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Dear Charles Johnson

Hello Mr. Johnson, this is Cliff Anderson. I am writing you to express my gratitude to you for your running of The Coastal Resort. As 2009 comes to a close I believe we can take that next step to make Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling a viable threat to SWF and TCW. To do this I want you to come join me at Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling as “Head of Creative” starting at Revolution.


Monday January Week 1 2010



“Mr. Johnson, this is your wake up call”.

“Thank you”

With that I hung up the phone and rolled out of bed. As I began to make coffee in the little four cup coffee maker in my hotel room, I started my shower. After my shower I poured myself a cup of coffee and checked the one new message I had.


Hello, Mr. Johnson this is Cliff Anderson and I just wanted to say again how much I think you will be able to help us in our march to becoming a national power. I wanted to call to remind you to be here for the meeting at 11am so we can discuss any final changes to Revolution. Again thank you for accepting the challenge of taking Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling to the next level.


After listening to the message, it was time to begin the next chapter in my life, so I headed to The Snake Pit for Revolution. Upon arriving the first person to meet me at the door was my new boss, Cliff Anderson.

“Hello Mr. Johnson”, Cliff began. “Let me show you around”.

To be honest, the tour was nothing special; the door I entered was the door to a small dressing room area with a couple of benches. As we walked down a small hallway we came to an open room and with it set up in the center was a small wrestling ring. Cliff just stood there to let me get a feel of the place before speaking.

“Well tonight, Charles we have our first show of the year “Revolution”, tonight I just want you to relax, take in the show, and you can officially begin tomorrow”.

With that Cliff handed me a copy of tonight’s card, the official roster and headed off to a meeting.


Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling January 2010 Roster


Main Event

Donnie J

Fox Mask

James Prudence

Remmy Skye


Upper Midcard

Frankie Perez

Insane Machine

Matt Sparrow

Mikey James



Al Coleman

Jackpot Jordan

Marc Speed

Masked Cougar

Snap Dragon

The American Flash


Lower Midcard

California Love Machine

Jake Idol

Jeremiah Moose



Air Attack Weasel

Jonnie Perez


CZCW Revolution 2010 Card


Coastal Zone Championship

Fox Mask© vs. Donnie J


Air Attack Weasel vs. Remmy Skye


Coastal Zone Tag Championship

Shoot Club © vs. Going Coastal


Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship

Masked Couger© vs. Insane Machine


Jonnie Perez vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon vs.The American Flash


The Cali Dragons vs. Rich and Famous


As the day went on, I was left to my own devices so I decided to lay low and just study the notes Cliff had given to me. Looking at the planned card I knew this was going to be a tough sell but I really just wanted to get this night over with so I could fully take control of the position. An hour before the opening bell I came back from dinner and was greeted by Cliff who was talking with fans at the front door of The Snake Pit.

“There you are Charles; I hope you enjoy the show tonight”, at this point he waved over an older gentleman, mid thirties maybe. “Charles this is Mr. Douglas from “Wrestling Insider Magazine”, they are the group that give reviews and news on professional wrestling”.

“Yes, I know them”, I told Cliff

“Tonight, John here is going to rate the event for us tonight and have it appear in the magazine”, Cliff responded with a smile. Cliff looked at his watch and then spoke again.

“Thirty minutes until show time and I need to get to my position, so have a good night and Charles I will talk with you tomorrow,” Cliff said before disappearing into the building. I soon followed and found my seat in the front row with the rest of the crowd as The Guru came out and announced that we had five minutes to the opening bell.

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<p>Coastal Zone Championship</p><p>

<strong>Fox Mask©</strong> vs. Donnie J</p><p> </p><p>

Air Attack Weaseal vs. <strong>Remmy Skye</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Coastal Zone Tag Championship</p><p>

<strong>Shoot Club ©</strong> vs. Going Coastal</p><p> </p><p>

Coastal Zone Xtreme Championship</p><p>

Masked Couger© vs. <strong>Insane Machine</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jonnie Perez vs. <strong>Matt Sparrow</strong> vs. Snap Dragon vs.The American Flash </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Cali Dragons</strong> vs. Rich and Famous</p>

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<p><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>CZCW Revolution 2010</strong></span></p><p>

The Snake Pit</p><p>

Attendance: 788</p><p> </p><p>

The show finally started as Mr. Douglas sat to my right in the front row. I did notice that Cliff Anderson and The Guru looked to be sitting at an announce table of sorts so maybe this will be put to tape. The first to come to the ring was Jonnie Perez to no reaction, next was The American Flash followed by Snap Dragon to a small reaction, and finally Matt Sparrow to a respectful reaction. With these four in the ring it could be a fun match.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Jonnie Perez vs. Matt Sparrow vs.Snap Dragon vs. The American Flash </span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The bell sounded to beginning the opening match as all four rushed each other. Snap Dragon immediately clotheslined Perez out of the ring and to the floor while Sparrow and Flash paired off. The action in this match was quick Dragon and Sparrow worked together over the smaller Flash in the early part of the match. Throughout the match Jonnie Perez tried to mount an offense only to be cut down by Dragon. Towards the end of the match Dragon’s focus seemed to turn more towards Flash allowing Perez to sneak back into the ring, too bad for Perez; “The Bird Man” was paying attention, dropping him with a Bird Brain Buster to pick up the win at the 15:06 mark.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER: MATT SPARROW</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The match was a decent opener, a “lets get the crowd fired up” type of match. Only time will tell if Sparrow uses this win to springboard himself to new heights. After Sparrow made it to the back, it was time for the Tag Team titles to be defended as Going Coastal challenged Shoot Club.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">CZCW Tag Team Title Match</span></strong></p><p>

Shoot Club© vs. Going Coastal</p><p> </p><p>

Al Coleman and Marc Speed came out with each holding a title belt in hand, next Jeremiah Moose and California Love Machine with Little Miss Sunshine. As the bell sounded Coleman and Moose started the match. Coleman gained the early advantage going after the legs of Moose. Coleman and Speed worked like a well oiled machine, keeping control of Jeremiah in their corner as Little Miss Sunshine yelled at her man to do some thing as he just stood on the apron. Going Coastal looked like they were going to get things going as Speed sent Moose into the ropes only to miss a dropkick as Moose held on to the ropes. Moose used the ropes to pull himself to the corner where his partner was, only to have C.L.M. drop down off the apron, and walk to the back leaving Moose to be defeated with the Ankle Brace at the 11:55 mark. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER: SHOOT CLUB</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The match was ok, it will be interesting to see what if anything happens with C.L.M. and Moose as their was no reaction to Moose being left by his partner tonight. Hopefully that would not happen again tonight as we moved from one tag team match to another with the Cali Dragons facing Rich and Famous </p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">The Cali Dragons vs. Rich and Famous</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

