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WWE: Big Time! (2006)

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This is a brilliant diary. Especially with the return of The Artist Formally Known as Mohammed Hassan!


Taz vs. Jerry Lawler - Interesting to see Lawler get the win to annoy the ECW fans.

Sandman vs. Sabu

Super Crazy & Tajiri vs. CW Anderson & Balls Mahoney vs. Danny Doring & Roadkill vs. The Full Blooded Italians - I loved Tajiri and Crazy as a team. Worked well together.

Psicosis vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio - just the bigger name

Tommy Dreamer & Terry Funk vs. Edge & Mick Foley - just mirroring real life!

Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena - yet again to piss off the ECW fans, maybe cements Cena has a heel.


As I said, I'm loving this diary good work sir!

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Taz vs. Jerry Lawler

Sandman vs. Sabu

Super Crazy & Tajiri vs. CW Anderson & Balls Mahoney vs. Danny Doring & Roadkill vs. The Full Blooded Italians

Psicosis vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio

Tommy Dreamer & Terry Funk vs. Edge & Mick Foley

Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena


I only selected Cena cause I think it would be hilarious!

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Taz vs. Jerry Lawler

Sandman vs. Sabu

Super Crazy & Tajiri vs. CW Anderson & Balls Mahoney vs. Danny Doring & Roadkill vs. The Full Blooded Italians

Psicosis vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio

Tommy Dreamer & Terry Funk vs. Edge & Mick Foley

Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena

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  • 3 weeks later...
Is this diary over? I hope not I really enjoy it :)


No, but college is being a complete ass :)


I'm am very much loving doing this time period but I really need a time when I can focus on writing ECW ONS. I'm fairly certain this will continue, I've book the first ECW on Sci-Fi and can't wait to write it up :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

WWE One Night Stand with Joey Styles & Taz


The show starts with Joey Styles in the ring, he has a microphone in his hand and waits while the ECW chant die down, (which is some time) before dressing the crowd.




“Hello, and welcome to New York, New York. I'm Joey Styles welcoming you to ECW One Night and we promise you a great night of ECW action, because we have the best athletes, the best wrestlers, that's right wrestlers, because this isn't Extreme Championship Entertainment, this is Extreme Championship Wrestling, featuring wrestlers! [An ECW chant break out, and as the camera pans the crowd, three men are seen not clapping of chanting but sat silently, some will know the as Bryan Danielson, Nigel McGuinness and CM Punk .] Now it is my pleasure at this time to introduce, the man who made this possible Paul Heyman!” [The crowd cheer as the ECW theme blares out and Paul E. makes it to the ring and Joey goes to the booth.]




[The crowd's chant of “Paul E” stop him from beginning.]


“On behalf of every wrestler who wanted to be hardcore more than they wanted to be a superstar. Oh behalf of everyone who lived the dream, fought the fight and never gave up hope. THE TRIBE OF EXTREME HAS RISEN AGAIN! [An ECW chant breaks out] And this time we are going to poor our Kool-Aid down the throats of a new global audience, that's going to learn that it all started here tonight! [The crowd cheer, Paul E takes it all in and the crowd begin to chant “Thank You Paul E.”]


I mean do you realise what's happening, we're on pay-per-view tonight! We're back on national TV, [turns to the crowd] with a lot better than we used to have, on Sci-Fi this Tuesday Night! [Another “ECW” chant stalls Paul.]


Guys, this didn't happen because of Paul Heyman, this didn't happen because of Vince McMahon [the crowd boo his name], this happened because of you. [he points to the crowd and they cheer]. I mean, my god, if ever the phrase “by popular demand” ever rang true... And on behalf of every single one of us from the bottom of my heart [Paul gets on his knees] Thank You! [He goes around the crowd repeating this numerous times. The camera then flashes for the first time to a sign that reads “If Cena wins we Riot!”]


Now lets take it home, ladies and gentlemen. This is better than Monday Night Raw... [he backtracks] I almost forgot something, I promise you I will be The Messiah of The New Breed Unleashed, The Rabbi Of The Revolution, The Swinging Schlong Of The Extreme! Now we go back to where we were. This is better than Monday Night Raw. This is better than Friday Night Smackdown. Welcome to the rebirth of E-C-W! [A final chant of ECW reigns out and the titles begin.]


It was then time for the first match.



Taz vs. Jerry Lawler

Taz came out to a huge reception, but as Lawler came down he slapped Styles in the face knocking him down, the crowd shat all over The King. The two faced of but as the bell rung Joey Styles jumped on Lawler's back. Lawler threw him off and attempted to Piledriver Joey Styles but Taz came up from behind and put him in a Tazmission and Lawler was choked out, the referee John Finnegan checked the arm but it fell three times, and just likt that Taz was the winner. After the match Taz celebrated. Winner:


After that Joey Styles came on screen and told us that this coming Tuesday we can see ECW on Sci-Fi as he did he was interrupted by some music and out from the back came... Jerry Lynn. Lynn made his way to the ring and grabbed a microphone. Meanwhile Taz joined Styles on commentary. The crowd cheer for Lynn's return before he begins to talk...




“I'm out here right now for one reason and one reason only. I'm here to ask Rob Van Dam, why the hell he is bringing scum like John Cena to an ECW pay-per-view, so Rob get the hell out here right now!”


Rob comes out to a huge ovation, he also takes a microphone and gets in the ring with Lynn, a huge ECW chant breaks out.




“Hey, Jerry listen, the only reason I brought Cena to E-C-W is because I wanted to prove once and for all the WWE “superstars” wouldn't last one night in ECW. The reason I brought John Cena here is so tonight I can celebrate with all these people, the fact that an ECW wrestler, holds the WWE championship. Jerry, tonight is about three letters, E-C-W and tonight I'm going to show John Cena what it is to be Extreme!”


Jerry Lynn shakes his head before responding.


“Well, Rob it was my understanding that tonight was about celebrating all that is great about ECW, and frankly that poster boy should never be anywhere near an ECW main event [the crowd cheer this.] Tonight is supposed to epitomise everything great about ECW, and nothing would symbolise that better than a main event of Rob Van Dam and Jerry Lynn going at it again. [The crowd pop at the proposition.] What do you say Rob!”


