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4 Corners of Chaos: AWA

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The World Wrestling Analyst.


For those of you not following the AWA in recent months we here at the World Wrestling Analyst have prepared a brief recap. The following is part one, which covers the two weeks leading up to All Roads To Ruin. Part Two will be posted tomorrow featuring the Pay Per View and the following television shows to date!


January, Week 3, North Star Colosseum, 8890 Attendance.

-Middleweight Title Tournament Quarterfinal Match: Dionicio Torres over Cesar Barron by pinfall, clean. (B-)

-Match: Ron Simmons over Jinsei Shinzaki by pinfall.

-Yoshiro Asai is consoling Cesar Barron in the locker room when Carlos Konnan and the Internationals walk in grinning. Barron is furious. He demands to know if Konnan is laughing at him. Konnan feigns surprise and asks why he would laugh at the next Middleweight Champion? This infuriates The Silver King, who had been eliminated from the tournament earlier in the show, and Ultimo Dragon has to hold him back. Barron swears in Spanish and says that this would never have happened if Jimmy was still around. Konnan loses his smile and says they don’t need Cornette and that he will lead them all to glory, and to prove it, his first gift: He just spoke to Larry Zybszko. Psichosis is too injured to continue in the tournament, so by default: Barron advances to the finals. Barron is bewildered. But Psichosis wasn’t injured he was fine... Konnan smiles. The Internationals smile. Barron and Ultimo smile with them. The all laugh and hug as the segment ends. (C-)

-Middleweight Title Tournament Semifinal Match: Lance Storm over Juventud Guerrera by rollup. (D+)

-The announcers reveal that Dionico ‘Psichosis’ Torres has been attacked backstage and that Larry Zbyszko has determined that he cannot continue in the tournament, so the winner of this match will meet the winner of ‘The Silver King’ Cesar Barron versus Rey Misterio Jr in the finals at All Roads To Ruin. Following the match the two faces shake hands.

-Match: Terry Gordy and Stephen Richards over The New Guard when Richards pins Lawler. (D+)

-Following the match Chavo is upset with Lawler giving up the pin. Lawler tries to plead reason and Chavo seems to accept it. At least until Lawler tries to leave the ring; that’s when he get’s jumped. Chavo turns heel with vicious attack on his former partner, leaving him bloodied and laying. (D-)

-Match: Dustin Rhodes over Solafa Fatu Lua by pinfall. (C+)

-Rey Misterio is walking backstage when Terry Funk appears before him. Rey doesn’t want anything of the conflict so he tries to turn and leave but there’s Scott Hall sneering. Funk cuts a promo on Rey saying he knows that Rey thinks he’s better than him. But he’s not. The whole while Funk paws at his greasy hair and looks to Hall saying, “Right?” Hall smiles and confirms that Funk is better than that pipsqueak each time he’s asked. ©

-Match: Scott ‘Bam Bam’ Bigelow over Mr Wrestling III by pinfall. ©

-Squash job that makes the number one contender look monstrous.

-Okerlund is in the ring and he welcomes Rick and his brother Scott Steiner: The Tag Team Champions. Scott says he’s happy to be back and they look forward to defending their Tag Team Titles. (C+)

-Non-Title Match: The Steiner Brothers over Konnan and Asai by submission when Asai taps out to Scott Steiner’s Steiner Recliner. (B-

-Match: Funk and Hall over Bret Hart and Rey Misterio Jr by submission when Rey taps out to Funk’s Spinning Toe Hold. (B+)

-Hart and Rey were in complete control when a desperate Funk brought a steel chair into the ring as the official tried to get the illegal World Champion and Scott Hall to their respective corners. He delivered a hard chair shot to the knee of Misterio which sent the luchadore sprawling. Hall cut off Hart once the Toe Hold was locked in and Misterio had no choice but to tap. Immediately following the match Stephen Richards appeared in the entry way. He derided Hart for losing and said that a real champion would find a way to win. He hypes up Scott ‘Bam Bam’ Bigelow and states that Bret Hart has zero chance of winning at All Roads to Ruin. Bigelow comes out and looks mean. He and Hart stare one another down once again to end the show. (C+)

-Overall Rating B-


Backstage news and notes:

-Chavo Guerrero II organizes a video game tournament and is loved.

-Ron Simmons and Mr Wrestling III bond over their mutual love of Botany and agree to work together develop a herbal steroid which is undetectable by modern testing methods.


January, Week 4, North Star Colosseum, 7537 Attendance.

-Hayes and Dusty welcome us to the show. They reveal that Konnan has secured The Internationals a Tag Team Title shot against the Steiners at All Roads To Ruin since The Internationals beat Rick and Owen a few weeks back. They talk about Dusty’s thoughts about fighting his son in just a few days and hype the main event for the evening: World Champion Bret Hart against Scott Bigelow’s Tag Team partner ‘Bam Bam’ Terry Gordy in a non title match. (B+)

-Match: Funk and Hall over Los Trapacistas by pinfall when Funk pins Juventud. (B-)

-Torres is selling like crazy from the attack last week. Hennig pretends to put over that Torres has made an amazing comeback from the beating Barron gave him last week, but Dusty points out that he was attacked backstage by Konnan and The Internationals and what’s more, he seems able to compete! So Larry Zbyszko has cheated him out of his chance to win the tournament. Los Trapacistas seems furious.

-Backstage Konnan gives a motivational speech to the former Cornette Contingent. He reminds them that he got Barron back into the Middleweight Title Tournament and that he secured The Internationals a Tag Team Title Shot. He asks for their confidence and gets it unanimously. (C-)

-Okerlund is backstage with Funk and Hall. The talk about how good it feels to beat masked wrestlers. Funk talks about submitting Rey Misterio last week and insists that it proves he’s better than him. In keeps looking to Hall for confirmation. “Of course.” Smirks Hall. Funk worries at his greasy hair as he vows to destroy Rey at All Roads To Ruin. (C+)

-Match: The Internationals over D’Lo Brown and Mr Wrestling III by pinfall when D. John Finlay pins Mr Wrestling III. D+

-Okerlund is backstage with Stephen Richards and the Miracle Violence Connexion. Richards asks Okerlund when the last time he saw Bigelow lose fair and square in the middle of a ring was? Because Richards can’t even remember. Bigelow is bigger than Hart, stronger than Hart, tougher than Hart and he, Stephen Richards, is smarter than Hart. And all of that says that at All Roads to Ruin there will be a new World’s Heavyweight Champion. Richards smiles smugly and Okerlund informs him that he has a match next... against Ron Simmons. Richards’ smile just drops. (C+)

-Match: Ron Simmons over Stephen Richards by pinfall. ©

-No MVC at ringside as they don’t have managerial licences. Simmons makes short work of the wrestler/manager.

-Non-Title Match: The Steiner Brothers over Konnan and Asai by DQ. (B)

-Konnan and Asai get a rematch of last week against the champions leading up to their stablemate’s tag title shots at All Roads To Ruin. This one doesn’t go much better than the first and when it appears that the Steiners are about to secure the victory the Internationals rush the ring. The official calls for the DQ and the announcers clarify that fines will be levied against Saturn and Finlay as the four men lay out the champions and loom over them before heading to the back.

-Tito Santana is in the ring awaiting to fight ‘The American Nightmare’ Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes steps from the back with a microphone and cuts a promo talking about how Tito Santana is a legend in this business. A legend that doesn’t respect him. Doesn’t respect him the same way that all these old time wrestlers don’t respect him. And why should they? When his own father thinks of him as an embarrassment. But that’s going to change for Tito in just a few minutes... and change for his father in just a few days when he beats both of them into permanent retirement. (B-)

-Match: Dustin Rhodes over Tito Santana by pinfall. ©

-Dustin Rhodes lives up to his word and handles Tito Santana with ease.

-Match: Scott Bigelow over Solafa Fatu Lua by pinfall. (B-)

-Bigelow takes on a larger, tougher opponent. But it makes no difference. Bam Bam is on a roll.

-Middleweight Tournament Semifinal Match: Cesar Barron over Rey Misterio Jr by pinfall. (B)

-The winner is set to face Lance Storm in the finals at All Roads To Ruin for the vacant AWA Middleweight Title. Rey sells his knee from last week like crazy. Back and forth match between these two rivals but Rey looks like his has the match in hand when Terry Funk skulks from the back. Again Funk utilizes the chair, this time from the outside, between the ropes to the back of Rey as he goes off the ropes. Rey staggers into the ring, visibly hurt and gets caught with a Silver Kick to allow Cesar Barron to finally get the win over his hated nemesis. The announcers stress that Terry Funk will certainly be fined.

-Okerlund is backstage with World Champion Bret Hart. Fans are ecstatic. Hart says that the AWA is coming apart at the seams. The Internationals running out in tag matches, Terry Funk still not under control, Stephen Richards and the Miracle Violence Connexion doing whatever they please... but that’s not his problem. That’s Verne Gagne’s problem. His problem is to win between those ropes, and that’s just what he’s going to do, no matter how big or bad his opponent might be, because he’s the best there is, the best there was and the best that there ever will be. Somewhere in there he hypes his match against Terry Gordy, which is next. (B-)

-Match: Bret Hart over Terry Gordy by pinfall. (B)

-Underdog storied match ends with a small package. Immediately after the decision Gordy bails from the ring furious. He’s hitting the apron, threatening fans and cussing into the ring at Hart. Richards tries to console him and the two back up the aisle angrily. Bigelow steps from the back. He confidently strides forward, places a hand on each of his compatriots shoulders and moves them aside. He splits the two men and makes a B-line for the ring. Hart is ready, but exhausted... Bigelow into the ring and and the two exchange punches! A wild brawl ensues that ends with Bigelow catching Hart in a belly to back suplex and looming over him as we go off the air... (C+)

-Overall Rating B-


Stay tuned for the results from All Roads To Ruin and beyond in Part Two, tomorrow!

-Hector Blake reporting.

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Ron Simmons and Mr Wrestling III bond over their mutual love of Botany and agree to work together develop a herbal steroid which is undetectable by modern testing methods.


This is friggin' epic...of course...if this falls into the hands of the WWF...we will be unstoppable...





-- good to see you doing a write up - even if it's a short recap

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The World Wrestling Analyst.


And now part two of the World Wrestling Analyst’s recap of recent AWA history:


January, Week 4, Fargodome, 18 810 Attendance

All Roads To Ruin

-Match: Los Trapacistas drew Carlos Konnan and Yoshihiro Asai when both Asai and Guerrera were counted out. (B-)

-The PPV opened with a wild, quick paced match between rivals Los Trapacistas and the former Cornette Contingent. Konnan was determined to decisively assert his dominance over the me who drove Jim Cornette from the AWA, but was unable to as no decisive winner was determined.

