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PSW 2012: The Revolution Has Just Begun

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Before there was Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling... there was DAVE.


Danger and Violence Extreme, brainchild of Phil Vibert, made a huge mark in the wrestling world by presenting some of the most violent and controversial shows ever seen in the United States, and gained a rabid fanbase that hung on to every punch, every DDT, every chairshot.


But DAVE's popularity became it's undoing. Losing talent left and right to SWF and TCW left them in shambles, and in 2007 Vibert was forced to close up shop.


But Mitch Naess, his protege, was already working on 'plan B'.


Taking some of DAVE's most talented veterans and scouting young talent around the country, Mitch launched Pittsburg Steel Wrestling right out of the ashes of their spiritual predecessor. In three short years PSW became a success, both critically and financially, and looked poised to surpass DAVE's legacy.


2010 however began a series of events that brought woe to the promotion. Matthew Keith, Steven Parker, Grandmaster Phunk and Ash Campbell headed to the big leagues, and veteran brawler The Wolverine would retire due to nagging injuries collected from the years. PSW scrambled for new blood, including former TCW grappler Fumihiro Ota. Ota's time in PSW was short however as he signed with TCW again. Out of desperation, PSW turned to Jim Force, who added an extra edge to his physical facepainted character.


Men of Steel Combat in the UK closing down became a bad omen for PSW as they started losing money just as MOSC did. Some pointed the finger to Jim Force, who made outlandish demands for his time, both financially and his unwillingness to lose to anyone. Eventually Mitch was forced to get rid of Force, making him drop the PSW title to Nelson Callum.


After carefully looking over his finances, and seeing the need to expand his fanbase, Naess devised a way to bring his company back on track: Instead of monthly shows, PSW would hold events every other month, including what he called the "Hardcore Invasion Series" held in New England to grow a following there. Naess would then focus more heavily on merchandise and sponsorships on the off-months.


Despite critics calling his plan "like fixing a sinking ship by putting more holes in it", Naess managed to turn a profit, and his money storyline featuring Johnny Martin at war with the newest incarnation of The Untouchables (featuring the reformed New Jersey Devils) alongside a critically acclaimed series between Nelson Callum and Teddy Powell are helping keep PSW as popular as ever.


Fifteen years after the first DAVE show, the hardcore revolution is far from dead... it's just begun.


Roster (As of February 2013; Heels in Red, Faces in Blue)

Alex Braun (w/Krissy Angelle)


Dead Bolt

Evil Spirit

Ford Gumble

Frankie Future

JD Morgan

Johnny Martin

Marshall Dillon

Nelson Callum


Primal Rage

Redneck Warrior #1

Redneck Warrior #2

Robbie Wright (w/Officer Goodhead)


Tank Bradley (w/ Krissy Angelle)

Teddy Powell (w/ Nicole Kiss)

The Idaho Punisher(w/ Krissy Angelle)

The Pilgrim



The Untouchables (Frankie Future, Alex Braun, and Tank Bradley)


Tag Teams

Brotherhood of Chaos (Dead Bolt and Nomad)

Muscle Militia (Ant-Man and Steel)

Redneck Warriors (Redneck Warrior #1 and Redneck Warrior #2)

Team Roughhouse (Johnny Martin and Ford Gumble)

The New Jersey Devils (Alex Braun and Tank Bradley)



PSW Champion- Frankie Future

PSW Hardcore Invasion Champion- Nelson Callum

PSW National Champion- The Idaho Punisher

PSW Tag Team Champions- Muscle Militia

PSW X-Mas Massacre Champion- JD Morgan


(Note: The X-Mas Massacre Championship is decided every December in a 6-Man Elimination "X-Mas Massacre" match)


Hardcore Invasion 5 Preview


It's the fallout of Blood on the Sand 2012 as Nelson Callum and Teddy Powell will have a rubber match to decide who is the better man once and for all. After their fantastic 30-minuite battles where they defended their respective belts against each other, these two will face off in a 45-minuite Iron Man contest... with BOTH titles on the line. Both men have pre-emptively agreed to an overtime if necessary, so we will have a guaranteed new champion this August!


While PSW usually holds six-man tags in elimination rules, this month will have an exception as The Untouchables face Johnny Martin, Ford Gumble, and JD Morgan in a one fall encounter. If Martin's team wins, the wrestler who picks up the fall will face Alex Braun at Boulevard of Broken Bones 2012. However should The Untouchables win, neither of them will receive a shot at the belt so long as Alex Braun holds it!


Also at Hardcore Invasion, The Muscle Militia will face the masked Redneck Warriors. While it's said that the Brotherhood of Chaos will refuse to face the Rednecks again unless they unmask to prove they aren't the banished Good Ol Boys (with Dead Bolt pointing out the two teams similarities, down to the fact that they use the same entrance music), the Rednecks will get one more chance regardless of what the champs think... IF they can beat the powerhouse duo of Ant-Man and Steel, who proved they are champion material in an upset over Frankie Future and Tank Bradley.


Make sure not to miss the next installment of the Hardcore Invasion series as they come back to Biker's Paradise this August!

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PSW Presents Hardcore Invasion 5

From Biker's Paradise in Boston, MA, with 138 in attendance


In the opening match of the show, Primal Rage did battle with The Idaho Punisher. Rage came had a lot to prove coming off a losing streak, and it seemed like he would gain a victory after decking Idaho with a kendo stick several times, but the veteran was able to outsmart Rage by playing possum in the corner, Rage unaware that Punisher was taking off the padding as Rage charged at him with an avalanche... and Punisher dropped down so Rage ate the exposed steel, and Punisher dumped him with a piledriver to pick up the win.


Marshall Dillion was to be in a three-way dance with Robbie Wright and The Pilgrim next, but this was turned into an impromptu six-man tag when "Blackened" by Metallica hit announcing the arrival of the Brotherhood of Chaos, who was followed by the demonic Evil Spirit, and the violent threesome ran roughshod over Dillion, Wright, and Pilgrim. Robbie Wright's manager, former BSC star Officer Goodhead, tried to help her charge by tossing her billy club in the ring, but Dead Bolt snatched it up and clubbed Dillon with it instead! Robbie Wright fell victim to Evil Spirit's Dead Calm Drop II (Sitout Spinning Side Slam), and Nomad nailed Pilgrim with his Drift Shift (Swinging Reverse STO). All three pinned their men to the mat at the same time. The lights went off and Evil Spirit dissapeared from the ring, and color commentator Doc Messing wondered aloud what his motivation was for helping the Brotherhood wreck some havoc tonight.


The next contest looked to be a more civil encounter even though title contention was on the line, as the Muscle Militia looked pumped, hoping to ride their upset win over two-thirds of The Untouchables all the way to tag gold. But when "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynerd Skynerd hit, instead of the Redneck Warriors charging out from behind the curtains with gusto as they usually do, they came in from the crowd with chairs, ambushing the Muscle Militia!


