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A Force In The Mid-Atlantic [iDOMINATION 2010]

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Ric Flair Promotions Presents…



Part Two


Mike Tenay: “Two more wrestlers that will be involved with the Elimination Chamber and soon, the structure will be lowered and six men will enter into a battle for the RFP Heavyweight title. Even though it’s still up, I get goosebumps.”


Josh Mathews: “I do too Professor, the whole presence of the chamber hanging over the ring is just eerie.”


Mike Tenay: “But that’s still to come. Right now however folks, we’re about to kick off the three main events of tonight with a grudge match…Mark Callous finally gets his hands on the man that stalked his wife – plagued his family: Randy Orton.”


Josh Mathews: “Emotions will be running high in this match and let’s take a look at how this all came about…”


The video opens with several cuts from the stalker videos that started airing several months ago. The voice of the stalker rings out through the video. Lines such as “That’s right my pretty…” and “Soon it shall all come together” are featured in the voice-changer type voice, making it impossible to know who the stalker is. The video fast-forwards to No Mercy, where the ‘American Badass’ Mark Callous reveals that is his wife being stalked…


Mark Callous: “The stalker, stepped into MY yard and has tormented my wife!”


The No Mercy promo fades out and Callous is seen beating up Matt Stryker and Chad Collyer in a parking lot, with him saying “I’m gonna find out who it is…Even if I have to take you all out!” The video continues to show his brutal assaults on people which include Sylvain Grenier, Austin Creed, Jerrelle Clark and Nooie Lee until the moment the stalker invites Callous to Bash at the Beach is shown. The video cuts out and fades into Bash at the Beach with Callous standing in the ring, only to get attacked by a masked man who soon reveals himself…




Suddenly, the pace of the video quickens, blazing through all of the events including Tenay’s sit-down interview with Orton. Orton’s motives echo throughout the remainder of the video while clips of the ‘American Badass’ performing a home invasion in Orton’s home in St. Louis, Missouri air and Orton giving Callous his match at the Great American Bash. The video ends there…







Rev Theory’s “Voices” blasts through Safeco Field as the crowd immediately jeer the upcoming appearance of the ‘Viper’ Randy Orton. A few seconds elapse before Orton goes onto the stage, with a smirk on his face. He spreads his arms out wide to trigger a waterfall of pyrotechnics. Seconds later, he is walking down the ramp. The ‘Viper’ seems calm once he steps inside the ring, making his way to the middle turnbuckle to once again spread his arms wide. Orton jumps down, brushing past Charles Robinson to go towards the opposite set of turnbuckles.


Mike Tenay: “That man right there…The stalker…The vile, disgusting ‘Viper’…His actions have sickened us all and I hope tonight that Mark Callous puts him in his place.”


Josh Mathews: “I hope so too, but I doubt it’ll be easy…”


“Voices” fades out. All that can be heard is the crowd’s animosity towards Orton, who soaks it in with yet another ****y smirk. The smirk is wiped off his face a few moments later once the lights darken and footsteps can be heard…




The Seattle crowd erupts into cheers. The revving of a motorcycle can be heard and the ‘American Badass’ rolls onto the stage. Stopping for a brief moment, he revs the engine of his Harley-Davidson several times. On the last rev, flames burst through the panels of the stage. He rides down the ramp, trenchcoat blowing in the wind. Kid Rock’s “American Badass” continues to blare through the speakers and once Callous reaches the ringside. He rides around in circles a few times; keeping his eyes locked on Orton as nervousness strikes the ‘Viper’. Callous continues to ride around the ring a few more times…


Mike Tenay: “The former World Class Championship Wrestling Heavyweight Champion, is ready to go to war with Orton! And—wait, a minute!”


Orton quickly jumps over the top rope and jumps Callous from behind before he could dismount his bike, kickstarting the match…


Grudge Match



Callous dismounts from his bike, still reeling from Orton’s blow to the back of his head; he stumbles against the crowd barricade, allowing the ‘Viper’ to start to punch away at him with rights and lefts. The shots come fast, striking the ‘American Badass’ in the mid-section and the head but he somehow manages to knee Randy in the gut, sending the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion staggering away from their current position. The man who revealed himself as the stalker at Bash at the Beach walks around the corner without the realisation that Mark is following him. By the time he realises, it is too late. A big clubbing blow sends him crashing into the crowd barricade with a loud thud. Callous begins to return the favour, firing away at Orton with several punches. He takes off his long black trenchcoat and sunglasses, throwing both into the crowd. The ‘American Badass’ adjusts his bandanna before knocking Orton into the crowd with a clothesline. Charles Robinson politely asks Callous if he could get back into the ring but he intimidates the referee, threatening to punch him if he dare counts them both out. Robinson – afraid of the consequences – agrees and lets Mark take the action into the crowd. Randy begins to run up the aisle. On his way through, fans start to pat him on the back. Orton brushes past more fans but he is soon caught by the ‘American Badass’ who levels him with clubbing blow. The two begin to battle in front of one of the fire exit doorway. Charles Robinson tries to remind the two men that disqualifications are still in place as Orton manages to breakaway from his nemesis, thanks to an eye rake. The ‘Viper’ pushes a fan off his chair before taking it and preparing to use it.
He attempts to swing, only for Callous to boot it back in his face!


The chair flies from the hands of Orton while he walks falteringly towards the fire exit door.
Callous does not waste any time in following up, grabbing Orton by the head…He runs with Randy, launching him through the fire exit door!
The doors fly wide open and the alarms ring out loud, coinciding with the
“Callous! Callous! Callous!”
chants. With the crowd on their feet, Callous reaches into the fire exit, dragging the body of Orton out of it. He hurls him down the aisle and journeys down it after Orton, looking to take the action into the squared-circle. The ‘Legend Killer’ ends up in the ringside area – desperately trying to escape from Mark Callous’ wrath. After being sent into the fire exit doors head first, his movements are sluggish. Using the ring apron to prop himself up, the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion haltingly walks around ringside. The ‘American Badass’ reaches the ringside area and sends Orton into the ring. However, he drags the top-half of Bob Orton, Jr’s son over the apron. Orton’s body slumps over the apron as Mark hops onto the apron.
He holds onto the top turnbuckle before running across the whole length of the apron, leaping into the air…LEG DROP ACROSS THE BACK OF THE ‘VIPER’!
The former WCCW Heavyweight Champion bounces off Orton’s back whilst Orton drops to the outside, causing him to writhe in agony. The Texan takes a short moment to play to the crowd before the action finally heads inside the ring to the relief of Charles Robinson. It is not long until Callous covers his opponent…








The weak kickout is enough for the ‘Viper’ to make sure he does not lose here at the ‘Instant Classic’. Mark pulls Orton to his feet and clinches his arm. Twisting it several times, putting him in an arm wringer. Randy winces in pain as he is lifted up skywards on his right arm. The power of Callous is on display and the crowd stares on in awe. He places the ‘Legend Killer’ back onto his feet and attempts to flip him over onto the canvas but Orton carefully aims a kick to his mid-section, causing him to hunch over and release his arm. Taking advantage of the situation provided to him, Randy pulls Callous from his bent-over position in order to rock him with a European uppercut. The uppercut sends the ‘American Badass’ to the ropes but he explodes from his position extending his arm for the clothesline. Orton ducks. He twists his adversary around but feels Callous’ hand wrap around his throat. The Texan calls for a chokeslam but once again, a kick to the mid-section saves Orton from certain danger. The ‘Viper’ manages to take the initiative, wrapping the left arm of the ‘American Badass’ into his own arm wringer. A flurry of elbows to the arm forces Mark to break down onto one knee. But Orton does not stop; instead, he continues the flurry. The former NWA World Heavyweight Champion continues to work over the left arm by locking it in a hammerlock. The Texan makes several tries to break out of the hold, but each time, he fails and Orton is able to tighten the hammerlock.


The World Class Championship Wrestling superstar finally does get out of the hammerlock. He wildly throws punches towards Orton, asserting his dominance as one of the best strikers in the sport of wrestling. The ‘Viper’ quickly backpedals. He is backed into a corner, feeling the effects of the punches from Callous. The ‘American Badass’ begins to fire away with punches to the stomach and face, switching them up to ensure they hit. After the brutal assault finishes, Randy staggers out of the corner – dazed. The Texan hoists him up onto his shoulders. He points towards the southwest turnbuckle – the one that Orton staggered out of. He charges in, looking for the Snake Eyes though the ‘Legend Killer’ is able to slip down behind. He immediately shoves Callous into the top turnbuckle. ‘Big Evil’ spins around right into a clothesline from his opponent. Once Mark hits the floor, Orton quickly shows his animalistic side, acting like a viper. The ‘Apex Predator’ waits for the ‘American Badass’ to reach his feet and once he does, he nails him with another clothesline. He twists around into a position which looks like he’s performing push-ups. His fists pound on the canvas, luring his opponent to his feet. Callous stands and Orton strikes…
The Texan is able to shove Orton away, forcing the Missourian to slam into the ring mat with unforgiving force.
The ‘Viper’ leaps to his feet, placing his hand on his back in pain. As soon as he turns around, Callous charges at him, only to run into a massive dropkick!


The ‘American Badass’ sprawls across the floor as Orton makes his first cover of the match, only getting a two-count. Understanding he has more work to do, the ‘Viper’ locks in a chin lock on the man whose wife he stalked in order to get this match. Orton cranks up the pressure, pulling back on the chin of Callous. The face of the Texan turns bright red due to Orton’s grip. He slowly begins to lose his grip though. The more Mark moves the more Orton’s fingers slip from his chin. ‘Big Evil’ eventually stands with Orton still holding onto him but several blows to the mid-section forces the ‘Legend Killer’ to release the chin lock.
Callous tries to get some momentum on his side, running to the ropes and bouncing back but Orton quickly slips behind and locks in a sleeper hold!
With his arms wrapped around tight, Orton quickly hops onto the back of his much taller opponent. The former NWA World Heavyweight Champion smiles but the ‘American Badass’ traverses backwards, squashing his adversary between the turnbuckle. Orton releases his grip and Callous instantaneously sends him to the ropes.
Orton rebounds off the northern set of ropes and ‘Big Evil’ picks him up…SIDEWALK SLAM!
The biker drives the ‘Viper’ down back-first, immediately hooking the leg…






The ‘Apex Predator’ is able to get his shoulder up to the disappointment of his opponent, who surely he thought he had the victory. The long-haired biker rips his bandanna from his forehead and throws it into the crowd before sitting up. Orton does the same and the two both get up to their feet at the same time. Callous scoops his opponent up onto his shoulders for a second time – this time, signalling for his famed inverted piledriver. Orton slides down behind the near seven-foot brawler and shoves him into the ropes. Mark comes running back as Orton scoops him up and hits a snap powerslam, Randy pops up onto his feet and leaps into the air, driving his knee across the throat of Callous. The ring shakes uncontrollably as a result and Orton gets the cover due to Callous’ shoulders being down but he gets a two. The match continues and Orton kicks his opponent to the apron. The former NWA World Heavyweight Champion outstretches his arms with a smile. Chants of
“Orton sucks!”
rises from the crowd while the person they are aiming the chant at grapples with his opponent, dragging him over the middle rope. With the front facelock synched in tight, the ‘Viper’ attempts his patented DDT but the ‘American Badass’ releases himself from the middle rope and is able to throw Orton through the middle rope and to the outside. The Texan follows but Randy jumps him. Vicious blows fly from the stalker and he holds onto his adversary’s hips, driving him into the apron – back first. Charles Robinson—much like the last time—does not count out both men, instead, he lets them fight.


Orton continues to push Mark into the apron.
“I’m surprised that Callous’ kidneys have not exploded yet!”
shouts Mike Tenay from the announcers table while Orton once again drives the ‘American Badass’ into the apron. He releases the hips of Callous, allowing him to drop down onto his knees in complete agony. But Orton’s assault does not stop there, in fact, he pulls him up by his hair and sends him crashing into the steel steps; Callous hits the ringside mats after the collision and is left looking up at the ceiling of Safeco Field. The ‘Viper’ clutches onto both of his opponent’s legs, dragging him right in front of the turnbuckle post. A slingshot attempt does not work; instead, Mark kicks Orton away causing him to hit the turnbuckle post face first. Orton bounces off the turnbuckle post performing a backwards roll to show how hard he was thrown into the post. ‘Big Evil’ gets towards his feet and makes his way towards the son of Bob Orton, Jr. Randy attempts to run back into the ring, but is grabbed by the leg as he hops onto the apron. The ‘Apex Predator’ is successful in kicking Callous away and he sits on the top turnbuckle, waiting for him to turn around. When Callous does turn around, he races up the apron and grabs Orton by the throat.
Nobody knows what is happening as the crowd fall into silence. Orton gives all one’s got to break out of the hold, but he succumbs to the pressure of Mark’s right hand crushing his throat. The ‘American Badass’ stares at the announcer’s table for a slight second before preparing to throw Orton off the top turnbuckle. He leaps off the apron…CHOKESLAM SENDING ORTON RIGHT THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCER’S TABLE!
The table collapses into several pieces as the announcer’s for the S.A.P. broadcasting feature of the Great American Bash—Carlos Cabrera and Hugo Savinovich—begin to panic.


The ‘American Badass’ raises his arm in the air to the crowd’s delight as they rally up chants of
“Callous! Callous! Callous!”
over and over again. The Texan kicks away the rubble of the table and pulls Orton out of it, immediately placing him in the ring. Mark hooks the leg for the cover, getting a two-count as Orton somehow manages to kick out. The ‘American Badass’ cannot believe his eyes and stares at Charles Robinson. He stands up, walking over towards the referee, backing him into a corner and grabbing him by the black and white shirt. Mark shouts at Robinson, demanding that he counts faster but unbeknownst to him, Randy Orton is standing. Despite being through hell, the ‘Viper’ is able to stand up onto his feet. Mark turns around and Orton charges at him.
‘Big Evil’ is able to out-manoeuvre Orton, ducking underneath his clothesline attempt – Orton collides with Charles Robinson instead!
Charles collapses to the canvas while the ‘Viper’ stares in horror at his fallen body. Callous gears himself up, readying himself for something.
He moves in closer towards Orton, who turns around…RKO! RKO! RKO!
Orton stands up immediately, leaning back on the ropes and giving a cold stare towards Callous. The ‘Apex Predator’ then turns his focus towards Robinson. The ‘Viper’ shakes the referee, but it does not revive him.


