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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;">WCW Saturday Slam</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Rey Misterio Jr. and Juventud Gurrera vs. Canek and Lizmark</p><p>

Eddy Guerrero vs. Paul Wight</p><p>

Texas Justice vs. Savage Fury</p><p>

Jim Duggan vs. Vader</p><p> </p><p>

~~Main Event~~</p><p>

Sting vs. Bobby Eaton</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><strong>Rey Misterio Jr. and Juventud Gurrera </strong>vs. Canek and Lizmark</p><p>

<strong>Eddy Guerrero </strong>vs. Paul Wight</p><p>

<strong>Texas Justice</strong> vs. Savage Fury</p><p>

Jim Duggan vs. <strong>Vader</strong></p><p>

~~Main Event~~</p><p>

<strong>Sting</strong> vs. Bobby Eaton</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW: Saturday Slam!</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Live from Don Haskins Center</p><p>

Attendance: 12,000 (Sold Out!)</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes </strong></span> </p><p> </p><p>

~Pre-Show~</p><p> </p><p>

The American Males defeated Bunkhouse Buck and Dick Slater</p><p>

The Varsity Club defeated Big and Bad </p><p> </p><p>

~Main Show~</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rey Misterio Jr. and Juventud Guerrera defeated Canek and Lizmark!</span></strong> (54)</p><p>

In the WCW debut of four great wrestlers fro mMexico, we saw the “rudo” team of Rey Misterio Jr. and Jeventud Guerrera defeat the “technico” team of Canek and Lizmark. Mike Tenay made a point to note that both Rey and Juventud have a history with Eddy in Mexico.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sting bumps into a legend!</span></strong> (100!)</p><p>

<em>Sting is shown walking down the hallway when he bumps into a man. The man turns around and it is none other than “The Raging Bull” Manny Fernandez.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sting</span></strong>: Excuse me…Manny Fernandez! (huge pop from Manny’s hometown crowd.) What a honor it is to see you man. You were one of my idols growing up, I can’t believe it. What are you doing here?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Manny</span></strong>: An old partner of mine called me up and said he was going to be in my hometown and I should stop by.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sting</span></strong>: Well, it was an honor to meet you Manny. Maybe we can hang out later…</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Manny</span></strong>: Sure kid…</p><p> </p><p>

~commercial break~</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Eddy Guerrero defeated Paul Wight by DQ!</span></strong> (82)</p><p>

Eddy used his speed to keep Paul off his game and it seemed to frustrate the bigger Paul Wight. Paul eventually got his hands on Eddy and in his frustration he began to choke Eddy. When the ref tried to stop Paul, Paul struck the ref and got himself DQ’ed.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Paul Wight destroys Eddy!</span></strong> (89)</p><p>

<em>After the match Paul continued to beat on Eddy as the crowd chanted “We want Sting!” After Paul slammed Eddy to the mat with a Choke Slam he walked off leaving a beaten Eddy down.</em></p><p> </p><p>

~commercial break~</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Booker T defeated Road Warrior Animal!</span></strong> (69)</p><p>

Booker and Animal went punch for punch with one another in the middle of the ring until Booker finally was able to get the upper hand and send Animal to the mat. Hawk then tried to insert himself into the match when suddenly Ron Simmons comes out and stops him. Booker is able to nail Animal with a Ghetto Blaster for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Booker/Ron Simmons and The Road Warriors brawl!</span></strong> (80)</p><p>

<em>After the match all heck breaks loose as all four men begin to brawl in the ring. The brawl spills to the outside as security rushes the ring and tries to separate the four men.</em></p><p> </p><p>

~commercial break~</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Oni Warriors defeated Paul Orndorff and Kok B. Ware</span></strong> (57)</p><p>

Kiyomori and Orochi wrestled circles around Orndorff and Koko. The match ended after Koko took and Oni Driver and Orochi made the pin.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Eddy confronts Sting!</span></strong> (100!)</p><p>

<em>In the back Eddy is seen bandaged around the waist walking into the locker room area of Sting. Sting is there watching footage from the last few weeks, trying to find a clu as to who The Black Scorpion is.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Eddy</span></strong>: STING! Where were you? Where were you essai?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sting</span></strong>: Eddy…what happened to you?</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Eddy</span></strong>: What happened? What happened vato? I got my butt handed to me by a seven foot wrecking ball as my “amigo” was nowhere to be found. I thought we agreed to have each other’s backs essai? It seems to me I had your back but as Ron pointed out, you have no one’s back but your own! You need help…don’t hold your breath waiting for Eddy to come to your rescue…</p><p> </p><p>

~commercial break~</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Vader defeated Jim Duggan!</span></strong> (78)</p><p>

Vader came out and destroyed Duggan. The match was quick, brutal, and made a car wreck look like a baby kitten! Vader finished Jim off with a Vader Bomb.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Black Scorpion gloats!</span></strong> (74)</p><p>

<em>In his hidden location, we see The Black Scorpion, The Scorpion Warrior, and Bobby Eaton standing around.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Black Scorpion</strong></span>: Sting…look around and realize your friends are dropping like flies. Benoit was taken out by my Scorpion Warrior. Ron and Eddy abandoned you. Jim Duggan was just taken out by Vader in such brutal fashion that I doubt he will be able to help you tonight. No one can nor will help you…you are all alone Sting. Ha, ha, ha!</p><p> </p><p>

~commercial break~</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Texas Justice defeated Savage Fury!</span></strong> (59)</p><p>

Meng and Barbarian took the fight to Dustin and Erik and it looke like they would win, but the “cowboy” from previous weeks once again came out and he nailed Barbarian with a cow bell allowing Erik to get the pin. After the match Dustin and Erik argued a bit about the “cowboy” who was at ringside clapping.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sting defeated Bobby Eaton by DQ!</span></strong> (85)</p><p>

Sting came out for a mtch but as soon as the bell rang, The Scorpion Warrior and The Black Scorpion came out and attacked Sting triggering the DQ.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sting is attacked 3 on 1 but…</span></strong> (95)</p><p>

