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WCW Monday Nitro Preview!


Ultimo Dragon vs. Disco Inferno

The Brotha Hood vs. Law and Disorder

Ric Flair vs. Chris Benoit

Eddy Guerrero vs. Bobby Eaton


~~Main Event~~

The Black Scorpion vs. Vader


The Black Scorpion promises to unmask!!!

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WCW: Monday Nitro!


Chris Benoit defeated Dean Malenko by Count Out! (81)

Malenko was in the ring waiting the arrival of his opponent, when Chris Benoit showed up with a title belt slung over his shoulder. The announcers noted it was the Canadian Championship. Benoit entered the ring and went right after Dean with some submission moves. Things went back and forth until Dean was caught in a Crossface and forced to tap out, however the ref was distracted by Kimberly and missed the tap. Benoit released the hold and Dean rolled out of the ring and walked away as the ref counted him out.


1 page back....during the Malenko open challenge match...


as far as the Armstrongs go...I'm not telling:D


Any guess on WHO is the Black Scorpion before he is revealed....all the clues are there if you just look for them...

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I am terrible with clues, that being said if it is the Ultimate Warrior I will riot!:D


Ultimo Dragon vs. Disco Inferno

The Brotha Hood vs. Law and Disorder

Ric Flair vs. Chris Benoit

Eddy Guerrero vs. Bobby Eaton


~~Main Event~~

The Black Scorpion vs. Vader

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I am terrible with clues, that being said if it is the Ultimate Warrior I will riot!:D


Ultimo Dragon vs. Disco Inferno

The Brotha Hood vs. Law and Disorder

Ric Flair vs. Chris Benoit

Eddy Guerrero vs. Bobby Eaton


~~Main Event~~

The Black Scorpion vs. Vader


Naw it isn't the Ultimate Warrior...although TBH it is only because he wanted Creative control :mad:

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Orochi is in red, Kiyomori is in gold. 2 workers who didnt get a reaction from the readers so i gave them this gimmick to see if interest picked up...if you were asking who they are under the mask though...well they were in the dynasty sans mask already
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Orochi is in red, Kiyomori is in gold. 2 workers who didnt get a reaction from the readers so i gave them this gimmick to see if interest picked up...if you were asking who they are under the mask though...well they were in the dynasty sans mask already


LJ, I have no clue who either one of them is sans mask. :o:)

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WCW: Monday Nitro!


Live from: The Bryce Jordan Center

Attendance: 14,183


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




Perry Saturn and Stevie Richards defeated the American Males

The Road Warriors defeated the Animal Alliance


~Main Show~


Sting breaks down! (88)

We start Nitro off with footage of Sting after his SuperBrawl Main Event. Sting looks lost in the ring., as the crowd boos his losing effort. We then see Sting look at the crowd before he starts shaking his head and walking to the back, his head held down in shame. The announcers mention Sting hasn’t been seen since SuperBrawl.


Ultimo Dragon defeated Disco Inferno! (69)

Always a guy to get a lot of heat, Disco Inferno is booed by the fans when he arrives to the ring. When Ultimo Dragon makes his way to the ring the fans pop and Disco is in the ring holding his hears, trying to not here the cheers. Ultimo Dragon makes short work of Disco, and ends the match with an Asai Moon Sault.


Raven Defeated Alex Wright! (62)

Alex Wright came out to little fanfare despite his attempts to get the crowd behind him. Raven then made his way through the crowd, as the announcers noted he was “not under a WCW contract.” Perry Saturn and Stevie Richards came out with Raven as the crowd booed all three men. Raven then made short work of Alex Wright, ending the match with an Even Flow DDT.


~commercial break~


The Armstrongs defeated High Voltage! (46)

The Armstrongs made short work of Robbie Rage and Kenny Kaos. The younger pair, unable to match the wits of the veteran Armstrongs, looked like they needed to go back to the Power Plant. The match ended as Brad Armstrong hooked Robbie in an Armstrong Special, his brand new submission finisher.


