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USPW: Times Are Changing

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My name is Chris Cage. . .


I have been a pro wrestler for 3 years now, but I have actually had ties to the business for much longer than that. Like most people I have been a fan for as long as I can remember, but unlike most people I had the unusual luck of being neighbors with the Legendary Sam Strong, and his daughter Alicia, who I have managed to become great friends with over the years. We grew up together, and since we were little we both knew we wanted to be pro wrestlers when we got old enough, and with Sam being her dad, it came as no surprise when he pulled out all the stops to get her the best training possible. Lucky for me I was her best friend, and so he pulled a few strings for me as well, and sent me to Japan with Alicia, to train. We spent much of our time training there until 2007 when we both turned pro, but after that we weren’t in contact as much. Sam created an entire womens division for Alicia and signed her almost immediately. He offered me a job, but I decided to test my luck elsewhere first. I worked some shows on the indie scene and a few with NYCW and MAW for about a year. Then at a NYCW show a few SWF talent scouts saw me and wanted me to come and work at RIPW on a developmental deal so I could learn the SWF style of wrestling and eventually be called up to the main roster. Well I spent eight months in development. Every month I was there Peter would come down and every time Nero would tell him I should be on the main roster and every time Peter would tell Nero that I wasn’t ready, which I eventually came to figured out meant he would much rather spend his time hiring guys like Everest to stink up the main roster rather than bring a guy up from development that had some actual talent and could probably become a star or at the very least make other guys look good. Needless to say my time in RIPW came to an abrupt halt when I ask form my release. After some more time back in NYCW I got a call from Joel Bryant. I had earned quite the cult following you could say and he wanted me to come work with TCW. Somewhat luckily for me they had no developmental territory so I joined the main roster off the bat. I spent a little over 14 months with them, working under a mask no less. I was mostly there to make guys look good, with my favorite moments being my match with Sam Keith, because who wouldn't want to wrestle a legend like Sam Keith, and my match with Rocky Golden, which I personally take credit for it being one of the matches that led to him eventually winning the TCW World Title. Call me egotistical, but hey who isn’t just a little bit in this business. Anyway my time was cut short with them when a heated argument with Joey “I’m a guy with real ego problems” Minnesota, got me released from my contract. With TCW’s financial issues, they didn’t want to risk getting on the bad side of one of their top star’s and just decided to cut ties with me instead. So there I was, right back to the independents, until I got a call from Sam. Apparently he heard about what happened and decided to put that offer he made me some 3 years ago back on the table, and I was finally USPW bound. . .




(Want to make a Shout out to all the Re-renders, Logo Makers, Title Makers and anyone else, whose work might happen to be used in this Diary, and of course to all the other writers who I know make just about everyone want to start their own work of art. Thank You All. :))

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“Kid, you’ve got a lot of talent, in and out of the ring, and I have known you for a long time, but USPW is successful. I was just going to have you come in and wrestle, but you have come in with some really good ideas that I think we could use, but that aside, why on earth would I want to make all these changes you’re asking for when what we’re doing now is working?"


“Sam, you can sit there and talk about how USPW is successful now, and sure maybe it will continue to be, but honestly you’re only going to get so far by continuing to push these big huge guys who, quite frankly, can barely work a match. Heck, I bet a few of them don’t even know what the term even means. I know you Sam. I have been friends with Alicia since we where little, I have been around you, and in that time I learned that you never settle for less than the best. You want this company to be the number one, I want to help get it there, but its not going to happen if you keep doing what you’re doing. It may be working now, but who’s say it will a year from now, or even 5 years from now? Times are changing Sam. People know a lot more than they did back in the day. Fans today know what they want to see and pretty soon all these USPW fan will join the banwagon, you know its true, you've seen it happen before. The Fans want to see men and women who can put on the best matches they have ever seen, do things that they have never seen before, and they just want to believe wrestling again. They don’t want to see two Juggernauts no-sell each other’s move’s for ten minutes while they gasp for air because they have no cardio to speak of. That’s not wrestling Sam, not anymore. .”



”Chris, I understand what you’re saying, and you make a lot of good points, but you can’t expect me to just cut all these guys, just like that. Talented or not they have given their all for this company just like everyone else, and I will not just kick them to the curb. Some of them have been here longer than I have.”



