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MOSC - Everything's Better With Kilts!

Guest Bolton

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Guest Bolton

Notes: This will be the first diary I'm serious about. Shows will hopefully be weekly, if I start getting lazy, then shoot me. Or inspire me by pushing for BSS. Whatever works. :p


Memoirs of a Grand Avatar: Men Of Steel Combat


As I walked out of the bus and into the Northern English town, ignoring all the stares I got for my black raincoat and the lone cig hanging out of my mouth, I couldn't believe I was doing this. Out of all the companies in the UK, I had to be hired by Men of Steel Combat. How that happened? Well, I was hanging around, writing down notes for a review on a wrestling show, when I bumped into Jeffery McPeterson. I follow the UK wrestling news, and knew just how bad MOSC had it. So, being the git I am, I bragged that I could book MOSC better. This is how our conversation went... and yes, we were that drunk.


Three Weeks Ago, December 2009




I only remember some plodding idiot known as Jeff Amazon throwing weak little punches at an ugly-ass wimp called The Minor Annoyance. Judging by the boos from the crowd, he was more than a minor annoyance. HARHARHAR! Me and Jeffery, having hit it off well, were taking beers down like it was Guy Fawkes Night. Too bad there weren't any literal fireworks to blow those two stinkers out the ring, now THAT would be entertaining!


Me: If I were Jeff Nova, I'd hire Big Smack Scott, take him away from Supreme W*ore Foundation and go up against him in the PPV! Match of the f***in' year if you ask me!


Jeffery: A'ight! I like where you're goin', too bad my dad isn't Jeff Nova, ya git!


Me: Well, any promotion in this country needs Big Smack Scott! I tells ya, he's solid gold! His skill only makes the matches more real!


Jeffery: Ya, he's really good at that! Remember when he dropped Elmo Benson on his head that episode of Supreme TV? And got sent out the ring in a stretcher?


Me: Elmo's a f*ckin' wimp and you know it! No wonder he went to TCW, they eat up scrawny little f*cks like him!


Jeffery: If you like Big Smack Scott, you should come up and see a MOSC show!


Me: That joke! I could book so much better and you know it! You know what? Put me up for that position, and I'll make it #1 in the UK!


Jeffery: Aye! I like your words, too bad fans don't appreciate hardcore genius! I better ring up my dad and inform him! It's like the old slogan, we put the MEN in Men Of Steel Combat! Especially me!


Just as he said that, Jeffery ran to the men's room and, from what I remember, puked up a storm. Enough to get an ambulance called up. As he was stretched out, ironically echoing Elmo in that episode of Supreme TV, he grasped my shoulder, summoning all his strength to simply get up. Me being drunk, I freaked out.


Me: Jeffery, my friend! Before you die, tell me, what should I do? I can book MOSC, make it better!


Jeffery: ... I'm not dyin', ya f**kwad!


Then he puked up on my lap. He was sent to the hospital where it turns out he had food poisoning from haggis and a fist to the stomach from Danny Patterson from the last MOSC event.


End Flashback


Yeah, it was pretty messed up. Soon enough I was walking down the frosty streets, and I saw a familiar logo.




I looked at the little office, located next to a haggis shop. "Really now," I said to myself. I walked into the office, a dimly-lit place with cracked painting and cobwebs, and nearly jumped in my boots from the cold: they didn't even have heating! This was a bad sign. I looked to the desk, and saw, much to my shock....




Double E With The Double D's, Emma Evans! She looked up coldly from her desk, taking offense to my confused stare.


Emma: What're ya looking at?


Me: You're a wrestling manager.


Emma: I can have a job too, pig.


I rolled my eyes, and then flashed my card that Jeffery had faxed me (probably from his own home, considering the state of the office). Double E looked at it for a second, then gestured a red nail to the door, where Greg 'Highland Warrior' McPeterson's office laid. I walked in, and there was the big man himself, sat on a wooden chair with a crappy desk in front of him. Said desk had a computer from the 90's, I began to get worried at that point.




Greg: You Jeffery's friend? Mr. Grand Avatar? What's your real name lad?


