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WWF 2002: SmackDown! vs. RAW

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Diamond Dallas Page vs. Hardcore Holly

Was a big DDP fan back in the day so i'm gonna point out now i will always pick him.

The Hurricane & Spike Dudley vs. Chavo Guerrero & Tajiri


Edge & Lita vs. Test & Jazz

Never liked Lita, and bit of a Test fan.

Big Show vs. Chris Jericho

Massive Jericho fan.

The Rock vs. Scott Hall

Want to pick Hall but pretty sure he wont win here.

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Diamond Dallas Page vs. Hardcore Holly

Holly is more efficient in the ring. Hate to tell people that. I think a nice Hardcore Holly Heel bully push would rule

The Hurricane & Spike Dudley vs. Chavo Guerrero & Tajiri

I like Spike


Keep it on Rob for a little longer.

Edge & Lita vs. Test & Jazz

Give Test some rubbage

Big Show vs. Chris Jericho

Shockign upset

The Rock vs. Scott Hall

Hall is gonna be lucky to stay employed

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Diamond Dallas Page vs. Hardcore Holly

Put him over a bit going into this Lesnar feud. Should work out damn well, as Page can give Brock a few skills every time they're in the ring together.


The Hurricane & Spike Dudley vs. Chavo Guerrero & Tajiri

Please give Chavo a decent run!



I think Booker would make a damn fine IC champ, but it won't happen right here.


Edge & Lita vs. Test & Jazz

Hehe... funny.


Big Show vs. Chris Jericho

Keeping Jericho strong with a big win.


The Rock vs. Scott Hall

The nWo are gonna have to look strong at some point, but this is the first of the new SmackDown, so Rocky is gonna take this one. Probably a beatdown afterwards.

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Phillips Arena - Atlanta, Georgia

14,056 Fans


We kick off SmackDown! with the typical fireworks flying above the trademark fist. As we cut to the commentary booth, our usual cast of announcers seems to have gotten an addition.




Michael Cole: Ric Flair's first exclusive edition of SmackDown kicks off right here in Atlanta, Georgia! Nearly 15,000 screaming SmackDown fans here at Phillips Arena - Michael Cole here with Tazz and... uh....

Tazz: Cole, this is "The Professor"! Mike Tenay... this is a guy who knows his stuff! Great to have ya' here, Mike!

Mike Tenay: Oh, well, thanks Tazz!

Michael Cole: With all due respect, I know who you are but... what are you doing out here?

Mike Tenay: Hey, your guess is as good as mine! Mr. Flair flew me out here to Atlanta and told me to make myself comfortable down here.

Tazz: Looks like we're a trio now, Cole!



Michael Cole: And kicking things off right here with the boss!

Tazz: It's his first ever McMahon-free night, can't wait to see what the Nature Boy has in store for us. Mike, you got some experience working alongside Flair... how you think he'll do?

Mike Tenay: Well we're talking about a guy who's been around since 1972. He's contributed 30 long years of wrestling service, he's a 16 time World Champion, I can't think of a better man to call my boss, Tazz.

Cole: Well he's our boss too, you know...

Tazz: 'Ey, take it easy, Cole.





And the fans are on their feet as the Nature Boy heads down to the ring. Donning a tan suit, Flair struts his way out to the stage, milking every cheer as he always has done. He takes his time making his way down to the ring as the commentators talk amongst themselves. The camera pans to the multiple Flair signs in the crowd before that famous voice gets on the stick.


Ric Flair: Woooo! SmackDown! Ric Flair's SmackDown! And thank God that Vince McMahon will never show his face on this program again! Woooooooo! Tonight is a night where I will prove to Vince McMahon that I can do this. Vince has accused me, the Nature Boy, of not being business "savvy". Well let me tell you something Vinny Mac, Ric Flair can be a fun boss, woooo! But Ric Flair is also a business man. And I would have never taken this opportunity if I wasn't. So before I get into my surprise for the SmackDown crowd, allow me to prove that I can make tough business decisions on the clock!


Flair looks around the arena, fans perplexed at what Flair could be referring to. He eventually turns to the announcer's table and points his finger.


Ric Flair: Michael Cole. Come on up here.


Cole: Wha-what?

Tazz: Huh?!


Cole nervously sets his headset down and slowly climbs into the ring.




Ric Flair: Michael Cole, Michael Cole, a good ol' soul. Let me ask you something, how long have you been working for the WWF?


Cole nervously lowers his head into the microphone.


Michael Cole: Since 1997.

Ric Flair: '97! Five long years. And how long have you been announcing for SmackDown?

Michael Cole: Since the very first episode, I... I haven't missed one since it's debut.

Ric Flair: A hard working man you are, Michael. You have been the voice of this brand ever since these fans tuned into it. Have a family?

Michael Cole: Of course.

Ric Flair: Let me tell you something, Michael. I like you. You're a good man. You're a provider, you're loyal, you're hard working. And I want every single person in this audience to give this man a round of applause.


The audience obliges and cheers for the voice of SmackDown!


Ric Flair: But...


"But" is not a word you want to hear at a time like this. Cole slightly gulps and nervously backs his head away.


Ric Flair: As of this time, Michael Cole does not fit into Ric Flair's SmackDown.


Cole is visibly upset and begins to plea with Flair, we can't hear him but we can see him mouthing something about a wife and kids.


Ric Flair: Now it's nothing against you, this is strictly business. And in the business world, we have to make tough decisions. You're a good man, but that doesn't guarantee job security. But I'm sure you'll have no problem finding work elsewhere, heck, I guarantee you'll get a phone call the minute you walk to the back. But in the meantime...


Flair puts his hand out. Cole reluctantly shakes as Flair guides him towards the ramp-end of the ring. Cole climbs out and heads to the back as Flair tucks the microphone under his arm to clap. The fans follow in cue, but it doesn't seem to help the painful look on Cole's face.


Tazz: I... I don't know what to say to this.

Tenay: Tazz, I just want to say... I have no idea what I just saw, I have no part in it. Ric asked me to come down here and... I don't know. I feel horrible that I just witnessed a man losing his job in place of me...

Tazz: 'Ey, I mean... business is business, Mike. Cole and I may not have always agreed but he was my friend. That was just... brutal.

Tenay: I'd just like to apologize, ladies and gentlemen... it's been an awkward start but I will do my best to fit in the shoes I've been assigned to fill.


As Cole disappears behind the curtains, Flair brings the mic back up to his mouth.


Ric Flair: I hated to do that, I really did. But this is an example of the decisions that all the businessmen in the world have to make. And I'll have to make plenty of them to keep SmackDown as the #1 brand in the World Wrestling Federation. So Vince, take notice, heed my stance. This brand will not crumble under the reigns of the Nature Boy, I tell you that much! But, wooooooo! Let's get onto something a little better, y'see I can change every negative into a positive. One good man out, one great man in. So let me have the pleasure of bringing out SmackDown's newest addition!



The crowd are on their feet as the trademark car crash hits the arena's speakers!




Mick Foley indeed makes his long awaited return as he walks through the curtains and out to the roaring crowd!


Tenay: Well hey, that's one way to cheer up the crowd! It is indeed the "Hardcore Icon", a 3-time WWF Champion and a future wrestling Hall of Famer!

Tazz: Great to see Mick back here... and on SmackDown at that! Who would have thought?


Foley gets into the ring and takes the mic from Flair. The icons share a handshake as Foley takes the microphone.


Mick Foley: Looks like Mrs. Foley's baby boy has come back from the shadows!


Fans cheer in approval as Foley winks to the adoring fans.


Mick Foley: You know I found it odd that Ric Flair would give me of all people a call... and have me fly in.... right here in Atlanta, Georgia!


Foley does his trademark thumbs up and gets the cheap pop he was hoping for!


Mick Foley: ...but at the same time, it all sort of makes sense to me. You see, not a half year ago Vince McMahon would publicly fire me for the umpteemth time. And since then I guess you can say I've been a freelance caged animal. And these days, there is no WCW or ECW around to say "Hey Mick, why don't you come work for me instead?". I was left shut out of the business that I sweat for, cried for, bled for... now the door may have long shut on my ring career, but that doesn't mean I don't have a place here!


Fans boo at the thought of Foley being retired for good and begin to chant "ONE MORE MATCH!"


Mick Foley: No, no, no, I'm afraid that ship has long sailed from the docks. I mean I could go after it, but I'm not a very good swimmer! Anyway, Mr. Flair here called me up and informed me that he needed a little.... "beefing up" if you will. And this is SmackDown after all... Vince McMahon free... warzone free... just Flair country, freshly mowed grass, and a possible executive consultant job for me!


Fans obviously give some big cheers for Foley's big promotion!


Tenay: Mick Foley, Executive Consultant?!

Tazz: Sounds sorta' crazy but.... I like the sound of it!

Tenay: Two wrestling icons with very different paths to success... what a team this could make!


Ric Flair: Woooooo! And that is exactly what I brought Mick out here for. You see last Thursday, I had every intention of bringing Stone Cold Steve Austin to SmackDown... and well... obviously that didn't go to plan. However! Right here tonight in Georgia, this man right here - Mick Foley - will become my official executive SmackDown consultant when he just inks down this contact...


Flair pulls out a clipboard, similar to the one he had last week. Foley looks over as Flair puts his hand out. Foley goes to shake it, but before he does...



Fans are not too pleased to hear "Rockhouse" blast through the PA during this moment.




And out comes Hall & Nash to crash the party.


Tenay: The New World Order looks to be in attendance tonight. Ric Flair drafted them hoping to crush McMahon's plan for them but.... looks like they have their own agenda since getting use to their new home.

Tazz: Absolutely, these are two smart cats, Tenay. If Flair wanted to contain them, all power to 'em, but he's got a lot of work on his hands if he wants to stop 'em!


The Outsiders climb into the ring and Nash gets on the stick.


Kevin Nash: Boy, Mick Foley and the Nature Boy in the same ring... there's... there's something wrong with this picture, Scott. There's something here that isn't quite right, I just can't place it.

Scott Hall: I'm thinking 1999, Big Kev.

Kevin Nash: Ah, yes. 1999, the year Mick decided "Hey, I'm going to be an author". And in his book dubbed "Have a Nice Day!" he so elegantly stated that Ric Flair happened to be as bad on the book for as great in the ring. So here's a guy who's at the helm of this show we call SmackDown - the man who has the book and runs things around here. And the same guy who called him out on being exactly what Vince McMahon thinks he is.... is called to be the Executive Consultant?


Nash and Hall chuckle to themselves.


Scott Hall: I bet that struck a nerve with you, Flair... I mean, you were pretty pissed, you'd have to be to run around calling Mick a... what was it again, Kev?

Kevin Nash: Oh, I believe, Scott... you are referring to Ric Flair calling Mick Foley nothing more than a "glorified stunt man".

Scott Hall: Oh yeah, that's it. Uh... great choice for a consultant, Flair.


Flair simply smirks as he grabs onto a mic of his own.


Ric Flair: This business, like the world, is ever-changing, fellas. Things will change. Ric Flair back in the WWF? Wooooooo, sounds like change! Ric Flair the CO-OWNER of the WWF? Wooooo, that's a change too! The WWF split in two, me taking one half and Vince taking the other? Sounds an awful like more change! Two of the most egotistical... selfish... money hungry... bullying.... pieces of garbage to stink up a wrestling ring standing here in front of me... well, hot dog, looks like we got more change, woooooooo! Mick & I... we haven't always seen eye to eye. But I'm not going to let the past rob these fans of what they want to see, no siree. These fans want Foley? Well, wooooo! Let's bring Foley right here to SmackDown. These fans want the NWO dead once and for all?! Well let's do that too!

Scott Hall: Hey, um... not saying I'm an expert in getting fired but... I'm pretty sure you can't touch us.

Kevin Nash: Oops! That's right... looks like you made a mistake in drafting us, after all. We're guaranteed contracts. So it looks like you're just going to have to deal with us a little bit longer, doesn't it?

Ric Flair: Hey, I didn't say anything about firing, that's the Vince McMahon way of dealing with things. The Ric Flair way of dealing with problems like you is taking them on full force. I'll RUN you out of SmackDown! And I will do everything in my power to do it.


Nash starts laughing as Hall does his trademark "spooky fingers".


Kevin Nash: Hey Scott, I say we test this theory...


Suddenly Nash lifts his boot and knocks Foley right in the head. Hall dashes over and begins to stomp on him. Flair attempts to break it up, but Nash pushes him down. Flair rips off his jacket for a fight, but Nash and Hall take him down and lay the stomps on him as well. But not before long...




It's The Rock! Scott Hall's main event opponent makes his way down to the ring, but Hall & Nash both bail as he slides in. Rock helps Flair and Mick back up to their feet. The NWO begin to retreat back up to the stage, but they are cut off.


The Rock: Whoawhoawhoawhoawhoa-WHOA! Finally... finally The Rock has come back to ATLANTA, GEORGIA! NWO, you aren't seriously just going to walk out here, kick a guy in the face, duck your tails, and bail now are you?

Scott Hall: I have a lot more in store for you lat---

The Rock: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO! Cause tonight Scott Hall... hey yo... chico.... what's the dealio?.... come at us, bro... I asked out Rico... and he said no... my momma's a ho----aww shut the hell up you greased-up monkey crap! It's you, Scott Hall, one on one with the GREAT ONE. And just like what The Rock has been doing to the New World Order since February of '02, there will be a kicking of a certain black and white candy ass credit to the most electrifying man in Sports Entertainment! But you see, The Rock isn't just satisfied with that--nonono--you see while it's a guaran-DAMN-tee that The Rock will layenth the Smackdownth right here in the house that Rocky built, it seems The Rock is free at the house that... Mankind built.


Rock points over to Foley, who looks sort of perplexed.


The Rock: Oh, that's right, ladies! The Rock is single, single for one night only at Backlash. And The Rock is thinking.... double date? Hall, Nash, The Great One.... tag team match in front of the millions.... and millions of Rock's fans.

Scott Hall: I only hear three names there, Rock.

The Rock: Did The Rock say he was finished?! Nonono, The Rock did not say he was finished. So let The Rock say this, the man who will have the greatest pleasure of teaming with the Great One... is right here in this very ring.


The Rock turns to Mick Foley, who looks around nervously.


Mick Foley: Now, Rock. I'm, uh...

The Rock: One.... more..... match.


Sure enough, that sparks the chant. The fans shout "ONE MORE MATCH" and while Foley tries to show his disinterest, it's hard to hide the fact that he's very interested. With a big smile, he mouths some words to the Rock which we can't hear, but it seems he's open to it now. Flair, with a serious look on his face and calm voice, gets onto the mic.


Ric Flair: Hey now listen... I hate to be the party pooper here. As much as I would love to see Rock N' Sock back to kick the tar out of the NWO... there's a few things you need to understand, Mick. The job stipulations for my executive consultant is strictly out of the ring only. Mick... if you go through with this, fine by me. But I'm afraid I can't give you the position.


The NWO simply shake their heads with a smile, giving Rock a thumbs down as they head to the back. Foley and Flair converse away from the mics before Foley picks the mic back up to his lips.


Mick Foley: Rock... I'm... I'm deeply flattered, I am. I've missed you, I've missed this ring, I've missed these fans but... but that's the past now. Ric, hand me the contract.

Ric Flair: Mick, if you need time to think about this you---



The Rock and Flair both throw their head back, the fans are in silence at Foley's sudden outburst. Foley even looks shocked at himself, but picks the mic back to his lips.


Mick Foley: I'm sorry... it's just.... I told my little kids... you don't have to see daddy get hurt anymore. Daddy is going to be okay. I made a promise to my fans two years ago when I entered that Hell in a Cell with Triple H that if I were to lose... I would retire from wrestling forever. And I already broke that promise once to get a chance to compete in a WrestleMania main event. I don't want to do it again.


The fans boo in disappointment as Foley stares at the contract Flair has in his hands. Without much hesisitation, Flair hands the clipboard over to Foley. The Rock takes a hint and climbs out of the ring, heading to the back as Foley inks the contract down.


Tenay: What an emotional start to Ric Flair's SmackDown... can you imagine what's going on in the head of everyone involved in what we just saw?

Tazz: Between Cole being fired right in front of us and Mick Foley on edge his first night back... man, I tell ya' what, I don't know if I'm ready for what else could be in store for us tonight. I almost feel like this is where the credits roll!






This was a hard hitting match between two veterans. While Bob Holly was trying to prove that he could still be a valient force on SmackDown at his winding age, DDP was out to prove that he could go toe to toe with Brock Lesnar. And Page may have done a good job at that as the usually very durable Holly was taken out with a Diamond Cutter just 5 minutes in.


Winner: Diamond Dallas Page @ 5:44




After the match, DDP picks up the stick, leaning himself against the ropes to stare right down the stage.


DDP: Good enough for ya', Brock? What else do I have to do to ya' to show that I CAN TAKE YOU! Face me in the ring, look me in the eyes, Brock! Prove that a man that is as talented as you claim to be can match it with bravery!



After a short pause, Lesnar's music does hit and DDP grows a smile on his face as he awaits Lesnar's arrival.




...but it's not Lesnar who comes out. Paul Heyman comes out on the stage alone with a mic in hand.


Paul Heyman: You know, Page... I don't think you understand what the word "no" means. So let me give you a few hints; not going to happen, never in a million years, absolutely not, keep dreaming. You're the epitome of what I like to call "attention whore", Diamond Dallas Page. You wave your arms for attention, that's all you want this point in your career. You come to the WWF and you stalk the Undertaker and his wife to create a buzz. Well, that didn't work so hot now did it? So now you're going to virtually stalk myself and my client?! You know, your favorite word lately, Page, has been "coward". Well let me assure you - my client is not a coward. In fact, he would destroy you and your career in a blink of an eye. So why aren't we? Well perhaps I'm just being a little generous. I think, hell, I know you're just a little bit ignorant, Page. You think just because of how long you've been in the industry and just because of the things you've accomplished, you can squash any "young punk" that steps in your way. Well, Page, you're in a rude awakening. So allow me to demonstrate.




Brock Lesnar finally comes out, tugging Funaki behind him.


Paul Heyman: Page.... this is your body.


Heyman guides his hand to Funaki's direction.


Paul Heyman: This is your body after going through Brock Lesnar.


Lesnar hoists Funaki up onto his shoulders and walks over to the steel truss near the stage. He hits a F-5, causing the side of Funaki's body to crash into the steel and slapping head first onto the steel floor.


Paul Heyman: Any questions?


DDP simply looks on as Lesnar's music hits and the duo head to the back.


Tenay: I don't think there's anything that's going to cause Diamond Dallas Page to back down. That man has a ton of pride. Nothing against Funaki, but he's not exactly a 3-time World Champion

Tazz: But that's the past and that's exactly what Heyman's point is. DDP was once one of the great ones, but it's not exactly the case these days. Brock Lesnar is the Next Big Thing, simply put!

Tenay: Hey say what you will, but I think we can both agree that if these two ever meet - it will certainly be Lesnar's greatest challenge to date.






We cut to X-Pac and Triple H backstage, who seem to be in midconversation.


Triple H: ...ehhh, I don't really want to give anyone a hint.

X-Pac: Aw, come on, man. We go back.

Triple H: Well hey, I think you're going to get a kick out of it, buddy.

X-Pac: I personally can't wait, but Hunter... I got a little bit of a surprise of my own.

Triple H: Really?

X-Pac: Absolutely, we go back to the days of the black and green so...


X-Pac pulls out a NWO armband and hands it over to Hunter.


X-Pac: I mean we don't have to make anything official here, but this is just my way of saying anytime you're here on SmackDown - I speak for Big Kev and Scott - the black and white has got your back, man.

Triple H: Hey, I appreciate that, but...


Triple H hands the armband back over to Pac.


Triple H: I'm going to have to decline. We can be friends, Pac, but... I have my business, you have yours.


Pac takes the armband back and just nods in understanding.


Triple H: I gotta get going, just thought I'd drop by.

X-Pac: Good seeing you, man.


The two shake hands and Triple H walks off screen. As Pac turns around...




Hall & Nash are seen. It seems they've been eavesdropping.


X-Pac: Sup?

Kevin Nash: What was that about?

X-Pac: What?

Scott Hall: What are you hanging around with him for?

X-Pac: Come on, guys. It's Hunter... we're all bros, aren't we? I mean he may not be black and white, but damn, we still buds.


Hall grabs X-Pac by the collar and presses him against the wall.


Scott Hall: Chico, I think you need to learn a little something called.... loyalty. And that scum... at one time, he was my best friend. But he was only my best friend when it was convienent to him. Me and Big Kev, we've been here since February and that guy hasn't even given us a phone call to say hello. So as far as I'm concerned, "Hunter" is dead to us. So you can be bros with him, or you can be part of the black and white.

X-Pac: Relax, relax. I'm with you, guys. Always. We're blood brothers. NWO for life, I mean that.

Kevin Nash: Alright, alright, Scott. Ease up. Let him go.


Hall lets go of Pac and walks off. Nash and Pac stare an awkward glance.


Kevin Nash: He's tense tonight. Big main event against The Rock... you're going to be out there right?

X-Pac: Yeah man. What do you think I am?

Kevin Nash: I don't know, Pac. What do you think you are?


Nash follows Hall out and Pac slowly follows behind.


Tenay: Looks like we got some tension in the New World Order!

Tazz: That's a jumpy group right there, you need so much trust when you got a group with the mission that they have.






This tag team match between Cruisers was exactly what you'd expect - high flying and exciting. The Hurricane, as the top candidate for #1 Contender at the moment, wanted to prove himself as a worthy opponent against Tajiri. But Tajiri made sure to avoid Hurricane at all costs, tagging Chavo in when he was legal and working on Spike. Spike proved to be the weak link in the match, while having people of his size in there he was still the smallest guy in there. The hot tag was eventually made and Hurricane was able to pin Chavo with a Shining Wizard.


Winners: The Hurricane & Spike Dudley @ 6:21


After the match, Hurricane and Spike celebrate in the ring together, but all is cut short when Tajiri sneaks back in and mists Hurricane for the third straight time in a row!


Tenay: Tajiri just always has an answer for Hurricane lately - even if it is a cowardly answer.

Tazz: Hey maybe Tajiri is just testing if Hurricane would get a super mask upgrade to protect the mist, he ought to at this point!






We see Chris Jericho backstage heading to Flair's office, but the office seems to have gotten a new addition - a front desk with Stacy Keibler playing secretary.


Chris Jericho: What, I have to make appointments now for Fleer's lack of match-making prowness?! Do I have to schedule a time to call him an idiot for underusing me? Is that what you're telling me?

Stacy Keibler: I'm not telling you anything.

Chris Jericho: Where is he?

Stacy Keibler: In his office.


Jericho casually walks over to Flair's door.


Stacy Keibler: Excuse me!

Chris Jericho: What?!

Stacy Keibler: It's not your turn!

Chris Jericho: Not my turn? I'm VIP, baby! I'm VIP, that's what I am and that's how I live. You're not going to tell the KING OF THE WORLD that he has to wait for anybody! No one, not even Dick Flair!


Jericho kicks the door open. Flair is revealed to be inside talking to the Big Show.




Chris Jericho: Oh, great timing! Now I can ridicule the two peons that are holding Y-2-Jaaaay-eh back!

Ric Flair: I have a receptionist's desk out there for a reason, Chris.

Chris Jericho: Yeah, I know exactly why - to prevent people from telling you things you don't want to hear, but I think they're things, Flair, that you NEED to hear. I'm Chris Jericho, I'm the first ever Undisputed champion, damn it! And I should be main eventing every SmackDown event, not The Crock, not the NW-Hoes. No, me, Jericho, Y2J, Ayatolla of Rock N Rolla baby!

Ric Flair; You defy my orders last week and force yourself into a battle royal I told you stay out of, now you barge in here and tell me how to run my show? Well, wooooo! You're in for a surprise, Y2J! Because guess what? I don't bow down to anyone, not even the self proclaimed King of the World. No, no, you see whether you like it or not, you're taking on this man right here.


Flair points to Big Show, he gives Jericho a mean stare. Jericho doesn't seem too bothered by it, despite being chased out of the room by him last week.


Chris Jericho: The Big Slow doesn't intimidate me, Flair! Nothing does, nothing ever will. That's why I'm the best of the best and that's why I should taking on Triple Haitch. He comes to Atlanta and isn't even on the card tonight, for what reason? He's free, I should be free, let me get my shot!

Ric Flair: You're just never going to give up about Triple H, are you? Are you really that bitter that Triple H was the better man not once, but twice? Wooooo! Seems like you are! Tell you what... you beat Big Show tonight... I will consider having you take on Triple H in next weeks main event.

Chris Jericho: You got yourself a deal!


Jericho marches out of the room as Flair looks up with a smile to the Big Show. Show eagerly rubs his hands together and nods his head.


Tenay: Ever since winning that title back in the Fall, it seems Jericho is just obsessed with the spotlight.

Tazz: Since winning the title?! Jericho has always been about the spotlight, and who can blame 'em?






Kevin Kelly: Kevin Kelly here with the Intercontinental Champion - Rob Van Dam. RVD, you got a big title defense to kick off your SmackDown! tenure against Booker T. How are you feeling going into tonight?

Rob Van Dam: Hey, I'm always feeling good, Kevin. And it's even better now that I'm exclusive to SmackDown as Mr. Thursday Nights! And if Booker T wan--


Suddenly the lights flicker out in the corridor. As the duo try to figure out what's going on, we see a glowing face and arms flailing in the distance.


???: Who is the man that is making his mark?

Flailing in the wind and glowing in the dark?

What is new of this SmackDown brand?

It's time for him to make his stand!

Who is him? Why of course it's he!

Who is he?! Why can't you see?

How high is the ladder from where he leaps?

How sharp are the nails on that he sleeps?

Where will he bleed from now?

What will he do to make 'em "Wow"?

Who is he, why of course it's me!

Who is me?! What, you can't see?

I think it's time for you to know,

The Jeffiroth Nero Hardy Psycho Sideshow!




The lights turn back on with Jeff Hardy decked out in paint, stringy purple hair, and a top hat. He makes a skating motion towards RVD and puts his hand out.


Jeff Hardy: I would like to formally introduce myself. Jeffiroth Nero Hardy, the ringmaster of my very own Psycho Sideshow! But I must run... and by run I mean... disappear before your very own eyes...


Hardy snaps his fingers and drops a small pellet that expels a large amount of smoke. We see Hardy's shadow behind the smoke as it leaps up to the poles on the ceiling. We don't see much more after that as the smoke clears up and Hardy appears to be gone. RVD looks at Kelly with a blank look on his face.