Rob looks to the crowd who really want to see this, and then turns back to Jerry Lynn.


“Honestly, Jerry I'd love to take you on tonight... but I have my eyes set on other goals, the main one being taking that championship belt from Cena, and to illustrate the dominance of ECW. But how about this as a compromise. Tuesday Night. ECW on Sci-Fi. RVD versus Jerry Lynn. For my WWE championship! As for now, how about you take on Kid Kash!”


Kash comes running down to the ring and we have our second match.



Jerry Lynn vs. Kid Kash

The match started off at a fast pace with back and forth action of a truly old ECW style. The match continued for some time with both going all out to out do his opponent in front of a crazy crowd who were behind this match from the start and they heated up as the match moved on. It featured awesome big spots from both as well as some excellent mat wrestling with some of the famous back and forth reversal action which culminated in a stand off. The further this match went on both looked to finish it and this led to lots of opportunity for either to end it and the match finished when Kid Kash attempted a springboard somersault corner to corner drop kick and Lynn moved. Kash got up and went for a Money Maker but Lynn span out of it and turned it into a Cradle Piledriver for the victory. Winner:
Jerry Lynn.



Sandman vs. Sabu

This was a brutal hardcore match, but that was to be expected with two of the most hardcore extremists in ECW history. It was never going to be a technical masterpiece but the brutality was eaten up by the ECW fans from the start, which featured the Sandman caning the crap out of Sabu who took every shot standing and winced in pain whilst trying to keep up right, he did and the match continued as a hardcore back and forth match featuring tables, chair, barbedwire, and tacks. While different to the last match it was equally loved by the fans. It came to a close when Sabu hit an Atomic Arabian Skullcrusher. Winner:



Super Crazy & Tajiri vs. CW Anderson & Balls Mahoney vs. Danny Doring & Roadkill vs. The Full Blooded Italians

This match was a cul-de-sac of ECW. Great flyers, technicians and brawlers all together in one ring. The action was fast and back and forth and the elimination rules made it that much harder as not only did one team have to be outlasted all three did. The first team unable to get the win was Anderson and Balls who were never on the same page and it ended when Balls accidentally hit a chair shot to CW before Danny Doring kicked him out of the ring and eliminated the pair. The next out were Super Crazy and Tajiri, who despite being the best team throughout the match were also eliminated by the team of Roadkill and Danny Doring when another team mishap led to Tajiri spraying green mist into the eye of Crazy. FBI then took out Tajiri and left Crazy at the mercy of a Buggy Bang to leave it with Doring and Roadkill against The Full Blooded Italians. The match continued a couple of minutes more until Roadkill missed a move and fell to the outside. Mamaluke jumped outside and made sure Roadkill was out of it with a suicide dive and Little Guido finished Doring with an Arrivederci for the pin. Winners:
The Full Blooded Italians.



Psicosis vs. Juventud Guerrera vs. Rey Mysterio

This match did a great job of displaying one of the other culture's within ECW with this lucha libre style match being both explosive and engaging from the word go. The action was back and forth and for most of the match, one man was laid out as the others battled and it continued to rotate. Rey Mysterio seemed to take control of the match but when he went for a top rope move on Psicosis but Juventud came back and dropkicked him in the guard rail and himself went to the top. He went for a 450 splash, but Psicosis rolled out of the way and pinned Guerrera for a close the fall. Psicosis then took control with the match moving into it's later minutes and Psicosis had Juventud up for a powerbomb, when Rey came back from out of nowhere and hit the suspended Juventud with a West Coast Pop. Psicosis stumbled into the second rope and as Rey went for the 619 the crowd booed and Psicosis moved as he spun around but as he did Rey dropkicked him out of the ring, he then went to the top rope and hit a Frogsplash on Guerrera for the pinfall victory. Winner:
Rey Mysterio Jr.




After that match Mick Foley comes to the ring, to his WWE theme, the crowd boo him and all the way to the ring and when he is in it, the fans chant “You Sold Out!” At the Hardcore Legend. Foley nods and says.


“Alright, alright I did sell out. I sold out Madison Square Garden. [Foley laughs and the crowd boo.] Alright, I know I said a lot of bad stuff about ECW, but I'm sorry, because there was a time when I loved ECW, when I respected ECW, back in the days when it was run by a visionary, back in the day when it was owned by a true creative genius. Lets here it for Stephanie McMahon! [The crowd boo and Foley starts to smile, and raises his arm] Long Live the Alliance! Long Live the Alliance!


But enough about me I know you fans paid to see... He is co-holder of the Hardcore Title, escorted to the ring by Lita, say hello to Edge!”


Edge's music plays and he make his way to the ring with Lita and his Hardcore Title. He then took the microphone from Edge and he turns to Mick.




“Listen, listen, listen you don't wanna mess with these idiots, you don't wanna mess with the ECW fans because, this is their night. This is like their Christmas. Only their Santa Claus is Jewish, fat, bald and he gives out an endless supply of bullsh!t.”


Edge then directs his message to the crowd.


“But you know what, all you idiots are going to go home, and your going to text your imaginary girlfriend, about how good the show was. Then after that your going to hop onto the internet and your gunna pleasure yourself looking at pictures of my actual girlfriend. [He then tongues with Lita.] I think it's all pathetic, I think your all pathetic.


Lita then takes the stick.


“Speaking of pathetic, besides all of you people. Lets talk about Terry Funk and Tommy Dreamer, The Innovator Of Silence! No you know what those two guys actual believe they have a chance at beating you two [directed at Edge & Foley. The fans are chanting “You're A Crack Whore!” whilst she speaks.] No I mean think about it, it was just last week a poor defenceless woman, I beat Tommy Dreamer. Any you know what, when I sat on Tommy's face, I can guarantee you, that was more action in one night, that all of you had in the entire year. Guaranteed. Oh wait, and Tommy that skank you hang around, I'm sure it was a lot better for you than it was for me.”




Dreamer, Funk and Beulah McGillicutty come to the ring. Beulah takes a microphone and tells Lita to put up or shut up and they have a “CATFIGHT!” And then the match finally begins.