The Dragons came out first getting a nice reaction from the crowd. As the Dragons waited in the ring Jackpot Jordan and Jake Idol walked out to the ring acting as if they were too good to be in the building. As the bell sounded Mkey James and Jake Idol stood in the ring. Idol bailed from the ring trying to get James to follow, sadly for Idol he ran straight into a stiff kick to the chest from Perez. Perez quickly rolled Idol into the ring as James pushed Idol back into the corner and began unloading a series of chops and kicks. Idol was able to turn it around though as he slipped a thumb to the eye as James soaked in the cheers from the fans. Idol quickly tagged out allowing Jordan to work on James midway through the match. The ending was fast and furious as Rich and Famous worked over James until James turned the match around after James ducked a double back elbow and retaliated with a double flying clothesline. James finally made the hot tag to Perez who clean house of Rich and Famous allowing James to connect with a dragon whip to Jake Idol at the 12:58 mark.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER: THE CALI DRAGONS</strong></p><p> </p><p>

This was a fun match between two tag teams that are ready to take that next step towards the Tag Team titles. Speaking of titles next it was time for the Xtreme title match between champion, Masked Cougar and Insane Machine.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Coastal Zone Xtreme Title </span></strong></p><p>

Masked Cougar© vs. Insane Machine</p><p> </p><p>

This match started out fast and furious as each man attempted to connect but all they came up with is a series of misses. If done right they always look cool for some reason. As they both regrouped Insane Machine took control of the match which spilled out to the arena floor to only help Machine’s cause connecting with a sick Russian leg sweep against the guardrail. Machine looked to be in total control has he threw the champ back in but he could never get the pin as Cougar would not stay down. The tide turned in Cougar’s favor as Machine crashed as burned missing an Insanity Tsunami midway through the bout. The champ took the opening, connecting on a quick series of running clothesline and a high cross body for a two count. Cougar was in control of the match until a mistimed Cougar Pounce lead to his downfall. As Cougar struggled to his feet Insane Machine hit the Termination Kick to pick up the three count and become the new Xtreme Title holder at 24:48.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER AND NEW CHAMPION: INSANE MACHINE</strong></p><p> </p><p>

This was a good match for the company. Both men really worked hard tonight as this has easily been the best match of the night so far. It will be interesting to see if Cougar gets a rematch right away or the new champ moves on to other things. As the crowd relaxed it was time for the multi – colored hair of Remmy Skye as he took on Air Attack Weasel.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Air Attack Weasel vs. Remmy Skye</span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

As the bell sounded both men shook hands in the center of the ring, but after that this match was all Remmy Skye. Skye showed why he is one of the best Coastal Zone has to offer. Weasel tried to take the low road, slowing down the momentum of Remmy a couple of times but in all honesty their was no doubt who was going to take this win as Skye hit the Skye Diver at the 14:55 mark.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER: Remmy Skye</strong></p><p> </p><p>

As I said their was no doubt about who was going to win this one, so my only question is why the company allowed the match to go fifteen minutes. This match may have hurt Skye more then it helped Weasel. Finally it was time for the main event as Fox Mask defended the Coastal Zone Championship against Donnie J.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Coastal Zone Championship</span></strong></p><p>

Fox Mask© vs. Donnie J</p><p> </p><p>

Both men came to the ring getting the best reaction of the night. In the early going both men tried not to make a mistake with the champ getting the advantage. Mask took the match to the outside early as he sent Donnie back first into the guardrail only to hit a sweet looking inside out rana as Donnie tried to return to the ring. Mask played to the fans a bit before tossing Donnie back in and connecting with a slingshot plancha. All was not lost for Donnie who connected with a high cross body as Mask missed with a clothesline. Donnie took control of the match taking to the sky sending Fox sprawling with a nice dropkick from the second rope. Donnie continued to fire from every angle coming off the top with a clothesline. The final moments of the match were hard to watch as Donnie tried a superplex and failed causing both men to crash to the hard to the mat twenty five minutes in. As the ref applied the ten count Fox mask made it to his feet first, he stalked his prey and as Donnie made it to his feet the Fox struck with a Fox Hunter to pick up the 1, 2, 3 and retain the title.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>WINNER AND STILL CHAMPION: FOX MASK</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Well there you have it folks, overall it was a mixed bag for me. I will give them credit as they have some good workers, but I can see some changes that need to be made for this company to make it to new heights. Mr. Douglas has been busy writing notes to himself all night. All I can say is that my time in Coastal Zone will be nothing sort of a roller coaster ride.</p>

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Tuesday Week 1 January 2010


The next morning I walked into the Coastal Zone offices, where Mr. Anderson, Dylan, and The Guru were sitting there waiting for me.

“Good morning, Charles, what did you think of the show?”, Mr. Anderson asked me. I put my notes on the table and sat down before speaking.

“With Revolution being my first show as part of the main roster, I must say it was ok at best”, I told them. Mr. Slide and The Guru must have been expecting a different answer because they immediately looked annoyed as Mr. Anderson just sat there.

“Ok at best?”, The Guru replied.

“Yes ok at best”, I repeated as Mr. Anderson shot at quick glance at Guru before speaking.

“Looking at the report, we received from Mr. Douglas, he seems to think that “The show went down really well”, “According to his ratings he gave the Matt Sparrow 4 way win a “D”, the tag title match a “D+”, The Cali Dragons vs. Rich and Famous a “D –“The Xtreme Title match and the Remmy Skye win both received a “C” grade while the Main Event received a D+, overall he thought the show was a “C” grade. I sat there a moment gathering my thoughts before speaking.

“Well sir, while Mr. Douglas may be respected, I saw a few problems”, I responded.

“Like what?” was the response from Dylan.

“Looking at the show as a whole, if this was a “House Show” , where having feuds build up really did not matter, having a show of just matches would be ok, but this is not the case Mr. Anderson.” I told the group.

“What do you mean, Charles?” Mr. Anderson asked.

“You have one show a month, and you give each of these shows a name, like Revolution. In most fans minds that means, each show is to be special. How are we to build interest in these matches if you only have one show a month?” I asked.

“Our fans have seemed to get behind us”, The Guru stated.

“I bet you have the same fans coming to the shows month after month. If you want to build a bigger audience you need more then one show a month. The people who are not die hard fans of your company have other interests so they will forget who got what title shot and who get the next one, if we only have one show a month”, I told them.

“Charles, I see where your coming from but we can not afford to hold more then one show a month”, Mr. Anderson responded.

“Mr. Anderson, you can’t afford to hold more then one show a month, because you put everyone on it”, I responded.

“Anything else, Charles?”, Guru asked.

