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WWE Proudly Presents: A New Decade, A New Era

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This starts the night after TLC 2009, which happened Sunday, Week 4, December 2009.



World Wrestling Entertainment





Monday Night RAW

Big Show


Chavo Guerrero

Chris Masters

Cody Rhodes - WWE Unified Tag Team Champion

Eric Escobar

Evan Bourne

Eve - Manager of Chris Masters


Jack Swagger

Jamie Noble

John Cena

Josh Matthews - RAW Backstage Interviewer

Kelly Kelly - RAW Backstage Interviewer

Kofi Kingston

Mark Henry

Montel Vontavious Porter


Randy Orton

Santino Marrella

Shawn Michaels

Sheamus - WWE Heavyweight Champion

Ted DiBiase - WWE Unified Tag Team Champion

Theodore Long - RAW General Manager

The Miz - WWE United States Champion

Triple H





ECW On Sy-Fy

Abraham Washington

Byron Saxton

Caylen Croft

Christian - ECW Champion

Ezekiel Jackson


Gregory Helms

Jack Korpela - ECW Backstage Interviewer


Katie Lee Burchill - Manager of Paul Burchill

Paul Burchill

Ricky Ortiz

Rosa Mendes - Manager of Zack Ryder

Shelton Benjamin

Tiffany - ECW General Manager

Trent Barretta

Tyler Reks

Vance Archer

Vladimir Kozlov

William Regal

Yoshi Tatsu

Zack Ryder





Friday Night Smackdown!


Charlie Haas

Chris Jericho

CM Punk

David Hart Smith

Dolph Ziggler

Drew McIntyre - WWE Intercontinental Champion

Edge - Inactive, Injured


Jimmy Wang Yang

John Morrison


Kung Fu Naki

Luke Gallows

Maria - Smackdown! Backstage Interviewer

Mike Knox

Natalya - Manager of the Hart Dynasty

Ranjin Singh - Manager of the Great Khali

Rey Mysterio


Serena - Manager of CM Punk & Luke Gallows

Shad Gaspard

Slam Master J

The Great Khali

The Undertaker - World Heavyweight Champion

Todd Grisham - Smackdown! Backstage Interviewer

Tyson Kidd





OOC: I don't have a great track record with these, but yeah, this might be the one that lasts over two pages! :)

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Monday, Week 1, January 2010

  • John Cena comes out, and says he's dissapointed himself, and he wants his rematch tonight! Out comes Sheamus, Sheamus says that he would never decline a fair challenge, not that he even has a choice, but as champion, he will pick the stipulation, a no disqaulification match! Cena accepts and extends a hand, but instead gets a boot to the face! Sheamus taunts him, before heading to the back.

  • Backstage, Vince McMahon announces that the guest hosts make silly descisions, just for the sake of it, and as a result, he is stopping the weekly tradition. He then reminds us that Theodore Long has been on prohbition for a while, and concludes that he has done well, but is needed on RAW for the time being. He then says Smackdown! will be given a new GM in the coming weeks.

  • Evan Bourne Def. Chavo Guerrero 72/B-
    In an even match, Bourne managed to subdue Guerrero long enough to hit an Air Bourne, for a victory in 6:24.

  • Backstage, Randy Orton is stood with Legacy, he announces that in two weeks, he'll be facing off against Kofi Kingston, with the winner of the match getting the number 30 spot in the royal rumble, and the loser getting the number 1 spot. He then informs Legacy that failure is not an option, and Rhodes reccomends that DiBiase fights Kingston tonight, and despite Ted's protests, Orton agrees.

  • Via sattelite, Theodore Long announces that, to get in the spirit of the Royal Rumble, there will be a six man battle royal tonight, to crown the number one contender to the WWE Championship at the Rumble event! He annpunces the participants as; Big Show, Jack Swagger, Montel Vontavious Porter, Rey Mysterio, Shawn Michaels and Triple H!

