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HGC The Rise and Fall of Hollyweird (Cverse '97)

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Tuesday, Week 1, February 1997

The V. Thompson Arena (South West) – 7,334 People






The show opens with Rip Chord standing in the ring, dressed to nines in an Armani suit with the World Heavyweight Championship around his waist. He’s flanked by the two men who helped him win the championship, along with the insurance policy, Charlie Thatcher.


Chord puts one hand against the belt, then raises the microphone to his lips. “It looks good on The Great One, don’t you think?”


It’s all he really needs to say. Chord is easily the most despised man on the Hollyweird roster right now, and the fans explode in rage the moment he finishes speaking.


“You can hate me all you want,” Chord says, “but you can’t deny it any longer. I carry the proof right here – I am the best wrestler in this company. I am exactly who I’ve always claimed to be. I am—”


The Breeder’s Cannonball echoes across the arena. The fans, knowing whose coming, immediately go crazy as Liberty makes his way down to the ring.




“Man, it seems to me, you are the guy who really likes the sound of your own voice,” Liberty says. “And that’s cool, I guess, except no-one paid their money to see you parading a belt like it’s a fashion statement, man. These people want to see one thing – a World Heavyweight Championship match – and seeing how I was the guy who lasted almost as long as you did, I figure—”




Liberty gets interrupted by Iron Man by Black Sabbath, but Dread doesn’t leave much space for the crowd reaction. The big man strides down to the ring, climbing over the top rope to claim the microphone off Liberty. The juggernaut more or less ignores everyone, getting straight up into Chord’s face.


Charlie Thatcher takes a threatening step forward, glaring at the Dread. The juggernaut almost seems amused by the attempt at intimidation. He glares, and Chord touches Thatcher's arm, allowing Dread to step up. The juggernaut looks the Champion directly in the eye.


“You and me,” he says. “Title match. Tonight.”


Chord stares directly into Dread’s eyes, reading the intensity there. After a long minute the champion grins, and walks away. “If I remember correctly,” Chord says, “I’ve already beaten both of you, and generally that means you go to the back of the queue. We’ve got a company full of great talent here, boys, and it only seems fair to let—”




Voodoo Child heralds the arrival of Sam Strong, and Chord can barely hide his irritation this time around. The expression changes when Strong finally appears – the legend is dressed in a pinstripe suit, his neck secured with a white neck brace, and the big man moves with the stiffness of a man trying to avoid pain.


Strong doesn’t climb into the into ring, content to stay on the stage, but he has a microphone of his own. “As you’ve probably noticed, I’m not exactly in the best shape,” he says. “Two weeks ago, in my match with Dread, I suffered a minor injury. Not a big deal, certainly not enough to keep me out of the ring when there’s a world title at stake, but enough that I was told to take care of myself.


“All of that changed at Malice in Wonderland, when BLZ Bubb attacked me in the middle of the match and dropped my neck across the top rope. What started as a minor injury has become…something worse. Something that means I won’t be wrestling for a long time, if I’m ever in a position to get into the ring again.


“And I gotta tell you all, that saddens me, brother. The Million Strong Army tuned into Hollyweird to see the living legend, and I wanted to make sure they got to see the living legend, injury or no injury. So yesterday, after I got the news, I went to see our boss, JK Stallings, and I asked him what Sam Strong could do for Hollywierd if I wasn’t allowed to wrestle.


“And he said, Sam, why don’t you be my voice. Why don’t you go and take charge of Hollyweird TV, and make sure the fans are getting the matches they most want to see.


"And since I wasn't ready to leave yet, since I wasn't ready to let guys like Rip Chord and BLZ Bubb run riot over this company, that's exactly what I agreed to do. From this moment on, Sam Strong is the General Manager of the Hollyweird Grappling Company."


There's a roar from the crowd, and Strong soaks it up a little before turning to the men standing in the ring.


“Which leaves you with a little problem, Rip.” Sam Strong openly grins at his long-time nemesis, aware that he’s got the upper hand. “You’re right, of course, there is a lot of talent here in HGC; there are lots of names that deserve a title shot. But I’m willing to bet, if we asked these here fans, who they’d most like to see challenge for that belt, the names Dread and Liberty would be right on top of that list.


“So the good news, Rip, is that you aren’t going to be defending that title tonight. Tonight’s main event is going to determine just who will be challenging for that belt at The War to Settle the Score in four weeks time, and it’s going to be Liberty versus Dread going one on one.”


The fans go crazy and Strong throws the microphone to one of the ring crew, waving to the crowd as he leaves. Down in the ring, Rip Chord and his cohorts look less than pleased at the development.


Rating: A




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http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ThomasMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryWood.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AlysianScottsfield.jpg


The British Knights vs. Savage Fury vs. The Ontario Kings vs. The Wood Boys

HGC World Tag-Team Title Tournament Wildcard Qualifier


“One way or another, the tag-team tournament is going to see some new blood,” Kyle Rhodes opines, and indeed he speaks the truth. The four teams go all-out to impress the crowd, sparking off a series of quick tags and rapid-fire double-teams.


The match is mostly in place for Jason Azaria to put over the younger undercard teams, summarising their accomplishments and keeping the stories simple. The British Knights – talented newcomers with phenomenal natural chemistry and a mastery of the English style; Savage Fury – rising stars in Japan known for their power and savagery; The Ontario Kings – Stone-dojo graduates whose common training regime gives them a frightening synchronicity in the ring; the Wood Boys – backwoods brawlers from the Great White North who are almost as feared as the Demons of Rage.


Everyone gets a chance to shine, but it’s the Wood Brothers who pick up the victory after Larry Wood nails Rolling Johnny Stones with the Big Boot and makes the cover


The Wood Brothers defeated Savage Fury, The Ontario Kings and The British Knights in 9:40 by pinfall.

Rating: E+






The camera cuts to the interview stage, where Action Jackson is standing with an unfamiliar rookie. “I’m here with Tom Gilmore,” Jackson says, “a man whose been labelled one of the hottest rookie prospects of 1997, and I’m pleased—”




“Like any of that matters." Romeo Heartthrob bursts in and elbows Gilmore out of the way, throwing a fist-full of dollars in Gilmore’s direction. “There you go, junior mint,” Heartthrob snaps. “Go find yourself something more productive to do. One of the big boys needs your slot.”


Gilmore lets the bills hit him in the chest, ignoring them as he focuses a grim stare on the veteran. Heartthrob doesn’t really notice; he claims the microphone from Action Jackson and steps closer to the camera.


“This is a message for Monty Walker,” he says. “Last night, you crossed a line, son. You went that one step too far and took a cheap shot at a man who already proved he’s better than you are. And this time, son, it was one cheap shot too many. I was willing to disregard this as youthful indiscretion, an inexperienced kid making mistakes ‘cause he’s too dumb to know better, but now you and I have a problem, Walker, and it’s the kind of problem—”


Tom Gilmore spins Heartthrob around and slaps the veteran across the face.


“I don’t give a good god damn about your money,” Gilmore says, voice cold and even. “I don’t know who the hell you think you are, ‘big boy’, but you just stepped on the wrong guy’s toes. You want a message delivered, you sonofabitch? I’ll give you a god damn message: next week, you and me, in the ring. It’s going to happen, and you’re going to lose.”


Rating: C-






The show comes back from a commercial and Professor Nero is down in the ring, flanked by the hulking Demons of Rage. The demons are armed with straps, having used them to decimate a small swarm of security guards on their way to the ring. Nero merely stands in the centre of the ring, putting his weight on a can, a mysterious case sitting at his feet.


"First," Nero says, "I would like to show some footage." He looks into the camera, addressing the backstage crew. "It would good idea to play that tape I dropped off, unless you'd like me to send Rage and Spite down there to convince you."


The Silver Screen comes to life, replaying the end of the Demon's bout at Malice. It's a slightly different camera angle from the one on the PPV - it shows Nero pulling Sparrow out of the ring, it shows Sparrow flailing wildly, and it shows Nero taking a glancing blow to the cheek - clearly an accident - moments prior to his assault of the referee with a leather strap.


"Thirty days," Nero says. "For my actions last night, for defending myself against an unwarranted attack, the Demons of Rage have been suspended for thirty days. No World Tag-Team Title Tournament, no rematch with the Vessey Boys. For thirty days we are out of competition, and the Vessey's claim of being the best tag-team in the world will go unchallenged.


"This is, as they say, unacceptable.


"Fortunately I’ve known Larry Vessey for a long time. Years ago, before the owner of this company was more than a speck in his father’s eye, I wrestled him back in one of the toughest territories in the country. He fought me for the world title, I fought him for the tag-team straps. He had a different partner back then, but the man understands how to make a team work; never quite had the knack of wrestling as a singles.


“Larry Vessey never became a singles champion in Texas. I never wore tag-team gold. That’s the way things go sometimes. A man can’t have everything, not even me.”


A particularly brave security guard fights past the Demons and climbs onto the apron, prompting Nero to grab the briefcase at his feet and smash it into the intruder’s face. “Enough nostalgia,” he says. “Moving on to the business at hand.


“The Hollyweird officials have informed me that our actions at Malice in Wonderland have been deemed, ahem, unbecoming to a member of the HGC roster. They’ve levied fines against the Demons, and banned them from competition for thirty days.


“I hear there’s a tournament this month, to determine this company’s first tag-team champions. I hear the Vessey’s are favourites, now that the Demons are excluded. I heard these things, and I thought…” Nero pauses and unlocks the briefcase, revealing its contents to the crowd.




“My god, those are the Texas Wrestling League tag-team titles,” Azaria says. “Those were the first belts Larry Vessey won in his career, alongside the legendary Archie Judge.”


“I thought it best to correct a moment of misjudgement,” Nero says, then he cackles as he hands the Texas straps to the Demons. “The last owners of these belts fell upon hard time, and they willingly sold them to me. They may mean little to those with short memories, but I assure you they mean a great deal to the men who have fought and bled for them. Men like Liberty. Men like Cowboy Ricky Dale.


“Men like Larry Vessey, for whom these belts where the first taste of gold he ever received.


“Now they belong to the Demons of Rage…the first tag-team in Hollyweird to stand in this ring wearing gold.


“And Larry, in thirty days, when you’re done with this tournament and the Demons have done their penance for a crime that was never committed…we’ll be waiting for your call, boy.


"The issue between you, your brother, and my Demonsis no-where near resolved.”


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Elctrico.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ElBandido.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg


Electrico w/El Bandido vs. Joel Bryant w/Paul Steadyfast


Short, fast, and greeted with ambivalence by the crowd. The Untouchable’s early dominance of HGC has been badly shaken over the last three weeks, but Bryant is content to let Steadyfast handle the emoting of that fact and directs his own considerable focus onto the match at hand.


Bryant chases down the fast-moving luchador, locking the match down onto the mat. Electrico fights back, at one point rocking Bryant when he rolls free of a hold and hits a roundhouse kick to the head, but the more experienced Untouchables shooter eventually picks up the victory courtesy of the One Shop Drop.


Joel Bryant defeated Eléctrico in 6:23 by pinfall.

Rating: D-






The camera cuts to the interview stage where Mr Lucha is waiting, staring at the camera with a steady gaze. “I came to this company…to this country…because I had something to prove,” Lucha says. “In the opening weeks of Hollyweird TV, I think I did just that. Management saw what I could do, and they brought in more names: Electrico; El Bandido; the Spanish Superfly. Dos Santos del Lucha Libre, yes? Men who look to Mr Lucha as a leader, the veteran, the one who blazes trails.


“These masks are our heritage, and we wear them with honor. To steal them, to remove them, is not just an insult…it’s a stain upon our very soul. When Paul Steadyfast tried to remove mine, those many weeks ago, he was spitting in my face, in the faces of my friends, in the faces of my people.


“It is like...what is the words…burning your American flag? It's disrespect to me, to every luchador who wears a mask.


“Steadyfast, he understands this, even if others do not. There was no ignorance in his actions. And yet, I could not beat him. I could not revenge myself on him for this insult. At Malice in Wonderland, I fought him to a standstill.


“Paul, when next we meet, esse, there will be no draw. The insult you offer me will be repaid with defeat, over and over and over.”


Rating: C






The Cure’s Burn sounds through the arena and the Blazing Flames make their way down to the ring, the brothers dressed in sharp suits with flame motifs around the hems. The camera follows them as they play to the crowd, high-fiving younger fans and flirting with women as they go.


The camera is tracking Teddy Flame as the team circles the ring, following their customary route where one brother goes either direction, so the first sign that’s something’s gone wrong is the roar of the crowd.




The camera angle quickly switches, showing Joey Flame on the mat while both members of the Nation of Filth leap over the guard rail. The two punks proceed with a two-on-one beat-down on the younger flame.


Teddy comes charging around to help his brother, but he’s meet with a boot to the stomach from Stink. Grunt promptly joins his partner, dumping Teddy Flame head-first into the concrete with the Dust Buster.


Grunt gets up close to a camera, sneering into the lens. “Hey, Blazing Flames,” he says, “when you wake up tomorrow and you’re trying to figure out where the headaches came from? Remember the names Grunt and Stink. Remember the Nation of Filth. We’re ready for a fight, and we’ll oblige you any time you want some payback.”


Rating: C-






We come back from a commercial break and the camera’s in the back, but for once Action Jackson isn’t on the interview stage. He’s leading the camera along a hallway, past closed doors marking the locker rooms of various HGC stars. “This is Action Jackson backstage,” he says, “searching for the scoops, as always. I’ve heard a rumor there’s a girl here with Monty Walker this evening, and we’re endeavouring to find out if it’s the mystery woman who spurred him into setting up a match with Romeo Heartthrob at Malice.”




They turn a corner, peering into the catering area where Monty Walker is mid-argument with a mystery woman. “Listen, I’m working on it,” Walker says, “I mean, he’ll give a me rematch. I’m pretty sure he’ll give me a rematch. He seems kinda pissed about what happened and—”


“Rematches?” The mystery woman says. “I told you to start winning big matches, and you couldn’t even put away that geriatric playboy. What exactly do you think a rematch is going to do for you? I need a man with money, Walker, and you’re still working for ham-and-egg sandwiches.”


“I can do better, babe. I swear to god.”


The mystery woman adopts a shrewd expression. “If you can’t win, Monty, then at least try to get a bigger name so the losers purse isn’t so embarrassing.”


“I fought Romeo Heartthrob. He’s a legend. How much bigger do you want me to go?”


The question is pondered for a second, then the woman takes a deep breath and exhales the answer in a breathy voice. “How about Dread?”




“Yeah, I think so,” the woman purrs, suddenly seductive. “It’s scary, I know, but I can promise you it’ll be worth it…”


Rating: B-




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/UltimatePhoenix.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Ultimate Phoenix vs. BLZ Bubb w/Karen Killer


BLZ Bubb glares at Phoenix as the ring-announcements are made, obviously displeased to find his opponent for the evening isn’t Sam Strong. Once the bell is rung the masked man bears the brunt of BLZ Bubb’s displeasure, getting hammered from pillar to post before falling prey to the Hades Bomb.


BLZ Bubb defeated Ultimate Phoenix in 4:16 by pinfall.

Rating: D+






BLZ Bubb starts roaring Strong’s name after the match is over, demanding the legend climb into the ring. When it doesn’t happen, the demon seed lifts the limp form of Ultimate Phoenix and drapes him over the top rope, setting the masked man up for the same neck-snap that injured Strong at Malice.




There’s an immediate response from the backstage area as a trio of undercard workers charge the ring, trying to contain the demon seed. Richard Paez is the first on the scene, but the viewer barely gets a chance to identify him before he runs face-first into BLZ Bubb’s fist.




The next two faces are only familiar to fans who were at the arena for dark matches, wrestlers Azaria identifies as Richard Blood and Black Eagle, two rookie prospects known to be close friends of Phoenix. They fare no better than Paez when they arrive; BLZ Bubb takes both men down in record time, moments before the ring is swarmed by security who try to hustle the demon seed backstage.


Rating: B+






The camera cuts to the parking lot of the V. Thompson Arena, where Jack Dundee and Eric Tyler are lounging next to a limousine with tinted windows. “When we came into this company, we started with the best,” Eric Tyler says. “We stepped into the ring with the Vessey Brothers, and on that night we walked away with the losers share of the purse.


“There’s no shame in that, when you’re aiming for the top. Me and Jack may be the better wrestlers, but we’re still new to this teamwork thing. We’re still figuring out how to make it work to our advantage, because that’s what professionals do; you lose, you learn, you get that little bit better.”


“The Vessey Brothers are the best team in the world.” Jack Dundee straightens as he speaks, then pauses to exchange a knowing grin with his partner. “At least, they’re the best there is for now. One day, mate, real bloody soon, they’re going to learn just what it feels like to be replaced. Me and Eric aren't just wrestlers, we're a corporation dedicated to the art of inflicting pain, the best wrestler Canada's ever produced combined with the toughest SOB to ever come out of the land down under. Trust us, we'll figure this teamwork thing out, and when we do the Elimination Protocol is going into effect.


"We'll be the best tag-team in this company if it means breaking every other tag-team in two.”


Eric Tyler gives the camera a grim smile. "Hell, Jack, we'd probably prefer it that way."

Rating: D+






Back from another commercial break, and this time Action Jackson’s back in the interview stage with its prominent HGC banner. Brent Hill passes through, dressed to compete, and for the first time Action Jackson’s interview subject doesn’t actually stop for the interview. He darts after Hill, the camera following along. “Mister Hill,” Jackson says, “Mister Hill, do you have a few moments before…”


Hill hits the Crippler Position, right by the gate, and stops. His eyes are locked on the gate leading out into the arena. “Mister Hill, just a few questions about your match with Ota,” Jackson says.


Hill turns his steady, focused gaze on Action Jackson and stares. Jackson wilts a little beneath the focus.




“Forget it.” The camera pans sideways, revealing Cowboy Ricky Dale leaning against a wall, chewing on a piece of hay. “No point asking Bren Hill a damn thing when he’s preparing for a match. The man don’t speak when it’s time to let actions do the talking, you get me?”


“Sure,” Jackson says, “I think so, but how do you…what are you doing…”


“Known the man a long time,” Ricky Dale says, “and I like to watch him work. Me and Hill broke into this business ‘round the same time, worked together a while back when we started out. Taught him a few things ‘bout throwing a punch, once upon a time, and he returned the favour. Figured I’d stop by, wish him some luck out there.”


Ricky Dale pauses, touching a finger to the brim of his Stetson. Brent Hill nods, once, and goes back to plotting out the coming match inside his head.


“Reckon I’m about done then,” Ricky Dale says, nudging Jackson’s arm. “Suggest you and I mosey on a bit, though. He’ll get tetchy if you keep bothering him.”


Action Jackson takes one last look at the focused Hill, then admits defeat and follows Ricky Dale out of the room. “So, Ricky Dale,” Jackson says, voice trailing off as they walk away, “where exactly do you get hay in the middle San Franciso…”


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpg

Brent Hill vs. Fumihiro Ota


The match becomes, surprisingly, a mat-based war between the two men. Hill dominates, as you’d expect, but Ota gets the chance to show off his underrated technical skills, coming up with unexpected counters. Eventually Ota rolls out of the ring, complaining to referee Eugene Williams there’s something wrong with his mask.




Ronin and Awesome Thunder take immediate advantage; Thunder comes in first, taking Hill’s legs out with a sweep kick, and Ronin follows up with a flip legdrop that lands across Hill’s neck. Brent Hill’s just climbing back to his feet by the time Ota returns to the ring, and the masked man wastes no time finishing his opponent off with the Ninja Strike.


Fumihiro Ota defeated Brent Hill in 8:52 by pinfall.

Rating: D+




“We cross now to the locker room of Peter Valentine,” Jason Azaria announces, “and it seems the King of Hearts has a few things on his mind.”




And the camera cuts across, but it appears that Peter Valentine isn’t quite prepared for his promo spot. Instead he’s deep in argument with his best friend, Sam Strong, both of them oblivious to the fact that the camera’s gone live.


“…all I’m saying, brother, is that I get where he’s coming from on this one,” Strong says, fingering his neck brace. “Dusty’s not my favourite guys and all, but he’s kinda got a point about that elbow.”


Valentine looks irritated, as though this is the latest iteration of an argument he’s had several times before. “Jesus, Sam, let it go. I know what I’m doing, brother.”


“Pete, I hate to say it—”


“Then don’t.” Valentine folds his arms across his chest. “I’m not BLZ Bubb, Sam. I don’t take pleasure in injuring people, and I’m not the one who screwed up your neck. I’m the man whose got your back, brother, no matter what. I’m the man who stood by your side everywhere you’ve ever gone, whether you were right or wrong.