“Speaking of the show, how are we suppose to build from month to month if all we have are matches? If this was a normal house show like TCW or SWF have this would be fine as we would have tv shows to build feuds on with interviews, attacks and other non wrestling angles, but since we do not have a show like TCW or SWF we need to build feuds at the events”.

“But, Charles we cater to the fans who come to see wrestling”, Mr. Slide responded.

“And this is why you have only have a small market in the southwest”, I answered. “If we don’t build feuds and story lines, you will not grow. The average wrestling fan needs to cheer the good guys and hate the bad guys; story lines, angles, and interviews help do this”. I continued. Mr. Anderson sat in his chair and thought for a moment before putting his hands together on the table.

“So, we need to sacrifice our core audience to build a larger one?” Mr. Anderson responded.



Wednesday Week 1 January 2010


I walked into the office and sat down to my computer. What I saw next concerned me but delighted me at the same time.


Jack Bruce hurt

News has come in that SWF Superstar Jack Bruce sustained a back injury last night during their show. Early reports are a bit sketchy as viewers will know; Bruce was not seen on the show last night. Sources say that Bruce will be out three months.


As I turned away from my computer, Mr. Anderson was standing behind me.

“Charles I would like to talk to you”, he said as he sat down.

“Sir boss, what’s up”

“Charles, I know yesterday we asked you about what you thought of the show and you told us. After thinking about it last night, and even though I don’t like it I will let you tryout your idea on the next show”. Mr. Anderson said to me.

“Thank You sir, but for these ideas to truly work we need to have a show sooner then next month”. I said in response.

“That maybe a little hard but let me call the Snake Pit and see what I can do”, Mr. Anderson answered back.

“Also, I want to hire some more workers”, I asked.

“Hold on their, Charles, see what you can do with this current roster then come talk to me”, Mr. Anderson responded.

“Ok sir”.

“Also Charles, I want to talk to you about the thing I want you to achieve while you are here”, Mr. Anderson said to me as I sat waiting at the table. “You need to help us increase our bottom line. At the start of the year, before “Revolution”, we had a balance of one hundred thousand dollars…I want you to double that in the next two years.

“Ok, fine”, I said without blinking.

“Now that this is out of the way, tell me about some of the plans you have for CZCW”, Mr. Anderson asked.

“Well sir, as I said we need to build interest in our matches and to do this we need to add some non-wrestling parts, interviews to start”, I said.

“I still am not comfortable with this but ok”, Mr. Anderson said in response.

“Lets start with our current Coastal Zone Champion, Fox Mask. Last week he beat Donnie J. to retain the title. Now remember how I said that you put everyone on the roster in Revolution? You did except one… James Prudence.” I told Mr. Anderson. “Now your Tag title match last week had the Shoot Club retaining against Going Coastal. Shoot Club I have no problem with, now Going Coastal saw California Love Machine walk out of Jeremiah Moose, there is another idea. Finally you had Insane Machine defeat Masked Cougar for the Xtreme title and I personally think it was the match of the night, book the rematch and there you go,” I said to Mr. Anderson.

“That sure leave out a lot of people”, Mr. Anderson responded.

“The others do not need to be on the card, this is how you save money”, I responded.

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Thursday Week 1 January 2010


I walked into the office and found a note taped to my computer from Mr. Anderson


Charles, I had a family issue that I had to deal with so I will not be in the office the next couple of days. I contacted the Snake Pit and they agreed to let us use the building for extra shows. Since this is your idea, I will let you handle the details.


With that note I began looking through the roster and seeing if we had any scheduling conflicts with our wrestlers working other promotions. As I looked I found two names that might be a problem, Insane Machine and Snap Dragon so I gave our current Xtreme champion a call.



“Hello, Chris how are you doing?”, I opened the call.

“I little tired, but ok”, Chris responded.

“Listen, I wanted to call you because, with taking over the reigns of creative I am trying to get more shows on the books”, I said.

“And you asking me to cut ties with World Level Wrestling to do that”, Chris asked.

“Oh no Chris, I am trying to find dates that would work for all involved so you can keep your commitments to W.L.W.” I told him. “According to my paperwork, your shows with them are Sundays and Tuesdays while you also have an event scheduled for next Wednesday”.

“And I like to use Wednesdays as a travel day”, Chris interrupted.

“That is fine”, I said. “I still have to call Snap Dragon, but what about Friday Week 3 for this tentative date?”, I continued.

“If this happens, I want you to pick up the cost back to the States for the show”, Chris told me.

“We will get to that when the time comes, but thank you for saying you will do this”, I said as I hung up the phone. I penciled in Insane Machine as a go for the date, before proceeding to deal the Dragon.


Hello you know who you have called or you would not have dialed this number. Please leave your message and I will get back to you. If this is about a potential booking, please leave that information in the message, thank you.


“Hello This is Mr. Johnson from Coastal Zone and I am calling because we are wanting to add a smaller second show tentatively scheduled for Friday Week 3 every month. This call is to see if that date would be a problem with your M.P.W.F. shows. Call me back and I hope this works out”.


After I hung up the phone, I proceeded to make a rough sketch of what I wanted the first show to look like before heading home.


Fox Mask speaks

James Prudence interrupts

C.L.M. vs. Jonnie Perez

C.L.M. taunts Moose

Recap of Machine vs. Cougar

Cougar vs. Machine Title rematch

Recap of Mask, Prudence open

Fox Mask vs. James Prudence


Friday Week 1 January 2010


With Mr. Anderson, taking the day off, I decided to do the same; confirming the date for the Snake Pit as well as getting a message from Snap agreeing to the date.


Saturday Week 1 January 2010


I made it to the office and began checking the news reports from Wrestling Insider Magazine.


New champion in TCW

This past Tuesday a new champion was crowned in Aaron Andrews as he became the new All Action champion defeating Edd Stone for the title.


Golden Canvas Grappling are moving up in the world

The World Wrestling Council, the W.W.C for short have granted Golden Canvas Grappling the status of “Cult” after taking in their shows this week. The approval of the W.W.C. is something that all wrestling companies look for as they strive to provide the best wrestling in the world.


New Signings for SWF and BHOTWG

It appears that Thunder Hike and Roger Cage have found new homes. Hike has signed a written deal with Burning Hammer while Cage has signed a new deal with SWF. Terms of either deal are being kept quiet.


PPV deals

Companies can not grow without exposure. To help gain exposure United States Pro Wrestling has recently signed a Pay per view deal with U – Demand, while 21CW signed with UK – 1. Not to be left out SOTBPW came to terms with Rivera Pay Television.


“So Charles, how is the new show coming along?” Mr. Anderson asked.

“It’s all set for Friday Week 3 January 2010. If this goes well I want to make this a monthly thing”. I told him.

