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A Force In The Mid-Atlantic [iDOMINATION 2010]

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Ric Flair Promotions

Bunkhouse Stampede
Live From:
Jobing.Com Arena, Glendale, Arizona

Sunday, Week Four, January 2010


The pay-per-view begun with
Kurt Angle
inside the ring and the sell-out crowd booed the ‘Olympic Hero’ as he had a microphone in his hand. Angle told the fans that he would first defeat his opponent for tonight and then throw fourteen other men over the top rope in the Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal later on in the night and take home the RFP Heavyweight title. Angle found his promo cut short by the entrance of his opponent…


Mr. Anderson
managed to defeat Kurt Angle in the opening match of the night, which thwarted Angle’s attempt at getting momentum for later on. The two men who have had problems in recent weeks, did not hold back – despite being both entered into the Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal. At one point in the match, both Angle took himself and Anderson out with a clothesline which sent both men crashing to the outside. The end came when Anderson was able to counter an Angle Slam and hit his Mic Check for the three. Anderson left the ring extremely quickly to recover for the big Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal later on in the night…


Matt Michaels
Low Ki
much like Anderson and Angle have had their problems in the last few weeks. With both also entered into the Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal, this was a chance to gain some momentum. In the early going, Ki struck Michaels hard in the face with missile dropkick but that did not put Matt away. The two went back and forth and at one point, Low Ki missed his Warrior’s Way double stomp and seconds later planted on the canvas with a DDT. The match came to an end thanks to Michaels’ manager
Diamond Dallas Page
, who distracted Ki enough for Michaels to strike him with a Superkick, which earned him the three-count and the ‘W’.


Backstage, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion
Chris Jericho
was backstage with
Josh Matthews
who asked the champion what his plan would be for tonight. Jericho told Matthews that his plan would be that he would ‘unleash hell’ on
Randy Orton
after his brutal set of brawls with the ‘Viper’ and Jericho claimed he might even return Orton’s favour by punting him in the head. Jericho walked off to prepare for his match after that comment.


The team of
Johnny Lust
Richie Steamboat
fell short to the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions
Drew McIntyre
Paul Burchill
in a hard-fought match. Throughout the duration of the match, Richie endured a beating from, both McIntyre and Burchill as he fell victim to their devastating tag team techniques. Richie was able to get back in the match, hitting a high cross body from the top rope and tagging in Johnny Lust. Lust lit up Burchill with several strikes that kept the former XFC Champion at bay. Hell broke loose eventually as all four men brawled inside the ring.
got involved on behalf of her boyfriend Lust, and almost paid a heavy price for it as she nearly got hit with the Future Shock, but Lust disposed of McIntyre which made the save. The match came to an end when Richie Steamboat hurled himself at Drew McIntyre on the outside, which left Lust and Burchill alone, and despite his best efforts, Lust was nailed with an explosive C-4 which gave the team of Burchill and McIntyre the victory.


The second title match of the night saw
Matt Cappotelli
retain his NWA United States Heavyweight title against
Idol Stevens
in a rematch from their match two weeks ago, which ended in count-out. This fast-paced match up showcased both men’s high-flying as they took to the skies extremely early following Cappotelli’s moonsault plancha. At one point during this match, Idol Stevens managed to avoid a springboard dropkick and seconds later hit his own springboard dropkick. Matt managed to retain his title after hitting his Walk of Fame (forward Russian legsweep).


After a promotional video for the next pay-per-view ‘SuperBrawl’,
Randy Orton
appeared backstage with
Josh Matthews
who asked Orton if he regretted anything that he’d done to Chris Jericho over the past few weeks and Orton said he regretted nothing and walked off for the match.


Both Chris Jericho and Randy Orton collided in a match for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship and the match ended up being ruled a double-count out. Both men neglected a lock-up and headed straight to the outside where they brawled through the crowd and near the announce tables. When the title match got back inside the ring, Orton picked apart Jericho and even hit his signature series of stomps on each limb of the body. The NWA World Heavyweight Champion fired back in impressive fashion as he knocked the ‘Viper’ down with a forearm smash. The two would go back and forth until Jericho locked in the Liontamer. Somehow, someway, Orton managed to escape the hold and threw Jericho to the outside where the two would remain
Charles Robinson
made the decision for the double-count out.


The decision did not stop both men as they continued their brawl. Jericho shoved Orton into the turnbuckle post and multiple referees and various security guards intervened and prevented anything else happening. Emotions ran high as Jericho shouted abuse at Orton, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion told his nemesis that he would get him eventually. The security guards and referees escorted Jericho up the ramp but Orton blindsided Jericho with a steel chair shot and it seemed that Orton had broken free from the security guards and referees. Orton rained down chairshots on Chris before he lined him up and hit him with the punt. Soon, Randy was escorted to the back as he left Jericho a bloody mess.


The crowd were excited for the Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal and the whole of the inside of the ring and the ringside area had been littered with weapons as we were reminded that weapon use was encouraged and the match itself, pretty much used all of the weapons provided. RFP Heavyweight Champion
Elijah Burke
struggled for the first few minutes to keep his opponents at bay and was relieved when his partner
Montel Vontavious Porter
entered the match at number seven and helped him clear the ring of his opponents which included
Phill Shatter
Jerrelle Clark
Orlando Jordan
Mr. Anderson
entered at number ten and took it to Elijah Burke and MVP, at around about the same time,
Low Ki
—who entered the match at number eight—hit the Warrior’s Way on
Matt Michaels
—who entered at number nine—with his head trapped in a trash can and dumped him out of the ring for the elimination.
Kurt Angle
entered at number eleven and cleaned house with a series of belly-to-belly suplexes and totally neglected the use of weapons. Angle eliminated Low Ki in a spectacular sequence which saw Ki go for his Tidal Crush but Angle caught Ki and threw him out of the ring and through a table with a belly-to-belly suplex. The match continued in it’s chaotic ways as thirteenth entrant
Bobby Lashley
used the weapons to his advantage. He busted Kurt Angle open with a wicked chairshot which broke the steel chair and as a result, Angle rolled out of the ring to recuperate. Bobby Lashley clashed with nemesis
Brent Albright
—who turned on him in a tag team match—after the chairshot. Albright threw Lashley out of the ring after he belted him with stop sign…


We were eventually down to three more entrants as Montel Vontavious Porter, RFP Heavyweight Champion Elijah Burke, Mr. Anderson and Brent Albright remained. At number seventeen, out came
Richie Steamboat
and despite his best efforts, he did not last long in the ring and found himself gorilla pressed out of the ring to the floor. Upon impact, referees checked on Richie but at the same time Kurt Angle had re-entered the ring and eliminated by Mr. Anderson within seconds. Since the referees did not see Angle’s entry back inside the ring or elimination, Angle decided to pretend that he was still recovering from the brutal chair shot he had received from Bobby Lashley. The match had been whittled down to the last entrant. Entries number nineteen and eighteen (
B. Diddy Bagwell
and newcomer
Austin Creed
) did not last long and the final entrant in the match was
Randy Orton
. Orton still felt the effects of his failed attempt at gaining the NWA World Heavyweight title and tried his luck in gaining the RFP Heavyweight title. Mr. Anderson upon Orton’s entrance, eliminated Brent Albright and then beaten down by MVP and Elijah Burke. Randy Orton soon joined both men in taking it to the loudmouth. Burke picked up a lead pipe and looked to strike Anderson with it, but instead struck his own partner in the head to the shock of the RFP faithful. A knocked out MVP was bundled out of the ring and eliminated as Elijah told Orton to help him eliminate Anderson.


The elimination attempt was thwarted by
Chris Jericho
who ran down with a bandage wrapped around his forehead with stains of blood soaked in to it. Jericho slid in the ring and Orton jumped over the top rope (thus eliminating himself) and hightailed it through the crowd, Jericho followed as both men were soon out of sight. The RFP Heavyweight Champion was eliminated after being back dropped to the floor. The crowd begun to cheer loudly as Anderson had gotten down onto his knees with the thought in his head that he had won the match. A bloody Kurt Angle snuck back inside the ring with a crowbar and from behind cracked Anderson in the back of the head. Angle dumped the loudmouth out of the ring to win the match and win the RFP Heavyweight Champion.


Despite Anderson’s best efforts in telling the referees that he had eliminated Angle earlier in the match, they refused to believe it as they had not seen the elimination. Inside the ring, Angle was celebrating his victory. An irate Anderson slid inside the ring and turned him around before he hit the Mic Check. The pay-per-view went off-air with Anderson stood over a laid-out, newly-crowned RFP Heavyweight Champion.


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Ric Flair Promotions Roster





As the name suggests, this team of Jerrelle Clark and Nooie Lee are indeed too fast and too furious. Coming onto the scene at the start of two-thousand and nine, the team have wowed the crowd with their dazzling aerial techniques and their undying will to compete. Several people have said that these two men could quite possibly become NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions by the end of the year. What their opponents have to watch out for is Jerrelle’s 630 senton (they do not call him ‘Mr. 630’ for nothing) and Lee’s awesome 450 splash and their double team move which has Jerrelle hitting a diving splash and Lee hitting a diving leg drop at the same time.





Phill Shatter and Mikal Adryan, otherwise known as the American Horrors are a heavyweight tag team, looking for some gold this year. Debuting in October of two-thousand and nine, the duo have since managed to destroy those put in front of them with their incredibly powerful double chokeslam. This team is one to watch in 2010…





Austin Creed is a wrestler that is light on his feet and can leave an opponent dazed, thanks to his fists of fury. The man who’s idol is Apollo Creed from the Rocky movies, can knock you out with his crisp combo of right and left jabs, finishing in a devastating right hook. But he isn’t a brawling wrestler. In fact, the NWA Athletic Arts mainstay, is a high-flyer. Not afraid to take to the air, Creed will finish off most of his opponents with the Creed-DT, a flying DDT.





A former NWA United States Heavyweight Champion and NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion, the former Buff Bagwell is still an outstanding talent, even at the age of forty. Having spent most of his career despised by the fans, Buff turned himself into ‘B. Diddy Bagwell’ (a play on famous rapper P. Diddy) and now enjoys the fun things in life. He may seem like he’s having a bit too much fun, but when he gets in the squared-circle, the fun and games are over as he looks to finish off his opponents with the devastating B. Diddy Blockbuster.



“The Boss”


Bobby Lashley made his debut in 2009 as the bodyguard of Elijah Burke and Montel Vontavious Porter. But when Lashley grew tired of having his actions controlled by Burke and MVP and became his own man. Ever since then, Lashley has had a very successful career in Ric Flair Promotions. Within a year, he has managed to get the crowd on his side and rooting for him – something that has aided him to victories over the likes of Kurt Angle and Randy Orton. Most recently, Lashley has started to have problems with former friend Brent Albright, after nearly having his right arm snapped in two by him.



“The Shooter”


Most probably the most ruthless man on the Ric Flair Promotions roster today, Brent Albright has become known for his hard-hitting style. Using a brutal combination of knees, chops and a wide variety of suplexes, the man that the RFP faithful dub ‘The Shooter’ is most definitely considered a future Heavyweight Champion. Already a former two-time NWA United States Heavyweight Champion, ‘The Shooter’ is no stranger to gold. Most recently, Albright has turned his back on the fans as he brutally turned on his friend Bobby Lashley, nearly breaking his right arm with the dangerous Crowbar (Fujiwara armbar) submission.



NWA World Heavyweight Champion



The current reigning NWA World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho completed his near two-year quest to get the title. It came with many close calls to winning the title but it came on the biggest event on the Ric Flair Promotion calendar: the Great American Bash. Jericho managed to defeat Randy Orton to lift the title. Chris Jericho got his start in Ric Flair Promotions in two-thousand and started off as a ****y, young lion. But as the years went by, he became the leader of the ‘Horsemen of the Apocalypse’, a group which ruled the company for two years before it’s disbandment in two-thousand and eight when Sting won his final NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title from Jericho and in turn destroyed the group (whilst also retiring from in-ring competition). At Clash of the Champions, Jericho was attacked by the new number one contender for the NWA World Heavyweight title: Randy Orton and has since been embroiled in a feud with the ‘Viper’.





A former Ric Flair Promotions Heavyweight Champion, Elijah Burke is a young man who is in the process of a successful career. Starting in Ric Flair Promotions in late two-thousand and seven, Burke had quickly made an alliance with Montel Vontavious Porter and the two were a union. But thanks to MVP (and then NWA World Heavyweight Champion Randy Orton), Burke was able to lift the RFP Heavyweight title from Chris Jericho in May of last year. Ever since, the former amateur boxer has defended his title against the likes of Kurt Angle, Mr. Anderson, Johnny Lust, Bobby Lashley and many more. Burke recently lost his RFP Heavyweight title in the weapon-filled Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal.



“God’s Gift to Women”


Idol Stevens is the man who likes to call himself ‘God’s Gift to Women’, which was ironically the name of his tag team with former partner Johnny Lust. It was when they broke up, Idol Stevens would make his mark on Ric Flair Promotions. After the two had feuded, Stevens went after targets such as Bobby Lashley and had a shot at the RFP Heavyweight title against Elijah Burke and his former partner Johnny Lust. Stevens—who utilizes a swinging neckbreaker which he likes to call the ‘Idolizer’—has recently found a new partner in the supermodel Sylvain Grenier and also has been a thorn in NWA United States Heavyweight Champion Matt Cappotelli’s side.





Often accompanied by his beautiful girlfriend Shantelle, Johnny Lust is a former three-time NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champion with former tag team partner Idol Stevens. The two broke up and feuded and it was Lust who would win the final match of the feud, in a brutal steel cage match. Ever since then, Lust has been in the chasing pack for the NWA United States title but a newfound partnership with Richie Steamboat has lead him in pursuit of the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles, once again. Lust likes to finish off his opponents with his move called the ‘Genesis Kick’. A 540 degree spinning kick which has put out many of the best Ric Flair Promotions and the world has to offer.



Ric Flair Promotions Heavyweight Champion

“The Olympic Hero”


At the end of two-thousand and eight, Kurt Angle made his shocking debut at the Clash of the Champions pay-per-view just days after being the loser of a ‘Loser Leaves Town’ match in Calgary Stampede against Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart. Angle made a statement by beating the likes of Chris Jericho, Randy Orton and Elijah Burke in the next few months. In September of that year, Angle would receive a chance at claiming his fifth NWA World Heavyweight title from Chris Jericho but came up short against Jericho on two different occasions. After that series was done, Angle is now the nemesis of one Mr. Anderson and after he screwed him out of the RFP Heavyweight title in the Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal, it seems like Angle will have to watch his back.





Dangerous on his feet and dangerous in the air. Low Ki is someone to be feared in Ric Flair Promotions. Using his educated feet to keep people at bay and using his fierce Warrior’s Way to put his opponents away, the young martial-artist is certainly one to watch in 2010. Low Ki made his debut in the Autumn of last year, and made an excellent first impression when he took the ‘Olympic Hero’ Kurt Angle to the limit on an episode of Thunder. Ever since then, the former Eastern Championship Wrestling mainstay has been on a tear, taking everyone to the limit thanks to his hard-hitting style. It’s only a matter of time before this former NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion claims his first bit of gold in this company.



NWA United States Heavyweight Champion



When Titan Wrestling Entertainment released Matt Cappotelli from his contract at the beginning of two-thousand and nine, Ric Flair Promotions immediately picked him up. Cappotelli debuted at SuperBrawl. The ****y young man got on the nerves of the fans as his cheating antics would be used to finish off most of his opponents. But the RFP faithful soon came to like him as he put an end to Montel Vontavious Porter’s near-year reign as NWA United States Heavyweight Champion in an impromptu match in August. Since then, Cappotelli has remained NWA United States Heavyweight Champion, taking on all challengers but currently his main focus is on Idol Stevens…





The cousin of former NWA World Heavyweight Champion Shawn Michaels and the protégé of Diamond Dallas Page, Matt Michaels has been a part of Ric Flair Promotions since two-thousand and five. Starting out as a crowd favourite who would work the opening matches of pay-per-views and television shows, Michaels would rise to new heights in two-thousand and eight, thanks to Diamond Dallas Page. Page would label Michaels the ‘Diamond Kid’ and their newfound partnership (along with Michaels’ new attitude) would earn them a NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team title reign. At the end of two-thousand and eight, Page would retire and become manager for Michaels and it has given Matt that extra edge in most of his matches. It was thanks to Page that Michaels earned a win over Low Ki at Bunkhouse Stampede.





A loudmouth, an ******* and most definitely one of the most popular members of the Ric Flair Promotions roster. Mr. Anderson made his Ric Flair Promotions debut in two-thousand and five and was put out for the rest of the year due to injury. When he came back at the end of two-thousand and six, Anderson became the loudmouth that we’ve all come to know and cheer. He wasn’t a fan favourite from the start however and his ways of earning victories over many people were hated by all. In the next few years, Anderson would come short on several occasions in his attempts to capture the NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title and later the RFP Heavyweight title and became a fan favourite when he laid down the challenge to then RFP Heavyweight Champion Elijah Burke in July of two-thousand and nine. Though he came up short in that match, Anderson walked out of the arena that night a fan favourite. Anderson would come close to holding the RFP Heavyweight title at Bunkhouse Stampede but was screwed over at the last possible moment by Kurt Angle and Anderson is now on the hunt for revenge…





Representing the 3-0-5 area in Miami, Florida, Montel Vontavious Porter has been a mainstay on the RFP roster for four years. Getting his debut in two-thousand and six, becoming the ‘highest-paid’ wrestler in the history of the National Wrestling Alliance. MVP quickly aligned himself with Elijah Burke and the two had a partnership which would see them help each other in victories. Most notably, MVP was helped to win the NWA United States Heavyweight title in November of two-thousand and eight, a title he would hold for nearly a year before being beaten by Matt Cappotelli. The partnership between both Burke and Porter has seemed to come to an end, thanks to Elijah’s brutal assault on Porter during the Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal which eliminated MVP from the match. The Miami native has been said to not been seen ever since…





Orlando Jordan made his debut in the company in January two-thousand and nine as a mystery entrant in the Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal. Shortly after his participation in that match, he would become affiliated with fellow Florida natives Elijah Burke and MVP, but a tear of the pectoral muscle put an end to their partnership. Jordan returned in November of that year and with his new ‘tough’ attitude, he’s been able to rise up the ranks of Ric Flair Promotions.



“The Viper”


Cold, calculating and ruthless. They do not call Randy Orton the ‘Viper’ for nothing. Son of the legendary Bob Orton, Orton made his debut in two-thousand and two. Orton made his mark in two-thousand and five as he delivered an RKO to the legendary Sting and begun to call himself the ‘Legend Killer’. He would continue to beat down legends to taunt Sting and eventually, he would face the man himself at the Great American Bash in two-thousand a six, a year after he started his brutal attacks on legends of the business. Though he lost that night, it would be an important step in Orton’s career and it would put him on the path to the NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight title and in two-thousand and seven, he would lift the title. Though the reign would be cut short by Chris Jericho. Randy Orton went on to defeat Steve Austin in February of last year to win his first NWA World Heavyweight title. He lost that title to Chris Jericho several months later, but has since become number one contender to the title. What has followed that is brutal assaults on Jericho and a failed attempt at gaining the NWA World Heavyweight title.





Son of the legend and owner of this company Ric Flair and the brother of the commissioner David Flair, Reid Flair is a second-generation wrestler looking to make his mark on the world of wrestling. He debuted late last year and impressed everyone by managing to hold his own against Randy Orton in a losing effort. Ever since, he’s been working his way up the ranks ready for his chance to shine…





Richie Steamboat is the son of legendary two-time NWA World Heavyweight and multi-time NWA World Tag Team Champion, Ricky ‘The Dragon’ Steamboat. Richie, much like his father, is a high-flier and will take to the sky at any moment. Steamboat debuted in June of last year and is making a name for himself and following in the footsteps of his father. Currently, he’s teaming with Johnny Lust in an attempt to get the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles from the Rogue Raiders. Their first attempt at Bunkhouse Stampede did not end well as they came out the losers, but they are both still in pursuit of the titles…



“The Messiah of the Backbreaker”


A former product of the Championship Wrestling from Florida wrestling promotion, Roderick Strong was a strong (pardon the pun) addition to the Ric Flair Promotions roster in the spring of last year. Roderick is dubbed the ‘Messiah of the Backbreaker’ due to the many variations of backbreakers he uses and each one of them is most certain to destroy the back once they hit. But what everyone watches out for is the move titled ‘Death By Roderick’ which is a fireman’s carry double knee gut buster, it’s put away the best the world has to offer. Strong is a highly-valued member of the roster and could quite possibly be the future of the company in due time…



NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions



The current NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions, this team consisting of Drew McIntyre and Paul Burchill is a force to be reckoned with. Making their debuts at the end of two-thousand and eight, these two men claimed to be the pride of Great Britain and tore up the tag team division and eventually won the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles last year in November, beating the team of Matt Stryker and Chad Collyer (in a match also involving 2 Fast, 2 Furious). Now at the top of the tag team division, will the team who call themselves the Rogue Raiders be able to stay there for long? Only time will tell.





A supermodel from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Sylvain Grenier is one of the newest talents on the Ric Flair Promotions roster. He debuted on the first episode of Thunder of two-thousand and ten and defeated a local wrestler in impressive fashion, finishing him off with a move he likes to call the ‘Model Solution’, which is a vertical suplex dropped into a DDT. Sylvain eventually found an associate in Idol Stevens and has helped Stevens gain several victories in the past month.





Three-time NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions, this team of Matt Stryker and Chad Collyer is called ‘Technical Perfection’ due to their outstanding technical wrestling skills and ability to keep their opponents grounded. They both debuted in two-thousand and six and have been a solid team with their last taste of gold coming back in September of last year. It will only be a matter of time before these two men gain the titles once again…


Other Roster Members:

Charles Robinson – Referee

David Flair – Commissioner

Diamond Dallas Page – Manager of Matt Michaels

Josh Matthews – Backstage Interviewer

Mike Chioda – Referee

Mike Tenay – Announcer

Ric Flair – Colour Commentator

Shantelle – Manager of Johnny Lust



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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: The Cassell Coliseum, Blacksburg, Virginia – Wednesday, Week One, February


The show kicked off with
Elijah Burke
as he made his way to the ring. With a microphone already in his hand, Burke got straight to the point. He first said he would be using his ‘rematch clause’ in an attempt to get back his RFP Heavyweight title back. Then Burke turned his attention to his actions at Bunkhouse Stampede in which he brutally beat down on his (now former) friend
Montel Vontavious Porter
. The former Heavyweight Champion deemed the Miami native a ‘liability’. He told the fans in the arena that Porter had been the source of many of his losses over the past few weeks and the final straw was when Porter accidentally hit him with a steel chair which missed one
Mr. Anderson
. Burke deemed his actions an act of revenge and that he can do better without MVP holding him down. Burke took a long pause and drew in the fans hatred and when he went to continue, everyone’s favourite loudmouth burst through the curtain with a microphone and told Burke to ‘shut the hell up’. Anderson made his case for challenging for the RFP Heavyweight title because he was screwed out of the title by
Kurt Angle
(who came back inside the ring at the end to eliminate Anderson, despite being eliminated beforehand). The fan favourite soon came face to face with Burke inside the ring as the two had an intense staredown. Commissioner
David Flair
interrupted the staredown and told the fans that Burke and Anderson would face each other for number one contendership to the RFP Heavyweight title later on in the night. The decision was well-received by the fans. And the show went to a commercial with both Burke and Anderson in an exchange of words.


The first match of the night saw
Bobby Lashley
tear through
Bruce Santee
within two minutes. Lashley dominated Santee with a series of slams and strikes before he managed to hit the Dominator.


The camera’s were stationed in the car park and they followed
Randy Orton
as he exited from his rental car. Orton—dressed in street clothes—made his way through several corridors before he approached his locker room door. When he opened it, NWA World Heavyweight Champion
Chris Jericho
popped out and started to punch away at the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion. An irate Jericho threw Orton into a wall before trying to lock in the Liontamer. Orton somehow managed to kick Jericho away and once he did, he stood onto his feet and ran away. Jericho immediately ran after him as a chase ensued.


Brent Albright
conducted an interview with
Josh Matthews
who asked Albright whether he was satisfied with the damage he has done to Bobby Lashley over the last few weeks. Albright smirked and asked Matthews if he thought Albright had done enough. Matthews stupidly replied and Albright shouted at him telling him that it is not enough until he gets Lashley inside the ring, one-on-one. Lashley soon appeared on the scene and told ‘The Shooter’ that he’s always open to a challenge as Albright backed away slowly and told Lashley that he wants a match at Superbrawl. Lashley nodded in response to the request as the show went to a commercial to advertise Superbrawl.


In a rematch from their tag team match at Bunkhouse Stampede,
The Rogue Raiders
met the team of
Johnny Lust
Richie Steamboat
in an NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team title match.
Drew McIntyre
started things off with Steamboat and bullied the second-generation superstar around. After a while, it seemed like McIntyre had underestimated the youngster as he took him down with a series of rapid chops and dropkicks. Both men tagged out to their partners and
Paul Burchill
struggled to keep up with Lust’s speed. Despite this, he did eventually catch the young man and planted him with a massive spinebuster for a two count. The match broke down as all four members of the match got involved and much like at Bunkhouse Brawl –
got involved on the behalf of Lust only to be once again threatened by Drew McIntyre. Lust and Steamboat made the save and the action was taken to the outside where the referee called for a double count-out.


The two teams continued to brawl on the outside and the Rogue Raiders took control. After they tossed Lust face first into the ringpost, they threw a helpless Richie Steamboat into the ring and continued to beat down on him until familiar music played. The RFP faithful witnessed the return of former RFP Heavyweight Champion:
Steven Regal
. The Englishman made his way down to the ring and slid in before he came eye-to-eye with both of the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions. Regal—wearing a suit—took off his suit jacket and asked them for a fight. The crowd cheered but both Burchill and McIntyre bowed in the presence of Regal as he directed a stomp to the head of Richie Steamboat thus making it clear that he’s affiliated with the Rogue Raiders. All three men like a pack of wild dogs stomped on the body of Steamboat until
Roderick Strong
ran out with a steel chair in hand. The Brits bailed and Roderick Strong stood tall in the ring as the show went to commercial.


When we came back,
Idol Stevens
Orlando Jordan
were in the ring for a singles match. Idol struggled to keep the Floridian down as Orlando brought his ‘A’ game. He got the better of Stevens on several occasions in the match and even countered his patented Idolizer neckbreaker with his own neckbreaker. Despite all of this, Stevens came back into the match and started to work on the neck of Jordan. Jordan once again got back in the match, but after being piledriven on the outside, the writing was on the wall for Jordan. One Idolizer later, Idol got the one-two-three.


Stevens was joined by his supermodel partner
Sylvain Grenier
as the two seized microphones to the disapproval of the fans. The two traded compliments before they turned their attention to the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion:
Matt Cappotelli
. ‘The Idol’ claimed that Cappotelli got lucky at Bunkhouse Brawl and said that if he was one-hundred percent, he would’ve won the match. Idol came up with a ludicrous excuse as he said that he had bad food poisoning. He even had Sylvain confirm that he did as the Canadian told the fans that they were eating at a top-end restaurant and Stevens ate some badly cooked fish and spent ages throwing up in a nearby toilet before Bunkhouse Stampede began. At the end of the promo, Sylvain Grenier told the fans that later on tonight, he would beat Cappotelli.


We return backstage to see Randy Orton still being chased by the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. In a cowardly attempt in trying to divert Jericho’s path, Orton started to shove random people into Jericho. All attempts failed, but Orton would knock over a massive container unit which would block off the hallway. The former NWA World Heavyweight Champion left the ‘Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ behind and ran off further down the hallway.


In the second tag team match of the night, the team of
Low Ki
and NWA United States Heavyweight Matt Cappotelli defeated
Matt Michaels
and Sylvain Grenier. Michaels and Cappotelli started off the match with the usual quick junior heavyweight wrestling and Michaels found himself facing Low Ki and nearly got his face kicked off with a vicious roundhouse. After that, Michaels’ manager
Diamond Dallas Page
advised the ‘Diamond Kid’ to tag out and leave the match to avoid any further damage. He did just that and left Sylvain to fend for himself and in doing so, Sylvain received the beating of his life. Matt Cappotelli rearranged the supermodel’s face with a Walk of Fame and that allowed Ki to finish off the match with a Warrior’s Way.


