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WWF: An Attitude Problem

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World Wrestling Federation:

An Attitude Problem


Our story begins in January 1996. The Monday Night Wars have just begun and a proverbial fire has been lit under Vince McMahon's ass. The same Vince McMahon that had created Wrestlemania, single handedly destroyed the territory system and beaten the federal government in a court of law was now coming to the shocking conclusion that professional wrestling was evolving. Day by day it was becoming more apparent that the days of old were gone. No longer could you shake a mans hand and expect for him to show up to your television the next day (Lex Luger) or claim for two guys who didn't even really look similar to be brothers (The Smoking Gunns) or expect people to want to watch a main event on a Pay Per View that couldn't really deliver (Diesel vs. British Bulldog).


The Wrestling business was evolving. Even though Vince McMahon had been claiming to be involved in sports entertainment and not wrestling as of late he couldn't deny it was time to evolve with it. Vince had been doing some things right as of late with an increased focus on younger talent the fill out the roster however the entire roster needed a complete rehaul. The talent was there but was Vince willing to tap into it?


During a meeting with Vince's creative team a few ground rules were laid out to help fuel the new direction of the WWF. Jim Ross and Vince Russo were appointed head of talent, Jim Cornette was put in charge of the fledgling tag team division and Pat Patterson was put in charge of helping develop new talent and overseeing the Intercontinental Title. Once a month meetings would be made to discuss progress and figure out who was helping and who was hurting the company. The ground rules were as follows.


1. Increased Youth Movement- It was decided that not ALL veteran talents were bad but for the most part the direction of youth over age needed to continue to be pushed. In WCW you had Ric Flair, Randy Savage and Hulk Hogan Main Eventing Pay Per Views but the WWF needed to be about Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and countless others.


2. No more bad gimmicks- A lot of gimmicks would be completely rehauled/gotten rid of by the time Wrestlemania is over. Some of them would just recieve more realistic changes while others would be gotten rid of entirely and if a worker wasn't able to carry his load just fired all-together.


3. Re-emphasis on the Tag Team Division- Vince demanded Cornette put together and hire tag teams that could either fly high or hit hard. Cornette of course was the manager of some of the greatest tag teams in history so he was being put to the test on this task.


4. A Hot Storyline- Vince and company would start to work on putting together one of the hottest storylines in wrestling history that would slowly unfold as Wrestlemania season came about.


5. Steal from WCW- Vince had been eyeballing some of WCW's younger talents and wanted them all to come into his company one by one if possible. Ross and Patterson were put in charge of the negotiation process between several future roster members.


6. Set up a Minor League System- Patterson would be put in charge of booking, promoting and running a WWF Minor League System to groom future WWF Stars. Not an easy task but one that could definitely pay off big in the future.


7. Cutting Edge- Vince had been noticed that society had evolved into a cut throat world of corporations, backstabbers and politics. Vince wanted to evolve has company into that but with an athletic twist. More drama for your momma if you will


8. Blur the Line- The concept of straight up faces and straight up heels needed to be blurred. Society was no longer black or white and it had plenty of room for grey area. The WWF would be finding a way to make money in that grey area.



These rules and other rules would be set into place to help slowly change the way WWF ran there programming. A lot of people seemed very keen on the ideas as at the first episode of RAW in 1996 the boys were informed on the changes coming. The build to the Royal Rumble would be very traditional WWF without a lot of shock television occuring but at the same time a bigger focus on the main guys in the company as the WWF train developed steam and momentum to what should be the biggest, best and baddest Wrestlemania of all time. The WWF indeed had an "Attitude Problem".

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RAW Commercial to be shown prior to January Week 1 96 RAW


RAW Preview:

Week 1 January 1996


The Road to Wrestlemania begins at the Royal Rumble. The Road to a Wrestlemania Main Event is a road that only two men get to follow. Champion and challenger. The man who wins the 30 Man Royal Rumble willl have the oppurtunity to challenge for the World Wrestling Federation Championship at Wrestlemania in front of thousands of screaming fans and a pay per view audience. The other 29 men who enter the Rumble may also have a chance at glory in a different way on the Wrestlemania Event. No matter what though it can be said that every superstar in the WWF dreams of Main Eventing Wrestlemania. But before the Road to Wrestlemania can begin the Road to the Royal Rumble must end.