“It just seems a little sad that you’re not willing to stand by me on this one, brother, but either way I’m sick of talking about it. If you’re not to make the match for me, then—”


Valentine looks up, notices the camera is live. “Ah hell,” he says. “The promo.”


He looks from the camera to Strong, then shrugs. “Screw it, I’m not in the mood. You do whatever you want."


Rating: B




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The Vessey Brothers w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. Team Strength Rush

HGC World Tag-Team Title Tournament Qualifier


Not brilliant, but it does the job. The Rush may be a step behind the Vesseys when it comes to teamwork, but it’s a very short step and they have the raw striking power of Raymond Diaz to make up for it. The big man puts the Vesseys in real jeopardy when he traps Bryan in the clinch and unleashes a series of big knee strikes, and it’s only the quick thinking of Larry Vessey that saves the match.


Still, that’s the closest the Rush get to winning. The Vessey Boys proceed neutralize the threat of Diaz by keeping him out of the ring, focusing their attention on the veteran Lee Wright, and a few minutes later Wright falls prey to the Sick Cycle from Larry Vessey to end the match.


The Vessey Brothers defeated Team Strength Rush in 7:48 by pinfall.

Rating: C






Backstage once more, and it’s a somewhat harried Action Jackson that’s waiting alongside Rip Chord. “Rip Chord, thanks for being here,” Jackson says. “We’re moments away from the match that will determine the first challenger for your title. Can—”


“Action Jackson, can the questions, brother.” Chord snatches the microphone away. “We all know what you’re going to ask, and lets be honest – the Great One, Rip Chord, doesn’t care who I face for this title. Four men – Four! – stepped into the ring at Malice in Wonderland, and I was the one who walked away with the belt around my waist, brother.


“Sam Strong may be throwing his weight around as the new voice of Hollyweird management, but we all know what kind of man he is. I’m sorry he got himself injured, I’m sorry I won’t get the chance to beat him for this title, one on one, but wrestling’s a tough business and even legends get hurt.”


Jackson looks surprised. “You’re saying he’s picked these two potential challengers as a kind of revenge?”


“I’m saying it doesn’t matter,” Chord says. “He can put me in the ring with anyone – Liberty, Dread, Peter Valentine, BLZ Bubb, Bryan Vessey, Larry Vessey, the Ultimate Phoenix, the national guard, or the guy who runs the concession stand – it doesn’t matter to the great one.


“I am the world heavyweight champion, and I’m going to stay the world heavyweight champion.


“Everyone else is just fighting to see who occupies second place.”


Rating: B




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg


Liberty vs. Dread


A fiery, energetic babyface. The man who remains the benchmark against which all modern monster heels are measured. It’s an easy story to tell, especially with the stakes they’re fighting for, but the in-ring chemistry between the two gives the match nuances that you wouldn’t ordinarily expect from either wrestler.


Dread’s power is impressive, and he deploys it with the intelligence and precision that’s become his trademark. The juggernaut scoops up his opponent and charges a turnbuckle early in the match, doing damage to the lower spine, and everything Dread does afterwards focuses on that initial injury.


With his speed and the ability to hit the Liberation Slam compromised, Liberty quickly finds himself fighting on guts and determination. He rallies a few times, putting together short bursts of offense, but a series of nasty blows to the back quickly cut him off.


Liberty’s final come-back culminates in a Slam attempt, but his back won’t support the weight. Dread drops back to his feet, off-balance and staggering towards the ring ropes, but he’s grinning all the while.




Then Monty Walker vaults onto the apron and catches Dread with a superkick as the juggernaut hits the ropes. Sam Sparrow, busy checking that Liberty is okay to continue, doesn’t see a thing.


Dread doesn’t fall, not immediately, but he’s rattled by the unexpected impact. He rebounds off the ring ropes, unable to get his feet beneath him to stop his own ponderous momentum. He runs straight into Liberty, who immediately uses the same momentum to land the Liberation Slam for the first time in the match.


Liberty defeated Dread in 19:07 by pinfall.

Rating: B+




Overall: C+

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Thomas Morgan is sprawled across the big red couch, his arms spread wide. The charismatic cruiserweight is dressed to the nines, exactly the same way he dresses during his heel runs, but it's a far cry from the young rookie fans are seeing appear in HGC openers.


"The Ontario Kings," he says, grinning widely. "Man, that takes me back.


"Mostly, the entire team was a lie. I mean, sure, I'd gone through the House of Stone, but Bryan was a few years ahead of me, before the dojo was something official. The two of us hadn't even met when the put the two of us together - he'd more or less moved on from NotBPW by the time I finished training - but I'd seen plenty of tapes of his work. People still do, I think, when they go through the dojo, which is kinda weird when you consider that Dan Stone still hasn't come out and acknowledge Sherlock as one of his students on the paperwork.


"Don't ask me the story on that one, 'cause I honestly don't know.


"Still, they threw us together, let us work the Stone-trained gimmick. It's a pretty easy gimmick to run, too, since it largely involves investing in a leather vest and kicking some butt in the ring. Bryan was always better at that than me - I wasn't a slouch, but I didn't have the experience and I didn't have the drive he did.


"What I had was the one thing the Stones never really bothered to teach their students - the ability to open my mouth and make people believe I was one of the biggest Stone-trained pricks on the planet.


"And together, I guess, we worked. Never trained together, never met outside of Hollywierd, but it worked. I figured it was only a matter of time before they gave us one of the big money contracts and let us work the house tour…"






Grunt's forehead shows the legacy of his hardcore wrestling career, the camera picking up the pale patches that result from hundreds of tiny scars forming across the scalp. He gives the camera a gap-toothed smile. "At the time, me and Stinky were kinda pissed about kept out of the tournament," he says, "I mean, we knew we were good. Maybe not Vessey Brother's good, but better than a lot of the rookie teams they'd put together to work the undercard.


"More importantly, we weren't wrestling.


"We worked plenty on the house shows. We got TV time to rip on the Flames. If we'd been the kind of guys who cared about collecting paychecks, it would have been ideal, but wrestling isn't the kind of business you get into because you like collecting paychecks. We wanted to get out there on television and show off what we could do, unleashing the trash cans and taking the big bumps. We wanted to do our thing live and in living color, and they just weren't letting us. It didn't seem like much - it's not like we were saying we should win or nothin', but..."


Mark Smarts voice, from behind the camera, prompts his interviewee. "But?"


Grunt takes a deep breath. "But there were a lot of people who looked down on what we did - the trash cans, the gutter-talk, the blood. I know Chord, in particular, wasn't a big fan of it. No harm there, the Philly scene wasn't for everyone, but we were there full-time, you know? We had written contracts, we were making a couple of grand every month, and they were giving spots in that four-way to a couple of Canadian kids who'd been teaming for all of five minutes? They'd put Jack and Eric into the tournament - no surprises there, I guess - but Eric Tyler hadn't worked a regular tag-team in over f--king decade..


"It didn't seem like much, man, asking to get in the ring, but no-one was in a hurry to let us do that. "






"The Filth…" Jack Dundee bites his lip for a moment, thinking that over. "Well, it wasn't like they were doing nothing. We didn't want them in the title picture - they weren't delivering on that level - but it wasn't like they were being forgotten. They were targeting the Flames, they were moving up the rankings, they were getting over as heels because they did something a little different in the ring. It's easy to forget how cool the initial crowd response was to the trash-cans spot, especially now they've been performing it for fifteen years.


"The truth is, though, they just didn't have it yet. They were good at what they did, they had a niche, but there were plenty of fans who just didn't gel with the Filth's style. They f--ked up a lot, basically, and teams like the Kings and the British Invasion didn't. They may not have had the experience, but they had chemistry, so they became the designated underneath guys for the tag-team division."


Once again, Mark Smart pipes up from behind the question. This time the details aren't quite so clear, but Dundee's eyebrows shoot up.


"He said..." The bearded Australian leans forward, massaging his right hand as he chews over a resposne. "Yeah, I guess I can't really blame him for that. I wasn't real comfortable with it at the time.


"Me and Eric Tyler getting a spot…man, anyone's whose seen Eric's work can answer the question of why we got it, but I never quite liked how it looked. I mean, we were having problems with Sam because he was a booker and an active wrestler - way more problems we would have had if he'd just been a performer when he got injured.


"The guy who trained me, Walleye Conklin, always said you have to watch out when you're in a company where the booker gets a strap - it's never a good sign - and he's been right more often than not. It's one of those things that leaves a bad taste in everyone's mouth."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 10 Preview -


Coming up, on our latest HGC download:


The debuting Hardcore Killah will face one of HGC's finest, the legendary Dusty Streets, in the opening match of the show.


The World Tag-Team Title Tournament continues when the veteran Blazing Flames take on the Tag-Team Specialists. Both teams have issues with teams not involved in the tournament, but they'll be seeking to set aside distractions and move forward into the semi-finals.


Tom Gilmore will be in singles action against Romeo Heartthrob, looking to avenge the disrespect the veteran showed the rookie Canadian at last week's Hollyweird TV taping.


The demon seed, BLZ Bubb, has demanded another victim and the HGC officials have provided one in the form of Black Eagle. The masked man was one of a cohort of young wrestlers who stood up the BLZ Bubb last week, and wants revenge for the injuries inflicted on Ultimate Phoenix.


There's more World Tag-Team Tournament action when the surprising duo of Cowboy Ricky Dale and the Dark EAGLE reform their Malice in Wonderland team to compete against Backbreakers Inc. EAGLE may well be the weak point here, only recently returned from the injury list, and the Backbreakers are well-versed in targeting the spine and neck with their double-team offense.


Finally, in our main event, the overconfidence of Rip Chord has led the powers that be to schedule a World Heavyweight Title match against the Mexican legend, Mr Lucha. Chord's boasting about getting a free ride to the War to Settle the Score is cited as the reason for the match. Anyone whose seen Lucha wrestle will know that Chord's in for a fight, and anyone whose seen the close-knit team of HGC Luchadors in action will know Chord's cohorts aren't going to have an easy time when it comes to interference and distraction.


Matches features in streaming video include:


Mr Lucha vs. Rip Chord

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Backbreaker Inc.

Black Eagle vs. BLZ Bubb

Tom Gilmore vs. Romeo Heartthrob

The Blazing Flames vs. The Tag-Team Specialists

Dusty Streets vs. Hardcore Killah

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Tuesday, Week 2, February 1997

Virginia Park Fields (Mid-Atlantic) – 7,559 people






The show opens with Sam Strong standing in the middle of the ring, microphone at the ready. “It seems someone got the wrong idea about their title at the last show,” Strong says. “Rip Chord, so long as I’m running the show, brother, any man who wants to be a champ is gonna live up to a certain standard. They want to hold a belt, they got a fight for it. You ain’t getting a free ride to The War to End It All, brother. You want to be champion; you put up or shut up. You gotta be prepared to fight.


“So tonight, brother, I’m making a match. There’s a guy named Mister Lucha who wants a shot at that belt, and tonight he gets his chance.


“Rip, lace up your boots and get ready to rumble, brother, ‘cause that’s our main event.”


Rating: B+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HardcoreKillah.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CarlBatch.jpg


Dusty Streets vs. Hardcore Killah w/Carl Batch


The match opens with Carl Batch throwing a chair into the ring, creating an opening for the Hardcore Killah to jump Streets with a chain looped around his fist while referee Sam Sparrow is disposing of the foreign object. Killah pummels the veteran into the corner, tossing the chain to his manager, and then proceeds to unload with bare fists now the referee’s attention is back on the match.


Eventually Streets reverses the position, unloading with some fists of his own until Killah reverses the reversal. It sets up a cycle that only ends when Streets pulls Killah face-first into the turnbuckle before crawling free and dragging the match back into the centre of the ring.


The brawl that follows is heavily influenced by the Tri-State hardcore scene, with Carl Batch providing the referee distractions Killah needs to use chains, custom brass knuckles, and steel chairs as weapons. Streets finds himself on the back foot, but the second-generation veteran keeps finding back, and eventually picks up the victory with the Dust-Off.


Dusty Streets defeated Hardcore Killah in 10:05 by pinfall.

Rating: D+






Streets stays kneeling in the ring after the match, heaving down deep breaths. He slowly climbs to his feet, heading for the ropes to collect a microphone.


"This isn't a safe sport," Streets says. "You're reminded of that at the start of every television show, the same reminder over and over: please don't try this at home. Two men walk into the ring and fight, trying to hold their opponent down for three straight seconds. Bad things happen. People get injured, big injuries. Veterans find themselves hurting, a dozen little aches and pains adding up over the years.


"I walked into this match hurting. Two weeks ago I fought Peter Valentine and he caught in me in the Heart Breaker. The next day I had trouble breathing, for the next week I didn't really want to get out of bed. A couple of people phoned me and said I was conspicuous by my absence from last week's show. And yeah, you bet I was. I was conspicuously home, hurting like hell, from the move Peter Valentine used to lay me out.


"I got no problem with that. You fight a man, you take what you get. Say what you like about Peter Valentine, but he's strong and he's tough. When he catches you in the Heart Breaker, you're in for a world of hurt. I got no problem with the way the match ended, just with the way he set it up."



Streets gestures towards the Silver Screen, getting the backstage crew to replay the footage from the finale of his match:

a knee from Valentine doubles Streets over and the King of Hearts goes for the same elbow shot to the neck that put Dark EAGLE out of action. Streets avoids the blow, but he can’t avoid the Heart Breaker that follows.

"That," Streets says, "that I have a problem with. The same problem I had when he did it to Dark EAGLE. The same problem I'll have when he tries it on the next guy--"




Peter Valentine doesn't emerge to music. He just hits the ramp, striding towards the ring, stony eyes focused intently on Dusty Streets. The King of Hearts rolls into the ring and gets into Dusty's face.


"Wah, wah, wah," Valentine says. "Brother, I don't know what's stuck up your ass, but I suggest you dislodge it before it's joined by one of my size twelve boots. You've been pissing and moaning about the way I do business for a month, but when the chance came to do something about it, you choked, brother."


Streets takes a swing at Valentine, but the King of Hearts ducks and rolls out of the ring, retreating up the ramp a little. "You like to think you're pure of heart, Dusty," he yells, "you like to fool the fans into thinking you’re a shiny white hero wearing a white hat, but you and me aren't that different, brother. I'm not the one out here trying to sucker-punch ya. I'm not the one trying to hurt a man outside the confines of the match."


"Then get back into the ring," Dusty says. "I'm perfectly willing to hurt you right now, damn it."


Valentine takes off his jacket, folding it in half like he's going to comply, then grins and raises the microphone to his mouth. "Forget it."


The fans immediately respond, howling for blood.


"And you people can forget it too," Valentine says. "In case you haven't noticed, my best friend just became the General Manager of this pony show. He makes the decisions, he makes the matches, and he says I don't have to wrestle you until I feel the time is right, Streets. That can be tonight, tomorrow night, six months from now…but the truth of the matter is, you don't get a say. You can't make me wrestle you, and you can't appeal to a higher power.


"I suggest you get used to dealing with the disappointment, Dusty," Valentine says. "If you need any pointers, I recommend asking your wife. I'm pretty sure she's been getting used to disappointment ever since your wedding day."


With that last verbal jab, Valentine retreats, leaving Dusty standing alone in the ring.


Rating: C






The silver screen fires up, showing the interior of the Pangrazzio Training Camp. Bryan Vessey is practicing take-downs on some training mats, working his way through a dozen younger fighters who coordinate their attack under the watchful eye of Coach Dick Pangrazzio. "HEY!" Pangrazzio screams, "look alive, pencilneck! I want to see thirty repetitions of that hold Larry showed you, and I want to see them done right. I want…"




The camera pans sideways, showing Larry Vessey watching the action with a critical eye, ascertaining his younger brother's development as a combatant. His arms are crossed, his face locked into the perpetual frown, his disproval measured by the twitch of an eyebrow.


"July 5th, 1985," he says, cutting his promo without looking at the camera, his attention locked on the action the fans can no longer see. "I won my first belt, the Texas Wrestling League tag-team Championship, with a wrestler named Archie Judge. For thirteen months we held those straps together, taking on all comers, the first tag-team champions in one of the toughest, roughest, hardest-hitting territories the United States had ever seen.


"March 18th, 1987. I won the TWL Tag-Team straps again, this time with a young rookie named Rock Downpour. This time we scrapped and clawed our way to victory for fifteen straight months, the longest reign those belts would ever see. We lost them to Captain USA and the Masked Patriot, two legends who know teamwork like no-one else.


"Combine those two title reigns, and I've held the TWL tag-team belts for a quarter of the time they were active. I've held 'em twice as long as the combined reigns of anyone who came after me. The first belt I ever held, the one that told me I had what it took to become a champion."


He pauses a moment, blinks. It's the first time he's blinked since he started talking.


"Right now I'm focused on a different set of belts, a different first. The first HGC World Tag-Team Championship, the first chance to hold gold with my little brother, my first chance to bring gold to the All-Star Team. It's the reason Bryan and I came back from Japan, the reason we signed on with Dick Pangrazzio and his training camp.


"And now Mycroft Nero's brought back the Texas Wrestling League belts, like a ghost from the past, to haunt me. A man who never knew the meaning of teamwork, a man I beat for those belts time and again, no matter who he brought in as his partner, a man who…


"Well, this isn't the time for that.


"I don't talk much. It's not the way I'm built. I don't go out to the ring and tell glorious stories about what I'm going to do to my opponents; I don't tell people what's coming.


"But Nero and the Demons, they've got something of mine." Vessey turns and looks at the camera. "They've got them for thirty days, more or less, until their suspension is done. By then I plan on being a champion again, proving what Coach Pangrazzio has been saying for two straight months - the Vessey Brothers are the best tag-team in the world, bar none.


"Thirty days, Demons. Enjoy walking around with those belts, those championships from a dead company you never truly earned. 'Cause once I'm done with the tag-team tournament, you can bet your ass I'm coming for what's mine, and you're sure as hell going to earn the beating you've got coming to you."


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoeyFlame.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TeddyFlame.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg


The Blazing Flames vs. The Tag-Team Specialists w/Paul Steadyfast

Tag-Team Tournament Qualifier


It’s a solid, competitive tag-team competition where the teamwork of the Flames proves an early advantage. This lasts until Teddy Flame goes to the top rope and the interference begins.


Paul Steadyfast jumps onto the ring-apron, sweeping Teddy Flames legs out from beneath him, dropping the Blazing Flame headfirst back into the ring. Steadyfast immediately goes to the top rope himself, looking to add insult to injury…




…and Spanish Superfly hits the ring. The Mexican star flies up the apron and the ring ropes, throwing Steadyfast into the ringside area. Superfly follows up with a moonsault to the floor, wiping out the recovering Robert Oxford and evening things up.


The match quickly settles into a near-even battle between Bryant and Joey Flame. They go back and forth, each trying to buy time for their partner to recover, and there’s a roar from the crowd as Teddy Flame is the first back on his feet. The two red-heads immediately dominate Bryant, firing off their signature double-teams in rapid succession and their victory seems assured until a stray elbow from Bryant takes out the referee.




The Nation of Filth see their opening and take it. They hit the ring, dropping Joey with the Dust Buster, then pausing to taunt Teddy. The elder Flame makes the mistake of returning the taunts, and finds himself falling victim to the One Shot Drop the moment his attention wavers from the match. Joel Bryant makes the cover and Grunt shakes the referee awake, forcing the groggy Sam Sparrow to count off the three.


The Tag Team Specialists defeated The Blazing Flames in 9:39 when Joel Bryant defeated Teddy Flame by pinfall.

Rating: C-






Action Jackson is, for a change, out in the centre of the ring. "Ladies and Gentlemen," he says, "my guest at this time, the human juggernaut…Dread."




It's a long, ponderous walk between the curtain and ring for the juggernaut. Dread takes his time, never acknowledging the audience, his lips pulled into an angry line.


"Dread," Jackson says, "last week you lost a number one contender's match thanks to--"


Dread grabs hold of Jackson's arm, crushing the wrist in a meaty paw, and relieves the interviewer of the microphone.


"I'm not here to talk to them," Dread says, waving an arm at the fans, "or to you. Victory and defeat are part of the business, the inevitable result of failing to account for an unforseen variable. My loss to Liberty is my own fault, an error in judgement that will be corrected right now. I came out here to speak to Monty Walker, to deliver the message I haven't yet been able to deliver in person.


"I've studied you Walker. I've been studying you since you first mentioned my name, back in the beginning of January, and I've watched your harassment of others with interest. You are young, and you are talented, and you are extremely foolish.


