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Ring of Honor 2012 - Following the Summer of Punk

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OOC: This will be an ROH diary starting at the beginning of 2012 in the aftermath of the extended summer of punk 2 period which is the basis for the back-story rather than just randomly starting in 2012.


The Summer of Punk (2005)

(Adapted and altered from a PWTorch report)


After CM Punk's awesome feud with Samoa Joe in 2004, Mick Foley, an occasional ROH performer at the time, recommended to WWE that they hire both men. Joe chose TNA over WWE, which allowed him to continue wrestling for ROH until ROH phased out using TNA talent (other than as occasional guest stars) in 2007. Meanwhile, Punk signed a WWE developmental contract in the spring of 2005.


ROH announced that Punk's last match before joining WWE would be at Death before Dishonor III in Morristown, New Jersey on June 18 2005, and that he would be challenging Austin Aries for the ROH World Title after a long pursuit of said title within the promotion.


The context of this match is important to understanding the angle. The fact that the show was called Death before Dishonor III deliberately recalled the first Death before Dishonor show, two years earlier in Elizabeth, New Jersey. On that show, Paul London wrestled his last ROH match before leaving for WWE, challenging Samoa Joe for the same title in an ultimately losing effort. The parallel was obvious and important because the first Death before Dishonor was a monumental show in ROH history. One of the things it is remembered for is London making an emotional farewell speech and kissing the ROH logo in the ring after the match solidifying his loyalty to the promotion and how they had helped him reach his goal of WWE.


The Death before Dishonor parallel created the expectation that, win or lose, Punk would be making a farewell speech much like London's after the match. Cue the big swerve: Punk won the title from Aries in a fantastic match, Aries grudgingly presented him with the title belt and shook his hand following the code of honour, Punk soaked in an enormous babyface reaction from the crowd and then cut a phenomenal heel promo denouncing the fans and the workers in the back. Punk's promo turned himself from the biggest babyface in ROH to the biggest heel instantly.


During his heel turn promo, Punk announced that he would take the ROH belt with him to WWE. This brought out Christopher Daniels, who had not been seen in ROH since Punk had Kayfabe injured him with a Pepsi Plunge through a table eighteen months earlier as the feud between Punk’s Second City Saints and Daniels’ Prophecy came to a bitter end. Daniels had been the top heel in ROH for the company's first two years, but confronting Punk in this context turned him babyface. The segment ended with Punk fleeing the building to escape Daniels.


This led to a series of shows over the summer of 2005 built around the whole ROH roster chasing Punk to keep him from leaving the promotion with the title. Punk tried to avoid defending the title, but Mick Foley got involved in the storyline and managed to force Punk to defend the title at each of the next three shows. Punk wrestled and defeated Jay Lethal at Sign of Dishonor in Long Island, Roderick Strong at Escape from New York and James Gibson at Fate of an Angel in Woodbridge, Connecticut.


After Punk defeated Gibson at Fate of an Angel, it looked like Punk was about to take the title with him to WWE until Daniels hit the ring and stole the belt. This drew Punk into wrestling Daniels at the next show, The Homecoming in Philadelphia, to get possession of the belt back. The match went to a sixty-minute draw and the show ended ambiguously as to whether Punk would be back.


The next two shows were a weekend double shot, Friday in Dayton, Ohio, and Saturday in Chicago. ROH announced on its website that this really would be Punk's last weekend with the company. In a last ditch effort to get the belt off Punk, he had to face Samoa Joe, Daniels, and Gibson in a Four Corner Elimination Match at Redemption in Dayton. During the match, Punk hit Gibson with a chair while the referee was distracted, causing Gibson to have to be carried to the back. Later, Joe eliminated Daniels and Punk eliminated Joe with a roll-up after Daniels accidentally kicked Joe in the head while trying to interfere on Joe's behalf. This set up Gibson's heroic return to the ring with bloody bandages on his head to finally defeat Punk. After the match, Punk paid respect to Gibson and shook his hand, earning a "Thank you Punk" chant from the crowd and again turning Punk babyface.


Dropping the belt to Gibson in Dayton allowed Punk to say a proper goodbye in his final show, Punk: The Final Chapter, in his home town of Chicago. Punk had always been a babyface in Chicago even when he was a heel in other cities, so wrapping up his heel run the night before was a smart move.


The Summer of Punk II (2011)?


Fast-forward to the modern day and CM Punk is in a very similar situation as he challenges for the WWE Championship against John Cena knowing his WWE contract runs out on exactly the same day and much in the same way vowing to leave the WWE with the belt in his home state of Illinois. Will Punk leave with the WWE Championship throwing the world’s biggest promotion into chaos or will John Cena avoid being fired after Vince McMahon announced he would lose his job is he lost his title.



WWE Presents: Money in the Bank 2011

July 17, 2011

All State Arena

Rosemont, Illinois




Smackdown MITB Ladder Match: Wade Barrett defeated Kane, Daniel Bryan, Sin Cara, Cody Rhodes, Justin Gabriel, Heath Slater and Sheamus

WWE Divas Title: Kelly Kelly retained against Brie Bella

WWE World Heavyweight Title: Randy Orton retained against Christian

WWE Tag Team Titles: New Nexus retained against The Usos

RAW MITB Ladder Match: Rey Mysterio defeated Alberto Del Rio, Kofi Kingston, Alex Riley, R-Truth, The Miz, Evan Bourne and Jack Swagger


And then it was time for the main event as CM Punk challenged for John Cena’s WWE Championship in front of a rabid crowd. Surprisingly the champion came out first to a mixed reception being so close to Punk’s home town. Next up we heard the familiar music of CM Punk as he came out to the ring accompanied not by the New Nexus but by long time friend and former WWE superstar Colt “Scotty Goldman” Cabana as the majority of the crowd were clearly loving Punk.


The match itself was an all out brawl as both men put over the emotion involved in the whole episode between the two and tore the house down before Cena went for the Attitude Adjustment only for Punk to slip off the back and lift him up landing the champion with the Go 2 Sleep. As the crowd sensed the end Punk covered but only got a two so decided to lock in the Anaconda Vise submission as Cena writhed in pain but had the intestinal fortitude to reach the ropes.


As Punk got more and more incensed he started losing his game plan and fell victim to a massive Attitude Adjustment but somehow managed to show heart of his own and kick out before getting to the ropes in an STF.


Both men somehow ended up on the top rope and as it looked like Cena was going to nail an Attitude Adjustment from the top rope Punk pulled off a move he has never pulled off in a WWE ring and landed Cena with his massive Pepsi Plunge (Tope Tope Pedigree) before crawling over and hooking the leg for the 1......2.......3 as we had a NEW WWE Champion.


Cabana got into the ring as a fired John Cena was laid on the mat out cold, Cabana and Punk celebrated before the music of Wade Barrett hit and out came the Smackdown MITB winner.


Barrett announced that he may have had his problems with the WWE in the past but the belt belongs here and he is going to take it from Punk right now. Barrett then cashed in his shot and clotheslined Cabana as the New Nexus then ran down and were taken out by their own mentor only for Barrett to turn around into a massive unprotected chairshot to the head from Punk, a site rarely these days seen but how can you fine someone no longer in your employ.


The referee called for the bell and awarded Barrett the match but as everyone knows titles cannot change hands on a DQ or count out. After this Punk, Nexus and Cabana laid waste to Barrett before the music of RAW MITB winner Rey Mysterio started and Rey ran out to the ring to cash in his shot to make sure Punk did not leave with the belt.


Before the numbers game could catch up with Rey, out ran a flurry of workers from the back including Evan Bourne, Daniel Bryan and Sin Cara as they took care of Nexus and Colt Cabana leaving Punk to Mysterio.


The two went toe to toe showing there is no love lost between the them before Punk fell onto the ropes in a prime position for a 619 only to grab a chair and clock Rey with it causing a disqualification once again just like with Wade.


This time however the music of Vince McMahon hit the PA system and out came the boss to the stage announcing that Punk was not going to get away that easy and this match would continue no DQ.


Rey then once again jumped Punk as all the other men were still brawling around the ring putting him prime for a 619 but as Rey came across Punk ducked out of the ring, grabbed Cabana and headed for the hills through the crowd and out the side door as the commentary team screamed about how Punk had left with the WWE Championship and as of tomorrow is no longer employed by the WWE, wondering just what is going to happen now.


The following day on Twitter CM Punk posted up the following tweet


“Chilling with my buddies @ColtCabana and @theChrisHero drinking a Pepsi and shining up my brand new WWE Championship”


This tweet was replied to with comments about Punk disrespecting the WWE and the legacy of the title by a variety of performers on the roster to which CM Punk replied with just a load of “haha” comments.


Summer of Punk Timeline-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Vince McMahon speaks on WWE Championship situation on Monday Night RAW

By Steve Gerweck


Last night on Monday Night RAW WWE owner Vince McMahon stood in the middle of the ring and extended an offer to CM Punk, Vince proclaimed that if CM Punk doesn’t want to go down as one of the most despicable people in the history of wrestling (yes Vince McMahon used the word wrestling) he will come and hand the title to Vince next week on this show. Vince promised that no one would hurt Punk as long as he just came and gave up the belt and then left.


CM Punk replies to Vince McMahon (Sort of)

By Steve Gerweck


This week on Monday Night RAW there was no appearance from the WWE Champion CM Punk to reply to Vince McMahon, instead his loyal followers David Otunga and Michael McGillicutty came down to the ring and gave a simple statement telling Vince that the word from their saviour is that he will respond to Vince in his own time and in his own way.


CM Punk shocks the world by appearing at independent show with the WWE Championship

By Steve Gerweck


Tonight Ring of Honor presented a show in CM Punk’s hometown of Chicago and to everyone’s surprise as the main event of the show was finishing and Davey Richards and Eddie Edwards were leaving to the back out from the crowd came former Ring of Honor star CM Punk.


Punk entered the ring with the WWE Championship over his shoulder announcing to the crowd that he was the true champion and the two guys they just saw were just pretenders to the crown. Punk talked about what Vince McMahon has been saying in recent weeks before proclaiming that 2005 was dubbed as the “Summer of Punk” but this time it will be much more than that as he will never relinquish the belt. Punk claimed that he was “Straight Edge for Life and would hold this belt for life” before claiming that he had one message for the WWE Universe and one that they should know well enough but never has it been more fitting. He then raised up his hand in a John Cena motion before proclaiming to Vince McMahon “You Can’t See Me!” then shouting before leaving “You want it?.....come get it”


More News on CM Punk situation

By Steve Gerweck


Today on the Ring of Honor website CM Punk has demanded he be given a shot at the ROH World Title held currently by Davey Richards and told officials he is willing to do title for title with the WWE Championship to get what he wants. ROH officials have agreed to the deal and just quite what Vince McMahon and the WWE will think of this remains to be seen.


Elsewhere in the WWE John Cena remains absent from active duty since being fired at the MITB PPV for losing the title to Punk. He is still doing his duty in filming for the upcoming WWE movie “The Marine 3”


Vince addresses CM Punk situation on Monday Night RAW

By Steve Gerweck


Tonight on WWE Monday Night RAW the company owner Vince McMahon announced that is CM Punk wants a war then he has got one. Vince talked about how Punk will be physically defending the belt in an unsanctioned match on a Ring of Honor show and announced a bounty on the head of CM Punk.


Vince told the viewers that he was giving the challenge to all the boys in the back to go to wherever they need to go to win back the belt and bring it back home to where it belongs which prompted Zack Ryder to come down to the ring and announce that the night after Punk fights Davey Richards the Ring of Honor promotion is in New York and he will go to that event and bring home the belt before giving a “Woo Woo Woo, You Know It”.


CM Punk becomes double champion in dramatic match

By Steve Gerweck


Last night at the Ring of Honor event held in New Jersey CM Punk became the first person ever to simultaneously hold the WWE Championship and the Ring of Honor World Title as he defeated Davey Richards after the champion had only held the title for a mere three month period.


The match was not without its controversy as both men gave it their all only for Colt Cabana to shock the fans by turning heel and clocking Richards with a chair behind the referees back allowing Punk to win with the Go 2 Sleep.


Zack Ryder “Iced”

By Steve Gerweck


Tonight at the Ring of Honor live event in New York the first person to try and collect the bounty Vince McMahon put on CM Punk was ultimately unsuccessful as Zack Ryder fell victim to a Go 2 Sleep after a solid 15 minute match allowing Punk to retain the belt.