World Wrestling Federation presents RAW from the Manhattan Center for the first week of January 1996. See former Tag Team Champion Partners Bob Holly and the 1-2-3 Kid collide in one on one action. Kid has been a thorn in the side of Razor Ramon lately and wants to prove he deserves a chance at Ramon's WWF Interncontinental Championship. Also WWF Champion Bret Hart will find out who he will face at the WWF Royal Rumble for his Heavyweight Championship. Its also been rumoured that Jim Cornette's newest member of Camp Cornette is set to be in action as he faces off against one of WWF's Hottest Superstars "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels. All this and much much more on this weeks episode of RAW!


Quick Pick List:

Bob "Spark Plug" Holly vs. The 1-2-3 Kid

Shawn Michaels vs. Camp Cornette's Newest Member

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Bob "Spark Plug" Holly vs. The 1-2-3 Kid

I'd love to see someone make Bob Holly into a reasonable shot for a belt. Maybe not the big one, but I could definitely see him as a legitimate Intercontinental title holder if built properly. Hopefully this can be the first step towards an eventual gimmick overhaul?


Shawn Michaels vs. Camp Cornette's Newest Member

'The Heartbreak Kid' was one of the hottest stars the WWF had in this era, so unless Camp Cornette has recruited a HUGE talent, I can't really see Michaels losing heading towards the Royal Rumble.

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Bob "Spark Plug" Holly vs. The 1-2-3 Kid

I don't like X-Pac at all. Holly however, at this stage was a capable high flier and a likable character.


Shawn Michaels vs. Camp Cornette's Newest Member

No way one of your most important members of the roster will lose to a member of Cornette's stable.





This sounds definitely interesting. 1996 is such an interesting period to start a game; before Austin was a star, when Michaels was wrestling, when Bret was in the WWF, when The Rock hadn't debuted yet, when HHH wasn't a star, when Owen Hart could be a star etc, when Diesel & Razor were still in the WWF etc. There are just so many possibilities, that it can't fail. Plus, that combined with BurningHamster's amazing mod, and an interesting set of guidelines (/rules/goals), this can't be anything but good.

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Bob "Spark Plug" Holly vs. The 1-2-3 Kid

I'd love to see someone make Bob Holly into a reasonable shot for a belt. Maybe not the big one, but I could definitely see him as a legitimate Intercontinental title holder if built properly. Hopefully this can be the first step towards an eventual gimmick overhaul?


Shawn Michaels vs. Camp Cornette's Newest Member

'The Heartbreak Kid' was one of the hottest stars the WWF had in this era, so unless Camp Cornette has recruited a HUGE talent, I can't really see Michaels losing heading towards the Royal Rumble.


Definitely. I cant stand "Spark Plug" Bob Holly. I have an infatuation with a lot of the midcard Attitude Era guys... I gotta try to make one of them a legit main event guy in this scenario.


You never know what Jim Cornette has up his sleeve. There was a pretty big debut in the company in January 96 in case some people have forgotten :).


This sounds definitely interesting. 1996 is such an interesting period to start a game; before Austin was a star, when Michaels was wrestling, when Bret was in the WWF, when The Rock hadn't debuted yet, when HHH wasn't a star, when Owen Hart could be a star etc, when Diesel & Razor were still in the WWF etc. There are just so many possibilities, that it can't fail. Plus, that combined with BurningHamster's amazing mod, and an interesting set of guidelines (/rules/goals), this can't be anything but good.


I appreciate it.


Look possibly for the first show later today.

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WWF RAW Results:

Week 1 January 1996

In the preshow matches of the evening The Ringmaster was able to defeat Marty Jannetty after a Boston Crab submission. Also Tatanka and Justin Bradshaw secured a win over Aldo Montoya and Avatar.

opens up with
Camp Cornette (British Bulldog, Owen Hart, Jim Cornette and Yokozuna)
entering the building to a pretty good amount of heat.
explains he has the biggest (
), the fastest (
Owen Hart
) and the strongest (
British Bulldog
) superstars in WWF history under his command but wants to add the meanest.
has searched far and wide for a man who can crush his opponents and for a man who has a name that strikes fear in the heart of his opponents. That man is the man they call
Vader enters with a very good amount of heat as he is a former WCW Star
explains that he has come to the WWF to win the
World Wrestling Federation Title
and that tonight him and
Shawn Michaels
will face off in a match that will surely help his Royal Rumble Ranking.
and the rest of
Camp Cornette
celebrate in the ring as RAW goes to its first commercial break.