“One thing we need to remember is that the Networks will begin looking for new shows to fill there Summer line up. Currently CZCW Coast to Coast is not on air, but if we do well enough we may get a Network to buy in”, Mr. Anderson told me. As Mr. Anderson, left to go work on other things I began writing the preview for the Week 3 January show.


Are you bored waiting each month for that one Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling show? Do you need more wrestling action in your life? If you answered yes, join Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling at the Snake Pit this Week 3 January 2010 as your CZCW favorites will be there.


Scheduled to appear:

CZCW champion Fox Mask

California Love Machine

Little Miss Sunshine

Witness the rematch for the Xtreme title as Masked Cougar attempts to get his belt back from Insane Machine.

All this and much more

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Question Time




So this is the first week. Like it, don't like it. As this diary is coming from my point of view I am thinking to present it as if I was there. I currently plan to continue with the "backstage, behind the curtain day to day feel". This means longer times between posts and slower game play.


If people want or if people think it will provide a better reading experience I can do a "less of a behind the curtain experience and just do bits and pieces of information through the W.I.M.


That would post like this (I think)

Day of show post


Day after show

Preview of next show



with any major impact pieces through out present by the W.I.M. as shown above (so and so signs, title changes) Maybe even do my signings, and resigns as W.I.M. and not give the backstage details (Wrestler X not resigning, Wrestler Y resigns).


Thoughts, questions, comments. Also later on down the line I may have, Charles or some one else do like in character Q & A pieces (you send in questions, we answer). Enough writing before this gets really long and boring.


Thanks for comments

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Good Luck


CZCW isn't too hard to move up slowly, but because most of your popular/best workers get snatched within the first 12-18 months it's really hard to build anything substantial.


Looking forward to seeing what you do as I've struggled with The Zoners in the past.

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Sunday Week 1 January 2010


With some time off I decided to go on a road trip


Monday Week 2 January 2010


As I woke up in my hotel room, I spent the day taking in the sites before heading off to the Theatre of Dreams.


Tuesday Week 2 January 2010


I arrived at the Theatre of Dreams in the morning for the nights Total Championship Wrestling show. As I stepped out of the car I dialed Mr. Anderson.

“Mr. Anderson, it’s Charles. I am currently standing in the Theatre of Dreams parking lot”, I told him.

“What are you doing there?” he asked me.

“You told me to take some time off, so that is what I am doing. Total Championship Wrestling has a show here tonight”, I said.

“Does anyone from T.C.W. know your there?” he asked.

“No” I said as I walked around the parking lot. As I continued to walk the lot I was spotted by a couple of security guards.

“Sir, may we ask what you are doing here?” the black shirts questioned.

“Mr. Anderson, I will call you later”, I told him as I hung up the phone.

“I have an appointment with Mr. Cornell”, I lied. One of the black shirts took his radio out and called for Mr. Cornell to check if I had an appointment. As I stood there, Mr. Cornell told the security that he would be right out to see what was going on. After ten minutes of waiting with the security Mr. Cornell appeared.

“Who is this?” Mr. Cornell asked the security.

“He claims to have an appointment with you”, they told him.

“Hello Mr. Cornell just a moment of you time”, I quickly said. “My visit is two fold. One I wanted to see your show tonight, and two I am serving as the new “Head of Creative” for Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling and I wanted to see if we could work together.

“That is a Cliff Anderson promotion right, son”, Cornell asked me.

“Yes sir”, I replied.


“Charles” I interjected.

“Listen Charles, I have a show to get ready for but give your contact information to the guards here and I will get back to you if it works for us”. Cornell said. As Cornell left I quickly wrote down the information, Mr. Cornell would need and handed it to the guard who originally radioed in for him.

“All right lets go”, the other guard said as they quickly ushered me off the lot. Later on that night I was able to get my ticket and watch the show. The opening match of the night had the International champion, Joshua Taylor defeat Giant Tuna in an ok match as Taylor showed why he is a champion having no problem with Tuna tonight. The next match was fine, but I still can not figure out why Robert Oxford would go over someone like Chance Fortune. Oxford is a nice guy to have on the roster but at forty-nine he should be the one putting over Fortune. Last Week Brent Hill went over Charlie Thatcher in a six man, so this week it was Thatcher looking for revenge. Sorry Charlie that revenge will have to wait as Hill continued his winning ways. Another man looking for revenge was Joel Bryant as he lost to Koshiro Ino last week in an entertaining match. This week it was a six man as Ino had Danny Fonzarelli and Benny Benson in his corner while Bryant enlisted the help of Texas Pete and John Anderson. In this match Ino and Bryant were apart most of the match as Benny Benson picked up the win for his team over Texas Pete. The next match had the insane Eddie Peak take on Ricky Dale Johnson. Peak was wild and relentless tonight against Ricky Dale Johnson who the crowd was solidly behind, even bleeding RDJ showed skill as the vet used the tricks he learned to pick up a nice victory, showing Peak that he is not quite ready for the big time. Tonight’s main event was a six man tag between Joey Minnesota, Rocky Golden and Bryan Vessey taking on Tommy Cornell, Troy Tornado and Wolf Hawkins. This six man came about as a result of Cornell’s victory over Minnesota last week, and Vessey victory over Tornado. This match was a good main event as all six mixed it up, this week though Minnesota got a small measure of revenge as he took out Cornell’s prize student Wolf Hawkins. Overall the show was really good and I can’t wait to see what they do in the future.


Wednesday Week 2 January 2010


I began my trip back to the office

Thursday Week 2 January 2010


I continued my trip back making random stops to enjoy the sites


Friday Week 2 January 2010


Making it back to the area I decided to go home and relax for the day

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Saturday Week 2 January 2010


Getting back to the office after an extended break, I had a note from Mr. Anderson to see him. Once I put my things away I walked into his office, where he was sitting behind his desk.

“So how did you like your trip to T.C.W.?”, Anderson asked.

“It was an interesting experience, as I witnessed things we could use for Coastal Zone”, I responded. Anderson folded his hands in front of him on the desk,

“Charles, while you were gone I received a phone call from Total Championship Wrestling and Mr. Cornell”

“So he called”, I said.

“He said he liked your passion that you approached him with, a bit unusual but he liked it”, Anderson stated. “He also told me that he would like to form a partnership with us”, Anderson continued.

“Cool”, I randomly said.

“That is all I have, Charles remember that the first Coast to Coast event is on Friday, I hope everything is in line for the show”, Anderson said to me as he started reading some paperwork.

I went back to my computer and found a article from the folks at Wrestling Insider Magazine about 5 Star Supreme Wrestling out of Japan.


Is 5 Star Supreme back?

