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WCW: Cowboys never say die!

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In 1993, amid much controversy and chaos, Bill Watts either resigned from WCW or as some say, was fired. Following the dismall performances of Ole Anderson and Dusty Rhodes a young man from marketing by the name of Eric Bischoff was placed in charge of booking WCW. The rest, as they say, is history...but, what if Bill Watts didn't quit/get fired? What if Bill Watts remained the booker for WCW and was given the same resources and power that Eric Bischoff was given? TEW in association with Adam Ryland Productions presents to you this very scenario in a little story we like to call...



WCW: Cowboys never say die!

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Starrcade '95



Dean Malenko defeats Johnny B. Badd w/Kimberly in a loser leaves WCW match

After becoming paired up as a team during Battle Bowl '95 Johnny and Dean decied to continue on as a tag team. After several months of Johnny trying to get Malenko to loosen up, Malenko turned on Johnny and cost them a match for the WCW Tag Team Championship. Johnny and Dean would meet several times over the next few weeks, with neither side getting a decisive win. Finally, Dean challenged Johnny to a loser leaves WCW match at Starrcade which Johnny accepted. The match ended when Dean was able to put Johnny in a Texas Cloverleaf in the dead center of the ring. Johnny was able to inch his way toward the ropes only to have Kimberlypull the ropes away and allow Dean to drag Johnny back to the center of the ring, forcing him to tap out. Kimberly then left with Dean as the crowd chanted "Hey, Hey...Goodbye"




"Hacksaw" Jim Duggan defeats "Diamond" Dallas Page

Page and Duggan had been trading verbal jabs back and forth for several months prior to their first match at Fall Brawl in which Page resorted to cheating to win the match. Following this match, Duggan and Page would meet again, and once more Page would openly cheat, only this time he was caught and Duggan got the win by DQ. This match would be the "rubber" match to decide once and for all, if wrestling still had a place for "old school" values. Page cheated several times during the match, including using the 2 X 4 of Duggan to blast Duggan in the head with, however he was unable to pin Duggan for a three count. Duggan had an opertunity to use his 2 X 4 on Page but opted instead to use his patented 3 Point Stance Lariat to put Page out.




Dustin Rhodes w/Dusty Rhodes defeats Big Bubba Rogers to retain his U.S. Championship

During The Great American Bash, Big Bubba Rogers lost the U.S. Championship to Dustin Rhodes after tenty two minutes of intense wrestling. Rogers attempted to win back the U.S. Championship on the following Monday Nitro only to once again come up short. Rogers would vow at Saturday Night Slam that he would find a way to get the title back no matter what. Week after week Rogers would show a video of him training with former rivals of Dustin's father, Dusty Rhodes, to learn the secret to countering the Rhodes style. Notable segments include taking repeated elbows to the head from Abdullah the Butcher, getting branded by Terry Funk, and allowing Nikita Kollof to give him a bearhug for ten minutes straight! Meanwhile, Dustin would continue to team with Erik Watts as the West Texas Rangers in several matches as well as defend his title against the likes of Kurasawa and Meng. Rogers would eventually announce he knew exactly how to defeat Dustin and asked for one last match for the U.S. Title, which Dustin granted. Rogers was able to succesfully counter both the Bulldog and the Bionic Elbow, however he did not prepare for the Cattle Drive (lifting falling reverse DDT aka the Curtain Call) which Rhodes debuted at this show.




Ron Simmons defeats Vader

Vader lost the WCW Championship to Sting at Fall Brawl and soon launched a campaign of terror in WCW. He would go on to injure Road Warrior Animal, Road Warrior Hawk, and the Renegade with repeated Vader Bombs post match. Vader claimed he would continue to hurt anyone they put in the ring with him unless he recieved a World Championship Title Match, however the WCW Championship Commitee were adamant that Ric Flair was the number one contender after Flair pinned Sting during a non title match. Vader would go on to injure Evad Sullivan later that night. On the following Nitro, WCW Commisioner Robert Fuller would tell Vader he would be removed from active competition until Starrcade, where he would face somone he knew Vader wouldn't be able to injure. For weeks speculation ran rampant as to who Vader would wrestle and several segments showed Vader in the locker room questioning people if they knew who Fuller was bringing in. The week before Starrcade, Ron Simmons returned to WCW were he defeated The Barbarian with ease, and then he announced that he would be Vader's opponent...and just like last time, he would Power Slam Vader straight to hell! The match was brutal and spilled out of the ring and into the crowd several times before Simmons Power Slammed Vader onto the hard concrete and then tossing Vader inside to get the pin.