  • Kane Def. Carlito 68/C+
    A great showing from Carlito, with more offence then expected, but it wasn't enough to take down the big red machine, who pinned him at 7:11, following a chokeslam.

  • We go to the interview area, just in time to watch The Miz shove Todd Grisham out of the picture. The United States champion says he's sick and tired of people being handed title shots, and that he's just been told that MVP is getting a shot at his title some time over the next few weeks, meaning that if he wins the battle royal tonight, he could become a double champion, but Miz assures it won't happen, and that he'll do anything to make sure he's right.

  • In his locker room, Shawn Michaels is sat, tag title slung over his shoulder. He says tonight, he's going to help Triple H win the battle royal, then, he's going to win the Royal Rumble and face the Undertaker at wrestlemania for the World title. He says he'll be the one remebered as the greatest wrestler of all time, not Undertaker.

  • John Cena is warming up, looking focused, when the Big Show walks in, Big Show offers the advice of not winning the title tonight, because if he does, he'll have to face him at Royal Rumble. Cena wipes the smile off his face by reminding him of when he lost to him at the previous Wrestlemania, and asking him why he doesn't have the tag titles on his shoulder anymore, the two nearly brawl, but Show saves his energy, shoving past Cena.

  • Triple H Def. Big Show, Jack Swagger, Montel Vontavious Porter, Rey Mysterio and Shawn Michaels 79/B
    With every man getting in offence and seeming like they could have won the title shot, the order of elimination was; Jack Swagger (By Shawn Michaels), Rey Mysterio (By Big Show), MVP (By The Miz, who interfered), Big Show (By Triple H) and finally, at 10:45, Shawn Michaels (By Himself.)

  • No less than six minutes after his number one contender was crowned, we see Sheamus, stood with his belt around his waist. Triple H himself then walks into the shot, and chuckles at the champion, telling him that he will win the title at the Royal Rumble, whether he's facing Cena or Sheamus. Sheamus apologizes in advance for ruining his dreams, and says that after he fails to win the title, he will buy him some tissues.

  • Sheamus© Def. John Cena - WWE Championship 79/B
    This match was far too close to call, with Sheamus desperate to not lose his title at the first hurdle, and Cena fighting tooth and nail to regain it. However, a failed Attitude Adjustment was all the oppertunity needed for Sheamus to hit the brouge kick to retain his title.

  • The WWE Champion's celebration over a fallen John Cena did not last long, as the number one contender, Triple H entered the ring. He and Sheamus had a brief staredown, leading to a brawl which lead to the King of Kings coming out on top, planting Sheamus with a pedigree.

  • With twenty minutes left, people knew Bret Hart's return would be a big one, and it was. He proceeded to remind and inform the audience of why he left the WWE, and said he still loves the WWE Universe, but his hate for Vince McMahon has no boundries, but Vince came out and apologised. He said he only had the WWE's best intereasts in mind, and it was nothing personal, Hart accepted the apology and shook hands with Mr McMahon. He was once again betrayed, however, as McMahon spat in his face and gave him a stunner! He then brutalised Hart for as long as possible, hitting him over the head with a chair several times before finally being restrained by security as Hart was seen to by Medical staff. Vince was frothing at the mouth with a sadistic grin, shouting 'Bret screwed Bret, now get out of my ring!' as RAW faded to black.




