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WEXXV: Where Insanity Makes Money

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...January 2010...A new beginning...A chance to disprove the wrestling purists of Japan...This time...make them appreciate hardcore...



...In a press conference, wrestling magazines reporters and interviewers were all over Ryu Kajahara over his announcement...






Ryu Kajahara

"For critiques, traditional wrestling fans, and those smarks in the internet, it is easy for them to say that we should have died a long time ago. It's easy for them to say that we should have never existed in Japan. But not for those people in Tohoku. It's not easy to say for those people in Tohoku, Japan to say that we should have died. Because those people that come to Matsumoto Hall and see those wrestlers to bleed and sweat, it is very hard for them. Today marks a new beginning. Today marks a new start for garbage wrestling. They say that garbage wrestling will never survive in Japan. They say hardcore never survives wherever it goes. Those idiots in America proved that theory right. Boys, we are not proving that here in Japan.



Go read your old wrestling magazines. They say that WEXXV won't ever survive five years. We proved them wrong. Because you see we live on a lifestyle. Not one of those lifestyle where you don't drink and beat yourself to death with green leaves and go be a vegetarian. No. Not a lifestyle where tradition always matters. Me and my boys back at Tohoku lives on a lifestyle where sometimes, you have to bend the rules. Sometimes, you have to go a little 'sane' in order to win the hearts of the people. A lifestyle where you can make all the mistakes and still be the better man in the end. A lifestyle where you can be a little more creative, no bullcrap masks or anything. A lifestyle where you can be yourself. In Warrior Engine XXV, we live a life of hardcore. We live a life of survival. And hell, we live a life of Danger. You come to my promotion, you better expect that you are going to bleed your soul in order to become Japan's next superstar. You come to my promotion, I expect that you sold your career and put it all on the line to become the next big star.



...This isn't Burning Hammer....No super juniors will fly here....



...This isn't Pride Glory Honor....No puroresu will make us tap....



...This isn't Golden Canvas....No old school here what to tell us not to do....



..And this isn't definitely World Level....No silly lucharesu will survive here



...This Is WEXXV!!!! Where.....only the toughest bastards survive!!!!!!!..."






Warrior Engine XXV: Where Insanity Makes Money

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I will be paying attention to this as I am intrigued. I have tried to play games with WEXXV but unfortnately when I do I get realyl frusterated and end up stopping only a few monthes in. Same can be said for MOSC though because they are the same way. Anyways good luck with this I will be following like I said.
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(ooc: To be honest, this is my first time to a diary. And lately, I've been enjoying my game of WEXXV on the default c-verse data and I figured it would be fun to see how the shows are played out if written in a dynasty/diary. This should be fun in my part. Enjoy.)


Wanted: Head Booker, Burned Out Kajahara


It was one of the days around November 2009. To be honest, I only moved here in Japan despite being unemployed all overseas for the last year. Sure, I'm a billionaire but they had once said that "money is the root of all evil things". I didn't really give a damn about pro wrestling, especially in Japan. Japanese pro wrestling is just a bunch of guys who knows a lot of holds and plays it out to the crowd and makes them eat it. How did you think those monkeys they call "super junior" became popular? It's only because some guy in a blue mask was being put over by a jobber. At least that's what I heard from my friend Takayuki San, another Japanese pro wrestler who I met after I saw him get dumped by his girlfriend who works for some Japanes comic book or "manga" as they call it here in Japan. My job occupation, just writing for reality TV shows in the America. To be honest, reality TV shows especially in the US are a hit. And those American audience will watch anything with violence or gore. And that's how that one TV show called "1000 Ways To Die" got popular.


Jobless, stupid layoffs in the US. And it forced me here in Japan. Nothing interests me in Japan except that I need a job where it is profit can be made and it's something I'm used to, like getting complaints from a--hole A-list stars about how they are not being used in a show.


So my good friend, Takayuki San found me a job. He grabbed a flier from his trip in Tohoku where he wrestled a jobber there for an independent wrestling show. I couldn't read the flier so he red it for me.


"Warrior Engine XXV is looking for a head booker. The only thing that qualifies you to book this garbage wrestling sensation is that you are able to handle a bunch of psychopathic American bastards and wild monsters with mohawks and demon eyes. Not to mention be able to handle a locker room."


"Takayuki San, I'm not working for a wrestling promotion. It's just a bunch of old people beating the crap out of each other."


"You need job. As friend, I want you to take this job. Talk to Ryu Kajahara! That man is real TV star! He starred lots of Japanese wrestling shows!"


I couldn't turn it down. A friend helping me find a job. As I took a trip to Tohoku, Japan, I tried to find Ryu Kajahara. They say he's located at a place where no man will walk except those who are brave enough. I didn't believe that. So I found this Kajahara man at some hall in University of Tokyo. College students always go to this place when Kajahara's "boys" are in town, wrestling with weapons and bleeding like crazy. College students call him "Mr. Kajahara" and they said that he always came to teach with a 2x4 cane, just in case he needs to discipline his students. His class, Physical Education. Mr. Kajahara my butt. Anyway, I met Mr. Kajahara at Matsumoto Hall. There was some American guy who is drunk that walked out of his office.


"Bastard Kajahara. Who the hell thinks he is!!"

"Hey you speak English? Where can I find Ryu Kajahara!!"

"What the hell do you think? Do I look like one of those cheeky eye monkeys to you?"

"Not really. Now can you show me where I can find Kajahara so I can get this over with? I'm kind of applying for that head booker job."

"Yeah, I just walked out of his office. Good luck dealing with that psychopath. He won't give me a f-ckin title shot!!! I'm Gareth f-ckin Wayne!! Toughest Bastard he'll ever meet. And he won't give me that stupid title because he thinks he's better than everyone in his fed? He'll get his day."


He was just drunk. Drunken over his life. Gareth Wayne. I've heard of that guy. Toughest Bastard? You can give him that title but he wasn't as tough as he looked. Anyway, I knocked on the door. I just said I was here for that head booker position. Ryu Kajahara, just some old man carrying a 2x4 cane. He's just some old guy who's gone bald, with little hair on his face. Poor guy. I told him I could barely speak Japanese. So he spoke to me in English.


"So you want head booker job? I'll give you 500 american dollars as starting salary. I'll have Wood calculate money because he's smart."

"If you're the head booker of your own promotion, why do you want yourself replaced?"

"Me burned out. I can't take drunken Gareth Wayne anymore. I can't take idiot Doug Peak anymore. I can't take anymore booking while being on shows almost everyday. I got a lot of things to worry about my company. I need right hand man."

"Fine. I feel pity for you. I'll take the job out of pity. Just get that guy Wayne off my back. If I'm gonna deal with all your people's bullcrap while I'm on this job, I don't want a--holes messing around. That's how I got fired out of my old job."

"Arigato. You made my WEXXV job easier. Thank you."

"So, when do I start"

"Not today. Next year. Go watch our December shows. So for now, go ahead please, take month off."


Month off already? And I get $500 for this? This should be sweet. Now time to watch those stupid wrestling shows. I better bring Takayuki San with me so I have a better understanding of what I'm about to see.

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I will be paying attention to this as I am intrigued. I have tried to play games with WEXXV but unfortnately when I do I get realyl frusterated and end up stopping only a few monthes in. Same can be said for MOSC though because they are the same way. Anyways good luck with this I will be following like I said.