“I understand that Sam, and I’m saying we should kick them to the curb. If you want, keep them on the roster till their contracts expire and then let them go, but I want us to be more than just the number 3 promotion in the US, and if you want that too, it’s what has to be done. You know in your heart I’m right, and if you give me the opportunity, I will do everything in my power to make sure this company gets to the top. You know that.”



“Ah, you’ve been a good friend to Alicia over the years, Lord knows you took care of her and kept her out of trouble when I was on the road. I mean you’re practically a part of the family, and it is pretty clear you are passionate about the business, so if it means this much to you, the least I can do is give you a chance.”



“Thank you, Sam you won’t regret it, I promise, you won’t. When do I start?”



“Don’t get to ahead of yourself now; I’m not giving you the all the power just yet. Shane is still around, or did you forget? You can work under him for a while until he thinks you’re capable of doing it yourself, and unless he gives you the word you are not allowed to cut anyone, understood?”


“Understood, Thank you Sam, It means a lot, really.”


“You’re welcome, Hey you had better say hi to Alicia. It’s been a while since you two have seen each other. She will be glad you finally decided to join us here."


“You got it boss. I’m telling you, you won’t regret it. I'm going to go meet up with Shane. Later.”


“These kids will be the death of me. . .”

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After my talk with Sam I went to the USPW offices to meet with Shane. I walked in the door and was greeted by the receptionist; she directed me to Shane’s office and on my way there guess who I happen to come across. Of course it was Alicia. She ran up to me immediately and hugged me. It had been almost a year since we last saw each other.




“Hey you, how you been?”


"Hey, I’ve been good, you?”


“Same, I hear your coming to work with us, finally.”


“Yea just came from your Dads. Had to come and go over some stuff with Shane.”


“Yea he told me about that conversation you two had. Way to go for putting him in his place like you did, not many people are willing to talk to him like that.”


“I just hope he listened. Well I got to get in here and talk to Shane how about we catch up some more later.”


“Sure, I will give you a call.”


“See you later.”


After the quick talk with Alicia I made my way into Shane’s office. We sat and talked for a few hours, and went over the Roster, storylines, and plans. Since Sam told me I had to approve it with Shane before I cut anyone, I told him about the few refs and managers I met on the indies and how we could let go of Robbie and Mustafa, and sign these guys. It took some persuasion but he eventually agreed. I then told him about the other guys and girls I wanted to bring and we started making phone calls. After all that was done we started going over the card for Wednesday. He told me that Sam only wanted me booking the first half of the show and that I could work on that while he worked on the rest. After some revising we got the card set for Wednesday.





Nicky Champion vs. Anger


USPW Womens Championship Match

Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb


Tag Team 3 Way Dance

Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Freddie Datsun


The Titans vs. Jim Force & James Justice


USPW Word Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Jumbo Jackson

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Looks interesting, Bull. I've actually been looking at USPW lately, so its great to seea nother take on it.


Nicky Champion vs. Anger


USPW Womens Championship Match

Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb


Tag Team 3 Way Dance

Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Freddie Datsun


The Titans vs. Jim Force & James Justice


USPW Word Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Jumbo Jackson

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More of a real world guy myself, but I can give this a try


USPW Womens Championship Match

Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb


Tag Team 3 Way Dance

Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Freddie Datsun


The Titans vs. Jim Force & James Justice


USPW Word Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Jumbo Jackson

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Nicky Champion vs. Anger


USPW Womens Championship Match

Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb


Tag Team 3 Way Dance

Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Freddie Datsun


The Titans vs. Jim Force & James Justice


USPW Word Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Jumbo Jackson



Love some USPW :)

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Just a few notes before the first show is posted.


First, I wanted to mention that while I work my way throught the starting storylines things might seem all over the place at times, but I think for story purposes its better to finish them rather than drop them all together.


Second, because of #1 the first few shows leading to the Pay per view may seem more like recaps than actual shows, but once we get to the first ppv they will definately start working more like a show should.


