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Climbing the Mountain...The Johnny Brooks Story!

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Climbing the Mountain:

The Johnny Brooks Story


December 2007


So there I stood, outside of the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp with my wrestling bag in my hand and a look of disappointment on my face. I hadn’t even had time to unpack when I was told I was no longer welcome there. The sting of disappointment was sharp, but at least the satisfaction of decking Jay Chord in his smug mouth helped to temper it a bit. W the heck did he think he was anyway? I mean, yeah he is the legendary Rip Chord’s son. And sure, Rip does own and operate the Mid Atlantic Boot Camp. But honestly, does that mean Jay can be as arrogant and self centered as he wants? Does that give Jay the right to look down on people whose father’s are not getting into the Hall of Immortals? Does it really mean he can trip me in front of all the other recruits and call me a bunch of mocking names? Heck no! Well actually, since he’s in there warming up and I’m out here waiting for the cab that will take me home I guess he can…but he shouldn’t be able to. The worse part of all of this was the fact that my grandmother had to pull some strings just to get me into the M.A.W. Boot Camp. She was not going to be happy with her “Johnny Boy” when she heard about this…


January 2007


Johnny: Grandma…you have just got to get me into another wrestling school!


Heidi: I’m sorry Johnny Boy but you’ve been blackballed. That drunken bastard Rip is covering for his punk kid and telling anyone who asks that you decked Jay because he messed up a lariat and you thought he was taking liberties. Everyone thinks you got this chip on your shoulder because you’re Heidi Brooks’ grandson. I can’t even get you into the Cat’s Lair! I think you may need to give up your dream Johnny Boy…


Johnny: I…can’t grandma. I mean, ever since I could remember I wanted to be a wrestler. I wanted to hear the crowd roar as my music hit. I wanted to hold the audience captive as I laid things out on the mic. I wanted to hear the sound of silence that only comes right before a huge pop as I hit my finisher!


Heidi: I know Johnny Boy…heck I would train you myself if it wasn’t for my replacement hip surgery and nagging arthritis. The only way that you’re going to get a chance at breaking into this business is if I opened my own promotion…and we both know I don’t have that kind of money.


Johnny: I know grandma…just…it’s my dream. I don’t think I could ever be happy with a normal job knowing I was so close to achieving it.


Heidi: I may not have the money Johnny Boy, but I think I know a few investors who do…in fact I remember getting a letter from a group looking to start up a promotion in the future…


December 2009


Heidi: Ok Johnny Boy, this looks like a pretty good roster. I see some young talent we can develop and a few older guys we can anchor the promotion around. Everything looks set for the first show…


Voice: Excuse me…Mrs. Brookes.


Heidi and Johnny turn around to the sound of the voice. Standing in front of them is none other than Jean Cattley. Jean is dressed in a suit and tie, which is a look few have ever seen him in.


Heidi: Why if it isn’t “Mean” Jean Cattley. Did Rip send you over here to try to mend fences before we put him out of business?


Jean: He would have, if I still worked for him.


Heidi: So, you finally walked out on that drunken bastard.


Jean: Yeah, ever since Jay started to wrestle things have been strained between Rip and me. He shot down any idea that made Jay look less than invincible. He never wants to hear the truth about his son being a prick. He got to me join M.A.W. based on an idea he has abandoned in favor of making Jay Chord the next Rip Chord.


Johnny: Nice story, but what does have to do with us?


Jean: Look Johnny, I know I was one of the guys who turned his head when Jay got you tossed out of the M.A.W. Boot Camp but, believe me I when I say I didn’t think Rip would get you blackballed from the business. For what it is worth…I’m sorry.


Johnny: You can stuff your sorry in a sack…


Heidi: Johnny! Hush up. Jean if you are here to get a job as the booker of RMW well, you’re too late. I already gave the book to my grandson Johnny.


Jean: While the book would have been nice, I really am just looking for a place to wrestle, train some young talent, and offer any help I can. You know a place like that?


Heidi: As a matter of fact…I do. Welcome to Rocky Mountain Wrestling Jean.

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Late December 2009


Wrestling News from the U.S.

Mean Jean leaves M.A.W.!!!

The inaugural M.A.W. Champion Mean Jean Cattley has ended his business relationship with M.A.W. in a move that has sent shockwaves through the wrestling community. Jean, who many favored to win next year’s Rip Chord Invitational Tournament, gave his seven day notice to Rip Chord just eight days before M.A.W.’s Night of Champions, which was to feature a title match between Jean and American Patriot. Patriot, having won the Mid Atlantic Championship off of Jean in July was set to defend his title against Jean in a steel cage match, however with Jean leaving M.A.W. that match was scrapped and Hugh de Aske was brought in to face Patriot. With Jean leaving M.A.W. a day before a title bout many feel Jean was going to lose the match against Patriot and quit when Rip wouldn’t change the match’s finish, however sources close to Rip indicate that Jean was actually set to win the title and begins a lengthy reign that may have gone well into next year. One can only wonder what Jean has planned as so far no word has come about Jean signing a deal to wrestle for any company inside or outside the U.S.


Three more leave M.A.W.!

Following up on the Mean Jean situation it appears that three more members of the M.A.W. roster have also walked out on the company. Citizen X, Riley McManus, and Findley O’ Farraday all failed to show up to Night of Champions and early word is that they are following Jean to some new promotion that is set to debut in the near future. One can only wonder what promises were made or which ones were broken that has caused this sudden departure.


Rocky Mountain Wrestling is formed!

After several years away from the business Heidi Brooks has come together with a group of investors to form Rocky Mountain Wrestling. It has yet to hold a single show but it is already being called the Northwest’ answer to M.A.W. According to Heidi, “RMW is a place where old school traditions collide with new school presentation to form a company that is both Family Friendly and highly entertaining.” So far the likes of Henry Bennett, Regular Joe, and Bob Casey have been rumored to be a part of the initial RMW Roster. Early word is the M.A.W. wrestlers who walked out of M.A.W. will be deputing at the very first Rocky Mountain Wrestling event.

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<marquee behavior="scroll" direction="left">Breaking News!!!</marquee>

Path to the Top announced!

Rocky Mountain Wrestling has just announced it will hold a monthly wrestling event starting this January called Path to the Top. According to sources the monthly shows will all lead into a huge annual show called King of the Mountain that will decide the first RMW Champion. The matches for the first RMW Path to the Top have yet to be announced however a complete breakdown of the roster was given us which we will be sharing with you in the near future.

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Rocky Mountain Wrestling


Path to the Top!

