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Creative Has Nothing For You – DOA and Jake Manning

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Creative Has Nothing For You – DOA and Jake Manning


DOA, Dead on Arrival


Prior to the 2010 debut of Deadly Overloaded Action not many inside or out of wrestling knew about the company. In mid 2008 Arcadia TV began formulation the production of an ‘edgy’ Pro Wrestling company that was to be showcased on there network. Tired of the ‘tame’ TCW or ‘slow’ SWF, DOA was to be the ‘Alternative Wrestling’ company that could be seen every week on TV and would hold no PPVs. DOA interviewed at least a dozen men for the job from Alex Braun to SWF rookie John Greed. There was even a rumor that they had hired all around good guy Steve Flash to run the shows.


Unfortunately in 2008 the stock market crashed, leaving the independent, non-conglomerate Arcadia struggling to survive against the powerhouse umbrella stations. Since DOA was the single biggest money sink at the time, DOA Rapid Assault was postponed in early 2009 and finally sold to an unknown buyer later in the year.


Jake Manning, Prospect


Jake started his career young, both booking and wrestling for the Backyard Hooliganz and there traveling wrestling show. Manning was an instant Main Eventer and began to help promote BHW around Tennessee. Once BHW started to take off, it became more and more clear that Manning was the only star in the company. He held the Head Hooligan Title for all of 2006, even defeating Mark Smart in a special Tennessee State Fair title match! His wrestling caught the Eisen eye and he was off to New England to join SWF in 2007.


Early on in his SWF career many experts tipped Manning to be a hot young prospect. He was lumped into conversations with the Samoans, Bumfholes, and Marc DuBois. While his ‘Jake Manning, Better Than You’ gimmick was boring at best, his matches where exceptional for the card position he was in. There is even the iconic moment of his early SWF career, pulling a watchable match out of Big Smack Scott. Unfortunately he had no real storylines, only one off matches where he made people look good but lost or he beat on some local wrestler.


That all changed when the booking team led by Sam Keith moved him into a feud with Vengeance where he was to slowly turn face by battling (but never beating) the monster and gaining the fans respect. This began to infuriate the monster, who would try harder and harder to destroy Manning, but Manning would never stay down. However, when Keith was fired and Michaels took over, that storyline was dropped. Vengeance savagely beat Manning down and Manning disappeared off of TV for two months.


When he turned he stated he had shunned his old name, his old lifestyle. He was now ‘Eli’. He used a running DDT move that took off with the fans. He worked a slightly Gothic gimmick. He would have made a huge splash as a face. Unfortunately, Michaels and the new SWF creative team had other plans. Eli was to be a sidekick to Vengeance, taking shots for Vengeance and distracting faces so Vengeance could savagely beat them. This lasted a year until in mid 2009 he received an e-mail, not from an Eisen or even Peter Michaels but creative assistant James Casey.


The most dreaded words in the SWF.



Creative Has Nothing For You



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Creative Has Nothing For You – DOA and Jake Manning


Role Reversal


It felt truly weird, sitting at the Poplar Avenue Library in Memphis waiting for Steve to arrive. Sure I had been living in this city since leaving the Supreme World but this was the first time I had been inside of the library. You see, I’m not much of a reader. Dropped out of high school junior year to take up a different kind of book for the Backyard Hooliganz. You could bet your backside none of the BHW booking meeting where done in a library.


The library was larger than I imagined, and it took me a few minutes to find the spot that Steve told me to meet at. It struck me as very peculiar that Steve was directing where to meet me in my own hometown, and even more unusual that he knew exactly where to meet in the library. I mean he is Canadian and lives in New York City so he can help out NYCW.


Eventually he strolled up to the table, slight limp in his walk. His back his strait and he had the best posture I had ever seen. More confidence than Scott Sinclair, but more class than the President.


Not that you’d know either of those facts by watching Steve Flash in the ring.


“Mr. Manning.”


“Jake, please. We’re going to be doing a lot of meetings like this,” He nodded, taking a seat and pulling out some paperwork, “Alright Steve, what where the plans.”


He went over some of the bigger overarching plans.