Tommy Dreamer & Terry Funk vs. Edge & Mick Foley

This was hardcore and both teams lived up to their hype in recent weeks with a violent display of hardcore wrestling. But the match was then made into a six person tag and Lita and Beulah had been seemingly added or at least that's what the referee had decided. The match continued to break down and All four men began brawling on opposite sides of the ring. Funk and Foley on one side, Dreamer smashed a pan over the back of Edge on the other. Dreamer threw a trash can into the ring. Dreamer then smacked a pan over the head of Foley back in the ring and then threw the trash can at Edge while the fans chant “EC Dub”.


Funk placed the can in front of Foley’s head and Dreamer hit a baseball slide into the can and thus into Foley’s head making him fall under the bottom rope to the floor. Edge then grabbed a pan and smacked it viciously over the head of Tommy Dreamer. Foley on the outside unleashed a series of right hands to the head of Funk.


Foley dragged Funk to the back and threw him against the steel barricade of the entrance way.


Dreamer reversed a spear attempt in mid-air hitting a hip lock on Edge who

charged towards him on top of the Ladder in the corner! In a spot the fans loved

Funk on the outside drove the battered head of Foley into the steel steps. Funk then pulled out a classic putting the Ladder on his shoulders and spinning around knocking off everyone in sight as the fans applauded.


Terry Funk headbutted Foley and then they set up a giant Ladder in the corner of the ring. Funk up high on the Ladder was caught by Edge who pushed the Ladder over and Terry landed back first on the other side of the ring hard onto the mat.


Edge now standing tall picked up Dreamer but he fought back with shots to the abdomen. Dreamer looked for a slam but Lita came in from behind and hit a low blow on Dreamer while Beulah looked on in disgust. And the fans continued their insulting chants at Lita.


Edge and Foley underneath the ring pulled out a table which was covered in barbedwire and placed it under the bottom rope onto the canvas.


Both men flipped it over and slammed it on top of Tommy Dreamer who shook in pain after the wire stuck to him. They turned the table over it was still stuck to a piece of his Tommy's head and added the brutality that had already been shown in this match


As Edge and Foley picked up the table yet again Funk tripped Edge from outside the ring and the table landed on Edge and he rolled out of the ring getting the worst of the exchange. Dreamer picked up the table and placed it in the corner while Funk rammed Foley’s head into the corner.


Fans chanted began to chant “fire!”. Dreamer Irish whipped Foley into the table covered in wire. Dreamer then threw Mick Foley back first into the wired table.


Edge on the outside dropped Dreamer groin first on the barricade. Foley was busted open. Foley then threw the table covered in wire at Funk.


Lita outside the ring grabbed wire and gave it to Foley. Foley wrapped it around his arm and Mick dropped it on top of Funk.

Funk, in a bloody mess, received “Terry” chants as Foley continued to rip apart Funk’s bloodied head. Edge posed for some heel heat, and blood was dripping down his face in the worst way and his eye could barely open. Mick Foley choked out Funk in the corner. Funk screamed for his eye which you literally could not see.


The fans chanted for Terry as they dragged him to the back. Edge hit dreamer with a trash can lid. Foley grabbed the barbedwire bat and slammed it against Dreamer’s back, as it was now three on two.


Foley placed the bat in the groin of Dreamer and Lita went to familiar territory in between the legs of another man dropping her leg on top of the bat, into the groin of Dreamer.


Foley slapped the Mandible Claw on Beulah and then inside the ring put it into the face of Dreamer. Edge hit a spear on him in mid-ring. Edge said no to covering him and went after Beulah.


Edge got behind Beulah and went for a pumphandle slam it would seem but he liked standing in this position for a bit. Surprisingly, Funk came back taped up with a barbedwire bat to a huge ovation

Funk, as the sympathetic hero at this time, distracted both Mick Foley and Edge and Dreamer hit a low blow on them buying Funk time to get back in the ring.


Funk unloaded with shots to the abdomen and back of Foley with the bat and then a couple of hard shots to Edge right after. Fans applauded the mayhem. Funk then took the barbedwire bat and set it on fire, he swung at Foley and he continued to hit Mick until it set him on fire!


With Foley on Fire, Funk hit him off the apron onto the wooden table covered in barbedwire. Edge from behind knocked Terry off the apron on top of Foley, on top of the Wooden table full of barbedwire.


Dreamer then hit a DDT on Edge in mid-ring and choked him out with wire! Lita kicked at Dreamer, and then Beulah ran in and swung Lita back and crawled on top of her and a cat fight broke out.


Dreamer picked up Lita and hit the Dreamer Driver. Both Dreamer and Beulah posed and Edge took Dreamer out. He then hit a Spear on Beulah and pinned her in the most insulting way. Winners:
Edge & Mick Foley



Rob Van Dam vs. John Cena

With Cena struggling to even be accepted by WWE crowds at this time, he would surely be chewed out at an ECW event facing Van Dam for the title. The If Cena wins we Riot sign said it all.


Cena came out to the biggest heel heat when Face reaction ever. Every time he threw his shirt in the crowd he had it thrown back. The fans even threw toilet paper at Cena.


The fans chant RVD, RVD, RVD. The crowd just loved this whole ordeal chanting for Van Dam and voicing their disapproval of Cena the whole night. This must be the most hostile crowd Cena has even faced.


Both Cena and Van Dam square off with rights and RVD knocks Cena down. Cena with a powerslam to Van Dam and RVD easily kicks out. Cena clotheslines RVD to the outside. The fans then chant same old sh!t to Cena. Cena off the top comes off with a double axe-handle but the fans chant you still suck.


Both men brawl on the outside and John Cena sends Rob Van Dam into a wooden table. John Cena launched Rob Van Dam into the third row from the outside.

Cena sends Van Dam into the crowd and held a fu(k you Cena sign on Van Dam before punching it. The match continues and Rob Van Dam comes off the apron after posing with his taunt and drops the leg on Cena with his cork-screw leg-drop on the guardrail.


Rob Van Dam delivers everything in his offensive onslaught and then hitsa rolling thunder on a steel chair onto the WWE Champion in Cena while the fans chanted RVD but he still only got a two as he crawled over to Cena twice.


RVD hit a scoop slam and then went for a splash but Cena scouted it getting a chair up and landing a DDT onto RVD onto a steel chair on the mat and getting a near fall.


Cena can not seem to get to RVD but he catapults RVD into a steel chair in the corner of the ring. Cena throws RVD down and goes for the three. Rob Van Dam kicks out.


