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4 Corners of Chaos: AWA

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<p>Live from the Beaumont Civic Center in Kansas City, MO...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The AWA presents All-Star Wrestling!</strong></p><p> </p><p>


Dustin Rhodes</p><p>


Lance Storm</p><p>


We open to Dustin Rhodes stepping from between the curtains.</p><p> </p><p>

LAH "I do apologize we started a tad bit early and we're going straight to the ring for the young Lance Storm against the son of the man sitting next to me Dusty Rhodes."</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty "I am truly hopeful that Dustin can get back onto that track that I have seen him ride for oh so long and continue is ascension to be one of the greats in this fine and noble sport, baby."</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "And if he does it will be no thanks to you. This man Dustin Rhodes never got so much as one iota of support from you in his entire life. Every time he succeeds you're in your own trophy case polishing your up your past accomplishments and whenever he stumbles you're there to rub it in."</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty "That is simply untrue. How dare you say that? How dare you say that with that very mouth that kisses your own mother."</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "And your mother too."</p><p> </p><p>

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Dustin Rhodes defeated Lance Storm in 6:25 by pinfall with The Final Cut.</p><p>

<em>The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.</em></p><p>


Here is your winner: Dustin Rhodes</p><p> </p><p>

After the match Dustin Rhodes calls for a microphone. He gets it. He stares down at his father and asks him. "There? Are you satisfied? Do you love me now?" Dustin exists the ring slowly. He accuses Dusty Rhodes of thinking that Dustin was a failure. That he never appreciated anything that Dustin had ever accomplished. Dustin said that everything he has achieved should be valued twice as much as any other man, because Dustin has had to accomplish those things blind. Blinded in the enormous shadow of his fat, larger than life father.</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty is up and has a microphone. The Dream tells his son that he has it all wrong. Or at least that's probably what he said. It's hard to say. He then is likely to have said that he loves and supports his son no matter what. If Dustin had become a plumber he would have been proud. If his son had become an electrician he would have been prou-</p><p> </p><p>

Dustin knocks the microphone out of the hand of his father. There is an awkward moment of silence as he stares The Dream down. Hayes and Hennig bail as they don't want to be caught in what happens next...</p><p> </p><p>

"You think I should have become a plumber? Or an electrician?" Dustin's rage is a stunned rage. Taken aback, it cannot believe what it is hearing. But make no mistake: It is rage. "Like all of these worthless nobodies?" Booooo "You don't think I'm any better than them?" Booooo! "Listen very closely... dad... I am." Boooo. "You don't think I can make it in the wrestling business do you? Sure, you think I can beat talentless crap like Lance Storm..." Storm, who was just beginning to make his way to the back, stops and looks back. "But you don't think I can beat anyone who matters..."</p><p> </p><p>

Dustin stares down his father...</p><p> </p><p>

"Well I happen to know that nobody on earth matters more to you than yourself." Dustin is very close to his father who is backing off. "So I'll prove to you I can beat you. Beat you within an inch of your life..."</p><p> </p><p>

Dustin raises back his hand! Grabbed by Lance Storm! Dustin spins... into right hands by Lance! Lance grabs Dustin by the hair and sends him face first into the ring apron! Stunned Dustin tries to run away... he regroups and turns to face Storm... Spinning Heel Kick to Rhodes! Rhodes scrambles up the isle. Storm slides into the ring and challenges Dustin to come in and face him while Dustin crawls backwards towards the locker room... looking back in disbelief... in shock... and, yes... in rage.</p><p>

<em>Dusty Rhodes looked good. This segment lifted the crowd. </em></p><p>

<strong>B</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*********************************</p><p>

The Samoan Swat Team</p><p>


Jinsei Shinzaki and Juventud Guerrera</p><p>


The crowd is hot when we come back from commercial and the SST slow it down for an extremely short match. The Samoan Swat Team defeat Jinsei Shinzaki and Juventud Guerrera in 4:53 when Solafa Fatu Lua defeated Juventud Guerrera by pinfall with a Double diving headbutt.</p><p>

During the match LAH reveals that the AWA Match-Making Committee have signed a third, big match for AWA's Wrestling Classic 1995. The AWA Tag Team Titles will be decided in a four corners, elimination match between The Samoan Swat Team, The Steiner Brothers, The Internationals and The Miracle Violence Connexion.</p><p>

<em>Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. </em></p><p>


Here are your winners: The Samoan Swat Team </p><p> </p><p>

The crowd is cold as Bret Hart makes his way to the ring with the AWA World's Heavyweight Title. He cuts a promo thanking the fans in attendance for coming and says that he's been asked alot about how he feels having to fight his brother for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestling Classic. He's had a week to think about it and...</p><p> </p><p>

Owen Hart is making his way to the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "Oh now this is interesting..."</p><p> </p><p>

Owen has a microphone. He says that Bret had better not be conflicted about this match up. They're professionals after all. Owen vows that he will be world champion, and he doesn't want to wake up when he's seventy and still have doubt. He doesn't want to look back and think to himself that the man he beat for the World Title held back, that he couldn't finish, because they were brothers. That's not being a champion, that's being pitied. So Owen demands that Bret swear to him right here in this ring that he will come at Owen with everything he has. That when Owen beats Bret at Wresting Classic that he will be beating the Best there Is and the Best there was.... and not a man who's heart is not in it.</p><p> </p><p>

Bret goes to respond be but is cut off by, "Hey yo."</p><p> </p><p>

Boooooo...</p><p> </p><p>

"Do you really think," Scott Hall begins to ask and then looks around at the crowd, lazily. Terry Funk is behind him. He looks back at Terry with an easy smile, but Funk stares right past him at Hart.</p><p> </p><p>

LAH "There's Terry Funk and Scott Hall... Terry Funk will go one on one with Bret Hart, our World Champion, later tonight in a non-title match..."</p><p> </p><p>

Hall "Do you really think that you deserve that shot? At the title?" Hall asks "Because, Owen... you don't." Hall smirks "I do. And you know it. And all of these people know it." Booooooo!</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "Scott Hall beat three other men in one night at Regenesis before going 45 minutes toe to toe against Bret Hart, almost winning that title many times in the process. How he was not named the number one contender is beyond me."</p><p> </p><p>

Hall hands the microphone off to the focused Terry Funk. "And Bret... even if you don't respect me. Even if you won't shake my hand, you must know... you just <em>have</em> to know that that belt you're holding on your shoulder... you won it in a tournament that I was not in." Boooooo! "A tournament that I was not in because of politics. And tonight you're going to find out what would have happened if I had been allowed to participate." Funker continues to stare. "<em>I</em> am going to find out what what would have happened. And if you won't give it to me... then I'm going to have to take the respect I'm owed from you. I'm going to reach down your throat and tear it out of you, Bret. And it's going to happen tonight."</p><p> </p><p>

As the Harts whisper to one another Hall guides Terry Funk to the back but not before he looks back one more time with determination towards the Harts.</p><p> </p><p>

LAH "It's a must win in the mind of Terry Funk tonight here against Bret Hart, non-title."</p><p>

<strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We go to commercial and return for...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>************</p><p>

Chris Kanyon</p><p>


Ron Simmons</p><p>


In an extremely short match, Ron Simmons defeated Chris Kanyon in 4:39 by pinfall with a Dominator.</p><p>

<em>The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Ron Simmons stood out as being good. </em></p><p>


Here is your winner: Ron Simmons</p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>***********</p><p>

Scott Hall</p><p>


Brian Lawler</p><p>


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Scott Hall defeated Brian Lawler in 7:14 by pinfall with a Razor's Edge.</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "Just look at this man move in the ring. He looks like a world champion. Mark my words if the Match Making Committee don't make him the number one contender after Wrestling Classic then something is up..."</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. </em></p><p>


Here is your winner: Scott Hall</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*************</p><p>

Dionico Torres</p><p>


Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p>


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Dionicio Torres in 7:42 by pinfall with a Huracarrana pin.</p><p>

<em>The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match lifted the crowd. </em></p><p>


Here is your winner: Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

Curt Hennig throws his headset down.</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty "That was unspeakable. The death-defying nature of their combat will be spoken about for generations!"</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig puts his headset back on. "In spanish."</p><p> </p><p>

LAH "Let's go to the back."</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "They just stole the show! Did you see that? Could you imagine following them?"</p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the back where Jim Ross is standing by with The Cornette Contingent. The crowd is Hot as Jim Cornette, flanked by The Internationals: 'Hardjaw' D John Finlay and Perry Saturn, International Superstar Yoshihiro Asai and 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron, begins to speak.</p><p> </p><p>

Cornette "What was that? That was pathetic!" Booo! Jimmy C goes on to remind everyone that Rey Misterio will meet his man Cesar Barron at Wrestling Classic and it 'The Silver King' will show Rey Rey what a real wrestling match is like. He also beams at the news that he negotiated the inclusion of The Internationals into the four way elimination match for the Tag Team Titles at WC: 1995. It will be a good night for the Cornette Contingent. The crowd is rabid, calling for Cornette's blood.</p><p>

<strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************************</p><p>

The Miracle Violence Connexion</p><p>


Hector Guerrero and El Brazo</p><p>


The crowd is still whipped into a frenzy when we come back from commercial, so the MVC take it down a notch for an extremely short match. The Miracle Violence Connexion defeat Hector Guerrero and El Brazo in 4:31 when Terry Gordy defeated Hector Guerrero by pinfall.</p><p>

<em>Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Scott Bigelow came out of the match looking good. </em></p><p>


Here are your winners: The Miracle Violence Connexion</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*******************************************************</p><p>

Yoshihiro Asai and 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron w/ Jim Cornette</p><p>


Chavo Guerrero II and Rob Van Dam</p><p>


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Yoshihiro Asai and Cesar Barron defeated Chavo Guerrero II and Rob Van Dam in 6:46 after Barron finally agreed to get into the ring. Barron's world class stalling skills were on display until he was able to defeat Chavo Guerrero II by pinfall with a Silver Driver.</p><p>

<em>The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.</em></p><p>


Here are your winners: Yoshihiro Asai and 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron</p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the back where Bret Hart is taping up his wrists. It's his first singles match as World Champion the pressure is palpable for the Hitman tonight...</p><p>

<strong>B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****************************************</p><p>

The Steiner Brothers and Owen Hart</p><p>


The Internationals and Scott Hall w/ Jim Cornette</p><p>


LAH "Scott Hall pulling double duty tonight. The Mirror had been originally scheduled to take part in this big six man tag featuring top contenders for the Tag and World Championship, but he has not yet been medically cleared to wrestle after the attack by Terry Funk. The Match Making Committee asked Scott Hall if he would take his place and he agreed."</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "And I'll tell you why he agreed. To get his hands around the neck of the man that stole his rightful number one contender status: Owen Hart."</p><p> </p><p>

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner and Owen Hart defeated Scott Hall and The Internationals in 13:16 when Owen Hart defeated D. John Finlay by submission with a Sharpshooter.</p><p>

<em>The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.</em></p><p>


Here are your winners: The Steiner Brothers and Owen Hart</p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the back where Terry Funk is standing in his locker room staring into the mirror. He doesn't say a word. Terry Funk has everything to prove tonight and he may never get another chance.</p><p>

<strong>B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>**************************************************</p><p>

Non-Title Match</p><p>

AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart</p><p>


Terry Funk</p><p>


In a superb bout that had great wrestling and a sizzling crowd...</p><p> </p><p>

Terry Funk to the ring first. He's as focused as any man has ever been. The Mid-South fans hate his stinking guts. Bret Hart out next to a huge pop. </p><p> </p><p>

It starts off Technical. Holds, counter-holds, reversals and then spills to the outside... but it remains technical on the floor! More mat wrestling on the thinly padded cement floor until the count of 8 when Terry dives back into the ring...</p><p> </p><p>