The Band – Randall Hopkirk, Billy Jack Shearer and Man Mountain Cahill.

Keywords: Arrogant, Brutal, Group, Metal



Keywords: Mysterous, Opportunistic, Valiant


Jack Griffith

Keywords: Determined, Focused, Redemption


Donnie J and James Prudence

Keywords: Best friends, Fun loving, Laid back


Flash Falcon

Keywords: Merciless, Revenge, Traditionalist


I leaned back in my chair after he had presented the Main Eventers Arcadia had already contracted. “I can see the lines connecting here and there. I know of some ways that I can take these guys and build stories. Now the people you presented for your own feud work in my mind. That is a story that can escalate slow and last until we get a TV deal. Also I have the following ideas for the Band…”


Steve listened intently and provided counter points where he felt it would be best. His business sense was truly awe inspiring, not that much unlike speaking to Sam Keith. He recognized the name brand and talent I brought to the company, and where I belonged in the company.


After we finished discussing some hirings we both stood up.


“C’mon, Steve I know of this great Diner…”


Deadly Overloaded Action presents: Deadly Overloaded Action 1


Live in Memphis, TN


DOA Young Lions Championship - Ladder Match- Brendon Idol vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. vs. Roderick Remus

DOA American ChampionshipOverload Match – American Patriot vs. Campbell vs. Captain Brazil vs. Flash Falcon vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Hugh de Aske vs. Mainstream Hernandez and more!

DOA Tag Team Championship – The Brothers Grim (Greg Gauge and Matthew Kieth) vs. The Fly Boys (Donnie J and James Prudence)

DOA Wrestling Championship – Jack Griffith vs. Jake Manning


Plus appearances by Randall Hopkirk, Billy Jack Shearer, Man Mountain Cahill, Silver Shark, Remmy Skye and Acid!





OOC: Special thanks to all of the great Dynasty writers who inspired me: Nevermore, Tristram, BigPapa42, angeldelayette, James Casey, PhantomStranger, Codey and many more I'm forgetting.

Super special thanks to Eisen-verse for all his dynasties and for his original DOA.


Before reading my stuff go out and find these great writer's dynasties!

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Creative Has Nothing For You – DOA and Jake Manning


Home Life


It was another three hours before I returned to my apartment, and the sun was already on its way down. For a former ‘Supreme Star’ my apartment was pitiful.


Trudging up five flights of stairs I swore at my past self spending all my savings money on buying this wrestling company from Arcadia. Luckily I had some help from a friend, as well as the pharmacy on the first floor hired me to help out three or four days a week. I put the key in the lock and opened the thick metal door.


I was greeted by the same depressing sight as usual. Boring green couch, boring beige walls, boring blue carpet, boring box TV. Nothing that screamed that this apartment belonged to me. Sitting on the couch, I took out my laptop and began to convert the handwritten notes Steve had given me from our meeting into a word document. I heard shuffling behind me but continued to work.


“Silver Shark could probably pull a good match out of Randall Hopkirk.”


I smiled. She was right, of course, but I couldn’t let her know that.


“I was just about to add that in.” I lied. She smirked her knowing smirk and gave me a kiss on the forehead and sat down next to me on the couch.


“You’re missing something.” She stated matter of factly.




“There’s no women’s division, hun. I thought we talked about this. I help pay for the apartment, you put a woman’s division in.” I looked at her stupidly. I did not remember this agreement at all.


Still, looking in her eyes, it was impossible to say no.


“Alrighty, I’ll go look-”


She perked up, “Great! I took the liberty of contacting some people! They’ll be calling your cell tomorrow.” She smiled, kissed me and bounced out of the room.