Thanks to their sold out show entitled “Black Ranks Swell” the World Wrestling Council has labeled them is Regional promotion. “Black Ranks Swell” was by far their best attendance mark of the year, but only time will tell if they can keep that going.


Hell has frozen over in SWF

This past week at Supreme Wrestling Federation pay per view “When Hell Freezes Over” Eric Eisen some how retained the World Heavyweight title against Rich Money. Many fans and insiders attribute this win to the fact that he is the youngest son of the boss.


Sunday Week 2 January 2010

I walked into the office with only days before our next event. As I checked the computer I found the results of North of the Border Pro Wrestling and their latest pay per view.


NOTBPW Big City Brawl

Erik Strong defeated Flash

Lauren Easter defeated Sally Anne Christianson

R.K. Hayes defeated Tim Westbrook

Lord James King defeated Julian Watson

John Maverick defeated Omar Brown

Mighty Cavanagh defeated Canadian Dragon

Sean Mcfly defeated Derek Frost

Kristabel Plum retained the Women’s title over Melody

Stone Siblings defeated Can-Am Blondes

Steve Decolt defeated Dark Angel to retain the Canadian title


Supreme Wrestling Federation gains a new member

Supreme Wrestling Federation, gained a new member today as Roger Cage officially joined the company leaving behind New York City Wrestling.


Monday Week 3 January 2010

I walked into the office today and immediately called The Snake Pit to make sure things were in order.

“Hello”, Doug the owner began

“Hello, Doug, this is Charles from Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling how are things going?” I asked.

“Well, so far”, Doug responded.

“Listen, I wanted to call and make sure everything is on track for Friday”, I told him.

“The ring is still set up from your last show Mr. Johnson,” Doug told me.

“That’s great, we should be in Friday morning”, I told him. As I hung up the phone, Mr. Anderson came by

“How are we doing?”

“Good, though I am running out of things to do as I am really just waiting for the show”, I told him.

“Take the day off if you want then”, Anderson advised me.

“I think I will tomorrow”, I told him as I left.


Tuesday Week 2 January 2010


I took the day off as Mr. Anderson asked


Wednesday Week 2 January 2010


I walked into the office and was met by Mr. Anderson

“Charles I e-mailed the roster and asked them to come to the Snake Pit tomorrow as I want to hold a roster meeting”, Anderson told me.

I went to my computer and reposted the preview for Friday’s show


Are you bored waiting each month for that one Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling show? Do you need more wrestling action in your life? If you answered yes, join Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling at the Snake Pit this Week 3 January 2010 as your CZCW favorites will be there.


Scheduled to appear:

CZCW champion Fox Mask

California Love Machine

Little Miss Sunshine

Witness the rematch for the Xtreme title as Masked Cougar attempts to get his belt back from Insane Machine.

All this and much more


After I was finished posting the preview I left the office and went home to prep for Friday.


Thursday Week 3 January 2010


I made it to the Snake Pit around ten a.m. where Mr. Anderson, Dlyan Slide and The Guru were talking.

“Hello guys”, I said. Mr. Anderson said something to Skye and then came over to me.

“I want to get the show going, and I am sure the fans do as well”, I told Anderson.

“Soon Charles, remember networks will be asking for shows to fill their Summer lineups next month. As the rest of the roster arrived Mr. Anderson motioned me to the front of the room.

“Hello everyone and welcome to the Snake Pit for a special meeting”, Anderson began. “You know Mr. Slide and the Guru. Now I don’t know how many of you know this man, but starting with tomorrow’s show he will become the “Head of Creative”, Mr. Johnson. I waited for a few moments and then began to speak to the group.

“Hello to all, my name is Mr. Johnson now some of you may remember me from my time helping to run the Coastal Resort. I was brought to Coastal Zone as the “Head of Creative” to help bring this company to the next level”. I heard a couple of cheers from the crowd as I continued, “This change will not be easy but it is necessary to make these changes if we want to expand, I said”. At this point the champion Fox Mask raised his hand.

“What do you hope to accomplish here at CZCW?” Mask asked.

“First I want to put on more events then just one a month, second I want to expand the roster, but my ultimate goal is to get us on television. As I said this will be a long hard road but with your help we can get through it together.


Friday Week 3 January 2010

I made it to the Snake Pit the morning of the show and came across some interesting news.


Legendary Stone parents gone from North of the Border

Today marks an important day in pro wrestling as Dan Stone and his wife Victoria have decided to leave the company. Dan Stone Jr. has become the new owner of the company immediately, no word yet on his Stone wants as his “Head Booker”.


As I stood around waiting for the show, James Prudence came up to me,

“I personally think you are going to do well here, as you are the type of person CZCW needs”, he told me.

“Thanks James as I said yesterday it will be a long hard road but if you stick by me we can achieve new heights”, I said as the show started.

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CZCW Coast to Coast

Week 3 January 2010

The Snake Pit

Attendance: 732


As I took my seat, Mr. Douglas took a seat next to me again for our first hour long Coast to Coast event. Our Coast to Coast show started with the CZCW Champion Fox Mask in the ring. Mask had the title belt over his right shoulder and a microphone in his left hand. Mask started by saying how much CZCW means to him, then he talked about the title and finally moved to his opponent last week Donnie J. thanking him for the good match in front of the best fans in the world which received a small pop. At this point James Prudence and Rita Charles came to the ring and began by talking about the promotion and its most popular wrestler, himself. At this point he climbed into the ring and asked Fox Mask why his former partner Donnie J, received a title shot while he and Rita were left off the show. Prudence then asked the champion that if he thinks he is the best the company has to offer why not face him tonight. The champion finally agreed to the match if that would get Prudence to shut up.


I thought they did well with the segment as Prudence does make a valid point but the crowd seemed dead for it. Next it was time for the first match of the night as California Love Machine with Little Miss Sunshine took on Jonnie Perez.


California Love Machine vs. Jonnie Perez


Tonight the young Perez looked out of his league because as soon as the bell sounded C.L.M. was on him with clotheslines and a couple of suplexes. Machine just toyed with Perez knowing that he was better then his opponent, even taking timeout to chat with Sunshine at ringside. Even though he was out classed Perez fought back with everything he had briefly taking control of the match to the shock and dismay of C.L.M. The advantage was short lived however as C.L.M. regrouped and finished off “The Dirty Dog” with the L.A.X. Departure at the 8:06 mark.




Post match C.L.M. called for the house microphone ordering Perez to get out of the ring as he motioned for Sunshine to join him. Once he had the microphone he proceeded to inform the crowd how go he is and how much his former partner Jeremiah Moose was holding him back. He proceeded to taunt his former partner as the crowd just sat on their hands. C.L.M. ended this by just dropping the microphone and leaving.