Thank you TakerNGN74. WEXXV is actually the closest thing to a bunch of talented old guys who still have the years to put a garbage to the map :D


Thanks for the support :D

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Helping Hands or How Wrestling's Most Talented Behemoth Can Be Your Best Friend


That press conference earlier? That was Ryu Kajahara's way of saying that he's out and I'm in. Of course, wrestling websites and internet geeks that are pro wrestling fans..."smarks" for short, have heard rumors that Kajahara hired someone who barely knows crap about pro wrestling, especially in Japan. College students, Mr. Kajahara's P.E. students are the first to hear and coming from the last show of the year for WEXXV, they knew something was going to change. We'll keep those college students are profitable customers for our shows while we showcase those "talents" that Kajahara calls. Takayuki San didn't want to come to WEXXV but I forced him into moving to Tohoku since his love life in Kanto has just sucked and I told him that there is someone here in Tohoku for him. That's just my bs to getting him to work for my job. I'm the boss of him. Lovely. I got a paper from Kajahara as I saw the last show of year come to an end when Kajahara put away some youngster named Munemitsu Senmatsu in a Barbed Wire Match, Japan style. It's a paper of Ryu's demands for the promotion, the list of the roster, and how the tour will be playing out.


As I red the thing in English, it said as it followed.


1. WEXXV must not have fallen below Small size when the time expires. Time ticks at 26 months from now.

2. 23 months from now, WEXXV must not have fallen below #15 in the international wrestling promotion rankings.

3. In 17 months, Kimitada Ohishi must be kept with a high momentum. (B momentum.)

4. You cannot hire or extend the contract of any wrestler who has less than D- in Charisma.

5/ You cannot hire any wrestler who is classed as being an MMA Crossover. Those idiots are not going to legitimately injure my boys as long as I rule my fed.

6. You cannot hire or extend the contract of anybody who has an Industry Reputation of D-. This isn't a place to build your rep or break it.


And then there was a note:


"You're the head booker. Please don't me on these kinds of matches while you have this job. If I get involved in one of these barbed wire matches again, my career is over."


He still has a career as a pro wrestler? I thought he was some just charismatic guy who knows how to put over himself with a mic? Guess not. I didn't know how to read any of these goals. What are the grades suppose to mean? By just looking at it, I know that they are low but I didn't know how to see charisma or reputation or momentum. And Kajahara kept out of barbed wire matches? I guess it means for other old guys too. I was gonna head to the locker room and find Kajahara so he can teach me this momentum and reputation crap. Takayuki San wasn't present since I set him up on a blind date. Poor guy, maybe get dumped again later next year. But then, some burly Canadian came behind me. How do you know that it's a Canadian? You could just smell the maple syrup out of him.


"Looking for Ryu huh?"

"You Canadian?"

"I am..eh! I typed that piece of paper. I had to translate Kajahara's words for you before the show."

"Uhuh. Can you actually face me so I don't feel scared that someone is breathing on my hair."

"My bad. I'm Larry. Some guys here call me Smarty Larry because I graduated at Oxford with a masters degree at Biochemistry. Did you know I speak five languages?"

"Can I call you Smarty Larry?"


"Great. Now I don't know what Kajahara is talking about here. I don't know how momentum works in wrestling neither is charisma or reputation. And plus, I don't even know almost all of the guys that I'll have to work with."

"Alright. That's easy. I'll get to the point really quick. Momentum is how the fans see you. One way of easily gaining momentum is winning matches, especially winning against a person with a higher momentum. It's how the fans see you whether you're on a roll or not. If you're hot or not.


"Charisma is the confidence in someone's promos. Take Ryu promos for example. He's confident in his words and body language. That's good charisma. Bad charisma is having a severe condition of speech impediment.


"And reputation. Reputation is easily seen as how you place in the wrestling business. If you have a good reputation, you'll be a good leader and you'll earn respect to. If you got a bad reputation like a guy named Big Smack Scott"


"He's this a--hole that everyone hates. No one takes you seriously with a bad reputation and no one will want to hire you."

"Alright. This bullcrap demands of Kajahara works now. So pushing an old guy so he'll be on fire, especially with the fans; not hiring guys who has speech impediment or bad rep, this makes more sense now!!!"

"Great. Now let me show you around."


Time to check out the guys I'll be working with. Seeing Larry as the smart guy that is being teased because of his Oxford degree in biochemistry, I know that we're gonna see guys that are jokers and teasers, and hopefully a couple of nice guys too.


To Be Continued: Up Next, Roster of WEXXV for the New Year

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Ryu Kajahara's Crew of The Craziest Wrestlers That History Has Seen


Larry showed me around indeed. Met a lot of new guys. Larry wanted to call these guys "Ryu Kajahara's Crew of the Craziest Wrestlers that History Has Seen". Seeing the last month of 2009, just WEXXV shows in Matsumoto Hall made me think that these guys are crazy, but they weren't crazy enough. Takayuki San calls those "super juniors" of Japan today to be the craziest wrestlers since "they can fly". I asked Larry whether we have guys that can "fly". He said we had a couple but they are just "jobbers" or wrestlers that loses a lot. Sucks for those guys. Larry introduced me to his guys, the Society of Bastards. Henry Lee and Travis Century are good friends and I've seen that. Then I saw Gareth Wayne. Mr. "Toughest Bastard". Bad influence and I heard he's the guy who came up with "Smarty Larry" nickname for Larry. Then the back crew of SOB were Doug Peak and Bull Wrecker. More on those guys later.


Then there were the Japanese people. Naga-Mori. Some technical team. Brothers in Vengeance, two of Kajahara's boys who has been in the fed ever since. Senmatsu, the promotions young poster boy next to Kajahara. Eguchi and Zeshin, the guys who can "fly". It was enough said that in the terms of Larry Wood, aka Smarty Larry, that these guys are somehow the "Ryu Kajahara's Crew of the Craziest Wrestlers that History Has Seen"


The Roster




The Main Eventers: The Guys That Fans See Almost Every Show

"Toughest Bastard Ever" Gareth Wayne, "Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara, "The Tokyo Tornado" Kimitada Ohishi, "The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu





The Upper Mids: The Gatekeepers Or The Next Big Things

"Dangerous" Doug Peak, "Icon Of Insanity" Henry Lee, "The Face Of Insanity" Hiroshi Morisue, Mamoru Nagahama




The Midcards: The Backbones of The Fed

"Canada's Toughest Lumberjack" Dallas McWade, "Hardcore Survivor" Battle Sakata, "Master Of The Running Tackle" Koichi Kajiwara , "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood, Matsudaira Morioka




The Low Cards: The Opening Acts

Bull Wrecker, Eguchi The Amazing, "Hardcore Punch Bag" Zeshin Makioka, "The Preacher" Travis Century, "The Animal" Taheji Konoe


These guys were still unfamiliar at my face. Give them a couple of months and they'll be crying for a title shot. Maybe. But for now, it's time to crank up some shows. Let's see what I can do in order get more college students to attend "Mr. Kajahara" wrestling show or to wrestling fans, garbage wrestling.

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WEXXV: Road To Death Tour (Wednesday)

Matsumoto Hall

300 People in Attendance]




Kimitada Ohishi came into the ring. Several of the crowd cheered for the "Tokyo Tornado" and the veteran appreciated those cheers. He asked for a mic so he can do one of those "Tornado" promos, even though he didn't have the talent to speak to a crowd.


"Matsumoto Hall, who wants to see a TORNADO?!?!!?! Because tonight, I'm gonna give a beating to that bastard Larry Wood. Bring out that big giant doofus out this ring so he can experience what a Tokyo TORNADO looks like!!!!!!"