-Match: D’Lo Brown over Chavo Guerrero II by pinfall. (D+)

-Scott Hall makes his way to the ring and cuts a promo demanding to face the winner of the Bret Hart versus Scott Bigelow for the world title. This brings out Verne Gagne who says that Scott Hall hasn’t earned a championship match, but if he wants to wrestle then Verne Gagne knows someone who’s happy to oblige. Gagne has gotten permission from the match making committee to add an extra match to All Roads To Ruin: Scott Hall versus Solafa Fatu Lua! Hall is furious. (C-)

-Match: Scott Hall over Solafa Fatu Lua by pinfall. (B)

-Hall sold Solafa’s power, but he was able to outsmart the massive Samoan and pin the big man in the middle of the ring following an Razor’s Edge.

-AWA World Tag Team Title Match: The Steiner Brothers [c] over The Internationals w/Carlos Konnan by count out when D. John Finlay is knocked unconscious after a suplex on the cement floor. (B+)

-The announcers put over The Internationals win over the team of Rick Steiner and Owen Hart and strongly suggested that perhaps Finlay and Saturn are the men to take the Tag Team Titles from the Steiners. Konnan appears at ringside, as his request of a managerial licence has been granted. The match is a technical affair which slowly descends into a brawl outside the ring, where Rick Steiner lays out Finaly, leaving him unable to make the ten count back to the ring. Following the match Konnan gets in the Steiner’s face saying they can’t beat The Internationals fair and square. The Steiners aren’t going to put up with that and attack Konnan, but are jumped from behind by The Ultimo Dragon and are subjected to a 4 on 2 beatdown! Cesar Barron arrives late to the attack and taunts the Steiners, all the Internationals leave the ring in triumph except for Barron and Konnan, who wait for the next match. (D+)

-AWA Middleweight Title Tournament Finals: Cesar Barron over Lance Storm by pinfall. (B-)

-A quick paced back and forth matchup in which Konnan is a constant thorn in the side of Lance Storm... eventually that distraction allows Barron to roll up Storm from behind and pull the tight for the cheap victory. ‘The Silver King’ Cesar Barron is the first ever AWA Middleweight Champion.

-‘The American Nightmare’ Dustin Rhodes steps from the back and recounts his father’s storied career. He says that it’s been cold and dark in the enormous shadow of the Dusty Rhodes. But tonight he doesn’t step out of the shadow of his father’s legacy... he burns it to the ground. Dusty gets on the microphone and says that he understands the pressure that Dustin is under but that he isn’t going to avoid being compared to Dusty by beating him... he’ll only be out of that shadow by surpassing him. And the way he does that is he works hard, fights hard and wins titles. Not by beating up retired men... even him. But by beating up World Champions. Dustins says that’s next and blasts Dusty with his microphone (before the match starts so no DQ.) (B)

-Match: Dustin Rhodes over Dusty Rhodes by pinfall. (C+)

-Dustin Rhodes beats the tar out of his father. Eventually Dusty mounts a comeback but it is stopped short by a devastating right hand and Dustin eventually covers his father’s unconscious body with ease.

-Match: Ron Simmons over Terry Gordy by pinfall. (B-)

-An intense brawl from the get go, eventually Simmons gained a clear advantage, but Stephen Richards interfered with a Stephenkick only to have Simmons kick out of the ensuing pinfall. Simmons slowly worked his way back into control and Richard’s next attempt to interfere failed as Simmons knocked him to the floor. Shortly after he managed to get the massive Gordy in to the Dominator and scored the pinfall.

-Gene Okerlund is backstage with Terry Funk who talks about how Rey Misterio made him look like a fool at Proving Ground, but tonight the whole world will see that Rey Misterio is not even in his league. ©

-Match: Rey Misterio Jr over Terry Funk by pinfall after a small package. (B)

-Funk controlled much of the matchup, with Rey Misterio getting occasional bursts of offensive flurry, the all eventually lead to a big right hand or boot which would floor the diminutive grappler once again. Funk became increasingly focused on humiliating Misterio as the match went on and this eventually cost him as he got caught in a small package after boasting to the fans instead of pressing his attack and wound up pinned for the loss.

-Gene Okerlund backstage with World Champion Bret Hart. Bret talks about how big and mean Scott Bigelow is and what a challenge this will be for him tonight. But at the end of the day Bret Hart insists he’s the best there is, best there was and the best that there ever will be. (B)

-AWA World’s Heavyweight Title Match: Bret Hart over Scott Bigelow by pinfall with a victory roll. (B)

-Stephen Richards stayed out of this match by and large and the two men went at it for 17 and a half minutes. Bigelow dominated when the match became a brawl and Hart would take control as it strayed into technical wrestling territory and each man tried to move the match toward their favoured style. Bigelow looked like he had the match going his way when he set up Hart for a superplex, but a hard kick spun the big man around and Hart was able to get his legs over Bigelow’s shoulders. He rolled forward and caught the big man in a victory roll that Bigelow wasn’t able to orient out of in time to prevent the loss.

-Following the match we went off air to Bret Hart celebrating in front of an adoring crowd. (B+)

-Overall Rating B-


February, Week 1, The North Star Collosseum, 9784 Attendance

-Non-Title Match: AWA Middleweight Champion, Cesar Barron w/ Carlos Konnan over Juventud Guerrera by pinfall. (C+)

-Lord Alfred is commentating this show by himself as Dusty Rhodes was injured at the hands of his son at All Roads to Ruin. Cesar gets a measure of victory for his stable against one of their bitter rivals.

-We are backstage with a distraught Terry Funk, a smug Scott Hall and an evil Larry Zbyszko. Zbyszko reveals that next week there will be a four man tournament and the winner will face Bret Hart at Clash Of The Titans. Funk wants to know why he’s not in the tournament. Zbyszko explains that the committee wouldn’t put him in after his loss to Misterio so it will be Scott Hall v Ron Simmons and the winner will face the winner of Dustin Rhodes v Misterio. This does not appease Funk. Hall advises Funk that tonight it will be Scott Hall going one on one with Rey and the promises he’ll avenge Funk’s loss. ©

-Match: Lance Storm over D’Lo Brown via pinfall. (D+)

-Match: Ron Simmons over Jinsei Shinzaki. (B-)

-Simmons looks dominant in a squash.

-Non-Title Match: AWA World Tag Team Champions, The Steiner Brothers over Konan and Asai by submission when The Ultimo Dragon tapped out to Scott Steiner’s Steiner Recliner. (B)

-Match: Dustin Rhodes over Mr Wrestling III by pinfall. (C+)

-Dustin squashes Mr W then picks up the mic. He says he is better than Scott Hall, Rey Misterio and Dustin Rhodes and after he beats all three of them, he will prove that he is better than Bret Hart and better than his father ever was. (B-)

-Match: The Internationals w/ Carlos Konnan over The Samoan Swat Team by pinfall when Saturn pinned Samula after a Saturnbomb. (B)

-Very good match in which the Swat Team’s inability to win a big match continues. Hayes put over the fact that the Steiner’s were unable to pin or submit The Internationals at All Roads To Ruin.

-Gene Okerlund is backstage with Stephen Richards, Terry Gordy and Scott Bigelow. Richards said that both the Miracle Violence Connexion’s losses at All Roads To Ruin were flukes. And they will prove it when they step into the ring with Hart and Simmons tonight! But that’s not all Richards acknowledges that neither man will be in the tournament to become the number one contender, he also points out that both men are far to large to compete for the Middleweight Title, so he puts the Steiner Brothers on warning, advising that the MVC are coming for them. “Que?” Asks Konnan and The Internationals that are returning from their match. Konnan points out that The Steiners haven’t pinned or submitted The Internationals yet, so the MVC will have to get to the back of the line. Staredown. ©

-Match: Scott Hall over Rey Misterio by pinfall after interference by Terry Funk. (B)

-In a possible preview of the finals of the number one contender’s tournament next week Scott Hall was able to get the best or Rey when Terry Funk made his way to ringside and struck Rey with a hard punch from between the ropes allowing Hall to gather him up into a Razor’s Edge for the victory. The Hayes stresses that Funk will surely be fined, and that the only reason he’s getting away with this kind of behaviour is favouritism from Larry Z.

-Bret Hart is backstage taping up his wrists! The AWA fans love it! (B+)

-We return from commercial to Bret Hart and Rey Misterio talking backstage. Gene Okerlund approaches them and Bret Hart says that what Terry Funk and Scott Hall did to Rey in the last match has no place in the AWA. Rey Misterio beat Terry Funk fair and square and Funk needs to accept that. Just as Scott Bigelow needs to accept that he lost fair and square to Bret Hart. (B-)

-Match: AWA World’s Heaveyweight Champion, Bret Hart and Ron Simmons over Miracle Violence Connexion by pinfall when Simmons pins Gordy. (B-)

-A hard fought brawl in which all four men looked strong until the end when Simmons hits Gordy with the Dominator in another surprising display of power.

-Overall Rating C+


February, Week 2, The North Star Collosseum, 8533 Attendance

-The show opens to Hayes and a returning and beaten Dusty Rhodes. Dusty talks about how he has been unable to get out of bed all week because of the ass kicking his son put on him at All Roads To Ruin. And tonight his son has a chance to become number one contender. Dusty has mixed feelings about it but is simply glad to be back. They also hype the other three men in the number one contender’s tourney: Rey Misterio, Ron Simmons and Scott Hall. (B)

-#1 Contender’s Title Tourny Semi-Final Match: Dustin Rhodes over Rey Misterio by pinfall. (B-)

-Dustin was focused but had trouble with the speed of Misterio. That was, until Terry Funk appeared in the entry way. After what happened last week Rey was ready for him and took off down the isle. Funk fled but when Rey returned he got caught with a sick uppercut as he stepped through the ropes before falling prey to the Curtain Call. Dustin appeared to have perged his obsession with his father and only looked at him once, after he had been named victorious.

-Larry Z and Scott Hall are backstage when Terry Funk bursts in ecstatic. He asks if Hall and Zybszko saw Rey lose. They did, but try to get it through to Terry that his obsession with Misterio is not what’s important. Scott Hall needs too be Ron Simmons and then Dustin Rhodes and finally Bret Hart to become World’s Heavyweight Champion. ©

-#1 Contender’s Title Tourny Semi-Final Match: Ron Simmons over Scott Hall by pinfall. (B-)

-A hard hitting back and forth match in which Ron Simmons eventually catches Hall in the Dominator and gets the clean win.

-Match: The Internationals (Konnan and Asai) over Glenn Inferno and Chris Kanyon by submission when Inferno taps out the the Dragon Sleeper. (C-)

-The announcers indicate that Carlos Konnan has informed them that the entire group formerly known as the Cornette Contingent are now known as The Internationals, not just Saturn and Finlay. Inferno and Kanyon don’t work well together and are made short work of by Konnan and Asai.

-Match: The Internationals (Barron and Saturn) over Lance Storm and D’Lo Brown by pinfall when Barron pins D’Lo while using the ropes for leverage. (C-)

-Following the match Storm is irate and the announcers reveal that we will have a rematch of the finals of the Middleweight Title Tournament at Clash Of The Titans which will be Barron’s first title defence.

-Match: Miracle Violence Connexion w/ Stephen Richards over The Samoan Swat Team by pinfall when Bigelow covered Samula. (C+)

-A hard hitting affair that established MVC near the top of the tag title circuit.