How would I explain this to Steve…


Deadly Overloaded Action presents: Deadly Overloaded Action 1


Live in Memphis, TN


DOA Young Lions Championship - Ladder Match- Brendon Idol vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. vs. Remmy Skye vs. Roderick Remus

DOA Women's Championship - Joanne Rodriguez vs. Melody vs. Sara Marie York vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Wendy Anderson

DOA American ChampionshipOverload Match – American Patriot vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. Campbell vs. Captain Brazil vs. Champagne Lover vs. Flash Falcon vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Hugh de Aske vs. Mainstream Hernandez

DOA Tag Team Championship – The Brothers Grim (Greg Gauge and Matthew Kieth) vs. The Fly Boys (Donnie J and James Prudence)

Randall Hopkirk vs. Silver Shark

DOA Wrestling Championship – Jack Griffith vs. Jake Manning


Plus appearances by Billy Jack Shearer, Man Mountain Cahill and Acid!



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  • 2 weeks later...



Creative Has Nothing For You – DOA and Jake Manning


The Other Guys


My lady and I made it a habit to watch as much wrestling as we could. We would sit down and fire up some popcorn while watching Supreme TV (probably a hold over from our time in SWF but we both prefered the zany stories of SWF to the stop start stories of TCW). Before I had decided to buy DOA with my 'house fund' I was saving up while working as 'Eli' I viewed USPW as a non-factor. The uncool kid trying desperately to hang with the cool crowd. The sad thing was it didn't matter how nice there production matter was or what celebrities Strong was able to lure in, USPW was not in the realm of SWF or TCW.


Now, I wasn't in the realm of USPW.


We had wondered a lot about whether any of the Big 3 took DOA seriously. She says no, no one took DOA seriously at all. It would take a huge splash in the first 3 months or so to really solidify DOA as a threat to ... anyone really.


So, while I was watching storylines develop in my head I had my eye on the enemies. Not so much what they were doing right, as that could depress me right out of my owner's office. No, I watched who they were misuing. I had little interest in the Hawkins, Laws, Moneys or Faiths, I paid attention to the Fonzarellis, Bumfholes, Retros and Andrews. The people who weren't stars but could be.


The people in the spot I was in oh so recently.


Some of them knew my name. Some of them new my girl and me personally. That helped a lot in negotiation. Still, they were under contract, and no one was going to fight the man for little ol' DOA.


Or so I thought...


USPW had a few people that interested me. Devine was young, but we had enough 'young ****y talented' folk in the Brothers Grimm, the Remus twins and Lover. Nicky Champion was a really good talent, but he loved Strong like a dad. I guess I had a soft spot for Java too, given I was a mark of his growing up. Maybe it's better I don't sign him...


TCW had tons of workers who I would retire to get in DOA. Cornell, Hawkins, Kieth Elder, Hill, Anderson, Scout, Guide, Law, hell even Rocky Golden was some form of talented. I'd also love to grab Andrews, Stone or any of the other guys in the undercard. Let's face it though, who would leave TCW to join us?


SWF, now there I had an in. I think I could get the Biggz when there contract ran up, maybe Shady K or Knuckles. Kurt Lamaree would fit perfect too. So many guys held down up north to keep people who 'earned there place' at the top of the card. Fans would rather watch Train than John Greed? Give me a break Eisen. Give me John Greed, I'll give you someone synonymous with DOA in two years.


Of course, these where mostly pipe dreams. I had to make due with what I had, and what I had was good enough to get the ball rolling.


Deadly Overloaded Action presents: Deadly Overloaded Action 1


Live in Memphis, TN


DOA Young Lions Championship - Ladder Match- Brendon Idol vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr. vs. Remmy Skye vs. Roderick Remus

DOA Women's Championship - Joanne Rodriguez vs. Melody vs. Sara Marie York vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Wendy Anderson

DOA American ChampionshipOverload Match – American Patriot vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. Campbell vs. Captain Brazil vs. Champagne Lover vs. Flash Falcon vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Hugh de Aske vs. Mainstream Hernandez

DOA Tag Team Championship – The Brothers Grim (Greg Gauge and Matthew Kieth) vs. The Fly Boys (Donnie J and James Prudence)

Randall Hopkirk vs. Silver Shark

DOA Wrestling Championship – Jack Griffith vs. Jake Manning


Plus appearances by Billy Jack Shearer, Man Mountain Cahill and Acid!




On the editing section of the show. Should be up in 24 hours!