Bob "Spark Plug" Holly vs. The 1-2-3 Kid

Holly and Kid open the Televised portion of RAW with a high flying and fast paced match. Holly looks strong with a series of bigger moves including an impressive hurricanrana. Kid however is able to continually one-up Holly and eventually puts Bob away with a Spinning Wheel Kick off of the top turnbuckle much to the dismay of the crowd at 5:66.


calls out his fellow
Million Dollar Corporation
stable mates.
The Ringmaster, Sid Vicious and Ted Dibiase
come to the ring and start putting a beatdown on Bob Holly. Before long
pulls out a razor and has Ringmaster/Vicious hold Holly as he shaves his head.
grabs a microphone and says Holly is an example of a man in the wrong place at the wrong time.
demands a title shot at the Intercontinental Champion
Razor Ramon
saying he has been dodging him for months.
says he can't think of a better time to do the match than at the
Royal Rumble
pay per view event.
by saying if he doesn't man up and accept the challenge then one by one the
Million Dollar Corporation
will be tracking down
friends and giving them a fate similar to that of
Bob Holly


Backstage we cut to
Justin Bradshaw
being interviewed. They mention that before
went on the air tonight they were thrown together in a Tag Team match against
Aldo Montoya and Avatar.
They go on to say how they beat the ever loving crap out of both of them.
mentions both him and
have roots in Texas and how they have banded together to become the
Wild West Wrecking Crew
and by hook or by crook will soon have the
World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Titles
around there waist.


After a commercial break we cut to the ring with
Bret Hart
looking like he is about to start an interview. Before he can get to much steam rolling
Davey Boy Smith
Owen Hart
enter the arena and tell him he is on borrowed time as champion as there new stable-mate
is gunning for his title.
says when
earns a title shot he will gladly wrestle him but until then he has a whole list of guys in the WWF who have been gunning for the WWF Title a lot longer than
. A war of the words persues between the
Hart Family
Davey Boy Smith
Bret. Camp Cornette
lays a beatdown on
until the lights go out and the
is standing behind them in the ring. It doesn't take to much longer for
WWF President Gorilla Monsoon
to enter the arena and make a match between
Undertaker and Bret Hart vs. Camp Cornette
that will begin immidiately.


Camp Cornette (Davey Boy Smith and Owen Hart) vs. Bret Hart and the Undertaker

An excellent fast paced tag team contest between Camp Cornette and two of WWF's top stars. Very old school structure with Hart/Taker looking strong at first but eventually Camp Cornette finding a way to keep Hart cornered and apply the heat to him. Eventually Undertaker picks up a hot tag to a thunderous ovation. After a few more minutes Taker and Hart put away Camp Cornette with Undertaker giving Owen Hart a Tombstone Piledriver. Very good tag match that went about 11 minutes (B Grade) with both teams looking strong.


After the match
Gorilla Monsoon
enters the ring and announces that at the
Royal Rumble
there will be a
WWF Heavyweight Title Match
Bret Hart
The Undertaker. Hart and Taker
share the moment for a minute before shaking hands as RAW cuts to a commercial break.


Backstage the
Smoking Gunns
mention that on this weeks superstars they have a big tag team title match vs.
The Bodydonnas. Billy
says he watched the
Wild West Wrecking Crew
debut earlier in the evening against
Avatar and Aldo
and was definitely impressed with there tag team prowess.
The Gunns
announce next week there will be a
Tag Team Rumble
to decide who will face them at the
Royal Rumble
event for the
Tag Team Titles


Shawn Michaels vs. Vader

Vader and Shawn Michaels have an absolute classic (A) fifteen minute match on this episode of RAW. Vader and Shawn both come out of the match looking like superstars with Vader and Shawn both getting in even amounts of offense. Nothing scientific about a match between these two but a very entertaining brawl. Eventually the match spills to the ouside at the 15 minute mark resulting in a double countout.