The "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood did come out. He rushed into the ring with a chain and started brawling with Ohishi. Wood started to dominate the brawl between him and Ohishi. And so the referee came in to start the match.


Rating: D+




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/KimitadaOhishi-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/LarryWood-1.jpg


"Tokyo Tornado" Kimitada Ohishi vs. "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood


Absolute brawl. This match lasted all over the arena, as this was Ohishi's speciality. He caused an arena wild brawl, as they were almost barely in the ring. Ohishi still tried to keep up with Wood in this match but despite Larry having the size advantage and age advantage, Ohishi was getting his butt kicked by the Behemoth of Wrestling. Ohishi tried a couple of comeback by trying to give Wood a barrage of chair shot hits and singapore cane shots but it didn't work on Wood, giving the Tokyo Tornado a nasty Running Big Foot, most likely to end his career on this tour.


Winner: Larry Wood

Rating: E+




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/BattleSakata-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/HiroshiMorisue-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/MamoruNagahama-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/MatsudairaMorioka-1.jpg


Brothers In Vengeance vs. Naga-Mori ©

"Tables Match"

WEXXV Blood Brother's Championship


A fight between the greatness of technical wrestling and the craziness of brawling, the Brothers In Vengeance and Naga-Mori fought on a nice "Tables Match" contest. Naga-Mori always tried to shutdown their opponents by locking them into submission but they couldn't shut down Hiroshi Morisue when he's on fire. Morisue started to put away Morioka by throwing him to a ladder that Sakata took out under the ring. Nagahama was alone and it was a 2v1 contest. Morisue puts Nagahama through a table with a running powerslam, crowning new Blood Brother's champion.


Winners: Brothers In Vengeance

Rating: E+




Brothers in Vengeance were in the ring, celebrating. No one was to stop them. They held the titles in the air, very proud of themselves. They were unstoppable, the fans knew it. Ryu Kajahara, in commentary, was proud of them, hyping them a lot in their win.




But a pyscho maniac in Doug Peak hits the ring, with a singapore cane. Just by himself it was enough threat. He hits the ring, striking Battle Sakata in the head. Sakata quickly bled with the impact of Peak's strike. Then Peak hesitates to strike Morisue. He lets Morisue charge him. But Peak gets up and smiles. Then he strikes Morisue several times with the cane. Dough grabs the titles from Brothers in Vengeance and raises them feeling like he won them or something. He throws the belts to the ground and grabs a mic.


"Brothers In Vengeance, congratulations. Hehehe!!!! Now maybe Doug Peak and the SOB have a purpose in breaking your skulls. Hehehe!!!!!"


What a crazy SOB!!!








As they cleaned up the ring following from Doug Peak's attack to the new champions, Ryu Kajahara hits the ring from the commentary table. Grabbing a mic, all of the crowd cheered for the appearance of Kajahara in the ring. Kajahara speaks.


"Society of Bastards. You really wanna take over my promotion? My brain child? You wanna take over what these fans love? Huh?!?! Answer me you bastards. Answer me!!!! It's only the beginning of the year and you already took out my best friend, the Tokyo Tornado Kimitada Ohishi!! And then you have your psychopathic friend attack the new Blood Brothers Champions!! You just trying to piss me off!! Well I've been pissed off since the day you all banded together to take over WEXXV!! Well that ain't gonna happen you pieces of sh-ts!!!! It ain't gonna happen for as long as I'm alive!! So starting tonight, I'll be taking you all out!!! And I'm gonna start with you, Mr. Toughest Bastard Ever!! Gareth Wayne, you want a title shot, you got it! Get your a-- out here!!!!"




Gareth Wayne comes to the ring and the fans booed him very hard, due to their hatred for American characters like Wayne. He grabbed a mic from the backstage and he spoke before he made his way to the ring.


"Kajahara!! You want to take all of us out? You can't take us all out? You can't eliminate the SOB!! Because me and my bastards are gonna beat you up every night of your life that you will want to retire out of this business!!! So kiss my a--, I'm gonna beat you up until you wanna quit this place!!"


Wayne hits the ring and he stroke Kajahara with a low blow. He started an assault against Kajahara by stomping at his face. He lets out his anger with those legit punches, almost making Kajahara bleed. The referee comes in and starts the match.


Rating: C+


http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RyuKajahara-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/GarethWayne-1.jpg


"Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara © vs. "Toughest Bastard Ever" Gareth Wayne

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Championship


Match of the night? No doubt about it. A fight that the fans have been wanting to see, given to them in the first show ever of 2010. It was clear that Kajahara was gonna win but Wayne gave out all his best shot to purely decimate the Japanese Enigma. He beat up Kajahara with all weapons alike starting with trash can lids, chairs, hammers, canes, and any weapon that Wayne could find. He even grabbed a kid's binder and started smacking Kajahara with it. But Kajahara kept standing. And then he came back. The match went to the crowd, explaining how Wayne grabbed the binder. So Kajahara came back with the fans as they helped in beating up Wayne too. Then Kajahara brought Wayne back in the ring and then he signaled for the Kajahara Claw. Then executes it. Wayne taps out. End of story.


Winner: Ryu Kajahara

Rating: D+




Kajahara is out celebrating with the fans. He celebrates with the crowd, as Wayne was outside the ring, still trying to figure out why he lost. Kajahara had a big smile on his crowd and taunting Wayne on the process.




Then from the crowd came out the Society of Bastard. At least some of the their members. They came from the crowd, so the crowd booed them very hard. They hit the ring with weapons. Wrecker with a chair. McWade with wood on his hand. Henry Lee & Doug Peak with singapore canes. And Travis Century with a Bible on his hand. And then he also carried holy water with him. They hit the ring to attack Ryu Kajahara. A sort of nWo attack style. Gareth Wayne also hit the ring. As Kajahara was down, Century threw holy water, getting rid of "the devil" out of Kajahara.


So the Society of Bastards reign again, taking down the enigma Ryu Kajahara, celebrating with no fear of the devil.


Rating: C


Show Rating: D+

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A little tip: FINisher (someone who would definetely know about this) recommends doing maybe 4 small shows a month with one medium show acting as a mini-PPV if you will for playing with WEXXV.


It'll probably treat your finances better.

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WEXXV: Road To Death Tour (Friday)

Matsumoto Hall

300 People In Attendance


http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/BattleSakata-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/HiroshiMorisue-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/TravisCentury_Prophet-Copy-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/LarryWood-1.jpg


Brothers In Vengeance vs. The Church of Pain


The first match of the night was a tag match between the rising Church of Pain against Brothers In Vengeance. To be fair, Travis Century turns out to be oldest man competing in this match with his age of 46. Retirement is catching up on the man himself even though he can still produce such great promos. Nonetheless, WEXXV matches had no disqualifications, unlike all Japanese promotions. Japanese wrestling fans actually hates DQ's so eventhough an garbage entertainment fed like WEXXV has no disqualifications. Brothers In Vengeance brought down the use of arena wide brawls down to Matsumoto Hall once again. But it wasn't enough. The better man in Travis Century shut down Battle Sakata by making him bleed with the use of barbed wires. This leaves Larry Wood, Behemoth of Wrestling, grabbing the victory for their team after putting on cleats and striking Morisue with the Running Big Foot.


Winners: The Church Of Pain

Rating: D+




The Church of Pain prevailed. But they weren't done yet. Travis Century grabbed his Bible and his Holy Water from the ringside as Larry observed Brothers In Vengeance laid down the ground. Larry sets them up as if they were going to be crucifixed. Travis Century grabbed a mic and spoke.