<em>Sting is being beat 3 on 1 as the crowd boos. Eaton places Sting’s leg under a chair and motion he is going to stomp on it breaking Sting’s leg, but before he can do it Manny Fernandez runs out and makes the save as the crowd goes nuts. Manny nails Eaton and Scorpion Warrior with his patented Flying Burrito as The Black Scorpion flees in fear. Manny holds Sting up and the crowd goes nuts as Slam ends.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall show rating: 83 with a 5.94 TV rating!</span></strong></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;">WCW Sunday Drive</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Animal Alliance vs. The Oni Warriors</p><p>

Scotty Riggs vs. Rhino</p><p>

Alex Wright vs. Lord Steven Regal</p><p>

~Drive Championship~</p><p>

Erik Watts vs. John Tenta</p><p> </p><p>

~~Main Event~~</p><p>

Eddy Guerrero and Diamond Dallas Page </p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>Animal Alliance vs. <strong>The Oni Warriors</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>Scotty Riggs vs.<strong> Rhino</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>Alex Wright vs. <strong>Lord Steven Regal</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>~Drive Championship~</p><p>

<strong>Erik Watts</strong> vs. John Tenta</p><p> </p><p>

~~Main Event~~</p><p>

Eddy Guerrero and <strong>Diamond Dallas Page </strong></p>

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<p>Animal Alliance vs. <strong>The Oni Warriors</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Scotty Riggs vs. <strong>Rhino</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Was never a fan of Scotty Riggs</p><p> </p><p>

Alex Wright vs. <strong>Lord Steven Regal</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Big fan of Steven Regal and never a fan of Alex Wright (I guess you realize that I dislike a lot of people...<img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />)</p><p> </p><p>

~Drive Championship~</p><p>

<strong>Erik Watts</strong> vs. John Tenta</p><p> </p><p>

Not sure how it will happen but Erik will get the win over Earthquake.</p><p> </p><p>

~~Main Event~~</p><p>

<strong>Eddy Guerrero</strong> and Diamond Dallas Page</p>

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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>WCW: Sunday Drive!</strong></span></p><p> Live from the Mississippi Coloseum</p><p> Attendance: 4,720</p><p> Announcers</p><p> Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes</p><p> </p><p> ~Pre-Show~</p><p> </p><p> -none-</p><p> </p><p> ~Main Show~</p><p> </p><p> The Oni Warriors defeated Animal Alliance (69)</p><p> Lord Steven Regal defeated Alex Wright (77)</p><p> Rhino defeated Scotty Riggs (49)</p><p> :::Hype video of Sting::: (100)</p><p> Erik Watts defeated John Tenta to retain the Drive Championship (50)</p><p> Eddy Guerrero defeated Diamond Dallas Page (85)</p><p> <strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall show rating: 78 with a .45 TV rating!</span></strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="30916" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:48px;">WCW Monday Nitro Preview</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> ~Special Trios Match~</p><p> Rey Misterio Jr., Juventud Guerrera, and Psicosis {La Hermandad } vs. La Parka, El Dandy, and Silver King </p><p> The Varsity Club vs. The Oni Warriors</p><p> Rhino vs. Erik Watts</p><p> Dustin Rhodes vs. Vader</p><p> ~~US Championship Open Challenge Match~~</p><p> Dean MAlenko {C} vs. ???</p><p> Eddy Guerrero vs. Ric Flair</p><p> ~~Main Event~~</p><p> Sting and Manny Fernandez vs. Bobby Eaton and The Scorpion Warrior</p><p> </p></div><p></p><p></p></div></blockquote>
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<p>~Special Trios Match~</p><p>

<strong>Rey Misterio Jr., Juventud Guerrera, and Psicosis {La Hermandad }</strong> vs. La Parka, El Dandy, and Silver King </p><p> </p><p>

I think Rey's team is better and most of those guys are probably more over than the members of the other team.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Varsity Club </strong>vs. The Oni Warriors</p><p> </p><p>

Rhino vs. <strong>Erik Watts</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Dustin Rhodes vs. <strong>Vader</strong></p><p> </p><p>

~~US Championship Open Challenge Match~~</p><p>

<strong>Dean MAlenko </strong>{C} vs. ???</p><p> </p><p>

Eddy Guerrero vs. <strong>Ric Flair</strong></p><p> </p><p>

~~Main Event~~</p><p>

<strong>Sting and Manny Fernandez</strong> vs. Bobby Eaton and The Scorpion Warrior</p><p> </p><p>

I am not sure where you found Manny but I like the idea of him and Sting working together.</p>

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<p>~Special Trios Match~</p><p>

<strong>Rey Misterio Jr., Juventud Guerrera, and Psicosis {La Hermandad }</strong> vs. La Parka, El Dandy, and Silver King </p><p>

<strong>The Varsity Club</strong> vs. The Oni Warriors</p><p>

<strong>Rhino</strong> vs. Erik Watts</p><p>

Dustin Rhodes vs.<strong> Vader</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>~~US Championship Open Challenge Match~~</p><p>

<strong>Dean Malenko</strong> {C} vs. ???</p><p>

Eddy Guerrero vs. <strong>Ric Flair</strong></p><p><strong>

</strong>~~Main Event~~</p><p>

<strong>Sting and Manny Fernandez</strong> vs. Bobby Eaton and The Scorpion Warrior</p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WCW: Monday Nitro!</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Live from The Pyramid Arena</p><p>

Attendance: 20,000 (Sold Out!)</p><p>


<span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes </strong></span> </p><p> </p><p>

~Pre-Show~</p><p> </p><p>

The Skyscrapers defeated Animal Alliance</p><p>

The Road Warriors defeated the Armstrongs</p><p>

Ron Simmons defeated Arn Anderson</p><p> </p><p>

~Main Show~</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">La Hermandad defeated Silver King, El Dandy, and La Parka!</span></strong> (55)</p><p>