The bell sounded and the Muscle Militia were playing defense. The crowd seemed all too happy to jeer the Rednecks as they maintained the momentum, but the Militia wouldn't go down without a fight, even after Ant-Man was dropped on his head by the Cattle Driver (Spike Piledriver). After throwing Steel through the ropes, Redneck Warrior #1 held Ant-Man's arms back as Redneck Warrior #2 grabbed a chair... but he taunted the crowd a second too long as Ant-Man was able to wriggle free and cause Redneck #1 to get leveled instead! Steel got back in the ring and Ant-Man climbed on his shoulders, and Steel launched him into Redneck #2 for the Muscle Missile! Ant-Man made the cover and earned a title shot against the Brotherhood at Boulevard of Broken Bones!


After an intermission, "Holiday in Cambodia" by the Dead Kennedys would play as The Untouchables hit the ring, with Alex Braun holding up the PSW title won with the help of his running buddies. "Tornado of Souls" by Megadeth would announce Johnny Martin and his team of tag partner Ford Gumble and ex-Untouchable JD Morgan. Martin pointed his finger right at Alex Braun, who feigned getting in the ring with him first but Tank Bradley would go in instead. It was a back and fourth encounter with Martin trying time and time again to get his hands on Alex Braun but every time he tried to tag in Alex would scramble to tag out. Eventually this lead to Johnny Martin deciding enough was enough and going after Braun at ringside, Tank Bradley and JD Morgan joining in on chaotic fray. In the ring Frankie Future would go for the Frank-N-Hurter (Frankensteiner) but Gumble countered with a powerbomb, following that up with his signature Savate Kick for the three count. Alex Braun tried to dive in but it was too late, and now he has to go up against Gumble to defend his belt!


The babyfaces left the ring all smiles as the Jersey Devils threw a fit in the ring. Eventually Bradley picked up the leader of the Untouchables... but Braun hit Frankie with Braun Damage (Jumping High Kick to the Face)! The Jersey Devils stomped a mudhole into Frankie Future... and then pointed to the apron... and "The Punishment Due" by Megadeth played as Idaho Punisher came down the aisle. The Devils rolled Frankie to the floor... and Punisher hit the piledriver on Future right on the concrete! The Devils and Punisher left the crime scene together as referee RM Stones called for help for Frankie Future. No wrestlers came out, but 'paramedics' came instead to help Future to the back.


Finally Nelson Callum and Teddy Powell were set to face off with both Callum's National Title and Powell's Hardcore Invasion title up for grabs. Their respective valets, Krissy Angelie and Nicole Kiss, would serve as 'scorekeepers' for the live crowd (while also keeping them from interfering in the match). While as usual in PSW there are no DQs or countouts, the two wrestled a clean and competitive match, however the two didn't pace themselves properly which slowed down the contest in the middle, making it a less spectacular bout than their previous encounters. Callum would gain the first fall early on after using his Honey Trap (Bridging double chickenwing) submission hold. A few minuites later Callum would try to set it up again with an armbar takedown, but Powell rolled through... and hit the Montion Censor (Roundhouse Kick) to tie things up. Forty minuites into the contest, Powell tried another Motion Censor, but Callum ducked it... and hit one of his own! Callum had the lead now and Powell would try desperately to get another pin to tie it up again, but after several nearfalls from rollups and a 2.9 from an incredible moonsault that went halfway across the ring, Powell heard the thirty seconds left announcement and out of desperation went for his own Honey Trap! Callum tried to tough it out.... and eventually the bell rang just as Callum signalled defeat by waving his hand. Powell thought he had it, and Nicole Kiss was about to switch her "1" placard to a "2" when Stones waved his finger. After going to Mitch Naess at the commentary booth, Mitch announced that Callum did indeed submit AFTER the bell rang, so Callum has won the contest 2-1.


After the match Callum took the belts, wearing the National title while posing with his new Hardcore Invasion title, and then turned to face Teddy Powell... offering a handshake. Powell took a while but he eventually accepted the handshake, raising Callum's hand in victory. Meanwhile, Krissy Angelie seemed disgusted by the show of respect, and walked out instead of joining her man in the ring.


Quick Recap:

(Pre-Show) 1. The Idaho Punisher d. Primal Rage in 8:31 with a Piledriver

(Pre-Show) 2. The Brotherhood of Chaos d. Marshall Dillion, Robbie Wright (w/Officer Goodhead), and The Pilgrim in 7:38 by pinning all three opponents at the same time.

3. Redneck Warriors ambush the Muscle Militia before their match

4. Muscle Militia d. Redneck Warriors in 11:39 when Ant-Man pins Redneck Warrior #2 after a Muscle Missile

5. Johnny Martin, Ford Gumble, and JD Morgan d. The Untouchables in 11:04 after Ford Gumble hits Frankie Future with a Savate Kick

6. The New Jersey Devils attack Frankie Future and Idaho Punisher joins in and Piledrives Future on the floor.

7. Nelson Callum d. Teddy Powell in a 45 minuite Iron Man match, 2-1. Nelson Callum defends his PSW National Title and wins the PSW Hardcore Invasion title.

8. Callum and Powell shake hands to close the show.


Overall Rating: 43


Boulevard of Broken Bones Preview

With his win at Hardcore Invasion 5, Ford Gumble has earned the right to be the first challenger to Alex Braun's PSW Championship reign. While the Ice Man has his partner Tank Bradley and new ally Idaho Punisher with him, Gumble is a dangerous competitor in his own right... after all, he won the second annual X-Mas Massacre match to prove it. Also, what does the future have for The Untouchables now with Frankie Future seemingly kicked out of his own stable?


The Brotherhood of Chaos will do battle with the Muscle Militia to defend their tag gold. The Brotherhood have held the titles for over eight months now, but it seems their reign of domination may be in jeopardy. Will the Muscle Militia continue their winning ways? And will Evil Spirit be involved?


Also fresh from his epic 45-minuite war with Teddy Powell, Nelson Callum has issued an open challenge against anyone who wants to try for his PSW National Championship. But with only two weeks to recover, how will Nelson Callum be able to fend off his challenger?


All this and more when PSW comes back to The Ministry!

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PSW Boulevard of Broken Bones 2012

Live from the Ministry in Pittsburgh, PA, SOLD OUT at 1,000 fans!


The show opens with "Holiday in Cambodia" by the Dead Kennedys playing as Frankie Future comes out with a microphone, heading to the ring with a mixed reaction from the fans who learned about the shocking events of Hardcore Invasion 5 online. Frankie went over how he was kicked out of The Untouchables, the group he founded, and vowed to help Johnny Martin destroy the Untouchables once and for all. He asked for Martin to come out, but after getting no response, he stated "I get it, you don't forgive me. I'm not asking for forgiveness. But like it or not, we have a common enemy now. You want to kick my a** when this is all over, fine. But you need my help." With that, he headed to the back so the action can begin.


