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The demise of a new upstart is all over the web come the start of the new month, with persistent rumours that Japanese touring company, EXODUS 2010 which only opened its doors in May is on the verge of going under. It is reportedly leaking money at a rapid rate and closure appears to be on the cards. Sean McFly took the reigns as new head booker under the new regime at NOTPBW and their first signing was our former road agent, Art Lawson. Continuing on the topic of EXODUS 2010, our young star Arthur Dexter Bradley who is on tour with them has been pulling out star performances for them, raising his standing in Japan and in doing that his standing with us.


SHOW #11 - ACPW ALL OR NOTHING - Wednesday, Week 3, November 2010

Attendance: 24


An absolute bumper show is lined up this week as we throw caution to the wind in booking five matches. Hopefully our New Brunswick Hall and online audiences appreciate the fact we’re risking our financial stability for them.


Dermott Ayres is out to open the night with Frankie-Boy Fernandes in the knock-out tournament for a shot at the Canadian Regional belt. The two winners tonight will compete in a triple threat submission match at our flagship December show, End Game. Ultimately, the slightly more experienced competitor takes this one out; Ayres scoring a victory via submission courtesy of his ever trusty Montreal Crab after about eight and a half minutes.


Current Canadian Regional champion, Topher Smith shows a rebellious side tonight refusing the usual submission match as he defends his belt against Alistair Shufflebottom. The match is rather slow and boring and the fans really voice disdain for Topher holding onto the belt. He ultimately though walks away with it, scoring a submission victory after a painful seven and a half minutes.


Following on from the disappointing performance by the champion, Ash Campbell and Dagger certainly show they’d be more worthy of wearing the belt, delivering a fantastic match that although it isn’t appreciated greatly by the crowd displays great in-ring action. Ash continues with the night’s theme of submissions win, taking his after twelve minutes of fantastic action.


Mario da Silva who is apparently fuming about not having a chance to compete for Junior Heavyweight title contendership is given the chance to take out his frustrations on Arthur Dexter Bradley, who played his part in a fantastic match last month. Arthur is on the receiving end of a lot of verbal abuse from the former champion from the get-go and ultimately after ten minutes of strong in-ring action ADB gets fed up with it. He snatches up a chair from the crowd and hits the Brazilian square between the eyes, resulting in a disqualification victory for da Silva.


Jamie Atherton and El Diablo seek to get another shot at the gold as they compete in the main event and they go all-out to perform for the fans in attendance, wowing them with various high-risk moves. The pair once again displays a unique chemistry allowing them to anticipate each other’s moves. Following a heart-pumping twelve and a half minutes of back and forth action, Jamie Atherton is able to hit his Lightning Bolt finisher and snatch the victory, ensuring him a title match next time out. However, the match still manages to be out-shone by Campbell and Dagger’s earlier effort, but only just.


SHOW RATING: D- (increased popularity)

HIGHLIGHT: Dagger vs Ash Campbell (D-)

LOWLIGHT: Alistair Shufflebottom vs Topher Smith (E-)



The month was marked by a significant deficit, though the amount wasn’t as bad as those we’ve had in the past, totalling only $1,384. Another of our stars claimed a belt outside of the company towards the end of the month, with Arthur Dexter Bradley teaming with Quick Kick Nakao, known in Japan as Double Shot to win the EX2010 National Tag Team belts. Also continuing with the theme we touched upon at the start of the month, Men of Steel Combat is now reported to be on the brink financially.

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With End Game being our second biggest show of the year, I feel the need to properly announce and preview the night’s line-up:


ACPW END GAME 2010 - Wednesday, Week 3, December


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title Ladder Match

Teddy Powell vs Jamie Atherton

Teddy has done well since winning the belt back at Night Of Champions, successfully defending against both guys that lost to him that night and for the most part being able to relax a little. He comes into this event on the back of his Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Championship win and will definitely be riding on the high. Meanwhile, Jamie Atherton hasn’t really been seen since losing his re-match with the champion but re-emerged last month to defeat El Diablo and earn himself another shot at Powell. In the meantime, he’s been working over at Canadian Charisma Championship Combat, earning extra experience and will definitely be looking to test his developing skills against the far bigger name.