-Non-Title Match: World’s Heavyweight Champion, Bret Hart over Jinsei Shinzaki by submission. (B-)

-Gene Okerlund is backstage with Dustin Rhodes. Rhodes talks about how he will defeat Ron Simmons and go on to beat Bret Hart of the world title. (B)

-Non-Title Match: The Steiner Brothers over Terry Funk and D. John Finlay when Rick pinned Finlay. (B+)

-Finlay did not benefit from being away from his usual partner and the chemistry just wasn’t there. The tag champs took advantage to remind everyone why they have the belts after a wonderful match.

-Gene Okerlund is backstage with Ron Simmons who says he has whipping Dustin Rhodes’ ass down to an art form. And once he’s done doing that it will be Bret. Now he respects Bret Hart. But he’s going to give the champion an ass kicking like he’s never had at Clash Of The Titans. (B-)

-#1 Contender’s Tournament Final Match: Ron Simmons drew with Dustin Rhodes when both men were counted out.

-Both men knew the counter’s to each other’s holds through this match and tempers flared as frustration set in for both men. It spilled to the outside where neither man could break away from the other long enough to break the count. The match ended in a draw but Dustin Rhodes continued his assault after the bell, dragging Ron Simmons back to the ring and beating away on him. Bret Hart came from the back to make the save and after a scuffle through Dustin from the ring only to be spun around by Simmons. Ron gets in Hart’s face saying he can take care of himself as Dustin skulks to the back. (B+)

-Overall Rating B

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  • 1 month later...

Due to Rick being away travelling for a couple of months, I have taken on the task of booking AWA in the meantime. As such, I shall present you with short write-ups in the style of Rick's for the tv shows and a bit longer for PPVs. Now, without further ado...


AWA All-Star Wrestling


Pre-show match: Stephen Richards pinned Mr. Wrestling III after interference from both Bigelow and Gordy. (D)


Match: The Miracle Violence Connexion defeats D'Lo Brown and Chris Kanyon by pinfall in a squash match. (C-)


Konnan is out with his stable, declaring that they are to be feared and that they rule AWA supreme. He points towards the AWA World's Middleweight Title holder, Cesar Barron, and says that noone in AWA is fit to challenge this great man for the belt... noone outside their own stable, that is. As such, Konnan decides that Barron is to defend the belt against "The Ultimo Dragon" Yoshihiro Asai. ©


AWA Middleweight Title Match: Cesar Barron defeats Yoshihiro Asai by countout in a mockery of a match that saw little real excitement and in which Asai left the ring and was counted out on purpose on Konnan's orders. Barron thus retains his belt. (C-)


Lance Storm then comes out with Juventud Guerrera and Dionicio Torres, and they proclaim that they disagree with Konnan's views and methods. They argue for a bit. ©


Verne Gagne comes out and decides that if Konnan feels Asai is the most fit challenger for Barron, then he'll get another match at AWA Super Clash... but so will Storm, Guerrera and Torres - in a 5-way match for the title! (C-)


Match: Ron Simmons, in an unusually rough and dominating effort, pins Glenn Inferno after a Dominator. ©


Rick and Scott Steiner comes out, proclaiming that their impressive reign as AWA World Tag Team Championship title holders, a title they hold dearly, proves that they are among the very best in AWA. And as such, they both feel that they deserve a shot at the AWA World's Heavyweight Championship! Verne Gagne agrees, and sets up a match between the two for next week's All-Star Wrestling - with the winner getting the title shot at AWA Super Clash! However, Terry Funk and Scott Hall interrupts them. They scorn The Steiners and berates Gagne for not giving one of them the chance to face Hart for the title instead, and demands a shot at Rick and Scott's belts tonight, stating that they will prove to the world that The Steiners are not fit to hold the tag team belts, much less a world title shot! (B-)


AWA World Tag Team Title Match: Scott Steiner defeated Hall after a Frankensteiner, and The Steiners retain. Great match. (B+)


Funk and Hall are disgruntled after the match, and are mocked by the fans. Hall lashes out against them, complaining about never having been properly respected in AWA and stating that perhaps he should go somewhere else! Funk tries to calm him down, but out comes Rey Misterio Jr. to makes matters worse and mock Hall even more. He ends up angering Hall enough to challenge Misterio to a match right here and now, vowing to leave AWA for good if he loses! (C+)


Scott Hall leaves AWA if he loses Match: Following a botched interference by a devastated Terry Funk, Misterio gets the upset win! ©


Hall is followed by the cameras backstage and out of the door as he leaves AWA for good while Funk is part apologizing and part lashing out against Misterio and the fans for their part in Hall's shocking and sudden departure. (D)


Bret Hart makes his entrance, politely greeting fans and handing his uber cool sunglasses to a lucky kid. He then gets in the ring and says that he wants to teach Dustin Rhodes a lesson in humility, and that he is willing to put his title on the line!(B+)


AWA World’s Heavyweight Title Match: Dustin was good, but Bret was better as he outsmarted Dustin and won through a victory roll. Bret Hart retains his title. (B)


Bret celebrates his win with the fans as an angered Dustin Rhodes laves. (B+)


Show rating: B-

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AWA All-Star Wrestling


Pre-show Match: Los Trapacistas defeated D'Lo Brown and Chris Kanyon. ©


Terry Funk is in the ring, scolding the fans and Rey Misterio for driving his good friend Scott Hall out of AWA. He denounces all blame on his own person and demands a match against "that little despicable punk, Ray Mysteryass" - and to get the match, he announces that if he loses... he will follow his friend Scott Hall out of the door and leave AWA for good! But if he wins... Misterio must leave! Misterio comes out and accepts the challenge! It's on! (C+)


Match: The Samoan Swat Team defeated Kaz Hayashi and Jinsei Shinzaki when Samula Anoa'i defeated Kaz Hayashi by pinfall with a Double diving headbutt. (D+)


Carlos Konnan is being inteviewed by 'Mean Gene' on behalf of Perry Saturn and D. John Finlay, proclaiming them to be the best tag team in all of AWA and says they should be the new #1 contenders for the world tag team titles. He achnowledge that The Steiners is a good team, but that exactly is why only The Internationals can stop them - as noone else is good enough! Dusty Rhodes on commentary doubts that they of all teams can stop The Steiners' impressive run and says that teams like The Miracle Violence Connexion or The Samoan Swat Team are both more likely to do so, and states that The Internationals lack both the skills and experience to pull it off. (C+)


Angered, Konnan orders his team to assault Dusty Rhodes! They give him a good beating... untill... untill Dustin Rhodes shockingly and surprisingly runs down to ringside with a chair in hand to help his father! What on earth is this??? Dusty is as confused as the fleeing attackers. (C+)


Match: Ron Simmons, in an even more brutal effort than last week, demolishes Rick Martel after a Dominator. (C-)


Stephen Richards praises his clients, Bigelow and Gordy - 2x 'Bam Bam'. (D)


Match: Lance Storm drew with Carlos Konnan after Barron and Asai on Konnan's side and Guerrera and Torres on Storm's side all interfered, forcing the ref to call it a no-contest. ©


Terry Funk comes out to his important loser leaves town match against Rey Misterio Jr. He smiles like a crazy man and suggests someone to go backstage with a camera to find Rey. So it is done, and Rey is seen down and out, apparantly the victim of an assault with a chair AND a broomstick AND a trash can! There's blood everywhere! Funk laughs and says that as everyone can see, Misterio is in no condition to fight... and therefore, he proclaims himself victor by default! However... Bret Hart steps out and announces, much to Funk's dismay, that he will take the place of Rey and fight on behalf of him! Funk protests, but Verne Gagne appears on the big screen to approve it. (B)


Bret Hart makes his entrance, politely greeting fans and handing his uber cool sunglasses to a lucky kid. (A)


Loser Leaves Town Match: Bret Hart ends Funk's AWA career with a Sharpshooter in a matchup the crowd seemed tired of seeing, in spite of what was at stake. ©


Hart decides to add insult to injury as he mocks Funk and berates him of his cheating, deceiptful ways as the dejected Funk leaves backstage. The crowd seems to dig this. (B)


A shot at the AWA World’s Heavyweight Title at Super Clash Match: In a good match between the two brothers, who clearly knows each other in and out, we were unable to find a winner as it went to a 30:00 min time limit draw. (B)


Bret Hart comes out to praise both men for their efforts, calling them both worthy of a title shot... and offers to defend his title against them both in a triple threat match at Super Clash! Which they accept! (B+)


The announcers talk a bit about how awesome that match will be. (B+)


Show rating: B-

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AWA All-Star Wrestling


Pre-show Match: Glenn Inferno pins Mr. Wrestling III with a Chartbuster. (D)


Gene Okerlund is standing with a couple of debuting surprise faces as 'Pretty' Paul Roma and 'Wonderful' Paul Orndorff, combined Pretty Wonderful, presents themselves as the new tag team threat in AWA! ©


Match: Pretty Wonderful get a debut win here against Rick Martel and D'Lo Brown. (D)


The Miracle Violence Connexion is cutting a promo on The Steiner Brothers, with Rick and Scott coming out to defend themselves. The discussion involves the tag team belts, the world heavyweight belt and, apparantly, Bigelow and Gordy being genetically superior to The Steiners and Bret Hart. ©


Verne Gagne comes out to announce that tonight's main event will be Bret Hart and The Steiners vs. Stephen Richards and The Miracle Violence Connexion! (B-)


Match: Dustin Rhodes defeats Mr. Wrestling III by DQ when the from last week scorned Finlay and Saturn decides to ambush Dustin. (C-)


Dusty Rhodes decides to save his son from his attackers, much to the delight from the crowd! (B-)


After the attackers have fled, Dustin grabs a mic and tells Dusty that he does not want nor need his help, and explains that he did not save Dusty last week out of rekindled love or respect or any other kind of hogwash - and that he still has severe issues with his father. But it's a family matter, and noone is to kick Dusty's behind but himself! (B)


Rick and Scott Steiner talk about their triple threat match against Bret Hart for the AWA World's Heavyweight Title at Super Clash, praising each other as well as Hart. (B-)


Match: Lance Storm and Los Trapacistas defeated Carlos Konnan, Cesar Barron and Yoshihiro Asai when Storm defeated Barron by submission with a Single Leg Crab. (C+)


Okerlund is interviewing Bret Hart. Standard stuff. (A)


Match: Ron Simmons and Rey Misterio Jr. defeats The Samoan Swat Team when Rey defeated Samula Anoa'i by pinfall with a Springboard Huracarrana. (B-)


Simmons and Misterio argue shortly, as Simmons feels that Rey stole the pin from him, but they eventually shake hands and celebrate together instead. (B-)


Bret Hart makes his entrance, politely greeting fans and handing his uber cool sunglasses to a lucky kid. (B+)


Match: Bret Hart and The Steiner Brothers defeats Stephen Richards and The Miracle Violence Connexion as Hart makes Richards submit to his Sharpshooter. (A)


Hart and The Steiners celebrate their victory. (B)


Show rating: B

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  • 2 weeks later...