Me: Well, it's a long name. But I prefer Grand Avatar.


Greg: I see. Sit down.


His rough, scarred hand gestured to a fold-up chair with several dents used in it. Obviously it had been used in several events, but there was nothing better, so I set it up and sat down. Greg stared at me, as if he were measuring me.


Greg: Booked before? My son says you have a liking for a certain Big Smack Scott.


Me: No sir. I've played Extreme Warfare Revenge though!


Greg: ... what the f*ck kind of game is that? And I thought me son's PlayStation 2 and his SWF Total Supremacy 2005 game was confusing.


Me: Well... it's a booking simulato-


Greg: You're hired.


Me: Wha?


Greg: It's all I needed to know. Anyone who can book, we need. But first, look at our finances.


I took a look at Greg's desktop screen, seeing as he had Windows 95, it was an Excel spreadsheet that was obviously Emma's handiwork, seeing as Greg's own writing, judging by the notes I saw on his right, was as literate as you'd expect a concussed, retired Scotsman's writing to be. I rose an eyebrow and looked at Greg.


Me: $1000? Really?


Greg: Who the bloody hell do you think we are? 21st Century Wankers? 'Course not! Now, you're gonna make some mon'y and give the fans what they want!


Me: If I don't bankrupt us in the process....


Greg: What ye say?


Me: Nothing~


While the innocent look on my face was completely false, I sank back to my chair, despair written all over my face. What had I really gotten myself into? A company in finanicial ruin, a drunken owner and a roster full of talentless suicidal madmen. Maybe I'm generalizing a bit, but still, I'm f*cked. Meanwhile, the first card began to formulate in my head. Let's hope it all goes to plan, eh?


Personally I didn't think I pulled off the opening so well, but eh. First card should be up in about an hour. :D

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Guest Bolton





Main Eventers




Upper Midcarders








Lower Midcarders




Staff Members




We had a pretty... mediocre roster, really. Our best workers were our main event workers, and not to mention our dire financials, I'd have to say... we're screwed. I looked at my little laptop, where the next card was, and smiled to myself as I flipped it open. I went over to the nearest website on my bookmarks, and put up the card to be predicted....





On Phoenix Nights club, January 15th 2010


MOSC UK Championship I Quit Match

Harley Neill © vs. Unknown Challenger

Points go to whoever predicts!


MOSC Blood & Beer Championship

Psycho © vs. Ultra Violence

Suggest several weapons for those two to beat the s*it out of each other with!


Danny Patterson vs. Carl Edwards


#1 Contender's Match: winners fights for the MOSC Tag Team Championship next month

The UK Wrecking Crew (Bruiser and Thug) vs. The Stud Express (Tony Wright and Jeremy Allen)


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Axl Grease


OOC: Predictions bring you free kilts... and haggis! :D

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Why is there the second 'h' in haggis?


MOSC UK Championship I Quit Match

Harley Neill © vs. Unknown Challenger

Points go to whoever predicts!

Keep the solid champ solid.


Challenger: Right guy of the Main Eventers. Unless that's Neill, in which case the middle guy.


MOSC Blood & Beer Championship

Psycho © vs. Ultra Violence

Suggest several weapons for those two to beat the s*it out of each other with!

It's in his name. I suggest:

1. Duct Tape (yes, I'm serious).

2. Bowls of this 'haggish' stuff.

3. A bagpipe.


Danny Patterson vs. Carl Edwards

I like Patterson (I think), and Edwards will be one for the future. Because he's young.


#1 Contender's Match: winners fights for the MOSC Tag Team Championship next month

The UK Wrecking Crew (Bruiser and Thug) vs. The Stud Express (Tony Wright and Jeremy Allen)

I hate Wright


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Axl Grease

One of the better workers, if I remember from my brief MoSC stint.

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I'm also doing a MOSC diary, so good luck w/ this :D


MOSC UK Championship I Quit Match

Harley Neill © vs. Unknown Challenger - I would say Smack Scott, but I think I'll guess at The Landlord

Points go to whoever predicts!