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Creative Has Nothing For You – DOA and Jake Manning


DOA: Deadly Overloaded Action 1


The atmosphere in the sold out Memphis Municipal Arena is electric as the camera pans around, showcasing a few signs from that are in the crowd. Manning and his SWF character Eli are prominent names in the signs, but there are quite a few Griffith, Acid and Woman’s division signs. The ones focused on read ‘Save Us Eli’, ‘I drove from NYC to see ACID’ and ‘King Remmy of the Ladder Empire’. The fans are jumping up and down in a raucous almost collegiate atmosphere, chanting in a non-unified manner. Some are chanting “D-O-A” while others are chanting “Thank you Eli” while still others are chanting “O-ver-load-ed!” The camera takes in the scene without interruption from the commentary crew for a solid two minutes, and continues to record the reaction as the generic rock hits the PA system. Randall Hopkirk arrogantly strides out, being flanked by his ‘bandmates’ Billy Jack Shearer and Man Mountain Cahill. The crowd erupts into boos so loud that the generic rock is unable to be heard.




The reception for Silver Shark is compairable, the cheers are there. That said, it is clear that the building hates the Band way more than they like Silver Shark. Shark runs out and looks from Shearer to Hopkirk to Cahill. The referee gets between Shark and Hopkirk and orders the Band out of the ring.




Davis Ditterich: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to D-D-D-Deadly Overloaded Action! I’m Davis Ditterich here today with “Double R” Remmington Remus.


Remmi Remus: Listen to this crowd. They know greatness when they see it, and they react with jealousy and hate!


DD: Well one thing is for sure, this Memphis crowd hates the Band! DOA is about wrestling! How did these three even get into DOA?


RR: Look at the resume, Davis. Look at the gold. You will find no one on this roster who has climbed higher on the ladder than these three: the Band!


DD: In a place that has a fat dancing Samoan and a CZCW washout as champ. This is DOA! This is wrestling! Let’s get right to it!





Randall Hopkirk w/ the Band vs. Silver Shark



Hopkirk actually brought something to this match, playing the lumbering giant role fairly well. Shark was on as usual, flying around and bringing the crowd into the match as much as possible. The main point of this match was to show the unity of the Band, as they would use flawless teamwork to give Randall the advantage. The match ended with BJS distracting the ref while Man Mountain Cahill kneed Shark in the groan and turned Shark right into a Randallism




Randall Hopkirk defeated Silver Shark




The Band quickly slide into the ring. Cahill grab’s Shark by the scruff of his mask and tosses him out the ring. The fans are booing these three TCW castoffs and a rather rowdy “Get the **** out” chant starts near the ring. Randall puts up his rock fist, and the boos get louder.




“Let me hear you Memphis!” Hopkirk shouts into the microphone. Shearer and Cahill stand behind him, menacingly.




“This here is my Band. I’d say we pretty much rock harder than anyone to ever have come out of this city.” The chants get louder as Randall smirks.




“Like any good performer, the Band will listen to your call for an encore. But when? But … when?”




Smirking, Hopkirk leaves the ring, flanked by his big men Shearer and Cahill.




DD: What a disgusting act. The Band should be fired from DOA.


RR: Fire the most successful acts in the company? So TCW should fire Cornell because the fans hate him too?


DD: Cornell can wrestle, these clowns cannot. What did they mean by an encore?


RR: They meant there going to come back later, moron.


DD: *Sigh* Thank you for your professional analysis.


RR: You’re welcome! Now here comes the moment where my brother, Roderick Remus wins the DOA Young Lions Championship.


DD: He may, but he has to go through indy legend Remmy Skye and former SWF prospect Brandon Idol as well as three other hungry talented superstars.





Brandon Idol vs. Davis Wayne Newton vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr vs. Remmy Skye vs. Roderick Remus vs. Too Hot


DOA Young Lions Championship


Ladder Match




The match starts with everyone but Remmy Skye striding to the center of the ring. There is pushing, posturing and pointing at the Young Lions title that hangs above ring. Remmy had slid out of the ring and returns with ladder in hand. With one swing he takes out Dragon and Too Hot. With another he drops DWN and Rod Remus! He turns to Brandon Idol who kicks the ladder, which juts back right into Skye’s face. Skye goes down and we have our first bleeder of the night.




