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The Premier League (1995 Mod)

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My promotion, the World Premier League, is based in the Mid-Atlantic area. I would, however, run my early shows from The Flagstaff in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. I created the promotion with no contracts, 0 Prestige and 0 Overness. I gave myself 2,5 million dollars to play with. I also created a title for the company, the Premier Grand Prix. My user character can double as Road Agent and Commentator.


The initial roster was thoroughly scouted from the available wrestlers and I aimed at having a young roster with wrestlers having at least 60 in either Technical or Flying. And I came to realize that most world class talent won't give the time of day to a fed with 0 Overness and 0 Prestige. But, nevertheless, I feel I was able to build a decent roster, four of my guys being future world champions IRL and one, arguably, a future hall of famer.


Adam Copeland

Billy Kidman


Brad Armstrong

Christian Copeland (AKA Jay Reso / Christian)

Jeff Hardy

Jerry Lynn

Lance Storm

Matt Hardy

Perry Saturn

Taka Michinoku

Tiger Mask IV


I also hired Jeff Jones as a referee.


My initial programs involved a main event scene of Armstrong, Lynn, Storm & Saturn; a midcard tag team (Also including singles) feud of the Hardys VS the Copelands; and an undercard based on fast, high-flying match between the likes of Kidman, Taka, TM4 and Blitzkrieg.





Sunday W4 October 1995

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 26

Show Rating: 54


- Blitzkrieg defeats Tiger Mask IV (38)

- Billy Kidman defeats Taka Michinoku (44)

- Matt Hardy defeated Christian Copeland (41)

- Adam Copeland defeated Jeff Hardy (32)

- Lance Storm defeated Jerry Lynn (58)

- Brad Armstrong defeated Perry Saturn (55)



Sunday W4 November 1995

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 18

Show Rating: 50


- Pre-Show: Copelands Promo (24)

- Pre-Show: Premier Grand Prix title contenders Promo (24)

- Taka Michinoku defeated Tiger Mask IV (34)

- Billy Kidman defeated Blitzkrieg (43)

- Jeff Hardy defeated Christian Copeland (42)

- Adam Copeland defeated Matt Hardy (41)

- Perry Saturn defeated Brad Armstrong (51)

- Lance Storm defeated Jerry Lynn (57)



Sunday W4 December 1995

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 24

Show Rating: 53


- Billy Kidman defeated Blitzkrieg, Taka Michinoku and Tiger Mask IV (45)

- The Copeland Brothers and The Hardy Boys went to a draw (51)

- Jerry Lynn defeated Brad Armstrong (54)

- Lance Storm defeated Perry Saturn (53)




My fed is up to 5 pop in Tri-State and up to 1 in prestige.


After 3 shows I figured out you went around all possibilities of a 12-man roster rather quickly. Plus, Tiger Mask IV was a big disapointment (He's in the game as lazy and unmotivated as in real life...so it's actually realistic.)


I wanted to hire 2 tag teams to have fodder for my two big prospect teams, a new undercard flyer to potentially replace TM4 and a new main eventer to mix things up with my big 4.


I started by negociating my 2 new tag teams: Ace Darling & Devon Storm, along with the Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside). Ends up, Devon Storm was sort of demanding (Requesting a title reign) so I didn't sign him. Darling ended up signed with nothing for him to do. So he will become my designated undercard jobber. The Lads both signed and will debut on my next show.


My replacement for TM4 will be Kaz Hayashi.


But I'm very happy to report that Sean Waltman has joined the Premier Ship, after turning us down when we first started the fed. He will eventually main event, probably be the first feud of our first champion (Should be Jerry Lynn).