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Tuesday, Week 1, January 2010

  • The Show is opened to boos, because Zack Ryder is on his way to the ring. He climbs in, looking very smug. He then joyfully announced that he was given a mission by Vince McMahon; kill ECW. He says he is one step closer to doing so, after ridding WWE of Tommy Dreamer, and that all he has left to do is capture the ECW Championship, and destroy it. Tiffany inturrupted his promo by telling him he'd have to earn a title shot to be able to do that, not that he'd be able to beat Christian anyway! Ryder told her to shut up, cue Christian. Christian is about to speak, when William Regal & Ezekiel Jackson attacked him! Choas ensues, but security eventually help Christian backstage.
  • Zack Ryder Def. Tyler Reks 61/C
    In a quick bout, dominated by Ryder, Reks fell victim to a Zack Attack at 5:32.
  • In the ECW Interview area, Gregory Helms is giving Jack Korpela some tips, when Paul Burchill walks in, he insults Helms, calling him a joke. Helms says he doesn't do the Hurricane thing anymore, but asks out of the two, who actually appears on TV? This enrages Burchill who challenges Helms to a match the next week, which is accepted, Burchill then blindsides Helms, beating him to the floor.
  • Shelton Benjamin Def. Goldust 71/C+
    This was very close, but, trying to redeem himself after his loss to Christian, Shelton managed to pull out a win, hitting the T-Bone at 7:16.
  • William Regal & Ezekiel Jackson are stood, laughing. Regal claims that with Jackson by his side, there is nobody bigger or better, and he'll win his upcomming number one contenders match, but Tiffany walks in. She tells Regal that she has spoken to Smackdown's! new GM, and has signed a contract for Kane to appear on both shows until the Rumble, longer if he wins the title, and he'll be Regal's opponent for the number one contender match!
  • ECW Champion Christian is watching the goings on from the monitor in the interview area, but before Korpela can ask any questions, Zack Ryder walks in. He says that ECW will not be alive to see Wrestlemania, and that he already has RAW & Smackdown! begging for him to be on their show, he says Christian will be fired, along with all the other no-names on ECW. Christian says he'll never lose the ECW title, so ECW can never die. Ryder tells him to keep thinking that, before walking off.
  • William Regal Def. Kane 82/B
    The match is open, but not because of Regal's ability, but rather, due to distractions by Jackson, Kane tried his best, but due to the offical being knocked out at one point, Jackson managed to hit Kane with a chair, giving Regal the count out victory at 12:43.
  • Regal celebrated with Jackson, but not for long, as ECW Champion Christian soon made his way to the ring, and engaged in a stare down with Regal, but was once again attacked by Ezekial Jackson, who gave him a book of Ezekiel, and ECW went off air with Regal posing with the championship belt.






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Friday, Week 1, January 2010

  • Smackdown opens cold turkey, with Chris Jericho stood in the ring, he says losing his tag titles was a good thing, because now he can focus on one thing, winning the World title. He says Big Show and DX where just a minor distraction, and that at the Royal Rumble, he wants to face Undertaker, his ranting is interrupted by insane cheers, as Edge comes out! No words are spoken, apart from some pleading from Jericho, before getting beat down and receiving a spear from Edge! Edge slapped hands with a few fans before going to the back, as Jericho scowled.

  • Backstage, Batista is stood, suited and booted. He forces Grisham out of the shot, before starting a promo, he spoke about winning the Royal Rumble in 2005, and said after five years, he has decided to do it again. He vowed that whether he entered 1st, 15th or 30th, but that he WILL win.

  • Batista Def. Jimmy Wang Yang 72/B-
    Not open would be an understatement, Batista merely toyed with Yang until planting him with the spinebuster/spear/Batista Bite combination.

  • Due to a 'you suck' chant breaking out, Batista tries to prove he does not, mercilessly beating down his victim, putting him back in the Batista Bite for over a minute before finally being pulled off. Heat rained down on the Animal, but he just didn't relent, and went back for a few more crushing stomps, before finally leaving.

  • In the hallways, Cryme Tyme are up to their usual antics and they steal Ranjin Singh's wallet, when he tells them to give it back, they mock him and Khali, asking if he'd kiss them! Singh says he's not a joke, and demands to get his wallet back, but Cryme Tyme refuse and walk off, laughing a joking, as Ranjin watches, fuming. Khali walks into the shot, kissing a fat, hideous woman, and Ranjin frowns...