The 4 Horsemen(Arn Anderson/Chris Benoit/Paul Wight) defeat Paul Orndorff/The Renegade/Rick Steiner

Paul Wight debuted as the protege' of Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff on Saturday Slam in August. Wight would go on to rack up a string of wins against the undercard of WCW before losing to Arn Anderson by count out. Arn claimed that Orndorff had shown Wight the basics of wrestling but he did not give Wight the killer instinct to become a champion, however Arn would be willing to show Wight just that if Wight became the fourth member of the recently reformed Horsemen. Initially Wight rejected the offer, but after another loss to Arn, again by count out, Wight grabbed Orndorff by the neck and Choke Slammed him before shaking Arn's hand and giving the Horsemen salute. The following week, Orndorff made a desperate plea to Wight to rethink his action only to recieve a chokeslam from Wight. This continued for several weeks until Paul recieved a four on one beat down by the horsemen. Sting and the Steiner brothers rushed out to Orndorff's aid and chased the Horsemen back to parking lot area were the 4 Horsemen entered a waiting limo and drove off. The week prior to Starrcade Wight Choke Slammed Scott Steiner on the concrete floor putting him out of action and The Renegade volunteered to take his spot at Starrcade. [in reality Scott failed yet another drug test, testing positive for steroids, and was given his release.] The match culminated in an all out brawl between the six people involved and saw The Renegade recieve two Choke Slams back to back before getting pinned by Wight.



Harlem Heat defeat The Road Warriors to win the WCW Tag Team Championship

The Road Warriors won the WCW Tag Team Championship off of The Blue Bloods(Steven Regal/Dave Taylor) at Fall Brawl while Harlem Heat won a four team tournament that same night to become the number one contenders. Harlem Heat would show up at Nitro asking the Road Warriors to come out and face them that night for the belts. The Road Warriors never came out and it was soon discovered that they were laid out in the back by unknown assailants. Harlem Heat vowed to get to the bottom of this and subsequent attacks as it put their title match in jepeordy. It was soon discovered it was David Finlay and Kurasawa who were trying to curry favor with the Blue Bloods. Finlay and Kurasawa then challenged Harlem Heat to a match which Harlem Heat won. The Road Warriors came out to thank Harlem Heat for their help and the four men shook hands. The match ended with Booker T landing a Ghetto Blaster on Road Warrior Animal. After the match The Road Warriors picked up the Tag Titltes from ringside and handed them to Harlem Heat as the crowd cheered.



Sting draws "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair to retain the WCW Heavyweight Championship

At Fall Brawl, Sting defeated Vader for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship after locking Vader in a Scorpion Deathlock. Following the win, Ric Flair would attack Sting and declare his intention to become Champion once again. The following week Ric Flair announcced the reformation of The 4 Horsemen, with the sole purpose to put the title back around his waist. Although Ric made that announcement, he was alone in the ring and so no one knew who, if anyone, was a 4 Horsemen. Sting said it didn't matter who Flair got to join his Saddle Club because he would never let someone like Flair become Champion again. Over the following weeks it became clear that Arm Anderson was once again a Horsemen. Sting then felt the agony of the Crossface as Chris Benoit joined the 4 Horsemen a few weeks later. Eventually rookie Paul Wight joined the 4 Horsemen and Sting began to recruit allies but no one wanted to face what some were calling the strongest incarnation of the 4 Horsemen thus far. Sting eventually convinced the Steiner Brothers to help him and the three of them would save Paul Orndorff from a brutal attack at the 4 Horsemen's hands. Sting and Flair would both win matches on Nitro prior to Starrcade with each one declaring they were at the top of their respective games. This match went on for over an hour with neither man getting a clear advantage. Several times the 4 Horsemen tried to interfere but Rick Steiner, Paul Orndorff, and Ron Simmons came to Sting's aid. Eventually both men collapsed from exhaustion in the ring and were unable to get to their feet by a mandatory ten count, at which point the match was declared a draw.

