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WWE RTSS - A Sting In The Tale, From A Different Angle

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---WWE Smackdown!---


The last TV show before Over the Limit is upon us and it opens with an enormous return as The Rock walks out with his music blasting to a standing ovation from the crowd. He asks CM Punk to come out so he can see who he is facing tonight in the main event. As he waits in anticipation of his opponent, a car crash appears on screen:


<iframe src="

http://www.youtube.com/embed/gB8VcI7_GTY" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="445" width="520"></iframe>


As the crowd goes wild as Mankind walks from behind the curtain as he is writhing his hair out from his scalp. The now trimmer looking Mick Foley walks down to the ring working his schizophrenic gimmick to a tee. He enters the ring with madness in his eyes to stand toe to toe with Punk. Standing unimpressed, Punk asks The Rock if this is the best he could come up with? An overweight, over the hill bump monkey that hasn’t WRESTLED a day in his life, the obvious disrespect isn’t taken well by Mankind who leaves the ring and grabs a chair beginning to smash it into his head until a spec of blood trickles down his face over his mask and he wipes it off before flicking it into the face of Punk.





In a warm up match for Over the Limit, Edge too on and defeated Jack Swagger in less than 15 minutes. Throughout the match we had Tyler Reks sat on the entrance ramp watching the match with a look of concern at what could happen between the two opposing teams at the PPV.




Next up on the show was a video package showing Michelle McCool’s career at milestones, this is mirrored as it shows similar moments in the career of Trish Stratus: from winning the Women’s Title to being a valet.





In another warm up match for Over the Limit, Rey Mysterio picked up a hard fought victory against Ezekiel Jackson. The finish came as Christian had walked out onto the entrance ramp to get a closer look at the match until he was shoved aside by Kane who marched down to the ring and tripped the leg of Mysterio who walked straight into the Torture Rack from Jackson and as he had him locked into it, Kane climbed over the rope and smashed him in the face with his big right hand. Despite almost having the match won, Jackson lost via disqualification.




Next up was a video showing the John Cena and Stings feud so far including the path of destruction by Sting and Kurt Angle.





In a match that was almost perfect, Kurt Angle and Sting picked up the victory with Triple H picking up the loss in order to keep John Cena strong in anticipation for his World Heavyweight title match. The finish came when Sting had Cena in the Scorpion Death lock until Triple H ran in and hit him with a high knee. This broke the hold on Cena and in ran Kurt Angle who ducked a clothesline from Triple H and he dropped him with a German suplex before Sting pinned him for the three count.




The second time of seeing Mankind on Smackdown shows us the demented looking former WWE Champion sitting in a darkened room talking to himself. He sits rocking back and forwards saying that Punk is going to get, his time is coming before laughing hysterically.





In his return match under Last Man Standing rules, Mankind picked up his first loss to CM Punk who finished him off in 16 minutes. The finish of the match came as Mankind was about to leap from the top rope onto Punk who lay on the announcers table but Punk rolled out of the way and Foley went crashing to through it. Laying in a heap on the ground, Punk punished him with chair shot after chair shot until the bent a broken chair was thrown into the ring and Punk follows in after it and sits down smearing blood over his chest looking manic as the referee counts to 10. Punk smiles with the smeared blood knowing that he’s earned a spot in the World Heavyweight title match.




Overall Show Rating:



Superstars Results:

Cody Rhodes def Evan Bourne

Drew McIntyre def Diesel

Jack Swagger & Brie Bella def David Hart Smith & Natalya

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Tyler Reks is taking over!


You know it. Until they gave him the menacing gimmick, I didn't realize his name was literally T-Reks, but now that I do, its all I think about when his name pops up. xP


Just testing :p


Riiiiiiiight.... ;)

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Headlocks and Headlines brings to you the news that the sheduled match between Randy Orton and Ted DiBiase for Over the Limit this Sunday has been scrapped due to Randy Orton having been suspended following WWE Smackdown. The reason is said to be because he has been up to his old antics, this time he is said to have deficated in a referees kit bag. So instead of taking on Randy Orton on Sunday, Ted DiBiase has been added to the Wade Barrett and Big Show match to make it a triple threat.