"I am not Romeo Heartthrob, Walker. I'm not going to make you play games in order to have your match. Dread doesn't run, he doesn't avoid. Dread prepares, he conquers, he moves on to the next target. My next target should have been Rip Chord, but you eliminated that possibility, so the next target becomes you.


"There will be no more errors in judgement. You are a problem, Walker, a minor annoyance that should be pruned before you bloom into an irritation. You wanted your match, Walker, and I'm going to give it to you.


"Prepare to be dominated."


Rating: B-






We return from a commercial to discover the backstage camera outside in the parking lot, pointed towards a circle formed a dozen parked cars with their headlights on bull. A small crowd of the HGC faithful has gathered around, watching with interest as Professor Nero walks out into the centre of the crude stage with the Demons of Rage.


"The Vessey's are in Camp Pangrazzio," Nero says, leaning against his cane, "training hard to become tag-team champions. The Demons of Rage are here, title belts around their waists, offering up an open challenge to anyone willing to fight them."


"Are they crazy?" Azaria says. "Who in hell is going to go out there and fight those two monsters for a pair of belts the company doesn't even recognise?"


"There's always someone," Rhodes says. "Case in point…"




The two wrestlers who step through the crowd are quickly identified as Crash and Burn, a duo who have appeared in a handful of dark matches for the company.


"You're aware of the rules?" Nero asks. "Last man standing gets the belts?"


Crash nods, eyeing the hulking Demon Anger cautiously.


"Then lets begin," Nero says. He thumps his cane on the hood of a nearby car to serve as the ring bell, and the two Demons explode into action.


What follows isn't a match, not really - Crash and Burn are thrown beaten, slammed into concrete and steel hoods, and finally get thrown through the windshield of a small hatch-back to end things.


"The winners, and still tag-team champions," Nero says. "With a winning streak of one and oh." He turns and looks at the Demons. "Well? You know what to do."


The Demons nod, retrieving the TWL tag-team straps and producing a pair of leather belts they use to whip the hell out of Crash and Burn.


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AngryGilmore.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg


Tom Gilmore vs. Romeo Heartthrob


Gilmore is aggressive and technically sound, a combination that puts Heartthrob on the back foot and brings out the illicit tactics early in the match. Thumbs are driven into eyes, ropes are held as submission holds are applied, and Eugene Williams is forced to hand out warnings more than once.


Despite it all, Gilmore keeps coming. When cheating fails him, Heartthrob goes for the unexpected – he plants a French kiss on Gilmore, right in the middle of the ring, then locks in the Cupid’s Clutch while the younger wrestler is trying to figure out what just happened. A stunned Gilmore doesn’t have the position or the leverage to break the hold and rapidly taps out.


Romeo Heartthrob defeated Tom Gilmore in 9:08 by submission.

Rating: C-






Rip Chord walks down to the ring, accompanied, as always, but the Insurance Policy Charlie Thatcher and the newly-hired duo of the Dallas Wrecking Crew. All four men are dressed in expensive suits and gold watches, although The Punisher looks noticeably out-of-place in Armani.


"Somewhere along the line," Chord says, "I think I missed something. Last week Sam Strong came out here and made himself a number one contender's match. He pitched Liberty and Dread against each other, let the ringside security get a little lax, and the next thing you know Sam Strong's little protégé is challenging for my belt at the War to Settle the Score.


"Okay, fair enough, these things happen. When you're young and you're hungry, you take your shots any way you can. I'm not going to call hi-jinx on the way Liberty won, and I'm sure hell not going to suggest that Sam Strong knew exactly what he was doing. Still, plan or no plan, fighting a guy like Dread takes a lot out of you. Don't take my word for it, ask anyone whose wrestled the human juggernaut and they'll tell you the same thing.


"Wrestling a guy like Dread changes you. It takes more than three weeks to recover.


"So tonight I come in and discover that the number one contender isn't really the number one contender. That I'm defending my belt against Mister Lucha, a Mexican Legend whose every bit as tough as Dread. Sure, he doesn't hit as hard, but he moves a hell of a lot faster and he hits more often.


"And again, I'm not out here to complain, brother. I'm not going to call this some elaborate plot for Sam Strong to get his golden boy over to shore up his own ego. I'm not going to, 'cause I don't need too.


"You see, the Great One is the Champion, the King of the Damn Mountain, brother. I got my belt"—Chord thumps the belt on his shoulder –"I got my friends"—he struts for a moment, high-fiving both members of the Dallas Wrecking Crew—"and I got my insurance policy"—a hand claps down on Charlie Thatcher's shoulder.


"Whatever you're up to, Strong, the Great One is ready for ya. Send Liberty, send Lucha, send the whole damn line-up of Lollapalooza, this belt is mine, brother, and it's not going anywhere for a long, long time."


Rating: B+






The show returns from a commercial to spotlight Monty Walker and his mysterious female friend on the interview stage with Action Jackson. "This is Action Jackson backstage looking for scoops," the interviewer says, "and I'm here with the man who cost Dread a match last week, Monty Walker. Monty, I guess my first question…what the hell, man? Are you crazy?"


Monty Walker manages a feeble grin, looking a little green around the gills. "It...um…seemed like a good idea at the time, man."


"It was," the mystery woman says. "A very good idea." She practically purrs the words. "Look at this way, baby. You may not win against Dread, but you've got a payday coming. And you know what that means, right?"


Walker's grin gets a little more confident. "Yeah, baby."


Action Jackson coughs, obviously forgotten by the couple. "Okay," he says, "but what does that bigger payday matter if Dread—"




Jackson never finishes the question, cut off by the human juggernaut thundering across the interview stage to land a Yakuza kick. Walker ducks at the last moment, scrambling out of Dread's path, and the Hollyweird banner backdrop gets taken out instead.


The mystery woman shrieks as Dread tries to remove the wreckage of the set from around his ankle, but Walker doesn't give it a moment's thought. He latches onto the woman's arm and starts running, dragging her along behind him. Dread roars in anger, lurching off in hot pursuit, leaving Action Jackson standing in front of a somewhat less impressive concrete hallway where the set had been erected.


"Well," he said, "I guess that's it. Back to you, Jason and Kyle…"


Rating: C




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BlackEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Black Eagle vs. BLZ Bubb w/Karen Killer


From one monster to another. Every young rookie who squares off against Bubb seems to pick a different tactic, and Black Eagle’s seems to be based on a flagrant disregard for his own well-being. The masked man ducks a charge from the demon-seed, sending him over the top rope, and immediately follows up by throwing himself after the demons seed with a twisting cross-body.


What follows is a short brawl at ringside while the referee begins the ten-count, the highlight of which is Black Eagle hitting a rolling wheel kick off the ring apron, but at the count of nine both competitors climb back into the ring and from there the result is inevitable. BLZ Bubb catches Black Eagle and hoists him into the air, finishing things with the Hades Bomb.


BLZ Bubb defeated Black Eagle in 6:24 by pinfall.

Rating: C






BLZ Bubb hoists Black Eagle into the air, preparing to Press Slam the young cruiserweight over the top rope.




It draws an immediately response from backstage, a familiar trio of young wrestlers coming out to make the save. BLZ Bubb launches Black Eagle into the oncoming charge of Paez and Ultimate Phoenix, but Richard Blood actually manages to get beneath the bottom rope and fire off a few two-handed chops at the big man. BLZ Bubb responds, grabbing Blood around the throat with both hands, hoisting him into the air.


And the lights in the arena go out.


A church bell tolls across the arena. Then a second. On the third toll the Silver Screen comes to life, depicting the hulking silhouette of a man standing in the window of an abandoned church. Few details can be made out beyond the wide-shouldered frame, lit by flashes of lightening behind him, and a single date appears –


Sunday, Week 4, February 1997

I am the Vengeance of the Lord…


BLZ Bubb has let go of his victim by the time the lights go up. Instead, the Demon Seed stares at the screen, transfixed by the image. Karen Killer climbs into the ring and tries to convince her client to leave…


Rating: B




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BooSmithson.jpg


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Backbreaker Inc

Tag-Team Tournament Qualifier


Two fledgling teams with pretty to prove, but Cowboy Ricky Dale is the man with the most fire in his belly and his chemistry with his tag-team partner is undeniable. Backbreaker Inc try to counter this by keeping the Cowboy in the ring, refusing to let him tag out, but even after five straights minutes of getting pounded with their considerable arsenal of suplexes and backbreaker variations, they just can’t contain Ricky Dale.


Dark EAGLE flies into the ring off the hot tag, the match shifting gears on a dime as Eric Tyler finds himself trying to counter speed and skill instead of raw power. The HGC fans get their first exposure to the Eagle Shock – a fisherman’s suplex that’s transitions into a spike brainbuster in midair – but Jack Dundee hits the ring to break up the three count.


Ricky Dale hits the ring to back up his partner, and somewhere amid the chaos that ensues becomes the legal man. Eric Tyler gets hit with the Southern Justice not long after, compounding the injuries already suffered after being spiked into the mat just moments earlier, and Ricky Dale makes the cover to pick up the three.


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE defeated Backbreaker Inc in 10:12 by pinfall.

Rating: C






"Sam, Sam the man," Liberty says, walking into the Legend's office as the camera cuts backstage. "Sam, buddy, you and I need to talk, dude."


"So talk, brother." Sam Strong is seated behind a desk, wearing a suit, a live feed of the show appearing on a small screen behind him. "What's on your mind?"


"It's this thing with Chord, man—"


"Whoa," Strong says, "Whoa, hold it right there, brother. Don't tell me you're letting him get into your head. You and me, we talked about this brother. We talked about all the way up to Malice in Wonderland. Chord plays mind games, brother. He gets inside your head and beats you before the match even starts."


"Sure, sure," Liberty says, "it's just, you know, he kinda has a point, man. I was the number one contender, right?"


Strong stands, crossing both arms across his massive chest. "No brother, you were not."


"I'm not?"


"Never were, brother." Strong lifts the contract on his desk. "I got the contract from last week's match right here, brother, and it says clearly the stipulation was facing the champion at The War to Settle the Score, brother. It's a big night, brother, the first World Title defence on Pay Per View, and I wanted to make sure it was big, brother. It doesn't matter who wins tonight – if it's Rip Chord or Mister Lucha – you're going into The War as the challenger and you'll have the chance to walk out with that belt around your waist, brother. There's a lot of things that can happen between now and then, but that much is set in stone."


Rating: B+




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SpanishSuperfly.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Mr Lucha w/Spanish Superfly vs. Rip Chord w/Charlie Thatcher

HGC World Heavyweight Championship


The two skilled veterans hail from very different wrestling traditions, and the match quickly presents an interesting dichotomy – Chord is possibly the better wrestler, more well-rounded and possessing a greater depth in his arsenal, but his minimal experience with the lucha libre style makes it harder for him to predict and counter the veteran Lucha as the match goes on.


Jason Azaria is in fine form on commentary, explaining the differences between the Mexican and American style, especially the vital difference between wrestling from the right and wrestling from the left. “It’s like finding yourself fighting a southpaw in boxing,” Kyle Rhodes adds. “It can take you out of your game, but Lucha better make the most of it, because there’s no way you can surprise Rip Chord like this twice.”


About fourteen minutes into the match Mr Lucha unleashes a final flurry, lifting Chord onto his shoulders, setting up for the Master Drop.




The Dallas Wrecking Crew make their first appearance of the match, advancing on the ring while Charlie Thatcher distracts the referee. Lucha grins as he turns to face them, Chord still held on his shoulders, and at his signal Spanish Superfly abandons the corner and goes to cut-off the tag-team. The two-on-wall brawl begins on the ramp, Punisher and Rick Sanders overwhelming the young Mexican…




…and that’s when Super Lucha come to help. They crash into the Dallas Wrecking Crew from behind, and the brawl rolls down the ramp. The numbers seem to favour the luchadors this time around, giving them the edge, and Mr Lucha nods in satisfaction. He adjusts his grip on Chord and plants the champion in the centre of the ring with the Master Drop, immediately making the cover.


Sam Sparrow starts the count, but Charlie Thatcher pulls him out of the ring, buying Chord time to recover. Electrico is there immediately, hitting the big man with an Electric Shock jawbreaker, and Sparrow decides he’s had enough. He throws Thatcher, the Wrecking Crew, and the various luchadors out of the ringside area, ordering them all back to the locker room.


It evens things out considerably in the ring, but the damage is done. Rip Chord rallies, fending off Lucha’s second attempt to set-up the Drop, rolling free of Lucha’s shoulders and transitioning into a crucifix driver that earns the champion a two-count.


Lucha kicks free and makes a come-back, but it’s short-lived and Chord seems to have the masked man’s measure. He bides his time and picks his moment, hitting Lucha with the Rip Chord DDT to pick up the victory.


Rip Chord defeated Mr Lucha in 20:18 by pinfall.

Rip Chord makes defence number 1 of his HGC World Heavyweight title.

Rating: B-




Overall: B-

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At forty-two Aaron Mustafa still looks like a threatening SOB, seated on the Red Couch with a torn Thug Life t-shirt on and a bandage around his forehead. Particularly astute fans can trace the injury to 4Cs recent Cage Wars show, which saw the Hardcore Killah's head get busted open with a steel chair during Thug Life's match against The Gilbert Brothers.


The big man is all smiles despite the bandage. "The thing with the chair, man, I stole that from Phunk," he says, "which was kinda embarrassing, 'cuz he stole it from Nero, right? The Crazy Old Man had this entire bit he used to do down in Texas, throwing a chair into the ring as a distraction, and Phunk just lifted it wholesale during his Xtreme Fed run. They told 'im to stop once he signed with NEW – I guess they'd already decided he was gonna be spending more time talking than wrestlin' – so I figured it wuz up for grabs and worked the whole thing out with Batch.


"Went over crazy-good at the time, way better than the Phunker ever got down in Philly. Not sure why it went over so crazy with the Hollyweird fans when the XFW crew wuz all about the chairshots, but there you go. One match with the company and I was their hardcore mother-f****r, all thanks to this thing I'd ripped off.


"They sent Nero over to have a chat with me and Carl after the match, an' that's when the whole thing about the way the spot got started came out. Said they wanted us to work with the Old Man for a bit, learn a couple of news ways to milk the spot."






"Being a woman backstage," Gracer Harper says, "it was kinda a pain in the butt. They'd basically hired two of us, me and Emma, to work the angle with Romeo and Monty, and the chemistry between Em' and Monty pretty much meant she got the role of hot girl who convinces the boy to do crazy s—t and I got to work as the anonymous bimbo that Romeo Heartthrob drooled over. If you ever wondered how much of that ladies man c—p was an act…well, lets say I wasn't ever tempted to go there.


"The good news is that they wanted to keep me around. They had Eddie coming in and they wanted a woman to be ringside with him, someone who could keep up with the whole flamboyant thing he was putting together down in DAVE. The bad news…well, the bad news is that Emma wasn't real happy about that, and by the time Chandler showed up to start working in the dark he'd already heard a whole lot about what a bitch I was to work with.


"I mean, christ, Emma Chase, she's good at what she does, but the woman doesn't like competition, you know? We ended up screaming at each other, probably would have started fighting if she'd been trained to do anything but fill out a low-cut top. Only reason I didn't punch her is because I didn't want any of the boys seeing us doing the cat-fight thing. Emma wasn't a wrestler, never really planned to be, but I worked regular for Triple A and I planned on being respected as a wrestler and a manager."






"I wasn't purely HGC," Bryant says. "They offered me a full-time contract in the beginning, but I was making good money touring Japan, and I didn't really figure Stallings had what it took to keep a wrestling company going. Seems kinda foolish, given how long I've been with the company, but that's what it looked like at the start.


"Me and Robert were working Zero Tour for GCG and they booked us in a match against Omura and Dick the Devastator. Huge honor and all that, but holy-hell those boys loved working stiff. Lots of people will tell you how bad you feel the day after working a guy like Dread, but that's mostly because there's so few of us who've worked with Dick these days. And when people tell you Saionji Omura is crazy, they aren't ****ing around.


"So this match takes place the day after me and Robbie go through to the finals of the tag-team tournament, and I'm probably a little jetlagged still, and we're about halfway through when Saionji Omura slams me into a guard rail and I feel something hurt in my chest. Turns out I broke three ribs, not enough to keep me out of the ring in Japan, but enough to hurt real bad every time I wanted to do something.


"And, of course, there was that whole thing about not working injured in HGC. It was impossible to ignore that edict now, 'cause they'd just stood down the biggest name in the whole damn roster."

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"I like to think of February 1997 as the beginning of the nightmare," Dundee says. "The honeymoon period was well-and-truly over. The boys were starting to figure out just where their spots were likely to be, the divide between full-timers and pay-per-appearance roster got a little bit wider, and the injury to Sam 'caused all kinds of problems.


"For starters, he just kinda checked out a little after his arguments with JK, left more and more of the booking up to the committee. Not really a bad thing, given the minds that were working there, but you really need someone to be holding that all together and Sam wasn't willing to be that guy anymore. An important issue would come up – who's going to be our number two babyface, for example, now that we've pulled the trigger on Liberty in the top spot – and the arguments would go round and round without any real resolution.


"Realistically, it should have been Ricky Dale. He'd gotten a lot of fans on-side when he was chasing Chord, he knew how to connect with the crowd, and he was another fresh face who could feud with pretty much any heel on the roster. He wasn't a perfect choice – he didn't have the psychology for a prolonged run at the top – but he'd already proven more than capable against guys who could call the match for him. I figured, given a couple of months, he'd be more than ready to hold the spot. Me and Joel both put the argument forward, did a pretty good job of it, then Joel picked up his injury over in Japan, and once I was arguing solo I just didn't have the stroke to get things going my way.


"There were other choices too – Mr Lucha, Larry Vessey, Dusty Streets – but somehow none of them seemed to get unanimous backing. Vessey's angle with his brother was well-established by that point, and we weren't quite ready to have the Vessey Brothers working solo. Streets…well, Dusty's one of the best when he's on, but that isn't often enough to justify keeping him at the top of the card. Lucha just got dinged with that thing that Mexican guys always get dinged with – too small, a high-flyer, too reliant on the underdog come-back.


"So the company kinda ambled along, everyone on the booking committee finding some space for their own project, and we all just kinda hoped that someone would catch on and elevate themselves rather than building a new star."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents


- Episode 11 Preview -



Coming up our latest HGC Archive installment:


The show kicks off with tag-team action, pitting the Canadian technical wizardry of The Ontario Kings against the strong-style mastery of Team Strength Rush. Neither team has secured a berth in the World Tag-Team Tournament finals, but every victory counts now that HGC officials are looking for potential contenders.


Monty Walker may have angled for a match with Dread, but tonight he faces the Shadow Clan's Awesome Thunder. Can Walker overcome the lingering worry about the human juggernaut, to say nothing of the Thunder's fellow ninjas at ringside.


Liberty is just two weeks away from his World Heavyweight Title Match against Rip Chord, but to get there he'll have to go through the Insurance Policy, Charlie Thatcher, in a match booked at the request of the Champion. It will be Thatcher's in-ring debut with the company, and many fans are looking forward to seeing what the big man can do.


BLZ Bubb continues to rampage through the ranks of HGC, and this time the officials have booked him against the debuting Bob Casey. "Bullet" Bob Casey already proved his toughness as a member of the Canadian National Ice Hockey Team as a teenager, now he's facing the ultimate test of when he steps into the ring with an angry Demon Seed.


The semi-finals for the World Tag-Team Championship tournament begin when the team of The Vessey Brothers square off against the monstrous Canadian duo of Larry and Billy Wood. It promises to be a hard-hitting brawl featuring two teams on top of their game, striving for a spot in the finals at The War to Settle the Score.


And in our main event, Cowboy Ricky Dale forms an unlikely team with Dark EAGLE and Brent Hill to take on Rip Chord and The Dallas Wrecking Crew. Things always heat up when Ricky Dale and Chord meet in the Ranch of San Antonio, and this bout should be no different.