The first match was between The Pilgrim and Marshall Dillon. This bout was anything but a technical contest as they laid into each other with brutal punches and creative use of weaponry, and in the end the big man Marshall Dillon would grab Pilgrim by the throat and nail him with the Crackdown (Chokeslam backbreaker) for the three count.


"Play With Me" by Extreme hits as Nelson Callum (without Krissy Angelle) came down the ramp with his dual title belts, ready to see who will take his open challenge... and "Evil" by Mercyful Fate would announce the man who answers, the demonic Evil Spirit!


Evil Spirit took the early advantage thanks to his intimidating presence, using weapons and vicious strong style blows on Callum who answered back with his technical and agility advantages. Callum tried to bring Evil Spirit down for the Honey Trap, but Spirit used Callum's momentum to throw him to the ropes for the Dead Calm Drop II, but the champ managed to get Evil Spirit into a crucifix pin and get the surprise pinfall to defend his belt.


The next bout saw the Redneck Warriors, now coming out to a death metal version of "Sweet Home Alabama", to take on the makeshift duo of Primal Rage and Teddy Powell. The experience factor allowed the violent brawling rednecks to hold their own against Rage and Powell, but Rage was able to keep his own in the hardcore brawling department while Teddy Powell used his high flying to hit some amazing dives including an elbow suicida to Redneck Warrior #1, and Primal Rage was able to heft #2 up to the top rope for the super DDT known as the Wake Up Call through a table, getting them a hard fought win.


Frankie Future came out for the second time tonight this time to face Robbie Wright, who as usual had Officer Goodhead in his corner... for reasons that are still a mystery at least to the PSW announce crew. Goodhead couldn't help Robbie overcome the crafy three-time PSW champion, and eventually he fell to a Frank-N-Hurter to give Frankie the duke.


"Run To The Hills" by Iron Maiden would play as The Untouchables came out, Alex Braun taking the lead, and holding a microphone. Frank dared them to head into the ring, and Braun just smiled and told him "You're too pathetic to waste our energy in beating your sorry a** down again," blaming Future for relying too much on the Devils to help him get wins, when he couldn't beat a "certain face painted weirdo" by himself. He then suggested that Future "do everyone a favor and just retire", as there was no way anyone could stop The Untouchables from taking over PSW once and for all now that "the fat has finally been trimmed".


The PSW Tag Team titles would be on the line next as the Muscle Militia took on the fearsome Brotherhood of Chaos. a wild brawl that went into the crowd as Dead Bolt and Steel went all over the Ministry while Nomad and Ant-Man faced off in the ring. Ant-Man hit a stalling suplex on Nomad and looked for the Antidote (Running Spear)... but the lights went out... and Evil Spirit appeared in the ring! Ant-Man runs right into a Dead Calm Drop II onto a steel chair! Spirit then threw Ant-Man through a table positioned in the ring as Dead Bolt and Steel went to ringside... Evil Spirit grabbed a chair and headed to the apron... leaping off with the chair... and Steel shoved Dead Bolt in the way! Steel then rammed Evil Spirit into the apron before heading to the ring to break up a pin from Nomad following a DDT, and Steel then picked up the unconsious Ant-Man and threw him at Nomad for the Muscle Missile! Ant-Man was jarred awake by the Missile and hooked Nomad's leg, and after a three count the Muscle Militia earned their first tag belts!


After an intermission, Untouchables Tank Bradley and Idaho Punisher faced off against Johnny Martin and JD Morgan. The babyface duo fought valiantly against the Untouchable members, using their best offensive moves, but the ringside presence of Alex Braun became the decisive factor as he tripped Martin up while he was setting for a Twist on the Rocks (Slingshot brainbuster), allowing Idaho Punisher to land safely on his feet and hit a piledriver as Tank Bradley held JD Morgan off so the pinfall can be successfully made.


The trio started to go to work on Martin and Morgan, when Frankie Future came down the aisle with a chair in hand! The Untouchables wisely leave the ring. The other babyfaces get up, and Frankie offers them a hand, but Martin shoves him off and Morgan just shakes his head as they leave Frankie high and dry. Frankie followed them to the back, but they wouldn't even acknowledge him.


After the smoke cleared, the new kingpin of the Untouchables, Alex Braun, stepped into the ring to defend the PSW Championship against Ford Gumble. Referee RM Stones decided to kick The Untouchables out of the ringside area, much to the delight of the crowd. Gumble's youth was his biggest asset as he came right at the Ice Man, using his speed to help him take an early advantage. Braun fought back and fought dirty, using a lead pipe on Gumble's leg to try to take away the Savate Kick. Gumble rallied back however, taking the pipe from Braun and using it against him. He got ready for the Savate Kick, but of all people Krissy Angelle came down the ramp, and Gumble turned his attention to her for too long, allowing Braun to recover. Gumble turned around only to eat a Braun Damage, and Braun pinned Gumble to make the first defense of his PSW title! After the match, Alex Braun kissed Angelle's hand and the Untouchables came out in full force to celebrate.


Quick Recap

1. (Pre-Show) Frankie Future swears to help get rid of The Untouchables once and for all

2. (Pre-Show) Marshall Dillion d. The Prildrim in 7:56 via a Crackdown.

3. Evil Spirit answers Nelson Callum's open challenge.

4. Nelson Callum d. Evil Spirit in 11:32 via a crucifix pin to defend the PSW National Title

5. Primal Rage and Teddy Powell d. The Redneck Warriors in 10:06 when Primal Rage hits Redneck Warrior #2 with a Wake Up Call through a table.

6. Frankie Future d. Robbie Wright in 5:50 with a Frank-N-Hurter

7. The Untouchables taunt Frankie Future

8. Muscle Militia d. The Brotherhood of Chaos in 10:35 when Ant-Man pins Nomad after a Muscle Missile to capture the PSW Tag Team titles.

9. Untouchables members Tank Bradley and Idaho Punisher d. Johnny Martin and JD Morgan in 10:39 when Idaho Punisher pins Johnny Martin after a piledriver.

10. The Untouchables attack Johnny Martin and JD Morgan until Frankie Future makes the save

11. Untouchables leader Alex Braun d. Ford Gumble in 11:42 via Braun Damage with an assist from Krissy Angelle to defend the PSW Championship.

Overall Rating: 45

Hardcore Invasion 6 preview:

Nelson Callum will defend the PSW Hardcore Invasion title for the first time, going up against the vicious Dead Bolt in a Fans Bring The Weapons match. Dead Bolt is a master of violent brawls so Callum has his work cut out for him in this one.


The New Jersey Devils will face Rough and Tumble in a grudge match, with nobody allowed at ringside.


Also expect The Redneck Warriors to face Primal Rage and Teddy Powell in a rematch, as well as Frankie Future facing the psychotic Evil Spirit.


All this and more when the Hardcore Invasion series is coming back to Biker's Paradise!