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Sunday W3 January 1996

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 24

Show Rating: 60


- Kaz Hayashi defeated Ace Darling (32)

- The Hardy Boys defeated Blitzkrieg & Tiger Mask IV (44)

- The Copeland Brothers defeated The Liverpool Lads (41)

- Sean Waltman defeated Taka Michinoku (61)

- Lance Storm defeated Brad Armstrong (62)

- Jerry Lynn defeated Perry Saturn (62)



Sunday W3 February 1996

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 62

Show Rating: 56


- Pre-Show: Blitzkrieg defeated Ace Darling (36)

- Christian Copeland defeated Kaz Hayashi & Tiger Mask IV in a triple threat (41)

- The Hardy Boys defeated The Liverpool Lads (40)

- Perry Saturn defeated Brad Armstrong (50)

- Sean Waltman defeated Billy Kidman (59)

- PGP Title Match: Jerry Lynn defeated Lance Storm (62)



Sunday W3 March 1996

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 54

Show Rating: 60


- Lance Storm defeated Tiger Mask IV (44)

- Adam Copeland defeated Jeff Hardy and Robbie Brookside in a triple threat (40)

- Perry Saturn defeated Billy Kidman (47)

- Sean Waltman defeated Taka Michinoku (56)

- PGP Title Match: Jerry Lynn defeated Brad Armstrong (63) (Defense #1)



Sunday W4 April 1996

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 76

Show Rating: 55


- Pre-Show: Kaz Hayashi defeated Ace Darling (35)

- Pre-Show: Blitzkrieg defeated Tiger Mask IV (41)

- The Liverpool Lads defeated The Copeland Brothers & The Hardy Boys in a triple threat (49)

- Lance Storm defeated Brad Armstrong (55)

- Jerry Lynn defeated Billy Kidman (56) (Defense #2)





- Premier is now Small. We have 13 in Pop in Tri-States and 16 in Prestige.


- We have tripled our attendances following the acquisition of Sean Waltman.


- We have lost Taka Michinoku to All-Japan Pro Wrestling who signed him to a Written deal.


- We have signed 16-years old British rookie Jody Fleisch who will form a lose alliance with Dean and Brookside. We have also entered renewal negociation with PGP champion and company ace Jerry Lynn, and sent feelers to Mr. Aguila and Masato Yakushiji. Finally, we have sent a propably futile overture to Chris Jericho. Jericho turned us down before, but now we are a bit larger and we have his buddy Lance Storm.


- Jeff Hardy is taking two months off to clean himself up and become a Teen Idol.


- Matt Hardy will have singles matches, and the Liverpool Lads will feud with the Copelands on the next two shows.


- Ace Darling has been uppitty about losing all the time. To deal with that, I'll job him some more.


- Perry Saturn has also been unhappy about some of his losses.


- Darling and Saturn took out their pent up frustration on poor Kaz Hayashi and beat jim up backstage on consecutive shows. I fined them, and had Darling job to Hayashi as additional punishment.


- Darling (Him AGAIN?!?) brought alcohol backstage. As I looked at my roster and saw I had Waltman, the Hardys and Perry Saturn, I figured it could become a problem. So I instituted

the No-Alcohol rule. The backstage atmosphere improved.

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I think it's pretty cool that you started completely from the bottom like this. Have you tried signing Rob Van Dam? Assuming that you're using War of The Worlds, he should be available.


Yeah, I'm using your mod! Great work on it. I only added a handful of future workers who weren't in there, for example, Go Shiozaki. Also fixed some old stats, like Stu Bennett/Wade Barrett having not so good mic skills.


I tried signing RVD but he turned me down. I wanted him and Sabu as a team. Sabu turned me down too.


Eventually he signed a written deal with WCW and Sabu killed himself in an accident.


I was surprised to see Waltman on a P.P.A. with the WWF. I'm thinking he was probably on Written by this point because he stopped being a jobber, in 93 I think. By 95, I think he had won the tag titles with Jannetty. So he must have been on a real contract.

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Yeah, I'm using your mod! Great work on it. I only added a handful of future workers who weren't in there, for example, Go Shiozaki. Also fixed some old stats, like Stu Bennett/Wade Barrett having not so good mic skills.


Yeah Barrett is probably a bit underrated, I'll tweak him for the next release. Go Shiozaki will definately be included as well, dunno how I missed him really.


I was surprised to see Waltman on a P.P.A. with the WWF. I'm thinking he was probably on Written by this point because he stopped being a jobber, in 93 I think. By 95, I think he had won the tag titles with Jannetty. So he must have been on a real contract.