The ‘Viper’ turns towards the outside, rolling out of the ring; he looks underneath the ring and pulls out a steel chair, throwing it inside the squared-circle and then rolling back in. Orton picks up the chair as Callous rises and before he could even bring it down on the ‘American Badass’, he receives a low blow. The former NWA World Heavyweight Champion drops the steel chair on the floor, favouring his manhood. Callous drives him into the northwest corner – back first. He lifts Orton up onto the top turnbuckle and the ‘Viper’—while in a seated position—kicks him away, sending ‘Big Evil’ back. Randy stands on the top turnbuckle, leaving the fans confused to what he is going to do. The state of confusion is resolved when Callous stands up. He looks at the ‘Viper’, who is perched on the top rope. Randy leaps off…
Mark throws his opponent onto his shoulder, once again looking for the inverted piledriver but Orton, like many times before, slips down behind. Randy turns him around, but gets a kick to the mid-section. Callous pulls him in-between his legs and raises his right arm in the air. The fans know what is coming next. Callous pulls back, placing Orton on his shoulders and he turns around, standing in front of the chair that Orton introduced several minutes ago.
Holding onto Orton’s tights, Callous hoists him up in the air…LAST RIDE ONTO THE STEEL CHAIR!
Orton rolls off the steel chair, revealing it to be broken and buckled while Charles Robinson begins to come around as Mark Callous drops over Orton for the cover…










Once again, Callous thought he had finally put away the stalker that has plagued his family for months. The ‘Viper’ struggles to even move on the canvas but Callous is not done with him. The ‘American Badass’ heaves his wife’s tormentor to his feet and grabs his right arm.
“Old school!”
he shouts out loud before twisting the arm of Orton, hauling him into the northwest corner. ‘Big Evil’ ascends to the top rope, looking around at the 54,000 strong crowd, gaining support from them. With the Ric Flair Promotions faithful behind him, he begins to walk across the top rope on the north side of the ring. He stops halfway, once again looking around the ring and jumps off…
The element of surprise may of just earned Orton the victory, but in order for that victory to come, he has to pin Mark Callous. The ‘Mean One’ stirs while the ‘Apex Predator’ crawls towards the ropes. He is successful in pulling himself towards his feet and he drops over Mark, making the pinfall attempt. Charles Robinson is slow to react due to being crushed by Orton earlier, but moves over to make the count. He counts to two and the ‘American Badass’ gets the shoulder up. Orton pounds the ground in fury but holds Charles Robinson responsible. Grabbing Robinson by his referee shirt, Orton roughly hurls him to the outside.
With no referee, Orton twists round into the push-up position; pounding his fists against the canvas, luring Mark Callous to his feet. With a cold stare, Randy follows his opponent to his feet. His opponent stands and the ‘Viper’ launches himself at Callous looking for another RKO, but Callous quickly manages to scoop him up…INVERTED PILEDRIVER!
Orton’s head bounces off the canvas and Callous makes the cover quickly but soon finds out there is no referee.


With the victory seemingly far away again, Mark sends Orton to the outside and exits the ring himself. He throws Robinson inside the ring and goes back inside to try and revive him. The revival attempts do not work so Callous resorts to turning his focus back to Orton.
He reaches for the ‘Viper’, grabbing him by his neck. At first, Orton does not go, but when he stands he turns around…ORTON SMASHES CALLOUS IN THE FACE WITH A CAMERA!
The ‘American Badass’ hits the canvas and Orton throws the camera away next to the camera man he took out seconds before he was pulled up. A replay manages to show how Orton got the camera as he punched the camera man and snatched it away from him then went towards the apron to play possum. The ‘Viper’ rolls back into the ring. The crowd begin to jeer the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion but he does not care. Instead, he lines up Callous – now bleeding from the camera shot.
‘Big Evil’ reaches all-fours while Orton distances himself from him. The Texan struggles to get up and does not see Orton coming…PUNT TO THE HEAD!
The kick to the head puts Mark down for the count and Orton drags him to the middle of the ring, laying over him in exhaustion. Charles Robinson stirs, clawing his way towards Orton. Mike Tenay from the announcer’s table can be heard shouting:
“No! Not like this! Not like this!”
as Robinson raises his hand to count the pinfall…




Robinson struggles to bring his hand up from the canvas, but does anyway…




Once more, he struggles to bring his hand up from the canvas but is able to do it. The crowd hope that Callous can kick out but their hopes are dashed within seconds…



‘The Viper’ Randy Orton def. Mark Callous at 19:24 by pinfall


“Voices” begin to play while the crowd fill Safeco Field’s airwaves with booing. Randy Orton sits up with a ****y smile on his face. He steadily stands before placing his hand on the bloody forehead of Mark Callous and wiping it across his chest as if it were a trophy for his victory. Angry fans begin to start throwing water bottles along with other rubbish inside the ring as Randy Orton stands up to have his arm raised by a clearly worn out Charles Robinson.


Mike Tenay: “That goddamn Randy Orton! He cheated his way to victory! Not only that, he attacked one of our staff members to do it…This man disgusts me so much, I cannot even—cannot even explain how much he disgusts me.”


Josh Mathews: “Callous had that won with the inverted piledriver Professor. If it was not for Orton taking out the referee intentionally, justice would have been served tonight!”


Mike Tenay: “No doubt about it. Josh, something tells me, this is not over. I mean, Orton got the victory here tonight – but what’s to stop Callous coming after him, seeking retribution?”


Josh Mathews: “I don’t know Professor.”


Randy Orton exits the ring, taking in all the jeering from the fans. He stops at the bottom of the rampway. He looks at the Harley-Davidson motorcycle that Mark Callous rode down to the ring and decides to hop on it. The ‘Viper’ starts the engine, once again giving a ****y smile. The crowd continue to boo but Orton does not care, instead, he rides off with the motorcycle all the way up the ramp and then to the backstage area. Back inside the ring, Callous emerges from the canvas, looking up and around for his motorcycle. Mark soon finds out from Robinson that Orton rode away from the ring on it and the ‘American Badass’ is livid. He drops out of the ring and shouts “He’s gonna pay!” throwing his hair back and dabbing the blood from his forehead with his forehead…


Josh Mathews: “D-d-did Orton just steal his motorcycle?”


Mike Tenay: “And Callous is P-O’d!”


Josh Mathews: “I do not know WHY Randy would do such a thing?”


Mike Tenay: “To get underneath the skin of Callous? To rub in his victory? I do not know either, but let’s check out the replays!”


The replays begin to air, starting off with images of Orton ambushing Callous from behind and clips of their concession stand brawl which includes Mark throwing Orton through the fire-exit doors…


Mike Tenay: “You have to give respect to Charles Robinson for not counting out, these two had issues and he let them settle it. But I am surprised Orton was not done there and then after being thrown through those fire-exit doors.”


The next extract is of their second outside brawl, which ends with the ‘American Badass’ chokeslamming the ‘Apex Predator’ through the Spanish announcer’s table…


Josh Mathews: “Callous, showed why he is one of the most dangerous men in our sport with that move! I don’t know about the fire-exit doors, but how Orton survived that is a miracle.”


Callous’ collision with Charles Robinson, followed by Orton’s first RKO of the match airs. But then Callous’ Last Ride on the ‘Viper’, which causes Orton to land of the steel chair follows.


Mike Tenay: “Orton may of had the match won if he did not unintentionally knock out Charles Robinson, but he paid the price for attempting to cheat by getting a Last Ride onto the steel chair. But he STILL manages to survive that!”


Fast-forward slightly to ‘Big Evil’ walking the ropes in an attempt to hit the Old School. The almost out-of-thin-air RKO counter by Orton that shocked the fans and pretty much the world is shown.


Josh Mathews: “Orton once again showing that he can hit the RKO from out of nowhere. And this one shocked everyone in attendance and you fans at home.”


The final moments of the match are finally shown, with the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion hitting the former WCCW Heavyweight Champion in the face with a camera and putting him down for good with the punt.


Mike Tenay: “There was no way he was getting up from that. A punt to the temple will put even the toughest man down! But it’s a damn shame it ended like that. But it looks like Callous is not finished folks! But coming up next…The NWA World Heavyweight title is on the line! Two men and only one can walk out the victor. Last Man Standing Match. Jericho versus Lesnar. Are you ready for this Josh?”


Josh Mathews: “I’ve been ready since this event started and may I add that this could be the pure definition of ‘Instant Classic’. These two men will go to war. These two men will try and beat each other so badly, that they will not be able to get up at the count of ten!”


Mike Tenay: “I don’t think either man will even stay down for the count of ten. Look at it this way Josh, these two men have incredible stamina and durability. They have proved over the past few years they can take massive amounts of punishment.”


Josh Mathews: “Though that is true. Part of me believes that Lesnar has the advantage. At No Mercy, the ‘Terminator’ as Ric Flair likes to call him, basically dominated Jericho for nearly half-an-hour. Jericho managed to somehow survive and he managed to retain his title in what Lesnar called a ‘fluke’ count-out. Maybe Lesnar’s right. Maybe Jericho retained his title due to a ‘fluke’ count-out. Either way, on that day, Lesnar did not walk out with the title. In a Last Man Standing match, there are no count-outs. No-disqualifications. These two men are allowed to battle outside of the ring. This has to play to Lesnar’s advantage.”


Mike Tenay: “But you have to remember Josh, Jericho has that will and determination like nobody we have ever seen. We do not call him ‘Lionheart’ for no reason. ‘Y2J’ is the true example of what an NWA World Heavyweight Champion should be. He could possibly be the greatest NWA World Heavyweight Champion with a victory over the beast, the ‘Terminator’, the formerly undefeated Brock Lesnar. Let’s take a look at the tale of the tape…”



226lbs – WEIGHT – 280lbs

6’0” – HEIGHT – 6’3”

39 – AGE – 33

October 2nd 1990 – DEBUT – October 2000

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada – FROM – Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States

Liontamer (Elevated Boston Crab), 2012 (Double-Knee Facebreaker) and Lionsault – FINISHERS – The Verdict (F-5) and The Brock Lock (Over-The-Shoulder Single Leg Boston Crab)


Mike Tenay: “As you can see folks, Brock Lesnar has the advantage. He is much heavier than Jericho. He is much taller than Jericho. And he is much, much younger than our NWA World Heavyweight Champion. But Chris holds the advantage in experience – he has ten more years experience, compared to Lesnar. Nearly twenty years in the ring. But that may not matter…It all comes down to this moment. This moment right now. Josh, I’m going to ask you again: are you ready?”


Josh Mathews: “Yes, I am!”


Mike Tenay: “Let’s see how this all started!”


Voice-Over Man: “In the history of the National Wrestling Alliance…There has never been a bigger force…Than Brock Lesnar.”


Highlights are shown of Brock Lesnar’s brutish power. Starting from his debut in 2000 in small wrestling promotions in his homestate of Minnesota to his debut in 2002 in World Class Championship Wrestling where he was brought in by Dustin Rhodes as his muscle.


Voice-Over Man: “A man that had an undefeated streak for nearly six years…”


Images of Lesnar’s decimation of Dustin Rhodes in 2004, becoming a fan favourite in the process and more destruction of other wrestlers. Including the likes of the ‘American Badass’ Mark Callous, Steve Austin and many others…


Voice Over Man: “A man that made a statement of being the most destructive, dominant NWA World Heavyweight Champion in the history of the National Wrestling Alliance…”


Clips of Lesnar delivering the Verdict to Kurt Angle in the middle of the ring on April 15th 2007, in San Antonio, Texas to gain the victory air. Each transition is accompanied by a camera flash while the black and white video is in slow-motion, to intensify the moment.


Voice-Over Man: “Tonight – he goes after Chris Jericho once more, to get back the gold.”


The video becomes fast-paced, showing Lesnar revealing himself as the number one contender to the NWA World Heavyweight title. Tossing Steven Regal aside with the Verdict and doing the same to Jericho after drawing him in with a handshake.


Voice-Over Man: “But this will not be an easy test.”


Jericho is shown battling several opponents…


Voice-Over Man: “Chris Jericho…A man that could quite possibly be the greatest World Heavyweight Champion in the National Wrestling Alliance’s history is known to be a man who has the will and determination of a champion.”


Scenes of Jericho screaming in agony are shown…


Voice-Over Man: “…They did not give him the nickname ‘Lionheart’ for nothing. But this is a tough test for Jericho. He will have to put his body on the line and he will have to do everything in his power to defeat Lesnar.”


A recap of their match at No Mercy plays with Jericho being beaten and battered by the ‘Terminator’.


Voice-Over Man: “While Lesnar will have to utilize his superior strength and brute force…”


More clips of Lesnar decimating more opponents airs…


Voice-Over Man: “…Either one of these men can walk out the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. Though the challenge is, to keep their opponent down for the ten-count to become not only the last man standing – but the NWA World Heavyweight Champion!”


The voice-over man’s voice echoes whilst clips of the two brawling and causing pain to each other ends the video and the video fades out…


When the cameras come back, a quick pan of Safeco Field is done – showing the numerous fans in attendance. From there, it transitions to the interview area where Lizzy stands by the massive Brock Lesnar.


Lizzy: “Lizzy here once more with Brock Lesnar and Brock, you are a few moments away from your match with Chris Jericho, I want to know about your thoughts…”




Lizzy backs away slowly, afraid. Lesnar rips the microphone from her hands…


Brock Lesnar: “Jericho…At No Mercy, you had a horseshoe up your ass! You managed to retain your title by count-out. But since you picked a Last Man Standing match, there’s nowhere to hide and there’s nowhere to run. Which gives me the perfect opportunity to take that HORSEHOE FROM YOUR ASS! AND THEN BEAT YOU OVER THE HEAD WITH IT UNTIL YOU ARE BLOODY, UNTIL YOU CAN’T REACH YOUR FEET! WHEN I DO THAT – I GET BACK WHAT IS MINE: THE NWA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION! NO MERCY…THAT WAS A MISTAKE! TONIGHT – THERE WILL BE NO MISTAKES!”


He throws the microphone down onto the floor and leaves the interview area, angry and wanting to kick somebody’s ass. Meanwhile, ‘Y2J’ is seen leaving his locker room. In light-blue tights with a blacked-out version of him posing on each leg in front of the world, Jericho fastens his NWA World Heavyweight title around his waist, for what may be the last time. He begins to walk down the corridor whilst the camera goes back to the ring for the introductions. Tony Chimel stands in the middle of the ring where numerous security guards stand…


Tony Chimel: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the Last Man Standing match! And it is for the NWA World Heavyweight title! The only way you can win this match is if you incapacitate your opponent and they are not able to reach the ten-count. Your official for this match is National Wrestling Alliance senior referee: EARL HEBNER!”


The National Wrestling Alliance assigned referee waves at the crowd while Safeco Field descends into darkness. Red lights flicker at a fast rate, in time with the beat of Brock Lesnar’s theme. The ‘Terminator’ comes out onto the stage to a bad reception. The crowd burst out into chants of “We want Jericho!” as the two-hundred and eighty-five pound monster passes down to ringside. Lesnar stops right in front of the ring apron, looking around the whole of Safeco Field without concern. He takes a leap up onto the apron, triggering fireworks to explode from the turnbuckle posts and from the roof of the building. The formerly undefeated NWA World Heavyweight Champion enters the ring and stares directly at Earl Hebner. The entrance music of Lesnar fades out as he goes to the middle rope, extending his arms upwards. The focus of the crowd comes onto the screen where a countdown begins…















Blue lighting takes over Safeco Field and fireworks explode across the stage. When the fireworks finish, Chris Jericho stands with his arms outstretched and back facing the ramp. He twirls around causing the crowd to scream and cheer him. The NWA World Heavyweight Champion travels down the rampway at a slow pace, slapping the fans hands and even signing an autograph for a young child. The ‘Lionheart’ feet touch ringside. He looks up into the ring where Lesnar is staring over the top rope at him, begging him to get inside the ring. Security hold the behemoth back. Jericho climbs onto the apron. He takes his belt off and holds it high in the air, looking at Lesnar before entering the ring – shoving it into the hands of Earl Hebner. Security intervene from an early altercation between the two. They hold them into their respective corners. Jericho stands in the northeast while Lesnar resides in the southeast. Tony Chimel resumes his announcing duties…


Tony Chimel: “Ladies and gentlemen, introducing first. Standing to my right. He is the defending NWA World Heavyweight Champion. From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, he weighed in today at two-hundred and twenty-six pounds…He is the Lionheart…He is Y2J…CHRIS JERICHO!”