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WCW Monday Nitro


Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit

Dustin Rhodes and Erik Watts vs. One Man Gang and Big Bubba Rogers

Rick Steiner vs. Disco Inferno

Dean Malenko vs. Jim Duggan

Paul Wight vs. Ron Simmons

Harlem Heat vs. Meng and The Barbarian

Sting vs. Ric Flair

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The 10 Commandments


Bill Watts


1: Thou shall keep Kayfabe!

(Any incident reports that can hurt the buisness will be dealt with severly!)


2: Thou art in a wrestling company!

(No Spot monkeys/pyschopaths/MMA crossovers)


3: Thou shall not be coddled!

(All incidents will recieve stern warning or higher response)


4: Thou shall make it look good!

(No matches will be scripted on A shows or events)


5: Thou are not bigger than the buisness!

(No one gets creative control)


6: Thou are not special!

(Anyone who refuses to "job" will sit out the show)


7: Thou shall respect tradition!

(no edgy/offensive/sexual/graphic content)


8: Thou shall make it count!

(Special matches are for special occasions)


9: Thou art a hero or a villian but not both!

(Faces are good, heels are bad, no tweeners)


10: Thou are here to work!

(No one is hired/fired based on friendship status)

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Looking good so far ..


Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit

Dustin Rhodes and Erik Watts vs. One Man Gang and Big Bubba Rogers

Rick Steiner vs. Disco Inferno

Dean Malenko vs. Jim Duggan

Paul Wight vs. Ron Simmons

Harlem Heat vs. Meng and The Barbarian

Sting vs. Ric Flair

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The 10 Commandments


Bill Watts


Hallelujah, brother Bill!



2: Thou art in a wrestling company!

(No Spot monkeys/pyschopaths/MMA crossovers)



Luchas and cruisers okay, though? Bill likes some of what he sees in ECW, I guess :)




Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit One was just on the PPV, the other not

Dustin Rhodes and Erik Watts vs. One Man Gang and Big Bubba Rogers Tempting as it is to say Erik gets a push, I think just being in the company is enough right now...

Rick Steiner vs. Disco Inferno Disco never won anything in WCW in RL, don't think that chances under the Cowboy

Dean Malenko vs. Jim Duggan By cheating, mind

Paul Wight vs. Ron Simmons Watts loved Ron, but this is old school, and a giant beats a quarterback

Harlem Heat vs. Meng and The Barbarian New champions keep the momentum going

Sting vs. Ric Flair Draw or otherwise cheap finish

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Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit


Sorry I can't bring myself to vote for him.


Dustin Rhodes and Erik Watts vs. One Man Gang and Big Bubba Rogers


Well this is tough because Erik is the son of Bill, but Erik was also not very good.


Rick Steiner vs. Disco Inferno


Dean Malenko vs. Jim Duggan


Paul Wight vs. Ron Simmons


Harlem Heat vs. Meng and The Barbarian


I hope you don't push Meng do to him being a legit tough guy.


Sting vs. Ric Flair

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WCW Monday Nitro

Live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky

Attendance: 21,116


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan




The Animal Alliance (Koko B. Ware and Junkyard Dog) defeated Big and Bad (John Tenta and Fred Ottoman) (63)


The Road Warriors/The American Males/Mr. JL defeat Kurasawa/David Finlay/Chris Kanyon/Diamond Dallas Page/Hugh Morris (60)


~Main Show~



WCW Commissioner Robert Fuller


Commissioner Robert Fuller comes out to the ring and announces that tonight’s match between Sting and Ric Flair will now be for the WCW World Heavyweight Championship! He also stated that the 4 Horsemen would be escorted out of the building prior to the start of that match. (77)



Law and Disorder defeat Texas Justice with Dusty Rhodes (62)


Law and Disorder picked up the win after Sonny Onoo came out and distracted Erik Watts, allowing Big Bubba and One Man Gang to nail Dustin Rhodes with a double power bomb.