The real story however came after the match was done as two members of the WWE roster laid out challenges for the October Ring of Honor shows as Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne both want to collect the bounty and win the WWE Championship. Both men are former ROH favourites and will be looking forward to stepping into the ROH ring if only for one night.


Another WWE Challenger to the Punk reign falls

By Steve Gerweck


Tonight at an ROH live event in Dayton, Ohio WWE superstar Even Bourne was the latest person to be defeated trying to collect the bounty put on the head of CM Punk by Vince McMahon. Bourne fared better than Zack Ryder and for a period of time he looked like he might be able to take the belt back to the WWE put Punk somehow pulled out the Go 2 Sleep after 30 minutes of brutal action to retain the belt.


It was not all good for Punk however as ROH president Cary Silkin announced that tomorrow as well as defending the WWE Championship against Daniel Bryan in his hometown of Chicago he would also be going up against El Generico defending his newly won ROH World Title.


CM Punk defies the odds as Generico is betrayed by a friend

By Steve Gerweck


CM Punk tonight defied the odds in front of his home town crowd as he defended both of his belts in gruelling matches. During the first half of the show Punk defeated El Generico to retain the ROH World Title thanks to interference from the now heel Colt Cabana against his long time friend El Generico.


Then later in the evenings main event Punk bested former ROH champion himself Daniel Bryan in a 45 minute classic to retain the WWE Championship. The two showed a mutual respect after the match and shook hands despite the nature of why the match came around in the first place.


Vince McMahon punishes Daniel Bryan for his actions and lays out a warning to CM Punk

By Steve Gerweck


After the events of this weekend Vince McMahon punished Daniel Bryan for shaking the hand of CM Punk at an ROH live event by having him beaten and battered in a two on one encounter against Sheamus and Mark Henry.


After this was over Vince announced that as it was now October and Punk had held the belt in his possession since July then the game was being stepped up. Vince announced he had been in contact with ROH president Cary Silkin and an agreement was in place for later this month CM Punk to face a gauntlet of superstars from the WWE at an ROH event although those superstars would not be revealed until the night itself.


CM Punk once again defies the odds

By Steve Gerweck


At last night’s Ring of Honor event in Toronto, Ontario CM Punk faced a gauntlet of four WWE superstars and somehow came out on top. Punk managed to get the better of first Cody Rhodes, closely followed by Sheamus and then Kofi Kingston. Then the big test came as the big man Mark Henry came in and started laying waste to Punk until a flurry of ROH stars (Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli and Kevin Steen) came out and helped Punk come out on top.


Afterwards the men gave a speech on why they did what they did as Cabana talked about how he was given the chance before having it ripped away from him by WWE and Hero and Claudio talked about how they were recently offered deals by the WWE but when they heard how Punk was being treated up there they had no hesitation in staying with Ring of Honor.


WWE Universe begs Vince to reinstate John Cena

By Steve Gerweck


This week as we moved into the fourth month since CM Punk defeated John Cena to win the WWE Championship and the latter was fired there has been a lot of rallying among fans for Vince to reinstate Cena as he is the only one who can win the title back and bring it home where it belongs.


Vince addresses John Cena calls

By Steve Gerweck


Tonight on Monday Night RAW Vince McMahon personally addressed the situation with John Cena claiming that the WWE did not need him and would take back the title as in two weeks time Randy Orton himself will be visiting Ring of Honor to take back what rightfully belongs to the WWE.


Not even Orton can bring back the gold to the WWE

By Steve Gerweck


Randy Orton walked into Ring of Honor for a night no one ever thought would ever happen tonight but still walked out without the WWE Championship as the number game caught up with the man known as “The Viper”.


After a fantastic match was in progress between CM Punk and Randy Orton out from the back came Colt Cabana, Chris Hero, Claudio Castagnoli, Kevin Steen and The House of Truth consisting of Truth Martini, Roderick Strong, Michael Elgin and Shane Hollister and all the men laid waste to Randy Orton before Punk stood over him in the centre of the ring posing with both belts.


Vince McMahon has had enough and wants to end this.

By Steve Gerweck


Vince McMahon tonight on Monday Night RAW gave out a rallying call to the WWE Universe announcing that Ring of Honor had their yearend show coming up this month called Final Battle and he wanted it to be the final war, Vince then guaranteed that WWE Championship would be back in the possession of a WWE employee by the end of that night.


WWE Championship back in WWE hands as Vince McMahon pulls the ultimate swerve

By Steve Gerweck


The WWE Championship is now back in the possession of a WWE employee after all was said and done at a topsy turvy Final Battle 2011 for Ring of Honor.


On an emotional night WWE owner Vince McMahon for the first and most likely only time stepped inside of an ROH ring and threw challenger after challenger at CM Punk with Dolph Ziggler, Christian, Tyson Kidd, Santino Marella and even Vince’s own son Shane falling victim to the numbers game from Punk and his entourage of Hero, Cabana, Claudio and Steen.


Then as all hope seemed lost the music John Cena hit and he came out to many boos from the ROH diehard fans announcing that employed or not he respected the belt and the company and would take it from CM Punk tonight.


As Cena got into the ring a massive brawl ensued between the Punk entourage and the WWE stars on the outside of the ring allowing a fair fight between the two before the ultimate swerve took place.


As John Cena lifted up Punk to plant him with the attitude adjustment Vince McMahon came and clocked Cena in knee with a lead pipe allowing Punk to hit the Go 2 Sleep and win the match before Punk and Cabana embraced with Vince and Shane in the middle of the ring.


Punk then talked about how since he came back to Ring of Honor he has seen how far the wrestling scene has fallen and this week contacted Vince McMahon to broker the deal for him and Cabana to step out of the cess pool and back into the WWE where the true wrestling is as the crowd booed immensely.


Punk then threw down the ROH title and spat on it before lifting aloft his WWE Championship as the whole WWE contingent were in the ring celebrating as the ROH iPPV came to an end.


CM Punk stripped of ROH Title, thanks fans on twitter.

By Steve Gerweck


Two pieces of news on CM Punk today as Ring of Honor announced that due to disrespecting the world title CM Punk had effectively been stripped of the ROH title preventing him from taking it to WWE with him. On the WWE website there was a feature put up today about how CM Punk and Colt Cabana do not care about the fans and just care about the money and Vince McMahon offered the right deal with the WWE seemingly moving in to a corporation style angle with Vince, Shane, Cabana and Punk.


Dave Meltzer of the Wrestling Observer revealed this week that CM Punk indeed signed a new three year contract with the WWE in January of this year and during the whole time he was under a contract with the WWE and working ROH with Vince’s blessing for a realism angle much similar to what they did last year with Daniel Bryan.


An interesting titbit is that Vince didn’t know what direction to go with but after seeing the excellent chemistry between Punk and Colt Cabana he decided to sign Cabana back up to a contract and intends to push the two men as two of the biggest heels feuding with John Cena well into 2012.


In a non Kayfabe post on his twitter CM Punk posted the following words this week


“Back off to the WWE with my buddy @ColtCabana working for ROH again has been a blast, love the fans, love the people, hope the storyline has made people stand up and take notice of #REALWRESTLING...thanks and god bless to my fans”


ROH announces tournament to crown new World Champion

By Steve Gerweck


As we hit 2012 Ring of Honor has announced a tournament to crown the new ROH World Champion taking place over the TV shows and the live events in the near future. This is expected to be the kick start for an interesting year in Ring of Honor in 2012 as the fallout from the extended Summer of Punk II saga.



OOC: So with Punk now gone again we pick up ROH at the start of 2012 the next post will look at the current roster of stars.

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<p>In game</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Start Date</span>: January 2012</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#FF0000;">Ring of Honor World Title</span>: Vacant</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Ring of Honor TV Title</span>: Shane Hollister</p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Ring of Honor Tag Team Titles</span>: Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Ring of Honor Roster</strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#0000FF;">Face</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;">Heel</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#008000;">Tweener</span></p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#0000FF;">Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly</span></p><p>

The breakout team of 2011, Cole and O’Reilly came close twice to defeating the tag team champions Haas and Benjamin near the end of the year before being blindsided in a backstage incident by Jay and Mark Briscoe at Final Battle 2011. You can guarantee that despite their title ambitions this young duo will be looking to get some measure of revenge on the Briscoes.</p><p>

<strong>Feuding with</strong>: The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe)</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#FF0000;">The Black Gate Asylum (Alex Payne and Pelle Primeau w/Kimber Lee)</span></p><p>

In October of 2011 Alex Payne and Pelle Primeau returned to Ring of Honor with much darker and more sinister agenda than in the past being egged on all the way by the devilishly devious Kimber Lee. The Black Gate Asylum has been building up some momentum recently with big wins over The Bravado Brothers and look to break out into the upper echelons of the tag team division.</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#0000FF;">Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin)</span></p><p>

Whilst all of the commotion with CM Punk was going on at the top end of the card Haas and Benjamin were quietly going about their business defeating all who stood in their way and keeping a hold of the tag team titles they care of so much. In recent times the biggest threats to their gold have been the House of Truth throwing out various combinations as Truth Martini looks to bring gold back to the HOT.</p><p>

<strong>Feuding with</strong>: The House of Truth </p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#FF0000;">The True Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero, Kevin Steen and Claudio Castagnoli w/Sara Del Rey and Shane Hagadorn)</span></p><p>

Regarded by many as the premier stable in the promotion the KOW were originally just Hero and Claudio until Kevin Steen formed an allegiance with the two men to get his way back into Ring of Honor. With three of the best workers in the world in one stable it is hard to bet against this team any time they step into the ring although they have recently found their match in the Redemption stable. The war between the two teams that stems from the feud between Steen and Corino is far from over and shows no signs of letting up in this New Year.</p><p>

<strong>Feuding with</strong>: Redemption</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#FF0000;">The Bravado Brothers (Harlem and Lance Bravado)</span></p><p>

The perennial undercard jobber team recently went through a mini feud with the Black Gate Asylum and losing that feud seems to have stunted the team a little bit with the brothers looking to get back to winning ways in 2012.</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#FF0000;">The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe)</span></p><p>

Once one of the biggest babyface teams in the company the now heel Briscoe Brothers embarked on a massive blood feud in 2011 culminating in a brutal steel cage match defeat to the All Night Express. After that point Jay and Mark at Final Battle took their frustrations out jumping young duo Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly backstage which is sure to have consequences further down the line.</p><p>

<strong>Feuding with</strong>: Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#0000FF;">Redemption (Steve Corino, Jimmy Jacobs and Sterling James Keenan)</span></p><p>

When Steve Corino turned over a new leaf he then brought Jimmy Jacobs back to the company as his sponsor but it soon became evident there was someone bigger behind this change that was leading the two men on their path. In October this man was revealed to be Sterling James Keenan as it was revealed that on a UK tour together he showed Corino the light how to be better man. This group of men are trying so hard to fight fair but with their feud against the KOW showing no signs of letting up they are having to bend the rules more and more to stay on top in the feud.</p><p>

<strong>Feuding With</strong>: True Kings of Wrestling</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#0000FF;">The All Night Express (Kenny King and Rhett Titus)</span></p><p>

After competing in and winning a blood feud with Jay and Mark Briscoe that ended at Final Battle in a brutal steel cage match this tag team must surely now have their sights on taking the tag team belts away from Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin.</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#FF0000;">The Embassy (Tommaso Ciampa and Dan Maff w/ Prince Nana, Ernesto Osiris, RD Evans and Princess Mia)</span></p><p>

A stable that once promised great things the Embassy have faded somewhat since completing a feud with the now departed Homicide and are looking to get some direction. For a long time the only active worker in the group was Ciampa and many felt Nana would soon be looking to recruit the next crown jewel within the stable and they were right as at Final Battle a returning Dan Maff was announced as the hired gun of The Embassy.</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#FF0000;">The House of Truth (Roderick Strong, Shane Hollister, Michael Elgin and Ashley Sixx w/Truth Martini)</span></p><p>

After Christopher Daniels left the promotion Truth Martini announced he had a new recruit and that new recruit was revealed to be Shane Hollister and he made an immediate impact defeating El Generico for the television title in October. Since then Ashley Sixx has also been added to the stable as he and Michael Elgin look to win the tag team titles whilst Roderick Strong concentrates on trying to win back the world title. The House of Truth seems to be going from strength to strength as they are embroiled in a feud with the tag team champions Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin.</p><p>