In a match filled with quick tags and high flying action, La Hermandad was able to take the win after Juventud Guerrera landed a 450 Degree Splash on La Parka.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sting and Manny Fernandez arrive to the arena!</span></strong> (100!)</p><p>

<em>We see a shot of the parking area where Sting and Manny Fernandez step out of a cherry red Cadillac. Manny removes his shades and looks at Sting who nods at Manny. The duo then walk inside the arena as the announcers talk about the pair looking ready for a fight.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Rhino defeated Erik Watts by DQ!</span></strong> (52)</p><p>

Rhino dominated Erik from the opening bell in this contest. Erik was simply unable to get in any offense and if it wasn’t for the timely intervention of the mysterious “cowboy,” Erik would have felt a Rhino Driver. Erik and the “cowboy” left as Rhino was being held back by Bobby Heenan and rubbing his head from the chair shot he received.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Varsity Club defeated the Oni Warriors!</span></strong> (74)</p><p>

Rick Steiner and Orochi started things off, with Rick getting a hold of Orochi’s leg and working it over in a single leg crab. Steiner brought in Rotunda who continued to work on the leg of Orochi. Eventually Kiyomori was brought in and he was similarly slowed done by the technical prowess of Steiner and Rotunda. The finish came when Steiner landed a huge Steiner Line on Kiyomori as Orochi struggled to get into the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Vader defeated Dustin Rhodes by Count Out!</span></strong> (83)</p><p>

Vader took the fight straight to Dustin, who was quickly overpowered by the larger Vader. As Vader began to taunt the audience, Dustin spotted Erik and the mysterious “cowboy” and left the ring to confront the two. Dustin argued with Erik and tried to take a chair from the “cowboy” as the ref began his ten count. Dustin continued to argue and Dustin was eventually counted out. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Vader goes on a rampage!</span></strong> (88)</p><p>

<em>After Dustin was counted out he walked away from Erik and the “cowboy” who both turned their backs on Vader. Vader, upset over the ruined match, left the ring and began to attack Erik and the “cowboy.” Erik and the “cowboy” tried to fight back but they were no match for the angry Vader. Eventually Vader nailed both men with a Power Bomb on the concrete before he stormed up the ramp.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Chris Benoit defeated Dean Malenko by Count Out!</span></strong> (81)</p><p>

Malenko was in the ring waiting the arrival of his opponent, when Chris Benoit showed up with a title belt slung over his shoulder. The announcers noted it was the Canadian Championship. Benoit entered the ring and went right after Dean with some submission moves. Things went back and forth until Dean was caught in a Crossface and forced to tap out, however the ref was distracted by Kimberly and missed the tap. Benoit released the hold and Dean rolled out of the ring and walked away as the ref counted him out.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Eddy Guerrero defeated Ric Flair!</span></strong> (86)</p><p>

Eddy and Ric went move for move and it looked like it was a true battle of youth versus experience. Ric reached deep down into his bag of tricks and used dirty moves not seen for years, but Eddy had a few moves up his sleeve that Ric had never saw before. Just when Eddy was poised to hit his Frog Splash, Paul Wight came out and Eddy hesitated, allowing Ric to toss him from the top rope. Paul made his way to ringside as Ric worked Eddy over, but Eddy was able to turn things back in his favor and defeated Ric with a Majistrol Cradle.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Ric orders Paul to attack Eddy!</span></strong> (96)</p><p>

<em>After the match Ric yelled at Paul to hurt Eddy and, unlike previous weeks, Paul was quick to comply. Eddy was soon kissing canvas as Paul landed a thunderous Choke Slam.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Sting and Manny Fernandez defeated Bobby Eaton and the Scorpion Warrior!</span></strong> (80)</p><p>

Sting and Manny went all out and caught Bobby and Scorpion Warrior asleep at the wheel. Sting wrestled most of the match, with Manny coming in and hitting a few moves before tagging out to Sting once more. The finish came when The Black Scorpion showed up at Ringside and Manny blasted him off the apron with a huge Flying Burrito, knocking him right into Bobby Eaton on the outside. Sting then nailed Scorpion Warrior with a reverse DDT and allowed Manny to make the pin for the win.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Overall show rating: 82 with a 7.98 TV rating!</span></strong></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:24px;">WCW Saturday Slam Preview!</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

Kanyon vs. Crowbar</p><p>

Ron Simmons vs. Road Warrior Hawk</p><p>

The Thrill Seekers vs. Jerry Lynn and Steve Blackman</p><p>

Eddy Guerrero vs. Arn Anderson</p><p>

Dean Malenko w/Kimberly vs. Rick Steiner</p><p>

Rhino vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page</p><p> </p><p>

~~Double Main Event~~</p><p>

~Mask vs. Career~</p><p>

Manny Fernandez w/Sting vs. Scorpion Warrior </p><p>

~Winner makes match Stipulation for Sting vs. Black Scorpion at this Sunday’s Super Brawl!</p><p>

Sting w/Manny Fernandez vs. Bobby Eaton</p><p>


Erik Watts reveals the identity of the mysterious “cowboy”</p><p>

Lucha Libre Tag Action</p><p>


The shocking debut of Ultimo Dragon! </p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><strong>Kanyon </strong>vs. Crowbar</p><p>

<strong>Ron Simmons </strong>vs. Road Warrior Hawk</p><p>

The Thrill Seekers vs. <strong>Jerry Lynn and Steve Blackman</strong></p><p>

Eddy Guerrero vs. <strong>Arn Anderson</strong></p><p>

<strong>Dean Malenko</strong> w/Kimberly vs. Rick Steiner</p><p>

<strong>Rhino </strong>vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page</p><p> </p><p>

~~Double Main Event~~</p><p>

~Mask vs. Career~</p><p>

Manny Fernandez w/Sting vs. <strong>Scorpion Warrior </strong></p><p>

~Winner makes match Stipulation for Sting vs. Black Scorpion at this Sunday’s Super Brawl!</p><p> </p><p>

I really see no reason for Manny to win here, he did what he needed to do.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sting </strong>w/Manny Fernandez vs. Bobby Eaton</p>

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WCW: Saturday Slam!