  • Matt Hardy & R-Truth Def. The Hart Dynasty 63/C
    With Bret Hart's recent return, The Hart's get a nice fan reaction, instead of the usual boos, and despite putting up a great fight, R-Truth put Kidd away with the 'What's Up' at 7:32.

  • In the interview pit, both Intercontinental Champion Drew McIntyre & Dolph Ziggler are stood. They talk about the mutual respect they share, and announce it is in their best interests to form an alliance, watching one another's backs.

  • Drew McIntyre© Def. Finlay - WWE Intercontinental Championship 59/C-
    A slow paced, hard hitting match up was held between the two men, with Finlay nearly capturing the title a few times, but 7:55 minutes in a Future Shock out of no where sealed the title match win for McIntyre.

  • At ringside, Smackdown! Play by Play man Joey Styles gets a microphone, informing us he has recieved a text message from the GM. The new Smackdown! Authority claims he wishes to remain anonymous until after No Way Out, but that he has a few announcements to make; Tonight, CM Punk & Luke Gallows will team up to take on Rey Mysterio & The Undertaker, and next week Edge will make his return match, facing Chris Jericho in a steel cage number one contendership match, with the winner facing the Undertaker at the Royal Rumble!

  • Todd Grisham introduces Chris Jericho, and Jericho doesn't look happy, he says he shouldn't have to earn the no1 contenders spot, and that they should respect his ability enough to just give him the match. He says it's alright, because he's worried for his safety, but after next week, Edge will be back in hospital, unable to ambush him.

  • Chris Jericho Def. John Morrison 82/B
    Match Of The Night, with faced past, exciting action throughout, neither man had a distinct advantage, and blew everyone away with the highlight reel matchup. However, Jericho was the one who came out on top, as at 9:30, he reversed a flying Chuck into a Walls Of Jericho, forcing Morrison to tap out.

  • CM Punk says he doesn't like Jericho, but he has the same view, that he should be crowned number one contender. He says he doesn't even have a chance to become top contender, and calls the GM an imbecile, and he tells the fans that they'll have to wait for him to win the Royal Rumble and then they can be saved at Wrestlemania. He once again calls the GM a fool, before departing for the main event.

  • Rey Mysterio & Undertaker Def. CM Punk & Luke Gallows 78/B
    The fans where extremely hot, both in their love for Rey & 'Taker, and their hatred for the SES. The Straight Edge Society fought valiantly, but due to a mis-communication between Serena & Gallows, Rey Mysterio managed to hit a 619 on him at 13:21, giving him and 'Taker the win.

  • CM Punk went crazy at losing, and started shoving and yelling at Gallows, but it was soon revealed to be a fake argument, as the simultaneously attacked Mysterio! Punk sets him up for the GTS, but lets him go as The World Champion makes the save, Punk slides out the ring, but Gallows isn't fast enough and recieves a choke slam from the Undertaker. Punk backs up the ramp, yelling he'll 'see Undertaker at Wrestlemania, I'll win the rumble, just you wait' as The Deadman bowed down onto a knee, doing his signature pose as Smackdown! comes to a close.




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Sunday, Week 1, January 2010

Ric Flair leaving TNA, Back to WWE? Highlight Below For Story.

According to a trusted source within TNA, it seems the new head bookers, Hulk Hogan & Eric Bischoff are pulling their hair out. As reported on this site two weeks ago, Ric Flair was said to be signing an exclusive deal with TNA, and Bischoff already had a six month storyline laid out for him, but that Flair wasn't happy with what would have been his characters direction in the company, and has opted to stay unemployed for the time being. But a different source has claimed that Flair, whilst not staying with TNA, has no intentions of leaving Wrestling just yet, and that WWE has made him an offer to be part of a major storyline heading into Wrestlemania.


Who will be facing the Undertaker at Wrestlemania? Who's Winning the Royal Rumble? Highlight Below For Story.

