would it be?


KJ: I don't feel anything went wrong, it sets up the long term process that I have planned and have been executing. If you mess up then to me you can't stop and change it because that will hurt the product in many ways you must always keep going.


You fired Mark Henry because of racist accusations towards you...


KJ: No... That's not the reason, for many different reasons is why Mark Henry was released by me but not for the reasons of racist accusations.


But are the racist rumors true?


KJ: I myself I'm a part black man, so I have no reason what so ever to "hate" on my own culture.


Many people are saying and I quote this "The WWF is a awful product that shouldn't be seen on TV... WWF you suck." Now to these comments I can't blame them so much because your new "attitude" in Wrestling has turned off many parents that just two years ago loved your product. Now the WWF has become a place of sex, violence and cursing.


KJ: Oh yeah Gary... Well what is the WWF supposed to be without a bit of violence? It would be Wrestling without violence now would it.


OK but what about...


KJ: No, no, no shutup a second Gary you've made me mad now...


I'm sorry.


KJ: Why! Because I'm mad... Or because you brought me on here to talk about the same crap, "Wrestling is wrong." Well fact is Wrestling itself has been the most popular thing in the 90's and will get even better. I can't sell my product to everyone and I am not trying either. Fact is Wrestling is something a mature audience can watch and yes that isn't for children. Who is it for, people that aren't going to knock the WWF because it's not a damn Soap-Oprah!


I understand KJ.


KJ: NO you don't... And Idon't think you ever will either.


I think I went on like a ten minute rant after that 'till Gary gulped as he grabbed the mic from his suit and stopped the tape. Now I knew that I wasn't going to get a good job from McMahon but my lord how could you just let him talk to you like that... I sure as Hell wasn't going to let Gary or anyone talk like that. The WWF was a thing I was willing to defend to the death.


Even though I got a "what the Hell happened?" From Vince, the boys in the back loved it... I think that I may have gotten a bit more respect from them. It made me happy to know I done them boys good and I wasn't just, "Another Booker." I think I was something special to them and the WWF.
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Another big pay-per-view is this Sunday and Monday Night Raw is turning up the heat because the main event of the night will be The Undertaker with Owen Hart taking on Ric Flair and Mankind.


Also Steve Austin after getting attacked by Kane will fight this week on Raw with Mr. McMahon of course sitting at ringside.


The Rock must take on one DX member before Triple H will make his decision on Raw.


A surprise battle royal is this week consisting of fifteen men. Also another major surprise is a superstar has finally asked time to speak to the crowd.



Prediction Key

Monday Night Raw Card:

Fifteen Man Battle Royal(Chris Jericho, Ken Shamrock, William Regal, Eddie Guerrero, Billy Gunn, Mable, Faarooq, D'Lo Brown, Goldust, Blackjack Windham, Blackjack Bradshaw, Brian Christopher, TAKA Michinoku, Terry Funk, Jeff Jarrett)


Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Kane


The Rock vs ???


Main Event

Mankind and Ric Flair vs The Undertaker and Owen Hart


In other news WCW is set to debut a new show called Prime Cut on HBO. Sadly WCW Nitro has been beating us in the ratings and now it seem they want to completely attack us. That show debuts Thursday next month.


Bob Caudle has retired today... may he have a great life in his new appartment in Hoboken New Jersey.


The WWF said goodbye to both Mike Barton and Sunny for contract expiry. And lastly the UPW opens up today!
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Thank you all for reading my shows so far... just to let you know Raw will be up shortly so votes will be taken up till I'll say about 1:15pm... Thanks again and vote now.


Prediction Key

Monday Night Raw Card:

Fifteen Man Battle Royal(Chris Jericho, Ken Shamrock, William Regal, Eddie Guerrero, Billy Gunn, Mable, Faarooq, D'Lo Brown, Goldust, Blackjack Windham, Blackjack Bradshaw, Brian Christopher, TAKA Michinoku, Terry Funk, Jeff Jarrett)


Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Kane


The Rock vs ???


Main Event

Mankind and Ric Flair vs The Undertaker and Owen Hart

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WWF Monday Night Raw Monday May 11th, 1998

Live From Barrie Molson Centre Barrie, Ontario


Welcome ladies and gentlemen to another Monday Night Raw! We are just six days from Over The Edge and things have gotten very heated over these past weeks King.


Jerry Lawler:
As heated as things are it will be settled this Sunday and the fans can't miss it on pay-per-view.


But that is this Sunday and we must deal with the here and now, like in the main event tonight, a tag team attraction of epic proportions King-fish as the number one contender Mankind teams up with Ric Flair to take on The Undertaker and WWF Champion Owen Hart.


Jerry Lawler:
And finally Vince has the chance to shut Stone Cold's mouth as Austin takes on the big red monster Kane!


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Oh my... That's Paul Bearer! We were told for weeks he would confront The Undertaker but in the end nothing, he has some explaining to do.


Paul Bearer:
You didn't think I would ever show up did you? Undertaker!!! You should never have called me out weeks ago! Because you have already made an enemy out of me Undertaker, now I feel the control is in my hands deadman.


The fans chant Undertakers name as Paul shows a face of disgust to the crowd.


Paul Bearer:
Did you really think deadman, that Kane and I would just go away? Remember we are hell bent of ending you Taker! And also remember that Kane never quit... I quit for him. Undertaker face your brother one more time! If you win as a stipulation, you can beat me down! But may the lord damn you for all eternity!


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The Undertaker:
Paul... Even though it was indeed you that quit for my brother... It was he who fell to the wrath of the darkness! To fight my brother again would serve no purpose.