Even though the crowd seemed bored with it, I can see a progression here and hopefully the fans of Coastal Zone will find it as well. After C.L.M. and Sunshine left the ring, a video recap of last week’s Xtreme Title match between Masked Cougar and the new champion, Insane Machine were shown. After the video it was time for the rematch as Masked Cougar came to the ring first, followed by the champion Insane Machine



CZCW Xtreme Title

Insane Machine© vs. Masked Cougar


Both men stood on opposite sides of the ring and stared at each other as the bell sounded. As they locked up, Cougar gained the early advantage with an arm wringer followed by a quick kick to the face. As Machine stumbled back Cougar hit a clothesline and followed it up with a nice flying forearm as Machine made it back to his feet. A small cheer went up for the challenger as he started on fire. Cougar looked to be in control of the match looking to end it early only to miss a Cougar Pounce as the champ rolled out of the way at the last second! This allowed the champion to take control with a series of elbows and kicks, knocking Cougar for a loop with a sick spinning back fist. As Cougar stumbled around Machine connected with the Termination Kick sending the former champion down in a heap to pick up the victory and retain the title tonight in 11:43.


It was an ok match but definitely not up the level of their previous match at Revolution. After the match a video piece played recapping the earlier issue between CZCW champion Fox Mask and James Prudence. These video recaps always seem to look better on tv. Now it was time for the main event as it was Fox Mask vs. James Prudence.




Fox Mask vs. James Prudence


As the bell sounded, Prudence left the ring and taunted a couple of fans at ringside. This only served to annoy the champion who jumped out of the ring and slammed his head on the barrier as Rita jumped out of the way. Mask pounded down Prudence on the outside with punches as the crowd cheer on the champion. Mask attempted to send James into the ring steps to only have it reversed causing Fox Mask to crash into the stairs. Prudence immediately climbed into the ring to escape Mask. Prudence taunted the champ to get into the ring, and once he did Prudence rained down with punches to the head to keep the champion from getting back to his feet. Prudence shot Mask into the ropes only to miss a clothesline and be hit with a high knee by the champion. Mask sent Prudence into the ropes and connected with a fallaway slam sending Prudence crashing to the mat. The champ seeing things going his way jumped to the top and waited for Prudence to get to his feet. Mask leaped off the top and connected with a cross body only to have Prudence roll through, hook the tights and pick up the 1, 2, 3 to the displeasure of the crowd at the 15:26 mark.




Overall I thought it was a good night, I got a the bell rolling on a few things I wanted to do but only time will tell as we head into Vendetta on Monday Week 1 February 2010 with a win over the champion, Prudence makes a strong case to be the number 1 contender.

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Saturday Week 3 January 2010


When I walked into the office, Mr. Anderson was standing by my desk with a piece of paper in his hand. I walked up to my desk and put my things down.

“Hello sir”, I said.

“Charles, here in my hand are some notes from last night”, Mr. Anderson said as he looked at the paper.

“Show started off on the wrong foot, crowd looks bored, what’s with all videos and interviews”, Anderson said obviously displeased. “On top of that according to Mr. Douglas we did worse on this show then the last one”. I took a deep breath before speaking.

“Mr. Anderson, you appointed me to take Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling to the next level, correct?” I asked. “You asked me to help you compete against SWF and TCW didn’t you?” I continued.

“That is correct, Mr. Johnson but I did not hire you to ruin my company”, Mr. Anderson said.

“This is be a long and hard process I know”, but you have to trust me on this”, I asked him. Anderson just shook his head yes, without saying anything. “Great”, I said sitting at my desk. “We have Vendetta in nine days, and here is what I have so far”, I began. “With James Prudence’s win last night over Fox Mask, he will get a title shot. I want California Love Machine to face Jeremiah Moose. With the Cali Dragons defeating Rich and Famous at Revolution, they get the Tag title shot at Shoot Club”, I told Anderson.

“That’s ok, but what about Skye, Sparrow, Donnie J.?”, Anderson asked.

“Sparrow won the 4 way, while Skye beat Mr. Air Attack at Revolution so they can face off, while Insane Machine can defend the Xtreme title against the partner of the man he just beat Snap Dragon”, I told Anderson.

“This better be good”, Anderson said before leaving. So after Anderson left I went to my computer and wrote up the preview of Vendetta.


Hello Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling fans. If you were at the Snake Pit last night you witnessed James Prudence non title victory over the champion Fox Mask. With the victory Prudence will receive a title shot against Mask at Vendetta. Can Prudence get the win when it really matters this time? Along with that title match what will happen when former partners collide as Jeremiah Moose takes on California Love Machine. This at much more as Coastal Zone Combat Wrestling presents Vendetta!


Scheduled for Vendetta 2010


Coastal Zone Championship

Fox Mask© vs. James Prudence


Xtreme Title

Insane Machine© vs. Snap Dragon


Tag Team Titles

Shoot Club© vs. Cali Dragons


Former Partners Collide

California Love Machine vs. Jeremiah Moose


Matt Sparrow vs. Remmy Skye


Sunday Week 3 January 2010


I decided to stay home and get things done around the house


Monday Week 4 January 2010


I walked into the office and found a note taped to my computer that said “Call Mikey James Immediately!” Seeing the note I assumed it was from Mr. Anderson, so I immediately called Mikey James.

“Hello”, Mikey responded.

“Hey, Dragon it’s Charles”. I said

“What’s up”

“Listen I am calling, because I just walked into the office and there is a note in bold letters that states that I need to call you. Is everything ok?” I asked.

“Everything is fine” Mikey responded as I was looking through e-mails, trying to find anything on this note. As I clicked on my last e-mail I found what I was looking for.

“Mikey, I am reading an article from the W.I.M. saying that you signed with New York City Wrestling”. Their was a long pause on the other end before Mikey spoke again.

“It’s only for an appearance deal”, Mikey finally told me.

“You are going to be at Vendetta, right. Remember I have you and Frankie in the tag title match against Shoot Club”, I said worried.

“I will be there”, Mikey stated. “Is that all”, he asked me.

“Yes Dragon, I just wanted to clear things up”, I told him and hung up the phone. I continued to look through notes and noticed that Totoya Munakata had a really bad day as he was called up to the main roster in P.G.H.W. only to be fired later that day.


Tuesday Week 4 January 2010


I woke up and called Mr. Anderson. I told him that I planed to work from home today as I wanted to relax and get ready for next week’s show. Later that night I had a wide range of shows to watch be it SWF, TCW, or the United States Pro Wrestling Stars, Stars and Slams pay per view. I flipped between all three and watched wrestling all night. In SWF I watched Brandon James retain the North American title over Bart Biggz, Rocky Golden go over Troy Tornado as well as The Force retain the TV title over Anger, and In the pay per view main event, Enygma defeated Jumbo Jackson to keep the World title. It was a fun night in my opinion.