<strong>Feuding with</strong>: Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team.</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#008000;">The CLASH (Tommy Treznik and Cameron Skyy w/Mena Libra)</span></p><p>

This team only debuted at Final Battle but many expect big things from the promising duo after they defeated Cheech and Cloudy in a battle to win an ROH contract.</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#008000;">“The Lone Wolf” Davey Richards</span></p><p>

The former ROH World champion lost the title to CM Punk before moving on to a best of seven feud with former American Wolves tag team partner Eddie Edwards based on Edwards not being able to get over the fact he lost the title to his friend. At the end of the best of seven feud at Final Battle as both men embraced one another Davey shocked everyone by planting a boot between the legs of Edwards solidifying a double turn and showing that the fight between the two wasn’t over.</p><p>

<strong>Feuding with</strong>: Eddie Edwards</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#008000;">“The Future of Wrestling” Eddie Edwards</span></p><p>

The former ROH World Champion recently won a best of seven series with former tag team partner Davey Richards by 4 matches to 3 before being laid out by Richards leading many to believe that the feud between the two is far from over. He recently began calling himself the future of wrestling and showing much more of a ****y nature.</p><p>

<strong>Feuding with</strong>: Davey Richards</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#0000FF;">“The Generic Luchadore” El Generico</span></p><p>

One of the top talents in the world today has recently come off a feud with now WWE employee Colt Cabana. Cabana shocked everyone by helping CM Punk beat Generico and turning heel which lead to the two men having a feud culminating in a fight without honour won by Generico just before Colt left the company. With no feud to speak of Generico will be looking in the direction of the vacant ROH World Title.</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#FF0000;">"The Bee's Knees, The Cat's Pyjamas and the Whole Shebang" Johnny Gargano</span></p><p>

Debuting in the promotion in November Gargano brings a whole new level of ****iness to the promotion and has began a feud with the man who he faced on his debut Sami Callihan. With both men looking to breakout into big stars in the promotion this certainly looks like a feud to keep a close eye on.</p><p>

<strong>Feuding with</strong>: Sami Callihan</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#0000FF;">“Callihan Death Machine” Sami Callihan</span></p><p>

Re-Debuting with the company in November Callihan has immediately became embroiled in a feud with fellow newcomer Johnny Gargano. After the two men fought in their initial match Gargano jumped Callihan planting him with the Hurts Donut leaving him lying. With both men not fitting on the Final Battle card Sami is chomping at the bit to get his hands on Gargano for revenge.</p><p>

<strong>Feuding with</strong>: Johnny Gargano</p><p> </p><p>


<span style="color:#FF0000;">“The Future of Fashion” Shiima Xion</span></p><p>

The man also known as the “Virgin Slayer” strolled into ROH at Final Battle in a contract match against fellow East Coast standout Jason Gory ultimately winning the contract with the company. He then proclaimed he was primed in 2012 to give ROH the extreme makeover that it deserves.</p><p> </p><p>


<em>Brandon Tolle - Referee</em></p><p><em>

Bryce Remsburg - Referee</em></p><p><em>

Cary Silkin - President</em></p><p><em>

Dave Prazak - Announcer</em></p><p><em>

Delirious - Booker</em></p><p><em>

Gary Juster – Staff Member</em></p><p><em>

Jim Cornette – Authority Figure</em></p><p><em>

Joe Koff - CEO</em></p><p><em>

Kevin Kelly - Announcer</em></p><p><em>

Paul Turner - Referee</em></p><p><em>

Todd Sinclair – Referee</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Television Show</strong>: “Ring of Honor Wrestling” syndicated weekly on Sinclair Affiliated Stations: <em>1hour</em></p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31742" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Ring of Honor Newswire for Week 1 January 2012</strong><p><strong> </strong></p><p> Welcome to the beginning of a new year here in Ring of Honor with things really starting to heat up and a quest on to crown a new world champion.</p><p> </p><p> We will be ending January with a massive double shot of events with more details to be released in the coming weeks, however we can reveal that the first night in Boston will see the return of the Ultimate Endurance match and the second night in Philadelphia will be the crowning of the new ROH World Champion live on iPPV.</p><p> </p><p> Speaking of the crowning of a new champion we can exclusively reveal the brackets for the tournament and the format which it will take. There will be eight specially selected workers vying for the opportunity to become the champion with the quarter finals taking place on our television shows before the semi final and final take place at “Crowning a Champion: Redux” in Philadelphia.</p><p> </p><p> The brackets for this are as follows</p><p> “The Lone Wolf” Davey Richards vs. “Very European” Claudio Castagnoli</p><p> Shelton Benjamin vs. “The Messiah of the Backbreaker” Roderick Strong</p><p> “The Generic Luchadore” El Generico vs. “That Young Knockout Kid” Chris Hero</p><p> “The Future of Wrestling” Eddie Edwards vs. “The Trouble King” Steve Corino</p><p> </p><p> This a massive opportunity for all eight men and the journey will begin this Wednesday on “Ring of Honor Wrestling” as the main event will see the quarter final between Eddie Edwards and Steve Corino. Also on this week’s TV show The Black Gate Asylum and Johnny Gargano will be in action amongst others.</p><p> </p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <strong>Ring of Honor Wrestling</strong></p><p><strong> Wednesday Week 1 January 2012</strong></p><p><strong> Announcers: Kevin Kelly, Dave Prazak and Prince Nana</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>The show opens up with our three man announce team hyping up the events we have for tonight including the huge main event between Eddie Edwards and Steve Corino in the title tournament.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> We then are treated to the music of the Black Gate Asylum and the devilishly devious Kimber Lee leads Alex Payne and Pelle Primeau down to the ring. Once in the ring she talks about how recently the BGA have been picking up big wins against the Bravado Brothers which has pleased the messiah.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Lee talks about how everything they do is for the higher power and soon that higher power will be revealed to the world but for now they are issuing an open challenge to anyone to come out and see if they can beat the best tag team in the country today.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Just then the music of Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team came on to the sound system and out from the back came the tag team champions themselves. Haas and Benjamin walked down to the ring and got in allowing referee Paul Turner to ring the bell.</em></p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Match One</span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"> Non-Title Match</span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"> The Black Gate Asylum (Pelle Primeau and Alex Payne) w/Kimber Lee vs. Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin)</span></em></p><p> A solid match to open up the show here as both teams got their fair share of offence in and it was not the squash match that many people anticipated although in the end Haas finished off the match by forcing the tap out of Payne in the Haas of Pain.</p><p> <em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Winners – Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team</span></em> <strong>©</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>After the match Lee was seen physically berating her two young stars and mentioning that “he” would not like it.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> After returning from a commercial break we were treated to an appearance from Mr. Wrestling himself Kevin Steen as he talked about how he has been overlooked for the last time. Steen says he cannot believe Corino gets to be in the tournament to crown a new champion when Steen has been kicking his and the rest of Redemption’s asses for the past six months or so. </em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Before Steen can get out much more words “Mainlining Murder” blasts over the PA system and the leader of Redemption Sterling James Keenan comes out from the back with a microphone in hand.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Keenan talks about how Steen and he have never set foot in the ring one on one and since Steen is not good enough for the tournament he is challenging Steen to face off with him on night one of the double shot at the end of the month.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Steen doesn’t get to reply as we go right to a commercial break and return to see Michael Elgin already in the ring.</em></p><p> </p><p> <em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Match Two</span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"> Adam Cole vs. Michael Elgin w/Truth Martini</span></em></p><p> A great match between two of the top young stars in the promotion here that saw Elgin controlling the majority of the exchanges due to his immense power advantage whilst Cole tried to use his speed to get the advantage.</p><p> In the end Cole picked up what could be classed as the big upset when he countered a Powerbomb into a sunset flip pin.</p><p> <em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Winner – Adam Cole</span></em> <strong>(D)</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>Cole immediately rolled out of the ring and was on his way up the ramp when out ran Shiima Xion spraying him in the eyes with hairspray before throwing him into the barricade then leaving back to where he came from.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Match Three</span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"> “The Whole Shebang” Johnny Gargano vs. “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus</span></em></p><p> A solid match here with Gargano continuing to impress and show why ROH picked him up and Titus keeping up with him every step of the way before ultimately falling victim to the Hurts Donut (Lifting full nelson twisted into a reverse STO) as Gargano got the big win.</p><p> <em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Winner – Johnny Gargano</span></em> <strong>(C-)</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>As Gargano celebrated in the ring out to the ramp came Sami Callihan as he talked about what happened between the two in November, saying that he remembered that move and it hurts.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Sami goes on to say that he likes pain however as it drives him on and he is laying out the challenge for Gargano to face him next week one on one in a rematch of the initial match.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> Gargano then retorts back saying that he accepts and will get revenge for Callihan winning their previous exchange.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> After the next commercial break we saw a video hyping Davey Richards against Claudio Castagnoli next week in a qualifier.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em> </em><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Main Event</span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"> Ring of Honor World Title Tournament Quarter Final</span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"> "The Future of Wrestling" Eddie Edwards vs. "The Trouble King" Steve Corino</span></em></p><p> A great match to end the first television show of the new year with both men showing how much progressing in the tournament meant to them and going all out to progress.</p><p> In the end however there had to be a winner and Eddie Edwards planted Steve Corino with his patented 2K1 Bomb (Cross–legged fisherman buster) for the victory.</p><p> <em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Winner – Eddie Edwards</span></em> <strong>(C+)</strong></p><p> </p><p> <em>The show was then closed by Kevin Kelly as he reminded everyone that next week we will see Sami Callihan against Johnny Gargano and also more action in the tournament.</em></p><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#FF0000;">Show Rating C</span></p>
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Ring of Honor Newswire for Week 2 January 2012

There has been a lot going on in Ring of Honor as of late and on the recent television show there was even more going on as Shiima Xion randomly attacked Adam Cole. Shiima this week released a statement to company president Cary Silkin announcing the beginning of his hostile makeover in the company. Shiima talked about how Cole likes to see himself as a pretty boy but there is only room for one in this company and that one is the “Virgin Slayer” himself.


Early diagnosis of Adam Cole are that he will miss this week’s television show but his partner Kyle O’Reilly will be there and has issued a challenge to Xion to face him one on one in the centre of the ring.


On the same show we also this week saw Sterling James Keenan issue a challenge to Kevin Steen which has been accepted although some news this week coming in to the company has thrown that into jeopardy. The match will now go ahead providing Kevin Steen does not progress in the tournament to crown a new champion.


Steen has been added to the tournament in place of Claudio Castagnoli as he and Chris Hero have been offered an extended stay with Pro Wrestling NOAH. As of right now Hero is expected to be back for his match but it was impossible in the end for Claudio to take part in the tournament.


Speaking of the Kings of Wrestling they are one of four teams that will compete in our Ultimate Endurance main event in Boston. The match rules will be that the first fall is Texas Tornado rules with every man in the ring at once before fall two is a falls count anywhere brawl. After this when there is only two teams left those teams will face off in a submission match.


The four teams to be involved in this match are Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team of Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin putting their titles on the line against the aforementioned Kings of Wrestling, The Embassy of Tommaso Ciampa and Dan Maff and Jimmy Jacobs and Steve Corino of Redemption.


With no love lost between a lot of these tag teams this promises to be a fantastic main event in Boston.


Also in Boston we will see two special challenge matches as recent problems between The Briscoe Brothers and Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly come to a head and they face off in singles matches. Cole will take on Jay whilst Mark will take on O’Reilly in what promise to be fantastic contests.


Speaking of these two teams the following night in Philadelphia they will each pick the others opponents, no word on who exactly they will be yet but it will be interesting to see in the end.


Also in Philadelphia in addition to the title tournament we can announce one other match so far as the tag team scramble match returns with four hungry young tag teams. It will be Kenny King and Rhett Titus of the All Night Express against The Black Gate Asylum, The Bravado Brothers and Tommy Treznik and Cameron Skyy of Team CLASH.


There will be a change in the ROH announce team this week as whilst Dave Prazak and Kevin Kelly will remain for the iPPV and DVD releases the TV show will now be fronted by the team of up and coming announcer Rob Naylor and former world champion Nigel McGuinness.


Finally don’t forget to tune in to our television show this week to see Davey Richards and Kevin Steen face off in the tournament, Johnny Gargano meet Sami Callihan, Kyle O’ Reilly meet Shiima Xion and much more.