Sonny Onoo


Sonny Onoo grabs a mic and invites Law and Disorder to become his newest clients, and future tag team champions. Bubba and O.M.G. look at one another before walking over to Sonny and shaking his hand, sealing the deal. (46)


~Commercial Break~



Chris Benoit defeats Eddy Guerrero (81)


In a match that featured lots of lucha moves from Guerrero and some fine technical wrestling on the part of Benoit, Chris picked up the win after applying the Cross Face to Eddy.



The 4 Horsemen


Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, and Paul Wight join Chris Benoit in the ring. Ric Flair has a mic and he lets the world know that despite coming up short at Starrcade he will take the title off of Sting’s waist tonight. He proved Sting didn’t have what it takes to beat him and tonight he shows the world he was only wrestling at half speed last night and that is way it doesn’t matter if the other Horsemen are removed from the building. (93)


~Commercial break~


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/D%20Images/Dean_Malenko.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/K%20Images/Kimberly_Page4.jpg VShttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jim_Duggan.jpg

Dean Malenko with Kimberly defeats Jim Duggan (75)


Jim came out with old school style brawling but he couldn’t match the technical skill of Malenko. Kimberly was a constant distraction to Dugganm and ultimately Jim submitted to the Texas Cloverleaf after Kimberly caused the ref to miss the low blow from Malenko.



Harlem Heat


Booker T and Stevie Ray are in the back discussing how good it feels to be the champs when Stevie Ray says “Suckas need to know that they can’t be taking these title off of us bro” to which Booker replies “ I can dig that! (61)


~commercial break~



Harlem Heat defeat Savage Fury (70)


Meng and Barbarian jumped the bell but Booker and Stevie were able to match them blow for blow. Eventually Stevie and Barbarian brawled around ringside and Booker hit Meng with the Ghetto Blaster for the win.





Sting is in the back pacing back and forth with the title over his shoulder. He then turns to the camera and lets everyone know that the WCW World Championship is the most prestigious title in our industry and there is no way he is going to let someone as low as Flair get their hands on it. (92)


~commercial break~



Rick Steiner defeats The Disco Inferno (70)


Rick Steiner was dominating the match until Disco pulled the ref in the way of a Steiner Line and then delivered a low blow to Steiner. Disco grabbed a chair from ringside but The Renegade ran out and took the chair from Disco and used it on him. The Renegade then slid Disco into the ring and Steiner reluctantly made the pin.



Paul Wight with Arn Anderson defeats Ron Simmons (74)


Ron Simmons took the fight to Wight but the big man was too powerful for Ron to brawl with. Ron mounted several comebacks, however Arn made sure that they were short lived and eventually Ron was put down with a Choke Slam. After the match Paul was ordered by Arn to beat down Ron some more and Wight delivered a second Choke Slam. (87)


~commercial break~



Sting defeats Ric Flair by DQ after Vader interferes (97)


Sting and Flair gave it there all and held nothing back as each one was determined to leave as champion. Flair eventually hooked Sting in a Figure Four Leg Lock but before Sting could submit or reverse the move Vader came out and landed a Vader Bomb across the legs of Sting and Flair.





Vader continued his assault with a second Vader Bomb on the legs of Sting and Flair before taking the belt from ringside and posing with it as Nitro went off the air. (92)


Overall Show Rating: 83 with a 7.9 TV Rating!

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I am using a slightly modified version of the 1996 Burning Hamster mod. What did you think of the first show?


It was real good I like the idea of Bill Watts being in control still and see if he can move with the times. I'll make picks as you get going a little more just to see whos getting pushed ect. could you upload the data you modified and PM me a link?


Edit: I also like ten commandments

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WCW Saturday Slam


Flair and ??? vs. Sting and ???