Submission Match:

Daniel Bryan w/ William Regal vs. Kurt Angle


World Heavyweight Championship:

Sting © vs. CM Punk vs. John Cena


WWE Championship:

The Miz © w/ Alex Riley vs. John Morrison


World Tag Team Championship:

The Corre © vs. Edge & Christian


Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool © vs. Trish Stratus


Big Show vs. Wade Barrett vs. Ted DiBiase


Unsanction Match:

Booker T vs. Sheamus

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Submission Match:

Daniel Bryan w/ William Regal vs. Kurt Angle


World Heavyweight Championship:

Sting © vs. CM Punk vs. John Cena


WWE Championship:

The Miz © w/ Alex Riley vs. John Morrison


World Tag Team Championship:

The Corre © vs. Edge & Christian


Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool © vs. Trish Stratus


Big Show vs. Wade Barrett vs. Ted DiBiase


Unsanction Match:

Booker T vs. Sheamus

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Submission Match:

Daniel Bryan w/ William Regal vs. Kurt Angle

I wish DB would win...


World Heavyweight Championship:

Sting © vs. CM Punk vs. John Cena

Move over Sting, its not the 90s.


WWE Championship:

The Miz © w/ Alex Riley vs. John Morrison

Miz may be the future, but Morrison is the future's future.


World Tag Team Championship:

The Corre © vs. Edge & Christian


Women's Championship:

Michelle McCool © vs. Trish Stratus


Big Show vs. Wade Barrett vs. Ted DiBiase


Unsanction Match:

Booker T vs. Sheamus


That's right, every title will change. =D

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---WWE Over the Limit---


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The opening of Over the Limit is upon us with an enormous pyrotechnics display until the music of Booker T sounds and he walks out. But as he is doing his entrance with pyrotechnic gimmick, from behind him is Sheamus who sprints down and cracks him across the head with a beheading clothesline. They brawl all around the arena until they make it into the ring for the first time, but Sheamus dominates again and pins Booker in the middle of the ring with a three count from the referee for the win.




Next on the show is a pre – match interview with Wade Barrett who talks down to the Big Show, insulting his intelligence saying that his head is made up of grey matter etc. He also says that Ted hasn’t earned any right to be in the ring with the greatest English Wrestler in the history of WWE.





In a match where it was all about Wade Barrett, Ted DiBiase stole some of the spotlight whilst the Big Show was left out to pasture. This match is an attempt to let Big Show put over a younger talent and see if it works. It didn’t instead the fans saw Big Show refusing to lay down for Barrett despite being booked strong, Big Show refused to sell for Barrett so Ted did all of the work. The finish came as Barrett managed to lift the dead weight of Big Show up for his Wasteland and the clean victory.




We go straight to the locker room of Divas Champion and living up to her titles name; Michelle McCool shouting at a runner for not getting the right water and other items of refreshments until she throws her out of the locker room. However as the camera cuts to the locker room of Trish, she is shown to be deep in preparation for her match as she has a stern look on her face pulling her elbow pads on. When the camera cuts away; a video appears on the screen hyping the upcoming match:


<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/6YVPJaS-9b0" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="345" width="420"></iframe>






With all the preparations complete, the match made in heaven for WWE Divas fans is upon us when we see Michelle McCool defend her WWE Divas title against Trish Stratus. The match started slowly with Michelle on the offensive following a slap across the face of Trish which caught her off guard. Despite losing the momentum midway through the match to Stratus, Michelle managed to regain it and picked up the win following her Faith Breaker and a hook of the tights for extra leverage in her pin.






After a segment from the sponsors we see a match for the Tag Team Championships between Edge & Christian and The Corre. The match went for about 12 minutes in all and saw the Corre lose their belts when Tyler Reks mistimed a clothesline and clattered Jackson almost taking his head off. But this gave Edge the opportunity to Spear the tag team champion straight to the ground and made the pin on the champion. Edge picked up the win with great emotion and celebrated with Christian after the match.




The next segment saw Alex Riley talking about the match between the must see WWE Champion The Miz against John Morrison. He talks directly to the camera in a style not see since the early nineties, telling Morrison that he should get used to being second best because The Miz is going home with the belt.