"Brothers in Vengeance. Tonight, we proved that we can conquer the devils inside of you. Brothers In Vengeance, tonight we shall remove the devils out of you. We have removed those devils inside you physically and now we must do it spiritually. Blood and gore, those are the qualities that the devil wants you do to. To cause pain and infliction. Oh HALLELUJAH LET THE DEVILS INSIDE YOU BE RID!!!!!"


Century sprayed the Holy Water to the laid Brothers In Vengeance.




This was getting a lot of heat as Travis was trying to destroy the devils out of The Brothers of Vengeance. Wood stood there with a smile. However, Morisue tried to stand and fight. But Wood strikes him with a powerbomb!!!


"Hiroshi Morisue, you have learned that the demons inside you will go away. And Wood kicked some of those demons out of you tonight!!! Praise be the Society of Bastards!! Oh Hallelujah the Society of Bastards as we are.....the warriors sent from heaven to drive out to those demons in Ryu Kajahara's men. And tonight, we started with Brothers In Vengeance. Praise be the Society of Bastards."


Then Wood grabbed the mic.


"Kajahara, warn Team WEXXV!! Warn those that come through my way and the way of the SOB's!!! Because those who gets in way, WOOOOOOOOOODDDD SMAAAAAAAAAASHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Rating: D+




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/KimitadaOhishi-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/DallasMcWade-1.jpg


"All-Arena Brawl"

"The Tokyo Tornado" Kimitada Ohishi vs. "Canada's Toughest Lumberjack" Dallas McWade


This match was hardcore. Sweet and simple. Two of the most hardcore men in the international wrestling scene today fights it all out. An "All-Arena" Match?? You ask what that is? It's a match where pinfalls can count everywhere in the arena. This match has been the specialty of Kimitada Ohishi as he had the freedom to be creative in this match. However, it was such a squash in Ohishi's part that he was dominated by McWade. Ohishi still fails at comebacks as he was put through a table by McWade via McWade FaceWash and was pinned one two three.


Winner: Dallas McWade

Rating: E+




McWade celebrates for a little bit. But he realized that the crowd was booing him. So he beats up Ohishi some more in order to get the crowd cheering for him. But it didn't work. He continues to beat up Ohishi in a way where he just wants attention. He goes out too far by setting up a table with thumbtacks and puts Ohishi through the tables filled with thumbtacks. Then he yells at the crowd by shouting in English saying:




All he wants is attention. Can't you give him some?


Rating: D






After the ring was cleaned out, after putting Kimitada Ohishi in yet another stretcher, Ryu Kajahara comes to the ring with a mic. The crowd then cheers for him like usual.


"What the hell was that? Dallas McWade, I might not be as good as you when it comes to speaking in English, but you want attention? I have your attention when you beat up my best friend you no good man!!!! You're not my concern tonight though. McWade, you want attention??? Then you better be prepared for the main event next Wednesday because you'll be facing me in honor of my friend Kimitada Ohishi!!! And it's gonna be an

'All-Arena Brawl'!!!"


The fans cheered even more as they knew that the villain in the name of Dallas McWade is gonna get his a-- kicked come Tuesday.


"But like I said. You're not my concern. My concern is my match with Doug Peak. Singapore Canes? You like use Singapore Canes Doug Peak? DO YOU LIKE USING SINGAPORE CANES?!?!?!"


"Well tonight, just for these fans see you bleed tonight in my hands, we'll make this interesting. I've made a new, innovative idea for this federation. A match where only Singapore Canes are allowed. And the first person to get there cane covered with the opponent's blood wins!!! Tonight Doug Peak, you will be facing me in that kind of match. A match I call Singapore First Blood!!!!!! So get your best Singapore Cane because I get mine from the best!!!!"


Rating: C-




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RichardBlood-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/MunemitsuSenmatsu2-1.jpg


"Independent Talent" Takayuki-San vs. "The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu


Squash match. The arrival of Takayuki-San to WEXXV was met by the unstoppable force in Munemitsu Senmatsu. Takayuki didn't have any experience in weapons and so was outmatched by Senmatsu's power, intelligence, and his familiarity of weapons more than his opponent. Senmatsu wins after giving him a taste of the Super Smash Lariat and a taste of what he would expect in WEXXV!


Winner: Munemitsu Senmatsu

Rating: D-




Unstoppable force meets immovable object? In this case it was a stoppable force being weighed down by an immovable object. With Travis Century behind him, he was instructed to destroy the "demon" out of Senmatsu. Larry strikes carrying a chain with him and completely dominates the bigger Senmatsu. Wood comes to destroy Senmatsu and after giving him a Running Big Foot, using those deadly cleats, he starts to choke Senmatsu.


He chocked "The Hammer" so much that Travis Century, the priest, knew that it was enough. And instructs Larry to back away. The Church of Pain later looks at the unconscious Senmatsu, just destroying the unstoppable force.


Rating: C+






Backstage was the American Psychos. They were in their own little room. Doug Peak was locked in one of those mental outfits where you can't move your hands. So then, "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee was looking at the camera, ready to speak and unleash what he learned in Japanese School.


"Kajahara. What were you thinking? Singapore First Blood Match? Whoever has to cover their cane with their opponent's blood first? You really have stepped down to the level of the American Psychos. Japan hasn't seen the full potential of Doug's talents. He's only been pushed back by the likes of you Kajahara. But not on this tour. Especially not tonight. You putting your title on the line? That's excellent Mr. Kajahara. Because after this, Doug would be happy to carry that Warrior's Heart title in his hands along with his King of Deatmatches Title and of course, the cane that will be covered with your blood. Ain't that right Doug?"


"HENRY!! Let me out of here. Kajahara, the line between fantasy and insanity!! You've been there have you? Well I'll bring you there tonight, and tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, my singapore cane, will be covered with your blood. Not only that, but I welcome you to this line between fantasy and insanity. Because I'm the line!!! I'm The line between fantasy and insanity. And tonight, you'll experience it!!! Now let me out of here!!!!!"


Rating: D+






Larry Wood is on a roll. After laying out Senmatsu, Wood was backstage, looking for more victims!! No one can stop him. Suddenly, Travis disappears. And now, Larry is alone. Lonely Larry.




"Face of Insanity" Hiroshi Morisue comes from behind and strikes Wood with a clothesline. The hungry, destructive Wood, is now being stopped by the man he gave a big foot. Morisue, sporting the Crazy Beard of Madness and Mohawk of Insanity, starts to give Larry Wood a beating. No Battle Sakata. Just Morisue. The beating continues as he throws him to places, slamming him there in contact. Morisue goes out far enough that they have reached the parking lots. Morisue carries Wood on his shoulder and slams him with a Running Powerslam. Morisue leaves the "Behemoth of Wrestling" laying down. Then spitting on his face.


Rating: D+




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/MatsudairaMorioka-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/MamoruNagahama-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/ZeshinMakioka_alt2-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/EguchiTheAmazing-1.jpg


"Tables Match"

Naga-Mori vs. Zeshin & Eguchi


Short and simple match. Naga-More rebound match after losing the Blood Brothers titles to Brothers in Vengeance. And yet they are involved in another tables match. Well, at least its with two spots monkeys. Naga-Mori easily wins this, putting the "Hardcore Punching Bag" Zeshin through a table with no sweat.


