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Four Corners of Chaos

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Well, since it's sort of a tradition for me to nag, and given that it's now been nearly a week since I last passed on the save (just 1 day before my next show)... what's up? :p


Was wondering the same, but all y'all had your indy flea market shows to run before it came back around for RAW :p ... but yeah, what's up?

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Was wondering the same, but all y'all had your indy flea market shows to run before it came back around for RAW :p ... but yeah, what's up?


It should be with Rick atm. I feel guilty, as it must surely be my recent successes that has scared him from running his show - knowing that it cannot avoid being an inferior product compared to that of glorious TNA. :(

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has anyone heard from Rick? Doesn't seem he has posted at all recently and I gather from your posts that he was the last holder of the data


He probably took off with the save for Mexico, never to be seen again and out of reach from the Federal Bureau of Savegame Investigation. :(

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If yOU WaNT too sEE YOUR DAtA AgaAIn. GO tO RiCkS JOb anD TeLL THem tOo GIVe hIm timE oFF.


AlSO A sanDWicH wouLD Be NIcE.


Stop by mine as well...especially when they schedule me on my day off....


don't worry about the sandwhich though...



I prefer Hot Pockets :cool:



Should have RAW posted tomorrow evening some time

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File is off to Hive! Good god I hope I am never that busy again.




I feel like some ancient evil has risen from its' 1000 year slumber to ravage the earth once again.


I prefer Hot Pockets :cool:


What in the blue hell is that?? :confused:

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Got a dissapointing B after a Global Impact that had an A-rated main and B+-rated semi-main... enough to increase our popularity, but still a letdown.


Save is off to WWF for the next episode of one of their weekly circuses.

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Time for Shotgun Saturday Night/Heat tapings....


"Vince McMahon lifted the locker room when he organised - and then won - a video game tournament."


- No one had the "grapefuits" to tell him that Golden Ax for the Nintendo wasn't "cool" anymore


- Are we due for another product change? Think it's been since before WrestleMania so over 3 months ... "Rated Much More on Popularity...." kinda sucks --- manager (B entertainment) hypes tag team (both B menace) final grade... D- :mad:


- In case anyone cared...Jim Duggan's contract as Hulk Hogan's personal man servant has come to an end...the WWF "wishes him the best in all his future endeavors"


- I feel that unlike most people, the Sandman should actually get a BONUS for his drinking habit....maybe in TEW '13


- Ron Simmons and Haku put on an exciting match....on a side note, did y'all know Haku is STILL wrestling? (Ron Simmons Voice) D*MN!!


HEAT scores a solid B for the "Go Home Show" before IYH: Fully Loaded



File is on to HIVE...I really need to get the data back on my next turn...my PPV is set for the wrong day...wrestlers need to be moved from develpmental etc...



Oh and I'm still waiting for my Hot Pockets




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