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WCW: Cowboys never say die!

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As of right now I am still up in the air as to which Tag Team (Stevie Ray and ???, The Road Warriors, or the Armstrongs) should recieve a title shot against The Brotha Hood. Any thoughts from the readers?


I would go with the Road Warriors.

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Well if you're so unsure I'd suggest four corners (and then personally would have the Road Warriors crush The Armstrongs with chairs to take them out of the match to preserve their push).


(or really, -I- would have the Armstrongs pin both Road Warriors and Brotha Hood with flukey roll ups as they're about to lose with Stevie Ray frantically calling out for his partner that's late only to have it be Brian Armstrong who turns on his brothers to go from the little brother in the background to a champion.)

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***I hope this show was worth the wait…



WCW: Saturday Slam!


Live from: Long Beach Arena

Attendance: 13,000 (SOLD OUT)


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




Masked Wrestlers #1 & 2 defeated Jim Duggan and Dustin Rhodes

Ultimo Dragon defeated El Dandy


~Main Show~


Decision Time! (80)

The Show opened with Dean Malenko, Ric Flair, Arn Anderson, Paul Wight, and Kimberly in the ring. Dean had a mc in his hand and was facing the rest of the 4 Horsemen.


Dean: The Elite? The Most Dominant?? The Pinnacle of Professional Wrestling??? You are all pathetic! Not a single one of you has done anything to earn the right to call yourselves Horsemen tonight…


Ric grabs the mic from Dean whose look goes from angry to pissed!


Ric: Hold it right there buddy. If my memory serves me correct, and believe me I’m not that old to have it start to fail me, YOU were the one who couldn’t get the job done against Eddy Guerrero on Nitro. YOU were the one who dropped the ball. You were…are the one who is a disgrace to the Horsemen name! I’m Ric Flair damn it…


Paul rips the mic from Flair and hands it over to Dean as Arn looks on in disbelief.


Dean: It seems one of you still knows his place. Ric, I’m glad you brought up my match from this past Monday, because as I reviewed the tape I saw something that was rather odd…It seems that someone standing in this very ring cost me my match against Eddy. YOU Ric! You brought your wrinkled ass down to this very ring and woke up the ref which resulted in his removing the Can Am title from my grasp. That then lead to Eddy using the distraction to pin me as you looked on and smiled…


In case you forgot Ric…I lead the 4 Horsemen. I call the shots. Now, in accordance with that insight I am ordering you to face me one on one right now! Not only that…but I want you to lay down and let me pin you 1, 2, 3! If you can do that Ric…all will be forgiven and you will be welcomed back into the fold. If not…well, Paul here has been itching to Choke Slam you for quite some time now…Arn, you and Kimberly head to the back. One way or the other, this is going to be settled here tonight.


Dean Malenko defeats Ric Flair! (80)

Dean and Ric circle one another for a moment before Dean points at the mat and yells at Flair. As the crowd boos Flair begins to lie down. Dean moves in for the pin and as he does Ric grabs him in a small package and gets a 2 count. Dean is up on his feet with a look of shock and anger. Flair tells Dean to bring it as the ref instructs them to fight. The match is back and forth with neither man being able to maintain an advantage for long. Dean goes for a top rope move but Flair kicks the ropes and he falls awkwardly. Dean grabs his left leg and the ref orders Flair back as he checks on it. Flair backs off and Paul Wight uses the distraction to nail Flair in the back of the head with a pair of brass knuckles. Flair goes down in a heap and Dean hobbles over and makes the pin.


4…3…2 Horsemen? (75)

After the match Paul enters the ring and Dean gets up showing no sign of injury. Dean and Paul stomp on Flair for a minute before Paul picks Flair up in a Choke Slam position. As Paul holds Flair up Arn comes down to the ring with Kimberly desperately trying to pull him back to the back stage area. Arn pulls away from Kimberly and gets into the ring low blowing Paul before getting in the face of Dean. Dean throws a wild right but Arn side steps it and nails Dean with a huge Spine Buster. The crowd goes nuts as Arn is visibly shaking from anger and frustration. Paul and Dean roll out of the ring an decide discretion is the better part of valor.


~commercial break~


The Brotha Hood defeated Law and Disorder! (75)

When we get back from break Law and Disorder are already in the ring. Ron Simmons and Booker T come out to a huge pop and they make their way to the ring with the titles in hand. Things are hard hitting as Booker and Ron are more than able to match power with OMG and Big Bubba. The finish comes as OMG is tossed out of the ring by Booker while Ron lifts Bubba up for a Dominator. Ron performs the Dominator as Booker leaps from the top turnbuckle landing a Harlem Hangover (Rolling Leg Drop) and getting the pin.


Tag Team pandemonium! (80)

As Booker and Ron celebrate another big win The Road Warriors come out with mics and get into the ring.


Animal: Well, well, If it isn’t the World Tag Team Champions. The very same team, that been ducking and dodging us ever since they got lucky and beat us for our titles. You see, unlike you two, we really know what it is like to grow up on the mean streets and fight for what you want every single day. Back on the streets of Chicago if you wanted something you took it, and if you couldn’t take it…then you didn’t deserve it!


Hawk: Ever since we lost those belts we been kicking the teeth in of anyone who might get a shot at the belts before us. We beat up the Armstrongs…Stevie Ray and JYD…The American Males…The Varsity Club…heck, we even beat you guys up. Still, you avoid giving us a title shot like the yellow bastards you are. You see, just like Animal said we know what it means to fight for what you want, and since the tag titles are what we want…one way or another we all will fight for them!