Winners: Naga-Mori

Rating: E+




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RyuKajahara-1.jpg vs.http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/DougPeak-1.jpg


"Singapore First Blood Match"

"Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara vs. "The Line Between Fantasy & Insanity" Doug Peak

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title Match


Unfortunately, our main event wasn't match of the night quality. Good quality but it wasn't enough to carry the show as a whole. Would have expected more from Doug Peak but I maybe later on in the years. This match was all blood. Both men striking each other with canes. Doug Peak was wild. Striking Kajahara very early with a barrage of cane strikes. Cane cane canes. Barely any wrestling into it but both men incorporated some moves, since the objective of the match was to win the match by covering your cane with the blood of the opponent's. Again comes the Kajahara comeback. This actually succeeds than Ohishi's comebacks. It comes to a point where Kajahara has almost knocked out Peak with the lost of blood. It comes to a point where Kajahara knocks out Peak and spreads Peak's blood unto his signature singapore cane.


Winner: Ryu Kajahara

Rating: D+




And here comes the SOB once more. However, only Century, McWade, Bull Wrecker, and Henry Lee came out of the entrance and hits the ring. Lee looks out on Doug Peak and the rest tried to chase Kajahara. He runs away but Wayne comes from behind and attacks him. He unleashes his anger on Kajahara with a series of punches then bringing him in the ring. Bull Wrecker helps out and grabs a bag of thumbtacks and lays it out on the ring. McWade grabbed Kajahara and slammed him through those thumbtacks. I guess Kajahara will have a long weekend to heal those wounds. The SOB reigns on the top of Kajahara, once again.


Rating: C


Show Rating: D+

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I don't like Japanese diaries, but this is simple and awesome and doesn't overdo the "Takayama-san" kinda stuff. I like it a lot. Keep it up!


Thank you so much Rathen4!! :D I really appreciate the comment and makes it more fun to do this! Once again thank you and I hope I don't overdo the whole "Takayuki San" stuff. :)



A little tip: FINisher (someone who would definetely know about this) recommends doing maybe 4 small shows a month with one medium show acting as a mini-PPV if you will for playing with WEXXV.


It'll probably treat your finances better.


I got that taken care off Celt. I've set my shows to small and one medium "mini-ppv" on the start of the tour. It did treat my finances better on the last month of the tour and the off-months for the promotion. Thanks for the tip and hope you're enjoying this.


I just actually made a mistake on the second show, it turned in an 1h30min show, which made it longer and stressful to write the show. But nonetheless, it was fun.


Good show dude keep up the good work!



Thanks for the great support TakerNGN74. It's good to see someone reading. Hope you check out the second show.

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The First Days of The Job: Mistakes & Success


Ryu Kajahara didn't want a longer show. And what we saw Friday was indeed a longer show. The regular show tours were only suppose to be meant on an hour each show, showcasing mostly the appearance of his boys or as Larry wanted to call it "menace" and Kajahara's charisma. I guess that's how his place would be ran. Short shows, showcasing "menace", showcasing great promos that are mostly going to be delivered by Mr. Kajahara and Henry Lee (two of the most charismatic guys in the roster), and of course, hardcore garbage wrestling. After the show on Wednesday, we had a meeting. It was Mr. Kajahara, Wood, and myself. I suggested the debut of Takayuki San, naming him "Independent Talent" pretty much jobbing to our future stars for more money and then maybe considering a push later on. Or maybe not. Then, Ryu suggested the new match. Singapore First Blood Match. I wanted to call it "Cover your Cane w/ Blood" match but Ryu's idea was better. Larry wanted a push and I think he deserves it. He's smart. He can speak more than five languages and he's been Ryu's assistant since the day he came.


Push? I didn't what was that till Larry told me what it was. It was pushing a wrestler to be the next promotion star. Great, now there's a word for making a star rather than the Hollywood phrase for it: "put them as your leading star of your movie".


So after the Friday tour, Kajahara was in the locker room's own hospital. He created the room so that he doesn't have to waste gas and bother the doctors and nurses at their own hospital and so that they won't charge him anything. So then he called me up and then talked to me.


"You think adding extra 30 minutes to show is funny?"

"Uhm no but it gave us more time to do what you want. Showcase your boys in front of the crowd."

"This ain't funny!! And some of my boys aren't happy. Senmatsu complains why he not featured on Wednesday Show!! My friend Ohishi complain why he has two straight losses and already went home because of bruises!! There any problem??"

"We don't have enough time. And plus, I'm just beating up Ohishi so he would retire. He asked me that he'll be going on vacation with his kids after this tour. He doesn't want to be that beat up and I won't put him in that many matches. Plus, he might retire soon."

"That's like saying I retire soon. You want me retire soon??"

"No and you won't. You're the star of the show."

"Good! I want Ohishi to be star of show again!"

"He's still at B- momentum. We could still raise it later on this year. It's no need to push him now. I'm in charge of what I want to do with the show and you go rest. You need it for your match with McWade this Wednesday."

"Alright. But me want no more mistakes. I don't want longer show till it's right time!"

"Whatever. I'm going home. Take a rest and take your pills Ryu."

"I don't pills. I am unbreakable."


Then there was my lecture of the day. It was explainable why Ohishi lost. He's old and incapable of carrying a main event match. It was set and done. For now, we live another day. It was all a success, starting to get more popular in Tohoku. Even Larry and the backstage crew was happy that the fed is getting more popular in the region and some of them were getting some pop from the show.


Mistakes and success as we live another day of them.

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Show 3




WEXXV: Road To Death Tour (Wednesday)

Matsumoto Hall

300 People In Attendance




To kick off the show, Kimitada Ohishi's music hits. Scheduled for a match against Larry Wood tonite, this time Ohishi came to the ring limping as he carried a cane in his hand. Poor old man. He walked to the ring like an old man, having his cane as a support to his body, showing the signs that he's getting old.




But from behind, Larry Wood strikes once more. The destruction of the "Behemoth of Wrestling" continues after being stopped by Morisue. Everyone has to worry about Wood again. He strikes Ohishi with the chains that he carried. He continued to strike him and even took the cane from the old man. Ohishi tried to fight but it wasn't enough to overpower the "Behemoth of Wrestling". Wood slams Ohishi through the steps and brings him in the ring, making the match official.


Rating: D+


http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/KimitadaOhishi-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/LarryWood-1.jpg


"Tokyo Tornado" Kimitada Ohishi vs. "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood


It was another squash match. Larry Wood completely dominated the old man in Kimitada Ohishi. The hardcore wrestling in it wasn't gone however. Another Ohishi comeback fails once more as he tried to use a barbed wire wood to strike Wood but it backfired as Wood's power stopped the wood and instead, hits Ohishi with the wood surrounded with barbed wire. Wood sets up for the Running Big Foot and then strikes Ohishi, ending the match.


Winner: Larry Wood

Rating: D-






The ring gets cleared out and the fans cheer as Kajahara comes to the ring once more.


"Ohishi. My good friend, this is such pity. The Society of Bastards are really taking over. But like I said, this isn't over until I'm dead. So I've come to a conclusion. I could beat all of those members of the SOB one by one. And I've beaten Wayne and Peak so far. And McWade, your next. That's for sure. Because, tonight we fight all over the arena. We fight all over these places and the fans can get involved. And if these fans bring their own weapons tonight, then your out of luck because these fans have my back and they don't have yours!!! To be honest, Dallas, you and your brother might have been the craziest tag team of the modern era but you haven't met the craziest son of a b-tch of the modern era. So tonight, prepare to meet him!!! Kajahara vs. McWade, a match that happens here tonight!!! All-Arena Brawl!! So you better go all-out or balls out!!!"