LAH "He's going to win this thing by count out!"</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "That's brilliant!"</p><p> </p><p>

Of course he doesn't as Bret dives back into the ring in the nick of time but in doing so is prone on his stomach and allows Funk to stomp away on his back. Funk uses this advantage to start laying in a series of suplexs and going for repeated pinfalls. Bret is still kicking out at one however. Funk begins to methodically dissect Bret Hart, usually the Hit-Man's MO and each time Bret gains the advantage Funk hits a counter shortly afterwards and is back on top.</p><p> </p><p>

This all changes around the 13 minute mark where Funk, growing frustrated argues with the official and then turns into a sudden flury of Hart offense! Inverted atomic drop! Side Russian Leg sweep! Hart goes for the elbow off the second rope but Funk roles from the ring. Not wanting to lose his momentum Hart follows and pumples Terry with right hands! Terry retreats back into the ring and begs off... as Hart tries to gather him up for a suplex, Funk hits a jaw breaker and tells the ref he might have hurt Bret. While the ref checks on The Champ Funk begins to remove one of the turnbuckle pads...</p><p> </p><p>

LAH "Perhaps desperation is setting in for Terry Funk!"</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "Desperation... or brilliance!"</p><p> </p><p>

But this almost costs him! Hart recovers quicker than Funk had anticipated and rolls him up from behind before he can remove the protective covering! 2 count! But a long one. Funk is scrambling Hart back on offense... he hits the elbow off the second turnbuckle... <strong>And locks in the sharpshooter!</strong></p><p>


Funk taps at 16:12.</p><p>

<em>Terry Funk and Bret Hart have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. This match lifted the crowd.</em></p><p>


Here is your winner: AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart</p><p> </p><p>

Hall hits the ring! He beings to fire away on Bret Hart before he's even fully released the hold! He drives Hart back into the corner works him over... Funk to his feet he joins in, but not for long as...</p><p>


Owen Hart hits the ring! He begins with repeated right hands to Scott Hall... an exhausted Terry Funk doesn't even wait around to try his luck, he immediately spills to the outside and makes his way towards the back... Hall gets sent from the ring the hard way and Owen checks on his brother and Hall and Funk look back angrily, even as they retreat...</p><p>

<strong>B-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall Rating: B</strong></p>

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<p>Post All-Star Wrestling news from within the AWA:</p><p> </p><p>

-Verne Gagne was said to be elated with the show, loudly proclaiming part way through the main event "Now <em>that</em> is wrestling!"</p><p> </p><p>

-Gagne was not only happy with the main event. He and head booker Rick Savant have reportedly gone back and forth on what role the mexican portion of the roster should play. Savant had gained some slack procuring a semi-main event spot for Rey Misterio vs Juventud Guerrera after they put on an impressive pre-show match, but they didn't live up to expectations when the pressure was on. Many backstage felt the Lucha experiment was dead at that point, but after Rey and Torres' effort tonight, Savant maybe have his foot back in the door.</p><p> </p><p>

-As announced during the broadcast the vacant AWA Tag Team Titles will be decided at Wrestling Classic in a four way match between The Steiners, Saturn and Finlay, The Swat Team and MVC. The match will be elimination format.</p><p> </p><p>

-Additionally, after the events on ASW, the committee has announced that Dustin Rhodes will go one on one with Lance Storm in a rematch.</p><p> </p><p>

-This means the current card is:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>AWA's Wrestling Classic 1995</strong></p><p> </p><p>

AWA World Heavyweight Title Match</p><p>

Bret 'The Hitman' Hart ©</p><p>


Owen Hart</p><p> </p><p>

-=-</p><p> </p><p>

Four Way Elimination Match for the vacant AWA World Tag Team Titles</p><p>

The Samoan Swat Team</p><p>


The Steiner Brothers</p><p>


The Internationals</p><p>


The Miracle Violence Connexion</p><p> </p><p>

-=-</p><p> </p><p>

'The Silver King' Cesar Barron</p><p>


Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p> </p><p>

-=-</p><p> </p><p>

Lance Storm</p><p>


Dustin Rhodes</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>The pending contract expiry of Owen Hart is the talk of the wrestling world this week as the number one contender to the AWA World Heavyweight Title has attracted the attention of seemingly every major competitor.</p><p> </p><p>

Despite this, plans for the much anticipated Hart vs Hart match up at AWA's Wrestling Classic 1995 are going ahead, with those within the company seemingly evenly divided on the subject. Some feel placing someone whose contract status is so uncertain in a position of such prominence is definate folly, with those who see themselves as just below Owen in the pecking order reportedly doubly frustrated. Others believe that the Owen Hart vs Bret Hart match up is perfectly tailored to the AWA audience and the gains made in reputation by holding the match will outweigh any potential damage should Owen Hart ultimately choose to leave. The AWA has confirmed that they have entered into contract extention negotiations with with the soon to be free agent.</p><p> </p><p>

Reflecting the continued promotion of the WC1995 main event, the AWA has announced there will be a face to face interview with the two brothers tonight on All-Star Wrestling eminating from the Tri-State area.</p><p> </p><p>

Also Scheduled for All-Star Wrestling this week:</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>Ron Simmons and AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Bret Hart</p><p>


Scott Hall and Terry Funk</p><p> </p><p>

and</p><p> </p><p>

Number One Contender, Owen Hart</p><p>


Rey Misterio Jr.</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

In other AWA news, the AWA have entered into contract negotiations with Rob Van Dam as well looking to bring a couple new faces into the locker room.</p><p> </p><p>

-Hector Blake reporting.</p>

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<p>Live eminating from the SOLD OUT Glens Falls Civic Center in Glens Falls, NY it's...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>The AWA presents All-Star Wrestling</strong></p><p> </p><p>


Scott 'Bam Bam' Bigelow</p><p>


Scott Steiner</p><p>


As Bam Bam Bigelow steps out from behind the curtain to a shower of boos, Lord Alfred Hayes welcomes us to All-Star Wrestling! </p><p> </p><p>

Lord Alfred "It was announced last week that the top four teams as determined by the match making committee will take part in a four corners, elimination match at Wrestling Classic 1995 to determine the holders of the vacant AWA World Tag Team Titles."</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty Rhodes "That is very true, Lord Alfred and this will be the first of three matches tonight pitting members of three of those very teams against each other in mano-e-mano combat in what is sure-to-be a thrilling previous of Wrestling Classic."</p><p> </p><p>

Curt Hennig "I don't know where either of you learned to speak english but it certainly wasn't from somebody with a tongue. The forth team in that contest: The Internationals will be in tag team action honning their teamwork skills while these fools waste their time homing to imporve their singles rankings."</p><p> </p><p>

Scott Steiner out to a strong pop and they begin a match that has great heat and great wrestling action. Steiner tries to keep the match wrestling based, and has some success, but clearly not enough as Scott Bigelow defeats Scott Steiner in 8:01 by pinfall after a devastating Spinebuster.</p><p>

<em>The crowd was cold to start this week, but the colour commentary gave the match a boost.</em></p><p>

Here is your winner: Scott 'Bam Bam' Bigelow</p><p>

<strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gene Okerlund is in the ring and he invites first Owen Hart and then the AWA World's Heavyweight Champion, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart down to the ring. Mean Gene says that these two battled daily for over a decade in the dungeon, but now the world will finally get to see what happens when these two fight it out at AWA's Wrestling Classic 1995. He wants to ask each of their thoughts going into this competition.</p><p> </p><p>

Owen goes first saying that Gene's wrong. It hasn't been over a decade... it's been their entire lives. Owen has been fighting Bret Hart from the age of 4. Owen stresses that there isn't a man on the planet who knows the ins and outs of Bret Hart's repitoire better than Owen and that means there isn't a man better prepared to beat Bret for the title than his little brother: Owen Hart.</p><p> </p><p>

Bret says it's true. There is no one on the AWA roster who knows Bret, in the ring, better than Owen. But if Owen thinks Bret doesn't know every trick in Owen Hart's playbook by now then he's sorely mistaken. The Hitman reminds Owen that he's not just the Excelence of Execution but he is also the Pinnacle of Preparation. Gene Oklerlund had to keep himself from guffawing at that one. Bret, the consumate professional, pretends he didn't see that. Bret explains that he has a file on every single wrestler on the AWA roster. And even some that aren't. "And nobodies file is bigger than yours, <em>little</em> brother[/i]."</p><p> </p><p>

Bret sees something over Owen's shoulder. Owen turns and Scott Hall and Terry Funk are in the entrance way. Scott Hall is clapping slowly, sarcastically.</p><p> </p><p>

Funk has a microphone. "Well. Look at what the AWA has dedicated their precious television time to. For all the AWA's claims of being a wrestling program, in the end we have two men talking on and on about their personal life like a couple of girls." Booooo! "It's a disgrace!" Bret Hart is seething. Hall and Funk slowly are walking towards the ring. "And why is it happening. Why is it happening Bret? I'll tell you why! It's because the AWA is desperate to whip up interest in a title match against a contender couldn't even make it into the finals of the World Title Tournament!" Booo! Owen Hart is livid. He snatches the microphone from Bret:</p><p> </p><p>

Owen "You listen to me old man-"</p><p> </p><p>

Funk "NO!" He cuts Owen off. "You listen to me you little *expletive deleted*!"</p><p> </p><p>

Lord Alfred Hayes "We apologize about that to our viewers at home. I promise you Terry Funk will be hearing about this from Verne Gagne."</p><p> </p><p>

Funk "You listen to me half-Hart. You couldn't make it to the finals, much less win, a World Title Tournament that didn't even have me in it! You don't deserve what's been given to you, Owen. And you know that. You know that as god damned well as I do. It's nepatism pure and simple. For you illiterate Yankees here in New York that means he's only getting this shot because of who his brother is, pure and simple!" Booooo! Terry Funk hands the microphone to Scott Hall.</p><p> </p><p>

Hall "Hey yo." Boo! "So this is the AWA's idea of a main event?" He takes his time with the words. Rolling each one out as if he'd forgotten all about it and honestly wasn't that excited to have found it. "That's pathetic." Owen is livid. "Bret 'The Hitman' Hart." He's dropping his words carelessly on the table as if emptying his pockets of beaten up match books and reciepts. "Versus The Half-Hart. Owen Hart." He is brimming with contempt.</p><p> </p><p>

Owen "You call me half hearted again and I'll sho-"</p><p> </p><p>

Hall "Hey!" Hall enjoys the silence the stopped Owen Hart makes. "You got it all wrong. I didn't say you were half-hearted. I said you were only half Hart."</p><p> </p><p>

Owen "You-"</p><p> </p><p>

Hall "You don't even look like a Hart."</p><p> </p><p>

Owen "You'd better watc-"</p><p> </p><p>

Hall "And with how your mother got along with the boys, I'd sa-" <strong>BAMMO!</strong> Owen clocks Hall!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sucker punch</strong> from behind by Funk! Owen goes down! Bret tackles Funk and they spill to the outside. Gene's out of there! Hall up first he begins to lay in the boots to Owen Hart Bret Hart is putting rights and lefts into Terry Funk... he goes to whip him into the barricade... <strong>reversed!</strong> Funk chagnes the trajectory... Bret goes <strong>head first</strong> into the steel ring post! Owen has turned the tide on Hall and has him in the corner eating right hands... Terry looks down at Bret. Licks his lips. then looks up at Owen.</p><p> </p><p>

Owen up on the second turnbuckle, raining punches down on Hall... <strong>Terry Funk from behind!</strong> A forearm in Owen's back sends him over the top rope all the way to the thinly padded cement floor!</p><p> </p><p>

LAH "That's the second time in a matter of minutes that Terry Funk jumped Owen Hart from behind!"</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "What about Owen jumping Scott Hall! that was completely unprofessional. He'll be hearing about that from the AWA. I hope they strip him of his title shot."</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty "How can you even say that with your mouth and tongue and lips and mind? It is simply not the way things happened in actuation!"</p><p> </p><p>