The Road Warriors and The Brotha Hood stare each other down as the music for the Armstrongs begin to play. Brad and Steve come down to the ring accompanied by Brian who has a mic in hand.


Brian: You look surprised…you didn’t know that we would come out here and put in our claim for the next title shot…then your ass better call somebody!!! You see next to me are the two greatest wrestlers to ever step foot into a squared circle. “Big Time” Brad Armstrong… “Slick” Steve Armstrong…the M F’n Armstrong Brothers! Now you two roided up freaks might think you’re a pair of bad asses but, with all the extra vitamins you been taking I highly doubt either of you even have a pair left! You see my brothers went through NINE other teams to earn a title shot. You two are old news and these two…they are the future Tag Team Champions of the WORLD! And if you aint down with that…


Just then Stevie Ray appears with a mic and a big smile on his face.


Stevie: Looks like them crackers can’t talk for themselves so they got baby brother to lay it down. Well, baby bro…you talk really good for a white boy but suckas gots to know where you got those cheap as braids from. As for Chicago’s whinest…you had your chance to be champs and you turned out to be chumps and blew it. Now myself…I never got the title shot I earned because Booker T, the selfish brat he is, got that jive turkey mother to replace me proving everyone that Booker thinks gold is thicker than blood. Well, Booker two can play that game. You see I will find myself a partner and I will get my title shot…you better believe that!


As Stevie finishes up the last line all hell breaks loose and the four men in the ring begin to fight. Soon The Armstrongs are in the ring as well as Stevie and security begins to rush the ring. The announcers begin to bicker amongst themselves, each one arguing for one team over the others to get the title shot.


~commercial break~


Sting defeats “Diamond” Dallas Page! (72)

Page entered the ring first and as he played to the crowd the lights went out. When the lights went back on Sting was behind Page. The bell rang and Page looked confused only to receive a Scorpion Death Drop moments later. Sting made the pin and got the win.


Still on my radar! (82)

Sting produced a mic from his trench coat and began to speak.


Sting: Rick Rude, on Nitro your little lap dogs felt what it was like to receive their just rewards. Soon Rick, your going to get what you have coming to you. This is no longer about betrayal. This is about saving the wrestling business from having its legacy tarnished by having you as its champion. I’m coming Rick…and I’m bringing Hell with me!


~commercial break~


Chris Benoit defeats Erik Watts! (72)

The match was mostly Benoit as Erik struggled to compete with the superior technical wrestler. A few times during the match Erik was able to get the advantage after a dirty trick but Benoit was quick to regain it. The match ended with Erik tapping out to a Cross Face.


Who looks like the loser? (64)

As Benoit celebrated the win Erik grabbed a chair from nearby and attacked Benoit with it. Erik slammed it across Chris’s back several times then once across Benoit’s skull. When Benoit was down Erik placed the leg of Benoit in the chair then climbed to the top turnbuckle and leapt off shattering Chris’s ankle.


*Chris Benoit was later diagnosed with a fractured ankle and will be out for quite some time.


Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton defeat The Varsity Club! (73)

In a great technical match, Steven Regal and Bobby Eaton were one step ahead of Steiner and Rotunda, keeping the momentum in their favor for most of the fight. Although in one instance Steiner was able to perform a Bull Dog on Eaton but Rotunda was to worn out to capitalize on it. The finish came when Rotunda was hooked in a Scorpion Death Lock and tapped out.


~commercial break~


Holy Frijole! (96)

When Slam returns we see Eddy warming up for his match. He is shown doing some push ups before getting up and crossing himself and walking out of the locker room. A shot of the wall reveals the faces of the Rude Brood with Manny circled and the word “Next” under it.


Safe…for now. (91)

In an undisclosed location we see the Rude Brood huddled around a TV monitor. On the TV is footage of Eddy warming up. Rude tells Manny to put a stop to Eddy once and for all. Manny nods his head and heads off as Regal looks at Rude and remarks “Even if Manny fails, Eddy won’t get past me. Not after we give him his BIG surprise on Monday.” The Rude Brood laughs to themselves as the scene fades.


Rhino w/Bobby Heenan drew Vader! (82)

The match was wild as these two men brawled inside and out of the ring. Both men seemed to want to end the other’s career as they threw wild blows. Eventually the action spilled out of the ring and Vader and Rhino ignored the ref and continued to brawl. After a very generous 10 count the match was ruled a double count out, although they continued to brawl as Slam went to break.


~commercial break~


Eddy Guerrero defeats Manny Fernandez! (84)

Eddy went after Manny with an intensity not seen before from him. Manny had to take several “breathers” outside the ring as Eddy was just too much for him. Despite the Rude Brood making their way to the ring Eddy was able to nail Manny with his 3 Amigos and a Frog Splash for the win. The show ended with Eddy staring at Rude, making the “Title” motion near his waist as Rude held hid belt a little tighter and shook his head…


Overall show rating: 82! With a 6.99 TV Rating!




WCW Sunday Drive Preview!


Stevie Richards and Perry Saturn vs. The American Males

For a few weeks Raven has been targeting Marcus Bagwell for his lose knit group of misfits. It seems Raven is no longer taking no for an answer and sending Saturn and Richards to “convince” Bagwell it would be in his best interest to join up. Meanwhile, Scotty Riggs must somehow convince Bagwell to not only stay but get a win after a long string of tag losses.