Rating: B+




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RichardBlood-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/TaheijiKonoe-1.jpg


"Independent Talent" Takayuki San vs. "The Animal" Taheiji Konoe


So yet it was one sided. Like last time, Takayuki San didn't know how to use weapons. So the animalistic fury of Taheiji Konoe took over the match and completely showed his animal side by decimating Takayuki San. Taheiji Konoe won this match after spearing his opponent through a table and then putting him on a powerbomb through a chair and then pinned him.


Winner: D-

Rating: D-






The ring gets cleared once again. This time, Kajahara went to the back and now makes his entrance. The crowd cheers heavily. Kajahara can still run and so ran to the ring. But his music stopped and so then they strike once again.




They strike. Instead of Dallas McWade coming out, it was the gang of the Society of Bastards. They enter the ring from all the places as the American Psychos came out from the crowd, Bull Wrecker from behind the announcer table, Travis Century in the entrance ramp, Larry Wood was on his way from backstage, and Gareth Wayne smiled as he came from the other side of the crowd. They strike the ring and they strike Kajahara, beating him up. Then "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood came to the fight. Wood was shouting:




And so then they locked up Kajahara and let Wood have him, striking the "Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" with a Running Big Foot.




McWade makes his entrance and so the rest of the SOB's exit the ring and the ref begins the match.


Rating: C+


http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RyuKajahara-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/DallasMcWade-1.jpg


"All-Arena Brawl"

"Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara vs. "Canada's Toughest Lumberjack" Dallas McWade

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title Match


McWade dominated the early match as he got help from his SOB friends. These two spread out as the match got outside the ring where McWade completely beat up Kajahara. But the comeback begins. McWade was about to put Kajahara through the announcer table with a powerbomb. But Kajahara counters and sends McWade into a low blow. Kajahara brings the match to the crowd as he had the fans help him out as if they were lumberjacks. Kajahara brings back McWade to the ring to finish him off with the Kajahara Claw.




But the Society of Bastards comes back and hits the ring as a group. They go attack Kajahara and help McWade to win the match.




The Society of Bastards are stopped. Munemitsu Senmatsu hits the ring and brings a sledge hammer with him. He sprints to the ring and starts to cause hell in the ring by destroying the SOB. Kajahara looks at Senmatsu whether he is an ally or an enemy. Senmatsu prepares his hammer to strike vengeance on Kajahara. But instead, he strikes McWade. Kajahara smiles and puts the Kajahara Claw on McWade and retains the title when McWade tapped out.


Senmatsu and Kajahara shakes hands as they celebrate the fight while all members of the SOB are outside the ring, looking at the new found partnership of "The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu and "Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara.


Winner: Ryu Kajahara

Rating: D+


Show Rating: D+

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WEXXV: Road To Death Tour (Friday)

Matsumoto Hall

300 People In Attendance




A show gets kicked off as Kajahara and Senmatsu enters the ring. The crowd cheers as Kajahara and Senmatsu enters the ring, especially for Senmatsu since he has done a heroic act by saving Kajahara from the SOB. Kajahara grabs the mic and speaks for himself and Senmatsu.


"Society of Bastards, I believe you've met your match!!! I believe that you have met your maker!!! And I just don't believe, I KNOW!!!!! Last Wednesday, you saw what happened to all of you. You saw that it's not just Ryu Kajahara you are messing with. It's not just Kajahara!!! It's the whole WEXXV!! And when you mess with the whole WEXXV, you are also messing with The Hammer Munemitsu Senmatsu!!!!! You are also messing with one of the true 'boys' of this promotion!! And you are messing at my new partner in insanity and our goal is to destroy every single one of you!!!!!!!!!!"


"That's right. SOB, you see, I came to a realization. There won't be a New Dawn so I talked it with Naga-Mori and they were alright with it. I talked to Naga-Mori and they were fine with me joining the fight. Joining the fight against the Society of Bastards. And last a couple of nights, I joined the fight and I made a huge impact. So, SOB, you better be threatened right now!!! Gareth Wayne, you have no business in assembling your boys so you can take this place over!!! So just bring your best guy tonight because you'll be taking on me the Ryu right here tonight!!!! And there isn't a damn nothing you can do about it!!!!"


Rating: B-


http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RichardBlood-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/LarryWood-1.jpg


"Independent Talent" Takayuki San vs. "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood


Poor Takayuki San. His inexperience with weapons causes him another match. Larry Wood easily wins this match but nonetheless, Takayuki San is getting a beating from Larry Wood and he was knocked out after receiving the Running Big Foot!!


Winner: Larry Wood

Rating: D-




Well, it can be said that the "Behemoth of Wrestling" is yet on another destructive streak as far as everyone is concerned. He just wants to eliminate everyone out of his way. And so that's what he does with Takayuki San, giving him another Running Big Foot and another.


Rating: C-






Backstage was Doug Peak on his way to the ring. But he just runs around. Henry Lee appears once more, this time cutting another promo.


"Simple. It's all simple. Doug Peak wins tonight. Doug Peak will retain tonight. And watch, once the "line between fantasy and insanity" is set in that ring, it's game over. It doesn't matter what such thing happens tonight, Doug will retain!! Once I set this maniac out of his leash, it's done. It doesn't matter who Kajahara hires to take the King of Deathmatches Title from Peak. No one can stop Doug. He's simply unstoppable. And tonight, we'll show you why."




Rating: C-




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/ToyokuniHardcore-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/DougPeak-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/TaheijiKonoe-1.jpg


"Three Way Hardcore"

"Hardcore Strong" Toyokuni Hardcore vs. "The Line Between Fantasy & Insanity" Doug Peak © vs. "The Animal" Taheiji Konoe

WEXXV King Of Deathmatches Title Match


The debut of Toyokuni Hardcore is a title match for the King of Deathmatches. An all fair talent match, these guys had the same skills, same performance levels, it didn't matter. Who deserved it? Doug Peak maybe deserved it more but the title can be used by both Hardcore and Konoe as a way to bump themselves to the card. Hardcore indeed, this match was. But it was where insanity counted most and that is what Peak is most famous for, getting the win with pinning Toyokuni Hardcore


Winner: Doug Peak

Rating: D-




Brothers in Vengeance strikes the ring as soon as the bell rang, ending the match. They hit the ring as Battle Sakata carried a handcuff. Morisue hits the ring first and clotheslines Peak. Sakata grabs Peak and handcuffs him to the post. The Brothers in Vengeance just completely destroys Peak, making him bleed. Both men are just destroying Peak. Morisue screams at Peak, telling him that the Brothers In Vengeance wants the King of Deathmatches title!! They want it bad, and revenge from the attacks of Kajahara.


Rating: D+




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RyuKajahara-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/MunemitsuSenmatsu2-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/DallasMcWade-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/GarethWayne-1.jpg


"Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara & "The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. "Canada's Toughest Lumberjack" & "Toughest Bastard Ever" Gareth Wayne


First tag team main event of the tour. Turns out that Kajahara can work well with Senmatsu. This was a great finding. It was another hardcore, ultraviolent match. Thankfully, none of the SOB interfered as they knew that Wayne and McWade can handle these two icons of WEXXV. This match had a lot of hardcore moves such as McWade putting Kajahara through the steps and Senmatsu using the sledge hammer to destroy McWade. It was another fine main event but still not good enough for such talents like Kajahara, McWade, and Senmatsu. But so far, best match of the promotion for the first month. Pure hardcore match, Senmatsu grabs the win for his team after executing a double Super Smash Lariat.


