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How do wrestlers retire?

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I've never had an active member of my roster retire, but I have a few now who are pushing 50 and a few whose status has changed to "Semi-Active Wrestler" (athough they are still auto-pushed as midcards, upper midcarders, ect). In EW... in previous Adam Ryland games, when a wrestler retired you got an e-mail saying they would retire at the end of the month? Is it this way in this game or do they stay active until their contracts expire?


I need to know so I know if I should just be using them put younger guys over or if I have a little bit more time to milk some main events out of them

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  • 2 weeks later...

From my memories, they retire when they are really old, more than 60.


They send you an email and retire one month later.


Anyone can wrestle a match, even non-wrestler, so a retired wrestler can wrestle, but he will not be happy about that.



I used my semi-active wrestlers almost only for PPV in they still are very popular (example : Sting).

If they got a written contract, as road agent during the show they do not wrestle.

Also if they got charisma, angles with younger wrestlers, managing or argueing.

If they are not so popular, put them as tag team partner more than loser with a young wrestler, so he can help him and stand popular (or regain popularity).

For finally, the "classic" feud, the ****y youth turn on his partner.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You only get an email when they are working for you (maybe also if they are on your shortlist, but I've never had it happen to me).


You can have Road Agents and/or Backstage workers as announcers, and can have anyone else in a match as a wrestler. In a real world mod I've gotten good matches out of Verne Gagne vs Ric Flair, both as managers.

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