We go back for a catch-up on the Randy Orton and Chris Jericho chase as it seemed that ‘The Viper’ had gotten rid of Jericho. The former NWA World Heavyweight Champion sat down at a mini-fast food outlet and decided to catch his breath. Right next to him was a man reading a newspaper. Orton laughed and told the man that he had just had the chase of his life. He would then ask the man if he could look at the newspaper. The man handed it over as Orton as Orton read a short article and put the newspaper down, to reveal that the man was actually Chris Jericho. The crowd cheered in the background and Jericho pounced on Orton and viciously pounded away at ‘The Viper’. Orton managed to scramble out of Jericho’s hold and run away as the chase continued…


Brent Albright took on
B. Diddy Bagwell
. Albright was in no mood for Bagwell’s fun actions as Bagwell began to dance around the ring only to be clotheslined by ‘The Shooter’. Immediately on the attack, Albright devastated B. Diddy with a series of knees aimed to the head and then threw him across the ring with an exploder suplex. Bagwell tried to fight back and he caught Albright with a shoulder block and a Manhattan Suplex, but it was not enough to keep Albright down. Brent focused his offense on the arm and eventually trapped B. Diddy in the Crowbar for the victory.


Randy Orton, after nearly two hours of being chased made his way back to his rental car. Orton had trouble starting the engine of his car as Jericho (now armed with a lead pipe) begun to smash the windows of the car. Jericho’s lead pipe shots continued to do damage to the car as Orton ducked down and was able to finally start the car. He pressed the accelerator and started to drive off, with Jericho still striking the car with his lead pipe. Orton managed to drive away at a high speed, leaving the arena and leaving Jericho behind. “I don’t think it’s over yet, Flair! These men still have bad blood!” remarked
Mike Tenay
as the show went to it’s final commercial break of the night.


Before the main event of the night, the Ric Flair Promotions fans were treated to the entrance of the new Ric Flair Promotions Heavyweight Champion: Kurt Angle. The ‘Olympic Hero’ stepped out to his usual pyros and chorus of ‘You Suck!’ chants before he entered the ring. When Angle did enter the ring, he called for a microphone and when he did get one, he announced that he would be the special guest announcer for the upcoming match. Both Mike Tenay and Ric Flair expressed their hatred for the decision Angle made but changed their tone once Angle sat at the table with them.


Finally the main event got under way. With the number one contendership to the RFP Heavyweight title, neither Mr. Anderson or Elijah Burke could afford to lose. In the early going, Burke ran around ringside with Anderson chasing after him, but once he slid in the ring and Anderson done the same, the former Heavyweight Champion capitalised on it and began to beat down on the loudmouth. Burke’s strikes kept Anderson at bay, but after Anderson countered his trademark ‘4-Up’ uppercut, Burke seemed in trouble. Anderson planted the Floridian with a DDT and only got a two. A bunch of close-falls would follow, but Burke would soon shove Mr. Anderson into referee
Charles Robinson
, which would knock him down. After that, Burke struck the self-proclaimed ‘*******’ with the Elijah Express. Suddenly, Montel Vontavious Porter ran out from the back and slid inside the ring, immediately going after Elijah Burke. The angry MVP hit his Play of the Day on Burke and left the ring. Anderson came around and lifted Burke to his feet and dropped him with the Mic Check just as Charles Robinson had awoken and he counted the academic three-count. The show went off-air with Anderson having his hand raised after a hard-fought victory as Kurt Angle looked on from the announce table.


Overall Rating:



Ric Flair Promtoions –

Taped From: The Cassell Coliseum, Blacksburg, Virginia – Wednesday, Week One, February


  • Brent Albright
    Nooie Lee
    by submission following a Crowbar.

  • A recap aired of Bunkhouse Stampede, but the dominating factor of the recap is
    Kurt Angle
    Mr. Anderson

  • The Trouble Shooters
    Reid Flair
    Austin Creed
    Chad Collyer
    pinned Creed with a bridging German suplex.

  • Orlando Jordan
    Bruce Santee
    by pinfall after the Black Ice.

  • Another recap is aired of Bunkhouse Stampede, but this time the dominating factor of the recap is
    Chris Jericho
    Randy Orton

  • Drew McIntyre
    Jerrelle Clark
    by pinfall following a Future Shock DDT.


Overall Rating:



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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: Citizens Business Bank Arena, Ontario, California – Wednesday, Week Two, February


The show opened with
Kurt Angle
inside the square circle dressed in a black Armani suit and he had the RFP Heavyweight title on his shoulder and a microphone in his hand. Angle had decided to take the time to brag about how he won the title several weeks ago at the Bunkhouse Stampede pay-per-view in the Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal. Angle bragged that he did it without using the weapons around him on purpose (which is true, he used one weapon which was a table and that wasn’t actually held by him and he didn’t hit anyone with it, just put someone through the table) and he added that he won the match fair and square which caused the audience to boo. As soon as Angle said that,
Mr. Anderson
strolled out in wrestling attire for his match against
Randy Orton
scheduled for the main event. Anderson already had a microphone ready and he spoke his mind. He called Angle a ‘con artist’ and promised all the fans to bring the title to where it belonged – on him. Angle laughed off the verbal insults and invited Anderson down to the ring and without a pause, Anderson made his way to the ring. Angle had already taken off his suit jacket and tie, ready to fight but before Anderson could slide in, a wave of security guards intercepted and held Anderson back, which left Angle laughing in the ring. But the smile on his face would be wiped off immediately when
David Flair
stepped out and demanded that these two men would not provoke eachother in the lead up to Superbrawl. The show went to commercial for the first time of the evening…


When Thunder returned from a commercial break, David Flair made his way back to his office, but was stopped by
Diamond Dallas Page
. DDP smiled at Flair and Flair demanded to know what he wanted. And what Page wanted was a match for
Matt Michaels
against the NWA World Heavyweight Champion:
Chris Jericho
. David claimed that he would not do such a thing as the ‘Diamond Kid’ isn’t even considered a contender to the NWA World Heavyweight title, but Page said it would not be a title match – it would be something like a match in which Michaels could ‘prove’ that he belonged with the people at the top of the company. Flair said that he wouldn’t give the match because of what happened last week when Michaels walked out on a tag team match on Page’s command but he would enjoy Michaels getting his ass kicked by Jericho and booked the match for later on tonight…


The first match of the evening was a massive six-man tag team match. The team that consisted of the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions the
Rogue Raiders
Drew McIntyre
Paul Burchill
– and
‘The Shooter’ Brent Albright
took on
Johnny Lust
Richie Steamboat
‘The Boss’ Bobby Lashley
accompanied by Lust’s girlfriend
. In the beginning of the match, the Scotsman was able to dominate Steamboat and that allowed for his other team members to do the same. When Steamboat made the tag Lust was able to weaken the opposition but ended up on the receiving end of a massive spinebuster from Albright. Lust became the victim of the threesome’s attacks but the tables would turn once ‘The Boss’ got involved with the match as he charged in and took out all of his opponents. He soon collided with Albright and the two would brawl throughout ringside before they tagged out to Steamboat and Burchill. All hell would break loose as all six men got involved, Lashley and Albright would brawl on the outside and eventually went backstage whilst the Rogue Raiders would attempt to keep Lust and Steamboat at bay. Steamboat was able to counter a suplex attempt from Burchill with his own before knocking him down with a springboard crossbody just as Lust clotheslined McIntyre over the top rope and that gave their team the win.


The camera transitioned from the ring to the backstage area where a bitterly disappointed
Steven Regal
expressed his anger at his new associates loss. He vowed to crush the ‘little toerag’
Roderick Strong
later on in the night before the show went to a commercial which promoted Superbrawl which is in two weeks time.


Josh Matthews
managed to catch up with Mr. Anderson as he walked back to his locker room. The interviewer questioned Anderson on his thoughts for his match later on in the night and Anderson told Matthews in response that he would ‘take the poison’ out of ‘The Viper’ and then continue with his pursuit of the RFP Heavyweight title. The loudmouth left the interviewer and went inside his locker room as the segment came to a close…


Idol Stevens
took on
Austin Creed
after the commercial break. At the start of the match, Stevens begun to underestimate the youngster but found himself dazzled thanks to Creed’s rapid jabs. Stevens would put a stop to his dangerous strikes and would work over the arm and even went as far as to take him to the outside and toss him into the steel steps, right arm first. After he locked in an armbar, Stevens was sure that he had gained the victory, but Creed reached the ropes and got back into the match-up. A series of dropkicks kept ‘The Idol’ down as Creed ascended to the top rope. Once Stevens had gotten to his feet, Creed leaped off for the Creed-DT, but Stevens moved and came from behind to hit the Idolizer for the one-two-three.


Almost instantaneously after his victory, Stevens would see the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion
Matt Cappotelli
appear on the ramp. Cappotelli informed Stevens that the two would meet at Superbrawl in two weeks time for the NWA United States Heavyweight title. With his wish from last week granted, Stevens was overjoyed but that joy would be put to a halt immediately when Cappotelli told Stevens that he would need to come up with all the excuse he could because it would be him losing once again, which struck a nerve in ‘The Idol’.


Steven Regal and Roderick Strong went head-to-head as Regal looked to make ‘The Messiah of the Backbreaker’ pay for his part in saving Richie Steamboat last week when Regal had returned and made an alliance with the Rogue Raiders. The match was hard-hitting from the start as both men struck each other with vicious uppercuts and stiff chops. Regal took control of the match after he countered a Gibson Driver from Strong. The Englishman begun to throw Strong around the ring with a series of suplexes and got close falls. An attempt at a Regal Cutter went awry as Strong countered and managed to rally back with a series of backbreakers which destroyed the back of Regal. Referee
Mike Chioda
found himself distracted by the Rogue Raiders which allowed Regal to hit an uppercut to the groin area of Strong and nail him with a left-handed punch aided by a pair of brass knuckles. Strong dropped to the canvas and when Chioda focused back on the match, he saw Regal hooking the leg of his opponent and counted the pinfall.


After the bell had rung, the Rogue Raiders entered the ring and helped Regal in the beat down of Roderick Strong. Much like last week, the trio attacked Strong like a pack of wild dogs. Steven eventually applied the Regal Stretch which choked Strong out until Richie Steamboat and Johnny Lust made the save and chased off the three men from the British Isles.


Before their match, Matt Michaels offered Chris Jericho a handshake and when Jericho accepted it, the ‘Diamond Kid’ slapped the NWA World Heavyweight Champion across the face. Immediately Jericho punched Michaels in the face and the match begun. The match at the start was a back-and-forth affair as neither man could get a distinct advantage over one another in the first few minutes. Eventually, Jericho went for the 2012 but Michaels moved out of the way which caused Jericho to crash and burn. From there, Michaels started to dominate Jericho and proved that he could hang with him. At one point, the man managed by Diamond Dallas Page tossed Jericho into the ropes neck first with a hotshot but that wasn’t enough to put away the World Heavyweight Champion. Jericho rebounded back as he ducked a Superkick attempt and nearly knocked Michaels’ teeth out with a flying forearm smash. Jericho took to the top rope and was going to attempt something but was distracted by DDP which allowed Michaels to hit a superplex. Jericho took the initiative back and locked in the Liontamer, Michaels tapped – but the referee didn’t see it as Diamond Dallas Page hopped on the apron and distracted
Charles Robinson
. Page would be knocked off the apron by an interfering
Low Ki
who pulled the former NWA Mid-Atlantic Heavyweight Champion off the apron and knocked him out with a roundhouse kick, which put him out of action for the rest of the match. The end of the match came when Matt attempted a Superkick once again but got caught by he ‘Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ as he then locked in the Liontamer once again for the submission victory.


After a advertisement for Superbrawl aired,
Montel Vontavious Porter
was inside the ring. The Miami native talked about the events in recent weeks and his friendship with RFP Heavyweight Champion
Elijah Burke
. ‘The Franchise Playa’ called Burke a selfish man who would value his RFP Heavyweight title over his friends and that when he turned on him, it would be the ultimate act of his selfishness. Porter went on to say that he wanted revenge for Burke’s actions at Bunkhouse Stampede and called out Burke himself to answer to the challenge. It was only a matter of time before MVP’s former friend stepped out on the stage and Burke would once again give his reasons for his actions. Burke like he said last week, deemed Porter a ‘liability’ and found MVP the source of his losses in the past few weeks because of MVP’s inability to help him properly. MVP told Burke that he didn’t have to brutally assault him like that and due to this, MVP announced that at Superbrawl he would get his hands on Burke in a one-on-one match. Burke didn’t seem at all phased and promised to hit MVP with a lead pipe just like he did at Bunkhouse Stampede.


The main event had arrived as Randy Orton and Mr. Anderson went one-on-one. The two slugged it out in the opening minute of the match as they swung for the fences. Orton switched it up and raked the eyes of Anderson and from there onwards, was on top of the match. The two would eventually end up on the outside of the ring as Orton tried to throw Anderson into the announcer’s table but instead found himself being thrown across the table. From there, the loudmouth took Orton back inside the ring and set him up for a Kenton Bomb, but Orton avoided it and that caused Anderson to crash and burn. Orton set up for the RKO shortly after, but Chris Jericho hit the ring and started taking it to the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Kurt Angle soon interfered and started to brawl with Mr. Anderson. Both Jericho and Orton ended up brawling at ringside and into the crowd whilst Angle managed to Angle Slam Anderson and then lock in the Angle Lock. Angle continuously twisted Anderson’s ankle and then transitioned into a grapevine to ensure that Anderson would not escape. A large group of security guards ran out and stormed the ring and tried their best to get the RFP Heavyweight Champion to relinquish the hold, but Angle proceeded to contort Anderson’s ankle as Thunder came to an end.


Overall Show Rating:



Ric Flair Promtoions –

Taped From: The Citizens Business Bank Arena, Ontario, California – Wednesday, Week Two, February


  • Reid Flair
    Matt Stryker
    by submission after a Figure Four Leglock.

  • A recap of Thunder is shown as it highlighted
    Randy Orton
    Mr. Anderson

  • 2 Fast, 2 Furious
    American Horror
    Jerrelle Clark
    hit a 630 senton on
    Phill Shatter

  • Orlando Jordan
    Bruce Santee
    after a Black Ice.

  • A promotional video for Superbrawl aired.

  • Austin Creed
    Sylvain Grenier
    after a Creed-DT.

Overall Rating:




Live From: Comcast Center, College Park, Maryland

Card Not Finalized, Subject To Change

Sunday, Week Four, February 2010



‘The Olympic Hero’ KURT ANGLE© versus MR. ANDERSON






‘The Boss’ BOBBY LASHLEY versus ‘The Shooter’ BRENT ALBRIGHT






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Report #1 – Monday, Week Three, February



We start the newest addition to NationalWrestlingAlliance.com with news from Ric Flair Promotions. The promotion lead by Ric Flair has just come to an agreement with New Japan Pro Wrestling and Dragon Pro over in Japan. Flair managed to come to a deal with New Japan’s owner: Antonio Inoki. The deal will allow wrestlers to be traded back and forth between the two companies. The same deal has been reached between RFP and Dragon Pro as Flair and Último Dragón were able to also come to a deal.


Continuing with the theme of Ric Flair Promotions, the company has re-signed Orlando Jordan as his contract came up for renewal. Jordan, who made his debut for the promotion last year, has had some success in the company, but it’s said that 2010 might be his year considering that his ring performances continue to improve as they have been as of late. RFP have signed NWA: Athletic Arts star Shawn Spears to a pay-per-appearance contract so that he can continue his duties in NWA:AA. Spears is a great pick-up for the growing promotion as his solid wrestling may be a welcome addition to the promotion.


World Class Championship Wrestling recently held it’s February pay-per-view event WCW on PPV: Over The Limit where in the main event Rocky Johnson defended his WCCW Heavyweight title against the Von Erich Cup Winner Kip Winchester in a heavily contested main event after hitting the Rocky Urangi on Winchester. In other notes from the pay-per-view, Steve Austin defeated Mean Mark Callous via disqualification when Callous started to strike multiple referees and Adam Pearce defeated Chris Harris to lift the WCCW Heritage title in a bloody affair.


WCCW recently signed the likes of Trent Acid, Stevie Richards, referee Earl Hebner, Paul London and former Ric Flair Promotions wrestler Shelton Benjamin who was spending time in Japan for New Japan Pro Wrestling. The company have also expanded it’s roster thanks to call ups from it’s developmental territory: Texas Championship Wrestling. Those called up include Eric Escobar, Chris Rambo, Brett DiBiase, Chase Stevens and Heath Slater.


Titan Wrestling Entertainment held In Your House: Nowhere To Run which featured the infamous ‘Nowhere To Run’ steel cage match (basic steel cage with barbwire and razorwire wrapped around the top and no door to make escape impossible). In the match where you can only win by escape, TWE Heavyweight Champion and one of the contenders for the NWA World Heavyweight title Nero defeated the sadistic monster Glenn Goodnight. The match was an incredibly bloody affair as Nero found himself drenched in blood after having his forehead grinded by the razorwire and barbwire. Despite this, he managed to rally back and climb out of the cage to retain his title. In other action, Jean Paul Levesque and Mr. Wonderful defeated The Great Wight and Batista in the semi-main event and René Dupreé defeated Fertig to retain the TWE East Coast title.


TWE saw a bunch of signings and call-ups from it’s developmental territory NWA: New York as call-ups included Kara, Cliff Compton, Joey Curtis, the monster Ezekiel Jackson and Kris Logan. The company made a big move and signed Honolulu Championship Wrestling star Sonny Siaki to a deal. Maryse, Paul London and Brian Kendrick were released from the company.


Calgary Stampede have had a wicked set of matches on their weekly broadcasts of Shockwave as all of their main events have been potential match of the year candidates. Sexton Hardcastle managed to outlast Chavo Guerrero, Jr in a thrilling encounter to retain his NWA Canadian Heavyweight title in the most recent edition of Shockwave. Also, the company has called up several stars from Alberta Championship Wrestling. Those which got called up included: Derek Wylde, Scotty Mac, Angela Fong and Tiger Raj Singh.


In other news from across the NWA…Eastern Championship Wrestling held Cyberslam, an event in which the fans would vote for what matches they would like to see. In the main event, ECW Heavyweight Champion C.M. Punk retained his title against Matt Sydal (who had won a vote which involved Samoa Joe and Abyss) to earn the opportunity of facing Punk. In other matches Homicide retained his ECW Television title against The Gallows in a ‘New York Street Fight’ as voted for by the fans (other matches included: a Stretcher match and a first blood match) and the two losers of the ECW Heavyweight title vote—Samoa Joe and Abyss—faced off against eachother in the co-main event.


Project X signed Bryan Danielson to a pay-per-appearance contract, but his tenure in the company may not last long as it is said many other wrestling promotions are interested in him. But despite this ‘rumour’, nothing has come out of it. Danielson had a match of the year candidate against former NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion PAC on Project X TV. Finally, Memphis Championship Wrestling will be holding their annual King of the River City tournament next week.



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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: Eblen Center, Cookeville, Tennessee – Wednesday, Week Three, February


This weeks edition of Thunder opened with
David Flair
inside the ring. The commissioner of Ric Flair Promotions, looked extremely frustrated and explained that he was frustrated due to someone in the company going against his wishes. Last week, Flair asked
Kurt Angle
Mr. Anderson
not to provoke eachother in the next few weeks as Superbrawl was right around the corner. In the main event last week, Angle nearly broke the ankle of Anderson with his Angle Lock. Flair said that he would punish Angle as he allowed Anderson to pick an opponent for Angle later on tonight. Flair moved on to the subject of
Chris Jericho
Randy Orton
. Flair announced on the spot that later on tonight, there would be a contract signing for a NWA World Heavyweight title match at Superbrawl. After that announcement, Flair left the ring and the show carried on with it’s usual proceedings.


Brent Albright
Nooie Lee
in the opening match of the night. Lee—who never really stood a chance against Albright—at the start of the match, tried his best to put down ‘The Shooter’, only to be met with a series of knee strikes. The knee strikes winded Lee and he was thrown to the canvas with an exploder suplex and then locked in the Crowbar, which gave Albright the submission victory.


Josh Matthews
appeared backstage with the RFP Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle, after the commercial break. Angle, who was dressed in his wrestling attire and his ‘American Hero’ t-shirt looked determined for his match against an opponent of Mr. Anderson’s choosing and Matthews asked Angle if he was worried. ‘The Olympic Hero’ shouted at Matthews, asking if he looked worried and then told the camera he was not scared, it should be Anderson’s mystery opponent that should be scared.


Steven Regal
Johnny Lust
(who had
in his corner as always) in the second match of the night. In the early going, Lust kept Regal down with a series of flying forearms before he dropped him with a massive brainbuster for a two. Regal fired back with a series of uppercuts which rocked Lust. Lust came back into the match though and connected with a textbook tornado variant of the DDT, which got him a two. It wasn’t long until the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions showed up as
Drew McIntyre
Paul Burchill
distracted the referee. This gave Regal enough time to recover and belt Lust with a brass-knuckles assisted right hook and he pinned him once the referee returned his attention to the match.


After the bell had rung, Shantelle (and eventually tag team partner
Richie Steamboat
) checked on the knocked-out Lust as Regal and the
Rogue Raiders
celebrated their victory but their celebration was cut short by the entrance of
Roderick Strong
who had a microphone. Strong announced on the spot a match between him and Regal had been signed for at Superbrawl, much to the displeasure of Steven. Strong, who was also the messenger for another message announced that the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles would be defended also at Superbrawl as we would see Lust and Steamboat take on the Rogue Raiders. The segment came to an end with the British wrestlers angry at the announcement.


Matt Michaels
Diamond Dallas Page
were backstage with Josh Matthews and almost immediately after the interview had begun, Page shoved Matthews out of the camera’s view and decided to interview Michaels himself. Page asked ‘The Diamond Kid’ on his opinions for what happened last week during his match with Chris Jericho when
Low Ki
interfered and took ‘innocent’ Diamond Dallas Page out. “Low Ki was clearly jealous. He’s jealous that I got a chance to shine and that I was taking Chris Jericho to school, and he couldn’t bear to see me in the spot where he will never be…” replied Michaels. Another question asked by DDP asked Michaels if we will see him get revenge against Ki tonight, and Michaels told DDP: “We’ll see”, before he walked off…


Once a promotional video for Superbrawl aired, a tag team match was already in progress as it was the team of
Idol Stevens
and the supermodel
Sylvain Grenier
took on NWA United States Heavyweight Champion
Matt Cappotelli
Austin Creed
. The tag team match was extremely fast-paced thanks in part to Austin Creed – who took Sylvain Grenier for a ride early on in the match with a brilliant springboard hurricanrana and then a forward flip plancha. Grenier and Stevens’ teamwork would be the main story of the match as the two managed to dominate Creed and held him back from making the tag. The duo could not hold down the young man for long as Creed countered a double suplex attempt and dazzled the crowd with his wicked series of right and left jabs before making the tag to the United States Heavyweight Champion. Cappotelli took it to the legal man Stevens, but Sylvain Grenier came from behind with a neckbreaker and the two stomped on the champion, Creed got involved once again, this time to clothesline the supermodel over the top rope and rock the man who calls himself ‘God’s Gift to Women’ once again with fists of fury. Cappotelli seized the chance and came from behind to hit the Walk of Fame to give his team the victory over his enemy.


Low Ki
Chad Collyer
faced off in a very good one-on-one contest following the commercial. In the first few moments of the match, Collyer’s superior technical skills grounded the martial artist and allowed Collyer to avoid any of the unpredictable offense of Ki. Collyer was able to get several pinfalls, but none of them reached the count of three. Ki eventually broke free and started to kick away at Collyer, before he knocked him down with an enziguri and after that, he lifted him up onto his feet and sent him back down with a Mongolian chop. Ki was all over Collyer and managed to put away the match with a picture-perfect Warrior’s Way.


Matt Michaels made his way out to the ring with Diamond Dallas Page behind and once he got in, he clenched his fist as if he was going to hit Low Ki from behind. Ki turned around and immediately switched into a fighting stance which caused ‘The Diamond Kid’ to slowly back away. But the martial artist closed the distance between them and engaged in a staredown with Michaels as Page intervened and slowly pulled his client away from Ki. The two exited the ring and left the ‘World Warrior’ to celebrate his win.


Bobby Lashley
quickly disposed of
Phill Shatter
in a one-on-one match. Shatter was on top for the first minute, but got caught with a vicious Spear before being dumped with the Dominator. The match sent a clear message to Brent Albright, just like Albright’s match earlier in the night had sent a message to Lashley.


The main event had finally arrived as Kurt Angle came out first and made his way down to the ring to his usual set of fireworks and chorus of ‘You Suck’ chants. When Angle entered the ring, he was greeted by Mr. Anderson who came from backstage and whilst he told the fans how much trouble he went through to get a decent opponent, he got himself seated at the announce table with
Ric Flair
Mike Tenay
. Anderson got himself seated and asked his mystery opponent to come out and he did.
Montel Vontavious Porter
ran out and started to come to blows with the ‘Olympic Hero’ as the match got underway. The man from Miami, Florida tried his best throughout the match to put down the RFP Heavyweight Champion, but was not able to as Angle outwrestled him. Angle quickly went to work on the ankle and even attempted an Angle Lock, but MVP rolled through and attempted his Play of the Day jumping reverse STO, but Angle held onto the ropes to prevent himself from going down.
Elijah Burke
slowly approached the ring and watched from the ramp as MVP and Angle continued to wrestle, but once MVP finally hit the Play of the Day, Burke got on the apron and started to shout at his former friend but Porter didn’t waste time in striking him as a right hand knocked Burke off the apron. He went to pin Angle but was rolled up into a pinfall but the RFP Heavyweight Champion converted the roll-up into an Angle Lock which would leave MVP furiously tapping. Angle dropped the ankle and let out a loud shout as he pointed at Mr. Anderson who was seated at the announce table, he got up and came eye-to-eye with the champion, but before anything could happen, security was on guard to make sure that these two did not have another altercation.


Once the final commercial of the night had ended, we were shown the ring which was covered in black carpet. A desk and two chairs were inside the ring and David Flair came out first for the contract signing. The commissioner had the clipboard and pen which had the contract attached to it and entered the ring before he reminded the fans what he was out here to do and then waited for both men to make their entrance. Randy Orton entered the ring first and decided to cut a promo on Jericho. He told the RFP faithful to lose their faith in Jericho as Orton would become the new NWA World Heavyweight Champion at Superbrawl and be at the top of the National Wrestling Alliance. Unexpectedly, Orton was cut off by the entrance of the NWA World Heavyweight Champion who came down in street clothes. Jericho entered the ring and rested the title on the desk. The two came nose-to-nose but nothing came of it as Flair asked them to sign the contract that was on the table. Jericho signed first and once Orton signed, the two were asked to shake hands as a sign of respect. Jericho took the microphone off Flair and said he wouldn’t do it as the last person he would want to respect is a vile human being like ‘The Viper’ and promised that he would defeat Orton and retain his title. Jericho extended his hand anyway and Orton accepted it and the two held onto the handshake for an excessive amount of time. Orton pulled Jericho in and went for a clothesline but the NWA World Heavyweight Champion ducked and started to take it to his opponent for Superbrawl, but Orton fired back. Jericho swiped Orton’s legs and tried to lock in the Liontamer, but Orton pushed him away and picked up one of the chairs in the ring. The number one contender to the NWA World Heavyweight title tried to strike Jericho, but Jericho kicked the chair right back in Orton’s face, which sent him staggering into the ropes. Jericho pulled Orton away and placed him in between his legs before he powerbombed him through the desk. David Flair was left mortified as Jericho posed for the fans as the show came to an end, with Orton laying in the rubble of the desk.