According to a backstage hand for WWE, he has heard several names being tossed about to face the Undertaker at this year's Wrestlemania event. The names most frequently mentioned are Batista, Chris Jericho, CM Punk, Randy Orton, Rey Mysterio and Shawn Michaels. The same assistant also noted several names for winning the Royal Rumble as Batista, CM Punk, John Cena, Kofi Kingston, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels. The list of names would indicate that Undertaker will hold onto his title until Wrestlemania, and the Rumble winner will choose to face him.


Four new signings to WWE, one return. Highlight Below For Story.

We can reveal here first, that WWE have added four more people to their roster, Alex Shelly & Chris Sabin are two of them, and are expected to have a short stay in FCW before a call up around May. Chris Hero is another, also expected to have a short stay in development, but he is rumoured to be being called up to ECW the first episode after Wrestlemania. The final signing has previously competed in WWE, as Ricky Ortiz will be expected to make his return to ECW or Smackdown, primarily as a enhancement talent.


Questionaire Highlight Below For Story.

Who Will Win The Royal Rumble?

Who Will Face Undertaker at Wrestlemania?

Who Will Face Undertaker at Royal Rumble, Chris Jericho or Edge?



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Monday, Week 1, January 2010

Prediction Template

Hornswoggle Vs Sheamus


Jack Swagger & Big Show Vs Kofi Kingston & John Cena


Evan Bourne Vs Randy Orton


The Miz Vs Mark Henry


D-Generation X© Vs Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase - WWE Tag Team Championships

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Monday, Week 2, January 2010

  • RAW begins on a high note, as the WWE Tag Team Champions make their way to the ring. Shawn Michaels and Triple H, collectively known as D-Generation X, both grab a microphone. They discuss the title match tonight, but after a while Triple H moves on to facing Sheamus at the Royal Rumble, but not for long, as Shawn inturrupts, claiming he's going to win the royal rumble, and will defeat Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Without thinking, HHH tells Michaels to 'get over it' sparking an argument between the two, but it's interrupted the WWE Champion, Sheamus. Sheamus & DX begin to argue, ending with Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase attacking the tag team champions! They shake hands with Sheamus, but then run away.

  • Sheamus Def. Hornswoggle 75/B-
    In a battle between two Irish men, Sheamus brutalised Hornswoggle until he was unconscious and the referee brought a stop to the contest after 5:33 minutes of punishment.

  • Backstage, an awkward reunion is held between Carlito & Primo Colon. Carlito apologises for turning on him a few months back, and says that he had much more fun whilst teaming with his brother. Primo returns the pleasantries, and Carlito asks if he'd like to reform the team. Primo says he'll think about it, and walks off.

  • The Miz comes out on stage, the US champion says he's the best guy on the roster, and last week, he made sure that MVP would not become WWE Champion. MVP comes out and calls him a loser, who can't let things go, but that he'll be forced to let his title go, as he's using his garanteed match at the Royal Rumble! Miz is too shocked to speak, and MVP angers him more, telling him he know has to face Mark Henry!

  • The Miz Def. Mark Henry 71/C+
    The match was only open due to the United States Champion's blatant cheating, but due to botched interference by MVP, who booted Henry in the face, Miz hit a Skull Crushing Finale for the win at 7:11.

  • We went to the interview pit, where Josh Matthews interviewed WWE Champion Sheamus. Sheamus says that by he has sky rocketed to the top of the WWE, and that nobody can take that away from him, not even Triple H. He says because he made the mistake of challenging him, he's going to take away his livelyhood; his career...

  • In his locker room, John Cena and Kofi Kingston are talking strategy, and when Cena becomes aware that the camera is rolling, he cuts a promo, he says that last week, Big Show promised to win the Royal Rumble. Cena says because he lost the match against Sheamus he now has to win the rumble, but that he'll personally eliminate the Big Show. Kofi then says he'll have the best chance of winning, because after he beats Orton next week, he'll be entering at the number 30 spot.