Raven vs. Jim Duggan

Raven has been telling everyone in the back that he is the future and it appears Jim Duggan has heard enough. Jim hopes to prove that Raven’s time hasn’t yet come while Raven wants nothing more than to put Jim out of the company.


The Armstrongs vs. The Thrill Seekers

The Armstrongs are looking to cement their status as #1 contenders to the tag belts while the Thrill Seekers are looking to get into the title picture. Can the ****y Chris Jericho and Silent but deadly Lance Storm pull an upset over the dominating Armstrongs?


~~Main Event~~


Rhino w/Bobby Heenan vs. Brian Armstrong

Brian Armstrong makes his in-ring debut against Rhino for the Drive Championship. Brian can make an immediate impact with a win here, although he has a tough mountain to climb in the undefeated Rhino. Rhino not only has to worry about Brian, but the “Insane” Erik Watts who has vowed to get the Drive Championship back.


Quick Picks

Stevie Richards and Perry Saturn vs. The American Males

Raven vs. Jim Duggan

The Armstrongs vs. The Thrill Seekers

Rhino w/Bobby Heenan vs. Brian Armstrong

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That was a really good show. I really liked what you did with the Horsemen.


Stevie Richards and Perry Saturn vs. The American Males


There are certain people in this diary that I will never pick to win and AM are two of those people.:D


Raven vs. Jim Duggan


The Armstrongs vs. The Thrill Seekers


Rhino w/Bobby Heenan vs. Brian Armstrong

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WCW: Sunday Drive!

Live from The Boutwell Auditorium

Attendance: 3,528


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




Erik Watts defeated Kevin Sullivan


~Main Show~


:::Erik Watts came out holding the chair he used on Benoit. He told Rhino he would do to him tonight what he did to Benoit on Saturday!::: (77)


Stevie Richards and Perry Saturn defeated The American Males after Marcus Bagwell turned on Scotty Riggs! (52)


:::Raven, Crowbar, and Chris Kanyon come out. Them, along with Perry Saturn and Stevie Richards embrace Bagwell as well as give Scotty Riggs a few shots!::: (50)

Raven defeated Jim Duggan after the ref was distracted by Kanyon and Raven nailed Duggan with his 2 X 4! (60)


The Armstrongs defeated the Thrill Seekers as Brad made Lance submit to an Armstrong Special. After the match Chris Jericho refused to walk with Lance to the back and it appeared their partnership was nearing an end. (79)


Rhino defeated Brian Armstrong by DQ after Erik Watts nailed Rhino with a chair. (62)


:::Erik attempted to beat on Rhino but Brian Armstrong allowed Rhino to get his bearings and get the momentum. Tammy Sytch low blowed Brian and got into the ring as Rhino went to Gore Erik. Erik appeared to pull Tammy in way and Rhino ended up Goring her. Drive ended as a distraught Rhino was pulled to the back by Bobby Heenan who seemed indifferent to Tammy’s condition. (70)


Overall Show: 65 with a .63 TV Rating!


WCW Monday Nitro Preview!


The Brotha Hood vs. The Thrill Seekers

The Brotha Hood is looking to show why they are the tag team champions while the Thrill Seekers are looking to try to get back on the same page. In a make it or break it match for the Thrill Seekers, the Brotha Hood has to watch its back for three different teams looking to face them at the PPV.


Ric Flair vs. Paul Wight

With Ric out of the 4 Horsemen Dean Malenko has ordered Paul Wight to “squash Ric like a bug.” Can Ric overcome the size difference and prove once again why he is “the man?”


Big Ron Studd vs. Jim Duggan

The nephew of the famous Big Ron Studd looks to step out of Drive and onto the big stage. A win over Duggan would certainly prove he belongs, but the former Rumble winner Duggan is no push over. Added to tht are the rumors that some very important people are said to be looking at Studd…


Dean Malenko{c} vs. Ultimo Dragon for the Can-Am Championship

After an impressive winning streak in WCW, the Championship Committee has decided to reward Ultimo Dragon with a shot at Dean’s Can-Am Championship. With his mind on Flair and Anderson after the 4 Horsemen break up can Dean focus on Ultimo and pull out the win or will we see a new Can-Am Champion being crowned?


Erik Watts w/Tammy Lynn Sytch vs. The Junkyard Dog

The highly unstable Erik Watts wants nothing more than to get back into contender ship for the Drive Championship, however his loss to Chris Benoit and subsequent “snapping” may have knocked him too far down the rankings. Can Erik hold it together long enough to get a win here and what is the condition of Tammy after having received a huge Gore on Sunday Drive?


~~Main Event~~


Eddy Guerrero vs. Steven “The Scorpion Warrior” Regal

Eddy has already defeated Manny Fernandez but can he beat the second member of the Rude Brood knowing that they have a “big surprise” waiting for him at Nitro. Despite the recent banning of the Rude Brood from ringside during this match you just know Rick and co. have a few tricks up their sleeves. And how will Sting play into all of thgis?



All of this plus…

We learn who will face the Brotha Hood at the PPV

What the PPV will be named

And more!


Quick Picks

The Brotha Hood vs. The Thrill Seekers

Ric Flair vs. Paul Wight

Big Ron Studd vs. Jim Duggan

Dean Malenko{c} vs. Ultimo Dragon

Erik Watts vs. The JYD

Eddy Guerrero vs. Steven Regal

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***I hope this show was worth the wait…



WCW: Monday Nitro!