Winners: Munemitsu Senmatsu & Ryu Kajahara

Rating: C-


Show Rating: D+

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rathen4" data-cite="Rathen4" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31716" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You are on fire!<p> </p><p> Just be careful not to do too much and burn yourself out <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for the comment Rathen4! <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> i don't know if i did too much or too little with the shows but I'm gonna try to slow it down a bit. I'm trying to catch with my crazy game and I hope my plans for this diary will turn out great.</p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TakerNGN74" data-cite="TakerNGN74" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31716" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I really liked your third show and I am glad to see that you were able to get Doug Peak on your roster because he will prove to be an asset to you if he sticks around!</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks for the praise for the third show Taker. Doug Peak was on the starting roster and the current King of Deathmatches Champion (Midcard Champ in WEXXV). He's an asset alright but I'm trying to get him develop his performance to its peak. But so far, I'm liking his character. Thanks for the comment again.</p>
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<p>Show 5</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/WEXXV.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="font-size:12px;">WEXXV: Road To Death Tour (Wednesday)</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

Matsumoto Hall</span></strong></p><p><strong><span style="font-size:12px;">

300 People In Attendance</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/HiroshiMorisue-1.jpg</span> <strong>vs.</strong> <span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/DougPeak-1.jpg</span> <strong>vs.</strong> <span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/BattleSakata-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Three Way Deathmatch"</strong></p><p><strong>

"Face of Insanity" Hiroshi Morisue vs. "The Line Between Fantasy & Insanity" Doug Peak vs. "Hardcore Survivor" Battle Sakata</strong></p><p><strong>

WEXXV King Of Deathmatches Title Match</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

A result of Brothers in Vengeance attack from last Friday's show, they get their deserved title shot at Doug Peak. It was a one sided battle but the insanity of Doug Peak was crazy enough that both Morisue and Sakata couldn't handle alone. Brothers in Vengeance double teamed on Peak but the dangerous champion countered and countered the weapon attacks of his opponents. His insanity was to a point where he hits himself with a chair and then hits his opponents. Doug Peak knocks out Morisue after smashing his skull on the exposed turnbuckle and then hits him with a trash can lid. Then he goes focusing on Battle Sakata and strikes him with the trash can and puts him through it and then pinning him, retaining his title against two unstoppable forces.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A52A2A;">Doug Peak</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A52A2A;">D-</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>---</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RyuKajahara-1.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

It is taken backstage as Ryu Kajahara begins to cut a promo once again. This time, Senmatsu is behind him but he isn't focused as much as this is all about Ryu right now.</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#8B0000;">"We told you so you bunch of SOB's!! We told you that you have met your match. And tonight, the infamous duo of Kajahara and Senmatsu will put away your gang attacks Society of Bastards!! It's for sure that there is no stopping 'The Hammer' and 'The Psychopathic Enigma of Japan!!! There ain't no stopping this unstoppable duo!!! Senmatsu will destroy you all one by one Society of Bastards!! He Will Destroy You All!!! And TONIGHT!!!!! We continue with you Travis Century and Gareth Wayne!!!! And Gareth Wayne you certainly haven't had enough!!! Because if you don't give up your attacks against this fed, I'll make sure you do!!! Because this is WEXX f-ck-n V!!!! And there ain't no tougher than us b-tches!!!!!'</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#008000;">B+</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>---</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/HenryLee-1.jpg</span><span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/LarryWood-1.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

"Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood and "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee are inside the ring. As Wood stand beside Henry Lee, Lee grabbed the mic as the crowd gave the tandem a lot of heat and boos all over the arena.</p><p> </p><p>

<em><span style="color:#FF0000;">"You expected Travis and Larry here tonight huh? I didn't expect myself to be here either. Travis is preparing for his main event match later tonight so I'm here to show my friend, THE BEHEMOTH OF WRESTLING!!! I'm here to show the ways of causing destruction and chaos in this place. Because it is his sole purpose. The Behemoth of Wrestling stands for a lot of things. But the most important of them all are: destruction, chaos, and animosity!!! Those qualities are going to be seen tonight!! And you shall see them in the fighting spirit of the Behemoth of Wrestling!!! The purpose of the Behemoth of Wrestling shall be fullfilled tonight!!!!"</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Wood was in the ring, waiting for his opponent for tonight. And as he waits, he screams:</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#A52A2A;"><em><strong>"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDD SMAAAAAAAAAAAAASHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!"</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FFA500;">C-</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p> </p><span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/EguchiTheAmazing-1.jpg</span> <strong>vs.</strong> <span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/LarryWood-1.jpg</span><p> </p><p>

<strong>Eguchi The Amazing vs. "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Wood Domination. That seems to be the recent big news in WEXXV. Larry Wood just dominating anything and everything that comes to his way. Eguchi the Amazing was the next victim in the list. This shows the contrast between the spot monkey and the brawler match. Although Wood dominated much of the match, Eguchi didn't fail to make the crowd laugh to their funny bones that they spitted out their beer or whatever they drank. Wood ends the match once more with the Running Big Foot.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A52A2A;">Larry Wood</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#A52A2A;">D</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p>---</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RyuKajahara-1.jpg</span><span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/MunemitsuSenmatsu2-1.jpg</span> <strong>vs.</strong> <span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/TravisCentury_Prophet-Copy-1.jpg</span><span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/GarethWayne-1.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>"Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara & "The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. "The Preacher" Travis Century & "Toughest Bastards Ever" Gareth Wayne</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Match of the night once again. The chemistry between Ryu Kajahara and Munemitsu Senmatsu is just amazing. The beauty of chemistry shows that you can have the best matches, even in just a garbage wrestling federation. It was evenly open mach per say as Wayne and Century had their moments of beating up the surprising duo of Senmatsu and Kajahara. Century has been on a decline when it came to the ring, although he still plays his 'priest' gimmick well during the match when he blinded Kajahara with his 'holy water'. Wayne showed that he is very much on his peak, just completely beating the devil out of Senmatsu. Nonetheless, the Kajahara comeback routine returns and so after Wayne and Century took out Senmatsu, they had trouble destroying Kajahara. Chair shot strike there, cane strike here, another chair shot there, it was bloody chaos. Kajahara comeback of the night once again as he puts away Wayne through a table set up by Senmatsu and then locks the Kajahara Claw on Century, making him tap out. I wonder if these fans get tired of the Kajahara comebacks?!?!</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Winner: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FFA500;">Munemitsu Senmatsu & Ryu Kajahara</span></strong></p><p><strong>

Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#FFA500;">C-</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/LarryWood-1.jpg</span><span>http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/HenryLee-1.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

Ahh. You thought the night was over? It wasn't. Henry Lee comes out and just stood there with a crazy grin on his face. Senmatsu and Kajahara wondered what the SOB were up to now, especially now that Henry Lee just stood there. But from behind came "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood and stroke the two Japanese superstars in the ring, laying them out. Wood just stood there, looking to destroy Kajahara and Senmatsu. But Henry Lee ordered him to stop. As we end the show, it can be all said that it ended with Larry Wood's statement.</p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#A52A2A;"><em><strong>"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDD SMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"</strong></em></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Rating: </strong><strong><span style="color:#008000;">B-</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Show Rating: </strong><strong><span>D+</span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Good show again dude, I am looking foward to a match between Doug Peak and Larry Wood eventually so I hope that you do it!