Around the World


This week on WWE Television Monday Night RAW was headlined by CM Punk and Colt Cabana defeating John Cena and R-Truth whilst on Smackdown the unlikely duo of Kane and Wade Barrett continued their tag team momentum with a win over World Champion Christian and Randy Orton.


Over on TNA Television it seems like the end for Ink Inc. As Jesse Neal defeated former friend Shannon Moore on Impact Wrestling whilst Matt and Jeff Hardy also took the tag team titles from Beer Money.


Over in Pro Wrestling NOAH the Global Tag League concluded with the unlikely pairing of Takuma Sano and Giant Bernard taking the prize away.


PWG are certainly showing a statement of intent after announcing Shelton Benjamin and Jay Lethal will both be a part of their next show.


Ring of Honor Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2 January 2012

Announcers: Rob Naylor and Nigel McGuinness


We are welcomed to the show with the music of The Embassy as Prince Nana leads out Dan Maff for our opening contest. (D)


Match One

Dan Maff w/Prince Nana and Princess Mia vs. “The Pretty Boy Pitbull” Kenny King

A solid match to begin the show with Maff using his larger size to his advantage and King trying to outwrestle the big hired gun of the stable. The match was an even contest until out of nowhere King managed to plant the big man with The Coronation (Backbreaker rack dropped into a DDT) in an amazing feat of strength.

Winner – Kenny King (D+)


As soon as the match was over out from the back ran Tommaso Ciampa as he got in the ring planting King with Project Ciampa 2 (Powerbomb Back Cracker) before The Embassy laid the boots to him until Rhett Titus made the save clearing the ring with a steel chair. (D)


We then came back from commercial to see The House of Truth in the ring as Truth Martini announced the newest member of the HOT to be the new lady in Roderick Strong’s life Valerie Malone who would lead him to a big victory against Shelton Benjamin next week on the show.


Truth then announces an open challenge for an eight man tag for anyone who dares face the house.


The music then hits of the Bravado Brothers as they come down to the ring and Truth Martini cannot contain his delight until they are joined by Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin (D)


Match Two

The House of Truth (Roderick Strong, Shane Hollister, Michael Elgin and Ashley Sixx) w/Truth Martini and Valerie Malone vs. Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin) and The Bravado Brothers (Harlem and Lance Bravado)

A solid eight man tag contest here with the obvious friction evident between WGTT and all of the HOT members whilst the Bravado Brothers were mainly there just to be whipping boys allowing the hot tag to Haas or Benjamin.

In the end however the finish came when the whole thing broke down allowing Malone to hand a chain to Sixx as he clocked Haas with it and got the big pinfall over the tag team champions.

Winners – The House of Truth (C-)


Match Three

“The Future of Fashion” Shiima Xion vs. “Irish” Kyle O’Reilly

A great match between two stars regarded as the future of the company as Kyle tried to get a measure of revenge for Adam Cole and what happened last week. It did look like O’Reilly was in control until the referee took a tumble allowing Shiima to grab his hairspray and spray Kyle in the eyes before connecting with the From Lust to Dust (Snapmare driver).

Winner – Shiima Xion (D)


Match Four

“Callihan Death Machine” Sami Callihan vs. “The Whole Shebang” Johnny Gargano

No love lost here as both of these men went balls to the wall on each other from the very beginning trading off hard strikes and brutal high impact moves on one another. Callihan was looking in control and had Gargano in the stretch muffler until a mystery man got on the apron distracting the referee. Callihan went over to level the mystery man as he jumped off the apron but this allowed Gargano time to recover and land the Hurts Donut for the big victory.

Winner – Johnny Gargano (C-)


After the match Gargano wasn’t done and locked Callihan in the Crosston Crab (Cross-Legged Boston Crab) whilst the mystery man got on the microphone. The man announced himself to be Larry Dallas the agent to the top stars of the wrestling business announcing that he is going to be the man to lead Gargano to the top in the promotion. Dallas then announces that the process will begin in Boston as he has signed Gargano on for the biggest test of his career so far against former world champion Davey Richards. ©


Main Event

Ring of Honor World Title Tournament Quarter Final

"The Lone Wolf" Davey Richards vs. "Mr Wrestling" Kevin Steen w/Shane Hagadorn

A great way to end the show here as Steen really looked to take advantage of replacing Claudio in the contest by pushing Davey to the limits only for the wolf to prevail by defeating Steen making him tap out to a Kimura lock.

Winner – Davey Richards (C+)


Richard then gets on the microphone and announces that in February the company is doing a double shot in New Jersey and New York for the anniversary and he wants to put his business with Eddie Edwards to bed once and for all in a sixty minute iron man match proving once and for all who the better wrestler is. Davey then announces that since he is a lock to win the world title he is willing to put it on the line against Eddie as he knows he can beat him.


Show Rating D+

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Ring of Honor Newswire for Week 3 January 2012


Another fantastic episode of ROH television is in the books and stemming from the end of the show we can officially announce our first match is in the books for the massive tenth anniversary show double iPPV in week 2 of February. Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards will look to settle their issues with one another once and for all on the second night in New York City in an Iron Man match.


Also signed on for this show we have two very special guests with their matches soon to be announced. The first guest is Big Japan Pro Wrestling star and one of the toughest workers in the business Daisuke Sekimoto whilst the second is a special appearance by legend of professional wrestling Dave “Fit” Finlay. Finlay and Sekimoto are both hard hitting workers and it’ll be interesting to see who they choose as opponents and or partners for these big events.


Two more matches have been announced for “Ultimate Endurance 2012” in Boston as Shane Hollister will be putting the television title on the line against Sami Callihan. This will be a massive opportunity for Callihan although you have to speculate on his frame of mind due to his ongoing feud with Johnny Gargano.


The other announced match for this card will see a return to ROH for the high flying Azrieal as he will look to possibly earn himself a proper spot on the roster again going up against Shiima Xion. Xion has been seen in recent weeks giving ROH a hostile makeover and could Azrieal be one of his next victims?


Two matches have been signed on for the following night in Philadelphia as well as we will see Steve Corino giving another youngster an opportunity to shine going one on one with Philadelphia standout Alex Colon. Colon has been making waves as the champion of NWA Force-1 in recent months and finally gets a chance in Ring of Honor.


Also we can announce that after getting a pinfall over Charlie Haas on television this week Ashley Sixx and his HOT partner Michael Elgin have asked for a shot at Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team and it has been granted. As long as Shelton Benjamin does not progress in the tournament on this week’s television show the match will go ahead with the tag team titles on the line if WGTT are still champions.


Finally on this week’s television show look out for a packed show as the final two tournament qualifiers will take place as well as well as stemming from this week Rhett Titus will face off one on one with Tommaso Ciampa of the Embassy.


Around the World


This week on Monday Night RAW the world was shocked when WWE Champion John Cena turned heel and joined up with CM Punk and the Corporation laying out Rey Mysterio causing his defeat whilst over on Smackdown Wade Barrett got the clean win over John Morrison to really push on in his quest for the world title.


Over on TNA TV the newly reformed Team 3D came up short when they lost to the team of Kurt Angle and Rob Van Dam whilst the implosion of the British Invasion continued with Magnus going over Douglas Williams.


In Dragon Gate we witnessed the beginning of a new reign of Ryo Saito as Open the Dream Gate champion.


Ring of Honor Wrestling

Wednesday Week 3 January 2012

Announcers: Rob Naylor and Nigel McGuinness


We are welcomed to the show by Naylor and McGuinness as they go through our stacked card for tonight until they are cut off by the music of the Bravado Brothers. The brothers make their way down to the ring and talk about how recently they have been coming up short against the Black Gate Asylum and tonight they are looking to put the record straight right now calling them out for a match.


Kimber Lee leads Payne and Pelle to the ring with stone expressions on their faces as she gets on the microphone and talks about how there is a power much higher and greater behind the inmates from the black gate and the Bravado Brothers are just a cog in the wheel on their way to success. (D)


Match One

The Bravado Brothers (Lance and Harlem Bravado) vs. the Black Gate Asylum (Alex Payne and Pelle Primeau) w/Kimber Lee

A solid tag team contest to open up the show with both of these young teams hungry to take the win. With the two teams facing off a couple of times at the end of last year they had a lot of each other’s moves well scouted and that came to pass when the bell rang for a ten minute time limit draw between the sides.

Winners – DRAW (D-)


After the match both teams continued brawling until Jim Cornette came out and announced that the two teams would settle their beef once and for all facing off against one another in a fight without honour at Ultimate Endurance as we cut to commercial break.


As we come back Nigel and Rob are talking about what happened earlier in the show until they care cut off by the music of The Embassy as Prince Nana leads his men out to the ring. Nana talks about last week when Rhett Titus got in their business and how tonight he will pay for what he did. (D+)


Match Two

Tommaso Ciampa w/Prince Nana and Princess Mia vs. “Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus

A fantastic match between these two rising stars of the company as they both left it all in the ring trying their hardest to keep the other down for the three count. In the end it took the deviousness of Prince Nana as he sent Princess Mia to distract Todd Sinclair allowing Nana to hand a foreign object to Ciampa and allow him to steal the win.

Winner – Tommaso Ciampa (D)


After the match was over Nana called to the back and out came Dan Maff as all members of the Embassy laid the boots to Rhett until Kenny King ran out with a chair to save his partner just like Rhett did for him last week sending the Embassy scurrying for the hills. (D)


We are then informed on commentary that signed for Ultimate Endurance event is a special match pitting Rhett Titus against Eddie Edwards. (D)


Next up we had Adam Cole come out to the ring and talk about two weeks ago when he was blinded by Shiima Xion and how Shiima did the same to his partner Kyle O’Reilly last week. Cole then announced he was calling out Shiima right now to face him in a match and he was going to kick his ass. (D)


Match Three

Adam Cole vs. “The Future of Fashion” Shiima Xion

A great match between the two here as Cole was a house of fire laying into Xion at every opportunity looking for his revenge for what was done to him and indeed put away the brash youngster very quickly with his patented Panama’s Sunrise (Top rope flipping piledriver).

Winner – Adam Cole (D)


As Cole was soaking up the applause from the crowd Shiima went to his corner and got his now trademark hairspray clobbering Cole across the back of the head with it a few times before sitting on a fallen Cole about to spray the hairspray right directly into his face until Kyle O’Reilly ran out with an eye patch on and a chair in hand to stop things from getting even more out of hand.


As Shiima retreated up the ramp he was shouting about this not being over. (D)


Match Four

Ring of Honor World Title Tournament Quarter Final

“The Generic Luchadore” El Generico vs. “That Young Knockout Kid” Chris Hero w/Sara Del Rey and Shane Hagadorn

A fantastic match that showed just how much winning the title means to both men. Hero was especially up for it since Claudio had to pull out and unfortunately Steen couldn’t get the job done in his place last week but Generico was at the very top of his game.

After fifteen minutes of solid action Hero was seemingly in control looking for a Rubik’s Cube only for Generico to reverse it into a victory roll to steal the three count.

Winner – El Generico (C-)


Main Event

Ring of Honor World Title Tournament Quarter Final

Shelton Benjamin vs. "The Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong w/Truth Martini and Valerie Malone

A fantastic way to end the show with the intensity of the feud between WGTT and HOT showing through as well as the desperation from both men to progress in the tournament.

A great technical contest was marred when Martini tried to get involved but Haas came out and ran him off only for Michael Elgin to sneak in the ring and plant Benjamin with a Powerbomb before Strong nailed the Gibson Driver for a three count to progress.

Winner – Roderick Strong (C+)


The show came to an end with the House of Truth celebrating in the ring.

Show Rating C

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OOC: I know this is four shows up in quick succession but i had them wrot eup so i thought i would put them all up together to give the diary a good solid start.


Ring of Honor Newswire for Week 4 January 2012


So it is now official we have the four men who are going to face off in the tournament at “Crowning a Champion: Redux” in Philadelphia. The official semi-final brackets were drawn at ROH HQ this week and means we will see Davey Richards and Roderick Strong facing off with one another and El Generico meeting Eddie Edwards before the two winners face off the same night.


Edwards, Richards and Strong have all held the belt before but Generico has yet to hold the big prize although many feel after his performance against Chris Hero he will soon be one of that elite group.


Also for Philadelphia we can announce that in the pick your opponents poison match Jay and Mark Briscoe have given Cole and O’Reilly a massive task as they have pitted them against Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli in what promises to be one of the biggest challenges of their career.