Live from The Reunion Arena

Attendance: 16,217


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




The Skyscrapers w/Mei Thai defeated the Armstrongs

Jim Duggan and JYD defeated Alex Wright and Disco Inferno

:::Hype Video for Slam!:::


~Main Show~


Ultimo Dragon defeated Squire Dave Taylor! (66)

After a hyped up entrance, including a multi-color light show of green and gold, Ultimo Dragon came out wearing a similarly colored outfit and mask. Dragon made short work of Taylor whose ground based style was no match for the high flying of Dragon.


Raven, Saturn, and Richards are seen ringside! (42)

As we prepare to take our first commercial break the camera spots Raven, Perry Saturn, and Stevie Richards at ringside. Mike Tenay notes they all worked for some “hardcore promotion in Philadelphia” last time he checked. He then mentioned Crowbar vs. Kanyon was up next.


~commercial break~


Raven, Saturn, and Richards make their presence known! (41)

Kanyon and Crowbar were in the ring getting set to have a match when Raven and company hopped the guard rail and attacked both men. Raven then got into the ring with Saturn and Richards at his back, as security rushed down and removed the three. During the entire segment the announcers were upset and saying things like “WCW is no place for scum like that!”


The Thrill Seekers defeated Jerry Lynn and Steve Blackman! (51)

Lance Storm and Chris Jericho had no trouble with the debuting Jerry Lyn and Steve Blackman. Steve’s stiff looking strikes were easily avoided and Jerry Lynn was no match for Jericho’s speed. In the end the match was decided with Lynn hooked in a Canadian Maple Leaf from Storm, then getting nailed with a Lion-Sault from Jericho.


~commercial break~


Erik Watts and Dustin Rhodes brawl in the back! (70)

As we come back from break we see Erik Watts and Dustin Rhodes shoving one another. We can hear Dustin say he wants no part of the “cowboy” to which Erik tells him “screw you! Bobby is a better man then you will ever be!” The announcers note this may be the end of their tag team.


La Hermandad (Juventud/Pschosis) defeated Blue Panther and Atlantis! (60)

The “rudo” team of La Hermandad were able to use their youthful speed and agility to overwhelm the older team of Atlantis and Blue Panther. During the match Mike Tenay noted that in Mexico La Hermandad, Rey included, wrestled with masks on unlike they have been doing here in the U.S. The finish came when Pscosis nailed Atlantis with a Guillotine Leg Drop from the top rope.


Eddy Guerrero defeated Arn Anderson! (83)

Eddy was able to match Arn move for move and soon Arn was slowing down as Eddy continued to bounce around the ring in a blur. During the match Ric Flair tried to distract Eddy, but Eddy leapt off the top turnbuckle and nailed Ric with a missile drop kick. As the ref tried to restore order, Paul Wight came out and attacked Eddy but Arn wasn’t able to get the pin. Eddy ultimately got the win after he nailed Arn with his 3 Amigos followed by a Frog Splash.


Paul Wight destroys Eddy once again! (96)

Just like last on Nitro and the previous Slam, Paul Wight attacked Eddy and left him out on the mat courtesy of a huge Choke Slam!


~commercial break~


Rhino defeated “Diamond” Dallas Page! (52)

In a short match, Rhino defeated Page after a Gore/Rhino Driver combo. During the match we saw Erik Watts and his “cowboy” friend come down to ringside.


Erik Watts and “Cowboy” attacked Rhino! (72)

Erik and the “cowboy” attacked Rhino with a cowbell and bull rope. After Rhino was down in the ring Erik whipped him with the rope before the “Cowboy” lifted Rhino up and landed a huge power bomb on Rhino. Erik then took the mic and began to talk…


Erik: For weeks now, everyone wanted to know just who my big friend over here is…well, I’m going to tell you if you shut your yaps for one second and listen to a real man talk! Beside me is Bobby Duncam Jr., the son of Texas’ greatest wrestler. Together, there is nothing that can stop us…not even Rhino.


So this Sunday, if Rhino can make it that is, I’m putting up my Drive Championship against that man lying in the ring right there. After this Sunday, people will know that Erik Watts is the real deal, and Rhino was nothing but a flash in the pan!


Dean defeated Rick Steiner! (80)

Benoit scouts Dean! (67)

Dean and Steiner began with some light technical moves before they turned things up a notch. As the match went on we saw Chris Benoit appear at the entrance ramp holding his Canadian Championship, watching intently. Dean finished Rick off with a Texas Clover Leaf, eyeing Benoit the entire time he had the move hooked in.


~commercial break~


Ron Simmons defeated Road Warrior Hawk! (80)

Ron and Hawk traded blows in the center of the ring before things spilled to the outside. Outside the ring they brawled around ringside as the ref tried to get them back in the ring. During the match the announcers noted Ron was the better singles wrestler but if this were a tag bout, Hawk would have the advantage. Back inside Ron was caught with a huge shoulder block but refused to go down. When Hawk went for a second shoulder block, Ron caught him in a Power Slam. The match ended after Ron landed his Dominator on Hawk and got the pin.


The Road Warriors, Ron Simmons and Booker T brawl in the ring! (80)

After the match Animal got into the ring and began to fight with Ron. Soon Booker T got inside the ring and began to fight Animal. Eventually Hawk and Ron recovered enough and it became chaos as security tried to get these four men out of the ring.


~commercial break~


Manny Fernandez defeats Scorpion Warrior! (71)

Manny seemed unable to keep up with the Scorpion Warrior’s speed and it looked like Manny’s career would come to an end when the ref took a nasty bump and Vader came marching to the ring. Scorpion Warrior held Manny in a full nelson as Vader got into the ring. Vader then punched Scorpion Warrior in the face and landed a huge lariat that took the masked man off his feet. Vader then nailed a Vader Bomb before sliding Manny on top of the Scorpion Warrior. The ref came to just in time to make the pin. After the match Vader ripped off the mask of the Scorpion Warrior to reveal none other than Lord William Regal!