Mario da Silva vs Arthur Dexter Bradley

ADB has been absolutely on fire of late, lighting it up both here in Canada with his display against Ash Campbell and also overseas in Japan, where until its recent demise, he was really lighting it up in the EXODUS 2010 promotion. Mario da Silva meanwhile appears to have been sulking about his shock loss of the Canadian Regional title and has barely been seen. This all boiled to a head at our most recent event as da Silva’s constant verbal jibes led to ADB cracking and walloping the Brazilian with a steel chair. Mario will definitely be seeking retribution, whilst I’m sure Arthur won’t let his frustration and anger get the better of him a second time.


ACPW Canadian Regional Submission Triple Threat

Topher Smith vs Dermott Ayres vs Ash Campbell

Since winning the belt, Topher has only made one defence defeating Alistair Shufflebottom last month. Surely, this will play to the champion’s disadvantage as this match wasn’t even a submission bout. Meanwhile, Ash Campbell has been on a rapid rise within ACPW, putting on absolutely cracking matches, last month with Dagger and the month before with Arthur Dexter Bradley. Dermott Ayres has also been performing well, and still only has two losses to his name this year, though both are unsuccessful attempts in submission matches. Dermott will obviously hope to break that duck; Ash Campbell will seek gold to confirm his talent whilst Topher will simply be looking to leave with the gold, maybe proving his worth as a champion in there too.


Farewell Match

Malik Cash vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Despite his pedigree as a tough competitor, Malik Cash will be leaving the company following this show with the owner not happy about people not being able to tell in-ring stories. He’ll be facing off against hot-shot rookie Frankie-Boy Fernandes and will obviously be seeking to leave on a high note. Frankie-Boy isn’t likely to be having any of this and will obviously seek to gain the rub from defeating a former ACPW Tag Team champion.



ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title: Teddy Powell vs Jamie Atherton

Mario da Silva vs Arthur Dexter Bradley

ACPW Canadian Regional Title: Topher Smith vs Ash Campbell vs Dermott Ayres

Malik Cash vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes

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Just read this in one sitting, and I must say you've done a fantastic job again my friend! The condensed form makes it easy to read and it suits the promotion really well (given the fact only 27 people turn up at a time!).


ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title: Teddy Powell vs Jamie Atherton

After a PSW game I have a new found respect for Teddy. Plus, Atherton usually gets poached by one of the big two.

Mario da Silva vs Arthur Dexter Bradley

Tough one, because you've done a good job selling ADB as a star-in-the-making. Being a former champion gives da Silva the edge in this one, methinks.

ACPW Canadian Regional Title: Topher Smith vs Ash Campbell vs Dermott Ayres

In the same PSW game, Ash Campbell became one of my favourite workers. I'm not entirely sure he'll win this one, especially given his potential to work on TV, but I'll go with my favourite rather than the most likely for a change.

Malik Cash vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Frankie-Boy is still a rookie, whereas Malik has at least a few months on him!

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ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title

Teddy Powell vs Jamie Atherton

The champ retains, his run hasnt been that long, and you still have a slew of new cool match ups for him.


Mario da Silva vs Arthur Dexter Bradley

I really got into ADB in my game, and it looks like youre digging him too. To keep the feud going I'd say Silva picks up the win and ADB attacks afterwords?


ACPW Canadian Regional Title

Topher Smith vs Ash Campbell vs Dermott Ayres

The better of the ACPW originals, Ive had Ash snatched up too many times to count, so I'd say Topher retains or Dermott wins. Ill hand it to the champ though.


Malik Cash vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes

Its not like he burnt any bridges on his way out. Give the crowd a nice heartwarming story to start the show

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Excellent work so far :)




ACPW Junior Heavyweight Title: Teddy Powell vs Jamie Atherton

Mario da Silva vs Arthur Dexter Bradley

ACPW Canadian Regional Title: Topher Smith vs Ash Campbell vs Dermott Ayres

Malik Cash vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes

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Last month we started with talk of EXODUS 2010’s demise, well come the start of December the company went bankrupt leaving many workers to contemplate alternate touring options. Former EX2010 Tag champion and current ACPW employee immediately found himself offered a spot on the upcoming World Level Wrestling tour, which will mean he is unable to appear at our upcoming shows. Thankfully the tour doesn’t start until January thus not damaging our plans for this show.


Meanwhile, due to the wishes of our owner, we found ourselves rather wary about renewing the contract of Malik Cash, and instead turned his departure into an additional match for the show. Kirk Drury meanwhile is on the verge of signing a new deal to remain with us. Finally, in an added bonus for our loyal followers, we caught up with a few of the guys pre-show and got their words live from in the arena prior to their matches tonight:


Mario da Silva: ADB, tonight I get payback. Tonight, I get back at you for what you did to me last month. By grabbing that chair, you showed your true colours. Tonight, come face me like a man and I guarantee I'll make you tap.