AWA All-Star Wrestling


Pre-show Match: Pretty Wonderful defeated Chris Kanyon and Mr Wrestling III Orndorff defeated Mr Wrestling III by pinfall with a Piledriver. (D)


Match: The Internationals defeated Rick Martel and D'Lo Brown by submission. (D+)


A video is promoting The Samoan Swat Team. (C-)


Larry Zbyszko, who has brought Mr. Wrestling III to the ring with him, talks about the recent loss of talent AWA has suffered, mostly highlighted by losing the two - according to Zbyszko - MVPs of AWA, Terry Funk and Scott Hall. But the fans are not to fear, as he has ensured that this does not mean that the AWA World's Heavweight Title will be contended by weak nobodies like Bret Hart and The Steiner Brothers for long. In fact, he has used his TNA influences to secure two of their very best wrestlers for a #1 contendership match at SuperClash for the title! And he'll reveal the first competitor right now! Out comes... Bob Backlund! The crowd boos as Backlund walks to the ring. Zbyszko presents him of one of the all-time greatest wrestlers, and champions, the world has ever seen. And he'll prove that superiority... right now! Zbyszko signals to Backlund as the latter jumps and unsuspecting Mr. Wrestling III, beating him down and locking in a Crossface Chickenwing. Zbyszko then forces the ref to call the bell to start an impromptu match! ©


Match: Backlund defeats Mr. Wrestling III by submission to a Crossface Chickenwing in only 46 seconds, as he already had the move locked in when the match began. (C+)


Out comes Ron Simmons to critisize Zbyszko for bringing in outside talent when there's talents like himself already present in AWA who deserve a title shot and who are both capable of and suitable to holding the belt. He reminds Zbyszko that he was recently in the title picture himself and mentions the fact that he is a former world champion. Rey Misterio Jr. then appears and says that he too deserves a title shot and points out that he is a big part of why the AWA fans no longer has to suffer from Terry Funk and Scott Hall's antics. Zbyszko then says that both of them will be put into the #1 contendership match at SuperClash, making it a 4-way between them, Backlund and the mysterious second man from TNA! (C-)


Match: The Latin-American Connection, for the first time ever in AWA, defeats Jinsei Shinzaki and Kaz Hayashi when Savio Vega pins Shinzaki after a Carribean Kick. (D+)


Stephen Richards, on behalf os his clients, The Miracle Violence Connexion, approaches Verne Gagne to ask for a title shot against The Steiner Brothers. After some arguing back and forth, Gagne makes another #1 contendership match, this time for the AWA World Tag Team Title, for SuperClash: The Miracle Violence Connexion vs. The Samoan Swat Team vs. Pretty Wonderful vs. The Latin-American Connection! (D+)


The announcers talk about this upcoming match being interesting, as two of the teams are relatively unknown to the AWA audience. ©


Match: Cesar Barron defeated Dionicio Torres by pinfall with a Silver Driver. The match had interference from both sides' allies. ©


Another match is announced for SuperClash, this time with a very exciting team as Dusty and Dustin Rhodes will team up against The Internationals! (B-)


Match: Dustin Rhodes defeats Carlos Konnan by DQ as The Internationals interfer and attack him. (C-)


Dusty Rhodes jump up from the announcers' table and help his son chase off the attackers, as he brought a chair with him. Dustin does not appear to be particularly thankful, however. (B-)


'Mean' Gene Okerlund interviews world champion Bret Hart about this and that and everything. (B)


Match: Ron Simmons and Rey Misterio Jr. drew with The Miracle Violence Connexion after a double countout. (B)


As the match ends, Backlund briefly comes out to have a look at Simmons and Misterio. (C+)


Bret Hart makes his entrance, politely greeting fans and handing his uber cool sunglasses to a lucky kid. (B+)


Match: In a 2-on-1 handicap match as warmup for SuperClash, Bret Hart takes on The Steiner Brothers. Being 2 against 1, The Steiners clearly have the upper hand in spite of Hart's best efforts - but they keep arguing over who gets the pinfall, clearly both wanting the psychological advantage going into the title match. In the end, a tired and worn-out Bret Hart manages to defeat the odds and get a surprise roll-up victory on Rick after one of The Steiner's numerous bickerings. (B+)


The Steiners are seen arguing on their way backstage after the loss. (B)


A hype video promoting the SuperClash main event, the AWA World's Heavyweight Title match between Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner and Bret Hart © closes the show. (B+)


Show rating: B-

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AWA SuperClash 5 card



AWA World's Heavyweight Title match:

Rick Steiner vs. Scott Steiner vs. Bret Hart ©


AWA World's Heavyweight Title #1 contendership match:

Bob Backlund vs. Ron Simmons vs. Rey Misterio Jr. vs ???


AWA World Tag Team Title #1 contendership match:

The Miracle Violence Connexion vs. The Samoan Swat Team vs. Pretty Wonderful vs. The Latin-American Connection


Dusty and Dustin Rhodes vs. The Internationals


AWA Middleweight Title match:

Cesar Barron © vs. Yoshihiro Asai vs. Lance Storm vs. Dionicio Torres vs. Juventud Guerrera

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AWA SuperClash 5 card


AWA World's Heavyweight Title match:

Rick Steiner vs. Scott Steiner vs. Bret Hart ©

- Bret hangs onto his AWA "World" Title


AWA World's Heavyweight Title #1 contendership match:

Bob Backlund vs. Ron Simmons vs. Rey Misterio Jr. vs ???

- DA**!!!


AWA World Tag Team Title #1 contendership match:

The Miracle Violence Connexion vs. The Samoan Swat Team vs. Pretty Wonderful vs. The Latin-American Connection

- Stevie Kick from the outside for the win!


Dusty and Dustin Rhodes vs. The Internationals

- Dusty finish here!! Dustin turns on his dad


AWA Middleweight Title match:

Cesar Barron © vs. Yoshihiro Asai vs. Lance Storm vs. Dionicio Torres vs. Juventud Guerrera

- Just so Lance can rename it the CANADIAN Middleweight title

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AWA SuperClash 5



Pre-show match:

Stephen Richards /w. The Miracle Violence Connexion vs. Chris Kanyon

Richards wins after a Stevie Kick in a match in which both Bigelow and Gordy distracted Kanyon.

Winner: Stephen Richards

Match length: 3:37

Rating: D


AWA Middleweight Title match:

Cesar Barron © /w. Carlos Konnan vs. Yoshihiro Asai /w. Carlos Konnan vs. Lance Storm vs. Dionicio Torres vs. Juventud Guerrera

Konnan saved Barron's title as he pulled Storm's legs as he was about to pin Asai. Barron afterwards retained his title after a vicious Silver Kick on Storm.

Winner, and still champion: Cesar Barron

Match length: 14:06

Rating: C


Dusty and Dustin Rhodes vs. The Internationals

There's clearly still a great deal of animosity in the Rhodes family, yet they still remained to come out victorious after Dusty hit his trademark Bionic Elbow on Perry Saturn.

Winners: Dusty and Dustin Rhodes

Match length: 11:40

Rating: C


After the match, Dusty tries to hug his son, but after a few seconds worth of thinking, Dustin brushes him off and leaves.

Rating: B-


AWA World Tag Team Title #1 contendership match:

The Miracle Violence Connexion /w. Stephen Richards vs. The Samoan Swat Team vs. Pretty Wonderful vs. The Latin-American Connection

Tons of finishers and near-falls in this match. All teams got close to the victory, but Bigelow ended up getting the pin on Samula after a Greetings From Asbury Park.

Winners: The Miracle Violence Connexion

Match length: 15:22

Rating: C


Larry Zbyszko comes out to present the mysterious 4th man in the AWA World's Heavyweight Title #1 contendership match coming up next... he says it's one of not only TNA's, but the entire world's, most successful wrestlers... a man who, with ease according to Zbyszko, defeated both Ron Simmons and Rey Misterio not too many months ago... it's time... it's Vader time!!!



AWA World's Heavyweight Title #1 contendership match:

Bob Backlund vs. Ron Simmons vs. Rey Misterio Jr. vs Vader

Exciting match here. All men showed dominance and excellence in turns. Ron Simmons looked keen to get revenge on Vader, for his defeat in their last matchup, as well as become new #1 contender as he somehow managed to lift up the massive man that is Vader, who had just just thrown Backlund out of the ring and into the barricades, and punished him with a devastating Dominator! 1...2... no! Rey breaks the pin! Simmons looks very upset! After some back and forth for a few minutes, Simmons positions Rey for a Dominator as well... and hits it! Is this it? No! Vader somehow managed to get back on his feet and hit a sick Clothesline on Simmons that sent them both over the top rope before Simmons could cover Rey! And Backlund manages to take advantage, he slips back into the ring and puts Rey in a Crossface Chickenwing! Rey, having just been hit by a Dominator, simply passes out! Backlund wins!

Winner: Bob Backlund

Match length: 19:53

Rating: B


Bret Hart makes his entrance, politely greeting fans and handing his uber cool sunglasses to a lucky kid.

Rating: B+


AWA World's Heavyweight Title match:

Rick Steiner vs. Scott Steiner vs. Bret Hart ©

In a pure awesome match between 3 obviously equal kings of technical wrestling, in which the crowd cheered for them all and gave occational standing ovations for the performances in the ring, Bret Hart barely escaped losing the belt on several occations as he ultimately made Scott submit to a Sharpshooter.

Winner: Bret Hart

Match length: 30:23

Rating: A


As a sign of mutual respect between the 3 competitors, they all shake hands and hug after the match. The Steiners congratulate Hart on his title defense and raise his hands in victory. The crowd cheers.

Rating: B+


Show rating: B

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AWA SuperClash 5 card


AWA World's Heavyweight Title match:

Rick Steiner vs. Scott Steiner vs. Bret Hart ©

- Bret hangs onto his AWA "World" Title


AWA World's Heavyweight Title #1 contendership match:

Bob Backlund vs. Ron Simmons vs. Rey Misterio Jr. vs ???

- DA**!!!


AWA World Tag Team Title #1 contendership match:

The Miracle Violence Connexion vs. The Samoan Swat Team vs. Pretty Wonderful vs. The Latin-American Connection

- Stevie Kick from the outside for the win!