Jericho raises his arm in the air…


Tony Chimel: “And his opponent. He is the challenger. Standing to my left. The former NWA World Heavyweight and WCCW Heavyweight Champion. From Minneapolis, Minnesota. He weighed in today at two-hundred and eighty pounds…He is the formerly undefeated…He is the Terminator…BROCK LESNAR!”


Lesnar wastes no time in shoving the security aside and bumrushing Jericho into his corner…


NWA World Heavyweight Title Match – Last Man Standing Match



Earl Hebner calls for the ring bell while Lesnar begins to drive his shoulder into the NWA World Heavyweight Champion’s mid-section with shoulder thrusts. The power of the move drives Jericho’s back directly into the turnbuckle post. The ‘Terminator’ soon stops, allowing his opponent to drop onto the canvas lifeless. Last Man Standing rules apply; Hebner begins to count under the challenger’s commands. The defending champion drags himself to his feet at the count of two, holding onto his mid-section in pain. Chris attempts to keep distance between the two until Lesnar invites him to a ‘proper start’ to the match. The behemoth gives a smile towards the champion that is unnerving, but Jericho accepts the ‘proper start’. Both men engage in a lock-up. Despite Lesnar’s power advantage, he does not take control of the match. Instead the two go around the ring for several seconds until Chris is able to back the much larger Brock into the northwest corner. He lets go of the lock-up and throws a massive knife-edge chop at the chest of the former WCCW Heavyweight title holder. A series of chops brush against the chest of the formerly undefeated monster of World Class; Lesnar shrugs it off, shoving Jericho halfway across the ring. With the distance between them being quite far, the ‘Lionheart’ takes the opportunity to try and figure out a way to get Lesnar down. Both men circle around the ring once again though they stop momentarily to acknowledge the
“Let’s go Jericho!”
“He ain’t going nowhere!”
shouts Lesnar in response as the two once again lock-up. This time, it’s Brock who takes advantage of the situation by wrapping his massive arm around the neck of Jericho – throttling him with a headlock.


Under the pressure, Chris drops down onto one knee but perseveres and gets back to a vertical base quickly in order to throw Lesnar to the ropes.
The two-hundred and eighty pound colossus bounces off the ropes and with the power of a runaway freight train, knocks Jericho down with a shoulder barge!
Chris hits the canvas hard – back first. As he looks up at the night sky, wondering if he could ever get in the driver’s seat, Lesnar drives his elbow into the sternum just for good measure.
“Count it!”
shouts the ‘Terminator’ as Hebner begins the count after reminding Jericho he has to reach his feet by the count of ten. Taking his time, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion brushes himself down and runs towards Brock, rocking him with a right hand. Brock travels backwards while the hands continue to strike him. Soon enough, he’s leaning against the ropes. ‘Y2J’ continues to fire away at him before grabbing his right arm. Lesnar slings his left arm on the top rope to prevent being whipped but Jericho manages to get him off the ropes. The challenger counters the Irish whip attempt, sending the champion to the ropes.
Jericho hurries back, looking to launch a counterattack – leaping into the air, but he gets caught in a bearhug!
The gargantuan arms of Lesnar raps around the mid-section of Chris – crushing him. It does not last long. Jericho breaks out of the bearhug and stumbles away from the much larger Brock Lesnar…


Lesnar begins to close the distance between him and the NWA World Heavyweight Champion; cornering him off in the northeast corner. The man who was once called the ‘Next Big Thing’ drives his knee right into the stomach of Jericho. The blow is enough to wind the champion, however he is able to slide in underneath Lesnar and turn the tables in the match. Once again, Jericho resorts to right and left hands – they do not affect Brock. The freakish Minnesota native shrugs the blows off and explodes out of the corner, taking Jericho down with a clothesline. ‘Y2J’ slides out to ringside in an attempt to avoid being followed by Brock; though the ‘Terminator’ comes right after him and ambushes him from behind. As if that is not enough, the former NWA World Heavyweight Champion grabs Jericho by his head and begins to run along ringside.
They both near the steel steps. Brock shoves the ‘Lionheart’…AND JERICHO CAREERS INTO THE STEEL STEPS – SHOULDER FIRST!
The steel steps fly apart with a loud clatter while Jericho lays beside the steps, hurt. Earl Hebner drops down to the outside from the apron, starting to count Jericho out. While Hebner is doing this, Lesnar looks underneath the ring apron for a weapon – utilising the no disqualifications rule. The behemoth gives a sickening smile as he pulls out a steel chair. He hoists it in the air for all of Safeco Field to see and they all boo him loudly. Chris is able to stand up using the barricade at the count of four. The defending champion walks directly into Lesnar’s line of fire as the formerly undefeated monster races towards the groggy NWA World Heavyweight Champion…
STEEL CHAIR SHOT—NO! Jericho quickly ducks the shot, climbing up onto the apron. Lesnar turns around with the steel chair in hand looking directly at Jericho…Chris leaps off with a cross body taking his opponent down!


Finally, Jericho is able to take down his opponent but not for long. The ‘Terminator’ seemingly rises from the dead, hopping onto his feet. Looking for a quick solution, Chris picks up the steel chair and prepares to use it.
The ‘Lionheart’ bangs the steel chair on the ringside floor, waiting patiently for Lesnar’s attention. The behemoth turns towards Jericho…SMASH!
The chair rebounds off the skull of Brock, causing him to drop down onto one knee. The crowd express their shock at the fact that the ‘Terminator’ is not down. In fact, Brock sucks in all the pain and stands onto his feet, letting out a monstrous growl. Jericho moves in for another shot with the steel chair but a kick to the gut causes him to release the chair. The former WCCW Heavyweight Champion scoops Jericho up as if he is going for a fallaway slam.
The look in Lesnar’s face tells the story. Another sick smile creeps across his face. He looks around Safeco Field, receiving more of a hostile reaction. Walking forward several steps in front of the turnbuckle post, the ‘Terminator’ once again looks around Safeco Field…LENSAR THROWS JERICHO BACK FIRST INTO THE TURNBUCKLE POST!
The crowd groan loudly while the NWA World Heavyweight Champion hits the floor, rolling around in pain while Lesnar taunts him. Hebner moves in fort the count…








…Jericho reaches all fours…






…And successfully gets back to his feet. He favours his back and sensing blood in the water, Lesnar charges in, lifting him onto his right shoulder and crushing him against the turnbuckle post. Jericho hits the floor again, prompting Hebner to count. At the same time, Brock goes to retrieve the disconnected steel steps. He picks up the bottom half, dropping it down beside the fallen body of the ‘Lionheart’; dragging it into place, waiting for him to stand up again. Chris once more gets back to a vertical base. Once more, he favours his back. And once more, Lesnar lifts him on his right shoulder to crush him into the turnbuckle post. This time, instead of letting Hebner count, Lesnar drives the bottom half of the steel steps into the body of Jericho. The sound of steel meeting flesh echoes throughout the Safeco Field. The behemoth places the steel steps onto the body of Jericho – using the apron to steady himself; Brock stand on it, squashing ‘Y2J’ between the ringside floor and the steel. To add to the pressure, the two-hundred and eighty pounder jumps up and down. Each time his feet land on the steel steps, an algetic scream can be heard from Jericho. Brock soon enough releases the NWA World Heavyweight Champion from the steel steps. He picks him up by his tights to throw him inside the ring.


Chris rolls in with Lesnar doing the same afterwards. The imposing figure of the challenger towers over the fallen body of the champion. The taunting begins. Brock arrogantly kicks Jericho in the head, shouting
“Come on!”
in a mocking manor to which the crowd boo.
“Let’s go Jericho!”
chants rally up, but Lesnar brushes the fans off telling them all to shut up. The man formerly undefeated for most of his career continues to taunt the defending champion. ‘Y2J’ begins to crawl to his feet, hanging onto Lesnar’s leg. Lesnar allows him to stand before taking him down with a single leg takedown. Jericho slams into the canvas causing the squared-circle to violently shake from left to right. Going back to his amateur wrestling days where he was a NCAA Heavyweight Champion, Lesnar begins to apply various wrestling holds to Jericho. Gripping onto his waist, Lesnar rolls around with the ‘Lionheart’ on the canvas – squeezing the life out of him in the process. Eventually, he mounts the champion, totally putting the amateur wrestling behind him and opting for pure brute force. Hammer fists rain down on Chris as if this is a fight in mixed martial arts. But unlike mixed martial arts, this fight cannot be stopped if Jericho is unable to intelligently defend himself. The fists continue to rain down. Each one striking Jericho in the face, each shot causing a significant amount of damage to the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. The power behind the punches snaps Jericho’s head back, but he somehow manages to turn over onto his stomach.
Using all of his might, ‘Y2J’ stands with the two-hundred and eighty pounder hanging off his back, within seconds, he runs towards the southeast turnbuckle and drives Lesnar back first into the turnbuckle – breaking free!


The ‘Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ uses the ropes to aid him across the ring. He draws in the fans chants while watching Brock walk out of the corner to the middle of the ropes on the south side of the ring.
The ‘Lionheart’ gains momentum – sprinting towards Lesnar and extends his arm…CLOTHESLINE SENDING LESNAR OVER THE TOP ROPE!
The WCCW superstar grabs onto the top rope, allowing himself to climb onto the apron.
Jericho notices quickly. He runs to the set of ropes adjacent from Brock, springboarding off the second rope…DROPKICK!
The dropkick is enough to send Brock to the ringside floor with a mighty slam. Hebner glances over the top rope to see if Lesnar is down for the count. He begins to initiate the ten-count while Chris finds himself time to recover from the onslaught he has somehow endured. At the count of two, the Minnesota native begins to stir. By three, he is using the apron to pull himself towards his feet. By four, Jericho is running back and forth in the ring, gathering speed. By five, Lesnar is up…
The plancha attempt goes awry while Lesnar stares intently at his opponent in his arms. Brock runs towards a turnbuckle post and rams Jericho’s back against it, once again damaging the back. He drops the ‘Lionheart’ on the ground, leaving him to scream in agony. But the once undefeated monster is not finished with him. Brock picks up the steel chair from earlier in the match – the chair still carries the dent from his head being given the chair shot. Nonetheless, Lesnar stands over Jericho, kicking him so that he sprawls out all over the floor.
Lesnar brings the steel chair down on the left leg of Jericho – the same leg that was smashed against the ring post at No Mercy when Lesnar hit the Verdict into the ring post. After five chair shots, it became apparent that Jericho still felt the effects of that No Mercy match. Earl Hebner begins the count…










…Jericho sits up which triggers applause from the crowd…






…The NWA World Heavyweight Champion begins to stand…




…He gets up and Lesnar immediately goes back on the assault. The ‘Terminator’ drives his knee into the stomach of Jericho before tossing him back inside the ring. The blow winds the NWA World Heavyweight Champion as he struggles to get to his feet due to the immense pain. Brock pulls him towards his feet in order to whip him to the ropes. Chris rebounds to evade a clothesline attempt, following through to rebound back again. This time, Jericho is unable to avoid Lesnar who lifts him up above his head into a military press position.
Being nearly ten feet in the air, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion is trapped. Lesnar makes use of the position as he begins to thrust Jericho up and down in the air, displaying his immense power. He prepares to throw him forward but Jericho slides down in front, landing on his feet. Jericho attempts to run to the ropes but when he bounces off, pain strikes him in his left leg, causing him to limp right into a massive belly-to-belly suplex – throwing him across the ring!
Jericho stands from the suplex upon landing, turning around and limping right into a massive clothesline from Lesnar. It does not take long for Lesnar to tie up the Canadian in his dangerous Brock Lock. The former WCCW Heavyweight Champion rips away at the left leg of Jericho, pulling it over his shoulder in an attempt to snap it off. Meanwhile, Jericho taps out in extreme pain but Earl Hebner tells him that he cannot submit. Brock continues to assert his dominance over Jericho, ripping away even more with the excruciating submission. The ‘Terminator’ releases the hold, demanding that Hebner counts.






…Jericho gets onto all-fours, only for the two-hundred and eighty pounder to boot him back down with force, disrupting the count. Brock realises that the match is basically his for the taking, so he pulls Jericho up and places him on his shoulders to deliver his Verdict on the match. He does not execute it though. He spins around at 360°, but leaves Jericho in a heap on the ring mat. He drags him towards the northwest corner, picking him up and holding him up against the turnbuckles. The ‘Ayatollah of Rock ‘N’ Rolla’ gets placed on the top turnbuckle while Brock ascends up the turnbuckles but suddenly, he begins to fight back. Jericho delivers an uppercut to the groin of Lesnar while he’s on the second rope. Quickly, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion shoves his challenger off the second rope. Lesnar crashes and burns onto the canvas. He immediately stands up though, only to have Jericho fly at him with a diving European uppercut. It does not knock Lesnar down, but sends him staggering backwards into the middle of the ring.
Within seconds, Jericho picks up speed—despite his left leg—running past Lesnar. He comes back to hit the one-handed bulldog! Brock faceplants the canvas, rolling onto his back, Chris pops up to his feet, running towards the west set of ropes, leaping onto the second…LIONSAULT!
The defending champion bounces off the body of Lesnar. He holds himself up using the eastern set of ropes, enabling the referee to make the count…










…Lesnar sits up! The former NWA World Heavyweight Champion scowls and stands up, angry that he has been put down for the count. Jericho puts him down again quickly with an enziguri, his right foot ricocheting off the back of Lesnar’s head. The two-hundred and eighty pounder collapses onto his knees while Jericho once again conserves his time, allowing himself to recover. Chris rolls out of the ring and roots around underneath it, in search of a weapon. Brock meanwhile, goes to the outside himself, picking up the top half of the steel steps from earlier. The gargantuan wrestler runs around the corner of ringside, ramming the steps into the side of Jericho’s head – just when he pulls out a table. Brock walks towards the announcer’s table, placing the steel steps in front of it. The WCCW Heavyweight champion journeys back towards Jericho. Grabbing the defending champion by his hair, Lesnar takes him towards the announcer’s table, placing his body on the steep steps. ‘Y2J’ slumps over the steps, showing his exhaustion. But it’s not over.
The ‘Terminator’ climbs up to the third step where Jericho is slumped. He places the champion’s head between his legs. The whole of Safeco Field rally behind the Ric Flair Promotions’ superstar to mount a come back – their support goes unheard. Brock pulls back, lifting Jericho onto his shoulders, looking for the dreaded powerbomb…He turns around so that he is facing the announcer’s table, motioning to slam Jericho into the table…POWE—HURRICANRANA SENDING LESNAR ACROSS THE ANNOUNCER’S TABLE!
Out of nowhere, Jericho is able to counter Lesnar’s powerbomb that would of put him away for good. The cameraman glances over the announcer’s table to see Lesnar lying amongst the chairs that Mike Tenay and Josh Mathews were sitting at.