Brandon Idol is the only man left standing. He races to the fallen ladder to set it up. He climbs it, and get halfway up before Dragon pops into the ring and up the ladder. Dragon look to be setting up a suplex on Idol when DWN dropkicks the ladder sending both men toppling to the ground below! Newton begins to set up the now empty ladder but Too Hot turns him around. Left hand! Left hand! Hit the ropes … running left hand and Newton is spun around! Hot turns to the crowd who chants “Too! HOT!”




Too Hot does not set up the ladder, instead looking to finish off his opponents he goes for a chair. Returning to the ring, Hot goes chair crazy. DWN gets some! Dragon gets one! Skye is hit once … twice … three time! He swings for Idol … superkick! A groggy Brandon Idol superkicked the chair back into Hot’s cranium. Idol sets up the ladder and slowly, painfully, groggily begins to climb.




The crowd is going crazy. That’s when a well rested Rod Remus practically gives Ditterich a heart attack from hiding under the ring, races into the ring and up the lader. He unhooks the belt just as Brandon Idol gets to the top rung, and Remus blasts Idol with his newly won belt!




Roderick Remus defeated Brandon Idol, Davis Wayne Newton, Dragon Del Arco Iris Jr, Remmy Skye and Too Hot




Remmi Remus’ headset is heard hitting the desk. His voice sounds a bit faint but still loud enough that he can be heard.






DD: Sit down Remmi you’re embarrassing the company. Roderick Remus ducked must of the fight folks and snuck in to steal the belt right from under the nose of Brandon Idol!


RR (putting on his headset): Brandon Idol is a reject nobody, Davis. Let’s talk about the future, the DOA Young … Lions … Champion … Roderick Remus!


DD: (defeated): A proud day for the Remus household I’m sure. Now we start the march towards another DOA championship, the DOA American Championship.


RR: Let me try to keep my elation to a minimum so that I can explain this match. Ten people, one ring. Pinfalls outside of the ring eliminates the pinned. Pinfalls inside the ring eliminate the the pinned and declare the pinner a winner of the match. The two winners advance to a one on one match later in the night for the DOA Ahhhhhmerican Championship!


DD: Out of the ring, elimination, in the ring elimination and you make it to the title match later. DOA Overloaded Match. Let’s go!









American Patriot vs. Arthur Dexter Bradley vs. Campbell vs. Captain Brazil vs. Champagne Lover

Flash Falcon vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Hugh de Aske vs. Mainstream Hernendez


Overloaded Match



The match starts with Flash, ADB, Brazil and Lover huddling up outside of the ring. Ota goes to attack them, but Hugh de Aske interferes, blindsiding the Ninja Arielist and beating him down using the barricades. Hernendez and Patriot are brawling inside of the ring, while Campbell is searching under the ring for a weapon.




Fox Mask points to the foursome outside of the ring then to the crowd. The crowd pops, alerting the foresome to the charging Fox. Fox dives between the ropes and Brazil takes the hit for his team, the rest of them scattering. ADB and Lover brawl with the Coastal King as Flash goes to the scorer’s table to retrieve a chair. Fox hits a Euro uppercut to ADB, downing his and stuns Lover with a kick to temple. He goes to finish Lover off with a flying cross body from the apron, but in mid air Flash Falcon wrecks his face with a chair! The referee did not see it. Flash gets the refs attention as Lover covers Mask for the three count.




Fox Mask has been eliminated




DD: There is too much action for the referee to keep everything legal!


RR: Almost an overload of such action, Davis.


DD: … Shut up.



Inside the ring Patriot is getting the upper hand on Hernendez. With the ref returning to the ring, Campbell is dissecting the foresome with a two by four he found under the ring. Hugh pulls Ota after sneak attacking and beating him down onto the announcers table!










Cut throat driver through the table! Hugh covers and the referee runs out and counts to three!