Funk freshens up Hall and now both men are to the outside kicking away at owen Hart. Funk tells Hall to do something... Hall threads Owen's hand through the metal baricades bars.</p><p> </p><p>

LAH "Oh no. We've seen this before. This is what Terry Funk did to that poor young man The Mirror!"</p><p> </p><p>

Owen's hand is sticking out from between the metal bars, exposed. Funk backs up... he charges...</p><p>



<strong>and kicks Owen's wrist with all his might!</strong> Owen screams in pain.</p><p> </p><p>

Dusty "My dear good God him very self!"</p><p> </p><p>

LAh "Owen Hart's wrist might be broken..."</p><p> </p><p>

The announcers discuss the situation gravely as officials tend to Owen. Hall and Funk make their way to the back.</p><p> </p><p>

We make our way to commercial.</p><p> </p><p>

<em>Scott Hall was very underwhelming. Gene Okerlund underperformed.</em></p><p>

<strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We return in time for...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>***********************************</p><p>

The Internationals w/ Jim Cornette</p><p>


Herctor Guerrero and D-Lo Brown</p><p>


The announcers talk abotu how they hope Owen is alright and how they'll update us on Owen's condition the moment they know anything as The Internationals defeat Hector Guerrero and D-Lo Brown in an extremely short match. The finish comes at 4:05 when D. John Finlay defeated Hector Guerrero by submission with a cloverleaf Leglock variation.</p><p>

<em>The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Perry Saturn looked good out there. This match brought the crowd's mood down.</em></p><p>

Here is your winners: The Internationals</p><p>

<strong>E+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Gene Okerlund is backstage with Verne Gagne who talks about the events which happened earlier tonight. He says that the disciplinary committee will review the tape, but from where he stood it was owen Hart who threw the first punch so any serious punishments were unlikely to be levied. When asked about Owen's status and whether or not he'd compete for the World Title at Wrestling Classic, Verne seemed uncertain. Owen Hart appears, insisting he's ok. He's holding his wrist and Verne seems unconvinced. Verne tells him he'll need doctor's clearance before he's allowed in that ring tonight and they'll just have to find a new opponent for Rey Misterio Jr. Hart tells him he'll get medical clearance, and he'll get it tonight!</p><p>

<strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*************************</p><p>

Rob Van Dam</p><p>


Yoshihiro Asai w/ Jim Cornette</p><p>


In an extremely short match, Yoshihiro Asai upset Rob Van Dam in 5:04 by pinfall.</p><p> </p><p>

LAH "The first victory here in the AWA by the international superstar Yoshihiro Asai... and Jim Cornette must be very pleased."</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.</em></p><p>

Here is your winner: Yoshihiro Asai</p><p>

<strong>D+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We take our second commercial break and upon our return it's...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>****************</p><p>

Solafa Fatu Lua</p><p>


Rick Steiner</p><p>


LAH "Rick's brother Scott wasn't successful earlier in the night agianst the monsterous Scott Bigelow. So Rick will look to pick up some momentum here tonight against the savage samoan Solafa!"</p><p> </p><p>

He doesn't. In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Solafa Fatu Lua defeated Rick Steiner in 7:47 by pinfall after a savat kick.</p><p>

<em>The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.</em></p><p>

Here is your winner: Solafa Fatu Lua</p><p>

<strong>C</strong></p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the abck where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with Terry Funk and Scott Hall. He asks them how they could possibly do such a thing to Owen Hart so close to his first title opertunity.</p><p> </p><p>

Scott Hall says "Hey." Boooo..." "Hey swung at me." as if explaining it to a two year old. Hall goes on to say that if you shouldn't pick fights you can't win. And that's what owen did tonight. And that's what Bret Hart and Ron Simmons have done tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

Terry Funk bemoans that Bret Hart will never forgive him for losing his temper. He knows that now. And it seems as though Bret Hart will never respect Terry Funk and the Funker fears that may be true too. But why should Terry Funk respect Bret Hart? What kind of a man is Bret Hart? What kind of a champion? The kind that gives his own brother-"</p><p> </p><p>

"Half brother" Hall corrects.</p><p> </p><p>

Funk sneers. "Gives his own blood title shots instead of worthy... real competitors." Terry Funk shakes his head. "I don't need respect from a man like that."</p><p> </p><p>

Mean Gene can't believe what he's hearing and he sends us back to the ring.</p><p>

<em>The performance of Terry Funk was good.</em></p><p>

<strong>B-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Jim Cornette steps from behind the curtain with 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron. He complains about Rey Misterio Jr has been given a match with the number one contender tonight... while Cesar Barron is stuck fighting a man who Dustin Rhodes himself, of the famous Rhodes family described as 'talentless crap'!" Boooo! Cornette and Barron make their way to the ring. "Yes! I agree! Boo, AWA! For shame! And now that coward Owen Hart is probably going to give Rey Misterio the victory by forfeit! This is travesty! I demand better respect for my client! This isn't the only show in town, I might remind you, I'm a saught after man! I represent wrestlers in more than one wrestling league and if I don't start seeing reasonable treatement for my client... We'll walk." The fans are pretty happy at that idea.</p><p>

<strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****************************************</p><p>

'The Silver King' Cesar Barron w/ Jim Cornette</p><p> </p><p>


Lance Storm</p><p>


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Lance Storm defeated Cesar Barron in 8:24 by pinfall with a surprise roll up. Jim Cornette and Cesar Barron are irate! Lance Storm is backing up the aisle, celebrating.</p><p>

<em>The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.</em></p><p>

Here is your winner: Lance Storm</p><p>

<strong>C+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>From behind it's Dustin Rhodes!</strong> Rhodes knocks Lance to the ground with a forearm to the back. He picks up Lance and throws him into the ring apron and works him over with fists. Cornette and Barron laugh at Storm as they head to the back. Dusty can't handle his son's actions as Dustin assaults Storm. Dusty gets on the mic and begs his son to stop. He delivers a moving speach about how he loves his son, and how he wants the best for his son, and how this... this is not the best for his son. He begs Dustin to stop. Dustin looks Dusty in the eyes...</p><p>



<strong>Final Cut to Storm on the cement floor!</strong> Dustin walks to the back eyeing down his father who tends to Storm with medics from the back.</p><p>

<em>Dusty Rhodes came across well.</em></p><p>

<strong>B-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

When we return from commercial Gene Okerlund is backstage with Verne Gagne who says he has seen no medical clearance from Owen Hart at this time so he will be forced to award the victory to Rey Misterio Jr here toni-Owen lunges on screen and shoves a piece of paper into the hands of Verne. Verne frowns at the paper. "Are you sure this is legitimate?" he asks, unconvinced. "Of course that's legitimate. It's just a bit rushed because we had so little time. I'm good to go, see I've got a protective wrist guard on! I didn't get this from a sky diver! I got it from a doctor! "O....k...." Verne acquiesces. Your match is on. Owen delivers a "Wooo!" before disappearing to leave Verne to inspect the piece of paper sceptically.</p><p>

<strong>C</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>**********************</p><p>

'Bam Bam' Terry Gordy</p><p>


Samula Anoa'i</p><p>


LAH "Both these team's representatives were successful earlier today at the expense of the Steiner Brothers. Who will take the most amount of momentum away tonight leading into Wrestling classic 1995?"</p><p>

In a match that had some good action and average heat, it would be Terry Gordy of the Miracle Violence Connexion defeating Samula Anoa'i in 6:53 by pinfall after a vicious clothesline.</p><p>

<em>Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. </em></p><p>

Here is your winner: 'Bam Bam' Terry Gordy</p><p>

<strong>C-</strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>*****************</p><p>

Semi-Main Event</p><p>

Owen Hart</p><p>


Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p>


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Owen Hart was clearly not a 100%. It took only a few minutes of action for him to start visably favouring his injured left wrist. Seeing this Rey took advantage with a well placed dropkick to the wrist at 6 minutes and Owen never really got his offense going again. Despite this the match goes for 15:05 before Rey is able to hit a hurracanrana and upset the number one contender.</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "Oh. He is hurt. This isn't good."</p><p> </p><p>

<em>The colour commentary gave the match a boost.</em></p><p>

Here is your winner: Rey Misterio Jr.</p><p>

<strong>B-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

We cut to the back as Bret Hart watches the monitor as Owen is helped to the back.</p><p> </p><p>

LAH "What is going through the mind of the World's Heavyweight Champion. As he watches the number one contender for the World's Heavyweight Title and his own brother helped to the back."</p><p> </p><p>

Hennig "I heard half brother."</p><p> </p><p>

LAH "That's disgusting."</p><p>

<strong>B+</strong></p><p> </p><p>

And now it's time for your our Main Event of the evening...</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>**************************************************</p><p>

Main Event</p><p>

Ron Simmons and AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart</p><p>


Scott Hall and Terry Funk</p><p>


In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Bret Hart seemed visibly distracted. Often looking to the back where he brother was seeking medical attention. More than once Ron Simmons had to bark at him to focus on the match. Funk and Hall for their part were like clock work. Even so it was clearly difficult at times to control the power of Simmons and the skill of Hart. But eventually Funk was able to take advantage of one of those lapses of focus and at 16:06 he slapped on a quick cradle on a tired Ron Simmons getting a three count before Bret Hart realized what was happening in the ring. We end our show as Hall and Funk celebrate their way to the back amidst boos and Bret Hart attempts to apologize to P-Oed Ron Simmons.</p><p>

<em>Terry Funk was really off his game tonight. This match lifted the crowd.</em></p><p>

Here are your winners: Terry Funk and Scott Hall</p><p>

<strong>B-</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Overall B-</strong></p>

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I like how the Bret/Owen vs. Hall/Funk and Dusty/Dustin Rhodes feuds are playing out. Having never really seen much with Funk before, I did not know what to expect from him and whether or not this is close to stuff he has done before... but interesting go at him nonetheless.
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Some news and notes from last week's AWA All-Star Wrestling:


-There was a bit of a spectacle early in the day when AWA owner Verne Gagne got into a heated exchange with a fan. Verne apparently took exception to his show being called 'boring' and that it belonged in a 'museum' and tore a strip off the young man who made the comments. Apparently the verbal assault went on for some time.


For his part Rick Savant was said to be furious about it and tore a strip off his boss, reading him the riot act. Rick's main complaint was that Verne was supposed to be the babyface management representative of the company. If he had been a heel it would have been welcomed, but as it is now Rick is concerned less and less people will support Verne as he makes his various on screen decisions in the coming months.


Gagne was said to be irritated with Savant's rant and the two continue to co-exist in the most tumultuous of working relationships.


-It is still unclear what plans are for Owen Hart going forward, but with the injury angle we saw last week it seems reasonable to guess he's being written out of the main event for Wrestling Classic 1995.


If the Hart v Hart matching us removed from the card there are only three matchups announced for the Pay Per View.


-In a press release put out by the AWA this morning it has been revealed that the AWA have signed a short term contract with Bruce Hart. Sources say this was done as a favour to Bret and Owen.


Hector Blake reporting.

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Live, in front of a sold out crowd of 5000 screaming fans, from the Odeum Expo Center in Villa Park, Illinois it's...


The AWA presents All-Star Wrestling


We open to Verne Gagne at a podium in front of members fo the wrestling press. To his right sits Owen Hart, his left wrist and hand, visibly in a black, hard plastic brace. To Verne's left is Terry Funk in his trademark poncho and cowboy had. Hands folded in front of him.


Gagne "Ladies and gentlemen of the wrestling press I have two announcements to make briefly before we begin tonight's wrestling showcase. The first is that our match making committee has finalized a match for this Saturday's Wrestling Classic. There will be a one on one number one contender's match pitting Ron Simmons against Scott Hall. With the winner challenging whomever the AWA World Heavyweight Champion may be at next month's pay per view event entitled Proving Ground.


