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Four Corners Of Chaos Redux: TNA

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This thread will follow all things TNA in the new Four Corners Of Chaos game, set in the year 2001


Inky The Squid Boy playing WWF

Ben5 playing WCW

Charasmatic Enigma playing NWA:TNA

20LEgend playing ECW

At one point at the end of 2000, it looked like the WWF would become the sole major promotion left in North America. However, after intervention from the US government a draft was set up for all workers in the US. Seeing an opportunity and free of his WCW contract, Jeff Jarrett began gathering a group of investors, many with ties to the NWA, to fund a new wrestling company based out of Tennessee. With the required funding raised, NWA:TNA became the fourth promotion entered into the draft.


With Jarrett taking up a full time position on the active roster, a new head booker was appointed. Not much is known about ‘The Enigma’, but Jarrett promises exciting things from the new promotion and their mysterious head booker.


Roster as of January 1st 2001


Kurt Angle

Booker T

Jeff Hardy

Matt Hardy

Billy Kidman

AJ Styles

Sean Morley

Billy Gunn

Chris Sabin

Christian York

Joey Matthews

Jay Briscoe

Mark Briscoe

Brian Kendrick


Paul Levesque

Scott Steiner

Jeff Jarrett

Eddie Guerrero

Sean O’Haire

Chavo Guerrero

Shane Helms

Shannon Moore

John Cena

Christopher Daniels

Jamie Noble



Low Ki


Announce Teams

Mike Tenay

Dusty Rhodes


Tag Teams

The Hardy Boyz (Jeff Hardy & Matt Hardy)

3 Count (Shane Helms & Shannon Moore)

Los Guerreros (Eddie Guerrero & Chavo Guerrero)

Christian York & Joey Matthews

The Briscoe Brothers (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe)

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Filmed at Sunshine Pavillion, Florida in front of 6,867 fans. NWA:TNA presents...


TNA Impact


The show opens with Mike Tenay welcoming fans to the inaugural edition of Impact. He is joined at ringside by ‘The American Dream’ Dusty Rhodes.


Tenay: “We find ourselves just one week removed from possibly the most historic, the most important and the most landscape changing event in professional wrestling history. I’m talking of course about the four way promotion draft.”


Rhodes: “What a game changer that was Mikey. I’m tellin ya the wrestlin’ game will never be the same again.”


Tenay: “I couldn’t agree more Dusty, and tonight...”


Mike Tenay is cut off, as the lights in the Impact zone dim. The titantron at the top of the ramp lights up, showing the following message:


“The games may be over... but the legacy lives on.”


Tenay: “’The games are over’, what could that possibly mean?”


Theme music hits and the lights lift, revealing Paul Levesque at the top of the ramp and the crowd goes crazy.


Tenay: “It’s Paul Levesque; the former 4 time World Champion!”


Levesque makes his way to the ring, and grabs a microphone to address the crowd. He tells the crowd that he has finished playing games, and all the silly names from his past are history. Before them tonight stands simply Paul Levesque, the greatest wrestler on the planet. Before them stands a man who is stronger, smarter and more ruthless than anybody else in this company, and in this industry. Before them stands the man who will dominate TNA!


At this point Levesque is cut off when the theme of Kurt Angle hits, and the crowd once again pops. Angle makes his way to the ring and reminds Levesque that he is also a former World Champion. However, unlike Levesque Angle has also tasted Olympic Gold, and is the best Technical wrestler on the planet today. As the best technical wrestler in the world, Angle says he will be right at home here in NWA:TNA... and that’s real, it’s damn real!


Segment Rating: A


The two men square up, and look like they are about to come to blows when Jeff Jarrett appears at the top of the ramp. On commentary, Tenay reminds viewers that Jarrett is the owner of TNA. Jarrett reminds Angle and Levesque of this fact, and tells them that their past accomplishments will mean nothing here in NWA:TNA. Jarrett informs Angle, Levesque and the crowd that in four weeks TNA will be holding their first ever PPV, the aptly named Genesis. Jarrett tells Angle and Levesque that if they want to be considered the “best in TNA”, they will have to earn that right by qualifying for the Main Event match at Genesis. Jarrett informs Levesque that his qualification match will be next week; but he tells Angle that since he feels so at home already, he’ll be in action tonight against Eddie Guerrero!