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PSW Hardcore Invasion 6

Live at Biker's Paradise in Boston, Mass, 130 in attendance.


We started off with one half of the newly crowned PSW Tag Team champions, Steel, in action against young rookie The Pilgrim. Pilgrim had a lot to prove as he seemed to have every disadvantage against Steel, but tried to resort to shortcuts to get the win, trying to blind Steel with talcum powder and jumping on his back for a sleeper. Steel backed him into the corner to break it up and followed up with a sidewalk slam for the three count.


Next up the big Texan Marshall Dillon faced off against Robbie Wright, who had trouble getting any sustained offense against Dillon, who relied on simple but effective brawling to keep the advantage. Robbie tried to beg off from big man, and Officer Goodhead slipped him her billy club before distracting Dillon by attempting to handcuff him, allowing Robbie to club him repeatedly with the billy club and put Dillon in a school boy pin for the victory.


The other half of the PSW Tag Champs, Ant-Man, would do battle with The Idaho Punisher, and the youngster would have trouble dealing with the wily veteran, who used every dirty trick in the book to keep Ant-Man from gaining an advantage, but when Punisher went for the piledriver, Ant-Man hoisted him up before dropping him forward with a violent slam before following up with the Antidote for the three count.


Primal Rage and Teddy Powell came out next to face off against the Redneck Warriors in a rematch from Boulevard of Broken Bones, and the rowdy Rednecks would be fired up after their losing streak. Bodies and weapons flew on all sides, until Primal Rage set up Redneck Warrior #1 for the Wake Up Call through a table like he won the last bout, but Redneck shoves him down through the table, and Redneck Warrior #2 put him in position for the Cattle Driver, and then pinning him for the three count.

JD Morgan went into the ring against one half of the Brotherhood of Chaos, the mysterious Nomad, who gained an early advantage by throwing his coat over JD's head and using this to gain an early offensive, and while JD Morgan would fight back was with his technical expertise, Nomad would be able to put him away with the Drift Shift for an impressive win.

Frankie Future did battle with Evil Spirit next, the demonic warrior charging right at Frankie and taking the fight to him. The big man rallied back with the streetfighting tactics that he was known and hated for in most of his career, but the Evil Spirit countered the Frank-H-Hurter with a powerbomb then followed up with the Dead Calm Drop II for the huge upset.


The New Jersey Devils were in action next as they battled Team Roughouse, Johnny Martin and Ford Gumble were all business against the Devils, and with nobody at ringside there were no distractions to keep Martin and Gumble from dealing damage. Braun however seemed less than happy to take on Johnny Martin, leaving Tank Bradley to fall to a powerbomb/back cracker combo known as Rough and Tumble, and a Savate Kick kept Braun from breaking the pin.


The main event saw Nelson Callum going up against the always sadistic Dead Bolt for the Hardcore Invasion title, and fans were allowed to hand over weapons to the combatants for this one. The weapons were a mix of everyday objects such as cookie sheets and wrenches, and some fans even brought in things like thumbtack-gimmicked chairs and a stop sign with light bulbs taped to it. Both men were bloodied as they battered each other with weapons, Dead Bolt trying to finish off Nelson with a choke slam onto the thumbtacked chair... but Nelson countered it in mid-lift to an armbar takedown... and the Honey Trap! Dead Bolt's torso on the thumbtacks! The combination of the tacks and the painful submission hold made Dead Bolt give up the ghost, and Nelson Callum defends the belt!


Quick Recap:

(Pre-Show) 1. Steel d. The Pilgrim in 8:02 with a sidewalk slam

(Pre-Show) 2. Robbie Wright d. Marshall Dillon in 8:21 with a school boy

3. Ant-Man d. The Idaho Punisher in 9:11 with the Antidote

4. Redneck Warriors d. Primal Rage and Teddy Powell in 10:48 with the Cattle Driver

5. Nomad d. JD Morgan in 9:37 via the Drift Shift

6. Evil Spirit d. Frankie Future in 10:41 with the Dead Calm Drop II

7. Team Roughhouse d. The New Jersey Devils in 9:47 with Rough and Tumble

8. Nelson Callum d. Dead Bolt in 11:48 with a thumbtack-assisted Honey Trap to defend the PSW Hardcore Invasion title

Rating: 41


PSW Bloodsport 2012 Preview


PSW owner Mitch Naess has finally put his foot down, and demands that Alex Braun finally defend the PSW Championship against Johnny Martin, and it will be a Pittsburgh Massacre match! A signature in PSW, the match can only end via knockout, either from being unable to respond in a submission hold or from a ten count, and there are no draws; if both men are counted out, the first man to his feet wins.


In a return match, the Muscle Militia will defend their tag gold against the Brotherhood of Chaos, and Nelson Callum will go up against Tank Bradley for the PSW National title.


Also expect to see Frankie Future try to get a measure of justice against Idaho Punisher, Teddy Powell joining forces with Ford Gumble against the Redneck Warriors, and Primal Rage taking on Evil Spirit.


In addition, we will learn the six qualifying matches to take place at the next Hardcore Invasion to decide who will compete at X-Mas Massacre. Already confirmed in contention (though their opponents are unknown) are former winners Ford Gumble and The Idaho Punisher, as well as Nelson Callum who pledges to not only defend the Hardcore Invasion title in his qualifying contest, but if he goes on to X-Mas Massacre he'll put the National title (should he beat Tank Bradley) on the line too.


Don't miss PSW Bloodsport when it comes to The Ministry!

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PSW Bloodsport 2012

Live from the SOLD OUT Ministry, 1000 people in attendance.


We open with Robbie Wright and The Pilgrim, accompanied by Officer Goodhead as they went against Marshall Dillon and his partner tonight... JD Morgan! The rookie heels did their best but the powerhouse Dillon and the master technician JD Morgan cleaned house and eventually JD caught Pilgrim in the Cross Atlantic Stretch (Straightjacket Camel Clutch) for the submission.


Primal Rage went one on one with the Evil Spirit now, and these two warriors of the dark side brought their battle to the outside almost immediately, doing most of their match out on the floor. The crowd was into the wild brawl as it eventually got in the ring, and a Dead Calm Drop II on a chair ended the match.

Teddy Powell and Ford Gumble made their way to the ring when the Redneck Warriors ambushed them down the aisle, starting their battle off with a bang. The faces rallied back against the aggressive heel faction, but they didn't have their experience as a unit, and Teddy hit Gumble with the Motion Censor by accident allowing the Rednecks to give him the Cattle Driver to take the win.


It was now time for Frankie Future to get some measure of revenge against The Idaho Punisher, however both men seemed to be way off their A-game as the action was simplistic at best. In the end though Frankie finished off the Punisher with a Frank-N-Hurter.