Rob Van Dam: ...wha?


Tenay: Uh.

Tazz: What did we just see?!

Tenay: It appears Jeff Hardy has gone through quite the... transformation. Anyway, umm... WWF Intercontinental title on the line, next!




WWF Intercontinental Championship



This was a very competitive match between two of WWF's best upper-tier midcarders. While the match stayed relatively clean and even through, Booker T used some under handed tactics to get control late in, including a blind-spot low blow that the ref failed to spot. While RVD tried to regain momentum, including a pump kick from the top rope, T moved the ref in the way as a sheild, which knocked him out of the equation. T rolled on the outside and used the belt to his advantage to knock RVD out. But...




The Rabid Wolverine was out there, presumably for revenge after Booker betrayed him in the battle royal. The two battled it out a little bit but Benoit got the Crossface in. After a couple of moments, Benoit releases and retreats. RVD revives himself only to take advantage of the situation and hitting the 5 Star for the victory!


Winner: Rob Van Dam @ 11:24


Tenay: And chalk up another title defense for Rob Van Dam!

Tazz: Yeah, so far he's 2 and 2 in getting other people to help win for him!

Tenay: Well it's not like he asked for it either time!






We cut backstage to see a miserable looking Lita leaning against a wall in the corridor. After a few quiet moments...




Edge walks onto the scene in his ring gear with a concerned look on his face.


Edge: Hey, we got a match in a little bit... are you alright?

Lita: I'm just... a little down.

Edge: What's up?

Lita: Well I mean... seperated from my boyfriend now... Jeff is acting insane and won't talk to me... all my friends are on RAW. And as much as I like Ric as my boss, I don't have as many opportunities here as I did on RAW. I'm just not really in a great state of mind right now...

Edge: Well that doesn't mean you can't make new friends, huh? I mean you and I... it's kind of funny, you're from the Hardy Boyz and I'm from Edge & Christian... two teams with a pretty epic history but we all respected each other. And I respected you as much as them, you had a lot of guts running into our matches. I think you're a pretty rad girl, Lita.

Lita: Well, thanks.

Edge: So hey, how about we got out there... kick Test and Jazz's butts.... and go out and hit a sushi bar, there's some great ones out here in Atlanta!


Lita looks a little skeptical.


Edge: As friends! Of course. I mean this can be the start of a pretty awesome friendship, don't you agree?


With a slight smile, Lita crosses her arms.


Lita: I guessss....

Edge: Sweet. Well, let's go do it!


The two march off camera and head out to the ring for the next match.


Tenay: Indeed a very interesting duo, Edge and Lita! And after these past few painful weeks, I think she really needed that nice little lift from Edge there.

Tazz: Yeah, jus' hope she remembers Matt is watching.

Tenay: What are you suggesting?!

Tazz: Hey I'm not saying anything about Edge, but after everything Matt is going through... I mean, I dunno, anything can set him off at this point.






While Test and the Women's Champion Jazz were strong forces, Edge and Lita seemed stronger tonight. The usually depressed looking Lita was a lot more fired up than usual this time around and took Jazz on full force. While she was unable to overcome the champ, Edge was able to eventually dispose of Test to claim victory after a Downward Spiral.


Winners: Edge & Lita @ 5:48






We see Mick Foley sitting in an office setting. His nameplate is sitting on the desk, so we can only assume it's his new office assigned to him by flair. A short knock is heard and the door swings open. The fans go nuts when they see who it is.




It's is the People's Champ! The Rock stares at the door and then points to it with a grin on his face. The door has a small sign on it.


The Rock: Room 203... Office of... Mick Foley.


Foley softly chuckles to himself as Rock walks over to his desk and observes his nameplate.


The Rock: Mick... Foley. Executive... Consultant.

Mick Foley: That's me!

The Rock: That's you. Let The Rock ask you this... what exactly does an Executive Consultant do?


Foley knowing exactly what The Rock is probably going to do, only sits there and smiles.


The Rock: Aw, nonono, not a trap - serious question, Mick. Come on!

Mick Foley: Alright... well, what I do is--

The Rock: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO---ok, ok, The Rock is only joking.

Mick Foley: Now I'm not saying anything.

The Rock: Come on, The Rock was only joking!

Mick Foley: I have the power to fire people and... well, sorry Rock, but it's time for you to look for work elsewhere.

The Rock: Yeahyeahyeahyeah.

Mick Foley: Okay basically I'm the main advisor. If Ric needs advice on something, I'm the man to go to. So for people we need to let go, people we need to bring in, matches that need to be made. Stuff like that.

The Rock: Really now?

Mick Foley: Pretty much.

The Rock: So let The Rock ask you for some... executive consulting.

Mick Foley: Hey, I can do it for you.

The Rock: Can you tell The Rock... what the people want to happen at Backlash?

Mick Foley: Well people are pretty pumped up about Undertaker and Triple H going at it. I think they'll also enjoy seeing----

The Rock: Whoawhoawhoawhoa-WHOA! The Rock means his match, two on two with the roody-poos. The Rock and a partner of his choice taking on the NWO. Let The Rock ask you this, Mick. What do the people want?


The fans can be heard chanting "One More Match" once more. Foley simply shakes his head.


Mick Foley: I know what the people want and I'd love to make it happen, but I can't.

The Rock: Do you like this job, Mick? Can you see yourself doing this for the rest of your career? Filing out paperwork, kissing some ass, doing research, kissing some more ass?

Mick Foley: Honestly.... yes.

The Rock: The Rock thinks you're lying. The Rock thinks that you have a little bit too much pride over a simple deal that was made just two years ago. But The Rock will call this a work in progress because I guaran-damn-tee that you will change your mind on this next week. But The Rock will leave it at that... for now, how about you come ringside?

Mick Foley: Ringside?

The Rock: Let's call it... ringside consulting. You can give a little consulting to Tenay and Tazz, can't ya? Sure, you can! So join The Rock in the main event. The Rock will see you out there.


The Rock turns around and heads out the door. Mick looks at his desk and picks up the nameplate, staring at it with a blank look on his face as cameras cut out.


Tenay: Looks like The Rock isn't going to give up his mission on getting Mick back in that ring, even after he signed up for the job!

Tazz: I think The Rock and the fans just have to move on at this point, Tenay. He's a happy man, now. I mean look at me, I'm perfectly happy behind the booth these days.

Tenay: But the question is - is Mick really happy in what he's doing or is he just trying not to let down his family?

Tazz: I say family comes first.






Jericho obviously didn't want to be in this match - but was it because he really wanted Triple H more or because he wasn't ready to match up with the 500 lb giant? The Big Show certainly controlled most of this one, using his size and sheer power to have an answer for everything Jericho tried to do to him. However, Jericho found himself tangled on the ropes at one point and as Show tried to charge him, Jericho forced his weight on the ropes down. Show had no bounce and went straight down to the floor below! Jericho stayed put in the ring and allowed the referee to count Show out, who was unable to get back to his feet in time!


Winner: Chris Jericho @ 12:25


Tenay: Jericho picks up the victory but... not in the most competitive form.

Tazz: Hey, a wins a win.

Tenay: True, but when Jericho is chasing the title - count outs aren't going to win him the belt. I dont' think Ric Flair was impressed with that victory one bit. I know I'm not.






We see Booker T outside Flair's office, next to Stacy's desk.


Stacy Keibler: Can I help you?

Booker T: Yeah where's Ric at?

Stacy Keibler: In his office, he can see you in a moment?

Booker T: Yeah, I'm cool, I'm cool. Not so cool when some vanilla midget sticks his nose in my business, so s'all good. Say, what you doing out here?

Stacy Keibler: Well, Ric thought I'd make a good receptionist.

Booker T: Yeah, I can see why. You like this job?

Stacy Keibler: Sure.

Booker T: Oh yeah? Say, how about after you're done you com---




Before Booker can finish his pick-up line, Chris Benoit approaches the desk. Booker stares at him with his usual bugged out eyes and slightly opened up mouth.


Booker T: Tell me... tell me you didn't just do that. Tell me you didn't just cost me the Intercontinental Championship, tell me!

Chris Benoit: I didn't cost you the Intercontinental Championship.


Benoit casually turns over to Stacy.


Chris Benoit: I'm here to see Ric.

Booker T: Maaan, if I wasn't in front of a lady, I'd knock you straight on yo' ASS! That's how you do me?!

Stacy Keibler: Sure, go right on in.


Benoit ignores Booker and heads into Flair's office. Booker looks at Stacy with a confused look on his face.


Booker T: Hey, I was here before him!

Stacy Keibler: Ric specifically called him in.

Booker T: Oh, really now? I see how it is. No, no, you don't play Booker T like that, ah hell no.


Booker walks over to the door and matching the same footprint Jericho left open, he barges right on in mid-conversation with Flair & Benoit.




Ric Flair: ...and I'll have that all set up next week, best of luck to you, brutha.

Booker T: What's set up next week? Better be me in a damn cage with that fool you have set up next week, sucka.

Ric Flair: Oh, glad you can join us, Book. I have Chris Benoit taking on Rob Van Dam next week for the title.

Booker T: Wh-what?! Chris Benoit taking on Rob Van Dam?!

Ric Flair: That's right.


Benoit smirks at Booker as he heads out of the office and shuts the door behind him.


Ric Flair: So, what can I do for you now?

Booker T: What can you do for me?! What can you do for me?! Take that match with Benoit out of here and put me in! That's what you can do for me!

Ric Flair: Well maybe next time you should think twice about attempting to align yourself with the NWO. Sound good? Good.

Booker T: Man, I'm not with the NWO! What, you mad I got your boy out in the battle royal?! Every man for himself, sucka! Every man for himself!

Ric Flair: Bye-bye.


Flair guides Booker out of the room and slams the door shut. Booker throws a mild tantrum outside the door before huffing off.






Mick Foley came down to the ring prior to the match to join Tenay and Tazz on commentary. Pac & Nash accompianed Hall down to ringside for the main event match. Rock was fired up in this one and took the early advantage, but the numbers on the outside worked in Scott Hall's favor. A few times in the early goings, Rock found himself on the outside of the ring and only for Hall to distract the ref so Nash & Pac could get a few shots in on The Rock. Foley watched helplessly from the booth, but knew that it would be unprofessional to get involved. Hall took clear control after that and both other members of the NWO kept close watch to make sure it stood that way.


Rock was eventually able to get a slight shift of momentum when he knocked a taunting Pac off the apron and onto Nash, vaulting towards Hall and landing some trademark moves, including a spinbuster and perfect set-up for the People's Elbow. The Rock goes off one set of ropes, the other, tripped! Nash reached in and grabbed The Rock's foot! The referee, sick of the constant interference, heads out on the apron and begins berating Nash. Pac takes this time to get into the ring with a can of spraypaint and attempts to bash Rock's head with it! But we here the muffling of a headset being thrown off and...




Foley is in the ring! Mr. Socko is pulled from his pants and inserted directly into X-Pac's mouth! In the meantime, Rock knocks Nash off the apron and hits a perfect Rock Bottom onto Hall. The referee is certainly confused with Mick and Pac in the ring, but they're not attacking either participant so he goes on with the count for the win!


Winner: The Rock @ 14:53


Tenay: And The Rock earns the win on the first exclusive main event at the house that he built!






The Rock and Mick share a smile and a hanshake in the middle of the ring as they pose for fans, but Mick stops himself short. Realizing that what he's doing is a no-no, he climbs out of the ring and heads to the back. The Rock stares on from the ring and simply shakes his head in disappointment at Foley's reluctance.


Tenay: Just another happy moment turned awkward for Foley and Rock...

Tazz: If it wasn't obvious before, it is now - simply put, Foley isn't comfortable returning to the ring. And there's not a single guy out there that can tell him otherwise, it's his decision Tenay!

Tenay: I disagree, did you see what we just witnessed? We saw that old spark come alive when he pulled Socko out and layed X-Pac out... it was just the old Mick Foley and he had a smile on his face, Tazz. But it was only when he realized what his position in the company was, that's when he backed up.

Tazz: You have to understand, Mick was brought in to do this. It's the only reason he's here!

Tenay: There's a lot of unanswered questioned to leave us off with, but it seems like it's time to say goodnight. So for Tazz, goodnight ladies and gentemen!



DDP defeated Bob Holly

The Hurricane & Spike Dudley defeated Tajiri & Chavo Guerrero

Rob Van Dam defeated Booker T

Edge & Lita defeated Test & Jazz

Chris Jericho defeated Big Show

The Rock defeated Scott Hall





Jingo - 5/6

Chuck - 4/6

Beejus - 5/6

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The Zoo Crew defeated Mike Sanders & Lance Cade. Pretty much a squash match with Albert hitting the Baldo Bomb on Sanders for the win.


Spike Dudley defeated Johnny the Bull. Bull was strong most of the match, but Spike made a comeback that ended in him reversing a powerbomb to a pin position.


Maven cut a promo prior to his rematch with Test where he said that he was ready to make an impact in the WWF after his upset victory. Test came out and assaulted him to start the match off. Maven defeated Test via DQ. Test dominated the match, but eventually got DQ'd for being too aggressive and ignoring the referee's orders.


Val Venis defeated Chavo Guerrero in the main event. Good match, both men got in a lot of offense.


Angles featured on the show:


- The Godfather came out at the beginning of the show and introduced himself as Velocity's new colour commentator. He joined Kevin Kelly at ringside.

- Shawn Stasiak appeared in a strange angle where he was fiddling around with a camera backstage. He was shown, in first person view, to be filming Derek Dux flirting around with Ivory; Dux commenting that he liked that Ivory was around the same age as his mother. They began to yell at him when they realized he was filming and the picture cut out.

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- Mick Foley has signed an official WWF contract. Foley was mutually let go at the end of the Invasion Angle last year but officials felt that the WWF needed another "big face" due to the now shallowed up rosters. Many of the backstage are thrilled to see Foley back as he is extremely well liked, however company sources are indicating that Ric Flair is not thrilled about it. Flair is also upset about being thrown into a storyline wtih him and having their backstage heat thrown into the mix as he feels it's extremely awkward to work through.




- Michael Cole's firing is obviously a storyline and he is not legitimately fired from the company. However, as we noted here on the website last week, Vince McMahon was reportedly unhappy with Cole's announcing and was screaming into his headset throughout the night. Officials asked Mike Tenay to join the company over the weekend.




- Speaking of Mike Tenay, there is an interesting twist with his signing as he apparently already had a verbal agreement with the Jarretts to join their upstart Total Non-Stop Action promotion that is to begin business around June. Tenay is said to be very good friends with Jeff Jarrett and he was slated to be their lead commentator, but that obviously had no influence on him deciding to sign with the World Wrestling Federation to be the SmackDown! announcer. Previously, WWF offered a contract to Tenay following WCW's demise but he rejected as he didn't want to move his family to Stanford. So far, officials are said to be happy with his position.




- Last week's angle of Austin not signing with either brand was obviously to write him off TV for a little while. He's still under contract, but as we've been reporting for the past few months, Ausitn has quite a bit of heat on him. Austin has been clashing with creative quite a bit as of late and many were actually expecting him to walk out on the WWF. Vince and Steve had a sitdown meeting a few weeks ago and arranged for Austin to take an indefinite break.




- Tyson Dux, now working as Derek Lux has signed an official contract with WWF. As we reported last week, Dux was brought in under a tryout basis and was expected to be sent to OVW for further training, but he apparently got along very well with Chris Benoit. Benoit urged officials to keep Dux on and they seem to have complied.




- While on the subject of OVW, expect many call-ups soon. OVW has one of it's most impressive crop of students the school has ever had. Brock Lesnar is the latest to come out of the school and many more are expected to be called up soon. One source claims that two particular students already have a major storyline penciled in for them.

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RAW is live in Freedom Hall as we go down the home stretch to Backlash! Backlash is just six days away and you can bet that the stars of RAW will be in opportune spirits as they try to get themselves onto the card, main-evented by The Undertaker and Triple H. Speaking of "The Game", he has been hyping a very special surprise for the RAW crowd this week and tonight he will reveal what that surprise is in Kentucky!


Mike Awesome won the Hardcore title last week and as per Lance Storm's request, the title is now no longer under 24/7 rules. Raven, who has been awaiting his chance to get the title back, now has his opportunity as he goes one on one with Awesome for the title. Will Awesome continue his mean streak or can Raven master the match he's worked his craft in since coming to the WWF?


This Monday will also be Rico's chance to announce who he wishes to be the #1 Contenders for Billy & Chuck's titles. Vince McMahon gave Rico the opportunity to do just that and it seems the stylist has been taking his time. Perhaps to help his decision, The World's Most Perfect Team will take on the APA in what will certainly be a grudge match for the Acolytes.


In singles action, Matt Hardy takes on Christian. These two potential stars of the future are still getting use to their new lives as single competitors. Christian has been on a bit of a losing streak as of late while Matt Hardy is dealing with plenty of emotional stress since the draft. Who will get this must-needed win to give themselves a boost?


Hulk Hogan & Kane will attempt to get their revenge against the Dudley Boyz this Monday, but it will come at a price. Vince McMahon has specified that this will be a tables match which certainly gives the Dudley Boyz the advantage here. Will Hogan & Kane be able to beat the Dudleyz at their own game?


In the main event, we'll have another tag team match when Kurt Angle & William Regal join forces to take on Triple H & The Undertaker. 'Taker and The Game are six days away from their main event match at Backlash so you can probably expect some tension here as they are forced to team up. Can Regal & Angle take advantage of the bad blood or will our headliners co-exist?


Quick picks:


WWF HARDCORE: Mike Awesome © vs. Raven

The World's Most Perfect Team vs. The Acolyte Protection Agency

Matt Hardy vs. Christian

TABLES MATCH: Hulk Hogan & Kane vs. The Dudley Boyz

Triple H & The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle & William Regal

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I read the first two shows entirely, which just shows how good this diary is. The promo's are so good, that you can see the character actually talking in your head, and acting the way they act. The attention to detail, like Regal sweeping his feet before entering the ring is amazing. Not only that, this is perhaps the funniest diary ever, especially that Austin segment in the first SmackDown. Rarely do I have the patience to read through an entire show, but to laugh out loud is a very good sign indeed. This'll definitely be the diary to follow, and I have to make sure to remember to read the two newest TV shows too. Keep up the superb work!
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WWF HARDCORE: Mike Awesome © vs. Raven

Like both of these and Awesome has a little more upside at this point .. But the Hardcore belt is just made for a Raven character!

The World's Most Perfect Team vs. The Acolyte Protection Agency

Matt Hardy vs. Christian

TABLES MATCH: Hulk Hogan & Kane vs. The Dudley Boyz

Just cant pick Hogan here ... He will win though!

Triple H & The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle & William Regal

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WWF HARDCORE: Mike Awesome © vs. Raven

Awesome having just picked up the belt, its not a good time for him to drop it.


The World's Most Perfect Team vs. The Acolyte Protection Agency

With Mizark taking the fall, its the only way they can lose.


Matt Hardy vs. Christian


TABLES MATCH: Hulk Hogan & Kane vs. The Dudley Boyz

Just can't see Hogan going through a table...


Triple H & The Undertaker vs. Kurt Angle & William Regal

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Freedom Hall - Louisville, Kentucky

15,000 Fans *SELLOUT*


Dark Matches:

Nick Dinsmore defeated Derek Lux at 3:42 via submission





Nothing fancy in the opening here tonight, Triple H's music kicks the show off and The Game heads down to the ring before JR & King can even properly introduce us.




JR: Folks, we're here live at Freedom Hall in Louisville, Kentucky and it looks we're starting things off with "The Game" Triple H and his alleged surprise!

King: "The Game"? More like "The Bully"! Did you see what he did to Kurt Angle last week?!

JR: I did, he and the Undertaker both, I'll remind you. Nonetheless, it looks like this Kentucky crowd has no remorse for Angle - the fans are on their feet!

King: Yeah I bet these idiots are only on their feet because of Triple H's so-called "surprise". Watch JR, it's going to be a dud!

JR: Think what you will, King. We're going to find out now anyway whether you like it or not!




"The Game" eventually heads down to the ring much to the pleasure of the crowd. Eager to get things going, 'H wastes no time getting a hold of a mic and getting right down to things.


Triple H: Just six days... six more days before it's The Phenom... The Deadman.... The Undertaker... taking on The Game.... The Cerebal Assassian... The Undisputed Champion - and you're looking at him.


Triple H slightly raises the Undisputed belt that was placed on his shoulder up.


Triple H: And last week I said something that made people scratch their heads just a little bit. I said I... I said I feared The Undertaker. Now after everything that I've done in the WWF... I think everyone can agree that I can be a little hard nosed when it comes to respect. But The Undertaker - no matter how big he is, no matter how mean he is, no matter how nasty he is, no matter how much I can despise him - he has my respect. And let me squash all possible rumors that tonight there is nothing awkward about the main event when 'Taker and I go up against Mr. McMahon's Up-My-Ass Club---I mean, uh, sorry 'bout that---Kurt Angle and William Regal.


King: Wah! He can't say that!

JR: That's almost certainly bad news for Angle and Regal whose biggest advantage was the tension between The Undertaker and Triple H!

King: Angle already has his biggest advantage, JR! And it's around Kurt's neck!

JR: Yeah, it sure helped him well last week, eh?


Triple H: Now onto more pressing issues... I have a little bit of a guest right here in Kentucky. And they will also be out here for the main event in myself and The Undertaker's corner. And let me tell you something, they've been itching to climb back in the ring after years on the shelf.... my best friend - Shawn Michaels!



The fans leap in excitement as those famous notes hit the airwaves and that ever-familiar song begins playing throughout Freedom Hall!




HBK comes dancing out to the tune of his song and nearly every member of the audience is standing.


JR: Bah God! Bah God, King! The Heartbreak Kid is back in the WWF! HBK is on RAW!

King: Shawn Michaels?! I forgot he even existed, JR!

JR: Well 15,000 and millions at home aren't quite as stumped, King. This arena is electric!


He stands in the center of the ring letting the cheers soak in before he gets on the stick.


Shawn Michaels: Well it looks like the fat lady is still singing!


Typical first sentence pop! HBK soaks it in before continuing.


Shawn Michaels: You know in 1998 I had a match against.... ironically, my buddy here's opponent this Sunday... The Undertaker. And in that very match, I herniate two discs, crushed one of them and then---KA-POW. I was given my very own Sweet Chin Music by my doctor when he told me "Shawn... your wrestling career is over". I accepted the fate, but I didn't want to let it go. So I came back as "The Commish"... and soon after that, the Spokesperson. But you see, everytime I went out there and did my thing like I knew how... it just reminded me that I couldn't do this anymore. So I gave it up, drove back home. Met my wife. Had my kids. I convinced myself it was over after those around me were convinced it was over. Well let me tell you all something - H.B.K. Shawn Michaels is sick of being told what he can or cannot do!


JR: My God, could you imagine Shawn Michaels stepping back in the ring?!

King: There's no way, he's practically crippled. I'm surprised he can walk these days, JR!


Shawn Michaels: ....now rest assured - I do have a little bit of doctor's clearance! But with or without, it's going to take a lot more than that to take this Showstopper out for good! And that's exactly why I decided to accept Hunter's invitation to come get the best seat's in the house for the main event. Because it may just be a matter of time before you see Shawn Michaels vs. William Regal... or Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle.... or maybe a little bit of retributation in Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker... or hell.... Shawn Michaels vs..... Triple H.


King: Wah! Told you Triple H didn't have any friends, JR! Haha!


Shawn Michaels: Well hey, we're still friends but what can I say - Shawn Michaels, the NEW Undisputed Champion sounds pretty rocking to me!


Triple H looks around nervously while HBK innocently shrugs his shoulders.


Shawn Michaels: All joking aside, all I know is that I am ready!

Triple H: Wait, what did you say?

Shawn Michaels: I said I am ready!

Triple H: Oh I am ready... I thought you said... something, something, ready.

Shawn Michaels: Oh... are you losing your hearing, buddy oh pal?

Triple H: I'm not quite ready for that, Shawn.


King: Oh no, not this!


Shawn and Triple H simply awkwardly look around for a little bit before softly conversing between each other.


Shawn Michaels: Eh, for old times sake?

Triple H: Yeah, sure. Hey, Louisville! ARE... YOU... REAAADY? I said... ARE... YOU.... READY? Well then for the thousands in attendance... and the millions watching at home..... Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet's get ready to-----



Uh oh. "The Game" is cut off and the fans' excitement quickly turns to jeers.




William Regal heads down to the ring with a mic in hand, neither Triple H nor Shawn Michaels look pleased with the interuption.


King: Look at this! You want to talk about surprises, JR? Here's an even better surprise for us - William Regal!

JR: Oh right, King. I'm not putting William Regal interupting a triumphant moment for Shawn Michaels anywhere on the "Best Moments Of..." collection.

King: Triumphant moment? Shawn has been showing his face around here for ages, it's about time someone shut him up!

JR: And all those other times Shawn Michaels was under the assumption that he would never, and I mean never, do what he loves ever again. You and I for years, King, were under this very same assumption as well as the fans. This is a colossal announcement, King.


By this point, Regal has reached the ring and stares down his main event opponent, Triple H.


William Regal: This?! This is it?! This is how you open up Monday Night RAW---excuse me, Mr. McMahon's Monday Night RAW? How dare you say I'm up Mr. McMahon's bloody arse when I'm nothing more than a loyal employee, while you bring back this band of... degenerates! Swine! You are an emba---UFF!


*THWACK* The fans immediately go back to their feet when HBK's feet meets Regal's chin!!


King: Oh my god, he can't do that!!

JR: He has as much of a right to do it as Regal had coming out there to begin with!


Triple H: Now... where was I? Oh yeah. SUCK IIIIIIIIIITTTTT!


Shawn and Hunter drop down the cross chops for the first time in many years to the delight of the fans, many of which follow in cue.


JR: Bah God, what a start to this Monday Night!

King: It's a horrible start for William Regal! All he wanted to do was bring out the welcome wagon for Shawn Michaels and what does he get? Kicked in the face! I knew Shawn Michaels would never change!

JR: Oh please.