Overall Show Rating:

Ric Flair Promotions: Power Hour

Taped On Wednesday, Week Three, February 2010

Sylvain Grenier defeated B. Diddy Bagwell [C], Matt Michaels defeated Austin Creed [B-] and Mikal Adryan defeated Jerrelle Clark [C-]




Live From: Comcast Center, College Park, Maryland

Card Not Finalized, Subject To Change

Sunday, Week Four, February 2010






‘The Olympic Hero’ KURT ANGLE© versus MR. ANDERSON






‘The Boss’ BOBBY LASHLEY versus ‘The Shooter’ BRENT ALBRIGHT



STEVEN REGAL versus ‘The Messiah of the Backbreaker’ RODERICK STRONG








One more show to go before Superbrawl :)

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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: Harry A. Grampel Pavilion, Storrs, Connecticut – Wednesday, Week Four, February 2010


The final episode of Thunder before Superbrawl started with
Randy Orton
backstage with
Josh Matthews
for an interview. Matthews interrogated ‘The Viper’ on his feelings about what happened last Wednesday night, but Orton would not answer the questions directly. All he kept on saying was that
Chris Jericho
would pay for his actions on Sunday. Orton soon walked off, with a determined look on his face as Matthews directed the cameras to the ring for the first match of the night.


Richie Steamboat
Johnny Lust
teamed up together, several days ahead of their NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team title match to take on
The Trouble Shooters
in a tag team match. In the early proceedings of the match,
Matt Stryker
Chad Collyer
dominated Lust but Lust would make a come back and drive Collyer face first into the canvas with a wicked facebuster. Steamboat was tagged in and the second-generation superstar wasted no time in taking care of the opposition. After taking Collyer for a ride with a back body drop, he knocked Stryker off the apron with an enziguri and then hit a diving crossbody several seconds on Collyer to pick up the victory for his team, giving both Lust and Steamboat a huge momentum boost heading into Superbrawl.


A small promotional video hyping Superbrawl played as it advertised the NWA World Heavyweight title match between Chris Jericho and Randy Orton. The promotional package highlighted the events of the past few weeks including the near two-hour chase, the contract signing brawl and the numerous other brawls that have happened in the lead-up to Superbrawl.


Elijah Burke
was in front of the camera once the promotional video ended and the former RFP Heavyweight Champion started to talk about his match with
Montel Vontavious Porter
in four days. Burke once again tried to make what he did at Bunkhouse Stampede seem right, but the RFP fans did not buy it and constantly booed Burke. Burke eventually left and made his way out to the ring for his match…


Orlando Jordan
faced Elijah Burke in a one-on-one contest which began when Burke ran straight into a series of right hands from his former associate. Jordan did not go easy on his fellow Floridian and took it to him. He nearly won the match early after he planted Burke with a swinging neckbreaker but only received a two. At this point, the former RFP Heavyweight Champion begged Jordan for mercy and Jordan fell for the trick and got raked in the eyes. The eye rake allowed Burke to fight back and to the displeasure of the fans, he pinned Jordan several seconds later after he crushed him between his knees and the turnbuckle with the Elijah Express.


Another promotional video aired which hyped Superbrawl, but this time it focused on the RFP Heavyweight title match between
Kurt Angle
Mr. Anderson
. The video started with the Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal which saw Angle screw Anderson out of the RFP Heavyweight title when the supposedly eliminated Angle, threw Anderson over the top rope. From there, it showed Anderson winning the number one contendership to the title and Angle’s vicious Angle Lock a week later. Much like the Jericho/Orton video played minutes earlier, this one included the numerous brawls that the two have had and it comes to an end at that point.


In an extremely short match,
Matt Michaels
Nooie Lee
out of his boots.


After the match which lasted nearly two minutes, Michaels celebrated with
Diamond Dallas Page
as the two were about to head to the back but found themselves interrupted by
Low Ki
as he appeared on stage. An irate Michaels grabbed a microphone and laid down the challenge for Superbrawl – a rematch of their match at Bunkhouse Stampede. ‘The Diamond Kid’ promised to Superkick Ki’s teeth ‘down his throat’ and then ‘elbow drop them out onto the canvas’ at Superbrawl, Low Ki laughed off the threat and walked back backstage knowing that he has a chance to avenge the loss at Superbrawl.


Mr. Anderson and Josh Matthews were backstage as Matthews tried to conduct an interview with Anderson, but the loudmouth snatched the microphone off Matthews and asked him to leave – which he did. The number one contender to the RFP Heavyweight title told the fans that were watching at home and live inside the Harry A. Grampel Pavilion that on Sunday, he would finally get his hands on the title he should be wearing now. And then directed his attention to Kurt Angle, telling him that his time is nearly up; he walked out of the camera’s sight as he went to prepare for the huge main event scheduled for later on…


The Rogue Raiders
defeated the team of
Austin Creed
Reid Flair
in a tag team match to prepare them for their NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team title defence at Superbrawl. The win was not picked up with relative ease however as the two youngsters managed to give
Drew McIntyre
Paul Burchill
a run for their money. Flair managed to lock in a figure four leglock as the second-generation wrestler nearly forced McIntyre to submit; Burchill would end up breaking the hold. McIntyre was able to prevent a second figure four as he kicked Flair in the face and then drove him down to the canvas with the Future Shock DDT for the win.


Steven Regal
came down to the ring to congratulate his associates and then directed his full attention towards the crowd as soon as he got a microphone. Regal addressed everyone in attendance that the trio were now named the ‘The Empire’. Regal explained that they would be doing things for ‘Queen and Country’ which prompted a ‘U-S-A’ chant from the fans. But that did not stop Regal from carrying on as he told everyone in attendance that the Empire would defeat
Roderick Strong
and the team of Richie Steamboat and Johnny Lust at Superbrawl for Great Britain and all of the Royal Family.


Matt Cappotelli
faced the supermodel
Sylvain Grenier
with the challenger for the NWA United States Heavyweight title
Idol Stevens
in Grenier’s corner. Sylvan at the start of the match was in control and worked over the arm of Cappotelli, but the supermodel found himself on the receiving end of a vicious dropkick. Almost immediately, Grenier rolled to the outside and asked Stevens whether his face became rearranged but before Idol could comment, Cappotelli dived on the both of them with a plancha. The NWA United States Heavyweight Champion threw Grenier back inside the ring and in quick fashion finished him off with the Walk of Fame.


The main event had finally arrived as a huge six-man tag team match was soon underway. The team of NWA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho, Mr. Anderson and
Bobby Lashley
took on Randy Orton, RFP Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle and
Brent Albright
. The match was a massive brawl from the start and there were several highlights including Angle being dominated by Lashley, Albright’s exploder suplex to Chris Jericho which sent him to the outside, Orton’s RKO from almost nowhere on Anderson and Jericho nearly forcing Orton to tap out to the Liontamer. The match soon broke down as all six men battled with their rivals. Eventually, Jericho and Orton and also Angle and Anderson battled on the outside whilst the legal men Lashley and Albright tried to finish the match. With
Charles Robinson
’s attention turned to those on the outside, Albright was able to nail Lashley with a low blow and lock in the Crowbar. When Robinson turned back around, he found Lashley tapping which gave Albright and co., the victory.


After the bell had rung, all six men continued to fight eachother. Orton and Jericho were inside the crowd whilst Anderson and Angle traded shots on their way up the ramp. Angle tossed Anderson face first into one of the girders on the Thunder stage, which sent Anderson staggering into the backstage area. Meanwhile, Albright had let go of the Crowbar and decided to taunt the fallen Lashley, as soon as he turned his back, ‘The Boss’ set him up for the Spear and once Brent turned back around, he was blasted at full-force with the Spear. Lashley stood over his opponent whilst he held his right arm as Brent Albright is holding his ribs in pain after being broken in half by a vicious Spear. “Albright versus Lashley! Anderson versus Angle! Orton versus Jericho! All this and more at Superbrawl, this Sunday!” shouted an excited
Mike Tenay
as the show went off-air.


Overall Show Rating:


Ric Flair Promotions: Power Hour

Taped On Wednesday, Week Four, February 2010

Austin Creed defeated Sylvain Grenier [C-], American Horror defeated two local jobbers [C-], Drew McIntyre defeated Shawn Spears [C-] and Bobby Lashley destroyed Bruce Santee [D+]




Final Card

Live From: Comcast Center, College Park, Maryland

Sunday, Week Four, February 2010






‘The Olympic Hero’ KURT ANGLE© versus MR. ANDERSON






‘The Boss’ BOBBY LASHLEY versus ‘The Shooter’ BRENT ALBRIGHT



‘The Diamond Kid’ MATT MICHAELS versus LOW KI



STEVEN REGAL versus ‘The Messiah of the Backbreaker’ RODERICK STRONG








Predictions (as always) are welcome.

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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: Comcast Center, College Park, Maryland – Sunday, Week Four, February 2010


The pre-show available to fans on
opened up with a match between
Austin Creed
Chad Collyer
, who had his tag team partner
Matt Stryker
in his corner. Collyer started the match off strong, hitting a series of bodyslams and then trying to lock in his trademark Texas Cloverleaf, but could not lock it in fully as Creed pushed him away. As soon as the man with the dangerous fists popped up, he started to go to work with a series of one-two combinations which would leave Collyer in a dazed state. Creed continued on the offensive and nearly picked up the victory with a swinging fisherman suplex but Stryker got up on the apron and distracted referee
Charles Robinson
before he could count the three. Creed went back on the offensive, but after attempting to kick Chad in the gut, he found himself caught and then locked in the Texas Cloverleaf as Collyer forced the young man to submit.


In the final pre-show match before the pay-per-view saw
Orlando Jordan
take on the supermodel
Sylvain Grenier
. Jordan jumpstarted the match by taking out Grenier whilst we was trying to take off his jacket (which he done, very slowly) and managed to hit a huge powerslam for a two. Orlando was quick to follow up with a Orlando Magic swinging neckbreaker for another two, this caused Grenier to roll out of the ring and try and get a gameplan together. Jordan slid outside and threw him back in the ring, but upon his re-entry inside the ring he was caught by Sylvain who would turn the tables on him from there. Orlando countered a suplex attempt and slipped behind Sylvain into a Black Ice double knee backbreaker, all in one swift motion to pick up the victory.


The nineteenth Superbrawl event in the history of Ric Flair Promotions kicked off with the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team title match.
The Empire
took on the team of
Johnny Lust
Richie Steamboat
who were lead to the ring by the beautiful
Drew McIntyre
started things off by locking up with Richie Steamboat, but Steamboat utilized his speed to out-manoeuvre the Scotsman and started to throw him across the ring with numerous variations of the arm drag. McIntyre eventually caught Steamboat out and recklessly tossed him into his team’s corner where McIntyre gained the attention of the referee which in turn allowed
Paul Burchill
to blatantly choke Steamboat. McIntyre tagged out and let Burchill destroy Steamboat with several body slams, powerslams and even a military press slam. Steamboat had the crowd on his side when he found himself trapped in a abdominal stretch and it was the support of the RFP faithful that allowed him to battle back and knock Paul off his feet with a dropkick. Seconds later, Steamboat made the hot tag and in came Lust who was loudly cheered by the crowd and girlfriend Shantelle. Lust took it to Burchill, managing to throw him overhead with a back body drop. Lust got a near-fall after a impressive springboard moonsault, but Burchill would get back on top of the match after ducking a Genesis Kick from Lust and hitting him with a clothesline. Burchill tagged out to McIntyre who was going to pick up from where Burchill left off, but instead chose to get Shantelle involved in the match-up – much like at Bunkhouse Stampede. With Steamboat laid out on the apron after being dominated for part of the match and Lust still feeling the effects of the clothesline, McIntyre ordered Burchill to throw Shantelle in the ring and when he did, McIntyre threatened her. He grabbed her by her hair and was about to drive her to the canvas, but Lust made the save and gave it his all. McIntyre managed to hit back with his Future Shock DDT, but before he could make the pinfall, he was taken out by a diving crossbody from Richie. Burchill entered the match and after that Richie went for Burchill on the apron, but Burchill got inside the ring and nailed him with a series of shots before he recklessly threw Steamboat out of the ring. Burchill would follow his opponent as Lust popped up and clotheslined him directly over the top rope, seconds later, he hit his phenomenal five-hundred and forty degree Genesis Kick on McIntyre and three seconds later, Lust and Steamboat were crowned the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions.


The camera left the ringside action to goto a very focused
Matt Michaels
as he was stood next to
Josh Matthews
Diamond Dallas Page
in the background. Immediately, Michaels dismissed Matthews and took his microphone and he stared into the camera. He focused his attention towards his opponent for the night:
Low Ki
. “…Much like the dog in Old Yeller, Low Ki, I will put you down!” shouted Michaels. “Just like at Bunkhouse Stampede. Just like several times before that. I will defeat you!” he continued to shout. The promo ended with Michaels threatening to Superkick Ki’s teeth down his throat and ‘The Diamond Kid’ left the interview area to head out to the ring.


NWA World Heavyweight Champion
Chris Jericho
was seen by the camera’s as he arrived in the arena in a very expensive looking Cadillac car. Jericho got out of the car with the NWA World Heavyweight title hanging off his shoulder and he looked determined for his match, which is later on tonight.



On Sunday, Week Three, March 2010…

Ric Flair Promotions Presents


The Shootout In The Wild-West For The Gold



In the second match of the evening, Low Ki took on Matt Michaels in a rematch from their Bunkhouse Stampede thriller. The match began when Michaels offered Ki a ‘test of strength’, something that Ki managed to easily win at. Ki from there grounded Michaels and a series of reversals followed before both men got back to a vertical base. Michaels and Ki went at it again and this time, Michaels came out on top and threw the martial artist towards the ropes. When Ki bounced back, Michaels leapfrogged him and on his second rebound, Ki would meet a huge flying forearm. Diamond Dallas Page cheered on his client and it seemed to help the ‘Diamond Kid’ in dominating the former NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion. The match ended up in the dangerous surroundings of ringside as Michaels and Ki clotheslined eachother over the top rope. During their ringside brawl, Michaels hopped up on the apron and hit a springboard moonsault onto Ki. Ki would do one better as he re-entered the ring after he knocked Michaels down with a roundhouse kick and he would clear the top rope with a plancha. The match got back inside the ring eventually and the ‘World Warrior’ would find himself in a Bow and Arrow Stretch. Though he struggled to escape, Ki somehow made it to the ropes which lead to both men getting back at a vertical base and from there on, they tried traded punches and kicks. Ki ran to the ropes and ran straight into a Superkick, which nearly got Michaels a three but Ki placed his foot on the bottom rope. Seconds later, Michaels attempted his ‘picture perfect’ flying elbow, but missed as the ‘World Warrior’ moved out of the way which allowed the ‘Diamond Kid’ to crash and burn. Ki fired back with a Ki Krusher, but it did not put Michaels away. Ki tried the Warrior’s Way. But once again got a two. Desperation had set in and Ki resorted to locking in his vicious Dragon Clutch which would earn the ‘World Warrior’ the submission victory.


After Ki versus Michaels had finished, the fans were geared up for their third match of the night.
Steven Regal
stepped through the curtain with the flag of Great Britain on a pole and waved it around to the dismay of the fans. Regal entered the ring and decided to address the fans that he would defeat his opponent in the name of Queen Elizabeth. Regal would of continued, but his promo would be interrupted by the arrival of
Roderick Strong
as the ‘Messiah of the Backbreaker’ stormed the ring and got the match started early.


…The match between Strong and Regal was predicted by
Mike Tenay
to be a hard-hitting one, and he was correct. From the start, the two men hit hard. Regal and Strong traded chops to begin the match, but Strong would come on top of the exchange and switched to forearms. Regal retaliated with a series of European uppercuts before he went to utilize the superior technical skills that he had over Strong. Regal wore down Strong with several rest holds, but the Brit would not be able to hold down Strong and eventually Strong hit the first of many backbreakers, this one being a basic pendulum backbreaker. Strong’s focus was now on the back as he would hit a second one, this time it would be a spinning sidewalk slam variation but that would get him a two. Regal managed to counter a third backbreaker and drove Strong down to the canvas with a Regal Plex which would get him a two. The two men would go back to striking eachother as Regal busted the nose of Strong with a vicious right hand. Both men continued and Regal would feel the force of a wicked boot to the face which would send him to the corner. Referee
Mike Chioda
prevented Strong from continuing the offensive, but it allowed Regal to apply the brass knuckles to his right hand but as he went for the right hook, Strong caught the Brit and lifted him onto his shoulders before he dropped Regal onto his knees with the Death by Roderick, which would earn him the academic three-count. As a result, The Empire ended their night with a record of 0-2.


The NWA United States Heavyweight title was on the line next as
Matt Cappotelli
defended against
Idol Stevens
. At the beginning of the match, Sylvain Grenier was ejected from Stevens’ corner as referee Charles Robinson wanted the match to be fair, needless to say, the decision was met by a loud chorus of cheers. Both men locked up in the middle of the ring and it was Stevens who would get the advantage, he would hold that advantage for the opening minutes of the match but the man who nicknamed himself ‘God’s Gift to Women’, found himself in a pinning predicament after a failed Idolizer attempt. The backslide nearly gained Cappotelli the victory, but Stevens kicked out at two. Cappotelli would quicken the pace after a hurricanrana as he knocked Stevens down with a series of dropkicks straight after and once again tried to pin his challenger, but this time with a small package, but it didn’t gain him the victory. The United States Heavyweight Champion continued on the offensive and hit a powerbomb and then ascended to the top rope. Matt attempted a moonsault but Idol Stevens rolled out of the way as Cappotelli ate the canvas. Stevens quickly followed up on the mistake that Cappotelli had made and hit the move he likes to call Ménage á Trois – a series of vertical suplexes. The suplexes could not hold Cappotelli down for three and once again, Idol went for the Idolizer, but this time Cappotelli fought it off and hit a big time DDT for another close-fall. A series of pinfalls followed as Idol countered a Walk of Fame into a victory roll, but Cappotelli would roll through at two and make his own pinfall and the same would happen several other times. Eventually, Idol broke the series and tried to hit the Idolizer for the third time, Cappotelli would break it again and go for the Walk of Fame, but that was countered with an Idolizer which resulted in the crowning of a new NWA United States Heavyweight Champion.


Backstage, Josh Matthews is prepared to do an interview with
Mr. Anderson
. Matthews asks Anderson about his opinion on
Kurt Angle
and the match tonight. The loudmouth responded by saying that he was looking forward to putting the RFP Heavyweight title around his waist – something he should’ve done a month ago. Matthews asked one more question and that was whether or not Anderson was one-hundred percent after the altercation after the massive six-man tag team match on Thunder four days prior. “I don’t care about whether I’m one-hundred percent right now, all I care about is the gold. The gold that should be around my waist right now. The gold that I should be defending, right now. All I care about is the end of my match with Kurt Angle, when…MIIIIIIIIISTEEEEEER AAAAAANDEEEEEERSOOON…is announced the winner!” Anderson walked off out of sight as Josh returned the action back to the announce team…


A video is aired to promote the next match between
Bobby Lashley
Brent Albright
as it’s billed as a ‘Clash of the Titans’.


‘The Boss’ Bobby Lashley and ‘The Shooter’ Brent Albright brawled in their long-awaited encounter. Both men neglected the use of a lock-up and went straight for the big right and left hands. Albright managed to throw Lashley across the ring with an exploder suplex but ‘The Boss’ would get straight back up and knock him down with a clothesline. Lashley pulled Albright up by his hair and lifted him up in an early attempt for the Dominator, but it would not connect as Albright would slip down beside Lashley and immediately head to the outside. Albright headed up the rampway and tried to escape ‘The Boss’ but got blindsided from behind with a massive clubbing blow. Lashley sent ‘The Shooter’ back down to ringside and threw him into the steel steps before going back inside the ring. The tables started to turn as Albright managed to overpower Lashley and he attempted to lock in the Crowbar, but it was not to be, Bobby broke out of it and attempted another Dominator, but this time Albright low blowed his nemesis which caused referee Mike Chioda to call for the bell. Albright, did not want anymore of Lashley and floored him with a massive lariat before locking in the Crowbar. Lashley screamed loudly in pain as many security guards tried to pry Albright off of him, and they eventually did. Albright eventually left the ring, leaving Lashley in pain inside the ring…



On Sunday, Week Three, March 2010…

Ric Flair Promotions Presents


The Shootout In The Wild-West For The Gold




Josh Matthews was joined backstage by
Montel Vontavious Porter
who received a lot of cheers from the crowd when he appeared on the camera. Matthews asked Porter on his feelings for his grudge match against
Elijah Burke
– his former partner and friend. MVP replied by telling Matthews that he was going to make Burke pay for his selfishness once and for all and revealed that for a long time, he had been sick of Burke’s actions for quite some time and he looked forward to beating Burke. The Miami native then shouted “BALLIN’!” before he headed towards the entrance stage.


Elijah Burke and Montel Vontavious Porter – two former allies and former friends – finally collided after the incident at Bunkhouse Stampede. Burke was immediately overpowered by MVP and thrown to the outside where he would be thrown into the steel steps, knocking them over with a loud clattering sound. Burke would be taken for a tour around ringside thanks to his partner as he was thrown into the barricade numerous times and even hurled over the announce table. The action got back inside the ring where the man representing the 3-0-5, started to wear down Burke. A Play of the Day was countered by Burke as he held onto the ropes which prevented him from being dragged down onto the canvas and from there, Burke took advantage. Burke hit a German suplex on Porter with a bridge for a two and followed that up with a brilliant handspring elbow drop that he dubs the ‘Outer Limitz Elbow Drop’ for another two. ‘The Ballin’ Superstar’ was nearly put to sleep by Burke as he found himself locked in a sleeper hold, but managed to draw in energy from the crowd’s cheers and fight back. After using a knee facebreaker on Burke, MVP hit a brilliant Playa’s Boot which nearly scored him the victory but Elijah would place his foot on the bottom rope. MVP tried to lock in his trademark Take It To The Bank crossface, but Elijah would roll him over into a pinfall attempt nearly getting a three. Burke and Porter traded blows straight after and MVP Irish whipped his former partner into the southwest corner and attempted to clothesline him, but Burke moved and almost instantaneously succeeded in hitting the Elijah Express and he covered MVP for the three.


A video is shown hyping up the RFP Heavyweight title match. The video starts at the beginning of Bunkhouse Stampede where Kurt Angle is defeated by Mr. Anderson and continues to the Bunkhouse Brawl battle royal where Angle would screw Anderson out of the RFP Heavyweight title. After a short blackout, the video continued and showed their altercations over the past few weeks and included their brawl four days ago on the latest episode of Thunder where Angle viciously tossed Anderson into one the girders. The video ends and the crowd prepare for the semi-main event.


Kurt Angle was interrupted halfway through his entrance, just as he was going through the pyro part, Mr. Anderson rushed up the rampway and started to pound away at Angle. The RFP Heavyweight title dropped off the ‘Olympic Hero’ as he was dragged around ringside and sent into the crowd. With the match not officially started yet, Anderson was about to pick up the ‘Olympic Hero’ but instead Angle uppercutted him in-between the legs and took him to the ground. Seconds later, Anderson would find Angle using a steel chair on his right ankle. Referee Charles Robinson managed to intervene and ordered Angle into the ring so the match could start properly. Anderson limped out of the crowd and into the ring as the match officially started and Angle immediately went for the ankle and attempted several times to lock in the Angle Lock. All attempts failed as Anderson was able to kick Angle away and get to a vertical base where he tried his best to keep Angle at bay. The RFP Heavyweight Champion caught the loudmouth and threw him across the ring several times with a series of belly-to-belly suplexes before he decided to rely on his amateur wrestling background. Angle rolled Anderson across the canvas and kept him grounded with a series of slick transitions which he had perfected during his years as an Olympic gold-medal winning amateur wrestler. Anderson struggled to find a way to get back in the match but he was somehow able to stand with Angle’s arms around his waist in a waistlock. Once he broke out of the waistlock, Anderson had come alive and he lit up Angle with a series of shots and tried to hit a rolling fireman’s carry slam, but it was too much weight on his ankle and he had to drop Angle and fell victim to the Angle Slam. Kurt attempted to lock in the Angle Lock once again and this time he got it. With Anderson trapped in the middle of the ring, the RFP Heavyweight Champion was en route to retaining but the loudmouth challenger managed to perform a forward roll which would send Angle crashing to the outside. The opening gave Anderson a chance to recuperate but he was dragged to the outside by Angle, who was intent on breaking his ankle. He had a hold of Anderson’s ankle and tried twisting it, but instead received a enziguri. Seconds later, Angle was rolled into the ring and Anderson slowly (but surely) climbed to the top rope and leaped off with his Kenton Bomb. The self-procclaimed ‘Head ******* in Charge’ could not make the pinfall immediately as he tried to relieve himself of pain in his ankle, but he managed to crawl and make the pinfall eventually – it was not fast enough as Angle kicked out at two. It would take almost a minute for both men to get on their feet and Angle went in for the kill, looking for the Angle Slam, but he could not hit it as Anderson slipped down behind and turned him around and hit a Mic Check for yet another two. The loudmouth pulled the Olympic gold medallist to his feet and tried to prop him up on the top turnbuckle, which was an uphill struggle as Anderson could not apply much pressure on his right ankle. Angle took advantage and fired back with a series of shots and took Anderson down with a single leg takedown and slapped on the Angle Lock and to ensure Anderson could not escape, he slapped on the grapevine. Anderson refused to tap out, but as Angle continued to contort the ankle in different directions – his screams got louder and louder and eventually, he had no choice but to tap out.


Angle held the Angle Lock in for a few extra seconds before letting go and having his hand raised by the referee. The RFP Heavyweight Champion stood tall over the loudmouthed challenger and let out a huge “Wooooo!” before he placed his foot on Anderson’s body. Anderson slowly moved and tried to get himself up to his feet, but could not and collapsed back down onto the canvas where Angle one again placed his foot on him. This time, Anderson did not move, instead he was laid out with his hands on his ankle – in absolute pain. Seconds later, Charles Robinson called for paramedics to check on the ankle of Anderson as he shoved Angle off him and let the RFP Heavyweight Champion continue his celebration. Almost immediately after that, Anderson is helped out of the ring by paramedics and escorted backstage to a standing ovation. “He has nothing to be disappointed about. He wrestled with an injured ankle, and nearly won the title!” shouted
Mike Tenay
as another advert for Spring Stampede soon aired…



On Sunday, Week Three, March 2010…

Ric Flair Promotions Presents


The Shootout In The Wild-West For The Gold



Another video aired as it hyped the main event of the evening between
Randy Orton
and Chris Jericho. The video, much like the Angle vs Anderson video, details the events from Bunkhouse Stampede and their altercations. As the video ends, the tale of the tape of the two wrestlers is shown and we are soon underway in the main event of the nineteenth Superbrawl…


With emotions running wild, Chris Jericho defended his NWA World Heavyweight title against Randy Orton for the second time. Mike Tenay made it perfectly clear that Jericho must not let his emotions get the best of him as the match begun. After they both came to a stalemate, Orton was able to take the initiative and lock Jericho in a chinlock. Jericho battled out of the resthold and sent Orton overhead with a snapmare before he locked in a butterfly lock. The series of restholds continued until the two men reached a vertical base and it was Orton who would gain the first pinfall of the match after an impressive dropkick. He only got a two, but it changed the pace of the match. The former NWA World Heavyweight Champion attempted his patented backbreaker, but the current reigning and defending NWA World Heavyweight Champion countered and sent him to the apron before he knocked him off with a dropkick of his own – a springboard version. As the match was taken to the outside, ‘The Viper’ took advantage and managed to send Jericho chest first into it and from there he clotheslined him. Both men got back in the ring after that and Orton applied yet another chinlock. The crowd began to clap and Jericho fed off them to battle back for a second time, and when champion and challenger were stood up – the champion clocked the challenger with a wicked enziguri for a two. Both Orton and Jericho traded shots as Jericho Irish Whipped Orton into Mike Chioda by accident, thus knocking him down. With no referee for that moment, Orton decided to bend the rules and low blow Jericho before he floored him with an RKO. He tried to wake Chioda up from his knocked out state, but could not and eventually Charles Robinson ran down and counted the pinfall for the RKO – Jericho kicked out at two. ‘The Viper’ was filled with rage at the count and asked Robinson to count again, which he did and the same result of two was counted. Orton grabbed Robinson by the collar and threatened to hit him but Jericho turned Orton around and nailed him with the 2012, which got him another near-fall. Jericho set up for the Liontamer, but Orton rallied back and nearly hit another RKO, but was thrown into Charles Robinson – thus knocking him out of the equation. Orton rolled to the outside as Jericho attempted to revive the referees. ‘The Viper’ picked up a steel chair and slyly slid back into the ring and attempted to strike Jericho with it, but the NWA World Heavyweight Champion dodged the shot and the chair ricocheted off the ropes and right back into Orton’s face. Jericho tried to take advantage, but fell victim to a kick in-between the legs as Orton took time to recover from his mistake.