Actually, Waltman worked at least 2 shows for Pro Wrestling America in September 1995. He also worked a Stu Hart tribute show or something later that year.


Btw, if you find more important absences or feel something is wrong and/or needs tweaking, feel free to let me know. :)

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- NEWS -


- The newly repackaged Jeff Hardy left us to sign a written deal with WWF, leaving a gaping hole in our tag division.


- Ace Darling has been fired after he came in very late to a show, his third disciplinary strike.


- Saturn turned up late...strike 2 for him. I told him it was his last chance.


- We have signed Shane Helms and Shannon Moore as a tag team to replace the Hardys as Matt goes into singles. I have cut their last names and now they are known as Shane and Shannon and their team name is "Super S"


- We promised Brad Armstrong a title run. So we have created our tag team championship belt and will put it on him for a little while. We have hired his brother Steve Armstrong to team with him.


- We've also signed Super Crazy and Black Dragon to bolster our undercard.


- The next event, Premier Wrestling X, will feature a major defense of the Premier Grand Prix title as Jerry Lynn defends in a mandatory defense against number one contender Sean Waltman! And The Armstrong Brothers take on The Liverpool Lads for the Premier Tag Team championship PLUS in individual matches, it's Lance Storm versus Perry Saturn and Adam Copeland versus Billy Kidman and MORE!





Sunday W4 May 1996

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 74

Show Rating: 68


- Pre-Show: Aguila defeated Masato Yakushiji (38)

- Pre-Show: Christian Copeland defeated Ace Darling in a Hardcore Match (20)

- The Liverpool Lads defeated Kaz Hayashi & Tiger Mask IV (36)

- Brad Armstrong defeated Jody Fleisch (43)

- Perry Saturn defeated Blitzkrieg (47)

- Sean Waltman defeated Matt Hardy (54)

- Lance Storm defeated Billy Kidman (67)

- PGP Title Match: Jerry Lynn defeated Adam Copeland (71) (Defense #3)




Sunday W3 June 1996

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 89

Show Rating: 64


- Pre-Show: Jody Fleisch defeated Black Dragon (13) (WTF?)

- Pre-Show: Aguila & Blitzkrieg defeated Kaz Hayashi & Masato Yakushiji (42)

- The Liverpool Lads defeated Super S (38)

- Christian Copeland defeated Super Crazy (51)

- Brad Armstrong defeated Matt Hardy (48)

- Lance Storm defeated Adam Copeland (56)

- Sean Waltman defeated Perry Saturn (61)

- Jerry Lynn defeated Billy Kidman (68) (Non-Title Match)







- Jerry Lynn (Premier Grand Prix Champion)

- Sean Waltman

- Lance Storm

- Brad Armstrong

- Perry Saturn

- Billy Kidman

- Adam Copeland

- Matt Hardy

- Christian Copeland

- Robbie Brookside

- Doc Dean

- Steve Armstrong

- Super Crazy

- Kaz Hayashi

- Aguila

- Shane (Helms)

- Shannon (Moore)

- Jody Fleisch

- Black Dragon

- Masato Yakushiji

- Blitzkrieg

- Tiger Mask IV




- Jeff Jones (Referee)

- Phil Parent (Owner, Commentator & Road Agent)




- The Armstrongs (Brad & Steve Armstrong)

- The Copelands (Adam & Christian Copeland)

- The Liverpool Lads (Doc Dean & Robbie Brookside)

- Super S (Shane & Shannon)

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- NEWS -


- I get almost 300 people to my shows now, The Flagstaff will soon be too small for us. I'm now up to 23 of pop in Tri State and I've got 5 of spillover pop all over the northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. As soon as I hit Regional, I'm going for a weekly TV deal. I also have 23 of prestige.


- Matt Hardy has left Premier to sign with the WWF.


- Because I'm sick and tired of seeing my talent getting signed to written deals by the big leagues, I signed working agreements with WWF, WCW and ECW. I'm scared ****less that they'll still try to sign my guys...