"But our big announcement is that despite grave concerns we have both for the well fare off the Number One Contender for the AWA Heavyweight Championship: Owen Hart, and our concerns that he will be unable to deliver a quality bout that our wrestling fan's deserve, he has provided us with the further proof that we requested that he has medically been cleared to wrestle and he remains the Number One Contender for the World Title."


Owen Hart beams.


Verne continues "However, given the uncertainty surrounding Owen's health the match making committee has take the following steps to ensure a quality pay per view experience. The first is that Owen Hart will compete in a match tonight against Rey Misterio Jr, by whom he was defeated last week. If he loses that match he will no longer be the number one contender."


Owen's face hardens.


Verne "Further more he will again need to provide medical clearance to wrestle by noon on the day of Wrestling Classic 1995. If he is unable or if he were to lose to Rey Misterio tonight the match making committee has named Terry Funk as his replacement."


Terry Funk beams a wide eyed smile.


Verne "But let me be very clear. If anything was to happen to Owen Hart that in any way could, even tangentially, be connected to Mr Funk then he will not only be removed from the match up and replaced with the winner of the Scott Hall/Ron Simmons match earlier in the night, but he will also be fired from the AWA."


Terry Funk is appalled such mistrust would be spoken aloud.


Verne "And on a personal note." He turns to Terry Funk. "I don't agree with this decision." Funk is non-nonplussed. "Quite frankly, I don't think you deserve this title shot. I don't think you've proved you deserve it. And I don't think you've carried yourself like a champion out of the ring. If you were to win the AWA Title... and I don't care about what you've done in the past: NWA World Champion pedigree, all that. I don’t' care. If you were to be the AWA World Champion it would be a disgrace."


Terry Funk stands up.


There is an uneasy moment where the only sound is that of the murmurs of the press in the room. It seems all but certain Terry Funk will strike. But instead he turns and walks out of the press conference without saying a word.


Verne introduces Owen Hart and asks him to say a few words.


Owen gets on the mic and is all smiles. He assures the crows he's feeling 100% and is thankful for the opportunity. He promises he will become AWA World Champion.


Verne cuts him off and advises him that his match with Misterio is next.


Owen sets his jaw and leaves the conference by the opposite door as Funk.

We're starting with a cold crowd tonight.



We cut to commercials. When we return it's...



Rey Misterio


Owen Hart

If Owen Hart loses he is no longer #1 Contender


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Owen Hart and Rey Misterio battled back and forth with a very focused Owen Hart retaking the advantage every time he lost it. Eventually Rey takes him over the top rope to the floor with a head scissors and both are slow to their feet. Once up Owen ducks a spinning heel kick and swings wildly with his protective brace catching Rey Misterio in the temple as he was getting back to his feet. Misterio was knocked out cold. The move hurt Owen considerably but once he regained his barings he realized what he had done. He attempted to revive Misterio unaware the official was reaching his ten count. Owen Hart drew with Rey Misterio Jr. in 10:04 following a double count out. Owen ducked back into the ring and pleaded with the official, but he decision stands. Owen looks distraught.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The crowd was cold.

This match has been declared a draw.




The Internationals


Chris Kanyon and The White Ninja


In an extremely short match, The Internationals defeated Chris Kanyon and The White Ninja in 4:51 when D. John Finlay defeated The White Ninja by submission.


LAH "The Internationals looked good tonight, and they may very well be our Tag Team Champions come Saturnday!"


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. The crowd was hot after Owen/Misterio.

Here are your winners: The Internationals



We cut to the back where Verne Gagne is filing paperwork. Because paperwork = ratings. Owen rushes in and asks if he's in the match at Wrestling Classic. He cuts Verne off before he can answer reminding Verne that he was told 'if he loses' to Misterio he was out... and he didn't lose! Verne looks sad and tired. He goes to respond but Owen interrupts him again. He asks Verne if he really wants Terry Funk in the main event of Wrestling Classic. If Verne really wants Terry Funk to be champion. Owen reminds Verne that he did not lose to Rey Misterio and asks again... is he in?


Verne thinks...



"Ok." Verne looks serious. "But you had better put on one hell of a show this Saturday. Or it's my ass."



That's a good time for a commercial. And we're back in time for...



Lance Storm


Yoshihiro Asai



LAH "Verne Gagne put out a memo to all AWA officials and staff that Lance Storm and Dustin Rhodes were not to make any physical contact with one another tonight. Concerned at the mental state of your son, Dusty, they have said that if either man strikes his opponent on saturday that they will forfeit that contest."


Dusty "You know... I think that this decision is a decision that has been made for the best. Dustin needs some time without all this hoopla mucking up his head."


Hennig "I heard that Lance Storm asked the AWA to make that decree because he was afraid of what Dustin Rhodes will do to him if he gets his hands on his scrawny Canadian neck."


LAH "That is utterly untrue, and you know that."


Dusty "Why do you always have to be so inflaminantiory?"


Hennig "You should be worried about that too, tubs."


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Lance Storm defeated Yoshihiro Asai in 7:41 by pinfall after a sunset flip.

Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Lance Storm



Storm celebrates after his win and the announcer begins the next match... Lance bumps into the first competitor in the aisle as he walks to the locker room. Dustin Rhodes. Dustin and Lance stare at one another from a distance. Then Lance slowly begins to move again. Dustin stays in place staring at Lance the whole time. Lance side steps past Dustin keeping their eyes locked. He passes without incident and begins to back his way down the aisle as Dustin stares over his shoulder back at him. Finally Lance is convinced of his safety and turns to walk to the back...



Dustin turns...



Breathes deep and continues to the ring.


Hennig "What is Dustin Rhodes going to do to the man that stuck his nose in his family business at Wrestling Classic!?"


Dusty "I do not know... but I am deeply concerned."




Dustin Rhodes


Brian Lawler


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Dustin Rhodes defeated Brian Lawler in 7:38 by pinfall with a neckbreaker.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Dustin Rhodes



We cut to the back where Scott Bigelow and Terry Gordy are standing with Mean Gene and...


Man "My name is Stephen Richards." Murmers from the crowd... no real heat... yet. "My name is Stephen Richards and I am the greatest sports agent who has ever graced professional wrestling. And do you know what makes me the best? Intuition. I can see what other people can't see. And when I looked over the AWA roster after being granted my managerial license it was plain that there were two men who were head and shoulders above the rest of the roster... and only in need of a little direction. And someone to go for bat for them with the match making committee. They needed Stephen Richards. And those men were these men! Those men were "Bam Bam" Terry Gordy and Scott "Bam Bam" Bigelow. Those men were the Miracle Violence Connexion... and if they are on your TV set... I suggest you don't change the channel." And he smirks, that son of a bitch.

Stephen Richards has now switched to a The Brain gimmick.



Commercial time! We return for...



Los Trapacistas


Rob Van Dam and Chavo Guerrero II


In an extremely short match, Los Trapacistas defeated Rob Van Dam and Chavo Guerrero II in 4:57 when Juventud Guerrera defeated Rob Van Dam by pinfall with a Juvi Driver.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winners: Los Trapacistas



Bret Hart and Ron Simmons are backstage with Mean Gene Okerlund. Oklerund asks if Bret thinks they'll have better luck tonight against the Miracle Violence Connexion than they did against Scott Hall and Terry Funk.


Hart says he knows they will. Last week he was distracted but this week will be smooth sailing for the excellence of execution and Ron Simm-"


Simmons interupts. "I'm glad you're so damned confident."


"Yeah. I am confident. Aren't you?"


"I'm confident in myself. I'm confident in my game. I don't know how I feel about the AWA World Heavyweight Champion after last week though."


"I admit it, I was off my game. Owen was hurt and I shoudl have been there to break up the pinfall."


"There shouldn't have even been a pinfall for you to should have broken up! The reason we were even in that situation was because I was wrestling those to hyenas by myself!"


"Look: I'm here tonight. 100%."


"You look:" Ron gets right up in Bret's face. "You had better be."


Bret Hart looked good. This segment lifted the crowd.




The Samoan Swat Team


Kid Kash and Jinsei Shinzaki


In an extremely short match, The Samoan Swat Team defeated Kid Kash and Jinsei Shinzaki in 3:42 when Samula Anoa'i defeated Kid Kash by pinfall with a Double diving headbutt. Shinzaki looked good but Kash was totally outmatched.


LAH "An impressive display here tonight by a team that very well could be our Tag Team Champions come saturday."


Jinsei Shinzaki was really off his game tonight. Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are your winners: The Samoan Swat Team



Jim Cornette steps out with Cesar Barron! Cornette says that he's worked in a quite a few different wrestling leagues in his time. He works in a few now. And the AWA has to be the lowest class league which attracts the lowest class fans that he's ever seen. The AWA gives Rey Misterio Jr. a second match up with the number one contender for the AWA World's Heavyweight Title while Cesar Barron has to fight... Tommy Dreamer???" Pop. "That's hideous. This man is a king, damn it! But all this disrespect will end at Wrestling Classic 1995 when 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron pins Rey Misterio 1-2-3!" Boooo. "Oh and Mr Dreamer, here I've brought this hand sanitizer. If you wouldn’t mind, before you wrestle The Silver King could you rub that on your hands? Yeah, you're arms too... actually just everywhere, if you don't mind. You wouldn't want him to catch whatever parasites are crawling all over you would you?"


Dream smacks the sanitizer out of Cornette's hand and he bails! This one is on!




'The Silver King' Cesar Barron


Tommy Dreamer


Cesar also bails to the outside and it takes some time to get him into the ring. After a sufficient amoutn of stalling we see a match that had some good action and average heat, Cesar Barron defeated Tommy Dreamer in 7:47 by pinfall with a Silver Kick.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron



We cut to the back Bret Hart is taping up his wrists!


Hennig "You have to wonder where his head is at after his tag team partner tonight called out him on national television!"



Commercial! and back.



Semi-Main Event

AWA World Heavyweight Champion, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Ron Simmons


The Miracle Violence Connexion w/ Stephen Richards



Hennig "I'm interested to see what Richard's brings to the table tonight. I heard he was instrumental in getting the MVC into that tag title match at Wrestling Classic."


LAH "Well I don't know how wise it is to put them into a match of such great importance just days before they're title match... but I'm not a sports agent so I guess I don't know."


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, all four men battled hard as Richards repeatedly attempted to distract Bret to no avail. Nothing could tear Bret's attention away this time and Bret Hart and Ron Simmons defeated Miracle Violence Connection in 13:13 when Ron Simmons defeated Terry Gordy by pinfall with a Dominator.

Ron Simmons was really off his game tonight. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Bret Hart looked good out there.

Here are your winners: AWA World's Heavyweight Champion, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart and Ron Simmons



We cut to the back where Scott Hall seems at ease making jokes as he walks along beside Terry Funk who is as focused as laser ray.




Main Event

Terry Funk and Scott Hall


The Steiner Brothers


LAH "Funk and Hall have really been a devastating combination over the past few weeks, but The Steiner Brothers could very well be the tag team champions come Wrestling Classic!"


In a bout that had great heat and great wrestling action, Funk and Hall battled the Steiners in a straight down the middle wrestling match. Frequent tags form the Steiners through most of the match kept them in charge for the better part but nothing could curtain the will of Terry Funk on this night. Eventually Funk and Hall defeated The Steiner Brothers in 16:18 when Terry Funk hit a pile driver on Rick Steiner leading to a pinfall.

This match lifted the crowd

Here are you winners: Terry Funk and Scott Hall



Overall Rating B-

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The Wrestling World Analyst.


Backstage news and notes from AWA's All-Star Wrestling:


Bruce Hart in his first day on the job managed to back into D. John Finlay's car and when he refused to pay for it an argument ensued. Finlay is said to be a favourite of Rick Savant's back stage and the AWA fined Bruce to pay for the car. Not wanting to make a worse impression, and convinced by brothers Bret and Owen, Bruce Hart agreed to pay for the damages.