Orton set Jericho up for the dreaded punt kick and Jericho would counter and lock in the Liontamer finally, which would force his opponent to submit – but once again, there was no referee whatsoever available. Jericho dropped Orton’s legs and once again tried to revive one of the referees available, but once again, the attempt failed. Orton got back to his feet and once again went for the steel chair, but Jericho snatched it out of his hands and nailed him with the steel chair. Orton was left reeling and he was nailed with the 2012 seconds later, Jericho made the cover and Charles Robinson counted to three – but Mike Chioda called for the bell. Charles Robinson shouted at Chioda, asking what he was doing and it Chioda explained that he saw Jericho hit Orton with the steel chair – thus making ‘The Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ retain his NWA World Heavyweight title, by disqualification. Jericho stood up with the thought that he had won by pinfall, but as he went to get his arm lifted in the air, the ring announcer announced that Randy Orton had won by disqualification. The crowd booed loudly as Jericho seemed very angry about being screwed out of the title, he turned his attention to Mike Chioda and threatened to hit him to the delight of the fans, but he was blindsided by Orton who would RKO him in the middle of the ring. Orton followed up with the punt kick as he went to the outside, snatched the World Heavyweight title from the timekeeper, re-entered and paraded around the ring with it. He eventually laid it down on the laid out Jericho as Superbrawl came to an end but not the way Chris Jericho would’ve wanted it to.


Overall Rating:

Pay-Per-View Buy Rate:


Up next, the first issue of "Slam!" magazine.

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The Clothesline! | Issue No. 1 | March 2010




1. News Around The World

2. Results

3. Power 5


News Around The World



Bryan Danielson: A Wanted Man


Over this past month, there has been a sudden surge of ‘interest’ in the ‘American Dragon’ Bryan Danielson as he has become a subject of a bidding war. The wrestler, who made his name in several promotions across the world including Memphis Championship Wrestling, New Japan Pro Wrestling and (most recently) Project X has impressed several promotions. Now, the promotions that apparently want to lock him down include New Japan Pro Wrestling (who have entered negotiations for a full written contract), Titan Wrestling Entertainment, Memphis Championship Wrestling (who want to secure him for themselves) and Ric Flair Promotions. Danielson, who has already been in several match of the year candidates (which include a scorcher with the young Englishman Pac in Project X). More on this next month as the story develops.


Ric Flair Promotions have once again considered opening their own developmental territory. The promotion based in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States have considered having their own developmental league many times before, without the league materializing. This time however, the Ric Flair owned promotion seems serious about it this time around. Looking at the ‘big two’ of World Class Championship Wrestling and Titan Wrestling Entertainment, if Ric Flair Promotions wants to become apart of the ‘exclusive club’ then they will have to create a developmental league where their future stars can be made.


The American Wrestling Association, one of the biggest wrestling promotions not to be a part of the National Wrestling Alliance, has had a turbulent month. The promotion which was combined with Smoky Mountain Wrestling in hopes of becoming a far more superior company, found it’s television show ‘AWA Action’ dropped from HDNet due to a decline in ratings from when it first started. Also, lost it’s biggest star. Yes, Jake Hager, the AWA World Heavyweight Champion, has been signed by Ric Flair Promotions in what was considered a fierce bidding war. Hager, a former All-American amateur wrestler, was destined to sign with World Class Championship Wrestling at the recommendation of Jim Ross, but the deal fell through when both sides were not able to come to terms with a decent contract and following that, Hager was approached by Ric Flair and company and they came to a deal.


New Japan Pro Wrestling have managed to secure the contracts of Calgary Stampede wrestlers Nigel McGuinness and Ted DiBiase, Jr and also signed Brian Kendrick (fresh off the TWE releases) to a touring contract as well. The premier Japanese league added these three men to the list of many gaijins in the promotion which include Jon ‘Strongman’ Andersen, Bryan Danielson, Black Tiger V, Davey Richards, Doug Williams and many more.


NWA Motor City dropped their weekly pay-per-view schedule in favour of a new television deal with Spike TV to go beside ECW’s television show. Motor City’s ‘Main Event’ starts this Thursday at 11PM. The shows main event is slated to be Jack Evans versus Sonjay Dutt but will also feature a tag team match as Sabu teams up with NWA Motor City Heavyweight Champion Terry Ray Gordy to face JD Maverick and former despised NWA Motor City Heavyweight Champion Jimmy Rave.


NWA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho defended his title several times across the world this past month. The well-travelled veteran started his list of defences in NWA Catch Wrestling as he defeated Claudio Castagnoli in a well-received match, he then went all the way to Imperio De Lucha Azteca in Mexico to take on and defeat Rey Misterio, Jr. and Juventud Guerrera in two separate matches and finished off his run of matches in Andre Baker’s NWA United Kingdom, besting Robbie Brookside in a submission match.




World Class Championship Wrestling: WCCW On Pay-Per-View: Over The Limit
Sunday, Week Two, February 2010 (B – 4.37 Pay-Per-View Buyrate)

  • Bob Holly
    Derrick Neikirk

  • Too Kruel
    Phoenix Star
    Brett DiBiase

  • Heath Slater

  • JD Maverick
    Chris Rambo

  • Demolition Men
    Pat Buck
    Jesse White

  • The Brew Crew
    The New Freebirds
    to retain the WCCW Tag Team titles

  • Shelton Benjamin
    Paul London

  • Bison Smith
    Lance Cade

  • Adam Pearce
    Chris Harris
    to win the WCCW Texas Heritage title

  • Terry Ray Gordy
    to retain the WCCW Television title

  • Steve Austin
    Mean Mark Callous

  • Rocky Johnson Jr.
    Kip Winchester
    to retain the WCCW Heavyweight title


Titan Wrestling Entertainment: Nowhere To Run
Sunday, Week Two, February 2010 (B – 3.66 Pay-Per-View Buyrate)

  • Alexis Laree
    Melina Perez
    to retain the NWA World Women’s title

  • The Brooklyn Boyz
    The Brood

  • Chuck Palumbo
    The Grappler

  • Daffney
    Angelina Williams
    ended in a no-contest

  • Team Roar
    Sonny Siaki
    The Con-Man
    to retain the TWE Tag Team titles

  • Ezekiel Jackson
    Joey Curtis

  • Joey Malibu
    Brian Kendrick

  • Matt Morgan
    Scotty BOOM BOOM

  • John Hennigan
    Nic Nemeth

  • René Duprée
    to retain the TWE East Coast title

  • Jean Paul Levesque
    Mr. Wonderful
    The Great Wight

  • Nero
    Glenn Goodnight
    to retain the TWE Heavyweight title in a Nowhere To Run Steel Cage match


Ric Flair Promotions: Superbrawl
Sunday, Week Four, February 2010 (B+ – 3.13 Pay-Per-View Buyrate)

  • Chad Collyer
    Austin Creed

  • Orlando Jordan
    Sylvain Grenier

  • Johnny Lust
    Richie Steamboat
    The Empire
    to win the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles

  • Low Ki
    Matt Michaels

  • Roderick Strong
    Steven Regal

  • Idol Stevens
    Matt Cappotelli
    to win the NWA United States Heavyweight title

  • Bobby Lashley
    Brent Albright
    by disqualification

  • Elijah Burke
    Montel Vontavious Porter

  • Kurt Angle
    Mr. Anderson
    to retain the RFP Heavyweight title

  • Randy Orton
    Chris Jericho
    by disqualification in a NWA World Heavyweight title match, Jericho retains the title as a result


Imperio De Lucha Azteca: Desacato al Tribunal
Sunday, Week Four, February 2010 (B – 1.04 Pay-Per-View Buyrate)

  • Marco Corleone
    Joel Maximo

  • Asombrar Rojo
    Ricky Marvin

  • Mapi Apache
    Torrie Wilson

  • Juventud Guerrera

  • Chessman

  • Místico
    Super Crazy
    to retain the ILA Lucha Libre title

  • Kenzo Suzuki
    Perro Aguyao, Jr

  • Dos Caras, Jr
    Héctor Garza

  • Los Hermanos Stone
    Charly Manson

  • AJ Styles
    to retain the ILA Heavyweight title

  • Laparka
    Dr. Wagner, Jr.
    El Mesias
    Rey Misterio, Jr.
    Hijo del Lizmark


Eastern Championship Wrestling: Cyberslam
Sunday, Week Two, February 2010 (A – 2.02 Pay-Per-View Buyrate)

  • Jimmy Jacobs
    Eddie Edwards

  • P.J. Polaco
    B.J. Whitmer

  • The Briscoe Brothers
    Kevin Steen
    Bobby Fish

  • Motor City Machineguns
    Tommy Dreamer
    The Sandman

  • Baldo The Destroyer
    Tyler Black

  • Homicide
    The Gallows
    to retain the ECW Television title

  • Delirico
    2 Cold Scorpio
    to retain the ECW Tag Team titles

  • Nick Dinsmore
    Jimmy Yang

  • Samoa Joe

  • CM Punk
    Matt Sydal
    to retain the ECW Heavyweight title


NWA Motor City: Private World
Thursday, Week Four, February 2010 (C+ – 0.52 Pay-Per-View Buyrate)

  • Dark City Fight Club
    Rhett Titus
    N8 Mattson

  • Danny Doring
    Jesse Neal
    Kenny King
    to retain the NWA Motor City Tag Team titles

  • Corporal Robinson
    Violent J

  • B-Boy
    Jack Evans

  • C.W. Anderson
    Dan Maff

  • Monty Brown
    Mark Henry
    to retain the NWA Motor City Television title

  • Terry Ray Gordy
    to retain the NWA Motor City Heavyweight title

  • Rhino
    Sonjay Dutt
    Jimmy Rave
    J.D. Maverick


Championship Wrestling From Florida: CWF Live!: February
Sunday, Week Four, February 2010 (C-)

  • Chasyn Rance
    David Young

  • Office Lovett

  • Mighty Mikey
    Tommy Taylor
    went to a no-contest with
    Mikey Batts

  • The Heartbreak Express
    Revolution Next

  • Orlando Colón
    Officer Quartermain
    to retain the Florida Television title

  • Adam Windsor
    Lash LeRoux
    to retain the Florida Southern Heavyweight title.

  • Ron Killings
    Eddie Colón
    Aaron Aguilera


Calgary Stampede: Revolution
Thursday, Week Four, February 2010 (B+ – 1.38 Pay-Per-View Buyrate)

  • Sheamus O’Shaunessy
    Tiger Raj Singh
    to retain the NWA British Commonwealth title

  • Xtremo
    Scotty Mac
    Tyson Dux
    Chance Beckett

  • Gail Kim
    Angela Fong

  • Nattie Neidhart
    Nikki Roxx
    to retain the NWA Canadian Women’s title

  • The Calgary Bulldogs
    Joe E. Legend
    to retain the NWA World Tag Team titles

  • Ted DiBiase, Jr.
    Derek Wylde
    went to a time-limit draw

  • Teddy Hart
    Alex Plexis

  • Chris Kanyon
    Anthony Carelli

  • Yoshihiro Tajiri
    Andrew Martin

  • Chris Benoit
    Nigel McGuinness
    ended in a no-contest

  • Chavo Guerrero
    Carlos Colón, Jr.
    Wade Barrett
    Darren Burridge

  • Sexton Hardcastle
    Lance Storm
    to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title


American Wrestling Association: Sunday Bloody Sunday
Sunday, Week Three, February 2010 (B-)

  • Kirby Mack
    The Long Island Loudmouths

  • Chase Del Monte
    TJ Mack
    Ricky Landell
    Keith Walker

  • John Walters
    Greg Valentine

  • Trent Baretta
    Caylen Croft
    to retain the AWA World Tag Team titles

  • Steve Corino
    Rasche Brown

  • Sean Waltman
    Takeshi Morishima

  • Jake Hager
    Jerry Lynn
    to retain the AWA World Heavyweight title


Project X: Hostility
Friday, Week Four, February 2010 (B- – 0.37 Pay-Per-View Buyrate)

  • Ron Killings
    Karl Anderson

  • Kenny Omega
    Tyler Reks

  • Babi Slymm

  • Rise Against The Machine

  • The Dudley Boyz
    The Cutler Brothers
    to retain the NWA SoCal Tag Team titles

  • Austin Aries
    Ken Doane

  • Julio Fantastico
    Chris Hero
    to retain the Project X Television title

  • Shane Helms
    Joey Ryan

  • Bryan Danielson

  • John Cena
    to retain the Project X Heavyweight title


Power 5


1. Chris Jericho –
NWA World Heavyweight Champion

—With a whole load of brilliant matches over the month of February (which includes one half of our match of the month), the NWA World Heavyweight Champion showed why he indeed deserves that very honour. Jericho continues into March with his feud with Randy Orton most probably coming to an end at Spring Stampede. Can he remain NWA World Heavyweight Champion by the end of this month?


2. Bryan Danielson –
IWGP Tag Team Champion
(MCW, Project X and NJPW)

—An incredibly busy month for the ‘American Dragon’ who is now the subject of a bidding war between many companies. He started the month with a loss in a tag team match (with Shane Helms) against The Dudley Boyz and a loss to Matt Hardy, but in impressive fashion rallied back to win against Pac in a thrilling match at the Project X television tapings and managed to take John Cena to a no contest. Ended the month by defeating Pac for a second time at Project X Hostility. Will Danielson be under a new employer by the end of March?


3. Nero –
TWE Heavyweight Champion

—The ‘Charismatic Enigma’ has been putting on great matches all throughout February as he defeated the despised Jean Paul Levesque on two occasions and managed to survive a Nowhere to Run Steel Cage match to retain his TWE Heavyweight title against the monster Glenn Goodnight. Nero ended his month with a loss too Goodnight. Nonetheless, the former Jeff Hardy has been entertaining this past month.


4. Chris Benoit (CS)

—The ‘Canadian Crippler’ Chris Benoit has been involved in a large amount of early match of the year candidates this year thus far, but last month was a great, great month for the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion. He came up short in a NWA Canadian Heavyweight title match against Sexton Hardcastle at the beginning of the match and went to a hellacious no-contest against Nigel McGuinness at Calgary Stampede’s Revolution pay-per-view. With their rematch advertised for the first Shockwave of March, will Benoit be able to topple Nigel?


5. Rocky Johnson, Jr. –
WCCW Heavyweight Champion

—Coming in at number five is ‘The Rock’ as he has managed to put Kip Winchester through somewhat a rarity in Winchester’s career and that is a good match. At WCCW’s Over The Limit pay-per-view, Rocky defeated the Von Erich Cup winner in an excellent back-and-forth matchup. Rocky fell to Brock Lesnar the next night but managed to topple the ‘American Nightmare’ Dustin Rhodes in a wicked match-up at the final Monday Night Ignition of the month to earn this spot.


Match of the Month:
Chris Jericho versus Randy Orton (RFP Superbrawl) and Chris Benoit versus Nigel McGuinness (CS Revolution)


That’s it for this issue of ‘The Clothesline’, please, join us next month for more wrestling news and action!



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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: Barnhill Arena, Fayetteville, Arkansas – Wednesday, Week One, March 2010


The show opens up with the sight of
David Flair
in the middle of a phone call. Suddenly his office door creaked open and Flair slammed the phone down. He shouted “What the hell do you want?” in fury at the person who opened without knocking and it is revealed that it was
Randy Orton
that had entered the office. Flair once again demanded to know why Orton was in his office and Orton asked if he could speak with the commissioner about his rematch for the NWA World Heavyweight title. The ‘Nature Boy’ refused to do such a thing and requested for Orton to leave. ‘The Viper’ declined the request and slowly approached Flair as he began to shout for security, but Orton reached over his desk and knocked him off his chair before delivering a series of stomps. Orton lifted the commissioner to his feet and sent him crashing into the wall of the office. The impact caused several framed pictures and awards to fall off and left Flair in a groggy state as he was soon dragged out of the office to an unknown whereabouts. The camera’s return to the announce team of
Mike Tenay
and a clearly worried
Ric Flair
. Tenay is quick to reassure Ric that his son is going to be okay, but Ric highly doubts that Orton would not hurt him…


The Ric Flair Promotions Heavyweight Champion
Kurt Angle
stepped out to a chorus of ‘You Suck!’ chants which were in tune to his theme music. Angle was dressed in a stone grey suit and black shoes and had the title on his shoulder. The Heavyweight Champion stepped inside the ring and immediately had a microphone in his hand. Angle decided to take the time that was provided to gloat on his victory over
Mr. Anderson
last Sunday at Superbrawl and he failed to acknowledge his pre-match tactics of nearly breaking the ankle of the loudmouth. Angle’s gloating came to an abrupt end though as
Low Ki
—fresh off a brilliant victory over
Matt Michaels
—stepped out to loud cheers from the crowd. The martial artist got his own microphone and entered the squared-circle and immediately told Angle that he was not ‘worthy’ of holding the premier title of Ric Flair Promotions. Angle laughed off Ki’s criticism of him and continued to berate Mr. Anderson, but Ki demanded that Angle answer him. Angle turned his attention to Low Ki and told him that he was not going to listen to somebody who is below him. That didn’t exactly sit well of the ‘World Warrior’ as he challenged Angle to a match later on tonight. Angle once again ignored Ki and continued on his tirade about how he is better than Anderson. Ki once again tried to capture Angle’s attention but once again was ignored. He resorted to forcing Angle to face him and made his challenge. ‘The Olympic Hero’ was clearly unhappy about Ki constantly ‘annoying’ him and promised to make him tap out later on. The show cuts to a commercial as the two men engaged in a staredown…


Steven Regal
, who exited Superbrawl with a loss to
Roderick Strong
looked to regain some momentum that was lost in that match. He took on
Austin Creed
in the opening match of the night. The match got off to a quick start as Creed rocked Regal with a series of punches and he performed the splits, looking to hit his killer right hook – but Regal ducked and threw him across the ring with a Regal Plex. Creed struggled to mount a comeback but did manage to dodge a Knee Trembler and knocked Regal down with a clothesline which was preceded by a forward roll. But that would not be enough to put Regal away as the Englishman drove the boxer down to the canvas with a Regal Cutter and picked up the victory.


Regal after his swift victory picked up a microphone and decided to address the crowd about what happened at Superbrawl. Regal said it was a ‘mistake’ and he would be sure to ‘rectify’ that mistake when given the chance, for Queen and for Country. The crowd booed him out of the ring as Regal dropped the microphone and left.


The NWA World Heavyweight Champion
Chris Jericho
went against
Chad Collyer
after the commercial break in what was a brilliant contest. Collyer started off the match, outwrestling Jericho and took him to the ground, but Jericho would manage to get back to his feet and he knocked down the former NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champion with a flying forearms. Collyer returned fire and countered a 2012 attempt before he slapped on his Texas Cloverleaf, which left the NWA World Heavyweight Champion trapped. The big victory for Collyer would not come as the ‘Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ broke the hold and started to fight back and soon he slammed Collyer’s face into his knees with the 2012 and gained the three-count.


The team of
Matt Cappotelli
and the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions
Richie Steamboat
Johnny Lust
faced off against
The Empire
Drew McIntyre
Paul Burchill
– and the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion
Idol Stevens
. The match was extremely fast-paced as everyone got a turn inside the ring. Key highlights include Richie Steamboat’s diving crossbody on both McIntyre and Burchill, Stevens’ out of nowhere Idolizer and Paul Burchill’s domination of all of the opposition. The match came to an end as it was only Stevens and Cappotelli inside the ring, Stevens went for the Idolizer but it was countered into a Walk of Fame which gave Cappotelli’s team the victory.


Josh Matthews
was with Chris Jericho as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion was asked for his opinions on what happened last Sunday at Superbrawl. Jericho bitterly resented the decision made and said he wanted to retain his title, but soon enough the interview is disrupted by security guards asking if Jericho has seen David Flair. The NWA World Heavyweight Champion claimed that he has not seen Flair all night and the security guards carry on with their search for him.


Two men who were fresh off a victory at Superbrawl went one-on-one as
Elijah Burke
Bobby Lashley
– who had his right arm heavily taped up due to the Crowbar he was locked in after his match. Burke targeted the arm at the start of the match, delivering punches and kicks to it before he hit an armbreaker. Despite the excruciating pain, Lashley carried on and managed to bounce back after countering a Elijah Express and letting Burke’s knees hit the turnbuckles. ‘The Boss’ walloped Burke with a massive clothesline and then set him up for the Dominator, which Burke was able to slip out of and then execute a dropkick straight to the right arm. Bobby dropped down to one knee a and received another one as Burke tried to wrestle him down to the ground in order to lock in an armlock, but Lashley powered out of it and shoved Burke away. Burke ran right into a spinebuster as Lashley tried to stalk him to his feet for the Spear. When Burke rose to his feet, Lashley charged, but the former RFP Heavyweight Champion dived out of the way which allowed Lashley to crash into the turnbuckle post. Seconds later, Burke hit the Elijah Express and picked up the victory.


The bell rung and
Brent Albright
stormed down the rampway and into the ring to stomp on Lashley as Burke sat beside the action. It was not long until
Montel Vontavious Porter
came out through the crowd and slid inside the ring, the Miami native took it to his former friend as Burke bailed to ringside, MVP found himself in the path of ‘The Shooter’ who clotheslined him over the top rope right near Burke, allowing Burke to beat down on ‘The Ballin’ Superstar’. Lashley was kicked to the outside and Albright followed and made his way to the announce table. He tore the announce table apart and dragged Lashley over. Seconds later, ‘The Shooter’ had picked up ‘The Boss’ and had him in position for an exploder suplex…he lifted him skywards and threw him over head right through the announce table! Ric Flair And Mike Tenay shouted in terror at what just happened as the show comes to a commercial with Albright stood over a laid out Lashley.


The main event of the evening had arrived as Kurt Angle took on Low Ki in a non-title match. As the bell rung, Ki charged at Angle and sent him flying into a corner with a dropkick. What followed was a series of rapid-fire kicks which caused Angle to retreat to the outside. ‘The Olympic Hero’ was not safe outside either and Ki dived over the top rope and took him down with a plancha. Angle and Ki returned to the ring before the count of ten and the ‘World Warrior’ was looking to put the match away early with a Warrior’s Way double stomp. To his surprise, the RFP Heavyweight Champion popped up onto his feet and ran at Ki before he scaled the ropes and took him out with a massive top-rope belly-to-belly superplex. The tide had changed and now Angle was in the driver’s seat. The Olympic gold medallist began to use his amateur wrestling skills to keep Ki grounded and it wore out the martial artist. But after several minutes of wrestling holds, Angle decided to try and finish off his opponent once and for all. He pulled him up by his tights and went for the Angle Slam, which was countered and Ki sent Angle into the corner with an Irish whip. Seconds later, the RFP Heavyweight Champion would be hit by a Tidal Crush, which KO’d Angle for the moment. This allowed Ki to scale the top rope and come down on ‘The Olympic Hero’ with a Warrior’s Way as a pinfall soon followed, but somehow Angle kicked out at two. The martial artist nearly had the win and he looked shocked that Angle kicked out. Nonetheless, he went back on the attack and dragged the Heavyweight Champion to his feet and tried to lock in the Dragon Clutch, but Angle suddenly came alive again and performed the Angle Slam on Ki. He made the cover but Mr. Anderson appeared on stage with crutches, but before he could do anything, a swarm of security guards came out and prevented Anderson from interacting with Angle or possibly injuring his ankle even more and escorted him backstage. The distraction was enough for Ki to recover and turn Angle around to knock him down with a roundhouse kick. He climbed to the top rope, but out of nowhere
Diamond Dallas Page
ran out and caught the attention of
Mike Chioda
. Whilst doing this, ‘The Diamond Kid’ Matt Michaels came from the back and shoved Ki off the top rope, seconds later Michaels disappeared backstage and DDP dropped off from the apron. Angle recovered from the roundhouse and stalked Ki to his feet and hit him with a second Angle Slam, this time, no one was there to provide a distraction and Angle picked up the victory.


After the final commercial break of the evening, Randy Orton’s theme played throughout the Barnhill Arena. Soon enough, ‘The Viper’ stepped out. And the surprise of everyone, Orton dragged out an incredibly bloody David Flair. Flair’s suit that he had been wearing earlier was torn and his white shirt was drenched in blood. Orton threw David into the ring and rolled himself inside the ring. He grabbed a microphone and laid out his demands. Ric Flair stood up at the announce table, but had to be held back by Mike Tenay. Orton continued to shout his demands at Flair, as he wanted another NWA World Heavyweight title match – but each time David declined, Orton punched him. Soon, Orton’s hands had become stained with blood. Orton asked one more time and also threatened to punt Flair if he didn’t comply, which lead to Flair screaming: “Alright! Alright! You got it! You got your rematch!” into the microphone as Orton smiled. ‘The Viper’ let Flair drop down to the canvas and he lined him up for the punt kick anyway, but the NWA World Heavyweight Champion ran out down to the ring. Orton could not escape fast enough and traded blows with Jericho. ‘The Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ tried to lock in the Liontamer, but Orton broke out of it and scrambled to the outside. Soon, Randy backed up the rampway as the show came to an end with Jericho trying to help David Flair as EMT’s entered ringside…


Overall Rating:


Ric Flair Promotions: Power Hour

Taped Wednesday, Week One, March 2010

Brent Albright defeated Shawn Spears [C], Montel Vontavious Porter defeated Bruce Santee [C+], Austin Creed and Bobby Lashley defeated American Horror [C+] and Sylvain Grenier defeated B. Diddy Bagwell [C-]


Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


The Shootout In The Wild-West For The Gold

Live From: American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas – Sunday, Week Three, March 2010





Card Subjected To Change



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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: Gateway Arena, Sioux City, Iowa – Wednesday, Week Two, March 2010


The show kicked off with a number one contender’s match to see who would take on the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion
Idol Stevens
at Spring Stampede.
Matt Cappotelli
Steven Regal
Roderick Strong
battled it out for the title opportunity. At the start of the match,
The Empire
leader cleaned house with several suplexes but was then struck down by Cappotelli’s vicious crossbody. Seconds after that, Strong dominated both Regal and Cappotelli with a series of backbreakers, all of them scoring near-falls. The match continued with it’s fast pace and Steven pulled out a pair of brass knuckles—which was legal as there were no disqualifications—and struck Strong with a brutal right. Strong crumpled to the canvas and Regal went to hit Cappotelli, but the former NWA United States Heavyweight Champion slipped behind and managed to hit the Walk of Fame for the victory.


Just as the bell had rung, Idol Stevens ran out from the back and slid into the ring. Just as Cappotelli had finished celebrating the fact that he will have a chance to claim the title back, he turned around and was clocked with the NWA United States Heavyweight title. Stevens threw down the title and started to stomp all over the body of Matt as the crowd booed loudly. Eventually, ‘The Idol’ picked up Cappotelli and dropped him with an Idolizer neckbreaker just as the show goes to a commercial.


Backstage—just as Thunder had returned—Josh Matthews stood with
Randy Orton
as he conducted an interview with him. Matthews continuously quizzed Orton on his actions last week, but Orton did not answer the questions fired at him based on his brutal attack on
David Flair
after he received his NWA World Heavyweight title shot at Spring Stampede. Eventually, after Matthews continued to ask, Orton broke his silence and claimed it was ‘the only thing to do’. ‘The Viper’ continued by saying he wants the title around his waist, and he’ll do it by any means necessary and will hurt anybody that got in his way. Orton walked off as Matthews returned the show to
Mike Tenay
and a clearly disgusted


Empire members:
Drew McIntyre
Paul Burchill
came back into contention for a shot at the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles as they defeated
2 Fast, 2 Furious
in a tag team match-up.
Nooie Lee
started the match off and managed to out-pace Drew McIntyre and stay on the offensive, but it did not last long as Lee was twisted inside out with a vicious clothesline. Seconds later, McIntyre dominated the high-flier and kept him grounded whilst making frequent tags with Burchill. Lee managed to strike back and make the tag to
Jerrelle Clark
who came in all guns blazing, but it wasn’t enough to save him from an explosive C-4 which put him away and gave McIntyre and Burchill the victory.