Attendance: 27

Announcing Staff: Remmington Remus & Phonse Lockett




“Golden Delicious” Melanie Flyman vs. Emma B. vs. Amber Allen


Amber entered the ring first followed by Emma B. As the two waited for Melanie to arrive, Emma attacked Amber from behind causing Melanie to sprint to the ring to get in on the action. The ref called for the bell and even though the fight was off and running. Amber struggled through most of the match as she never seemed to fully recover from the sneak attack by Emma B. Melanie and Emma went back and forth until Amber grabbed Emma’s leg causing a distraction that allowed Melanie to hit a Golden DDT for the win.


Winner via pinfall: “Golden Delicious” Melanie Flyman! (D)



Stretch the Chicken Boy vs. Riley McManus


Stretch entered the ring first to a small cheer from the local crowd. Riley then came to the ring walking with a swagger that seemed to rub the people the wrong way because by the time he entered the ring the fans were booing him loudly. The match started with a classic collar and elbow tie up and soon turned into a true catch as catch can wrestling display. After some solid back and forth action Stretch ended the match with a cross face chicken wing move he dubbed the Chicken Choker.


Winner via submission: Stretch the Chicken Boy! (E+)



Citizen X


The sound of a cash register hits the P.A. as Citizen X comes strolling to the ring fanning himself with a handful of money. The crowd booed loudly but he didn’t seem to care as he asked for a mic and then berated the ring tech for taking too long.


Citizen X: As you people know I have a match against Ant-Man later on tonight. Now, from what I am being told that loser has been training all week for this contest in hopes of providing me with a decent challenge. Myself, I have been too busy making loads of money buying defaulted mortgages and bedding super models to do any proper training. Ha, ha. So here it what I propose…In my hand is 5 thousand dollars. More money than any of you losers make in a single month. Heck, this probably more money than any of you make in three or four months ringing orders up at the Burger Shack! Ha, ha. (The crowd boos.) Shut up! Now then, if there is anyone here who thinks they have what it takes to last 5 minutes in the ring with me, then step on up and give me a workout! (Citizen X points to the crowd) You, tubby…you want to get in here? I didn’t think so loser. How about you with the Sam Strong shirt on? You want to get embarrassed in front of that skank you brought to the show? You? With the red shirt on…Get in here loser.


A man of about six feet is escorted into the ring by security as the fans cheer him. Citizen X removes his jacket as the man gets inside the ring. The ref begins to tell the man the rules of this contest but Citizen X pushes the ref aside and decks the man with a hard right hook. The man stumbles back and Citizen X then nails the man with an X-Ecutioner STO. The crowd boos as Citizen X picks the mic back up.


Citizen X: Here keep the money punk, Lord knows its pocket change to someone like me. Ant-Man, as you just saw I don’t need to prepare because I am the best wrestler to ever lace up a pair of boots.


Citizen X tosses the money on the unconscious man and struts out to the sound of a booing crowd. (D-)



Findlay O’Farraday vs. Running Wolf


Native American style music hits the arena and Running Wolf dashes out from the back dressed to a cheering crowd. Running Wolf gets in the ring and kneels down praying to the heavens as some rowdy bar noise is heard over the P.A. system. Suddenly we hear the sound of a bottle breaking and out walks Findlay holding a bottle of booze in his right hand which he takes occasional drinks from on the way to the ring. The bell rings and the two big men begin to exchange hard punches back and forth. The match resembles more of a street brawl than a wrestling match but the crowd doesn’t seem to mind one bit. Findlay works Running Wolf into a corner and hoists him onto his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Findlay then delivers a move he dubbed, the Drunken Irish Drop, to finish the match.


Winner via pinfall: Findlay O’Farraday! (E)


After the match Findlay grabs his bottle of booze and walks back into the ring. Findlay lifts Running Wolf to his feet and to the horror of the crowd he breaks the bottle across the head of Running Wolf. (D)



“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. “Smiling” Bob Casey.


Bob comes to the ring first smiling his big grin the entire time. Jean comes out to a few boos and a smattering of cheers. The match starts off with a quick arm drag by Jean followed by several elbows on the prone Bob Casey. As the match gets going we see Bob try to get some offense in only to have Jean turn things back in his favor with a thumb to the eye or some other cheap trick. Jean eventually hits Bob with a body slam then makes a pin, holding on to Bob’s tights behind the referee’s back, to get a 3 count.


Winner via pinfall: “Mean” Jean Cattley! (D-)



Citizen X vs. Ant-Man


Citizen X comes to the ring first to a huge amount of boos from the crowd. Ant-Man then comes out to a huge pop as the fans can’t wait to see Citizen X get beaten. The bell rings and Citizen X and Ant-Man lock up in a test of strength. Ant-Man gets the upper hand and tosses Citizen X to the side as the crowd cheers. Citizen X gets back to his feet and he motions for Ant-Man to lock back up in another test of strength. Ant-Man looks to the crowd and they roar their approval. The two men lock up and once again Ant-Man is able to get the advantage, tossing Citizen X to the side like a rag doll. Frustrated, Citizen X slaps the mat and gets up once more looking to lock up with Ant-Man. Ant-Man goes to lock up but Citizen X kicks him in the gut and then clubs Ant-Man in the back.


Citizen X waits for Ant-Man to get to his feet and nails Ant-Man with a hard European uppercut that staggers Ant-Man. Citizen X then attempts a suplex only to have Ant-Man block it and then perform a suplex of his own. Citizen X holds his back in pain as Ant-Man plays up to the cheering crowd. Citizen X is up and he comes in with a right hand but Ant-Man is able to block it and nail Citizen X with a right of his own. Citizen X stumbles back and Ant-Man charges in and lands a scoop slam to a nice pop from the crowd.


Citizen X is slow to his feet and Ant-Man goes for a lariat but Citizen X ducks under it and catches Ant-Man, when he rebounds off the ropes, with a spine buster. The crowd boos as Citizen X motions to his head as if to imply he is smarter than Ant-Man. Citizen X picks Ant-Man off the mat but Ant-Man lands a hard right to the gut of Citizen X. Ant-Man lands several more punches as the crowd cheers but Citizen X is still hanging onto the head of Ant-Man. Ant-Man rears back for a big left but Citizen X raks the face of Ant-Man. Citizen X then rushes in and lands a X-Ecutioner on Ant-Man and makes the pin for the win.


Winner via pinfall: Citizen X! (D-)


Overall Show: D-!

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Congrats to MattQ2607 for getting his predictions 100% correct. Let it be known that all feedback/criticism is welcome and much appreciated. The next card is as follows...