The 4 Horsemen are here to kick ass (80)

Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Dean Malenko, and Paul Wight make their way to the ring as the crowd chants “Horsemen!” Ric grabs a mic and wast no time getting into it…


Ric Flair: Taaaaake a look at the men in this ring. Take a look! This is the greatest collection of wrestlers ever assembled in one group…ever! What happened at SuperBrawl…was the biggest fluke in the history of this business. There is no way in hell, that Brad and Steve Armstrong could ever beat me and Arn if it wasn’t for the fact that the night before me and Arn were out…all….night…looong! Woo! Now later tonight, I am going to show each and every one of you people why I am Ric Flair and you’re not! Tonight, Chris Benoit is going to get the whipping of his life…


Dean Malenko: I hate to interrupt you Ric…but last night at SuperBrawl, that is when Benoit received the whipping of his life! I took Benoit to the limit and walked out with his title, his fans, and his pride! The man you’re going to face is nothing but a shell of his former self!


Ric Flair: That might be, but I will walk out there and finish what you started, and when I am done…WOO! Chris Benoit will hang up his boots and go back to bagging groceries up in Canada! Woo!


Flair then tosses the mic down and struts as Dean shakes his head in disbelief…


~commercial break~


The Brotha Hood defeated Big and Bad! (76)

The new Tag Team Champions the Brotha Hood came out to a huge pop. Stevie Ray came to the ring with his brother although the ref forced him to return to the back. Big and Bad then came out to a loud boo. Ron and Booker worked as a well oiled machine and soon John Tenta was being put in a Dominator as Ottman was hit with a Ghetto Blaster.


Black Scorpion Unmasks! (85)

The Black Scorpion, Bobby Eaton, Manny Fernandez, and Steven “The Scorpion Warrior” Regal came down to the ring to boos. The Black Scorpion grabs a mic and begins to speak…


Black Scorpion: Never let it be said that I didn’t do what I said I would. Now before I outline just how I did it, let me waste no more time and show you all who did it…


The Black Scorpion then pulls off his mask and reveals…“Ravishing” Rick Rude!


~commercial break~


Rick Rude reveals his plan! (81)

The crowd is going nuts when we come back from break. Rick Rude is soaking in the boos before talking once more…


Rick Rude: Let me take you all back…April 17, 1994! I defeated Sting to become the WCW International Champion for a third time! After the match, Sting decided to hit me with the title, and my neck was injured to the point that I was forced to retire. Sting then went on to beat Vader for the belt, then he went on to unite the title after defeating Ric Flair…he went on to live MY destiny!


Now Sting, how could you not realize it was me? I told you I would end your career like you tried to end mine. I even trained Steven Regal to fight like you, which you acknowledged only a handful of people could do. Then, Bobby Eaton…my old Dangerous Alliance teammate attacked you and still you couldn’t figure things out. Then, the coup de grace, Manny Fernandez…my old tag team partner tells you an old partner of his invited him to Nitro and you gush all over him like a teen girl at a New Kids on the Block concert!


Now, despite what Flair might say, THIS…Is the greatest collection of wrestlers ever assembled! We are the Rude Brood, and there is no one in WCW who can stop us from doing whatever we want! Tonight, I prove that by defeating Vader faster than Sting ever could.


Rude drops the mic and the crowd boos as the announcers voice their shock at this revelation.


Ric Flair defeats Chris Benoit! (86)

Flair comes out to a nice pop before Benoit comes out to a small cheer. Flair and Benoit have a great back and forth match with Flair one step ahead of Benoit. Benoit eventually gets the advantage and Flair is reeling under his assault. As Benoit looks to win the match with a Flying Head Butt, Malenko runs out and pushes Benoit off the ropes. Benoit crashes to the mat and Dean yells at Ric to make the pin. Flair reluctantly pins Benoit as he stares Dean down.


Dissention in the Horsemen? (87)

After the match Ric gets into Dean’s face and soon Paul and Arn have to run out and separate the two. Flair is hear shouting “I don’t need your help!” As Dean scream “I’m the only champ left in the Horsemen!”