Dusty: “I tell ya that’s a hella humdinger announcement to open Impact tonight!”


Tenay: “I couldn’t agree more Dusty. What a great match up made by TNA owner Jeff Jarrett. Our Main Event tonight will see ‘The Olympic Gold Medalist’ Kurt Angle take on Eddie Guerrero!”


Segment Rating: B+

Jeff Jarrett performed poorly in this segment


Brian Kendrick vs Chavo Guerrero


Dusty put over Chavo in this match, referencing the Guerrero families history in wrestling. Mike Tenay took the opportunity to hype his uncle Eddie Guerrero and tonights Main Event against Kurt Angle. The match itself was a frantic affair, contested at a great pace. Unfortunately the crowd never really got into this one. Both men had good periods of offense, but in the end Chavo’s Technical skills won through and he picked up the win after a Brainbuster.

Winner: Chavo Guerrero in 6:20


Segment Rating: C+

Brian Kendrick & Chavo Guerrero have pretty good chemistry. The announcing quality lifted this match. The Colour Commentary lifted this match.


Chris Sabin vs Scott Steiner


We return from commercials with Chris Sabin already in the ring... that does not bode well for him. Things get worse for Sabin when his opponent is announced, and it’s ‘Big Poppa Pump’ Scott Steiner. Steiner dominated the majority of this match, and never really looked in much trouble. Steiner could have finished this match earlier than he did, eventually ending it with a Steiner Screwdriver.

Winner: Scott Steiner in 5:32


Segment Rating: C+

Scott Steiner came out of the match looking good.


We cut to a vignette showing Sean O’Haire dressed in an expensive looking suit, standing against a white backdrop.


“Rules. Rules are meant to be broken. I mean look at every great step forward made in history, every great innovation. These innovations were made by men and women who were willing to stand alone, willing to go against the rules. Blindly following rules stifles progression. They stop you from reaching your full potential. Rules are merely instruments other people have put in place to hold you back. So in future do what you want, break the rules, do whatever will help to maximise your potential.”


Sean O’Haire laughs to himself, before concluding the vignette.


“But I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know.”


Segment Rating: C+


Sean Morley vs Sean O’Haire


During the entrances Tenay comments on his disbelief at O’Haires attitude in the vignette, but Dusty argues that it’s that exact attitude that will push O’Haire to the very top of NWA:TNA. The match itself was very open, with both men getting good periods of offense. The finish came when Sean O’Haire took advantage of poor referee positioning, and hit a low blow which was missed by the referee. He followed this with The Widow Maker to pick up the pin.


Winner: Sean O’Haire in 8:14


Segment Rating: D+

The match was penalised for length. The announcing quality lifted this match. The Colour Commentary lifted this match.


AJ Styles vs Shane Helms


A fast paced match here, with rookie AJ Styles surprising some onlookers by keeping up with Shane Helms move for move. The match was evenly poised, until AJ went high risk and missed a springboard leg drop. This gave Helms the opening he needed, and allowed him to hit the Vertebreaker, and get the win.

Winner: Shane Helms in 8:09


Segment Rating: C

The announcing quality lifted this match. The Colour Commentary lifted this match.


Shane Helms celebrates his win, to a polite applause from the crowd. Then the Hardy Boyz theme music hit’s and the crowd pop. The Hardy’s play to the crowd and join Helms in the ring to celebrate his win. Helms looks a little put out at the Hardy Boyz appearance.


Tenay: “It’s great to see three friends celebrating together like this!”


Rhodes: “I don’t know Mikey, I’d be mighty PO’d at them Hardy’s stealing away my limelight after a big win, much like Shane Helm’s just achieved.”