Dermott Ayres: Topher Smith, I've got my eyes firmly on the prize. I'm focused tonight, focused on one goal. I'm NOT leaving this building tonight without the belt around my waist. I'm willing to take the fight to anyone. I'm not about to shy away like you did last month Topher. When I get that belt, it doesn't matter who you are, get in line, grab your ticket, wait your turn and you can take a shot. That belt will be staying right here with me.

Jamie Atherton: Go ahead... Go ahead... Boo me all you want. Fact is I have something to say and I’m not leaving until I’ve said it. I’m happy to stand out here all night... You see tonight I shall fulfil my destiny, tonight I shall become the Junior Heavyweight champion. I shall ascend that ladder to greatness. Teddy Powell may have his history, he may have his past achievements but fact of the matter is he’s someone living in the past. I am living in the now, I am the future of this company and you all better damn believe that! Tonight, I will go out there, I will climb that ladder snatch the belt down and let you all witness history in the making.


SHOW #12 - ACPW END GAME - Wednesday, Week 3, December 2010

Attendance: 24


Moving into our second flagship event of the year and once again we stretch our limited resources almost to breaking point, inviting a local band to perform in the hopes of drawing a couple more fans to our ever faithful New Brunswick Hall home base.


Opening the night is our departing youngster, Malik Cash against the newly-recruited Frankie-Boy Fernandes. Obviously Cash is seeking to leave on a positive note, whilst Frankie-Boy is seeking to put another notch on his belt. Frankie for the most part is rather dominant, seemingly in control of the match throughout but ultimately it comes down to the former tag team champion having his wits about him and managing to roll through an attempted pinfall and score a shock roll-up at eight minutes for the win, leaving the company in the positive manner he had hoped.


Next up, Topher Smith is forced to defend his belt in a triple threat match with Ash Campbell and Dermott Ayres, meaning he doesn’t even necessarily need to be involved in the decisive submission. Although the match didn’t flow too well, the crowd were happy enough with its result as Dermott Ayres sealed victory with his ever trusty Montreal Crab submission manoeuvre on Topher Smith after twelve minutes, ending a rather lacklustre reign for Smith. Ash Campbell meanwhile appeared rather frustrated post-match having had no say in the result.


Mario da Silva and Arthur Dexter Bradley are next out and the tension has been growing between the pair since last time when ADB hit the Brazilian with a steel chair. Tonight’s match is very physical, providing great action despite the crowd’s apparent disinterest. Mario is able to score another victory, but isn’t able to ultimately avenge the loss though much to his annoyance, as he hits a massive shot on Bradley on the outside and then sees the challenger counted out after thirteen minutes. The pair does put on a good show though so it appears likely they’ll be another re-match on the cards.


Finally moving on to the main event and Teddy Powell and Jamie Atherton’s match isn’t able to live up to the quality of the previous one. Teddy attempts to take control of the match from the perspective of calling the shots but isn’t matched by his opponent so whilst it’s clear that the talent is quite obviously there, once in the ring the pair doesn’t deliver the greatest show of wrestling. In fact when Teddy Powell manages to ascend the ladder and retain his belt it’s very uncertain if the fans are breathing a sigh of relief at the match ending or at the less brash and more respected guy winning the match.


SHOW RATING: E (increased popularity)

HIGHLIGHT: Mario da Silva vs Arthur Dexter Bradley (D-)

LOWLIGHT: Malik Cash vs Frankie-Boy Fernandes (E-)



With expectations of a pretty significant deficit especially with the fee we paid the band, we aren’t exactly surprised when our losses clock in at $2,232. Following the show, a deal is struck with Kirk Drury who wants a little more money per an appearance but not a great deal. In big Canadian wrestling news, Dan Stone Jr. officially departed his father’s company preferring to focus solely on his position as head booker of PGHW in Japan.

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Just read this in one sitting, and I must say you've done a fantastic job again my friend! The condensed form makes it easy to read and it suits the promotion really well (given the fact only 27 people turn up at a time!).


I very much appreciate the positive feedback, as one of my favourite writers I really value your opinion on my writing. I'm glad you found it easy enough to catch up in one sitting and hope you continue to enjoy what I'm offering here.


Excellent work so far :)


Thanks. Anything in particular that is of great appeal to you or just a general comment?