Dusty and Dustin Rhodes vs. The Internationals

- Dusty finish here!! Dustin turns on his dad


AWA Middleweight Title match:

Cesar Barron © vs. Yoshihiro Asai vs. Lance Storm vs. Dionicio Torres vs. Juventud Guerrera

- Just so Lance can rename it the CANADIAN Middleweight title


I suppose 2/5 ain't bad for someone used to the illogical bookings of WWF. :p:D

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AWA All-Star Wrestling


Pre-show Match: Glenn Inferno pins D'Lo Brown after a Last Dance. (D+)


Match: Ron Simmons squashed Chris Kanyon after a Dominator. (D)


Simmons then grabs a mic and lashes out against Rey Misterio, whom he thought was a friend, for costing him not only the chance to become #1 contender for Bret Hart's AWA's World Heavyweight Title but also the chance to pick up a much deserved revenge victory against one of his old enemies, TNA's Vader. He says that Rey's betrayal shall not be forgotten... (C+)


Match: Juventud Guerrera defeated Kaz Hayashi with a Juvi Driver. (C+)


A recap from SuperClas is shown, with focus especially on Hart defending his title against The Steiners and the #1 contendership match. (B)


Match: The Latin-American Connection defeated Pretty Wonderful by DQ, when Roma used an illegal object. (C-)


Stephen Richards hypes up his clients, the, according to him, "next tag team champions", The Miracle Violence Connexion. (D+)


Match: Carlos Konnan pins Rick Martel after distraction by Asai. (C+)


Dustin Rhodes explains that him teaming at SuperClash with his father doesn't change anything between them, and brushes off Dusty's attempts to reason with him. (B)


Match: The Internationals defeated The Samoan Swat Team when Saturn uses the ropes for leverage. ©


Gene Okerlund asks Dustin Rhodes why he refuses to patch things up with his father when Dusty clearly wants it so, but is brushed off without getting an answer. (B-)


Match: Lance Storm and Dionicio Torres defeated Cesar Barron and Yoshihiro Asai when Storm nails Barron with his own title belt after Konnan originally brought it into the ring. The match also sav Juventud Guerrera help fight off Konnan. (B-)


The Steiners talk to Gene Okerlund about their triple threat match with Bret Hart for his title at SuperClash, clearly both being dissapointed not winning. There seems to be a bit of dissent between the two. (B-)


Match: Bob Backlund made Rey Misterio Jr. submit to the Crossface Chickenwing after Ron Simmons had shockingly appeared and pulled Rey's legs as he was attempting to pin Backlund after a West Coast Pop. (B)


Backlund cuts a promo on Hart after the match, where he explains that he has beaten him for a world title before and will do so again. Hart comes out to tell Backlund that the past won't save him from a sound beating and that no-one in the crowd has any idea what he's talking about anyway, with those unimportant events taking place a long, long time ago in a promotion far, far away ...from anything that matters. This is the present, and Backlund is going down! (B)


AWA World Tag Team Title Match: The Miracle Violence Connexion defeated The Steiner Brothers to become new champions after outside interference on Rick by Stevie Richards through a Stevie Kick. The Steiners argue after the loss. (B)


Show rating: B-

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  • 2 weeks later...

AWA All-Star Wrestling


Match: Rey Misterio Jr. pins Kaz Hayashi after a West Coast Pop. During the match, Ron Simmons came down the ramp only to stop and just stare at Rey. (C+)


After the match, Rey grabs a mic and says that he's sorry that Simmons feels the way he do about him but that he's not sorry for his actions. Both of them wanted to win the #1 contendership match and he would have been a fool if he had not done everything he could to win that match, including preventing Simmons from doing so. But he hopes that they can both put this behind them and let bygones be bygones. Simmons answers by slowly shaking his head and walking away... (B-)


Verne Gagne approaches Carlos Konnan and Cesar Barron, telling them that Dionisio Torres, Juventud Guerrera and Lance Storm all have requested title shots against Barron. Konnan, on behalf of his client, asserts that none of them have done anything to prove that they deserve such a title shot - and after some back and forth arguing, a compromise is made: all 3 challengers will get single matches later tonight, against Jinsei Shinzaki, Mr. Wrestling III and Glenn Inferno, respectively - and those who win their matches will ALL get a title shot in a match at the next PPV! Konnan and Barron whispers and grins as they walk away... ©


Match: Dustin Rhodes pins Rick Martel after a Bulldog. (B-)


Bob Backlund is being interviewed by Gene Okerlund, and is deliciously arrogant when talking about his own skills and the lack of such amongst everyone else here in AWA. (B-)


Match: Dionisio Torres pins Jinsei Shinzaki after a Sky Twister Press, in spite of Yoshihiro Asai through intervention trying to prevent it as well as Konnan attempting to cause distractions. Torres is hereby challenging Barron for his title at the next PPV. ©


After the match, Barron complains to Konnan and Asai about their failure to prevent Torres from winning, and Konnan promises to be more "hands on" himself for the next match. (C-)


Match: Pretty Wonderful defeats The Samoan Swat Team when Orndoff pins Solafu Fatu Lua after cheating. (C+)


The Steiner Brothers talk about them losing their AWA World Tag Team Title belts last week due to lack of focus and bickering between the two, and promises each other to get them back. (B-)


Match: Juventud Guerrera pins Mr. Wrestling III after a Juvi Driver. Both Asai and Konnan tried to prevent it, but Juvi outsmarted them both. Guerrera is hereby challenging Barron for his title at the next PPV as well. (C-)


Barron is very frustrated and yells some stuff in Spanish at both Konnan and Asai, but Konnan assures him that he has a plan that will surely prevent at least Storm from winning. ©


Match: The Latin-American Connection defeats The Internationals when Santana rolls up Finlay when Finlay got angrily distracted by Dusty Rhodes' commentary concerning him and Saturn. (C+)


Santana and Vega are celebrating when Pretty Wonderful decides to assault them, apparantly not being happy about losing to them last week. (C-)


Glenn Inferno, the opponent for Lance Storm, is found backstage down and out. He is quickly declared unable to compete... so what now? (D+)


Match: Yoshihiro Asai, who "kindly" stepped up to replace Inferno, defeats Lance Storm after Konnan, unsuccessfully, and Cesar Barron himself had interfered. A Silver Kick to an unsuspecting Storm allowed Asai to make the pin. As a result, Storm fails to qualifiy for the title match at the next PPV. (B-)


Bret Hart makes his entrance, politely greeting fans and handing his uber cool sunglasses to a lucky kid. (B)


Match: Bret Hart and The Steiner Brothers drew with Bob Backlund and The Miracle Violence Connexion after a double DQ when both sides brought chairs. (B)


Show rating: B-

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  • 2 weeks later...

AWA All-Star Wrestling


Ron Simmons cuts a promo on Rey Misterio Jr., really lashing out at him. They go back and forth, and agree to a match at Wrestlevolution. (C+)


Mexican legend Mil Mascaras, new to AWA, is being interviewed by Gene Okerlund when Bret Hart drops by and shakes his hand and states his admiration. Mascaras is now instantly cool through association! Yay! (B+)


Match: Mil Mascaras pins Jinsei Shinzaki by pinfall with a Flying Double Chest Chop in his debut match in AWA. (D+)


Lance Storm is being interviewed by 'Mean' Gene about this and that and everything. With "this" being Cesar Barron, "that" being Carlos Konnan and "everything" being Yoshihiro Asai. Storm says he's better than all of them and vows to prove it. (C-)


Match: The Samoan Swat Team defeats another debut in AWA tonight, The State Patrol - Lt. James Earl Wright and Sgt. Buddy Lee Parker. (D)


A hype video featuring The Miracle Violence Connexion, current tag team chamnpions, airs. (B)


Match: Glenn Inferno pins Rick Martel after a Last Dance. ©


Bob Backlund cuts a promo on Bret Hart, warning Hart that this time, he doesn't have anyone to throw in the towel and will have to go all the way. The crowd didn't seem to get whatever minor league wrestling reference that was. (B-)


Match: Lance Storm and Los Trapacistas defeated Cesar Barron and The Internationals by DQ when Konnan interfered and launched himself at Storm. ©


Lance Storm vs. Carlos Konnan is announced for Wrestlevolution. ©


The Steiner Brothers are in the ring with a mic and calls out The Miracle Violence Connexion, demanding a re-match. On behalf of his clients, Steven Richards agrees to one at Wrestlevolution. (C+)


Match: The Steiner Brothers defeated Pretty Wonderful after Scott hit a Steinerizer on Orndorff. (B-)


After the match, The Latin-American Connection retaliates from last week and attacks Orndorff and Roma. (D+)


Match: Dustin Rhodes pinned Yoshihiro Asai in a match that saw interefernce from The Internationals and Carlos Konnan as well as Dusty Rhodes. (C+)


Bret Hart makes his entrance, politely greeting fans and handing his uber cool sunglasses to a lucky kid. (B+)


Match: Bob Backlund and Ron Simmons defeated Bret Hart and Rey Misterio Jr. when Simmons pinned Misterio after a Dominator, which Backlund facilitated through some clever but naughty cheating. (B+)


Show rating: B-

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AWA All-Star Wrestling


Dusty Rhodes comes down to the ring to plead to his son, Dustin, to reconcile with him. Dustin does not answer and stays backstage, though. A dissapointed Dusty Rhodes sits down at his announcer's desk. (B)


Match: Mil Mascaras pins Kaz Hayashi after a Plancha. ©


A video hypes The Miracle Violence Connexion. It's the same video as last week, rather lazy - but the crowd seemed to love it even more this week. Odd. (B+)


Bret Hart makes his entrance, politely greeting fans and handing his uber cool sunglasses to a lucky kid. (B+)


Non-title Match: Bret Hart submits Glenn Inferno to his Sharpshooter. (B-)


Bret Hart cuts a promo on Bob Backlund, admitting that he was once a huge star - but compares him to a dinosaur, stating that he is now nothing but an old fossile that belongs in a museum. (B)


The announcers put over the fact that we'll be seeing Pretty Wonderful vs. The Latin-American Connection at Wrestlevolution. ©


Elimination Match: Lance Storm, Los Trapacistas and The Latin-American Connection defeated Cesar Barron, Carlos Konnan, Yoshihiro Asai and Pretty Wonderful when Storm was the final man standing, eliminating Barron last. (C+)


Ron Simmons is interviewed by Okerlund and talks about his own greatnes and destiny. Oh, and also about how he will cripple Rey Misterio Jr. (B-)


Dusty Rhodes is called backstage and leaves the announcers desk. (B)


Match: Bob Backlund defeats Dustin Rhodes when during the match, on the big screen, Dusty is seen being manhandled by The Internationals backstage - with them obviously having him called back there as a ruse. At first, Dustin tries to ignore it and continue the match - but he eventually succumbs and storms out of the ring backstage to aid his father, in spite of their history. Backlund wins by countout. ©


We go backstage to see Dustin save his father from further beatings. This could very well lead to another match between these two sides, possibly at Wrestlevolution... (B-)


Match: Rey Misterio Jr. and The Steiner Brothers defeated Ron Simmons and Miracle Violence Connexion as Scott pins Simmons after a double team move with Rey Misterio. (B)


Angered, Simmons viciously assaults Misterio after the match and hits a Dominator on the concrete! Ouch! (B-)


Show rating: B

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AWA Wrestlevoution 1996 card



AWA World's Heavyweight Title match:

Bob Backlund vs. Bret Hart ©


Ron Simmons vs. Rey Misterio Jr.


AWA World Tag Team Title match:

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Miracle Violence Connexion ©


Dusty and Dustin Rhodes vs. The Internationals


AWA Middleweight Title match:

Dionicio Torres vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Cesar Barron ©


Lance Storm vs. Carlos Konnan


Pretty Wonderful vs. The Latin-American Connection

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AWA Wrestlevoution 1996




Glenn Inferno vs. Jinsei Shinzaki vs. Kaz Hayashi vs. Mr Wrestling III

Inferno pinned Mr. Wrestling III after a Chartbuster.