I try my best at cracking these shows. And as far as for Peak vs. Wood, we'll see how we get far enough that the epicness of that match will happen. I assure you it'll be pretty epic lolol!!:cool:


As far as for shows, do you guys think I'm overdoing it or should I just have a slower pace? Just some thought of mine that's all.

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1. You're a real knack for nicknames

2. "Poor old man. He walked to the ring like an old man, having his cane as a support to his body, showing the signs that he's getting old." Haha, this was a great little string.

3. It's cool to see a diary where Senmatsu is protrayed as the unstoppable Goldberg-face rather than a King of the Bastards style heel, it's refreshing. Considering you're keeping Wood with the SOB, this is actually a great move: Senmatsu and Ryu (with some help from the rest of WEXXV) vs the SOB is a great storyline because no amount of numbers can really hold down Senmatsu. Hopefully we get to see an eventually Wood vs Senmatsu match where each man is consider the "monster" of their faction.

4. This is a good diary, and anyone who isn't for it is against me...spread the word!

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Show 6




WEXXV: Road To Death Tour (Friday)

Matsumoto Hall

300 People In Attendance


http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/BattleSakata-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/HiroshiMorisue-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/ZeshinMakioka_alt2-1.jpghttp://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/EguchiTheAmazing-1.jpg


Brothers in Vengeance vs. Zeshin & Eguchi


Another rebound match for Brothers in Vengeance after both men were embarassed by Doug Peak. It just seems so that Zeshin & Eguchi came to the ring with comedic presence. Eguchi came out dancing to the ring like a mime and the crowd bought it. Eguchi was the chewing gum mime, as he made a bubble out of his mouth. Anyway, it was another squash match. WEXXV and Ryu Kajahara is just a big fan of squash matches. It couldn't be any worse however. It was just a matter for time where Zeshin took so much beating that he could barely get up and needed medical attention. Morisue completely wins the match after putting Eguchi through a ladder with the Running Powerslam.


Winner: Brothers In Vengeance

Rating: E






Backstage here we are once again. Here we are once more with Ryu Kajahara. There has been no stopping of this man lately. And sure, Munemitsu Senmatsu was there. But this was all about Kajahara being a star.


"So who is it gonna be this time SOB? I believe that I almost beat everyone single one of you bastards and it's only the second month of this tour!!!!! It just seems too easy!!! Easy enough. But we didn't expect an attack from Larry Wood and Henry Lee!!! So Tonight!!!! HENRY LEE, YOU GET OUT HERE TONIGHT AND BLEED WITH ME!!! Tonight, Henry Lee, I'll be challenging you!!! And it'll be a time where the Society of Bastards will FINALLY realize that they CAN NOT take the power of WEXXV!!!! So Henry vs. Kajahara, right here tonight!!!!'


Rating: B+




http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/MunemitsuSenmatsu2-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/DallasMcWade-1.jpg


"All-Arena Brawl"

"The Hammer" Munemitsu Senmatsu vs. "Canada's Toughest Lumberjack" Dallas McWade


All Out Brawl!!! All Weapons!! All Gore!!! I expected better from this match but it was fine I suppose. Senmatsu and McWade was brawling all out the arena, getting to involve the fans, since they brought their weapons once again. Senmatsu just had weapons left to right, since the fans provided him with it. McWade tried to fight back but he would just bleed from all the beating that he took with the weapon smashing from Senmatsu. McWade & Senmatsu got back in the ring and so turned out to be a brawl. Senmatsu got the better out of the fight, after putting away McWade with a Super Smash Lariat.


Winner: Munemitsu Senmatsu

Rating: D






"Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee came out to the ring. He came out by himself. I suppose that he took the challenge from Ryu Kajahara. No matter. He takes the mic as the crowd booed on him like a riot was about to happen just with the appearance of Henry Lee.


"Power and Authority. It seems that those things are the only things that are needed in order to become successful here in the WEXXV. And that's why you have become successful Ryu Kajahara. You are like the authority of this federation that wrestles his workers. You are like a cancer taking over the body of WEXXV and you have turned it into your own. If the Society of Bastards came a little earlier here in the WEXXV, you would have never spread your power into this company. No matter though. Because if Gareth Wayne comes short. If Doug Peak comes short. Then I won't come short. In the United States, they don't call me 'Icon of Insanity' for nothing. You clearly haven't met the true meaning of insanity. So tonight, Henry Lee will take the Warrior's Heart Title and Ryu Kajahara will regret it."




"Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara came out to the ring in his ring attire. Well he's always on his ring attire of a gray shirt and white pants. So he hits the ring like he's 25 years old.


"Cancer?? Henry Lee I'm a cancer? Don't forget that I'm the one who took you in after that place you left that hardcore wanna be promotion in the USA!!!! So, it's just a matter of time where I beat you and put you out of your insane misery. I'm a cancer you say? How bout this Henry Lee, if I'm the cancer then there is no cure. There is no cure for Ryu Kajahara!!! And tonight, Dr. Lee, if you are able to cure the sickness of SOB bastards of yours, then you can't cure me you son of a b-tch!!!!"


So the ref gets in the ring and starts the match. Here we go ladies and gentlemen.


Rating: C+


http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/RyuKajahara-1.jpg vs. http://i1178.photobucket.com/albums/x380/Undertakane/WEXXV/HenryLee-1.jpg


"Psychopathic Enigma of Japan" Ryu Kajahara vs. "Icon of Insanity" Henry Lee

WEXXV Warrior's Heart Title Match


Great lovely chemistry. The beauty of wrestling is to find chemistry, just like finding the perfect match to a couple. It's lovely how Henry Lee and Ryu Kajahara knew what to do on this match. It was great hardcore wrestling. Not that violent, not that extreme, but it's just to a point where hardcore was great enough to showcase it. Kajahara and Henry was absolutely great. One of our better matches, even though Henry could barely wrestle. It was all bumps and stunts. Henry took a great beating from trash can shots to going through the annnouncers table. great wrestling match, both men took such beating but it only comes to one man to win. Kajahara just takes the win by turning around the Asylum Buster to the Kajahara Claw.


Winner: Ryu Kajahara

Rating: C-




SOB music hits. Kajahara readies himself for an attack. But no worries. No another gang attack. Instead, "Behemoth of Wrestling" Larry Wood attacks from the behind with the chains. He strikes Kajahara with the chains. He strikes to cause pain. He stroke Kajahara to put him out of action. It's to a point where Kajahara is just beaten up. Wood lifts up Kajahara as Henry sets up a table. So Wood powerbombs Kajahara through the table.




The SOB finally came out as they celebrate with Wood after he laid out Kajahara. Even though Ryu Kajahara won the night, it was the Society of Bastards that had the last laugh.


Rating: B


Show Rating: D+

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1. You're a real knack for nicknames

2. "Poor old man. He walked to the ring like an old man, having his cane as a support to his body, showing the signs that he's getting old." Haha, this was a great little string.

3. It's cool to see a diary where Senmatsu is protrayed as the unstoppable Goldberg-face rather than a King of the Bastards style heel, it's refreshing. Considering you're keeping Wood with the SOB, this is actually a great move: Senmatsu and Ryu (with some help from the rest of WEXXV) vs the SOB is a great storyline because no amount of numbers can really hold down Senmatsu. Hopefully we get to see an eventually Wood vs Senmatsu match where each man is consider the "monster" of their faction.

4. This is a good diary, and anyone who isn't for it is against me...spread the word!


Thank you so much for the comment Celt. It motivates me so much to develop the characters of the likes of Society of Bastards (S.O.B), Kajahara, & Senmatsu. Thank you so much and I hope you stick around more.

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