- Perry Saturn got himself a Torn Rotator Cuff wrestling Tony Stetson and Dances

With Dudley in ECW and is out for a year.


- Ian Rotten just opened IWA Mid-South (ugh) and offered contacts to a bunch of my workers (UGH!).


- And to put the cherry on top of the **** sundae, Waltman pulled some sort of prank on the boys and he's got nuclear heat at the moment.


- Premier signed Psychosis and Hector Guerrero. Psychosis because of his skills,

Hector because, heh, it's an interesting idea.


- Jerry Calhoun was signed as a referee. His 80+ referee stat gives me a bonus in every match. The contract of Judge Jeff Jones, my previous referee, was let to expire.


- We are in the process of negociating with a Japanese veteran to feud with Jerry Lynn. I believe this man COULD become our new ace! Well, I like him, anyways.


- We are also in talks with Mexican veteran Black Cat. If he comes in, it won't be with that name/gimmick.





Sunday W4 July 1996

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 150

Show Rating: 63


- Pre-Show: Super Crazy defeated Aguila & Kaz Hayashi in a triple threat (45)

- Pre-Show: Christian Copeland defeated Super Crazy (49)

- PGP Tag Team Title Match: The Armstrongs defeated The Liverpool Lads (46)

- Adam Copeland defeated Billy Kidman (59)

- Lance Storm defeared Perry Saturn (55)

- PGP Title Match: Jerry Lynn defeated Sean Waltman (67) (Defense #4)



Sunday W3 August 1996

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 182

Show Rating: 67


- Pre-Show: Jody Fleisch defeated Tiger Mask IV (35)

- Pre-Show: Super S defeated Masato Yakushiji & Kaz Hayashi (39)

- The Liverpool Lads defeated Aguila & Blitzkrieg (38)

- Billy Kidman defeated Matt Hardy (52)

- Sean Waltman defeated Super Crazy (52)

- Adam Copeland defeated Christian Copeland (54)

- Lance Storm defeated Brad Armstrong (60)

- Jerry Lynn defeated Perry Saturn (72) (Non-Title)



Sunday W4 September 1996

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 291

Show Rating: 62


- Pre-Show: Tiger Mask IV defeated Steve Armstrong (42)

- Pre-Show: Aguila & Blitzkrieg defeated Super S (41)

- Billy Kidman defeated Super Crazy (60)

- Adam Copeland defeated Brad Armstrong (48)

- Perry Saturn defeated Matt Hardy (56)

- Lance Storm defeated Christian Copeland (53)

- PGP Title Match: Jerry Lynn defeated Sean Waltman (65) (Defense #5)



Sunday W4 October 1996

@ The Flagstaff (Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania)

Attendance: 261

Show Rating: 70


- Pre-Show: Adam Copeland defeated Aguila, Doc Dean, Jody Fleisch, Kaz Hayashi and Masato Yakushiji in a 6-Men match. (48)

- Super Crazy defeated Robbie Brookside (52)

- Tiger Mask IV defeated Christian Copeland (48)

- Hector Guerrero defeated Blitzkrieg (50)

- Brad Armstrong defeated Billy Kidman (59)

- Sean Waltman defeated Psychosis (68)

- PGP Title Match: Jerry Lynn defeated Lance Storm (73) (Defense #6)

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- NEWS -




- First and foremost, Premier has come to terms on a contract with 3-time and current IWGP Junior Heavyweight champion and the wrestler who ranked 23rd in the yearly Top 100, Nobuhiko Takada. Takada-san is well known technical marvel and is coming in amidst much hype. At Premier Wrestling XV, Takada will take on Jerry Lynn for the Premier Grand Prix championship. He will debut at PW14, taking on Brad Armstrong.


We were absolutely amazed that Takada-san wanted to come wrestle in the USA and moreso that he accepted to join us. We believe that he could be the most important signing in WPL history.


You can watch highlights of our new star and hear his breathtaking theme song here:




(OOC: How the hell did THAT happen anyway? Did he ever wrestle in the US IRL? I don't think he did. Or did the game open the US for him?)