Savage Fury vs. Harlem Heat

Vader vs. Alex Wright

Rick Steiner vs. Arn Anderson

Law and Disorder vs. The Road Warriors


WCW Sunday Drive


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Chris Kanyon

Texas Justice vs. Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck

~~WCW Drive Championship Match~~

Lord Steven Regal vs. Brad Armstrong

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Flair and ??? vs. Sting and ???


Savage Fury vs. Harlem Heat

Vader vs. Alex Wright

Rick Steiner vs. Arn Anderson

Law and Disorder vs. The Road Warriors


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Chris Kanyon

Texas Justice vs. Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck

~~WCW Drive Championship Match~~

Lord Steven Regal vs. Brad Armstrong

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Flair and ??? vs. Sting and ???


Savage Fury vs. Harlem Heat


Vader vs. Alex Wright


Rick Steiner vs. Arn Anderson


Law and Disorder vs. The Road Warriors




Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs. Chris Kanyon


Texas Justice vs. Dick Slater & Bunkhouse Buck


~~WCW Drive Championship Match~~

Lord Steven Regal vs. Brad Armstrong

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WCW Saturday Slam

Live from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky

Attendance: 23,500 SOLD OUT!



Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan



Texas Justice defeats Kenny Kaos and Ron Reis


Eddy Guerrero defeats Mr. JL


~Main Show~




Big and Bad defeat The American Males (47)

John Tenta and Fred Ottman destroyed Marcus Bagwell and Scotty Riggs with a variety of powerful moves. Big and Bad finished the match by whipping Marcus and Scotty into one another then sandwiching them between their massive bodies.


Big and Bad attack The American Males after the match! (47)

After the match is over Big and Bad continue to beat up The American Males and then toss both of them over the top rope and onto the hard concrete floor.


~commercial break~




WCW Commissioner Robert Fuller speaks! (86)

When we come back from commercial break WCW Commissioner Robert Fuller is in the ring with a mic. Fuller states that tonight he will not choose the partners for Sting and Flair because they will pick their own partners. The only catch is, anyone scheduled to compete in a match cannot be chosen. He then reminds Flair that all the other members of the Horsemen have a match.




Ron Simmons defeats Diamond Dallas Page (71)

Ron Simmons mowed Page down for a quick 1, 2, 3. The highlight of the match was when Ron lifted Page up in a gorilla press then turned it into a Dominator!


Ron Simmons sends a warning to Vader! (78)

Following the match Vader grabs the mic from ringside and lefts Vader know that he isn’t done teaching Vader a lesson. In fact, if Vader steps one pinky toe out of line, Rone will be right there to slam him back over it!


~commercial break~




Sonny Onoo declares Law and Disorder the best team in WCW! (59)

Sonny Onoo is in the ring with Law and Disorder standing behind him. Sonny tells the audience that Law and Disorder are the future of the tag team division and The Road Warriors are the past! He goes so far as to say Law and Disorder will be wearing tag team gold by the end of the month!




Law and Disorder defeat The Road Warriors (69)

Big Bubba and One Man Gang jumped the bell and took the fight right to The Road Warriors. The two teams traded blows back and forth with Law and Disorder getting the best of The Road Warriors after several brutal exchanges. Law and Disorder finished the match by pinning Road Warrior Hawk as Road Warrior Animal chased Sonny Onoo around the ring.


~commercial break~




Ric Flair chooses Dean Malenko as his partner! (100)

The camera comes back and we see the locker room area of Dean Malenko. Malenko is taping up his wrist when Ric Flair walks in. Ric tells Dean that he has been watching Malenko and he couldn’t think of anyone on the WCW roster who could be a better partner for the Nature Boy then Dean Malenko. Dean smiles and shakes Ric’s hand telling him he would love to be his partner tonight, and it’s really too bad there is only room for four Horsemen. Ric says it is too bad, but tonight if they win, Dean will get to celebrate like a Horsemen!