Matches features in streaming video include:


Cowboy Ricky Dale, Dark EAGLE, & Brent Hill vs. Rip Chord & The Dallas Wrecking Crew

The Vessey Brothers vs. The Wood Boys

Bob Casey vs. BLZ Bubb

Liberty vs. Charlie Thatcher

Monty Walker vs. Awesome Thunder

The Ontario Kings vs. Team Strength Rush

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Cowboy Ricky Dale, Dark EAGLE, & Brent Hill vs. Rip Chord & The Dallas Wrecking Crew

The Vessey Brothers vs. The Wood Boys

Bob Casey vs. BLZ Bubb

Liberty vs. Charlie Thatcher

Monty Walker vs. Awesome Thunder

The Ontario Kings vs. Team Strength Rush

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday, Week 3, February 1997

The Ranch of San Antonio (Mid-South) – 10,000 people



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ThomasMorgan.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanHolmes.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LeeWright.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RaymondDiaz.jpg


The Ontario Kings vs. Team Strength Rush


Two schools of technical excellence clash, with the Canadian grappling of the Ontario Kings struggling to contain the power and MMA influenced locks favoured by Team Strength Rush. Diaz proves to be the deciding factor, the monstrous kick-boxer overpowering Thomas Morgan with the Ray Gun for the victory.


Team Strength Rush defeated The Ontario Kings in 7:49 by pinfall.

Rating: D





The camera cuts to the General Manager's office, where Peter Valentine is seated on the black leather couch. He's dressed in an immaculate suit with a deep red neck-tie, the gold tie-clip adorned with a small diamond heart.


"Sam Strong's office," he says, "the place where the matches are made. The heart of the Hollyweird Grappling Company. I gotta say--" Valentine smirks at the camera, clipping the tip off a cigar before lighting it and exhaling a plume of smoke "--it's got its perks. Good booze, good cigars, plenty of women attracted to the power, and best of all…"


Valentine stops, leans over, and lifts a sheet of paper off the coffee table.


"Best of all, it's the place where the booking sheet is kept. There's plenty of exciting matches on this sheet. Monty Walker versus Awesome Thunder, Liberty versus Charlie Thatcher, the semi-finals of the World Tag-Team Title tournament.


"You know what isn't on this sheet? Peter Valentine versus Dusty Streets. You know what it isn't there? 'Cause I don't want it to happen.


"And it's not because I'm afraid of him, and it's not because I'm ashamed of the things he seems to think I should be ashamed of.


"It's because I don't need to fight you, Dusty. Because Sam's got the power, 'cause I've got the connection, and 'cause you've got a big mouth that writes checks your butt can't cash."


Rating: C+





"This Action Jackson backstage with Monty Walker, a man whose flying solo tonight. Monty, I gotta ask ya, have you finally seen the light and dumped that crazy woman?"


"Dude, not cool," Walker says. "Me and Emma, we're just, you know, trying to some stuff out."


Action Jackson actually smiles. "I'm sure that'll be a comfort when Dread puts you in traction."


"Look, dude…" Walker pauses, unsure what to say. "Look, the Dread thing, it was an idea, you know? I'm putting it behind me, focusing on what's happening tonight. Me and Awesome Thunder are going mano-el-mano in a couple of seconds, and it's not a good idea to look past your next fight."


"If you say so, brother," Jackson says, "but be warned – I heard that Dread was still looking for you, and if you're out there in the ring, he's going to know exactly where to find you."


Walker pales a little as the opening chords of Walk This Way signal his immanent arrival in the ring. "Aw dude, why'd you have to tell me that now."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/YosukeNarita_alt.jpg


Monty Walker vs. Awesome Thunder


Walker's obviously expecting interference in the match, but despite his constant backwards glances there's no sign of Dread coming down to beat on him. Awesome Thunder makes him pay for every distracted moment, and it isn't long before the fans are treated to a solid, fast-paced cruiserweight bout between a rising star of the division and one of Japans's top super-juniors.


Awesome Thunder gets one of the biggest comedy pops of the night, busting out a Street-Fighter 2 influenced Dragon Punch while Walker is on the top rope, but it isn't enough to pick up the victory. Walker connects with the superkick, dropping straight down to make the cover.


Monty Walker defeated Awesome Thunder in 8:06 by pinfall.

Rating: D+





Walker's on his feet as soon as the three-count is done, eyes darting towards the entry ramp.




This time around his instinct proves to be exactly right; Dread charges down the ramp with a considerable burst of a speed for a man his size.


Walker gives the matter all of a seconds' thought before going in the opposite direction, vaulting the guard rail in a single leap. Dread pursues him into the crowd, but Monty manages to lose him in the crush of people, circling back to the ring.


"Dread," Walker says, "hey, Dread! Listen man, I know you're--"


The human juggernaut throws a chair towards the ring. It falls short, but the big man still gets some pretty good range from the projectile.


"O-o-okay," Walker says, "you're not ready to talk about it."


He drops the microphone and runs for it, heading up the ramp with Dread hot on heels.







We cut backstage to interview stage where Romeo Heartthrob is waiting. "Monty Walker," he says, "you and me still have business, son. You think you've got problems now, running away from the Human Juggernaut, well that's nothing compared to what I owe you for that cheap shot at Malice in Wonderland. I was going to write your habit of picking fights off as a youthful indiscretion, but--"




Tom Gilmore walks into shot. Heartthrob rolls his eyes in annoyance. "Can I help you?"


"Seems to me you already helped yourself." Gilmore's cold stare is unwavering. "Your moustache's kinda prickly when you kiss. You might want to think about shaving it."


"Listen Junior--"


"Also, you use too much tongue."




"Shut the hell up," Gilmore says. "I came out there last week for a wrestling match, not to be some part of your boy-on-boy sex fantasy.


"Don't get me wrong, I'm kinda flattered, but Tom Gilmore doesn't swing that way. Tom Gilmore came to the Hollyweird Grappling Company to do the three things he does better than anyone else alive: kick ass, make money, and win some titles. You want to play kissy-chasy in the middle of the ring, you do it to someone else, 'cause the next time we climb into that ring, you ain't going to get away with the same trick."


"Next time?" Heartthrob snorts. "I already beat you, kid. If you think we're wrestling again--"


"He doesn't think it, brother." This time it's Sam Strong who steps into shot. "Gilmore came past my office and made his case for a rematch, brother, and he's going to get it whether you like it or not. In two weeks time at The War to Settle the Score, it'll be Tom Gilmore versus Romeo Heartthrob, one on one."


Heartthrob splutters, unable to formulate a sentence.


Then, before he can find the words, Gilmore drops him with the Anger Management.


"At the War," Gilmore says, "when you're trying to figure out why I kicked your ass so badly, you can pretty much blame it on slipping me the tongue."


Rating: C-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg


Liberty vs. Charlie Thatcher


It's a solid match, built around Charlie Thatcher's limitations and lack of experience. The crowd settle in to see what the Insurance Policy can do and he doesn't disappoint, shrugging off Liberty's opening offense before firing back with a series of rights and lefts.


There's no denying Thatcher's power, but he's lack of experience shows time and again. He connects a short-arm clothesline and makes the cover, but it's close enough to the ropes for Liberty to reach out and break the count. Thatcher sets Liberty up in the corner and prepares to take his head off with a running big boot, but it just gives Liberty time to recover and duck the incoming attack.


Liberty doesn't get as much offense as Thatcher, but he fights smart and everything he lands has a purpose. It's obvious he's hurting by the end of the match, worn down by seven minutes of heavy fists and powerful slams, but he's still got the wherewithal to plant Thatcher with a Liberation Slam in the middle of the ring and pick up the three.


Liberty defeated Charlie Thatcher in 7:34 by pinfall.

Rating; C+





Rip Chord and the Dallas Wrecking Crew appear, rolling up their shirt sleeves as they advance on the ring.




Liberty holds his ground, adopting a defensive crouch as Chord and his cohorts charge, sliding in beneath the bottom rope to begin the attack.




Liberty holds the line for a few seconds, but when Charlie Thatcher recovers the three-on-one odds become four-on-one the number one contender disappears beneath the flurry of fists.




The Texas crowd goes nuts as Cowboy Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE appear on the ramp, charging down with chairs in hand. They lay into Chord and his cronies, clearing them out of the ring.


Chord is all smiles as he retreats, openly mocking Ricky Dale. The Cowboy just stands at the ring ropes and glares, chair still gripped in hand, while EAGLE helps Liberty get back on his feet.


Rating: B-





The show comes back from commercial and the stand-off between Chord and Ricky Dale is still going on, Chord having taken up residents on the Stage with the Dallas Wrecking Crew at his back. The champion has a microphone, cutting a promo on the men in the ring.


"Ricky Dale, Ricky Dale, Ricky Dale," Chord says, "I thought you and me were done with this thing, brother. On the very first show we fought, and you lost. The last time we past through Texas: we fought, and you lost. I can see a theme forming, brother, and you don't seem to grasp how bad it looks for you. Coming out here and sticking your nose in Liberty's business ain't going to get you a rematch, brother. This is wrestling, not baseball: you don't get three strikes."




Voodoo Child echoes throughout the arena, a precursor to the arrival of General Manager Sam Strong. He walks onto the stage, forcing Chord and Co to give up ground, and addresses the crowd.


"I don't know about you people," Strong says, "but giving Ricky Dale another match seems like a pretty good idea to me."


The crowd roars their approval. Chord, on the other, registers his objections. The words, "I'm the champion" "singles match" and "conspiracy" seem to feature prominently in his tirade. The Dallas Wrecking Crew take a few steps forward, trying to intimidate Strong, and the legends finds himself grinning.


"You're kidding, right?" He looks from the Wrecking Crew, to Chord, to the men in the ring. "Okay, Rip, no need for conspiracy theories, brother, 'cause this ain't going to be a one-on-one match. Instead, I suggest Ricky Dale and the EAGLE go find themselves a partner, 'cause tonight they'll be going three-on-three with you and the Dallas Wrecking Crew."


Chord glares, not convinced this is any better, but Cowboy Ricky Dale nods with satisfaction as the GM walks offstage.


Rating: B+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BobCasey.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/KarenKiller_alt.jpg


Bob Casey vs. BLZ Bubb w/Karen Killer


Bob Casey achieves something very few people have managed in HGC: a two-count on the Demon Seed within the opening minutes of the match.


He achieves it through guile and trickery, setting up with a pair of ineffective body-checks that sees a grinning BLZ Bubb send Casey back to the ropes a third time. This time Casey drops low instead of hitting the shoulder charge, using the momentum to roll up the Demon Seed in a single smooth movement.


Casey comes up from the two-count with a wide grin on his face, obviously pleased with himself, and BLZ Bubb spends the next three minutes making sure the Canadian regrets it. The Demon Seed butchers his opponent, finishing things with the Hades Bomb and a primal scream.


BLZ Bubb defeated Bob Casey in 5:24 by pinfall.

Rating: D+





Karen Killer climbs into the ring to raise her client's hand in the air, but she looks a little nervous, her eyes darting around the arena.




There's at ringside as four wrestlers emerge from the crowd, dressed in street clothes and armed. Paez and Richard Blood both carry baseball bats, Ultimate Phoenix a chair, and Black Eagle a crowbar. "It appears the rookies have had enough," Azaria says. "These four men have been victims of BLZ Bubb's anger ever since Sam Strong was out of commission."


BLZ Bubb looks at the four men at ringside, smirking to himself. He shakes his arm loose of Killer's grip, narrows his eyes for a moment, then darts forward and launches himself over the top rope.


"Oh my god," Azaria says, "the demon seed just flew. How did he do that? The man weights four hundred pounds! How did he--"


The lights go out.


The church bells toll six times.


The silver screen comes to life, showing the same broad-shouldered silhouette standing in the window of a ruined church as lightening flashes in the background.


Sunday, Week 4, February 1997

Not every angel has fallen…


When the lights come on Karen Killer is huddled in the centre of the ring, refusing to look at the screen. BLZ Bubb rises from the sprawling wreckage of four other wrestlers, looking from the screen to his manager and back again.


Rating: B





The camera cuts to a short vignette, the Blazing Flames sitting on the steps of their Florida home. "Nation of Filth," Teddy says, "you've cost us matches, you've cost a chance at the gold, and because of the concussion you inflicted on my brother, you've cost us a week's pay. For weeks you've been coming out, telling HGC to find you a team that's willing to fight.


"Well, now you can stop looking, boys, 'cause once Joey's back at fighting strength, the two of us going to give you exactly what you want."


Rating: D





"From a tag-team that's had some bad luck lately," Action Jackson says, "to one seen a change of fortunes in recent weeks. Joel Bryant, Robert Oxford, are you ready to face Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE in next week's semi-final?"


Oxford goes to open his mouth, but he's cut off by Paul Steadyfast. "You two keep quiet," the leader of the Untouchable's barks. He turns to Action Jackson. "And you, Jackson, you quit trying to cause trouble. You want to know how things are going in the Untouchables camp, you come and talk to me."


Jackson looks from Steadyfast to the stone-faced Oxford, then back again. "Well, how are things going?"


"THINGS ARE GOING FINE." Steadyfast shouts the words so fast that it makes a lie of any confidence he feels saying the words. "Next week the Tag-Team Specialists are wrestling in the semi-finals of the tag-team tournament, and when they win - when, not if - they'll go on to The War to Settle the Score and become the first World Tag-Team Champions.


"And as for me…" Steadyfast gives the camera a sly grin. "Well, I've got my own War to wage. Everybody saw that I had Lucha beaten back at Malice in Wonderland, they saw that he was moments away from passing out, and at The War to Settle the Score I plan on finishing the job I started.


Joel Bryant grins through his handle-bar moustache, bumping fists with his boss. Oxford looks grim.


"So that's how we're doing," Steadyfast says, "we're looking to the future, building the Untouchable dynasty one victory at a time. Now get out of our face, Jackson. All three of us sick of looking at you."


Rating: C-



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The Vessey Brothers w/Coach Pangrazzio vs. The Wood Brothers

HGC World Tag-Team Title Tournament Semi-Final


The Wood Brothers work hard here, making up for their lack of name-recognition with the kind of savagery and slick double-teams that can't help but get attention. They unveil a move that's long been a favourite with the Canadian crowds – an Back Drop Drop from Billy Wood that sends Bryan Vessey sailing into Larry Wood's arms, allowing the bigger Wood brother to plant his victim with a powerbomb. Larry Vessey is forced to make save to keep the match from ending right there, while Jason Azaria rattles off the various victims who have been laid low by the Wood Chipper in the brother's homeland.


The Vessey's fight hard to get back into the match, digging deep into their considerable arsenal of double-teams in order to counter the Wood brother's size and experience. Larry Vessey earns the dubious distinction of being one of the few HGC wrestlers to stay standing after the Sick Cycle connects, although the glazed expression that crosses his face suggests that the backfists rattles him badly. It's not long after that Bryan Vessey traps Billy Wood with a desperate Small Package, picking up the pinfall and a spot in the tournament finals.


The Vessey Brothers defeated The Wood Brothers in 12:53 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





"Hey Larry! Larry!" Professor Nero walks out onto the stage, his cane tapping against the steel floor with every step. "Congratulations, Larry. It looks like you're getting a chance to go wrestle for a new set of belts.




Nero's joined by the Demons of Rage, the Texas Wrestling League Tag-Team straps draped over their shoulder.


"It's an important responsibility, being the first champion," Nero continues. "You're the man who makes the belt, the man who defines what it means to carry it. If the belt becomes great, it's great because you made it matter. Everything that belt means, the ability to say you're the best at what you do, is dependent on you going out there and making it so every time you're in the ring.


"How much did these belts mean when you first won them, Larry? How good did it feel to walk out there with Archie Judge, the straps around your waist, beating challengers night after night.


"I'm betting it felt pretty good. I'm betting it feels almost as good as Anger and Spite feel right now, wearing the belts you made famous--"




It takes a lot to make Larry Vessey snap, but with that final taunt Nero seems to have managed it. The elder Vessey Brother charges up the ramp, his brother sprinting after him in an effort to provide back-up, and they're met by the Demons of Rage. Spite and Anger use the TWL Belts to bludgeon the Vessey's, laying them out, while Nero giggles like a maniac.


"When you're done, Larry," Nero says, "when you're wearing your shiny new belts, just remember that we'll be waiting for you. In fact, we'll be looking forward to it."


Rating: C+





Ricky Dale emerges from his locker room, Dark EAGLE at his side, and Action Jackson chases the Cowboy down. "Ricky Dale," he calls, "a moment of your time?"


Ricky Dale stops.


"Before you go out there," Jackson says, "I wanted to see if you'd heard the latest on Liberty--"


"Heard?" Cowboy Ricky Dale's voice is full of barely restrained anger. "Me and Liberty go way back, AJ. We both got our start right here in Texas, we both made our names in front of the San Antonio crowds. We've fought together, we've fought each other, and we're more than friends, partner. Liberty is like a brother to me, so yeah, I've heard the latest. I heard he's got a concussion from the Punisher punching kicking him in the skull. I've heard he's got bruises covering half his body. I've heard there are doctors saying he should probably take a week off, that he shouldn't be walking out there and challenging for a championship in two weeks.


"Yeah, partner, I heard all that. Fortunately for the Cowboy, he's going to get plenty of chances to vent his feelings in our main event.


"So you've fond a third man to join you against Chord and the Wrecking Crew?"


"Partner," Chord says, "just you watch."


He claps Dark EAGLE on the shoulder, and the two men head down to the ring.


Rating: B+





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Cowboy Ricky Dale, Dark EAGLE, & Brent Hill vs. Rip Chord & The Dallas Wrecking Crew


Not the strongest match for Chord and Ricky Dale – no-where near their epic clash the last time HGC visited the Ranch of San Antonio – but both men are leading a team composed of little-known wrestlers who don't have much by way of fan support, hampering the overall response to the action.


Chord and the Wrecking Crew are the more unified team, building on the Wrecking Crew's tag-team experience, but there's an undeniable streak of chemistry that binds the faces together. While they lack the cohesion of Chord's team, the rapid shifts in style every time the faces tag out quickly become disorienting, and they capitalise on every shift in tone. Blind tags see Dark EAGLE come in with a missile drop-kick on a charging Punisher, or Ricky Dale catching Rick Sanders with a lariat while the grappler is fighting to lock a hold on Brent Hill.


The match goes back and forth, hinging on Chord's attempts to avoid prolonged exchanges with Ricky Dale at all cost, but that all changes once Awesome Thunder gets the hot tag on Ricky Dale. The cowboy explodes out of the gates, taking out all three members of Chord's team in rapid succession, feeding off the crowd's energy. The Wrecking Crew regroup, illegally double-teaming Ricky Dale, and things break down in the way that all good tag matches do.




And that's when the Shadow Clan strike. Ota and Awesome Thunder hit the ring and nail Brent Hill with stereo Ninja Strikes. Rip Chord spots the ambush and purposefully distracts referee Sam Sparrow, ensuring the ninjas aren't detected, before finishing Hill off with a Rip Chord DDT to claim victory.


Rip Chord and The Dallas Wrecking Crew defeated Cowboy Ricky Dale, Dark EAGLE and Brent Hill in 19:29 by pinfall.

Rating: C+





Chord stands triumphant in the centre of the ring. Charlie Thatcher collects the World Heavyweight Championship and puts it around Chord's waist, raising one of the champion's arms in the air.




Suddenly the crowd roars, but it has very little to do with Chord's mid-ring pose. Liberty has walked through the backstage curtain, fending off a pair of paramedics that are trying to convince the challenger to sit down.


Liberty walks to the edge of the stage, hurt but still standing, unwilling to back down, and stares at Chord. He points at Chord, then gestures to his own waist, staring the Champion down as the show goes off the air.


Rating: A



Overall: C+

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"For all the gains Hollyweird made in the company's forth month," Mark Smart says, "there was very little news in the wrestling world that could compete with the events that took place on Supreme Assault TV on Tuesday of Week 3. One of the hottest heels in the promotion, Nemesis, took on a young wrestler named Tommy Cornell in a non-title match-up.


"It resulted in the most violent fifteen-minutes of action America would see until the hey-day of Danger Zone TV some five years later. Nemesis and Cornell fought their way down the aisle, their brawl spilling into the sound stage and the audience, bloodying both men, and the response from Supreme's sponsors was immediate.


"Cornell spent the result of Supreme Wrestling Federation tenure working in an opening match tag-team with Phillip Roberts. Nemesis, the senior wrestler in the match, was released the company after a furious backstage argument.


"It was the stuff of wrestling legend, and a match whose shockwaves would continue to be felt in the American Wrestling Scene for nearly a decade afterwards."





"There's a generation of younger guys who don't quite get it," Cornell says. "Fourteen years is a long time, and once DAVE got national television exposure, they basically followed Nemesis' lead and went further than anything he and I did.


"But in ninety seven blood was still a big deal, especially since Nem' did everything the hard way. People hadn't seen anything like it on television - hell, they'd barely seen it on pay-per-view - and there were fans watching who weren't <i>fans</i>, if you know what I mean. They didn't go to arena shows, they didn't know the history of the industry, they'd never seen guys like Lariat Crogan walking out of the arena with a crimson mask after a street fight.