Monday March Week 3

Live from: Birmingham-Jefferson Arena

Attendance: 17,000 (SOLD OUT)


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




Masked Wrestlers #1 & 2 defeated The American Males

Masked Wrestlers #1 & 2 defeated The Varsity Club


~Main Show~


Surprise! (83)

We are shown footage of Eddy Guerrero arriving to the building with his bags when suddenly Big Ron Studd blind sides him with a massive double ax handle! Studd proceeds to nail Eddy with some clubbing forearm blows before lifting Eddy up and slamming him on the concrete with a huge Studd Slam (jumping side slam)! We fade away as a shot of Eddy lying unconscious is shown.


One problem solved! (83)

Nitro opens with the entire Rude Brood inside the ring. Rick Rude has a mic and he begins to speak.


Rick Rude: What I want right now…is for all you fat, lazy, out of shape, do nothing, pieces of Alabama trash to sit down, shut up, and pay attention to what a real man looks like! Now, hit the music!


Rude removes his robe and poses as the crowd boos him. Rude then flexes for a moment before getting the mic back.


Rick Rude: Now, what you have here is not only the best looking man on the planet, but the smartest one as well. First off, I pulled Sting’s strings making him jump through hoops until I took back MY world championship. Then, I took the biggest man in WCW…Big Ron Studd…Seven Foot Four…over four hundred pounds…and pointed him straight at Eddy and what you just saw, Eddy lying in a heap, was the result. Now that the Mexican jumping bean has been taken care of, all that’s left is to put Sting out…once and for all!


The Brotha Hood defeated the Thrill Seekers! (80)

Booker and Ron used their superior size to dominate the smaller Thrill Seekers. During the match, Jericho showed signs of frustration with Lance’s inability to make the tag. Finally, when Lance was able to tag, Jericho hopped off the apron and walked away leaving Storm to suffer a Ghetto Slam from Booker T.


#1 Contenders? (77)

We go to the back where a brawl between The Armstrongs and the Road Warriors has broken out. All four men are throwing punches as security begins to swarm all over them. As security pulls them apart, Paul Ellering rubs his hands together and smiles a wicked little grin.


~commercial break~


Ric Flair defeats Paul Wight by DQ! (78)

Ric and Paul size each other up before Paul tries to use his size to take Flair down, only to have Flair shift his weight and send a flabbergasted Paul to the mat. Several more times during the match Paul believes to have Flair only for Flair to outwrestle the big man. Finally, Paul is able to get his hands on Flair and traps him in the corner. Paul unloads on Flair and the ref tries to break it up. Paul pushes the ref out of the way and soon he is being DQ’ed as Ric rolls out of the ring and grins a big ol Nature Boy grin.


Big Ron Studd defeats Jim Duggan! (43)

Ron looked like more of a brawler and less of a wrestler as he manhandled Jim Duggan. Duggan looked like a kid being beaten up by an adult as Ron tossed him around the ring with little effort. The end came when Ron landed a huge Studd Slam on Duggan.


You left me breathing…BIG mistake! (81)

Ron has his hand raised up in Victory, and fails to notice Eddy running out from the crowd Eddy lands a low blow to Ron. Ron drops to his knees and then Eddy slaps Ron before delivering a drop kick to Ron’s face. Security then hits the ring and pulls Eddy back to the back as the crowd boos.


~commercial break~


Dean Malenko w/Kimberly defeats The Ultimo Dragon! (77)

Dean and Kimberly came out to a loud round of boos which seemed to go unnoticed by the Can-Am Champion. Ultimo Dragon then came out to a nice pop, the fans loving his flashy entrance. The match was quick, with many reversals and quick exchanges that left the crowd on the edge of their seats. As Dragon looked to finish Dean off, Kimberly distracted the ref allowing Dean to thumb Dragon in the eye then get a quick roll up with a hand full of tights for the win. The crowd booed as Dean left with his title, the announcers noting that Ric Flair’s dirty style really rubbed off on Malenko.


I’m not crazy…the world is crazy! (73)

Erik Watts and Tammy Lyn Sytch made their way to the ring. Tammy had a neck brace on and Erik had a mic in hand. The crowd responded to their presence with loud boos.


Erik: Go on boo! Boo me! Boo me, damn it! [the crowd boos] Yeah, boo me because just like all the other pieces of trash in the locker room you all wish you were me! You all wish you had a woman as sexy as Tammy here. You all wish you had a father as famous…as respected…and as rich as my daddy “Cowboy” Bill Watts. Lastly, you all wish that every week you could come out on TV and wrestle half as good as I can!


Now last week, Chris Benoit learned what happens when you try to upstage Erik Watts…you get put out of action…permanently! You see, you can beat me If you can, but you’ll survive, IF I let you! Junkyard Dog, tonight you’re going to sorry you ever got put into a match with Erik Watts. And Rhino…ust wait until I get my hands on you for what you did to Tammy…it’ll make what I did to Benoit look like an Asian Massage!


Erik Watts defeats Junkyard Dog! (53)

Erik and JYD went back and forth, with JYD using his experience to stay a step ahead of Erik. As JYD set Erik up for a power slam, Tammy got up on the apron and the ref went over to her allowing Erik to kick JYD in the “bread basket.” Tammy slowly de her way off the ring apron then began to ho hr neck as the ref went to check on her out of the ring. Erik rolled out of the ring grabbed a nearby chair then brought it in and nailed JYD in the skull with it. JYD went down in a heap then Erik made the pin for the win.


~commercial break~


And the challengers for the Tag Titles are…] (86)

When we come back from break Commissioner Robert Fuller is in the ring with a mic.