Sting defeated Bobby Eaton! (82)

Sting took the fight straight to Bobby Eaton and soon it was over as Sting had Bobby hooked in a Scorpion Death Lock. During the match we had The Black Scorpion try to interfere but Manny put a stop to that.


Sting announces his match stipulation! (81)

After the match Commissioner Rober Fuller came to the ring and asked Sting for his match stipulation for the big match this Sunday. Sting took the mic and replied…


Sting: This Sunday, I will defend my WCW World Championship against the Black Scorpion inside a steel cage…with Manny Fernandez as the Special Guest Referee! Not only that, but it will be Title vs. Mask…When I finish with you, we will all see your face and learn just what kind of coward you really are! Woo!


Overall show rating: 78 with a 6.26 TV rating!




WCW Sunday Drive Preview!

Kanyon vs. Crowbar

The Skyscrapers vs. Alex Wright and Chavo Guerrero Jr.

~~Man Event~~

~Drive Championship~

Erik Watts{c} vs. Rhino

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Kanyon vs. Crowbar

The Skyscrapers vs. Alex Wright and Chavo Guerrero Jr.

~~Man Event~~

~Drive Championship~

Erik Watts{c} vs. Rhino


Nice to get a new commentor on here! Welcome aboard Destiny!


With that said I was wondering what people thought of Steven Regal being revealed as The Scorpion Warrior? Also, does anyone have a guess as to the identity of The Black Scorpion?

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With that said I was wondering what people thought of Steven Regal being revealed as The Scorpion Warrior? Also, does anyone have a guess as to the identity of The Black Scorpion?


Any time anybody pushes Steven Regal I am happy. Seriously he is one of my all-time favorties.


As for the Black Scorpion, is it Ole Anderson using a cheap voice box?:p


Kanyon vs. Crowbar


The Skyscrapers vs. Alex Wright and Chavo Guerrero Jr.


~~Man Event~~

~Drive Championship~

Erik Watts{c} vs. Rhino

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WCW: Sunday Drive!

Live from The Georgia Dome

Attendance: {n/a will be same as Superbrawl}


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




Stevie Richards defeated Lizmark

Perry Saturn defeated Atlantis


~Main Show~

Silver King defeated Blue Panther (19)

Jerry Lynn defeated Steve Blackman (16)

The Skyscrapers w/Mai Lee defeated Alex Wright and Chavo Guerrero Jr. (45)

Kanyon defeated Crowbar (41)

::: Raven w/ Saturn and Stevie Richards came out and insulted Kanyon and Crowbar for not making it onto the PPV. ::: (43)

::: Commissioner Robert Fuller Announces 10 Team #1 Contender Tag Gauntlet for Superbrawl! ::: (86)

Bobby Duncam Jr. defeated Hector Guerrero (58)

Rhino defeated Erik Watts to become the new Drive Champion! (60)

Overall Show: 58!

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SuperBrawl Preview!


Ultimo Dragon vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page


10 Team Tag Team Gauntlet to crown a new Number 1 Contender Team!

Participants and their order of entrance are:

1: Brad and Steve Armstrong

2: The Oni Warriors

3: The Varsity Club

4: Law and Disorder

5: The American Males

6: Big and Bad

7: Animal Alliance

8: Savage Fury

9: The Thrillseekers

10: Ric Flair and Arn Anderson


Vader vs. Steven Regal


~WCW U.S. Championship & Canadian Independent Championship~

~~Double Title Submission Match~~

Chris Benoit vs. Dean Malenko


~WCW Tag Team Championship Match~

Ron Simmons and Booker T AKA The Brotha Hood vs. The Road Warriors


~Special Trios Match~

La Hermandad vs. La Parka, Canek, and Dr. Wagner Jr.


~Special Grudge Match~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Paul Wight


~WCW World Heavyweight Championship~

~~Old School Steel Cage/Special Referee Match~~

~~~Special Ref: Manny Fernandez~~~

Sting vs. The Black Scorpion

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Ultimo Dragon vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page


10 Team Tag Team Gauntlet to crown a new Number 1 Contender Team!

Participants and their order of entrance are:

1: Brad and Steve Armstrong

2: The Oni Warriors

3: The Varsity Club

4: Law and Disorder

5: The American Males

6: Big and Bad

7: Animal Alliance

8: Savage Fury

9: The Thrillseekers

10: Ric Flair and Arn Anderson


This is my favorite team out of the group so I shall go with them.


Vader vs. Steven Regal


~WCW U.S. Championship & Canadian Independent Championship~

~~Double Title Submission Match~~

Chris Benoit vs. Dean Malenko


~WCW Tag Team Championship Match~

Ron Simmons and Booker T AKA The Brotha Hood vs. The Road Warriors


I like the team of Booker and Ron but I just think the Road Warriors will win here.


~Special Trios Match~

La Hermandad vs. La Parka, Canek, and Dr. Wagner Jr.


~Special Grudge Match~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Paul Wight


Eddy needs revenge for all of the times Paul has attacked him.


~WCW World Heavyweight Championship~

~~Old School Steel Cage/Special Referee Match~~

~~~Special Ref: Manny Fernandez~~~

Sting vs. The Black Scorpion


I am not sure why but I think The Black Scorpion might win here due to Manny turning on Sting. I am however going to stick with Sting anyway.

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Ultimo Dragon vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page


10 Team Tag Team Gauntlet to crown a new Number 1 Contender Team!

Participants and their order of entrance are:

1: Brad and Steve Armstrong

2: The Oni Warriors

3: The Varsity Club

4: Law and Disorder

5: The American Males

6: Big and Bad

7: Animal Alliance

8: Savage Fury

9: The Thrillseekers

10: Ric Flair and Arn Anderson

Vader vs. Steven Regal


~WCW U.S. Championship & Canadian Independent Championship~

~~Double Title Submission Match~~

Chris Benoit vs. Dean Malenko


~WCW Tag Team Championship Match~

Ron Simmons and Booker T AKA The Brotha Hood vs. The Road Warriors

~Special Trios Match~

La Hermandad vs. La Parka, Canek, and Dr. Wagner Jr.