Segment Rating: C-


The Hardy Boyz vs The Low Riders


The Hardy’s stay in the ring for their debut bout in TNA which would see them face off against young team, Homicide and Low Ki. The Hardy’s used their experience as a tag team to make regular tags and stay in control for large portions of this match. However, Homicide and Low Ki are two street fighters and manage to get some brutal punches and kicks in on the Hardy’s. The end of the match came when Matt Hardy was able to connect with the Twist of Fate on Low Ki, before tagging in his brother Jeff to hit the Swanton Bomb and get the three.

Winners: The Hardy Boyz in 7:58


Segment Rating: C+

Jeff and Matt Hardy have good chemistry as Tag Team Partners. The Colour Commentary gave this match a boost.


Kurt Angle vs Eddie Guerrero


During this match Dusty puts over Eddie’s Guerrero heritage, while Tenay talks up Angle’s amateur background and his Olympic Gold Medal. The match itself is a very open contest, with some great Technical wrestling on show. Kurt Angle would often gain momentum, only to have it cut off by Guerrero using an eye gouge, or a low blow, or pulling the ref in front of him to even things up. While these Heel tactics helped Guerrero keep up with Angle for over quarter of an hour, eventually Angle was able to gain control. The match changed when Eddie Guerrero went to the top rope, presumably for a Frog Splash, but a downed Angle leapt quickly to his feet and hit a release Belly-to-Belly Suplex from the top rope, bringing the crowd to their feet. Angle was the first back to his feet, and pulled down the straps. From here he was able to land the Olympic Slam and lock in the Ankle Lock, forcing Eddie to tap out and win a very competitive match.

Winner: Kurt Angle in 18:30


Segment Rating: A

This match lifted the crowd.


Kurt Angle celebrates with the crowd, while Mike Tenay thanks fans for joining him on Impact and reminds them to return next week!


Overall rating: B

There was a feeling that a number of angles used did not meet the standard set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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The following TNA backstage news is taken from the World Wrestling Analyst:

-TNA management is said to be very happy with the debut of Impact. Creative were particularly impressed by the Main Event between Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero, who put on what TNA creative consider to be a Match Of The Year candidate. Guerrero’s stock with creative is said to have risen substantially.


-Another positive was the work by Tenay and Rhodes at the announce table. Their work really helped lift the show quality.


-Creative were apparently unhappy with the match between Sean O’Haire and Sean Morley. TNA creative are said to have big plans for O’Haire, and expected better things from these two.


-A lack of motivation among a number of superstars was visible to creative during Impact. TNA management are hoping this will resolve itself over the next few weeks.


-Creative are also said to be concerned by the greenness of a number of their undercard. Again they hope this situation will resolve itself over the next few months.

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Wow, impressive main event. That should be hard to top. I couldn't help but notice that you talk about Eddie and Chavo as being brothers, is that an error or part of a kayfabe storyline...?


Yeah the Main Event came out much better than I anticipated. I wanted to start strong, but that far surpassed my expectations.


Mistake on my part. I'm going to put it down to having the Hardyz on the roster... I'll change it now :p

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I liked the Trip- the Paul Levesque segment. I can't tell you how green with envy I am at not managing to get him or Kurt. Its gonna break my heart when they win Match of The Year.


I notice you're using the "Devil's advocate" gimmick for O'Haire. I loved that gimmick in the WWE I can't wait to see where you go with it


Good to see the World Wrestling Analyst has survived the five+ years between the original Four Corners and this one haha


EDIT: didn't even notice that Eddie/Chavo thing. The WWF's commentators would never make an error like that, not with Chris Cruise aboard. Speaking of commentators actually I wonder if you can match Rick Savant, Dusty for Dusty

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I liked the Trip- the Paul Levesque segment. I can't tell you how green with envy I am at not managing to get him or Kurt. Its gonna break my heart when they win Match of The Year.