=1. FuelFan0102 - 75%

=1. jhd1 - 75%

=1. Trell - 75%


It'd seem that three of the four matches were quite predictable, but nobody appeared to expect Ayres taking the title.

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HEIGHT: 5’11”

WEIGHT: 210lb



Dagger, a young American that is more well-known and respected north of the border in Canadian territory than in his own home country. This young man spent a good couple of year spaying his dues, working shows on the independent circuit, sleeping in his car to make save his money and continuing all that time to hone his craft. In 2009 with the formation of All Canada Pro Wrestling he was able to settle into a guarantee of work at least every few months.


It was at this time that he began working alongside Mimic as The Nest Of Vipers. The pair had a great balance as a team, with Mimic providing the flashiness, the high-flying skills and Dagger providing a more grounded brawling style, preferring to hit his opponents with stiff shots and kick boxing moves than going up top. It was as a partnership they blossomed and it was no surprise when their team began making appearances outside of the company.


Early in 2010, Dagger was afforded his first run with gold around his waist, as he played his role as the team won the belts from The Inner City Express at the Fighting Spirit show. Unfortunately for Dagger his partner was soon to depart the company, resulting in the tag team belts not only being vacated but suspended until further notice due to lack of competition.


Since then, he’s branched out on his own seeking to impart his rough brawling style on anyone that crosses his path and in fact has produced two show stealing performances facing Ash Campbell at Unplugged and All Or Nothing. With a bright future so clearly ahead of this young brawler, one must surely expect gold around his waist sooner rather than later.

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At the end of every year, the company will look to provide fans with an annual review in the form of a DVD showcasing the year’s top ten matches. This year is the first year of this being implemented and it’s something both myself and the owner are very keen on and will endeavour to continue as a tradition. Anyhow, this year’s match listing in reverse order is as follows:




10. Mario da Silva defeats Arthur Dexter Bradley at ACPW End Game (D-)

9. Dagger defeats Ash Campbell at ACPW Unplugged (D-)

8. Mario da Silva defeats Dermott Ayres in a submission match at ACPW Night Of Champions (D-)

7. Jamie Atherton defeats El Diablo at ACPW All Or Nothing (D-)

6. El Diablo defeats Mimic in a ladder match at ACPW No Remorse (D-)

5. Ash Campbell defeats Dagger at ACPW All Or Nothing (D-)

4. Teddy Powell defeats Jamie Atherton, El Diablo and Jayson Van Pelt in a ladder match at ACPW Night Of Champions (D)

3. Ash Campbell defeats Arthur Dexter Bradley at ACPW Full Throttle (D)

2. Teddy Powell defeats El Diablo in a ladder match at ACPW Chaos Theory (D)

1. El Diablo defeats Jamie Atherton in a ladder match at ACPW Rising Force (D)


Also in much the same vein, the company prepares a special offer featuring the three shows rated as the strongest by our fan base, this year's list went as follows:




3. ACPW No Remorse (D-)

2. ACPW Chaos Theory (D-)

1. ACPW Night Of Champions (D-)


Finally, the top five most consistent and talented performers (must still be contracted to ACPW) are voted by our fan base with the results based on their average level of performance for us throughout the year. This year's list provides a couple of surprises, but for the most part reads as expected:




5. Ash Campbell (E+)

4. Arthur Dexter Bradley (E+)

3. Jamie Atherton (E+)

2. Teddy Powell (E+)

1. El Diablo (D-)


A big congratulations to El Diablo for being recognised by the fans as the stand-out performer last year. Also, special mentions should go out to both Dagger and Mario da Silva who were edged out for fifth spot, purely on the basis of Ash Campbell's great match with Arthur Dexter Bradley at Full Throttle. Hopefully our next year can be draw equal if not higher levels of success.

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This month starts on a positive note with former ACPW worker, Mimic being promoted to the Supreme Wrestling Federation main roster, following his stint in their development territory. Meanwhile, in the hopes of gaining a little more revenue, the company moves away from the Internet streaming model of broadcast and back to the more traditional DVD distribution chain, possibly damaging growth in other regions but hopefully leaving our balance sheet in slightly better condition. In what will now become routine especially considering our move back to DVD distribution, we seek out some of our talent backstage and organise for interviews pre-show:


Mario da Silva: ADB, I get your game. You’ve ran off to Japan because you fear my retribution. I left you down and out last time, next time we meet it’s gonna be more painful. Next time we meet you won’t be leaving the building on your own back. But tonight, I have other business, tonight I’m making a guarantee that Teddy will tap and that the Junior Heavyweight title will be around my waist come the end of the show.