~Special Grudge Match~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Paul Wight


~WCW World Heavyweight Championship~

~~Old School Steel Cage/Special Referee Match~~

~~~Special Ref: Manny Fernandez~~~

Sting vs. The Black Scorpion

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Ultimo Dragon vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page


10 Team Tag Team Gauntlet to crown a new Number 1 Contender Team!

Participants and their order of entrance are:

1: Brad and Steve Armstrong

2: The Oni Warriors

3: The Varsity Club

4: Law and Disorder

5: The American Males

6: Big and Bad

7: Animal Alliance

8: Savage Fury

9: The Thrillseekers

10: Ric Flair and Arn Anderson


Vader vs. Steven Regal


~WCW U.S. Championship & Canadian Independent Championship~

~~Double Title Submission Match~~

Chris Benoit vs. Dean Malenko


~WCW Tag Team Championship Match~

Ron Simmons and Booker T AKA The Brotha Hood vs. The Road Warriors


~Special Trios Match~

La Hermandad vs. La Parka, Canek, and Dr. Wagner Jr.


~Special Grudge Match~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Paul Wight


~WCW World Heavyweight Championship~

~~Old School Steel Cage/Special Referee Match~~

~~~Special Ref: Manny Fernandez~~~

Sting vs. The Black Scorpion

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WCW: SuperBrawl ‘96!


Live from The Georgia Dome

Attendance: 61,620

PPV Buy Rate : 3.39



Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes



Ultimo Dragon vs. “Diamond” Dallas Page


Ultimo Dragon came out to a moderate pop on his PPV debut. He made his routine entrance ending with a dramatic flip over the top rope and into the ring. DDP came out to a round of boos as the crowd started a “You Suck” chant. The ref checked over both men and then rang the bell. Things started slow as Page was able to get Dragon in a headlock. Page really cranked in the hold but Dragon was eventually able to reach the ropes and break the hold. Page continued to utilize holds but once Dragon began to fly, Page was unable to contain him. Dragon seemed to be several steps ahead of Page as he flew off the turnbuckles and bounced off the ropes time and time again. The match ended with an Moon Sault DDT delivered by Dragon after bouncing off the second rope, which garned him a nice pop from the crowd.


Winner: Ultimo Dragon! (70)


Ten Team Tag Gauntlet to determine a #1 Contender to the Tag Titles!



The Armstrongs vs. The Oni Warriors



Brad and Steve Armstrong came out first to little fanfare as the crowd expected the “Armstrong Curse” to strike yet again. As Brad and Steve discussed strategy the Oni Warriors came out to a nice pop. The fans embracing the heels due in part to their cool outfits. Brad and Orochi started things out and it wasn’t long before Brad was put into his opponents corner and suffering the quick tag assault the Oni Warriors are known for. Brad did manage to get Steve tagged in and soon the ring was cleared of the Oni Warriors. Steve and Brad tried to get the crowd behind them but just as the crowd popped, Orochi and Kiyomori bounced off the ropes and hit the pair with drop kicks, sending Steve to the floor and Brad to the mat. Orochi climbed the top turnbuckle as Kiyomori hooked Brad in the Oni Driver. Just as orochi was about to dive off, Steve got to his feet and pushed Orochi off the turnbuckle. Brad executed a back body drop on Kiyomori and the crowd actually cheered them on. Brad waved Kiyomori up and when Kyomori got up and rushed Brad, Brad landed a drop toe hold. Brad then hooked in a STF that had Kiyomori tapping out.


The Armstrongs Advance!



The Varsity Club make their way to the ring


Brad and Steve quickly regrouped and began discussing strategy as the music for the Varsity Club hit the PA system. Rick Steiner and Mike Rotunda came out to a slight pop from the crowd. Rick and Steve started things out and soon Rick had the upper hand. Rick worked over Steve’s right leg before tagging in Mike who continued the assault on Steve’s leg. Brad was shaking with anger waiting to get the tag from Steve, and when it finally came, the crowd popped. Brad took both Mike and Rick off their feet before tossing Mike out of the ring. Rick tried to nail a Steiner line on Brad, but he was ready for it and ducked under it and hooked in a Standing Dragon Sleeper that had Rick tapping in moments.


The Armstrongs Advance!



Law and Disorder with Sonny Onoo make their way to the ring


Brad helped a limping Steve to their corner as Law and Disorder with their manager Sonny Onoo came out to a loud round of boos. The match started and One Man Gang and Brad began the match. OMG worked Brad over with a series of high powered slams before turning him over to Big Bubba Rogers. Bubba whipped Brad into the turnbuckle and followed it in with a lariat only to catch a face full of boot. Brad then came out with a Bull Dog on Bubba that shook the ring. Sonny Onoo distracted the ref allowing OMG to get into the ring and attack Brad but Steve cut him off with a chop block to the legs that caused OMG to fall on his back. The ref tried to restore order and just as he had the ring back in order Brad hooked an Armbar on the One Man Gang. Bubba rushed in but he was too late as OMG tapped out.


The Armstrongs Advance!



The American Males make their way to the ring


Scotty Riggs and Marcus Baggwell came out to no response as Brad and Steve tried to get their breath. Scotty Riggs and Steve started things off, and Steve still seemed to be favoring his right leg. Marcus tagged in and Steve used the opportunity to get Brad into the match. Brad slowed things down and soon Marcus was tapping out to a Cross Face Chicken Wing as Scotty watched helplessly.


The Armstrongs Advance!