Path to the Top Card for February

Findlay O'Farraday vs. Ant-Man

"Mean" Jean Cattley vs. Stretch the Chicken Boy

Citizen X vs. Running Wolf



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January 2010



As I sat, inside the makeshift office Granny B. setup for me, I went over the matches for our first show. The 3-Way between the ladies had gone over better than anyone had suspected and we were already looking into expanding the division beyond the initial three we had. Grandma insisted I give the ladies more time to show what they could do and so I decided on running a small program between Amber and Melanie. The angle we ran with Citizen X drew tons of heat and we already figured out a way to build it up to a nice payoff. On top of that we had laid some nice ground work for Findlay to play a tough as nails drunken Irishman which the fans loved to hate. With our under card struggling to connect with the fans it was nice to see the top guys going over so well. As for me, well my training match before the show was a huge wake up call. It is one thing to want to be a wrestler, while it is a whole different thing to actually be one.


I was about to turn off my computer when an email came through from our scouts. Usually it could wait until after dinner but this one warranted special attention as it was from the guy covering the Mid Atlantic region. I opened the email to find he had sent me a quick review of M.A.W.’s Rip Chord Invitational along with reassurance that a DVD of the event would arrive by mail soon. I can’t believe that guy actually wasted our money on a M.A.W. DVD. Couldn’t he just save us some cash and not help to buy Rip another brandy by filming it with his phone or something? Whatever…


Rip Chord Invitatioal 2010


American Patriot defeated Oleg Dorosklov (c-)

Roy Edison got into American Patriots face after the match and got punched out. (D)

Hugh de Aske defeated Ricky Douglas (D)

Jay Chord defeated Roy Edison Shocker (C-)

Lisa Bowen came out and told Jay if he won the tournament she would give him all her assets to use…as his new manager. This had to be Jay’s idea as I know for a fact Lisa can’t stand that creep. (D+)

Casey Valentine defeated Ace Youngblood (D-)

American Patriot defeated Hugh de Aske (D+)

Casey Valentine defeated Jay Chord Word is Jay is being set up for a babyface Jesus push soon. (C-)

American Patriot defeated Casey Valentine to win the tourament Jay “accidentally” hit Casey with a chair during the match. (C-)

Overall Show…C-


Hmmm…They may be more established then we are but it looks like it won’t take as long as I thought to topple the house that Rip built. First things first…we need to push past our financial disaster of a first show and start making profits before we hold any shows outside of the Northwest. Looks like you got yourself a small reprieve Rip…you too Jay…

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Path to the Top!

Attendance: 21

Announcing Staff: Remmington Remus & Phonse Lockett



Amber Allen vs. Emma B.


Amber came out first and the crowd cheered slightly. As Amber waited in the corner, Emma B. came out and was met with loud boos. The bell rang and the match was off to a quick start with several arm drags. Emma gained the upper hand after a fierce elbow to the head but Amber was able to turn things around after “Golden Delicious” Melanie Flyman appeared at ringside and distracted Emma. Amber was able to force Emma to tap out to a Triple A, Amber Allen Armbar.


Winner via submission: Amber Allen! (D+)



“Golden Delicious” Melanie Flyman


Melanie grabs a mic from ringside and brings it up to her mouth.


Melanie: That’s twice you owe me for saving your sorry ass! Last week I beat that piece of crap Emma B. instead of you because I felt sorry for you. Just moments ago, I distracted Emma and let you get the win because she deserved to get beat for even taking a match with a loser like you. I feel disgusted that someone as pathetic as you could even dream of calling themselves a wrestler. In fact, tonight I will show you what a real wrestler looks like as I stomp a mud hole in your ass!




Findlay O’Farraday vs. Ant-Man


Findlay comes waltzing out holding a bottle of beer that he takes a swig from every now and then. A few moments later Ant-Man comes out to a small pop. The bell rings and Ant-Man takes it right to Findlay, firing away with rights and lefts. The big man is staggered for a moment and Ant-Man tries a lariat but Findlay refuses to go down. Ant-Man attempts the lariat again but Findlay counters with a big boot. After a few stomps to the back, Findlay lifts Ant-Man up and nails him with a Drunken Irish Drop.


Winner via pinfall: Findlay O’Farraday! (E+)


Findlay rolls out of the ring and walks over to where his bottle is kept. As Ant-Man is helped to his feet, Findlay slides back into the ring. He raises the bottle up so the crowd can see what is coming. The ref moves out of the way and Findlay rushes in like a hawk and nails Ant-Man in the face with the bottle. (D)



“Smiling” Bob Casey vs. Riley McManus


“Smiling” Bob Casey comes out to a few scattered cheers. Riley McManus comes out to almost no ovation whatsoever. The match is slow and methodical with each man trying to work over a specific body part. Bob eventually gets a school boy pin on Riley which is enough to get a win.


Winner via pinfall: “Smiling” Bob Casey! (D-)



“Mean” Jean Cattley vs. Stretch the Chicken Boy


Jean comes out to a strong round of boos which he ignores completely. Stretch then comes out to a small cheer which he plays up as being a complete shock to him. The fans cheer even more as Stretch continues to make his way to the ring with an “Oh my god you like me” act. Jean slides out of the ring and hits Stretch from behind before tossing him into the ring, at which point the bell rings. Jean lets loose a few vicious stomps before dropping a crisp elbow on the prone Stretch. Jean whips Stretch into the corner and works him over a bit before Stretch blocks a punch and puts Jean in the corner. Stretch does the 10 punch flurry and hops down after ten to soak up the fans cheers. As Stretch is basking in the fans approval, Jean drops down and lands a low blow on Stretch then follows through with a roll up. As the ref drops down, Jean places his feet on the ropes for added leverage and gets the win.


Winner via pinfall: “Mean” Jean Cattley! (D)



Citizen X vs. Running Wolf


Citizen X enters the ring first to a loud boo from the crowd. Running Wolf begins to make his way to the ring but as soon as his music hits, Citizen X gets on a mic.


Citizen X: Running Wolf…how many pretty beads are you getting paid to get your butt whipped in front of these losers? (Crowd boos) Don’t you realize we are not in the same wrestling class…heck we are not even in the same social class! (Crowd boos) The mighty elephant doesn’t pay any attention to the puny ants at his feet so why should I care what noise you rabble make? Back to you Chief Running Mouth…there is no way in hell you could ever beat me, but if you do, then I will give you $5000. That’s plenty of money to buy fire water. (E+)


Running Wolf comes racing out of the back and slides into the ring. Citizen X is there to meet him and Wolf takes a few kicks to the back before getting to his feet. Wolf explodes in a fury of rights and lefts culminating in a huge tomahawk chop that takes Citizen X off his feet to a thunderous cheer. Wolf picks Citizen X up but as he does, Citizen X thumbs Wolf in the eye. Wolf stumbles back and Citizen X lands a picture perfect drop kick sending the big man into the ropes. Wolf lands awkward and his arms are tangled in the ropes as Citizen X gets back up. Citizen X sees the state Wolf is in and rubs his hands with evil intent. Citizen X rears back and lands a X Marks the Spot super kick that sends Wolf over the ropes and to the floor.