Cena goes for a five knuckle shuffle which gets a terrible reaction as expected. Cena then salutes RVD. Cena goes for the FU and Van Dam counters with a spinning heel kick. Cena and RVD both fall back from the top and Cena keeps trying to pin Rob Van Dam but fails each time.


Rob Van Dam dropkicks off the apron into the steel on the floor. He then sets up a wooden table into the corner of the ring, and Cena locks on the STFU. RVD doesn't tap and the match goes on.


Soon after Cena clotheslines the referee and now Cena has RVD up high on the top turnbuckle and lands a superplex. A Smackdown! referee comes down but Cena only gets a two. He then F-Us Rob Van Dam to the outside which knocks the SD referee out as his legs hit him on the way out.


Cena then goes to the outside and brings RVD in he goes to drag him but Paul Heyman has come out and he low blows Cena. RVD then hits a springboard side kick.


John Cena is down in the middle of the ring. Rob Van Dam goes for it! Rob Van Dam hits the five star frog splash. No ref, but Heyman fills in.


1…2…3! Everyone pops! What a moment. Winner and new WWE Champion:
Rob Van Dam
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Definitely worth the wait. I hope you have more great stuff like this in store for ECW, man. Great job!


Thank you, that is nice to know. I have a ECW show booked and after I've written up Raw I cannot wait to get writing it I think writing the debut of ECW on Sci-Fi is going to be loads of fun :) And The FBI got the win :D

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Thank you, that is nice to know. I have a ECW show booked and after I've written up Raw I cannot wait to get writing it I think writing the debut of ECW on Sci-Fi is going to be loads of fun :) And The FBI got the win :D


It was only fitting because they are a true tag team with great chemistry, after all. And they've got the best blood you can have, Pasta sauce.

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SWEET! I'm so glad this diary is back! One Night Stand was awesome! Keep up the great work!


Thank you, I think I can give this a bit more time now, as RAW will be a short(ish) write up, and ECW, I can't wait to write. And the fact that I finish college in 4 hours for about 5 weeks, I should have a bit more time :)


It was only fitting because they are a true tag team with great chemistry, after all. And they've got the best blood you can have, Pasta sauce.




Plus since Taijiri is going back to Japan (1 made him a one time appearance like on the real ONS 2006 for realism) and tbh the other teams don't have a great chance at success in the new ECW.

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The show kicked off with John Cena in the ring. He said that after what Rob Van Dam and Paul Heyman did last night, he is going to be at ECW tomorrow night and he will be invading ECW on Sci-Fi. Whilst he spoke about being screwed Rob Van Dam came out, supporting the WWE Championship on his shoulder. Rob Van Dam said that somehow he has a feeling that John Cena will NOT make it to the show tomorrow night and he said, last night Cena just didn't embrace EXTREME enough, he said that in ECW anything goes and anything can happen. Cena shot back saying he stands for Hustle Loyal Respect and he says that RVD doesn't, he adds he doesn't care what RVD says because he will be at ECW tomorrow night, after he beats Edge for the no.1 contendership tonight!


After that Shelton Benjamin took on Ric Flair, Flair put up a good fight but seemed a bit slow for Benjamin who beat Flair with the a grab of the tights roll up. After that match Mick Foley came out and had a tirade saying that Ric Flair was a washed up has been, Flair shot back calling Foley nothing but a glorified stunt man. The two argued back and forth in a slanging match.


After that Umaga defeated Viscera and Eugene with a Samoan Spike to Viscera after he had nearly broke Eugene in half with a devastating Samoan Drop. The match was followed up by AAE saying that Umaga is so good he can, and will take anybody on. AAE issues an open challenge for next week on Raw!


We cut to the backstage where Masked Kane is brutally beating down Kane, when the masked Kane takes some gasoline and douses Kane in it, before he can set it alight Big Show saves Kane by hitting the masked man with a chair. Big Show then checked on Kane but he shrugged off Big Show telling him to keep out of it! Big Show can't believe but tells Kane that he won't be helping him again.


That was followed up by a squash match featuring The Heart Throbs getting humiliated and destroyed by D Generation X. Then beat them with ease after a pedigree. After the match after a pledge of revenge from Vince McMahon, Chris Masters and the World Tag Team Champions, Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin attacked DX and left them in the ring. Chris Masters used the Masterlock to send Michaels to sleep, while TWGTT double teamed HHH.


Vince McMahon comes out to the ring and says if Mark Copani wants to be in this ring so much, then he better come to the ring now. Mark Copani comes out and says he will destroy Vince McMahon right now but Vince is attacked from behind by Snitsky. This set up an impromptu match between Copani and Snitsky which despite being dominated early on Copani won, after a great comeback culminating in a Reverse STO for the win.


It was then time for the main event between Edge and John Cena. It was a hard fought match which took 18 minutes and was really still at a stalemate until the referee was taken out when Cena dodged a Spear. That prompted a hooded man to jump over the guardrail and attack Cena hitting him with a Steel Pipe. Edge followed it up with a Spear and the hooded man brings the referee round. 1 ...2 ...3. Edge is the number one contender.


Before Edge can celebrate the hooded man hits Edge with the Steel Pipe, and drags Cena to the outside of the ring. He drags Cena to his feet and hits him with a Powerbomb to the floor. The mystery man then pulls the cameras out of the table and drags Cena to the table. Picking him up and slamming him with a Spinebuster through the table, leaving the rest of the show without commentary. The crowd's boos are really loud and the hooded figure climbs onto the Spanish announce table. He puts off his hooded jumper and it is TYSON TOMKO, and he is wearing a tank top with the letters E-C-W on it, he lets out a huge Raw as the broadcast ends with a shot of a twitching and clearly hurt Cena being stretchered out as Tomko stand triumphantly.
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In anticipation of the debut of ECW on Sci-Fi WWE.com has revealed some of the "New Breed Unleashed!" The group will be joining ECW as of tonight and will all be looking to make their mark as The Tribe Of Extreme rises again!


A Preview Of The New Breed!



"The Prince Of Punk" Shannon Moore



Matt Morgan



The Basham Brothers (Doug & Danny)



Chavo Guerrero

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Tonight ECW debuts on the Sci-Fi network and a huge card is set for tonight!