Big and Bad make their way to the ring


Brad and Steve seemed almost out on their feet as Big and Bad plodded their way to the ring. John Tenta and Brad started things off with some back and forth punches that seemed to be mere annoyances to Tenta. Tenta used his size to overwhelm Brad’s defenses and soon Brad was helpless in a huge Bear Hug from Tenta. As Tenta held Brad, Fred Ottman got into the ring and ran at the pair, smashing Brad between to the two huge men. Brad seemed out on his feet as the ref escorted Fred out of the ring. Steve slipped into the ring unnoticed by the ref and hit Tenta with a dropkick that did little but make the big man stumble back a bit. Brad followed it up with a drop kick of his own and now Tenta was really wobbly. Brad then looked at Steve and they both ran at the ropes, rebounded off, then landed dual drop kicks on Tenta that made the big man crash to the outside of the ring. Ottman tried to help Tenta up, but unable to make the Ten Count, Tenta and Ottman lost the match to the delight of the crowd.


The Armstrongs Advance!




The Animal Alliance make their way to the ring


The Junkyard Dog and Koko B. Ware came out to a nice pop as Brad and Steve needed to lean on the ropes to stay up. Koko and Brad started things off. Koko took control of the match with some hard chops that could be heard outside the building. JYD soon came in and took the fight right to Brad with some high impact moves. After several near falls, JYD set Brad up for his Bull Dog but Steve hit the ring and caused JYD to get distracted long enough for Brad to get a School Boy Pin. As the ref leapt into position Brad only got a two count. Brad then brought JYD to his feet and locked in a Abdominal Stretch that caused JYD to tap out.


The Armstrongs Advance!



Savage Fury make their way to the ring


Savage Fury came out to a huge boo from the crowd as Brad slumped in the corner and Steve leaned heavily on the ropes. Meng started things with Steve and it wasn’t long before Steve was being pinned for a two count. The crowd breathed a sigh of relief as Steve got a shoulder up. Meng worked Steve over before pushing him over to Brad and ****ily telling him to tag Brad in. Steve reluctantly tagged in Brad who stood face to face with The Barbarian. Barbarian beat Brad down to the mat with a series of big forearm blows. Meng laughed in the corner as Barbarian lifted Brad up for a Power Bomb. Barbarian held Brad up and as he did Brad slipped his legs around Barbarian’s neck and arm making the big man tap out to a Triangle Sleeper.


The Armstrongs Advance!



The Thrill Seekers make their way to the ring


Brad and Steve seemed to be hanging on due to sheer will as Chris Jericho and Lance Storm made their way to the ring. Jericho and Steve started things off with Jericho whipping Steve into the ropes and catching him with a huge power slam. Jericho then tagged in Storm who worked on Steve’s right leg as Brad was held back by the ref. The ref tried to get Brad back in his corner as Jericho and Storm stomped on the hurt leg of Steve. Jericho tagged himself in and hooked Steve in a Lion Tamer but Steve refused to tap out and soon Lance was in and nailing Steve with a low drop kick to the face. The crowd booed as Storm raised his hands up. The ref made Jericho release the hold and Jericho tagged in Lance Storm. Storm hooked Steve in a Single Leg Crab, which caused Steve to cry out in pain. It looked as Steve would tap, but then Ric Flair and Arn Anderson hit the ring and attacked Steve with a elbow drop causing the DQ.


The Armstrongs Advance!



Ric Flair and Arn Anderson are in the ring!


As Storm and Jericho protest to the ref Arn and Ric begin to work over Brad as Steve lay unconscious. Jericho and Storm are eventually escorted to the back by security and the match is officially started. Ric and Brad start things off with Ric toying with Brad. Flair tagged in Arn who nailed Brad with a huge Spine Buster. The crowd began to chant “Brad” as Arn stalked the downed Armstrong. Arn lifted Brad up and nailed a second Spine Buster as the crowd booed. Arn made the pin and the ref got to 2.9 before Brad got his shoulder up and the crowd cheered.


Arn slapped the mat in frustration before tagging in Ric. Flair got Brad into a Figure Four leg Lock as the crowd started to chant for Brad once more. Brad somehow summoned the strength to reverse the hold and soon Ric had a look of panic on his face. Ric released the hold and Brad crawled over to Steve and tagged him in. Steve made his way into the ring and tried to keep Flair from making the tag but he was too late.


Arn came in and took Steve off his feet with a forearm shot to the face. Arn made the pin but Steve got a foot on the rope and caused the ref to stop the pin. Arn got to his feet and got Steve up as well. Arn then whipped Steve into the ropes and went for a Spine Buster but Steve was prepared and nailed Arn with a tackle. The crowd popped as Flair went nuts in his corner. Steve tagged Brad in and then nailed Ric with a forearm. Flair tried to get into the ring but the ref held him back as Steve and Brad lifted Arn up in a double suplex. Brad then got up and hooked Arn into a modified Octopus hold as Steve stopped the angry Flair from making it into the ring. Within moments Arn was tapping out as the crowd went absolutely nuts!


Winners: The Armstrongs! (72/78/74/72/69/66/69/73/78)



Vader vs. Steven “The Scorpion Warrior” Regal


Vader came out to a nice pop as the crowd has really embraced his face turn. Regal comes out next wearing his Scorpion Warrior outfit, sans mask to a long round of boos. Regal jumps the bell and nails Vader with a series of stiff European Uppercuts that make the big man stumble back. Vader throws a wild punch but Regal avoids it and lands a stiff boot to the midsection of Vader. Regal follows it up with a DDT, before making a pin attempt. Vader easily kicks out and gets to his feet. Vader then begins to work over Regal with punches that back Regal into the corner. Vader then unloads rights and lefts until Regal falls face first on the mat. Vader flips Regal over and climbs the turnbuckles. As Vader gets into position for the Vader Bomb we see the Black Scorpion appear and catch the eye of Vader. Regal gets to his feet and nails Vader with a low blow unseen by the ref then Power Bombs Vader off the ropes. Regal makes a pin, using the ropes as leverage, getting the win.