Citizen X goes out after Wolf and pushes Wolf into the steel safety rails. Citizen X then gives Wolf an Irish whip into the steel steps that has Wolf’s knee hit the steps thus sending Wolf flipping over. The ref, who has been counting this whole time, makes it to seven as Citizen X slides in then back out to break the count. Citizen X points to his head as the crowd boos and Wolf gets up to his feet. Citizen X walks over to Wolf and slams his face on the mat before tossing him into the ring and following close behind. Citizen X lets Wolf get back up before coming in and nailing Wolf with an X-Ecutioner.


Winner via pinfall: Citizen X! (D)



Amber Allen vs. “Golden Delicious” Melanie Flyman


Amber Allen made her way to the ring to a small cheer from the crowd. Melanie came out to a few boos which she ignored. The bell rang and Melanie took the fight right to Amber with a series of head lock take downs. Amber eventually got in a few chops but Melanie turned it back around with a leaping leg lariat. Melanie nailed a series of quick suplexes and a huge body slam that made Amber hold her back in pain. Eventually the crowd got behind Amber and she mounted a comeback that ended with a cross body off the top rope only for Melanie to roll through and get the pin.


Winner via pinfall: “Golden Delicious” Melanie Flyman (D+)


Overall Show…D!

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RMW Roster as of January 2010


Women’s Division



Amber Allen

The 22 year old Amber is a huge fan of the pop sensation Justine Beaver and dresses just like her idol. Perky and always full of energy outside the ring, inside Amber is a completely different person as she calmly stalks her opponents, dismantling them piece by piece before finishing them off with an armbar she calls, The Triple A (Amber Allen Armbar).




Emma B.

Emma B. is a young brawler from Toronto who was trained by the Stone Family, Victoria to be exact. She is a former NOTBW Women’s Champion who was forced to vacate the title due to medical reasons. Now back at 100%, Emma B. is looking to dominate the RMW women’s division too. He favorite move is the Payback, a modified enziguri that hits the opponent in the face instead of the back of the head.



“Golden Delicious” Melanie Flyman

Melanie was trained by “The Cat” Catherine Quine and wrestled for several years in AAA. Having nothing left to prove in AAA she left to find herself a real challenge. Melanie considers herself a real wrestler and hate being referred to as a diva, a knockout, a babe…or any other term that tries to pass off untrained sluts as professional athletes. She loves knock women out with her double arm DDT she calls the Golden DDT.




A true veteran of the sport, Principessa has competed all over North America and in Japan and as such she is well versed in the Lucha Libre, Puroreso, and Canadian Mat based wrestling styles. Although her retirement seems to be coming up soon, she is still willing to get in the ring and make women tap out to a Figure Four Leglock.

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RMW Roster as of January 2010




Ant-Man graduated from the Piledriver School of Wrestling where he earned his name due to his displays of freakish power for such a small guy. His favorite move, The California Crush, is a running power slam that he has been known to do on people over 400lbs!



“Smiling” Bob Casey

Bob Casey is a journeyman that has wrestled for all the big promotions in the U.S. After a short stint in SWF Bob headed to RMW where they noticed his resemblance to a certain pill spokesman and slapped the “smiling” nickname on him. Despite being in wrestling for over 16 years he has yet to develop a finishing move and is content to win matches with a school boy pin or roll up.



Citizen X

Once, the poster boy for the Anarchist movement, Citizen X has since gone corporate. Claiming to have enough money to buy and sell anyone, he regularly offers $5000 to anyone who could last 5 minutes in the ring with him. As of yet no one, not even fellow professional wrestlers have been able to take Citizen X’s money as all have fallen to his standing guillotine leg drop he calls, The X-Ecutioner



Findlay O’Farraday

Coming straight out of Cobb County, Georgia Findlay is a massive Irishman with a chip on his shoulder who doesn’t have much wrestling skill but makes up for it in pure brawling ability. He is famous in Cobb County for beating up the local prison warden Ray Traylor in a bar fight. Just as many men have fallen to his (Greetings from Asbury Park) Drunken Irish Drop outside of the ring as have inside.



Riley McManus

Hailing from a small town just outside of Cobb County, Georgia Riley McManus grew up with the stigma that all Irish were drunk bastards, which ironically enough fellow RMW member Findlay O’Farraday helped fuel. Riley grew bitter over the years and has become something of a Straight Edge Advocate, professing the evils of drugs and booze. He loves to put opponents out with a dragon sleeper he calls, Severe Rehab.



Running Wolf

John Proudstar is a member of the Lakota people. He burst on the wrestling scene in Texas under the name Indian Jim. He was often used as an evil marauding Indian type so that the local cowboys had someone to heroically defeat. Tiring of playing the villain and thinking he was disgracing his people, he changed his ring name to Running Wolf and joined RMW. Whether he is using a huge Tomahawk Chop off the top rope or his dominator he calls the Wolf Tamer, Running Wolf is a force to be reckoned with.



Stretch the Chicken Boy

Growing up, Stretch always wanted to become the next Sam Strong. An extreme metabolism saw to it that his dream would never be realized. Despite this he still became a wrestler, although a rather strange one. He developed a unique cross face chicken wing move he has dubbed The Chicken Choker.



“Mean” Jean Cattley

Once a fixture in M.A.W. Jean has joined RMW in hopes of proving he is more than Rip Chord’s whipping boy. He is often considered one of the most underrated wrestlers in the world and some say if he ever had it in him to join SWF or TCW he could easily capture their world title. Jean however, is content to mold up and comers with his tough love and superior skills. He isn’t above cheating because he believes youngsters need to learn how to overcome the odds. Anyone who disagrees with him on this usually ends up a victim of his twist of fate he dubbed The Mood Swing.

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Path to the Top Card for March

"Golden Delicious" Melanie Flyman vs. Principessa

Ant-Man vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley

Riley McManus vs. "Smiling" Bob Casey

Stretch the Chicken Boy vs. Findlay O'Farraday


much, much MORE!


Just a little over 24 hours until it is SHOW TIME!!!

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Path to the Top!

Attendance: 51



Remmington Remus (Play by Play) & Phonse Lockett (color)


Remmington: Welcome everyone to another exciting week on the Path to the Top! As always you are in for action and suspense like only Rocky Mountain Wrestling can bring you. As you know I am Remmington Remus and with me as always, the one and only, Phonse Lockett.


Phonse: Thanks for the introduction Remy. Tonight looks like quite the barn burner as we are going to see if Stretch might be the one to finally put a stop to the path of destruction by the “Drunken Irishman” Findlay O’Farraday.