In a title rematch, the Brotherhood of Chaos looked to get the tag team belts back from the Muscle Militia, the Brotherhood attacking the Militia as the faces posed with the belts. The villainous duo focused on double teaming Steel, but this proved to be their undoing as Ant-Man's incredible power allowed him to throw Nomad OVER THE TOP ROPE with a German Suplex landing through a convienently placed table, and after an Antidote to Dead Bolt, he revived Steel for a Muscle Missile for good measure to get the three count.


The first three qualifiers for the third annual X-Mas Massacre match were announced: JD Morgan faces Robbie Wright, Teddy Powell faces Nomad, and Dead Bolt will face former tag partner Primal Rage.

Nelson Callum was out to defend his national title next against Tank Bradley, who focused on brute force in most of this match, ramming Nelson into the ringpost several times out on the floor. After Nelson kicked out of a Tank Crush, Tank tried again but Nelson floated over and took him down for a Honey Trap to force the submission.


The third set of qualifiers were announced next: The loser of Alex Braun v Johnny Martin faces the Evil Spirit, Ford Gumble faces Tank Bradley, and Idaho Punisher faces Nelson Callum.


And it was time for the infamous Pittsburgh Massacre match as Johnny Martin looked to retake the PSW championship from Alex Braun. The bout nearly broke into a 3-on-3 match as The Untouchables attacked Martin and his backup Ford Gumble and JD Morgan, but the face seconds managed to get Tank and Punisher out of the picture as Braun and Martin headed into the stands. After their battle in the stands they got back in the ring and went after each other, using weapons fairly often. Martin nearly got the win with a Twist on the Rocks onto a trash can, but as referee RM Stones reached 7, Krissy Angelle distracted him allowing Braun a chance to recover. This prompted Frankie Future to come out and chase her out of ringside. Martin was still untrusting of Frankie, and yelling at him to stay out of it lead to him eating a Braun Damage. Braun then put Martin in a dragon sleeper to try to end the match for certain, but Martin barely fought out before Stones was forced to call the match. Martin went for another Twist but Braun raked him in the eyes and tried to beat a retreat to the Ministry's upper deck (which was used by PSW as the production booth). Martin followed him up, and looked to throw him OFF the deck, but Braun gave him a low blow then hit a Braun Damage and Martin fell backward... AND OFF THE DECK THROUGH THE MERCHANDISE TABLES! Braun was down due to exhaustion as RM Stones counted to 10, but Braun got to his feet to win the match and keep the belt!


Hardcore Invasion 7 Preview

With X-Mas Massacre III around the corner, it's qualifier night for Hardcore invasion as the tour heads to Bethesda, Maryland as PSW makes it's debut in the state. In addition to the qualifier matches being for a spot in the annual spectacle that is X-Mas Massacre, the main event will be both a qualifier and for the PSW Hardcore Invasion title as Nelson Callum defends it against Idaho Punisher.


Quick Recap

(Pre-Show) 1. JD Morgan and Marshall Dillon d. Robbie Wright and The Pilgrim in 5:42 when JD Morgan puts The Pilgrim in the Cross Atlantic Stretch.

(Pre-Show) 2. Evil Spirit d. Primal Rage in 9:47 with a Dead Calm Drop II

3. Redneck Warriors d Teddy Powell and Ford Gumble in 13:29 after a Cattle Driver to Teddy Powell.

4. Frankie Future d. The Idaho Punisher in 11:07 with a Frank-N-Hurter

5. Muscle Militia d. Brother of Chaos in 11:36 with a Muscle Missile to Dead Bolt.

6. The first three X-Mas Massacre qualifying matches were announced.

7. Nelson Callum d Tank Bradley in 9:43 with the Honey Trap to defend the PSW National Title.

8. The second three qualifiers were announced

9. In a Pittsburgh Massacre match, Alex Braun d Johnny Martin in 15:45 after Martin fell off the upper deck and through the merch tables to defend the PSW Championship.

Overall: 44

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  • 3 weeks later...

PSW Hardcore Invasion 7

Live at Stanley Hall in Bethesda, Maryland


We opened with the first non-qualifier match as Marshall Dillon went one on one with The Pilgrim. Dillon had a huge advantage in size, but his dominance came out of nowhere when he went for a running lariat but Pilgrim hit him with his "Plymoth Rocker" spinebuster instead to get the shocking three count in just over four minuites.


Next up PSW Championship's new #1 contender Frankie Future and the tag champs Muscle Militia were to take on their respective X-Mas Massacre opponents Alex Braun and the Redneck Warriors when the heel contingent ambushed The Militia from behind. Future was on his way to stop them when Braun's squeeze Krissy Angelle kicked him below the belt. The other Untouchables came out with handcuffs and cuffed him to the top rope by both arms as the heel trio ran roughshod on the babyfaces. Braun would taunt Future by using his PSW title belt to take out both members of the tag champs, then caned Future several times before instructing Krissy Angelle to unlock him, only for Frankie to eat a Cattle Driver for the clean sweep. Afterward Alex Braun wrote some checks for the Rednecks for their misdeed.


The qualifiers began now, with young gun Robbie Wright looking to get ahead at the expense of the veteran JD Morgan. Unfortunately this match was less than spectacular, and while Robbie tried his best to get the win even with Officer Goodhead's help, but JD was able to force the submission with his Cross Atlantic Stretch.


Next up was Teddy Powell against the high-flying enigma Nomad. It was a back and forth bout with Teddy Powell missing the Motion Censor only for Nomad to go for the Drift Shift, but Powell elbowed out of it and threw him out of the ring for a diving plancha! Afterward he rolled Nomad back into the ring, Nomad giving him a low blow and looking to get him with a crossbody, but Teddy hit him in midair with the Motion Censor to get the three count!


The next qualifyer was Primal Rage going up against his former Dead Rage tag partner, the monster Dead Bolt, and they went right at each other in a wild brawl. Very little scientific wrestling or high flying here as they just wailed on each other, though Dead Bolt would use his slight size advantage by bearhugging Rage and ramming him into the ringpost several times and trying to do the same through a table, though it wouldn't break. Primal Rage would rally back thanks in part to a kendo stick, taking the table into the ring and then hefting the big man up on the top rope to try a Wake Up Call through the wood, but Dead Bolt blocked it and scooped him onto his shoulders... YANKEE SLAM OFF THE TOP ROPE THROUGH THE TABLE! The cover was academic as Dead Bolt qualified at the expense of his former tag partner.


Next was the Evil Spirit as he went up against former PSW champ Johnny Martin for the fourth spot in the X-Mas Massacre match, and Martin did his best to keep the demonic warrior from beating him out, but the damage from his sickening fall still had lingering effects on him, allowing Evil Spirit to hit the Dead Calm Drop II and get the three count.