Winner: Glenn Inferno

Match length: 4:48

Rating: C


Pretty Wonderful vs. The Latin-American Connection

Santana pinned Roma after a Flying Forearm in a decent but unspectacular tag team match.

Winners: The Latin-American Connection

Match length: 10:42

Rating: C


Bret Hart and The Steiner Brothers are talking, wishing each other luck for their matches tonight and agreeing that if all ends well, they will all walk out of Wrestlevoution as champions.

Rating: B


Lance Storm vs. Carlos Konnan

Storm had control of most of the match, and even averted an interference attempt by Asai as the ref was distracted, with Asai being sent head-first out of the ring and into the railing. But as Storm was about to pin Konnan after a Deep Impact, Cesar Barron interfered with a nasty Silver Kick that knocked Storm out cold, but also gave him the win through DQ.

Winner: Lance Storm

Match length: 12:31

Rating: C


Bob Backlund talks about showing Bret Hart his place tonight and capturing the AWA's World Heavyweight Title.

Rating: B


Dusty and Dustin Rhodes vs. The Internationals

Help from Konnan was not enough to secure a win for his clients as Dustin pinned Finlay after a Bulldog in another - sadly - subpar match between such gifted athletes.

Winners: Dusty and Dustin Rhodes

Match length: 15:41

Rating: C


After the match, Dusty wants to celebrate by hugging his son. Dustin refuses... but reluctantly agrees to shake his hand instead. That's progress!

Rating: B-


AWA Middleweight Title match:

Dionicio Torres vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Cesar Barron ©

Another unspectacular PPV match here as Barron pinned Torres while holding onto his tights after a match that saw so much distraction from Konnan and Asai that the ref ultimately banished both from ringside.

Winner, and still champion: Cesar Barron

Match length: 15:05

Rating: C


AWA World Tag Team Title match:

The Steiner Brothers vs. The Miracle Violence Connexion ©

In the first good match of the night we saw plenty of action with good technical wrestling mixed with some fine brawling. The match went back and forth and saw several near-falls but sneaky tactics from manager Richards saw MVC retain their titles as his distractions and cheats kept saving them and ultimately led to their victory after he hit a Stevie Kick on Scott.

Winners, and still champions: The Miracle Violence Connexion

Match length: 18:34

Rating: B


Bret Hart talks about how he will show tonight why he is the excellence of execution and execute Backlund's already slim chances of winning his title.

Rating: B+


Ron Simmons vs. Rey Misterio Jr.

In a good match that saw Simmons' brute force go up against Misterio's speed and agility, Simmons dominated for most of the match with his power moves. Surprisingly however, Misterio managed to win the match through a victory roll as Simmons obviously got a bit too cocky and over-confident for his own good.

Winner: Rey Misterio Jr.

Match length: 17:29

Rating: B-


After the match, a worn-out Misterio bails out but is quickly chased to the back by a very very angry Simmons and a nasty-looking steel chair.

Rating: C


Bret Hart makes his entrance, politely greeting fans and handing his uber cool sunglasses to a lucky kid.

Rating: B+


AWA World's Heavyweight Title match:

Bob Backlund vs. Bret Hart ©

This was an amazing classic display of technical wrestling skills. Great effort by both men in what was easily one of the best wrestling matches of 1996 so far. The match was filled with clever moves and counter-moves, and the audience was constantly kept on the edge of their seats - untill the exciting finish where Backlund looks set to deliver a Spiked Piledriver on Hart, only for Hart to reverse it into one of his own... and follows through with a 1...2...3! Excellent effort by both men here.

Winner, and still champion: Bret Hart

Match length: 31:38

Rating: A


After the match, as Hart is celebrating, an angered Backlund attacks from behind and locks in the Crossface Chickenwing and refuses to let go untill a bunch of officials pulls him off an unconcious Bret.

Rating: B


Show rating: B

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  • 3 weeks later...

Coming to you LIVE in front of 9,234 screaming fans in the North Star Colosseum, in Minneapolis, Minnesota it’s…


The AWA presents All-Star Wrestling


We start with Scott Hudson and Dusty Rhodes who tell us that AWA Wrestlevolution was not to be missed! But more on that later as it’s immediately time for a match!



‘The Ultimo Dragon’ Yoshihiro Asai and AWA World’s Middleweight Champion, ‘The Silver King’ Cesar Barron w/ Carlos Konnan


Chris Kanyon and Rick Martel


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Yoshihiro Asai and Cesar Barron defeated Chris Kanyon and Rick Martel in 7:45 when Cesar Barron defeated Chris Kanyon by pinfall with a Silver Kick. Konnan’s Internationals looked very good here. Scott Hudson explains that the name The Internationals applies to all who fight under Konnan’s guidance.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are your winners: Yoshihiro Asai and Cesar Barron!



Following the match Dusty and Scott introduce a video package recapping Wrestlevolution.


Stills are shown of The Miracle Violence Connexion battling the Steiners. Multiple attempts to cheat fail until Stephen Richards hits a Stephankick on Scott Steiner, Greatings From Asbury Park and the champions retain.


Various stills of Simmons demolishing Rey Misterio are shown including one of a downed Rey being towered over by the hulking Simmons. The quick roll through and a shocked an angered Simmons as Rey runs to the back.


Stills of Hart and Backlund’s battle are shown. Finally Backlund goes for the piledriver, Hart reverses it and lands the pinfall. Hart celebrating and the announcers loosing their minds as Backlund attacks from behind.


“This has no place in the AWA!’


Backlund with Hart in the Crossface Chicken Wing and finally Backlund staring down crazed at the AWA World’s Heavyweight Championship.




AWA World Tag Team Champions, Miracle Violence Connexion and Stephen Richards


The Internationals and Lance Storm w/ Carlos Konnan


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Scott Bigelow, Terry Gordy and Stephen Richards defeated Lance Storm and The orginal Internationals in 14:40 when Stephen Richards defeated D. John Finlay by pinfall with a Stevie Kick. Storm and Konnan’s crew didn’t mesh at all here. Storm looked good when he was in but found his partners reluctant to tag. Nothing serious but the lack of chemistry allowed the Tag Champs to land the pin.

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Scott Bigelow stood out as being good.

Here are your winners: Miracle Violence Connexion and Stephan Richards!



Bret Hart is out with the AWA World’s Heavyweight Championship. He gets in the ring and demands that he be given another match with Bob Backlund. Eventually Verne Gagne makes his way out and explains that there is simply no way he is going to reward Bob Backlund for his behaviour at Wrestlevolution with another title match.


Backlund is out and he rants about how the reason he won’t be given another title shot is because Gagne knows that Backlund will beat his golden boy. Bret turns on Gagne and explains that he is the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be and that includes in comparison to Bob Backlund. If Gagne doesn’t let him prove that he is emasculating Hart. And what’s worse... he’s lessening the AWA World’s Heavyweight Title.


Gagne is not happy. Fine. Fine, but there won’t be any pay per view dollars going to Backlund for this because it’s happening next week on All Star Wrestling! But that’s not all that’s happening next week. The Match Making Committee has already decided that Rey Misterio, coming off his impressive win against Ron Simmons will face ‘The American Nightmare’ Dustin Rhodes and the winner will meet the World’s Heavyweight Champion at AWA’s Tag Team Grand Prix. Which means that whoever loses isn’t getting a rematch any time soon.

The crowd was dead cold at the start of this segment but they pulled them in.



We go to commercial and when we return:



Pretty Wonderful


The Samoan Swat Team


In an extremely short match, The Samoan Swat Team defeated Pretty Wonderful in 4:53 when Samula Anoa'i defeated Paul Roma by pinfall with a Spinebuster. Orndorff looked good but Roma was completely manhandled by the Samoans. After the match Roma lay there and medics had to help him to the back.


Hudson “An impressive display by the Swat Team who seem to have refocused themselves.”

The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are your winners: The Samoan Swat Team!



Dusty Rhodes climbs in the ring. He announces that the next AWA PPV is The Tag Team Grand Prix. And that the centerpiece of the PPV will be the Grand Prix: An eight team, three round bracket tournament where the winner will be in line for a Tag Team Title Match! Crowd says yay. And Dusty is proud to call out his son to the ring now and officially ask him to be his partner in the 1996 Tag Team Grand Prix!


After some time Dustin comes from the back and makes his way to the ring. Dusty says he knows they’ve had their problems. But they fought it out like men, and they haven’t just teamed together... but done so successfully in the past couple months. Dusty thinks they can do it. He thinks they can win.


Dustin is heeing and hawing and looking to the crowd, who want it to happen when Larry Zbyszko steps from the back with a microphone.


“Now just hold on a minute.” Boooo. “Before you answer that Dustin, you’re in line next week for a chance to be the number one contender for the World’s Heavyweight Title... and I just talked to the match making committee... and there’s a lot of concern about you winning that match and then entering this tournament. You could have to fight in up to 4 matches that night... and quite frankly you could be injured. So I’ve come out here to tell you that if you accept your father’s request...


You will be removed from your #1 Contender’s Match next week.” Zbyszko smiles as if he’s delivered good news.


Dusty goes to speak, but Dustin hold out his hand to stop him. He pats his father on the shoulder and shakes his head. He motions for the microphone, Dusty hands it over.


AND DUSTIN PLASTERS HIS FATHER WITH IT! Dusty Rhodes is knocked the ground holding his face. Dustin stares down at his father and slowly raises the microphone to his lips.


“I’ll be taking that match, Mr Zbyszko.”


Z “That’s exactly what I’d hoped you’d say.”

The crowd was cold throughout most of this segment.



When we return from commercial there is no Dusty Rhodes at commentary. Instead Larry Zbysko has joined Scott Hudson at commentary.



D’Lo Brown


Bob Backlund


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Bob Backlund defeated D'Lo Brown in 6:51 by submission with a Cross Face Chicken Wing. Backlund looks dangerous throughout.


Hudson “What you just did, driving a wedge between Dusty and Dustin Rhodes is despicable.”


Zbyszko “If I were you I’d remember who you’re talking to, unless you want to end up in a match with Scott Bigelow. Besides, I did no such thing. I was merely presenting Dustin with certain realities that were prescient if he was going to make that kind of decision. It would have been unethical not to.”

The crowd was cold but they pulled them in.

Here is your winner: Bob Backlund!



We cut to the back where Gene Okerlund is standing by with Paul Orndorff.


MGO “I’m here with ‘Mr Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff and I can report that Paul Roma was taken out of the building earlier tonight, following his match with The Samoan Swat Team and I was wondering, Mr Orndorff, if you had any news on his condition.”


Orndorff “Yes. His condition is the same as every other man in this building: He is inferior to me. That is the human condition, Okerlund: To always fall short of ‘Mr Wonderful’ Paul Orndorff.”


MGO “How can you say that? You’re own tag team partner and yo-“


Orndorff cuts him off. “’Are Wondeful. I know. Tonight you all saw Paul Orndorff lose. That doesn’t happen except for one reason: He’s partnered with someone who simply isn’t good enough. So this is what I’m going to do: I’m going to find someone who’s good enough. I’m going to find some young kid, and I’m going to take them under my wing. And when I’m done the results will be wonderful.”