Matt Morgan vs. Balls Mahoney

ECW original Balls Mahoney tries to make up for a poor showing at ECW ONS by taking on the returning Matt Morgan. Will the original's ECW experience help him or will the young, fresh Matt Morgan be too much for Balls.


The BWO (The Blue Meanie, Nova & Stevie Richards) vs. The Sandman, Sabu & Tommy Dreamer

The BWO are back! Nova has seen the light and returned to his Hollywood ways. Stevie and Blue Meanie join him as they take on three of the Hardcore Icons in a match which will showcase the original ECW.


Psicosis & Super Crazy vs. The Basham Brothers

Psicosis and Super Crazy continue their association, while dropping The Mexicool name, as they face The Basham Brothers who are just two of the new ECW talents, showcased tonight.


Kurt Angle vs. Little Guido

The Olympic Hero takes on the Italian technician as Kurt gets a taste of ECW with the best pure wrestler ECW has to offer. Can Guido take the challenge to Kurt and get an upset or will Kurt make an instant mark on ECW!


WWE Championship

Rob Van Dam © vs. Jerry Lynn

"Thee" feud of ECW, needs no introduction. Jerry Lynn, Rob Van Dam, World Title. Huge Main Event!



Quick Picks:

Matt Morgan vs. Balls Mahoney

The BWO (The Blue Meanie, Nova & Stevie Richards) vs. The Sandman, Sabu & Tommy Dreamer

Psicosis & Super Crazy vs. The Basham Brothers

Kurt Angle vs. Little Guido

WWE Championship

Rob Van Dam © vs. Jerry Lynn

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Matt Morgan vs. Balls Mahoney

The BWO (The Blue Meanie, Nova & Stevie Richards) vs. The Sandman, Sabu & Tommy Dreamer

Psicosis & Super Crazy vs. The Basham Brothers

Kurt Angle vs. Little Guido-I know its impossible but I can't vote against him. xP

WWE Championship

Rob Van Dam © vs. Jerry Lynn

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Matt Morgan vs. Balls Mahoney

The BWO (The Blue Meanie, Nova & Stevie Richards) vs. The Sandman, Sabu & Tommy Dreamer

Tough one, always been a big Sandman fan buuuut i love the bWo

Psicosis & Super Crazy vs. The Basham Brothers

Kurt Angle vs. Little Guido

WWE Championship

Rob Van Dam © vs. Jerry Lynn

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  • 2 months later...

ECW on Sci-Fi




[The show starts with the music of ECW, and down to the cap. He stands in the middle of the ring, and the fans alternate between “Thank You Paul E!” and “E-C-Dub!” chants. After a couple of minutes Paul puts the microphone to his mouth and the chants slowly die down.]


“The Tribe Of Extreme Has Risen Again! [The ECW chants begin again but they die down more quickly.] Tonight is not a special attraction, tonight is not a reunion show, it is not a One Night Stand. ECW is back for good! [The crowd chant again. ECW! ECW!] And along with some old faces tonight, we will see a New Breed Unleashed. Tonight on Sci-Fi we have guys like Matt Morgan, The Basham Brothers, we have Chavo Guerrero. I've said what I needed to at One Night Stand, but from the bottom of my heart thank you to each and everyone of...”


In the crowd three men have jumped the guardrails. Security go for them but Paul signals for them to back off, he orders a microphone for them.


Joey Styles:
That's Bryan Danielson, CM Punk and Nigel McGuinness, those are some of the top US indie talents, what are they doing here at ECW?!


Paul Heyman asks them into the ring and they oblige, he asks them why they jumped the rail, and CM Punk begins to speak.


“Paul, the reason we are here is because last night we heard you talk about the new breed, we've heard you in the past talk about a new vision for ECW, but to be perfectly honest Paul E, it looks like typical Heyman bullsh!t to me.”


Punk passes the microphone to McGuinness. While Heyman interludes.


“Listen, I have brought in guys who I see as the mould of a modern ECW wrestler...”


Nigel interrupts.


“You see, Heyman, times have moved on, you're looking for a new Sabu, but Extreme isn't about smashing yourself over the head with the hardest thing possible any more. Extreme wrestling isn't “hardcore”. Extreme wrestling, Paul, is extreme work-rate, extreme athleticism, it's about extreme wrestling ability. In fact you talk about how your employees are “wrestlers” and not superstars, yet you bring in people like The Basham Brothers and The Sandman. This is 2006 Paul, and extreme isn't a word I'd use to describe your geriatric garbage wrestling.”


Bryan Danielson finishes up by saying


“ECW, this is our time and the revolution begins tonight.”


The three then oddly enough go back to their seats to watch the rest of the match.


Some kids tryna' make their name here on ECW. I like their attitude.

Joey Styles:
I'm not too sure, Taz, especially when they are seconds away from disrupting the action. Speaking of which... up first is Matt Morgan taking on ECW Original Balls Mahoney!



Balls Mahoney vs. Matt Morgan


Balls started well but Matt Morgan soon took control of the match. It wasn't long before, despite a decent showing from Mahoney, the near seven foot Matt Morgan finished Morgan off with a Vertical suplex side slam, for the three fall.
60 Winner:
Matt Morgan


After that match, as Balls Mahoney is peeled up from the mat. Nicky & Kenny of The Spirit Squad come down to the ring in suits and with a microphone each. When they reach the ring they are booed and verbally assaulted by the ECW fans. Kenny begins.


“Hello, ECW fans, my name is Ken Doane, and stood beside me is Nic E. Nemeth. [The crowd boo the obvious Heyman parody.] We are here sent on a special assignment from Mr. McMahon [a huge boo is let out to from the crowd] who may I remind you without you wouldn't be back here. Anyway, what I was saying was there is no way myself and Nic would be in an infested dump like this unless, well, our jobs depended on it.”


Nic nods and takes over.


“In fact, I feel itchy, I think I may have caught something... Anyway, our job is to be Vince's third eye here on ECW. You could call us [puts his hands out before him, as if visualising his words coming out in front of him] “Executive Producers of ECW!” [The crowd hate this idea and boo.] And while we are here Mr. McMahon has given us a few changes to implement, number 1...”


As he says that he is interrupted by the sound system blasting out:

“What does everybody want?”