Next was Johnny Martin's tag partner Ford Gumble as he looked to keep at least one Untouchable out of X-Mas Massacre at the expense of Tank Bradley. And with Martin recovering backstage, Gumble had to really fight to stay in the ring to keep from being fed to the proverbial jackals, despite Tank's attempts to repeatledly send him to the floor. A Madman lariat nearly did the job but grabbed on to the rope as Tank fell to the floor, and then put himself in position... springboarding into a crossbody on the Untouchables! Tank tried another shortcut by using a scarf worn by Krissy Angelle to his advantage and choking Gumble with it. He went for the Tank Crush but Gumble floated over got ready for it... SAVATE KICK! Cover, and the Untouchables can't do anything about it as Gumble gets the win!

Idaho Punisher got in the ring now as Nelson Callum went into the ring ready to defend the PSW National Title, but all chaos quickly broke out as Alex Braun started laying in to Gumble on the floor. Nelson rushed to his aid but Punisher used this to get the drop on him with a chair, and putting him back in the ring and looking to finish him off quickly with the steel chair. But Punisher ate a dropkick into the chair allowing Callum to make a comeback, unfortunately Krissy Angelle and the now-recovered Tank Bradley keep the ref distracted. Enter Johnny Martin to come to Ford Gumble's aid, the faces fighting off the New Jersey Devils. Frankie Future stepped in to once again get Angelle out of the ringside area, but Martin started yelling at him to stay out of it. Callum's attention got diverted as Martin actually punched Frankie Future in the face, allowing Idaho Punisher to hit him with a low blow then roll him up with a handful of tights. Referee RM Stones made the cover, and The Untouchables win another peice of PSW gold and a slot in the X-Mas Massacre match to boot.

X-Mas Massacre III preview:


Six men. One massive cage with a gap between steel and the apron. On each side of the ring between the gaps, two tables covered with weapons. Zero turnbuckle padding. Infinite potential for violence and mayhem. This is the X-Mas Massacre. Six men will compete in one of the most vicious specialty matches in wrestling, all for the X-Mas Massacre trophy as well as the bragging rights that come with surviving one of the most violent matches outside of Japan.


The main event has even more potential for chaos, however, as the outcast Frankie Future seeks to gain revenge against the usurper Alex Braun for the PSW Championship.


All this and more when PSW comes home to the Ministry!


Quick Recap

1. (Pre-show) The Pilgrim d Marshall Dillon in 4:11 by pinfall with a Plymouth Rocker.

2. (Pre-show) Alex Braun and Redneck Warriors d Frankie Future and Muscle Militia in 11:50 via a Cattle Driver to Future

(All the following matches are PSW X-Mas Massacre III qualifying matches)

3.JD Morgan d Robbie Wright in 7:33 by submission with a Cross Atlantic Stretch.

4. Teddy Powell d Nomad in 11:03 by pinfall with a Motion Censor.

5. Dead Bolt d Primal Rage in 10:22 by pinfall with a Yankee Slam.

6. Evil Spirit d Johnny Martin in 11:20 by pinfall with a Dead Calm Drop II.

7. Ford Gumble d Tank Bradley in 10:26 by pinfall with a Savate Kick.

8. The Idaho Punisher d Nelson Callum in 11:37 by pinfall with a handful of tights, also capturing the PSW Hardcore Invasion title in the process

Overall: 40

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  • 2 weeks later...

PSW X-Mas Massacre III

Live at The Minsitry, SOLD OUT!


We opened with Primal Rage and Marshall Dillon facing off against Robbie Wright and The Pilgrim, with the rookie youngsters being overwhelmed at first by the two big men. Officer Goodhead at ringside assisted Robbie and Pilgrim though, and clubbed Rage with her nightstick, and he turned around right into a Plymouth Rocker for the Pilgrim's second win in a row!

"Run to the hills!

Run for your lives!"


"Run To The Hills" by Iron Maiden played next as The Untouchables plus Krissy Angelle came out, Alex Braun taking point with the PSW title around his waist, and holding a mic in his hands.


Braun: "Tonight... once again... The Untouchables prove that we are the dominant force, the alpha males of PSW."


The crowd boos, and Braun just smirks at the crowd.


Braun: "Like I care about what any of you mouth-breathing mutants think. All that matters to me is that we have three matches, and we will have three victories. First, my boy Tank Bradley will beat your poster boy Johnny Martin to a bloody, unrecognizable pulp. Then... the X-Mas Massacre match, where Idaho Punisher is going to, for the second time, beat not one, not two, but FIVE people in the most violent spectacle in the United States of America. And then... yes... then I face Frankie Boy. And I am going to prove that he was unworthy to lead us, and that I was justified in kicking him to the curb like the piece of garbage that he is. And at the end of the night... you will all have to accept that WE are the power in PSW. Not Mitch Naess, not Johnny Martin, not you worthless bags of fat... WE are the power... and we are Untouchable."


The trio (and Krissy Angelle) flipped off the crowd at the Ministry before heading to the back.


Next up with the PSW Tag Championship match as the Redneck Warriors challenged their top rivals, The Muscle Militia. The Rednecks were fighting as hard and dirty as ever, even breaking Ant-Man's nose when they threw him into the ringpost. But Ant-Man never said die, and neither did Steel as after Ant-Man powerbombed Redneck Warrior #1 (!) they gave Redneck Warrior #2 a Muscle Missile for the three count and another succesful title defense.


Next up Tank Bradley faced off against Johnny Martin in a heated brawl with Bradley using a chain to choke Johnny Martin in the early moments of the match, but the veteran would counter by maneuvering into a Samoan Drop and regaining control, using a barrage of punches and multiple knee drops to the head of Tank. He went for an early Twist on the Rocks, but Tank blocked it and lifted Martin crotch-first on the ropes, then used the position as leverage to throw Martin in a modified backdrop! Tank kept up the pressure, holding Martin and ramming him into the turnbuckles, only to take him to the opposite ones as well. He would set up for the Tank Crush but Martin blocked it and hit a Death Valley Driver! However he only got a two count, and signaled for the Twist on the Rocks, but Idaho Punisher climbed on the apron! Martin knocked him off, but then Krissy Angelle stepped onto the apron. Martin warned her to get off, but it was a distraction as Alex Braun snuck up on the apron and Angelle got away just as Braun swung his leg up for Braun Damage! Martin fell back into the waiting arms of a now-recovered Bradley who rolled him up, grabbing the tights for good measure as RM Stones counted the fall!


But after the match, Tank and Braun weren't done, Tank putting Bradley in position for the Tank Crush... only on the way down, Martin ate a low-flying kick to the face, Braun Damage style! Ford Gumble and JD Morgan made their way to the ring and the Untouchables fled the scene of the crime, but the damage had already been done.


After the ring was cleared, the mystery man Nomad made his way to the ring looking to take the PSW National title from Nelson Callum, who is looking to end the year as one of the longest-reigning champions in PSW history. What resulted was a high flying, fast paced battle between the two with Nomad pulling out all the stops, even using a ladder to hit a flying crossbody from the outside, over the ropes and into the ring! Nelson answered back with a crazy spot of his own, holding a chair to his back on the top rope and hitting a flipping senton off the top with the chair landind on the ribs of Nomad! Nomad made a comeback and was thinking Drift Shift, but Nelson broke it with his elbow and hitting a DDT, and while Nomad was face down Nelson quickly slipped on the Honey Trap to gain the submission victory!