Winner: Steven “The Scorpion Warrior” Regal! (78)




WCW U.S. Championship and Canadian Independent Championship Match

Dean Malenko{U.S. Champ} with Kimberly vs. Chris Benoit{Canadian Champ}


Dean Malenko came out with Kimberly to a loud Horsemen chant. Benoit came out to some scattered cheers as well as some “Canada” chants. The bell was rung and Benoit and Malenko circled one another slowly. They started things off with some light technical moves, before going hold for counter hold and move for reversal for several minutes. The crowd was really into it as Dean finally managed to hook in his Texas Clover Leaf. Dean cranked on the hold for all he was worth and Benoit lifted his hand to tap…only to stop himself and begin dragging himself to the ropes. As Benoit reached the ropes, Kimbeerly moved them out of his reach and Malenko was able to drag Benoit back to the center of the ring. Within moments Benoit was tapping out.


Winner and new Canadian Champion as well as still U.S. Champion: Dean Malenko (85)




WCW World Tag Team Championship Match

The Road Warriors{c} vs. The Brotha Hood


The newly dubbed Brotha Hood came out first to a nice cheer from the crowd. The Road Warriors came out to boos, with some cheers mixed in. Animal and Booker started things off with some back and forth action, until booker tagged in Ron who took Animal off his feet with a big boot. Hawk got in only to suffer the same fate as the crowd roared its approval. Ron and Booker continued to dominate the Road Warriors, who seemed off their game tonight. The match ended after Ron nailed Animal with a Dominator before getting the pin.


Winners and New Tag Team Champions: The Brotha Hood!



La Hermandad vs. La Parka, Canek, and Dr. Wagner Jr.


La Hermandad came out first to a small boo from the crowd. La Parka, Canek, and Dr. Wagner Jr. came out to a few cheers from people who didn’t like La Hermandad. Rey and Canek started things off but quickly all six men were flying in and out of the ring. The ref seemed at a loss to control the action as La Hermandad gained the advantage. The match ended with Juventud landed a 450 Degree Splash, followed by a Guillotine Leg Drop from Psicosis, then a Seton Bomb from rey…all on La Parka.


Winners: La Hermandad (59)



Paul Wight vs. Eddy Guerrero


Paul Wight came out first and the crowd booed him heavily. Eddy came out to a huge roar from the crowd, as he has quickly risen to become the number 2 babyface in the company. The bell rang and Wight tried to grab Eddy only to have Guerrero slip through Paul’s legs. Eddy then nailed Paul with a drop kick to the back. The match continued in much the same way, with Wight trying to slow Eddy down only to have Eddy find a way out of Paul’s grasp and landing a solid move himself. Eddy attempted his 3 Amigos, but was unable to lift the massive Wight. Wight then grabbed Eddy by the throat and lifted him up for a Choke Slam, only for Eddy to wriggle out then incredibly, land his 3 Amigos Suplex. Eddy then climbed to the top and landed a Frog Splash before getting the pin.


Winner: Eddy Guerrero (84)


~main Event~

~~No Escape Steel Cage Special Referee Match for the WCW World Championship~~



Sting{c} vs. The Black Scorpion

With Special Ref


Manny Fernandez!


As soon as the cage is lowered into position the music for Manny Fernandez hits the PA system and he walks out wearing a ref shirt, getting a nice pop from the fans. After the crowd has settled we hear some strange and eerie music play and out walks The Black Scorpion, accompanied by both Bobby Eaton and Steven “The Scorpion Warrior” Regal. Manny rushes to meet the trio and immediately he tells Bobby and Steven to go back to the backstage area. Bobby and Steven try arguing with Manny as the crowd cheers him own and security escort the two men away.


After Bobby and Steven are gone from ringside the lights in the arena dim and we see red, white and blue laser lights begin to flash around the arena. Sting’s music plays and Sting comes out in red, white, and blue themed face paint with a similarly themed jacket. The crowd goes nuts as Sting makes his way to the ring. Sting walks into the cage and steps into the ring, getting face to face with the Black Scorpion for the first time. Manny Fernandez holds the world title up and then hands it off before sending the wrestlers to their neutral corners and calling for the bell.


Sting rushes The Black Scorpion and begins to unload with a series of punches before whipping him to the ropes and landing a big drop kick. The Black Scorpion gets up and Sting grabs him by the back of the neck and walks him over to the cage. The crowd is buzzing as Sting is about to slam him into the cage but the crowd lets out an “ah” as The Black Scorpion elbows Sting in the ribs and gets out of Sting’s grasp. The Black Scorpion takes Sting down with a DDT before stomping on him for several minutes. The Black Scorpion gets Sting to his feet and whips him into the corner and follows in with a knee to the gut.


The Black Scorpion works Sting over in the corner before he whips him across the ring. The Black Scorpion follows in with a lariat but Sting counters with a big boot that turns The Black Scorpion around on his feet. Sting then lands a huge Bull Dog as the crowd cheers him on. Sting gets The Black Scorpion to his feet and walks him over to the cage once more, this time however he succeeds in slamming The Black Scorpion against the cage wall. Sting lifts The Black Scorpion to his feet and whips him into the corner and follows him in with a huge Stinger Splash. Sting whips him across the ring against and once more nails a Stinger Splash on The Black Scorpion.


The Black Scorpion is stumbling around and Sting takes advantage of it and lands a big reverse DDT. The crowd is going nuts as Sting “woos” and motions for the Scorpion Death Lock. Sting grabs The Black Scorpion and applies the hold dead center of the ring. Manny Fernandez slides into position and checks to see if The Black Scorpion gives up. The Black Scorpion begins to slap the mat furiously and Manny jumps up…However, instead of calling for the bell he rebounds off the ropes and nails Sting with a Flying Burrito. Sting releases the hold as he goes down and The Black Scorpion manages to get an arm on Sting. Manny Fernandez makes a fast count and calls for the bell as the fans boo. The Black Scorpion is announced as the winner as Manny and The Black Scorpion leave the ring before Sting can come to. The PPV ends with the announcers damning Manny as the crowd boos and Sting gets up and hangs his head in the corner… (82)


Overall show rating: 82!

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