- Secondly, we have signed Chavo Guerrero Jr., whom we were able to sign as he left the USWA and suddenly had some open dates. He is a solid performer and will play a role in our mid-card, maybe with uncle Hector. We acted fast when he was available and we got our man!


- Thirdly, we have come to agreement with Victor Mar Manuel, otherwise known as Black Cat. The veteran of the Mexican leagues and NJPW comes in with a brand new persona: He will be wrestling under the mask as Black Tiger III and feud with Tiger Mask IV, or at least that's the idea.


(OOC: **** Silver King and his half-assed Black Tiger III IRL. I'll do it better!)


- We are trying to acquire the negociating rights to Yoshihiro Tajiri, who recently left IWA-Japan and has some dates available. However, he has other options or so he says. We'll try it every 2-3 days until he sits at the table and has cake with us. I WANT Tajiri, and I'll get him.


- Lastly, the contract of Masato Yakushiji will be left to expire. You can't cut it kid, back to Michinoku Pro.

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(OOC: How the hell did THAT happen anyway? Did he ever wrestle in the US IRL? I don't think he did. Or did the game open the US for him?)


He was mistakingly listed as working in USA, it will be fixed for the next release.


Interesting diary so far btw, I might try a similar game at some point.

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So, last update was in October 1995, I am now in September of 1996, let's see how I've done!



- I am now a Regional promotion. I have 40 of pop in my home territory of Tri-State and have recently started running shows in New England so I'm up to 10 there, as well as having kept the spillover pop you get in some American and Canadian areas. I usually win the Local Wars in Tri-State.


- I now run three shows per month, all on Thursdays which for whatever reason are almost never used by any other promotions.


On Week 1, I run "Premier New England Wrestling" at the 300-seats Quincy National Guard Armory, in Quincy, Massachussets. This show is my second in importance, mostly headlined by Premier New England champion Lance Storm defending his belt. I try not to use my real expensive talent on this show because for now I only have like 40 people attending, so I don't get much ticket money, but at the same time, I don't need my top talent all the time to raise my pop here, since it's low. I usually try to have 2-3 of my top guys in the main matches just to bump up the show averages.


On Week 2, I run "Premier Wrestling @ The Flagstaff" at, you guessed it, 300-seater The Flagstaff in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. This used to be our main (and only) show but Premier has outgrown it in time. However, we couldn't just leave the Flagstaff faithul behind once we moved our main show out, oh no!


We run our 3rd string show here, starring rising stars, underneath talent and lots, lots, lots of tag team matches. As a matter of fact, you could say that the Premier Tag Team title IS the title of this show. I like this show, it's always sold out and it gives me somewhere to use guys like the Black Dragon and Blitzkrieg and Brookside & Dean that I keep out of pure guilty pleasure. This show could end at the end of the year, and moved to an arena in the Mid-Atlantic area, to grow our presence there. But we promise the Flagstaff Faithful that our first TV taping and our first PPV will be LIVE from the old barn in Jim Thorpe!


And then there's THE big hitter on Week 4, Premiership Wrestling out of the 1000-seat CYO Recreational Center in Blackwood, New Jersey. This is where the Premier Grand Prix gets defended, where all the top names come to decide who's the best. These shows are booked to have the highest possible ratings. You'll usually find high profile single matches here.



(You'll notice some names that weren't on here before, I made a couple nice hires (Jericho, Psychosis, La Parka...)...and a couple not so good ones.(Tiger Mask, Gordy...)


- Nobuhiko Takada (Premier Grand Prix champion) (Since W3 December 1996) (9 Defences)

- Lance Storm (Premier New England champion) (Since W1 July 1997) (2 Defences)

- Chris Jericho

- Sean Waltman

- Jerry Lynn

- Brad Armstrong (Premier Tag Team champion) (Since W2 July 1997) (1 Defence)

- Adam Copeland

- Billy Kidman

- Yoshihiro Tajiri

- Psychosis

- Chavo Guerrero Jr.