Bruce Hart was not used on the show.


In other news the backstage atmosphere is said to be upbeat about this weekend's Wrestling Classic event despite the lack of pre announced matches and the uncertainty surrounding the main event.


As it stands right now the card for AWA's Wrestling Classic 1995 is:


If Owen Hart can present proof that his is medically cleared to wrestle:


AWA World's Heavyweight Title Match

Bret 'The Hitman' Hart ©


Owen Hart


If Owen Hart is unable to present proof that he is medically cleared to wrestle:


AWA World's Heavyweight Title Match

Bret 'The Hitman' Hart ©


Terry Funk




Number One Contender's Match

Scott Hall


Ron Simmons




Four Way Elimination Match for the vacant AWA World Tag Team Titles

The Samoan Swat Team


The Steiner Brothers


The Internationals


The Miracle Violence Connexion




'The Silver King' Cesar Barron


Rey Misterio Jr.




Lance Storm


Dustin Rhodes


-Hector Blake reporting.

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Coming to you live on Pay Per View, in front of 17,192 screaming fans in the Fargodome, here in Fargo, North Dakota it's...



AWA's Wrestling Classic 1995



Rey Misterio Jr.


'The Silver King' Cesar Barron w/ Jim Cornette


'The Silver King' steps from behind the curtain to booooos with Jim Cornette in tow as Lord Alfred Hayes welcomes us to AWA's Wrestling Classic 1995!


LAH "And joining me at the broadcast position, as always, is the inscrutable Dusty Rhodes."


Dusty "This wrestling event-a-polooza is a magnificent feast! It is so delectcable I could just eat it all with my mouth and my eyes."


Hennig "Well just don't eat me."


LAH "And our broadcast collegue Curt Hennig."


Hennig "And what a night it's going to be Hayes as we're going to have a new AWA World Champion tonight, I can feel it."


LAH "You have a lot of confidence in Owen Hart here tonight I see!"


Hennig "None at all. No, I've got it from a reliable source that there is no way Owen Hart will be able to wrestle here tonight. It will be Terry Funk taking the title from Bret Hart here tonight. But what are we doing? Talking about mere men when there is a King in the ring!"


Cesar Barron basks in the center of the ring, his mask twinkling silver in the lights. Cornette berates the fans as Rey's music starts and we're underway!


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Cesar Barron in 15:03 by pinfall with a backslide. Cornette and Barron are furious!


Misterio slips from the ring just out of the grabs of a reaching Cesar Barron and the fans cheer him to the back while Cornette pitches a fit.

Jim Cornette did some good work at ringside. Cesar Barron and Jim Cornette are a good pairing, they play off each other well. Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. This match lifted the crowd.

Here is your winner: Rey Misterio Jr.



We cut to the back where Verne Gagne sits at a desk prepared to address the Pay Per View and arena audiences.


You can almost see a smile on his face.


Verne "I am pleased to announce that at 11:49 am today, Owen Hart presented legitimate paperwork declaring he was fit to compete tonight and has bee medically cleared to wrestle. Our main event tonight will be, as adverstised... Owen Hart challenging the AWA World's Heavyweight Champion... and his brother, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart.

This segment did not appeal to a crowd that wanted wrestling.




The White Ninja


Jinsei Shinzaki


LAH "Next we have two foreign competitors who have had a bit of a hard time gaining traction here in the AWA. This is a big match for both of them."


Dusty "Absolutely Lord Alfred. Nobody expects someone to show up in the AWA and start winning right away. This is the best wrestling competition in the world it's self. But these are must win matches: When you face another wrestler who is in the begining stages of his AWA career... it is in these matches that you take the next step towards that shining lightning bolt of stardom."


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Jinsei Shinzaki defeated The White Ninja in 9:53 by pinfall with a savat kick.

The match was too long given who was involved. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Jinsei Shinzaki




Glenn Inferno


Brian Lawler


LAH "A similar situation here with the flamboyant Glenn Inferno and second generation star Brian Lawler."


Hennig "Well wel just saw Jinsei Shinzaki reach up and take that brass ring. You know that everyone in that locker room is looking at him differently after that victory. Which of these two men can elivate their game tonight?"


Dusty "It is at Wrestling Classic where wrestlers make their name-sake!"


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Glenn Inferno defeated Brian Lawler in 11:52 by pinfall with The Last Dance.

Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Glenn Inferno




Number One Contender's Match

Ron Simmons


Scott Hall


LAH "Both these men feel they deserve this oppertunity, and here is there chance to prove it."


Hennig "But only one of them truly does. Scott Hall went all the way to the finals of the AWA World's Heavyweight Title Tournament and never got a rematch. That's a travesty, he shouldn't have to fight anyone to be next in line!"


Dusty "And Ron Simmons has been very frustrated with Bret Hart after a couple of Tag Team matches where they have really failed to compliment one another as partners..."


In a bout that featured great hard hitting action and a cold crowd who were, over the course of the match, brought back to being a good one, Scott Hall defeated Ron Simmons in 15:35 by pinfall with a Razor's Edge. Simmons was on offense for the better half of the match with a hard hitting power game, but Hall's hit and run tactics eventually got him an edge where he was then able to apply his own power game which culminated in his victory.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner and Number One Contender for the AWA World's Heavyweight Title: Scott Hall




Chris Kanyon


Yoshihiro Asai w/ Jim Cornette


LAH "And two more newcomers to the AWA, looking to move up the ladder."


Hennig "This one is a foregone conculsion if you ask me. With the leadership of Jim Cornette, the international superstar Yoshihiro Asai cannot fail."


LAH "Tell that to Cesar Barron."


In a bout that had solid in-ring action that killed a hot crowd, leaving it non-existent in terms of heat, Yoshihiro Asai defeated Chris Kanyon in 10:19 by pinfall with a Running Dragon Bomb.

The match was too long given who was involved. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Yoshihiro Asai stood out as being good.

Here is your winner: Yoshihiro Asai



We cut to the back where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with Terry Funk.


MGO "So we've heard the official word. It will be Owen Hart and Bret Hart going one on one for the AWA World Title. That kind of leaves you in the lurch, doesn't Terry Funk?"


Terry Funk stares off at nothing.


MGO "Terry Funk? Your comments."


Funk "Well, you know, Gene... I'm pretty used to being shunted aside. The NWA shunted me aside after two world title reigns. The entire nation of Japan shunted me after I bled for them. Blew out my knees for them. After all I've given the wrestling world, young men like Bret Hart show no respect for old Terry Funk. They just shunt me aside. And the AWA shunts me aside as well. But everyone who saw me go one on one with Bret Hart on All-Star Wrestling knows: I can go toe to toe with the AWA World's Heavyweight Champion. And I know... and Verne Gagne knows, that I can beat him.


"You see Mean Gene I don't mind being shunted aside by the AWA because I have never suceeded with the blessing of any wrestling club. I do things my way. My family's way. The Funk way. And the Funk way is not easy."


Gene "There you have it. Lord Alfred, back to you."


This segment did not appeal to a crowd that wanted wrestling. The crowd was dead cold.[//i]




Dustin Rhodes


Lance Storm


LAH "And next is a grudge match. Lance Storm got into this mess by sticking up for you Dusty Rhodes, and now your son Dustin is out to make him pay."


Dusty "You know, Verne Gagne, in his infimighty wisdom decreed that these two not touch one another this past All-Star Wrestling and I am oh-so-hoping that this period of non-conflict has cooled Dustin's head and he can focus on simply competing in a wrestling match here tonight."


Hennig "You mean you hope he loses and stays firmly in your enormous shadow."


Dusty "I mean no such thing!"


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Dustin Rhodes defeated Lance Storm in 14:41 by pinfall with a hard, hard punch to the head. It was a difinite contrast in styles as Lance attempted time and time again to bring it back to a mat based technical game. When he was able to do so he was successful, but more often than not it was Dustin Rhodes with a methodical brawling style that was in control. Rhodes would take long moments to stare down his father at ringside, which almost cost him near the end, but he was too good for Storm to ultimately defeat and eventually the younger competitor took one too many blows to the head and was pinned.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match lifted the crowd.

Here is your winner: Dustin Rhodes



A slickly produced highlight package is shown show-casing the four teams who will be competing for the AWA Tag Team Titles: The Miracle Violence Connexion: Terry Gordy and Scott Bigelow, The Internationals: D. John Finlay and Perry Saturn, The Samoan Swat Team: Samula Anoa'i and Solafa Fatu Lua and Rick and Scott: The Steiner Brothers.

This segment didn't go down with a crowd who came primarily to see in-ring action.




Four Corners Elimination Match for the vacant AWA Tag Team Titles

The Miracle Violence Connexion


The Internationals w/ Jim Cornette


The Steiner Brothers


The Samoan Swat Team


LAH "Let's go over the rules of this bout for those who are not familiar."


1. Only two men are legal in the match at one time.


2. At any time you may tag any illegal man, except the partner of the other legal competitor, to make them legal in the match. At that time you are to return to your corner as an illegal man until tagged. One must make significant contact with one's legal opponent before tagging out, as to be determined by the referee.


3. A team is eliminated when one of their men are counted out, submit or are pinned while legal. Or if either member of their team is disqualified while either legal or illegal.


LAH "So no two team member will ever need to fight against one another. And it is generally in the best interest of each team to tag out, as you cannot be eliminated, except by disqualification, while tagged out."


In a match that had some good action and average heat, all four teams battle for ten minutes going back and forth before the first elimination.


After some hard shots by Solafa Fatu, D. John Finlay finds himself on the recieving end of a Samoan Drop by Bam Bam Bigelow who quickly tags out to Rick Steiner. D John get's to his feet and walks straight into a belly-to-belly and a pinfall by Rick Steiner.

Eliminated: The Internationals


Hennig "Not a good night for the Cornette Contingent! Yoshihiro Asai was the only one to walk out of Wrestling Classic with a victory!"


From there the Samoan Swat Team, perhaps having less of a grasp of the rules than the other teams only tagged between one another, while the Steiners and MVC tagged frequently back and forth between one another. At about the fifteen minute mark The Samoans had been significantly worn down in comparison to their opponents and when Samula went for a diving headbutt off the top rope, he instead found himself on the recieving end of a Frankensteiner by Scott Steiner and pinned.

Eliminated: The Samoan Swat Team


The final elimination came at 20:06; With the match whittled down to the final two teams the larger miracle Violence Connexion looked a little worse for wear. With Stephen Richards eating a hard right hand from Rick Steiner, Terry Gordy looked to take advantage with a roll up but Steiner rolled through! Scott Bigelow, not knowing the move had been reversed, busied himself trying to keep Scott Steiner from the ring as the other Steiner Brother feined concern. The ruse worked and Rick got the three count!

The Steiner Brothers win the AWA World Tag Team Championship titles. Stephen Richards did some good work at ringside. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match lifted the crowd.

Here are your winners and new AWA World Tag Team Champions: The Steiner Brothers




Los Trapacistas


Rob van Dam and Chavo Guerrero II


In a match that had some good action but despite the crowd being hot to start, ended up with not much in the way of heat, Los Trapacistas defeated Rob Van Dam and Chavo Guerrero II in 13:30 when Juventud Guerrera defeated Rob Van Dam by pinfall with a Juvi Driver.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are your winners: Los Trapacistas




A video plays recapping the journy to our World Title Match tonight:


Terry Funk being banned from competing in the World Title Tournament.


Owen Hart loses to Scott Hall in the semi finals of the World Title Tournament.


Bret Hart defeats Scott Hall in a marathon 45 minute long match to become World Champion.


Verne Gagne's press conference naming Owen Hart the number one contender.


Terry Funk and Bret Hart non-title, Hart wins in a four and a half star match.


Bret and Owen face to face... interupted by Hall and Funk!