Shortly following that match,
Low Ki
took on
Matt Michaels
Diamond Dallas Page
in his corner) in another match in their ongoing series. But unlike their other matches, this one had higher stakes. This would be a match to determine the number one contender to the RFP Heavyweight title. Ki, who came close to defeating the RFP Heavyweight Champion last week, looked for revenge against the man who cost him the victory and started the match off on the bottom of the ramp. The two traded shots at the bottom of the ramp and made their way to the ring. The two quickened the pace as both took to the air. Michaels at one point hit a massive moonsault on a standing Ki and almost earned the number one contendership, but the martial artist kicked out at two. The former NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion dropped Michaels with a roundhouse kick seconds later and set up for the Warrior’s Way, which connected. But before he could make the cover, DDP entered the ring, but found himself laid out on the canvas after being the recipient of a spinning heel kick. It was then at that moment,
Kurt Angle
ran out. The RFP Heavyweight Champion slid into the ring and threw Ki across the ring with an Angle Slam, and then knocked down a rising Matt Michaels with a knee to the side of the head. Angle continued to beat down on Michaels as
Charles Robinson
called for the bell, ruling this match a no contest. It did not matter to Angle, as it was now official that there was no number one contender and the RFP Heavyweight title as a result might not be defended at Spring Stampede.


An ‘earlier today’ segment aired after the show had returned and it showed
Mr. Anderson
—still suffering from an injury in his right ankle—trying to enter the arena. Anderson, who had been booked in the massive six-man tag team match main event was stopped from entering the arena by staff as he tried to convince them that he was ready to go back into the ring, but his injury said different, just as Anderson tried to shove them out of his way, he started to limp. Anderson tried to push forward again, this time however, he was held back and dragged off the premises. Whilst being dragged off, Anderson demanded that they let him go so he could get revenge on Kurt Angle for giving him the ankle injury…


The camera’s go to NWA World Heavyweight Champion
Chris Jericho
’s locker room as the ‘Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ was seen with
Montel Vontavious Porter
. The two discussed the situation with Mr. Anderson that happened earlier today as MVP mentioned that they were now at a disadvantage since the match had been turned into a handicap match. Jericho dismissed that fact and responded to MVP’s doubts about tonight by saying that as long as he get’s his hands on Randy Orton, he does not care what happens.


Idol Stevens faced
Bobby Lashley
in a non-title match next as ‘The Idol’ had his hands full with the mighty powerhouse. Immediately, Stevens targeted the right arm of Lashley, which was still taped up heavily due to the assault Lashley had to endure at Superbrawl. Despite his assault on Lashley’s arm, the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion was soon overpowered by ‘The Boss’. Lashley threw Idol across the ring with a gutwrench suplex and then knocked him down with a series of clotheslines. Lashley attempted a Dominator but Idol slipped down behind and floored him with a neckbreaker. Seconds later, the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion went back to the arm and applied an armbar. ‘The Boss’ struggled to break out of the hold and eventually did, but once again he went for a Dominator and once again it was countered as Idol slipped down behind. After a cheap shot to the right arm—which stunned Lashley—Idol drove him to the canvas with a Idolizer neckbreaker for the three.


Brent Albright
ran out to pick up from where Idol Stevens had left off and entered the ring. Almost immediately ‘The Shooter’ pulled up Lashley and attempted to lock in the Crowbar, but ‘The Boss’ shoved him away and sent him over the top rope with a clothesline. Bobby dropped down to ringside and lifted Albright up to his feet and tossed him into a barricade and the crowd waited to see what would happen next. Lashley lined up Albright and then charged at him before he hit a Spear…which caused both men to destroy the barricade! Lashley leapt up and favoured his right arm, but he was seemingly unaffected by the gutsy move whilst ‘The Shooter’ laid in the rubble of the crowd barricade as the show went to another commercial.


The main event had arrived as RFP Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle, Randy Orton and
Elijah Burke
faced the duo of Montel Vontavious Porter and NWA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho in a handicap match. The match begun with the numbers game played against both MVP and Jericho as the trio of Angle, Orton and Burke dominated with a series of frequent tags and double team moves. Orton eventually faced Jericho as it was ‘The Viper’ who took charge. He drove Jericho down to the canvas with his patented backbreaker, followed by his signature series of stomps aimed at all of the limbs of the body. Jericho fought back with a flying forearm smash and tried to lock in the Liontamer, but was pushed away. MVP was tagged in after that and faced his former friend Elijah Burke as the two traded blows. Burke missed an Elijah Express and paid the price for it as he was driven down to the canvas with MVP’s Play of the Day. The man from the 3-0-5 was about to make the pinfall, but Kurt Angle entered the ring and all hell broke loose from there. Jericho succumbed to the numbers game like much earlier in the match as Randy Orton and Kurt Angle took turns in hitting the NWA World Heavyweight Champion on the outside. MVP was about to step out of the ring to save his partner, but was given the Elijah Express (whilst he was against the ropes) from out of nowhere, which sent him flying back onto the mat. Three seconds later, the trio were announced the winners.


Kurt Angle and Randy Orton continued to strike Jericho on the outside, but Low Ki stepped out through the curtain and ran down to help the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Ki was met by Angle on the ramp as the two brawled, but were soon joined by Matt Michaels as all hell continued to break loose, but the music of the commissioner David Flair rung out through the arena, and the music brought all the wrestlers to a standstill. David Flair stepped out with stitches on his forehead and a black-eye from Randy Orton’s assault and the crowd welcomed the commissioner who was seemingly not present for this episode of Thunder due to the attack. Flair had a microphone in his hand and told everyone that he had a few announcements to do with Spring Stampede. The first announcement would concern the Ric Flair Promotions Heavyweight Champion Kurt Angle. Flair announced on the spot that Angle, due to his actions earlier on in the night, would face both Matt Michaels and Low Ki at Spring Stampede in a triple threat match for the RFP Heavyweight title. As the announcement left Angle very frustrated, Flair was not done there. He continued by saying that one more thing would be announced about the match next week. He moved onto MVP and Elijah Burke and said that they would both face eachother once again at Spring Stampede in a rematch from Superbrawl. Finally, the commissioner moved onto Randy Orton and Chris Jericho. Orton, who separated himself from Jericho grabbed a microphone from one of the ring staff members and told Flair that he could not take his NWA World Heavyweight title shot away. Flair responded by saying he was not going to do that. What he was going to do however was make a change… “Orton, you’ve been a thorn in Jericho’s side for the past few months. At Bunkhouse Brawl, you battled to a double count-out and then you attacked Jericho after the match. At Superbrawl, you won by disqualification – despite all the cheating you done beforehand. But you see, you have your NWA World Heavyweight title match and I will ensure that there is a winner to that match because at Spring Stampede, it’ll be you versus Jericho, NWA World Heavyweight title on the line…inside…the dangerous…Hell…In…A…Cell!” The crowd cheered as Orton had a fit of rage. The show came to a close with the image of Flair laughing at Orton’s expense as ‘The Viper’ threw and kicked anything in site…


Ric Flair Promotions: Power Hour

Taped Wednesday, Week One, March 2010

Matt Michaels defeated Jerrelle Clark [C+], Low Ki defeated Chad Collyer [B-] and Paul Burchill defeated Austin Creed [C]



Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


The Shootout In The Wild-West For The Gold

Live From: American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas – Sunday, Week Three, March 2010






‘The Olympic Hero’ KURT ANGLE© versus ‘The Diamond Kid’ MATT MICHAELS versus LOW KI








Card Not Complete, Subjected To Change


I apologize for the poor quality show, struggled for ideas for this episode...

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I'm not particularly familiar with the iDomination mod and perhaps many in the GDS community aren't, which might partially explain the lack of feedback here - although you've had a whole bunch of star votes, so you're obviously doing something right (?). I have found the NWA Newswire items really helpful though as it helped me relate more to the promotion you're using when I've got a rough idea of what's going on in the world outside of RFP.


Anyway, I've had a read through and I've enjoyed how you've used your roster mix, although I seem naturally tuned to viewing David Flair as an irritant and as such, I rather enjoy Orton knocking him about when the mood so takes him.


Apart from that, you've handled your main feuds well since Bunkhouse Stampede, especially MVP/Burke and I'm invested in seeing Jericho potentially go over Orton after ties and shenanigans, especially with the heel dominance of Superbrawl in general. So yeah, good stuff and keep it coming.


Oh and get B. Diddy Bagwell back on Thunder. He's wasted on Power Hour. :p

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very nice man, i enjoy reading this.


just a question, i just bought tew10, how did you do to make Jericho defends his NWA title in diferent promotions??


Ah, that's just me making up things. I'm trying to keep this as 'real' as I can. Back in the day, the NWA World Heavyweight title was defended in many different territories and it still is today. So I'm writing Jericho going to different territories to defend the belt. There might be some actual trades in-game involved later on down the line, but not right now. Thank you for the comment :)


I'm not particularly familiar with the iDomination mod and perhaps many in the GDS community aren't, which might partially explain the lack of feedback here - although you've had a whole bunch of star votes, so you're obviously doing something right (?). I have found the NWA Newswire items really helpful though as it helped me relate more to the promotion you're using when I've got a rough idea of what's going on in the world outside of RFP.


Anyway, I've had a read through and I've enjoyed how you've used your roster mix, although I seem naturally tuned to viewing David Flair as an irritant and as such, I rather enjoy Orton knocking him about when the mood so takes him.


Apart from that, you've handled your main feuds well since Bunkhouse Stampede, especially MVP/Burke and I'm invested in seeing Jericho potentially go over Orton after ties and shenanigans, especially with the heel dominance of Superbrawl in general. So yeah, good stuff and keep it coming.


Oh and get B. Diddy Bagwell back on Thunder. He's wasted on Power Hour. :p


Thank you for the kind comment man, really appreciate it. I've tried to make David Flair less of an irritant and more of a 'Mick Foley People's Commish' type guy, but there has to be some irritant in there when he's dealing with heels. :p And about B. Diddy, I have totally nothing for him right now, but he will make the 'odd' appearance on Thunder now and again until I have something :)


Thank you two for the feedback, thought I was getting left out or something and with the five star rating it is kinda scary not to get much feedback. Once again, thank you, and I hope you all keep reading :)

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And now for the final Thunder before Spring Stampede!



Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: Reliant Arena, Houston, Texas – Wednesday, Week Three, March 2010


The final stop before the ‘Shootout In The Wild-West For The Gold’ Spring Stampede started off with
Brent Albright
(who showed signs of injury after being Speared through the crowd barricade last week) taking on
Orlando Jordan
. The opening contest kicked off in a big way as Albright fell victim to a series of dropkicks before being sent to the corner where Jordan followed up with a big clothesline. ‘The Shooter’ staggered out of the corner and into a Johnson Shuffle which scored O.J. a two-count and that triggered a sense of rage inside ‘The Shooter’. Albright wreaked havoc on Jordan as he knocked him down with clothesline after clothesline and proceeded to propel Jordan skywards with a series of devastating suplexes. Jordan managed to mount a comeback in the dying seconds of the match, but it was not enough for him to put Albright down as Brent locked in the Crowbar for the victory.


Albright released the Crowbar and had his arm raised in victory but he was not finished. In fact, Albright grabbed a microphone and challenged
Bobby Lashley
to a Falls Count Anywhere match at Spring Stampede. Albright ranted and raved about how Lashley’s ‘cheap attack’ on him nearly put an end to his career last week. And he was saying this whilst being booed by the RFP faithful. It didn’t take long for ‘The Boss’ to step out and silence Albright. Lashley—who’s right arm was heavily taped up—promised to take Albright for a tour around the arena before pinning him one-two-three. With it being made official, Albright threw down the microphone and taunted Lashley whilst ‘The Boss’ turned his back on ‘The Shooter’ and headed backstage.


In the first tag team match of the night, the team of
Matt Cappotelli
Low Ki
faced off against NWA United States Heavyweight Champion
Idol Stevens
Matt Michaels
. The match started with Ki and the United States Heavyweight Champion as the marital artist kicked the life out of Stevens. One kick to the chest followed by another, Stevens was backed into a corner and rocked by a Tidal Crush. ‘The Idol’ managed to tag out to Michaels who was cheered loudly by
Diamond Dallas Page
. For the second time in a few weeks, both Michaels and Ki tore it up. Arm drag after arm drag, kick after kick, the two would not hold back. Ki however nearly fell victim to a Superkick, but ducked under and made the tag to Cappotelli who climbed to the top rope and dived off with a missile dropkick. From there, Cappotelli began to slowly work over the body of Michaels and had him trapped in an abdominal stretch – which Michaels battled out of. Michaels turned the tables and retaliated with a flying forearm which knocked Cappotelli down. Seconds after that, Cappotelli found himself locked in a tight camel clutch. Michaels continuously cranked up the pressure of the hold, but the former NWA United States Heavyweight Champion managed to stand—with ‘The Diamond Kid’ in a piggy-back position—and throw himself back. As a result, Michaels was crushed and Matt made the tag to Ki, who climbed to the top and came down on ‘The Diamond Kid’ with a Warrior’s Way. DDP tried to interject himself in the match, but got knocked down by Cappotelli, who would also knock down Idol Stevens as Ki scored the academic three, giving him the victory over one of his opponents heading into Spring Stampede…


Backstage, NWA World Heavyweight Champion
Chris Jericho
is seen preparing and he stops suddenly. The commissioner
David Flair
—who still showed signs of the brutal beat down he received two weeks ago—walked into his locker room. Flair and Jericho engaged in a brief discussion in which David thanked Jericho for saving him two weeks ago. “I know there’s only four days left, but I wanted to wish you luck for this Sunday. Give him hell. Give him hell for me. For you. And for ALL of the RFP fans worldwide!” shouted Flair as ‘The Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ promised that he would. David left as the show went to commercial.


Roderick Strong
could face
Drew McIntyre
, he was challenged to a match by
Steven Regal
for Spring Stampede. Roderick didn’t hesitate to positively respond to the challenge, but as he did, McIntyre tried to gain an advantage over him as he ambushed him from behind to start the match. Regal stayed in the Scotsman’s corner as McIntyre was on top in the early going. Strong came back in the match after he countered a Future Shock DDT and then nailed McIntyre with a pendulum backbreaker. Seconds after that, Strong was on a mission to destroy the back and hurled McIntyre into the turnbuckle with a massive powerbomb – but that didn’t score him the pinfall. Strong soon hit the Death by Roderick and was about to make the pinfall, but became distracted by the arrival of
Paul Burchill
who ran down the ramp. Strong was about to go to the outside and had to be stopped by referee
Mike Chioda
who went out to stop Burchill. At the same time, Regal slid a pair of brass knuckles across to McIntyre who placed it on his right hand and slowly stood. Strong turned around and was violently clocked in the temple, which sent him crashing to the canvas. McIntyre threw the brass knuckles out of the ring to Regal and collapsed on Strong as Chioda slid back in the ring to count the pinfall.


It was not long until
The Empire
stalked Strong to his feet and tackled him back down to pound on his body. The Texan crowd chanted “U-S-A! U-S-A!” over and over again as Strong was beaten down. Soon, the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions ran out with
running behind.
Johnny Lust
Richie Steamboat
slid in and The Empire bailed. Both Lust and Steamboat leaned over the top rope as McIntyre, Burchill and Regal all backed up the ramp slowly as Thunder went to another commercial.


Kurt Angle
walked towards the entrance stage as he had a match coming up. But he is soon stopped by somebody as it is revealed to be
Mr. Anderson
. The ****y fan favourite had a smile on his face as the RFP Heavyweight Champion demanded to know what he was smiling about. “Ha, nothing. Just looking at somebody who’s about to get their comeuppance.” replied Anderson as he let out a short burst of laughter and walked away…


Kurt Angle took on
B. Diddy Bagwell
in a non-title match. The former NWA United States Heavyweight Champion took it to Angle from the get go as he fired off punches which sent Angle retreating back to a corner. Bagwell kept up the offense and managed to drop Angle with a DDT, which scored a two. A Manhattan Suplex could not get the job done either as Bagwell also scored a two for that. ‘Buff Daddy’ called for the Buff Blockbuster as he climbed to the top rope, only to be intercepted by Angle and thrown across the ring with a mighty belly-to-belly superplex. From there onwards, it was all Angle and Angle managed to finish the match off by pinfall with an Angle Slam.


The music of David Flair played throughout the Reliant Arena as Angle celebrated a hard earned victory which gave him momentum heading into the triangle match at Spring Stampede. Flair emerged on the ramp and made his way down to confront Angle and when he did Angle called for a microphone and demanded to know what the ‘Nature Boy’ wanted. Flair snatched the microphone off Kurt and reminded him of what he said last week, about the final ‘announcement’ to be made about the triangle match. Flair said that he wanted the match to be called right down the middle and in order to do that, he has appointed a ‘special referee’. He called out the special referee as the crowd anxiously waited for his (or quite possibly her) arrival. A minute elapsed and out came Mr. Anderson who stood on stage and done his self-announcement before telling Angle that he would be the one to give Angle his ‘comeuppance’ after nearly having his ankle broken by the ‘Olympic Hero’. Anderson—now walking without the right ankle injury—looked down at Angle from the stage as the show came to another commercial.


A video aired to hype up Spring Stampede as it involved NWA World Heavyweight Champion Chris Jericho and
Randy Orton
as the two will battle inside the twenty-foot high Hell in a Cell for the NWA World Heavyweight title.


In the main event of the evening, Randy Orton teamed with
Elijah Burke
to take on Chris Jericho and
Montel Vontavious Porter
. The Miami native tangled with Orton to begin with as he was easily overpowered by ‘The Viper’ and soon enough, he was locked in a series of restholds. MVP battled out of a chinlock and took it to the number one contender to the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. ‘The Ballin’ Superstar’ sent Orton to the ropes and upon Orton’s rebound, sent him overhead with a big back body drop. Orton tagged out to MVP’s former friend Elijah Burke but MVP tagged out to Chris Jericho, who had all of the Texan fans on his side. The NWA World Heavyweight Champion took the former RFP Heavyweight Champion to school as he knocked him down with a flying forearm and then hit a Lionsault in quick succession, but did not gain the victory for his team. Burke was groggy after that but somehow managed to counter a Liontamer into a small package and from there get back at Jericho. Soon enough, Jericho found himself in the corner for the Elijah Express but moved at the last moment, which allowed Burke to smash his knees against the turnbuckles. He was then rolled up by Jericho and Jericho turned that roll-up into a Liontamer, as Burke was on the verge of submitting. Burke reached the ropes and Jericho was forced to let go by Mike Chioda. Soon enough however, Jericho received a high-impact uppercut and was dragged to the southwest corner, where he was the victim of a Outer Limitz elbow drop. That did not score a three for Burke’s team as he locked Jericho in a chinlock. Jericho managed to break out and make the hot tag to MVP who knocked Orton off the apron and planted Elijah down on the canvas with a DDT, seconds later MVP hit the Ballin’ Elbow and then after that hit his Play of the Day for the victory. With momentum heading into both of their matches against Randy Orton and Elijah Burke, could Chris Jericho and MVP defeat their enemies? That was the question being asked as Thunder came to an end with Jericho and MVP celebrating.


Ric Flair Promotions: Power Hour

Taped Wednesday, Week Three, March 2010

Sylvain Grenier defeated Nooie Lee [C-], American Horror defeated two local jobbers [C] and Johnny Lust defeated Matt Stryker [C+], after Lust’s match, it is announced that the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles would be on the line at Spring Stampede as Lust and Steamboat will take on The Empire members Paul Burchill and Drew McIntyre.



Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


The Shootout In The Wild-West For The Gold

Live From: American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas – Sunday, Week Three, March 2010







‘The Olympic Hero’ KURT ANGLE© versus ‘The Diamond Kid’ MATT MICHAELS versus LOW KI










‘The Boss’ BOBBY LASHLEY versus ‘The Shooter’ BRENT ALBRIGHT



STEVEN REGAL versus ‘The Messiah of the Backbreaker’ RODERICK STRONG





Predictions, as always, are welcome :)

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‘The Olympic Hero’ KURT ANGLE© versus ‘The Diamond Kid’ MATT MICHAELS versus LOW KI










‘The Boss’ BOBBY LASHLEY versus ‘The Shooter’ BRENT ALBRIGHT



STEVEN REGAL versus ‘The Messiah of the Backbreaker’ RODERICK STRONG




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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: American Airlines Center, Dallas, Texas – Sunday, Week Three, March 2010


The pre-show of the pay-per-view (available on Ric Flair Promotion’s website) began with a tag team match between the team of
Austin Creed
Orlando Jordan
against the
American Horrors
Mikal Adryan
Phill Shatter
. The monster duo of Shatter and Adryan kept Jordan and Creed back with a series of powerhouse moves, but the tables were turned when Creed countered a pumphandle slam with a reverse DDT. The two teams kept on going back and forth until O.J. scored the win for his team, hitting the Black Ice on Shatter.


The final match of the pre-show saw
B. Diddy Bagwell
Chad Collyer
go toe-to-toe in singles competition. Collyer’s partner
Matt Stryker
was in his corner and played a big part in the match. Bagwell started the contest getting several near-falls but the pinfalls were disrupted by Stryker as he hopped up on the apron and caused a distraction. Chad’s partner’s actions allowed him to mount a comeback as he nearly knocked out B. Diddy’s teeth with a discus elbow smash. A northern lights suplex nearly scored Chad the three, but Bagwell kicked out. ‘Buff Daddy’ found himself locked in a Texas Cloverleaf, but he battled out of it and managed to hit Collyer with a cross body. Seconds later, the Buff Blockbuster hit. ‘Buff Daddy’ immediately knocked Stryker off the apron and covered Collyer for the academic three to gain the victory.


The pay-per-view finally begun after a series of fireworks as the opening contest saw
Steven Regal
leave the posh surroundings of England to take on ‘The Messiah of the Backbreaker’
Roderick Strong
. Both men—much like their previous encounters—hit eachother very stiffly. In the opening seconds, Strong and Regal traded open palm chops before Regal switched up and knocked Strong down with an uppercut. Regal employed the use of catch-as-can technical grappling which kept Strong grounded. But Strong managed to get back to a vertical base and started to destroy the back of the Englishman with a series of backbreakers. Regal retaliated with a huge Regal Plex, which folded Strong up like an accordion. The move did not score a three count as Regal then went to lock in the Regal Stretch. Roderick scrambled to the ropes and hung on to dear life, but Regal kept the hold locked in for an extra four seconds. Strong once again got back to a vertical base and nearly kicked Regal’s face off with a massive big boot. Strong lifted Regal on his shoulders for the Death by Roderick and the Englishman somehow managed to slip down behind his nemesis and shoved him into referee
Charles Robinson
, knocking him down in the process. Regal took the time to recover, and when he had finished, he charged at Strong only to meet a vicious right hook. Strong lifted his arm in the air to reveal that he had his own pair of brass knuckles and he placed them in his knee pad before he covered an out-cold Steven Regal. Charles Robinson counted the pinfall, and Strong had scored another victory over Regal on pay-per-view…Or at least it seemed. As Strong had his arm raised in victory, the replay of how he won was shown on the big screen on the stage and Robinson saw the result. Immediately, Robinson informed the ring announcer of the change in decision and Steven Regal had won – by disqualification. Roderick Strong was livid as he picked up the man who represented Queen and Country and subjected him to a series of devastating backbreakers before leaving the ring…


Josh Matthews
resided in the interview area for the first interview of the pay-per-view as he interviewed the NWA World Heavyweight Champion
Chris Jericho
. Matthews had reminded everyone about the Hell in a Cell match scheduled for later on in the night as the NWA World Heavyweight title would be on the line. Matthews questioned Jericho on his opinions for the match and Jericho replied by saying he was ready to finally put
Randy Orton
down in a brutal manor. The NWA World Heavyweight Champion reminded everyone inside the American Airlines Center that he and ‘The Viper’ had gone to no decisive finishes and that the Hell in a Cell would end that run of no decisive finishes because he would force Orton to submit to retain his title. ‘The Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ left Matthews as the action returned to the ring…


Idol Stevens
defended his NWA United States Heavyweight title against the man he had won it off last month at Superbrawl:
Matt Cappotelli
. The former NWA United States Heavyweight Champion was all over Stevens in the opening minute of the match as he scored several near-falls with different pinfall maneuvers such as a sunset flip, a victory roll and a small package. Stevens slid to the outside and went to recuperate, until Cappotelli hurled himself over the top rope with a plancha which knocked down the defending NWA United States Heavyweight Champion and got the crowd on their feet. The action eventually got back inside the squared circle as Cappotelli went for the Walk of Fame forward Russian legsweep, but Stevens countered with his own version of the Walk of Fame but only got a two. Seconds later, Idol had Cappotelli up and tried for the Ménage á Trois. On the second vertical suplex, Cappotelli hooked the inside leg of Stevens and rolled him into a small package for a two. Stevens struggled to get back at the challenger and received a tornado variant of the DDT, which planted him right in front of the southwest turnbuckle. Matt climbed to the top rope and launched himself off with a moonsault which scored him a two-count. From there onwards, the two continued to go back and forth, but Cappotelli eventually set up for the Walk of Fame once again – but the supermodel
Sylvain Grenier
tried to interject himself in the match, which caused a distraction for Matt who got rolled into a small package by the NWA United States Champion, who got the three-count to retain his title.


The RFP Heavyweight Champion
Kurt Angle
stood by Josh Matthews for Matthews’ second interview of the night. Angle, who would be dealing with two other men in the semi-main event of the pay-per-view. It was clear Angle was unhappy about the arrangements for the match as his enemy
Mr. Anderson
would be special referee for the match – which Angle said would make it impossible for him to score the victory. Matthews was ejected from the interview area after that comment and Angle told the fans in Dallas that he would retain his title, because he was the ‘better man’. And if Mr. Anderson got in his way, he would make him suffer. The whole line itself made the crowd boo loudly, but Angle did not care as he walked away from the interview area.


The NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles were on the line next.
Johnny Lust
Richie Steamboat
(accompanied, as always, by
) defended the titles against
The Empire
Drew McIntyre
Paul Burchill
dominated the match in the early going as they tossed Steamboat and Lust around. The Tag Team Champions fought back as eventually all hell broke loose. Steamboat and McIntyre found themselves trading shots at ringside as Richie eventually hurled McIntyre head first into the turnbuckle post which sent McIntyre crashing down onto the ringside mats. Inside the ring, Lust was knocked down by a series of clotheslines from Burchill. Lust eventually mounted a come back and from almost nowhere, struck with his Genesis Kick which smacked Burchill in the face and put him down for the three.


A hype video aired after the tag team match as it hyped the Falls Count Anywhere match which would be between
Bobby Lashley
Brent Albright
. The video focused on Albright’s brutal attacks from Superbrawl onwards and then paid attention to his failed attack two weeks ago in which he was Speared through the crowd barricade by Lashley. It ends after that and we cut to the ring for the match…


‘The Shooter’ met ‘The Boss’ as both men slugged it out in the first few moments of the match before they made use of the no countouts and no disqualification rules of the Falls Count Anywhere match. Lashley and Albright headed into the crowd as they continued to punch away at eachother. Albright picked up a steel chair and struck Lashley in the right arm—still taped up from injury—and continued to do so until ‘The Boss’ disarmed him and started to hit him with the chair as well. The two proceeded to brawl through the crowd until they reached the bottom of the ramp. From there, they went to the top of the stage and used the Texan ranch props to hit eachother with. Lashley pushed a wooden cart with a large amount of haystacks inside it into Albright, which nearly sent him off the stage, but ‘The Shooter’ regained his balance. From there, the two went through the curtain and into the backstage area. Brent took Lashley by the head and sent him head-first into the popcorn machine, breaking the glass of it and releasing the popcorn all over the floor in the process. Lashley was surprisingly not cut by the collision with the popcorn machine and found enough strength to return the favour as he chucked Albright into a Pepsi drink machine, which shattered the plastic imitation glass. As if that was not enough, Lashley started to take all the Pepsi cans, opened them and poured them all over Albright as he sat in the machine. The match had soon reached back on the stage as both men were exhausted from the beating they had taken. Lashley called for the finish and lifted Albright up for the Dominator on the stage, but ‘The Shooter’ battled out and slipped behind. He turned Lashley around and stunned him with a series of knee strikes before grabbing him and getting him ready for an exploder suplex. Lashley countered with a series of elbow strikes and went for a clothesline with his injured right arm. Albright grabbed it and immediately went to lock in the Crowbar, but Lashley shoved him off his arm. Albright teetered on the edge of the stage as Lashley lined him up for the Spear. He charged in, but got caught by a knee from Albright who lifted him up for the exploder suplex…‘The Shooter’ hurled Lashley off the stage and seconds later, he jumped down off the stage and covered Lashley for the victory.