Remmington: On top of the stellar main event of Ant-Man and “Mean” Jean Cattley. Those two looking to prove that they belong on the top of the RMW Mountain. However, that comes later, right now we have the RMW debut of Principessa. She is scheduled to take on the dominant diva…err, wrestler of the women’s division, “Golden Delicious” Melanie Flyman.



Principessa vs. “Golden Delicious” Melanie Flyman


Principessa came out first, to some scattered cheers from the crowd. Melanie came out to a round of loud boos that she played up in the typical angry heel reaction. The match started with a lot of back and forth action. As it continued, Melanie began to get the edge only for Principessa to lock on a Figure Four Leg Lock after a lariat takedown and make Melanie tap out.


Winner via submission: Principessa (D-)


Remmington: Beautiful transition into a Figure Four by Principessa and it is enough to take home the win. Melanie isn’t the one to take loss well Phonse, and I would be surprised if we went off the air without word of some kind of incident between these two in the back.


Phonse: Melanie is a hot head Remy, but Principessa is smart enough to get out of dodge before the proverbial, “Stuff”, hits the fan.


Remmington: That is true Phonse. Coming up next we have “Smiling” Bob Casey taking on Riley McManus in what will no doubt be a technical display of the true science of wrestling.


Phonse: Pay close attention to this one folks, you just might learn a thing or two.



“Smiling” Bob Casey vs. Riley McManus


Bob Casey came out to little reaction from the crowd although he kept smiling the whole time. Riley came out to an equal lack of reaction although he tried to rile the crowd up to little effect. As the bell rang Riley and Bob locked up in the center of the ring in a typical collar and elbow lock that saw several transitions only to somehow end up back in the collar and elbow lock. Several minutes of hold/counter hold wrestling later and the crowd began to come to life cheering and booing when appropriate. Riley then set Bob up for a Cloverleaf only to have Bob grab a hold of Riley and execute a perfect small package for the win.


Winner via pinfall: “Smiling” Bob Casey (D-)


Remmington: As soon as you think Riley has it all wrapped up, “Smiling” Bob pulls it out!


Phonse: Now we know what he is smiling about Remy.


Remmington: Well folks, that concludes the technical portion of our show. Get ready for some good old fashion bar room style brawling because Findlay and Stretch are coming up next!



Findlay O’Farraday vs. Stretch the Chicken Boy


Findlay came out with his bottle of booze as usual and he drunkenly made his way to the ring amid a round of boos. Stretch came out to a small pop as the crowd wanted nothing more than to see Findlay get his. As Stretch tried to get into the ring Findlay nailed him with a big boot that sent Stretch crashing to the concrete floor. Findlay went out after Stretch and slammed him back first into the guard rail several times before tossing Stretch up and over the ropes. Findlay got in the ring and the match officially started. Findlay lifted Stretch up and landed a Drunken Irish Drop followed by a pin for the easy win.


Winner via pinfall: Findlay O’Farraday (E+)


Remmington: Quite a dominant win for Findlay.


Phonse: Stretch better get out of their quick because if I know Findlay it isn’t over yet.


Remmington: Findlay has that bottle in his hand…wait a minute is that Heidi Brooks coming down to the ring with a mic in hand? Yes it is! The RMW owner is coming out and unless I miss my guess she is going to put a stop to this right now.



RMW Owner Heidi Brooks


Heidi: Don’t you even think about it! For the past two months you have been busting open my superstars and I am putting a stop to it right now! The next time you use that bottle for anything other than recycling you will force me to teach you a lesson about respect and believe me you do not want that!



Findlay looks at Heidi Brooks then over at Stretch. Findlay puts the bottle down on the mat and the crowd cheers Heidi. Findlay then begins to step out of the ring only to stop halfway and get back in. Findlay walks over to the bottle and picks it back up then smashes it on the face of Stretch. The crowd boos loudly as Findlay gives Heidi the up yours gesture.



Remmington: Findlay may have made the biggest mistake of his life Phonse, because if I know Heidi like I think I do, there will be…excuse my language folks, Hell to pay.


Phonse: Heidi Brooks, or Granny B. as she is sometimes know is one of those people who seems so sweet and incapable of causing harm but those who know her like you and I do, will tell you Granny B. believes in tough love. I think Findlay is going to be getting some of that tough love next month Remy.


Remmington: I couldn’t have said it better myself Phonse. We are just about ready for the main event between Ant-Man and “Mean” Jean Cattley. According to my sources the winner of this could very easily find themselves in the Main Event of King of the Mountain in December where we crown the first RMW Champion.



Ant-Man vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley


Ant-Man comes out to a loud cheer from the crowd of over fifty. Jean walks out to loud booing and a few pieces of trash getting tossed his way. The bell rings and Ant-Man and Jean lock up only for Ant-Man to use his superior strength to toss Jean into a corner. Ant-Man climbs the second turnbuckle and rains down some punches as the crowd counts them off to ten. Ant-Man then hops down and poses for the crowd before attempting a spear, only to have Jean move out the way and Ant-Man collide with the ring post. Jean pulls Ant-Man free and begins to work over the left shoulder which is the one that collided with the ring post. After a few near pins “Mean” Jean sets Ant-Man up in the corner and lands a huge super-plex off the top rope. Both men are slow to their feet with Jean up a few moments before ant-Man. Ant-Man rushes in and tries a suplex but Jean blocks it and pushes Ant-Man off then nails his Mood Swing finisher before making a pin.


Winner via pinfall: “Mean” Jean Cattley (D)


Remmington: A nice win by “Mean” Jean Cattley and a heartbreaker for Ant-Man. This has been quite a night…


Phonse: Hold that thought Remy because it looks like things are not done yet. Citizen X is in the ring with a mic.



Citizen X



Citizen X: How can you have a Path to the Top without the man at the top? Someone forgot to book yours truly tonight and while I am sure they have been fired I will not deny you people the joy of seeing a true great like me wrestle. (crowd boos) In my hand is $5000, more than any of you make in a months time. So, just like last month and the month before that, who out there thinks they have what it takes to last with me for Five Minutes? You…? How about you fatty? You…the pathetic guy in the Ant-Man shirt, get in here and show your fat wife that you’re not even a real man. No? I didn’t think so…Wait a minute it looks like that guy right there wants a piece of me. Get a tech over there and bring him to the ring. Hurry up!


A ring tech runs out to the back row and brings a blonde guy from the crowd to the ring.


Citizen X: You want a piece of me boy?


Guy: I want the whole thing you pompous jerk!


Citizen X: Big words for such a little man. Tell me, what is your name?


Guy: Joe…Joe Benning.


Citizen X: Joe Benning…what is it that you do for a living?


Joe: I’m unemployed.


Citizen X: I expected as much. What does your father do for a living Joe?


