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Anyone up for a 3 or 4 player 1995 game?

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30 rounds.


Timezones always confuse me... any chance you can translate to GMT for me? :o


Ha. There is not. Not because I don't want to but because I would have no idea how. I'm sure there's a website, I'll do that once I get to work, they have a chart there for that stuff actually. If it helps, I'm in Montreal.


That didn't help did it?

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Ha. There is not. Not because I don't want to but because I would have no idea how. I'm sure there's a website, I'll do that once I get to work, they have a chart there for that stuff actually. If it helps, I'm in Montreal.


That didn't help did it?


Is the current time for you 14:15?

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Yeah then I got it right, excellent.


Rick, was your proposed time of 11:30 EST AM or PM?


I could do either, actually. Well... if it was PM I'd need to push it back a half hour to midnight.


But I was thinking 11:30 am ET. If midnight ET is better I can do that too.

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This is lining up to be interesting. :)


Just as a reminder, some rules about the draft:


1. The draft order is as follows:

WWF, WCW, AWA, TNA, TNA, AWA, WCW, WWF, WWF, WCW, AWA, TNA... and so on. 30 picks for each, all will be on written contracts.


2. You may select a tag team at once, thereby using up your next pick as well (useful for WCW and AWA who won't get 2 consecutive picks otherwise) - but only to be used for 'career' tag teams like The Steiner Brothers, The Road Warriors, The Rock 'n' Roll Express and so on. So no drafting Sting and Lex Luger or Kevin Nash and Scott Hall this way. I will be the arbitrary judge of this, should an issue evolve.


3. Only workers who are set to work in USA and are NOT on a written contract can be drafted.


4. After the draft, only 1 worker under 22 may be signed to a written contract per promotion per month (PPA contracts are unrestricted).


5. Permission must be given to use a worker name/tag team name exclusive to another promotion (so if eg. AWA drafts The Undertaker, the person playing WWF must agree to them using that name or a new name must be chosen).


6. Everyone should agree to participate in at least a basic diary (won't have to be too time-consuming and complex).


7. Also, I'm currently leaning towards just giving us all the same 'grand man' avatar with 5 in all stats to make it an even playing field in that aspect. You guys okay with that?

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I am fine with starting with the same avatar.

Last time I played we skipped over each others shot until it was time for their show unless there was an important message for them. Are we going to follow a similar game play.

If we do would it be worth saying when we get a second show, it has to be filmed on the same day as our other to keep the game runnning smother.

By doing these we made much greater gains in game time therefore seeing results quicker.

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I def think the second show should have to be same day or we'll get nowhere slowly.


Same avatar is the fairest way to do this.


I'm a little confused on the NOT on a written contract thing.


If I understand correctly your going to take the rosters of WCW, WWF and TNA/AWA should they ones and take them all off written contracts, right?


So the only written contracts we would have to watch out for would be New and All Japan?

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So the only written contracts we would have to watch out for would be New and All Japan?


And CMLL, if I recall correct. But you may also only draft someone who is set to work in USA.


Though it would probably be best to disallow signing someone who is owner and/or booker in another company to a written contract during the draft as well, come to think of it.

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Yeah, it's just that this sentence made it seem like there might be USA workers on writtens we couldn't select.


Ah, I now see the confusion. What I meant was actually that you can also sign someone working in eg. Japan and Mexico and who is not on a written contract, as long as the person in question is set to work in USA as well. Examples of this are Rob Van Dam and Mike Awesome.

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Personally I think this is getting a bit too complex kowing who is on what contract from all over especially when trying to make a quick decision. Could we make it just USA based wrestlers. Plus that will leave lots of great wrestlers to pick up later.
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Personally I think this is getting a bit too complex kowing who is on what contract from all over especially when trying to make a quick decision. Could we make it just USA based wrestlers. Plus that will leave lots of great wrestlers to pick up later.


That's fine with me.

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I do have a couple of last minute questions:


-Product. I'm assuming the product will be the same as in the WotW data (i.e. WWF is Sports Entertainment, very popularity driven etc.)


-Non Wrestlers. Road Agents, Refs and Announcers...They have a fairly major impact on match ratings, do we have to draft them or just keep the promotions existing one (i.e. WWF has J.R., WCW has Mike Tenay etc.)


-Roster Size. Can we turn off the penalty for small rosters, otherwise WWF and WCW (atleast, not sure the size for TNA & USPW) will be taking a hit for only having 30 workers


-Trades. Are pre-draft or draft day trades allowed? If so the #1 overall pick can be had...for a price :D

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-Roster Size. Can we turn off the penalty for small rosters, otherwise WWF and WCW (atleast, not sure the size for TNA & USPW) will be taking a hit for only having 30 workers


See, I'm probably the only person on earth who actually likes the minimum roster rule... but if we did keep it there would have to be something done to beef up WWF/WCW. Maybe they get an extra <however many> rounds they need past 30 to meet the roster expectations?

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