Wednesday Week 4 January 2010


As I came to the office I was met by The Guru.

“So how are you doing?” Guru asked me.

“Ok, I guess I have a plan for Vendetta, but I really need to start thinking for long term plans”, I said.

“It will take some time but you will do fine”, Guru said as Anderson walked up.

“Hello, Mr. Anderson”, I said.

“Hi Charles, ready for Vendetta?” Anderson asked.

“Things look good, Mr. Anderson”, I said. “Five matches planed, four of have strong storylines and the fifth match I think will work out well”.


Thursday Week 4 January 2010


Pittsburgh Steel Wrestling Clampdown from the Ministry PSW held Clampdown from a sold out Ministry. The show was headlined by Frankie Future who retained the PSW Championship over Ash Campbell in the main event


Dean Daniels Joins the North of the Border Pro Wrestling Staff

When Dan and Victoria Stone stepped down from the North of the Border Pro Wrestling board, Dan Stone Jr. immediately took over the reins of the company as its owner. Now we know that Dean Daniels will join him in the company as the “Head Booker”. Only time will tell how this will affect the company.


Friday Week 4 January 2010


I walked into the office as Mr. Anderson was grabbing his jacket from the back of his chair.

“Lets go”, Anderson said as he walked past me.

“Where are we going”, I asked.

“I have a plane waiting for us to go to the Rip Chord Invitational” Anderson informed me. So we went to the plane that was waiting for us. We finally made it to Stanley Hall for the show and took our seats. It was a great night in front of a sold out crowd with American Patriot defeating Casey Valentine, Citizen X and finally Ricky Douglas to win the Rip Chord Invitational for the second time. After the show we took the flight back to the offices.


Saturday Week 4 January 2010


I stayed home after being at the Rip Chord Invitational to put the finishing touches on Vendetta. As I relaxed at home, I received a call from Jackpot Jordan.

“Hello”, Jackpot began.

“What can I do for you today Jackpot?” I asked.

“I have a concern, that myself and Jakki are a bad fit. I think Jake and I need a younger manager to work with us”, Jordan informed me.

“I am hoping that I will get the ok to hire more people”, I told Jordan.

“I also noticed that I am not scheduled to work Vendetta”, Jordan said.

“This is true, Jackpot. Just taking my position I want to see how others do, as well as save a little bit of money at the same time. If I can successful do that I can hire others and give you more people to beat”, I told him.

“Ok”, was Jackpot’s only word.

“I will see you backstage Monday” I told him before hanging up the phone.


Sunday Week 4 January 2010


I came into the office and immediately made a phone call to the Snake Pit.

“Hello” Doug began

“Hello Doug, this is Mr. Johnson from Coastal Zone”.

“Yes, Mr. Johnson how are you today?” Doug asked.

“Fine, I am calling to make sure the building is ready for us tomorrow”, I told him.

“It’s just as you guys left it”, Doug said.

“We will see you tomorrow then”, I said as I ended the call. Mr. Anderson came up to me after the call.

“You have been here a month, and you have had growing pains as well as some good things here in CZCW”, Anderson said.

“Thank you, but I hope to do more here, as we push towards a brighter future”, I told Anderson.

“I need to balance the books so if I don’t see you the rest of the day, I will see you tomorrow at the Snake Pit” Anderson said to me before leaving. I went home for the night, to watch the latest Total Championship Wrestling offering, Malice In Wonderland. Overall it was a good night as Tommy Cornell picked up another win over Joey Minnesota in a really good match, even in a loss Minnesota came out well in the match. In the Main Event Rocky Golden turned back the challenge of Troy Tornado as he did days before to retain the TCW World Heavyweight Title.


Monday Week 1 February 2010


I made it to the Snake Pit where Mr. Anderson, caught up with me.

“Charles, I was going over the books last night and I am happy to report that we turned a profit for your first month”, Anderson told me.

“Great, I want to go over the rundown with the roster before the show,” I said to Anderson as we walked to the make shift locker room. When we walked in I noticed Guru and Dylan talking with some of the talent. I pulled Anderson aside before going to the front.

“We need to cut about fixing the roster”, I said to Anderson.

“I know you want to add more wrestlers”, Anderson whispered to me.

“We need to do more than that”, I said as I walked to the front. At the front of the room I began my short speech.

“Hello all and welcome to Vendetta”, I began. “Tonight I believe we can begin the road to greatness and I believe that starts with tonight’s show. In the coming weeks their will be a few changes to the company, these changes will be for the better”, I told the group as Mr. Anderson gave me a confused look. “Tonight I just wanted to go over the layout of tonight’s show with you all”, I said. “Tonight we will open with a video package highlighting the main event between Prudence and Mask, followed by another video package highlighting the issues between C.L.M. and Moose”, as I said that Dylan Slide was rolling his eyes at me. “We then go into C.L.M. vs. Moose and followed by the Tag Title match between Shoot Club and Cali Dragons. After the Tag Title match, the Xtreme Title match between Snap Dragon and the champion, Insane Machine will take place, followed by Matt Sparrow taking on Remmy Skye. After the Sparrow and Skye match we go to our main event with James Prudence getting a shot at the Championship against Fox Mask. So everyone have a good evening and good luck. As the roster left I handed Anderson the rundown and left the room.

“Hey Charles what’s this?”


Mask vs. Prudence video piece

C.L.M. vs. Moose video piece

C.L.M. vs. Moose

Cali Dragons vs. Shoot Club (Tag Titles)

Cougar and Dragon backstage

Snap Dragon vs. Insane Machine (Xtreme Title)

Matt Sparrow vs. Remmy Skye

Fox Mask vs. James Prudence (CZCW Title)


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CZCW Vendetta 2010

February Week 1 2010

The Snake Pit

Attendance: 793


I took my seat for Vendetta as the show began with the video preview of the main event tonight with Fox Mask defending his title against the man who beat him two weeks ago in James Prudence. After that video package we moved to another video package detailing the story behind Going Coastal with California Love Machine turning his back on his former tag team partner, Jeremiah Moose


California Love Machine vs. Jeremiah Moose


Jeremiah Moose came to the ring first to a small cheer from a group across from me. Moose had a confident and determined look on his face tonight as he waited in the ring for his former partner. C.L.M. came to the ring with Little Miss Sunshine getting booed tonight. As C.L.M. entered the ring he laughed at his opponent, who slapped him for his trouble. Pee-Wee immediately called for the bell as Moose started with a furious attack on Mr. Love Machine. California quickly jumped from the ring to stop the attack as his former partner yelled at him to get back into the ring. As California walked around ringside Pee-Wee began the count, only to be stopped by Moose who yelled at California again to get into the ring. Moose then backed away allowing California to slide into the ring. The two finally locked up with Moose getting the upper hand only for California to resort to dirty tricks to escape Moose. California took control midway through the match working over the legs of Moose to keep him from taking to the air. California looked to have things going his way, even taking time to taunt the fans and talk with Sunshine. That almost cost him tonight as Moose mounted a comeback only to be stopped by Sunshine from the outside allowing California Love Machine to hit the L.A.X. Departure at the 8:06 mark for the win tonight.