Joe: He’s a plumber…Now are we going to fight or just stand around talking? (crowd cheers)


Citizen X: One last question Joe…Exactly where is it that you are from?


Joe: I’m from right here, Portland Oregon! (crowd cheers)


Citizen X: Well Joe…take a good look at this money because you will never have…





Citizen X vs. Joe Benning


Citizen X punches the distracted Joe as the crowd boos. A ref slides into the ring and a bell is rung signaling the match is official. Citizen X lifts Joe up and slams him down with a hard body slam. Citizen X then places a foot on Joe but that is not enough to get the win. Citizen X slaps the head of Joe and laughs as Joe slowly gets to his feet. Joe is up and Citizen X swings with a wild right only to have Joe duck it and come back with a few rights of his own. The crowd begins to buzz as Joe is rocking Citizen X with rights and lefts. The ref warns Joe about the closed fist but Joe lets Citizen X have it with a huge right hook that sends Citizen X down and the crowd into a cheering frenzy. Citizen X is Joe takes a few steps back and runs at Citizen X and nails him with a lariat that sends Citizen X back to the mat. Joe tries to lift Citizen X up but Citizen X nails Joe with a blatant low blow that the ref doesn’t see. Joe goes down and Citizen X is up and climbing the top rope. Citizen X leaps off looking to land a leg drop but Joe somehow manages to roll out of the way. Joe then drapes an arm over Citizen X…




Winner via pinfall: Joe Benning(D)


Remmington: Oh my Lord! Joe Benning has just beat Citizen X! Citizen X must wish that he never came out here tonight Phonse.


Phonse: This son of a plumber has just defeated Citizen X in front of his home town crowd and the cheers are damn near deafening.


Remmington: I’m sure Citizen X will never live this down and unless I miss my guess Joe Benning is no longer unemployed. For Phonse Lockett, this is Remmington Remus…good night!


Overall Show...D!

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Path to the Top Card for April

"Golden Delicious" Melanie Flyman & Emma B. vs. Principessa & Amber Allen

Joe Benning vs. "Mean" Jean Cattley

Riley McManus vs. Stretch t Chicken Boy

Findlay O'Farraday vs. ???

Citizen X vs. Ant-Man


much, much MORE!

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I could still hear the crowd cheering on Joe Benning as Citizen X made his way to the back. He gave me a “thumbs up” as he passed me in the hallway and a wave of relief washed over me. In this business their are not that many guys who would be happy to let a kid ten years their junior get a clean win over them in the main event. Add to that Citizen X is our top guy and Joe just made his debut for the company…I dodged a bullet with that one. People might think I am exaggerating, but I have heard stories of guys injuring their opponents out of spite due to a booker making them do the job. Joe stayed in the ring for another ten minutes before walking to the back. As he reached the locker room all the guys were shouting congratulations to Joe, which seemed to embarrass Joe slightly.


Everyone was in high spirits that night and I couldn’t bring myself to tell the cold hard truth of things…RMW was going under. Despite our attendance doubling from the previous show we still lost a little over $4500. The investors were putting pressure on my grandmother to cut cost, but she was refusing to fire a single person. She said she would rather bankrupt the company and fail with everyone she gathered then succeed by cutting lose a single member of our family. Granny is stubborn like that sometimes. So, unknown to anyone but myself and my grandmother…RMW was heading into our next event in a do or die situation…

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Path to the Top!

Attendance: 39



Remmington Remus (Play by Play) & Phonse Lockett (color)


Remmington: Hello out there and welcome to another exciting week on the Path to the Top! As always, you are in for action and suspense like only Rocky Mountain Wrestling can bring you. I’m the voice of RMW, Remmington Remus and with me as always, the one and only, Phonse Lockett.


Phonse: Thanks for another stellar introduction Remy. Tonight looks like quite the barn burner as we find out who Heidi Brooks has hand picked to face the “Drunken Irishman” Findlay O’Farraday.


Remmington: Heidi has been around the business for more years than either of us have been alive Phonse, so when I say it could be just about anyone stepping in that ring with Findlay…I literally mean, anyone!


Phonse: Indeed you do, because as we all know Heidi has worked with everyone from Ace McQueen to Zarnold Quigmann. For all we know she could have Tommy Cornell, Sam Strong, and Professor Nero in the back pulling straws to see who faces Findlay.


Remmington: That is precisely why Findlay has been in such an extra foul mood as of late. Not only does he not know who he is facing, but the list of potential candidates is so long and illustrious there is no way he can prepare.


Phonse: Maybe that’s the reason Findlay tore up the locker room area before we went live. Although I still think he simply forgot the combination to his locker…Lord knows I have mine written done on the inside of my wallet.


Remmington: Whatever the reason, the main event is sure to be a good one. Folks, hold on to your seats as we are just minutes away from our first match of the evening…Stretch the Chicken Boy taking on Riley McManus in what is sure to be a display of true technical prowess.


Phonse: These two met once before and in that match Stretch barely got the win, let’s see if he can do it again tonight.



Stretch the Chicken Boy vs. Riley McManus


Stretch came out first to the “Chicken Dance” song, which he proceeded to do as several audience members joined in. Riley came out from the back to cheap arena rock and the crowd booed him. After the bell rang, Riley and Stretch went through several headlock reversals which ended with Riley catching Stretch with a back elbow as he was coming off the ropes. Riley and Stretch continued the back and forth until Riley was able to hook in his dragon sleeper, Sever Rehab, and make Stretch tap out.


Winner via submission: Riley McManus (E+)


Remmington: Great opening action from these two Phonse.


Phonse: Indeed Remy.


Remmington: Up next we have the first of several RMW debuts as “Smiling” Bob Casey takes on newcomer, Johnny B. Goode.



“Smiling” Bob Casey vs. Johnny B. Goode


Bob Casey walks to the ring with a huge grin on his face as the crowd barely reacts to him. Out next comes Johnny B. Goode wearing a flowing pink robe and some heart shaped shades. The crowd boos loudly as Johnny struts to the ring. When the bell rings, Johnny goes for a lock up only to stop short and roll out of the ring. This continues for several more lock up attempts and the crowd begins to scream and yell for Johnny to wrestle. Bob Casey chases Johnny around the ring as the crowd cheers him on but Johnny is able to slide inside and catch Bob with a quick elbow drop as Bob slides in. Johnny lifts Bob up and holds him in a DDT clutch so Johnny can gyrate before lifting Bob up and planting him with a brain buster he calls the Goode Night.


Winner via pinfall: Johnny B. Goode (E)


Remmington: Interesting debut by the slightly strange Johnny B. Goode as he picks up a win over “Smiling” Bob Casey.