  • John Cena & Kofi Kingston Def. Big Show & Jack Swagger 76/B-
    All four men fought with all their might to try and score a victory for their team, but after a SOS and Five Moves Of Doom, Swagger succumbed to the STF, and tapped out at 9:44.

  • We then go backstage, where Randy Orton is sat with Ted DiBiase and Cody Rhodes. He once again tells them that failure is not an option, and that if they lose, it reflects badly on him, and they'll get a punt to the skull! Rhodes, offended, then tells Orton that if he doesn't beat Kofi Kingston next week, that the threat is mutual...

  • Randy Orton Def. Evan Bourne 82/B
    This match was the best of the night, as Bourne showed off his aerial offence as best he could, and impressed many fans, but at 10:10, a RKO out of no where sealed his fate.

  • Up next was Santino's Casa, and he introduced his guest as Chavo Guerrero. Santino didn't have a chance to make jokes as Chavo snatched the microphone away. He claimed 2009 was the worst year of his career, as he spent it losing to the likes of Hornswoggle, but that it's going to change, now. He said that Theodore Long has granted him a match with Hornswoggle for next week, and he promises to hospitalise him. He then, to prove he means buisness, attacks Santino! He leaves him down and out, before departing.

  • In the hallways, the team of Ted DiBiase & Cody Rhodes are talking to WWE Champion Sheamus, what they are saying isn't quite audible, and when they notice the cameras, they move their conversation to a different location...

  • Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase Def. Shawn Michaels & Triple H© - WWE Tag Team Championship 78/B
    Both team demonstrated why they would make great tag team champions, but after both teams were nearly done, Michaels started arguing with the referee, not realising the distraction had allowed Sheamus to hit Triple H with the title belt, awarding the win, at 14:00, to the team of DiBiase & Rhodes!

  • Sheamus than gave a mighty brogue kick to Shawn Michaels, and as the new tag team champions fled the scene, Sheamus stood above the motionless body of Triple H as RAW came to a close.




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Tuesday, Week 1, January 2010

  • Christian opens this episode of ECW, and the Champion cuts a promo. He says that with the recent arrival of Kane, Ryder trying to kill ECW and Regal & Jackson constantly attacking him, he knows it'll be hard to hold onto his title. He then says it doesn't matter, and he'll do it anyway! Then out comes Regal, Regal says that he has never achieved what he was meant to, and his destiny has been held off for so long, but that at the Royal Rumble, he'll finally win a World title. Christian challenges him to a fight, but Regal opts to wait until the main event.
  • Paul Burchill & Shelton Benjamin Def. Gregory Helms & Vladimir Kozlov 56/C-
    Nobody thought this match would end, due to the amount of momentum changes, with both teams giving it their all. But due to a slight miscommunication problem between Helms & Kozlov, Helms was rolled up by Burchill at 6:51, settling their rivalry.
  • After the match, Kozlov chased off Benjamin & Burchill, before helping Helms to his feet. He then hit him with a clothesline! He picked him up, scowled something in Russian, before levelling him with an Iron Curtain. He then walked backstage, as the crowd booed him.
  • We then go backstage, to a scene a chaos. We can't see what's going on behind the Road Agents and stage hands, until the move for the EMTs. We see that Tiffany is laid down, not moving! Joey Styles goes nuts on commentary, as the ECW General Manager is loaded into the ambulance...
  • Zack Ryder Def. Yoshi Tatsu 67/C+
    For the second week in a row, Ryder picks up a win, but it doesn't come easily. His new mean streak allows him to plant Tatsu with the Zack Attack, giving him the win in 5:02.
  • Jack Korpela is backstage, and introduces Ezekiel Jackson & William Regal. Regal says the next two weeks will be excruciating, as he will just be sat, waiting. He says if he could have the title match tonight, he would, because he's ready to fulfil his destiny, by beating Christian. Jackson then says he's happy for Regal, but will be even happier when he gets a title shot and beats his mentor, getting him a strange look from Regal, but we fade out before seeing his reaction.
  • Christian & Kane Def. Ezekiel Jackson & William Regal 69/C+
    All out warfare here, as both teams try to capture the victory. Jackson's raw power gives him an advantage, but when he went up against Kane, his lack of experience was his downfall, and was forced to tag out, and Regal fell victim to a flash choke slam at 12:12.
  • Christian & Kane celebrated the victory, but Jackson wasn't as pleased, and he and Kane began to brawl! Christian watched on, and as Regal got in on the beat down, attacking Kane on the ramp, the ECW champion decided to get involved. But he was unable, as Zack Ryder smashed a chair across his back! He then makes eye contact with Regal, and they stare one another down, as Ryder lifts the ECW Championship in the air...