To which the crowd reply “Head,” its Al Snow with Head and he makes his way to the ring. Nic steps back and asks.


“And who the hell are you?”


Al Snow looks to the crowd who boo, and then chant “Al... Snow, Al... Snow”


“I'm a guy, who just like Head, and just like about a million other people has had enough of a pair of arrogant *******s, and I'm going to do something about it!”


He looks at head and then hits Nic over the head with it, Ken bolts out of the rings and carries Nic back with him. As he leaves Ken Doane says.


“Whoever, you are... I'm telling McMahon, because I Ken Doane, don't not Condone those actions!”



The BWO (The Blue Meanie, Nova & Stevie Richards) vs. The Sandman, Sabu & Tommy Dreamer


A battle of originals here that had the crowd with Sabu, Sandman and Dreamer as The BWO tried to taunt the crowd and their opponents. This backfired and when Sabu got his chair, Sandman got his cane and Tommy got a cookie tray they were in trouble. They continued to beat the BWO showing the hardcore side of ECW.


They were in control and Tommy was ready for a Piledriver through a table to Stevie to win, but Nigel McGuinness, Bryan Danielson and CM Punk got in the ring and blindsided the ECW Originals. Sandman was attacked by Punk who put him in an Anaconda Vice, Danielson put Sabu in his Cattle Mutilation. Tommy dropped Stevie from the top rope, and focussed on Nigel who hit Tommy is the face and hit a modified Tower Of London to Dreamer through the table and dragged Richards onto the knocked out Extremist. With the other two stuck in the submission holds the referee had no choice but to call for the bell after the three count! Rating:


We go back to a traditional looking ECW backdrop where The BWO are stood together after their “win”. Stevie talks.


“Listen Paul, Tommy, New Breed, everyone that is how to stay relevant five years later!”


Blue Meanie then steps forward.


“Tommy, Hak, Sabu you guys claim to be the main guys in ECW, but WE'RE TAKING OVER!”


Nova nods, and stares into the camera.


“That's right, brother. Hollywood Nova, Big Stevie Cool and The Blue Guy are here in 2006 and we've still got it!... unlike some.”



Psicosis & Super Crazy vs. The Basham Brothers


This was an exciting tag match which pitted 2 originals against a new pair of extremists the former WWE superstars The Basham Brothers. It was an impressive start to their ECW careers too, they kept Psicosis under their control and bossed they match for the most part tagging in rapidly and keeping themselves fresh. Danny was the one who got complacent though and Psicosis found a break, he tagged in Super Crazy and the match became even after that and the crowd got behind the luchadores, they fed off this and Super Crazy hit his 3 moonsaults on 1 of the brothers as Psicosis hit a suicide dive to the other and Super Crazy got the win for his team. Rating:
Psicosis & Super Crazy


Taz then told us it was time for Kurt Angle's ECW début against Little Guido.



Kurt Angle vs. Little Guido


This match had the crowd into it AND more importantly kept them in it with exceptional in ring displays from both men in what was a surprisingly equal and competitive match which swung both ways even if Angle's was slightly more effective. The match was extremely hard hitting and by the 9 minute mark both were struggling and got into a fist fight which Angle got the better of, only to be low blowed by Guido who went for a Sicilian Slice but missed and was hit with the 3 German Suplex combo from Angle. He then took to the top rope and hit a devastating Moonsault on Guido who slowly got back to his feet only to be locked in a Guillotine choke hold until Guido completely faded and the referee called for the bell after 3 drops of the arm. Winner:
Kurt Angle


After the match, for the second time in the night Nigel, Danielson and Punk hopped the rail and this time assaulted Kurt Angle. This time they were chased off by the men they cost a match to earlier in the shape of Sabu and Sandman. They ran down with a Chair and a Cane respectively and the attackers retreated signalling they don't want to get involved in the hardcore violence, they retreated and left the arena.


We went to Taz and Styles before the main event. Joey began.


“These two men in the main event have as storied history as anyone in ECW history, so many matches, these two always brought the best from each other.”


Taz then gave his thoughts.


“When you look through the best matches in ECW history a lot of these two guys' matches are right up there, Joey. This is a huge way to kick of the new ECW, a huge main event, up next!”


Joey nods his head.


“And this is for that tacky accessory known as the WWE Championship! But the winner does become the ECW champion!”



WWE Championship

Rob Van Dam vs. Jerry Lynn


If the crowd were hot tonight they were off the scale for this a huge main event in front of true ECW fans and they got what they excepted. Almost like a flashback to the original this was a great match, although the fans hope it would have gone an hour like those of old.


That said this did include all the top spots with chairs and the railings all around the ring. Van Dam even introduced the title into the equation hitting a Vandaminator with it. There was also the old reversal sequences as these men had scouted each other really well and the biggest one blew the roof off of the crowd as they did the old stalemate stand off. Rob then upped the ante and Jerry followed him and it felt as though they had each other matched. After a strong, long 18 minutes, we enter the final stretch of the match. Jerry Lynn hit a Piledriver to Rob Van Dam and the crowd though it was over... 1 … 2... Kick Out form the champion! Lynn dragged RVD to his feet and whipped him into the opposite corner. Lynn went to the top but Van Dam pushed him to the ground, RVD then ducked the return and kicked Lynn in the corner. As Lynn rebounded out Bill Alfonso at ringside threw a chair at Lynn, who swung it but RVD ducked a hit a Vandaminator. They both laid out on the mat. RVD got up first and went to the top rope. FROG SPLASH! Rob adjusted his body in mid air and flew all the way to the other side of the ring. Rob rolled around holding his ribs, but instead of the pin, he dragged Lynn into the corner and prompted Alfonso to put a chair in front of Lynn's face. Rob went to the opposite corner and hit a Vanterminator from one side to the other, crushing Lynn's face and knocking him out cold. RVD hooked both of Lynn's legs and the referee counted the 3. Rating:
Rob Van Dam