MOSC Blood & Beer Championship

Psycho © vs. Ultra Violence

Suggest several weapons for those two to beat the s*it out of each other with!

DVD Player, Lean Mean Fat Grilling Mmachine Machine, several JML Dryer Balls

Danny Patterson vs. Carl Edwards


#1 Contender's Match: winners fights for the MOSC Tag Team Championship next month

The UK Wrecking Crew (Bruiser and Thug) vs. The Stud Express (Tony Wright and Jeremy Allen)

Too good to lose to the most hated men in MOSC (Even though I put Allen on a winning streak )

Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Axl Grease


I sacked Axl

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MOSC UK Championship I Quit Match

Harley Neill © vs. Unknown Challenger

Points go to whoever predicts!


MOSC Blood & Beer Championship

Psycho © vs. Ultra Violence

Suggest several weapons for those two to beat the s*it out of each other with!

1-XBox controller

2-Plastic Toy Gun

3-Kitchen Sink


Danny Patterson vs. Carl Edwards


#1 Contender's Match: winners fights for the MOSC Tag Team Championship next month

The UK Wrecking Crew (Bruiser and Thug) vs. The Stud Express (Tony Wright and Jeremy Allen)


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Axl Grease

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Guest Bolton

Thanks for the predictions! :D As a treat, I'll give you the first show early: I'm going on a weekly schedule, and posts should be on every Sunday my time (8:46PM on Thursday today, the second show should be out next Sunday then :p). It's also my first time booking MOSC, so it's likely I'll send the company down the tubes. :cool:



Attended by 74 drunken thugs at Phoenix Nights


The show kickstarts with a blaring horn, since MOSC couldn't afford an in-music station or actual tunes I had to compose all the new entrance music, while the shoddy, poorly-constructed ring is sat in the middle of the club, ready for a night of hardcore action. The fans are a mixture of working class brutes and tech students looking to drown their sorrows in beer and bloody wrestling. After all, nothing said entertainment more than watching suicidal madmen throw their lives and careers away!


Geordie Jimmy Morris vs. Axl Grease




A badly played electric guitar riff fills the club as Axl Grease, swinging his head back and forth, his greasy, unkempt hair flying around in a bad Jack Bruce impersonation, swaggers into the ring. The one fan (who's a gawky tech student) who cheers him is immediately droned out by the boos coming from the crowd.




This was replaced with a few cheers when Geordie Jimmy Morris arrives at the walkway, and immediately pounds Grease's head in. He drags the wannabe rock star to the ring, and the bel rings.


In what was a shoddy hardcore match, Geordie Jimmy Morris and Axl Grease went at each other for about 15 minutes, throwing everything they could at each other. Morris, while a decent worker, isn't the most charismatic worker, so whenever he got a hold on Grease, the fans ripped into him.


Crowd: BORIN' GEORDIE! *clap clap* BORIN' GEORDIE!


Morris got some pretty steep chair shots in, and Grease continued to sway his head in his awful Jack Bruce impersonation everytime he took Morris down with a clothesline, suplex or back drop, whatever he had in his limited move set. However, the fans didn't really care for Grease, giving him a lot of static, and so cheered when Morris slammed on a Tyneside Neckbreaker after hitting Grease with an acoustic guitar taken from Grease's one fan.


Rating: GJM wins, E rating


Bernie Evans: Well that was quite an opener!


Lawrence Young: Morris is ugly as hell and Axl Grease fails at life. That's all I have to say.


MOSC Blood & Beer Championship: Psycho © vs. Ultra Violence




A horrible keyboard bashing played as Psycho roars into the ring, a fevered grin on his face as a fan offers him a roll of duct tape. He shouts out as he pulls some duct tape out and wraps it around his fists, then throws it out to the ring. He rolls into the ring, and holds the Blood & Beer belt out for the crowd to chug their beers to.




The fans' cheers turned to revolt as Ultra Violence walked into the ring swishing his rake, a can of beer tucked in his hand. He swishes the beer down and throws the can to the audience, only for a certain helmet-wearing fan to throw it back at him, strong enough for him to grunt in pain and cause swelling.