I notice you're using the "Devil's advocate" gimmick for O'Haire. I loved that gimmick in the WWE I can't wait to see where you go with it


Good to see the World Wrestling Analyst has survived the five+ years between the original Four Corners and this one haha


I can't tell you how happy I was to get Kurt. I wanted Jericho for the role Levesque is playing, I had huge plans for that feud *sighs*. Still I guess Trip- er Paul isn't a bad replacement.


Yeah I was a huge fan of the vignettes he did, so I'm drawing some inspiration from those. Hopefully they'll lead to something bigger than he got in the WWE.


Is that where I got it from? It popped into my head, and I couldn't think for the life of me where it was from :p

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With Booker T apparantly being injured, aren't you a bit low on main event faces...? To me, it pretty much looks like it's Angle against the world... though of course, he kicks enough ass for that to be doable. ;)
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Ah, the World Wrestling Analyst. Quality sports journalism.


This roster is absolutely amazing. I'm a huge fan of Shane Helms but have to admit a double take when he went over AJ!


You can always trust what you hear in the World Wrestling Analyst :D


Thanks, I'm happy with the way the roster came together in the end. A few guys need a bit of work, but hopefully in a few months we'll be set.


AJ starts with almost no overness, so I have to build him up a bit. He will get there though, I'll make sure of it. In the short term I have bigger plans for Helms, which is ultimately why he went over AJ.

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Filmed at Sunshine Pavillion, Florida in front of 6,869 fans. NWA:TNA presents...


TNA Impact

Impact opens with Paul Levesque making his way to the ring. Grabbing a microphone, Levesque comments that he’s happy that Kurt Angle was able to win his match last week on Impact against Eddie Guerrero. It means that when Levesque wins his qualification match tonight, the two best wrestlers in the world will be in the Main Event at Genesis. But he warns that while last week’s Main Event showed Angle was talented... he’s no Paul Levesque, and at Genesis he will prove it.


Jeff Jarrett appears at the top of the ramp, and warns Levesque not to get too far ahead of himself. If Levesque wants to face Angle at Genesis, he will have to make sure he is victorious in tonight’s Main Event. Levesque tells Jarrett he’s the best in the world, and nobody can stop him from being in the Main Event at Genesis. Jarrett says that he hopes for Levesque’s sake that is the case, as tonight he will be facing Billy Gunn!


Tenay: “I’ve got to say I’ve been impressed with Jeff Jarrett recently, TNA ownership seems to have really caused a change in his attitude. First Angle vs Guerrero last week, and now Paul Levesque facing Billy Gunn in tonight’s Main Event! What a great job Jarrett has done so far as owner of TNA!”


Segment Rating: B+


After Paul Levesque has left the ring, Jeff Jarrett announces that at Genesis there will be a Triple Threat Ladder match to crown the very first TNA X Division champion! Jarrett tells the crowd that the X Division will amaze and astound them, with action like they have never seen. He tells the crowd that there will be qualifying matches held over the next three weeks to determine who will be involved in the Ladder match at Genesis. Over the next few weeks we’ll see Billy Kidman take on Jamie Noble, Matt Hardy face off against Eddie Guerrero... and later on tonight Jeff Hardy will be taking on Chavo Guerrero!


Segment Rating: C-


Joey Matthews vs Shane Helms


As Helms makes his way to the ring, Dusty Rhodes comments his surprise that Helms was overlooked in the X Division qualifying matches for Genesis. For his part, Helms looks less than happy as he makes his way to the ring. While Matthews was able to get patches of offense in, Helms was in control for the majority of this match. Helms scored the victory after hitting the Vertebreaker.


Winner: Shane Helms in 8:06


Segment Rating: C-

Shane Helms & Joey Matthews have pretty good chemistry, it lifted the match. The Announcing quality lifted the match. The Colour Commentary gave the match a boost.


Matt Hardy vs Homicide


Homicide tried to ground Matt Hardy, keeping the majority of the match on the mat. This tactic worked for a while, helping Homicide keep up with his more fancied opponent. However, Hardy was eventually able to pick the pace up and gain control of the match. A Twist Of Fate from Hardy proved enough to get the three.