Fuller: I hope you are all enjoying this week’s Nitro. [big cheer from the crowd] Now, there has been an issue regarding just which team gets the next shot at the Tag Team Championship…The Armstrongs [big cheer] or the Road Warriors [bigger cheer] Ha, ha. Seems y’all agree with the championship committee. That’s right folks…this Sunday, live on PPV…the Brotha Hood defends their Tag Titles against The Road Warriors! Now, in order to be entirely fair IF the Road Warriors should lose, then they will be forced back to the bottom of the tag team rankings. Since that is the case and they are the challengers…this week on Slam the Road Warriors will be given an opportunity to choose the stipulations for the match. [huge cheer]


Now then, we have one more piece of business to discuss. Last week, on Sunday Drive, Rhino viciously Gored Tammy Lynn Sytch. No, WCW has a strict no tolerance policy on male to female violence. Therefore, Rhino has been stripped of the Drive Championship and given a One Week suspension from active competition! Now this Sunday, we will be bringing back an old Jim Crockett favorite…because Ten men will compete in a Bunkhouse Brawl to determine a new WCW Drive Champion! [huge pop from crowd] Thank you and enjoy the show!



We go to a shot of Rhino watching Fuller on the monitor backstage. Rhino kicks the monitor in after he hears he is suspended for a week. Rhino then begins to tear apart the backstage area. Dustin Rhodes happens to be walking by and Rhino spots him. Rhino then Gores Dustin before walking off in a huff.


~commercial break~


The Armstrongs drew with The Road Warriors! (81)

In a wild match that was made due to an earlier altercation, both teams went all out. Soon the action spilled outside and both teams continued to brawl long after they were counted out resulting in a draw.


Vader defeated Juventud Guerrera (78)

In a one sided match, Vader destroyed the much smaller Juventud. Vader stole a page from Rhino’s play book and landed a Gore before getting the pinfall. As he had his arm raise he was heard saying “I’m the most dominant one Rhino…me!”


~commercial break~


Eddy Guerrero defeated Steven “the Scorpion Warrior” Regal! (85)

Eddy looked tired and hurt as he was worked over by Steven Regal. Regal made it known he was focusing on the ribs of Eddy as the announcers reminded us of the attack by Ron Studd on Eddy earlier. Eddy eventually mounted a comeback but as he went for the Frog Splash Big Ron Studd came out from the back. Eddy changed directions and landed a splash on Studd that took the big man off his feet. Eddy then slid into the ring and pinned Regal after a second 3 Amigos.


Level playing field! (91)

After the match the Rude Brood came to the ring and attacked Eddy only for Sting to come to the ring and assist Eddy in holding them back. Rick Rude stared down both Eddy and Sting as his Rude Brood and Ron Studd retreated to the back.


Overall show rating: 82! With a 6.82 American TV Rating and a .02 Mexican TV Rating!




WCW Saturday Slam Preview!


The Road Warrios vs. The Varsity Club

The Brotha Hood vs. The Oni Warriors

~Special Can-Am #1 Contender Match~

Ultimo Dragon vs. Paul Wight

Erik Watts vs. Jerry Lynn

Steven Regal vs. Alex Wright

~Main Event~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Bobby Eaton

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The Road Warriors vs. The Varsity Club

The Brotha Hood vs. The Oni Warriors

~Special Can-Am #1 Contender Match~

Ultimo Dragon vs. Paul Wight

Erik Watts vs. Jerry Lynn

Steven Regal vs. Alex Wright

~Main Event~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Bobby Eaton

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The Road Warrios vs. The Varsity Club


The Brotha Hood vs. The Oni Warriors


~Special Can-Am #1 Contender Match~

Ultimo Dragon vs. Paul Wight


Erik Watts vs. Jerry Lynn


Steven Regal vs. Alex Wright


~Main Event~

Eddy Guerrero vs. Bobby Eaton

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WCW: Saturday Slam!

Saturday, March Week 3

Live from: Mid-South Colliseum

Attendance: 10,085 (SOLD OUT)


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




Masked Wrestlers #1 & 2 defeated Jim Duggan and Junkyard Dog


~Main Show~


Another Saturday Night…Jericho! (86)

Saturday Slam kicked off with Chris Jericho inside the ring. He had a mic in hand and a look of ****y arrogance plastered on his face.


Jericho: Welcome…to another, Saturday Night…Jericho! Last week, you all saw how a Saturday Slam without yours truly, was just plain crap! Fear not…for I am here tonight and I will bring a small ray of light to your otherwise dull and grey world…


Enough of this crap! (84)

Jericho fell silent as the entrance music of Dustin Rhodes. Dustin had a mic in his hand and a look of disgust across his face.


Dustin: Shut the hell up! Nobody…and believe me, I mean nobody, came here to listen to you whine. You see, the reason you were held off of Slam last week was this…every time your high pitched voice goes out over the airways the fans at home change the channel. Why do you think the shows one click up and one click down from us always get such good ratings during your promos? Now, if you want, I can give you a reason to cry like the baby you are because if you stay in that ring I’m going whip you like a red headed step child…


Dustin bolts to the ring and Jericho clenches his fist ready for the fight.


Chris Jericho defeats Dustin Rhodes! (76)

In a fast paced match that saw more brawling than wrestling, Chris Jericho was able to overcome Dustin Rhodes after a well placed thumb to the eye changed the momentum in his favor. The match ended after a Lion Sault from Jericho led to a three count.


~commercial break~


Barred…again! (44)

Raven and his “Flock” were milling about the parking lot when Raven began to speak.