- La Parka

- Super Crazy

- Christian Copeland

- Tiger Mask IV

- Aguila

- Jody Fleisch

- Terry Gordy (Premier Tag Team champion) (Since W2 July 1997) (1 Defence)

- Skayde

- Robbie Brookside

- Doc Dean

- Shane (Helms)

- Shannon (Moore)

- Kaz Hayashi

- Christopher Daniels

- Osamu Nishimura

- Blitzkrieg

- Black Dragon

- Joey Matthews

- Christian York

- Tiger Mask

- Hector Guerrero



- Badstreet USA (Terry Gordy & Brad Armstrong) (Premier Tag Team champions)

- Los Caras De La Muerte (Psychosis & La Parka)

- The Thrillseekers (Chris Jericho & Lance Storm)

- The Copeland Brothers (Adam & Christian Copeland)

- The Japanese-Mexican Sawmill (Yoshihiro Tajiri & Super Crazy)

- The Liverpool Lads (Robbie Brookside & Doc Dean)

- Super S (Shane & Shannon)

- Joey Matthews & Christian York

- Los Guerreros (Chavo Jr. & Hector Guerrero)



Tommy Young (Referee)

Jerry Calhoun (Referee)

Phil Parent (Road Agent & Commentary)




- I've failed to do Black Tiger III better than Silver King did it because Black Cat worked ONE show for me under the mask and then bolted back to New Japan. I got a working agreement with them now so it doesn't happen again. Only All Japan can steal talent from me and put them on Written deals now. They won't take a working agreement, which is ABSOLUTELY realistic because Baba hated it.


- Nobuhiko Takada is being a MONSTER for me. He won the PGP his second match in and never looked back. I don't even know who he will be dropping the belt to because he's so dominating as champ it's unbelievable. He will no doubt have a one year + reign, he's well on his way for that. He's 11 and 1 in his time in Premier and the lost is an indirect one in a tag match VS The Thrillseekers. But Takada's not worried...he's beaten both twice, and also twice beat the guy that took the fall in the match he lost indirectly, Sean Waltman. I'll now have him beat up Lynn and Armstrong...and then he'll run through Jericho, Storm and Waltman again.


I have three (attainable) names that I could bring in that I would have beat him after a build up: Chris Benoit, Taz and Kurt Angle when he activates IF WWF doesn't sign him first. Otherwise....I have no reason to have him lose to anyone.


- Perry Saturn's contract ran out. He was injured all year so I couldn't give him his promised title run and he left. I'm making him offers now to come back. His momentum is in the dumps being to due out so long, but I can use him. He's still a month away from being ready to return but I'm ready to eat a month of the downside I'm pretty sure he'll ask of me if it means I can use him in my main event scene after I build him back up with a win streak.


- The signings of Terry Gordy, Hector Guerrero and Tiger Mask were major mistakes. Three old, out of shape, out of motivation useless sacks of crap, these are. If Gordy can get himself away from the crack pipe for a couple days, I MIGHT get something out of him. The only reason I have him as a tag team champion is so that he takes the fall whenever they lose the belts and whoever beats him gets the rub. I have my up and comers beat him into powder whenever I can.


Hector Guerrero & Tiger Mask don't even have a rub to give in my area. Hector takes the fall if I use Los Guerreros, and I plan to have Tiger Mask lose a Mask Match to Tiger Mask IV, who has really developped nicely in recent months. And then IV will become the one and only Tiger Mask.


- Takada, Storm, Waltman, Jericho, Lynn, Tajiri, Psychosis, Kidman, A. Copeland, Armstrong....These 10 guys have drawn me 70+ ratings in main events with one and have had dandies in the midcard too. They are the heart of the company. My best match ever was an 80, with Takada beating Jericho to defend the PGP championship.


- I love my tag team division, if only because the gap between teams like The Thrillseekers, Los Caras De La Muerte & The Copeland Brothers and teams like The Liverpool Lads, Super S and (shudder) Matthews & York is so large that its a challenge to build the lesser teams up and bring them up to par.


- Osamu Nishimura is a dissapointment.