MGO “Well, there you have it. Paul Orndorff everybody. We’ll be back in a bit.”



Following commercials Dusty Rhodes has joined Zbysko and Hudson at commentary. Dusty insists he’s alright but his head is bandaged.



Ron Simmons


Mr Wrestling III


In an extremely short match, Ron Simmons defeated Mr Wrestling III in 4:39 by pinfall with a Dominator. Mr W never got a shot in.


Dusty and Zbysko bicker about what happened earlier. At the end of the match LZ states that he has better things to do and takes off his headset and returns to the back.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Ron Simmons!



Gene Okerlund is backstage with Carlos Konnan and his Internationals: Perry Saturn, ‘Hardjaw’ D. John Finlay, ‘The Ultimo Dragon’ Yoshihiro Asai and the reigning AWA World’s Middleweight Champion: Cesar Barron.


MGO announces that Los Trapacistas, whom Konnan and the Internationals have had problems with over the past year, have been entered into the Tag Team Grand Prix. He asks whether two representatives from The Internationals will be entered into the tournament.


Konnan just laughs. “Two? Why stop at two, S-A? My boys Saturn and Finlay will be in the Tag Team Grand Prix, but that is not all... I will personally be there as well teaming with Yoshihiro Asai.”


MGO “Well, what happens if you end up meeting each other in the tournament?”


Konnan “If? If? You mean when, S-A. Nobody in that tournament is going to beat us... but us. And then we go on to do what we would have done earlier tonight if not for Lance Storm’s failure: Beat the Connexion.”


Barron chips in. “That is correct. Lance Storm loses when he fights against us, and now loses when he fights along side us. Everyone backstage is saying that next week, when they name the number one contender for my Middleweight Championship it will be Mr Storm. I certainly hope so, I was hoping to set a personal best for quickness of victory!”


They all leave speaking in different languages.

This segment fell flat on the heels of the previous match.




Semi-Main Event

#1 Contender’s Match

Los Trapacistas


The Latin-American Connection



Hudson “The winner of this match will meet Miracle Violence Connexion in two weeks for the Team Titles.”


Dusty “Now as I understand it, Los Trapacistas have been announced as the very first team to enter the Tag Team Grand Prix.” It takes him four seconds to finish saying the word ‘prix’. “But if they were win this match here tonight and then go on to defeat the Scott Bigelow and Terry Gordy, then one would simply have to presume that they would be removed from the tournament.”


Hudson “That is correct. I have now been informed that both teams have signed up for the tournament, live on pay per view, later this month and if either of them unseat the MVC before that, then it will be the MVC’s right to take their spot in the tournament, and if Richards’ team declines then a suitable replacement will be found.”


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Los Trapacistas defeated The Latin-American Connection in 9:44 when Juventud Guerrera defeated Savio Vega by pinfall with a surprise roll up.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are your winners, and number one contender’s for the AWA World Tag Team Titles: Los Trapacistas!



Bret Hart is shown backstage taping up his wrists! The crowd pops as Hudson advises us not to go anywhere as Bret Hart is next!



Gene Okerlund is backstage with Stephen Richards and Miracle Violence Connexion. Bigelow and Gordy and partying and hollering as Stephen Richards speaks angrily into the mic. He introduces himself as the sexiest living intellectual and the greatest wrestler/agent alive today before going into the Tag Team Champions and assuring everyone that they will successfully defend their titles in two weeks and destroy whoever emerges from the Tag Team Grand Prix.

This segment fell flat after the last one.




Main Event

AWA World’s Heavyweight Champion, Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart and Rey Misterio Jr


The Steiner Brothers


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Hart/Rey and The Steiner Brothers went back and forth in a technical display for 24:41. Finally Rick Steiner defeated Rey Misterio Jr. by pinfall with a Steinerizer after Bret Hart took a spill to the outside and appeared hurt... unable to come to his partner’s aide.


Hudson “A strong showing by the World Champion and Rey Misterio Jr but tag team wrestling is simply the domain of the Steiner Brothers!”

This match lifted the crowd and otherwise burnt out crowd.

Here are your winners: The Steiner Brothers!



After their match The Steiners help up Rey and check on Bret who appears fine, but Dustin Rhodes steps out of the back and watches them keenly. The Steiners try to shout Rhodes off when Bob Backlund appears in the crowd staring them down, crazed. We fade to black with the baby faces surrounded... thank you for joining us for AWA’s All Star Wrestling!



Overall Rating B-

There was a feeling that a number of angles used did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show may have actually hurt our popularity.

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  • 1 month later...

Coming to you LIVE in front of 9,302 screaming fans in the North Star Colosseum, in Minneapolis, Minnesota it’s…


The AWA presents All-Star Wrestling


Scott Hudson and the indecipherable Dusty Rhodes welcome us to AWA's All-Star Wrestling but don't have time to get into formalities because we've got some wrastlin to do!



The State Patrol


Los Trapacistas


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, the number one contenders for the tag team titles, Los Trapacistas, defeated The State Patrol in 7:08 when Dionicio Torres defeated James Earl Wright by pinfall after a sandwich dropkick.


Hudson “Los Trapacistas vs Miracle Violence Connexion will take place next week from Stillwater, Oklahoma for the Tag Team Titles! The winners will reign as Tag Team Champions, and the consolation prize: The final slot in the Tag Team Grand Prix Tournament!”


Rhodes “The challengers look impressive here tonight, but those are two big, mean boys they're gonna have to defeat to become champions!”


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Hot crowd to start the show.

Here are your winners, the number one contenders for the AWA World Tag Team Titles: Los Trapacistas!



We cut to a quick commercial and return for match number 2!



Carlos Konnan and AWA Middleweight Champion, Cesar Barron


Paul Orndorff and Chris Kanyon


In an extremely short match, Carlos Konnan and Cesar Barron defeated Paul Orndorff and Chris Kanyon in 4:40 when Carlos Konnan defeated Chris Kanyon by pinfall after the 187 Cradle DDT.


Dusty “One of two teams from Konnan's Internationals in the inaugural Tag Team Grand Prix look so very good here tonight.”


Hudson “One would have to think that with two teams entered in Grand Prix, the Internationals are the early favourites going into this tournament.”


Dusty “But one must be we-ary in these situations, brother, this could easily tear Konnan's entire orgenization apart.”


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The crowd's still hot, but I'm guessing not for long.

Here are your winners: The team of Carlos Konnan and the AWA Middleweight Champion, Cesar Barron!



After the Interntionals leave, Paul Orndorff paces back and forth while a sore Chris Kanyon gets to his feet. When he does Orndorff demands answers.


Dusty “The self proclaimed Mr Wonderful sent his old partner to the injury reserve list last week after just such a loss. If I was Christopher Kanyon I would skidattle.”


But Kanyon does not. Instead he tries to explain and is kicked in the gut for this troubles. Orndorff plants him with a DDT and stalks off angrily amidst boos.



The ring announcer asks everyone to please welcome the man whom the match making committee has named the number one contender for the Middleweight Championship: Lance Storm!



Lance Storm


Kaz Hayashi


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Lance Storm defeated Kaz Hayashi in 5:51 by submission with a Single Leg Crab.


Hudson “A strong technical display by the top contender for the Middleweight Title. There's a lot of people who believe Cesar Barron's reign will end at the Tag Team Grand Prix.”


Dusty “That is true-a. Lance Storm has all the skills, but he'll need to put it all together to come out over top of that wileyfox Barron in three weeks time.”


Kaz Hayashi was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Number One Contender for the Middleweight Championship, Lance Storm!



We go to commercial and when we return 'Mean' Gene Okerlund is standing backstage with Carlos Konnan, Middleweight Champion 'The Silver King' Cesar Barron, 'The Ultimo Dragon' Yoshihiro Asai and Finlay and Perry: The Internationals.


MGO “Mr Konnan, you just saw Lance Storm, the number one contender for your man Barron's Middleweight Championship in action, and he looked pretty darn impressive to me. What did you think?”


Konnan “I think you're eye sight is going, old man. You clearly do not have the eye for talent that I do. That Carlos Konnan does. Look at the men I have assembled here. Look at everything we've accomplished. To hell with Lance Storm: After the Tag Team Grand Prix. Not only will The Silver King be the Middleweight Champion, but we'll have added the Grand Prix trophies as well. Then it's the Tag Team Titles... and then the World.”


MGO “Well, I won't dispute that it appears you will have a decided advantage with two entrants in the tournament but there are six other teams, including, we now know, whoever is not the champions next week, leaving Stillwater, Oklahoma, between Los Trapacistas and the current champions Miracle Violence Connexion...”


Konnan “Those runts don't have a chance. Against the champions, or in the Grand Prix.”


MGO “The Samoan Swat Team...”


Konnan “The bigger they are, the harder they fall.”


MGO “And the former champions, Steiner Brothers. Whom you'd have to agree, are the favourites heading into this tournament.”


Konnan “I do not agree, S-A. The favourites are the Internationals. Comadre? The favourites are standing before you now.”


MGO “If you say so. Ladies and Gentlemen, we'll be back after these special messages..”


Konnan glares at Mean Gene as we cut back to the ring. Gene can be heard muttering, “You're really creeping me out, you know that?”



When we return from commercial...



Perry Saturn and 'Hardjaw' D. John Finlay


Latin American Connection



Hudson “I've just received word that the Latin American Connection just put pen to paper with Larry Zbyszko backstage, right before coming out here to take part in the Tag Team Grand Prix Tournament in three weeks, so we now know five of the competing eight teams, or, at least, we will once the Tag Team Title is settled next week in Oklahoma.”


Dusty “And that means that this match could be a preview, par chance, of what is to come should these two teams cross paths on their way to those oh so coveted trophies.”


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Internationals and The Latin-American Connection battled back and forth for 9:05 before Tito Santana became distracted on the outside by Carlos Konnan, allowing Hardjaw to hit a spine buster, followed by Perry Saturn hitting his Saturn Bomb to get the pinfall on Savio Vega.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here are your winners: D. John Finlay and Perry Saturn!




Ron Simmons


D'Lo Brown


Ron Simmons stalks to the ring in a clearly bad mood.


Dusty “I would not want to fight that man, in the mood he is in now, at any point of my ca-reer,”


In an extremely short match, Ron Simmons defeated D'Lo Brown in 5:22 by pinfall with a Dominator.

The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is you winner: Ron Simmons!



'Mean' Gene Okerlund makes his way from the back as Ron Simmons celebrates and attempts to get a word with him for a post match interview.


Dusty “A braver man than I.”


MGO “Ron Simmons, if I could just have a word with you for a moment...” Simmons glowers and paces around the ring. “Ron Simmons, you were defeated at Wrestlevolution by Rey Misterio Jr., in what many are calling the biggest upset in AWA history... and now he is fighting for the number one contender's spot for the World Championship, where do you go from here?”


Simmons “Straight through any damn fool that gets in my way. When Rey Misterio defeated... when he survived me... it was a fluke. I know that, you, Mean Gene, know it... and all of you people know it. And if any of you doubt it... I'll prove it.”