Funk and Hall attack... wedge Owen's wrist in the guard rail and kick!


Owen insisting he's medically ok to wrestle.


Rey Misterio Jr upsetting Owen Hart, who is clearly injured.


Verne's press conference naming Owen as number one contender so long as he is medically cleared and can avoid losing to Rey Misterio. If not, it's Terry Funk. Verne has harsh words for Terry Funk. Funk walks out.


Owen knocks out Rey with his hard plastic brace. Double count out.


Owen asking Verne if he really wants Terry Funk to be world champion. Verne doesn't. He says Owen Hart is still the number one contender.


This segment did not appeal to a crowd that wanted wrestling.



We cut to the back as Bret Hart is taping up his wrists...


The World Title Match is next!

This segment did not appeal to a crowd that wanted wrestling.




Main Event

AWA World's Heavyweight Title Match

Bret 'The Hitman' Hart ©


Owen Hart


LAH "This is it! It's been a long hard road for Owen Hart but he finally gets his World Title Match tonight!"


Hennig "He doesn't deserve it! And he has no business being in that wrestling ring in his condition!"


LAH "He's been medically cleared to wrestle!"


Hennig "He's been paying off doctors this whole time.


You saw that first match against Misterio. He was medically cleared to wrestle for that one too and he lost to a man half his size because he was too badly injured!"


Dusty "You sound like that paranoid Terry Funk! Listen to you conspiratorizin!"


LAH "That's what competitors with heart do, Curt. They work through injuries. That's how the great win championships."


Hennig "If he was smart he'd wait until he was 100% and then go for the title. It should be Terry Funk in this match, not him."


Owen Hart makes his way to the ring to a mostly positive reaction. Somewhat muted compared to what it had been a few weeks ago.


Next it is his opponent and AWA Champion, 'The Hitman', Bret Hart. Huge ovation.


In a bout that featured great action and a hot crowd that as the match progressed lost their enthusiasm becoming merely a good crowd, Bret and Owen Hart start by locking up and exchanging a few counters.


LAH "This is what I expect from two brothers. A counter to every move and to every counter a recounter."


Hennig "We'll see how long this lasts... This is for the World Title. And don't forget that weapon on the wrist of Owen Hart. That brace knocked Rey Misterio out cold. You know these Harts: They'll screw anyone to get ahead."


It takes about three minutes of match time before Bret counters a clothesline with a backbody drop over the top rope to the floor... and Owen Hart's wrist collides with the steel guard rail!


LAH "Owen Hart is hurt."


But owen refuses to quit and is back in the ring. At first reluctant to take advantage Bret is asking Owen to forfeit. But when Owen turns his offense back on Bret quickly counters and begins targeting the wrist.


Hennig "You see what he's doing to his own brother? These Harts are souless."


LAH "It's what any competitor would do when wrestling for the World Title. If you have an advantage: You take it."


Sadly Owen is never able to mount any real offense again past that point and eventually is defeated at 13:03 by submission with an armbar-wristlock combination.


Bret Hart makes defence number 1 of his AWA World Heavyweight Championship title. Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Bret Hart stood out as being good.



Post match Bret Hart checks on Owen Hart who appears in severe pain and it isn't long before Verne Gagne makes his way to the ring. He. Looks. Pissed. Off.


Verne checks on Owen with Bret and the official before asking for a microphone from the ring crew.


Verne "First of all, I want to thank all of you for attending and ordering AWA's Wrestling Classic 1995." Pop. "I have been sent out here to..." Verne scowels.


LAH "He seems to be having a hard time saying whatever message he's been asked to deliver..."


Verne "To apologize to you all for the quality of that main event."


LAH "Wow."


Verne "Owen Hart was clearly not in any shape to compete tonight. And we did not deliver the evenly matched World Title Bout we had hoped to as a result." Verne scowls at the mat. "So... the match making Commitee has determined since the originally scheduled main event fell well short of the alotted 45 minute time limit..." He's having a hard time bringing himself to say: "We are going to have a new main event."


Bret Hart looks up. You can see him mouth, "What?"


Verne "Bret Hart will for the second time tonight defend the AWA World's Heavyweight Title against..." Verne grits his teeth.


LAH "Oh no."


Hennig "This is great!"


Verne "Terry Funk."


Verne storms out of the ring and Terry Funk's music hits. Bret is leaning over the ropes demanding and explanation from Verne but he gets no responce. Funk passes Verne in the aisle without so much as a look as her B-lines to the ring. Owen is helped to the back.

This segment did not appeal to a crowd that wanted wrestling.





Your second Main Event of the evening

AWA World's Heavyweight Title Match

Bret 'The Hitman' Hart


Terry Funk


LAH "This is not fair. Bret Hart just wrestled for over ten minutes in a very emotional match against his own brother and Terry Funk is as fresh as a daisy."


Hennig "This is great!"


Dusty "And surely Bret Hart new that his own brother Owen was cleared to wrestle well before any of us did. It is a certainosity that he had prepared for Owen, and not for Terry Funk."


Hennig "I love this. Wrestling is great."


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Bret Hart and Terry Funk gave it their all.


Funk was very eager to press his early freshness advantage and did so, but when Bret was able to counter each of his moves he grew quickly frustrated. Funk would go repeatedly to the outside to regroup and refocus his attack as Bret tended to gain control of the in-ring action and start putting the hurt on the Funkster each time they engaged. Eventually he caught Bret with a stun gun on the top rope as The Hit man tried to haul him into the ring by his hair. From that point it was mostly Funk. But no matter what Terry did he couldn't put The Hitman away. Finally, at 16:04 Terry Funk gets a meniacle look in his eye... he sets up Bret Hart...






And the pin!
















DUSTY "Bret kicked out! My dear lord above he kicked out!"


Funk loses it. He bails from the ring and storms around throwing chairs. The ringside crew scatter in front of him like gazelles scattering before a lion. **** screams at the fans. He screams at the announce booth.


LAH "Don't take it out on us! Get in there and wrestle!"


Finally Funk back in the ring he gives a hard look at the official before turning on to Hart... he sets him up...




NO! Backbody drop! Funk scrambles to his feet and is met with an atomic drop! Side-Russian Leg Sweep! Sharpshooter? No. Kick to the lower abdomen! Elbow off the second rope! And Bret grabs the legs of Terry Funk...






Funk is reaching for the ropes..






The official asks him...



Funk says no!



Almost to the ropes!



Bret sits back on it...





Bret Hart makes defence number 2 of his AWA World Heavyweight Championship title. Terry Funk and Bret Hart have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. This match lifted the crowd.

Here is your winner and still AWA World's Heavyweight Champion: Bret 'The Hitman' Hart



Bret celebrates in the ring as Terry Funk cowers in the corner selling his back as we fade to black!

This segment did not appeal to a crowd that wanted wrestling.



Overall rating: B

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The World Wrestling Analyst


Lots of backstage news and notes from AWA's Wrestling Classic 1995 and beyond.


-Backstage reaction to the show was great. The locker room really felt that Bret Hart and Terry Funk elevated their game in the main event. The feeling backstage is that the top workers are the best workers right now and the lower card legitimately looks up to the the guys in the main event and not with contempt.


-Backstage officials were very happy with some of the undercard notably Cesar Barron v Rey Misterio and Dustin Rhodes v Lance Storm. All four wrestler's stock is said to have risen.


-Similarly there is a lot of positive language being used in reference to the tag division. Although the company had expected the match to be good, it is being said that the title match reaffirmed their faith and that tag team wrestling will become the rock on which the midcard is built. There is even talk of expanding the division.


-Not all is positive though. While no one was willing to expressly come out and criticize the Harts (especially after Bret's performance in the main event) there was a certain muted disappointment as pertains to the much anticipated Hart v Hart match-up. Although nobody backstage would accuse the match of being bad, the general consensus was that expectations were so high that perhaps nothing they could have done might have met them. Furthermore, most believe that Owen Hart's uncertain contract situation and certainly the scaling back of his push leading up to the match hurt the overall momentum and perhaps provided a distraction during the bout.


-The day also got off to a rather rough start as Verne Gange and Scott Hall got into a massive altercation. There are conflicting reports as to the nature of the disagreement with some saying Scott Hall was drinking pre-show and that Verne was furious that he would risk his important up-coming number one contenders match and others saying that Verne was simply being belligerent and looking to show his authority. Either way it did not help Verne's relationship with Rick Savant who, in turn, tore a strip off Gagne again threatening to quit if this sort of thing keeps happening. While no one takes the threats seriously, Verne backed down.


-After the event Rick Savant, Verne Gagne and a few assistants reviewed the scouting report they receive each month. Savant was reportedly especially pleased with Brian Lawler, Chavo Guerrero and Juventud Guerrera's progress. With him saying expressly, in regards to Chavo Guerrero II, "We really have to come up with something for that guy." On the opposite end of the spectrum they were dissatisfied with certain lower card development, notably Rob Van Dam and Chris Kanyon. It was also brought up that Bret Hart continues to work hard and improve despite already possibly being the best wrestler in the world and that Terry Funk continues to somehow find a way to improve his game despite his advanced age. By contrast it was the opinion of the scouts that Rick Steiner is starting to regress slightly.


-The main event of this weeks AWA's All-Star Wrestling has been announced:


Non-Title Match

AWA World's Heavyweight Champion, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart


Dustin Rhodes


-AWA's Wrestling Classic 1995 drew a .90 as compared to the .91 which was drawn by Regenesis.


The following is the past 8 ratings for AWA All-Star Wrestling from the furthest back to the most recent, titled by their main event:


2.89 - The Hart Foundation v Funk and Hall

2.91 - The Miracle Violence Connexion v The Hart Foundation

2.94 - Simmons and Bret Hart v Hall and Bigelow

2.85 - Simmons and The Hart Foundation v Rhodes and The Miracle Violence Connexion

3.02 - The Hart Foundation v Funk and Hall

3.14 - Funk v Bret Hart (non-title)

3.08 - Simmons and Bret Hart v Funk and Hall

2.90 - Funk and Hall v The Steiner Brothers


So the highest rated television main event to date was Terry Funk v Bret Hart, non-title, and the highest drawing Pay Per View main event was Bret Hart v Scott Hall for the vacant World's Heavyweight Title.


Also interesting to note is that after three weeks of ratings above 3.00 the AWA dropped to 2.90 with their first main event that did not feature their World's Champion, Bret Hart.


-Lastly the AWA has also announced it has reached an agreement with former AWA Heavyweight Chamion Larry Zybszko. Zybszko's role has yet to be determined.

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I really liked your description of the main event, very captivating and fun. Loved Hart's "5 moves of doom" in particular.


Btw, I couldn't help but notice that you got blasted on all your angles because "the crowd wanted action"... might I suggest turning your event match ratio from 90 % to 80 %? Then it won't happen. :)

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Coming to you live in front of 8,242 screaming fans in the Memorial Auditorium in Des Moines, IA on ESPN, it's...


The AWA presents All-Star Wrestling


We open to Lord Alfred Hayes and Dusty Rhodes welcoming us to All-Star Wrestling.


LAH "And what a night it was this past Sunday at Wrestling Classic 1995."


Dusty "It was full of twists and turns, but at the end of the day, when everything that there is to say had been said and the bog had been drained it was Bret Hart standing high on the mountain top."


LAH "That is correct! I guess. Bret Hart retained his title not once but twice at Wrestling Classic and he will be in competition here tonight, non-title, against your son: Dustin Rhodes, who had a very

impressive night himself and Wrestling Classic."


Dusty "I just hope the boy can remain focused."


LAH "Please, don't take our words for it, see that Wrestling Classic 1995 was just that: Classic."



Still shots of Scott Hall and Ron Simmons battling at WC95.


Hennig "Hall to the outside again in this match, he's just out thinking Ron Simmons!


Hall hitting the Razor's Edge and score's the pinfall.