OOC: He should have better psychology, at least enough to be able to call matches in the ring, I'm thinking. 60-something is low for him


- It's not that I don't like Kaz Hayashi that he's ranked so low, it's just that he finds himself in the sad position of being my undercard job guy whenever I want a fresh new opponent for someone I'm building and Blitzkrieg/Black Dragon won't do / have already been beaten into powder by the new guy.


- Tommy Young returned from hiatus in the game and I snatched him up right there and then. Best official in the game, I do believe, he adds major bonuses to my matches. Jerry Calhoun did a BIG TIME job, and I might just keep him to call the matches at The Flagstaff.


- At this point pretty much everybody I would want to come in my fed is either logjammed with 3 contracts, signed to Writtens that they renew so I end up having to give up on my negociations because I can't sign to Written yet, or are slightly out of my league. I check the new workers like a hawk though. The great thing with this game is that Dwayne Johnson activates the 2nd month in. I passed on him because his in-ring work wasn't so good and he ended up in OVW/USWA. But I did get Matthews & York out of training camp. Also saw Goldberg activating and being snatched up by WCW immediately.


OOC: Where's Mistico / Sin Cara? Might be another good one to add.


If people have some interest for them, I will post my card results for October 1997!

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I smell a storyline!


Can you say INVASION?


I need to get the guys under contract though.


EDIT: Taz, Tommy Dreamer, Steve Corino & The Pitbulls have all boarded the Premier Ship. That would be half of the guys on their roster I approached. But some of them had insane demands considering their skill level (When Mikey Whipwreck demands a midcard title run...)

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OOC: I agree about ECW. They're hit pretty hard by WCW and WWF. They closed within a week of losing Rey Mysterio to WCW. And looking at their top 10 matches, Rey was their golden goose. Their roster was filled with old timers, too. They relied on Barry Windham to main event at the end, so....but I can scavenge the company and build myself something nice here...




PP: "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for attending this press conference. Last night, history was made at the Premiership Wrestling event at the CYO Rec Center, when 4 competitors of the defunct Extreme Championship Wrestling entered battle and competed against some of Premier's finest competitors. This has lead to rumors that the Premiership had acquired ECW. The truth is somewhat different: We have not made ourselves responsible for ECW's debts or acquired the totality of ECW's physical assets.


However, we attended ECW bankruptcy court hearings and acquired via auction many assets we felt could benefit WPL. We have, amongst others, acquired the rights to the ECW, Extreme Championship Wrestling, trademarks. We have acquired the championship belts of ECW and recognize their history, and while the TV and Tag Team titles are still dormant at this time, we recognize Taz as the reigning ECW World Heavyweight champion as well as holder of the dormant TV title, and we recognize the Pitbulls as holders of the dormant ECW World Tag Team championships.


More importedly, we have acquired the contracts of 9 talented performers who hopefully will help us achieve our goal of being the best promotion in the world.


Last night, you saw Taz with Bill Alfonso, Tommy Dreamer with Francine, Steve Corino and, YES, Sabu rose from the dead to join us. His death was some shennanigan Paul Heyman came up with.


OOC: I just revived him in the editor. I signed him from the Free Agents pool like usual and if he leaves me for another promotion, I won't bring him back to my fed or anything. Little liberty I gave myself.


But we also have have signed the Pitbulls and young talent James Maritato.


Last night's event was the greatest event in Premier history.


- It was the highest rated card in history (80)

- Had 3 of our Top 7 highest rated matches, including the highest rated match in company history (Dreamer VS Lynn got rated 86, Takada VS Crazy got 82 and Sabu VS Jericho got 80.)

- It also got the highest attendance for a Premier show ever (664 tickets sold)


The impact of these acquisitions and this card on our company is immediate. Our momentum is at 99%. Our popularity in our home territory of Tri-State went up by 3 points, our popularity in the developping market of New England almost doubled, and our popularity in the Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, Maritimes, Quebec and Ontario tripled, with the rise of popularity in New England spilling over to Quebec and Ontario and making them almost as friendly to us as New England even though we have NEVER ran there.


Eventually, Premier and ECW will run seperately under the WPL banner but for now, enjoy the dream matches and come aboard the Premier Ship for the ride of your life. Thank you!

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