After the match it is announced that since neither
Shawn Michaels or Vader
won the match that they were both in the
Royal Rumble
but would be assigned starting dutys of the match with
being number 1 and
being number 2.
also announces that the war between these two men is far from over and on
this week both men will bring a partner and attempt to keep it in the ring...
Michaels and Partner vs. Vader and a Partner live on Superstars!


Post-Show Notes:

As rdarnz predicted I am going for a complete and total overhaul of the
Bob Holly
character. I feel like
became hardcore about a year to late and if he would have been around during the early part of the Attitude Era he might have been able to have more of a chance of success.


Predictions were good. Michaels didnt win but he certainly didnt lose. I expected as much as a B+ match out of Michaels/Vader but they delivered an A and I have no complaints.


Threw together Bradshaw/Tatanka as kind of a last minute thing for a dark match and decided to run with it. Neither guy has a program or an affliation to keep and right now the heel side of my tag division is weak (See Bodydonnas). I like Chris Candido (Love actually) but his partner is the weaker link and the gimmick honestly sucks.


Had no intention of making Owen/Davey Boy look weak by having them lose to Taker/Bret. Hope it didn't seem like a momentum killer. Bret and Taker are two of my top guys and it seemed like a decent set-up to lead into the Rumble.


Superstars Preview should be up later today. Expect it to become a lot more of an A Show than a B Show as the dynasty progresses.


Feedback/criticism of first show is welcome.

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Week 1 Happenings:

    • The WWF Minor League System is starting to be put into place as WWF held a press conference on Monday announcing its opening. A name has yet to be determined but many believe it will be located out of the Tri-State or New England Area so it can stay close to the WWF Home. Over 2 dozen wrestlers have been given job offers with talent from all over the world being looked at for what will truly be a unique oppurtunity.

    • Several releases will be happening as the new booking team finds out who works well in the new direction the company wants and who doesn't work well. No releases have been made official yet although it can be described as a time where everyone needs to deliver on the job.

    • The Tag Team Division overhaul has begun to take place. Tatanka and Justin Bradshaw impressed company officials quite a bit with a tag match against Aldo Montoya and Avatar this week. Avatar and Aldo both held there own although they are both at the top of the list of guys who need new gimmicks and character direction. Vince and company have stated interest in doing a Tag Team Tournament on Superstars to better showcase some of the divisions talents. The Bodydonnas are an almost guarantee to be scrapped from the division as Vince has shown interest in making Tom Pritchard a trainer in the new Minor League Program.

    • Look for Vader's push to increase as we progress to Wrestlemania. Company officials were more than impressed with his debut match against Shawn Michaels that the dirt sheets are already nominating for Match of the Year.

    • It can be confirmed that International Standouts Chris Jericho and Lance Storm have been signed to contracts to compete in the WWF Tag Team Division by WWF Tag Team Booker Jim Cornette. Be expecting a debut sometime before the Royal Rumble event of the two stars.

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Great first show man. Good to see Vader get a real shot. Am I right in saying Michaels was one of the main guys campaigning for his push to be derailed? Makes for an interesting contrast don't you think? I'm sure the Shawn of 2008/9ish would have killed for an opponent like Vader.


Also, was very interested by the tag team of Bradshaw and Tatanka for some reason. They make for an interesting partnership in my humble opinion. Would be a shame to see Aldo and Avatar go by the wayside though.


Already looking forward to the next show sir.

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I love Vader. One of my all time favorites.


Bradshaw/Tatanka will be an interesting team. If they can deliver decent match ratings then they will be around for a while. May have tatanka revert to his chris chavis name. Two western guys who can beat the **** out of you. Its perfect. Aldo and avatar wont be fired as underneath the masks are two good gimmicks I wont throw away.


Fun to see I booked the tag you scrapped. Expect superstars preview up tomorrow :)

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Superstars Commercial to be aired post- RAW Week 1 Jan 96


Superstars Preview

Week 1 January 1996


A huge week on RAW this week as the man they call Vader debuted and took one of the WWF's top stars Shawn Michaels to the limit. Camp Cornette is riding a high wave of momentum they are going to look to capitalize on this week as Shawn Michaels will team up with a partner of his choice against Vader and a partner of his choice... who will Shawn bring to the table as his partner and will Vader select from Camp Cornette? Also Razor Ramon defends his WWF Intercontinental Championship against a former champion in Double J J-E-FF J-A-RR-E-TT. Plus look for WWF Tag Team Champions "The Smoking Gunns" in action!