LAH "Scott Hall is the number one contender for the AWA World's Heavyweight Title!"


Stills of the Four Way Tag Title Bout.


Rick Steiner hitting a belly to belly on Perry Saturn! Pinfall!


LAH "The Internationals are Eliminated!"


Hennig "Not a good night for the Cornette Contingent!"


Frankensteiner by Scott Steiner on Samula!


Dusty "We are now down to two."


The MVC glaring menacingly. The Steiner's talking strategy in the corner.


Gordy with a roll up. Rick Steiner rolling through!


Hennig "Bigelow has no idea the move's been reversed!"


Bigelow preventing Scott Steiner from entering the ring.


The Steiners celebrating with the belts.


LAH "We finally have Tag Team Champions here in the AWA!"


Bret Hart looking serious. Owen Hart doing the same.


Dusty "Will Owen Hart's wrist hold up tonight? Or will it buckle under the many, many worlds of pressure?"


LAH "That's what competitors with heart do, Curt. They work through injuries. That's how the great win championships."


Hennig "Oh shut up!"


Stills of back and forth action.


LAH "This is what I expect from two brothers. A counter to every move and to every counter a recounter."


Bret back body dropping Owen over the top rope. Owen colliding with

the barricade.


LAH "Owen Hart is hurt."


Owen tapping out to the Arbar-wristlock combination.


Bret checking on his brother.


Verne Gagne "I have been sent out here to... To apologize to you all for the quality of that main event."


LAH "Wow."


Bret not looking pleased.


Verne "Bret Hart will for the second time tonight defend the AWA World's Heavyweight Title against..."


LAH "Oh no."


Hennig "This is great!"


Verne "Terry Funk."


Terry Funk making his B-Line to the ring.


Funk on the attack against Bret. Bret reversing Funk's holds. Funk on the outside looking frustrated.


Funk hitting the stun gun on Hart from the outside.


Funk again on the attack.


Hennig "This is it! I can feel it... we're going to have a new champion!"


Funk hitting the pile driver.


Hennig "...1...2...3!!!"


LAH "NO!!!"


Dusty "Bret kicked out! My dear lord above he kicked out!"


Funk losing his ****.


Funk on the outside. Throwing chairs. Overhead view of people scattering before him. Funk screaming at the announcers.


LAH "Don't take it out on us! Get in there and wrestle!"


Funk setting up the second piledriver.


Back body drop!


Bret on offence!




LAH "Bret Hart has done it! He is still AWA World's Heavyweight Champion!"


Bret with the belt as we fade to black.




Ron Simmons


Lance Storm


LAH "And welcome back to ringside! As you can see, if you missed Wrestling Classic 1995 you do not want to miss our next Pay Per View extravaganza AWA's Once And For All!"


Hennig "That's right it will be a night where Scott Hall finally get's his rematch for the AWA World's Heavyweight Title against that coward Bret Hart."


Dusty "Would you just fix-fascinate your eyes on the ring, already?"


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Ron Simmons battled back and forth with Lance Storm before defeating him at 10:20 by pinfall with a Dominator.

Lance Storm seemed off his game tonight. Ron Simmons and Lance Storm have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Ron Simmons stood out as being good.

Here is your winner: Ron Simmons



Following the match Ron helps Lance to his feet and raises his hand as the fans cheer.


Dusty "What a show of absolute class by Ronny Simmons."


Ron exits the ring and Lance leans against the corner to catch his breath and soak up some of the residual fan ovation.


One fan appears to get overly excited and hops the railing. A security guard cuts him off... and the security personnel gets decked!


Hennig "Wait... that's no fan."


Lance is exiting the ring when Dustin Rhodes hits him from behind with a knee! Storm spills to the outside!


Dusty "This is terrible."


Dustin to the outside he grabs Storm by the tights and the neck...


and throws him shoulder first into the steel ring post!


"Stop it!" Dusty on the microphone now. Everyone in the arena can hear him. Simmons turns around and sees Lance laying there. "Dustin! This is not how I raised you. To attack an innocent man from

behind!" Dustin is fixated on Dusty. Dusty out from behind the commentating booth, standing in front of it. "Dustin, tonight you are fighting in the biggest match of your career. Against the AWA

Champion." The younger Rhodes is walking slowly around the ring toward his father "Why would you do something like this on such a day." He rounds the corner and is almost upon his parent. "Dustin, you are a piece of me. We are like one." Dustin, enraged, reaches for his father...


Simmons spins Dustin Rhodes around. They stare eye to eye.


Hennig "Why does everyone stick their nose in Dustin Rhodes' business!?"


Simmons is trash talking Rhodes. Dustin is staring back at Simmons as if it is taking everything he has to restrain himself.


Finally, Dustin backs off... he rolls through the ring and walks backwards down the isle looking back at Simmons with unbelieving venom.


This segment fell slightly flat after the previous one.



Commericals Ho!



'The Silver King' Cesar Barron w/ Jim Cornette


The White Ninja


We return from commericals with The White Ninja already in the ring. That never bodes well for a competitor and this time is no different. In an extremely short match, Cesar Barron defeated The White Ninja in 4:33 by pinfall with a huracanrana into a pin.


Hennig "This man is impressive. This man truly is a King of wrestling!"


The White Ninja and Cesar Barron don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Cesar Barron



We cut to the back where Mean Gene Okerlund is standing by with Owen Hart.


MGO "After weeks of defying the odds and staying in active competition your injured wrist that you suffered at the hands of Scott Hall and Terry Funk prevented you from being able to compete

effectively for the Title. Your thoughts at this time."


Owen "It's hard Mean Gene. *But I know... I know I can beat Bret. I don't want to use this injury as an excuse-"


MGO "You don't want to use that injury as an excuse?? Are you crazy?"


Owen "I don't."


MGO "You shouldn't be anywhere near a wrestling ring!"


Owen "I should and I'll prove it to all of you. If I can just getone more match with my brother Bret. *Even non-title, I will show everyone that I'm the best wrestler in the AWA today."


MGO "Well I don't know if that's very likely until you wrist is healed, but you're in action again tonight against the very men that put you in this condition. Your thoughts on tonight's match, Owen



Owen "Let me tell you something. I don't want to get side tracked by these two low life's but I'd be lying if I told you it won't feel good to pin one of their shoulder's to the mat here tonight."


MGO "And that's it from an inexplicably optimistic Owen Hart. Back to you Lord Alfred."




The Miracle Violence Connexion


Chris Kanyon and Rob Van Dam


In an extremely short match, Miracle Violence Connexion defeated Chris Kanyon and Rob Van Dam in 4:36 when Scott Bigelow defeated Rob Van Dam by pinfall with a Power Bomb. *Kanyon and RVD don't get more than a few punches in the whole time. Stephen Richards is very vocal at



LAH "Wow! An impressive display by Bigelow and Gordy."


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Scott Bigelow stood out as being good.

Here are your winners: The Miracle Violence Connexion



Back to the Commercials!


When we return Mean Gene Okerlund is backstage with Terry Funk and Scott Hall.


MGO "Terry Funk. Scott Hall. Just a little bit earlier tonight we spoke to the man who you two assaulted-


Terry Funk interrupts him. "Now why do you have to start that way? This is the problem. This is what is wrong with the AWA. Choosing to focus on that one mishap-"


MGO "One mishap?? You intentionally broke the man's wrist! You did the same thing to that young man The Mirror a few months ago!"


Funk "Why don't you focus on something a little more positive Mr Okerlund? Like that at Wrestling Classic I came within a whisper of being the AWA World's Heavyweight Champion. And if it hadn't been for a slow count by a biased AWA referee-"


MGO "Biased referee?? You gotta be kidding me."


Funk "A biased AWA referee, just as I have to sit though this interview with a biased AWA interviewer."


MGO "Oh come on!"


Funk "But unlike you and the AWA, Mr Okerlund, I'm not going to focus on that. I'm going to focus on that against all odds, with the deck stacked against The Funker I still nearly became AWA Champion."


MGO "The deck stacked against- Are you serious? The man had just fought a match against his own brother moments before you stepped in the ring with him!"


Terry Funk ignores that and continues on, "And I'm going to focus on the fact that my friend Scott Hall beat Ron Simmons in the middle of that ring and will take Bret Hart's title and restore prestige and

honor to the AWA."


Hall "That..." he smirks. "Terry Funk... is right. You know..." Hall looks around amused at something, "If the A... W... A... wants to make us out to be bad guys?" Hall leans back slack jawed. "Well then o... k." The smirk returns. "We'll... be... bad... guys."


MGO "I don't even want to guess as to what that means. Back to you Lord Alfred."




The Internationals w/ Jim Cornette


The Samoan Swat Team


Dusty "These two sets of of two men each are two of the finest man sets we have here in the AWA."


LAH "Indeed both teams competed for the AWA Tag Team Titles at Wrestling Classic 1995, but came up empty handed."


Hennig "Those Samoans are big boys... this is an important match-up. I know The Internationals pride themselves on being a tough-as-nails team, but they may be out matched here in that department."


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Internationals defeated The Samoan Swat Team in 8:52 when Perry Saturn defeated Solafa Fatu Lua by pinfall with a Saturn Bomb.


LAH "A simply huge win here tonight for Jim Cornette's Internationals."


Dusty Rhodes and Curt Hennig have pretty good chemistry when calling matches together. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match lifted the crowd.

Here are your winners: The Internationals



We're back to the back again where the tireless Mean Gene Okerlund has Stephen Richards and Miracle Violence Connexion standing by.


Richards holds up his hand to keep Gene from saying anything.


Richards "My name is Stephen Richards." Booo "And this is the Miracle Violence Connexion. And they should be tag team champions."


MGO "Are you out of your mind? They lost fair and square to The Steiner Brothers- The Steiners pinned every single team in that match! Your guys didn't beat anybody!"


Bam Bam and Bam Bam surround Mean Gene and snarl down at him.


Stephen looks sideways at Okerlund's feet. "Shut. Up. Old. Man." Boooo "Rick and Scott Steiner were lucky to escape Wrestling Classic with their bones unbroken... let alone with the titles. Mark my words it is only a matter of time before these men have belts around their waists."


MGO "W-Well I'll give you this, tonight your men looked very impressive out there, do you have any comments on your men's match tonight."


Richards "Yes. I hope you had your VHS in the machine, Rick. Scott. Because that is exactly what is going to happen to you when you have to defend those titles against the M-V-C."


Terry and Scott continue to glare down menacingly at Mean Gene.


MGO "Let's go back to ringside. These guys are freaking me out."




Non-Title Match

The Steiner Brothers


The New Guard


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, the debuting tag team of second generation wrestlers Chavo Guerrero II and Brian Lawler took on the reigning Tag Team Champions, The Steiner Brothers, in a non-title match. A bit of a steep challenge for the young team, they found themselves defeated at 7:41 when Rick Steiner defeated Chavo Guerrero II by submission to a camel clutch.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match lifted the crowd.

Here are your winners: AWA Tag Team Champions, The Steiner Brothers



We're swallowed up by the darkness that is commercials and when we reemerge Gene Okerlund is backstage with Bret Hart.


MGO "Bret Hart, at Wrestling Classic you defended your AWA World's Heavyweight Title not once, but twice. Including a very emotional, I'm sure, match against your brother Owen. Your thoughts?"


Hart "You know, I was set to wrestle my little brother Owen for 20, 30 minutes. I am confident I would have won, but it would have been a battle. It wasn't. Not the way it should have been because those no-good," Bret turns away for a second to keep himself from swearing, "Because Scott Hall," booo, "And Terry Funk," Boooo! "Took it upon themselves to injure him while they had him two on one. So as it turned out I got to get some measure of revenge against Terry Funk that night. But it wasn't the ass kicking he has coming to him, because I was tired and taken by surprise. But at Once And For All, I'm going to get my hands on the other one: that greasy Scott Hall. And once I'm done with him. I'm coming for Terry Funk. Mark my words."