Phonse: Slightly strange? Now that is an understatement Remy…It’s like saying Stretch is just a “little weird”, or Findlay is just “sort of drunk”, or that Amber is “kind of hot.” That Johnny B. Goode is all kinds of strange and we both know it.


Remmington: You may have a point there Phonse.


Phonse: Thank you Remy.


Remmington: No problem Phonse. It sounds like someone is heading to the ring so let’s see what is going on…



Jon “Streetz” Brown and Danny “Da Beast” Cavanagh


The arena is filled with the sound of cheap funk music as a small man dressed in a cheap suit comes strolling out with a pimp cane followed closely by a large intimidating man. They both enter the ring and the small guy produces a mic from out of his jacket.


“Streetz”: For those of y’all not hip to the way things are my name is Jon Brown but everybody just calls me Streetz. You see, the word on the streets is Rocky Mountain Wrestling is the place to be if you want to prove you are the best wrestler working the squared circle today. Now, my man Danny “Da Beast” Cavanagh here is thee best wrestler to ever lace up a pair of boots and slap someone upside the head with them. Now then, tonight…we gonna find out that woo, woo injun Running Scared is nothing but a big biznitch with a funny hat baby because my man “Da Beast” is gonna chew him up and spit him out in little bitty pieces. You better believe that!



Remmington: Did you understand a word of that Phonse?


Phonse: According to my Funk to English dictionary…The little guy is named Streetz and the big guy is “Da Beast” and Streetz is said tonight “Da Beast” is going to beat Running Wolf in a match.


Remmington: Well, why didn’t he just say that?


Phonse: No idea Remy.


Remmington: We are just waiting the arrival of Running Wolf and this match can begin.



Danny “Da Beast” Cavanagh with Streetz vs. Running Wolf


Running Wolf comes sprinting out of the back to some Native music and slides into the ring and immediately begins to trade blows with Danny as the bell is rung. Danny and Wolf slug away at each other until Wolf is finally able to gain the upper hand and send Danny to the mat with a huge right hook that has the crowd cheering. Wolf goes over to Danny but is distracted by Streetz who is on the ring apron yelling. Danny takes advantage of the distraction and pulls Wolf to the corner and begins to put the boots to him. Danny attempts to whip Wolf out of the corner but somehow Wolf reverses it and sends Danny shoulder first into the ring post. The ref checks on Danny as Streetz gets back on the ring apron and in the face of Wolf. The ref leaves Danny and tries to break up the confrontation between Streetz and Wolf only to have Streetz toss his can into the ring behind the ref’s back. Danny stumbles over to the cane and picks it up hitting Wolf in the stomach then the back of the head before tossing the cane to the floor and making a pin attempt, which the ref actually does see.


Winner via pinfall: Danny “Da Beast” Cavanagh (E-)


Remmington: What a cheap victory by Danny Cavanagh.


Phonse: Cheap? It was brilliant Remy. What other reason could you have for bringing a manger to ringside if not to help you win?


Remmington: I don’t know Phonse…moral support, mid match strategy, or maybe to prevent something like that from happening.


Phonse: I never thought of that…


Remmington: Up next we have our last pair of debuting wrestlers taking on one another as Donte Dunn is set to face the mysterious Wrestler X.


Phonse: Speaking of mysteries…we still have no idea who is taking on Findlay in the main event.


Remmington: Word from the back is that they have saw both El Patron and Mr. Lucha in the back. Let’s just go to the ring…



Donte Dunn vs. Wrestler X


Donte Dunn comes out to some tropical music as the crowd gives a slight cheer to the newcomer. As Donte awaits his opponent the lights in the arena go out for a moment then come back on with Wrestler X now in the ring standing face to face with Donte. The bell rings and Wrestler X kicks Donte in the gut then lands a jumping DDT followed by the pin. As soon as the ref makes the three count the lights go out again and Wrestler X is gone when they come back on.


Winner via pinfall: Wrestler X (E)


Remmington: WOW! That has got to be the shortest match I have ever seen.


Phonse: I blinked Remy and missed the entire match, it was that fast.


Remmington: Next we have the first official match of Joe Benning’s wrestling career, although he does hold a win over Citizen X, as he takes on “Mean” Jean Cattley.


Phonse: Joe shocked the world with win over Citizen X, but I wonder how well he is going to do against a guy who is prepared to face him.


Remmington: Prepared or not Citizen X made the challenge and he paid for it. Let’s go to the ring.



Joe Benning vs. “Mean” Jean Cattley


Joe comes out to a nice pop as the crowd is still behind the common man persona of Joe. Jean comes out to a round of boos that he plays up in typical heel fashion. The bell rings and Jean and Joe start off with some brawling, littered with a actual wrestling hold here and there from Jean. Jean is able to outwrestle Joe, but Joe is taking the fight to him with plenty of good looking punches and forearms. Just as it looks like Joe is going to go for a lariat Citizen X shows up and nails Joe with a chair right in front of the ref who calls for the bell. Citizen X drops the chair and looks over at Jean for a moment before walking out to a loud bout of boos from the audience.


Winner via DQ: Joe Benning (D+)


Remmington: Joe gets the win, but he hardly looks like a winner Phonse.


Phonse: If Joe thought he could take $5000 from Citizen X and be done with him, it looks like he was sadly mistaken Remy.


Remmington:I’m sure this won’t go unanswered from Joe. Up next some hot tag action as Amber Allen and Principessa take on Melanie Flyman and Emma B.


Phone: This is sure to be a hot one but the advantage does seem to be with the team of Allen and Principessa as I have learned Principessa actually trained Amber Allen.


Remmington: I heard that also Phonse, so we will see if that does in fact give them enough of an edge to win this one.



Amber Allen and Principessa vs. Melanie Flyman and Emma B.


Amber and Principessa come out with matching green and gold outfits as the crowd cheers them to the ring. Out next is Melanie who walks up to the ring but refuses to get in. Emma B. shows up last and walks over to Melanie and throws her a dirty look before they both enter the ring. Amber and Emma choose to start things off and Principessa and Melanie return to their corners. The match is back and forth until Amber is cut off from Principessa and Emma and Melanie work over Amber two on one. After several minutes of being unable to reach Principessa, Amber finally makes it and Principessa comes in and clears house. Emma rolls into the ring and Amber is tagged back in. As the ref watches the in ring action Melanie goes over and pulls Principessa off the ring apron then slams her head off the ring post. Melanie runs over to her corner and tags herself in then nails Amber with a Golden DDT and makes the pin.


Winners via pinfall: Melanie Flyman and Emma B. (D+)


Remmington: Tough loss for Amber and Principessa.


Phonse: When you have four hot ladies like that wrestling, there are no losers…except the guys up in the nosebleeds who can’t see.


Remmington: Indeed Phonse. Coming up next folks, Citizen X takes on Ant-Man in what is sure to be a good one.