Albright had his hand raised in victory as he managed to steadily stand over the body of ‘The Boss’ Bobby Lashley. Numerous replays of Lashley being suplexed off the stage are shown before the camera’s cut to Lashley still laid out on the arena floor as Albright is still stood over him. Albright eventually made his way to the bottom of the ramp before he walked back up it. He threw his arms up in the sky as the crowd booed his hard fought victory. Once again the camera cut to Lashley, who was stirring and he sat up seconds later. After he heard Albright’s music playing in the background, Lashley knew that he had lost but there was nothing he could do at this moment to rectify that loss as the match was over.


Montel Vontavious Porter
Elijah Burke
is the subject of the next hype video of the pay-per-view as it started off from Superbrawl and Burke’s victory over his former friend. From there onwards, it chronicled what has happened in the past few weeks involving the two and ends with
David Flair
’s announcement of the two having a rematch on this night.


‘The Ballin’ Superstar’ and Elijah Burke went one-on-one once again as the two former friends started off slowly. Burke wore down Porter with several restholds and managed to keep MVP in a chinlock. MVP managed to stand with Elijah on his back and he leapt back and crushed his former friend. The Miami native took the initiative soon after and held Burke down on the canvas. He locked him in a grounded version of the sleeper which nearly put the former amateur boxer out, but Burke stood and battled out of the sleeper and ‘The Silver-Tongued Pugilist’ ran to the ropes and came back with a flying forearm. Burke nearly scored the pinfall with a bridged German suplex, but MVP got the shoulder up at two and a half. Burke lit up Montel Vontavious Porter with a series of jabs before he lifted him skywards and dropped him groin first on the knee and followed up with a flying shoulder block which sent Porter crashing to the canvas. Seconds after that, Porter was dragged to a nearby corner and hit with the Outer Limitz Elbow Drop and somehow managed to kick out at two. The momentum had changed after that. Burke went for another Outer Limitz Elbow Drop, but Porter got the boot up which caused his opponent to land back first on his boot. Seconds later, Burke became the victim of the Players Boot, but kicked out at two. ‘The Ballin’ Superstar’ called for the Playmaker and went for it, but that was countered as Burke shoved him into a nearby corner and charged at him. ‘The Silver-Tongued Pugilist’ looked for the Elijah Express, but MVP showed his agility and rolled out of the way, which allowed Burke to hit his knees off the turnbuckles. Burke staggered back into a Play of the Day as his former friend set him up for the Ballin’ Elbow. After several taunts, the man from the 3-0-5 area dropped the Ballin’ Elbow and picked up the victory.


We headed back to the interview area after Montel Vontavious Porter’s impressive victory as
Matt Michaels
Diamond Dallas Page
prepared to be interviewed by Josh Matthews. Matthews asked Michaels about his thoughts heading into his first ever shot at the RFP Heavyweight title. ‘The Diamond Kid’ replied by telling Matthews that the title shot was long overdue and he asked his manager DDP for conformation that it was indeed long overdue – as expected, Page agreed and took centre stage as he ranted and raved about what good Michaels being RFP Heavyweight Champion would do for Ric Flair Promotions as a whole. “Profits would increase! More people would watch RFP! The children would have a RFP Heavyweight Champion they could be proud of!” shouted a clearly excited DDP as he then told Michaels that he would do everything in his power to make sure that ‘The Diamond Kid’ would leave RFP Heavyweight Champion. Once the interview had finished, the camera cut to the hallway as Mr. Anderson prepared for the match as he would be officiating. Seconds later, David Flair had arrived on the scene and he wished Anderson good luck for the chaos that he was about to oversee. However, Flair asked Anderson to be a fair official. Anderson told Flair that he would be before he walked off to the stage…


With Mr. Anderson as the special guest referee, Kurt Angle was ready to defend his RFP Heavyweight title in a Triangle Match against both Matt Michaels (who had Diamond Dallas Page in his corner) and the martial artist
Low Ki
. As soon as the bell had rung, both Angle and Michaels looked to eject Ki from the match as the two jumped on the ‘World Warrior’ and pounded him with several punishing blows. The two threw Ki to the outside and then focused on eachother. Michaels and Angle locked up in the middle of the ring. The two came to a stalemate and let go of the lock up before going at it again, Angle immediately used his amateur wrestling background that earned him a gold medal at the Olympic Games to take down Matt and ground him. Anderson watched carefully as Angle put Michaels in a pinning predicament. Anderson got down on his knees to count a two. Seconds later, both men were back up and they traded shots. ‘The Diamond Kid’ ducked a right han from Angle and slipped behind him before he rolled him up with the school boy. The move got a two count as the two were both back to their feet. Low Ki meanwhile hopped up onto the top rope and gave both men a missile dropkick (one foot for each man) as both the defending RFP Heavyweight Champion and Michaels flew across the ring and slid to the outside. Ki followed up with an impressive flip plancha which took both men out and got the crowd on their feet. Ki threw Michaels into the ring and pinned him for the two-count. The martial artist let the ‘Diamond Kid’ stand as the two began to trade arm drags. Arm drag after arm drag, the pace soon quickened enough for Michaels to splash Ki for a pinfall attempt but the former NWA Junior Heavyweight Champion kicked out at two.


Kurt Angle got himself involved in the match as he slyly slid inside the ring and came from behind to hit a German suplex on Matt Michaels. He attempted the same thing on Ki but Ki back flipped out of it and hit a roundhouse kick to the back of Angle’s head before he made the pinfall attempt. Anderson counted the two as his rival kicked out. The ‘World Warrior’ got in the loudmouth’s face but was rolled up by the Olympic gold medalist as he managed to kick out at two. This lead to Angle getting in his rival’s face as he demanded Anderson count faster, Anderson shouted at Angle that he was going to call this match right down the middle and told Angle that he would not be intimidated by demands such as that. The match picked up in pace once again as all three men traded shots. ‘The Diamond Kid’ started to take it to his opponents and he hit a belly-to-belly suplex on Kurt Angle. The RFP Heavyweight Champion hit the canvas hard and Michaels turned his focus onto Low Ki. He Irish whipped him across the ring, but Ki came back with a fierce double-footed dropkick, which sent Michaels crashing into the corner. Seconds later, Ki crushed his opponent with a Tidal Crush. Michaels staggered out of the corner and into Kurt Angle, who would show him how to hit a REAL belly-to-belly suplex. The RFP Heavyweight Champion tossed Michaels across the ring as he was then caught from behind by Low Ki who attempted to lock in the dragon clutch. The martial artist had Angle in the dragon sleeper, but Angle fought off attempts to turn it into a scissored dragon clutch and from there dropped Ki onto the canvas and locked in the Angle Lock.


Diamond Dallas Page would get involved and he saved Ki from submitting by hitting Angle with a Diamond Cutter. The move evoked cheers from the crowd as DDP threw up the self high-five taunt. He turned around and walked straight into a Mic Check from special referee Mr. Anderson, which evoked even bigger cheers from the crowd. At around the same time, Matt Michaels capitalised on his manager’s Diamond Cutter on Angle and from the top rope hit his Picture Perfect Elbow. Michaels landed right on the sternum of Angle and he covered the RFP Heavyweight Champion with hope that he would be crowned the new RFP Heavyweight Champion. It was not to be as the pinfall got interrupted by Low Ki, who came off the top rope with the Warrior’s Way, which broke the pinfall. Ki dragged a worn out Michaels to his feet and lifted him up as if he was going for the Ki Krusher but Michaels hit Ki with a knee to the cranium, which caused the ‘World Warrior’ to drop him. Seconds later, Michaels went for the Superkick, but Ki ducked and lifted him up to hit the Ki Krusher. The martial artist hooked the leg and scored a very close two. Moments later, Ki slapped on the dragon clutch, intent on winning the gold. Kurt Angle from out of nowhere broke up the dragon clutch with a steel chair, just as Michaels was about to tap out. Matt rolled to the outside as Angle rained down chairshots on the martial artist. Anderson intervened and snatched the steel chair off Angle, despite there being no disqualifications in the match. Angle attempted to snatch the chair back and in a long tussle for the steel chair, he got it back. But Ki came from behind to roll him up, but only got a two. Angle stood back up as Ki attempted to, but the steel chair shots had taken their toll as he was easily given the Angle Slam and then locked in an Angle Lock. The Olympic gold medallist was relentless as he cranked the ankle from side-to-side, and even slapped on the grapevine. Ki managed to break out of the submission and he fired back as he knocked Angle down with an enziguri. Seconds later, he was on the top rope in an attempt to hit the Warrior’s Way, but Angle popped back up and scaled the ropes before he took Ki off the top rope with a top rope variation of the Angle Slam. Both men came down hard on the canvas but Angle covered Ki as Anderson begrudgingly counted the pinfall. He briefly stopped as he got two, but soon counted the three. Angle retained the RFP Heavyweight title.


As Angle’s music played throughout the arena, Mr. Anderson went to the outside to retrieve his belt. He received it from the time keeper and then looked into the belt with a look of regret. Nonetheless, he slid back inside the ring and handed Kurt the title before he raised his arm up high…All of a sudden, Anderson dropped Angle’s arm and then slammed him down onto the ring mat with a Mic Check to the delight of the Dallas crowd. The loudmouth got to his feet and took the RFP Heavyweight title before staring into it once again. He held it up in the air and then rested it on the fallen Angle as he left the ring…


After a quick hype video, the cell which had hung ominously over the ring for most of the night lowered. And once both the NWA World Heavyweight Champion and the challenger for the title had entered the ring, the match started. Referee Charles Robinson was the official unlucky enough to be in charge of the match-up as his facial expression showed that he was not at all happy that he was refereeing. Chris Jericho and Randy Orton started to circle around the ring as soon as the bell had sounded and then they locked up. Jericho got the advantage and tossed Orton over with a headlock takedown and Orton returned the favour on Jericho seconds later. ‘The Viper’ applied a chinlock to prevent Jericho from doing any significant damage in the early going only to have Jericho battle out of it and send him back down to the canvas. The speed picked up a bit as both men headed to the ropes and traded running strikes, but Jericho knocked Orton to the apron with a clothesline and followed up with a springboard dropkick which sent him into the steel cell. The action spread to the outside and Orton was the first one to go head-first into the cell. Jericho continued to let out his anger as he rammed his head continuously into the cell. Orton escaped further damage and tried to escape the cell, only to be ambushed from behind by Jericho, who prevented him from leaving. ‘The Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ administered further pain to Orton as he propelled the number one contender into the steel steps. The NWA World Heavyweight Champion took time to catch his breath, but took too long as Orton blindsided him with the steel steps that he had crashed into.


At that moment, Jericho revealed a bloody forehead as Orton picked him up and grinded his forehead into the steel cell. The colour on the cell had turned from grey to red in a matter of seconds and Orton decided to wipe the blood all over his ches as some sort of sick trophy. Both men re-entered the ring and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion was placed on the top turnbuckle. Orton climbed to the top turnbuckle and started to punch away at him before he hung off the top of the cell and mule kicked Jericho in the face. Jericho somehow found the strength to stand and he took Orton by the legs and powerbombed him down onto the canvas. It took a few seconds for Jericho to recover fully from nearly having his teeth kicked down his throat and after he had recovered, Jericho went to the outside and brought a steel chair into the equation. He used the chair to beat down Orton to the delight of the RFP faithful as he swung wildly and knocked Orton down a few times, by the end of it, Orton was bloodied. A low blow kept Orton from taking the fall as he rolled up Jericho with hopes of capturing the gold, it never happened as Jericho valiantly kicked out at two and started to mount a comeback. The two ended up on the outside of the ring and once again fought tooth-and-nail to try and pin or submit eachother. During their skirmish on the outside of the ring, Orton locked Jericho in a tight sleeper hold and nearly picked up the victory as Jericho passed out for a brief moment. The action sprawled to the outside as Jericho was catapulted into one of the cell walls, which gave way and sent Jericho crashing down onto the floor…


The two bloody wrestler continued their brawl before they made their way to the announce tables. ‘Y2J’ and ‘The Viper’ did battle on top of
Ric Flair
Mike Tenay
’s announce table, but it did not give way when Orton delivered a brutal RKO on it. Jericho locked in the Liontamer on it a minute after that, but was thrown off the table. Both men decided that they would do battle on top of the cell and began to climb up right next to eachother. They reached halfway until they started to trade blows, but Jericho lost his grip on the cell and fell around about fifteen feet through the announcer’s table. Orton hopped back down and attempted to pin him, but only got a two. Orton once again climbed up the cell and reached the top. When Jericho had stood up, he was invited to the top by Orton and he accepted the invitation. Eventually, the two men traded shots on top of the cell. At one point, Jericho teetered off the edge of the cell, but managed to regain his balance and knock Orton down with a wicked clothesline. There was some concern that the roof of the cell would give way. Both men did not care however as they were willing to end their careers for the NWA World Heavyweight title. One of the panels in the roof nearly gave way when Orton back suplexed Jericho, but thankfully it did not. ‘The Viper’ lined up ‘Y2J’ for the punt kick, and ran at full speed towards him, but Jericho rolled out of the way as Orton missed. Seconds later, Randy would be turned around and scooped up, then driven down onto the cell roof with a massive suplex – but two panels of the cell roof gave way and both men went crashing down onto the canvas down below.


The crowd were shocked at what the two men had done to eachother, but Orton stirred and placed his arm over Jericho to make the cover, but Jericho kicked out. A minute removed from that, both men showed signs of life and got back to a vertical base. Orton sluggishly went for the RKO, but Orton held onto the ropes and shoved him away. As soon as Orton got back to his feet, Jericho swiped his legs from underneath him and applied the Liontamer. A bloody Orton refused to tap out, and at one point passed out. He regained consciousness but in the end, he could not break out of the hold and tapped out furiously, giving Jericho the victory. Jericho broke down and had his title rested on his body as he had retained his title. Soon enough, the bloody NWA World Heavyweight Champion stood and held his title high above his head as the cell slowly raised upwards and the pay-per-view had come to a finish…


Overall Rating:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: iWireless Center, Moline, Illinois – Wednesday, Week Four, March 2010



The show kicked off with the appearance of
Mr. Anderson
who had seemingly recovered from the ankle injury sustained at Superbrawl nearly a month back. Anderson entered the ring and grabbed a microphone and began to address the fans about the triangle match he refereed last Sunday at Spring Stampede and the post-match attack on RFP Heavyweight Champion
Kurt Angle
. Anderson told the fans that the attack was payback for what happened and Superbrawl and demanded a RFP Heavyweight title match for Mayhem in a few weeks time, live on pay-per-view.
“So, what do you say Angle?”
he shouted but it was not Angle that came out to greet him, it was
Brent Albright
who defeated
Bobby Lashley
at Spring Stampede in a violent falls count anywhere match. Albright snatched the microphone from the loudmouth and asked him to step aside because it was his turn. ‘The Shooter’ listed reasons why it is his turn for a shot at the title, but he was interrupted by Anderson who snatched the microphone back and told him to get out of the ring.
Elijah Burke
soon stepped out and told both men that it was him that should be number one contender because he never got the ‘rematch’ he should’ve got when he was champion and he is the only one to be champion out of the three. Burke made his way down to the ring but stopped several feet short of it when his former friend made his entrance.
Montel Vontavious Porter
came out to loud cheers as he put his opinion into the equation. ‘The Ballin’ Superstar’ targeted his former friend Burke and told the fans that he was only champion because of him, which struck a nerve in Burke. Before MVP could continue,
Matt Michaels
strolled out with
Diamond Dallas Page
behind him. Michaels got a microphone of his own and told all the other men to step aside and let the ‘young gun have his turn’. Michaels, who was clearly angry about what happened at Spring Stampede demanded that he would be the one to get Angle alone. But someone disagreed with that entirely.
Low Ki
stepped through the curtain and cut-off ‘The Diamond Kid’. Ki asked the fans whether they thought he should be getting the shot and all of them cheered. He used this as evidence of why he should be the one to take on Kurt Angle for the RFP Heavyweight title, but in the end,
David Flair
came out and told the six men that none of them would be getting a shot. Though he did have a better idea. That idea would be to have a mini-tournament with the six. Three semi-final matches and a triangle match as the final. Flair immediately made the matches on the spot as Low Ki would take on Elijah Burke, Matt Michaels would take on MVP and Mr. Anderson would face Brent Albright. The three winners would advance to the triangle match finals on next week’s episode of ‘Thunder’.


A promotional video was shown after the opening segment as it looked at several countries in Latin America and examined the cities, vibrant lifestyle and the sandy beaches. Suddenly, a voice is heard as it spoke in Spanish.
“Para demasiado largo, hemos tenido nadie representa Iberoamérica…Para demasiado largo, hemos sido distorsionados…Para demasiado largo, hemos sido mirados la manera equivocada…subiremos…Pronto”
which translated into:
“For too long, we have had no one represent Latin America…For too long, we have been misrepresented…For too long, we have been looked at the wrong way…We will rise…Soon!”
in English. Eventually, the video ended with the words ‘Pronto de Venida de La Habana Pitbulls’ which was ‘Havana Pitbulls…Coming Soon’ in Spanish. Once the video had ended, the cameras returned to both
Mike Tenay
Ric Flair
who both seemed confused at the video.


NWA United States Heavyweight Champion
Idol Stevens
came out with his associate
Sylvain Grenier
. Stevens acquired a microphone and addressed the crowd that he would be hosting an open challenge for the opening match of the night. Stevens asked for someone to come out and challenge him and someone did come out. Calgary Stampede’s
Frankie Kazarian
sprinted down the ramp and slid into the ring. Stevens stopped him in his tracks and told him to get to the back because he wanted someone who could ‘actually give him a decent challenge’. Kazarian responded with a right hand which sent Idol reeling and he then threw his supermodel friend to the outside. Referee
Mike Chioda
signalled for the bell and the match was official. Kazarian took the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion to school as he hit a series of dropkicks and scored near-falls over ‘God’s Gift To Women’. Stevens did not have enough time to recover from the quick start that Kazarian provided and fell victim to a slingshot DDT. It did not score the pinfall, but it kept Stevens down long enough for ‘The Future’ to score with a springboard leg drop for yet another close fall. Following a short altercation with Grenier on the apron, Kazarian had his eyes raked and he was dropped with an Idolizer neckbreaker, which gave Idol Stevens the victory.


After the bell had rung, Grenier entered the ring to celebrate with his friend, but found their celebration cut short as the former NWA United States Heavyweight Champion
Matt Cappotelli
ran out. The former United States Heavyweight Champion jumped into the ring and started to take it to both Sylvain Grenier and Idol Stevens. Grenier was clotheslined over the top rope and to the floor whilst Stevens received the Walk of Fame. The crowd jumped onto their feet with joy once it had hit and Cappotelli slid to the outside, not finished. He tore open the ring apron and pulled out a fifteen foot ladder and slid it inside the ring. Cappotelli set it up beside the fallen Stevens and climbed up each rung until he got to the top, then without hesitation, he leaped off with a splash! As Stevens flailed wildly on the canvas, Cappotelli stood and raised his arms in the air before he made his escape up the ramp.


When Thunder returned from a commercial break, the cameras focused on Mike Tenay as he said he sat down with NWA World Heavyweight Champion
Chris Jericho
on Tuesday night for a sit-down interview. Tenay called for the clips to be shown and they were. In the video, both men were relaxed and traded compliments back and forth until Tenay popped the first question, which questioned Jericho’s next step. Jericho said he’d be willing to take on anybody and that would include someone from a rival promotion. Tenay next quizzed ‘Y2J’ on his thoughts when he headed into the hellacious Hell in a Cell at Spring Stampede against
Randy Orton
. Jericho replied by saying he thought the match was the most daunting prospect in his career, but managed to overcome his doubts and defeat Orton, despite all the bumps and all the blood that he had lost, he won. Tenay thanked Jericho for his time and the segment came to an end.


In a six-man tag team match,
The Empire
managed to defeat the trio of
Roderick Strong
Richie Steamboat
Johnny Lust
. The match started with
Drew McIntyre
and Steamboat, as the two faced off and traded blows and holds. Then frequent tags allowed
Steven Regal
Paul Burchill
to get involved until the match broke down and all six men were engaged in a brawl. Legal man Lust tried to put away McIntyre with his Genesis Kick, but the young Scotsman ducked and slammed him down onto the canvas with the Future Shock DDT for the victory.


In the first of three number one contender tournament semi-final matches, Low Ki was pitted against Elijah Burke. ‘The Silver-Tongued Pugilist’ started the match off by going toe-to-toe with Ki. Despite his amateur boxing experience, Burke was bettered in a fist-fight and was backed into the corner where Ki lit him up with several rapid-fire chops. Burke received the Tidal Crush and then staggered out of the corner into an enziguri. He was covered but kicked out valiantly at two. Ki tried to wear him down on the canvas but was shoved away, seconds later, Burke twisted Ki inside out with a wicked clothesline. From there, the former RFP Heavyweight Champion locked in a camel clutch. He pulled back continuously on Ki’s neck, in an attempt to force him to submit, but the martial-artist battled out of the hold and stood with Elijah still on his back. He leaped back and crushed him. The match continued and Elijah once again had gotten the better of Ki and drove him into turnbuckle post, shoulder first. Montel Vontavious Porter ran down as soon as Ki hit the turnbuckle post and he provided a distraction. Whilst Burke taunted MVP, Ki came from behind and rolled him up to get the three and move on to the triangle match on next week’s Thunder.


After the bell had rang, Burke stood onto his feet and wondered what had just happened and when informed by referee
Charles Robinson
, the former amateur boxer became enraged. The Floridian started to kick the ropes and shove the referee as ‘The Ballin’ Superstar’ looked on from the ramp, enjoying what he saw.


Kurt Angle faced
Orlando Jordan
in a non-tournament match and the RFP Heavyweight Champion engaged with Jordan from the bell. Jordan tried his best to avoid being taken down to the canvas, but Angle pushed and pushed and Jordan lost his footing. Seconds later, ‘The Olympic Hero’ was all over Orlando and soon forced him to submit to the Angle Lock.


In the second of three number one contender tournament semi-final matches, Mr. Anderson met Brent Albright. ‘The Shooter’ targeted the arm in the opening minute of the match with a series of punches and kicks before he nailed a series of knees to the face of the loudmouth. Anderson was forced to back away but Albright kept going with his offence until Anderson drilled him with shots of his own and then dropped him with a snap DDT. Albright fired back with a belly-to-belly suplex and scored a two-count. Both men took their battle onto the top rope where Anderson managed to counter a superplex and push Albright off the top rope and he then hit the Kenton Bomb for a two count. Albright somehow recovered quickly and hit an exploder suplex on Anderson for a two. Albright called for the Crowbar to numerous jeers from the crowd, but Anderson avoided it being locked in and in the blink of an eye hit the Mic Check to score the win.


After the match had finished, Anderson had his arm raised in the air but Albright ambushed him from behind and started to kick away at the right arm. Brent wrestled Ken to the ground and applied the devastating Crowbar submission, which caused Anderson to scream in pain. ‘The Shooter’ released the hold as he stared at the rampway in complete shock. ‘The Boss’ Bobby Lashley came through the curtain as he slowly walked down to the ring. He got inside the ring and looked in the eyes of Brent Albright, ‘The Shooter’ tried to pull a fast one with a cheap shot, but Lashley countered and decked him with a right hand that sent him flying across the ring. Lashley continued to strike Albright until he managed to get out of the ring and back up the ramp. The show went to a commercial with Lashley pointing at Albright.


The main event had arrived and it was the third and final match in the number one contender tournament. Matt Michaels and Montel Vontavious Porter locked horns for the final spot in the triangle match next week. Michaels was dominated in the early going by the fan favourite but turned the tables after he took MVP’s momentum and used it to strike him with a flying forearm smash. ‘The Diamond Kid’ wore down Porter, but Porter managed to draw in the crowd’s support for him and fought back. The two men tried for their finishers in a long, dramatic sequence, but it was ‘The Ballin’ Superstar’ who hit the Play of the Day. Before he could make the pinfall however, Diamond Dallas Page got on the apron and distracted referee Charles Robinson. And then from almost nowhere, Elijah Burke appeared and pushed MVP into the corner and followed up with the Elijah Express. He slyly exited the ring as MVP dropped down onto the canvas. Almost instantaneously, Matt Michaels scaled the turnbuckles and leapt off with a Picture Perfect Elbow for the three.


Overall Rating:


Ric Flair Promotions: POWER HOUR

Taped Wednesday, Week Four, March 2010

Phill Shatter defeated a local jobber [E-], Drew McIntyre defeated Austin Creed [C] and Chad Collyer and Matt Stryker defeated 2 Fast, 2 Furious [B-]


Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


Live From: The Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, Michigan – Sunday, Week Four, April 2010



‘The Olympic Hero’ KURT ANGLE© versus ‘The Diamond Kid’ MATT MICHAELS or ‘The World Warrior’ LOW KI or MR. ANDERSON


Card Not Yet Complete, Subjected To Change.

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The Clothesline! | Issue No. 2 | April 2010




1. News Around The World

2. Results

3. Power 5


News Around The World



Jeff Hardy: Still Titan Wrestling Entertainment’s Top Dog


Titan Wrestling Entertainment held their seventeenth Clash of the Titans spectacular to a massively positive response from all critics and fans. The event was excellent from top to bottom. In the opening contest, Ezekiel Jackson teamed with newcomer Stevie Richards to defeat The Highlander and The Grappler. That was followed by Alexis Laree’s defence of the NWA Women’s title against Miss Jackie, which in truth was a car wreck that Laree tried to carry but could not. New signee Davey Richards teamed with Sonny Siaki to lose to The Brood (Nick and Matt Jackson) in an athletic encounter. Colt Cabana (Scotty BOOM BOOM) beat The Con Man in a hilarious falls count anywhere match which saw both men in interesting situations, most notably both men got laid out by The Great Wight when they took the action into his locker room. The odd-couple pairing of Fertig The Vampire and John Hennigan managed to take the TWE Tag Team titles from ‘The Natural’ Nic Nemeth and The Giant Singh in a surprisingly good encounter (which was mainly due to Singh’s minimal contribution). René Duprée managed to retain his TWE East Coast title against JTG in another good match. In the top two matches of the night, the team of Jean Paul Levesque and ‘Mr. Wonderful’ Chris Mordetsky defeated the Great Wight and Batista, thanks to JPL’s sledgehammer. And finally, Nero (Jeff Hardy) once again thwarted Glenn Goodnight’s attempts at capturing the title in a No Disqualification match after he hit a Swanton Bomb off a ladder and put him through a table. The event was an extremely big step towards becoming the number one promotion in the whole of North America and as stated earlier, it has received a positive response from all critics and fans.


Another big event that was held last month was Calgary Stampede’s annual Calgary Classic. In an event which was stacked from top to bottom with matches ranging from average to excellent, we saw Chavo Guerrero, Jr. topple Nigel McGuinness in a twenty minute thriller. At one point, Guerrero was dropped throat first onto the guard rail and had seemed to be out of competition, but he rallied back and hit a frog splash to pick up the victory. And in the main event, Sexton Hardcastle once again retained his NWA Canadian Heavyweight title as he bested Chris Benoit in a excellent match-up featuring action inside and outside of the ring. ‘The Rated R Rockstar’ managed to pin Benoit after Spear. Also on the card, Sheamus O’Shaunessy retained his British Commonwealth title by decimating Anthony Carelli and Nattie Neidhart retained he NWA Canadian Women’s title. Speaking of Nattie Neidhart, it has been confirmed that she will pose for Playboy. Nattie Neidhart confirmed on her Twitter that she would pose for the magazine, but ‘not nude’. This may come as a disappointment to some fans of Nattie, but the photos are still guaranteed to be hot and racy. As a result, Neidhart joins many women wrestler’s who have posed for the publication such as Trish Stratus (in 2000), Rena Mero (in 1998) and most recently Alexis Laree (in 2008). We cannot wait for the issue to hit the newsstands later on this month…



Bryan Danielson: Ric Flair Promotions’ Newest Acquisition


As reported earlier, Bryan Danielson was the subject of a massive bidding war. This month, we can report that Ric Flair Promotions gained the contract of the ‘American Dragon’ and are in the process of planning his debut as this issue of ‘The Clothesline!’ is being made. Danielson – who is now in the process of several farewell matches – has stated that he is indeed excited to be working for RFP and he hopes to retain the ‘Best of the World’ accolade that has been given to him by the fans in recent years.