The two-hundred and eighty pounder emerges from behind the announcer’s table, holding onto the edge of the actual table to keep himself upright. ‘Y2J’ meanwhile goes back to doing what he was doing before he was interrupted. He pulls out the table, sliding it inside the ring. But he is not finished there. He goes back underneath the squared-circle, this time whipping out a twenty-foot ladder and a trash can. Jericho takes the lid of the trash can, walking all the way back to Lesnar who is starting to show signs of weakness. Still behind the announcer’s table, Brock is desperately trying to get himself back in the match, but those attempts are crushed by Jericho who hits him with the trash can lid. His opponent buckles due to the power behind the shot. Jericho swings again, leaving a massive dent in the lid, rendering it unusable. He goes back to the trash can lid, picking it up after sliding the ladder inside the ring.
Once Jericho approaches Brock’s position, Brock is out from behind the announcer’s table. Jericho hoists the trash can over his head, but a shot to his left leg causes him to drop it. The ‘Terminator’ starts to show signs of him getting back into the swing of things as he rocks Jericho with yet another knee to his mid-section. He scoops the ‘Lionheart’ up onto his shoulders, moving towards the nearby turnbuckle post…VERDICT INTO THE TURNBUCKLE POST!
The crowd groan and Mike Tenay can be heard screaming from the announcer’s table. At the same time, Jericho is rolling around on the ringside mats, clutching onto left leg and screaming in pain. Before Lesnar can add anymore insult to injury, Earl Hebner dives in to prevent further damage. The veteran referee asks if Jericho quits, but the NWA World Heavyweight Champion insists that he carries on. Earl initiates the count while Lesnar goes inside the ring…














…Jericho grabs onto the apron, still hurting from the Verdict.




…He desperately tries to pull himself up, but cannot do it. Inside the ring meanwhile, Lesnar places the fifteen-foot ladder introduced into the match by Jericho in the corner.




…The jubilant chants of
“Let’s go Jericho!”
fill Safeco Field. The sounds can be heard as far as Qwest Field down the road from the arena. Jericho once again makes an attempt to stand. Holding onto the apron, he pulls himself up towards his knees.




…With mere seconds to go before Hebner counts ten, Jericho attempts to beat the count. With one last push, he pulls himself up onto his feet!


The crowd explode and Jericho leans on the apron, happy that he has beaten the ten-count. He sluggishly rolls inside the ring, immediately falling into the hands of the waiting Lesnar. The ‘Terminator’ grabs him by his tights and drags him to his feet, immediately going to work over the NWA World Heavyweight Champion. The tree trunk-like arms of Lesnar deliver clubbing blows to the back of the champion, causing him to collapse onto one knee. But the ‘Lionheart’ shows determination, hitting several shots from his position and shoving Lesnar towards the ladder in the southwest corner. With his back against the ladder, Brock is seemingly trapped. Jericho favours his left leg before running towards Brock…
Brock gets off the ladder and stands right in front of the sprinting Jericho, grabbing him and tossing him right into the ladder with a belly-to-belly suplex!
‘Y2J’ hangs upside down on the ladder, screaming in complete agony. He rolls off onto his knees while Lesnar rolls out of the ring once more. He looks underneath the ring, pulling out a toolbox. The crowd at ringside are confused at what is happening while Lesnar flips open the lid to the toolbox and reaches in, looking for something. Eventually, Lesnar takes something out of the toolbox, concealing it in his massive palm. The colossus rolls inside the ring while the announcers discuss how much of an ‘instant classic’ this Last Man Standing match has been…


Brock grabs Jericho by the neck and begins to punch away at his forehead…Or what seems like punching away at the head. Blood cascades down the NWA World Heavyweight Champion’s face as Lesnar holds up his fist, revealing a screwdriver! The serrated edge of the tool is responsible for busting open Jericho. Earl Hebner looks on, horrified, realising that he cannot stop Lesnar’s brutal assault. Lesnar throws the screwdriver to the side and punches away at the wound, opening it up even more. Brock’s vicious assault continues, causing more blood to come out.
A man in a hooded jacket enters the ring. Brock Lesnar does not realise while the man takes off his hooded jacket…ROCKY JOHNSON, JR! The RFP faithful explode into cheers as Rocky pulls Lesnar from Jericho…ROCK BOTTOM!
He plants him in the middle of the ring. The current reigning WCCW Heavyweight Champion (who has had problems with Lesnar over recent months in WCCW) shouts a few words at Lesnar before leaving the ring and escaping through the crowd. With both men down, Earl Hebner begins the count while the crowd recovers from the shock of ‘The Rock’ being here at the Great American Bash…












…A blood Jericho wipes the blood from his eyes and stands, groggy from being stabbed with a screwdriver and then pounded in the face by Brock Lesnar. The ‘Lionheart’ stands with his blood dripping onto the ring mat…






…Lesnar gets himself towards is feet, leaving Chris wondering what he has to do to put him down for good.
The former NWA World Heavyweight Champion looks around for Rocky Johnson but he is nowhere to be found. The ‘Terminator’ turns himself around and walks straight into a Liontamer!
Jericho is successful in turning the gargantuan athlete onto his stomach. He pulls back and with blood dripping down his face, he lets out a elongated scream. Lesnar meanwhile struggles greatly to break out of the hold but is able to turn himself over and kick Jericho away. Chris limps over to Lesnar and gets surprised by the two-hundred and eighty pound colossus who lifts him on his shoulders. Jericho rakes the eyes, allowing himself to get down. He reaches for the table, picking it up and hitting Brock in the mid-section with it. Lesnar falls to the canvas and Jericho sets up the table in the middle of the ring. He picks Lesnar up but the monster of World Class gets him on his shoulders again…
Pieces of wood fly across the ring as Jericho lies between the two table legs which are bent and buckled. Lesnar falls to the ropes believing that he has won the match…












…Jericho rolls onto his front, still bleeding heavily from the screwdriver shots. He wipes the blood from his eyes once more before trying to stand…








…He stands up, limping his way towards the corner. Lesnar though does not let him rest up. He runs towards the NWA World Heavyweight Champion, looking to hit the shoulder block but Jericho dives out of the way…
He falls to the outside, rolling towards the announcer’s table. Chris follows his opponent, steadily moving towards the announcer’s table himself. He rips apart the table, throwing the cover down onto the ground and disconnecting the monitors. Jericho keeps a hold of one of the monitors and smashes it against the skull of Lesnar, sending him staggering over to the announcer’s table.
‘Y2J’ has a tough time placing Lesnar onto the table as the ‘Terminator’ shoves him away. But Jericho runs back towards him…2012!
The knees meet the face of the monster and he flies onto the announcer’s table. The ‘Lionheart’ stands and limps his way towards the ring apron, looking underneath the squared circle and pulling out another ladder. The fifteen foot ladder is placed adjacent from the announcer’s table. Jericho begins the long climb to the top rung but the ‘Terminator’ suddenly comes alive, following behind him. Brock grabs onto Jericho’s left leg in an attempt to yank him down from the ladder but fails as the NWA World Heavyweight Champion uses his right foot to kick Lesnar back down onto the announcer’s table.
Jericho climbs up to the top rung and sits on top for a quick recovery. With blood still cascading down his face, he stands on the second-to-top rung as the fans in Safeco Field reach their feet. Nobody knows what is going to happen but they soon find out as Jericho takes the leap…JERICHO CRASHES DOWN ONTO BROCK LESNAR FROM THE LADDER!
The announcer’s table explodes right near a standing Mike Tenay and Josh Mathews. The crowd begin to chant
“Holy ****!”
over and over again while Earl Hebner moves in to check on the condition of both men…




…Nobody is moving.






…Amongst the rubble, Jericho moves his arm, shoving a piece of the announcer’s table off his body.






…The NWA World Heavyweight Champion claws his way towards the crowd barricade. Meanwhile, Brock Lesnar starts showing signs of movement.






…Jericho attempts to stand but falls back down, favouring his left leg for the umpteenth time in this Last Man Standing Match. Lesnar on the other hand is also struggling to get himself up. He moves the pieces of the announcer’s table from his body, but that’s just about it.




…Jericho attempts to stand again while Lesnar does the same, only to fall back. The ‘Lionheart’ keeps on trying and trying…




…Jericho pulls himself up onto his feet, holding onto the crowd barricade to keep himself up. Covered in blood and physically exhausted, the NWA World Heavyweight Champion waits anxiously for Hebner to count the ten. Lesnar gives it one last try, but he is unsuccessful in pulling himself up and once again falls onto his back…



Chris Jericho defeats Brock Lesnar by ten-count to retain the NWA World Heavyweight title at 27:27


A loud roar in approval comes from the crowd as Jericho’s theme hits Safeco Field once again. The bell rings and Tony Chimel announces him as the winner. ‘Y2J’ falls back into a seated position, leaning against the crowd barricade. His blood covered face tells the story of the war he has been through; a war that was seemingly one that was impossible to win. Earl Hebner grabs the NWA World Heavyweight title from the timekeeper and gives it to the seated Jericho, raising his hand from his position and checking over him.


Mike Tenay: “What a career altering event! Both men put it all on the line! And it was Chris Jericho – despite all the claims that he could not achieve what he achieved tonight, despite all the doubts – who came out victorious! This match is what the Great American Bash is about…It was an instant classic. It was a war. Both men gave it their all!”


Josh Mathews: “It was an exciting, thrilling bout Professor. And as you said, Jericho defied the odds to come out on top. But he does not look too good.”


Hebner signals for EMT’s, who come racing down the rampway for the second time this evening. Dragging a stretcher along, the EMT’s ask Jericho whether he’s okay, to which the NWA World Heavyweight Champion does not respond. He stands instead. Groggily walking away from the EMT’s. They chase him, asking him to get on the stretcher, though he glances at them and shakes his head, saying “No.” before holding his title belt up in the air. Chants of “Je-ri-cho!” echo through Safeco Field as Jericho slowly limps up the rampway.


Josh Mathews: “…He’s been through hell…And he doesn’t even want a stretcher!”


Mike Tenay: “He wants to go out on his own power and show that he is still strong.”


Back at the announcer’s table, Brock Lesnar rises once more from the rubble. Showing exhaustion, pain and all the other feelings that are not normally associated with him, Lesnar kicks the rubble of the announcer’s table in fury. The two-hundred and eighty pound colossus walks from the place where he was counted out, visibly angry. He roars while throwing the other set of steel steps across ringside.


Mike Tenay: “I don’t want to get in the way of Lesnar right about now. He’s angry. But he has to realise that he put in effort and was beaten by the better man…”


Josh Mathews: “Professor, with Lesnar – if he gets beaten, he does not realise he’s put in effort. In fact, he thinks the other person beat him via luck. And that’s what he’s thinking right now. And you’re right, I don’t think I’d want to cross his path right now.”


Mike Tenay: “Let’s take a look at the replays Josh.”


The first stanza of the match airs in the replay package, with Lesnar dominating Jericho.


Mike Tenay: “The power of Brock Lesnar came into play from the bell. He makes use of his surroundings, throwing Jericho right into the steel steps.”


Josh Mathews: “Jericho took a large amount of punishment in the opening moments of the match. The fact that he was able to move out of the way from a steel chair shot and take down Lesnar was a great achievement that early on in the match. At No Mercy, it too him an extremely long time to take down Lesnar…”


Mike Tenay: “Lets not forget Josh, that Lesnar used his superior strength to hurl Jericho into the ring post. Back-first. And Lesnar smelt blood in the water, using moves that focused on slamming Chris back-first onto the canvas. From there, he progressed to the left leg – the same left leg he gave the Verdict into the ringpost to.”


Lesnar’s vicious hammer fists are shown next in the replay…


Josh Mathews: “At this point in time, I thought Jericho was done Professor.”


Mike Tenay: “Me too. The power behind those ‘hammer fists’ hurt Jericho badly in that part of the match. How he survived, we do not know. And the fact that he did survive, shows that he lives up to his nickname of the ‘Lionheart’.”


Clips of Jericho’s comeback in the middle of the match, ending with the Lionsault and his hurricanrana counter to Brock Lesnar, which sent the former WCCW Heavyweight Champion across the announcer’s table.


Mike Tenay: “Jericho managed to get some offence in and hit the Lionsault – a key move in his arsenal. But a counter in the form of a hurricanrana did alot more damage.”


Josh Mathews: “It sent Lesnar across the announcer’s table and allowed Jericho to strike him with a trash can lid.”


Brock Lesnar’s Verdict into the ring post comes up following Jericho’s comeback…


Josh Mathews: “A move that could of seriously injured Chris Jericho’s left leg. The same leg that got the Verdict into the ring post at No Mercy. How he was able to stand and get himself in the ring after that, we’ll never know.”


Mike Tenay: “Once again, Jericho’s will and determination helping him to beat the count. But it hurt him so much, he spent the majority of the match limping around.”


Rocky Johnson’s appearance airs…


Mike Tenay: “Rocky Johnson saved the NWA World Heavyweight Champion with his surprise appearance. It shocked us all…But the ‘Great One’ was there to help a man he faced and gained the respect of…He hit his patented Rock Bottom on Lesnar, and that helped Jericho. Revenge for what has been happening on WCCW’s iNTENSITY in recent weeks. Lesnar has been attacking Rocky and this may of just been his comeuppance.”


Josh Mathews: “I still cannot get over his appearance. The WCCW Heavyweight Champion helping the NWA World Heavyweight Champion got some momentum on Jericho’s side.”


The final moment of the match is finally shown. Jericho’s death-defying leap from the ladder onto Brock Lesnar, which destroyed the announcer’s table…


Mike Tenay: “An awe-inspiring moment. That leap from the ladder onto Lesnar was something amazing. Jericho put his body on the line to finally put the seemingly unstoppable Lesnar down for the count.”


Josh Mathews: “I was shocked that Lesnar did not rise from the dead once again, like he had done numerous times in this match.”


A glimpse of the loser of the match going up the ramp, still having feelings of frustration for his loss is shown.


End of Part Two


OOC: Last Man Standing turned out alot better than I thought it would. You may realise where some of the spots come from (screwdriver use from Triple H vs Ric Flair's LMS, steel steps-standing spot from AJ Styles vs Bully Ray and the final spot is similar to the one in the same match (but with a ladder instead of hanging from a girder. Also, you may realise that I am not great at writing these interview angles. I try my best to but my main focus is on the matches. Use of Rocky Johnson in the Last Man Standing match is a perfect fit because the AI has been booking Johnson and Brock against each other in various angles on PPV and television, so I thought, why not capitalise on it. Anyway, the Elimination Chamber is up next. Thanks again for reading :)

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Ric Flair Promotions Presents…



Part Three


Mike Tenay: “Well Josh…It’s time.”


Josh Mathews: “The main event of the night is only a few moments away. An Elimination Chamber match, pitting six of the BEST wrestlers this company has to offer. Kurt Angle defends his RFP Heavyweight title against Mr. Anderson, the ‘World Warrior’ Low Ki, the ‘Diamond Kid’ Matt Michaels, the ‘Ballin’ Superstar’ Montel Vontavious Porter and the ‘Pope’ Elijah Burke. I can’t wait!


Mike Tenay: “Neither can I. And there are several minutes until that chamber—that chamber that has been hanging over the ring ominously—gets lowered!”


Josh Mathews: “Let’s see how all of this came about…”


A brief shot of the Elimination Chamber is shown before the camera’s fade out to a hype video…


Mike Tenay: “Kurt Angle steals one again!”


Mike Tenay: “That damn Angle!”


Ric Flair: “What the hell?!?”


Mike Tenay: “And thanks to that mystery man, Kurt Angle retains the title!”


Excerpts from various commentaries of Kurt Angle’s title matches, most of them he managed to cheat his way to victory or find another way to retain his title – by countout or disqualification. The video fades into highlights of the Texas Tornado match at Bash at the Beach, the event which Angle turned on his partners in order to retain his title…


Mike Tenay: “Everyone is getting sick of Angle’s actions! And he’s stolen another one!”