The match itself was possibly the worst I have seen in a long time. Ultra Violence was despised by the crowd, most who actually wanted him to die in some stupid stunt, and it showed in his shoddy ringwork. While Psycho is charismatic and thus is able to get people behind him, UV's inconsistent spots blew the match's potential, especially when he slipped and smashed a Lean Mean Grilling Machine on the outside. One crowd member is alledged to say, "THAT WAS ME BURGER MAKER! I'LL KILL THAT F***ING SPOT MONKEY T*AT!"


The fan's reaction turned to absolute disgust when UV took a bagpipe and slammed it over Psycho's head, rupturing it, and got a near-fall.




From the bar, I swore I saw that helmet wearing fan take out a spanner (I later learnt his nickname was Engineer) and another fan withdraw a lead pipe. Looks like they were going to kill UV if he won, poor lad. Luckily, the riot was stopped when Psycho made a big comeback, eventually taking a plate of 'haggish' (a recipe made by the Phoenix Night club: combining haggis with illegal drugs) from a waitress and smashing it into UV's face dead-center in the ring. And just to stick it to UV, Psycho takes a DVD Player from a fan known only as '20LEgend' and DDTs UV on it, causing even more cheers. Psycho makes the pin, 1-2-3!


Rating: Psycho retains the B&B title, F rating


Bernie Evans: In the end, the psychotic Psycho takes the victory, and his title home!


Lawrence Young: Dumbest pun I ever made you hear.


Danny Patterson vs. Carl Edwards




A guitar and drums combo hit played as Danny Patterson walks down the ring menacingly, looking rather dominant with his facepaint and monster aura. He means business, especially since he's in the running for a future UK title match.


Bernie Evans: Danny Patterson is a monster! He rips apart anything in his tracks!


Lawrence Young: I'm waiting for Carl Edwards to get his s*it kicked in, personally....


To bouncy 80's synth (which I sampled from the internet, useful tool), Carl Edwards makes an enthusiastic entrance, and jogs his way down to the ring, ignoring the bored response he gets from fans. Another fan, this time Leadhead, or so I'm calling the fan who pulled out the lead pipe in the Psycho vs. UV match, tries to take a swing at Carl as he makes his way down, but is tackled down by security, who let him go back to his seat.


The match itself was a big improvement on the others. While Carl only got response (and minor 'oohs' at that) when he tried something career-threatning, such as being thrown from the turnbuckle onto a table put outside, and being powerbombed straight into a tack-littered plank, Danny easily got the crowd engaged though, as they were back to chanting, "RIP 'EM UP DANNY YOU BEAST!" as he ended the match with a Choke Slam.


Rating: Danny Patterson wins, D- rating


Bernie Evans: Another victim falls... I feel so bad for Carl Edwards...


Lawrence Young: He's a man of steel. He'll be better in the morning.


The titantron (in fact a plasma TV from the club) shows the crowd Emma Evans getting ready.




The fans EXPLODED at seeing the secretery/manager puts on some lipstick and eyeshadow, all while the fans chant the following:




If I had proof that the MOSC fans were nothing but pigs, this was all the proof I needed.


Rating: C




Emma Evans then comes out, holding a t-shirt launcher (generously donated to us by Leadhead and Engineer!) and fires t-shirts to the crowd. Again to more, "SHOW US YOUR T**S! SHOW US YOUR T**S!" which later evolved to, "T*TS OR GET THE F*CK OUT! T*TS OR GET THE F*CK OUT!"


Again, sex sells!


Rating: C


#1 Contender's Match: UK Wrecking Crew vs. Stud Express




The Stud Express enter to the sound of their homemade theme, a few nasal saxophones played by kids down the street, and the two arrive in $5 bathrobes. The fans boo them and lash out at the ravishing duo with their thoughts as they strutted down to the ring, holding their wives' discarded perfume bottles and spraying them around the walkway. Tony Wright even made a kissing gesture to a very rough construction worker type, nearly causing said worker to jump over the guardrail. Well, he would have if not for security. He was reported to say, "I'LL KILL THAT F*CKING H***!" I also learnt his nickname was Straits, because of his love for Dire Straits. Who knew?