After the commercial break and a cleared out ring, we see Raven sitting in the corner of the ring


Raven: A small tint of light shined upon me when I was drafted just two weeks ago. And then four days later... I was blindsided and ignored. My presence in a match that I was to be apart of was bypassed. Nobody blinked. Nobody shuddered. Nobody cared. I was to defend the #10 Draft Pick, the Hardcore Title, on Sunday Night Heat. But in the midst of the action, I was to be kicked in the face by Lance Storm when my back was turned. Upon taking what was mine and the only reason for my relevance, I was once again ignored as the 24/7 rules were taken off without hesistation. And when the pool of challengers were to be determined, Raven's name was left out. Raven's name was in the far back of the shelf, left to be forgotten. Left to be alone. Left to be nothing. WELL WHAT ABOUT ME?! WHAT ABOUT RAVEN?! Awesome! You possess what I yearn. Be a man. Step in my playground! Quoth the Raven, nevermore!




WWF Hardcore Championship



Although The Champ looked strong going into this one, Hardcore was Raven's specialty and he showed it here tonight as he quickly resorted to his "toys" to keep the Big Man at bay. Nonetheless, Awesome was no stranger to Hardcore bouts seeing as he won the Hardcore belt on both his WWF debut and WWF RAW return. It remained relatively even for awhile but...




Storm & Credible hit the ring! It's anything goes and while the 24/7 rule may not be in tact - a rule I'm sure Storm is regretting getting removed at this point - they still seem to want retribution for last week.


Credible charges for Awesome, but he is thrown up and over the top rope for his efforts. Storm goes for the quick Super Kick, but Awesome dodges and causes Storm to hit Raven square in the jaw! Awesome picks up a nearby trashcan and *KLNUNK*! Storm is out like a blown lightbulb. Credible quickly slides back and eats a trashcan to the head as well! Awesome places the can down and picks the dazed Raven back up to his feet... Awesome Bomb onto the trash can! And that will be all she wrote!


Winner and STILL WWF Hardcore Champion: Mike Awesome @ 6:01


JR: Looks Storm & Credible's hunger for revenge just cost Raven a chance to regain the Hardcore Title. I tell you, King, I see it taking a lot to take that belt off of Awesome!

King: Huh? Did you say something?

JR: What? Were you paying attention at all?

King: ZzzzZZZzzzz.....

JR: Oh stop it, would you? Would you like if I brought Coach out here while you take your Royal behind to the back for our hardcore matches?

King: Coach?! I wouldn't share a cab seat with Coach, let alone my ringside throne!






We cut to the back where we see Kurt Angle... completely over the top dressed in an arm sling, a neck brace, and bandages. A familiar sight over the past few weeks, he's standing in a room with a slightly amused Eddie Guerrero.


Kurt Angle: Alright, Eddie. Jokes over! Hand them over!

Eddie Guerrero: Don't know what you're talking about, ese!

Kurt Angle: Yes you do! You stole those brass knuckles that I KNOW you have in your pocket. Now give them back!

Eddie Guerrero: No, no, these can't be yours, Kurt. Because if these were yours, vato, that would mean you would have given them to Christian to clock me in the head with and.... well, I know you're a little bit more classy than that, Kurt. Eh?

Kurt Angle: Christian asked for them and I politely let him borrow them. If you politely asked me for them, Eddie, I would have given them to you. No questions asked! But if you insist on being a thief, that's fine! No, really, that's fine! But I hope you now realize the type of person you are, Eddie. And you're demonstrating it in front of everyone!

Eddie Guerrero: No me importa.

Kurt Angle: Alright, alright, you know what? You know what, I'm sick of you, Eddie! Actually, I've been sick of you! Ever since you came back I've been sick of you! So how about you step into the ring with an Olympic gold medalist at Backlash and we'll put those Brass Knuckles on the line!

Eddie Guerrero: Gold medalist you say?


Eddie suddenly takes a few pacings around Kurt and takes an interest to the medals around his neck.


Eddie Guerrero: I'll do it...

Kurt Angle: You da--

Eddie Guerrero: If! If you add something to the pot, vato. Now possession is 9/10ths of the law, homes. But here's a compromise. How about I put my brass knuckles in the pot and you put your little gold medals in the pot and the winner wins both. Eh?

Kurt Angle: Uh... how about no! These medals were never yours and never will be! I knew you were jealous of my success. Haha! I'm more than satisfied now. You are and always will be a loser, Eddie. I'm out of here!


Kurt laughs himself out of the room while Eddie looks on with a smirk on his face, obviously content with causing Angle to back down.


King: That's not right, JR! Eddie takes Kurt's brass knuckles and now he wants his Olympic medals as well?!

JR: Well first of all, King, those are William Regal's brass knuckles which needst I remind you were stolen from Regal by Angle himself! Angle got himself into this mess and I can tell you this - Mr. McMahon and William Regal are not going to be pleased with Angle coming up empty handed tonight.

King: Oh come on, JR. Look how hurt Kurt is. It pains him to even walk, you expect him to mug Latino Heat? That's Eddie's job!

JR: Oh stop that, King.






Back at ringside, The Perfect Team are standing in the center of the ring. Henry has his arms crossed while Mr. Perfect has got the mic.


Mr. Perfect: So tonight Mark Henry and I go up against the APA. So in other words, The Perfect Team will walk out of RAW tonight with another perfect victory. That's right, APA. You may have gotten the better of us last week with our backs turned, very, errr, impressive. However, let us show what happens when you really step in the ring with us.


Perfect points to the Titantron which shows a clip from two Sunday Night Heats ago where The Perfect Team beat the APA in their debut as a team.


Mr. Perfect: As you can see, the Perfect Team comes out on top, as usual. So Rico, if you're listening! It's quite obvious that the Perfect Team are still the perf--





Perfect doesn't even get to finish the sentence when the APA's music hits and they both hit the ring to pummel on the Perfect Team. The Acolytes take the early advantage of this one, using their bar room toughess to stay on top, but Mark Henry's sheer power is able to save the team from falling into danger mode.


The two go back and forth for awhile longer, but eventually the intensity and hatred bleeds through, causing the match to spill outside. While The Perfect Team seem to want to win, the APA just have their eyes on kicking some ass. And due to that, they ignore the referee's count all the way to 10!


Winners: Draw @ 6:39






Appropriately enough, we cut to Rico backstage with Billy & Chuck.


Rico: Alright boys! I have my piiick! I'm sure you are both going to love this one, I think I did a good job with this... Rico, on behalf of Billy & Chuck, pick The Perfect Team.. as well as the APA to take us on at Backlash!

Billy: Wh-wh-what?! The Perfect Team and The APA?!

Chuck: Do you want us to lose?!

Rico: Boys, boys! Listen to me! After what we just saw out there? All we have to do it sit pretty, as we always are, and pick up the pieces!


Billy & Chuck both nod in slight agreement, but still look a bit aggitated at their manager's decision.


King: Oh my God! That idiot!

JR: I can see where Rico may be going with this one, but that's quite a stretch to risk your tag team's titles at the PPV!

King: I'm just glad The Perfect Team get a shot at least, but the APA don't deserve this!

JR: Yeah? Why don't you go up to them and tell them how you feel if you feel so strongly about it, King?






We cut to the backstage to Vince's office where Kurt, still in his "injured" get-up seems to have just walked in.


Kurt Angle: Vince, even though I'm clearly not in condition to wrestle tonight... I still will. You know why? Because I'm the most loyal employee you have! Did you know that?

Vince McMahon: Yeah, whatever, Kurt.


Vince actually seems to be mesmerised by something as he stares at the floor with a big smile on his face. Kurt waves his hand in his face, unable to comprehend what is going on with this boss.


Kurt Angle: What is going on here, I don't get it. I mean I'd be happy to if I had an Olympic gold medalist as their #1 Draft Pick, but jeesh!

Vince McMahon: Kurt... tonight is our night.

Kurt Angle: Huh?

Vince McMahon: Tonight is the night we see Hulk Hogan... crash through a table. Yeah, that's right, just like his career crashed down when he turned his back on me.... he's going to be crashing through a table, Kurt. And now... Shawn Michaels, Kurt. Shawn Michaels is on WWF RAW.

Kurt Angle: What the heck is so great about Shawn Michaels? Four years to recover from a stupid backache? Look at me, I won a gold medal with a broken freakin' neck!

Vince McMahon: Last Thursday I saw the look on Ric Flair's face when he thought he made such a great move in bringing Mick Foley back to television... well Mr. Flair, I'd like you to meet Shawn Michaels. Checkmate.


McMahon chuckles to himself and Angle couldn't look more disinterested. The door swings open and in comes William Regal holding his jaw.


William Regal: That was complete and utter assault! Uncalled for!


Regal awaits a reaction from McMahon, but he doesn't seem to be interested. He sits down


Vince McMahon: I just cannot wait to see the look on Flair's face this Thursday. One month in and I'd say I'm winning... nonono.... I am winning. No question about it. I don't care what a single person says, I'm winning. I'm the richest and most powerful man in this building. Hell, in this building? Any building I walk into. Especially one that has Ric Flair in it.


Angle & Regal both could care less about the "brand war" as of now, and begin to turn to each other.


William Regal: By the way, where the bloody hell are my brass knuckles?

Kurt Angle: I'm working on it.

William Regal: Working on it?! You have some nerve you little toad! You steal them right from this office and then have the bloody nerve to give them away?!

Kurt Angle: Hey, relax! Relax, alright?

William Regal: No, I won't relax! What are you working on?

Kurt Angle: I offered Eddie a match, he said I have to put my medals on the line. Yeah? Well forget that!

Wiliam Regal: Take it! Take the match!

Kurt Angle: No!

William Regal: I'll make Mr. McMahon do it right now!


Regal walks over to McMahon, who still seems to be in a trance.


William Regal: Mr. McMahon, can you please officially put Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero with my brass knuckles and Kurt's olympic gold medals on the line?

Vince McMahon: I give him 2 months. He's not surviving with my cancer there. No way, no how. And what a day it'll be... Ric Flair walking out on the WWF. I'd organize it to take place... right in Flair Country. I want to see his hometown watch as he slowly walks out of a WWF arena for - and I guaran-damn-tee - the last time like an old, beat up scolded dog. Heh.


Regal shakes his head and sits back on the couch.


JR: Good God, King, you wanna talk about a possessed individual? I think Mr. McMahon is in a trance, he is literally obsessed with destroying the careers of Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair!

King: Why shouldn't he, JR? He just put ECW and WCW away once and for all, how about putting Flair and Hogan away too!

JR: We're talking about human beings, King! And this man is fantasizing, literally fantasizing about destroying the wrestling careers of two wrestling icons!






We cut to the backstage where Triple H and Shawn Michaels are both in the locker room. Triple H is getting warmed up with Shawn Michaels casually looks around.


Shawn Michaels: Been awhile since I've been in one of these eh?


Shawn jumps from side to side as if he's warming up too as Triple H begins taping himself up.


Shawn Michaels: Hey you know, it's kind of funny what we did out there cause... well, I had a bit of a surprise of my own!

Triple H: Really? What's that?

Shawn Michaels: Take a look at these beauties.


Shawn pulls out a paper bag and fishes his hand into it... before pulling out a classic circa 1997 DX shirt. Triple H chuckles and examines it.


Triple H: Mint. You know there's been so many on and off DX reformations since you left but nothing will ever compare to this. These were the days.

Shawn Michaels: I figure we could come out old school style with these decked out on Sunday, huh?

Triple H: Sunday? You're coming to Backlash too?

Shawn Michaels: Sure, why not?




And here's another man that's coming to Backlash. The Undertaker walks into the room and towers over his main event partner and one-night only manager.


The Undertaker: I got a problem with you. I got a big problem with you. And this Sunday I'm going to be knocking those teeth so far down your throat that you'll need to chew out of your own ass to get them back. That title around your waist.... well, it's mine. That ring... it's my yard. Me.... I'm the dog that roams it. And you can sit there kissing my ass all you want about respect and fear. You better fear me. Cause guess what? You're not alone. Every single man on this locker room fears me. I feast on fear, it's what I've been doing my entire career. But for tonight... tonight I'm wiling to let bygones be as they are for the main event. We walk into this as partners on respect. But when that bell rings and we're announced the winners..... then it's personal again.


King: Haha! 'Taker just called Triple H out on exactly what he is - a phoney!

JR: There is absolutely nothing "phoney" about "The Game", King. These two hate each other, respected or not. There is no love loss.






Two of RAW's youngest and brightest stars were at it to see who could get the ball rolling for them here in their young exclusive RAW careers. The match was relatively even for the most part, but Matt was looking hot towards the end and building more and more momentum to the tune of the shrieking girls in attendance. However, he founds himself in a flash roll-up while Christian held onto the tights and ropes to secure the cheap victory.


Winner: Christian @ 6:44


King: Finally Christian has got a well-earned win! And haha, I guess this just proves that Matt Hardy is doomed without Jeff!

JR: Well-earned my rear end! We all saw the "leverage" help Christain got there. And how could you say Matt is doomed without Jeff? I couldn't disagree with you more - Matt has been showing a ton of potential!

King: If by a ton of potential you mean losing two straight weeks in a row, I guess you're right!






We cut to the back with Jonathan Coachman and Trish Stratus.


Jonathan Coachman: Trish in just six days, you finally get a chance at Jazz and the Women's Championship. And well last week, you got a little bit of a sweet revenge on Jazz when you Chick Kick'd her out cold. How are you feeling now going into this big match at Backlash?

Trish Stratus: You know Coach... Jazz may be bigger and stronger than me. But all that really matters is right here...


Trish simply extends her fingers and pats her chest. Coach gazes down and takes it completely the wrong way.


Jonathan: ....puppies?


King: Wah! Oh my God, JR! I never thought I'd say this, but I'm with Coach on this!

JR: Oh dear...


Trish Stratus: No! Heart. You see before, I was just described as your average run-of-the-mill stand there and look pretty Divas. I proved that looks is not all that matters in the Women's Division. All you need is a little heart. Oh. Just like my match with you!




Trish seems to be talking off camera... and just like that, a smarmy looking Molly Holly walkings onto the screen.


Molly Holly: Oh well bravo, good for you, Trash Stratus! You can parade all you want in that disgusting outfit all you want... but the bottom line is.... I'm still the classiest diva in the WWF and there's nothing you can do about it.

Trish Stratus: Really? Well that's not what I heard about you back in---




Trish isn't going to get that zinger out this time as Jazz hits a forearm from behind. Molly and Jazz both begin laying the boots on Trish. Molly holds her down while Jazz viciously slaps and strikes Trish on the ground. They force her up.


Jazz: I'm the baddest bitch in the WWF, ya' hear me?! And you will remember me as the one that did this to you!


Jazz takes Trish from Molly's grasp and viciously slams her hard against the wall, back first. Trish grunts and moans in pain on the floor as trainers immediately rush over.


King: Oh my God, poor Trish!

JR: That Jazz is an absolute animal of a woman and she has no business doing what she just did to a defenseless Trish.






We're back in McMahon's office and it seems he is still going on about the draft wars! Angle and Regal are both sitting on the couch looking bored out of their minds.


Vince McMahon: Flair knows, it everyone knows it. SmackDown is my creation. SmackDown's superstars are my creation. SmackDown's title belts are my creation. Just like... just like Hulk Hogan is my creation. Hulk Hogan.... Hogan...


McMahon suddenly seems to snap out of it and starts looking around the room.


Vince McMahon: Hogan! Hey, I need you two to get something done for me.

Kurt Angle: Huh?

Vince McMahon: You know what would be the perfect end to tonight? You know what would make me sleep with the biggest smile I've ever slept with? Seeing Hulk Hogan fall right through.... a table.

William Regal: Mr. McMahon, you already asked the Dudley Boyz to do that.

Vince McMahon: I know I did, dammit! I want to ensure that it's going to happen, is what I'm saying. Now a tables match is no disqualification. So I don't see why you two can't... I don't know, lend a helping hand if you will?

Kurt Angle: Vince, we got a main event tonight! Right after that match, we're taking on Triple H and the Undertaker. That's huge. Not to mention... I mean, I am kind of banged up you know.

William Regal: Me too, I got kicked in the bloody face!

Vince McMahon: So what are you saying? You're going to sit on your asses and DEFY me?

Kurt Angle: No, we're saying---

Vince McMahon: Shut up! You want to get out of work? Fine! You can get out of work. But I hope you're ready to work this Sunday too! Because Kurt... you're taking on Eddie Guerrero and you're getting those brass knuckles back.... and by the way, you're putting those medals on the line.

Kurt Angle: What?! Why!?

Vince McMahon: As for you Mr. Regal... since you don't want to take care of Kane and Hogan tonight, you'll do it this Sunday. You are defending your European Championship against Kane!

William Regal: Kane?! But Mr. McMahon!

Vince McMahon: I don't want to hear anymore! Now I bet i can open my office door and randomly pick someone who will be more productive than the two of you. I guarantee it. Let's find out, shall we?


Vince power walks his way over to his office door and swings it open. Outside there's a few stage hands walking around, but Vince spots a wrestler out there.


Vince McMahon: You. Get in here.




D'Lo Brown walks into the office. Vince wasn't exactly inviting so he doesn't look too comfortable.


Vince McMahon: D'Lo Brown! I have an offer for you. Do you think it would be alright for you to hear a huge opportunity for someone like yourself?

D'Lo Brown: Hell yeah!

Vince McMahon: "Hell yeah"! Hear that, gentlemen? Learn from him. This is the type of enthusiasm you should always have when I give you such a big assignment. Now D'Lo, there's a table match coming up... The Dudleyz Boyz vs. Hulk Hogan and Kane. I want to see Hulk Hogan crash right through a table. I want to see him staring up at the ceiling surrounded by chunks of wood. A perfect image of what his career is. D'Lo... all I need from you is to make sure this happens.

D'Lo Brown: No problem. Sounds easy enough for me.

Vince McMahon: Very well. Go get ready.


D'Lo heads off and Vince looks over to Regal & Angle.


Vince McMahon: Now that is how you answer to opportunity. Good luck this Sunday.


Vince swings the door open wider. He says nothing but his body language clearly says "get out". Angle and Regal both comply and head to their respective locker rooms to get ready for the main event.


JR: Looks like that great mood Vince was in turned sour quickly! And now we're expected to see D'Lo Brown interfere in this upcoming match? Why, King, why is Vince so obsessed with ruining this man's life?

King: It's a little something called retribution, JR! Hogan has wronged a lot of people in his career. You dance with the devil, you pay the consequences!

JR: I think that's a little extreme, King. Who hasn't made mistakes in this business?

King: I haven't!

JR: Oh. Right. I almost forgot about your famous clean record, King.




Hogan and Kane came out first and milked as much crowd reaction as they could and the Dudleyz took advantage of it by sneaking in and getting this one started fast and early! Kane and Hogan definitly had the strength advantage on the Dudleyz so the momentum in the Dudleyz favor didn't last long. Kane & Hogan began to get the much-wanted revenge on the sneak attack for last week as they hit power strike after power strike to knock a Dudley down again and again and again. Eventually the brothers from Dudleyville found themselves outside and when tables got involved, their experience in handling them went in their favor. Through the use of some good ol' table ramming, Kane was stuffed into a corner and Hogan had to fend the Dudleyz 2-on-1. A few minutes of hit one, avoid the other, and a handy big boot that sent the table flying back in D-Von's face put Kane & Hogan back into this one.




Just as ordered, D'Lo Brown heads down to the ring. First thing he does is fish under the ring for a table, which he sets up outside. He climbs up on the apron trying to lure Hogan over, which Hogan does, but the Hulkster is smart enough to stop short from the ropes. D'Lo runs to the other side of the ring and lifts the apron to fish for some other toys... but this certainly wasn't the toy he was expecting!




It's Goldust! D'Lo immediately bails, jumping into the crowd and heading towards the exit, seemingly forgetting about his mission. Goldust follows him as the action continues in the ring. Kane has D-Von throttled for a chokeslam, but Bubba is in for the save! Hogan comes not long after with a clothesline that send Bubba over the top, leaving D-Von alone with the Hulkster and Big Red Machine. The duo grab D-Von by the shoulders and make a mad dash towards the table that D'Lo set up outside - sending him right through it! Bubba was just getting in the ring in a last ditch effort to safe his brother, but he was too late. As he attempts to escape, Kane grabs hold of him by the back of the shirt. As Hogan sets up the table the Dudleyz had in the ring before, Kane throttles Bubba by the throat. Up... and *CRASH*. Bubba goes through the table and this one is all she wrote!


Winners: Hulk Hogan & Kane @ 11:46


JR: Hogan and Kane beat the Dudleyz at their own game!

King: I have a feeling that idiot D'Lo Brown is in some big trouble!

JR: I certainly wouldn't want to be in his shoes next Monday. I cannot imagine the expression on Mr. McMahon's face right now.






As we come back from a commercial, we see D'Lo huffing through the parking lot. Obviously he screwed up pretty bad in that last match, but he may want to get away from Goldust too. He heads over to his car and as he does, a head pops from the backseat.




Goldust: Pwshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

D'Lo Brown: Man, what do you want from me?!

Goldust: D'Lo, I apologise for the constant intrustions. I just wish you would let me ask you a simple question and be done with it.

D'Lo Brown: Fine. What do you want from me?

Goldust: Well, D'Lo. I must admit that I've always been a fan of your work.

D'Lo Brown: Ok, thanks. I guess. Is that all?

Goldust: Each and every week.... I am deeply inspired when I hear the hot.... and heavy.... admiration that is screamed out..... by your Brownies.

D'Lo Brown: What!?

Goldust: And I was.... I was just wondering. If your Brownies.... and my Goldies.... we could come together as one unit.

D'Lo Brown: What the hell are you talking about, man?

Goldust: A tag team, D'Lo. You and I.... we could dominate as a unit.

D'Lo Brown: Tag team!? You want a tag team?! That's why you've been stalking me and following me?! You want an answer to that? Hell no! Listen to me, freak, I will never.... and I mean never team with you! I will drop dead before I even think about that. Now get the hell out of my car!


D'Lo reaches into the backseat and drags Goldust by his fullbody suit onto the concrete. Goldust doesn't resist much.


D'Lo Brown: ...and stay the hell out of my life!


D'Lo climbs into it and drives off, Goldust watching the car disappear in the distance from the ground.


JR: Goldust just gets stranger every week. A tag team with D'Lo Brown, why?

King: Yeah I'd question anyone wanting to team up with that idiot! Even if it is Goldust!

JR: Well D'Lo Brown is a tremendous athlete and WWF veteran and forming a tag team with him isn't such a bad idea. But Goldust is about as twisted as a train wreck, what is going on in his head?!






It's two of the WWF's very best vs. two of Vince McMahon's best associates. Triple H and Undertaker started this one on the same page and even had some chemistry going on in the early going, however a few tiffs finally got some dissention rumbling. Angle & Regal used both that and their excessive mat wrestling skills to wear down their opponents. Midway in Triple H found him in a very rare situation - needing a hot tag. But the fans and Shawn Michaels at ringside were fully behind him needing to make that tag and he does! 'Taker gets in and cleans house, but a few missed pinfall opportunities later, Angle & Regal take control again. Taker and HHH have another disagreement, this time Taker is peeved Triple H wasn't there to help defend the pin. Triple H pushes Taker which leads to Taker pushing him off the apron. Angle comes from behind and hits the Olympic Slam! Could have been enough to put 'Taker away, but Triple H was tagged in with that push so he is the legal man! The Game and gets some end-of-the-road offense in, knocking Angle out of the ring and awaiting Regal to get to his feet. Triple H hits his trademark knee facebuster and follows it up with the Pedigree. This one is over!


Winners: Triple H & The Undertaker @ 20:13


JR: What a match to end this RAW! Triple H and The Undertaker come out on top, but only one of them can come out on top this Sunday, King!

King: And that man is The Undertaker, JR!

JR: It very, very well could be The Undertaker. But I don't think anybody in their right mind is counting "The Game" out of this one! Backlash is 6 days away! From Louisvil--

King: Wait a minute, JR!

JR: Oh what the hell is this?!






The match is over but Regal & Angle are not done. Angle has took it upon himself to take Triple H's title belt and clock him in the back of the head with it! Regal and Angle are both now laying the boots onto The Cerebal Assasain. The Undertaker is up and concious, but doesn't seem interested in getting involved and instead climbs out of the ring, much to the chagrin of the crowd. HBK watches from ringside, clearly debating on whether or not to risk re-injuring his back to get involved.




But the fans are quickly on their feet as Hulk Hogan and Kane make their way down to ringside! Kane takes care of his Backlash opponent Regal while Hogan attempts to wrangle with Kurt.




Shawn is obviously feeling safe enough to climb into the ring. Nobody in the ring notices, but Michaels is picking his shot as he gets into the corner and starts tuning up the band to hit any target that may come his way. The fans are on their feet and clapping along with each stomp. But suddenly... the stomps come to a halt.


JR: Hey now!

King: Uh oh!


It seems as though The Undertaker has grabbed Shawn by his leg and pulled him out. Nobody in the ring even noticed Shawn was in there, let alone getting pulled out to save him. Taker clocks HBK right in the head and grabs him by the hair as he drags his body up the ramp.


JR: What in the hell is The Undertaker doing to Shawn Michaels?!

King: I think he may be sending a message to Triple H here, JR!

JR: This is going way and complete over the line, that's an injured man, King! He has no part in this, dammit!


The Undertaker once again strikes HBK square in the head on top of the stage. He lifts him up and gets him in position.


JR: Oh my God, no, no, no don't do this! Someone stop this!

King: This isn't going to end well for Shawn Michaels!


By this point, Kane & Hogan and Angle & Regal are battling on the outside near the announcer's table while Triple H starts to get to his feet... just to catch a glimpse of The Undertaker hoisting Shawn Michaels up and tosses him off the stage in a Last Ride!



King: Well if he was faking before... I guess he isn't now.

JR: How could you say something like that?! That's a living, breathing person with a wife and kids who wanted to come back and do what he loves only to get damn near broken in two for his efforts! Damn The Undertaker, damn him!


Triple H quickly runs up the stage and The Undertaker flees. Realizing he won't catch him, Triple H quickly heads over to the unconcious body of his best friend, laying in a pile of the debris he landed on.


JR: I thought this night would end on a triumphant note and it ended in a nightmare. Just a complete nightmare. Ladies and gentleman, Backlash is only 6 days away. Check your local listings and we'll be sure to have a follow up on what the hell just happened here, that's for damn sure. From Kentucky... goodnight.