Dermott Ayres: What did I say last month? I said I was focused, that my eyes were on the prize and damn it I left with that prize. I am your Canadian Regional champion and I don’t intend to hide from a fight. Tonight, will be defence number one and its Kirk Drury that will be the first to fall foul of this champion.

Ash Campbell: Dermott Ayres says he’ll face all challengers, well he better be ready to face up to greatness. I am a second generation star. Yes, that’s right I’m the biggest star that pile of crap company has and you’d better all damn believe it. I may not have my shot at the belt this month, but rest assured I will get it; rest assured I will take it and will leave with gold over my shoulder. This is just the first step on the ladder to my destiny, I am destined to be far bigger than this company and you people can ever dream of. Soak it all in now ‘cause the big leagues will soon be callin’! In the meantime, tonight I shall be demonstrating my unique ass-kicking abilities on Marc Raisin. Raisin, prepare to be squished like the bug you are!


SHOW #13 - ACPW RISING FORCE - Wednesday, Week 3, January 2011

Attendance: 22


A new year and despite the very persistent rumours, we still are no closer to leaving our home turf here in The Maritimes and thus the show emanates as always from the New Brunswick Hall.


First down to the ring tonight is a former champion Topher Smith looking to take some of his aggression and frustration about the loss out on Cameron Jones. That he does, quite successfully with the two putting on a reasonable showing, lasting about nine minutes before the former champion Smith manages to score his Gopher Suicide Dive for the pinfall. Ultimately, the crowd seems a little disillusioned by this match opening the show, but hopefully we can build on their reactions as the night moves on.


Moving on, we have one of the brightest lights in the company Ash Campbell against a worker more used to tag team action, Marc Raisin. The latter really struggles in this singles encounter, with a real lack of flow to the match being quite obvious. Campbell tried to hold it together and drag it up but ultimately the crowd seemed rather pleased when it did eventually wrap up, with Campbell locking in an ankle lock after eleven and a half minutes to snatch the victory and once more demonstrate his submission repertoire.


Title defence number one tonight with the usual submission match for Dermott Ayres as he takes on Kirk Drury, a man he’s lit up the ring with in the past. Anyhow, moving on to the match and although the pair don’t reach the heights of previous encounters it’s a very solid encounter. Unfortunately, it’s loses its momentum midway and never fully recovers as it moves towards its conclusion. Ultimately, it’s a successful defence of the Canadian Regional crow as Ayres locks in the Montreal Crab after fourteen minutes to seal victory.


Finally in our main event Teddy Powell defends his belt against a man who has never been awarded a title shot for the main gold before, Mario da Silva. Their customary ladder match encounter sees more technical in ring action than crazy high-flying dives from ladders, with the pair demonstrating high levels of chain wrestling skill. Teddy unfortunately looked off his game for the third time in a matter of months and ended up paying the price, with da Silva successfully finishing him off on the outside of the ring, then setting a ladder up and retrieving the belt to become the only person to have held both singles belts on offer in the company.


SHOW RATING: E (increased popularity)

HIGHLIGHT: Mario da Silva vs Teddy Powell (E+)

LOWLIGHT: Marc Raisin vs Ash Campbell (E)



An interesting month in terms of booking for us, with two title matches and the Junior Heavyweight title changing hands. In terms of finances, the move might be sensible with a saving of $250 per a show between da Silva and Powell. Continuing on the topic of finances, we saw a deficit of $1,752 which represents us once more working within our target ranges and not over-stretching ourselves to a crazy degree. Meanwhile, Jamie Atherton is in demand with Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling offering him the chance to work shows in California with the aforementioned also extending his deal to appear with 4C. With the repeated involvement of our workers on their shows, we felt it sensible to discuss a deal with CZCW and were able to announce a working agreement with them before the close of the month.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A contract extension opens the month; unfortunately for us the new deal for Dagger sees us paying $100 more per a show. We did manage to negotiate around his share of merchandise sales demands though, lessening the financial blow somewhat. Meanwhile, young hotshot Arthur Dexter Bradley decided not to extend his deal with the company that gave him his first break, FCW. The month also saw the birth of further Canadian competition with Jon Jetson revealing his new Canadian Women’s Wrestling Federation group. We continue to experiment this month with a slightly new approach to our shows introducing some simple storylines as opposed to the slapped together cards we’ve been working for the past year or so.