Third, I have made a few changes to USPW's schedule, by moving all the ppv events to the last Saturday of the month, which will be touched on in the story after the first show, but I figured I would let everyone know now just so I don't forget.I wanted to do it like that because I think it works easier, rather than having events scatter everywhere, and some on TV days which I personally dislike. This also means a few shows have had their names changed.


Anyway, I should have this first show up in a couple of hours for anyone who would like to make predictions before then. I have a plan for whoever gets the most correct when the ppv rolls around. I'll explain that in more detail when we get closer to it.



But for now,

Thanks again to everyone who decides to follow me on this journey through USPW, and to all the artist who make it look good on the way.:)

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Nicky Champion vs. Anger


USPW Womens Championship Match

Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb


Tag Team 3 Way Dance

Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys


USPW Television Championship Match

Andre Jones© vs. Freddie Datsun


The Titans vs. Jim Force & James Justice


USPW Word Championship Match

Enygma© vs. Jumbo Jackson

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Live from Huntsville Fairgrounds

Wednesday January Week 1, 2010



A video package opens the show featuring some of USPW’s star like, Enygma, Tyson Baine, Bruce The Giant, Chris Caulfield, James Justice, and The owner himself Sam Strong, just for some added name value.:rolleyes:

Rating: B



Nicky Champion vs. Anger

Nicky Champion owns Anger from beginning to end in what some or most would consider a downright squash match. Thats if Anger could learn what the word sell means.

Winner: Nicky Champion

Rating: C-


USPW Womens Championship Match



Raven Robinson© vs. Cherry Bomb

Raven and Cherry prove that the girls are just as good as the boys. A lot of good wrestling action and the crowd were pretty into it. Raven retains in a close contest.

Winner: Raven Robinson

Rating: C-


A promo video is played hyping the upcoming Stars, Stripes, and Slams! Event.

Rating: B


Tag Team 3 Way Dance


Savage Fury vs. The Towers of Power vs. The Hillbillys

This was a fairly solid match from the big guys here. Apparently Sam told them some of the stuff I said. It was nothing to get excited about mid you, since I would guarantee some of the guys I’ve worked with could pull out a match just as good with half the name value. Anyway, Java pins Pete to win it.

Winners: Savage Fury

Rating: D+


USPW Television Title match



Andre Jones© vs. Freddie Datsun

I might have set my expectations a bit higher than I should have for this match, but it happens that way sometimes. They looked like they worked well together so maybe with a bit more popularity for the two of them a better rematch could be seen in the future. Andre retains.

Winner: Andre Jones

Rating: C-


Chris Caulfield is seen backstage prepared to speak.




“Bruce you think just because your big you can do whatever you want around here don’t you? You think you can just intimidate your way into a #1 contender spot? Well I’m here to tell you Bruce; Chris Caulfield isn’t intimidated by anyone, and at Stars, Stripes, and Slams! I will bring down the giant an earn my shot at the USPW World Title!

Rating: B-



The Titans (Tyson Baine & T-Rex) vs. Jim Force & James Justice

Not a great match by any means, Tyson is one of the few big guys on the roster who can work a decent match but unfortunately his prehistoric partner doesn’t share the talent. I was hoping that Tyson and James could cover up their less talented partners, and they did for the most part, but still not up to the standards a co-main event should be at. The heels get the win in this match.

Winners: The Titans

Rating: C-


USPW World Championship Match



Enygma© vs. Jumbo Jackson

This was another disappointing match. I had hoped Enygma could carry this one, and thought Jumbo could do a lot better with where most people see his skill level at. Unfortunately for me, I was wrong. Enygma retains via submission by Enygma Variation

Winner: Enygma

Rating: C



Following the Match an angry Jumbo Jackson tries to attack Enygma, but only manages to get himself lock back in the Enygma Variation. That is until Tyson Baine and T-Rex, with Shane Sneer on the heels, come down and start putting the boots to Enygma. As they continued to beat down on Enygma, Jumbo, Rex, and Baine each hit their finishers, and the Screen fadeds out with Enygma laid out in the ring.