After that match it was time for the Tag Title match as Shoot Club was scheduled to take on The Cali Dragons. The Dragons beat Rich and Famous at Revolution last month so the Creative team decided to give them the title shot tonight. The challengers came to the ring first getting a decent cheer from the crowd tonight, followed by Al Coleman and Marc Speed otherwise known as Shoot Club to a flat reaction.




Shoot Club© vs. The Cali Dragons


The match started off with Marc Speed and Mikey James in the ring. Speed gained the early advantage keeping James on the mat to avoid the lethal kicks from James. The tag champions showed great team work keeping James in their half of the ring early on. This match looked to be a run of the mill title defense until all chaos broke lose as Speed misfired with a kick to the face and blasted his own partner allowing James to make the hot tag to Frankie Perez to cheers from the crowd. Perez cleaned house of both Speed and Coleman leading to Mikey James Dragon Whip on Coleman and the 1, 2, 3 at the 14:38 mark.




The match was ok, and I am even hearing some cheers from the crowd, I have Mr. Douglas next to me questioning the decision and the match. As the Cali Dragons were talking to some fans at ringside, Snap Dragon and Masked Cougar were shown talking backstage about how dangerous Insane Machine can be. Dragon told Cougar that he would be fine and that he would get the title back for the team before walking to the ring.


CZCW Xtreme Title

Insane Machine© vs. Snap Dragon


As Snap Dragon waited in the ring for his opponent, Machine walked to the ring to a few boos from the crowd. The mask keeping any reaction from the champion hidden tonight. Machine climbed into the ring and stood there as the bell sounded. The two locked up with Dragon trying to get the upper hand with punches and kicks but Machine just stood there and pushed the challenger away. Dragon charged at the champion only to be met with a dropkick. Machine picked up Dragon and delivered a nice backbreaker. Machine was in control and looked to make Dragon tap with a Furusawa Arm Bar but the challenger would not give up. The tide began to turn as Machine whipped Dragon into the corner only to miss a charging shoulder causing the champ’s shoulder to smack with a loud thud. Dragon grabbed at Machine and climbed to the top snapping off a nice tornado DDT! Both men where down as Pee – Wee started the ten count... Dragon made it up first at the count of seven with the help of the ropes, as Machine made it to his feet he was greeted with a flying forearm from the challenger to the delight of some in the crowd. Dragon took control of the match and looked to have everything going his way, even hitting his Dragon’s Breath finisher for a two count to the dismay of the crowd! Dragon slowly got to his feet and waited for the champion to stand only to miss a thrust kick and leave himself open for the Termination Kick by the champion, allowing Insane Machine to get the win at the 23:25 mark.




The match was good I think it allowed Insane Machine to build up on his character while giving Dragon a good test tonight. The next match is the Bird Man Matt Sparrow vs. the high flyer Remmy Skye. I can not wait for this one. Both men came to the ring getting cheers from the crowd tonight as both men shook hands as the bell sounded


Matt Sparrow vs. Remmy Skye


Remmy Skye immediately went behind Sparrow with a hammerlock only to quickly snap off a german suplex to the surprise of the bird man. Sparrow returned to his feet and locked up again with Skye who hit a nice bodyslam and dropkick as Sparrow attempted to get to his feet. Sparrow quickly slid out of the ring to regroup as Skye played to the crowd a bit. At the count of eight Sparrow climbed back into the ring and locked up for a third time with Skye. This time it was Sparrow was gained the advantage with a succession of kicks followed by a clothesline knocking Remmy to the mat. Sparrow then bounced off the ropes and connected with a sweet basement dropkick as he played to the crowd. Sparrow pulled Skye to his feet who wildly missed with a right hand as Sparrow turned it into a backslide for two. Skye got to his feet only to be met with a leg lariat. Feeling good Sparrow stalked Skye and as Skye made it to his feet hooked him up and hit the Bird Brain Buster! Sparrow then instead of going for the pin climbed to the top rope. While on the top he played to the fans and then leaped only to miss the moonsult as Skye rolled out of the way! Skye seeming to get a second wind sprinted to the top rope and waited as Sparrow slowly got back to his feet connecting with the Skye Diver for the 1, 2, 3, at the 21:30 mark.




Overall we had an ok show I thought, but now it was time for the main event of the night as James Prudence looked to gain the CZCW Title from Fox Mask. First out tonight was the challenger James Prudence with Rita Charles. As he made his way to the ring he taunted the fans and talked with Rita. Next Fox Mask came to the ring.


CZCW Championship

Fox Mask© vs. James Prudence


As the bell sounded both men came face to face. Prudence fired the first shot slapping the champion, who retaliated with a palm thrust to the face. Mask then whipped James into the corner connecting with a handspring back elbow, and a belly to belly suplex as Prudence slowly walked out of the corner. Mask had everything going early tonight, looking to get revenge for the loss he suffered at the last show, but Prudence was able to turn it around with the help of Rita who jumped on the ring apron to distract him allowing Prudence to knee the champion in the back and follow it up with a Russian legsweep for a two count. Prudence took over the match and beat Mask from pillar to post but Mask would not stay down even after being hit with a Surf’s Up. Prudence proceeded to yell at the ref and as Fox Mask charged James, the champion drove the challenger into Pee –Wee who tumbled outside of the ring in front of Rita. With Prudence down, Fox Mask climbed to the top rope when out of nowhere Brandon Smith came out of the crowd and threw him off the top rope, crashing into the ring. Smith climbed into the ring as the crowd booed lifting the champion up and dropping him with a tombstone piledriver! Smith left the ring as Rita shoved Pee – Wee back into the ring. Prudence coming to covered Mask as Pee – Wee counted 1, 2, 3!




As the match ended the new champion, James Prudence threw Pee – Wee out of the ring. Prudence, and Smith continued to attack Fox Mask until Donnie J. came out to the ring and chased off the two as the show ended.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Deciding to end this




Some will say that why quit your only a couple of months in.


I went away on vacation for a few days (went to the smackdown in KY.) well in coming back, I just can not get back into this diary. The roster is fine, but I think it has to do with the way I started writing it up (the day by day thing is just not working right now.)


Plus in playing this I have decided that I want to try a 0/0/0 game with C-Verse. Learn by trial and error I guess and I hope anyone who read this will continue to follow me as this is a great game.

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