"And for all there were complaints, there were people who were hungry to see that sort of thing. They could have run with it and turned Nemesis into the top heel of his generation, a guy who'd go down in history as an immortal on par with Rip Chord. Instead the company ran scared, dumped him on television, and Dave made the classic mistake of making that sort of bloodshed so common-place that DAVE burnt itself out trying to come up with bigger and bloodier stunts.


"On the whole I can't complain about the way things worked out. I learnt a lot working with Roberts, I knew exactly how bad a fit I was over in Supreme, and my part in the match was big enough to keep me in job offers the moment they let my contract run out.


"The best of them came from a company named Hollyweird Grappling Company, and I like to think the company and I managed to make something special happen."





"Five freakin' years," Nemesis says. "That's how long it took the damn hypocrite to eat his words and go 'edgy' when they started losing market-share to DAVE. What a load of s--t."

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"We made an offer to Nemesis," Bryant says. "First day the news filtered through that he was leaving Supreme. He turned us down, wasn't even interested in opening negotiations, and I can''t say I really blame him.


"The company made a lot of noise about competing with SFW, but we had a crack media team working with us. There were three guys putting together promotions and merchandising, getting licensing deals for theme songs, who were paid almost as much as everyone on the roster. Stallings had them signed to four-year contracts, same as everyone else, after which the company would have to sink or swim.


"The marketing boys did their job real well. They set the message: we compete with SFW, and they worked 'round the clock to make it look like we could. But we weren't competition for Eisen, not yet. All you had to do was look at the numbers. Hollyweird TV rated a 1.46, on average, in the bigger media markets covered by our syndication, but it wasn't nationwide. Supreme TV rated more than doubled out market with better coverage across the US and Canada. Same again on pay per view buy rates. We could make all the noise we wanted about competing, but we were in second place and we weren't catching up fast.


"Nemesis knows the business, and he's smarter than people give him credit for. He looked beneath our production values and studied the numbers, made his decision based off that. I don't know how much money we threw at him, but I know it was a lot. Enough to rival Sam and Rip's paycheques. He said no, and he kept saying no for a long time."





Doug Peak is sprawled across the couch, wearing a mesh-back cap and a Great White Shark t-shirt fresh from TCW's marketing division. "I asked Big John about it a few years after he came into DAVE," Doug says, "right about the time he started working exclusively with Eddie and Me, just before I took off for Japan full-time.


"I was looking for advice about whether to say yes to the contract the Warrior Engine was offering me, 'specially since it looked like Eddie was going solo in the near future. Not quite the same thing as saying no to a place like HGC, but it was the closest thing I could think of at the time.


"He put it pretty simply: if you're going to be the guy who makes a company, make sure it's a company you want to make. Said that it isn't always about the money - sometimes you've got to do the thing that makes you happy."

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  • 1 month later...

TCW Legacy Archive Presents

HGC Hollyweird TV

- Episode 12 Preview -


Our latest Hollyweird download includes:


The veteran Romeo Heartthrob takes on Bob Casey in our opening match. Heartthrob's achieved victory using some unconventional tactics of late, but Bob Casey has proved to be pretty unconventional himself in his first few matches with Hollyweird.


There's tag-team action coming up next as the Mexican heroes, Super Lucha, square off against the reckless duo of Crash & Burn. With the first tag-team champions being crowned at The War to Settle the Score in just five days, victory here is vital for establishing a claim on future title shots.


Dusty Streets has his sights set on Peter Valentine, but he needs to get through Eric Tyler before he can face the Heartbeat King.


Mister Lucha is in action against the Hardcore Killah, looking to pick up momentum prior to his clash with Paul Steadyfast on our PPV. Killah's proved himself a dangerous man, a street-fighter willing to do anything to win, but he's yet to pick up his elusive first victory in HGC.


The penultimate match in our tag-team tournament arrives when the duo of Dark EAGLE and Cowboy Ricky Dale square off against The Tag-Team Specialists to determine who will face The Vessey Brothers in the finals.


And finally, in our main event, Liberty faces Australia's bare-knuckle brawler, Jack Dundee, in a match made by Rip Chord. Liberty's looking to prove that he's a deserving challenger to the World Heavyweight Championship after Chord's repeated attempts to imply favouritism on the part of General Manager Sam Strong, while Dundee gets the opportunity to make his name with victory over one of HGC's fastest-rising stars.



Matches features in streaming video include:


Bob Casey vs. Romeo Heartthrob

Super Lucha vs. Crash & Burn

Dusty Streets vs. Eric Tyler

Mr Lucha vs. Hardcore Killah

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Tag-Team Specialists

Liberty vs. Jack Dundee

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  • 4 weeks later...

HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday, Week 4, February 1997

Connecticut Symphony Hall (New England) – 6,829people



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BobCasey.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg


Bob Casey vs. Romeo Heartthrob


Bob Casey goes back to the body-check/roll-up tactic that paid dividends against BLZ Bubb, but Romeo Heartthrob is too canny to fall for the trick. The veteran side-steps the charge, tripping Casey as he goes past, then applies a sleeper hold that sees Casey scrambling for the ropes.


The former hockey player grins and shrugs, as if to say it was worth try, then settles in to try and outwrestle Heartthrob instead. It's a valiant attempt, but Romeo Heartthrob is always a step ahead. He finishes things with the Cupid's Clutch.


Romeo Heartthrob defeated Bob Casey in 8:17 by submission.

Rating: D+





Tom Gilmore is back at the interview stage, staring at the camera. He's dressed down in torn jeans and a black t-shirt, but his expression is all business.


"Last night I got an email from a friend of mine," Gilmore says. "A short note saying dude, what's with the homophobia last week, I thought you were better than that, man. He said it because he's known me for years, because he's seen the way I live my life. Tom Gilmore doesn't pollute his body with drugs and alcohol, he doesn't pollute his mind with petty hates and prejudices. When Tom Gilmore kicks your ass, it's nothing personal. You're just between him and the thing he wants more than anything: respect, honour, the adrenaline rush that comes when you step into the ring and invite someone to hit you.


"I don't mind that Romeo Heartthrob kissed me. I don't care that Romeo Heartthrob punched me in the mouth. I like being punched in the mouth. It reminds me that I'm alive. What bothers me right now is that I let the sonofabitch surprise with his make-out, and that's what cost me the match.


"Well, me and Romeo have a match again, and this time Tom Gilmore is ready. This time--"




A sweaty Romeo Heartthrob walks onto the stage, a towel draped over his shoulders as a concession to his match just a few minutes earlier.


"You know what pisses me off about the younger generation?" Heartthrob says. "It isn't the fact that your women put metal through bits that shouldn't have metal through them; it isn't the fact that you seem to think every piece of clothing needs ventilation; it's not your genetic inability to tie a cravat correctly or your need to refer to yourself in the third person.


"What pisses me off is the constant, incessant whining.


"And now you've got what you wanted, Junior. Our esteemed general manager has made the rematch, and you get to come out here and claim you're ready.


"You think I'm out of tricks, junior? You think me planting a wet one on your lips is the only way I'm going to beat you?


Gilmore grins. "I've been in the ring with you, Heartthrob. I know exactly what you've got."


"Then buy a clue, Junior Mint." Heartthrob goes nose to nose with Gilmore. "Let me tell you how it's going to go. Come Sunday I'm going to dig into my bag of tricks - not deep, not deep at all, but I'll dig in there and find something that doesn't offend your sensibilities. And when I do you're going to tap-out to the Cupid's Kiss, again, I'm going to walk out of the arena with the winner's purse, again, and I'm going to find the nearest bar and use it to buy everyone there a drink.


"And then, when I'm done, I'm going to turn my considerable charm on a couple of young ladies, I'm going to celebrate in the way that only I can, and then I'm going to forget that you ever existed."


Rating: D+





A pre-taped video appears on the Silver Screen, showing the trio of Ricky Dale, Dark EAGLE, and Brent Hill training in a barn that Jason Azaria identifies as part of the Cowboy's Texas Ranch. EAGLE and Hill are drilling double-team moves and tags, but the camera pulls tight to show Ricky Dale at the corner, watching over every move with a crucial eye. The cameraman says something, getting Ricky's attention.


"Damn, you boys here already?" The Cowboy glances back at the ring, then at the camera. "Okay, I guess we do it now," he says.


"Last Tuesday wasn't a good night for me and mine. Rip Chord came out and beat me for the second time in my home town, my buddy Hill got his head kicked off by a bunch of goddam' ninja, and my buddy Liberty got his head kicked in by a coupl'a Rip Chord's goons.


"An' you know what? Bad night's happen, partner. It's what you do after them that matters.


"So me and the boys came out here to my ranch, putting in a little training time. 'Cause this week me and EAGLE are wrestling in the semi-finals, going two-on-two against the Tag-Team Specialists, and I've already head the rumblings about our chances: Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford have been teaming together for years; Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford are masters of the mat game; Joel Bryant and Robert Oxford are the break-out tag-team in the HGC and Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE are just a couple of young bucks who got lucky in the first round.


"And sure, me and EAGLE ain't been teaming together for fifteen years, and I've never claimed to be the man you turn to when you want a technical masterclass, but Cowboy Ricky Dale knows a thing or two about tag-teams. He's a four-time tag-team champion around these parts, one-half of the best damn tag-team ever to perform in the Ranch of San Antonio, and I know when I've found myself a partner whose got what it takes.


"I know when I've found myself a partner with heart, the same heart that says losing isn't an option. The same heart that says you get off the mat and keep on fighting, regardless of how much it hurts.


"The Tag-Team Specialists are a great team. I've watched them work, I've seen how they win, and experience counts for a lot in this game.


"But if they think they're going to roll over me and EAGLE without a fight, then they're going to be surprised when they find themselves looking up at the lights."


Ricky Dale finishes, nods once, and climbs onto the apron. "Hey Brent," he yells, "you still want to tag in here?"


Brent Hill crosses the ring, slapping hands with the Cowboy before dropping to ringside. He's covered in sweat, obviously working hard, but he breathing without obvious effort.


"I got a message," he says, "for Fumihiro Ota.


"Ota, you and me aren't strangers. We've worked in the same companies and wrestled in the same rings for most of our careers. I've never really liked you, but I've always respected you…until now.


"I don't know why you and your boys have been targeting me since I came to HGC, and I don't really care. All I know is that it's going to stop, and it's going to stop this Sunday. Me and you, Ota, we're going to get this out, one way or another, and we're going to do it in the ring."


Rating: C



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Super Lucha w/Mr Lucha & Spanish Superfly vs. Crash & Burn


It's a fairly one-sided match, with perhaps the most muted crowd response ever received on a HGC broadcast. The colourful, high-risk offense of the Luchadors quickly overwhelms the their opponents and El Bandido puts Burn away with the Hijack Suplex.


Super Lucha defeated Crash & Burn in 4:49 by pinfall.

Rating: E





Mr Lucha climbs into the ring, standing alongside the other Mexican stars signed to HGC. He kneels and makes the sign of the cross before collecting a microphone.


"Steadyfast," he calls, "me and mine want to make you deal, esse. At the War to Settle the Score, we leave our friends out of it. You want to prove something, esse? You want to be better than Mister Lucha? You come out to the ring without the other Untouchables, and we wrestle until one of us can't wrestle anymore."


Rating: C-





Dusty Streets gets a noticeably bigger response as emerges from the gate, striding down to the ring in time to When the Streets Have No Name. He rolls into the ring, microphone in hand, to cut a short promo before his match.


"I ain't going to talk much," he says. "But this point, everything worth saying has been said. I want a piece of Valentine, he doesn't want a piece of me, and Sam Strong ain't doing me any favours this side of hell freezing over. Fortunately for me, there is a higher power, and once I find myself someone who understands this email thing, you can bet your ass I'll be making an appeal.


It may not be happening tonight, it may not be happening this Sunday, but me and Valentine will dance again, one way or another, if it's the last thing I do in my twenty-five year career as a wrestler."


Rating: B-



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DustyStreets.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EricTyler.jpg


Dusty Streets vs. Eric Tyler


It's hard to say what goes wrong here. There's obvious chemistry, Streets is on his game, and Eric Tyler is one of nature's consummate heels, but somehow it just doesn't reach the heights it could have reached.


The two wrestlers spend the opening minutes in a technical war, trading hammerlocks and counters in the middle of the ring, but it's a by-the-numbers affair. Tyler clearly has Streets scouted, blocking several of the veteran's moves, hampering him with joint locks and nerve strikes.


Everything the Tyler does is fast and no-nonsense, a counterpoint to Dusty's more style of playing to the fans. Unfortunately he has to work twice as hard to lock the Tradition Lift on a man of Streets' size, while the Dust-Off remains a move that Streets can hit out of nowhere. He does, just after the eleventh minute, ducking a punch and hammering the match home as he nails Tyler with the modified Samoan Drop.


Dusty Streets defeated Eric Tyler in 11:13 by pinfall.

Rating: C-





Valentine's in the ring like a shot after the match, dropping Streets with a chair to the back.


"There is no higher power in this company," Valentine screams, kicking Streets in the back. "There's just Sam Strong and me."


There's another chair shot, and another. Then, not content with the carnage, Valentine lifts Dusty onto his shoulders and delivers a Heart Breaker for good measure.




Streets doesn't want to stay down, despite the punishment. He struggles to rise, getting up onto his knees, and Valentine's eyes narrow. The Prince of Hearts watches, picking his moment, then launches a final assault, spiking his elbow on the back of Street's neck.


Dusty Streets drops like a stone, sprawling across the mat


Valentine rolls out of the ring, smug, as the paramedics come down to collect Streets on a stretcher.


Rating: C+





The camera cuts to Sam Strong's office, where the General Manager is watching events unfold on his desk monitor. Strong shakes his head, obviously disappointed, and quietly says "oh, Pete…buddy…come on, brother--"




There's a knock at the door, and Strong almost seems relieved at the distraction as he looks and bids people enter. The Blazing Flames bust into the room, dressed in their customary white jackets with flame motifs. Joey slaps a sheet of paper down on the desk.


"Medical clearance to wrestle," he says. "I'm good to go."


"That means we're here for the Nation of Filth," Teddy says. "They wanted a fight, we're ready to give 'em one."


"We want 'em, Strong." Joey leans forward, knuckles on the table. "We want them Sunday, we want them in the ring."


"We want--"


"Brother, I don't give a damn what you want." Sam Strong stands, adjusting his tie, and looks down at the Blazing Flames. "I'm the one in charge around here, and I'm still Sam Strong. You want something, brother, you come in here with respect, not demands."


The Flames look sheepish.


"Now the good news," Strong says, "is the doctors already dropped by your clearance to wrestle, and I figure you and the Filth is something that needs to happen sooner or later, so there's a couple of contracts right here waiting for your signatures."


"They've had contracts before," Teddy says, "it's no guarantee they'll show."


"They will this time around." Sam Strong holds up a contract that looks as if it's been written in crayon on some leftover newspaper. The only legible wording, written in red, is THERE WILL BE PAIN. "They wrote this one themselves. I've read it, and believe it or not, it's a binding legal document. Apparently one of their cousins is a lawyer down in Trash Heap…"


He offers the contract, holding it at arms length. The Blazing Flames exchange a long look, then nod and sign.


"Great," Strong says, "now get the hell out of my office, brother, before I change my mind about letting those smell punks foul up one of my rings."


Rating: C-





The Flames have barely left the room before the door bursts open again. This time it's Dread who strides into the office. The Juggernaut and the Icon consider one another for a long time, tension in the air, and Dread's clenches his fists as he contains his anger.


"Dread," Sam Strong says, "what can I do for you, brother?"


"Resume active competition," Dread says. "I still want my victory."


Strong twists his neck, wincing slightly. "Not going to happen, brother," he says, "not for a while yet."


"Then give me Walker," Dread says.


"The red-headed kid?"


"That's the one."


Sam Strong thinks about that, rubbing a thumb along his chin. "Okay," he says, "sure, just remember, brother, if you break him, you pay his hospital fees."


Dread's smile is about as comforting as a mako sharks.


Rating: B



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SpanishSuperfly.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/HardcoreKillah.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CarlBatch.jpg


Mr Lucha w/Spanish Superfly vs. Hardcore Killah w/Carl Batch


Another match opened with Batch throwing the chair into the ring, distracting the referee long enough for the Killah to jump his opponent with a chain looped around his fist. The flurry of fists forces Lucha into th corner, but the masked man ducks free and reverses, nailing Killah with a drop kick to the face in response.


What follows is short and intense, an exchange of big moves and signature spots, rather than the match the pair's chemistry deserves. Killah fights dirty, every inch the street brawler, but Mr Lucha still picks up the victory courtesy of the Master Drop.


Mr Lucha defeated Hardcore Killah in 5:07 by pinfall with a Master Drop.

Rating: D



The camera goes to the interview stage.




Coach Dick Pangrazzio and the Vessey Brothers are crowded in front in the HGC banner with Action Jackson. "I'm here with three men in the arena tonight to scout tonight's tag-team tournament semi-final," Jackson says. "Coach, boys, it's just a couple of minutes until we find out who you'll be fighting this Sunday. What do you think of your potential opponents?"


"Jackson, either of these teams is a challenge," Coach says. "On one hand you've got the technical superiority of the Specialists, two mat-veterans who are currently conquering Japan the same way the Vessey's did just two years ago. On the other hand there's Ricky Dale and the masked man from the orient, an unusual tandem to be sure, but one that's got more potential than any tag-team I've seen in the last five years.


"And Ricky Dale is right when he says that he knows tag-teams; I've seen his work back in Texas, when he teamed with man named Winchester. I've seen Dark EAGLE's work back in Japan, and I've been just as impressed.


"But the Vessey Brothers remain the best tag-team I've seen in thirty years of managing wrestlers, a team capable of standing up to anything their opponents throw at them. We have the strength and experience of Larry Vessey, the all-around excellence of his brother Bryan, and the keen wrestling mind of myself.


"If you want a prediction for tonight, AJ, I can't give you one. Either team could take it.


"If you want a prediction for Sunday, well, that's another story. No matter who they face, no matter what their opponents do, the Vessey Brothers are the best tag-team in the world today, and they won't settle for anything less than walking out with the World Tag-Team Championships to prove it."


Rating: C





Karen Killer leads BLZ Bubb down to the ring, her eyes flicking from side to side as if she's expecting a ghost to jump out at her. She climbs into the ring, microphone in hand, and looks squarely at the Silver Screen.


"Come on," she says.


"Come on, we know you're waiting for this."


The screen remains dark. The fans start a chant -- boring, boring -- and BLZ Bubb starts snarling and yelling at them, telling them to shut up.


"We are the devil's children," Killer says, her voice growing shrill with anger. "We are not the ones who are stalked. We removed Sam Strong from this company, one false idol taken out of the public eye. We will not be intimidated. We will not be afraid. We are driven by the purity of our purpose, our knowledge that what we do is penance for the sins of a corrupt world. I know who you are! I remember you! Come out, and save--"




Church bells.


The shadowed figure in the window, arms spread wide in a Jesus Christ pose.





The screen goes dark, but the lights don't come back on. From somewhere in the vicinity of the ring, there's a shrill scream.


When the lights come on, Karen Killer is nowhere to be seen. BLZ Bubb stands alone in the middle of the ring, doubt passing over his face for the very first time.


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. The Tag-Team Specialists w/Paul Steadyfast

Tag-Team Tournament Semi-Final


A surprisingly even contest, given the disparity between the two teams experience levels. Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE are put over as a phenomenon by the announce team, two wrestlers from very different backgrounds who seem to have gelled together like a team that's been wrestling as a duo for five or ten years. EAGLE supplies the speed, Ricky Dale supplies the power game, and they're both getting the crowd behind them despite their loss to the Chord Camp last week.


The Specialists, for their part, stick to what they know – ground their opponents and stretching the hell out of them. They stick to Dark EAGLe for much of the match, using their superior ring-awareness to keep him locked down. When the hot-tag happens they default to their secondary tactic – cheating like hell.


Ricky Dale burns through the Specialists off the tag, but his momentum is cut short by a surreptitious trip by Paul Steadyfast at ringside. EAGLE comes in to even up the numbers, catching Joel Bryant with a splash, but Robert Oxford is waiting for it and catches the masked man with a knee to the skull before EAGLE can rise of the mat. Paul Steadyfast is on the ring apron, giving Eugene Williams one more thing to keep track, and in the midst of the confusion Joel Bryant unearths a powder capsule from his boot and throws it Ricky Dale's eyes.