Raven: Stevie…Crowbar…Perry…Kanyon…you four are but the first to see the light. You see, the reason we’re being barred from the arena is quite simple…“They” are afraid. “They” know that each and every week we come out there our movement gains more and more momentum. Even this…trick, can do nothing to stop it. You see I anticipated this little situation and tonight I shall debut Raven’s Roost! The only place real men can go to fight…and tonight I…someone will answer the call and face me one on one like a true warrior. And it will be glorious…Quothe the Raven…Nevermore!


The Road Warriors defeat the Varsity Club! (71)

The Varsity Club could not match the intensity and aggression of The Road Warriors and this match came to a quick end after a well placed Doomsday Device nearly took the head off of Rick Steiner.


And the match is… (74)

As The Road Warriors held their arms up in victory, Paul Ellering walked into the ring with a huge grin on his face.


Paul: Well…it seems that once again Hawk and Animal require my “unique” brand of managerial services. You see they are forces of nature but as such they lack focus. Me however…I’m a laser beam baby. Now, this Sunday live on PPV the Road Warriors will be taking on the Brotha Hood for the World Tag Team Championship. Now my clients have the right to choose what sort of match it is and so I am pleased to announce it is a match we have never lost…a Scaffold Match! Time to call those life insurance policies boys and make sure you’re all paid up, because after this Sunday they won’t even bother to scrap you two off the damn concrete floor!


~commercial break~


The Brotha Hood defeat The Oni Warriors (79)

Ron and Booker show everyone why they are the tag champs and make short work of the Oni Warriors. The highlight of the match was a Ghetto Blaster/Dominator combo on Orochi.


Here’s Stevie… (81)

After the match Stevie Ray came down to the ring with a mic.


Stevie: Congratulations…another mediocre win over a mediocre team. Look, win or lose this Sunday, you’re gonna both get what’s coming to you. I’m gonna get you suckas but, I won’t be alone. You see, our old pal Charlie Flash, he’ll be here on Nitro and he’s still pissed that you took Sharon to the big dance…


Booker looks stunned as Ron tries to calm him down and find out what is going on.


Ultimo Dragon defeats Paul Wight! (70)

As the match began, the announcers reminded everyone that Dean was banned from ringside. Paul dominated the smaller Dragon and things looked finished for him when Arn Anderson came out from the back. As the ref and Paul were distracted by Arn, Ric Flair ran out from the crowd and nailed Paul with a low blow that changed the momentum in the match. Ultimo Dragon came up behind the now kneeling Paul and latched onto him with a Dragon Sleeper that caused the big man to tap out!


Damn! (78)

As Ultimo Dragon had his hand raise we go to a shot of Dean tearing apart his locker room, obviously pissed off that Flair has cause him to defend his title against a man many were saying was robbed the last time they fought.


~commercial break~


Raven defeats Tarantula! (80)

Outside the arena Raven is fighting tooth and nail against a masked man identified as Tarantula. Raven and the man brawl around the lot, smashing car windows and doors. Raven eventually nails an Even Flow DDT on Tarantula which knocks the masked man out cold. Raven raises his hands in victory as the “Flock” cheers him on.


Laugh at this! (84)

In the back we see Vader walking around a corner. Vader bumps right into Rhino and the two men exchange glares before Vader says something about getting ready for a PPV match. After hearing that, Rhino throws a wild right at Vader and soon it turns into a full out brawl. Security rushes to the scene and both men are escorted from the building by a pair of small armies.


~commercial break~


Erik Watts with Tammy Lynn Sytch defeats Jerry Lynn! (62)

Erik jumps the bell and attacks Jerry with a vicious forearm blow that stuns Jerry. Erik continues to attack and he almost looks like a man possessed. Several times Erik is forced to break a hold after a four count. Erik finishes Jerry off with a Full Wattage! (code breaker)


Not finished yet… (68)

After the match Erik stomps away at Jerry Lynn then lifts him off the mat and delivers a second Full Wattage before finally walking away. Tammy looks almost horrified as she walks to the back with Erik.


~commercial break~


Steven Regal defeats Alex Wright! (72)

In a match that saw Steven Regal use every technical move in his arsenal, Alex Wright just wasn’t able to get any momentum going. Eventually Steven ended things with a Scorpion Death Lock, obviously used to taunt Sting.


Scaffold Match…whoever wins still loses! (63)

Backstage we see the Armstrong Trio (Brad, Steve, and Brain) discussing the tag title match at the upcoming Bunkhouse Brawl PPV.


Brian: Are those guys crazy?


Brad: Yeah…like a fox! Every tag team out there knows about the Road Warriors/Midnight Express Scaffold Match. The Brotha Hood never been in a match like that, so even if they are the champs, they are the underdogs in this one.


Steve: Doesn’t matter bro, because whoever wins on Sunday has to face us on Monday. Looks like the champs…whoever they end up being, are going be easy pickings!


Brian: And after Monday…your new Tag Team Champions of the Wooooorld….


Brad: Save it for Monday Brian…


~commercial break~


Eddy Guerrero defeats Bobby Eaton! (93)

After a long back and forth contest, Eddy finally gets the advantage only to have Manny Fernandez come down to the ring and distract him. Bobby gets things going once again and when it looks like Eddy may get some momentum Big Ron Studd makes his presence known. Soon the ref is trying to get control and as he does Steven Regal comes out with a chair and heads for Eddy. As Steve makes it to the ring Sting falls from the ceiling and nails Steve with a bat. Eddy then hits his 3 amigos on Bobby as Sting holds the rest of the Rude Brood back. Eddy then hit the Frog Splash for the win!