~commercial break~


Rhino defeated Dustin Rhodes! (66)

Dustin came out first to a small cheer. The lights then went out and Rhino came out to a huge pop, unique for a guy who is supposed to be hated. Bobby Heenan looks like a proud father as Rhino runs to the ring. Rhino makes short work of Dustin and finishes off with a Rhino Driver as the crowd pops.


Eddy Guerrero defeats Bobby Eaton by DQ! (82)

Eddy comes out to a huge pop, and he plays it up. Bobby Eaton then comes out to a loud boo. Eddy wrestled circles around Bobby as the crowd cheered him on. Eddy nailed his 3 Amigos and then heads to the top rope only for Manny Fernandez to attack Eddy. The ref called for the bell as Manny and Bobby stomped away at Eddy before walking out.


~commercial break~


Rick Rude defeated Vader! (86)

Rick Rude came out, with Manny Fernandez, to a loud round of boos, which he seems to love. Vader then came out to a huge cheer and he stalked his way to the ring. Rude and Vader went back and worth, with Vader using his power and Rude relying on Manny to help him get an advantage. Rude finished Vader off with a Rude Awaking.


Sting? (85)

The announcers notice that a figure is hanging around the raters. We see a close up of an man who looks like Sting with a black and white paint job…


Overall show rating: 84! With a 7.67 TV Rating!

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Great move making Rick Rude the Black Scorpion. I liked how you linked it back to his tag team with Manny in the old NWA. Very solid idea right there, and I am also happy that it did not end up being the Ultimate Warrior.:D


Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera


I used to find Juvi annoying.


Jim Duggan vs. Rhino


Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho


The Midnight Express vs. The Armstrongs


I can't believe I am about to do this but after The Armstrongs impressive run on the PPV and there win on the last show it is hard to pick against them.


~~Main Event~~

Steven “The Scorpion Warrior” Regal vs. Chris Benoit

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Thanks for the feedback BHK...I was wondering if ANYONE would have known of Manny and Rudes team and it looks like you did.


Wondering what your, or anyone elses thoughts on Raven/Saturn/Richards are?


I was thinking an ECW Invasion group but I am not sure if that is what you are going for.

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Im hoping for you reimagining of Ravens Nest or Flock.


Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera

Jim Duggan vs. Rhino

Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho

The Midnight Express vs. The Armstrongs

I know you are pushing them .. And i do kinda like the Armstrongs .. Bullet Bob anyway .. But .. I just cant pickem over the Midnights

~~Main Event~~

Steven “The Scorpion Warrior” Regal vs. Chris Benoit

Gotta be the 'Talented' Warrior - Sounds weird to put Talented and Warrior in the same sentance.

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Ultimo Dragon vs. Juventud Guerrera

Jim Duggan vs. Rhino

Eddy Guerrero vs. Chris Jericho

The Midnight Express vs. The Armstrongs


Steven Regal vs. Chris Benoit


great diary, I like what you did with Rude Brood the clues to who it was, nice touch

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WCW: Saturday Slam!


Live from: The Reunion Arena

Attendance: 16,500 (SOLD OUT!)


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes



Rey Misterio Jr. and Psicosis defeated Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick Slater

The Oni Warriors defeated the American Males


~Main Show~


Ultimo Dragon defeated Juventud Guerrera! (76)

In a fast paced match that saw several quick momentum shifts, Ultimo Dragon was able to stay one step ahead of Juvi. Both Rey Jr. and Pscosis attempted to distract Utlimo, but neither was entirely successful. The match ended after Juvi bumped into Psicosis, who was on the ring apron, and Ultimo hooked in a Dragon Sleeper.


Vader Who? (80)

Bobby Heenan and Rhino make their way to the ring as the crowd begins a “gore” chant. Heenan looks pleased with himself, as Rhino is confuised about the crowd reaction. They step into the ring and Heenan asks for a mic….