The cowboy rears back, blinking and clawing at his face, an easy target for the One Stop Drop. The Tag-Team Specialists go into the finals at the War to Settle the Score.


The Tag Team Specialists defeated Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE in 12:17 by pinfall.

Rating: C-





Professor Nero's face appears on the big screen, sneering at the crowd. "Congratulations Specialists," he says. "You take another step on the path to becoming champions, a step that places you toe-to-toe with the Larry and Bryan Vessey. On five days you will wrestle to see who the best tag-team in this company is when you eliminate the Demons from active compeititon.


"Enjoy your moment, children. It won't last.


"Twenty-one days have passed since the Demons were suspended. In another nine, we will return to the ring.


"We have our belts, our knowledge that we are the best. We've defended them against all comers - on the streets, in bingo halls, in the places polite people do not go but the desperate will always flock.


"When the Demons return, your belts will be measured against ours, your virgin achievement measured against the history that comes with our own.


"Nine days. Enjoy them while they last."


Rating: C-





The World Heavyweight Champion appears, walking down to the ring without his customary entourage. Chord takes his time with it, milking the crowd response, whipping them into a frenzy of heat. "I guess some of you have heard that Liberty's ready to wrestle on Sunday," he says. "They're calling his recovery from the concussion Punisher gave him nothing less than miraculous…or the act of a stubborn man who doesn't know when to quit, a man with connections to our esteemed General Manager he can use to override the opinions of learned men of science and medicine.


"Sam Strong keeps telling me he isn't playing favourites. He keeps saying there's nothing personal involved when his protégé steps into the ring with me."




Cannonball echoes across the arena and Liberty makes his appearance. "Rip, buddy, you gotta learn to relax, man," he says. "Learn how to go with the flow. Look at me, man. Last week you and buddy kicked my ass, but I ain't holding a grudge. I picked myself up, I got myself ready, I dealt with the things in front of me and prepared for my next match. Come Sunday you and I will go one-on-one, and maybe I'll win, and maybe I won't, but regardless of what happens it'll be me and you out there in the ring, and Sam Strong won't have anything to do with it."


"That's a nice thought kid," Chord says, "a real nice thought, but I'd beg to differ. You got your title shot on a technicality, sneaking through when Dread got attacked during a match without picking up the DQ. How'd the referee miss it, brother? Monty Walker ain't exactly subtle.


"The next week I got into the ring with a swarm of luchadors. I don't care that Strong called it a one-on-one match, everyone knows those damn masked men are like a pack of rats. Where you see one, you'll see a dozen, and somehow no-one seems to notice they're around.


"Last week I was involved in a war with a pissed of Texan, while all you had to do was fight one of the greenest men in my entourage.


"You want to convince there's no bias here, kid? You want to convince me you're not convincing Sam to ignore the advice of doctors, just because the two of you want to get this belt of my shoulder? Well, I'll tell you what…"




Liberty gets attacked from behind, dropping him to the stage. Aussie Jack Dundee follows up with a series of punches, half-dragging Liberty down the ramp.


"…you and Jack here have yourself a match," Chord says. "You face a real challenge, just like I did. And if you come through in one piece, if you're still up to our match on Sunday, then I'll shut my mouth and take what comes, regardless of who wins and who walks away the loser."


Chord drops the microphone and rolls out the ring, making way for Dundee as the Australian hardcase drags Liberty into the ring.


Rating: B



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BooSmithson.jpg


Liberty vs. Jack Dundee


The match starts with Dundee stomping the hell out of Liberty, but it isn't belong before Freedom's Favourite Son fights his way back to a standing position. From there it’s a straight-out brawl, a real hammer-and-tongs battle seemingly fuelled by both men refusing to go down for the three count, playing heavily on the injuries Liberty suffered at the hands of Chord's gang just one week prior. The bout goes just long enough for people to buy into the battle, investing in the show of heart and grit from both men…




…then Chord's boys show up. Thatcher, Punisher, and Sanders hit the ring at a spring, laying into Liberty with fists and boots. Jack Dundee hovers for a moment, as if he's going to help, then grins and slides out of the ring as Eugene Williams calls for the DQ.


Liberty defeated Jack Dundee in 18:42 when Jack Dundee was disqualified

Rating: B-





Chord joins his boys in the ring, repeating their beat-down of Liberty from just one week ago. Punisher and Sanders hold Liberty by the arms, holding him up with Charlie Thatcher lines up a haymaker.


It never connects.




Sam Strong comes charging down to the ring, microphone in one hand and a chair in the other. "That's enough!" he roars. "Chord, step away from him. I may not be able to compete, brother, but I'll still come down there and kick all of your butts if you don't let him go right now."


"Hey look," Chord says, "the ringmaster. You boys know what to do?"


Sanders and The Punisher drop Liberty, rolling out of the ring to intercept Strong while Thatcher continues his assault. Strong puts up a good fight with the chair, but he's hampered by the neck injury and the Punisher takes a shot to the head and keeps on coming, forcing Strong back as it becomes obvious that kicking ass isn't an option for Legend in his current state.




For a moment it looks as if the Dallas Wrecking Crew may beat the hell out of Strong, but the appearance of Peter Valentine puts an end to that. The King of Hearts charges down the ramp with a baseball bat, using it to fend off both members of the Wrecking Crew, before continuing down to the ring with Strong hot on heels.


The show comes to a close as Chord and Thatcher beat a hasty retreat, ending with the visual of Sam Strong helping Liberty to his feet while Valentine stands guard.


Rating: B


Overall: C+

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"Working with EAGLE, that was an experience." Ricky Dale grins and wipes a forearm across his forehead. "We'd become a tag-team by accident, really. Originally we were going to bring Brent in as my partner at Welcome to Hollyweird, EAGLE was going to go back to teaming with Streets after Dusty finished his program with Valentine. Then Brent wasn't around for Malice for some reason - I forget why - and EAGLE stepped up to take his spot.


"Turns out we had something, so I went to Strong and asked if maybe we could make it permanent. We made no sense - our styles didn't match, we didn't look right together, we sure as hell didn't have anything in common outside the ring - but the chemistry was there and we stood out because we made no sense. In a roster full of guys who were obvious teams, we were the unique ones.


"But man, it sure as shit wasn't an easy ride. I mean, I could hold my own in the ring and all, I could cut a promo that sold a match, but Eagle…he just blew people away when he stepped into the ring. He could fly, he could go on the mat, he could a throw a kick that looked like it'd take your head off. And he worked lighter than nearly anyone else I've ever met, which tells you everything you need to know about how good he was.


"That semi-final match with the Specialists kinda brought that home, though. At point he hit that triple-kick combo of his on Joel Bryant, and Joel sold it hard. Not a big moment - I doubt anyone watching remembers it as a high-point of the match - but once we were through the curtain Paul Steadyfast was kinda freaked out. Said he'd spent half the match trying to work out if Joel was concussed, kept asking him if he was okay when they were ringside."





"They had me travelling with RDJ and EAGLE a lot during that period," Hill says. "Eagle more than Ricky, to be honest, 'cause they had him working the house-show tour while me and Eagle were still working commitments on the indies.


" EAGLE was still working back in Japan, I think. Maybe Mexico. I'd jumped ship to XFW right about the time of Malice - that's largely why I got left of the pay-per-view, 'cause the money being thrown around meant I kinda dithered about confirming with Aussie Jack that I was available - and I was working a few dates for CZCW as a favour for Cliff. It was kinda crazy, really. I spent more time in airports that year than I ever have working full-time for HGC or TCW.


"Still, it was really useful getting to spend that much time with Ricky. He's a great guy, funnier than you'd think if you've only seen him TV, and he really pushed hard to keep me and EAGLE on television. We'd be driving to the venue and he's just go into these monologues, just pitching ideas on how we could get involved in his angles, asking if we'd mind him pushing for it with the committee. I doubt they would have pushed me and Ota onto the card for WATSS if he wasn't there, reminding them, trying to get me booked.





"Don't believe a word RJD says."


It's hard to figure out if he's joking. Joey Minnesota leans forward, staring into the camera. He wears a Freedom Fighter's shirt and a grim expression, as serious outside the ring as he is inside it. "I think, in his heart of hearts, Ricky just wanted to be the next Rip Chord," he says. "He loves technical wrestling more than anything else, even if it isn't really his forte in the ring. I mean, he can go when he needs to, but it isn't his strength, you know? It isn't how he built his career.


"But he loves the scientific stuff, and he's always pushed hard to keep someone who can wrestle that style involved in his angles. Back in the day it was Brent and EAGLE, now it's him and me in the Freedom Fighters. And man, take a look at his favourite opponents over the years. He's always at his best when he's fighting someone who can stretch him into a pretzel, you know?


"I think the only thin he loves more than wrestling with goes who can go on the mat is playing the loveable doofus who can't. Watch any interview he's done where people ask him about his partners over the years. Compare the way he talks about, say, the Modern Day Cowboys and Sean Mertyn with his well, sir, wrestling with Brent Hill, that was an experience, if only I could have kept up bit..."

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TCW Legacy Archive Presents

HGC The War to Settle the Score '97



Coming up our latest Archive instalment:


The show opens with an old-school/new-school clash, pitting the straight edge rookie Tom Gilmore against the master of over-indulgence, Romeo Heartthrob. Heartthrob holds a win over his opponent, courtesy of some unorthodox tactics, but Gilmore is one of the rising stars on the HGC roster.


The action keeps coming when Brent Hill and Fumihiro Ota meet in the middle fo the ring, reviving a rivalry that's become the foundation of both men's careers prior to wrestling in Hollyweird.


The Nation of Filth have been defying HGC officials since their arrival, but at the War to Settle the Score they'll be making their in-ring debut against the frustrated Blazing Flames. There promises to be very little wrestling in this one – the Filth have been demanding a fight and the Flames are eager to deliver one.


A month ago Paul Steadyfast and Mister Lucha fought to a time-limit draw, despite the best effort of both men's allies. When they meet in the ring this time, they do it alone – no Untouchables, no luchadors, no time limit. One man has to walk away the winner.


A man will do crazy things for love, but even the craziest of us have to admit that stepping into the ring with a pissed-off Dread is going above and beyond the call. Monty Walker may be one of the most exciting young stars on the HGC roster, but there are few who believe he's got what it takes to topple the dominant Juggernaut.


Finally, in our co-main event, the first of the night's title matches takes place when The Vessey Brothers and The Tag-Team Specialists meet in the finals of the HGC World Heavyweight Tag-Team Championship Tournament.


And finally, Rip Chord defends his World Heavyweight Champion against the rising star of HGC and Sam Strong's protégé – Liberty. It's the first true test of Hollyweird's first World Heavyweight Champion, and Liberty's proven that he's not a man who'll go down without a fight.


Matches Features on this Streaming Video Include:


Liberty vs. Rip Chord - HGC World Heavyweight Championship

The Vessey Brothers vs. The Tag-Team Specialists - HGC World Tag-Team Championship

Monty Walker vs. Dread

Mr Lucha vs. Paul Steadyfast

The Blazing Flames vs. The Nation of Filth

Brent Hill vs. Fumihiro Ota

Tom Gilmore vs. Romeo Heartthrob

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Liberty vs. Rip Chord - HGC World Heavyweight Championship

The Vessey Brothers vs. The Tag-Team Specialists - HGC World Tag-Team Championship

Monty Walker vs. Dread

Mr Lucha vs. Paul Steadyfast

The Blazing Flames vs. The Nation of Filth

BBrent Hillvs. Fumihiro Ota

Tom Gilmore vs. Romeo Heartthrob


Awesome read so far keep up the good work.

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Liberty vs. Rip Chord - HGC World Heavyweight Championship

The Vessey Brothers vs. The Tag-Team Specialists - HGC World Tag-Team Championship

Monty Walker vs. Dread

Mr Lucha vs. Paul Steadyfast

The Blazing Flames vs. The Nation of Filth

Brent Hill vs. Fumihiro Ota

Tom Gilmore vs. Romeo Heartthrob

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:18px;">HGC The War To Settle the Score</span></span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Sunday, Week 4, February 1997</strong></p><p>

<strong>Plum Park (Tri-State) – 15,000 people (Sold Out!)</strong></p><p>

___________________________</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/AngryGilmore.jpg</span> vs <span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RomeoHeartthrob.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Tom Gilmore vs. Romeo Heartthrob</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Once again the relentless, modern technical style of Gilmore is thrown into contrast by Heartthrob's traditional, southern-heel style of drawing heat. The veteran twists a test of strength into a straight jacket, and the younger wrestler drops, turning the straight jacket into a chinbreaker before bouncing back to his feet and unleashing a series of kicks. As Rhodes notes on commentary: Romeo's spent his life learning to wrestle one way, while Gilmore's already packed two or three traditions into his arsenal. </p><p> </p><p>

It would seem a one-sided contest if it weren't for Heartthrobs years of experience, constantly aware of where he is in the ring and exactly what's necessary to keep the match going. The veteran stalls Gilmore's momentum twice, ducking out of the ring and making good use of the ten-count, and both times he comes back with a new tactic that puts the younger wrestler in jeopardy. </p><p> </p><p>

Romeo eventually goes for the roll-up, looking for a pinfall using the ropes for assistance, but Gilmore sees it coming and reverses, putting Heartthrob's shoulders to the mat instead. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Tom Gilmore defeated Romeo Heartthrob in 8:34 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: D+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ActionJackson.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage to the interview area, where the customary Hollyweird banner has been replaced by a poster advertising the PPV. Action Jackson is standing by with Monty Walker and his mystery woman, although Walker doesn't look as though he can stand still long enough for the interview. "A big upset in our opening match," Jackson says, "and I'm here now with another man who'll be looking for a big victory later tonight. Monty Walker, you're going one-on-one with the human Juggernaut, Dread."</p><p> </p><p>

Walker stops fidgeting for a moment. "Yeah?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Well," Jackson says, "honestly brother, I know this woman you're escorting is fine and all, but I don't think I've ever seen the Human Juggernaut this mad."</p><p> </p><p>

"This woman's name is Emma Chase." Walker's girlfriend pushes past him, laying claim to the microphone. "And if that doesn't mean anything to you, I suggest you hit the internet and type my name into Yahoo. Don't make the mistake of thinking I'm just another fan, Action Jackson, because I've been in the corner of champions in every company I've worked for.</p><p> </p><p>

"Tonight Monty—" Chase purrs her client's name "—is about to wrestle in the biggest match of his career. He may win, he may not, but either way, one thing is certain: he'll be the man whose name is everybody's lips tomorrow, and he'll certainly be the man whose lips are pressed against mine. <em>You</em> might think he's crazy to antagonize Dread, but you don't see what I see when I look at Monty Walker."</p><p> </p><p>

"I'm pretty sure I don't," Jackson says. "What exactly do you see?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Potential," Chase says, "the kind that earns millions when it's properly moulded."</p><p> </p><p>

Jackson smirks. "I still put even money on him being broken in two."</p><p> </p><p>

"Then you don't know what I know," Chase says.</p><p> </p><p>

"Which is?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Victory tonight earns Monty a full-service contract." Chase winks, then blows a kiss in Walker's direction. "The kind he's going to be very…very…happy to receive."</p><p> </p><p>

It's the first thing all interview that's stopped Walker's pacing. He blinks, as if he isn't quite sure what he's heard. "You mean…"</p><p> </p><p>

Chase nods. "If you win." </p><p> </p><p>

She turns back to Jackson and gives him a sly smile. "It's all about providing the proper motivation, AJ. Just you wait."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: C+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BrentHill.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Brent Hill vs. Fumihiro Ota</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

No clash of styles here: Hill and Ota wrestle liked greased lightening, hitting a sequence of holds and acrobatic counter-holds that moves across the ring and sees both men using the ropes and turnbuckles to aid them when reversing an opponent's move. Hill comes out on top of the exchange, latching onto Ota with a leg-scissor that throws the masked ninja halfway across the ring. </p><p> </p><p>

It isn't until Ota retaliates that it clicks that there's something suspicious going on. The ninja warrior is a skilled technician, capable of crippling joint and digit locks, but the match he wrestles against Hill places much more focus on stiff kicks, elbow shivs, and a rolling wheel kick that's traditionally associated with Awesome Thunder rather than the leader of the Shadow Clan. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/YosukeNarita_alt.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The unexpected style throws Hill off his game, creating easy openings that allow "Ota" to caplitalise and get an early two-count, but it isn't enough to put Hill away. Finally Hill seems to realise what the commentary team is already seeing and adjusts his style accordingly. During the course of the struggle "Ota" looses his mask, revealing the features of Awesome Thunder wrestling in his place, and it isn't long before Hill grounds the masked man and locks in a heel hook submission, applying considerable torque to the ankle joint. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/FumihiroOta.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

That's when the real Fumihiro Ota slides into the ring, a kendo stick in hand, and proceeds to snap it across the back of Brent Hill's head. Eugene Williams immediately calls for the DQ.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Brent Hill defeated Awesome Thunder in 9:21 when Awesome Thunder was disqualified.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: D+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TysonBaine.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Demon Seed, BLZ Bubb, makes his way down to the ring. The monster gets an unbelievable response, his aura of menace barely diminished even after his occasional losses, and the absence of Karen Killer means there's very little control over the his actions. The Demon Seed tears apart the ringside area, attacking crew and camera-man alike, until someone works out that he's after a microphone.</p><p> </p><p>

The monster climbs into the ring and looks around. "Bring. Her. Back."</p><p> </p><p>

There's no immediate response, and BLZ Bubb looks as though he's having trouble restraining himself.</p><p> </p><p>

"She said she knew you. She said you'd be here. I know you have her." He roars with anger. "Bring. Her. Back."</p><p> </p><p>

The lights go out.</p><p> </p><p>

The bell's toll. </p><p> </p><p>

Then, once their done, Nine Inch Nail's March of the Pigs echoes across the arena, accompanied by a storm of flickering strobe lights. BLZ stands alone in the middle of the ring, whipping around as he tries to understand what's going on.</p><p> </p><p>

Then, magically, he's not alone anymore.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Vengeance.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The new man in the ring stands a few inches shy of seven feet and he's easily three hundred pounds. He wears a long trench-coat over torn shirts and jeans, his face painted up like a stylized skull, and he stands behind BLZ Bubb. The Demon Seed turns slowly, half-aware that there's something there, and comes eye-to-eye with the Gothic giant.</p><p> </p><p>

The light show ends, plunging the arena into darkness.</p><p> </p><p>

Bells toll again.</p><p> </p><p>

When they come back a few seconds later, BLZ Bubb is sprawled across the mat and the second man is nowhere to be seen. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: B+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoeyFlame.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TeddyFlame.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Grunt.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Stink.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Blazing Flames vs. The Nation of Filth</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Two monstrous, hardcore brawlers that are exceedingly easy for the New York crowd to hate. Two veteran faces with a grudge willing to do anything to win. It's a pretty simple formula and the referee gives both sides a lot of latitude, letting them bend the rules considerably over the course of the grudge match. It takes a couple of minutes to get into gear, the fans still recovering from the weirdness that preceded it, but the Flames soon draw everyone's attention onto the action.</p><p> </p><p>

The big moments are the ones that see the Flames blend their trademark style with the rough-and-tumble requirements of the brawl: Joey's assisted dropkick through the second rope to nail Grunt at ringside; the spinning double-elbow that sends Stink over the guard-rail and into the audience; the bulldog/low drop kick combination that earns the Flames their first two-count. </p><p> </p><p>

Despite this, the brawl plays to the Nation of Filth's strengths, particularly since they're more practiced at bending the rules. They fight dirty, goading the Flames on, and the end of the match occurs when Teddy Flame makes the mistake of bringing a chair into the ring, forcing Sam Sparrow to disarm him and remove the foreign object. The Nation of Filth immediately capitalise, nailing Joey Flame with the Dust Buster during the distraction, and Grunt stands guard while Stink gets the three-count on Joey. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Nation Of Filth defeated The Blazing Flames in 10:24 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: D+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ActionJackson.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SamStrong.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Backstage we go to Action Jackson, whose standing by with the General Manager, Sam Strong. </p><p> </p><p>

"Sam, in an hours time we're expecting to see the title match between Rip Chord and Liberty," Jackson says, "and there's been plenty of accusations flung your way about favouritism since you became the General Manager of Hollyweird. Is there anything you'd care to tell our loyal fans watching the show tonight?"</p><p> </p><p>

"Action Jackson, brother, I think our fans know better than to listen to snake like Rip Chord," Strong says, "especially since his own road to the title wasn't so dissimilar to the path Liberty's taken. And I don't think anyone can deny that Liberty deserves this title shot brother; whether you like it or not, he put the three-count on Dread in the number one contenders match brother - there aren't many people who can make that claim – and he lasted longer than anyone in the Four Way Dance at Malice other than Rip Chord himself.</p><p> </p><p>