Fumihiro Ota has been eliminated




Hugh turns to celebrate … and gets blasted in the face by Campbell! The ref saw it!




Campbell has been eliminated




Campbell is going crazy, hitting Hugh again and again.




RR: Someone needs to stop this psychopath!


DD: I know his … heritage, but Campbell has gone too far!




Agents come down to escort him off as Flash stumbles over to Hugh. Lover, ADB and Brasil guard as Flash gets the pin … however in the ring Patriot just hit the patriot press on Hernendez and is covering him.




1...2… Brasil and ADB run in…




Too late … 3!




Mainstream Hernendez has been eliminated.


American Patriot has advanced to the finals.




DD: Patriot is in! Patriot is in!


RR: Using the rules of the match to his advantage. Color him smarter than I thought.




ADB and Brasil double team the victorious Patriot and soon Lover joins in. The referee counts Flash’s pin attempt and runs over to try to get Patriot out of the ring where he can take no further damage.




Hugh de Aske has been eliminated




Lover keeps the ref away as ADB and Brasil beat Patriot down, and eventually Flash sets up his famous Falcon Punch (Running Super Punch). The ref pulls Patriot away and Falcon Punch to Captain Brasil! Flash makes the cover as the ref sprints back into the ring and makes the count.




Captain Brasil has been eliminated


Flash Falcon has advanced to the finals




Lover and Bradley look on in shock, realizing the cover was made in the ring and the match is over!





DD: A group that started with solidarity ends up fractured. Such is the chaos of the Overloaded Match!


RR: Flacon saw his opportunity and took it! Now it’s a Native American vs. A Super-Patriot for the American Championship!


DD: They’ll get a well deserved rest, because now it’s time to determine the DOA Women’s Champion!






J-Ro vs. Melody vs. Sara Marie York vs. Suzanne Brazzle vs. Wendy Anderson


DOA Women’s Championship




The match begins with J-Ro going after Brazzle and SMY going after Anderson. Melody slips out of the ring and joins Davis and Remmington on commentary.




RR: Why hello lovely.


M: Hello handsome.


DD: Shouldn’t you be wrestling?


M: I’m just proving how multi-talented I am. I can do commentary AND win MY championship!


DD: Why is the referee not doing anything?




In the ring J-Ro and Anderson are getting the upper hands in their respective battles, and the crowd has decided to back J-Ro in the fight. Brazzle slinks away from Joanne with hatred in her eyes and attacks SMY, leaving J-Ro with the fresher Anderson. It doesn’t take long for Brazzle to bounce back and start beating down York. That is until J-Ro hits a crisp dropkick downing Anderson and shocking Suzanne with a J-Rocker! Rodriguez makes the pin as Melody sprints in to break it up, but it’s too late!


Joanne Rodriguez defeats Melody, Sara Marie York, Suzanne Brazzle and Wendy Anderson for the DOA Women's Championship





DD: Melody gets what she deserves. This is DOA, we don’t duck fights here!


RR: You’re just mad at her because she made you stammer on commentary. Not used to that kind of beauty Davis?


DD: I swear Remmington if I were not contracted… let’s just get to the American Championship match.


RR: Let’s, you wouldn’t want to get your tail squashed for your mouth’s trespasses.



American Patriot vs. Flash Falcon


DOA American Championship




Patriot looks to shake the veteran Flash’s hand, but Flash just grabs AmPat in and spikes him down with a blink and you’ll miss it quick DDT. Flash smirks as he lays the boots in Patriot, before the bell even rings. The referee seperates the two and allows American Patriot some time to recover before Patriot can be heard shouting “Just ring the bell already!” The ref starts the match and Patriot charges! Shoulder block! Shoulder block! Scoop slam! Flash is down, Patriot salutes the fans … only to be kicked between the legs by a downed Flash. Flash rises and mockingly salutes a groggy Patriot before hitting him with a Tomahawk Chop! Patriot crumples and Falcon is feeling it. He circles Patriot like a vulture. Patriot rises up …




Falcon pu- NO! Patriot evades left and sidewalk slams Flash! Flash rises but Patriot is in motion again! Shoulder block! Shoulder block! Salute to the fans … American Elbow! Patriot signals for the Press!