Continuing the Ric Flair Promotions news, the promotion has finally opened a developmental territory. The territory – which is affiliated with the National Wrestling Alliance officially – is called NWA: North Carolina, and as the name suggests, it is situated in North Carolina, the state known as ‘Flair Country’. The first few developmental stars have been signed and assigned to the promotion. Jake Hager (who signed with Ric Flair Promotions last month) has been sent down there, former Project X star Tyler Reks has also gone down along with Caylen Croft and Trent Baretta (who teamed together as The Dudebusters in the American Wrestling Association). The son of Afa The Wild Samoan has been signed and sent down to NWA: North Carolina. Josh Raymond, Sterling James Keenan and the young, 6’6’ wrestler Tommy Mercer have also been signed. Finally, Ric Flair’s son, Reid, has been sent down from the main roster to the promotion. Ric Flair Promotions has also acquired the contract of Frankie Kazarian from Calgary Stampede. The Canadian promotion, who were not willing to resign Kazarian’s contract, quite willingly let him goto RFP and he made his debut several days later on Thunder. This signing was one of many attempts to ‘beef up’ RFP’s roster size due to it’s increase in promotion size (the promotion has reached ‘International’ levels).



Brock Lesnar: Virtually Unstoppable


World Class Championship Wrestling will be holding a special episode of Monday Night Ignition on the beginning of April and it’ll mark the show’s fifteen year anniversary. Ignition—which debuted in 1995 –has featured many classic encounters and WCCW will surely provide it’s fans with excellent matches. Speaking of WCCW, the promotion held WrestleWar 2010 live from the Reliant Stadium in Texas and they managed to sell-out the show. The show boasted a ‘Brother versus Brother’ semi-main event as Dustin Rhodes took on the youngest member of the Rhodes family, Cody in a bloody match. Rhodes won the match after a piledriver and then choked out his brother with a bullrope. Also, Steve Austin defeated Mean Mark Callous once again in an excellent encounter. Austin nearly conceded the pinfall but rallied back and hit the Stunner on Callous. After the match, Austin exited on Callous’ Harley Davidson motorcycle. In the main event, ‘The Rock’ Rocky Johnson defended his WCCW Heavyweight title against Brock Lesnar. Johnson managed to keep Lesnar at bay, but fell victim to his vicious F-5. Both Rocky and Lesnar continued to go back and forth from there, but the match was taken to the outside where Lesnar used a steel chair to crack ‘The Rock’ over the head and give him the disqualification win. After that, Rocky was F-5’ed through the announcer’s table.


Tickets have gone on sale for Ric Flair Promotion’s series of summer pay-per-views. Bash at the Beach, which is going to be held live on the Panama Beach in Florida is the first pay-per-view to be held (as it is in June). The second pay-per-view to be held in the series of RFP’s summer PPV’s is the annual spectacular of the Great American Bash (the event’s tickets have been on sale for quite some time, but only for the front row seats), which will be held inside the Safeco Field in Seattle, the same venue that hosted StarrCade 2003. The G.A.B. will be the first wrestling event to be held inside the Safeco Field in seven years and could quite possibly create a new attendance record for the arena. Then in August, the promotion will head to the Greensboro Coliseum for the Carolina Clash. The tickets are available on sites such as Ticketmaster and of course Ric Flair Promotion’s official website.


Mr. Águila won Imperio De Lucha Azteca’s annual Reyes Del Aire tournament a fortnight ago. The tournament, which boasts the ‘best high flying’ also featured Marco Corleone, Juventud Guerrera, Héctor Garza, Shocker, El Mesias, Super Crazy and Dr. Wagner, Jr. In the opening round, Águila managed to topple Shocker, Juventud defeated Garza, Wagner beat Marco and El Mesias defeated Super Crazy. In the semi-finals, El Mesias got himself disqualified by using a steel chair, which gave Águila a pass to the finals and Wagner bested Juventud. The finals was an all-out high flying match as both Wagner and Águila tore the house down, but Águila picked up the pinfall with a sunset flip. As a reward for winning the tournament, Mr. Águila will receive a shot at the NWA World Junior Heavyweight title against Matt Sydal on Asalto de Televisión in a few weeks time.




World Class Championship Wrestling: WrestleWar

Sunday, Week Three, March 2010 – 5.23 Pay-Per-View Buyrate – Rating: A

  • Zorke
    Ryan Wilson

  • Kasey James
    Michael Tarver

  • Matt Sydal
    Adam Pearce

  • Bob Holly
    Lance Cade

  • Bison Smith

  • Tex-Mex All-Stars
    Demolition Men

  • James Strom
    Kip Winchester

  • Steve Austin
    Mean Mark Callous

  • Chris Harris
    Trevor Murdoch
    to retain the WCCW Texas Heritage title

  • Terry Ray Gordy
    Mike Kruel
    to retain the WCCW Television title

  • Dustin Rhodes
    Cody Rhodes

  • Rocky Johnson
    Brock Lesnar
    to retain the WCCW Heavyweight title


Titan Wrestling Entertainment: Clash of the Titans XVII

Sunday, Week Four, March 2010 – 4.82 Pay-Per-View Buyrate – Rating: B+

  • Big Zeke
    Stevie Richards
    The Highlander
    The Grappler

  • Alexis Laree
    Miss Jackie
    to retain the NWA World Women’s title

  • The Brood
    Davey Richards
    Sonny Siaki

  • Angelina Williams

  • Scotty BOOM BOOM
    The Con-Man

  • Fertig
    John Hennigan
    Nic Nemeth
    Giant Singh
    to win the TWE Tag Team titles

  • René Duprée
    to retain the TWE East Coast title

  • Matt Morgan
    The Miz

  • Jean Paul Levesque
    Chris Mordetzky
    The Great Wight

  • Nero
    Glenn Jacobs
    to retain the TWE Heavyweight title


Ric Flair Promotions: Spring Stampede

Sunday, Week Three, March 2010 – 3.77 Pay-Per-View Buyrate – Rating: B+

  • Orlando Jordan
    Austin Creed
    American Horrors

  • B. Diddy Bagwell
    Chad Collyer

  • Steven Regal
    Roderick Strong

  • Idol Stevens
    Matt Cappotelli
    to retain the NWA United States Heavyweight title

  • Johnny Lust
    Richie Steamboat
    The Empire
    to retain the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles

  • Brent Albright
    Bobby Lashley

  • Montel Vontavious Porter
    Elijah Burke

  • Kurt Angle
    Low Ki
    Matt Michaels
    to retain the RFP Heavyweight title

  • Chris Jericho
    Randy Orton
    in a Hell in a Cell match to retain the NWA World Heavyweight title


Calgary Stampede: The Calgary Classic

Sunday, Week Three, March 2010 – 1.60 Pay-Per-View Buyrate – Rating: B+

  • EKMO
    Joe E. Legend

  • Doug Williams
    Pepper Parks

  • Austin Aries
    Alex Plexis

  • Xtremo
    Chance Beckett

  • The Calgary Bulldogs
    Wade Barrett
    Darren Burridge
    to retain the NWA World Tag Team titles

  • Andrew Martin
    Tyson Dux

  • Carlos Colón, Jr.
    Ted DiBiase, Jr.

  • Yoshihiro Tajiri
    Claudio Castagnoli

  • Sheamus O’Shaunessy
    Anthony Carelli
    to retain the NWA British Commonwealth title

  • Nattie Neidhart
    Nikki Roxx
    to retain the NWA Canadian Women’s title

  • Chavo Guerrero, Jr.
    Nigel McGuinness

  • Sexton Hardcastle
    Chris Benoit
    to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title


Memphis Championship Wrestling: Memphis Wrestling!: March

Sunday, Week Three, March 2010 – 0.24 Pay-Per-View Buyrate – Rating: B

  • Shock And Awe
    All Money Is Legal
    to retain the NWA Southern Tag Team titles

  • Jeff Jarrett
    Scott Taylor

  • Oleg Prudius
    Jason Riggs

  • Brian Lawler
    Josh Daniels

  • Doug Basham
    Austin Aries

  • Dan Hollie
    Charlie Haas

  • Rob Van Dam
    Christopher Daniels

  • Booker T
    Jamie Noble

  • Jay Lethal
    Ron Killings
    to retain the Memphis Junior Heavyweight title

  • Robert Roode
    Matt Hardy

  • Christian Cage
    Kofi Kingston
    to retain the NWA Southern Heavyweight title


NWA: Motor City: WrestleRama

Sunday, Week Two, March 2010 – 0.37 Pay-Per-View Buyrate – Rating: C

  • JD Maverick
    Violent J

  • Corporal Robinson
    Jon Davis

  • CW Anderson
    Sonjay Dutt

  • Danny Doring
    N8 Mattson

  • Roadkill
    Jesse Neal

  • Kory Chavis
    Trent Acid

  • Terry Ray Gordy
    Kenny King

  • Jimmy Rave
    Rhett Titus
    to win the NWA:MC Television title

  • Colt Cabana
    Mark Henry

  • Sabu
    Monty Brown


Project X: Falling Apart

Tuesday, Week Three, March 2010 – 0.26 Pay-Per-View Buyrate – Rating: C+

  • Ron Killings
    Bubba Ray Dudley

  • Jack Evans
    Kenny Omega

  • Brandon Cutler
    Tyler Reks

  • Babi Slymm
    Josh Prohibition

  • Matt Cross
    Karl Anderson

  • Kenny Doane
    Dustin Cutler
    to retain the Project X Television title

  • Joey Ryan

  • Supreme Kaos
    Rise Against The Machine

  • Pac
    Chris Hero

  • Julio Fantastico
    Shane Helms

  • D-Von Dudley
    John Cena
    to win the Project X Heavyweight title


Power 5


1. Chris Jericho –
NWA World Heavyweight Champion
– Ric Flair Promotions

The NWA World Heavyweight Champion enters the top spot for the second time in two months as he deserves it. ‘Y2J’ took ‘The Viper’ Randy Orton to the limit at Spring Stampede inside the hellacious Hell in a Cell, which saw both men battle it out in a bloody war. Jericho before that wrestled with Chad Collyer and tore the house down on an episode of Thunder. Heading into April, can Jericho once again top the Power 5?


2. Sexton Hardcastle –
NWA Canadian Heavyweight Champion
– Calgary Stampede

Calgary Stampede’s top dog comes in at number two this month after riveting performances and wins over the month of March. At Calgary Stampede, Sexton ousted Chris Benoit in an excellent encounter which entertained the fans and had drama which increased throughout the match. On the following episode of ShockWave after Calgary Stampede, Sexton defended his title once again against Benoit and pulled off another victory. It has been a very successful month for the ‘Rated R Rockstar’.


3. Mr. Águila – Imperio De Lucha Azteca

The two-thousand and ten Reyes Del Aire flys in at number three this month, Águila managed to outlast seven other luchadores to earn the title of Reyes Del Aire. He had great matches with all of his opponents and before Reyes Del Aire, he lost to Steele on an episode of Asalto de Televisión. Now in line for a shot at the NWA Junior Heavyweight title, Águila surely has the ILA fans on his side…


4. Brock Lesnar – World Class Championship Wrestling

The monster on a warpath, Brock Lesnar has devastated many of his foes in recent weeks as he made his intentions clear that he wanted his NWA World Heavyweight Championship back. Lesnar defeated Cody Rhodes (thanks to Dustin Rhodes’ interference) on an episode of Ignition and after the match, he F-5’ed Cody through the announcer’s table – he did the same thing to ‘The Rock’ Rocky Johnson in the main event of WrestleWar, in which he lost by disqualification, but nonetheless he dominated the WCCW Heavyweight Champion.


5. Christian Cage –
NWA Southern Heavyweight Champion
– Memphis Championship Wrestling

The NWA Southern Heavyweight Champion continued his run as top heel of Memphis Championship Wrestling with wins over Robert Roode, Kofi Kingston, Brian Lawler, Jeff Jarrett and Christopher Daniels. He had fantastic matches with all of them and his amazing promos have earned him the fifth and final spot in the Power 5.


Match of the Month:
Chris Jericho versus Randy Orton (RFP Spring Stampede, Hell in a Cell)

Worst Match of the Month:
Angelina Williams versus Ashley (TWE Clash of the Titans XVII)


Well that is it for this issue of ‘The Clothesline’, please join us next month for more news on the world of wrestling!



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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: Alex G. Spanos Center, Stockton, California – Wednesday, Week One, April 2010


With a massive main event ahead, Thunder kicked off with the appearance of one third of the participants in the match. ‘The Diamond Kid’
Matt Michaels
strutted out through the curtain and made his way down to the ring with
Diamond Dallas Page
following behind. Michaels grabbed a microphone and began to address the triangle match to determine the number one contender to the RFP Heavyweight title. ‘The Diamond Kid’ told everybody inside the Alex G. Spanos Center that it was his destiny to win, he felt like he’d been given a ‘second chance’ at winning the RFP Heavyweight title. DDP nodded in the background and agreed with every point that Michaels made. Matt claimed that he was going to ‘take out’, both
Mr. Anderson
Low Ki
. When the crowd booed ‘The Diamond Kid’, he branded them ‘ungrateful’, but their jeers turned into cheers upon the arrival of the martial artist, Low Ki. Ki did not bother grabbing a microphone and headed to the ring. When he entered, both he and Michaels engaged in a war of words before Matt shoved Ki. Ki staggered back but then struck him with a wicked right roundhouse kick followed by a takedown. The two men traded blows on the canvas as security (directed by
David Flair
) hit the ring and split the two up as the show went to a commercial.


Another video aired which promoted the upcoming debuts of the
Havana Pitbulls
. This time, there is no voice over. With shots of various cities in the countries that are a part of Latin America, the shots end and go straight to two men training with other wrestlers. Soon enough, the bigger man picks up one of the wrestlers and drops him with a backbreaker, but holds the wrestler in place whilst the smaller man crushes the wrestler with a diving knee drop. The video ends with both men standing side-by-side and the words: ‘Havana Pitbulls Are Coming’.


The first match of the evening was a tag team match which saw the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion
Idol Stevens
(accompanied by his supermodel associate
Sylvain Grenier
and still showing obvious signs of slight injury after the ladder assault last week) teaming with
Elijah Burke
to take on
Matt Cappotelli
Montel Vontavious Porter
. In the early going, Cappotelli and MVP dominated their foes but after a miscalculated landing on a moonsault, Cappotelli found himself being worked over by the United States Heavyweight Champion. Cappotelli battled out of an abdominal stretch to make the hot tag to the man from the 3-0-5 who also met his former friend in the middle of the ring. A brawl occurred on the outside of the ring between Cappotelli and Idol and distracted
Charles Robinson
long enough for Elijah Burke to score a low blow on his rival and hit the Elijah Express for the victory.


As the bell had rung, Burke seized a microphone and started to shout at the fallen ‘Ballin’ Superstar’. Burke went as far as kicking him back down onto the canvas after he had tried to stand up. ‘The Silver-Tongued Pugilist’ soon laid down the challenge for MVP at Mayhem, in a few weeks time. Burke once again delivered a shot to MVP before he dropped the microphone on the canvas and left the ring.


Steven Regal
made his way out to the ring after the commercial break, and the leader of
The Empire
told fans via a microphone that he had no idea who he would be facing. Seconds later, Regal found out, and the crowd could not believe it. The NWA World Heavyweight Champion
Chris Jericho
sprinted down the rampway and slid into the ring to take on Regal. Jericho—who still had stitches on his forehead—immediately took it to Regal and threw the Englishman over the top rope. The two engaged in a short skirmish on the outside, in which Regal came out on top as he hurled Jericho head-first into the crowd barricade. The British brawler placed Jericho back inside the ring and from there tossed him around the ring with a series of Regal-Plexes. Jericho came back however after he struck his opponent with an enziguri, using Regal’s knee for leverage. Before Jericho could make the pinfall,
Paul Burchill
Drew McIntyre
ran down to the ring. Burchill distracted referee
Mike Chioda
, whilst Drew slid a pair of brass knuckles to Regal. Seconds after the motion,
Roderick Strong
came out from the crowd, entered the ring and kicked the brass knuckles away from Regal’s hands. McIntyre entered the ring but walked into a Death by Roderick. Seconds later, Roderick tossed Regal into Jericho, who then locked in the Liontamer. Chioda turned around and saw Regal tap-out as the bell was rung soon after.


McIntyre and Burchill jumped the NWA World Heavyweight Champion as soon as the bell had rung to signify the end of the match. The two former NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions, pounded on Jericho as Regal threw Strong to the outside. The Englishman recovered the brass knuckles as he told both of his henchman to hold up Jericho, and he readied his left hand for the knockout blow. Strong jumped back inside the ring and prevented the left-hand knockout punch from happening, but he is soon jumped.
Richie Steamboat
Johnny Lust
soon run out as the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions enter the ring, but soon enough, they are also jumped by The Empire. Lust is grabbed by both McIntyre and Burchill as Regal near enough knocked his block off with a left-handed punch, aided by the brass knuckles. Lust dropped down to the canvas as The Empire were finally chased off by Jericho, Strong and Steamboat.
came down to check on her boyfriend, but it was not at all well as Lust was dazed and out of it. Eventually, Mike Chioda signals for EMT’s to come and check on him, which they do. Silence fell on the fans in Stockton, California as they soon saw Johnny Lust stretchered out of the building into a waiting ambulance as the show went to another commercial.


New interviewer
made her first interview of her Ric Flair Promotions career with Mr. Anderson, who would be involved in the number one contender’s triangle match later on in the night. Lizzy asked the loudmouth whether he thought he had a chance to finally get some form of revenge against the RFP Heavyweight Champion
Kurt Angle
. Anderson asked the young lady to step aside as he started to direct a message at the ‘Olympic Hero’.
“Kurt, after I win this, there is no stopping me taking that title from you. Whatever trick you pull, whatever cheap shot you make, I’ll rise up and I’ll come back stronger. No matter how many times you injure me during out encounters, I’ll rise up and I’ll come back stronger. Mr. Anderson is not a quitter. And I’ve come this far, I sure as hell won’t quit now!”
He walked off to prepare for his match…


The RFP Heavyweight Champion took on one-half of the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team Champions Richie Steamboat in a one-on-one contest after the interview. Steamboat had the task of not letting his emotion get the better of him after what happened earlier. Angle used his amateur wrestling background to keep ‘The Dragon’ grounded and eventually went to apply the Angle Lock, Steamboat rolled through and from there took down Angle with a series of dropkicks. Steamboat continued to separate himself from Angle with a series of arm drags. Eventually, he took to the sky with a massive missile dropkick. The Tag Team Champion was all over Angle but Angle took the initiative and sent him to the ropes, but Richie leaped onto the second rope and leapt off with a springboard cross-body and scored a two. Angle struggled to get back in the match as Steamboat looked for the upset. After several chops, Angle was sent to the ropes by Steamboat who went for another dropkick – this time however, ‘The Olympic Hero’ held onto the ropes and allowed his opponent to hit the canvas hard. Seconds later, Richie submitted to a Angle Lock.


The main event had arrived as Mr. Anderson, Low Ki and Matt Michaels battled it out to see who would be going to Mayhem for a chance to challenge for the RFP Heavyweight title. Anderson stayed back and allowed the two rivals to tangle for the opening minutes as both Michaels and Ki traded blows, arm drags and restholds. Eventually, Anderson got involved in the match and broke up the pinfall attempt made by Michaels. ‘The Diamond Kid’ found himself taken for a ride skywards after he had been back body dropped by the loudmouth. Ki slammed his feet into the chest of Anderson following the move and caused him to retreat to the outside, even there, Anderson was not safe. ‘The Diamond Kid’ charged at Ki only to be thrown over the top rope onto Anderson, seconds later, Ki flew over the top rope onto both men. Ki brought the match back inside the ring with Anderson and the two traded more shots before they collided in the middle of the ring, which allowed Michaels to hit the Picture Perfect Elbow on the both of them (one elbow for each man). The move could not put either man away and Michaels looked to his manager—Diamond Dallas Page—for some help.
“Hit the big one!”
he shouted and Michaels nodded in agreement. He picked up Ki and went for the Diamond Cutter, but Ki shoved him off and slammed a groggy Michaels down onto the canvas with a Ki Krusher. Anderson broke up the pinfall and tried to give himself an opportunity, but the relentless offense of Low Ki would not allow him to. The martial artist was up in his face and nailing him from every corner of the ring, but Anderson ducked a clothesline attempt and locked in the sleeper hold.


This made Ki drop down into a seated position and at that point, Michaels locked Anderson in a sleeper. Ken began to fade along with the ‘World Warrior’, but both men fought out of the sleeper holds. Soon enough, Michaels once again was in control of the match and after a flying forearm to the face of Anderson, he set him up for the Superkick. In a set-up which mirrored his cousin
Shawn Michaels
’ set-up to the Sweet Chin Music, ‘The Diamond Kid’ started to ‘tune up the band’. Anderson staggered to his feet, but before Michaels could go in for the kill, Ki dived onto him, which helped Anderson out of harms way. When Ki stood however, Michaels struck him with the Superkick to the back of the head. Before he could make the pinfall, Anderson popped up and dropped him with the Mic Check to score the victory.


Anderson threw his arms up in the air in celebration, with the knowledge that he’d be taking on Kurt Angle for the RFP Heavyweight title. His celebration is cut short however as Angle made his way out, with the belt in hand. Angle slid into the ring and raised the belt in the air, right in the face of an exhausted Anderson and the two engaged in an intense staredown. Angle smirked and left the ring as Thunder came to a close…


Overall Rating:

Television Rating:
From Last Episode)


Ric Flair Promotions – POWER HOUR

Taped Wednesday, Week One, April 2010

Frankie Kazarian defeated Matt Stryker [C], Bobby Lashley defeated Bruce Santee [D+], Richie Steamboat defeated Drew McIntyre [C+] and Roderick Strong defeated Mikal Adryan [B-]


Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


Live From: The Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, Michigan – Sunday, Week Four, April 2010



‘The Olympic Hero’ KURT ANGLE© versus MR. ANDERSON




Card Not Yet Complete, Subjected To Change.


Could I at least get a comment for this? I want to know who my readers actually are, what they enjoy and whatnot :)

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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: Spokane Memorial Arena, Spokane, Washington – Wednesday, Week Two, April


Thunder opened to the sounds of the ‘Olympic Hero’
Kurt Angle
as he walked out dressed in a suit and he had the RFP Heavyweight title fixed to his right shoulder. After he got a hold of a microphone, Angle decided to take several cheap shots at
Mr. Anderson
(who had yet to arrive at the arena). After he told the fans that Anderson ‘would never be champion’, he was cut-off by
Montel Vontavious Porter
. ‘The Ballin’ Superstar’ came down to the squared-circle in street clothes and had a microphone of his own.
“You’re saying Anderson will never be champion…But at Mayhem, I have a feeling that he will be. And you know what? When he pins you, 1-2-3, in the middle of the ring and becomes champion – from the minute he holds that belt high in the sky, he’ll already be a greater champion than you.”
Angle laughed off MVP’s thoughts and told him to get out of ‘his business’. MVP decided to respond and said he was part of ‘his business’ now and challenged Angle to a match. Angle accepted the challenge laid out by the ‘Ballin’ Superstar’ as the segment came to a close.


Another video for the
Havana Pitbulls
aired as in this instalment of the hype videos, the two men showed their faces to the camera and announced their names. The taller, stockier man announced himself to be
Ricárdo Reyes
and the smaller of the two announced himself to be
Rocky Romero
. Ricárdo told the camera that the Havana Pitbulls would make their arrival next week on Thunder and once he had said that, clips from last weeks video played as the video came to an end.


Steven Regal
—whom last week was responsible for the injury of
Johnny Lust
—faced off with nemesis
Roderick Strong
, in another match of their ongoing rivalry. The match started on the aisle as Strong unloaded on the Englishman. Rights and lefts sent Regal up the aisle but was brought down to the vicinity of ringside where he was hurled into the steel steps. The match entered the ring and officially started as both men fought tooth-and-nail to score a victory on one another. During the course of the match, Regal and Strong engaged on the top rope and Regal won the exchange which allowed him to hit a top rope version of the Regal-Plex, which sent both men crashing down onto the canvas. The two enemies traded uppercuts until Regal managed to duck a right hand and hit a Regal Cutter and followed up by locking Strong in the Regal Stretch, which forced him to tap out.


Regal found his victory celebration short-lived once the NWA World Heavyweight Champion made his way out onto the stage.
Chris Jericho
proclaimed that what Regal had done one week ago, was a cowardly act and that it would not go unpunished. Jericho announced that he would join forces with
Richie Steamboat
and Roderick Strong to battle
The Empire
after what had happened to Johnny Lust last week. Regal became in possession of a microphone and ranted about how The Empire would do what they did to Lust, to Jericho. And from the ring, an exhausted Regal ordered Jericho to face
Paul Burchill
in order for that to happen. Jericho showed no fear in accepting the challenge as the match was made…


found herself standing beside the ‘Silver-Tongued Pugilist’
Elijah Burke
. Lizzy questioned Burke on how he felt about the upcoming match with his former friend Montel Vontavious Porter at Mayhem and Burke instantly went on a tirade about how he was the one that held their friendship together. Burke took off his sunglasses and told everyone in the Spokane Memorial Center that he sensed jealousy coming from MVP and he had to put him in his place at Bunkhouse Stampede – which rendered his actions totally justifiable. Lizzy disagreed and Burke hurled abuse at her before he left the interview space.


Frankie Kazarian
Brent Albright
wrestled eachother in the second match of the night and in the early going, Kazarian out-paced his opponent. This allowed him to get several shots in and throws, but Albright soon caught the lightweight wrestler. He spent a majority of the match working on Kazarian’s arm and even used a suplex which caused his opponent to land directly on the right arm. As Albright went in for the kill to lock in the Crowbar,
Bobby Lashley
’s theme hit the PA system and the lights started to flash and his pyro started to blast on stage. Distracted, Albright did not lock in the Crowbar and Frankie took the chance to roll him up for the quick three-count and got the hell out of the ring.


Albright looked confused as
Mike Chioda
explained that he was pinned. Albright grabbed Chioda by his collar and pushed him into the corner as he threatened to break his arm. Before he could act on such a threat, Lashley came out from underneath the ring and entered the ring. Albright turned around and quickly dodged a Spear. Lashley nearly collided with Chioda, but stopped himself in his tracks. ‘The Boss’ faced Brent and was clotheslined over the top rope and onto the floor. A brawl on the outside had ensued once ‘The Shooter’ had dropped down to ringside. Both men traded shots and eventually entered the crowd and disappeared amongst the RFP faithful as the show came to a commercial for Mayhem.



Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


LIVE on Pay-Per-View on Sunday, Week Four, April 2010!



When Thunder returned, Chris Jericho and Paul Burchill had already made their entrances to the ring for their encounter. Burchill—accompanied by The Empire leader Steven Regal and his tag team partner
Drew McIntyre
—frequently used his associates to cause a distraction for
Charles Robinson
. This happened mainly when Jericho placed Burchill in a pinning predicament. Eventually, Robinson had enough of their antics and asked Regal and McIntyre to leave – to which they responded by arguing with Robinson. With Robinson tied up with the situation, Burchill reached into his knee pad and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles, a weapon which had become synonymous with The Empire in recent weeks. Burchill lunged for a shot, but got caught by Jericho and was locked in the Liontamer. ‘Y2J’ seemed to have the victory once Burchill furiously tapped out, but Robinson had not seen Paul give up. Instead, he had been dealing with McIntyre and Regal who were now being escorted out by security guards. But as they were being escorted up the aisle, Richie Steamboat and Roderick Strong met them and started a brawl. Jericho and Burchill continued the match as Burchill looked for the right handed jab with the brass knuckles, but could not land it. Every time, Jericho dodged the strike. Burchill kneed Jericho in the stomach, which caused him to stagger back into a corner. He then lined him up for the brass knuckles-aided right hand. As Jericho got up and turned around, Burchill went in for the kill, but was clobbered with a left hand which stunned him. Jericho hoisted his left arm in the air to reveal a pair of brass knuckles and instantaneously took advantage of Burchill’s groggy state and nailed the 2012. Charles Robinson re-entered the ring and counted the pinfall, which made Jericho the winner.