"If I'm biased, brother, it's on the side of seeing a great match in our main event tonight."</p><p> </p><p>

"What about the requests of Dusty Streets?" Jackson says. "He's been chasing a rematch with your friend, Peter Valentine, and not only has he been denied, Peter Valentine's put him on the injured list."</p><p> </p><p>

"I won't deny there's some things me and Peter need to work out." Strong's face is suddenly stern. "He's a good man, a loyal friend, someone who's always there when you need him, but that doesn't mean I agree with everything he's done, brother. I think he's wrong about facing Dusty, and I've told him so several times."</p><p> </p><p>

"So you're planning on making the match?"</p><p> </p><p>

"I didn't say that, brother."</p><p> </p><p>

"So it's not going to happen?"</p><p> </p><p>

"I didn't say that either."</p><p> </p><p>

"That's very…political…of you."</p><p> </p><p>

"Being General Manager is a political kind of job, brother."</p><p> </p><p>

"Yes, I suppose it is," Jackson says. "Well, Sam, thanks for your time. We're crossing now to the ring where Mr Lucha versus Steadyfast is about to begin."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: B+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Mr Lucha vs. Paul Steadyfast</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Last month these two men produced a thirty-minute broadway that had the crowd eating out of their hand, and with their cohorts banned from ringside they go at once again with just as much heat and passion.</p><p> </p><p>

It's the cleanest match Paul Steadfast has wrestled in his short HGC tenure, an exchange of holds and high-risk moves that plays upon their previous match. It's a good bout with a satisfying build-up to its final exchange, but the fans aren't quite so into the bout without the pyrotechnics at ringside. </p><p> </p><p>

Mr Lucha ends up going for the Master Drop three times over the course of the match. Steadyfast has the move scouted the first two times, latching onto the ring ropes to prevent himself from being lifted into position, but at the twenty-eight minute mark he's showing signs of exhaustion and the third Master Drop proves to be the charm.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Mr Lucha defeated Paul Steadyfast in 28:22 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: C</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Lucha drops to his feet, making the sign of the cross as he looks to the heavens. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

To his credit, Paul Steadyfast doesn't call out the rest of the Untouchables to participate in the attack. He simply locks the Sleeper Hold on Mr Lucha and proceeds to start choking the masked man out. </p><p> </p><p>

Mr Lucha struggles, trying to work his way free, but Steadyfast has the hold locked in with a vice-like grip. It isn't long before Lucha stumbles, then goes limp, and the referee is finally able to pull Paul Steadyfast off his victim. </p><p> </p><p>

Paul rises and lingers long enough to spot on his downed opponent before walking back up the aisle with the boos of the crowd in his ears. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: C-</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Monty Walker w/Emma Chase vs. Dread</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

It's a Jason-versus-Goliath contest, Dread dwarfing the five-nine Walker as they come together in the middle of the ring. Walker has a moment of hesitation, but a quick glance towards Emma Chase in his corner quells any hesitation - he squares off against Dread as the bell rings, starting the match with a drop-kick to the knee, following it up with an enzuguri on Dread as the big man stumbles..</p><p> </p><p>

It's a minor victory against the juggernaut, hardly the stuff of an upset, but it fuels Walker for the rest of the match. He darts in and out of Dread's reach, picking away at the big man, while Dread struggles to connect with the smaller, faster opponent. </p><p> </p><p>

Walker eschews the traditional smaller-man's tactic of wearing down the knees, choosing to target much of his offense on Dread's right arm. It gives him a moment's respite the first time Dread lifts Walker for the Dread-Bomb, allowing the smaller man to escape, but the Bomb isn't the only weapon in the Juggernaut's arsenal. </p><p> </p><p>

After ten minutes of action where Walker has held his own better than anyone expected, Dread smashes his opponent into the turnbuckles with a stiff elbow shot. Walker goes down, stunned, and Dread climbs to the top rope and launches himself into the Dreadsault, picking up the victory. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Dread defeated Monty Walker in 10:54 by pinfall.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: B</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Dread.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EmmaChase.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Dread isn't done just because he's victorious. The big man immediately rolls out the ring and stalks Emma Chase, grabbing her around the neck with his left hand. He hoists her into the air in a one-handed grip, snarling as he chokes the young woman.</p><p> </p><p>

"If you want your client to make a name," Dread snarls, "choose someone else."</p><p> </p><p>

Emma gasps, clawing at the fingers around her throat, but she doesn't have the strength to break free.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MontyWalker_alt.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The crowd responds a moment before the camera view switches, showing Monty Walker slowly peeling himself off the canvas. His bleary eyes focus on Dread and Emma, sending Walker stumbling into the ropes to pick up momentum, rebounding towards the ringside trouble at a barely controlled sprint. The young man launches himself over the top rope, performing a picture-perfect twisting plancha drive, and he succeeds in making the Juggernaut stumble. </p><p> </p><p>

Walker lands awkwardly, wiping out on the guard-rail, but Emma Chase is dropped and immediately makes her get-away. Dread looks to the fleeing woman, then down at his fallen opponent, and shakes his head in disappointment. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: B-</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The live-feed is cut for an pre-recorded video, tracing the path of the tag-team tournament over the previous weeks. </p><p> </p><p>

The first two minutes focus on the Specialists path to the tournament: highlights from the match against the Blazing Flames, then again from their semi-final bout against Ricky Dale and Dark EAGLE. </p><p> </p><p>

The remainder of the clips are focused on the Vessey Boys, intercut with Pangrazzio's claim that their the best tag-team in the world today. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: C</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PaulSteadyfast.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Vessey Brothers w/Coach Dick Pangrazzio vs. The Tag-Team Specialists w/Paul Steadyfast</strong></p><p>

<strong>HGC World Tag-Team Championship</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Both teams stick to fundamentals during the opening minutes, looking to divide the ring in half and gauge the relative the strengths and weaknesses of their opponents. The Vessey's seem to get the better of things for the first five minutes, their well-practiced teamwork that little bit crisper than the Specialists, and they score a big response from the crowd when Bryan Vessey slingshots Oxford towards the ropes and Larry Vessey hits the Sick Cycle from the apron. </p><p> </p><p>

It takes the combined efforts of Joel Bryant and Paul Steadyfast to break up the pinfall that follows, and Coach Pangrazzio gets in a prolonged exchange with Steadyfast over his involvement. It buys Oxford the time he needs to recover and tab Bryant in, and sets off a prolonged stretch where the Specialists focus their attention on Larry Vessey. </p><p> </p><p>

"Larry Vessey is tough as nails," Rhodes says on commentary, "and he's one of the best strikers in the game, but he's never been as comfortable on the mat as his brother." The mat, however, is where Specialists live, and about fifteen minutes in Joel Bryant locks Larry in a seated sleeper hold and holds him in place for Oxford's knee drop from the second rope. This time around it's Bryan Vessey's job to break up the pinfall, although Sam Sparrow is quick to hustle the younger Vessey back to his corner.</p><p> </p><p>

The false falls come fast and furious after that, the Vessey's experience advantage nullified by the punishment focused on Larry. Bryan hits the Vessey Driver on Bryant, but Oxford makes the save. Bryant nails Larry with stiff lariat to the jaw, but the big man kicks out on instinct at two-and-a-half. The Specialists bust Bryant open with a clutch-sliding elbow combination, spilling blood over the canvas. </p><p> </p><p>

It finally ends when Larry Vessey tags Joel Bryant with the Sick Cycle, making the cover while Coach Pangrazzio stops Paul Steadyfast from breaking things up. The crowd erupts as the Vesseys are handed the HGC World Tag-Team Championship belts. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The Vessey Brothers defeated The Tag Team Specialists in 18:28 by pinfall. The Vessey Brothers win the HGC World Tag Team titles.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: B-</strong></p><p>

___________________________</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Larry Vessey hauls his brother back onto his feet, holding the bloodied Bryan upright as Pangrazzio climbs into the ring with the HGC World Tag-Team belts. Bryan is only half aware of what's going on as the belt is fastened around his waist, looking around as if he expects that the match should be continuing, but after a moment it clicks and he grins. </p><p> </p><p>

Coach Pangrazzio separates them long enough to raise both their arms in the air, then the Vessey's hug each other in a show of brotherly affection. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/ProfessorNero.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonSpite.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DemonAnger.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"Aw, isn't that touching." Professor Nero and the Demons of Rage walk out onto the stage, the Texas Wrestling League tag-team straps on their shoulders. Nero takes his customary position on the head of the ramp, putting his weight on the walking cane, before continuing. </p><p> </p><p>

"Congratulations, Larry," Nero says. "It appears you're a champion again. It appears you can stand there and say, <em>yes, it's true, we are the best tag-team in the world.</em> Perhaps, if you try real hard, you can even convince yourself that it's true.</p><p> </p><p>

"But deep down you know that you're glad the Demons were suspended. Deep down you know that this hard-fought victory will inevitably feel hollow. It may take hours, it may take days, but when it happens, you'll know it's true.</p><p> </p><p>

"That belt will mean nothing until you've beaten my clients. Until then, you're merely the best in a handicapped field, untainted by the kind of brutality that only the Demons of Rage are capable of. </p><p> </p><p>

"Ask yourself, Larry, does it really feel right? Do those belts you're wearing really mean more to you than the ones my clients are wearing right now?</p><p> </p><p>

"When you have your answer, call me. The Demons are eager to resume where we left off but one month ago."</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: C+</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<em>A short video plays, recaping the path Rip Chord took to winning the title and Liberty's path to becomming number one contender.</em></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rating: B+</strong></p><p>

___________________________</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg</span> vs. <span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg</span> w/<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Liberty vs. Rip Chord w/Charlie Thatcher</strong></p><p>

<strong>HGC World Heavyweight Championship</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The two men stare each other down, a study in contrasts. Chord is grim, a grizzled veteran of the sport who knows exactly how dangerous he is in the ring. Liberty is young, exuberant, grinning a little as he meets Chord's eyes, bouncing on the balls of his feet. The bell rings and the younger man darts forward, taking the Champion to the mat before firing off a series of right hands. Chord scrambles, clawing for the ropes, and Eugene Williams almost has to haul Liberty off at the five count.</p><p> </p><p>

Chord stands and paces the ropes for a while, glaring at the challenger, but eventually he approaches and the pair lock up in a collar and elbow. Chord goes behind, Liberty reverses, the exchange continues for nearly a minute before Liberty ends it with a Belly to Back Suplex. Once again Chord finds himself on the mat, clawing for the ropes, and the challenger is all smiles.</p><p> </p><p>

It's a strong start for the rookie, a series of small victories that gets even the most reluctant members of the live crowd behind him, and from there the match begins in earnest. The power game is entirely Liberty's domain - he's younger, stronger, his style built around quick bursts of speed. Holds are Chord's strength, but he quickly discovers that he needs to ground the challenger quickly in order to avoid Liberty breaking the exchange through the simple expedient of throwing Chord around the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

The match sees the Champion growing more and more frustrated at his inability to contain the exuberant babyface, while Liberty keeps pushing the pace, making his older opponent work. By the time twenty minutes have gone by both men are sweating heavily, and Kyle Rhodes starts talking about the importance of cardio and conditioning. </p><p> </p><p>

At twenty-five minutes Liberty finds himself caught on the mat, Chord setting up a figure four, but he gets free and makes a come-back. There's little finesse in this final burst of offense, just a series of leaping forearms as he feeds on the growing fan support, leading to a celebratory roar as he prepares to hit the Liberation Slam.</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpg</span><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

The Dallas Wrecking Crew make their move, charging down the ramp and leaping onto the ring apron. Eugene Williams and Liberty both respond; Williams tries to send the tag-team back to the locker room, Liberty makes a couple of threats before going to the ropes, obviously intending to knock Sanders and the Punisher off the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

He never makes it. Charlie Thatcher catches Liberty's ankle, tripping him and dragging him into ringside. The Insurance Policy proceeds to unload a series of rights before rolling Liberty back into the ring, bludgeoned into a semi-conscious state. </p><p> </p><p>

Chord makes a cover, expecting an easy three-count, and the crowd goes nuts when Liberty kicks out at two. Chord covers him again; no dice. Liberty fights his way upright, struggling with Chord the entire way, but it's obvious he's running on guts and instinct. There's an exchange of firsts, Liberty tries for the Liberation Slam, but it's reversed and Chord takes him down with the Rip Chord DDT. </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Rip Chord defeated Liberty in 27:33 by pinfall. Rip Chord makes defence number 2 of his HGC World Heavyweight title.</strong></p><p>

<strong>Rating: B</strong></p><p>

<strong>___________________________</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall: B-</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TroyTornado.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"Robert Oxford kinda took me under his wing around that point," Tornado says. "The Dean's always been like that, I think. He adopts a rookie kid, looks for ways to build 'em up, makes 'em better than they were when they started. I remember being kinda surprised by it, though, 'cause everyone assumed he was focused on working with Joel at the time."</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>___________________________</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RobertOxford.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"I wanted a full-time contract." Oxford's voice has the kind of timbre better associated with Tom Waits records. "It wasn't that I couldn't make as much money in Japan – I could – but we'd gotten the Specialists established, we were getting some pretty good coverage on American TV, and I had a young family to support. Working a regular dates in the US, not having to split my time between two countries, it was an attractive idea.</p><p> </p><p>

"It was already apparent that hard-work alone wasn't going to do it. In management's eyes there were full-time guys, and there were part-time guys, and no matter how we were pushed, the Specialists were thought of as part time guys. </p><p> </p><p>

"So I watched the locker room for a while, paying attention to who got noticed and who ended up with full-time contracts, and what I noticed was the shift towards team players, the guys who were taking a special interest in the younger talent and working with them. Someone on the booking committee was taking a long-term view, I guess, so that's what I went with.</p><p> </p><p>

"Tornado had the potential, so I started working with him before shows, helping him plot out matches, and waited for someone to notice."</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>___________________________</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoelBryant.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"Robbie's always had this phenomenal ability to read a locker room." Bryant pauses and gives a camera a rueful grin. "He'd have been a hell of a booker, if he ever had the inclination, and I gotta admit, riding with him for fifteen years was a hell of an education when it came to figuring out how backstage politics worked.</p><p> </p><p>

"His plan, the way I heard it, was to get Tornado hired full-time and himself hired full-time, and then it'd be a natural enough kind of progression to bring me along since the Specialists were getting airtime. I thought he was crazy, but sure enough, two weeks after rumour gets around he's taken Tornado under his wing, Robbie gets a call from JK asking if he'd be interested in something a little more permanent.</p><p> </p><p>

"A few days later, they signed a long-term deal with Tornado, and suddenly Robbie didn't look so crazy anymore.</p><p> </p><p>

"It's about that point I started calling him The Dean. The name kinda stuck."</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="font-size:14px;">TCW Legacy Archive Presents</span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-family:Impact;"><span style="font-size:24px;">HGC Hollyweird TV</span></span></strong></p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:14px;">- Episode 13 Preview - </span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Our main even sees the <strong>Vessey Brothers</strong> defend their newly-won tag-team titles in a bout with Rip Chord's cohorts, the <strong>Dallas Wrecking Crew</strong>. A victory for the Wrecking Crew could bring all the gold into Camp Chord, consolidating the champion's power in the company.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Peter Valentine</strong> dodged a bullet when he injured Dusty Streets, and now he's in the hunt for the title shot when he faces off against the Mexican legend, <strong>Mister Lucha</strong>, in a number one contender's match for the World Heavyweight Championship.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cowboy Ricky Dale</strong> and <strong>Dark EAGLE</strong> are in tag-team action once more, taking on the hard-hitting <strong>Team Strength Rush</strong>. Every team in HGC is acutely aware of what victory means now that the tag-team titles are in play, and every win puts them one step closer to a shot at the championship.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Liberty </strong>may have come up short against Rip Chord on Sunday, but he'll be facing a very different challenge when he squares off against the debuting <strong>Eddie Chandler.</strong> </p><p> </p><p>

The veteran duo of <strong>Teddy and Joey Flame</strong> will be in action, taking on the neophyte team of <strong>Crash & Burn</strong>. A victory over the Flames is enough to put any new team on the map, and you can bet that Crash & Burn will be looking to prove they can hang with one of the best teams in the business.</p><p> </p><p>

The skull-faced warrior, <strong>Vengeance</strong>, made his presence felt on Sunday. At Hollyweird TV fans get their first chance to see him in action when he takes on the Japanese sensation <strong>Super Joshuya.</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><em>Matches appearing on this Streaming Video include:</em></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>The Vessey Brothers vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew (HGC Tag-Team Championship)</p><p>

Mr Lucha vs. Peter Valentine</p><p>

Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Team Strength Rush</p><p>

Liberty vs. Eddie Chandler</p><p>

The Blazing Flames vs. Crash & Burn</p><p>

Vengeance vs. Super Joshuya</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>The Vessey Brothers vs. <strong>The Dallas Wrecking Crew</strong> (HGC Tag-Team Championship)</p><p>

Mr Lucha vs. <strong>Peter Valentine</strong></p><p>

<strong>Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE </strong>vs. Team Strength Rush</p><p>

<strong>Liberty </strong>vs. Eddie Chandler</p><p>

The Blazing Flames vs.<strong> Crash & Burn</strong></p><p>

<strong>Vengeance </strong>vs. Super Joshuya</p>

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HGC Hollyweird TV

Tuesday, Week 1, March 1997

Louisianna Auditorium (South East) – 8,158 people




Coach Dick Pangrazzio marches down to the ring. "Ladies and Gentlemen," he says, "your first HGC World Tag-Team Champions, and the best damn tag-team in the world today: Larry and Bryan, the Vessey Brothers."


The two brothers come down to the ring, wearing their belts. Larry is expressionless, sporting the stone-cold killer look that's become customary for his in-ring appearances. Bryan Vessey looks happier, permitting himself a grin, although it's undercut by the bandage wrapped around his head; Jason Azaria quickly reports that Bryan is sporting thirteen stitches in a cut just above his eyebrow after being busted open in his match at the PPV.


The two Vesseys make it to the centre of the ring, climbing the turnbuckles to show off their belts, and confetti rains down from the ceiling.




The celebration is interrupted by the Rocky Theme, continuing as Rip Chord and his posse walk onto the stage. "Confetti," Chord says, "and an ovation from the crowd. That's nice, Pangrazzio. It's a nice touch, really nice."


"HEY!" Coach Pangrazzio has claimed a microphone and gotten a huge crowd response from his one-word catchphrase. "What're you doing out here, Chord? This isn't your moment."


"No," Rip says, "it's theirs." He gestures towards the Vessey Brothers.


"And maybe theirs." He gestures behind him, towards the Dallas Wrecking Crew. "You see, I was sitting at home yesterday, watching the replay of The War to Settle the Score, and that little rant Professor Nero had after you match got me thinking. You like to claim the Vesseys are the best wrestlers in the world, but it's not like they beat every tag-team in the company. You missed the Demons of Rage, brother, and that's a huge oversite.


"More importantly, you missed the Dallas Wrecking Crew.


"Now I don't want to say it's a conspiracy that they weren't in the tournament, brother - I would never cast aspersions like that on our fearless General Manager - but it seems to me that the best tag-team in the world today really should go out of their way to correct that kind of oversight."


Pangrazzio snorts. "You saying you want a match for your friends there, Chord?"


"That's exactly what I'm saying, brother."


Pangrazzio looks towards his clients. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, Larry Vessey nods.


"Then it's on," Pangrazzio says. "Go get your men ready, Chord, because tonight the Vesseys are going to show them what teamwork's really all about."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Vengeance.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuperJoshuya.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GiantRedwood.jpg


Vengeance vs. Super Joshuya w/Giant Redwood


"We know nothing about this man," Azaria says. "We have no idea what he wants. But he's kidnapped Karen Killer on our last show, and at the War to Settle the Score he decimated BLZ Bubb. Tonight he makes his in-ring debut, and the only information we have on him is a name: Vengeance."


The fans are initially cautious when Vengeance strides down to the ring, unsure how to respond to the masked man in the black leather duster. The skull-faced Avenging Angel doesn't seem bothered - he ignores everyone, eyes forward the entire way, still as a statue until the moment the bell rings.


Joshuya unleashes a series of stiff kicks on the big man, undaunted by the size difference, and it earns him a right hand to jaw in return. The masked cruiserweight drops, scrambling out of the ring to take refuge behind Redwood, and a string of Japanese expresses Joshuya's surprise at exactly how strong Vengeance is.