Mike Tenay’s voice rings out loud as images of Angle celebrating the retaining of his title is shown. But the moment he is interrupted by David Flair is shown seconds later…


David Flair: “You think you’re getting away with screwing people over to retain your title Angle? Not this time. Because you will be punished…At the Great American Bash – you will meet these five men again. However, they won’t be your teammates. In fact, they’ll all be your opponents. Why? Because I’m booking you all tickets to hell – at the Great American Bash, you will all be fighting inside the devil’s playground…the ELIMINATION CHAMBER!”


Dramatic music ties in with Angle’s reaction to the announcement with highlights of all of his title matches since becoming champion are shown. Following that, fast-paced clips of all the participants are shown. With them saying why they should win the Elimination Chamber…


Elijah Burke: “I will prevail. I will see through the evil inside the Elimination Chamber. Why? BECAUSE GOD HAS SAID IT’S MY DESTINY TO BECOME THE CHAMPION!”


Matt Michaels: “I have not been trained by one of the best champions in the business to come up short in this moment – the moment that I have longed for.”


Mr. Anderson: “I’ve been screwed over by Kurt Angle more than once. This might be my final chance to get even…”


Low Ki: “I am the superior wrestler compared to everyone stepping inside the chamber. I will not fail.”


Montel Vontavious Porter: “It’s time for me to make my mark on the business. I’m walking out the champion. I cannot be stopped!”


Kurt Angle: “I’m an Olympic gold medallist. A four-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion. I won the Olympic gold medal with a broken freakin’ neck! I’m certain that I can walk out with my RFP Heavyweight title!”


The video continues to show highlights of these men facing each other in several different situations but it all comes to an end with Mike Tenay’s voice shouting: “The time for talking, is over!”


Back in Safeco Field, the Seattle crowd watches as the whole arena descends into darkness. Lights flicker while the Elimination Chamber lowers down onto the ring. The final part of the Great American Bash is just minutes away. The chamber fits onto the ring and the lights come back on, revealing Mike Tenay standing inside of the structure, commandeering a microphone…


Mike Tenay: “Ladies and gentlemen. This is the Elimination Chamber.”


The crowd cheer loudly for the name-dropping of the match…


Mike Tenay: “Over ten tons in weight. Sixteen feet in diameter. Two miles of chain. This is the most dangerous match in the history of professional wrestling. Careers have come to a halt in this very structure. People have seen their lives flash before their eyes – in this very structure…”


The crowd’s cheering gets louder…


Mike Tenay: “The rules of the match are simple. The first four men to come out through the curtain, will be the first four men inside the four pods that are strengthened bulletproof lexan glass, situated around this structure. The last two to come out, will start the match. Then every five minutes, a new entrant will enter the match. A person can be eliminated by pinfall or submission and they can occur at any time and any place inside this structure. Fans around the world, it is now time…For the ‘Instant Classic’ to come to it’s conclusion…”


Tenay bows out from inside the structure, going back to his place at the announcer’s table to gear himself up for what might be the most chaotic main event in the history of the National Wrestling Alliance. A choir assembles themselves on stage, singing Elijah Burke’s theme “Don’t Waste My Time” in perfect tune. They finish the main chorus and the real song comes on. A blinding spotlight is shown on stage and soon, rising into it is the ‘Pope’ himself. Wearing a white robe, akin to the one worn by Pope Benedict XVI; he blesses the choir before throwing off the robe, revealing his black tights and walking down the long rampway to a hostile reaction. He takes off his sunglasses and throws it into the crowd once he approaches the Elimination Chamber. The menacing structure strikes fear into Burke as referee Mike Chioda leads him in, to direct him into his pod where he will stay until it is his time to come out. Burke shakes the chain wall of the chamber before entering his pod, located on the northwest corner of the chamber. His music stops and the crowd’s chants become amplified. “Burke sucks!” takes over the airwaves just as Chioda shuts him into his lexan glass pod.


Mike Tenay: “There is the man who lost the RFP Heavyweight title several months ago in the Bunkhouse Brawl Battle Royal, which Kurt Angle won. He’s got to be thinking about redemption – he has to be thinking about taking the gold back tonight!”


Josh Mathews: “Elijah Burke, an outstanding talent here in Ric Flair Promotions. Sure I may not agree with his actions most of the time and the fact he refers to himself as the ‘Pope’, but he’s an amazing athlete and he has a great chance of taking this.”


With the choir out of sight on stage, smoke fills the stage while the sounds of “Fighter’s Passion” plays. The ‘World Warrior’ Low Ki seemingly materialises from the smoke. He crosses his arms above his head triggering several fireworks to go off around Safeco Field (notably up and down the Safeco Field logo, located east of the stage). Flames suddenly burst out of the floor which leads the martial artist down the long rampway. The fans cheer loudly for the former NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion as he is approached by Mike Chioda when his feet touch ringside. Chioda shows Ki into the chamber. A curious ‘World Warrior’ twists a full 360° to look at his surroundings. He is taken to the pod in the southeast corner of the chamber. Once the door is locked, Ki proceeds to bang on the bulletproof lexan glass…


Josh Mathews: “Former Eastern Championship Wrestling Television Champion and NWA World Junior Heavyweight Champion, Low Ki is looking for the win tonight, here at the ‘Instant Classic’.”


Mike Tenay: “Low Ki might do it though Josh. His educated feet and high-flying arsenal will most likely create some interesting situations inside this Elimination Chamber. I cannot wait for him to be released into the match.”




Diamond Dallas Page’s

blasts through the speakers and the master of the Diamond Cutter leads his client Matt Michaels out onto stage. Michaels, wearing white tights, similar to his cousin Shawn Michaels’, throws up his arms in the ‘self-high five’ taunt. Bringing them down and causing an explosion of fireworks to engulf the stage. Michaels slowly jogs down the rampway and as always, he is greeted by jeers from the RFP faithful. He stops at ringside as Diamond Dallas Page goes through their ‘gameplan’. Mike Chioda ushers the young wrestler into the Elimination Chamber. Unlike the others, he does not bother checking his surroundings. Instead, he heads straight to the southeast corner of the ring and makes his intentions of ‘taking out’ Low Ki clear. Ki tries not to get himself angered by Michaels’ actions as he eventually goes to the adjacent southwest pod. When the door shuts, Michaels jumps up and down, preparing himself for the long, hard test ahead.


Mike Tenay: “Another great wrestler in this match. Matt Michaels has been under Diamond Dallas Page’s wing for years and it’s lead him here…But he might be regretting ever stepping inside this structure. It could possibly shorten his career, become his undoing.”


Josh Mathews: “Michaels’ key to this match has to be that Superkick Professor. The precision on that kick can knock down the best of them and put him on the track to victory. Though, this ‘gameplan’ he seems to have with Diamond Dallas Page may be interesting.”




Following the ticking of a clock, Silkk The Shocker’s “I’m Comin’’” signals the arrival of the fourth and final occupant of the pods. Montel Vontavious Porter runs out on stage, directly to the left side, playing to the crowd by placing his fist in the air. He sprints towards the right side, doing the exact same thing before running to the middle. He crouches down, touching the stage floor with the palm of his hands and jumps up, spreading his arms out wide. A waterfall of fireworks cascades down the huge star-shaped screens and MVP runs down the ramp, slapping the hands of the fans as he passes. MVP doesn’t even need to be lead into the chamber as he storms up the steps into the structure. Determination is what Montel Vontavious Porter is feeling as he enters the northeast pod, where he waits for his time to come out.


Josh Mathews: “The ‘Ballin’ Superstar’ seems determined Mike. I mean look at him, he’s waiting to go in and get his first ever RFP Heavyweight title!”


Mike Tenay: “Another man that has fallen victim to Kurt Angle’s cheating. MVP was going to win the title, but he was screwed out of it by the scheming ‘Olympic Hero’. But Josh, let’s turn our attention to the two men who will start the match off in the ring – Mr. Anderson, Kurt Angle – both men hate each other. Do you think they’ll even survive five minutes alone?”


Josh Mathews: “When these two collide once again, I think they are going to cause each other a lot of suffering. But they cannot go all out in the first five minutes. If they do, they will both be in trouble when there’s a new entrant.”


A minute passes before Mr. Anderson’s theme hits the arena. Lights begin to flicker and the crowd stands on their feet, awaiting the loudmouth’s arrival. Soon enough, he steps on the curtain right into the spotlight located in the middle of the stage. The ‘*******’ looks around with a smile before continuing to chew his chewing gum, placing his right hand in the sky. His trademark microphone lowers from the ceiling and the arena falls into darkness. Only camera flashes and Anderson can be seen by the regular eye.


Mr. Anderson: “Ladies and gentlemeeeeen! I would just like to remind you that I weigh in at two-hundred and forty-six pounds! I hail from…GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN! MIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISTEEEEEEEEEER AAAAAAANDEEEEEEEERSON!


Anderson looks around Safeco Field as all of the fans prepare to shout along with him…


Mike Tenay: “…Wait for it!”




The loudmouth throws up his microphone as the crowd still shout “Aaaaandeeerson!”. The ‘*******’ journeys down the long rampway and is escorted into the chamber by Mike Chioda. Immediately, Anderson steps into the ring, walking to the middle of it. He spins around, getting a look at all of his opponents before taking off his ‘A**hole’ t-shirt and throwing it out of the chamber door. Anderson places himself in a corner and gets ready for the arrival of his longtime adversary…


Mike Tenay: “We are waiting for the arrival of the defending champion, who will be starting this match off with Anderson. Oh boy, I’m excited!”


The lights turn dim while the cameras are shown outside Kurt Angle’s locker room. The RFP Heavyweight Champion opens the door, stepping out, wearing a hooded jacket with the zip opened to reveal his chest. Jake Swagger follows behind dressed in a suit. Along the way, the ‘All-American American’ gives his mentor encouragement. The cameras leave the corridors and focus on the stage as a similar beat to “Lunatic Fringe” starts up. Kurt Angle suddenly rises through the stage and lifts both arms up, triggering a spectacular fireworks display. Jake Swagger emerges from the curtain to join his mentor and the two walk down the ramp.


Mike Tenay: “Four-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion. The current reigning RFP Heavyweight Champion. An Olympic gold medalist. Kurt Angle is arguably one of the greatest wrestlers to ever step foot in an NWA ring. I respect him for the athlete he is, however, his tactics over the past few months have been disgusting and David Flair has placed him in this demonic structure as a result. Do you think he can survive Josh?”


Josh Mathews: “I don’t know. He might not walk out with the title. There’s a 17% chance that he might. But he’s going to have a real hard time with these five other men. All of them hate him!”


Angle stops at ringside, throwing off his jacket and pulling his straps over his shoulders. He hands the belt to Mike Chioda, who raises it in the air before handing it to one of the staff so they can put it on the timekeepers table. Countless ring staff flood ringside to man the doors while Angle ascends up the steel steps into the steel prison that is the Elimination Chamber. Once he sets foot inside, the door shuts behind him and he clocks Anderson in his eyesight. Charles Robinson (who is officiating the contest) leads Angle into the ring as the ‘Olympic Hero’ does not take his arms off his nemesis. The crowd starts to give a hostile reaction for the champion as Robinson motions for the bell.



RFP Heavyweight Title Match – Elimination Chamber Match



With the five minute timer for the next entrant into the chamber starting, Angle and Anderson were aware that they were alone together in the ring for five whole minutes. The two men—who have met more than once on several different occasions—still continue to stare at each other. The bell rings. Both men walk around the ring, eyeing each other up still. But Kurt Angle’s the first one to lunge in for a lock-up. The two men go all over the ring, neither man being able to take an advantage. But when the action ends up in the middle of the ring again, the former amateur wrestler trips Anderson with a single leg takedown, turning himself around so that his stomach is on his opponent’s back. Angle wraps his arms around the waits of the loudmouth and applies his amateur wrestling background to wear him out. Kurt rolls Anderson around on the apron but suddenly his adversary breaks out of it, immediately getting to a vertical base. Angle follows and looks at his opponent in complete disbelief. Anderson taunts him, telling him to ‘bring it’, enraging the ‘Olympic Hero’. The RFP Heavyweight Champion charges towards the loudmouth who sidesteps and hurls him over the north set of ropes, onto the steel flooring of the Elimination Chamber. A scream of pain can be heard from Angle as he rolls around on the steel floor, revealing red marks left by the flooring. Anderson follows his enemy to the outside, picking him up and holding him up against the ropes. A knife-edge chop rebounds off Angle’s chest, triggering a
from the crowd.


The loudmouth continues to chop away at his opponent, each chop leaving a massive print in the chest of Angle.
Anderson grabs Kurt by his right arm, pulling back for an irish whip. Angle quickly counters with his own irish whip causing Anderson to collide with the chain wall!
The ‘*******’ rebounds of the black chains right into Angle’s grip. The ‘Olympic Hero’ however sends him back into the chain wall once again, causing Anderson to drop down onto his knees. The current reigning RFP Heavyweight Champion wastes no time in taking advantage, punching away at the kneeling Anderson. The former four-time NWA World Heavyweight Champion forces Mr. Anderson to drop down onto all-fours due to the power of the punches he is throwing. The Olympic gold medallist attempts to pick his nemesis up. He struggles at first but eventually succeeds. Anderson comes alive though, firing more chops to the reddened chest of Angle. Anderson picks up Angle and charges across the steel flooring, crushing him against the bulletproof lexan glass of the northwest pod where Elijah Burke just watches on. When Anderson drops Angle onto the floor, he stares into the pod due to Elijah getting his attention by banging on the bulletproof glass. Burke points at Anderson, signalling that he wants to fight him. Anderson bangs back, shouting
“Once I kick his ass, you’re next!”
The argument is quickly ended as Angle blindsides Anderson with a double axe handle, pushing him against the pod. Kurt slowly backs away from his adversary, taking the time to rest up. Though in the northeast pod, Montel Vontavious Porter gets his attention. The ‘Ballin’ Superstar’ shouts something inaudible towards the RFP Heavyweight Champion to which the champion reacts in a hostile way, pounding the pod. The Pennsylvanian throws his opponent into the ring seconds later just as the arena lights dim, causing the whole of Safeco Field to turn pitch-black. A spot light emerges from the arena lights, circling around the arena pods. Each one of the men inside the pods were eager to get inside the ring but just who would it be? The spotlights stops and the claxon is sounded…




The door of the southwest pod flies open as Matt Michaels steps out, giving the one-finger salute to Low Ki in the adjacent pod. He steps inside the ring, engaging in a slugfest with Kurt Angle. The hands fly back and forth between the two until Matt locks in a headlock. Angle uses the ropes to aid him in throwing Michaels across the ring. The ‘Diamond Kid’ rebounds off the ropes and attempts to catch Angle with a clothesline but the RFP Heavyweight Champion ducks in underneath his arm, taking him by the waist…
The ‘Wrestling Machine’ keeps his arms locked around the waist of Matt, forcing him to stand up. He throws him overhead with another German. Angle forces him to stand up one more time, but throws him down onto the canvas to avoid a clothesline from the loudmouth, grabbing him by the waist…
Michaels tries to stop Angle’s dominance, but in turn gets a belly-to-belly suplex – tossing him across the ring. The ‘Diamond Kid’ hits the canvas hard causing him to roll out onto the steel flooring on the east side of the chamber. Back inside the ring, Kurt Angle stands in the middle of the ring, letting out a massive yell. He starts to stalk the loudmouth to his feet; edging nearer the closer Anderson is to reaching his feet. The ‘*******’ does and Angle attempts to hit the Angle Slam, lifting him skywards from behind. Ken jumps down behind Angle, avoiding certain elimination. He shoves Kurt into the western set of ropes, ducking down to throw him head-over-heels with a back body drop.