Winner: Matt Hardy in 8:23


Segment Rating: C+

The Announcing quality lifted the match. The Colour Commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of Matt Hardy stood out as being good.


We go backstage to Paul Levesque. Levesque claims that tonight he will dispose of Billy Gunn, and then he will go on to Genesis and beat Kurt Angle to prove that he is the best wrestler on the planet. Paul Levesque claims he is smarter than Kurt Angle, he is stronger than Kurt Angle, and he is more ruthless than Kurt Angle will ever be. Simply put Kurt Angle doesn’t stand a chance against Levesque... and deep down Kurt Angle knows that is a fact.


Segment Rating: B+


AJ Styles vs Konnan


A really open match here, with both men getting good periods of offense. Styles looked like he might pick up the win a number of times, after landing some high risk and high impact moves and getting a number of near falls. However, he went high risk one time too many, missing a springboard Senton Splash. This allowed Konnan to lock in the Ziplock and pick up the win.


Winner: Konnan in 8:14


Segment Rating: C+

The Colour Commentary gave this match a boost.


We go backstage to Scott Steiner. Steiner talks about how impressive his victory over Chris Sabin was last week. Steiner claims he is the most impressive man on the roster, and can’t believe the stupidity of TNA management to leave him out of the qualification matches for the Genesis Main Event... I mean who the hell is Billy Gunn? Steiner has the largest arms in the world, Billy Gunn is the biggest b**** in the world. Steiner says he’ll beat every punk in TNA, if that’s what it’ll take to make TNA management pay attention. Steiner promises management will give him the respect he deserves, even if he has to beat it out of them.


Segment Rating: B+


Jeff Hardy vs Chavo Guerrero


Chavo Guerrero’s family heritage is hyped by Dusty Rhodes, while the exploits of the Hardy Boyz are hyped by Mike Tenay. This was a quick paced match up, with the two men trading moves. Chavo used Heel tactics to control the majority of the match. However, when he went to whip Hardy into the corner, Hardy hit a Whisper In The Wind from nowhere, leaving both men down. They both regain their feet at the same time, and begin trading rights and left. Hardy is eventually able to gain the upper hand, before landing a Twist of Fate. From there, Hardy hits the Swanton Bomb and gets the win.


Winner: Jeff Hardy in 8:02


Segment Rating: B-

There were times when there was a definite lack of psychology on display, and the match had a tendency to drift a little. This match lifted the crowd.


Billy Gunn vs Paul Levesque


Tenay questioned how focused Levesque was on this match, given that his comments were focused entirely on Kurt Angle rather than Billy Gunn. Tenay may ahve had a point, as Billy Gunn surprised a number of people here, by keeping up with Paul Levesque for large portions of this match up. Levesque was made to work hard by Gunn, who kept the match competitive for over 15 minutes. However, Gunn eventually made a mistake, which Levesque capitalised on. Gunn looked to bounce off the ropes to charge at Levesque, but ran straight into a Spinning Spinebuster. From here, Levesque hit the Pedigree and got the pin.


Winner: Paul Levesque in 18:30


Segment Rating: B

This match lifted the crowd


As Paul Levesque poses for the crowd, Kurt Angle appears at the top of the ramp. Tenay hypes that these two men will meet at Genesis in two weeks on PPV. Impact goes off air with the two men staring each other down.


Segment Rating: A


Overall Rating: B-

There was a feeling that a number of angles used did not meet the standard set by the in-ring action. This show can be considered a success, it should have increased our popularity.

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I'm with Scott Steiner on this one: why oh why was Billy Gunn of all people in the main event...?:confused:


I think you touched on it after my last show. With Booker injured, I have a real lack of Main Event Faces. I needed someone for Levesque to beat, and Gunn's an Upper Midcard Face with decent stamina & psychology so he got the nod.

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