Josh Matthews
stood by with Kurt Angle in the interview area and asked Angle whether he was ready to take on Montel Vontavious Porter in a few minutes. Angle replied by saying it was a ridiculous question, he had always been ready for all of his opponents. Matthews then asked Angle on the whereabouts of Mr. Anderson, who had seemingly not turned up to the show. Angle didn’t care, in fact, he hoped that he was involved in a car crash of some sorts. He walked off to his match and left Matthews somewhat stunned.


Kurt Angle and ‘The Ballin’ Superstar’ met in the squared-circle in their long-awaited match. However, the match did not even last long. Angle and MVP headed to the outside once the bell had rung and brawled in the crowd and around the announcer’s table. Eventually, Elijah Burke ran down and helped Angle beat down Porter which lead to the referee ruling the match a no contest. As the two men continued to put boots in MVP, the crowd called out for Mr. Anderson – and they got their wish. Anderson ran down to the ring in his wrestling attire and helped MVP fight off his assaulters. It didn’t take long for both Angle and Burke to retreat up the rampway. Anderson grabbed a microphone and called for both the ‘Olympic Hero’ and the ‘Silver-Tongued Pugilist’ to get back to the ring – because he wanted to have a tag team match. The crowd cheered at Anderson’s proposal and Angle and Burke continued retreating up the ramp. They went through the curtain and both MVP and Anderson began to chase after them…



Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


LIVE on Pay-Per-View on Sunday, Week Four, April 2010!




…After a short commercial break, there was still no sign of the four men until Angle was thrown through the curtain. Elijah Burke was thrown out next and out came MVP and Mr. Anderson as the two were followed by referee Mike Chioda as they directed their opponents down to the ring. Once MVP had thrown Elijah Burke inside the ring, the match was made official. Burke – who was still wearing his street clothes – was hammered by his former friend. He received a series of shots from the man representing the 3-0-5 and was even nailed with a DDT. He made a desperate tag to Kurt Angle who stormed in and started to throw MVP around the ring with a series of belly-to-belly suplexes. MVP did not have a chance to get some offence against Angle, who eventually set up for his Angle Slam. MVP countered and drove him down to the canvas with a clothesline. This lead to Anderson calling for the tag and it also lead to Burke doing the same. MVP reached Anderson and made the hot tag as the loudmouth picked up Angle and started to light him up with chops. The number one contender to the RFP Heavyweight title went to town on his opponent and knocked him down with a neckbreaker for a two. Angle responded with a T-Bone suplex for a two. The two continued to trade close pinfalls and Angle eventually made the tag to Elijah Burke whilst Anderson done the same to MVP. Both Angle and Anderson started to brawl on the outside whilst MVP and Burke went back and forth. But after MVP was tripped by Angle from the outside, he stumbled into a uppercut from Burke, which sent him into the corner. One Elijah Express later, Burke and Angle were declared the winners.


Thunder had it’s final commercial break of the night as the show returned to a dark arena with a spotlight shining in the ring. Inside that spotlight was a fifteen foot ladder and
Matt Cappotelli
sat at the top of the ladder. Cappotelli had a microphone in hand.
“A certain United States Heavyweight Champion may remember this object – because I attacked him and his friend with it – and then leaped off it to crush his body.”
said Cappotelli and he continued…
“Now Idol Stevens. I want my title back. I want it back. And I’m going to get it back. At Mayhem, David Flair has scheduled us to dance once more – in a ladder match. Both of us, will go toe-to-toe with the United States Heavyweight title hanging in the air – and one of us will take it down and either remain or become the United States Heavyweight Champion. I’ll see you at Mayhem…”
The promo ended and a hype video for the main event of tonight played as it was a steel cage match between
Low Ki
Matt Michaels


Once the steel cage had lowered and both Ki and Michaels had made their entrances into the ring, the match was underway.
Diamond Dallas Page
was on the outside of the ring as he cheered on his client. ‘The Diamond Kid’ and the ‘World Warrior’ locked up in the middle of the ring and started to trade holds. One hold after another, it was not long until one of them took the initiative and it would be Michaels. Michaels locked in a sleeper hold in an attempt to wear Ki down and make his escape from the fifteen foot high structure. Ki battled out of the hold and sent Michaels head-first into the steel cage mesh and once Matt bounced off, Ki sent him into another cage wall on the opposite side of the ring. Ki continued to do this until Michaels had become covered in blood, which signalled for the martial artist to make his escape. He climbed up the cage and neared the top, but Michaels hopped up and scaled the cage and pulled him down with a German suplex – sending both men down to the canvas. Both the blood covered ‘Diamond Kid’ and the ‘World Warrior’ reached their feet at the same time and continued to battle it out in an attempt to escape the cage. Michaels attempted an escape, but was superplexed off the cage. This lead to some more in-ring action and Low Ki’s attempt at a Warrior’s Way. Ki missed the Warrior’s Way as Michaels rolled out of the way. He immediately performed a forward roll and stood-up before he ducked a Superkick and countered with a Ki Krusher.


The martial artist started to scale the cage wall once again, in an attempt to escape the cage and score a victory. DDP on the outside picked up a steel cage and smashed it against the cage wall in an attempt to deter Ki from escaping and it did deter him, however, Ki stood up on top of the cage a leaped off with a Warrior’s Way – which connected on Michaels. The crowd might’ve heard Michaels’ chest implode due to the sheer force of the move. Ki began to crawl towards the cage door and had the door opened by Charles Robinson, who was then shoved out of the way once Ki’s body was hanging out of the cage. Diamond Dallas Page slammed the door on the head of Ki, and rolled him back inside the ring. This allowed a bloody, exhausted Matt Michaels to crawl over his body and drop out of the cage for the victory. The show came to an end with the image of a bloody Matt Michaels being helped up the ramp by his manager, Diamond Dallas Page – who had quite possibly screwed Ki out of a victory.


Overall Rating:

Television Rating: 9.19 (+
From Last Episode)


Ric Flair Promotions: POWER HOUR

Taped Wednesday, Week Two, April 2010

Sylvain Grenier defeated B. Diddy Bagwell [C], Austin Creed defeated Chad Collyer [C+] and Frankie Kazarian defeated Drew McIntyre [C]


Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


Live From: The Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, Michigan – Sunday, Week Four, April 2010



‘The Olympic Hero’ KURT ANGLE© versus MR. ANDERSON







Card Not Yet Complete, Subjected To Change.

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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: Arena at Harbor Yard, Bridgeport, Connecticut – Wednesday, Week Three, April 2010


Thunder opened with
David Flair
in the spotlight of a darkened ring. Flair announced that he was making a ‘Commissioner’s Address’ which concerned some things that have gone down in recent weeks. The first thing that ‘Nature Boy’ wanted to discuss was the ending to the steel cage match last week.
Matt Michaels
Low Ki
with help from his manager
Diamond Dallas Page
; this was something that Flair felt needed to be sorted out and he made the decision that the ‘World Warrior’ would get his chance at revenge. David gave Low Ki the chance to face Michaels’ manager at Mayhem. The decision itself evoked cheers from the crowd and Flair moved on to his next announcement. Flair told the crowd in Bridgeport, Connecticut that he had received a letter from the board of directors in the National Wrestling Alliance and the subject of the letter concerned
Chris Jericho
’s next NWA World Heavyweight title defence. While it would not take place at Mayhem (as Flair made a six man tag team match involving Jericho,
Roderick Strong
Richie Steamboat
going against the whole of
The Empire
), his opponent would be revealed at Mayhem. Before Flair could even leave the ring, ‘The Diamond Kid’ himself strode out. He got inside the ring and got in the face of Flair. He shouted abuse at him and Flair.
“I don’t like the way you’re runnin’ things here! DDP hasn’t stepped in the ring for two years! You know it and I know that!”
he shouted, but Flair was not having any of it – instead he insisted that if Michaels was concerned, he’d join his manager in the match and turn it into a handicap match. Michaels once again disagreed with the decision, but Flair made it clear that he did not care and left the ring on that note.


RFP Heavyweight Champion
Kurt Angle
took on
Jerrelle Clark
in the first match of the night. The much lighter Clark brought quick-paced offense to Angle in the form of kicks, punches and arm drags. Angle fell victim to a hurricanrana and then a springboard splash but still managed to make a comeback against the always popular high-flier. The Olympic gold medallist crushed Clark with a series of belly-to-belly suplexes and even went to the top rope to nail a moonsault. It was not long until he slapped on the Angle Lock and forced Clark to submit.


After Angle's victory, a quick video aired. The video looked like it was filmed on a handheld camera and it shows it being filmed from a discreet location. The subject of the video is a young woman who is out in the garden swimming in a fairly large swimming pool under the intense heat of the sun. The holder of the camera can be heard saying:
“That’s right my pretty…That’s right.”
over and over again in a voice that is distorted by a voice changer to hide the identity of who is speaking. The video fades out with the holder of the camera saying the same words, over and over again.



Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


LIVE on Pay-Per-View on Sunday, Week Four, April 2010!



After a commercial break,
Roderick Strong
and Empire member
Drew McIntyre
went toe-to-toe in another match of the long-running Strong versus The Empire saga. Before the match had begun, referee
Mike Chioda
searched McIntyre to find brass knuckles located in his right kneepad. Chioda disposed of them and the match started. The Scotsman dominated early on and wore down the ‘Messiah of the Backbreaker’ with a series of restholds. Several pin attempts followed as McIntyre hit one big move after another and after a suplex attempt went awry, Strong capitalised and started to chop away at the chest of McIntyre. With his chest becoming a purple-ish red colour, McIntyre bailed to the outside to avoid further damage. McIntyre lured Strong to the outside and tossed him into the ring post, shoulder first. When the action returned to the ring, McIntyre focused on the shoulder and nearly ripped the arm from it’s socket with a devastating armbar. Roderick took back the initiative and eventually put McIntyre away with a Death by Roderick for the three.


A video aired which hyped Mayhem which will be held in the Palace at Auburn Hills in Detroit, Michigan. The main focus of the video is the ‘Olympic Hero’ Kurt Angle who makes the promise to cause all sorts of ‘mayhem’ when the pay-per-view comes.


The long awaited debut of the
Havana Pitbulls
came after the hype video as
Ricárdo Reyes
Rocky Romero
waved the Cuban flag on their way down to the ring which triggered loud boos from the crowd. Their opponents for their debut were
B. Diddy Bagwell
Austin Creed
. Creed and the lighter of the Havana Pitbulls, Rocky Romero, tangled with eachother for the first few minutes. ‘Azucar’ got rocked after the boxer’s series of deadly punching combinations, but threw him halfway across the ring with an exploder suplex. The two engaged in a series of quick pinfalls which started with Creed’s sunset flip attempt and Romero managed to get himself upright for a pinfall of his own and the two continued like this until Romero rolled out of the pin and kicked Creed in the face. Both men tagged out and Reyes collided with Bagwell in the middle of the ring. The veteran Bagwell was not willing to go down easy as he drove Ricárdo down to the canvas with a big back body drop and then a spinebuster, which did not keep him down. The match continued like this until everyone got involved and amongst the chaotic atmosphere, the Havan Pitbulls seized control and hit Bagwell with the move named ‘Cuban Missile Crisis’ which was a backbreaker-top rope knee drop combination. Needless to say, it put down B. Diddy for the count.


After that encounter, the NWA United States Champion
Idol Stevens
accompanied by the supermodel
Sylvain Grenier
to team with ‘The Diamond Kid’ Matt Michaels, who was also accompanied by his manager Diamond Dallas Page. The duo would face both of their enemies as
Matt Cappotelli
teamed with Low Ki. The match begun with both Low Ki and Michaels tearing it up and proving they had unfinished business from last week’s epic cage encounter. Ki threw Michaels over the top rope and to the floor and almost immediately, Diamond Dallas Page did not want his client to endure any more punishment and was about to leave with him. Ki would not let that happen however as he scaled the ropes and leapt off with a massive cross body, which took them both out. With DDP seemingly out of the frame for the rest of the match, both men returned to the ring and a pissed off Matt Michaels got in the driver’s seat. But after a failed Superkick attempt, they tagged out to Matt and Idol. The two men who would face each other in a ladder match in one week tore down the house with a series of quick exchanges. Stevens even took to the top rope to hit a diving reverse elbow. Cappotelli and the NWA United States Heavyweight Champion collided in the middle of the squared-circle with a clothesline, but continued the match.


It was not long until Cappotelli scored with the tornado DDT, which seemed to put an end to Idol Stevens. But Sylvain Grenier’s distraction did not allow Matt to go for the pinfall. Instead, Matt threw him inside the ring and drove him down to the canvas with a Walk of Fame. With Sylvain out, Matt returned to ‘The Idol’ but was rolled up by him in a small package, but kicked out at two. Ki tagged in and the martial artist used his educated feet to keep Stevens at bay. A roundhouse kick sent Stevens into the corner, setting him up for the Tidal Crush, which scored only a two count. After several more tags, the match broke down and
Charles Robinson
failed to keep control of the match. The ring was soon cleared as Ki and Matt tumbled over the top rope together, which left just Cappotelli and Stevens – the legal men. Sylvain popped up on the apron once again, and caught the attention of Robinson. At the same time, a
ran out to ringside and just as Matt Cappotelli tried to pick himself up using the middle rope, the female revealed a can of hair spray and sprayed it in his eyes – blinding him. Cappotelli turned around and walked into an Idolizer neckbreaker as Idol Stevens scored the pinfall for his team, bringing an excellent tag team match to an end.



Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


LIVE on Pay-Per-View on Sunday, Week Four, April 2010!



After a short commercial break, we returned to see
Josh Matthews
in the interview area, standing by with Idol Stevens, Sylvain Grenier and the mystery blonde that appeared at the end of the tag team match.
“With all do respect Idol, that was a pretty undeserved victory…I mean, who is she?”
questioned Mathews and Idol Stevens allowed for the mystery blonde to speak. In a strong French accent, she revealed herself to be
Gabrielle St. Laurent
“Uh, what ties do you have with our United States Heavyweight Champion?”
asked Matthews who got a one word answer:
Stevens planted a kiss on her lips before he whisked her away with Sylvain following behind.


Steven Regal
was interviewed by
in the other interview area and Lizzy asked Regal for his opinions on the just announced six man tag team match. Regal claimed that Jericho should not of gotten involved in the first place and now he had a chance to put Jericho in his place for getting himself involved. Regal left the interview area to go down to the ring for his match…


Richie Steamboat and Steven Regal faced eachother in somewhat of a grudge match. With his partner
Johnny Lust
’s girlfriend
in his corner. Regal, much like Drew McIntyre earlier was searched and found to have brass knuckles in his knee pad. Referee Mike Chioda disposed of it and the match was started. From the get-go, Regal targeted the arm of Steamboat. He locked in a hammerlock on the right arm and started to pound away at it. Several hammerlock-incorporated moves were hit which included a back suplex, a normal suplex and a basic armbreaker whilst Steamboat’s right arm was still locked in the hammerlock. It became apparent that after Regal’s relentless assault, Richie had lost the use of his right arm and was mainly using his left to strike his opponent. The Englishman smelt blood in the water and went in for the kill, but instead met an open palm chop which stunned him for a moment. A dropkick floored Regal and Steamboat climbed to the top rope, looking for the diving crossbody. He leapt off and hit it, but Regal rolled through and slapped on the Regal Stretch for the submission victory.


The cameras rushed to the backstage area to see
Brent Albright
Bobby Lashley
involved in a brawl in the locker room. Both men traded shots and continued to throw eachother into several lockers. Lashley picked up a steel chair, but before he could use it on ‘The Shooter’, security stormed the locker room and broke up the fight. The segment came to an end with Lashley being held back and Albright slyly escaping through the locker room door…



Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


LIVE on Pay-Per-View on Sunday, Week Four, April 2010!



It was main event time as
Elijah Burke
made his way out for his match against
Mr. Anderson
. ‘The Silver-Tongued Pugilist’ taunted the fans on his way down as they all continued to boo him loudly. It was only a matter of time until those boos turned into deafening cheers. Mr. Anderson stepped out on stage and called for his microphone, once he got it in the palm of his hand – he begun to announce himself. But suddenly, Kurt Angle came from behind and started to beat him down. Angle reached for Anderson’s microphone and mounted him with it in his hand. Blows were rained down on the helpless Anderson as Angle smashed the microphone into the skull of the loudmouth. The number one contender was then dragged down the rampway and thrown into the ring where Burke called for Charles Robinson to ring the bell, which he did. The bloody Mr. Anderson was pushed into a corner and hit with the Elijah Express as Burke made the quick pinfall cover to get the victory. Angle entered the ring and continued his assault on the number one contender. He even slapped on the Angle Lock and forced Anderson to violently tap out. ‘The Olympic Hero’ eventually released the hold and revealed a pair of handcuffs, which he used to handcuff Anderson to the top rope. From there, he and Burke took turns in beating up the Green Bay native.
Montel Vontavious Porter
stormed the ring and took it to both Angle and Burke in an attempt to save Anderson, but the numbers game was too much and soon he was handcuffed to the top rope. After a few shots from both the RFP Heavyweight Champion and Burke, MVP was out. The show ended with Elijah Burke and Kurt Angle smiling at the destruction they had caused to their enemies.


Overall Rating:

Television Rating: 8.10 (-
From Last Episode)


Ric Flair Promotions: POWER HOUR

Taped Wednesday, Week Three, April 2010

Elijah Burke defeated Jerrelle Clark [B-], Matt Michaels defeated Nooie Lee [B] and Orlando Jordan and Frankie Kazarian defeated Technical Perfection [C]


Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


Live From: The Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, Michigan – Sunday, Week Four, April 2010



‘The Olympic Hero’ KURT ANGLE© versus MR. ANDERSON








‘Y2J’ CHRIS JERICHO, ‘The Messiah of the Backbreaker’ RODERICK STRONG and ‘The Dragon’ RICHIE STEAMBOAT versus THE EMPIRE



‘The World Warrior’ LOW KI versus ‘The Diamond Kid’ MATT MICHAELS and DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE



The New Number One Contender To The NWA World Heavyweight Title Will Be Announced!


Card Not Yet Complete, Subjected To Change.

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Ric Flair Promtoions –

Live From: Celebration Arena, Decatur, Alabama – Wednesday, Week Four, April 2010


The final Thunder before Mayhem opened with the
Havana Pitbulls
as they came down to the ring. They waved the Cuban flag in front of a hostile crowd in the state of Alabama, who loudly disapproved of their affiliation with Cuba.
Ricárdo Reyes
Rocky Romero
took on
2 Fast, 2 Furious
in a tag team encounter.
Nooie Lee
was isolated in the early going by both Romero and Reyes, but managed to avoid getting hit with the Cuban Missile Crisis and get the tag.
Jerrelle Clark
entered the ring and pushed Reyes off the apron before he dropped Romero with a big dropkick. ‘Mr. 630’ dragged his opponent to a nearby corner and climbed to the top rope as he looked for the 630 splash, but instead found himself pulled down onto the turnbuckle by Reyes, which crotched him in the process. Rocky capitalised on Clark’s misfortune and hit a huge superplex. Both men neared their feet and Clark staggered into Rocky’s dangerous Diablo Armbar. Rocky tore away at the arm of Clark, but ‘Mr. 630’ would not break out of it as Nooie Lee was brutally pulled off the apron by Reyes. With no other option whatsoever, Clark tapped out.


After the commercial break,
was stood next to
Mr. Anderson
who had stitches in his forehead from the brutal attack he suffered last week. Lizzy asked Anderson on his thoughts about last week, but Anderson just stared at her with an angry face. He walked away from the interview area as Lizzy shouted after him:
“Wait! Wait! Don’t leave! We still have an interview to do!”
The loudmouth did not respond, but simply just walked away.


The NWA United States Heavyweight Champion made an attempt to gain momentum as he headed into his ladder match at Mayhem.
Idol Stevens
was accompanied by his girlfriend
Gabrielle St. Laurent
Sylvain Grenier
as the two watched him take on
Frankie Kazarian
, in their second encounter. The two men started off the match with a lock-up and slowly transitioned through various holds, Kazarian eventually got the better of the United States Heavyweight Champion and hit a big time reverse DDT for a two. Stevens fired back as he planted Kazarian face-first into the canvas with a flapjack but only got a two-count. Both men brought in the big moves and the match was taken to the top rope. Kazarian fought hard to try and hit his Wave of the Future, but Stevens raked the eyes and hit a huge Idolizer neckbreaker from the top rope which scored the three-count.


Before the United States Heavyweight Champion could celebrate his victory,
Matt Cappotelli
came from the crowd and entered the ring. ‘The Idol’ did not realise until it was too late, Cappotelli slammed him down to the canvas with a Walk of Fame and threw up his arms as if he had gained a victory. Sylvain Grenier entered the ring but suffered the same fate as he did in the tag team match last week as he too was given the Walk of Fame. Cappotelli popped back up and then stared at Gabrielle St. Laurent on the outside and pointed at her. He muttered some words before he left the ring with questions being raised, who will win the ladder match?



Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


LIVE on Pay-Per-View THIS Sunday!



Much like the mysterious video that aired last week, another one aired this week. This time located at a diner in an unknown town. The same young woman is featured in the video as the same handheld camera films her. The holder of the camera is present and saying
“Soon, it shall all come together.”
over and over again. The holder’s voice was distorted like the video this week and the video comes to an end.


Bobby Lashley
Chad Collyer
in the third match of the night. Collyer could not withstand Lashley’s powerful assault as he was thrown around the ring like a ragdoll and finally put down with a Dominator. Lashley celebrated his victory afterwards but at that time it was announced, he and
Brent Albright
would meet at Mayhem – once again.


Kurt Angle
prepared for an interview with
Josh Matthews
who immediately questioned Angle on his motives for last Wednesday night. Angle made it clear that he done it to send a message to Anderson and the RFP Heavyweight Champion confirmed that he did in fact send a powerful message. ‘The Olympic Hero’ told Matthews that at Mayhem, it would be him that would leave RFP Heavyweight Champion and he would be the one to finally silence the loudmouth that is Mr. Anderson.



Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


LIVE on Pay-Per-View THIS Sunday!



The Empire
Drew McIntyre
Paul Burchill
faced off against
Richie Steamboat
Roderick Strong
in a tag match to determine who would gain momentum heading into the massive six-man tag team match at Mayhem. From the get-go, the match was pure mayhem. Burchill and McIntyre brawled with Strong on the outside, only to be taken out by Richie Steamboat’s high-flying cross body. Burchill and Strong took the action into the crowd and traded blows between eachother and Drew McIntyre threw Steamboat over the announcer’s table. The match continued and the Scotsman hit the Future Shock DDT, but Steamboat put his foot on the bottom rope. ‘The Dragon’ retaliated with a big time hurricanrana, but could not secure the three count. Burchill and Strong had their turn in the ring and engaged in hard-hitting combat. Strong scored big-time with a boot to the face which was then followed by a Death by Roderick, but the action returned to the outside where it would remain for the rest of the match as both teams were counted out.


The crowd were awaiting the main event but instead got an even bigger surprise.
Randy Orton
made his return to Ric Flair Promotions – one month after his brutal Hell in a Cell for the NWA World Heavyweight title. ‘The Viper’ was met with hostility as he stepped inside the ring but once he got a microphone, the hostility increased ten-fold. Orton told the fans that he was back for one thing and that was to get back at
Chris Jericho
for what he did. Orton demanded that Jericho come out and meet him face to face. Jericho did not respond, in fact somebody else did.
Orlando Jordan
stepped through the curtain and made his way down to the ring and immediately criticized Orton.
“You think you can just go around and get what you want? To be honest, we’ve all had enough of your attitude Orton – and it’s about time somebody stepped up to you.”
Orton smiled and asked who that person was, and the Floridian responded by saying it was him. O.J. dropped the microphone and decked Orton with a right hand which sent him stumbling back into the corner. Jordan began to pound away at a helpless Orton who slithered to the outside in retreat, but Orlando was not willing to let him get away. The Floridian continued his assault on Orton to the delight of the crowd but ‘The Viper’ soon high-tailed it through the crowd which left Jordan alone at ringside. The segment faded to the final commercial as the night as the image of Orlando Jordan shouting a few words at the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion…



Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


LIVE on Pay-Per-View THIS Sunday!



The main event had arrived, however, before it begun,
Diamond Dallas Page
and his client
Matt Michaels
to time to criticise
David Flair
on his decision to make a handicap match for Mayhem. DDP called it a disgrace and said that after he and ‘The Diamond Kid’ win the match, they’ll both try and get Flair fired. They continued to berate David and soon enough
Low Ki
ran down (before any of Michaels’ teammates) and started to brawl with Michaels, eventually their teammates came out one by one…


Low Ki teamed up with Mr. Anderson, Chris Jericho and
Montel Vontavious Porter
to wrestle against Matt Michaels, Kurt Angle,
Steven Regal
Elijah Burke
Mike Chioda
gained control of the situation that started at the beginning of the match and the eight-man tag team match proceeded normally. In the early minutes Michaels’ team isolated Low Ki and each took turns in performing moves on the martial artist. Ki broke free from the assault after he brutualized Burke with a series of roundhouse kick – he made the tag to MVP. ‘The Ballin’ Superstar’ came in all guns blazing and knocked the opposition off the apron before he took it to Burke. ‘The Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ and Steven Regal tore it up next as Regal focused on the right arm of Jericho; he rendered it unusable after a series of techniques which included the hammerlock. Jericho tagged out to Mr. Anderson who drove Regal down onto the canvas with a rolling fireman’s carry slam and set up for the Kenton Bomb. Regal moved before he could leap and tagged out to Kurt Angle.


‘The Olympic Hero’ stared at Anderson before he dropped off the apron and made his way up the ramp only to have Anderson chase him and throw him back in the ring. The loudmouth pounded on his opponent at Mayhem and made him pay for his actions last week. Anderson attempted the Mic Check but Angle countered and took control of the match. After a brief struggle, the Angle Slam connected. Everyone stormed the ring and a brawl was started on the outside whilst Angle made the cover, but Anderson kicked out at two. This lead to the RFP Heavyweight Champion locking in the Angle Lock, but Anderson pushed him away and knocked Angle down. He climbed to the top rope for the set up to the Kenton Bomb; but the Olympic gold medallist made the interception and attempted to hit a belly-to-belly from the top rope. The loudmouth prevented it from happening and lifted Angle on his shoulders to hit the Green Bay Plunge for the three-count. Thunder went off the air with Anderson’s hand getting lifted with his teammates, all of them having momentum heading into Mayhem.


Overall Rating:

Television Rating: 7.64 (-


Ric Flair Promotions: POWER HOUR

Taped Wednesday, Week Three, April 2010

Austin Creed defeated Matt Stryker [C], 2 Fast, 2 Furious defeated American Horrors [C-], Frankie Kazarian defeated Bruce Santee [C+], Bobby Lashley defeated Sylvain Grenier [C] and David Flair made the announcement that Randy Orton would face Orlando Jordan in his return match at Mayhem.


Ric Flair Promotions Presents…


Live From: The Palace of Auburn Hills, Detroit, Michigan – Sunday, Week Four, April 2010



‘The Olympic Hero’ KURT ANGLE© versus MR. ANDERSON








‘Y2J’ CHRIS JERICHO, ‘The Messiah of the Backbreaker’ RODERICK STRONG and ‘The Dragon’ RICHIE STEAMBOAT versus THE EMPIRE



‘The World Warrior’ LOW KI versus ‘The Diamond Kid’ MATT MICHAELS and DIAMOND DALLAS PAGE







The New Number One Contender To The NWA World Heavyweight Title Will Be Announced!


Bonus Questions:

1. Who Will Be The #1 Contender To The NWA World Heavyweight Title?

2. What Will Be The Longest Match On The Card?

3. Who Will Take The Fall In The Six Man Tag Team Match?


Predictions Are Welcome :D

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