Quick Pick List:

Shawn Michaels and ??? vs. Vader and ???

Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett

The Smoking Gunns in Action!

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It can be officially confirmed now that former WWF Tag Team Champions the Steiner Brothers (Rick and Scott Steiner) have resigned contracts within the World Wrestling Federation. The Steiners were last seen in the WWF in Mid-1994 after a short run with the company that included two seperate tag team title runs. Scott was reached for a comment on them returning to the WWF and had this to say. "Our last run was good but not great. We had two tag team title runs but really no competition from anyone you could call "The Best Team In The World". We had some good matches with Money Inc., The Headshrinkers and The Harts but there wasn't a spark in the tag team division. From what we understand management is working on putting together some top notch tag teams which will work in our favor as there are teams in the world and hopefully the WWF that we can face. Me and Rick are all about competition and right now we feel the WWF is about to be a hotbed for tag team competition. And let it be known. Me and Rick by Wrestlemania will be tag team champions. Guaranteed."

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WWF Superstar Results:

Week 1 January 1996

(Live from the Landon Arena in Topeka, Kansas in front of 9,453 Fans)



The Preshow this week featured a special surprise with Bret Hart and Goldust having a nice 10 minute match with Bret coming out on top with a Sharpshooter.

WWF Superstars
opens up with
Shawn Michaels
in the ring.
explains he was told to bring a partner tonight so he is looking to his blood.
explains that in the business he has few true friends and few people who care about him more than the man he has chosen to team with him tonight. The music of
plays much to the crowds delight but before
can make it to the ring
Camp Cornette (Vader, Yokozuna, Owen Hart, Bulldog and Cornette)
rush the entrance ramp and begin to beatdown Diesel. Before
is able to rescue his fallen friend security guards break the scene up.
looks furious as
Jim Cornette
grabs a microphone and explains he wanted to secure a sure fire win for
Camp Cornette
tonight as
has chosen
and whichever team wins in the Main Event the Team Captain will be put in as #30 in the Royal Rumble... while the loser will be #1.
looks pissed as
Camp Cornette
stands tall on the entranceway as
is helped to the back.

Razor Ramon ©vs. Jeff Jarrett (WWF Intercontinental Title Match)

Solid opening contest for WWF Superstars with some good back and forth action. Jarrett looked quite strong/impressive but not good enough to put away "The Bad Guy" who was able to secure a win after an Outsiders Edge to Jarrett at the 6 minute mark.

Razor Ramon
grabs a microphone and tells
1-2-3 Kid
if he wants an Intercontinental Title match then he can have one at the upcoming Royal Rumble Pay Per View. He also tells
to watch his back because as of right now he is putting
and his boys in the
Million Dollar Corporation
on notice. A shot of
Kid and the MDC
is shown as they watch Razor's promo.



Back from the commercial break the team of
Avatar/Aldo Montoya
is shown about to enter the ring. Before they can make it all the way in
British Bulldog and Owen Hart
jump them from behind and demand the
Smoking Gunns
give them a title match RIGHT now.
The Gunns
comply to this request...

British Bulldog and Owen Hart vs. The Smoking Gunns ©(WWF Tag Title Match)

A good but not great tag team contest between two of WWF's hottest teams. Bulldog and Owen bring there A Game to the table in this improptu match by matching the Gunns move for move. The Gunns however are able to keep up with Cornette's team. Before long the match starts to meltdown with all four men brawling in the ring. The referee is knocked down on accident by a Billy Gunn clothesline. When this happens Chris Chavis and Justin Bradshaw emerge from the back. Chavis takes out Bart Gunn with a quick running elbow as Bradshaw takes out Billy with a HUGE LARIAT! The Wild West Wrecking Crew powder to the back with the damage already done. After this Owen Hart is able to lock in a Sharpshooter on a passed out Billy Gunn and win him and Davey Boy a set of tag team titles.

After a commercial break a shot of
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper
entering into World Wrestling Federation President
Gorilla Monsoon
's office is shown.