Not to be outdone in these stakes Cole and O’Reilly dropped a massive bombshell on the Briscoe Brothers as they announced that they had chosen the returning Young Bucks of Matt and Nick Jackson to show them how to wrestle properly.


The other two matches this both promise to be great matches as Sami Callihan will take on Dan Maff of The Embassy in what promises to be a hard hitting match and also Shane Hollister goes one on one with a returning John Walters. If Hollister is still champion the title will be on the line as Walters looks to find a way back on to the roster full time after a long period away.


The night before in Boston is also turning into a massive night as the final match has been announced for that and will be a massive six man mayhem match with ROH regulars Sterling James Keenan, Kenny King and Cameron Skyy will be in there with three people looking to make a big impression. They will be Frankie Arion, Scott Reed and Dave Cole; will one of these become the next breakout star in the company?


Hot on the heels of the recent announcements of Finlay and Sekimoto we can officially now announce that added to this already stacked line-up for our Anniversary spectacular is arguably the top tag team in Europe. Zack Sabre Jr. and Marty Scurll collectively known as the Leaders of the New School will be looking to make a massive impact in the ROH tag team scene.


This week we will see the final television episode before our Boston/Philadelphia double shot and it promises to be a cracker as a special tag team main event has been signed and we will see all four men in the tournament in one match. Davey Richards and Roderick Strong are no strangers to teaming up with one another as they used to form the No Remorse Corps. and they will face off with the first time ever tag team of Eddie Edwards and El Generico. Also in action we will see Johnny Gargano and Kevin Steen among others.


Around the World

On WWE Monday Night RAW this week we saw a huge main event as CM Punk defeated Alberto Del Rio in a fantastic match, whilst over on Smackdown we saw a fantastic cross-brand main event as John Cena and Randy Orton defeated John Morrison and Kane.


In TNA television this week we saw a fantastic athletic contest with Kurt Angle overcoming Hernandez.


Whilst on TNA PPV Genesis 2012 was headlined by Mr. Anderson retaining the world title against Scott Steiner although the best match of the night was Jeff Jarrett’s win over Alex Shelley.


The Women’s Superstars Uncensored title changed hands as Angelina Love of TNA defeated Mercedes Martinez ending her long reign with the belt.


We have a new PWG champion as Davey Richards regained the belt by defeating Claudio Castagnoli as a part of a double main event with Jimmy Yang defeating Jay Lethal in the other half to become number one contender.


Massive news over in Japan as the GHC Heavyweight title changed hands as Go Shiosaki was defeated by Giant Bernard in a fantastic David vs. Goliath match.


Ring of Honor Wrestling

Wednesday Week 4 January 2012

Announcers: Rob Naylor and Nigel McGuinness


We open up the show with the camera cutting straight to the ring where Kevin Steen is in the ring with Shane Hagadorn. Steen talks about his upcoming match with Sterling James Keenan and how the True Kings of Wrestling will take Redemption out of ROH for good very soon. Steen then says he wants a warm up fight and is challenging anyone in the back to come out and face him tonight.


Out from the back came Tommy Treznik alongside his wife Mena Libra accepting the challenge of Steen. (D)


Match One

“Mr Wrestling” Kevin Steen w/Shane Hagadorn vs. “Mad Scientist” Tommy Treznik w/Mena Libra

Treznik put up a great fight here showing his potential but against another opponent whilst he might have won it was not the case here. Eventually Steen showed his superiority and defeated him with the patented Package Piledriver manoeuvre.

Winner – Kevin Steen (D+)


As we come back from a commercial break Shiima Xion is in the ring talking about how his business is not over with ROH, he showed Cole and O’Reilly what he can do and is certainly not finished with them. Tonight however there would be a new victim of a hostile makeover and that person will be Jimmy Jacobs. (D+)


Match Two

“The Future of Fashion” Shiima Xion vs. Jimmy Jacobs

A great match here as Xion showed he can hang with just about anyone in the ring and pushed Jacobs to his very limits. Indeed Xion nearly picked up the win but got a very long two count after his From Lust to Dust move before eventually being forced to tap out in the End Time by Jimmy.

Winner – Jimmy Jacobs ©


After the contest was over and Jacobs was celebrating Shiima was going to the corner to retrieve his hairspray but Jacobs noticed and sent him flying to the outside leaving him with much to think about. (C-)


Next up after we came back from a break we were treated to Johnny Gargano and Larry Dallas running down Sami Callihan in the ring saying he was afraid to face Gargano and instead Johnny had to fight some nobody tonight. Just then the music of Redemption hit as Steve Corino came out and announced ROH management had informed him he was going to be that nobody tonight.


Match Two

“The Trouble King” Steve Corino vs. “The Whole Shebang” Johnny Gargano w/Larry Dallas

A great match with the future and the past of wrestling both being represented although with some of the exchanges it was hard to tell which was which as Corino looked as crisp as ever. In the end however it was interference from Larry Dallas as he distracted Corino when he seemed in control allowing Gargano to come up behind him and deliver the Hurts Donut.

Winner – Johnny Gargano (B-)


As the match was over Dallas and Gargano once again proceeded to run down Callihan until he had enough and stormed the ring beginning to brawl with Gargano until referees and agents managed to get the situation under control and separate the pair with clearly no love lost. (E+)


Main Event

Davey Richards and Roderick Strong w/Truth Martini and Valerie Malone vs. Eddie Edwards and El Generico

Neither team in this contest was on the same page as there was a lot of miscommunication between them ahead of their matches in the tournament in merely a few days time. The match itself when it got going went for almost twenty minutes showcasing the abilities of all of those involved until Davey managed to force the tap out from El Generico with an Ankle Lock submission possibly even weakening the ankle of Generico unwittingly giving the edge at the weekend to his rival Eddie Edwards.

Winners – Davey Richards and Roderick Strong (B-)


After the contest Richards and Strong shook hands only for Martini to submarine Richards from behind then Strong to lock in the Strong Hold until Richards passed out with the show ending with Strong standing tall in possibly a foreshadowing of the end of the title tournament. ©


Show Rating C+


Full Cards for the weekend


Ultimate Endurance 2012

Boston, MA


Main Event

ROH World Tag Team Titles

Ultimate Endurance Match

Fall 1: Texas Tornado Rules, Fall 2: Falls Count Anywhere, Fall 3: Submission

Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin) © vs. The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) w/Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey Vs. The Embassy (Tommaso Ciampa and Dan Maff) w/ Prince Nana, Ernesto Osiris, RD Evans and Princess Mia vs. Redemption (Jimmy Jacobs and Steve Corino)


ROH Television Title

Shane Hollister© w/Truth Martini defends against "Callihan Death Machine" Sami Callihan


Special Challenge Match #1

Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole


Special Challenge Match #2

Mark Briscoe vs. “Irish” Kyle O'Reilly


“Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus vs. "The Future of Wrestling" Eddie Edwards


"The Lone Wolf" Davey Richards vs. "The Whole Shebang" Johnny Gargano w/Larry Dallas


Six Man Mayhem

Sterling James Keenan vs. “The Pretty Boy Pitbull” Kenny King vs. "Aces High" Cameron Skyy w/Mena Libra vs. Scott Reed vs. “The New Deal” Dave Cole vs. “Big Guns” Frankie Arion


"The Future of Fashion" Shiima Xion vs. “The Angel of Death” Azrieal


Fight Without Honor

The Black Gate Asylum (Alex Payne and Pelle Primeau) w/Kimber Lee vs. The Bravado Brothers (Lance and Harlem Bravado)



Crowning a Champion: Redux

Philadelphia, PA


ROH World Title Tournament Final

Davey Richards/Roderick Strong vs. El Generico/Eddie Edwards


ROH World Title Tournament Semi Final #1

"The Lone Wolf" Davey Richards vs. "The Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong w/Truth Martini and Valerie Malone


ROH World Title Tournament Semi Final #2

"The Future of Wrestling" Eddie Edwards vs. "The Generico Luchadore" El Generico


Grudge Match

Sterling James Keenan vs. "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen w/Shane Hagadorn


ROH Tag Team Titles if still Champions

Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin) © defend against The House of Truth ("Unreal" Michael Elgin and Ashley Sixx) w/Truth Martini


Pick Your Opponents Poison #1

The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson)


Pick Your Opponents Poison #2

Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly vs. The Kings of Wrestling (Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero) w/Sara Del Rey and Shane Hagadorn


Tag Team Scramble

The Black Gate Asylum (Pelle Primeau and Alex Payne) w/Kimber Lee vs. The Bravado Brothers (Harlem and Lance Bravado) vs. The CLASH (Cameron Skyy and Tommy Treznik) w/ Mena Libra vs. The All Night Express (Kenny King and Rhett Titus)


ROH Television Title

Shane Hollister© w/Truth Martini defends against "Hurricane" John Walters


"Callihan Death Machine" Sami Callihan vs. Dan Maff w/Prince Nana


Alex Colon vs.”The Trouble King” Steve Corino

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Ultimate Endurance 2012

Boston, MA

Friday Week 4 January 2012

Announcers: Kevin Kelly and Dave Prazak


Match One

Fight Without Honour

The Bravado Brothers (Lance and Harlem Bravado) vs. The Black Gate Asylum (Alex Payne and Pelle Primeau) w/Kimber Lee

A solid match to open up the night here as these two teams showed that there is no love lost between them going all out brawling around the ringside area. The crowd had some trouble in who to cheer for since both teams generally portray a heel role.

In the end the match was won when Harlem Bravado was sent to the outside allowing a leg lariat doomsday device variation from BGA to put away Lance.

Winners – The Black Gate Asylum (E)


After the match was over Kimber Lee announced on the microphone that this was the beginning of the rise of the Black Gate Asylum. She talked about how there was a higher power behind this rise and eventually they would rule over Ring of Honor letting the inmates run the asylum. (D-)


Match Two

“The Future of Fashion” Shiima Xion vs. “The Angel of Death” Azrieal

A returning Azrieal showed that he has not missed a beat whilst being away here as he and Xion put on a fantastic display of athleticism. The match was littered with high spots and death defying spots before Shiima eventually took all the spoils when he planted Azrieal with the Bible Black (Running double knees to a seated opponent into a rana pin).

Winner - Shiima Xion (D)


Match Three

Six Man Mayhem

Sterling James Keenan vs. “The Pretty Boy Pitbull” Kenny King vs. "Aces High" Cameron Skyy w/Mena Libra vs. Scott Reed vs. “The New Deal” Dave Cole vs. “Big Guns” Frankie Arion

A great match here with the three roster members and three people looking to be roster members all giving their all in an attempt to pick up the win and the massive rub.

Sterling James Keenan lost all chance of winning when halfway through the contest Kevin Steen appeared in the crowd taunting him into a brawl as the two brawled to the outside leaving only five men left to fight it out.

In the end the finish came when Kenny King landed the Coronation on Reed for the three count with all three newcomers showing an impressive performance.

Winner – Kenny King (C-)


Match Four

"The Lone Wolf" Davey Richards vs. "The Whole Shebang" Johnny Gargano w/Larry Dallas

A fantastic match here with Gargano showing he can hang with the top stars of the company with regards to in ring talent and Larry Dallas trying his best using underhanded tactics to try and keep Gargano on top throughout the match.

This was all in vain however as Richards managed to pick up the win heading in to his massive night tomorrow when he forced a tap out from Gargano on a keylock submission.

Winner – Davey Richards ©


After the match was over Richards got on the microphone and talked about how he fulfilled his destiny but it was taken away from him early by CM Punk and now he wants back the title. He talks about how out of the four competitors he is by far the best but suddenly the music of Eddie Edwards cuts him off.


Edwards comes down to the ring and talks about how he is the future of wrestling and the future of the company but he is not waiting for the future as tomorrow he will once again climb back to the top of the mountain and he would love to beat Richards in the final.


The two men stare down until Richards leaves and Rhett Titus comes out to fight Edwards. (B)


Match Five

“Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus vs. “The Future of Wrestling” Eddie Edwards

A fantastic match here with Edwards looking to keep momentum going in to the massive event tomorrow night to try and once again become champion. Rhett on the other hand had nothing to lose in his role as the underdog and just went balls to the wall throwing everything he could at Edwards.

Alas it was not to be for the ANX member as he eventually fell victim to the Achilles Lock after somehow managing to kick out of a 2k1 bomb previously.