An intermission was declared while the tables, weapons, and cage were being set up for X-Mas Massacre, and when it was all set up the six competitors went into the steel structure one by one. When the bell sounded the heels split up against the babyfaces, but the contingent of Dead Bolt and Evil Spirit started working together on Teddy Powell and Ford Gumble while JD Morgan traded blows with Idaho Punisher. The action spilled across the gaps on the floor and the weapons were used all over the ring, and on the apron a vicious kendo stick shot from Evil Spirit to Ford Gumble set up a modified Dead Calm Drop through one of the tables for the first fall, and Teddy Powell would take advantage by leaping over the ropes and landing on Evil Spirit to eliminate him as well. Teddy Powell was the next to go down when Idaho Punisher put a table in the ring and delivered a piledriver through it, and Dead Bolt would look for a Yankee Slam on JD Morgan but he would counter by applying a dragon sleeper while Bolt was still standing, scissoring his legs and eventually putting the big man to sleep. A thumbtack-gimmicked chair to the back awaited JD as Punisher looked to win the X-Mas Massacre match for the second time, but couldn't piledrive JD into the tacks. JD delivered a German Suplex onto a stop sign for a two count, Idaho Punisher survived a second rope neckbreaker, and JD Morgan stacked a table on top of another one on the floor and looked to superplex Punisher through it, but a low blow allowed Punisher to change position and he hit JD Morgan with a piledriver through the tables instead! Punisher was spent and was unable to do much more than drape an arm over JD Morgan who BARELY got his shoulder up in time. Both men eventually got in the ring and traded forearms, but Punisher got the upper hand and looked for another Piledriver, but JD tripped him up and applied an STF! Punisher was getting close to the ropes, so JD pulled him to the center of the ring and transitioned into a Cross-Antlantic Stretch! With no way out, Idaho Punisher gave up and JD Morgan wins the X-Mas massacre trophy!


A bloody JD Morgan celebrated his win with friends from the UK who were in attendance as "Some Heads Are Gonna Roll" by Judas Priest played while the ring crew removed the cage to prepare for the main event.


And finally it was time for the main event as Frankie Future and Alex Braun finally had their confrontation for the PSW Championship. Surprisingly the Untouchables were not in full force as Braun came out solo, and the opening moments were even as they delivered hard shots against each other, but Frankie was able to get ahead by taking it to the mat and stretching Braun. A Frank-N-Hurter attempt was countered into a powerbomb for a nearfall, and Braun would look for Braun Damage but Frank would counter with a Boston Crab, but Braun got to the ropes. Braun used a chair to get ahead next, but only nets a two count. Braun then looked for a piledriver on the chair, but Frankie back body dropped out of it, then threw Braun into the ropes... and a Frank-N-Hurter spikes Braun right on the chair! Pinfall and Tank Bradley tries to come through the back to stop it, but it's too late, and Frankie Future has taken the PSW title from the Untouchables while becoming a three times champion!


But Tank was content to enter the ring anyways, and Idaho Punisher and Krissy Angelle would come out too as Tank laid the boots into Frankie. Braun would be revived by Krissy as Tank held Frankie's arms behind him as Punisher hit him in the ribs multiple times with the steel chair! Frankie COUGHED BLOOD as Tank put Frankie on his shoulder... and Braun got up as the duo hit the double team combination they used earlier on Johnny Martin. Punisher then dragged Frankie to the corner and propped him up, Krissy handcuffing him to the top ropes as Braun grabbed the belt, looking to ram it into Frankie's skull when Team Roughouse and JD Morgan came out to hit the ring! The Untouchables and the babyfaces brawled until a voice broke through the chaotic fray...




Everyone looked as Mitch Naess stood on the announce table, microphone in hand, looking downright furious.


Naess: "For five years, I have had to sit here and watch as this Untouchable gang undermines this company, because the investors and the sponsors of this company didn't want me to get involved. Well where were they when Matthew Keith and Steven Parker went to the big leagues? When Ash Campbell won the PSW title and used it to sign a contract with that underhanded ***hole Richard Eisen, where were they to do a goddamn thing to stop it? When Jim Force wanted to be paid twice as much as anyone else, myself included, AND have ten percent of merchandising, where were they? NOWHERE. So to **** with them! I am putting my foot down about my company, and if they don't like it they can invest with someone else.


Naess: "Now I never liked the Untouchables in any form they take, but this lineup is the biggest pile of human filth I have ever seen in my life. Alex Braun, I gave you everything I asked for to come here, to stay here, and this is how you repay me? Tank Bradley, you wouldn't even have a career if not for Phil Vibert, and you damn sure wouldn't have a job if I didn't hire you when DAVE closed down. And then there's you, Idaho Punisher, you bitter old piece of ****, why don't you go and retire without any notice like Wolverine did? And you, Angelle, why don't you do us all a favor, and go back to Babes of Sin City where you belong!"


Naess: "Now that I've gotten that out of my system, I can tell you what I'm going to do about you ******* right now... next time we come here, we're supposed to have PSW Killshot 2013. Well this time around, we're calling it the Battle For Pittsburgh. And it will be The Untouchables... all three of you... against Johnny Martin... JD Morgan.... and Frankie Future. If the Untouchables win... I will hand the company over to Alex Braun, and I will never set foot in this building again. BUT! If they lose... no more Untouchables. You three can keep your jobs... but no more Untouchables, in any form. This war is going to end *******it.


Martin is pointing to Future, yelling out 'I'm not teaming with that scumbag', prompting Naess to point directly at him.




The show would end abruptly with the ring being cleared out, and a shot of Naess' furious expression.

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PSW Hardcore Invasion 8

Live from Biker's Paradise


We opened with Mitch Naess in middle of the ring, flanked by two muscular men in black shirts and sunglasses.


Naess: "Now, first of all, I want to address what happened at the end of X-Mas Massacre. There are people, some of them investors in my company, that want me to apologize for what I said. Well, I'm a man of integrity... so I will do no such thing, because I meant every single word of what I said. Second of all, more importantly, why these men are in the ring now. See, what I'm about to do here, has the potential to get volatile, and with my company at stake I don't want to take that chance, so I've enlisted two of the bouncers here to keep everything as peaceful as possible... and yes, for those watching on DVD, these are real bouncers, they do work here, and they have to keep calm real bikers who are occassionally parts of outlaw motorcycle clubs.


"With that out of the way... I want Johnny Martin, JD Morgan, and Frankie Future out here... seperately, in that order."