No! Arthur Dexter Bradley is distracting the ref as Lover and Brasil slid in the back. Double clothesline! Flash is back up as his cohorts bail. Patriot stumbles into a Falcon Punch! 1-2-3!


Flash Falcon defeats American Patriot for the DOA American Championship





DD: What a load! How could those three HELP him after he turned his BACK on them?


RR: It’s called loyalty, Davis, you wouldn’t know because you’re an American, but this foreign alliance gets it.


DD: Remus, you’re American too.


RR: Yeah, but not like you.




The Brothers Grim (Greg Gauge and Matthew Keith) vs. the Fly Boys (Donnie J and James Prudence)


DOA Tag Team Championship



The DOA crowd is fully against the young Brothers Grimm. There is a huge sense of juxtaposition between Matt and Greg. Greg walks to the ring with an air of confidence and class, while Matt look fierce and focused. To add further to the juxtaposition is the Fly Boys, running to the ring and posing, playing it up for the fans.




Greg Gauge starts off the match versus James Prudence. Prudence plays the babyface in peril for a solid five minutes as a few cheap moves put Gauge in the drivers seat early. Gauge is able to set up his ten mounted punches in the corner followed by a running double knee to a downed opponent, a combonation that Ditterich recognizes as the Twelve Gauge Assault. Prudence is able to fight back a bit and get the crowd into so that when both men make the hot tag the crowd is ready to go. Donnie J uses his speed to hit and run against Keith. That ends quick as Keith catches Donnie and suplexes him hard. Matt tags in Greg who poses around … long enough for Donnie to get up. Dropkick to Greg. Matt runs in … double dropkick from Donnie and James! Both Flyboys are celebrating! The ref tries to get James out of the ring … and Man Mountain Cahill attacks Donnie J. Greg Gauge rolls in and applies the Proton Lock! The Band looks on in delight as Donnie J taps.


The Brothers Grim defeat the Flyboys for the DOA Tag Team Championships





DD: Some encore? Does this mean that Grimm is aligned with the band?


RR: I wouldn’t jump to conclusions. Look at Matt, he’s screaming at Hopkirk.


DD: It looks like the Band was making a statement, but why?


RR: They said there’d be an encore and there was Davis. Here comes Manning!



Jack Griffith vs. Jake Manning


DOA Wrestling Championship


No DQ Match



Fans are on there feet for this one as many of the people here are here to see "Eli" or Jake Manning. The match starts with a mutual respect handshake and a series of chain wrestling with Manning taking control. He slows the match down to a halt using hold after hold.


Griffith manages to shake free and bring the fight back up to a standing brawl. Jack is able to best Jake at this, drawing a mixed reaction as fans don't want to see Manning lose, but also want to see some action. Ten minutes in and both men have had equal offense. Manning has retaken control and is working the arm and shoulder of the Indy Vet Jack Griffith. Griffith seems determined to brawl at any opportunity he can get.


He finally gets his opportunity late in the match, and he capitalizes. He bloodies Manning and bashes him around the ring and ringside area. He hits Manning with a chair and also the ring bell. Manning looks wobbly on his feet and Griffith takes advantage with a big Southern Justice. Griffith rolls Manning into the ring...


and down come the band. They encircle Jack Griffith and take him down by sheer numbers. They take turns beating the Vet down while the crowd rains hate on them.


They roll Manning onto Griffith. 1...2...3!


Jake Manning defeats Jack Griffith for the DOA Wrestling Champions







RR: This is the encore?


Manning gets up and looks around furious at the band. They back up a bit while Manning points at all three men in turn, rage etched across his face. He steps forward ... and gives the band a devil fist. The band reciprocates! Jake then grabs a microphone and walks to the center of the ring.




“Thank you, Memphis!” he hoists the title high to the chorus of boos and smattering of garbage.




“You’ve been a great crowd! Thanks for playing host to my Band’s first big show: The Band and the Jobbers!” The rest of the Band laugh like it was a Dane Cook joke and they were 15.