Vengeance waits implacably while Joshuya and Redwood craft a plan, the Giant patting his tag-team partner on the back before sending him into the ring. The cruiserweight unleashes another burst of offense, trying to rock his opponent, and this time it's cut short by a clothesline that turns him over in mid-air.


Joshuya's third burst of offense is the most successful. He punches and kicks, goes to the ropes and launches a cross-body, then drives his fingers into Vengeance' eyes when the big man catches him.


Vengeance's head snaps backwards, dropping his opponent to the mat, then he steadies himself and looks down on Joshuya.


Everything after that is a massacre, Joshuya getting bounced around the ring by the bigger man, the finally spiked into the mat with the Vengeance Drop.


Vengeance defeated Super Joshuya in 6:10 by pinfall.

Rating: D+





Vengeance doesn't wait to have his hand raised, collecting his jacket at ringside before making a beeline for the backstage ramp. He leaves with the same steady, purposeful gait that brought him to the ring, but this time he finds his path blocked by the Giant Redwood.




Redwood snarls, looking down at the masked man, and it takes several seconds before Vengeance raises his eyes to meet the Giant's gaze. Both men try to stare the other down, engaging in a battle of wills, and it’s the Giant who looks away first.


He steps aside, sneering and snarling in an attempt to save face, but Vengeance ignores him entirely as he strides up the ramp.


Rating: C+





The camera cuts to the interview stage, and Professor Nero sneers as Action Jackson looks up at the towering forms of the Demons. "You know," Jackson says, "you guys really are big."


"Brilliant," Nero says, "as always. We were told to report here for an interview, I suggest you begin before my clients grow impatient."


"Right, right." Jackson swallows. "Professor Nero, you and you're clients have been suspended for thirty days, but starting next week you'll be back on the active roster and scheduled for matches once more."


"That's a statement of fact," Nero says, "not a question."


"Ah, yeah." Jackson's eyes flick towards the Demons. "So, um, what's going to happen to the TWL Tag-Team titles when you return?"


"What's going to happen?" Nero raises an eyebrow. "These aren't trinkets, boy, they are titles. They're won in battle, they're defended in battle, and the Demons are going to do what all great champions do when they wear gold around their waist."


"Are you sure HGC officials will be happy to let you do that?"


"I don't see," Nero says, "how they plan to stop us."


"They can refuse to schedule title matches."


"It hasn't stopped us thus far. Just ask…who were they…Crash? Burn? If the Demons are in the ring, they're wrestling for these belts, and they'll continue to do so until such time as they've been unified with the HGC World Heavyweight Championships. We're willing and able to do this at any time...all Hollyweird has to do is schedule the match with the Vesseys."


Rating: D+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/JoeyFlame.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TeddyFlame.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Burn.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Crash.jpg


The Blazing Flames vs. Crash & Burn


The veteran tag-team rolls through Crash and Burn in record time, shutting down pretty much every piece of offense the two younger men attempt. Crash and Burn try - when it's obvious they can't win legitimately, they try cheating, but Eugene Williams is in position to see pretty much everything they attempt - but this is the Flames match and the Flames victory. Joey takes Crash down with the Blaze of Glory.


The Blazing Flames defeated Crash & Burn in 3:50 by pinfall.

Rating: E+





The Silver Screen comes to life, showing the Nation of Filth sitting amid the grime of their home. "This is Grunt and Stink, the Nation of Filth," Grunt says, "and for two months we sat here and told you exactly what we are - the toughest, roughest, most violent bastards to ever come out of Trash Heap, USA."


"Last Sunday the Blazing Flames learnt that we weren't kidding about that," Stink says. "They learnt it the hard way, but they learnt it good."


"There's nothing like beating on a couple'a old-timers in the ring," Grunt says, "it makes me feel all warm and nasty inside."


"And already there people saying we're garbage wrestlers," Stink says. "Ranting on their computers about how me and Stink don't deserve a spot in the Hollyweird Grappling company. I guess they've already forgotten what it means to part of the Filth. We ain't pretty--



"We don't need to be," Grunt adds.


"We ain't smart—"


"We don't need to be," Grunt adds.


"And we sure as hell ain't liked by wrestling fans who spend their time arguing on the computer."


"And f--k it, Stinky, goddamn," Grunt adds, "we really, really don't need to be."





Peter Valentine heads down to the ring, to mixed responses from a crowd suddenly unsure where he fits into the face-heel divide. "Sam," he says, "Sam, buddy, I'd like you to come down here, brother. It's time you and I had a chat."




Sam Strong obliges, emerging from the backstage curtain, dressed in the business suit that's become a uniform since he was sidelined.


"I like to think I'm a reasonable guy," Valentine says. "A good friend, despite our differences. We've known each other a long time, brother, over a decade, and in all that time you've asked me for more favours than I've asked you."


"Okay." Strong looks vaguely amused by that assertion. "What's this about, Pete?"


"I'm cashing in," Valentine says. "Last week I saved your butt when you walked out there and confronted the Dallas Wrecking Crew - I had your back, Sam, you can't deny that, but I'm sick of you not having mine."


"If this is about Streets, brother--"


"Streets? This has nothing to do with Dusty, Sam." Valentine closes his eyes, squeezing the bridge of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. "Dammit, Sam, don't make me this guy."


"What guy?"


"The guy who has to ask for his title shot," Valentine says.


Sam Strong blinks, as if that wasn't what he was expecting. Then he shakes his head. "Pete, Buddy, you know I can't do that," he says. "Not with this thing between you and Dusty hanging over us. Not with Chord making noises about conspiracy theories and getting screwed--"




"Hold on, brother, I wasn't done." Strong smiles, and looks towards the crowd. "I can't give you the title shot, brother, but I can put you in a position to earn one. I'm thinking, just off the top of my head, you and…Mister Lucha. A one-on-one contenders match in our main event tonight. It's the best I can do, Peter. Everything after that is on your shoulders."


Strong turns and walks backstage, avoiding the muddied response from the crowd that isn't sure whether the Legendary Sam Strong has just abused his power or not. Fortunately, the malicious grin that crosses Valentine's face leaves no doubt as to how to respond to him.


"It'll do, brother," Valentine says, watching Strong leave. "It'll do…for now."


Rating: C



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/Liberty.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/EddieChandler.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/GraceHarper_alt1.jpg


Liberty vs. Eddie Chandler w/Grace Harper


Eddie Chandler emerges with Grace Harper at his side, strutting the entire way down to the ring, and he lounges on the ring ropes while he waits to see who his opponent. Liberty comes out to an enormous response from the crowd, the kind that's usually associated with the arrival of Sam Strong, and he immediately gets under Chandler's skin by planting a kiss on Harper before climbing into the ring.


Chandler gets his own back halfway through the match, dropping Liberty to the mat with inverted DDT before strutting to the corner and putting on Liberty's trademark sunglasses. Chandler lounges against the ropes again, pretending to sun himself beneath the blazing lights, letting loose a loud, "Woooo!"


Liberty responds with charge, gets caught in Chandler's drop-toe-hold, but easily reaches the ropes when it's followed up with a hold. From there the babyface starts making a comeback, outclassing Chandler at every step, building up to the same finish as his PPV match against the champion.




Chandler, it seems, has none of Chord's subtlety. Backbreaker's Inc charge the ring, laying into Liberty in front of referee Sam Sparrow, and he immediately calls for the DQ.


Liberty defeated Eddie Chandler in 10:17 when Eddie Chandler was disqualified.

Rating: B-





"So this is Hollyweird," Chandler says, having unearthed a microphone from ringside while Backbreaker Inc continue to beat down Liberty. "I've heard good things about this place and I'm happy to discover they're true: good money, good opponents, hot women in the audience--" Chandler pauses and flashes the camera an evil grin "--and a sucker born every minute.


"For those who don't know me, my name is Eddie Chandler, better known as the Fabulous One. These men doing unfortunate things to Liberty's anatomy are some friends of mine, wrestlers of the commonwealth it's been my good fortune to know and work with over the course of my career. Together we make up a triple-threat that will not be ignored, and this evening we're here to deliver a message to the entire Hollyweird locker room:


"From this moment on you're all put on notice. This is the hottest company to emerge from this pitiful country in thirty years. It deserves the best wrestlers in the world, men of distinction like myself and Backbreaker's Incorporated. Women of talent and deadly skill like Grace Harper.


"In short: We want a spot on this roster, and we're going to take them by force if necessary.


"This is your first and only warning, gentlemen, and I suggest you get the hell out of our way."


Chandler rolls out of the ring, pulling Grace Harper to his side, and whistles to Tyler and Dundee. The two men immediately stop their assault, leaving Liberty in the middle of the ring to follow Chandler as he struts up the ramp.


Rating: C-





Action Jackson is standing by in the interview section, but he's accompanied by a face that's been absent for several weeks. Karen Killer casts furtive glances off-camera, nervous as hell, and she looks purely spooked.


"Karen, I've only got two questions," Jackson says. "Where did Vengeance take you, and how did you get out?"


"Action…" Killer's voice breaks, and she looks away from the camera, her hair falling across her face. "I can't…I can't…"




"The things I saw," Killer says, almost whispering to herself. "Tell Tyson I'm sorry, please. Tell him I can't be here anymore, not until…"


"Tyson?" Action Jackson frowns. "Who the hell is Tyson?"


"I have to go," Killer says. "He let me come here to say goodbye, but that's the limits of his mercy."


The clearly frightened Killer bolts, leaving a puzzled Action Jackson in her wake.


Rating: D+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickyDaleJohnson.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/DarkEagle.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LeeWright.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RaymondDiaz.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/SuzueKatayama.jpg


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE vs. Team Strength Rush w/Suzue Katayama


It's a solid, rough-and-tumble brawl that's punctuated with the occasional high-spot from EAGLE. Team Strength Rush are the very definition of intensity, treating every match like their own private war. Ricky Dale isn't quite as polished, but he's southern brawler who loves a scrap, and the fans gets behind him as he takes the best the monstrous Raymond Diaz has and keeps on coming back for more. He rides out a series of big kicks, waiting for the heels to make a final tag, the finishes things with the Southern Justice on Lee Wright.


Ricky Dale & Dark EAGLE defeated Team Strength Rush in 9:28 by pinfall.

Rating: C



A shirt video spot begins, cutting together a sequence of Brent Hill's signature moves while he does the voice over.




"You know what it takes to be King of the Hill?


"Technical excellence."


The footage focuses on Hill applying the heel hook on prone opponents, particularly Awesome Thunder.




Shots of Hill taking kicks to the head, retaliating with a discus lariat that puts his opponent on the ground.


"The ability to respond to any style."


A series of shots showing Hill coming off the top rope, applying the King of the Hill leg-drop to downed opponents.


"I am Brent Hill, the Complete Package, and I've been a champion in every company I've wrestled for."


Another series of quick shots: Hill holding the RPW title aloft; the CZCW title; the PPPW strap.


"Brent Hill. The Complete Package. I suggest you remember it."


The final shot is a close-up of Awesome Thunder clawing for the ropes, unable to break the heel-hook.


"You mess with me, you mess with the best," Hill says.


Rating: D





The Monty Walker who walks down to the ring is a changed man. He's intensely focused, walking down in complete silence, his usual strut and theme music gone.


"Well," he says, "it's been quite a month for me."


He lowers the microphone for a moment, letting the statement settle in.


"I'm not afraid to say I got my butt kicked last night," he says. "But hell, it's not like that was unexpected. Everyone expected me to get my ass handed to me by Dread: Action Jackson said it in every interview, every fan I met on the street asked me if I was crazy, even I had my doubts. And going into my match Sunday…hell, man, I'm not afraid to say it, I was scared. Even when Emma…"


Walker's voice chokes up, and he pauses to compose himself. "Damn, this is hard.


"Even when Emma gave me 'incentive,' I still thought it was impossible, but for a woman like that, man, I figured I had to try.


"So I went out, and I lost. I got my ass kicked, but I learned something important out there in the ring. I hung with Dread for over ten minutes. I took some of his best shots and I kept on coming. I caught a glimpse of the wrestler Emma Chase thought I could be.


"Then, after the match, I saw the woman I adore being choked by a monster. I saw the woman who believed in me when I didn't believe in myself paying for my own weaknesses.


"And brother, once that happened, there wasn't any fear left inside me. All I had left was the desire to make Dread hurt the same way he hurt Em'.


"Dread, I know you're back there. I know you think we're done. But after what you did to Emma last night, there is no done between you and me. You can try to walk if you want to, man, but that just means Monty Walker becomes the hunter. That just means I'm coming for you, and it's your turn to feel fear."




Don't Fear the Reaper fills the arena and Dread makes his appearance, looking vaguely amused by Walker's threat. He walks out to the edge of the stage, right at the top of the ramp. "Well," he says, "look who just grew a set."


Walker immediately responds by flipping Dread the bird. Dread actually grins at that.


"I didn't come out here to talk fancy," Dread says, "that's not what I do. What I do - the thing that makes me Dread and you, well, you - is dominate the comptetion. I take opponents and dismantle them, I study every weakness and find a way to exploit it. You want to come out here and talk about being fearless, Walker? Like that's suddenly some great strength?


"Kid, that fear was you're strength. That fear was you knowing your limitations. That fear was the only thing between you and six months in traction. You came out and you fought a good fight, but that fear was the thing that said no more, lay down, stop letting the bad man hurt you. 'Cause if we go at it again, I am going to hurt you, kid.


"I know. I'm Dread. Hurting people is what I do."


"You think I care, man?" Walker dashes forward, throwing his weight against the ropes. "You and me, man, we ain't done. After what you did on Sunday, I don't think it's me who should be afraid of getting hurt."


Dread shakes his head. "Walker, kid, I like you. You're dumb as a post, but I like you, so this is what I'm going to do.


"Take a week, heal-up, get your head back in the game. Listen real hard for that voice inside you, the one that says Dread is a bad, bad man and you don't want anything to do with him. If you find it, if you listen, I'll pretend this never happened, no questions asked.


"If you don't, well, next week we'll go at it one more time, and I can put you behind me and move on to more important things."


Rating: C+



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/MrLucha1977.jpg vs. http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/PeterValentine.jpg


Mr Lucha vs. Peter Valentine

Number One Contender's Match


It's a back-and-forth contest, the speed of Lucha against the size and strength of Valentine, possibly one of the best showing's Valentine's had since joining HGC.




Paul Steadyfast makes an early appearance, taunting Lucha as he paces around the edge of the ring. He threatens to get involved in the match several times, never quite doing so, and every time it happens Peter Valentine capitalizes on the distraction. Finally Lucha gets fed up, nailing Steadyfast with a baseball slide before going back to the match. Steadyfast snaps, climbing up the apron, but Eugene Williams blocks his way and sends the leader of the Untouchables back to the locker room.




The Specialists come out of the crowd, obviously intending to make use of the distraction, but they're cut off the veritable swarm of luchadors who've hidden themselves among the crowd.




Electrico, Spanish Superfly, and El Bandido battle band together, throwing the Specialists back over the guard rail, taking the fight up into the stands. The footage goes to the split screen - one-side following the luchador/Specialists war in the grandstands, the other following Lucha and Valentine in the ring.


Peter Valentine catches his fast-moving opponent, hoisting him up for the Heart Breaker, but Lucha twists and counters, taking Valentine down with a rana that's transitioned into a pinfall.


Mr Lucha defeated Peter Valentine in 12:17 by pinfall.

Rating: C





The camera cuts to Sam Strong's office where the General Manager is watching the last match. He frowns, almost winces, as Valentine gets counted out, swearing under his breath as if he can see the problems waiting down the road as a results of Valentine's loss. Then, a rarity, someone actually knocks on Strong's door and waits for a response. The GM looks up, realises what's happening, and barks, "enter."




Tom Gilmore walks in, habitually dressed in threadbare jeans and a tight black t-shirt. He walks over and shakes Strong's hand. "Hi," he says, "I'm--"


"I'm the General Manager, brother," Strong says. "I know who Tom Gilmore is. You're the Straight Edge Sensation, brother. No drinking, no drugs, no hanky-panky on the side. You're also a damn good wrestler, brother, so I'm going to forgive you those flaws."


"Good to hear." Gilmore's lip twitches, although it's hard to say whether he's amused or annoyed. "Then you know I beat Romeo Heartthrob at The War to Settle the Score, a man whose been classed as one of the best in this company. You know--"


"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Strong says. "I know where this is going, brother, and I'm going to put the breaks on right here, right now. I like you kid, you've got potential, but the way my record book has it, you and Romeo are one win apiece, and that ain't the stuff of a meteoric rise up the rankings, brother.


"You want to come in here and make something happen, you want to come in and get the match that'll make your name in this company, then you're going to have to do more than drew neck-and-neck with Heartthrob, brother. You're going to have to make it happen all on your own. You're going to need to go out there and make an impact."


Gilmore listens, then nods. "Alright," he says, "If that's the way it's got to be."


"That's the way it's got to be, brother." Sam stands and extends his hand. "You scratch my back, brother, show you can get the ratings, and I promise I'll be there to scratch yours."


Gilmore shakes, and the camera cuts back to the ring.


Rating: D



http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/LarryVessey.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/BryanVessey.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CoachDickPangrazzio.jpg




http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RickSanders.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/TheIdahoPunisher.jpg w/http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/CharlieThatcher.jpghttp://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x15/arwink/RipChord.jpg


The Vessey Brothers w/Coach Dick Pangrazzio vs. The Dallas Wrecking Crew w/Rip Chord & Charlie Thatcher

HGC World Tag-Team Championship


The first World Tag-Team Title defense slides into chaos within a matter of minutes, both teams going at it from the opening bell. Sanders and Bryan Vessey exchange holds, Larry and the Punisher exchange fists, and both teams utilize quick tags to keep the match moving.


The Punisher lives up to his name throughout the match, proving to be the more vicious member of the Wrecking Crew. He earns some serious heat when he starts choking Larry Vessey with wrist-tape, fakes punches in order to set up a nasty-looking DDT, and snaps Bryan Vessey into the mat with a Spinebuster that's got enough impact to earn a two-count. Not long after he goes for the stitches in Bryan Vessey's skull, re-opening the wound with a series of knees of the skull, and Holmes spends the second match in a row wearing a crimson mask. "All this time we've been thinking Charlie Thatcher was the most dangerous member of Chord's posse," Azaria says, "but I think the Punisher's giving us reason to revisit that assumption."


Punisher's hot streak comes to end when he tries to powerbomb Bryan Vessey, ending up caught in hurricanrana that surprises nearly everyone who isn't familiar with Bryan's work in Japan. Bryan immediately gets the hot tag, spending his time in the corner trying to staunch the flow of blood, while Larry Vessey clears house, hammering both members of the crew before laying Punisher out with the Sick Cycle.


Rick Sanders comes in to breaks the count, only to get nailed by a missile dropkick from Bryan in return. For a few wild minutes all four men are in the ring, giving it their all, before Larry Vessey clotheslines Sanders over the top rope. The Punisher goes to help his partner and Bryan Vessey sees an opening, hitting the Vessey Driver to successfully retain the World Tag-Team Title.


The Vessey Brothers defeated The Dallas Wrecking Crew in 18:39 by pinfall. The Vessey Brothers make defence number 1 of their HGC World Tag Team titles.

Rating: C+





Pangrazzio climbs into the ring and hands the Vessey's the belts, and the two men climb the turnbuckles and hold the gold aloft, showing off the proof that they really are the best tag-team in the world.




Rip Chord responds by holding his own title aloft, staring down Larry Vessey as the World Heavyweight Championship is caught in a spotlight, and Vessey takes immediate offense. He drops of the turnbuckles and starts towards Chord, obviously intending to make trouble, and both Bryan and Pangrazzio have to hold him back.


"The only belt that matters," Chord proclaims, tapping the plate of the World Heavyweigh Championship. "The only belt!" His own posse is forced to get between the champion and the ring, forcing him back.


There's a couple of forward surges from both Larry and Chord, trying to get past their respective friends, but for the most part Camp Chord and Pangrazzio succeed in keeping things from erupting into violence despite the fans insistent demand that they let Chord and Vessey fight. Chord backs away, eyes on the ring, The Wrecking Crew and Thatcher forming a screen in front of him in case Larry Vessey breaks free.




And so he's easy prey when Tom Gilmore emerges from the backstage curtain, dumping Chord onto the steel stage with an Anger Management leg-sweep. The young wrestler is in and out in an instant, getting clear before Chord's friends can respond, but show ends with a close-up on Chord on the ground, shaking his head as he tries to work out what just happened.


Rating: A



Overall: C

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