Rating: B-


Final Show Rating:


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I liked the match reviews as if from you the bookers point of viewer, was a good way to do the short write up whilst giving a good impression of what the match was like. Also, that C should soon be in atleast the C+ range, it's just a case of building a couple of other guys.
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I agree with 20LEgend on the format. Clear and concise. The only suggestion I have would be changing the color of the C's. They're difficult to read against the grey background. But I like how it's starting out.
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BigPapa42: 5/6 - 5 points

Michgcs: 5/6 – 5 points

20LEgend: 5/6 - 5 points

Emark: 5/6 – 5 points

So everyone who predicted only missed one match. With BP, 20LEgend, and Emark picking the towers to win the tag match, and Michgcs picking Freddie to win the TV title. Solid start guys. :)


I liked the match reviews as if from you the bookers point of viewer, was a good way to do the short write up whilst giving a good impression of what the match was like. Also, that C should soon be in atleast the C+ range, it's just a case of building a couple of other guys.


Yea, as I mentioned I will begin to incorporate the annoucers more during and after the ppv to give it more of a show feel, but for now Im just doing it this way. And I've worked with USPW many many times so I know the C will get better once guys get over, My biggest problem in this game is that only the Upper Midcard and Main Event guys have momentum. I think that is a big factor.



I agree with 20LEgend on the format. Clear and concise. The only suggestion I have would be changing the color of the C's. They're difficult to read against the grey background. But I like how it's starting out.


Fixed the color problem. ;)







That Thursday, Sam, Shane and I, had a meeting to discuss last nights show.




“Well kid, how was your first taste of booking a show?”



“Not Bad, would have like to of had imput on more than just the first half of the card, but it was a good experince.”


“Well, I couldn’t just let you do the whole card on your first show now could I?”


“It would probably be better if we worked together on the whole card rather than having each of us book a separate half, Sam. It takes away from the show when it’s not fluid like it should be. We were kind of scatter last night.”


“I suppose your right. Work on it together for next week and we will see how that works. Now whats new?”


“Ok, I made some calls this morning and I think I may have gotten us a Pay Per View deal.”


“Really, what are the terms?”


“Well, they are willing to give us 10% of the revenue, but they want us to move all the events to the last week of the month. I was thinking putting them on that Saturday just so the guys could have a few days after the tv show to rest up.”


“What about our big events, like Independence Day Slam in July?”


"Well I had some Idea’s for new pay per view names anyway. We can just change the name of it, along with a few other events and go with it. We could really use the added cash from the pay per view deal.”


“I'm aware, I just haven't been able to get any carrier to agree to a deal, how did you manage to?”


Well, first off there are more carriers than just all those big guys you were trying to negotiate with, and second surely by now you know I am pretty good at persuading people."


"You got me there. Call them up tell them we agree. What else have we got?"


“I have a few guys, I've been negotiating with, I just wanted you to take a look at the list and tell me what you think.”


“Ok, who do we have here? Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler, is that the tag team from NYCW?”


"Indeed it is. I worked some matches with them while I was there. They are a pretty talented team, and I wanted to give them a run here so we could see how they do on the bigger stage.”


“Ok, now who is this Ant-Man guy? I haven’t heard of him.”


"I have. His real name is Johnny Heizenger. He is a smaller guy but could probably body slam Bruce if you’d let him try. Kid has some amazing strength."



"Yea, I have a pretty good idea on how we could use him too.”


“Sounds interesting, let’s bring him in. Is there anyone else?”


"Yea, I have 3 ladies I wanted to bring in for the womens division, Carl Batch a manager, and Wilson Carlisle a referee to replace Mustafa, and Sanchez.”


“Ok, bring them in, and we will see how they do.”


“Ok, I guess that’s it for today then.”




After we left Sams office, Shane and I decided we could go ahead and star planning next week’s card. Maybe since Sam is letting us work on the entire thing together it will be better than the last one.



Savage Fury vs. The Enforcers (Statler & Waldorf)


Non Title Match

Raven Robinson vs. Alicia Strong


Non Title Match

Andre Jones vs. Jim Force


Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine


Enygma & James Justice vs. The Titans

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Savage Fury vs. The Enforcers (Statler & Waldorf)


Non Title Match

Raven Robinson vs. Alicia Strong


Non Title Match

Andre Jones vs. Jim Force


Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine


Enygma & James Justice vs. The Titans

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Savage Fury vs. The Enforcers (Statler & Waldorf)


Non Title Match

Raven Robinson vs. Alicia Strong

Non Title Match

Andre Jones vs. Jim Force

Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine


Enygma & James Justice vs. The Titans

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The second show is done. All I have to do is put the pictures together and make sure everything is in order to get it ready to post. If anyone else would like to make predictions, it will probably be up a little later.