MGO “Ron Simmons, everybody.”



We got to commercial and return for...



Glenn Inferno


Rick Martel


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Glenn Inferno defeated Rick Martel in 5:51 by pinfall with a fast roll up.


Hudson “A badly needed victory here tonight, by Glenn Inferno. Now the question is, can he get himself on a roll?”


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost.

Here is your winner: Glenn Inferno!



We cut backstage where 'The American Nightmare' Dustin Rhodes is staring at himself in the mirror.


Verne Gagne appears behind him.


Gagne “Dustin... I want to be clear about something...”


Dustin Rhodes slowly turns and steps too close to Verne. Nose to nose, he asks, “Yes?”


Gagne “I will not have you disrupting my broadcast any longer. I'm through with fines. Win, lose or draw... number one contender or no... if you lay your hands on any non competitor... and that includes your father... you will be suspended, without pay, indefinitely... do you understand me?”


Dustin sniffs. “Yeah. I understand you...” Verne turns to leave, but Dustin calls out. “Oh, just out of curiosity... how bad would it be for business if you tried to suspend your World's Heavyweight Champion?”


Dustin smirks and Verne looks visibly concerned.



Apparently we're doing well because we've got a lot of commercials tonight... but when we return we return to...




Backlund stops away on a downed Bret Hart!


Hudson “I'm sorry for the disarray! Bob Backlund has attacked Bret Hart backstage... we're trying to break it up, but...”


It's true, road agents are trying to get between the two. Backlund punches a referee who goes flying. He drags Bret to his feet...


And throws him shoulder first into the brick wall! Bret goes down with a shout of pain. Backlund fights off some more officials before...


Locking in the Crossface Chickenwing!


Hart is screaming in pain. Wrestlers now beginging to show up... eventually the Steiner Brothers are able to tear Backlund from Hart. Backlund is dragged screaming from the building. Vern Gagne is yelling for then to throw Backlund out of the building.


Gagne “I never want to see his rotten face again!”


Scott Steiner grabs Gagne by the shoulders.


Steiner “No! Let us handle this the right way! Give him to me. Give me a match with him. I'll set this guy straight, Verne. Trust me.”


Gagne looks trepidatious, “Ok.” Steiner is pleased and goes to tend to Hart, Gange stops him before he can. “But it happens now... and Scott? You'd better make that bastard pay.”


Steiner nods determined, and heads to the ring.


Verne Gagne was very underwhelming. This segment lifted the crowd.




Bob Backlund


Scott Steiner



Hudson “So it's official, Bret Hart will not compete tonight. We don't know the extent of his injuries, but clearly asking him to defend his World's Title after an attack like that is unthinkable, and it will be Scott Steiner taking his place.”


Rhodes “Not just taking the place of 'The Hitman' Bret Hart but fighting for the honor of the AWA locker room. Attacks like that simply cannot happen in the AWA. But I agree with Scott, the lockeroom must police it's self where it can. I sincerely hope Scott Steiner is able to set that coward Backlund right tonight.”


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Backlund stalled for the first few minutes. Hestiant to get into the ring with Scott Steiner and reap his comeuppance. Eventually, with Backlund distracted, yelling at a fan, Steiner was able to grab him and throw him into the ring and begin to lay a beating on him with suplexes and hard fists.


Hudson “The Steiners were able to regroup, after personal differences and losing the Tag Team Titles, to score a huge win over the World's Champion Bret Hart and Rey Misterio last week... and this could be another big step as they head towards the Tag Team Grand Prix.”


Eventually Backlund was able to cheap shot his way into control, but his dominance was short lived as Scott, determined to set Backlund straight began to punish the would be challenger for the World's Title on the outside. Sending him hard into the guard rail and ring apron. Scott backed Backlund up against the ring post and charged...


Hard Clothesline!


Ducked by Backlund! Scott Steiner blasts the steel ring post with his right arm!


Dusty “I think Scotties hurt, Scott. This is not good.”


Backlund is on him like a piranha. He takes the match back into the ring and works over the arm with various holds. Eventually Scott begins to fight back with one arm!


but gets caught in an armbar! He struggles for the ropes but is caught dead in the middle of the ring!


Scott refuses to tap!


Scott attempts to power out of the hold!


But Backlund sinks it in deeper!


Scott still refuses to tap!


Baclund is just reefing an the arm as Steiner's head lulls...


The ref calls for the bell!


Hudson “The official has stopped this match, but Scott Steiner never submitted!”


Dusty “There was no choice-a but to stop this match. Scott Steiner could have faced serious in-jury.”


Hudson “Verne Gagne will not be happy with this. The truth is that Scott Steiner could still be hurt. And who is going to set Bob Backlund right?”

Bob Backlund defeated Scott Steiner in 16:33 by stoppage when Scott Steiner could not continue.

This match lifted the crowd.

Here is your winner: Bob Backlund!



Backlund heads to the back as trainers assist Scott Steiner to his locker room. From the walk six men in black. They walk up to the announce booth.


Man In Black “Mr Rhodes we're here to ensure you're safety.”


Dusty “I don't need any man to ensure my safety but me.”


Man In Black “I'm Sorry sir, but orders are orders.”


Hudson “Perhaps that is for the best, as your son has been simply out of control for months. And up next he could win a chance to face the World's Heavyweight Champion at Tag Team Grand Prix.”




Number One Contender's Match

Rey Misterio Jr


'The American Nightmare' Dustin Rhodes


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Rhodes and Misterio battled all over the ring. But the match stayed mostly scientific. Never spilling to the outside or descending into a brawl. Rhodes didn't seem distracted or even concerned with the guards at ringside.


Eventually Rey went for a roll up, which Dustin was able to kickout of, only to catch Rhodes in a second roll up leading to another kickout. The moment Dustin was on his feet Rey caught him with a small package but Dustin blocked it... wrench Rey to his feet and jerking his head back and hitting the Curtain Call. Dust pinned Rey Misterio cleanly in the center of the ring at 19:50.

This match lifted the crowd.

Here is your winner, and new Number One Contender for the World's Heavyweight Championship, 'The American Nightmare' Dustin Rhodes!



Following the match Dustin Rhodes got out of the ring. He grabbed a microphone and began walking slowly towards the men in black surrounding his father.


Dustin “Don't worry, Dad. You won't need those stooges around you tonight. I'm not going to do anything stupid. No, I'm going to do something smart. I'm just going to walk to the back and rest up. I'm just going to bide my time and wait. I'm going to wait until the Tag Team Grand Prix... and then I'm going to win the AWA World's Heavyweight Championship. Something you never did.”


Dustin is right up in front of the security guards now... They're holding him back.


Dustin “I beat you, dad. I beat you in that ring. And you knew, on that night, that I am better than you ever were. And what did you do? You tried to play on my emotions. You tried to lure me into teaming with you. So that you could ride my greatness, so that you could use me to become a champion one last time! Well I see through that, dad. And my course will not be deviated: I'm going to surpass your accomplishments. And after I do you're going to get into that ring and you're going to tell me, you're going to confess to me that I am better than you.”

This segment lifted the crowd.



Overall Rating B

There was a feeling that some of the angles used on the show did not reach the standards set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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The World Wrestling Analyst.


AWA News and Notes.


AWA's Tag Team Grand Prix


There's a lot of uncertainty backstage regarding the upcoming AWA Tag Team Grand Prix. It was originally conceived as a round robin tournament which would take two months to complete, but head booker Rick Savant's two month hiatus for personal reasons caused the company to scrap the plans and introduce it as a single night, three round bracket tournament with the idea of bringing it back next year in a two month, round robin form. Further instability is brought on by, with only two weeks remaining before the pay per view, there being no definite winner set for the event. At different points four separate teams names have been brandied about as the possible victors, and there is a great deal of doubt surrounding the current plans, as to whether the current slated winners will be able to carry the ball if they are given it.


Further complicating matters is the perception that there is a lack of chemistry between World Champion Bret Hart and his challenger Dustin Rhodes. Company officials are high on both men, Hart, clearly, being the face of the company, and believe that a Rhodes can be a major player for the AWA for a long time to come. Sources tell us that a main event push is imperative for Dustin Rhodes' long term upside, even though they are trepidatious about the quality of the match. This puts added pressure and complications behind the decision of who to put into the finals of the Grand Prix Tournament as the AWA will be counting on the quality of the match to resonate with their audience even if the World Title Match does not. Unless another big money match can be conjured up in two weeks, the AWA will have a hard decision between the best match for that night and the best match for the future.


Wrestling Industry

Television Ratings


Week 2, May

WWF RAW – 6.91

WCW Nitro – 5.26

AWA All-Star – 4.07

TNA Impact – 3.92


Monday Night RAW won the ratings war again this week, returning to the >6.9 range after a frightening drop to 6.39 last week.


WCW Monday Nitro came in second, continuing to hover in the 5.2-5.3 range a welcome score after dipping down to a low of 4.53 on April, Week 3.


AWA All-Star Wrestling came in over the 4.0 mark which seems to be the bar for success in recent months. Verne Gagne is said to be happy with the quality of programming, but the AWA may have difficulty growing without better TV exposure, something booker Rick Savant has been criticized for being ineffective at procuring.


TNA Impact continues it's steady climb, setting a new high water mark for it's television ratings in the Four Corners Era and positioning it's self within striking distance to surpass the AWA.


The following is the ratings progress of each major television wrestling program since the start of the Four Corners Era.*+




*Accurate data for the periods of Sept Wk 1-2, 1995 for Nitro, RAW and Impact, as well as Jan Wk 1-Feb Wk 3, 1996 for all organizations is currently unavailable. Data represented in graph is our best estimates.


+The May Wk 3 episode of WWF Shotgun Saturday Night has yet to air, so no rating is currently available.


As can be seen, WCW Main Event started strongly back in December, then saw rating drop until it's cancellation in March. The following is a look at the over all ratings during that period of time.*




*Accurate data for the period of Jan Wk 1-Feb Wk 3, 1996 for all organizations is currently unavailable. Data represented in graph is our best estimates.


Pay Per View Buys



WWF In Your House: Best Of Enemies – Ric Flair © v Arn Anderson, Dog Collar Match – 3.84

WCW Spring Stampede 1996 – Rick Rude © v Terry Funk, WCW World Heavyweight Championship – 3.13

TNA Against All Odds 1996 - Sting © v The Ultimate Warrior, TNA World Heavyweight Championship – 1.10

AWA Wrestlevolution 1 - Bret Hart © v Bob Backlund, AWA World's Heavyweight Championship – 1.09


Most notable here is that TNA was able to edge the AWA in PPV buys for the first time in the Four Corners Era, thanks in part to the rise of the Ultimate Warrior. These two will continue to battle for the rest of the year.


It will be interesting see how WCW's PPV buyrate is effected going forward by their recent drop to cult status.


The following is the buyrate progress of each wrestling promotion since the start of the Four Corners Era.*




*TNA ran two PPVs in both Dec, 1995 and Jan, 1996. Only the higher buyrate for each month is show.

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