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Friday, Week 2, January 2010

Prediction Template

Mike Knox Vs JTG


John Morrison Vs Drew McIntyre (Non Title)


Batista, CM Punk & Dolph Ziggler Vs Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy & R-Truth


Chris Jericho Vs Edge (Steel Cage match, to decide the number one contender to the World Championship.)

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Mike Knox Vs JTG

Would suit Knox to be beat by JTG, too big and strong :D

John Morrison Vs Drew McIntyre

Seems to be more of a star

Batista, CM Punk & Dolph Ziggler Vs Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy & R-Truth

Heels on TV

Chris Jericho Vs Edge (Steel Cage match, to decide the number one contender to the World Championship.)

Both deserve it :p

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Mike Knox Vs JTG


John Morrison Vs Drew McIntyre (Non Title)


Batista, CM Punk & Dolph Ziggler Vs Rey Mysterio, Matt Hardy & R-Truth


Chris Jericho Vs Edge (Steel Cage match, to decide the number one contender to the World Championship.)

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Sorry 'bout the delay on Smackdown! My computer decided to restart, right as I was posting the show, and my Word file that had all my shows on is now corrupt, meaning I'll have to restart Smackdown, which will be very tedious. Losing a show is usually the catalyst for me giving up on Diarys, but I'll try and re-write this one, but alot of the angles were minor, so I won't be able to write all of them. :(
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Friday, Week 2, January 2010









Rating: 85/B+

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Monday, Week 3, January 2010

Prediction Template

Chavo Guerrero Vs Hornswoggle


Big Show Vs ???


Kofi Kingston Vs Randy Orton - Winner and Loser get the number 30 and 1 spot in the rumble, respectively.


Shawn Michaels Vs Sheamus

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Awesome! Looks like you've written this show with Photoshop, right? It's quite unusual at first but the more I look at this, the more I like this format for how clean and accessible it is. That along with the nice storytelling means you have yourself another reader ;) ... thumbs up! 'Goes to install Photoshop..' ;)


Chavo Guerrero Vs Hornswoggle


Big Show Vs ???


Kofi Kingston Vs Randy Orton - Winner and Loser get the number 30 and 1 spot in the rumble, respectively.


Shawn Michaels Vs Sheamus

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Chavo Guerrero Vs Hornswoggle- Please, for the love of god don't job Chavo out to Hornswoggle... Chavo is soooooo underrated.


Big Show Vs ???


Kofi Kingston Vs Randy Orton - Winner and Loser get the number 30 and 1 spot in the rumble, respectively.


Shawn Michaels Vs Sheamus

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Monday, Week 3, January 2010









Rating: 85/B+

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Truth be told man, this is all fantasy booking and the world YOU create is the status quo and reality for your own diary and game. So just go for it, I for one surely won't be offended. In my own diary I hired The Rock and Brock Lesnar as TNA. That is less likely to happen than world-wide peace for a 100 years but it's the reality in MY game, you know. Sure, that example is perhaps not as extreme as bringing someone back from the dead, but look at it as some sort of tribute to Eddie in a way.
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