In a match that saw some terrible psychology with neither the Miz or Morrison leading the contest, The Miz picked up the win and retained his title. The finish came as Riley threw the WWE Title into the ring into the hands of Miz who clattered Morrison over the head causing his face to pour with blood streaming down his face. The referee got up at just the right time as Miz chucked the belt out of the ring to avoid disqualification and Miz pinned him c0ckily without even hooking the leg. After the match however as The Miz celebrated, EMT’s sprinted down to ringside to tend to the battle wounds of Morrison as he hadn’t moved since being struck with the belt.




<iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/qwTL_-s6KSg" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="345" width="560"></iframe>






In one of the greatest matches to happen in WWE, CM Punk and John Cena could not defeat Sting in a World Heavyweight Championship match. The match went for little over 16 minutes when Punk had the upper hand over John Cena and had him up for the GTS when Sting charged at him knocking him to the ground and Cena through the middle and top rope in a nasty fall. Sting proceeded to drag Punk to his feet and drop him with the Scorpion Death Drop for the win.





In another great match, Daniel Bryan picked up a tremendous victory over the veteran; Kurt Angle. Throughout the match we had William Regal shouting wrestling holds out to Bryan who locked each one on, Regal acted like a trainer in a boxing match which added a different angle to the match. The finish of the match came as Bryan locked Angle in the Cattle Mutilation whilst Regal had his hands full on the outside, as two new hungry stars sprinted down to ringside and tried interfering in the match but they were fought off by Regal. The two men that ran down to ringside were in fact the newest members of the slow burning invasion storyline; Rob Roode and James Storm.



Overall Show Rating:


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Over the Limit from WWE saw the two main titles stay with the heels, with John Morrison, CM Punk and John Cena failing to overthrow the reigns of The Miz and Sting. What will lay ahead as we prepare for Fatal 4 Way in a months time. The preliminary Buy Rates for Over the Limit have been released and stand at: 7.34.


In other news the preliminary match card for WWE Raw:


Daniel Bryan & William Regal vs. Edge & Christian

Mike Hennig & Dustin Rhodes vs. Nexus

Michelle McCool vs. ???

The Miz vs. Big Show

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---WWE Raw---


Raw opens with the music of its WWE Champion; The Miz who stands proud in the centre of the ring along with his protégé; Alex Riley. He is talking trash about how he beat John Morrison in the middle of the ring and that he can never, ever (ripping Chris Jericho’s mannerisms) challenge the must see WWE Champion again! Miz soaks in every boo like a pro as he garners more heat by saying he is bigger than the WWE, that he is bigger than wrestling and that he is the most important champion in the history of the business. As he continues to run his mouth, the GM of WWE walks out with his music blasting behind him. He struts down to the ring with his usual confidence and tells Miz that he has the biggest challenge for him tonight in the main event; The Big Show!





In the last match between the two teams of the feud, Dustin and Hennig picked up the victory over the Nexus who after the match began trading punches until Husky grabbed Otunga and threw him over the top rope and to the ground. The finish of the match came as Husky had been on the upper hand offensively until David Otunga made the blind tag to let him get in on the action. But this didn’t turn out well for Otunga as Hennig tagged himself in at the same time and charged towards his opponent and dropped him with the Hennig – Plex for the victory.






After a commercial break we come back where two young stallions are set to lock up in the centre of the ring and Sheamus picked up the win in a hard fought battle. Throughout the match we had Sheamus using his bully boy tactics in order to pick up the victory. But the win finally came when Sheamus reversed a running poweslam from Smith by sliding down his back and as Smith turned Sheamus clattered him with his Brogue Kick.




After the match however Sheamus was going to put DH Smith through the announcers table at ringside and try to end his career. Sheamus seemed to have a renewed intensity as he had when he attacked Booker T some weeks ago. But as he picked Smith up a load of superstars and security all stepped in front of him to prevent the attack.






In yet another emphatic victory, Michelle McCool took on the returning Mickie James who took up the open challenge this week. However she couldn’t pick up the win and fell at the way as had many before her. McCool seems truly unbeatable as she has beaten 13 Women’s/Divas champions in the past 24 hours (Trish at 7 & Mickie at 6). The finish of the match came as Mickie went for her Mick Kick but it was ducked by Michelle who caught her with a roundhouse of her own for the three count.




In the next segment we see Edge and Christian standing in their dressing room having just watched a rerun of their match against the Corre the previous night on Over the Limit. They are laughing and said that they can’t believe that the Corre held the belts as long as they did but that they have to stay focused on the teams that are coming up to challenge for their belts.