Mr. Anderson drops back onto the fallen Angle, hooking the inside leg. Charles Robinson counts to two before the ‘Olympic Hero’ gets the shoulder up.


The loudmouth uses the ropes to steady himself, bringing himself to his feet. Matt Michaels sneaks back inside the ring after being tossed across the ring by Angle, ambushing Anderson from behind with a clubbing blow. Ken leans against the ropes, allowing Michaels to pummel him with shots. He eventually sends him over the top rope and to the steel flooring with a loud crash as the crowd looks on at Anderson rolling around on the outside. The ‘Diamond Kid’ follows the ‘*******’ to the outside under command of his manager Diamond Dallas Page on the outside. Michaels takes the time to taunt the crowd while pulling Mr. Anderson into a front facelock, tightening the hold to suffocate his opponent.
Michaels throws Anderson’s right arm over his shoulder and pulls back, dropping him on the steel floor with a vertical suplex!
Once again, Ken meets the steel flooring with bone-crushing force; sitting up upon impact, revealing welts rising on his back. Matt pushes him back down onto the hard, cold, black steel flooring for the pinfall. Robinson exits the ring to the north side of the ring where they are situated, counting steadily to avoid scraping his hand against the flooring. At the count of two, the loudmouth is able to get his shoulder up, narrowly avoiding elimination.
The ‘Diamond Kid’ stares towards Diamond Dallas Page on the outside who tells him to start using the chamber. After a quick nod, Matt begins to scale the chains but suddenly gets pulled back down by Kurt Angle! The ‘Olympic Hero’ starts to bash his head against the chains before scraping it from left to right and throwing him down beside Mr. Anderson’s body!
The second stanza of the match ends with Kurt Angle standing over both of his challengers. Safeco Field once again plunges into complete darkness, with one spotlight circling the chamber. It stops…




The door to the northeast pod flies open and MVP bursts out, immediately taking it to the RFP Heavyweight Champion. Rights and lefts fly from the ‘Ballin’ Superstar’ before he tosses Angle into the ring, following behind him. Kurt barely reaches his feet before he is given another punch to the face, causing him to fly back into the southwest corner of the ring.
With Angle stranded, the second entrant into the chamber stations himself at the opposite side of the ring. He rushes across the whole length of the ring…PLAYA’S BOOT!
The boot smashes against the Olympic gold medallist’s face forcing him down onto the canvas. MVP turns right around, immediately getting into a battle with Matt Michaels. The ‘Diamond Kid’ bobs and weaves out of any of MVP’s offence, avoiding any damage.
He ducks a clothesline and follows through to the eastern set of ropes, bouncing back and catching the Floridian with a massive flying forearm!
Both sprawl across the canvas, looking up at the ceiling of the Elimination Chamber. Instantly, Michaels kips right up, showing that he is okay and in control. The crowd disapprove of this. But he does not care as he makes his way to the top turnbuckle.
He stays perched calling for his ‘Picture Perfect’ flying elbow, though Mr. Anderson intercepts, coming from the side and pulling his legs from underneath him, effectively crotching him on the top turnbuckle. The loudmouth quickly scales the turnbuckles, grappling with Michaels from the second rope…SUPERPLEX!
The two opponents slam onto the canvas with Kurt Angle picking up the pieces, making the cover on the ‘Diamond Kid’…








A valiant kickout from Michaels makes sure he does not become eliminated. Angle drags him by his right leg to the middle of the ring, turning him over onto his stomach. Just as he is gripping onto the ankle of Michaels, the crowd know what is coming next –
The ‘Wrestling Machine’ locks in the hold tightly, making sure that Shawn Michaels’ cousin cannot escape. Diamond Dallas Page is seen with his head in his hands, knowing that this is not going to end well. On the other side of the ring, Mr. Anderson finally stands after the superplex. He travels across the ring to launch himself at Angle, causing the former Olympian to release the Angle Lock. Ken knocks Kurt onto the steel flooring of the outside, right beside Low Ki’s chamber. Anderson holds onto both of Angle’s legs, swivelling him around while at the same time scraping his back against the steel floor in the process. The loudmouth pulls back…
The RFP Heavyweight Champion collapses beside Low Ki’s chamber while the martial artist watches on, intrigued by the situation. Elsewhere in the chamber, Matt Michaels and MVP once again start up their battle.
Porter plants the ‘Diamond Kid’ in the middle of the ring with a Playmaker – spinning him directly onto his back on the canvas. Popping up to his feet almost immediately and pulling the lightweight wrestler up by his hair. Porter points in the direction of Elijah Burke’s chamber as he drags him across the ring…AND LAUNCHES HIM RIGHT INTO THE LEXAN GLASS – HEAD FIRST!
The reckless nature of the throw causes Michaels to drop down adjacent from Elijah Burke’#s chamber. MVP extends his arms, telling the ‘Pope’ that he wants him and he may just get his wish as the arena descends into darkness once more…




The ‘Ballin’ Superstar’ does indeed have his wish granted as he makes his way to the outside to greet the ‘Pope’. Elijah rushes out, immediately brawling with Porter. Within seconds, he is all over him. The flurry of punches from the former amateur boxer overwhelms his former friend before hurling him into the chains. Porter bounces off, right into the hands of Burke, who spins him around and drives him into the steel with a DDT. The power behind the move spikes MVP, causing him to remain vertical for several seconds. Once Montel finally drops down beside Elijah, the ‘Pope’ gets to his feet, shouting
“God says it’s my time!”
before continuing to work over Porter. Matt Michaels meanwhile rises from being thrown like a lawn dart into the lexan glass, which did not break. Blood begins to stream down his face as he rolls into the ring, lying down on the canvas, trying to recover. Mr. Anderson and Kurt Angle re-enter the ring.
Anderson looks for the Mic Check but Angle elbows his way out of the move, shoving Anderson away. Anderson comes back, but Angle surprises him, slipping behind his adversary…ANGLE SLAM!
The ring and chamber sways from side to side as Kurt hooks the leg, looking to banish his opponent from the chamber and come one step closer to retaining his RFP Heavyweight title. Anderson powerfully kicks out just before three, saving himself from elimination. Not being able to get the three count is a source of frustration for Angle. He pounds the ground in anger, standing up and waiting for Anderson to get up again, but he turns around…
Surprised, Michaels turns right around into Angle’s hands as he wraps them around his waist, looking for a belly-to-belly. The ‘Diamond Kid’ nails Angle with a kick below the belt, forcing Angle to break his hold. And just like that, Michaels takes out Angle’s legs and rolls him up into the bridge pinfall…








Just as Angle kicks out, Elijah Burke is still beating up MVP. He holds him by his head against the chains – grinding his face across the steel before hurling him onto the steel flooring. The ‘Pope’ stares into the ring, deciding that he wants some of the action. By the time he enters the ring, Matt Michaels is out of sight and it’s just Anderson and Angle. Burke decides to take on the loudmouth, propping him up against the northwest corner before putting his educated fists to work.
A sudden surge of momentum allows Mr. Anderson to explode out of the corner, battering the ‘Pope’ with a clothesline. The RFP Heavyweight Champion gets towards his feet before being turned inside out by Anderson’s clotheslines. The ‘*******’ goes back and forth, taking these men down but Angle finally foresees an attack, dodging the clothesline and wrapping his arms around the waits of Anderson…GERMAN SUPLEX!
He keeps the arms wrapped around, pulling Anderson up for a second German suplex, which hits. The third, forth and fifth all hit with ease before Ken provides some sort of resistance, elbowing away at the ‘Olympic Hero’ forcing him to release his hold. Elijah Burke grabs Angle as he walks backwards from Anderson’s elbows. He rams him into the same corner he cornered Anderson in. The crushing force of meeting the top turnbuckle causes Angle to drop down onto the canvas, allowing Burke to go halfway across the ring, shouting out
“Time to go to outer limits!”
At lightining quick speed, Burke sprints across the ring and propels himself off the top rope that is above Angle, twisting a full one-hundred and eighty degrees…OUTER LIMITZ ELBOW DROP!
The elbow drops right across the sternum and Elijah Burke pops up, giving a ****y smile not knowing where the ‘Diamond Kid’ is. The loud cheering from Diamond Dallas Page can be heard as Matt Michaels stands on top of Low Ki’s pod. The martial artist quickly hops up, pulling his legs through the chains on top of his pod as his final few seconds before entering the match begins to elapse. Suddenly, the whole of Safeco Field plunges into darkness and a ten second countdown begins, with everybody knowing who is going to be released next. Ki keeps a hold of the right leg while Mr. Anderson and Elijah Burke try to finish each other. The claxon sounds and the spotlight shines on Low Ki’s pod as he is officially entered into the match…




The ‘World Warrior’ dashes out of his pod and races up the chamber wall adjacent from it, engaging in a battle with the ‘Diamond Kid’. Shots are traded between the two as the crowd look on, wondering what could happen next.
Ki gets the upper hand on the exchange, effectively stunning Matt with a palm strike. Realising what is happening, Diamond Dallas Page stops cheering and instead grabs onto the chamber wall’s chains, screaming for Michaels to get down. Matt cannot, due to Ki having a firm grip of his arm. But he gets down soon enough…KI THROWS MATT OFF THE POD, DOWN ONTO THE UNFORGIVING STEEL FLOOR!
A loud clash of steel and bone echoes through the chamber. Back inside the ring, the ‘Silver Tongued Pugilist’ drops the loudmouth with a suplex. Montel Vontavious Porter steps foot inside the ring, bloodied from meeting the steel chain of the chamber walls.
He makes one long stride across the ring towards Burke…PLAY OF THE DAY!
The jumping reverse STO drives Burke face-first onto the canvas. Though before the ‘Ballin’ Superstar’ can make the cover, Low Ki finally steps foot in the ring. The bloody Floridian stumbles right into a roundhouse kick from the martial artist, putting him down onto his back. The RFP Heavyweight Champion attempts to get something going for him but has the same fate as MVP – a roundhouse kick, which puts him down. Ki switches stances quickly, inviting Mr. Anderson to take him on. Anderson willingly does so, evading a roundhouse kick and throwing Ki to the ropes. The ‘World Warrior’ bounces off the ropes and charges towards Anderson…
The move sends Anderson careering into the northeast corner and within seconds, Low Ki is situated in the southwest corner, ready to move once again.
He performs several cartwheels en-route towards the ‘Green Bay Loudmouth’s’ position…TIDAL CRUSH!
The jumping high kick strikes Anderson upside his head and he faints onto the canvas, clearly the most fatigued out of all the six men in the chamber. Ki rolls him over and hooks the leg for the pinfall…










Before Low Ki can have a chance to get himself upright, Elijah Burke blasts him with a shot sending him onto the steel floor of the chamber. He hops over the top rope, going towards Ki, who shuffles himself towards the chamber wall. Elsewhere, the ‘Diamond Kid’ starts to show signs of movement. Diamond Dallas Page’s eyes light up and he begins to shout words of encouragement at the man he held the NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles with. On the other side of the chamber, Jake Swagger encourages his mentor to get a move on as he tries to get himself up after receiving a roundhouse kick from Ki. Back on the outer reaches of the chamber, Elijah Burke is giving Ki the same treatment he gave MVP – grinding his face on the chamber walls. A terrifying scream comes from the martial artist as blood begins to treacle down his face. He breaks free from Burke’s hands; he quickly swipes him with a Mongolian chop. Burke staggers backwards and returns fire with a wicked right hand. The two continue to throw down to the enjoyment of the crowd. Montel Vontavious Porter recovers from being a victim of Ki’s vicious assault, going to where the martial artist and the former amateur boxer are both situated. Without hesitation, he kicks Low Ki in the mid-section and throws him down onto the steel floor. Both he and the ‘Pope’ engage in a staredown while standing over the bloody body of Low Ki.
A brief smile is exchanged between the two former partners as they both roughly pull the ‘World Warrior’ to his feet. They hoist him above their heads in what can only be described as a gorilla press position. Looking towards the northeast pod, they slowly progress towards the door of that very pod…BOTH MVP AND BURKE THROW LOW KI RIGHT THROUGH THE BULLETPROOF LEXAN GLASS!
The lexan glass explodes upon Ki smashing against it. His bloody body remains sprawled out in the northeast chamber. Porter just drops back in pure disbelief of what he has just seen. But it is not over – not by Elijah Burke’s standards. The ‘Pope’ quickly grabs MVP by the head and smashes his head off the northwest pod’s door, causing him to lean face-down against it. The former amateur boxer paces himself, stepping back a few steps and then makes his way across the steel floor…
The crowd go wild and referee Charles Robinson leaps up into the air in complete shock. Burke drags his former partner out of the wreckage, right onto the steel floor, throwing himself on his bloody body at the same time for the pinfall…








Montel Vontavious Porter
has been eliminated by
Elijah Burke
at 34:01


The first elimination seemingly gives Elijah Burke the momentum and he takes his time in resting up before getting involved in more action. The action inside the ring meanwhile is beginning to heat up. Anderson and Angle grapple with each other. Using his amateur wrestling background, the Olympic gold medallist is successful in taking the ‘Green Bay Loudmouth’ to the ground with a single leg takedown. Instantaneously, Angle attempts to lock in his dangerous Angle Lock, but Anderson kicks him away. He stands to his feet, but Angle takes him back down, latching onto his ankle. The ‘American Hero’ quickly begins to stomp away on Anderson’s ankle, making sure that it’s easy to lock in the Angle Lock. The fast and furious pace of Angle’s attack on the right ankle of Anderson slows due to being in the match for more than half-an-hour. The RFP Heavyweight Champion finally tries to hook it up.
The loudmouth refuses to let his arch-nemesis apply the Angle Lock, but eventually succumbs to the hold!
With Angle contorting his right ankle, Anderson screams aloud in complete agony. He is able to roll through, getting Angle off his ankle in the process. He’s slow to get to his feet as Angle goes in for the kill once more.
Anderson manages to pick up Angle on his shoulders to which Angle attempts to escape. The RFP Heavyweight Champion starts to elbow away at the exhausted Ken Anderson, attempting to be released from his grip. Despite all of this, it does not work…ROLLING FIREMAN’S CARRY SLAM!
Anderson’s ground variation of the Green Bay Plunge connects and he rolls to his feet. Matt Michaels—finally recovered from his epic fall—slyly enters the ring, with the loudmouth in his line of sight. He wipes the blood from his eyes and slowly waits. The ‘*******’ twists himself around –
Mr. Anderson grabs the foot of Michaels, putting it down on the canvas and quickly attempting for the Mic Check. The ‘Diamond Kid’ spins out of the hold, immediately bailing to the outside. The Green Bay native attempts to follow Michaels to the outside, however, Angle pulls him back inside the ring, flattening him with yet another German suplex.