Arn Anderson defeats Rick Steiner (81)

Arn and Rick began with some amateur style wrestling before descending into little more than a brawling match. Rick quickly gained the advantage but Arn used the ref as a shield and then nailed Rick with a low blow. Suddenly The Renegade came out from the back and jumped on the ring apron. Arn whipped Rick into the ropes and went for a lariat but Rick ducked and collided with the Renegade. As Rick stumbled back, Arn landed a huge spine buster for the win.


~commercial break~




Chris Benoit and Paul Wight defeat The Animal Alliance (67)

Paul Wight dominated the veterans with sheer force and Chris didn’t even get a chance to tag in before Wight had Koko pinned.




Vader defeats Alex Wright (73)

Alex Wright attempted several cross body splashes but he just seemed to bounce off the massive Vader. Vader eventually grew tired of letting Alex try to hurt him and soon began to pound away on the youngster without mercy. Vader hit Alex with two Vader Bombs and as he was going for a third the referee had no choice but to stop the match.


~commercial break~




Sting chooses Jim Duggan as his partner! (95)

Sting is walking through the back when he stops Jim Duggan walking around a corner. Sting runs after Jim and asks Duggan if he would be his partner tonight. Duggan tells Sting that usually Old Glory is his partner, but tonight he would tag up with the Stinger…HO!




Harlem Heat defeat Savage Fury (71)

Stevie Ray and Meng started things off with some old school brawling. Stevie attempted a head butt on Meng but the Samoan shrugged it off and nailed Stevie with a head butt of his own. Stevie was isolated from Booker and Meng and The Barbarian took full advantage of it. Booker T finally got a hot tag and cleared house, nailed The Barbarian with a Ghetto Blaster for the win.


~commercial break~




Ric Flair and Dean Malenko defeat Sting and Jim Duggan (86)

Dean and Sting started things off and Flair seemed reluctant to get in the ring with Sting. Duggan was tagged in and Flair and Malenko worked him over a bit before Sting got the tag and came face to face with Ric Flair to a huge pop from the crowd. Sting and Flair went at it for a while before Flair was able to tag Dean back in. Dean took the fight to Sting but Duggan made a blind tag and came out swinging. Sting stopped Ric from interfering and Duggan tried a 3 Point Lariat only to have Dean sidestep it and land a huge German Suplex with a bridge for the win.




Vader appears…and Simmons holds him off! (90)

Vader’s music hit and he strolled out onto the entrance Ramp and motioned that he was going to hurt Sting and Flair. As Vader continued his slow walk to the ring, Ron Simmons came out from the back and landed a Bulldog on Vader on the entrance ramp. Vader got up and he began to slug it out with Ron as security rushed both men just as Slam went off the air.


Overall Show Rating: 78 with a 6.17 Tv Rating!


WCW Sunday Drive [“B” Show]

Live from the Coliseo Pedrin Zorilla in Puerto Rico

Attendance: 675


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Bobby “The Brain” Heenan


Chavo Jr. defeated Chris Kanyon (35)

Texas Justice defeated Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater (50)

::: Robert Fuller unveiled the new WCW Drive Championship (18) :::

Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko defeated High Voltage (50)

Lord Steven Regal defeated Brad Armstrong to become the 1st Drive Champion! (49)

Overall Show Rating: 47 with a .40 TV Rating

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When I saw Jim Duggan as the mystery partner I had to laugh. Why? Because I always laugh when I see Jim Duggan.


The Road Warriors outcome shocked me I must admit.


~Special Open Challenge~

Regal vs ???


Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko vs. Eddy and Chavo Guerrero


The Road Warriors vs. Savage Fury


Ron Simmons vs. Arn Anderson


~~Main Event~~

Sting vs. Paul Wight

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Road Warriors lost!? To make it up to me i now ask... no demand that you push Big and Bad to the moon!!!!!


~Special Open Challenge~

Regal vs ???

Chris Benoit and Dean Malenko vs. Eddy and Chavo Guerrero

The Road Warriors vs. Savage Fury

Ron Simmons vs. Arn Anderson

~~Main Event~~

Sting vs. Paul Wight

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