Quick Results


(Dark Match) Nick Dinsmore defeated Derek Lux

Mike Awesome defeated Raven to retain the Hardcore Championship

Mr Perfect & Mark Henry fought the APA to a draw

Christian defeated Matt Hardy

Hulk Hogan & Kane defeated The Dudley Boyz

Triple H & The Undertaker defeated William Regal & Kurt Angle




Beejus - 3/5

Jingo - 2/5


I read the first two shows entirely, which just shows how good this diary is. The promo's are so good, that you can see the character actually talking in your head, and acting the way they act. The attention to detail, like Regal sweeping his feet before entering the ring is amazing. Not only that, this is perhaps the funniest diary ever, especially that Austin segment in the first SmackDown. Rarely do I have the patience to read through an entire show, but to laugh out loud is a very good sign indeed. This'll definitely be the diary to follow, and I have to make sure to remember to read the two newest TV shows too. Keep up the superb work!


Many thanks! You have no idea how much comments like these mean to me. And a thanks to everyone that's been predicting and silently following too, it's been a fun ride so far and we're just getting started :D

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D'Lo Brown defeated Garrison Cade. Dark Match. Quick and no Goldust shenanigans.


Mike Awesome defeated Justin Credible to retain the Hardcore Title. Short match, not much offense in from Credible aside from a few weapon shots. Storm got involved a little bit, but to no avail.


Nick Dinsmore defeated Crash Holly. Very short match won with a sick looking high-angled bridged German Suplex. Prior to the match, Dinsmore cut a heel promo dubbing himself "Mr. Wrestling" and that he is the best pure wrestler on the roster.


Goldust defeated Big Boss Man. Pretty standard match with quite a few typical Goldust comedy spots.


Billy & Chuck defeated Rikishi & Al Snow in a non-title match. Rico distracted Rikishi while he was going for the drop, which causes him to slip and Chuck to slip into roll-up position.


Other angles featured on the show:


- Vince McMahon shockingly came out unannounced to kick off the show to a ton of heat. McMahon simply bashed D'Lo Brown and said that he is hereby revoked of his announcing duties on Sunday Night Heat. He brought out recently fired SmackDown announcer Michael Cole. Vince asked Cole to re-introduce himself to the RAW fans. After doing so, McMahon bashed Ric Flair for firing Cole and called him a "heartless bastard". Cole went to the booth and McMahon left.

- Stevie Richards came out after McMahon had left and says he wants Mike Awesome for the Hardcore title. But before Awesome comes out, Justin Credible slides in and says he wants a piece of Awesome too. Stevie "books" a triple threat for Stevie Night Heat, but Credible gives him a kick to the jaw for his efforts.

- Raven cut a promo backstage talking about wasted opportunities and how nobody cares that his chances at retribution were foiled. He talks in riddles a little more about being ignored. As he leaves, Goldust can be seen sniffling in a comedic fashion, having eavesdropped and says "I feel your pain".

- In a bit of a comedy segment. Billy & Chuck were backstage with Rico basically getting prepped for the main event. Mr. Perfect & Mark Henry come in to confront them on having the APA join their match at Backlash. After a little banter, Al Snow & Rikishi walk onto the scene and playfully insult both teams.

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It's the "go home" show for Backlash as SmackDown takes us to the Dunkin' Donuts Center for this "slam dunk" of a SmackDown as we rapidly approach Sunday. Many blanks are waiting to be filled as Big Blue's finest attempt to get their name engraved in the history books.


In an Intercontinental title match, Chris Benoit will go head-to-head with Rob Van Dam. This match was made last week by Ric Flair himself following Benoit costing Booker T his match for the same title. Meanwhile, RVD looks to prove that he can win on his own skills alone and I don't think we'll have to worry about interference in this one as the Nature Boy has banned Booker T from entering the ringside area.


In a non-title contest, Tajiri will face off against Spike Dudley as he prepares for his battle against The Hurricane at Backlash. Although this could normally be considered a "tune-up" match, Spike technically holds a win over the Japanese Buzzsaw from the tag team victory last week. Spike looks to prove that he should be next in line for a title shot while Tajiri looks to be a dominate champion going into Sunday's big show.


Following last week's brutal assault, Funaki will get his chance at revenge against Brock Lesnar. Funaki is not use to being on the winning side of things, but could he pull off one of the biggest upsets in recent memory by defeating Paul Heyman's "Next Big Thing"?


Edge will take on the NWO's X-Pac in singles action. Pac has been winless since coming back to the WWF and already has some heat with his NWO buddies. X-Pac will surely need a win here to show he can be a force with the black and white while Edge continues to try to move up the ranks.


Ric Flair told Chris Jericho if he could beat the Big Show, he would consider having him take on Triple H before Backlash. Well Jericho did beat the Big Show, but after what happened on Monday, "The Game" even appearing on SmackDown is in doubt. Nonetheless, we can only assume Jericho will be in action and whether that is against Triple H after all or not remains to be seen.


In the main event, the NWO will take on two mystery opponents. Not much is known right now, but Ric Flair has said that he will give details to kick off SmackDown when he sits down with The Rock about his match at Backlash!


Quick picks:


WWF INTERCONTINENTAL: Chris Benoit vs. Rob Van Dam ©

Spike Dudley vs. Tajiri

Funaki vs. Brock Lesnar

Edge vs. X-Pac

Chris Jericho vs. ???

The NWO vs. ??? & ???

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Dunkin' Donuts Center - Providence, Rhode Island

14,066 Fans




Mike Tenay: Welcome to the "go home" show before WWF Backlash - it's WWF SmackDown here in Providence, Rhode Island!

Tazz: Yeah that's right, it's 'da big blue taking us head on into Backlash! Big show comin' up too.

Mike Tenay: NWO is in action in tonight's main event against two people of The Rock's choosing. Tonight is The Rock's last chance to find a partner as he plans to collide with the NWO this Sunday! And speaking of which, I'm hearing The Rock has just arrived to Ric Flair's office, let's take it away!






We cut to Ric Flair's office where we see he and The Rock conversing to a huge reaction from the live audience.


Ric Flair: Tonight is it, Rock. Tonight is your final chance. Now let me make it perfectly clear - I want the NWO out of here. And let me tell you, you are the man to do it! But you need a partner, I'm not sanctioning a handicap match at this PPV. It's tonight or never!

The Rock: The Rock has already made up his mind... the people have made up their mind...

Ric Flair: I know what you and the people want... but Rock, it's not going to happen. Mick is retired and that's that. He's my consultant, he is contractually unable to wrestle... I gave him a chance to get out of it to team with you and he didn't want to. So now the ball is in your court. Make the most of tonight, there's a lot of great guys here on SmackDown! that I'm sure would take any opportunity to kick the NWO's ass. Clock is tickin'.


The usually-yappy Rock simply nods his head and walks out of the office.


Tazz: Well... can't get always get what you want.

Tenay: As disappointing as this may be, I think Ric is absolutely right. This SmackDown! bench has a ton of ready and willing superstars that would take any and every opportunity to wreslte on a PPV. Especially with The Rock as their partner!

Tazz: 'Ey dat may be true, but I don't think this is about fairness to The Rock, he just wants to ensure he's going to win.

Tenay: Absolutely right, and I don't think anyone could argue that The Rock's tag team experience falls in Mick Foley's hands... but that route is blocked.




Intercontinental Championship



RVD & Benoit had a pretty open match to kick off, but Benoit looked intense with his offense and it's obvious that Intercontinental belt was something he wanted more than anything. RVD held his own however and used his unorthodox style to ward off Benoit's various submission attempts. Midmatch, RVD strung up a nice series of offensive moves which ended with a kick to Benoit's chin from the top rope. From there, RVD hit a rolling thunder and eventually tried to follow up with the 5-Star, but Benoit rolled out of the way! RVD belly flopped to the ground and Benoit hooked him from the back to his his trademark triple german suplexes. But just at the end of the sequence...



Booker T's music hits but Booker doesn't actually come out. Nonetheless, Benoit is obviously perplexed as to what is going on and leans over the ropes waiting to see if his recent nemesis will make an appearance. But before anything does happen, RVD runs to the ropes, springs off them, and hits a devastating kick to the side of Benoit's head - just the unique set-up he needed to hit a quick 5-Star Frog Splash for the W!


Winner: Rob Van Dam @ 10:20


Tazz: The hell was that about?!

Tenay: Looks like Booker T was getting a little payback at Chris Benoit... these two have been trading shots back and forth, when can they call it even?

Tazz: Better question - when will Rob Van Dam win a match on his own?

Tenay: I don't think RVD is none too pleased with the recent shennigans in his match-ups either, Tazz.






We cut backstage to see Chris Jericho with a look of rage painted upon his face. He walks towards Ric Flair's receptionist desk and shoots right past Stacy towards the door.


Stacy Keibler: Uh... excu--

Chris Jericho: Shut up!


Jericho barges right into the office where we see Flair sitting at his desk. He doesn't look too happy to see Jericho once again barging into his office.


Ric Flair: Hey! Didn't I tell you to use the desk outside?

Chris Jericho: You're right. You did tell me that. But you know what else you said?! You said if I beat the Big Slow, I would get another shot at Triple H! Well I'm looking at the sheets and I don't see my name or Triple H's name, so what the hell is going on, Fleer?!

Ric Flair: I think it should be quite obvious why Hunter can't wrestle tonight. But you're right, Chris, I did promise you a big match tonight so I tell you what... you want to come in here bossing me around all the time, I'll go ahead and let you have a little bit of creative control for once. Tonight, you Y2J, will do just what The Rock is doing... you get to choose your own opponent right here for tonight.

Chris Jericho: I want Triple H.

Ric Flair: Hey, it's out of my hands now. If you can get Triple H to agree, so be it.

Chris Jericho: You know, I don't know what kind of games you're trying to play with me, but I'll do it. I'm on my last nerve with you, Fleer! I was the biggest draft pick in the WWF Draft and you were damn lucky to draw me!


Y2J marches out like a spoiled kid while Flair simply shakes his head from his desk.






We have quick shot backstage to show Triple H entering the Center with a concerned look on his face. He is clearly not dressed to compete and has no bags with him.


Tenay: It was an emotional rollercoaster for Triple H last monday night on RAW. Hopefully by the end of the night we'll have Kevin Kelly get word for what's going on in The Game's mind.

Tazz: Yeah, Shawn Michaels is one of the all time greats to ever step in the WWF... just whack that 'Taker would do something like that to get into Triple H's head.






This fast-paced Cruiserweight match seemed to be lopsided at first, but Spike Dudley went in there with a lot of heart. The fans were behind him and momentum was as well, as Spike was able to garner a win against Tajiri in a tag match the previous week. Though this wasn't for the title, both competitors competed like the title was on the line. But ultimately after a failed double footed stomp from the top, Spike found his knees buckling to the mat. Not the position you want to be in as Tajiri hits the Buzzsaw Kick to your cranium! And that would be enough to end this one.


Winner: Tajiri @ 5:34


Tenay: And Tajiri shows why he's the Cruiserweight Champion, a valient effort from Spike Dudley nonetheless.

Tazz: Tajiri is the top dog in the cruiserweight division, there is no doubt about that!

Tenay: Well it looks like someone that may argue with you about that claim is heading down to the ring now!

Tazz: Wuh-oh. I hope Hurricane brought a water bottle with him to rinse his eyes out.






The Hurricane, Tajiri's opponent this Sunday, is heading down the ring. As Tazz so elequently reminded us, Hurricane has found himself on the end of some green mist with every interaction he's had with Tajiri. The Hurricane slides in the ring and puts his hands up to show that he means no intentions in fighting. Tajiri is still in fighting stance. The Hurricane simply puts his hand out for Tajiri to shakes. Tajiri looks around and goes to shake back, but green mist sprays from his mouth and into the Hurricane's eyes again! The Hurricane throws himself backwards, still on his feet this time, as he's probably gotten use to it but... wait a minute... The Hurricane isn't even effected by the spray. He pulls out a green hankerchief and rubs the eyeholes in mask out... revealing he has placed two plastic guards in his eyeholes! Hurricane throttles Tajiri by the neck... Chokeslam!


Tenay: Looks like The Hurricane has got Tajiri's number!

Tazz: Wait a tick, Hurricane seriously took my advice?!






We cut backstage to see The Rock and the Big Show, much to the joy of the fans. The Big Show is punching his ham-sized fists together.


The Rock: Let The Rock ask you this... how does the Big Show match against the NWO? How can I count on some 7'0, 500 lb piece of monkey ass to take out the NWO?

Big Show: If you want to go up against the NWO... you need to go big. You need to go bad. You need to go mean. You need to go nasty. Kevin Nash is one of the biggest guys in the WWF... but if you pick me, you're not only matching his strength and size, you're overcoming it. There's not another guy here that can tell you that.

The Rock: So The Rock... and the Big Show?

Big Show: Can't go wrong with that.

The Rock: Well The Rock... and most of all... the people.... will be the judge of that. But if the Big Bad Show wants a chance, than The Rock will give his big bad candy ass a chance!


Tenay: Wow! So we know the Big Show is one of the candidates now to be The Rock's partner... pretty wise choice I'd say, Big Show has some history with the NWO.

Tazz: Absolutely, goes back to the dubya-see-dubya days. And hey, even without that history... who wouldn't want a 7'0 giant on their team?!






Funaki wanted redemption for being made a prop by Lesnar last week... but that redemption never came. Funaki tried to use his speed, but it was like trying to drive a body through a brick wall. Lesnar demolished Funaki, toyed with him some more, and finally put him away with a F5.


Winner: Brock Lesnar @ 2:19






After the match, Heyman gets into the ring with a mic in hand.


Paul Heyman: Hey, Rock! I hope you're watching back there! Because if you haven't noticed, my client is the only pick to guarantee a win against not only the NWO, but anyone that stands in his way. Backlash is our open ticket to show what we can do, but we only need you to scratch our back so we scratch yours!


Tazz: Words of wisdom from Paulie, Brock would be the perfect pick for The Rock!

Tenay: Not too sure about that, Tazz. Lesnar is a great athlete and has shown huge amounts of promise, but he has also shown a huge amount of cowardliness. I think the biggest factor when working with either Heyman or Lesnar is trust factor, and when you're battling the NWO... that pretty much means everything!






And speak of the devils. We cut to the back to see Nash and Hall talking in the back, discussing the game plan for the main event, which we can't hear all too well. The door to their room opens up and Pac walks in with a concerned look on his face. As he sits down, the Outsiders take notice.


Scott Hall: What's a'matter with you?

X-Pac: Didn't you guys see what happened to Shawn? I want to get down to Chicago after tonight just to check up on him... dude will probably never wrestle again after that....


Hall & Nash stare at each other with a confused look on their face, slowly moving their heads back to Pac.


Scott Hall: Did you not listen to a single word I said to you last week, you little weasel?

X-Pac: Huh? You said you had beef with Hunter... last I checked, Shawn isn't Triple H. What, do you have something against Shawn now?

Scott Hall: Heh. What has Shawn Michaels ever down for you, Pac?

X-Pac: Seriously?

Scott Hall: Yeah, seriously! The guy only cares about himself. What happened to him on RAW... it's karma for all the things he's done. He's a backstabber, chico. Besides, you want a rule of thumb of how you know who has beef with us and who doesn't? Take a look at this shirt I'm wearing... black and white, NWO for life. If they aren't wearing this shirt, they have just as much beef with us as Hunter and Shawn do. So I think it's time for you to start showing where that loyalty of yours lies, you little punk. You facing Edge tonight, right? Well don't expect me or Big Kev to be there with you.

X-Pac: What the hell?! I go out there with you guys all the time!

Scott Hall: Yeah and for what? To get some sock stuck in your mouth?!

X-Pac: Up yours, Scott.


Hall stands up and attempts to lunge towards Pac, but Nash gets inbetween the two of them.


Kevin Nash: Whoawhoa-heyheyHEY! Relax! Both of you! Scottie, we'll do our thing in the main event. Pac, you do yours against Edge. No matter what happens after tonight, we're still the NWO. We have a mission to fulfill for Mr. McMahon... helllo! So how about you two just kiss and make up so we can get through with tonight, huh?

X-Pac: I'm sorry.

Scott Hall: Sure, Kev.


Scott walks out, leaving Pac and Nash alone.


X-Pac: Man what the hell crawled up his ass?

Kevin Nash: Just let him be. And watch your mouth... gets you in more trouble than you think.


Nash follows Hall out. Pac sits silently before punching one of the lockers to the side of him out of frustration.


Tenay: Could the NWO get anymore tense then it is right now?

Tazz: If they want to do what Vince asked them to do, they need to pull their heads together. But I can see this ending on a really nasty note.






Chris Jericho stands in the center of the ring for what we can assume is for the match he was assigned he can make himself.


Chris Jericho: So Fleer wants to give me "creative control" because the Heart Break Middle-Aged Jackass gets thrown off a stage?! Screw that! Last week I beat the Big Slow to earn myself a match against "The Lame"... of course now he gets rewarded by being put in the main event tonight over Y-2-JAYehhhh, but that's besides the point! Triple H, I know you're back there, come out here and letst get this par-tay started!



After a short silence, music hits.... but it's not Triple H's.


Tenay: Maven?!

Tazz: Oh man... listen, I had a hand in training this kid.... and I could confidently say.... he has a death wish!

Tenay: Well it appears the first Tough Enough winner has grown a rank in confidence to confront a former Undisputed Champion... and amazingly, this wouldn't be the first time he's done so!




Maven heads down to the ring and Jericho looks extremely impatient.


Chris Jericho: Hey kid, I'll be happy to give you an autograph later. But for now! Now that the spotlight is on ME.... and God knows that's a rare occurance here on Ric Fleer's SmackDown.... I want Triple H out here, and I want him now!


Maven doesn't budge.


Chris Jericho: Are you deaf in one ear? Let me spell it out for you.. get the hell out!


Suddenly Maven leaps up in the air and lands a perfect looking dropkick to Jericho's chest! Jericho falls to the ground and the referee... unsure of what to do... simply calls for the bell!




The fans are on their feet as the underdog Tough Enough Winner knocks Jericho off his feet. An enraged Jericho quickly attempts to defuse the young rookie's spark, but Maven continues to pound away at Jericho with dropkicks, clotheslines and tackles onto the King of the World. Eventually it spills to the outside where Maven keeps the momentum chugging. But Jericho is able to get himself in the ring, allow Maven in, and take advantage from there. While Jericho attempted to dominate from there, Maven wasn't going down without a fight. Albeit it came in very short doses, Maven was able to get a few short bursts of offense onto Jericho much to the pleasure of the crowd. But Y2J's clever ring psychology kept him on top of things. Eventually Jericho was able to lay Maven out and went to go for the Lionsault to finish things off, but a pair of knees flew up and Jericho went falling to the ground. As Jericho struggled to his feet, Maven climbed to the top rope and awaited for Jericho's feet to plant themselves on the ground. Once Jericho is groggily up, Maven leaps off with a Missile Dropkick! By God! This kid could actually do it! 1...2...


No! Jericho kicks out, but is still quite groggy. Maven, though frustrated, keeps his composure and asks the fans if they want to see it once more. They obviously roar in approval and Maven heads back up to the top rope. As Jericho gets back up, Maven springs again but this time Jericho was completely expecting it. Jericho snags a leg in midair and is able to convert the failed Missile Dropkick to a Walls of Jericho! After a few seconds of struggling, Maven has no choice but to slap the mat!


Winner: Chris Jericho @ 11:50


Tenay: Death wish, was it? I'd say the complete opposite!

Tazz: 'Ey, I can give credit where credit is due. The kid took Jericho to the limit, good job. But Jericho is still walking out with another win in his pocket!

Tenay: True enough, but I doubt Jericho is as optimistic about this win as you are, Tazz.






We cut to the back where we find a distraught looking Triple H is with Kevin Kelly.


Kevin Kelly: Ladies and gentleman - please welcome, Triple H! Hunter, I'd just like to ask you a little bit about the situation here on SmackDown... 2 years ago you put Mick Foley into retirement by beating him in a brutal Hell in a Cell match. Let's say hypothetically the fans would want Foley back in the ring, what would your feelings be?

Triple H: I'll be honest, I don't give a rat's ass. After what's going on right now, Mick Foley is the last thing on my mind. But hell... if he wants to come out of retirement? Sure. Whatever. I don't really care right now.

Kevin Kelly: I apologize for that question, I'm sure this has been a rough few days. I just want to know, what are your thoughts following what happened on RAW?

Triple H: Thoughts? You want my thoughts as if they aren't already crystal clear, Kevin? Let me tell you something, what I saw out there was tragedy. It was heartbreak. And I'm the one that invited the man onto RAW and now I'm the one that has to take responsibility for it happening. Shawn... he's been training, he's on the phone with me practically every day. "Hunter, I'm getting there". So I thought it'd be a good gesture of my will to let him come to RAW, just to inhale that atmosphere a little bit, let the fans know what's up... and I paid the price for that suggestion. Shawn is sitting in a hospital bed in Illinois. His dreams of wrestling in this ring once again... they came close. The goblet was filling to the brim with wine... and The Undertaker took a hammer and smashed it. And now those dreams are splattered on the floor waiting to be mopped up again. 'Taker, every ounce of respect that I had for you is gone. What you did to Shawn was unforgivable. You can talk about your yard and the dog that guards it all you want, but now you're playing the game... and this is one game you'll never win.


Tenay: Strong words from "The Game". But going into a match with a personal vendetta on your mind... just from wrestling past, it's not always a good idea.

Tazz: No it's not, and 'Taker feeds off of that. The Undertaker will do that to you, heart is everything in this business.






The Rock is seen backstage with DDP in his pursuit to find the Big Show's partner. People's Champion meets... People's Champion?


DDP: Yo, Rock. Let me put it to you this way... as far as I'm concerned there's only one real choice to team up with the Big Daddy tonight, and that's me - DDP.

The Rock: So let The Rock get this straight, Diamond Dallas Page and The Rock? That's what you want?

DDP: All I want is a chance, Rocky. I don't get that much, these days.

The Rock: So why should The Rock pick you, DDP over... say, Brock Lesnar?

DDP: Interesting question actually, I hear Paulie is interested in having his "client" be in the bid... let me tell you this, does Brock have the potential? Damn right he does. But he doesn't have the credentials - I have the credentials. Not to mention, I ain't some two-bit coward with a physique who only uses it when it's convienent to them. Eh-eh. Not me. Lesnar and Paul, they'll backstab you if the money is there Rock. I know they would. Me? I ain't got nothing to lose. And hell, especially with the NWO. Let's just say.. we go back. And it ain't pretty.

The Rock: Alright... alright. Tell ya' what DDP - Rock'll think about it. Rock'll think about it, but you put on a good show, gotta admit that.


Tenay: So it seems like The Rock has it narrowed down to Brock Lesnar and DDP...

Tazz: Lesnar. No question. Hey, nothin' against DDP, but come on now. This is not rocket science.

Tenay: But to be fair, what do we know about Lesnar? Heyman has hyped him on a huge scale, but we haven't seen him lace it up against the likes of The Rock. Would he even be ready?

Tazz: Of course he would be ready, Tenay. And what better way to find out if he's ready? Better than findin' out what we already know with DDP... listen, he's had a wonderful career but let's just say, it's on a downward spiral from here. No doubt.




Edge had some company with his newly found friend Lita, but X-Pac was all alone. No NWO backing Pac up here, he had to beat Edge on his own.


The two hooked up as the crowd already began the "X-PAC SUCKS chants". The duo took turns tweaking headlocks, pushing each other into the ropes, and picking their spot for the right time to bust out a big move. Edge struck first and hit a few big moves that included a quick flapjack and a spin kick. But Edge's offense didn't last long as he went to dash towards Pac by the ropes, only to be thrown out the ring. A quick baseball slide knocked Edge out. Pac went outside and continued his wave of momentum, arrogantly taunting Lita in the process. The men found themselves back on the inside where Pac continued to dominate and had Edge set up for a Bronco Buster. But while taunting to Lita at ringside, Edge was able to shake off the cobwebs and quickly busted out the spear from the turnbuckle! The tides of momentum changed from there, with both men remaining relatively even and shying away from Pac's immediately domination.


After the men begin jockeying for position again, Pac kicks Edge in the gut and wants to end this with an X-Factor, but Edge anchors Pac down and pushes him into the ropes. Pac comes back and walks straight into a toe kick followed by an Edgecution! And that'll do it!


Winner: Edge @ 10:34


After the match, Lita slides in and celebrates with her friend, but the camera pans up to find something a tad curious.




Jeff Hardy, decked in a large purple top hat, is seen casually sitting on the SmackDown! fist with a blank expression on his face. Apparently he had been watching the match from there the whole time. Edge & Lita notice Jeff, but shrug him off as they head to the back together.


Tazz: I sure the hell wouldn't wanna be Pac when he gets back to the NWO lockerroom!

Tenay: Certainly not a good way to kick off your career in the NWO, Pac remains winless as a New World Order member. But changing the subject from here for a moment - what is going on in that mind of Jeff Hardy?!

Tazz: I don't think anyone knows the answer to that... not even Jeff!






We cut to Flair's office. He's seen at his desk with his face leaning into his hand which is covering half his face... to the lovely tune of three men hollering at each other.




Booker T: ...I think it's time you get a damn chill pill! And a tic-tac, dawg! Consider us even!

Chris Benoit: Oh, even, eh? We were even last week, punk!

Booker T: Well then I guess I one-upped you!

Chris Benoit: Yeah?! How about I one-up you by snapping your arm in half!

Booker T: Hell no! Ric, you know I deserve a title shot, come on dawg. I had RVD where I wanted him last week before this sucka showed his face - for NO good reason by the way!

Rob Van Dam: I'm not too sure I'm cool with that, bro...

Booker T: Of course you ain't, you don't want Booker T taking that title off you like you know I will!

Chris Benoit: Buzz off, Booker! The title is mine and I want the shot that Ric gave me!

Rob Van Dam: I'm not cool with that either...

Booker T: Well if you ain't cool with me and you ain't cool with Chris... who the hell are you cool with, sucka?

Rob Van Dam: Why don't we just make this a three way dance, gentlemen? Look, I'm sick of people running into my matches. Hey, I'm a competitor guys! I mean, hey, I'll take a win but it gets a little old now that someone helped me in the last three matches I had when I didn't even ask for anyone to!


A smack is head. The three look at the desk of Flair, who just took the hand off his face and got the three men's attention.


Ric Flair: There ya' go, just talk it out and you fellas work it out. This Sunday at Backlash it will be Rob Van Dam... vs Booker T! Versus Chris Benoit! With the Intercontinental Title on the line! Woooo!

Booker T: Man, fine. I'll take it. But you know I deserve it more than this toothless midget, dawg.


Booker huffs out, clearly annoyed followed by RVD. Benoit has a smile on his face though, getting both his title shot and his hands on Booker T.