Michaels gets back inside the ring after the German suplex, kicking Kurt in the mid-section and hooking him up as if he was going for a fisherman’s suplex. A brief struggle ensues. Michaels keeps on attempting to lift his opponent skywards but Angle gets out of the move, shoving Michaels away. The Olympic gold medallist quickly dives in for the single leg takedown but Matt counters, putting Angle in the same fisherman’s suplex position as last time.
Unlike the previous time, Michaels is able to lift Angle upwards…FISHERMAN DDT ON THE RFP HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!
Angle’s head bounces off the canvas as a bloody Michaels desperately attempts to hook the leg in an attempt to put the champion out of the match, but Elijah Burke puts a stop to that, joining the fray by stomping on Michaels’ back. The ‘Diamond Kid’ grunts as Burke stumps a mudhole in him. With the ‘Pope’ directing traffic, it seems that nobody is willing to go up against him. Burke puts Angle and Anderson back down onto the canvas with a single stomp before deciding to taunt his opponents.
Low Ki shockingly emerges from the wreckage that was the pod door. With lacerations on his whole body from being thrown through the glass, the bloody ‘World Warrior’ enters the ring, immediately attempting to take out Elijah Burke.
Burke twists around right into a roundhouse kick, which rocks him, sending him back into the ropes. Ki’s offense intensifies as chops, kicks and punches are thrown into the mix. Burke slowly moves himself from the ropes in an attempt to get out of Ki’s line of fire, but it does not help. Instead, he gets rattled thanks to another roundhouse kick.
Ki lifts him up for the Ki Krusher and Elijah is able to counter, dropping down behind Ki and lifting him up for an inverted suplex but Ki drops down behind the ‘Pope’…AND LOCKS IN THE DRAGON SLEEPER!
Burke’s arms flail wildly and Ki tightens his signature submission hold and eventually, Burke’s arms go limp. Charles Robinson moves in to check on the former amateur boxer…


He lifts the arm once…


No response.


He lifts the arm for a second time…


No response once again.


Just as he lifts it for a third time, Burke clenches his fist and tries to get out of it. Ki just snaps back and pulls him to the ground, fully locking in the Bite of the Dragon! Almost immediately, Elijah Burke taps out!


Elijah Burke
has been eliminated by
Low Ki
at 42:18


Ki continues to rip away at Burke’s neck for a few more seconds before releasing the Bite of the Dragon. The ‘Pope’ rolls off his opponent’s body, struggling to breathe after being kept in the hold for so long. With four men remaining in the chamber, the fans become more involved. Chants of
“Let’s go Low Ki!”
ring out loud as the bloody martial artist rises to his feet, but those chants of encouragement for Ki turn into chants for Mr. Anderson as the Green Bay native rises too. The loudmouth looks directly at Ki, signalling that he’s ready to go. Sluggish movement plagues the martial artist as he closes the distances, allowing Anderson to capitalise with a knee lift followed by a neckbreaker, smashing Ki down onto the canvas. The ‘*******’ pops back up to drag his opponent to the middle of the ring, pointing towards the northwest corner. He begins to ascend up to the top rope, ready to launch himself off onto the body of the ‘World Warrior’.
Anderson gets upright, ready to jump, but out of nowhere Kurt Angle manages to intercept the move that Mr. Anderson was going for…TOP ROPE BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX!
Anderson lands hard on the canvas beside Matt Michaels, who is kneeling. Matt gets to his feet around about the same time as Low Ki and the two lock eyes, going for each other immediately. The bloody Michaels tries to lunge in for a right hand but the blood-covered martial artist sways out of the way, knocking his opponent back with a counter-strike.
Ki quickly gains some momentum by bouncing off the ropes, dashing towards the groggy ‘Diamond Kid’…HEADSCISSORS…INTO AN ARMBAR!
Low Ki rips back on the right arm of Michaels, forcing him to scream. Michaels begins to crawl to the ropes in a desperate attempt to break the hold, but rolls over into a cradle!








Both men scramble to their feet with Michaels managing to deliver a swift kick to his nemesis’ mid-section. He reels him into a front facelock, hooking up his leg for the fisherman’s suplex, lifting him skywards.
Ki is able to break out of the hold and takes a few steps back. He tries for a roundhouse kick, but Matt Michaels avoids the potentially dangerous strike…SUPERKICK!
The Superkick catches the martial artist by surprise and Matt Michaels drops down onto the ring mat with his adversary. Diamond Dallas Page on the outside is heard shouting:
“Get up! You’ve got this!”
Michaels, who has taken alot of punishment in this match crawls towards the southeast turnbuckle. With his adversary in the middle of the ring, he thinks it is time for the Picture Perfect Elbow. The ‘Diamond Kid’ reaches the top rope and then looks above to the pod that is right behind him. He immediately hops on the pod, perching himself near the edge of its roof. Hanging onto the chains on the roof of the Elimination Chamber, Michaels wipes the blood from his eyes and stands…
Low Ki managed to move out of the way, causing Matt to hit the canvas with bone-crunching force. The crowd in Safeco Field look on as Ki begins to climb up the same pod on the southeast corner of the chamber. When he reaches the top, he does not immediately leap off.
Instead, he hangs onto the chains of the roof, steadily moving himself across the roof. Nearly thirty-feet in the air, Ki stops right above the claret-covered Michaels. He just lets go of the chains…KI PLUMMETS DOWN ONTO MICHAELS WITH A WARRIOR’S WAY! CAVING IN HIS CHEST!
“That was awesome!”
the fans scream as Ki immediately rolls out of the move, favouring his right knee after it hits. Matt Michaels rolls around on the ring mat which soaks his blood in, leaving a massive red mark on a part that used to be white. Low Ki is able to place his arm across the chest of Matt Michaels. Charles Robinson dives in for the cover…








Matt Michaels
has been eliminated by
Low Ki
at 50:34


With the one hour mark slowly approaching, the two men that started the match off slowly stand up to their feet – exhausted, after all they have been through. Low Ki stands too, but is on wobbly legs after the Warrior’s Way. Angle punches Anderson, which prompts the loudmouth to hit Ki and Ki to return the shot to Angle. The three men continue to trade shots amongst each other until Anderson grabs Angle and hits a forward Russian legsweep. As soon as the Green Bay native gets to his feet, Ki comes from behind to apply the dragon sleeper in hopes of converting it into the Bite of the Dragon.
Mr. Anderson is able to extend his leg up to Ki’s head to nail him with a knee, forcing the ‘World Warrior’ to break the hold. Low Ki walks falteringly right into the ropes with Anderson in pursuit. Anderson jars his foot right into the ribs of the martial artist…MIC CHECK!
Right away, the man who should have been champion at Bunkhouse Stampede rolls the ‘World Warrior’ over and hooks the leg for the pinfall. At the count of two, the RFP Heavyweight Champion clocks the man he screwed out of the title back in January.
The straps come down and the Olympic gold medallist grabs the ankle of Anderson, locking it up tight with the Angle Lock!
Deafening screams come from the ‘Green Bay Loudmouth’ as he claws onto the ring mat in a desperate attempt to reach the ropes. Anderson screams out in pain with Angle contorting the ankle from left to right. Much like last time, Anderson rolls through, but unlike the last time, Angle keeps a hold of his ankle. The ‘Olympic Hero’ is quick to slap on the grapevine with the hold, trapping Anderson.
“Please don’t tap!”
chant the fans in the sold out Safeco Field.


…Anderson once again tries to claw his way to the ropes, despite Angle being latched onto his right ankle…


…He stops for a brief moment, contemplating tapping out…


…He continues…


…Nearly there…


…Stops once again, raising his right hand in the air as if he is going to tap…


…But continues…




Angle holds on for a few extra seconds before being heaved off his ankle by Charles Robinson. The RFP Heavyweight Champion turns his attention back to the ‘Green Bay Loudmouth’. Angle creeps up upon his archenemy, gearing up for something. Angle does not realise that Low Ki is up too and Ki makes him pay the price for not realising, striking him with a roundhouse kick to the back of the head. Kurt goes flying over the top rope as Ki leans back. His blood-stained body glistens in the arena lights. He makes his way to the outside, going after the ‘Wrestling Machine’. Angle catches him by surprise and throws him into the chains…
But Ki hangs onto the chains like Spiderman! The RFP Heavyweight Champion turns himself around and the martial artist swings from the chains…CROSS BODY, RIGHT ONTO THE STEEL FLOOR!
The cross body squashes Angle between Low Ki and the steel floor. The ‘World Warrior’ pulls himself to his feet and gets Angle up as well. Anderson rolls to the outside with them, getting involved with them. The trio go back to taking turns in striking each other, but Angle takes the initiative, blasting Ki with a ferocious right hand, causing him to go over the top rope back into the ring.
The ‘Wrestling Machine’ has other plans for Anderson, yanking him into his arms…BELLY-TO-BELLY SUPLEX, RIGHT THROUGH THE LEXAN GLASS OF THE SOUTHEAST POD!
“Holy ****!”
scream the fans as Angle erects himself, looking into the southeast chamber where Mr. Anderson lies with glass covering him. He lets out a monstorous roar before going back into the ring with Low Ki. Ki moves out of the way from Angle’s clothesline attempt, once again resorting to counter-striking. A roundhouse kick floors Angle.
The ‘World Warrior’ limps towards the southeast corner of the ring, hopping up on o the top rope. He turns his back to Angle as the crowd hold their breath, knowing what is happening. Within seconds, he takes the plunge…PHOENIX SPLASH—ANGLE MOVES OUT OF THE WAY, KI MISSES!
The spectacular high-flying spectacle that is the Phoenix Splash misses and Angle briskly takes advantage of the situation, climbing up to the same corner that Low Ki flew from.
Much like Ki beforehand, Angle turns his back on his opponent. The crowd become much louder than before, watching on. Angle jumps…MOONSAULT ONTO KI!
Angle hooks the leg and Charles Robinson dives in for the count…










Low Ki
has been eliminated by
Kurt Angle
at 1:01:25


As soon as the three is counted, we are past the one hour mark. Finally, we have come down to two. The final stanza of the match is between the two men who started off the match. The final stanza of the match is between two men who hate each other, who have gone against each other on numerous occasions. Could the RFP Heavyweight Champion retain his title? Or would Mr. Anderson take back the title that he should have won back at Bunkhouse Stampede? All is about to be answered as the ‘Olympic Hero’ steps outside, going to the pod where Anderson was thrown through several moments ago. Angle pulls out the Green Bay native from the wreckage and hurls him back inside the ring. Blood drips from the back of Anderson’s head and body. When compared to the relatively clean Angle, Anderson seems like he has been through an absolute war. You would never know that Angle started in the ring with him. Several shots come from the former Olympian but it is a European uppercut that causes Anderson to back away into the corner. The ‘Green Bay Loudmouth’ tries to get something going for himself, exploding out of the corner. However, Angle is quick to sidestep Anderson’s clothesline and locks his arms around his wrist.
Kurt tries his hardest to throw Anderson over, but Anderson refuses to leave his feet, hooking Angle’s inside leg. Surprisingly, Angle sweeps the left leg of Anderson, forcing him into an all-fours position and allowing him to lock in the Angle Lock!
Angle twists up the right ankle of the loudmouth, causing him a great deal of pain. The screams from Anderson tell the story as he tries to break out of it. He rolls through, taking Angle with him and successfully breaking the hold!


The ‘*******’ gets to his feet as Angle tries to wrestle him to the ground. The attempt is unsuccessful as Anderson just limps away. The ‘Olympic Hero’ chases him around the ring, eventually catching him with a double axe-handle. The loudmouth stumbles forward into the ropes, rebounding off chest first…
Ken favours his ankle after miraculously escaping certain elimination. The RFP Heavyweight Champion is surprised and turns himself around…
The DDT spikes Angle’s head on the canvas, damaging that surgically repaired neck of the ‘Wrestling Machine’. Mr. Anderson does not go for the pinfall, instead he climbs to his feet, staggering back into the northeast corner. In one hop, he gets to the top turnbuckle. Still a bit shaken from being thrown through the lexan glass, Anderson tries to steady himself. Unexpectedly, Angle gets to his feet and runs up the bottom turnbuckle and stands on the second, engaging in a battle at the top with Anderson. Right, left, right; the punches fly from the two men, but Anderson is able to come out on top in the exchange, seating himself right in front of Angle and placing him on his shoulders. The Green Bay native stands on the second rope with Angle right on his shoulders.
The sound from the Safeco Field audience pollutes the airwaves. The decibels escalate as Anderson steps up onto the top rope. He stares blankly across the chamber and then prepares himself…GREEN BAY PLUNGE FROM THE TOP ROPE!
Anderson’s finisher crushes Angle. It does not take long for him to make the cover…






We may have a new champion!






Shock comes over Mr. Anderson while Jake Swagger on the outside shouts
“Come on Angle!”
The support for Anderson does not die down. With the match living up to what the pay-per-view promised, which was an ‘Instant Classic’, the support becomes much louder than before. The 54,000 strong are right behind Anderson, waiting for him to make the next move. The ‘Green Bay Loudmouth’ picks up Angle, preparing him for the Mic Check. The RFP Heavyweight Champion fights for his life, smashing his elbow against the temple of his challenger. Anderson breaks away as Angle makes his move…
Angle turns himself around…
Jake Swagger hurries himself towards the door of the Elimination Chamber, shoving Mike Chioda out of the way and opening the door for himself. He enters the chamber and tries to blindside Anderson, but the ‘Green Bay Loudmouth’ foresees the attack, moving out of the way of Swagger’s assault. Swagger gets twisted around by the ‘*******’…
The blood-stained Anderson does not go for the cover on Angle straight after, instead, he kicks Angle’s protégé to the steel floor on the outside. The RFP Heavyweight Champion rises and Anderson goes in for the kill once again…




The crowd’s cheering becomes much louder. Mike Tenay can be heard saying from the announcer’s table:
“Could this be it? Could this be the long awaited moment in Mr. Anderson’s career?”




The excitement level increases. Everyone wanting to know whether this is it, everyone wanting to know whether Anderson can finally realise his dream…



Mr. Anderson wins the Elimination Chamber by pinfall at 1:10:01; last eliminating Kurt Angle. Mr. Anderson wins the RFP Heavyweight title.


An hour, ten minutes and one second is all it took for Mr. Anderson to finally win the RFP Heavyweight title. After numerous screwjobs, after numerous setbacks, Anderson has done it. The crowd jump up and down in celebration for the new RFP Heavyweight Champion as he rolls his bloody self off the body of the now former RFP Heavyweight Champion. Mike Chioda races to the timekeepers table and retrieves the title. He races back around to the door of the chamber. He enters the chamber, handing the belt to Charles Robinson who gives it to Anderson as he adjusts himself into a seated position.


Mike Tenay: “Ladies and gentlemen, phone your friends at home – let them know what is happening at this very moment in time! Live here at the Instant Classic, we have just witnessed history! We have just witnessed, a man finally achieving what seemed like the impossible! Mr. Anderson, is our new RFP HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!”


Anderson stands with the title pushed up against his waist. Charles Robinson raises his arm in the air before the ‘Green Bay Loudmouth’ drops down onto his knees, tears in his eyes. Confetti falls from the ceiling as everyone in Safeco Field chant “That was awesome!” but their chants soon turn into “Mi-st-er An-der-son!”, which is shouted over and over again to the top of their lungs. But the fact of the matter is, after all the screwjobs, after all the setbacks, after an injury that put him on the shelf for a month – Mr. Anderson was finally the RFP Heavyweight Champion. Anderson stands up and holds the title in the air, still with tears in his eyes. His blood-stained body tells the story of the hell he went through. He was in the chamber for the start and after over an hour, he managed to eliminate Kurt Angle to win the title.