"Tornado of Souls" by Megadeth would play as Johnny Martin made his way out to the ring, Mitch pointing to a corner of the ring and Johnny would stand in that corner. After that, "Some Heads Are Gonna Roll" by Judas Priest hit as JD Morgan quickly made his way to the ring, Mitch again directing him to a corner. Finally, "Holiday in Cambodia" by the Dead Kennedys played as Frankie Future came out with the PSW title on his shoulder, and Mitch directed him to the corner opposite Martin.


Naess: "Now, I know you three don't entirely get along as of late, and I'm no idiot, I know you guys aren't going to be holding hands and going down the yellow brick road together anytime soon... but I need you three to coexist, just for this month. Not just for me, but for your careers as well, because I know none of you want the Untouchables in PSW any more. I'm going to open the floor for each of you to say whatever you feel like you need to say to each other, get it out of your system, so you can put your differences aside, just for a while, until the Untouchables are dead and buried forever. I'll start with you, champ..."


Naess hands the mic to Frankie Future first, who looks at the other two.


Future: "Johnny... JD... I get that you guys don't trust me at all. And Frankly speaking, I don't blame either of you... after all, I started the Untouchables in the first place, and JD, I had you kicked out of the group... I betrayed you. And you know what? It was a mistake. I've had a lot of time to think about it since I got what... well, I deserved, when Braun did to me what I did to you. I was too obsessed with keeping the belt in Untouchable camp that I surrounded myself with someone who I should have never trusted in the first place. But I'm going to do right by you, JD... and I'm going to do right to you Johnny, and you Mitch, by doing my part in finishing what I started."


After that, Mitch took the mic back, and handed it to Martin.

Martin: "You're full of crap, Future. You think you can me? I've had to deal with you and your gang since day one here. I know JD was just a sucker in your little power game, and I can trust him... hell, I respect him for everything he's done in his career. But I don't respect you, I don't like you, and I **** sure know I can't trust you. Only reason you want the Untouchables gone... is so you can start over with a new group, and be the same conniving, backstabbing little ***** you've always been."


JD then stepped over and snatched the mic, before the bouncers could even stop them. Frankie just nodded to what Martin said.


Morgan: "Martin... you're a bloody moron. We've known each other for a long time, but I also know Frankie very well... better than anyone else in this ring does. We've teamed together, practiced together, partied together in the Untouchables. I know when he's being sincere... and believe me, Martin... he's telling the truth. I know Mitch feels the same way, or he'd put your boy Gumble in his place instead. As for you Frankie... yeah, you betrayed me... stabbed me right in the back, and I don't care for that much. But I look in your eyes right now, and I know you're a changed man... so I forgive ya, mate. Not gonna forget it though... but I forgive ya."

Morgan offers a hand to Frankie and they shake hands. Frankie extends the hand to Martin now, and JD and Naess look to them expectantly, but Martin leaves the ring instead. Mitch takes the mic now.


Naess: "******* it Martin, you're going to be a team player wether you like it or not! I'm putting you and Frankie Future in a tag match tonight, just I'm doing with the New Jersey Devils. And if you do anything physical to Frankie besides tagging in or out, not only are you out of the tag match... I will FIRE your selfish ***!"


After the ring got cleared we had our first match of the night, as Marshall Dillon faced Robbie Wright, with the big man Dillon dominating for most of the contest. Robbie tried to make a comeback and went for his "Wright Move" (wrist-clutch Fisherman Suplex) but Dillon was way too big for it... so Wright's manager Officer Goodhead entered the ring and clubbed Dillon with her nightsick, and Wright rolled him up for the three count!


Next up was one half of the tag champs Ant-Man as he did battle with The Pilgrim. Pilgrim put up an impressive fight but Ant-Man is one half of the champs for a reason, and showed it by hitting a backdrop followed by the Antidote for a three count.


The other member of Muscle Militia would be in action, but against an arguably more formidable foe in the mysterious Evil Spirit. Steel's power would dominate early on but the relentless brawling of the Spirit allowed him to fight back, and after several brutal chairshots to the back, threw him to the ropes and used the Dead Calm Drop II for the victory.


Next up was some tag team action as the Redneck Warriors faced Primal Rage once again this time teaming up with the X-Mas Massacre III champ JD Morgan. The Rednecks' experience as a unit would overcome the brute force of Rage and the technical mastery of Morgan, however, and after knocking JD senseless with the X-Mas Massacre trophy, the masked Rednecks hit he Cattle Driver on Primal Rage to get the win.


Next up was Ford Gumble looking to take the Hardcore Invasion title from The Idaho Punisher, which started with Punisher clubbing Gumble in the back of the head with the belt as he was making his way to ringside. Punisher would throw Gumble into the barricades multiple times before actually getting in the ring, and continued to punish him but Gumble fought back and made it competitive again. The finish came when Gumble tried to Savate Kick Punisher but he was pulled out of the ring by Tank Bradley. Gumble went to dive at them but Alex Braun slid in the ring from behind and Gumble ran right into a Braun Damage! Punisher entered the ring and delivered the Piledriver for good measure and the three count.


Frankie Future and Johnny Martin would make seperate entrances for their tag team match, and as Martin and Future jawed at each other, "Blackened" by Metallica hit and the Brotherhood of Chaos stormed the ring, starting a wild brawl. Nomad and Dead Bolt had no issues working together, but Future and Martin eventually found a rhythm and made a comeback. However things would change when Frankie was looking for a Frank-N-Huter on Dead Bolt, but Johnny made the blind tag. This caused the duo to argue, allowing Nomad to clip Frankie's knee with a chair while Dead Bolt clubbed Martin from behind to hit him with the Yankee Slam for the three count.


After the match though Nomad[ and Dead Bolt looked to put wedge Martin's neck into the chair, and Nomad climbed on Dead Bolt's shoulders to dive onto the chair, and Frankie Future would rush to the ring and shove Martin away as Nomad dropped a knee on his neck instead! Ford Gumble and JD Morgan hit the ring too, forcing the Brotherhood to withdraw. Martin came to, but shook his head as Gumble and Morgan tried to explain that Frankie saved him from a surefire broken neck.


The main event was next as The New Jersey Devils looked to represent The Untouchables as they faced the makeshift duo of Teddy Powell and Nelson Callum. However Powell and Callum knew each other very well having competed against each other several times. The high flying duo had the Devils reeling, and even Krissy Angelle's distractions were thwarted by Teddy Powell's manager, Nicole Kiss, who slapped her silly! The Devils would try to come back by using the tag team maneuver they debuted at X-Mas Massacre which was dubbed "Devil's Highway" on Nelson Callum, but they failed to notice Teddy Powell had blind Callum's foot, and Powell would dive at Braun with a cross body! Tank had a trick of his own though, rolling Braun on top and piling on to force a three count.


The show would end with the Untouchables standing tall, taunting the PSW faithful, and Alex Braun pointing to a PSW sign, then to himself, as if proclaiming the company was due to be his in two weeks time.

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