The fans were completely behind The Rock's choices as they were on their feet when DDP came out in a bid to be The People's Champ's partner. The Big Show looked to be in fine form too, clearly wanting to carve his name into SmackDown as well. The NWO were clearly not intimidated by their match-ups however.


Finally the dust settled and the match was ready to begin. DDP & Hall started it off, two men not unfamiliar with each other in the least. The two had a grapple contest for the first moments, both getting a pretty even amounts of momentum behind them. But eventually Hall cornered DDP over to Nash and the two quickly attempted to double team him. While the referee quickly got in the middle of the things, Hall took the opportunity to get a kick on offense and began dominating DDP for the first few minutes. Hall & Nash took turns tagging in as they took their shot at DDP, vast amount of teamwork for the Outsiders worked well in this series. But DDP was a fighter and was not letting them get the best of him. After getting back on track of things by ducking a clothesline attempt from Hall and hitting a reverse DDT, DDP tagged out to the Big Show.


Show quickly took care of Hall, who tagged out to Nash as fast as possible. Much to the pleasure of the fans, Nash & Show had a quick face off, but that turned to blows as the two skyscrapers exchanged blows with one another. While Show tries to use his anvil-like hands, Nash used those long legs with multiple high knees. Nash's tactic seemed to work better surprisingly, but that didn't last long as when he went for his corner boot choke, Show easily grabbed hold of Nash's leg and powered him away. The two jockeyed for position, but the NWO tried to execute the same strategy they used on Page quickly. Nash tagged out to Hall and attempted to double team, but it backfired fast as Show took complete control of Hall. DDP raised his arm in, wanting his payback and Show gladly let him take the stage.


DDP & Hall were back in the ring and this time DDP was on the top of things. After keeping steady control of the match, DDP & Show decided to take a page out of the NWO's book and extract some teamwork. Tagging in Show, Show whipped Hall to the other side of the ring and hard into the corner. Nash, having seen enough, climbs in and darts towards Show. The ref quickly hops between the two men and attempts to break them up. While the ref is turned, crowd turns to jeers as Brock Lesnar dashses down the ramp. DDP, not noticing, is pulled off the apron and his head smacks against it.




As he turns around trying to figure out what's going on, he eats an F-5 with his legs bouncing right off the turnbuckle post. Satisfied, Lesnar leaves in a fit of rage, obviously angry about not getting picked to be in this main event. As DDP lays practically crippled on the outside, Show nor the referee notice.


Show's about to battle it out in a handicap match and now that Big Sexy has been tagged, that's bad news for the big man. While he certainly tried to hold his own here, two big time players against one, no matter the size, is a battle that's hard to win. Show attempted to tag out to DDP, but it was then he realized DDP was not there. Thinking he bailed, Show starts calling out for him, curiously looking over the ropes at every corner. Hall took advantage of the big man's back being turned and hit a convienetly spotted low blow. Now that the NWO also realizes Page is out of the equation, they take advatnage of it by having Nash keep the referee busy as Hall swipes the ring bell from outside and clocks the giant in the head to put him to sleep for good. When the referee notices Hall covering an out cold giant, he slaps his hand on the mat three times for the win.


Winners: Kevin Nash & Scott Hall @ 16:11


Tenay: Certainly not the cleanest of wins here on SmackDown...

Tazz: NWO obviously doesn't care about cleanliness, they care about wins and making a mark here on SmackDown. And whether you like it or not, hey, it worked!

Tenay: Quite frankly, the NWO doesn't concern me. The Rock must be having a hard time now though, what's he going to do about this situation?






Right on cue, The Rock comes out to a thunderous reaction. Hall & Nash both bail, but Rock isn't interested in fighting at this moment... though playing up to the crowd as he always does, Rock seems frustrated over his pickiness. The Great One gets into the ring and wastes no time cutting to the chase.


The Rock: So the time has come, the time has come for The Rock to make a decision for Backlash. Oh, by the way before it's forgotten... finally The Rock has come back to Providence! And let The Rock tell you this, Providence, the people are going to be a big factor here tonight. Oh yes, the people will be the deciders on what The Rock does. So let's break this down for you. DDP... obviously you got some issues that The Rock could give a monkey crap about. The Rock is not having Paul Heyman's candy ass gasp and wheeze his way down in a PPV match featuring the most electrifying man in sports entertainment - ohnonono! As for the Big Show - it is what it is but do the people want The Rock and the man that NWO pinned in this ring? A big N-O to that! So it's down to this... what do the people of Providence say to a handicap match


The fans obviously boo and the inevitable "Foley" chants begin.


The Rock: Whoawhoawhoawhoa-WHOA! What's that? What are the people saying?!


The fans chant "Foley" louder and prouder.


The Rock: Let The Rock tell you this... there is only one man... only one man who can share a ring with The Rock. And that man, is this man.


The Rock simply extends his arms out to the fans.


The Rock: But ohnono, that can't happen... that can't happen because Triple H doesn't approve of it.


Suddenly, The Rock looks to the titantron where a scene from earlier tonight shows up.


Kevin Kelly: 2 years ago you put Mick Foley into retirement by beating him in a brutal Hell in a Cell match. Let's say hypothetically the fans would want Foley back in the ring, what would your feelings be?

Triple H: I'll be honest, I don't give a rat's ass. After what's going on right now, Mick Foley is the last thing on my mind. But hell... if he wants to come out of retirement? Sure.


The Rock: Well looks like "The Game" has come around, but if only someone else did! Oh but, right... no, no you see the "family" doesn't approve of this either.


Suddenly a film clip shows The Rock chilling with Dewey - Mick's son.


The Rock: Let The Rock ask you this... are you a fan of the NWO?


Dewey shakes his head with a smile on his face.


The Rock: Would you like to see The Rock kick the NWO's black and white candy asses?


Dewey nods, again with a smile painted on his face.


The Rock: You see, Dewey Foley, your dad is an advisor for SmackDown so The Rock figures you've got some of that "advisor" spirit in you too. Would you care to advise for The Rock?


Not even sure what that means, Dewey simply shrugs his shoulders.


The Rock: The Rock needs a partner against the NWO... so let The Rock ask you this, should The Rock's partner be... The Big Show?


Dewey shakes his head.


The Rock: Diamond Dallas Page? Brock Lesnar? Jeff Hardy? The Brooklyn Brawler? Doink the Clown? Bastian Booger? Chris Jericho's Uncle Joe with the glass eye?


Dewey shakes his head to all of the suggestions.


The Rock: So let The Rock ask you this... who in the blue hell should be The Rock's partner?

Dewey Foley: My dad!


And with that, the clip abruptly ends. The fans cheer in approval to Foley's own son admitting to wanting to see his dad wrestle again. The Rock stares at the stage for a few moments before bringing the microphone to his lips.


The Rock: Nobody... and The Rock means nobody could ever match Mick Foley as a partner in crime. There's nothing that can replace that, there's nothing that can fill the shoes of what the people want. So The Rock says this... either Mick Foley brings his big flannelled ass out here or at Backlash it's The Rock going one-on-two with the roody poos whether Ric Flair lets it or not!


The Rock lowers the mic and awaits the theme. The fans in attendance wait as well. Growing anticipation mounts.


Tenay: Well... this is it. The Rock builds a big case and has proven that the excuses Foley has given just aren't really what they were.

Tazz: Excuses or not, Foley is not comfortable wrestling again. And that's obvious.

Tenay: Well as much as you think you know Foley as well as you do, it's time to find out the truth.


And that truth seems to be exactly what Tazz thought. Dead silence. The fans begin to boo in disappointment and The Rock has a blank look on his face in the center of the ring. Ready to accept his fate....



But it's not long before the fans erupt and the car crash hits!




Mick Foley heads down to the ring to much applause from the crowd. Foley is still wearing his "business suit" as he gets into the ring with an embarrassed look on his face. Foley gets into the ring and grabs a mic of his own.


Mick Foley: Ok, Rock, it's time to put an end to this. I mean, the Triple H thing is one thing. But Rock, I think you've sunk a little low. You go to the depths to find my own son and film him... and air it on the titantron? Now listen, all Backlash propaganda aside, don't you think that's going a little too far?


The Rock seems confused at Foley's reaction to this, especially since The Rock is practically an uncle to Foley's kids.


The Rock: Well, Mic---



The fans jump to their feet as Foley throws the mic down and begins undressing from his suit, revealing his typical flannel attire hiding underneath it. The Rock grows a smile as Foley raises his fist to the crowd.


Mick Foley: Rest assured that the people have made their voices heard! Does Rhode Island want to see the return of the Rock N' Sock Connection?! Well then let's make it happen! Well The Mick says this, just as sure as The Rock N' Sock Connection is going to reunite... right here in Providence, Rhode Island! Just as sure as R-N-C will be layeth the smackdowneth on the NWO's candy asses. Just as sure as the millions.... and millions of The Rock's fans and the dozens... and dozens of The Mick's fans will be on their feet. As is sure that Vince McMahon is probably crapping his pants right about now due to the amount of electricity on SmackDown! If you smell...el..el...el...el......el...el--


The Rock snatches the microphone from Foley, cutting the fans who were singing along off.


The Rock: Whoawhoawhoa. Mick, I'm happy for you. The people are happy for you. The Rock is thrilled-THRILLED-that we're back in business. But this... I mean, you did... you did okay. But The Rock says this - don't ever try that last part again! So let's end this the way it's always done - IF YA SMELLLLELELELELELELEL-EL..... what The Rock--

Mick Foley: And The Mick!

The Rock: ... and The Mick...... are cookin'!


The fans roar one last time as The Rock N' Sock pose in the ring together, together again at last!


Tenay: There you go, Tazz! I knew it and everyone here knew it all the long - this is where Foley's heart belongs.

Tazz: 'Ey, I feel he was a little bullied to be honest but I respect the guy. If he wants to come back, he comes back. It's all good, but this Sunday I think a lot of these people are going to be in for a reality check. Let's put it this way, Mick retired for a reason the first time.






Before the show was expected to go off, we quickly flash backstage to Ric Flair's office. He has a pissed off expression on his face about the occurances that have just gone down. He seems to be one the phone, presumably with Arn Anderson.


Ric Flair: You're damn right I'm mad! Hey, no, listen, fan-wise i'm pleased! Trust me, I'm happy that the fans are happy, but excuse me for being a little upset when I make plans for my SmackDown staff here and they can't make up their mind. Listen, we need a replacement.... yes it's important! We need a cabinet to run things here, Arn, that's the way it works. Checks and balances. I don't want a dictatorship here like McMahon does it.... alright, fine. We'll put it off till after Backlash. Alright, see you later, brutha.


Flair slams the phone down and puts his jacket on, ready to leave. The phone starts ringing just as he is about to answer.


Ric Flair: No more tonight.


Flair simply ignores the call, opens the door, and leaves. The answering machine picks up and nobody is there to hear the message.


???: Hey Ric... I'm sure you weren't exactly expecting a call from me but let's just say I have a business proposition for you for that... well, you can't refuse. I guess I missed you so... see ya' Sunday? Yeah. That sounds good. See you then, Naitch!


Tenay: Was... was that who I think it was?!




Quick Results:


Rob Van Dam defeated Chris Benoit

Tajiri defeated Spike Dudley

Brock Lesnar defeated Funaki

Chris Jericho defeated Maven

Edge defeated X-Pac

The NWO defeated DDP & The Big Show





Jingo - 6/6


I really should do overall predictions, but I suppose I'll work that in and do the math after Backlash.


Also want to give a big thanks to the votes on the Rookie DOTM poll and the nomination. I consider 5 a lot when I'm up against some fantastic works and writers, definitely made me feel good.

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Shawn Stasiak defeated Onyx. Competitive for a jobber match. Stasiak came out with a camcorder and set it up ringside to record his match.


Billy Kidman & Spike Dudley defeated Derek Lux & Jason Jett. Spike and Kidman pulled the victory out with Kidman hitting a Shooting Star on Jett.


Lita defeated Ivory in a pretty standard women's match.


Chavo Guerrero, Hardcore Holly and Test defeated Albert, Scotty 2 Hotty and Val Venis when Chavo pinned Scotty after a Frog Splash. Typical six man match with everyone getting something in.


Other angles appearing on the show:


- Hardcore Holly & Test were seen backstage laying out the gameplan for the main event. Chavo butted in, much to their annoyance. When he left, Test & Holly agreed to not let him get any match time as he is "the clear weakest link".

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You know it's Post-WrestleMania season when we get to WWF Backlash! Just a month after the Superbowl of Wrestling, WWF takes us to it's next big PPV showdown that represents the first PPV of the WWF Draft era. 6 titles will be in the line along with 5 RAW matches and 4 SmackDown! matches. As superstars from both brands attempt to shoot up the ranks of their new homes, fireworks will surely be going off as Flair & McMahon meet once again.




In a bout representing SmackDown's fast paced Cruiserweight division, The current #1 Contender The Hurricane will go up against Tajiri. Tajiri was the overly protective boyfriend of Torrie Wilson up until a few weeks ago when she was drafted to RAW. Unable to understand what the draft meant, Tajiri attempted to tug her along with him to SmackDown! before it's resident hero The Hurricane came in and saved the day. Since then, we can only assume Tajiri has held a grudge over the masked crusader as he has taken a hobby out of shooting green mist in The Hurricane's eyes week after week... up until last week where The Hurricane surprised Tajiri with an upgraded mask that protected his eyes! These are two gifted young men looking to make their mark in SmackDown!'s exclusive division so you can expect a very competitve match.




RAW's tag team division has been heating up recently and Vince McMahon decided to hand Billy & Chuck's manager Rico the pleasure in announcing who their next contenders would be. While Mr. Perfect his new buddy Mark Henry feel they should be the "perfect opponents", the APA took exception to the claim. The two teams have had a wild feud since the Perfect Team's debut as a unit and Rico surely shocked them as much as he shocked Billy & Chuck when he announced he wanted both of them. Rico later explained that since the APA and Perfect Team hate each other so much, Billy & Chuck won't have much work to do in this match. But how accurate is that when you have four other men in there who want the Tag Team Titles as much as the next guy?




Jazz has been one of the most dominate WWF Women's title holders in recent memory. With her take-no-bull attitude and impressive physique, she has an advantage over pretty much every diva who decides to lock horns with her. Trish Stratus, who has been the poster girl of the WWF Women's rankings as of late, looks represent her division proudly as she attempts to reclaim her title. Jazz and Trish have had a physical altercations lately and Trish has surprisingly held her own. Will Jazz plow her way through another defense or can Trish pull off the upset?




In special news, WWF will have an announcement about Tough Enough III brought to us by Ric Flair! The Nature Boy has apparently scored the rights to Tough Enough over the weekend and has a big announcement concerning it's future.




Speaking of the Nature Boy, we left SmackDown! off on a cliffhanger where Flair mysteriously had an answering machine message on his phone from someone looking to have a business proposition for Ric. It's unknown who this person may be, but they have stated they will be in the house and meet with Flair face to face. Who could it be and what do they want?




"The Next Big Thing" Brock Lesnar makes his PPV debut against Diamond Dallas Page. This certainly isn't DDP's first rodeo, but it may be the biggest bull he's ever encountered. Brock Lesnar has been a monster as of the last few weeks, typically seen running into matches and destroying it's participants by order of his agent, Paul Heyman. One of his most recent victims, DDP, has taken exception to Lesnar's strategy to success and has courageously challenged Brock to a match. While Heyman dodged DDP for several weeks, Lesnar struck another attack on DDP last week on SmackDown out of jealousy of The Rock choosing Page to be a potential tag partner for him over Brock. This seems to have sealed the deal and the two will indeed finally lock up in a sanctioned match. Can DDP overcome the hype or will Brock beat his toughest test to date?




This European Championship match may have come out of left field on Monday, but there is certainly some bad blood seeped within this one. Vince McMahon has been harsh over Hulkamania as of late, but Hogan insists that he wants to pass the torch, particular to his new companion the "Big Red Machine" Kane. After Hogan & Kane took care of the Dudley Boyz last week, McMahon now sends his loyal comrade Regal after Kane and has put the title on the line. While we can expect the Dudleyz to be at ringside to ensure a Regal victory, we can also expect Hulk Hogan out there as well to back his partner up all the way. Will Regal accomplish Vince's goals or will he fall victim to the fire that still burns in Kane?




Ever since Eddie Guerrero has returned to the WWF, he's had several confrontations with Kurt Angle. It all started when Angle accidently cost Eddie in a match against Rob Van Dam on the WWF Draft show and once again by accidently eliminating him in the Draft Pick Battle Royal. The next week, Kurt attempted to pin his mistakes on Eddie himself, but Latino Heat blew him off and stated he was moving on. For some reason, Angle wasn't satisfied with Eddie's cold reaction and decided to lend his opponent for that night - Christian - a pair of brass knuckles that were conveniently borrowed from William Regal's drawer. But Angle's plan backfired as Eddie defeated Christian and took the Knux for himself. The next week, Vince McMahon himself forced Angle into a match with Eddie where not only are Regal's knux on the line but Kurt Angle's medals are too! Can Latino Heat pick up the huge win here or will Kurt Angle show why he's the #1 Draft Pick?




The Intercontinental title scene has been a crazy one indeed. Over the last few title defenses of RVD, he's had someone run in and cost his opponent the match. The most recent of these lie with Chris Benoit and Booker T, two men who are feuding stemming off a controversial elimination in the Draft Pick Battle Royal. While Benoit and Booker both argued their cases to get the rematch, RVD suggested they both go for it as he was sick of winning matches due to interference. RVD certainly made his chances of winning lower, but much like the Tag Team titles match, this could work for his favor too. Who will be leaving with the belt around their waist?




The Rock and the NWO are no strangers. Ever since the NWO debuted in the WWE, their main target in sight was the "People's Champion". Up until recently, Rock had a dream team with Hulk Hogan to take out the NWO, however the WWF Draft split them apart. Since then, Rocky has been on the hunt for a partner to take on the NWO at Backlash and requested that his old Rock N' Sock buddy, at that time an executive consultant, be just the one to do it. After much convincing, Foley agreed and the Rock N' Sock Reunion is set. However, the NWO are no cute task to take on and with X-Pac surely being a factor on the outside, Rock and Mick have their hands full. In any case, this is a match that is surely years in the making as the four people who may have been responsible for the tide shift in the Monday Night Wars will finally get to clash head on. Will Rock N' Sock have a triumphant comeback or will the NWO do what they do best and crash the party?




The main event of Backlash will be a slobberknocker for sure as Triple H defends the Undisputed Championship at The Undertaker. Starting things off, this was a feud all about respect. The Undertaker had won the Draft Pick Battle Royal and the match was set. Triple H and 'Taker are no strangers, but "The Game" had talked up about how much he respected The Deadman and how much he looked forward to taking him head on. However, things quickly turned for the worse. To surprise the crowd, Triple H brought back his friend Shawn Michaels to announce that his days of retirement were over and he was planning on getting back in the ring. As a token of gratitude through all their years of friendship, Triple H offered HBK to be in his corner during his match against The Undertaker. But before the night concluded, HBK was powerbombed right off the stage thanks to a Last Ride from the Undertaker... and quite possibly sending HBK back into retirement. The Undertaker looks to take the title off Triple H and prove why he's feared amongst the boys while The Game tries to avenge his best friend's fall.


Quick Picks:


WWF CRUISERWEIGHT: The Hurricane vs. Tajiri ©

WWF TAG TEAM: The APA vs. Billy & Chuck © w/ Rico vs. The Perfect Team

WWF WOMEN'S: Trish Stratus vs. Jazz ©

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman

WWF EUROPEAN: Kane w/ Hulk Hogan vs. William Regal © w/ The Dudley Boyz

Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

WWF INTERCONTINENTAL: Rob Van Dam © vs. Chris Benoit vs. Booker T

The Rock N' Sock Connection vs. New World Order w/ X-Pac

WWF UNDISPUTED: Triple H © vs. The Undertaker

BONUS QUESTION: Who is behind the mystery answering machine message?

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WWF CRUISERWEIGHT: The Hurricane vs. Tajiri ©

Really seeing no reason for a title change here, Tajiri makes a great Cruiserweight champ.


WWF TAG TEAM: The APA vs. Billy & Chuck © w/ Rico vs. The Perfect Team

Any of them could walk out as champs, but in this era of the WWF, Billy and Chuck are kinda great to forge on with, as they are controversey incarnate.


WWF WOMEN'S: Trish Stratus vs. Jazz ©

If memory serves, Jazz had only just won the belt at Wrestlemania, right? Keep it there for awhile then.


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman

As much as I would love to see DDP get a decent little run, I know that this is Lesnar's for the taking. Maybe Page can work his way into the IC or Tag title picture after this.


WWF EUROPEAN: Kane w/ Hulk Hogan vs. William Regal © w/ The Dudley Boyz

I just... can't picture Kane with the Euro title. I don't know why, but it just isn't a mental image I can possibly form.


Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

Some shenanigans are expected for sure, but Angle losing his medals? Naw... however his hair next month? That'd be a great one to see revisited.


WWF INTERCONTINENTAL: Rob Van Dam © vs. Chris Benoit vs. Booker T

As I stated previously, I think Booker would make a solid IC champ for a little while, so why not give him a run with it?


The Rock N' Sock Connection vs. New World Order w/ X-Pac

I can't see much upside to a RNS win here. Maybe a turn by Show on deck?


WWF UNDISPUTED: Triple H © vs. The Undertaker

IRL, the Undisputed title bounced like a pinball. Keep it on 3H for the time being so that the belt doesn't become nothingness within a few months like it really did.


BONUS QUESTION: Who is behind the mystery answering machine message? Hm... Shane McMahon.

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WWF CRUISERWEIGHT: The Hurricane vs. Tajiri ©

WWF TAG TEAM: The APA vs. Billy & Chuck © w/ Rico vs. The Perfect Team

WWF WOMEN'S: Trish Stratus vs. Jazz ©

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman

Are you just testing my 'always pick DDP' statement!?

WWF EUROPEAN: Kane w/ Hulk Hogan vs. William Regal © w/ The Dudley Boyz

Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

WWF INTERCONTINENTAL: Rob Van Dam © vs. Chris Benoit vs. Booker T

The Rock N' Sock Connection vs. New World Order w/ X-Pac

WWF UNDISPUTED: Triple H © vs. The Undertaker

BONUS QUESTION: Who is behind the mystery answering machine message? Eric Bischoff

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WWF CRUISERWEIGHT: The Hurricane vs. Tajiri ©

A good start to the show with a title change


WWF TAG TEAM: The APA vs. Billy & Chuck © w/ Rico vs. The Perfect Team

The other two teams will beat each other up so much that Billy and Chuck will steal the win


WWF WOMEN'S: Trish Stratus vs. Jazz ©

Trish will get distracted by something.....


Diamond Dallas Page vs. Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman

Brock will destroy DDP for his run to the top


WWF EUROPEAN: Kane w/ Hulk Hogan vs. William Regal © w/ The Dudley Boyz

Hogan will be there to stop the bull**** and give Kane the win


Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

Angle's a cheater, more than Guerrero at this point


WWF INTERCONTINENTAL: Rob Van Dam © vs. Chris Benoit vs. Booker T

A sneaky win for Mr. PPV while Benoit and Booker are facing each other


The Rock N' Sock Connection vs. New World Order w/ X-Pac

They've gotta get the big win


WWF UNDISPUTED: Triple H © vs. The Undertaker

By DQ, cause Austin interferes in the match


BONUS QUESTION: Who is behind the mystery answering machine message?

Eric Bischoff :)

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WWF CRUISERWEIGHT: The Hurricane vs. Tajiri ©

WWF TAG TEAM: The APA vs. Billy & Chuck © w/ Rico vs. The Perfect Team

WWF WOMEN'S: Trish Stratus vs. Jazz ©

Diamond Dallas Page vs. Brock Lesnar w/ Paul Heyman

WWF EUROPEAN: Kane w/ Hulk Hogan vs. William Regal © w/ The Dudley Boyz

Eddie Guerrero vs. Kurt Angle

WWF INTERCONTINENTAL: Rob Van Dam © vs. Chris Benoit vs. Booker T

The Rock N' Sock Connection vs. New World Order w/ X-Pac

WWF UNDISPUTED: Triple H © vs. The Undertaker

BONUS QUESTION: Who is behind the mystery answering machine message? Shane O'Mac

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WWF Backlash

FleetCenter - Boston, Massachusetts

29,519 fans


Pre-Show: Big Show defeated Garrison Cade & Mike Sanders in a handicap match




The PPV opens up with a music video focusing on some of the biggest feuds that will be featured on the card, mostly focusing on Triple H and The Undertaker, as well as The Rock N' Sock Connection vs. the NWO. When the video ends, fireworks go off and we go to our announce team for the night - Jim Ross, Mike Tenay, and Jerry "The King" Lawler".




JR: Nearly 30,000 people are jam packed into the Fleetcenter here in Boston, Massachusetts and we are here live for World Wrestling Federation's Backlash! Jim Ross here with my partner Jerry "The King" Lawler and SmackDown!'s own, Mike Tenay!

Tenay: JR, it's an honor to finally get to announce with you! And indeed it is an historic night here in Boston. It's the first pay-per-view of the "Draft" and for the first time in two weeks, Ric Flair and Vince McMahon may run into each other again.

JR: Both friends and enemies alike were seperated from the effects of the WWF Draft, I'm sure we'll be seeing a few "reunions" tonight. But most importantly, stemming off his amazing WrestleMania win, Triple H looks to defend his gold against The Undertaker.

King: I have to tell you JR, I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that tells me that Triple H isn't going home with the belt!

Tenay: The Undertaker is certainly seeking to earn his 4th World title reign here in the WWF, it's been over just 10 years since The Undertaker won his first one in 1991. But I would never count Triple H out of anything.

JR: I wouldn't either. This has been a very emotional week for Triple H as he watched his best friend get powerbombed off the RAW set and while emotions have proven to be a disadvantage when it comes to the WWF, Triple H has been through up and downs throughout his career. This is a huge opportunity for "The Game" to prove his craft here in the WWF.






Diamond Dallas Page has made his entrance for the opening bout and it looks like we'll be hearing from him straight up to start this show.


Diamond Dallas Page: Yo, BOSTON! It seems as though Paulie and Brocko have decided to man up for once! I mean, hey, it took me getting my leg drove into a turnbuckle. But here are some words of wisdom for ya', Brock - what doesn't kill ya', makes you stronger. Here comes the pain? More like here comes the BANG!