Winner – Eddie Edwards ©


Match Six

Special Challenge Match

Mark Briscoe vs. Kyle O’Reilly

Both men out alone for this one with their respective partners getting ready for the next match. A solid match here although it did not really live up to the standards that you might expect from these two men as far as in ring quality. A relatively short match was over when Mark connected with his patented Cut-Throat Driver for the clean win to put the Briscoe Brothers one up tonight.

Winner – Mark Briscoe (C-)


Match Seven

Special Challenge Match

Jay Briscoe vs. Adam Cole

Before this match began the two stars of the last match were made to leave by Todd Sinclair to ensure a fair fight and then the two men tore it up beginning the match with a trade off of stiff strikes. Each man had spells where they were in control and Jay almost put Cole away with a Jay Driller but the youngster had enough wherewithals about him to roll out of the ring and avoid the pinfall.

Cole began building momentum and caught Jay flush on the jaw with his Corona Kick for a long two count before landing his patented Panama Sunrise (Top rope flipping piledriver) quickly following it up with the Corona Crash (Reverse DDT) for the surprise victory giving him massive momentum heading in to the big match tomorrow.

Winner - Adam Cole ©


After the match was over Cole hotfooted out of the ring as Jay came around to realise he was just pinned clean by the youngster.


Match Eight

ROH Television Title

Shane Hollister w/Truth Martini defends against "Callihan Death Machine" Sami Callihan

A massive test for Hollister here as he had to contend with Callihan who was on a mission tonight after recent ructions he has had with Johnny Gargano. Callihan controlled the early going until Gargano and Larry Dallas appeared in the entrance with folding chairs to get a closer look at the action.

This seemed to take Callihan off his game somewhat and allowed Hollister to gain control until out of nowhere Callihan swept the leg and locked in his patented Stretch Muffler submission.

As Callihan looked like he was about to win the title in ran Gargano levelling him with a chair before delivering the Hurts Donut on to the same chair as the referee called for the disqualification.

Winner by Disqualification – Sami Callihan (Shane Hollister retains the title) (C-)


After the match Gargano and Dallas leave with Callihan lying in the centre of the ring with smug expressions on their faces.

Main Event

ROH World Tag Team Titles

Ultimate Endurance Match

Fall 1: Texas Tornado Rules, Fall 2: Falls Count Anywhere, Fall 3: Submission

Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin) vs. The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) w/Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey Vs. The Embassy (Tommaso Ciampa and Dan Maff) w/ Prince Nana, Ernesto Osiris, RD Evans and Princess Mia vs. Redemption (Jimmy Jacobs and Steve Corino)

A fantastic match to end a fantastic event here as all four teams put in stellar performances with the first fall being an absolute brawl with all eight men in the ring legal at once as the action spilt all over the ringside area and beyond.

The first casualty of the contest was the team of Dan Maff and Tommaso Ciampa as the team’s lack of experience teaming together kept them a little bit off the pace of the other teams and Jimmy Jacobs forced the tap out from Ciampa with his patented End Time submission move.

The Embassy have been ELIMINATED

Then the action got even crazier as the three remaining teams went at it falls count anywhere and the clear animosity between the kings and redemption was on show at its fullest and evidently it was a win in this chapter for the KOW as Hero managed to pin Jacobs after he and Castagnoli delivered the KRS TWO (Hero and Castagnoli grab the legs an opponent seated in the corner before flipping them in the air and dropping them into a release Powerbomb).

Redemption have been ELIMINATED

So then we were down to the two best teams in most people’s eyes and the rule was submission. All four men put on a fantastic show of technical hold and counter hold wrestling with various submissions before eventually Shelton took a bad tumble to the floor thanks to Shane Hagadorn pulling down the rope and as the referee checked on him Claudio and Hero planted Haas with the KRS-TWO before Hero locked in the Hangman's Clutch (Step over toehold inverted cravat) on an already unconscious Haas. As the referee turned around he saw Haas in the submission passed out and called for the bell.

Winners and NEW ROH World Tag Team Champions – Kings of Wrestling (B)


The night came to an end with the new champions celebrating


Show Rating B

Ultimate Endurance 2012

Boston, MA

Friday Week 4 January 2012


1. Fight Without Honor: Alex Payne & Pelle Primeau beat Lance Bravado and Harlem Bravado (Leg Lariat Doomsday Device)

2. Shiima Xion beat Azrieal (Bible Black)

3. Kenny King beat Sterling James Keenan, Cameron Skyy, Scott Reed(L), Frankie Arion and Dave Cole (Coronation)

4. Davey Richards beat Johnny Gargano (Keylock)

5. Eddie Edwards beat Rhett Titus (Achilles Lock)

6. Mark Briscoe beat Kyle O’Reilly (Cut-Throat Driver)

7. Adam Cole beat Jay Briscoe (Corona Crash)

8. ROH Television Title: Sami Callihan beat Shane Hollister© (Disqualification: Hollister retains title)

9. ROH World Tag Team Titles Ultimate Endurance: Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli beat Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin©, Jimmy Jacobs and Steve Corino and Dan Maff and Tommaso Ciampa

Fall One: Jimmy Jacobs beat Tommaso Ciampa (End Time)

Fall Two: Chris Hero beat Jimmy Jacobs (KRS-TWO w/Claudio Castagnoli)

Fall Three: Chris Hero beat Charlie Haas (Hangman’s Clutch)

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Crowning A Champion: Redux

Philadelphia, PA

Saturday Week 4 January 2012

Announcers: Kevin Kelly and Dave Prazak


Match One

Tag Team Scramble

The Black Gate Asylum (Pelle Primeau and Alex Payne) w/Kimber Lee vs. The Bravado Brothers (Harlem and Lance Bravado) vs. The CLASH (Cameron Skyy and Tommy Treznik) w/ Mena Libra vs. The All Night Express (Kenny King and Rhett Titus)

A great fun match to start off here as all four teams put on a good performance in an albeit short match. A throwback to the early days of ROH with a fast pace kept up throughout due to the scramble rules eventually leading to the ANX taking the win when Titus pinned Treznik following a Frog Splash.

Winners – All Night Express (D-)


Before the next match Steve Corino came out and talked about how he is all about giving opportunities to the younger generation and is giving one tonight to Alex Colon. ©


Match Two

Alex Colon vs.”The Trouble King” Steve Corino

A solid little match here with Colon showing a bit of what he is capable of before eventually when Colon was in control Corino pulled out a rollup hooking the tights for the win.

Winner – Steve Corino (D)


After the match was over Corino got back on the microphone clearly disgusted in himself. He talked about how he didn’t want to relapse like he just did, he wanted to be a good person, and he wanted to be the ideal role model. Corino says he wants the match reversed, he deserves to lose, Colon deserves to win but just then the music of Kevin Steen hits.


Steen comes to the ramp and laughs down the microphone before talking about Corino always being a bad person and he should just admit he cannot change. Steen talks about how he and Corino used to be close but then Corino went soft and he needs to learn to be the old Corino again or risk being destroyed week in week out, month in month out by people like Steen that have the killer instinct.


Corino retorts back that in some respects Steen is right and that unless he goes back to his old ways he may never get success again but he cannot go back down that path and it may just be time for him to hang it up.


Steen then cuts off Corino and talks about the defeatist attitude he has but Steen says he also knows that Corino has wrestling in his blood and can’t just walk away from it no matter what. Steen then says he will make it easier for Corino, two weeks time at the anniversary double shot live on iPPV he wants to end the career of Corino.


Steen then proposes to Corino that they face off one last time, if Steen wins then Corino has to retire. Steen says this way there is only two possible outcomes, one is that Corino stares up at the lights knowing his career is over whilst the other is that Corino goes back to the old Corino and possibly beats Steen.


Corino then responds by accepting the challenge and adding on that tonight Steen will get a taste of what is coming to him when he steps in the ring with Sterling James Keenan. ©


Match Three

"Callihan Death Machine" Sami Callihan vs. Dan Maff w/Prince Nana

During this match the DVD announcers talk about how Johnny Gargano is not in the building tonight so Callihan may well get a fair crack of the whip unlike last night. The match itself was a brutal stiff match as both men beat the living tar out of one another with exchange after exchange of stiff forearms before as last night against Hollister Sami managed to put on the Stretch Muffler but this time even with no Gargano there was still Prince Nana to get on the apron distracting Sami before he turned around into a Burning Hammer from Maff.

Winner – Dan Maff (C-)


Match Four

ROH Television Title

Shane Hollister© w/Truth Martini defends against "Hurricane" John Walters

A good reception for John Walters from the ROH fans on his return here as he showed that he has not missed a beat since leaving tying Hollister up in knots with submission moves. Hollister showed however that he is no slouch with various quality holds of his own and indeed picked up the clean win to retain the title when he locked Walters in the Iowa Leg lock for the tap out.

Winner and still ROH Television Champion – Shane Hollister (D+)


Match Five

ROH World Title Tournament Semi Final #1

"The Lone Wolf" Davey Richards vs. "The Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong w/Truth Martini and Valerie Malone

A great way to open up the night’s tournament festivities as these two men battled it out in a fantastic stiff contest. No strangers to one another due to various times fighting and also teaming they often telegraphed the others main moves and thus both men had to adapt their move set for the match.

There was a some close calls when Strong nearly tapped out to an ankle lock and Richards nearly tapped out to the Strong Hold but both managed to make the ropes in time although the physical toll placed on their bodies was evident.

In the end Davey locked in the Keylock only for Valerie Malone to get into the ring attempting to nail him with the book of truth. Davey ducked and then planted Val with the DR Driver before turning around and ducking a Strong boot before grabbing Strong and locking in the Keylock again for the win to advance.

Winner – Davey Richards (C+)


Match Six

ROH World Title Tournament Semi Final #2

"The Future of Wrestling" Eddie Edwards vs. "The Generico Luchadore" El Generico

Another solid semi final match here although considerably shorter than the previous match with a much more frenetic pace to it mainly thanks to the abilities of Generico.

Generico went through a large spell in control of the match landing almost his entire arsenal of moves but being unable to put away Eddie or connect with his patented top rope brainbuster.

In the end as Generico seemed to get more and more frustrated Eddie pounced and landed a massive array of kicks wearing down Generico before putting away the match with not one but two 2k1 Bombs.

Winner – Eddie Edwards (C-)


Before the next match Chris Hero got on the microphone and announced that the KOW shouldn’t be reduced to facing nobody tag teams like the two punks they are facing tonight and they are so confident of an easy win they are putting their tag team titles on the line. ©


Match Seven

Pick Your Opponents Poison #1

ROH World Tag Team Titles

Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly vs. The Kings of Wrestling© (Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero) w/Sara Del Rey and Shane Hagadorn

Clearly fired up from the champions’ comments Cole and O’Reilly came out of the blocks like houses of fire pulling off an array of high impact moves shocking Hero and Castagnoli and forcing them to rethink their game plan somewhat.

After a while though Hero and Claudio settled into a routine and meticulously picked apart the underdog challengers piece by piece and were looking like taking the expected win but with O’Reilly practically out of it on the outside after a brutal beating Adam Cole soaked up a load of punishment before countering the KRS-ONE into a hurricanrana on Claudio, ducking a rolling elbow from Hero and planting Hero with the Corona Crash followed by a quick cover for the shock title change.

Winners and NEW ROH World Tag Team Champions – Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly ©


After the match as the KOW regrouped on the outside in total shock out ran Jay and Mark Briscoe levelling Cole before planting him with a spike Jay Driller and throwing him to the outside.


As referees helped Cole and O’Reilly to the back with their titles Jay and Mark got on the microphone and talked about how the titles will soon be theirs and they want to end the feud once and for all in a tag team double dog collar match at the anniversary weekend where they will put down Cole and O’Reilly for good. (C-)


Match Eight

Pick Your Opponents Poison #2

The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson)

A massive pop for the returning Young Bucks as the two teams put on a match that on another night may well have been match of the night. A fast paced high flying encounter with both sides getting an even amount of offence in on one another the match went for around twenty minutes. The Briscoe Brothers at times seemed to be getting outclassed but each time they managed to pull themselves back into the contest by hook or by crook and it paid off in the end when Mark managed to get the pinfall over Matt when he landed the Cut-Throat Driver.