The Undertaker turns to walk away as the fans chant, "one more match!"


Paul Bearer:
Coward! Your a coward do you hear me Undertaker? You know deep down inside you can't beat my Kane, and you know that Kane destroyed you and Wrestlemania XIV! You coward! Kane could burn you much like you did to him years ago.


The Undertaker:
Well Paul if your so sure about what Kane can do... Then the powers of the darkness must be tested again against Kane at Over The Edge!


The fans erupt at the match challenge accepted by Undertaker.


Paul Bearer:
But Undertaker you must face your brother inside a ring of fire! Much like you were burned at the Royal Rumble... a towering Inferno will consume your body Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!


We cut to commercial as The Undertaker stares at a laughing Paul Bearer.


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The Extraordinary Gentlemen walk towards the ring messing with the fans on the way down, as Ric grabs the mic everyone stands in the ring facing the crowd but Ric Flair walks out and stands beside The King. Ric Flair begins to make fun of Owen Hart and Jerry Lawler laughs and agrees with Flair. Flair then tries to call out Owen Hart wanting to be apart of the main event at Over The Edge. But no one comes down as Ric gets angrier inside the ring for some reason Terry Funk comes running to the ring only to get beaten down by Flair and the rest of the Gentlemen sending a clear message to Owen.


Ken Shamrock wins fifteen man battle royal

This match keeps people happy to be the first match in the show, Ken Shamrock and Rey Misterio Jr. were last inside the ring and had really a match within the match having Ken toss Rey over the top for the victory.


Steve Austin defeated Kane by DQ

An all out brawl breaks out having this match being the most exiting match so far! Steve Austin delivered a Stunner in the crowd that got the loudest pop I have ever heard. But Kane would be given a chair by Mr. McMahon and begin to beat the hell out of Austin leaving Austin bloodied in the ring.


As Austin lies bloodied and defenseless, Mr. McMahon struts into the ring and starts to kick the crap out of Austin screaming, "You don't cross me Bit*h!"


A quick video of the happenings between The Rock and Triple H is played, we then see The Rock make his entrance before we head off to break.


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The mighty Triple H walks with all members of DX as they all hit the ring to attack The Rock! The Rock once beaten down by DX then leave with Road Dogg still in the ring as the match starts.


The Rock defeated Road Dogg

The Rock even though hurt badly picks up the win as Road Dogg makes the big mistake of letting The Rock up, as a quick Rock Bottom hits, as Triple H watches as he now will face The Rock at Over The Edge.


Ric Flair and Mankind stand backstage as they begin to cut a promo for the main event but they don't seem to be on the same page.


What I night we have had King, let us run down the Over The Edge card for this Sunday


WWF Over The Edge


Live From Rose Garden Arena Portland, Oklahoma Sold Out

Sunday May 17th 1998

Order Only On Pay-Per-View

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http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/WWF%20BOOK/ChrisJericho2.jpg VS http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/WWF%20BOOK/EddieGuerreroOld.jpg

Up first on the card is a Light Heavyweight Championship match as Eddie has challenged for the gold and Chris Jericho has accepted the match.


http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/WWF%20BOOK/TheRock17.jpg VS http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/WWF%20BOOK/TripleHDX.jpg

Jerry Lawler:
Finally The Rock gets exactly what he deserves a beatdown from Triple H, and that will happen at Over The Edge I can't wait.


http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/WWF%20BOOK/Kane3.jpg VS http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/WWF%20BOOK/TheUndertaker2.jpg

There's so much history between these two monsters dating all the way back to last year King. It will finally end as one monster will set the other on fire to win, it will be called the Inferno match! What else can you say about this match other than it's gonna be a slobber knocker!


http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/WWF%20BOOK/TerryFunk3.jpg VS http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/WWF%20BOOK/RicFlair3.jpg

Jerry Lawler:
Just added to the card, the crazy man Terry Funk wants to fight Ric Flair this Sunday, if you ask me he has no idea what he is getting into!



http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/WWF%20BOOK/MankindOld.jpg VS http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac292/QFresh2/WWF%20BOOK/OwenHart19.jpg

And in the main event Sunday, Mankind has won the right to face off against Champion Owen Hart this Sunday for the industries top honor. Fasten your seat belts ladies and gentlemen Over The Edge will be one hell of a night!




The Undertaker & Owen Hart defeated Ric Flair & Mankind (MOTN)

Surprisingly Ric Flair and Mankind had great chemistry and made this match great! Owen Hart would pick up the victory for his team with a moonsult off the top onto Mankind. The Show comes to an end with both Undertaker and champion Owen Hart standing tall.


Attendance 5,200 Sold Out

Show rating

WCW Nitro

Attendance 4,477

Show Rating

Main Event Lex Luger defeated Randy Savage
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WWF Over The Edge


Live From Rose Garden Arena Portland, Oklahoma Sold Out

Sunday May 17th 1998

Order Only On Pay-Per-View

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Only a few days from Over The Edge and it is quite the stacked card. The main event is huge and something you don't want to miss! As Owen Hart puts his title on the line against Mankind. The Undertaker takes on his brother Kane when they have their last battle and it will be contested in a Inferno Match!


Be sure to predict as this is one heck of a pay-per-view.


Prediction Key

Over The Edge Pay-Per-View Card:

Bonus Match!

Triple H vs The Rock

Light Heavyweight Championship Match Chris Jericho © vs Eddie Guerrero

Inferno Match The Undertaker vs Kane

Ric Flair vs Terry Funk

WWF Championship Match Owen Hart © vs Mankind

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