After the match Rob Van Dam went to each corner, but as the last one was facing away from the entrance he didn't realise Matt Morgan running down to the ring. As Rob jumped off the rope and turned around he was met with Morgan throwing the chair “Van Dam” style for the champion to catch it, he followed up with a Bicycle Kick and Rob Van Dam after a 20 minute match was left out in the ring and Morgan stood over him signalling he wanted the belt. He picked up the WWE Championship and stood his head, throwing it away. The last thing heard on the broadcast is Matt Morgan saying. “I am The New Breed Unleashed, I want the ECW Championship!”
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With three shows until the pay-per-view, Batista began the show once again putting pressure on Rey Mysterio to give him a title shot at The Great American Bash. Once again Rey told him that Mark Henry is the no. 1 contender and said he cannot discuss future challengers until Henry has had his match for the championship. Batista said Rey is a traitor and a coward for letting management push him around. After Gregory Helms beat Paul London, he joined in MNM's assault on London until S2H and Kendrick broke it up looking out for London. We also saw Mr. Kennedy continue his war of words with Batista following a win against Birchill, he said he is sick of the complaining, he said he just went out their and win, and it's about time Batista did that instead of complaining. Batista clocked this and the 2 brawled until they were broken up by various people. Equally explosive was Mark Henry who demanded his title match tonight. Teddy said tonight he will the face the champ, the US champion that is. Long told Henry his match for the championship with be at The Great American Bash. Speaking of the US title, Regal put his name in the hat, beating the apparent top contender Lashley after use of the brass knuckles, after the match he said at The American Bash he would love to take the championship from Benoit. Benoit was then attacked during his match with Henry by Booker T, who distracted him enough to gift Henry the win, but he didn't let up after the bell until he was taken to the back. This coming just after Matt Hardy was assaulted by Finlay backstage, he then had the nerve to commentate on the main event, which featured the hurt Hardy, against Randy Orton. It would always be tough for him, but the added injury meant it was a nightmare and he was conclusively beaten by Orton. After the match Orton was again haunted by The Undertaker who took out “The Legend Killer and vowed revenge on him.


The next week's action kicked off with a heated argument between The Undertaker and Randy Orton, In which Taker, requested a match at The GAB against Orton, who wouldn't commit either way. This was followed up by the best SD match of this year so far, Matt Hardy vs. Paul Burchill. Following the match Finlay and Paul assaulted Matt Hardy. We then switched up and saw Mike Mondo formerly of the Spirit Squad talking secretly with JBL backstage, this led to Mike helping JBL overcome Tatanka later in the night. After destroying Funaki, Mark Henry sent out a message to Rey Mysterio, saying he would be the next World Heavyweight Champion. We also saw MNM's challenge to Londrick accepted. In the Cruiserweight scene Gregory Helms attacked the number one contender Chris Sabin, after his match with Jeter (Johnny of the Spirit Squad). Regal then told GM Long that he believe beating Lashley meant he should be the NOC for the US Title, Teddy was not so sure and booked him to face, the champion tonight, saying that if he won he would get a place in the match, and after some assistance from some brass knuckles, he did beating Benoit by pinfall. After this Booker T and Lashley came out and a mass 4 man brawl broke out. The nights Main Event saw Batista and Randy Orton beat the team of WHC Rey Mysterio and Mr. Kennedy in a clean victory.


The following episode began with Randy Orton calling out The Undertaker, when he didn't come out Orton taunted him, claiming he was scared, that was when Long had heard enough and informed everyone The Undertaker is not in the building tonight, but as Orton is he will face Mr. Kennedy. After his new associate Mike Mondo destroyed Funaki, JBL made an open challenge for himself at The Great American Bash, since no one is willing to challenge him. Finlay and Regal then backed up their words beating Hardy and Lashley in controversial fashion, with both a sheleighleigh and brass knuckles being used. After that Booker T and then Chris Benoit came to ringside and a huge brawl broke out. Gregory Helms then came out and taunted Chris Sabin who had just beaten Jamie Knoble. Again King Henry was in a destructive mood, destroying Tatanka in the match and then after it, seriously injuring him. The action continued after that and Randy Orton beat Mr. Kennedy after some distraction. After the match Randy Orton ran down The Undertaker as a has been, claiming that after The Bash, he will make hold own his own Bash, now that The Undertaker's legend is OVER! The main event was excellent but saw a disappointing ending when King Henry IX got involved leading to a DQ victory for Rey Mysterio, no matter how they tried nobody could stop him and the show ended with him stood over Benoit and Rey as the show ended.

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Raw → Vengeance Stopping off at The Bash!



The Raw following RVD's first title defence over on ECW started on another note with Vince McMahon backed up by Shelton Benjamin, Charlie Haas, Chris Masters and Gene Snitsky, he calls Copani out asking if he is so tough now. Mark stands at the top of the ramp and tells Vince that he has taken so many people's dreams away, but there is no chance he is doing the same to him, especially because it is simply his origins that got him fired. Vince challenged him to say that to his face and Copani did only to be assaulted 4 on 1, when it seemed Copani would be decimated DX ran down and got rid of McMahon and co., Vince said there would be a 4 on 3 match tonight in the main event. After that we saw Big Show pick up an easy win only to be assaulted by Masked Kane. The real Kane came to the ramp but only watched from the top, not doing anything. Vince and his son Shane were seen giving a pep talk to his 4 “warriors” telling them they need to win. Regarding the WWE Championship we saw Cena cut a promo saying he will get the championship back only for Edge to interrupt saying he has no chance, he said it has been set and he will bring the championship back, Cena says he has his rematch, they go back and forth until it is time for a match. Edge vs. Ric Flair, it was a great Raw match and ended with a spear to Flair. This prompted Mick Foley to question whether Flair still has “it”. Flair shot back, taking huge offence sayinh, he does still have it, and even if he didn't he said it's better to be a has been, than a never was stunt man. He told Foley he could still kick his ass, and things got to breaking point before officials broke it up. Then was time for the main event, which saw DX & Copani take on Vince's 4 stooges. The match ended with a win for the rebels, after Chris Masters was distracted by Carlito and Gene Snitsky got so angry at Mark Copani he hit him with a chair causing his team to lose. After the match DX celebrated but Copani headed to the back clutching his back from the chair shot. As he made it up the ramp, he was attacked by Umaga and Vince came out smiling. Copani was hit with a Samoan Spike and the show ended with Vince shouting at Gene Snitsky for losing the match, he called him a screw up and Snitsky got very angry.