Rating: E- for elaborate entrance. Straits' reaction must have increased the rating


The UK Wrecking Crew then arrive to cover instrumentals of Sex Pistols, to the cheers of almost everybody in the club. The fans spray beer with a hose, and Thug simply grabs the hose and drinks the beer down all in one. And he then walks down like nothing. Badass. The second Thug and Bruiser enter the ring, the Stud Express sway their hips and smirk at them, causing the two badasses to rise up and beat the holy hell out of the 'studs'.




After a match of manly beatings, Thug smashed his Taped Fist into Jeremy Allen's jaw for the pinfall.


Rating: UKWC get the title match, E+ rating


Bagpipes play, and the crowd rises to their feet when Highland Warrior strolls into the ring. His damaged knees are apparent to everyone as he takes it slow, and takes a mic as he looks out to the crowd.




Highland Warrior: I hope you've had your money's worth tonight! I believe in only the best, manliest contests for the MOSC fans, and to show the best in hardcore wrestling! I think there's something that all you fans deserve though, and that's a world-class wrestler who came straight to MOSC, from Japan!


The fans are interested, but they simply go to chanting:




I also think I heard Engineer scream, "AS LONG AS HE AIN'T ULTRA-VIOLENCE!" and Leadhead shout, "HE'LL STILL SUCK!"


Highland Warrior: And he's also the son of a certain wrestler... gentlemen, I'd like to welcome ye a special addition to MOSC, GREG GAUGE!






Gauge looks at the crowd, and rolls into the ring as Highland Warrior nods to him. The ancient Scotsman rolls out of the ring, looking satisfied at the signing.


Rating: E




But just as that happens, Harley Neill comes out and stares at Greg Gauge. He takes a mic and looks over at the fans, who start booing him, since he's a prick and a violent ******* at that. He walks over to the ring, snarling at Gauge.


Neill: So ya the chump from Jepan I hear Highland W**ker hired from those islands. Too bad ye a Yank, and we all know what happened to the last Yank who arrived at our shores. He got our belt, and bailed when those corporate bastards at that 21st place gave him a paycheck. Well I tell ya what really made him bail... me. He got scared and ran off because I'd beat his a** in easily-


Crowd: HARLEY'S A H***, HARLEY'S A H***!


Neill: And not in that way you gits! His name? Well, I can't exactly say because the 21st Century laywers are gonna sue us, but let me clue you in: Jose Tampson.


Gauge: I know all about that, don't lecture me. I'm not afraid of you. I came here for a challenge: to test my limits. I'll start by taking that UK Championship of yours!


Neill rolls into the ring, and the two stare each other down with fury in their eyes.


Neill: Game on, mate.


Rating: E+


MOSC UK Championship I Quit Match: Harley Neill © vs. Greg Gauge




For all the excitement and potential this bout had, it was let down by Gauge's non-existent popularity, and sadly, Neill and Gauge didn't click in combat. There were several mistimed spots, and Gauge's technical holds were either booed by the fans or mistimed by Neill. While Neill is a good champion and figurehead for MOSC, he just doesn't gel at all with the young American. However, the champ did take a few lessons in terms of performance from the youngster, so it wasn't all bad.


The match itself was a fervored one, as Gauge showed he could keep up with the champion. He almost made him quit with a few painful moves, such as rubbing his face in barbed wire and trying to make him quit before he suplexed him onto a burning table, but Neill had experience, and showed by smashing Gauge's gut in with a fire extinguisher, clotheslining him into the bar and trying to drown him on beer tap, and eventually made him quit by beating him to the ground with a lead pipe, handed to him by Leadhead.


Rating: Harley Neill retains the MOSC UK Championship, E- rating


Final Rating: E


Thoughts: Eh... I kinda toyed around with Gauge. I found out MOSC fans don't like having Yanks pushed to the top, and his gimmick bombed, so that made me rethink my plans for him. At least I have a backup, but hope you enjoyed the show. Tell me what you liked and didn't like!

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