Bobby Heenan: Take a look at this man…this RHINO! Back in January I told you I saw something special in this man. I told you that this man would lay a path to the WCW Championship that was paved with the bodies of the men he destroyed. I even told you he would be the most feared man in WCW. What did you all do? You all doubted “The Brain.” You all said, “But Bobby, what about Vader?” Vader?! Vader couldn’t lace up this man’s boots!


Now despite destroying every “man”, and I use the term loosely when referring to anyone other than Rhino, that was put in front of him Rhino still is not being placed in the Main Event like he so rightfully deserves. Well, tonight…Rhino will destroy Jim Duggan and when the smoke clears on that match everyone will know that this man with his Drive Championship is the true World Champion! And as far as Vader is concerned…we only got ONE word for him…


Rhino: GORE!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rhino defeats Jim Duggan! (61)

In a quick match, Rhino Gored Jim as soon as the bell rang then he landed a thunderous Rhino Driver for the win.


~commercial break~


Sting is in the rafters!? (90)

As we come back from commercial break the announcers note that Sting is skulking about the rafters. The camera zooms in to a shot of Sting, wearing a long trench coat and black and white face paint, standing in the rafters of the arena.


Eddy Guerrero defeats Chris Jericho! (79)

Eddy and Chris had a fast paced match that saw Eddy control the match with his superior agility. Jericho used several cheap tricks to stay in this one, but ultimately he felt the 3 Amigos followed by the Frog Splash.


~commercial break~


Introducing Brian! (58)

Brad and Steve Armstrong walk down to the ring followed by a young man wearing a green and black shirt and holding a mic. The announcers note that the man is the youngest Armstrong, Brian. They all step into the ring and Brian begins to speak…


Brian: Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages…stand up and put your hands together for the future WCW Tag Team Champions of the woooorld… “Big Time” Brad Armstrong… “Slick” Steve Armstrong…The Armstrong Brothers!


The Armstrongs defeat The Midnight Express! (77)

In slower paced, old school style of match, the Armstrongs took the Midnight Express off their game. Brad was isolated for several minutes by Stan and Bobby, but Steve was able to get a hot tag and clear the ring. As Brad set Stan up for a Armstrong Special Bobby Eaton walked out of the match, leaving the announcers to wonder if the Midnight Express were through.


Stepping up and taking over! (80)

Ric Flair, Dean Malenko, Paul Wight, and Arn Anderson make their way to the ring. Oddly, Flair and Arn come out separate from Wight and Dean. Regardless the crowd chants “Horsemen” as they come out.


Dean: Take a look…at the past and future of the 4 Horsemen…


Ric: Past? Past! Ric Flair is the 4 Horsemen and I will always be the 4 Horsemen because I can go…all…night…long!


Dean: You see Ric, that is exactly why your time is over and MY time is here. You went from being the Man to being…a joke! And since I am the only one with any gold, then I call the shots…


Arn: Whoah there…slow things down speedy. You may be the Can-Am Champion, but you are not the leader of the 4 Horsemen. You see, it isn’t about wearing a belt, it’s about being the best mind…


Wight: Mind? Who needs Flair’s rotting mind when you have the World’s Largest Athlete? When did you guys go from being men who fight to boys who run and hide?


Dean: Bottom line Ric, Arn…either you are with Paul and I or you’re not…and if you’re not, then you’re as good as dead!


Ric: Are you threatening me and Double A? I’ll tell you what Dean…next week on Nitro we both have matches…IF you can defeat your opponent faster than I can beat mine…then I’ll hand over the reins of the 4 Horsemen to you…but, WHEN you fail to do it, I get a shot at that Can-Am championship of yours…woo!


Dean: You’re on Ric! By the way, pay close attention to what I do to Mike Rotunda tonight because if you blink you will miss it!


They shake hands as the crowd goes nuts.


~commercial break~


Vader defeats The One Man Gang! (72)

Vader came out to huge cheers followed by OMG who was booed loudly. Vader was able to manhandle OMG despite his size. The match ended after a huge Vader Bomb on OMG. After the match Vader looked into the camera and said “It’s Vader Time Rhino!”