Overall show rating: 80! With a 6.15TV Rating!


WCW Sunday Drive Preview!


Tarantula vs. Meng in Raven’s Roost

Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick vs. The Varsity Club

Chris Jericho vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

~Main Event~

Kevin Sullivan vs. Chavo Guerrero Jr.

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WCW: Sunday Drive!

Live from The Astrodome

Attendance: N/A


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




The Armstrongs defeated High Voltage

Stevie Ray and Charlie Flash defeated Big and Bad


~Main Show~


Tarantula defeated Meng (72)

The Varsity Club defeated Bunkhouse Buck and Dirty Dick (63)

:::Raven made and open challenge for tonight in his Roost::: (55)

Raven defeated Dustin Rhodes (66)

:::Raven cut a promo on Rhodes being a loser.::: (63)

Chris Jericho defeated Rey Misterio Jr. (66)

Chavo Guerrero Jr. defeated Kevin Sullivan (60)


Overall Show: 49 with a .52 TV Rating!

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WCW Bunkhouse Brawl ‘96 Preview!


The Armstrongs vs. ??? and ??? [Open Challenge]


Vader vs. Paul Wight


10 Man Bunkhouse Brawl for the WCW Drive Championship Featuring:

The Barbarian, Steve Blackman, One Man Gang, Kevin Sullivan, Junkyard Dog, Erik Watts, Dave Finley, Hugh Morris, Big Bubba Rogers, Dustin Rhodes


WCW Tag Team Championship Scaffold Match

The Brotha Hood{c} vs. The Road Warriors


WCW Can-Am Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Dean Malenko{c}


~Main Event~

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Eddy Guerrero vs. Rick Rude{c}

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The Armstrongs vs. ??? and ??? [Open Challenge]


Winner of this match is hard to see,

But open challenges tend to backfire on PPV!


Vader vs. Paul Wight


Wight is a Ferrari, Vaders more Robin Reliant,

Aint no way he's beating the soon to be giant!


10 Man Bunkhouse Brawl for the WCW Drive Championship Featuring:

The Barbarian,Steve Blackman, One Man Gang, Kevin Sullivan, Junkyard Dog, Erik Watts, Dave Finley, Hugh Morris, Big Bubba Rogers, Dustin Rhodes


I love this line up, match should be alright,

But his name is Finley, and he loves to fight.




WCW Tag Team Championship Scaffold Match

The Brotha Hood{c} vs. The Road Warriors


The Brotha Hood are great, and deserve this great push,

But Warriors win quickly, oooooooooooohhhhhh, what's your rush?


WCW Can-Am Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Dean Malenko{c}


His dad was names Boris, his brother was Joe

He's simply the Iceman, now watch The Ice flow!


~Main Event~

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Eddy Guerrero vs. Rick Rude{c}


Ravishing Rick, what a hit with the girls,

They love his moustache and his beautiful curls,

But they all want to see him get beat by Guerrero,

So they can stare at his abs without the title there-hooooooo!

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The Armstrongs vs. ??? and ??? [Open Challenge]


Vader vs. Paul Wight


10 Man Bunkhouse Brawl for the WCW Drive Championship Featuring:

The Barbarian, Steve Blackman, One Man Gang, Kevin Sullivan, Junkyard Dog, Erik Watts, Dave Finley, Hugh Morris, Big Bubba Rogers, Dustin Rhodes


WCW Tag Team Championship Scaffold Match

The Brotha Hood{c} vs. The Road Warriors


WCW Can-Am Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Dean Malenko{c}


~Main Event~

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Eddy Guerrero vs. Rick Rude{c}

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The Armstrongs vs. ??? and ??? [Open Challenge]


Vader vs. Paul Wight


Let me see here, I never have been a fan of The Big Show and I was always a fan of Vader. Yeah this pick was easy.


10 Man Bunkhouse Brawl for the WCW Drive Championship Featuring:

The Barbarian, Steve Blackman, One Man Gang, Kevin Sullivan, Junkyard Dog, Erik Watts, Dave Finley, Hugh Morris, Big Bubba Rogers, Dustin Rhodes


WCW Tag Team Championship Scaffold Match

The Brotha Hood{c} vs. The Road Warriors


WCW Can-Am Championship Match

Ultimo Dragon vs. Dean Malenko{c}


~Main Event~

WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match

Eddy Guerrero vs. Rick Rude{c}

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WCW: Bunkhouse Brawl ‘96!

Sunday, March Week 3

Live from: The Astrodome

Attendance: 47,025


Tony Schiavone, Mike Tenay, and Dusty Rhodes




The Varsity Club defeated The Oni Warriors

The Tarantula defeated Diamond Dallas Page


~Main Show~


Open Challenge! (61)




Brad: Since the Championship council decided to give another title shot to the Road Warriors, it looks like our dance card is completely empty.


Steve: So, if there are any men back there that think they can beat us in this ring. Get your asses out here so we can prove we are the best Tag Team to ever come together!


*Added but not actually booked…although it should have been…my mistake…


Suddenly, two men make their way to the entrance ramp accompianed by a hot blonde…



Nash: You want a fight? We’ll be your Huckleberry!


Hall: That’s right chico…you just made one huge mistake!