Winners – The Briscoe Brothers (B-)


Match Nine

Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team (Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin) vs. The House of Truth ("Unreal" Michael Elgin and Ashley Sixx) w/Truth Martini

The third tag team match in a row here this evening and clearly not living up to the standards of the previous matches with the crowd seemingly a little deflated. Haas and Benjamin themselves were all business and clearly angry about losing the titles last night putting away the HOT when Charlie Haas locked in the Haas of Pain on Sixx for the tap out victory.

Winners – Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team ©


Match Ten

Grudge Match

Sterling James Keenan vs. "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen w/Shane Hagadorn

A brutal match here between these two rivals as they both left it all in the ring and by the end of the match both men were destroyed both physically and emotionally. Keenan had the momentum in a lot of the early going laying in to Steen with hard shots and high impact moves until Mr. Wrestling managed to turn the tide with a perfectly times low blow behind the referee’s back.

From that point on Steen dished out more and more punishment before dealing the fatal blow of the match pinning Keenan after his patented Package Piledriver.

Winner – Kevin Steen (C+)


After the match Steen clearly was not done, he got on the microphone and said he knew that Jacobs was not here tonight, Corino had left early for another show and thus he was all alone and about to send a message to Steve.


Steen then got Hagadorn to bring a chair into the ring leaving it in the folded down position before delivering another brutal Package Piledriver onto Keenan on the open chair smashing it in half and almost breaking Keenan’s neck. Steen then began shouting about how it was all Corino’s fault as he left and medics attended to Keenan. (C-)


Main Event

ROH World Title Tournament Final

ROH World Heavyweight Title

“The Future of Wrestling” Eddie Edwards vs. “The Lone Wolf” Davey Richards

These two men no strangers to one another and both pretty banged up from their semi final matches earlier in the evening still managed to put on a 25 minute technical masterpiece. Edwards was clearly favouring one of his arms and Davey knew this as he kept trying to lock in his patented Keylock submission whilst on the other hand Davey was favouring the leg lending itself to the Achilles Lock.

In amongst the submissions there was a load of hard strikes including some brutal kicks from Richards directly to the head of Edwards much like the one he won the title with originally back last year but this time Edwards would not stay down and was dividing the crowd in their loyalty.

In the end after all was said and done it took two DR Drivers, a brutal kick right to the skull and then the Keylock to eventually force Edwards into the submission and begin Davey’s second reign as champion.

Winner and NEW ROH World Heavyweight Champion – Davey Richards (B)


After the match as Richards was presented with the belt by Cary Silkin as is the tradition, Edwards got on the microphone and announced that in two weeks if he didn’t defeat Davey for the title in their sixty minute iron man match then he would never challenge for the belt again as long as Davey holds it. ©


Show Rating C+


Crowning A Champion: Redux

Philadelphia, PA

Saturday Week 4 January 2012


1. Kenny King & Rhett Titus (W) beat Pelle Primeau & Alex Payne, Harlem & Lance Bravado and Cameron Skyy & Tommy Treznik (L) (Frog Splash)

2. Steve Corino beat Alex Colon (Rollup with the tights)

3. Dan Maff beat Sami Callihan (Burning Hammer)

4. ROH Television Title: Shane Hollister© beat John Walters (Iowa Leg Lock)

5. ROH World Title Tournament Semi Final: Davey Richards beat Roderick Strong (Keylock)

6. ROH World Title Tournament Semi Final: Eddie Edwards beat El Generico (2k1 Bomb)

7. ROH World Tag Team Titles: Adam Cole (W) & Kyle O’Reilly beat Chris Hero (L) & Claudio Castagnoli© (Corona Crash)

8. Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe (W) beat Nick Jackson & Matt Jackson (L) (Cut-Throat Driver)

9. Charlie Haas (W) & Shelton Benjamin beat Michael Elgin & Ashley Sixx (L) (Haas of Pain)

10. Kevin Steen beat Sterling James Keenan (Package Piledriver)

11. ROH World Heavyweight Title: Davey Richards beat Eddie Edwards (Keylock)

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Ring of Honor Newswire for Week 1 February 2012


WOW is all there is to say to start this week’s newswire, with just two TV shows before the Anniversary iPPV weekend in New Jersey and New York the card is really shaping up for that but first congratulations go out to our new tag team champions Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly and of course to our newly crowned world champion Davey Richards.


Boston saw some fantastic matches with everyone giving their all to put on a fantastic night with amazing performances in the main event in particular. The following night in Philadelphia in addition to the title change and world title tournament there was also a lot of quality matches including Kevin Steen against Sterling James Keenan.


Speaking of that match ROH management has decided to punish Kevin Steen for his actions after the match and as a result he will not be a part of the second show of the anniversary weekend. ROH management wanted to suspend him for both nights but a heartfelt plea from Steve Corino was enough to persuade them otherwise and as a result on the first night of the anniversary in New Jersey there will be a New Jersey Street Fight that if Corino loses he will retire.


Judging from the previous contests involving Steen and Corino of this nature we have decided this match will go on last to ensure people with children can enjoy the show but leave if they wish before the brutality begins as there is no telling what these two sick minds will do to one another.


On the subject of Keenan at the moment there is no return time for him and he is out indefinitely after the actions of Steen, Keenan could not feel his legs or move any of the lower half of his body up until this morning when he has started to get back some feeling, it is doubtful whether he will even wrestle again.


Also on the anniversary we already announced that Dave Finlay, The Leaders of the New School and Daisuke Sekimoto would be a part of the weekend and we can officially announce their opponents in this week’s newswire.


When Dave Finlay approached Ring of Honor management he requested one match and said we could decide his other match, with Sekimoto it was much the same sort of scenario. As a result of this on the second night Dave Finlay will take on his handpicked opponent Chris Hero and Sekimoto will take on his handpicked opponent Sami Callihan. Both of these matches promise to be hard hitting and brutal with four of the best and stiffest strikers in the business today.


The night before however ROH management decided that there would be a dream partner tag team match as Sekimoto and Finlay both get to choose their partners and in a strange twist of fate Finlay chose to partner himself with Eddie Edwards whilst Sekimoto chose to partner himself with Davey Richards. So the night before they face off in a sixty minute ironman match the former tag team will be on opposite sides of the ring once again as a part of this massive match.


As for the LDRS they will grace night one as a team and Sabre will be alone on night two as Scurll has a booking elsewhere. On night one they will be taking on a team that recently returned to the company in something of a dream match the world over the Young Bucks. This promises to be an epic match but if that is not enough the following night in New York Zack Sabre Jr. will go one on one with Claudio Castagnoli in another match that is sure to be a fantastic spectacle of top quality wrestling.


Also on this weekend as we found out at this past week’s events it is all set for the tag team titles to be on the line in a Double Dog Collar match between Cole and O’Reilly and the Briscoe Brothers. This will surely bring an end to the blood feud between the two but will either of the teams ever be the same again after what will go down in NYC?


The night before in New Jersey however both teams certainly don’t have the night off as Jay and Mark will take on the in form Black Gate Asylum whilst Kyle O’Reilly will be in something of a dream match as he takes on El Generico one on one.


The person with the biggest weekend however is Adam Cole as he has earned the right to face Shane Hollister for the television title that night and could end up waking up on Monday morning to the realisation that he is a double champion in the company. A fantastic opportunity for the young star and we are sure that he will not disappoint anyone in his quest for success as he always can be found giving his all.


Finally on the anniversary weekend for now we can announce that after impressing in Boston Dave Cole will get a massive opportunity as he will go one on one in a special match with Roderick Strong in New Jersey. This is a great chance for him to prove his metal in a one on one environment although he will have to contend with the devious Valerie Malone and Truth Martini on the outside.


With the cards already so stacked we can announce that next week’s newswire which will be the last one before the events will announce the rest of the card with three matches yet to be announced for New Jersey and four to be announced for New York.


Don’t forget to tune in to the television show on all Sinclair affiliates this week which will be headlined by a main event of world champion Davey Richards facing off with Matt Jackson of the Young Bucks in a non title match.


Around the World


A massive night this week on WWE Monday Night RAW as the main event saw John Cena recapture the title from CM Punk much to the amazement of the crowd in attendance in British Columbia and chagrin of Vince McMahon.


Over on Smackdown there was a double main event which saw John Morrison defeat Randy Orton and Kane defeat Wade Barrett. Smackdown is looking the superior brand talent wise at the moment.


Then it was time for the WWE Royal Rumble with the big main event thirty man battle royal won by Wade Barrett to seal his place against a champion of his choice at WrestleMania.


On TNA television hot off the heels of Genesis we saw a main event where Rob Van Dam defeated Jeff Hardy in a number one contenders match although the whole event was very poor.


Ring of Honor Wrestling

Week 1 February 2012

Announcers: Rob Naylor and Nigel McGuinness


The show opens up with Shiima Xion coming to the ring and announcing that tonight the hostile makeover of ROH will continue and he is challenging anyone to come out and face him to open the show.


Just then the music of Delirious hits and we see an appearance from him for the first time in months as we get ready for the opening match. (D)


Match One

“The Future of Fashion” Shiima Xion vs. Delirious

A solid opening match to the show here with Delirious showing he hasn’t skipped a beat mixing in some great wrestling with some comedy and keeping up with the fast pace being dictated by Xion. In the end Shiima picked up the win over the lizard man thanks to his patented From Lust to Dust (Snapmare driver) for the big three count.

Winner – Shiima Xion ©


After the match was over Shiima was not done and planted Delirious with the move again before standing over him and styling his hair with a smug grin on his face. (C-)


Match Two

The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) w/Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey vs. The House of Truth (Michael Elgin and Ashley Sixx) w/Truth Martini

Both of these sides suffered defeat the last time they stepped into an ROH ring and wanted to set the record straight today in what turned out to be quite a solid if short tag team match. In the end it was the KOW getting back to winning ways planting Sixx with KRS-ONE (Hero and Castagnoli flip the opponent in the air before dropping them into a sit out scoop slam piledriver).

Winners – The Kings of Wrestling (D+)

After the contest was over Hero got on the microphone and said that Finlay should be careful what he wishes for as selecting to fight Hero was a big mistake and he will show him that in NYC. Hero then mentions that unlike Finlay he will have a day of rest as he is not booked for New Jersey the night before so he will be fresh.


Just then he is cut off by Jim Cornette as Cornette announces that Hero and Claudio will not be having the night off as they will face off with the All Night Express in a match to determine the number one contenders to the tag team titles. ©


Match Three

“Addicted to Love” Rhett Titus vs. “The Crown Jewel of the Embassy” Tommaso Ciampa vs. Jimmy Jacobs vs. “The Angel of Death” Azrieal

A solid four way contest here with the announcement beforehand that the winner would face off with Shane Hollister for the television title as the main event of next week’s show and all four men showing how much they want that opportunity.

The brewing feud between ANX and the Embassy boiled over as Titus and Ciampa began brawling around the ringside area leaving Azrieal to fall victim and be forced to tap out in the End Time.

Winner – Jimmy Jacobs (C-)


We are then treated to a video package outlining the career of Steve Corino within ROH spliced with some Kevin Steen footage before ending with Steen saying the words “I want to be the one to end your career” ©


Main Event

Non Title Match

“The Lone Wolf” Davey Richards vs. Matt Jackson

A solid showing here by one half of the Young Bucks as he was stretched and beaten badly by Davey but kept coming back for more showing a lot of heart before unleashing a flurry of quick offence and getting a few very close counts with Davey reeling a little bit.

In the end though Davey managed to pick up the win when he forced that tap out from Matt with his patented Keylock that has been putting away so many people lately.

Winner – Davey Richards. (B-)


Show Rating C

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Ring of Honor Newswire for Week 2 February 2012


With this being the final newswire before the massive double iPPV there is a lot of loose ends to tie up announcing the final matches for both nights. As we discovered on the television show there has been a number one contenders match for the tag team titles announced for New Jersey as Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli will take on Rhett Titus and Kenny King.


Also for New Jersey we can announce that Sami Callihan will once again get his hands on Johnny Gargano as he looks to set the record straight. With Larry Dallas pulling the strings in the corner of Gargano it is certainly going to be a tough task for Callihan although he insists he has Dallas under control. What could he mean by this?, buy the iPPV to find out.


Also on this event the feud between Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team and the House of Truth will continue to boil over as Charlie Haas will go one on one with Michael Elgin. This will be a fantastic opportunity for Elgin to get a massive win to try and elevate his career in the company and Haas will certainly have to be on guard to avoid the upset.