Page throws up the diamond and the fans follow in suit.






As Lesnar hits the ring with Heyman in tow, DDP wastes no time starting this one off. Charging right at the behemoth of an athlete, DDP attempts to pin Lesnar against the corner with heavy blows to the side of the head. But as you could probably expect, Lesnar does not allow Page to rain down the blows on him for long. Lesnar extends his forearm out and clocks Page in the head. Though it rocked him, DDP remains on his feet and goes on the attack again, but Lesnar lifts a knee up to Page's gut. DDP falls to the ground on all fours. After several hard hitting blows to the back, Page is lifted back up to his feet and whipped into the ropes. Lesnar awaits Page's rebound as he prepares what appears to be a back body drop, but Page is able to kick Lesnar square in the face. Falling backwards, Page gives a few more hard strikes to Brock that nearly send the big man out of the ring. As Heyman inaudibly screams from ringside, Lesnar climbs out of the ring and onto ringside to regroup. DDP attempts to follow after him, but Brock quickly snags one of Page's legs and trips him down. Heyman starts screaming to "DESTROY HIS LEG!", certainly Page's weak point at the moment due to the events on SmackDown. Lesnar grabs Page's leg and easily drags it over to the turnbuckle. After a few vicious meetings of leg and steel, Lesnar pulls DDP out with him to open up even more room for destruction.


On the outside, Lesnar attempts to hoist DDP up onto his shoulders and give him a similar treatment that he received last Thursday. While he does get DDP on his shoulders, Page isn't the one being sent to the turnbuckle. As he marches towards the steel post, Page is able to slide off and push the big man directly into it. Clocking his head onto that solid turnbuckle, Lesnar throws his head backwards and falls right into a clothesline that sends him off his feet - a position Lesnar is certainly not use to! Back in the ring, DDP does everything he can to keep control of the big man by using strings of strikes and rest holds... there really isn't much else he could realistically do to someone who probably has never been suplexed by another human being in his life. But nothing can stop the inevitable. Lesnar eventually powers out of anything Page does and gets back on the offensive with a snap clothesline that nearly turns DDP inside out. On Heyman's orders, Lesnar begins to work on DDP's legs, lifting it up in the air and kicking dead center in the calf with all his power. Lesnar's amatuer wrestling experience also really shines here as he drops a few quick, abrupt submissions to the leg - tweaking it and torking it and bending it and possibly even breaking it! But DDP does everything he can to get to those ropes that are just calling his name. And while he may be outmatched in the strength department, nothing can outmuscle good ol' fashioned adrineline-influenced heart. And that's what DDP is a master in!


Getting to the ropes? Check. Avoiding that big knee about to collide with your gut? Check. Ducking that monstrous arm about to squeeze your brain out of your ears? Check. Page heads right to the turnbuckle, almost luring the big man to lunge at him again. Lesnar does and there isn't much luck this time. Page scurries out of the way and Lesnar collides with the turnbuckle pads... and unlike those old football sleds that Lesnar has plenty of experience with, these certainly don't have much give. Taking advantage of the dazed Lesnar, Page dashes over and hits a stinger splash! Lesnar stumbles right back and DDP elevates himself to the top rope. He's not master aerialist, but he has no problem leaping off with a diving clothesline to send Lesnar off his feet once more! Page quickly goes for the cover here. 1...2... upsy-daisy! Lesnar literally pushes Page up at least a foot into the air with that kickout... and Page is no cruiserweight. Though stunned at the monster's ridiculous strength, Page doesn't skip a beat as he springs to his feet and looks to the crowd with a smile on his face. Page spreads his hands out to the diamond sign and points it towards Lesnar, motioning his every step and waiting for the right time to strike. As Lesnar gets to his feet, Page attempts to strike. He gets his arms around that tree-stump head of Lesnar and goes for the cutter, but suddenly a force pushes him upwards... Lesnar has impressively turned DDP's momentum his way and has hoisted DDP in the complete opposite direction onto his shoulders! F-5! Page is out cold with that devastating move!


Lesnar looks like he wants to go for the pin, but Heyman can be seen on screen hollering as his client. "FINISH HIM! DESTROY HIM! RETIRE HIM!" we hear. An almost sadistic smile begins to grow under Brock's nose. He forces Page back up to his feet and gets him in powerbomb position. Easily lifting the seemingly dead weight up, he slams him down for a powerbomb... keeping his hands locked in place all the way down to the ground, he lifts Page back up for a second powerbomb... and repeats the process for a third! Each one got more cringe-worthy as they went and Page could have been folded up like an accordion! But the destruction doesn't end there. Heyman reminds Brock of the leg and Lesnar nods... he picks DDP's leg up and maneuvers it over to the back of his head in a painful looking stretch muffler position! Page's dazed body gets a shot in the arm and we see those eyes spring back to life as the pain jolts down DDP's entire body, but mostly his already weak leg. While Page is always a fighter, there's just no way out of a 295 lb All-American athlete breaking your leg in half while practically sitting on you. Page has no choice but to tap out!


Winner: Brock Lesnar @ 11:01



JR: What a demonstration of dominance from Brock Lesnar and I have some big worries for the SmackDown locker room, this man is a capable animal. But if you want to talk about heart and determination, then you better start talking about Diamond Dallas Page.

Tenay: I'm going to have to second you on that one, JR. Page was once a three-time World Champion, an adored and cherished main eventer. And now while time may not have been kind to him, he's fighting the battle.

King: Hey, you know I turned to commentary for a reason! DDP, I mean yeah, he was great and everything but I think now it's time to let it go. I don't normally agree with anything that loudmouth Heyman has to say, but Brock Lesnar really is the next big thing!

JR: Time to let it go?! Were you watching the same match we were, King? DDP still clearly has it and he went head to head, toe to toe with that monster of a man who has been literally demolishing everyone who stood in his way!

King: Well at the end of the day, Brock Lesnar is still the winner! And that's something DDP will never be! Haha!

Tenay: Disagreed completely, King. DDP was not the better man today, but he certainly still has a bright future... or what's left of it, anyway!






We cut to the back where Vince McMahon appears to be in his personal RAW office. In there is his crew consisting of William Regal, the Dudley Boyz and Kurt Angle. All four have their eyes glued to the boss.


Vince McMahon: Alright gentleman, tonight is where it really matters. Tonight is where I see where you stand. Mr. Regal... I fully expect that title to be around your waist after tonight. Object to it however you want, but the bottom line is that you are my draft pick. And dammit, I want you to show why you earned that! Bubba, D-Von... you are going to do everything you can to make sure that Hulk Hogan keeps his nose out of this match. No matter what he says, he's all about the spotlight and he's not going to sit there with his hands on his hips the whole time, I guarantee you that.


Vince turns his attention to Kurt and his facial expression turns cold and stern.


Vince McMahon: Kurt... I picked you as my #1 Draft Pick. Now... arguments on how legitimate that was aside, I expect you to compete like you are #1 each and everytime you go out there. But yet, you are winless since coming to my brand. And I'll tell you this - that is absolutely unacceptable.

Kurt Angle: I know I screwed up. But if anyone's screwed up more than me, it's Eddie Guerrero. Oh, it's true! And if he so happens to---

Vince McMahon: Shut up! I didn't ask you for an interview, Kurt, I'm laying the damn law. When you actually impress me, I'll give you the freedom to gloat But until then, you better get preparing.


Kurt throws his head back in surprise at Vince's outburst, but knows well enough by now to not fight it. Kurt simply nods and walks off as Vince continues discussing inaudible gameplans with the other three.






The fans cheer in approval as Mick Foley is shown being walked to his dressing room with a stagehand. Rock N' Sock seem to be seperated for now as it's Foley exclusive dressing room, although surely The Rock doesn't want this partnership going that far! Foley heads into the room and places his bags down onto a bench. But seen he is placed down onto the floor! *CLACK*




It's Y2J with a steel chair and he just blasted Foley in the head! Mick falls to the ground like a sack of potatoes and Jericho raises the chair up again. *THWACK* Another hard hit slaps against the thick skin of Foley. Jericho throws the chair down onto Foley's lifeless body as he bends down and points at the mess he made with a powerful finger.


Chris Jericho: 30 days ago I was main eventing WrestleMania. 30 days later I'm at the very next pay-per-view without a match over this HAS-BEAN!?! Well welcome back to the WWF, Mick! Enjoy your stay!


Hearing the commotion from outside, agents Gerald Brisco and Michael Hayes barge into the room and call for help as they shove Jericho out of the room. Jericho simply complies, already knowing the damage he wanted has been done.


JR: What a bitter human being is Chris Jericho. That was disgusting.

King: Well hey, he is right about one thing and that is Ric Flair obviously holding Y2J back! He was just in WrestleMania, JR!

Tenay: May be true, but if Chris Jericho weren't so obsessed over a rematch with Triple H that he knew he wasn't going to get, he may have gotten himself something for tonight.

JR: All in all, nothing excuses that vicious beatdown on Mick Foley. Not a thing. There's nothing wrong with Mick coming back for a triumphant return to the ring with his long-time friend The Rock.

Tenay: And speaking of which, that match is still to come up... will Foley even be able to compete tonight?

JR: As dazed as Mick is right now, he's a tough son of a gun that's for sure. I'm sure that's not the last we've seen of Mick tonight.






As the teams make their entrances, it's clear that Rico may have been right as the APA waste no time brawling with the Perfect Team as they hop into the ring. Billy & Chuck follow Rico's orders by just throwing their arms in the air and climbing on the outside as Bradshaw brawls with Mark Henry on the outside and Mr. Perfect attempts to wrangle with Farooq. The referee is able to eventually get Henry and Bradshaw to get in their respective corners, meaning Perfect and Farooq are starting this one off. Farooq already has the early advantage by doing what he does best - kicking some ass. Mr. Perfect is clearly the better wrestler here but that doesn't seem to phase one half of the APA. Perfect is clocked in the head more times than we can count before being whipped into the ropes and getting a not-so-pretty elbow to the head. Springing back to his feet, he's sent running against into the corner. Colliding with the pads hard, he stumbles right back into what appears to be a backdrop attempt, but Perfect is able to roll off Farooq's back and onto his feet to hit his own backdrop on Farooq. Still a little dazed, Perfect simply rolls to his corner and tags in the big man - Mark Henry.


After seemingly bullying Farooq a little bit - something you certainly don't see often - Bradshaw is eventually tagged in. The big Texan hits the ring and has no problem going toe to toe with the World's Strongest Man. These two bulls battle it out and this is clearly not a test of wrestling skill, just a test to see who could knock the other off their feet first. And while Bradshaw amazingly almost chops that big tree down, a snapped body slam off a shoulder block attempt knocks Bradshaw down. Henry goes for the pin however in a first in this match, Billy hits the ring and breaks it up. Billy & Chuck clearly don't want much physical action, but they don't want to lose their titles either. Billy dashes back to his corner and looks on as if nothing happened, but Henry knows exactly what happened and marches over. Henry scolds Billy and attempts to tag him, but he hops off the apron and throws his hands up. Henry simply turns to Chuck, slapping him in the shoulder and grabbing him by the head, pulling him up and over the top rope and into the ring. Bradshaw has recovered by now and goes right on the attack, controlling Chuck with ease. After a few power moves that knock Chuck senseless, he finds himself going coast to coast. Bradshaw tosses him from on turnbuckle to the next and back again and back again. However during this exchange that is clearly wearing Chuck, Mr. Perfect slapped Chuck's back for the ref to see in a blind tag. Climbing into the ring just as Bradshaw hits a devastating Clothesline From Hell on Chuck, Perfect spins the unsuspecting Bradshaw around and hits a Perfect Plex!


Billy, who is completely oblivious to Perfect blind tagging himself in, "tags" Chuck's downed body and blindsides Perfect with a Fameasser! Billy attempts to pin Bradshaw, but just as the referee attempts to explain that he's not the legal man, Farooq is charging in the ring with a kick to the side of Billy's head! Farooq lifts one half of the tag champions up and nails the Dominator! But Farooq is sent flying as Mark Henry is now in the ring and a powerful charge to Farooq's back results the Acolyte from Georgia through the ropes and onto the floor. Bradshaw is beginning to recover, but Henry takes care of that by hitting the World's Strongest Slam and tossing Mr. Perfect over him for the pin. They are the legal men and the referee knows it! 1...2...3!


Winners and NEW Tag Team Champions: The Perfect Team @ 8:16



King: Haha! I knew Rico was an idiot for making that match! Billy or Chuck didn't even get pinned!

JR: Rico sure did make this match a lot harder than it should have been. I tell you what, this team of Mr. Perfect and Mark Henry is an unusual but very effective team.

Tenay: You have the vast experience and technical knowledge of Mr Perfect. And then you have the sheer strength and size of Mark Henry. Two very different wrestlers, one very cohesive team.

King: I couldn't have said it any better myself, Mike!






This one starts off with The Hurricane, stupidly enough perhaps, offering his hand out for a handshake yet again. Though Tajiri isn't using his illegal mist 2 seconds in the match with the referee right there, he'll certainly spin his body 360 degrees and whip his leg right into Hurricane's hand, causing the masked crusader to throw it backwards. Tajiri continues the motion, turning around another 360 to hit Hurricane on his shoulder, leaps up in the air and hits another to the head! Seconds into the match and Hurricane is already on the floor with his cape still on! Tajiri goes for the quick pin, but Hurricane is able to get out of it. Back to their feet, Tajiri pulls the cape between Hurricane's legs to cause him to fall backwards yet again, now leaping into the air while holding both legs up and landing his feet on the abdomen of the super hero! Tajiri keeps hold of the legs and forces Hurricane onto his back and gets in a surfboard like submission! But while Hurricane is getting the tar beat out of him just a minute into this, he's still fresh as a daisy and isn't getting worn down with a submission that fast! The super hero powers out and finally gets his cape off, which the referee promptly tosses out of the ring. The match looks like it's really starting now as the two take the next minute jockeying for position with a few grapples, head rests, pushes into the ropes, repeat.


Eventually Hurricane is able to get the biggest advantage by sliding Tajiri's body out of the ring on a powerful arm drag. On the outside, Tajiri milks his time but Hurricane goes out in an attempt to keep his momentum high. But as typical in outside brawls, Tajiri takes advantage of it and hits a few stiff kicks. After a devastating drop onto the top of the barricade, Tajiri rolls Hurricane back into the ring, but only half his body is actually in it. Tajiri strategically lays Hurricane's upper half sticking out of the ring so that he can reach up and kick it several times! Smackdown's super hero rolls back into the ring in utter pain as Tajiri goes for another pin attempt, but Hurricane is not going down that easy!


Back to their feet, Hurricane stays in control hitting quick move after quick move to knock Tajiri down and force him to get back up, slowly attempting to wear down the Buzzsaw. An Irish whip sends Tajiri to the turnbuckle and as Hurricnae attempts to follow up, Tajiri is able to dodge and lock on the Tarantula! An illegal but extremely painful move... even though it was only locked on for 4 seconds, we see Hurricane wriving in pain as he falls to the mat. Tajiri quickly attempts to follow up with a Buzzsaw kick, but Hurricane dodges. A few punches to the gut and Hurricane attempts to get back on the offensive, but Tajiri stays on the attack, hitting a few strong kicks to Hurricane's legs and goes off the ropes to his his backspring elbow, but he's dropkicked in the middle of it right to his back! Tajiri tumbles right to the mat, but attempts to spring up, but walks right into a Hurrislam! Hurricane goes for the pin, but Tajiri kicks out! Hurricane is shocked that Tajiri would kick out of his trademark chokeslam, but he has no time to argue as Tajiri is already back to his feet! Hurricane swings for a clothesline but Tajiri ducks and gets to Hurricane's back for a beautiful bridged German suplex. Unexpected move results in an unexpected pin, but Hurricane kicks out! Tajiri gets right into position as the super hero attempts to get to his feet.... Buzzsaw kick! That's got to be it! 1...2... no!


Tajiri is utterly shocked, gaping his mouth and throwing his hands on his head as Hurricane kicks out of the devastating kick! As Hurricane gets back to his feet, Tajiri stays on the offensive by kicking Hurricane a few times in the shin and hip, quickly backing him into a corner. A few shots to the head and Tajiri hoists Hurricane up onto the top rope for what appears to be a hurricarana or superplex set-up! Tajiri gets to the middle rope to follow up on it, but Hurricane fights out of it by a few shots and a shove that sends Tajiri down to the ground! The Buzzsaw attempts to get back up but Hurricane leaps off with a cross body! A surprising move and pin attempt! 1...2.. not going to do it! But much like Tajiri did to him before, Hurricane is going to stay on the offensive and just as he gets back up... Shining Wizard! What a devastating shot to Tajiri's temple! The Buzzsaw seems to have been knocked out with that and Hurricane goes for the pin! That has got to be it! 1...2... huh?! Well Tajiri didn't kick out but the referee did find himself pulled out of the ring...




Who the?! What the?! As the announcers ask the same questions, Hurricane looks to see what the commotion and begins scolding this devious villain for costing him the sure pin! But the unknown man simply acts oblivious to what happened. While the referee forces the man to get to the back, if he even belongs there, Hurricane is turned around and gets sprayed with the mist behind the refs back! While Hurricane is indeed wearing his "upgraded" mask, the sweat and persperation has already been fogging those eyeguards and now a thick film of mist coating it doesn't help things, Hurricane is still blinded! Hurricane instinctivly ducks to his knees as he attempts to wipe his mask down... *THUNK*! Another Buzzsaw kick! Tajiri hollers for the ref to get back in as he covers Hurricane and this might just do it! 1.... 2.... 3!


Winner and STILL Cruiserweight Champion: Tajiri @ 7:40



JR: Who in the world was that?!

Tenay: Not sure if they're more interested in making sure Tajiri won or Hurricane lost. Either way, it's a shame that the Hurricane was cheated out of a fair match with his arch-nemesis as of late.






We cut to the office of Ric Flair. Arn Anderson stands silently in the background as Flair, fists planted on his desk, looks into the camera.


Ric Flair: I'm proud to announce, on behalf of SmackDown, that I have bought the rights for Tough Enough. And with the help of a few colleagues here on SmackDown, we're going to be presenting a very special edition of Velocity this Saturday that will feature Tough Enough as an exclusive weekend feature. And leading the herd? Well I'm proud to welcome back to the WWF...




Ric Flair: Jim Cornette!


Cornette pops onto the screen shakes hands with Flair as he too looks into the camera.


Jim Cornette: Ric, I appreciate the promotion and let it be known that the new star-making factory on Velocity is in full working motion. For this factory to work, the workers need to be doing their job and that's exactly what I expect all of you to do when the time comes. Now you see I have been named Director of Talent for Velocity and while I intend to bring nothing but good, expect it to be a team effort. It's no secret that a stigma of "controversy" seems to loom around everywhere I walk but I don't see it as controversy, I see it as being the only man with enough screws to talk the talk and speak their mind. So that in mind, you can bet that if something you do stinks, I will have no hesitation in holding my nose to your face. For all of you who want this to be their spotlight or slapstick comedy hour, I will gladly write out directions to the exit for you and have a couple interns lug your bags out to the taxi. With Jim Cornette in charge, you never quite know what you're going to see or what you're going to get, but I can tell you this - Velocity just got a bit more tough enough!


JR: Tough Enough exclusive to SmackDown? That's a huge announcement!

Tenay: And who better than Jim Cornette to be the director of opportunity? This is one of the best eyes for talent in the business.

King: He's also a blowhard! What idiot thought bringing this guy back would be good for SmackDown? Sorry Mike, but I don't envy you at all, haha!

JR: Jimmy has a mouth on him for sure, but having someone on Tough Enough who'll tell you like it is ain't such a bad idea if I say so myself!

Tenay: I'm getting word that Tazz is backstage with that man who interfered in Tajiri's match just moments ago, let's take it away!






Tazz: Gents, I'm back here with Tajiri and... sorry but I don't think I caught your name?

???: Names' Jamie Noble!

Tazz: Uh-huh... well Jamie Noble, what brings ya' to Backlash?

Jamie Noble: Tazz, it's quite simple. Tajiri is the best champion of all time, s'all there is to it!

Tazz: So.. you helped Tajiri win because you want to challenge him?

Jamie Noble: What?! No! First o'all I didn't halp 'em win, that's for damn sure! Tajiri is the greatest Cruiserweight Champion of all time and I waz jus' comin' down to treat 'em a visit. We...errr'... we're high school buddies, him and I ya'see! Yeah! And the lady too!


Tajiri starts talking in Japanese and sounds just as confused as we are. Noble starts looking around.


Jamie Noble: Say... where is the lady anyway?


Tajiri attempts to explain but Noble obviously doesn't understand a word of what he's saying.


Tazz: Wait, wait, what lady?

Jamie Noble: Aw man, jus' forget it. Me and my boy here will sort it out, so let us be y'hear?


Noble tugs on Tajiri and the duo walk off screen.


Tazz: Welp, can't say I didn't try, huh?


*SMASH* The camera makes a harsh turn to the side to show that Noble has pinned Tajiri up against the wall. His southern drawl is echoing throughout the hall and Tajiri is helplessly trying to explain himself, even if Noble doesn't understand. Suddenly both notice the camera's being pointed to them and Noble simply smiles and lets Tajiri of the wall.


Jamie Noble: Aw it's nothin'! We jus' playin' around ain't that right?


Tajiri nervously chuckles and nods. The two disappear around a corner and we cut back to ringside.


JR: And this night just gets crazier and crazier, what was that man doing to Tajiri?!






This one starts with all five men in the ring. Hogan clearly doesn't trust the Dudleyz and the Dudleyz don't trust Hogan. But in any case, referee Teddy Long is taking no crap here and orders all three men to get out of the ring so we can get this one started. Eventually they comply and the bell rings. Regal strategically circles the ring in a wrestling stance, keeping his eyes locked to Kane's. The Big Red Machine slowly stays in Regal's sights as well, confident enough to let Regal take the first strike. After what seems like an eternity of Regal picking his shot, he eventually shoots down on Kane's leg and attempts to take him down, but Kane easily keeps his balance and shakes Regal loose. Kane grabs him by the head and gives him a jab to the throat. Regal falls but Kane doesn't let him stay down, bringing him back to his feet and whipping him across to the turnbuckle, chasing after, and colliding his huge body frame against Regal's. Keeping the irish whip in tact, he whips Regal into the ropes and catches him with both hands around the throat. Kane shows off his remarkable strength by lifting the 240 lb Regal by his neck alone, way over his head and letting Regal shine in the lights. Painful as it is, it's an illegal choke and Teddy Long begins the count. At 4, Kane drops Regal down from the height with another devastating drop. He goes to follow up, but Regal rolls out of the ring where the Dudleyz are.


Both Bubba and D-Von move in front of Regal and cross their arms. This doesn't seem to bother Kane as he climbs out of the ropes and attempts to get past the Dudleyz. With the referee eyeing them, they're careful not to initiate any action. Regal, on the other hand, has scurried to the other side of the ring by this point. Eyeing Hogan, who has harsh words for him, he bravely decides to hit the Immortal one right in the face with a shot! Hogan is not taking kindly to getting socked in the face by Regal and fights back with easy, hitting a couple of rocks with his pythons of his own. The referee seems to have noticed the action and runs over to scold Hogan. With that distraction, the Dudleyz attempt to double team Kane, hitting him shot after shot with their four arms and four legs. Bubba even pulls out a lead pipe, the same one he used against Hogan & Kane weeks ago, and hits Kane across the back with it. Bubba stuffs it back in his jeans and both he and D-Von lean against the barricade as if nothing happened when the Hogan & Regal scuffle is broken up. Regal, though rocked, rolls into the ring and sees Kane leaning against the ring attempting to get back in. Foolishly, Regal decides to walk over and grab him by the hair, attempting to lift him back in. This obviously doesn't work, no matter how dazed Kane is from that assault credit to the Dudleyz. Kane reaches his hand up with force and clocks Regal in the chin, causing him to fall back and completely lose grip. Kane climbs back into the ring and the effects of that sneak attack seems to have worn off as the Big Red Machine is back on offense.


At this point, Kane is relentless and seemingly unstoppable. Power move after power move. Hard strike to the head after hard clothesline to the neck. A whip to the turnbuckle and a 300 lb plus, 7 foot monster hitting you head on, top speed. Mr. Regal is not having a pleasant time in this match and as he helplessly looks for a submission to lock on or a suplex to throw, Kane is too big, too strong, too fresh. Regal rolls back to the outside once again to catch a breath of air and Kane wastes no time running after him, even starting in with the Dudleyz by taking the first shot. Hogan, seeing this, jogs over to help his buddy take the Dudleyz out - can't get disqualified for hitting a couple of "managers" after all. While Kane just beats D-Von's face in, Bubba and Hogan somehow find themselves in the ring as Teddy Long attempts to break Kane away from D-Von. While Hogan is working over Bubba, the biggest Dudley of Dudleyville pulls out that lead pipe again and clocks Hogan right over the head with it. Hogan buckles to his knees and gets another shot to the head! Bubba walks over to a nearby turnbuckle and sticks it right into the top pad, making it hard to see unless you make the effort to. As Kane lays off D-Von and gets back to the ring to avoid the countout that has been threatened, Teddy Long now notices Bubba in the ring and is clearly ticked off at the constant interference of the Dudleyz. He points at Bubba with authority. "You, get out!" Bubba is getting bounced!


Though Bubba attempts to argue, a threat to DQ Regal convinces Bubba to comply. Bubba climbs out with a look of frustration, but not before whispering in Regal's ear... perhaps to tell him about that stashed pipe. As the one half of the Dudley Boyz vanish behind the curtain, Regal nods his head and climbs into the ring, staring Kane down and knowing that his chances of walking to the back with his title have gotten significantly lower. As he climbs in, Kane goes right to town with his aggressive and strong offense, something Regal hasn't figured a counter out to yet. After a devastating pancake belly flop from 7 feet in the air, Kane looks to ascend to the top rope to hit his crushing top rope clothesline. However D-Von, who was not kicked out, decides to risk it by hopping onto the apron and grabbing Kane's leg. Teddy Long rushes over as Kane hops off and knocks D-Von off with a shot to the head. As Long gets halfway onto the apron and order D-Von out as well, Regal has gotten the stashed lead pipe and looks to knock Kane's lights out. As Kane turns around he sees Regal charging with the pipe, dodging out of the way and hits a big boot! Regal falls to the ground and the pipe falls. But Kane foolishly bends over and observes the pipe first hand... horrible timing for him as Teddy Long has just turned around.