Scott Hall & Kevin Nash with Rena Mero vs. The Armstrongs


The crowd was almost too stunned to react, but eventually they began to cheer on their WCW heroes the Armstrongs. Scott and Kevinket Brad isolated and soon Steve was incensed in his corner. Finally, Steve received the hot tag and cleared house to a huge pop and things seemed to go his way only for Rena Mero to make her way to the ring distracting him and the ref. Outside the ring Kevin Nash smashed Brad with a chair shot as Scott Hall rolled into the ring and nailed Steve with a low blow. Scott then hit his finisher, The Edge of Defeat and made the pin.


Winners: Scott Hall & Kevin Nash with Rena Mero! (83)



Paul Wight vs. Vader


Paul came out to a nice round of boos. Vader then came out to a huge pop and a nice chant of “Rhino Sucks.” Paul and Vader went at each other and it looked less like a wrestling match and more like a drunken frat house fight. The punches were wild and fast and soon Vader had Paul reeling. Vader unleashed a huge hay maker and the big man fell like an oak tree to a huge pop. Vader then nailed a thunderous Vader Bomb for the pinfall.


Winner: Vader! (72)


Gore! (75)


As soon as Vader raises his hands in victory Rhino emerges from the crowd. Rhino slides into the ring then Gores Vader almost out of his boots as the crowd boos wildly. Security rushes out and drags Rhino out of the ring and out of the arena.


Bunkhouse Brawl


WCW Drive Championship



The Barbarian, Steve Blackman, One Man Gang, Kevin Sullivan, Junkyard Dog, Erik Watts, Dave Finley, Hugh Morris, Big Bubba Rogers, Dustin Rhodes


The ten men each brought a dangerous and deadly item with them to the ring. Most notably were the chain of OMG, the Bronze Bunkhouse Stampede Boot of Dustin Rhodes, and the shillelagh of David Finlay. The match was wild and brutal. After the dust began to settle it was down to Finley, Erik Watts, Dustin Rhodes, and Steve Blackmen. Blackmen was taken out by Finley who was then tossed over by Watts and Rhodes. The two former partners then stared each other down before getting it on. Watts was able to use a low blow followed by a shot with the Bunkhouse Stampede Boot to finally toss Rhodes over and get the win.


Winner and New WCW Drive Champion: Erik Watts (60)



WCW World Tag Team Championship


The Road Warriors vs. The Brotha Hood{c}


All four men cautiously made their way up to the scaffold with a crowd holding their breath in awe. Things started off slow as the two teams were still getting their footing but soon the fist started to fly. At one point Animal lifted Ron up for a Suplex and the crowd held it’s breath but let out a huge sigh when Animal slammed him down on the scaffold not wanting to fall over with Ron. The match continued with near toss outs like this until Booker T nailed Animal with a Scissor Kick that knocked him down and on to the edge. Hawk went for the assist and Ron pushed him leaving Hawk holding on to Animals legs as both dangled from the scaffold. A quick stomp from Booker saw both Animal and Hawk fall off the scaffold and crash to the floor ending the match.


Winners: The Brotha Hood! (81)



WCW Can-Am Championship


Dean Malenko with Kimberly{c} vs. Ultimo Dragon


Just like the last time these two met, Dean grounded Dragon on the mat with a variety of holds and distractions from Kimberly. Eventually the ref sent Kimberly to the back as the crowd roared their approval. With this one act Ultimo Dragon was able to get into the match and had several near falls on Dean. Dragon then tried the Dragon Sleeper but Dean slipped out of it and slammed Dragon with a Power Slam before hooking in the Texas Clover Leaf and getting the win via submission.


Winner: Dean Malenko! (85)



WCW World Championship


Eddy Guerrero vs. Rick Rude{c} with Manny Fernandez


This match began with a polarized crowd clearly supporting Eddy and despising Rude to his core. Eddy would get several near falls only for Rude to get a foot on the ropes or a shoulder up just in time. Rude for his part was able to use his experience to turn several moves back on Eddy. Things went back and forth until finally a wild lariat from Guerrero missed Rude and nailed the ref. Manny ran into the ring with the title as Eddy checked on the ref. As Manny raised the title, Rude pulled it from Manny and began to berate his underling. Rude then turned into a Leg Lariat from Eddy that caused the title to smack off Rude’s face. Manny grabbed the belt and looked at Rude for a moment before shrugging his shoulders and walking out of the ring. Manny tossed the belt on the ramp as he made his way to the back. Eddy then landed a Frog Splash on Rude before picking up the win!


Winner and New WCW World Champion: Eddy Guerrero! (81)


Overall show rating: 78! With a 3.17 Buy Rate!


*New New Card will be able soon but any thoughts on this show and the direction of WCWwould be appreciated.

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WCW Monday Nitro Preview!


Alex Wright, Disco Inferno, and Lance Storm vs. La Hermandad (Rey Misterio Jr., Pscosis, and Juventud Guerrera)

Hall and Nash vs. The Armstrongs {Bunkhouse Brawl Rematch}

Stevie Ray and Charlie Flash vs. The Brotha Hood

Vader vs. Rhino

Sting vs. Erik Watts


~Main Event~

Ric Flair vs. Dean Malenko

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Alex Wright, Disco Inferno, and Lance Storm vs. La Hermandad (Rey Misterio Jr., Pscosis, and Juventud Guerrera)

Hall and Nash vs. The Armstrongs {Bunkhouse Brawl Rematch}

Stevie Ray and Charlie Flash vs. The Brotha Hood

Vader vs. Rhino

Sting vs. Erik Watts


~Main Event~

Ric Flair vs. Dean Malenko

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