The music of
Mr. Perfect Curt Hennig
is then played.
comes down to the ring in a suit and looks fantastic even though hes been gone for quite some time.
explains he has been taking time off to heal a nagging back injury but sooner rather than later the ring will be graced by Perfection again.
explains though that he has been keeping an eye on all of the WWF's talents and one man has stood out in particular as the "Perfect Protege". He introduces
Hunter Hearst Helmsley
. He tells the roster to watch out because now Perfection has a Protege.

Its Main Event Time.
Shawn Michaels
makes his entrance alone as it appears he wasn't able to find a partner.
Vader and Yokozuna
enter into the ring as the crowd showers them with boos.
Vader and Yokozuna
start to corner
Shawn Michaels
and it appears all hope is lost until surprising music is heard that a lot of people are surprised to be hearing...

The Rockers (Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty) vs. Vader and Yokozuna with Jim Cornette

Marty Jannetty rushes to the aid of his old tag team partner to set up the main event of the evening. Michaels and Jannetty look like they have barely missed a beat as they begin to fire up on Yoko/Vader. They give the tandem of Yoko/Vader a lot of there old double taem moves much to the delight of the crowd. Eventually things are slowed back down to Camp Cornettes favor as they are able to keep Marty cornered a good portion of the match. After a while however Shawn gets in with a hot tag and attempts to clean house. He even manages to knock Yokozuna off his feet with some Sweet Chin Music but Jim Cornette distracts Shawn from getting the three count. This allows Yokozuna to recover and hit Shawn with a Belly to Belly Suplex followed by a huge Vader Splash from Vader to get the shocking win for his team and securing Vader the number 30 spot in the WWF Royal Rumble Match.



Post-match the rest of
Camp Cornette
hits the ring and they start to put a beatdown on
until from the crowd emerge the
who rush the ring and even the odds for
. The
Steiner Brothers
stand tall in the ring as WWF Superstars fades to a surprising close.

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Wanted to have way to share some thoughts I have in-game with the reader as the game progresses. This won't be a weekly venture but expect them up anytime i want to vent/share some thoughts of what I'm doing. Also would be a good time to ask why I do certain things if your curious.

Behind the bookers desk Edition 1

Pretty frustrating week in-game. I need to master booking the perfect show. Michaels/Vader pull of an A and have GREAT Chemistry but RAW gets a B- in the overall rating and hurts my popularity cause some angles aren't up to par with my in-ring action. Sucksssss.


Set-up Deep South Wrestling (Yeah im not creative) as my development territory. Head trainers are Bob Backlund, Marty Jannetty (Who will still be used here and there cause he can go), Dr. Tom Pritchard (As soon as his Bodydonna role is done) and Brother Love. I went ahead and sent Ahmed Johnson to developmental because he sucks.


Made a few developmental hirings. I'll wait until ive simmed one month of the game for a Developmental update. Right now I'm debuting more known talent than relative newcomers/trying to focus on the guys I actually have.


Brian Pillman was a frustrating failed signing. Offered him a written deal... he wanted short term deal... attempted to give him a short term deal and then wanted written... maybe on day the Loose Cannon will explode on the WWF... just not now.


Rick Rude has been signed. I may use him to manage a new team once I figure out who he would go well with or may even throw him on commentary. Either way works.


Wanting to build towards The Steiner Brothers vs. Owen Hart and British Bulldog. If this match would have occured during this time period I believe there wouldn't have been another tag contest that could top it. British Bulldog is the MOST UNDERRATED big roided up guy in wrestling history. He wasn't a great bumper at times but guy could move and do things guys half his size have trouble with. Scott and Davey Boy could probably have a few good matches in the middle of the series. Im not gonna spoil a lot of things with this but I'll say this... Owen/Davey Boy vs. The Steiners for the tags at Wrestlemania.


Lots of guys getting lost in the shuffle at the moment. Hard to book a full roster with only two hours of television a week.Within coming weeks a few guys are going to start getting more exposure (Goldust in particular who pulled a B with Bret Hart in a dark match). I have my main programs right now but trying to work out other programs... right now I'm trying to focus on four main programs and start to sprinkle in smaller stuff... my four main is Bret vs. Taker, Shawn vs. Vader, Razor Ramon vs. The Million Dollar Corporation and now The Steiners vs. Owen/Bulldog.


Feedback is welcome. Having tons of fun with this dynasty so far!

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