Our now regular pre-show interviews see us speak to three stars this month, using these as a springboard for storylines:


Mario da Silva: All Canada Pro, you have a new champion tonight. But I’d give this belt back if it meant I could face off with that dirty, slimy Arthur Dexter Bradley. One more match with him would be worth more to me than this belt - but no, he runs away, he fears me, he’s hiding in Japan. ADB, rest assured you’re not gonna be forgotten about regardless of how long you stay over there. As soon as you’re back in this country it’s on...

Dagger: Cameron Jones, who the hell do you think you are showing up in my company and thinking you can command any level of respect? I don’t listen to any of the hype; you’re just another nobody looking to take my spot. Listen real closely junior, this is my time to shine and you’re not about to rain on my parade. I’ve put my name down for another year and I assure you it’ll be the year of Dagger, not the year of that rat Mimic who left me here, not the year of you Mr ‘J-Man’, hell not even the year of da Silva with his belt! So junior, learn to show some respect!

Topher Smith: I may be a former champion but I still have what it takes. I’m no has-been! Tonight, I’m on my own road to recovery and that recovery starts against Shufflebottom. And with a name like that, I’ve got every chance! Watch out Alistair, ‘cause The Topher Express is steaming ahead tonight!


SHOW #14 - ACPW FIGHTING SPIRIT - Wednesday, Week 3, February 2011

Attendance: 23


Another show from the New Brunswick Hall, a place we call home regardless of the regular suggestions and persistent rumours about a move elsewhere. Tonight marks the fourteenth show of this new era and also marks the first time where storylines have openly been suggested and discussed.


Opening the show is Topher Smith, who earlier vented his anger and told of his new approach towards the company and how he is on his own personal road to recovery following his title loss. He faces off with Alistair Shufflebottom, a man he in fact defended the title against. This match had many in attendance questioning how wise the decision to put this two alone in the ring was as the match really struggled in terms of flow and ultimately the inexperience of the two competitors showed. Topher eventually took the win with his Gopher Suicide Dive after ten and a half minutes, which in all fairness to the two needed to be about seven minutes to prevent such dire response from the crowd.


Heading into the second match of the night and we have Cameron Jones, who of recent weeks has shown a coc*y side suggesting that Dagger isn’t as great as he professes to be. In the ring tonight against Jones is Marc Raisin, a perennial underachiever especially with the tag division being phased out for the time being. Cameron Jones brought his a game tonight, demonstrating a high level of skill for such a young competitor. Unfortunately, Raisin often found himself struggling to keep up and it showed as he showed signs of fatigue prior to the finish. Jones wrapped it up after eleven minutes with a Fisherman’s Suplex, backing up his coc*iness somewhat.


Leading up to our main event, we see Dermott Ayres step into the ring with Ash Campbell in a match that could quite well be for the title belt but in fact isn’t. Dermott smartly using a clause in his contract that allows him to have one match off in terms of title defences - a move which will certainly anger Campbell. Ayres and Campbell showed some great skill, not necessarily putting on the greatest match of either’s young careers but putting together a solid showing of skill nonetheless. However in a move that really upset the fans, Campbell stole the victory rolling Ayres up with a blatant handful of his tights after fifteen minutes.


Finally our main event sees El Diablo return to the ring following three months away to face off with Dagger. Both men sought to steal the show but struggled under the pressure of headlining a rather weak showing. Diablo showed signs of ring rust with his three month absence but he and Dagger did their best to hide it. After sixteen minutes though it was all over, as following a distraction from Cameron Jones who decided to take up a seat in the crowd for the match, El Diablo hit a Diablo Driver II marking the end of Dagger’s night.



HIGHLIGHT: Dagger vs El Diablo(E)

LOWLIGHT: Topher Smith vs Alistair Shufflebottom (E-)



A very poor month in regards to our booking as we sought to get some storytelling off the ground, perhaps trying a little too hard to force some stories down our fans’ throats. Financially we did better than MOSC who officially announced their predicted demise, marking the fall of a second promotion in just a few months. Our financial deficit for the month amounted to a meagre $1,163 - an amount that we’d do well to target for every month until we can increase our ticket sales. A new contract was agreed upon for El Diablo, whose new deal although it didn’t see a pay increase saw him gaining a 5% cut on merchandise sales and travel expenses paid for. In further contract news, Ash Campbell marked the second of our young stars to turn their backs on their roots as he didn’t sign a new deal with PSW when the chance came.

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