Citizen X vs. Ant-Man


Citizen X comes out to a deafening boo which he could care less about. Ant-Man comes out to a loud cheer as the crowd hopes he puts Citizen X in his place. The match starts with some light technical wrestling followed by some hard hitting brawling. For most of the match Ant-Man gains the advantage only to lose it to some dirty trick by Citizen X. Ant-Man eventually sets Citizen X up for a California Crush only to have Citizen X thumb Ant-Man in the eye and get DQ’ed.


Winner via DQ: Ant-Man (D-)


Remmington: Once again we see Citizen X resorting to cheating, but this time he gets caught with his hand in the cookie jar.


Phonse: The main event is right around the corner Remy, any last guesses as to who is going to face Findlay? Personally I think it is Dan Stone Jr.


Remmington: Well, if I had to guess I would say Elemental II just because Heidi is still big in Japan Phonse. Enough guessing as we are about to find out…



Findlay O’Farraday vs. ???


Findlay makes his way to the ring to a round of boos which he ignores opting instead to finish the last of his booze from the bottle he brought to the ring. Findlay hands over the bottle to the ref who passes it to a nearby ring tech. For a few minutes everything is silent, as the audience awaits who will come out. Suddenly, the music for Heidi Brooks hits the PA system and she walks out holding a mic.



Heidi Brooks


Heidi Brooks: Last month I told you if you busted open one more superstar I was going to teach you a lesson about respect...and damn it I meant it! Now, in my long career I have wrestled all over the world and befriended many wrestlers. Sam Keith…Johnny Bloodstone…the original Elemental. All of them more than willing and capable of beating you in that ring, however none of them would teach you the lesson I need you to be taught because they are wrestlers…and you are nothing but a common brawler! If I want to teach you a lesson about respect I need someone who can fight you on your own terms…some like…



Jesse Christian


Remmington: My GOD! That is former SCCW Champion and SCCW Tag Champion Jesse Christian!


Phonse: Of all the people…he supposedly left the business for good Remy.


Jesse comes out of the back racing past Heidi and gets into the ring and begins to slug it out with Findlay. Findlay is unable to hang with Jesse who works him over to the ropes then sends him crashing to the floor with a huge lariat. The crowd goes nuts as Jesse flexes in the ring as Findlay struggles to get to his feet. Findlay is stumbling around the outside and Jesse goes out after him. Jesse slams Findlay into the guardrail a few times before tossing him back into the ring.


Remmington: Jesse taking it to Findlay like no one has ever done before Phonse.


Phonse: The only person the same size as Findlay in RMW is Running Wolf, who was no match for Findlay in their one encounter.


Findlay and Jesse are both on their feet in the ring and Findlay attempts a big boot only to have Jesse hook his leg and take him up and over with a capture suplex. Findlay rolls out of the ring holding his back and breathing hard as Jesse watches on. Findlay gets on the ring apron and Jesse runs at Findlay and lands a big flying forearm that sends Findlay crashing back to the floor. Jesse kips up to the cheer of the crowd before he goes out of the ring and tosses Findlay back in once more.


Remmington: Findlay isn’t used to being on the defensive Phonse and it is showing here tonight.


Phonse: If Findlay doesn’t get something going and soon it will be last call for the “Drunken Irishman.”


Jesse has Findlay in a headlock only to have Findlay take him over with a back body drop. Findlay then waste no time and begins to put the boots to Jesse. After a hard stomp to the gut Findlay lifts Jesse up and whips him to the corner. Findlay runs in for a lariat but Jesse lifts his leg and catches Findlay with a boot to the mouth. Findlay is turned around by the force of the impact and begins to wobble on his feet. Jesse drops to a three point stance as the crowd is on their feet. Findlay turns in Jesse’s direction and Jesse explodes out of the corner and nails Findlay with a lariat that flips Findlay around. Jesse makes the pin as the crowd counts it off with the ref.


Winner via pinfall: Jess Christian (D-,D-)


Remmington: Jesse Christian does it! He has beaten the monster Findlay like a red headed step child!


Phonse: If this didn’t get the lesson of Respect across I am sure Jesse will be willing to teach it once again Remy.


Remmington: Thank you for joining us on another action packed Path to the Top. I am Remmington Remus and this is Phonse Lockett. Goodnight and join us again next month as we call another Path to the Top brought to you by Rocky Mountain Wrestling!


Overall Show…D-

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Path to the Top Card for May

Donte Dunn vs. Riley McManus

Danny "Da Beast" Cavanagh vs. Ant-Man

Amber Allen vs. Emma B.

~Double Main Event~

~~Winners get a spot in the King of the Mountain Tournament~~

Findlay O'Farraday vs. Joe Benning

Jesse Christian vs. Citizen X


***OOC feedback, critism and or predictions are welcomed and sought after...

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Donte Dunn vs. Riley McManus

Danny "Da Beast" Cavanagh vs. Ant-Man

Amber Allen vs. Emma B.

~Double MAin Event~

~~Winners get a spot in the King of the Mountain Tournament~~

Findlay O'Farraday vs. Joe Benning

Jesse Christian vs. Citizen X

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Johnny Brooks is inside his makeshift office going over the numbers from the last Rocky Mountain Wrestling show when his grandmother and RMW owner Heidi Brooks walks into the room.


Heidi: So…how did we do?


Johnny: That depends…are you talking financially?


Heidi: Yeah, let’s start with our finances.


Johnny: Well…as it looks we are on track to lose just over ten grand this month.


Heidi: Really? I was sure we would be pulling ahead this month…


Johnny: No…with our advertising revenue of just over four grand I don’t see…


Heidi: Four grand?


Johnny: Yeah…two thousand from Johnny’s Liquor depot logo on our turnbuckles and two grand from the mention of Ray’s Pizza Castle on our flyers.


Heidi: What about the money from the ring apron? I figure that’s another twelve thousand a month easily.


Johnny: The ring apron?


Heidi: Didn’t you get the memo, we closed the deal right after the show.


Johnny: Then…we actually made money this month?


Heidi: Yep! I figure we made a good seven and a half thousand this month.


Johnny: Then…we are not going to close down?


Heidi: Not a chance Johnny boy…not a chance!


Johnny: Whew! I sure as heck didn’t want to tell the guys I blew it after just four shows. I think Findlay would tear my arms off and beat me with them.


Heidi: Findlay…don’t let the kid fool you, he’s a big softy. He has to have the nurse pull off his band aids for him…and he even lets out a yelp when she does it. So…how do we stand with the fans?


Johnny: We had a small dip in attendance and our shows quality was rated lower by the International Wrestling Council’s website but…we have a popularity rating of F+. So we have improved, although very little.


Heidi: Small steps Johnny boy…small steps…

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