The next week began with The McMahons in the ring, they said the McMahon Empire is about to become bigger than ever before. They said they are expanding and they will firstly be getting rid of DX and Mark Copani. DX came out and told Vince and Shane what they thought of them and said their stooges are crap and they proved they can beat them in a handicaps. Vince hated their confidence, so tried to top it. He guaranteed that tonight The WGTT, would beat DX in the main event! We were then shown a clip which announced Edge would appear on ECW tomorrow night. There was then another point of interest for Vince, when Snitsky tool on Ric Flair, Vince would ultimately left disappointed as Snitsky once again was DQ'd, after leaving Flair a bloody mess. This prompted Foley to come out and asked Flair if he is still so confident in his ability after being introduced to hardcore by Snitsky. Later, after a win,Trish was attacked by a mystery women, her name was Beth Phoenix but little else was known. This was followed up by Carlito telling Masters that he can hide behind the corporate colours all he wants, but that's not cool, and so he said he would have to spit in his face. After a brief squash win Big Show called out Kane, Kane came out and Big Show asked him what is going on and why May 19th is so significant, before he could answer Fake Kane came out and destroyed them both, leaving them out cold with no answers. Then was John Cena making a cameo in with he called out Tomko for what he did two weeks ago to him before ECW debuted, he said it is okay ECW is scared, but promised revenge on Tomko. Cena questioned why he couldn't have his rematch when he wanted, but also said it is okay, he will deal with Tomko first and then regain his title. We then saw the Umaga / Copani saga continue, with Umaga causing a DQ win against Copani, who was firmly in control, Umaga dragged Copani around ringside before leaving him out cold after choking him with a sound cable. The main event as promised was DX vs. The WGTT. DX came out on top and celebrated the victory to end Raw.

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ECW → Unannounced, First stop The Great American Bash



The second edition of ECW on Sci-Fi began with Paul Heyman and Rob Van Dam in the the ring. Paul Heyman presented RVD with the new ECW Heavyweight Championship, after RVD spoke about beating John Cena. He also spoke about his match with Edge at Vengeance but said he is currently focussing on ECW! RVD celebrated with his belt until Matt Morgan spoilt the fun by attacking him. Heyman got out of the way, and Morgan held the ECW Heavyweight Championship above his head. This was followed by an impressive match from Jerry Lynn beating Little Guido. We were then treated to a vignette of Shannon Moore, he introduced himself as “The Reject” and said he is ready to take ECW to new EXTREMES! After that Sabu and The Sandman were again sabotaged by Nigel McGuinness, Punk and Danielson who cost them their match against The Basham Brothers. Tommy Dreamer chased then off after the match. This was followed up by another vignette, this time the man involved was wearing a bandanna and a football jersey. He was lifting weights and introduces himself as Kimo. The next match saw Tomko easily beat Balls. We saw our third vignette of the night, in a dark candle lit room a Vampiric figure sat in the corner of the room with blood around his mouth. He looked to the camera and stared through the lens before declaring: “ My name is Thorn, and I am coming for the blood of E-C-W!” He laughed and the skit ended. Back on the stage Ken Doane and Nic E. Nemeth again cut a condescending and disrespectful promo towards ECW and said they are here to censor and make sure it falls under the WWE programming standards. Nic said he will face someone, anyone to make sure the show has at least some standards, RVD answered and beat Nic E. in a match where Ken Doane tried a lot of interference. The main event saw a confident Kurt Angle defeated Stevie Richards.


The next week began with Paul Heyman addressing CM Punk, Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson. He told them if they wish to be on ECW, they can have contracts. He added Bryan would début tonight – against Jerry Lynn! The matches then kick started with Super Crazy and Psicosis beating Vince's Nic and Ken after Al Snow took out Nemeth. After the match Doring and Roadkill attacked Crazy and Psicosis. Then 2 of the vignettes of last week rolled into one as Shannon Moore and The Vampire crossed paths in a dark room, they called each other freaks, and then laughed. Chavo and Guido then had a great match on the show. After which we saw Tony Mamaluke destroyed by Matt Morgan who then cut a promo saying he is going through all the ECW originals and said it was only a matter of time before he gets at Rob Van Dam. The match promised earlier saw Danielson beat with a vicious kick to the head which knocked him out. This was followed by a psychedelic light pattern on the screen as a voice said “Whisper In The Wind”, when the camera returned to ringside Edge was in the ring with a microphone, however before he could talk Kurt Angle came down and they battled in a truly great match (MOTY candidate) only marred by a botch interference from RVD which led to a win for Edge. As Edge celebrated in front of sickened ECW fans, Angle and RVD argued over the outcome of the match.

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Thorn and Moore as a tag team would be awesome. Them being friends in real life would make the team work even better I think.


Do you have Shelly Martinez on your roster? Her as Thorn's valet was awesome.


Then again, I'm one of the biggest Thorn/Ariel fans out there :p

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Thorn and Moore as a tag team would be awesome. Them being friends in real life would make the team work even better I think.


Do you have Shelly Martinez on your roster? Her as Thorn's valet was awesome.


Then again, I'm one of the biggest Thorn/Ariel fans out there :p


I was recently looking back on Shannon and Thorn's debuts and their vingette's and I'm wondering if I should team them, tbh I'm still undecided.


I was looking through development the other day and saw Shelley and brought her up to the main roster, and yes, she will be brought up as Thorn's valet :)

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

</span></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><em><strong>The Great American Bash 2006 Card</strong></em></span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"> </span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

Matt Hardy vs. Finlay</span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

</span></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Cruiserweight Championship Match</span></em></span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

Chris Sabin vs. Gregory Helms ©</span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

</span></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">United States Championship Match</span></em></span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

Chris Benoit © vs. Bobby Lashley vs. Booker T vs. William Regal</span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

Mr. Kennedy vs. Batista</span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

</span></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;">JBL Open Challenge</span></em></span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

John Bradshaw Layfield vs. Mystery Opponent</span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

Mystery Opponent Guess:</span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

</span></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>World Heavyweight Championship Match</em></span></span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

Rey Mysterio © vs. King Henry "IX"</span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

</span></div></div></div><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><em>Legend vs. Killer</em></span></span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">

The Undertaker vs. Randy Orton</span></div></div></div><p></p><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><div style="margin-left:25px;"><span style="font-family:'Palatino Linotype';">


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