Here's an image: A seven foot monster with a lead pipe standing over a guy who is flat on the mat, holding his face. Not knowing the full story, Teddy Long has a strong suspicions that Kane had used that illegal weapon and calls for the bell!


Winner and STILL European Champoin: William Regal @ 10:32



JR: Well I know referees have one of the hardest jobs in the business, but that was a robbery if I ever saw one.

King: I'll tell you what robbery is, that idiot referee throwing out William Regal's managers!

JR: Managers my backside, the Dudley Boyz were out there to hurt and that was clear as crystal!

Tenay: To be honest, I wouldn't want to be Teddy Long when he walks to the back tonight... any referee that has a blown call his to live with that. But with the Dudley Boyz running around like kindengartners for attention, Teddy can't have eyes in the back of his head.

JR: It's a tough job to handle indeed, but I truly believe Kane could have walked out tonight as the European Champion if not for the "shenanigans" if you will...






While the announcers bicker back and forth over that controversial ending, Kane is far from pleased with Teddy Long's decision to disqualify him. Hogan has climbed into the ring by this point and is arguing along with his buddy. When it's clear Long isn't changing anything, Kane walks over to Regal. Regal had been playing possum to sell his injuries to the ref, but he seems to be magically healed when Kane goes to lift him up. Throttling him by the throat, Kane lifts the unexpecting Regal up and slams him down with a Chokeslam.. but he keeps the hand gripping around the throat as he lifts Regal up by it for another Chokeslam.... and another Chokeslam... and another Chokeslam.... and another Chokeslam!


King: Oh my god, someone stop that idiot!

JR: Well it seems the monster has been unleashed. And this looks like it could get about as ugly as a bowling shoe very soon.

King: Very soon?! It already has, poor William Regal!


Regal is completely out cold after being on the brunt end of five straight Chokeslams. Teddy Long, who had been pleading for Kane to stop, receives a similar punishment as Kane throttles him by the throat. Hogan is clearly telling Kane to stop, but the monster isn't listening as he lifts Long up. Vince McMahon, who had been watching the destructing from the stage in complete shock picks up the mic.


Vince McMahon: Don't you do it unless you want to face the consequence. You heard me!


Or not. Because as if he was wearing ear muffs throughout that sentence, Kane lifts the referee up and slams him down with a Chokeslam. Kane lifts his arms up and the pyros erupts... Hogan slowly following after the lugging Kane.


King: That man should be fired!

Tenay: Boy, I'd hate to be anyone in the back right now because I'd be scared for my life. Kane looking to earn his first European championship ends up in a deadly DQ instead.






We cut to the back where we just get to see Matt Hardy and Lita find each other backstage, Edge walking around with his new friend. Matt and Lita share a kiss, not seeing each other for a few weeks since the Draft.


Matt Hardy: Lita, I've missed you so much like you wouldn't believe. RAW has been hell.

Lita: SmackDown's no smooth ride either, baby.


They embrace as Matt eyeballs Edge. Edge looks a little awkward, but forces a smile. Matt and Lita let go as the Hardy brother approaches Edge.


Matt Hardy: You....


Hardy looks and sounds intimidating but he puts his hand out. Edge hesistantly accepts.


Matt Hardy: Thank you. I mean that. I can live being on RAW, I can't live knowing my girl would be here with nobody. I wish I could say I had a friend on RAW, so I appreciate you stepping in.

Edge: No problem, Matt.

Matt Hardy: So let me ask you two... either of you know where Jeff is hiding at?

Edge: No idea.

Lita: I haven't seen him. And to be honest, I hope I never do again...

Matt Hardy: This is my only chance for 30 days to do something to that backstabbing punk...



Suddenly the lights go out and ambiant music plays. No sign of Jeff yet, but Matt already has made it his mission to get to the bottom of it.


Matt Hardy: Jeff! Whever you are, I will find you!


But not long after that *THUNK* We're not sure what thunked, but we can only assume it was a human meeting the floor. A glow in the dark head with a top hat that looks like it was skinned from Barney the dinosaur stuck to it ducks down to camera view. The lights slightly flicker.




Jeffiroth Nero Hardy: Tsk, tsk, tsk. How foolish can you be? Do you think you can really mess with me? You were my brother, you were my blood, you were my family... but I am further up ahead than you can ever see. I'm a God. I'm an icon. I'm a superstar. But you just never bothered to raise the bar. You took our fame for granted and stagnant you stay. For the years of holding me back this'll be the debt you pay. Watching you fail to reach heights will bring me joy. After all, everyone already knows I'm the real Hardy Boy. But while you're down where you belong, this you should know... you will always be second rate to Jeffiroth Nero Hardy's very own Psycho Sideshow!


The glow in the dark head pulls up off screen and the lights slowly flicker on. Matt Hardy appears to have been assaulted and is laid out next to the wall, face down into the ground. A confused as ever Lita & Edge both call for help while checking on Matt.


King: What the?!

Tenay: This Jeff Hardy development just gets weirder by the show, what was that all about?

JR: That is one disturbed individual, I can tell you that much. Jeff Hardy, no question about it, was a tremendous athlete and adored by the fans but that seems to have gotten to his head a little too much.






This one starts out during the entrances as Jazz rushes down the ramp during Trish's entrance, throwing her against the ring apron, stomping her while she's down, and then throwing her into the steps. Trish is tough, but she's certainly not use to being rammed into those steps. Throwing her into the ring, Jazz stays on the offensive with a few slams and pin attempts to quickly wear the challenger down. Jazz whips Trish into the ropes for what appears to be another power slam, but Trish braces herself into them. Jazz quickly runs towards her, but Trish ducks, snags Jazz's leg, and lifts her up onto those ropes! Jazz falls back and Trish gets back into this one with some forearm blows, but the attack doesn't last long as Jazz is able to duck one and hit a scoop slam followed by a leg drop! Taunting the crowd and screaming to Trish "Who's the bitch now?!". She lifts Trish back up, but Trish fights it, reaching her hands up and hitting a jawbreaker. Jazz springs back into the turnbuckle and Trish heads towards it, only for Jazz to move out of the way and drive Trish's head straight into it. As she stumbles, Jazz hits a few boxing punches, JR describing it as Mike Tyson-like and King describing Jazz as Mike Tyson in disguise.


In any case, Trish is able to catch one of the jabs and once again attempts a string of offense - something she has not been very successful at thus far. A few short clotheslines sends Jazz to the ground, but she springs back up after each and every one. Trish whips Jazz into the ropes and goes for the Trish Kick, but Jazz ducks, gets behnd Trish, leaps up and hits a double knee backbreaker! Trish folds to the ground, arching her back which has been surely killing her this entire match. Jazz lifts Trish to her feet and looks to go for the kill, lining Trish up for the Bitch Clamp as she gets behind her again. However, Trish is able to wrangle an arm loose and powers her other one in the opposite direction, hitting a beautiful looking arm drag to send Jazz to the other side of the ring. Rushing towards her she hits a clothesline, after another, after another and whips her into the turnbuckle! Jazz is clearly dazed as she is on the receiving end of a few mid-section kicks while mushed in the corner. Trish hoists Jazz up for the hurricarana, but Jazz fights it off, pushing Trish off her. Before Jazz can take advantage, Trish rushes back, does the headstand, and hits it! Pinfall attempt, but Jazz isn't going down.


Trish stays on the offense and lifts Jazz back up, but Jazz hits a few shots to Trish's midsection to cause her to bend. Jazz gets Trish in Jazz Bomb position, that brutal sit out powerbomb... but Trish is able to strike Jazz a few times in the air and fall on top of her for the pin... 1... 2... nope! It's going to take a lot more than that to take this woman down. Jazz is back to her feet and Trish gives her a few forearms, backing her into the ropes. Trish wraps Jazz's head around her arms - seemingly an attempt to hit the bulldog, but Jazz pushes her straight into the ropes and begins to choke her with her surroundings. Obeying the ref's 5 count each and everytime after nearly a minute of different chokes against those unforgiving ropes, Jazz shoves Trish into the turnbuckle and attempts a stinger splash, but Trish ducks and goes for the Stratusfaction! But just as she bounces off the ropes, Jazz forces Trish's weight down with a devastating slam.


Rather than go for the pin, Jazz, simply flips Trish over and locks on a Boston crab, an excruciating submission on Trish's already hurt back. As painful as it is, Trish still attempts to inch her way towards the ring ropes... but just as she gets close, Jazz pulls her back to the center and instead locks on the STF - a submission that's nearly impossible to break out of! After reaching for dear life, there's clearly no chance she can reach unless she pulls a Michael Jordan in Space Jam. She has no choice but to tap.


Winner and STILL Women's Champion: Jazz @ 7:04



JR: Trish put a hell of a fight but this animal of a woman just appears to be unstoppable at this point.

King: Poor Trish, you think she needs some mouth to mouth?

Tenay: I have to wonder the same, JR. Jazz is certainly a unique force in the women's division, she may as well could take on men and put on a fair fight. Someone's going to have to really step up to take this dominating diva down... but who will it be?






We cut to Flair's office with "The Enforcer" and it appears they're in mid-conversation.


Ric Flair: Listen, just make sure that he's alright and good to go for tonight.

Arn Anderson: What about Chris?

Ric Flair: He'll be dealt with. I'm not putting up with that, period!

Arn Anderson: Got it, boss.


Arn turns around and heads out the door. Flair, clearly flustered after tonight's eventful day goes to sit down on his office. But before he can plop down in his chair, a knock is heard.


Ric Flair: Yeah, come in.


The door swings open as Flair looks over some paperwork on the desk. He looks up to see who came in and we can almost see the blood flow in Flair's body come to complete stop. His entire face turns white and his eyes slightly bug out. A disgusted look on the Nature Boy begins to form as he stands his body straight.


Ric Flair: You better have a damn good reason to be in this office right now.


We can't see who Flair is talking to, but their footsteps begin to approach camera view. And when they do.... well he's not someone you typically would cheer for, but the fans do anyway.




Mike Tenay: You have got to be kidding me...

King: Oh my gosh!

JR: Good God.....it's... it's Eric Bischoff?!

King: Eric Bischoff in a WWF building? Who would have thought they'd see the day?


Bischoff looks a bit more timid than he usually does, putting his hands up and waving them down, attempting to show some peace between himself and Flair. However, these two have a cold past and the Nature Boy certainly looks to have no desire to even hear the man speak.


Eric Bischoff: Now, Ric... I did call you, I said I'd be here. I just have a few things I want to run by you.

Ric Flair: The man who nearly killed professional wrestling wants to run a few things by me? The only thing I want to see run by me is you heading towards the exit. Get out before I make you get out.

Eric Bischoff: Now come on, Ric! Let's be a little professional here... the past is the past, I know that. I mean hey, what happened in WCW, stays in WCW. I'm a changed man, Ric!

Ric Flair: Oh are you?

Eric Bischoff: Absolutely. I've been living in Austrailia for the past year just thinking to myself about what I've done over my career... now don't get me wrong, you have to admit a lot of my stuff was pretty innovative and it worked! But... I hurt a lot of people. I put a lot of people out of work. And hell... I may have had a hand in causing Vince McMahon's competition to land in his wallet. But it's been over a year, Ric. And I'm sorry.

Ric Flair: You're sorry?

Eric Bischoff: Yes. I'm sorry to you, Ric. I'm sorry to Arn. I'm sorry to WCW. I'm sorry to the fans. You see, I'm not the Eric Bischoff you're familiar with, Ric. I'm the Eric Bischoff that wants to give back to wrestling. And I understand you have a position here on SmackDown and I want to apply for it. I'd be honored to apply for it!

Ric Flair: Eric Bischoff wants to be part of my SmackDown?! Now listen, Vince may think I'm a bad businessman, but I don't think even he would think I would be this stupid. Eric Bischoff wants a place in the WWF?!

Eric Bischoff: Stop right there, see what you said? Vince McMahon... well, Ric, Vince McMahon isn't apart of SmackDown now is he? This is a co-ownership, you're on SmackDown, he's on RAW. Even if you don't trust me, I hate Vince McMahon. And let me tell you, if I have a hand here on SmackDown, I'd do anything possible to destroy RAW piece by piece. And I mean come on, I think I'm the only man on this planet that can claim they beat Vince McMahon at one time!

Ric Flair: Well that's just fantastic. Thanks for stopping by, Eric. Now leave.


Ric puts his hand on Eric's shoulder and attempts to guide him out, but Bischof throws his palms up.


Eric Bischoff: Now hold on a second! You still don't trust me? Well how about I show you how useful I can be. I have a phone number... a phone number I know for a fact that you've been trying to get your hands on for a long time.


Bischoff reaches into his leather jacket's breast pocket and pulls out a slip of paper. He looks it over and gives off that smarmy smile before handing it over to Flair. Ric raises his eyebrows as he takes a look at the piece of paper and nods his head.


Ric Flair: How did you get this?

Eric Bischoff: I'm Eric Bischoff.

Ric Flair: I still have my doubts...

Eric Bischoff: What is there to doubt? You're the owner, I'm not. The roles are now reversed, Ric. All I want is a chance to prove myself. And if things don't work out, you do have the power to fire don't you? Fire me. I insist, you fire me if I don't help SmackDown get to where you want to be.


Flair shoves the paper down into his pocket and leans his hands down onto the desk, staring his eyes directly into Bisch's.


Ric Flair: What's your relationship with Hall and Nash?

Eric Bischoff: Doesn't exist, Ric. What, you think I'd try to help the NWO? Let's not forget they have X-Pac, and I think even you know what I think of that little weasel.


Flair slightly nods his head. Suddenly the door swings open and Arn Anderson walks on in.


Arn Anderson: Ric, Mick's going to be----


Arn stops dead in his tracks when he realizes who is in the room with Flair. Bischoff gives a friendly smile and a nod as if he and Arn were high school buddies.


Eric Bischoff: Arn.


"The Enforcer" can't help but move his head back and forth, looking at Flair, looking at Bischoff, back at Flair, back at Bisch.


Arn Anderson: He's--he---Mick's---uh.... Mick's going to be... okay. Yeah. And I'm... I'm going to take a cold shower.


Arn raises his eyebrows and opens the door, throwing his hand up to his forehead as he disappears. Flair looks back at Eric.


Ric Flair: Alright. Alright. I'll tell you what, Eric. You're going to go on a trial basis right now. After this next match, I want you to go out there and deal with the NWO.

Eric Bischoff: Deal with them how?

Ric Flair: I'll give you creative control on that one. Prove to me your loyalty by weakening them and then I may have a job for you here waiting for you.

Eric Bischoff: No problem, Ric. This is going to be the start of a beautiful relationship!


Bischoff flashes a smile and walks out the door, a concerned looking Nature Boy watching every step he makes beofre he disappears behind it.


JR: I can't believe what I just heard. I think I'm going to be sick...

Tenay: Bisch' promotes an interesting case, but he's certainly not a man to trust.

King: Now come on, guys... I don't know what to think of Eric Bischoff but if he claims to be changed man, why don't we find out if he is or not?

JR: I'm all for giving people a chance, but let's face it... the NWO said something very similar to what Bischoff just said on their first night of the job.






It was clear that this was an opportunity for Booker and Benoit - not only their chance at the title that both wanted, but an opportunity to legally get their hands on each other! For the past several weeks, these two have had a very physical feud and this is their first sanctioned match between each other... the problem is, RVD is in this one too! Whether Rob Van Dam's intentional strategy was to have both take him on so they'd kill each other or not, that's certainly what appeared to be happening as the bell rung. Benoit rushed right to Booker almost as fast as Booker rushed to him. No jockeying for position here, it was just one man wanting to kick another man's ass. Benoit with his hands and Booker with those lanky legs. Despite the advantage, RVD had an agenda of his own - proving that he was a fighting champion. And he set out to do just that by getting in the middle of the wild brawls, resulting in him also getting pushed to the side.


Having enough, RVD takes matters into his own hands. A kick to the side of Benoit's head knocks him out and a spin kick to Booker while he was on the edge of some chops against the ropes causes him to fly over them. Now alone in the ring with Benoit, RVD stays on the offense with a series of unorthodox leg drops onto Benoit's downed body. Picking the Wolverine back up, he's thrown into the ropes. RVD splits under Benoit and rolls for a monkey flip, but Benoit stops short and grabs RVD's legs. Attempting to hit a wheelbarrow slam, RVD rolls through with a quick roll-up. 1...2... no! Keeping the roll-up position in his grasp, RVD leaps up with an unique legdrop pin, but Benoit kicks out of that too as Mike Tenay explains how much kicking out can really wear you down in a test of endurance.


Meanwhile, Booker T has slithered his way back into the ring and takes RVD out of the equation with his high side kick to RVD's skull. And with that, Benoit and Booker are back at it while Mr. PPV takes a breather in the corner. After a competitive exchange of offensive attacks, the duo find themselves in the corner having a chop battle. RVD takes this time to blindside Benoit, sneaking behind him and hitting a reverse DDT. It seems Booker T is opting for a little bit of teamwork for once as stays on Benoit, kicking him while he's down and allowing RVD to go off the ropes and hit a rolling thunder. Booker goes for the pin and while he may be working with him now, RVD isn't about to let him take his title too. Booker springs to his feet and shoves RVD halfway across the ring. RVD springs off the ropes and Boooker goes for a kick, but RVD catches it, leaps up and kicks back both legs into Booker's chest, falling down with him and pulling his leg back on the way down for a perfect pinning position! 1...2... *thunk*! That was the sound of Benoit's foot kicking RVD in the back as the Wolverine has now recovered. Benoit lifts RVD back to his feet and tosses him through the ropes onto the outside. And back to Booker.


Benoit and Booker are back at it again, both clearly worn down but still having a look of intensity in their eyes as they know they could break their opponent at any minute. Benoit goes on the offensive and begins to chain together several suplexes and devastating chops, a craft he has certainly mastered over the years. An inconspicuous eye poke, however, gave Booker some open room to get some of his stuff in and even got Benoit set up for the Scissors Kick! Upon landing it, rather than going for the pin, Booker instead foolishly decides to taunt the crowd with his Spin-A-Roonie, much to King's joy! However, RVD has slid into the ring by this point and knocks Booker in the jaw with a heel kick upon him rising to his feet. Looking straight at Benoit, RVD leaps to the top rope and jumps off for the Five-Star, but Benoit is able to shift his body out of the way and cause RVD to belly flop down to the mat. Ouch. As Booker springs back, he goes back to attacking Benoit, hitting him with several clubs over his back, but Benoit fights back with some stiff chops! Unable to react properly, Booker leaves himself wide open for several more, one that even sends him stumbling back. Benoit gets behind Booker and goes for a German Suplex, but Booker is able to athletically roll over to his feet. As Benoit tries to plant himself back to the ground, Booker gets himself set up for the BookEnd! But Benoit locks his fingers into Benoit's, twists it in a direction it really shouldn't be twisted, and is able to power out of the position... and to boot, locking Booker into the Crippler Crossface on the floor!


Booker T is in some big trouble as Benoit pulls his head nearly off his shoulders! It's one of the most painful submissions to ever have a place in the WWF and it's showing. Booker has his hand up and is clearly showing signs of tapping, not having the strength to pull himself all the way to the ropes. However... *WHOMP*. RVD had recovered by this point and took it upon himself to climb the top turnbuckle and hit a Five Star right on top of Benoit and Booker! Taking quick advantage of the situation, RVD rolls Benoit over and hooks the leg! 1... 2... 3!


Winner and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Rob Van Dam @ 10:40



JR: What an athletic contest that was and RVD is going back home Intercontinental champion!

King: Yeah, and he had to once again rely on someone else to win! What a shock!

JR: Give me a break, King! That was a competitive contest between three of the best up-and-comers SmackDown has to offer.

Tenay: Agreed JR, RVD took the risk of going into this in a triple threat and it paid off. Big kudos to Mr. Thursday Nights!





Tenay: Well... here we go.

King: Let's just give him a chance, guys.




Eric comes out to a mixed reaction, though most of those that are cheering surely are for the novelty factor of seeing Eric on WWF television, PPV no less. Bischoff wastes no time getting into the ring and wrapping his fingers around a mic once again.


Eric Bischoff: Now.... for those of you who don't know me.... my name is Eric Bischoff. And I was the man in charge of WCW. The real WCW, by the way.. not that watered down WCW that "invaded" the WWF. I was the real deal! Where the big boys played! And over the course of my career here in the wrestling business... I guess you can say I've had my ups and I've had my downs. I certainly had my ups when I almost ran the WWF out of business. Oh, you better believe it! I was the only man to beat Vince McMahon in the game of wrestling... right here, me! Even if it was for a short while, I still did it and there's not another person out there who can claim this other than me. But WCW came and then it went. And I can be man enough to say that at the end of it all, the WWF beat me. The WWF put me out of business. And for over a year, I've been sitting at home watching the wrestling business that I've always known and loved turn into Vince McMahon this, Vince McMahon that. But you see, Ric Flair.... gave us all a chance. And when this company was split in two a few weeks ago, it got my head spinning that this could be my chance! Now rest assured, everything that's the past is the past. And you all have my word on that! You see these days what Eric Bischoff is about is not exactly ratings or money... although that's nice too, not going to lie! But in all seriousness, it's about giving back. You see my whole career was based off taking. That was probably my favorite hobby back in WCW, just taking Vince McMahon's soldiers and putting them on my show. Taking Alundra Blaze and having her drop the WWF Women's title in a trash can. Taking Rick Rude so he appeared on WWF and WCW TV at the same time. Taking RAW spoilers and announcing them on live television back when RAW was taped. Ha! That was fun! Taking Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Bret Hart, Roddy Piper, hell... I even took Mean Gene and Bobby Heenan - for the hell of it! Just because I could! Take, take, take! Taking was everything back then... but these days... it's about giving. Don't believe me? Understood. I know I'm not the most reputable person in the world. But as they say - actions speak louder than words. Ric Flair has put me on a "trial basis"? Well, it's time for me to prove myself. So ladies and gentleman... allow me to demonstrate my first course of action. New World Order - Hall, Nash... come on out here.





And out come the NWO to a good chunk of jeers. They seem to be in no rush to get down to the ring with a man they have plenty of history with standing front and center.


JR: So Ric Flair has given Eric Bischoff "creative control" to deal with the NWO... what on earth can that mean?

Tenay: I've personally seen lots of interaction between the NWO and Bischoff and most of the time, it was on the same page. I have no idea what we're about to see right here.

King: Well Flair and Bischoff agreed to it backstage, if Flair doesn't like what Eric does here, he can fire him when he goes to the back. Let's hear what he has to say.


The NWO get into the ring and Bisch wastes no time walking over the Rockhouse theme before it cuts out.


Eric Bischoff: Gentlemen...


Bischoff lays his eyes onto Hall & Nash specifically, giving X-Pac zero eye contact at all.


Eric Bischoff: Now we may have ended on good terms but let me lay it down to you like this... Eric Bischoff of the now is not the Eric Bischoff of the past. I made a promise to Ric backstage and I intend on keeping it.


Hall and Nash both playfully chuckle at Bischoff attempting to sound intimidating. With a smirk, Nash rubs his hands together and leans into the microphone.


Kevin Nash: Alright Easy E... what have you got for us?

Eric Bischoff: A deal. I'm willing to make a deal right here, right now. And it's one of those risky deals because you're going to give a little to get a little, if you're following me. Now let's face it, Ric Flair obviously wanted to contain the NWO under his order. Ric Flair also has the power to never give any of you guys a chance to shine. You can beat the hell out of The Rock and Mick Foley tonight and I guarantee you on Thursday that The Rock and Foley both will be considered for a title shot before either of you. Hell, I'd be willing to bet Mike Tenay would get a title shot before either of you! But since Ric has given me some creative control for this match, I'm going to go ahead and add a stipulation... shall I go on?

Kevin Nash: I'm all ears, E'.

Eric Bischoff: It's quite simple. Now as you all know, SmackDown has the right to name it's next #1 Contender for the Undisputed Championship. And if Ric Flair will never do this, I will. So boys, if you can win that big tag team match that's coming up now, one of you will earn the opportunity at an Undisputed title shot at Judgement Day! Because you see, I may be a changed man, but I don't forget things. And even if I get fired for this, I'm willing to risk it. When we were on top of the WWF, it was because of you guys, the NWO. And I'm confident in saying that! But Rock and Mick Foley... they may have been the reason why WWF got back on top. And now is both of your chances for retribution.

Scott Hall: This sounds all well and good, but what's the catch?


Bischoff simply smiles and looks over to X-Pac for the first time since the NWO came out. He looks back to Hall and Nash and moves his lips to the mic.


Eric Bischoff: Well... if you lose, not only will you have lost either of your chances to ever get a title shot on this brand again... but you will also be forced to cut one of your members loose on Thursday!


Nash simply shakes his head.


Kevin Nash: Let me tell you something, E'. We're all about money and power, but we're also about loyalty. And this wolfpac right here... we're for life. And there's nothing that can get in the way of that.


X-Pac starts to clap to what Nash said, but Hall interjects.


Scott Hall: Hold on a sec, Big Kev...


Hall steps Nash aisde and begins to whisper in his ear. After the conversing the two turn to X-Pac and nod their head.


Kevin Nash: You know what, Eric? We accept.

X-Pac: Wait a secon---

Eric Bischoff: Excellent! You two are smarter than I thought. Well, my work here is done. Good luck, boys.


Bischoff steps out of the ring as Nash & Hall await Foley & Rock to come out. X-Pac begins arguing with them both, clearly pissed off at them taking the deal, but they hear none of it.


JR: I have pretty mixed feelings about what we just saw there... Bischoff did get the NWO to agree to virtually weaken themselves if they lose, but this could backfire and could you imagine? Could you imagine the NWO main eventing a WWF PPV?

Tenay: Well we just saw Eric Bischoff in a WWF ring talking on a WWF PPV... I think anything can happen at this point.






It's clear a bell wasn't going to tell these guys when to go. And that became evident right during entrances as all three NWO members leaned against the ropes, staring down their opponents. In what many considered a match to be 3 years in the making, The Rock and Mick Foley were both set to take on Vince McMahon's proclaimed "cancer" head on. Though that vicious assault by Chris Jericho took a number out of Foley, Mrs. Foley's baby boy was use to chairshots and seemed to have no loss of motion skills when he and Rock slid into the ring and went to town on the aggressive NWO. Foley went to work on Hall, who began kicking him as he entered the ring. The Rock went right for Nash with his trademark open handed strikes. Eventually Hall finds himself being clotheslined up and over, Nash follows over when he's knocked down. Posing to the audience, Rock N' Sock look great already and the NWO are clearly realizing how big of a challenge this is going to be.