MGO "Tonight you meet Dustin Rhodes, a talented, second generation competitor who has been acting rather strangely as of late. How do you prepare for such a match."


Hart "The same way you prepare for every match. You watch tapes and you concentrate on your own game. I will defeat Dustin Rhodes here tonight and if you ask me, his lack of focus wont' help him."


MGO "Serious words tonight from Bret Hart. Back to you Lord Alfred."


Bret Hart came out of this looking excellent. The Harts v Funk/Hall storyline has continued with this segment. The crowd was hot but this segment fell slightly flat after the last one.




Semi-Main Event

Owen Hart and Rey Misterio Jr


Terry Funk and Scott Hall


Owen and Rey to the ring first.


LAH "So, tonight Owen Hart will get his hands on the men who, effectively. cost him a shot at the AWA World's Title."


Hennig "Nobody cost him anything. He got his shot at the title. What I want to know is: How will Rey Misterio and Owen Hart co-exist tonight? Owen failed to beat Rey two weeks in a row. And if you want to look at who really almost cost Owen Hart his title shot it was Rey Misterio in that very ring."


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Funk and Hall slowly built an advantage over Owen Hart and Rey Misterio Jr. only to have Rey's quickness cause their whole game plan to unravel around the 8 minute mark. Possibly, beginning to panic a bit, illegal man Scott Hall got down off the apron and collected the ring bell. Legal men Owen Hart and Terry Funk battled in the center of the ring, Terry bought himself some time with an eye gouge and immediately took a cheap shot at Rey. Enraged Rey tried to get into the ring tying up the referee... on queue Hall slide into the ring...


Hennig "You see? You see Rey Misterio is about to cost Owen Hart a beating!"


Hall from behind with the ring bell!



No! Ducked! He hits Terry Funk!



No! Funk flies out of the way in the opposite direction! Hall flies into the ring robes and fumbles the bell to the outside. His long arms and legs flying all over the place as he spins around, clearly off his game for a second... Flying forearm by Owen Hart!


Hall looks blankly off at the crowd before falling backwards through the ropes to the outside.


Dusty "Oh. He's out!"


Hennig "He hit him with that hard plastic brace! That's a disqualification! Come on ref!"


Owen looks out at the unconscious Hall, shocked. he looks at his arm brace in disbelief.


Dusty "That's the same thing he did to Rey Misterio last week. And he didn't mean to do it either time."


Hennig "That's bull****! He knew full well what he was-"


Terry Funk from behind with a flipping armbar!


He adds a wristlock!


Owen quckly taps out!




Too late.

Match Time 10:01.

The crowd was burnt out, but this match lifted them.

Here are your winners: Scott Hall and Terry Funk



Funk helps a dazed Scott Hall to the back and officials help a, once again, injured Owen Hart to the back as well. Rey Misterio seems a bit upset with the loss and paces around in the ring. The fans begin to cheer him and he waves to them. Upon turning to leave he sees Jim Cornette flanked by two masked men: International Superstar Yoshihiro Asai and Rey's arch rival, 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron.


Dusty "Oh. This is not good to the highest certitude."


Once in the ring Rey retreats to the corner. Holding the middle ropes ready to duck in any direction he has to.


Jim Cornette rubs it in that Rey lost and that his client, Cesar Barron won tonight.


Dusty "They did simply not have the same quality of opponents! That is ridiculous."


He tells Rey Misterio Jr. that his victory this weekend was a fluke. And he demands that Rey Misterio, not only admit that, but "So what I want you to do right now, into this microphone, I want you to say that you forfeit your victory at Wrestling Classic 1995."


LAH "He can't be serious."


Hennig "No. That seems fair."


LAH "I'm not going to dignify that with a response."


Cornette holds the microphone out to Rey, who says nothing. Cornette becomes upset, "Don't tell me your as dumb as you are ugly! Do it! Do it right now! Overturn the decision from Wrestling Classic, and admit that you not only should have lost... but you did lose to Cesar Barron!" Again he stuffs the mic in the face of Rey.


Rey (Translated from spanish) <Go **** yourself!>


Barron and Asai cover their ears. Barron cowers in the corner from the foul language.


Cornette "What? What did he say? Did he say it? Did we we win?" Cesar whispers in Jim Cornette's ear, "What? He said what? Why you little..." Cornette is furious with Rey. "You may thing your some amazing wrestler... and all these people might thing your a great wrestler," Yayyyy! "But you don't don't talk that way in front of this man!" Cornette points at Barron. "You are nothing compared to him! You could be the greatest wrestler on earth! The greatest wrestler means nothing more than the greatest termite to Cesar Barron!" Booooo! Asai and Barron closing in now... "While you are a wrestler... He... is a King!


Someone pulls Rey's legs out from behind! Rey goes face down on the ground! The same person pulls Rey crotch first into the steel ring post!


LAH "What? Who is that??"


Asai and Barron kick away at the downed Misterio! The drag him to the center of the ring... Asai to the top rope...


LAH "My dear god, what is he doing up there???"




Dusty "They're both dead! How can any man survive that!?"


The other man in the ring... he locks Rey up in the...


Tequila Sunrise!


LAH "Is that... that's Konnan!"


Cesar Barron stands over Rey Misterio with a foot on his fallen, crumpled foe.


Cornette hands the mic to Konnan.


Konnan "Viva la raza!" Konnan takes a moment to bask in the irony of that. And soak in some boos. "Yo, my name is Carlos Konnan. And I am a proud member of the Cornette Contingent. From here on out... everything is honey for the C-C."


Carlos Konnan has now switched to an Underworld gimmick. It has gotten an initial A rating. Yoshihiro Asai had major problems due to the language barrier. Yoshihiro Asai looked dreadful in this segment. The crowd was hot but this segment brought their mood down. This segment fell slightly flat after the last one.



Konnan throws the mic down and we cut to the expensive mini-plays with the hopes of tricking you out of your money.


We cut to the back where the nurse's office is. Bret Hart is show leaving.


LAH "Bret Hart, no doubt, checking on the well-fare of his brother Owen. Will he be able to give Dustin Rhodes his full, undivided attention tonight? We find out next!"



And even more commercials because we're corporate whores.



The Main Event

Non-Title Match

AWA World's Heavyweight Champion, Bret 'The Hitman' Hart


Dustin Rhodes


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Bret Hart defeated Dustin Rhodes in 15:38 by submission with a Sharpshooter. Bret Hart was focused and Dustin was not. Whenever Rhodes got the advantage he turned his attention towards his father to remind him of how well he was doing. Eventually this would be his undoing as Bret locked in his patented hold in the middle of the ring.

Bret Hart and Dustin Rhodes don't seem to click, and it made for an awkward bout. The crowd was hot but this match still managed to lift the crowd.

Here is your winner: AWA World's Heavyweight Champion: Bret Hart



After the match Bret poses with the belt as the fans cheer.



Overall Rating B-

There was a feeling that a number of angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show should be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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World Wrestling Analyst.


News and notes from around the AWA.


-The big news this week from around the AWA is that Rob Van Dam will be leaving the company for the WWF. Althought not a big piece of the AWA puzzle, the move is significant as it marks the first time one of the big two, WCW and the WWF, have used their size and capital advantage to steal directly from the rosters of their main competition: TNA and the AWA.


-The AWA Match Making Commitee released a statement following ASW that the first two challengers for The Steiner Brother's AWA Tag Team Titles have been announced. In two weeks the Brothers will defend against Jim Cornette's Internationals, hot off a victory over the tough-as-nails Samoan Swat Team. Then at Once And For All The winner of that match will defend their titles against The Miracle Violence Connexion, who will be lead to the ring by Stephen Richards.


With that the current lineup for Once And For All will is:


AWA World's Heavyweight Title Match

Bret 'The Hitman' Hart ©


Scott Hall




AWA Tag Team Title Match

The Steiner Brothers ©


The Miracle Violence Connexion w/ Stephen Richards


-AWA presents All-Star Wrestling Preview.


The AWA have revealed two big main events for next weeks ASW. This past week was supposed to be a down week in preparation to this coming one and officials were said to be surprised at it's success. With that in mind, expectations are high heading into next week where the AWA Tag Team Champions The Steiner Brothers will team with AWA World's Heavyweight Champion Bret Hart to take on the number one contender Scott Hall and the Miracle Violence Connexion. And in addition to that, next week will feature the first ever meeting between the unpredictable Terry Funk and the lightning quick Rey Misterio Jr.


-Hector Blake reporting.

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-The big news this week from around the AWA is that Rob Van Dam will be leaving the company for the WWF. Althought not a big piece of the AWA puzzle, the move is significant as it marks the first time one of the big two, WCW and the WWF, have used their size and capital advantage to steal directly from the rosters of their main competition: TNA and the AWA.


Actually, WCW snatched Alex Wright from TNA about a week ago.

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Oh TNA. Psh.


Yeah. WCW showed no apparant interest in Wright in the beginning of the game, so I signed him and build him up to C+ pop in USA... which apparantly made WCW love him. Just too bad for them that he lost 2 matches in his last night in TNA, dropping him to C-... oh well.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hive" data-cite="Hive" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31094" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Yeah. WCW showed no apparant interest in Wright in the beginning of the game, so I signed him and build him up to C+ pop in USA... which apparantly made WCW love him. Just too bad for them that he lost 2 matches in his last night in TNA, dropping him to C-... oh well.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> A dancing Geman guy goes from X-Division to WCW...</p><p> </p><p> This is the WWF not caring ----> <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Actually I was considering "stealing him" but though nay, that's be rude</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> ...</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hive" data-cite="Hive" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31094" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Man it's a good thing you're playing WWF, as you're too damn kind to play a proper WCW. <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> Wait till some big names become available then see if you say that <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> ...though to be honest, not to defend the devil, but the WWF was fairly professional in the 1990's when dealing with WCW and ECW. It was WCW that started the 'War' by over paying WWF talent to jump ship, raiding ECW and blasting the WWF on air. Of course, once backed into a corner the WWF fought back, but I really don't consider them the 'bad guys' when it comes to the whole Monday Night Wars</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="JackKnifed72" data-cite="JackKnifed72" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31094" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>...though to be honest, not to defend the devil, but the WWF was fairly professional in the 1990's when dealing with WCW and ECW. It was WCW that started the 'War' by over paying WWF talent to jump ship, raiding ECW and blasting the WWF on air. Of course, once backed into a corner the WWF fought back, but I really don't consider them the 'bad guys' when it comes to the whole Monday Night Wars</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Long before any of that, Vince was threatening PPV carriers not to carry any JCP/WCW PPVs. Not to mention that his ambitions killed off the territory system.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="JackKnifed72" data-cite="JackKnifed72" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31094" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Wait till some big names become available then see if you say that <img alt=":cool:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/cool.png.f00d2562b2c1d873a09323753efdb041.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> ...though to be honest, not to defend the devil, but the WWF was fairly professional in the 1990's when dealing with WCW and ECW. It was WCW that started the 'War' by over paying WWF talent to jump ship, raiding ECW and blasting the WWF on air. Of course, once backed into a corner the WWF fought back, but I really don't consider them the 'bad guys' when it comes to the whole Monday Night Wars</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Didn't Vince sign Ric Flair and have him take the WCW Title onto WWF television in 1991? Yeah. I'm not convinced on your honorable argument. The closest thing to a good guy in that scenario was ECW. And that's a pretty rough scene...</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Hive" data-cite="Hive" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31094" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Long before any of that, Vince was threatening PPV carriers not to carry any JCP/WCW PPVs. Not to mention that his ambitions killed off the territory system.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Of which WCW could be seen as the last bastion. They weren't but they were a more reactive expansionist attempted monopoly than the hyper aggressive WWE. Either way when WWF killed WCW they killed the last remenant of the territories, something Vince had been personally working toward for nearly three decades.</p>
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