Mike Tenay: “Thank you for joining us, here at the American spectacle – the Great American Bash! Tonight has lived up tot the tagline of ‘Instant Classic’! And we have seen so many great matches and so many great moments, but this is the greatest! I’m Mike Tenay and my partner Josh Mathews, once again RFP fans – thank you for joining us! We shall see you next Wednesday for Wednesday Night Thunder LIVE on the CW Network!”


The show fades out with Anderson holding up the belt in the air, tears still in his eyes. He stands over the exhausted Angle as the chamber rises slowly, ending the pay-per-view…


- - -


OOC: Finally finished. I had problems with this match as seen with various instances of the wording, but it came out alot better than I thought it did. The whole theme, if you did not realise, is Anderson 'overcoming' the odds. You may realise he was taken to the absolute limit in the earlier stages of the match by the new entrants into the chamber and then later on in the final few moments of the match. Thunder will be up soon, just let me get over writing this. Thank you for reading :) BigPapa, since you're the only one to predict -- you have won the prediction contest and a chance to draft someone onto the roster, I'll be in touch in a few days :)

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The Clothesline! | Issue No. 6 | August 2010




1. News Around The World

2. Results


News Around The World



Mr. Anderson: Your New RFP Heavyweight Champion!


Ric Flair Promotions held what could possibly go down as one of their finest supershows in recent memory a couple of weeks ago when they held the ‘Great American Bash’ live at Safeco Field in Seattle, Washington. The same venue held StarrCade 2003 and the NWA did not manage to sell out the place, but RFP did. And with 54,097 people in attendance, they put on a show. Headlined by a bloody Elimination Chamber match which was won by Mr. Anderson, the whole pay-per-view was full of highlights. One of them was Chris Jericho retaining his NWA World Heavyweight title in a hellacious Last Man Standing match against the man that Ric Flair likes to call the ‘Terminator’: Brock Lesnar. Jericho leapt from a ladder onto Lesnar (who laid on top of the announcer’s table), to gain the victory. Elsewhere on the card, the ‘American Badass’ Mark Callous lost to Randy Orton in an all-out brawl; Bryan Danielson avenged his loss to Idol Stevens by forcing him to tap-out in a great contest; Rhino won a crazy Bunkhouse Brawl to take home the NWA United States Heavyweight title after nearly paralysing Matt Cappotelli; Austin Aries became the first ever RFP X-Division Champion in a heated battle with Frankie Kazarian, hitting him with the belt after the result for coming into ‘his moment’; the good ol’ U-S-of-A defeated Team United Kingdom in an eight-man tag team match and finally the Havana Pitbulls retained their NWA Mid-Atlantic Tag Team titles against Richie Steamboat and Johnny Lust. The event has received many good reviews from fans and after the show, it was announced that the Great American Bash would be heading to the state of New York next year – but no exact venue has been announced yet, more on this as we get it.


Speaking of future pay-per-views, the schedule for the next few pay-per-views for Ric Flair Promotions has been released on their website. The list goes like this:


  • RFP Carolina Clash
    – Sunday, Week Two, August 2010 – Greensboro Coliseum, Greensboro, North Carolina

  • RFP Fall Brawl
    – Sunday, Week Four, September 2010 – STAPLES Center, Los Angeles, California

  • RFP Hard Justice
    – Sunday, Week Three, October 2010 – MGM Grand Garden Arena, Las Vegas, Nevada

  • RFP WrestleWar
    – Sunday, Week Three, November 2010 – Colonial Life Arena, Columbia, South Carolina

  • RFP Clash of the Champions
    – Sunday, Week Two, December 2010 – St. Pete Times, Tampa, Florida

  • RFP Bunkhouse Stampede
    – Sunday, Week Three, January 2011 – Conseco Fieldhouse, Indianapolis, Indiana

  • RFP Superbrawl
    – Sunday, Week Two, February 2011 – TD Garden, Boston, Massachusetts

  • RFP Mayhem
    – Sunday, Week Three, March 2011 – Dean Smith Center, Chapel Hill, North Carolina

  • RFP Spring Stampede
    – Sunday, Week Four, April 2011 – AT&T Center, San Antonio, Texas

  • RFP No Mercy
    – Sunday, Week Three, May 2011 – Centre Bell, Quebec, Canada

  • RFP Bash at the Beach
    – Sunday, Week Two, June 2011 – Panama City Beach, Florida

  • RFP Great American Bash
    – Sunday, Week Four, July 2011 – Arena To Be Revealed, New York


An interesting set of notes here, the promotion is making it’s Canadian debut in May of next year with No Mercy, which will be a very interesting pay-per-view – if you do not know by now, RFP has been trying to extend their business into several other markets and this may be their first step in extending business in Canada. They are trying to do the same thing for the United Kingdom, but nothing has come of that yet. As mentioned earlier, the location for next year’s Great American Bash is bound to be revealed by the end of the year. Looking at this year’s final set of events, it is rumoured that Hard Justice will have a ‘Vegas’ theme which could possibly mean something to do with a range of subjects such as gambling. Nothing has been confirmed yet.


On the subject of events (once again), remember that the National Wrestling Alliance will be holding StarrCade at Ford Field in Detroit, Michigan this year on Sunday, Week Three, November 2010. And the World War 3 battle royal to determine who will go one-on-one with the NWA World Heavyweight Champion in the main event of StarrCade will be held a month before on Sunday, Week Four, October 2010. I suggest you write those dates down in your diary.


Elsewhere in the wrestling world, a still flagship-show lacking World Class Championship Wrestling managed to pull off a good pay-per-view in Vengeance. Headlined by Rocky Johnson’s defence of the WCCW Heavyweight title against Mr. Texas, the whole event lacked in some places but the top-four matches on the card were just excellent. Chris Jericho (still on loan to WCCW) lost via count-out to up-and-coming Alex Shelley in a thrilling fast-paced contest. Jericho was distracted by Brock Lesnar in the end and chased after the ‘Terminator’ which was the reason for the count-out loss. El Hijo del Santo escalated himself into contention for the WCCW Heavyweight title with a win over the ‘American Badass’ Mark Callous after pinning him with an inside cradle. Brock Lesnar brutalised Cody Rhodes en-route to victory in what could be considered ‘beatdown’ of the year. Lesnar sent a message to Chris Jericho who came out and made the save for the young Rhodes family member. And finally, Rocky Johnson retained his WCCW Heavyweight title against Mr. Texas after managing to survive a Megabomb and coming back with a Rock Bottom.



Mr. Wonderful: The Top Dog At Titan Wrestling Entertainment


Titan Wrestling Entertainment held their annual ‘In Your House: Fully Loaded’ event which was a bitter disappointment. The night started off strong with René Duprée’s defence of the TWE East Coast title over JTG but slowed down dramatically after that for a few matches. The momentum of the show was given life by Batista and Big Shad’s performance against Trent Acid and Joey Malibu and once more was given momentum with The Miz’s shocking win over Davey Richards after having the—excuse my French here—**** kicked out of him. Match of the night however was surprisingly not the main event. Despite their bad blood, Jean Paul Levesque teamed with Shawn Michaels to take on Glenn Goodnight and Chuck Palumbo in an excellent contest. At one point, Chuck Palumbo knocked the referee down so he could choke Shawn Michaels out with a chain. It all came to an end with a stereo Sweet Chin Music and Pedigree from both men. Afterwards, Michaels told JPL that he still did not trust him. The excitement died down with Nextwave (John Hennigan and Fertig) defending their TWE Tag Team titles against Nic Nemeth and Great Singh followed by the Great Wight dismantling Kizarny within seconds. The show ended with one of the most disappointing main events in the history of the company. ‘Mr. Wonderful’ Chris Mordetsky defeated Nero to win the TWE Heavyweight title in a match full of botches. In one of the most obvious botches, Nero (Jeff Hardy) slipped off the top rope mid-match when he was supposed to dive onto Mordetsky. Also, Mordetsky hit Nero with a steel chair busting him open hardway. Despite the clumsy mistake, he was able not to mess up the finish as he locked Nero in the Wonderlock for the submission victory.


Titan Wrestling Entertainment’s developmental territory NWA: New York extended their roster size with several additions. Firstly, they were able to sign charismatic cruiserweight Darin Corbin. That was followed by Montel Vontavious Porter’s brother Victor Imperial Porter and then Vampire Warrior LeStat to a pay-per-view deal. LeStat—who was a wrestler for TWE back in the 90’s—is seemingly trying to weave his way back onto the main roster and at the age of 41, it might be his last chance to do so.


Calgary Stampede put on a good pay-per-view this past Friday with ‘Destructive Appetite’. The main event battle of Andrew Martin and Claudio Castagnoli against Chavo Guerrero and Carlos Colón, Jr was a great showing but it was outshone by Sexton Hardcastle and Chris Benoit’s ongoing rivalry, which this time saw the two compete in a ladder match. Benoit at one point dived off the ladder with a diving headbutt, damn near killing the ‘Rated R Rockstar’, but in the end, it was Hardcastle who came out on top following interference from Benoit’s old nemesis Nigel McGuinness.


Lex Luger—who tragically died last month—has been inducted into the National Wrestling Alliance Hall of Fame before this magazine was published. Luger—a five time NWA World Tag Team Champion—died due to a drug related death, has been said to be inducted not for his death but for the fact he was a good performer throughout his career.



Word Life: John Cena Will Be Releasing His First CD This Friday


Project X star John Cena will be looking at a boost in popularity this month as his debut rap album ‘Most Hated’ hits the shelves in stores on Friday. Cena, who not only plays a rapper in the ring but in real life, looks to make an impact in the charts with his first CD. ‘Los Angeles Most Hated Wrestler’ will have his CD released by Snoop Dogg’s (a major friend of Cena’s) ‘Doggy Style Records’ label. John is said to be ‘ecstatic’ about the release of his first album, and depending on the success, he might do another one. It could be said that if this CD does sell well, major promotions will be knocking on Cena’s door, creating the question: would Cena want to leave his girlfriend Lizzy Borden and Project X for a bigger promotion?




WCCW: Vengeance
– B, 6.78 PPV Rating

Demolition Men d. The New Freebirds (D), Terry Ray Gordy d. Dakota Darsow to retain the WCCW Television title (D-), Paul London d. Jesse White (D+), Windham Rotunda d. Derrick Neikirk (E), Pat Buck d. Shadow (D), Eric Escobar d. Bison Smith (D-), Heath Slater d. Brad Attitude (E+), The Brew Crew d. The Gatekeepers to retain the WCCW Tag Team titles (B-), Alex Shelley d. Chris Jericho (B+), El Hijo del Santo d. Mark Callous (B+), Brock Lesnar d. Cody Rhodes (B+), Rocky Johnson d. Mr. Texas to retain the WCCW Heavyweight title. (B)


TWE: In Your House: Fully Loaded
– C, 5.93 PPV Rating

René Duprée d. JTG to retain the TWE East Coast title (C+), Bam Bam Neely and Alex Riley d. Kris Logan and Highlander (D-), Joey Curtis d. The Grappler (E+), Melina Perez d. Jessica Dalton (D), Batista and Big Shad d. Trent Acid and Joey Malibu (B-), Matt Morgan and The Con-Man d. Apolo and Cliff Compton (C.), Burning Fury d. The Brood (C-), The Miz d. Davey Richards (C+), Jean Paul Levesque and Shawn Michaels d. Glenn Goodnight and Chuck Palumbo (A), Nextwave d. Nic Nemeth and The Great Singh to retain the TWE Tag Team titles (B-), The Great Wight d. Kizarny (C.), Chris Mordetzky d. Nero to win the TWE Heavyweight title (C.)


RFP: Great American Bash 2010
– B+, 7.13 PPV Rating

Havana Pitbulls d. Richie Steamboat and Johnny Lust to retain the RFP Tag Team titles (C+), Team USA d. Team United Kingdom (B-), Austin Aries d. Frankie Kazarian to become the first-ever X-Division Champion (B), Rhino d. Justice, Brent Albright and Matt Cappotelli to win the NWA United States Heavyweight title in a Bunkhouse Brawl match (B-), Bryan Danielson d. Idol Stevens (B), Randy Orton d. Mark Callous (B+), Chris Jericho d. Brock Lesnar to retain the NWA World Heavyweight title in a Last Man Standing match (A), Mr. Anderson d. Kurt Angle, MVP, Elijah Burke, Low Ki and Matt Michaels to win the RFP Heavyweight title in an Elimination Chamber match (A)


CS: Destructive Appetite
– B, 2.17 PPV Rating

Ted DiBiase, Jr d. Pepper Parks (D+), Doug Williams d. Anthony Carelli (B), Legends of the Fall d. Arya Daivari and Jon Cutler (C+), Portia Perez and Belle Lovits battled to a double count-out (E+), The Islanders d. The Filth and The Future (B-), Sheamus O’Shaunessy d. Tyson Dux to retain the NWA British Commonwealth title (C.), The Calgary Bulldogs d. Steven Regal and Darren Burridge to retain the NWA World Tag Team titles (B-), Yoshihiro Tajiri d. Wade Barrett (C+), Nattie Neidhart d. Rain to retain the NWA Canadian Women’s title (D+), Lance Storm d. Nigel McGuinness (B-), Sexton Hardcastle d. Chris Benoit to retain the NWA Canadian Heavyweight title in a ladder match (A), The Currency Exchange d. Chavo Guerrero, Jr and Carlos Colón, Jr (B)


ILA: Mal Hábito
– B, 0.99 PPV Rating

Kenzo Suzuki d. Asombrar Rojo (C+), Mari Apache d. Sexy Star (D+), Averno d. Matt Striker (C+), Charly Manson d. Mephisto (C.), Chessman and Dos Caras, Jr d. Los Hermanos Stone (B-), Hijo del Lizmark and Juventud Guerrera d. Maro Corleone and Héctor Garza (C.), Místico and Steele d. El Mesias and Shocker (B-), La Parka and Dr. Wagner, Jr d. Psicosis and Cibernético (B), AJ Styles d. Rey Misterio, Jr to retain the ILA Heavyweight title (B+)


MCW: No Surrender
– B, 0.29 PPV Rating

Charlie Haas and Orange Cassidy d. The Riggs Brothers (C.), Scott Taylor d. Todd Sexton (D+), Jay Lethal d. Josh Daniels to retain the Memphis Junior Heavyweight title (B-), The Nashville Stars d. All Money Is Legal (C+), Brian Lawler and Kofi Kingston d. Shock and Awe to retain the NWA Southern Tag Team titles (B-), Matt Hardy d. Ron Killings (B), Booker T d. Oleg Prudius (C.), Rob Van Dam d. Christopher Daniels (B+), Christian Cage d. Jeff Jarrett to retain the NWA Southern Heavyweight title (B)


ECW: Heat Wave
– B, 2.26 PPV Rating

Jay Briscoe d. Bobby Fish (C+), BJ Whitmer and Tyler Black d. Eddie Edwards and Joe Doering (C.), Chris Sabin d. Jimmy Jacobs to retain the NWA World Junior Heavyweight title (C.), Nick Dinsmore and The Gallows d. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman (C.), Kevin Steen d. Mark Briscoe (B-), Delirious and El Generico d. Ruckus and 2 Cold Scorpio to win the ECW Tag Team titles (B-), Homicide d. PJ Polaco (B-), Samoa Joe d. Abyss (B+), CM Punk d. Baldo the Destroyer to retain the ECW Heavyweight title (B-)
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