The action does get going as Hall and Rock start this one off, having a striking contest that The Rock clearly wins as punches rain down one by one to Hall. Rock whips Hall across the ring, but Hall is able to reverse. Little to no good, however, as Rock leaps up on the rebound and clocks Hall in the head with a diving forearm! Rock lifts Hall up by the head to follow up, but a thumb to the eye keeps him from following up, allowing Hall to swing his arm right across Rock's throat. Hall goes for the cover, but no way is the Rock ever going down that easy. As Hall slowly gets up, The Rock kicks up with ease, kicks Hall in the gut, and hits a DDT! Cover by the Great One but Hall isn't losing that quickly either. The two trade offense back and forth for several moments, neither getting a clear advantage... that is, until Rock finds himself whipped into Nash's turnbuckle. As Hall, for no reason at all, decides to argue with the referee, Nash takes this time to choke The Rock from the outside. Mick Foley rushes in to help his buddy from the illegal assault, but the referee clearly sees him run in and goes to stop him, thinking he's rushing in to attack Hall. While the ref deals with Foley, Hall and Nash throw in a few cheap double teams on The Great One, mushing him into their corner.


Hall gives Nash the tag and the big man climbs into the ring to enable some more damage onto Rocky, but that doesn't go as smoothly as he expected. Rock fights Nash off with a few blows and dives right towards Foley's corner with a slap. Foley finally steps into the ring for his first match in nearly two years to clobber Nash with a series of elbows and strikes, reaching up as as he can to Nash's dome. Hall climbs in to try to stop the momentum, but he's knocked down with easy too. Even X-Pac tries to get some on the apron, but Foley rushes over and knocks him down with one punch. But the numbers against Foley work against him and a boot to Foley's already pulsing head sends him to the ground like a sack of trash. Nash and Hall gives Foley a similar treatment that they gave Rock, this time a little bit more legal by tagging in, attacking with a short burst of offense, and tagging out. The NWO goes for several pin attempts during this, but each of them are ones that Foley powers out of. Despite looking strong, Foley is getting weak and his ring rust is showing. But Foley is still one of the toughest men in this business and despite getting double teamed by two of the most dangerous men in sports entertainment, Foley is able to fend them off for just enough time to tag in The Rock!


Rock is back in with a flurry of offense. Knock down Hall, knock down Nash, knock down Pac on the apron, repeat. Hall attempts to whip Rock into the corner, but Rock is able to counter. Nash marches over and Rock swings his momentum Hall's way. The two collide and Hall stumbles right into a spinebuster! Rock sets it up... taking off his elbow pad and throwing it out to the crowd. Here we go! Off one ropes... off the other---wait! Rock's foot was snagged by X-Pac much to the referee's chagrin! Rock quickly goes outside to lay the Smackdown on Pac with one strike after another. However, Nash follows Rock on the outside and blindsides him from the back. He lifts The Rock up nearly seven feet high and drops him right onto the barricade, chest first. Rock stumbles onto the ground, straightjacketing his chest with his arms. Tossed back in the ring, Hall drags The Rock to the center of the ring and decides to give him a People's Elbow of his own! Hall mockingly throws one of his elbow pads off and jogs from one side of the ring to the next... but much like Rock, he's stopped too! Although I'm sure Rocky even appreciates the treatment he was given as Hall is stopped with a fistful of sock right into his mouth! Litearlly! Mr. Socko is out and Hall is gagging with red eyes as Foley pins him against the ropes! Nash on the outside pushes his weight down on the ropes, causing Foley & Hall to both tumble to the outside. But rather than dealing with Foley, Nash sets his eyes on The Rock, still reeling on the ground. Nash lifts Rocky up to his feet and sets up for the Jackknife! Hoisting him up... *thump*, The Rock hooks his arm around Nash's head and hits a DDT, a long way down for Big Sexy! Meanwhile a crash is heard on the outside as Foley's body is seen being thrown into the rope, X-Pac getting involved in Hall's brawl with him.


Hall gets back into the ring as an exhausted Rock struggles to get to his feet. Hall kicks The Rock a few times on his knees, lifts him back standing, and gets him in position for the Outsider's Edge! But Rock is able to counter this one too, hooking Hall's legs and locking on the Sharpshooter! Hall screams for dear life and Nash is in no position to break the submission up. However, certainly not wanting to get fired himself, Pac rushes into the ring and does everything he can to distract The Rock without actually getting himself DQed. But it works as Rock lets go of the hold and pulls Pac into the ring by his hair! Pac springs back up right into a Rock Bottom! Hall is recovered, however, and is waiting for The Rock to turn around to strike. But Hall himself is turned around by Foley! Kick to the gutt, double arm DDT! Foley attempts to deal with Nash as The Rock sets it up one more time! This time, throwing his other elbow pad to the crowd, The Rock springs from one end of the ring to the other... it's the People's Elbow! Rock nails it right on Hall's heart and goes for the pin! 1...2... 3!


Winners: The Rock N' Sock Connection @ 8:58



JR: The Rock N' Sock Connection have done it! What a triumphant return for Mrs. Foley's baby boy and the Great One!

King: See?! Bischoff does have good intentions afterall!

JR: I'm still not convinced but nonetheless, a NWO member will be seeing the exit door this Thursday, that's for sure!

Tenay: There's been a lot of tension between the the NWO for these last few weeks and it just had to culminate to this eventually. The New World Order is getting severely weakened and we have.... Eric Bischoff of all people to thank?!






To start the match off, Kurt Angle is forced to hand his medals over to the referee. Eddie pulls the brass knux out of his boot and hands it to the referee as well. As if they were title belts, they're held up and the bell rings. The two grapplers get right to business, locking up and jockeying for position. Angle gets Eddie in a headlock and aggressively stamps his feet, torquing that pressure around Eddie's neck. Guerrero pushes Angle towards the ropes and goes for a dropkick on the rebound, but Angle stops short to allow Eddie to crash with no cushion. Guerrero attempts to spring up but a shoulder block sends him to the ground. Angle stomps on Guerrero a bit before taunting to the crowd, but that split second of lost focus allows Guerrero to roll Angle up quickly here! 1...2... kickout from the gold medalist. Both men are quick to their feet, but Guerrero strikes first with a toe kick and Irish whip. Angle, however, counters it and sends Guerrero into the ropes. But Guerrero comes off. Angle goes for a quick clothesline, but Guerrero ducks and grabs Angle's surgically repaired neck as he leaps into the air. Nice neckbreaker from the Mexican star! Angle attempts to spring to his feet, but his body clearly was not ready as he stumbles halfway across the ring and into the corner. Guerrero pursues Angle and gives him several kicks in the corner. Guerrero whips Angle into the other corner and dashes over, but Angle springs forward and hits an elbow right to Eddie's head. Angle gives Eddie a few strikes to weaken him before sending him off the ropes again, but Eddie baseball slides underneath Angle's legs, pushes him into the ropes chest first and hits a German suplex upon the rebound! Eddie goes for yet another pin. 1...2.... no!


Angle is slow to his feet and Eddie takes the time to head over to the corner and kick his feet up, lounging and playing to the crowd. As Angle is up, Eddie plants his feet back down and charges towards Angle with a clothesline up and over the top rope! As Angle stumbles against the barricade, Eddie runs to the other side of the ring and back again before hitting a beautiful plancha onto Angle. To the referee's displeasure, the two battle it out on the ringside area, knocking each other into the barricade, against the apron, and into the steps. To avoid countouts, both take turns rolling into the ring and back out to continue the assault. Eddie takes clear control on the outside, especially after countering Angle's attempt to ram Eddie into the turnbuckle post. Upon rolling Angle back into the ring, Eddie gets onto the apron and ascends the top rope.


It appears Eddie is feeling froggy and he plays it up to the crowd. He sets his feet and leaps off, but Angle was clearly expecting it as he drives his knees upwards and lets them collide with Eddie's chest. That rough landing knocked the wind completely out of Guerrero as he rolls to the ground, gasping and wheezing while holding his chest in dire pain. Angle springs up and is all smiles as he works on the vulnerable Eddie. Kurt takes clear control here, using his master degree in suplexes to his advantage and locking in several holds to wear Eddie down piece by piece. Angle eventually gets a chinlock on, but Eddie doesn't count himself out by attempting to get to his feet. With the elbows to the ribs, Eddie gets a little room behind Angle and pushes him forward. But Angle evades Eddie's attack, gets behind him, and begins a series of rollover German Suplexes. But on the third one, Eddie throws his elbow back to Kurt's head. Kurt loses his grip and stumbles back, but charges right back to Eddie. Unfortunately for him, he runs right into a flapjack!


Eddie used all his energy to hit that high impact move and both men are down, attempting to catch their breath before taking another shot at offense. The referee begins to count them out as we await to see who will be first to their feet. Being closer to the ropes, Angle uses them to his advantage to pull himself up. Angle pursues Eddie again, hitting some open handed punches to the side of Eddie's head. But Eddie fights back with some punches of his own. Before he can build anything, Angle quickly whips Eddie into the ropes, but Eddie rebounds back with a cross body! Both men spring up and Angle charges at Eddie again. Eddie ducks under Angle, allows him to come back on the rebound and hits a high back body drop! Angle struggles back to his feet, certainly not wanting to be on his back as Eddie is building momentum. But a toe kick and a tornado DDT does just that. Eddie goes for the pin and Angle looks out of it. 1...2... kickout! Eddie stays on the move, stalking Angle to get back up. As he does, Eddie hits the toe kick and hooks Angle up.... suplex! Eddie rolls over and pulls Angle back up... another suplex! Eddie rolls over with ease once more and pulls a struggling Angle back to his feet. A third suplex! The three amigos seems to have taken a lot out of both men as Angle is out spread eagled and Eddie is gasping for air. But Guerrero does make it to his feet and it looks like he's feeling froggy once more.


Eddie struggles near the turnbuckle to climb up high, but he does reach it. However, Angle is able to use the small energy boost he got from laying there to spring up, hop up the turnbuckle, hook Eddie, and toss him halfway across the ring! Both men are once again laid out in the ring, but Angle tries his damndest to reach an arm over Eddie's body. He does and the ref goes for the count. 1...2....shoulder up! Eddie barely reaches that shoulder up and was less than a millisecond away from losing this one.


Angle is able to get himself back up yet again, awaiting Eddie to get back to his feet. As he does, Angle goes for the Angle Slam, but Eddie rolls out of it and rolls Angle up! 1..2... near fall! Very near fall, at that. Angle is even stunned he got out of that one as he climbs up to his feet, but he eats a dropkick from Eddie to send him back down. Eddie springs off the ropes towards Angle, but Angle drops down and hits a drop toe hold to send Eddie face first to the mat. Eddie's back up and Angle gets in position for another German. As he falls back, Eddie rolls off and lands on his feet. Eddie himself now has Angle set up for a German suplex! Eddie goes for it, but Angle does the same as Eddie, landing on his feet. Angle attempts a German one more time, but Eddie lands on his feet again! To continue the pattern, Eddie goes for another German, but Angle keeps the same motion intact by landing on his feet! But no German suplex this time, Angle simply ducks his head under Eddie's shoulders and nails a powerful Angle Slam! Angle climbs ontop of Eddie and this one could be all she wrote! 1...2...3!


Winner: Kurt Angle @ 13:43



As we see ringside, King is standing up and clapping for Kurt.


King: Haha! Come on, guys, stand up!

JR: Oh get a hold of yourself would you?! This was certainly Kurt Angle's night, but Eddie Guerrero looked fantastic out there against one of the best athletes in this business.

Tenay: This will not be the last time these two meet, I'd bet on that.

King: I don't think Eddie is going to want anymore after that!






We cut to the back as Kurt gets right past the curtain. Vince McMahon is right there waiting for him.




Vince McMahon: Kurt! You did me proud!

Kurt Angle: Well duh! I'm your #1 pick, after all!

Vince McMahon: Kurt, tonight was about seeing if you could perform like I know you can. And, well... it's inspired me, quite frankly. It's inspired me to make a very special announcement tomorrow night on RAW. And that special announcement will have everything to do with you.

Kurt Angle: Now this is why I wanted to be on RAW! You're the best, Vince!


Kurt gives Vince an awkward hug. McMahon obviously has a look of surprise and embarrassment on his face, but forces a smirk and pats Angle's back. In the background, we see two people who appear to be "extras" in this scene...




It is Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar, Lesnar coming off a big win over DDP earlier tonight. It appears Lesnar has headed into the men's room and Heyman is waiting outside leaning against the wall. McMahon, turning around after Angle has left, notices Heyman and waks in his direction.


Vince McMahon: You know, Paul, my opinion over you may be questionable at best but I have to give you some props... I really do think you brought in "The Next Big Thing".

Paul Heyman: You're smarter than I thought, Vince!

Vince McMahon: I was actually wondering something... maybe perhaps you'd be interested in some sort of....


Before Vince can finish his statement, something offscreen grabs his attention. His face remains the same as it was mid sentence, his mouth slightly open and eyes glued onto something. Heyman tries to figure out what's going on, but his expression turns similar to McMahons.




It's Bischoff! It seems Eric is making himself around the arena and his expressions seems to point to him getting the job from Ric. Bischoff has that always usual smarmy smile painted on his face as he locks eyes with his former arch nemesis. Bischoff then shares eye contact with Heyman... and Heyman with McMahon. The three former "Big Three" promoters all share a turn of awkward glances before Bischoff walks off. Vince grits his teeth and walks in the opposite direction as Heyman stays where he was.


JR: Boy you want to talk about awkward? How about having two men who tried to put you out of business working next door to you?

King: Looks like that good mood Mr. McMahon was in turned sour fast, what's Ric Flair thinking bringing Eric Bischoff in?

Tenay: King, weren't you just defending Eric?!

King: Yes, but... it still isn't right!






It's main event time! And appropriately so as by far the biggest reaction of the night is in tune as Lemmy hits the PA. Triple H pursues the squared circle in which he has been the top dog in since returning in January, belt around waist and water bottle in hand. The fans are completely behind The Game here and it's obvious as the cameras pan to show the numerous fans in their Triple H shirts holding up their Triple H signs. But this atmosphere goes right to Bizzarro World when we hear that Harley revving up on the top of the stage. Though The Undertaker may be one of the most respected WWF superstars of all time, that certainly isn't showing here as the scowls on the fan's faces show. Clearly 'Taker has lost much respect for doing what he did to Shawn Michaels, but that doesn't seem to phase Big Evil. He's emotionless as he always is as he parks his bike on the ramp, eying Triple H and the prize he desires.


You can cut the tension with a knife as our two main event competitors stare each other down in the corner. Triple H is as stiff and solid as could be, keeping his eyes locked on Big Evil and the rest of his body still. Taker on the other hand is hopping from side to side, loosening up those arms and getting his cuffs ready to beat Triple H's face in. As the bell rings, both WWF icons slowly circle the ring, keeping their eyesight on each other. Picking their spots for long enough, both men collide with each other at seemingly the same time with a lock up, one that Undertaker quickly turns into a headlock. But The Game is able to show off some strength as he peels an arm off his head and wrenches it behind The Undertaker's back. But Taker swiftly spins around Triple H and attempts to lock on a sleeper. The Game, seeing it coming, throwing his hands up to block it. The duo go back and forth putting on hold after counter after hold. Eventually they come a stalemate and back in their corners, a look paints itself upon Triple H's face in utter impatience, this is a man he hates after all. Why let him off easy with wrestling holds?


And with that, The Game charges full speed towards Taker and tackles him down. To the fans delight and Taker's surprise, Triple H mounts Taker's torso and rains down a fury of closed fisted punches to Big Evil's face. Taker attempts to roll out of it, but The Game stays on him. They find themselves crashing down to ringside. Triple H stays on the attack, laying down punch after punch after punch. At this point, it's about beating respect into 'Taker, perhaps telling the "biggest dog in the yard" that he's got some serious competition. And it's showing as blood begins to trickle down Big Evil's nose. The onslaught continues back into the ring, but the Undertaker's more strategical and methodical approach seems to rise from the ground and taking advantage of Triple H's wild brawling against the most durable man to ever walk in a WWF ring.


A couple of knees, elbow jabs, accurate strikes, and slams - The Undertaker makes things even again and the duo share a seemingly even amount of back and forth offense for several minutes, neither looking like they're going to stay on the mat for more than a second. But that trend is broken when Taker begins choking Triple H against the ring ropes. Triple H reacts by doing what he did best last January, throwing Taker right over the ropes and to the outside yet again! The fans take this opportunity to start jeering and hollering at Taker, one fan loudly shouting "YOU SUCK", which Big Evil swiftly retorts with a "mother" comment. But on that note, The Game is back outside again and continue the brawl with The Undertaker, taking him to the announce table where he unforgivably bashes Taker's head against it. Triple H clears the table, taking out the monitors and swiping off JR's notes before laying Taker up on top of it. Taker fights back up, throwing punches upwards, but Triple H is focused on driving Big Evil's head right through this table. Triple H carefully gets himself on top of it and gently pulls Taker up to not break the table. As he sets up for a Pedigree that'll surely knock Taker completely out of this match, The Game's motives are stalled as he finds himself slowly rising up into the air. The Undertaker is powerfully pushing himself up, as well as Triple H with him. Taker is able to unhook his arms and wrap them around Triple H's forcing his body weight down and driving his body right through the table!


That plan painfully backfired. The Game is laid out amongst the debris that use to be the announcer's table. But Taker had no smooth landing either, falling badly on his leg as the table collapsed. Both men lay nearly motionless as the fans cheerfully applaud the mess - they love seeing two men nearly kill each other after all. Earl Hebner joins them on the outside to urge one of them to break the countout, not wanting to end this match that way. Despite the pain, The Undertaker does get to his feet first. Breaking the count, he rolls in and out of the ring before limping to Triple H to toss him back in as well. The Undertaker is completely on top of things now as Triple H has yet to recover from his body going through that table. Taker takes a bit more slow this time, locking on a variety of rest holds, which he takes every opportunity to shout taunts in Triple H's ear during each and every one. After each one, Taker hits some sort of high impact slam or suplex and goes for the pin, but Triple H kicks out of each and every one. Despite still staying in it, it's clear The Game is being worn down.


Triple H does show some signs of life when Taker throws him into the ropes. Triple H is able to duck an oncoming clothesline and locks on a sleeper, a move he's put people away with before. But Triple H's fatigue is showing as Taker easily lifts Triple H up high and hits a backdrop to obliterate the submission attempt. This leads to another pinfall attempt, but Triple H powers out. Lifting The Game back to his feet, Taker looks to continue the offense but The Game is not out of it yet! A few strikes to the midsection and The Game throws Taker into the ropes. Big Evil falls down from a shoulder block, the first time he's hit the mat in ages during this contest. The fans are on their feet as Triple H gets back into it, especially working on that leg of The Undertaker's. We see the likes of the Indian Deathlock as well as the figure four, Taker writhing in pain during each hold, but getting to the ropes each time as well. But Triple H wastes no time arguing, lifting Taker back up and hitting a spinebuster after a rebound off the ropes. The Game keeps control from here, constantly wearing The Undertaker out by going for several pin attempts. The duo get to their feet, Taker doing everything he can to stay in it by laying punches right back to Triple H. But The Game absorbs them as if he was made of stone. Tossing Taker into the ropes, Triple H hits his knee smash to Taker's face and sets it up! Pedigree! Taker's head bounces against the mat and Triple H makes the cover! 1.... 2.... 3!


But wait! Taker got his foot on the rope and just as he slaps his hand on the mat a third time, Hebner notices and abruptly alerts The Game of his mistake. Triple H, getting a split second jolt of victory, argues with Hebner. Pulling on his shirt, Triple H is clearly ticked. The Undertaker is starting to get to his feet and just as Triple H turns around, Taker uses all of his energy to dive at The Game with a powerful clothesline. But while the clothesline hits hard, Triple H is not the one hit by it! After ducking, Taker accidently nails Hebner right across the throat! The fragile ref buckles to the ground as if he was shot by a gun. Triple H snakes up behind Taker and nails a quick neckbreaker to take him back to the ground. Mysteriously, Triple H paces around the ring before climbing out to ringside. He disapears for several moments before reappearing from ringside, slowly rising up with a sledgehammer in hand!


This is certainly Triple H's chance to get some much-wanted revenge on Taker by bashing his skull in with his patented sledgehammer. Slowly rising into the ring, The Game stalks Big Evil, waiting for him to rise up. Taker slowly does and as he turns around, Triple H makes his move! But Taker quickly dives out of the way, eyes buldging out of his sockets as he notices the object in Triple H's posession. Triple H still pursues the Deadman, heading right towards him with the Sledgehammer held up over him like a Katana. Taker kicks his leg right up between Triple H's though to cause him to lose grip. The sledgehammer falls to the ground, nearly falling on The Undertaker, but he moves out of the way. Taking advantage of the situation, Taker picks up the sledgehammer and clocks Triple H right in the head with it! The Game falls to the ground, busted wide open as Taker rids the evidence. Earl Hebner is starting to get back in things and Taker pulls the referee over near them to get the count. Taker hooks the leg and Hebner gets in position. 1........ 2........ no!


The Game gets a shoulder up! Taker's eyes bug out and his eyebrows nearly touch his hairline, but Big Evil gets right up to get back to business, lifting The Game up and hitting a high knee to his chest. Taker bends him back down and lifts the bleeding, severely weakened Triple H for the Last Ride... and nails it. All that anticpation from The Game's heart begins to go to boos as The Undertaker goes for the pin on the blood lathered Triple H. 1..... 2.... 3.


Winner and NEW Undisputed Champion: The Undertaker @ 18:17



King: The Undertaker is the new WWF Undisputed champion! Can you believe it?!

JR: Good God... "The Game" put everything he had into it but he just could not come out on top tonight...

Tenay: Indeed, a hard fought match but The Undertaker was simply the better man tonight.

JR: It's been a long and very emotional ride for Triple H and tonight, that ends with a loss. The Undertaker is the new Undisputed Champion of the WWF. And an historic night it has been here from Boston!




Quick results:


(Pre-Show)The Big Show defeated Mike Sanders & Garrison Cade

Brock Lesnar defeated Diamond Dallas Page

The Perfect Team defeated the APA and BIlly & Chuck to win the WWF Tag Team championships

Tajiri defeated The Hurricane to retain the WWF Cruiserweight championship

William Regal defeated Kane to retain the WWF European championship (via DQ)

Jazz defeated Trish Stratus to retain the WWF Women's championship

Rob Van Dam defeated Booker T and Chris Benoit to retain the WWF Intercontinental championship

The Rock N' Sock Connection defeated The New World Order

Kurt Angle defeated Eddie Guerrero

The Undertaker defeated Triple H to win the WWF Undisputed championship




Beejus - 5/9

Jingo - 4/9

Shutout28 - 6/9

Astil - 6/9


Overall Road to Backlash Predictions


Jingo - 30/45

Beejus - 22/32

Shutout28 - 11/16

Astil - 6/9

Chuck - 4/6

boothy44 - 3/7

guyver3 - 3/7

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  • 2 weeks later...



The WWF RAW brand is off to the Bank of America Arena in Seattle for another two hours of hard-hitting sports entertainment! After last night's historic Backlash PPV, the changes it's had on RAW will come into effect on tonight's show. One of which could potentially be the WWF Undisputed title scene. Newly crowned top dog, The Undertaker, is scheduled to make an appearance and address the WWF fans as to what's next for Big Evil.


In what can only be assumed to be a punishment match, D'Lo Brown has the tough task of wrestling the Dudley Boyz. Brown screwed up bad when he was tasked with helping the Dudleyz put Hulk Hogan through a table and failed. The Dudleyz now look to put Brown himself through a table. Can D'Lo overcome the odds? Meanwhile in women's action, Molly Holly will go up against newcomer Victoria Varon. The Women's title hunt is wide open at the moment with Jazz looking unstoppable. Can the established Molly get one step closer to her long awaited title shot or will this newcomer kick off with a bang?


In tag team action, Billy & Chuck look to get back into the tag team title hunt as they go up against Head-Butt. Snow & Rikishi haven't had much success as a tag team so far but they look to make a mark on the former champions in this contest. Which team will prevail? In an otherwise extreme hardcore match, WWF Hardcore Champion Mike Awesome will tag up with Raven to take on Lance Storm & Justin Credible. Credible & Storm have been itching to get their hands back on that title since getting the 24/7 rule lifted backfiring on them. Meanwhile Raven sets his issues aside with Awesome to get revenge on Credible & Storm ruining his chances at regaining the title.


Speaking of tag teams, the "Perfect Champions" are wasting no time to show off their new gold. After successfully capturing the WWF Tag Team Championships at Backlash, Mr. Perfect and Mark Henry are scheduled to hold a "Winner's Circle" tonight on RAW to celebrate their new reign as champs.


Eddie Guerrero is off the heels of a tremendous contest with Kurt Angle. Though he came up short, Eddie's impressive effort has landed him a European title shot against William Regal. As for Angle, he'll be taking on William Regal's Backlash opponent - Kane - in the main event of the evening. Kane is coming off of a controversial disqualification in his match against Regal at Backlash and looks to get himself back on the right track against the Gold Medalist. Speaking of Angle, Vince McMahon announced that he has a very special piece of news when it comes to him tonight on RAW. What could Mr. McMahon have in store for the #1 draft pick?


Quick Picks:


EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP: Eddie Guerrero vs. William Regal ©

D'Lo Brown vs. The Dudley Boyz

Victoria Varon vs. Molly Holly

Head-Butt vs. Billy & Chuck

Mike Awesome & Raven vs. Lance Storm & Justin Credible

Kane vs. Kurt Angle

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EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP: Eddie Guerrero vs. William Regal ©

Regal should be in pretty bad shape after his match with Kane, I expect Eddie to Capitalize on that fact.


D'Lo Brown vs. The Dudley Boyz

Just a numbers game, D-Lo won't win this one.

Victoria Varon vs. Molly Holly

Head-Butt vs. Billy & Chuck

Mike Awesome & Raven vs. Lance Storm & Justin Credible

Kane vs. Kurt Angle

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EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIP: Eddie Guerrero vs. William Regal ©

But via shenanigans and Regal will keep the strap.

D'Lo Brown vs. The Dudley Boyz

Victoria Varon vs. Molly Holly

Head-Butt vs. Billy & Chuck

Mike Awesome & Raven vs. Lance Storm & Justin Credible

Kane vs. Kurt Angle

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