“Truly, having all the money, the power, the skill and the connections here in DOA. I am DOA. DOA is wrestling. So I am Jake Manning. I am wrestling!”




The lights go out, and stay out for a while. When they come back Griffith, Prudence and Donnie J are battling off the Band while Manning looks confused in the ring. The lights go out again for a spell, and when they come back all six fighters are gone, leaving Manning alone in the ring.




“Get back here Griffith! Don’t run like a -”




The lights go out again, and they come back Manning turns around to….























A Green Mist Attack!








Manning bails to the back as Acid gives chase to end the show.


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That feels like some classic WWF announcing. Thumbs up.



Also, how did you create the Overloaded match in the game?


Thanks for the compliment! I always really enjoy the Remus Twins so hopefully I can make them into something in this dynasty.


1 5v5 match won by AmPat

1 5v5 match won by Flash


A little lame, but it's more for the narrative purpose of showing Flash's crew being 'together'.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af315/Eisen-verse/DOAbanner.jpg</span><p> </p><p> <strong><span style="font-size:14px;"><span style="font-family:'Franklin Gothic Medium';">Creative Has Nothing For You – DOA and Jake Manning</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p> The Phone Call</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>New DOA show a serious case of underwhelming</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>DOA is the Wrestling equivalent of AAA ball, good but somehow the action doesn’t live up to the talent.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Deadly Overloaded Action 1 was good, not great. DOA needs great to take down the Big 3</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Fans started pumped, left disappointed. Will be interesting to see where DOA goes from here.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Former Arcadia property DOA stumbles out of the block. Looks like Arcadia made the right decision to give the show the premature axe.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> A C- at best</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I shut my laptop and glared across the room, lost. The storylines had just started to take place, how could all these ‘professional’ reviewers already be failing us? The fans had left happy, I was now a hated heel. The road forward storyline wise was clear. Yet it seemed no one wanted to give little DOA any credit at all.</p><p> </p><p> Fine by me, to be honest. I had been in contact with some TV stations, including Arcadia about a small weekly TV show for DOA. Given some patience and hard work I knew DOA could become a major player in America. I could beat Eisen with his cast offs.</p><p> </p><p> My inner megalomania was disputed by the rifts of Metallica from my cell phone. I usually would not pick up if it was an unknown number but the lady got there first and answered. She nodded and mmhmmed for a few minutes before handing me the phone.</p><p> </p><p> “Hello?”</p><p> </p><p> “Mr. Manning. I’d like to speak to you about a possible contract.”</p><p> </p><p> I recognized the voice immediately. My heart raced. I clenched the phone.</p><p> </p><p> “Of course, when’s the next time you can be in Memphis?”</p><p> </p><p> We were going to start a war all right. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Deadly Overloaded Action Presents</strong></p><p><strong> Pain Per View</strong></p><p> </p><p> <strong>DOA Young Lions Championship</strong> - Rod Remus © vs. Too Hot</p><p> The Band (Cahill and Shearer) vs. Quicksilver (Remmy Skye and Silver Shark)</p><p> <strong>DOA Women's Championship</strong> - Joanne Rodriguez © vs. Suzanne Brazzle</p><p> <strong>DOA American Championship</strong> - American Patriot vs. Champagne Lover vs. Flash Falcon © </p><p> <strong>DOA Tag Team Championship</strong> - The Brothers Grim © vs. The Flyboys </p><p> <strong>DOA Wrestling Championship </strong>- <span style="text-decoration:underline;">Steel Cage Match</span> - Jack Griffith vs. Jake Manning ©</p><p> PLUS a HUGE announcement!</p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1019.photobucket.com/albums/af315/Eisen-verse/DOAbanner.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Eidenhoek" data-cite="Eidenhoek" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31724" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm still wondering who the hell his chick is. </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> You know of her <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>Well duh. I've searched through all the women in 2012 data to hire for NOTBPW.</p><p> </p><p>

Unless you mean it's Megan Fox. She's still considered hot, right? I was trying to throw in some random hottie. Uh...Kirsten Dunst? SHE'S HOT TO ME</p>

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