Harlem Heat Reunited? (76)

Backstage Ron Simmons and Booker T talk as Stevie Ray walk in.


Stevie: Ron! Booker! Whats up my nigs?


Booker: Brother! Tell me you’re cleared to wrestle?


Stevie: Damn right. So Ron, thanks for keeping the belt warm for me….but now it’s time to hand it over.


Ron: What? Are you nuts Stevie? Did you take one too many pain killers? This belt is mine…


Stevie: Whoa, I think you’re confused Ron. You see that match was scheduled to be Harlem Heat taking on The Road Warriors…last time I checked, YOU aren’t a part of Harlem Heat!


Booker: Stevie, calm down bro. Look, I wanted to win the belts with you, but you were injured and Ron agreed to fill in…that’s Ron’s belt.


Stevie: Ok…I see how it is…keep the belt Ron, keep it. However, I’m going to get that belt whether or not you or Booker like!


Ron: DAMN!


~commercial break~


Dean Malenko defeated Mike Rotunda to retain the Can-Am Championship! (78)

Dean and Mike put on a technical display that the fans really seemed to like. Dean was in control the entire match, although it looked like Mike could turn things around several times. The match ended with Dean putting Mike in a Figure Four Leg Lock, which the announcers noted was a shot at Ric Flair.


Steven “The Scorpion Warrior” Regal defeated Chris Benoit! (83)

Steven came out wearing his Scorpion Warrior outfit, sans mask. Benoit came out to little fanfare as most fans expected this to be a squash. Steve and Chris went back and forth several times and the fans eventually began to rally behind Benoit. As Benoit went to the top rope to hit a Flying Head Butt, Manny Fernandez came out and distracted the ref, allowing Rick Rude to knock Benoit off the turnbuckle. Regal then locked in a Scorpion Death Lock for the win.


Watching and waiting! (84)

We see a shot of Sting looking down at the Rude Brood in the ring shaking his head as Slam goes off the air…


Overall show rating: 78! With a 6.07 TV Rating!

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Ultimo Dragon vs. Chris Jericho


The Armstrongs vs. High Voltage


Normally I would never pick the Armstrongs to win any match. However, you have turned them around and plus they are facing High Voltage. So there is that...


Bobby Duncam Jr. vs. Dustin Rhodes


~~Main Event~~

~Drive Championship~

Rhino{c} vs. The Junkyard Dog

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Ultimo Dragon vs. Chris Jericho

The Armstrongs vs. High Voltage

Bobby Duncam Jr. vs. Dustin Rhodes

Always liked Bobby .. Never liked Dustin without the whole Goldust paint on.

~~Main Event~~

~Drive Championship~

Rhino{c} vs. The Junkyard Dog

Even though JYD is a legend, Rhino is winning here ...

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WCW: Sunday Drive!

Live from The Coliseo Pedrin Zorilla

Attendance: 745


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes






~Main Show~


Ultimo Dragon defeated Chris Jericho (74)

The Armstrongs defeated High Voltage (53)

::: The Road Warriors attacked the Armstrongs! ::: (36)

Juventud Guerrera defeated Alex Wright (64)

Dustin Rhodes defeated Bobby Duncam Jr. by DQ! (62)

::: Replay of the Rhino and Bobby Heenan promo from Slam :::

Rhino defeated Junkyard Dog to Retain the Drive Championship (54)


Overall Show: 52! With a .40 TV Rating!


WCW Monday Nitro Preview!

Erik Watts vs. Jim Duggan

The Oni Warriors vs. The American Males

~Special Lucha Libre Style MAtch~

Dr. Wagner Jr. vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

The Thrill Seekers vs. The Armstrongs

Rhino vs. Mike Rotunda

~~Special Speed Victory Challenge~~

~~~Fastest Victory between Flair/Malenko becomes undisputed leader of the 4 Horsemen!~~~

~~~~Opponents to be chosen by Arn/Wight on Nitro!~~~~~

Ric Flair vs. ???

Dean Malenko vs. ???

~~~~~Main Event~~~~~

Rick Rude vs. Chris Benoit

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