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Live from Huntsville Fairgrounds

Wednesday January Week 2, 2010


The USPW signature plays to open the show.



Once the opening fades we see Shane Sneer and the entire Sneer Corporation in the ring.


“Ladies and Gentlemen I am proud to welcome the two newest members of the mighty Sneer Corporation. The Prehistoric monster T-Rex, and the Soon to be Future USPW World Champion Tyson Baine! Now if any of you are wondering why these two would join my Corporation, well it’s pretty simple. Even monster need to get paid and quite frankly Sam your check book just couldn’t cover the bill.”




Savage Fury vs. The Enforcers

Not the best debut for the new tag team but for having such little name value it’s a solid start. The Veterans take the win in this one.

Winners: Savage Fury



Non-Title Match


Raven Robinson vs. Alicia Strong

Two weeks in a row and the ladies again show they have what it takes. I’m thinking the Ladies are going to be featured a little more on future shows. Raven wins with a Night Faller.

Winner: Raven Robinson



After the match we cut backstage where Jim Force is waiting.


“Ladies and Gentlemen last week, as I went to war with my partner James Justice against the evils that are known as The Titans, I had a vision! A vision of a man who, just as I, could wield the mighty power of the FOOORRRCCEEE!!!! I knew with my guidance this man could become strong in the ways FOORRRCCEE!! I knew, this to be true, and I knew, that I had to find this man. So I searched far and wide through Parts Unknown until finally, I found him, and just as I thought, his power was great. Ladies and gentlemen I brought that man back from Parts Unknown, and his name is JOHNNY FOORRCCEE!!!!!!


The camera pans slowly left to a character who is wearing an outstanding amount of Force merchandise, and so must be Johnny. . .FFOORRCCCEE!!!!!!, sorry couldn’t help myself.:D



Non-Title Match


Andre Jones vs. Jim Force

This was a solid match, although I am beginning to wonder just how good Andre Jones really is. Even with Jim in the match I really thought it should have been better. Johnny spent 90% of his time out of the ring until Andre ended up on the outside and decided to take a shot at Johnny. That didn’t sit with the newest member of the Force Army and Johnny followed Andre back into the ring and got Jim disqualified.

Winner by DQ: Andre Jones




Chris Caulfield vs. Peter Valentine

A good match considering Peter Valentine was in it. Although Caulfield could wrestle a cinderblock to a C+ match. Caulfield wins even after some dirty tactics from Valentine.

Winner: Chris Caulfield



Before the next match gets underway James Justice makes his way to the ring with a pretty spectacular entrance. One that would probably be better suited for a High Level Pay Per View, but the fans liked it so I won’t complain.



Main Event


Enygma & James Justice vs. The Titans

The best match we have put on so far due probably in part to having Enygma and Justice, the two most over faces on the active roster teaming together. Baine and Justice brawl outside while out of nowhere Enygma locks T-Rex in the Enygma Variation to get the win for his team.

Winners: Enygma & James Justice




Enygma beats a member of the Sneer Corporation again this week, but again Enygma gets beat down after the match. Only this time James gets laid out as well. For the second week in a row Baine and Rex leave guys laid out as the show goes off the air.



Show Rating:






BigPapa42: 4/5 - 4 points

Michgcs: 3/5 – 3 points

Jingo: 3/5 - 3 points

Emark: 4/5 – 4 points



BigPapa42: 9 Points

Emark: 9 Points

Michgcs: 8 Points

20LEgend: 5 Points

Jingo: 3 Points

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At last night’s show Micky informed me that Seduction decided not to show up for her scheduled meeting with the road agents. Not a heinous offense but if she wants her and her boyfriend to remain here, she probably should take things like this more seriously. I took a fatherly approach and tried to explain that to her. She said that she understood and seemed to take it to heart but only time will tell.