In an outstanding tag team match we saw the Pure Bloods (Bryan and Regal) put in a losing effort against the champions in a none title match. The match went for 21 minutes until the champs took the upper hand and dictated the pace to a one that was simply too quick for Regal to keep up with and isolated him from his partner. The finish of the match came as Edge had Regal hoisted on his shoulders whilst Christian leapt from the top turnbuckle with a clothesline.




After the match however as both teams shook hands, two heel teams sprinted through the crowd and over the guard rails. They entered the ring and The Corre and Beer Money stand on one side whilst on the other side stand Edge & Christian and the Pure Bloods. But despite tempers getting heated at all four corners, no teams come into contact and it is finally dispersed into the Corre and Beer Money leaving the ring and walking to the back on opposite sides of the ring.






In the main event we had The Miz going toe to toe with the Big Show in an epic main event; however it descended into chaos from the opening bell. It did so by having Alex Riley on one side of the ring constantly trying to trip the feet of Big Show and the referee seemingly more concerned with the antics of Riley rather than keeping an eye on The Miz. Miz ultimately picked up the win, but not through the antics of Alex Riley but by Wade Barrett who handed the title belt to Miz whilst the referee was trying to keep Alex Riley out of the ring. Miz used the belt to crack open the head of Big Show like a coconut, however as he pinned Big Show for the three we saw the return and face turn of Alberto Del Rio. Who teared down the ramp beheading Wade Barrett as he went and chased Riley over the barricade before turning his attention to Miz who was hot footing it out of the ring. Del Rio entered the ring and consoled Big Show as he couldn’t see through the magenta mask.


75 & 71

(ADR face turn was a complete success)


Overall Show Rating:


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<div id="divContentWrapper" style="font-size: 62.5%; line-height: normal;"><div style="width: 950px; margin: 0px auto; position: relative;"></div><div style="width: 700px; margin: 0px auto; background-color: rgb(85, 85, 85); padding: 0pt 20px 20px; position: relative; overflow-y: auto;"> <div style="padding: 0pt 5px; overflow: hidden;"><div id=""><div style="height: 18px; cursor: n-resize;"></div></div></div><div style="padding: 0pt 5px; overflow: hidden;"><div id=""><div style="height: 18px; cursor: n-resize;"></div><div style="clear: both; position: relative; padding: 5px; margin: 5px 0pt; height: auto; border: 1px solid transparent;"> <div style="font-size: 16px; font-family: 'Times New Roman'; display: block;"><div id=""><p id=""><img style="display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;" src="http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/Dynasty/HeadlcoksandHeadlines.png" alt="" height="107" width="449">The rumour mill has been squashed this month as World Wrestling Entertainment has revealed a press release which links them with several new talents that are in coming.</p><p id="">However due to visa troubles regarding the athlete, her debut has been <img style="float: right;" src="http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/JessEnnis.jpg" alt="" height="354" width="321">pushed back to later in the year and that Michelle McCool has been made to look strong for Ennis to have a springboard by beating her in her debut match. However due to her debut being pushed back, those plans have been scrapped and a new name is supposed to be in the frame to take the strap from McCool. </p><p id="">Another name that was linked by to the WWE was in fact; Rowdy Roddy Piper who was said to be coming in to replace The Rock as General Manager whilst he works on the sequel to "Faster." This however has been denied completely by World Wrestling Entertainment as they still have plans for the Rocks character.</p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id="">In regards to the current rost<img style="float: left;" src="http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/Britani5.jpg" alt="" height="277" width="289">er (development that is), one name that springs to everyone’s mind in regards to who is making the most improvements each week is Britani Knight. However due to her having such a young look, management believe it is not the right time for her to be called up to the main roster and want to leave her improving for longer.</p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id=""> </p><p id="">Unfortunately for the following names, they have been released from their contracts as of today:</p><p id=""><img style="float: left;" src="http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/DavidOtunga.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150"><img style="float: left;" src="http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/DarrenYoung.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150"><img src="http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/KellyKelly.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150"><img src="http://i264.photobucket.com/albums/ii164/Steesh07/TNA/HeathSlater.jpg" alt="" height="150" width="150"></p></div></div> </div></div></div></div></div>
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