In other news, Corporal Doom is gone from USPW. Sam let me have it when he found out, which unfortunately for me was the same time I did. Apparently some miscommunication somewhere got him fired rather than resigned. A mistake I won’t soon make again. I got in contact with Doom, who wasn’t happy either. I apologized to him, and he told me to give him some time, and he might consider talking with us later on down the road.


OOC: I personally prefer to use Sam as the authority figure, for obvious reasons, and with the plans I have Sam just makes more sense as the boss of the show. Hopefully I'm not giving to much away and hopefully folks won't hold that against me to awfully bad.




I'm marking out for Johnny. . .FFOORRCCCEE!!!!!!


I tried to do something with Ant-Force (as I called him) once but it didn't pan out, I can't wait to see how this goes. Titans joining the Sneer corp is good as well.


I don't know if anyone has used the alt for him in a diary before, and I was originally just going to bring him in as Ant-Man under the mask until I found the picture and thought it would be something good to try. So that is what I went with.:)

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I’m sitting in the conference room waiting for Shane to get here when Alicia walks in.




“You got a minute?”


“Sure, what’s up?”


“I heard you are going to start letting us girls show you boys how it’s done a little more often, Nice to see you're not as clueless as you use to be, ha-ha!”


“Well, I wouldn’t say that. Wait till I get in the ring and we will see who shows who.”


“Whatever helps you sleep at night powder-puff, ha-ha!”


“Yea well, Since Sam won’t let me just cut the guys that need to be, I figure I could at least feature them a lot less and give you all the time you deserve.”


“Well, I’m glad to hear it.”


Alicia goes to give me a hug right when Shane walks in the room.



“I’m not interrupting am I?”


“No, of course not, I was just heading out. I’ll see you later Chris.”


Alicia's face turns slightly red as she heads out the door, trying to avoid looking back at Shane.


“See you later, Alicia.”


Shane shoots me a curious glance, but decides to just continue with the business at hand rather than mention anything about what he saw.





Wednesday Week 3, January, 2010


James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson


USPW Tag Team Championship Match

The People’s Team© vs. The Enforcers


6 Woman Tag Team Match

Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson, and ????? vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb and ?????


The Towers of Power vs. Savage Fury


Four Way Dance

Peter Valentine vs. Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA vs. Nicky Champion


6 Man Tag Match

The Titans & Bruce The Giant vs. Enygma, Chris Caulfield, & Jim Force


If anyone guesses one of the ladies in the 6 person tag match they get a bonus point in the prediction contest, and if anyone gets them both correct they get 3 bonus points.


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James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson


USPW Tag Team Championship Match

The People’s Team© vs. The Enforcers


6 Woman Tag Team Match

Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson, and ?????vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb and ?????


The Towers of Power vs. Savage Fury


Four Way Dance

Peter Valentine vs. Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA vs. Nicky Champion


6 Man Tag Match

The Titans & Bruce The Giant vs. Enygma, Chris Caulfield, & Jim Force


Erm... I don't know any ladies. Jamie Quinn and Annie Stardust?

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James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson


USPW Tag Team Championship Match

The People’s Team© vs. The Enforcers


6 Woman Tag Team Match

Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson, and ????? vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb and ?????


The Towers of Power vs. Savage Fury


Four Way Dance

Peter Valentine vs. Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA vs. Nicky Champion


6 Man Tag Match

The Titans & Bruce The Giant vs. Enygma, Chris Caulfield, & Jim Force


The Women: Joanne Rodriguez and Golden Delicious.

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James Justice vs. Jumbo Jackson


USPW Tag Team Championship Match

The People’s Team© vs. The Enforcers


6 Woman Tag Team Match

Alicia Strong, Raven Robinson, and ????? vs. Belle Bryden, Cherry Bomb and ?????


The Towers of Power vs. Savage Fury


Four Way Dance

Peter Valentine vs. Giant Redwood vs. Captain USA vs. Nicky Champion


6 Man Tag Match

The Titans & Bruce The Giant vs. Enygma, Chris Caulfield, & Jim Force


Joanne Rodriguez & Emma B*tch

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