The following night in New York we can announce that the recent troubles between the All Night Express and The Embassy will come to a head as Dan Maff and Tommaso Ciampa will face off against Titus and King in a first time grudge match.


Also on the card there will once again be a meeting of WGTT and HOT as Truth Martini’s team of Roderick Strong, Michael Elgin and Shane Hollister laid down a challenge to Haas and Benjamin and the team have chosen their partner for the six man tag as El Generico. The generic Luchadore is certainly no stranger to the House of Truth and will help provide a fantastic match.


The other two matches on the show will see Shiima Xion get a rematch against Jimmy Jacobs after they faced off a couple of weeks ago on television with Jacobs coming out on top and Alex Colon will get another chance to shine as he goes up in a massive test against Johnny Gargano.


At the end of the television broadcast this week after we went off air Kimber Lee of the Black Gate Asylum came out when Davey Richards was still in the ring and told him that he was getting the opportunity to join the Asylum. After Richards turned her down she mentioned that such a deed would not go unpunished as the higher power is of the belief you are either with the asylum or against it and if Davey is against it he had better watch out as they were coming. The whole video can be seen on the official Ring of Honor YouTube channel.


This week on the television show Shane Hollister will defend in the main event against Jimmy Jacobs for the television title whilst Steve Corino will appear possibly for the last time on television in a wrestling capacity.


Around the World


WWE Monday Night RAW was headlined by a fantastic double main event as the corporation helped CM Punk defeat Big Show but couldn’t help Rey Mysterio defeat John Cena. Then on Smackdown Cena continued his rebel without a cause attitude once again in the main event this time defeating Christian although how long he can manage two shows surrounded by the ever growing corporation remains to be seen.


TNA television this week was headlined by Rob Van Dam going over Matt Hardy meaning two weeks in a row he has gone over a Hardy.


Ophidian finally ended the long reign of Joe Gacy as Force-1 heavyweight champion on the same card as Rich Swann defeated Rhett Titus in a fantastic contest.


There was a potential match of the year candidate in Dragon Gate as CIMA defeated PAC in an epic contest. Also in the promotion this week new Open the Triangle Gate champions were crowned in the form of CIMA, Ryo Saito and Naruki Doi of Blood Warriors.


Over in Real Championship Wrestling a new world champion was decided as Mark Briscoe defeated his brother Jay in an epic main event contest.


An interesting main event over in the Inoki Genome Federation as Bobby Lashley and Original Tiger Mask lost to Josh Barnett and Bob Sapp.


In one of the strangest turn of events a random local independent promotion ran a card headlined by a double main event of Chavo Guerrero going over Scott Hall and Paul Burchill going over Stevie Richards.


Ring of Honor Wrestling

Wednesday Week 2 February 2012

Announcers: Rob Naylor and Nigel McGuinness


Match One

The Black Gate Asylum (Alex Payne and Pelle Primeau) w/Kimber Lee vs. The CLASH (Cameron Skyy and Tommy Treznik) w/Mena Libra

A good tag team match to begin the show with both of these hungry young teams showing they deserve to be on the roster but in the end there had to be one winner and the finish came when BGA pulled off the Leg Lariat Doomsday Device on Skyy for the win.

Winners – The Black Gate Asylum (D-)


After the match was over out from the back came Davey Richards as he just destroyed both men much to the distaste of Kimber Lee on the outside of the ring but the pleasure of the crowd. Lee then got on the microphone and talked about how Davey does not realise what he has done, soon enough the children of the Black Gate will rise and the all powerful one will make their presence felt.


Lee goes on to talk about how ROH has scorned the powerful one in the past and they are back for revenge on a roster that ostracised and threw him to the curb when he needed them. Lee then finishes by saying that soon the day of reckoning will come for Richards and the day of reckoning will come for Ring of Honor...the Black Gate to hell will soon be opened and god help everyone when it is. ©


Match Two

Adam Cole w/Kyle O’Reilly vs. “The Crown Jewel of The Embassy” Tommaso Ciampa w/Prince Nana and Princess Mia

A good match here between two young and hungry stars with O’Reilly there to neutralise the threat from the outside of Prince Nana in a great move by the tag team champions.

After a great back and forth contest between the two men in the end Ciampa was on the end of a Corona Kick and pinned for the three count for another big win for Cole.

Winner – Adam Cole (D+)


Match Three

“Callihan Death Machine” Sami Callihan vs. “Big Guns” Frankie Arion

Another chance for Arion to impress the fans here although in truth he did not really get in much offence as this was all about building up the rage inside Callihan before he fights Gargano and Arion eventually tapped out to the Stretch Muffler.

Winner – Sami Callihan (D+)


We then had a table set up in the ring as it was announced that Steve Corino would officially sign on for his match with Kevin Steen. We were informed that Steen already signed and was not in attendance tonight so nothing untoward could go down. Cary Silkin, Jim Cornette and Joe Koff sat at the table as Corino made his entrance to the roar of the crowd in attendance.


Corino came down to the ring and went off on a speech about all the things he had accomplished in his career and how he recently had been feeling all this success was got in the wrong way as he has been an evil person. He however then goes on to say that maybe he was too hasty and maybe as Steen has shown, the only way to get ahead in this business is to be evil and that is why it will be no more nice Steve Corino, after what happened to his good friend Sterling James Keenan it will be the “King of old School” kicking Kevin Steen’s ass all over New Jersey and beating him so much his own mother doesn’t recognise him.


Just as Corino is about to sign the contract out from the back comes Jimmy Jacobs with a microphone. Jacobs talks about how he was also once an evil person but has shown that people can change for the better and he can’t see Corino relapse.


Jacobs talks about how Corino came to him begging for the help he needed, how Corino took on the words of Jacobs and Keenan and had become everything he ever wanted to be. Jacobs said that sure it has not been winning him championships and in fact has not been winning him many matches but at the end of the day this is Ring of Honor and Corino has been doing the honourable thing. He mentions that no matter what Steen has done Corino can’t slip back in to his old ways.


Just then the video wall lights up with the face of Kevin Steen in a car outside a house somewhere. Steen asks Corino if he recognises where he is, he asks Corino if he has the guts to bring back the old Steve Corino and fight Steen one on one. Before Corino can answer Steen talks about how he is outside Corino’s house right now and that maybe his so Colby can be more of a man than him and show his evil side and maybe Steen will go right in there and find out.


Corino is absolutely incensed in the ring and Steen says if Corino doesn’t sign that contract right now he is going in there and dropping Corino’s son so hard on his head he will be in the bed next to Keenan. Corino grabs the pen and as Jacobs pleads with him not to sign the contract and destroy months of work Corino shoves him out of the way and signs the contract as on the video wall Steen drives away but not before announcing that Corino better be ready otherwise he won’t be in a bed next to Keenan he will be in the morgue. (B)


Main Event

ROH Television Title

Shane Hollister w/Truth Martini vs. Jimmy Jacobs

Hollister wasted no time hitting the ring and jumping Jacobs as he and Corino were still arguing to begin the main event and get an early advantage. Once Jacobs managed to get himself together he matched Hollister hold for hold in one of the best technical matches since ROH began on Sinclair. In the end as we were nearing the fifteen minute time limit Jacobs got a massive two count with a Contra Code before locking in the End Time as Hollister managed to just hold on for the time limit to expire and to take the draw.

Winner – Time Limit Draw ©


As Hollister and Martini retreated up the ramp the crowd and Jacobs both were chanting five more minutes but the show just ended.

Show Rating C-



Full Cards for the Weekend


ROH 10th Anniversary Weekender Night 1

Saturday Week 2 February 2012

New Jersey

Live on iPPV on GoFightLive


New Jersey Street Fight

If Corino loses he must retire

"The King of Old School" Steve Corino vs. "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen


Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Finlay and Eddie Edwards vs. Daisuke Sekimoto and Davey Richards


Dream Tag Team Match

The Leaders of the New School (Marty Scurll and Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson)


Grudge Match

"Callihan Death Machine" Sami Callihan vs. "The Whole Shebang" Johnny Gargano w/Larry Dallas


ROH Television Title

Shane Hollister w/Truth Martini defends against Adam Cole


Charlie Haas vs. "Unreal" Michael Elgin w/Truth Martini


#1 Contendership Match

Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) w/Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey vs. The All Night Express (Kenny King and Rhett Titus)


"The Generic Luchadore" El Generico vs. "Irish" Kyle O'Reilly


The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. The Black Gate Asylum (Alex Payne and Pelle Primeau) w/Kimber Lee


"The New Deal" Dave Cole vs. "The Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong w/Truth Martini and Valerie Malone


ROH 10th Anniversary Weekender Night 2

Sunday Week 2 February 2012

New York City, NY

Live on iPPV on GoFightLive


ROH World Heavyweight Title

Sixty Minute Ironman Match

"The Lone Wolf" Davey Richards defends against "The Future of Wrestling" Eddie Edwards


ROH World Tag Team Titles

Double Dog Collar Match

Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly vs. The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe)


Special Challenge Match #1

Daisuke Sekimoto vs. "Callihan Death Machine" Sami Callihan


Special Challenge Match #2

Dave Finlay vs. "That Young Knockout Kid" Chris Hero w/Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey


Special Challenge Match #3

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. "Very European" Claudio Castagnoli w/Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey


Grudge Match

The Embassy (Dan Maff and Tommaso Ciampa) w/Prince Nana and Princess Mia vs. The All Night Express (Kenny King and Rhett Titus)


Grudge Match

Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin and El Generico vs. The House of Truth (Shane Hollister, Roderick Strong and Michael Elgin) w/Truth Martini and Valerie Malone


"The Future of Fashion" Shiima Xion vs. Jimmy Jacobs


"The Whole Shebang" Johnny Gargano w/Larry Dallas vs. Alex Colon

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ROH 10th Anniversary Weekender Night 1

New Jersey

Saturday Week 2 February 2012

Live on iPPV on GoFightLive

Announcers: Kevin Kelly and Dave Prazak


Match One

"The New Deal" Dave Cole vs. "The Messiah of the Backbreaker" Roderick Strong w/Truth Martini and Valerie Malone

A massive opportunity for Cole here as he had the chance against one of the top stars of the company and did not disappoint. Whilst no one ever believed that the newcomer would ever win the contest he did get enough credible offence in to show what he could do before falling clean to the Strong Hold for the tap out.

Winner – Roderick Strong ©


Match Two

The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe) vs. The Black Gate Asylum (Alex Payne and Pelle Primeau) w/Kimber Lee

Another match that was a pretty one sided affair with Payne and Primeau getting in a small amount of offence but this was all about building the momentum for the huge match tomorrow for Mark and Jay. Ultimately Jay ended up pinning Pelle following the Jay Driller.

Winners – The Briscoe Brothers (D+)


Match Three

"The Generic Luchadore" El Generico vs. "Irish" Kyle O'Reilly

A solid contest here which began with a handshake between the two men signalling a show of respect for one another. Generico was looking to get back to winning ways properly after a stuttering time recently whilst O’Reilly was looking to build on the momentum of winning the tag team titles with a huge singles win.

The match went back and forth between the two men for just over fifteen minutes before eventually Generico managed to land his patented Turnbuckle Brainbuster for the win.

Winner – El Generico ©


After the match finished there was another handshake and both men raised the hand of the other. ©


Match Four

#1 Contendership Match

Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) w/Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey vs. The All Night Express (Kenny King and Rhett Titus)

A fantastic match between the two teams here as the kings clearly wanted to earn a rematch at the gold the won and lost in the same weekend and Titus and King wanting to get a massive win under their belts. Throughout the match Titus played the face in peril constantly being beaten down and stopped from getting the tag by both of his opponents until ultimately he managed to introduce King into the contest.

King was a house of fire for a while before the match broke down and out of nowhere Titus managed to get the sneaky roll up on Claudio for the three count.

Winners – The All Night Express ©


After the match was over and King and Titus had left the ring Chris Hero cut an angry figure in the middle of the ring and held a microphone in his hand. Hero talked about how great it was in Boston when he once again held the tag team title in his hand but how terrible it was when he was pinned by Adam Cole the following night.


Hero then mentioned that he felt Claudio could have broken up the pin and Hero felt that maybe for some reason he chose not to but couldn’t put his finger on it. Hero then said he has known Claudio a long time and had given him the benefit of the doubt, that was until this morning.


Hero said he knows why Claudio hasn’t cared; why he hasn’t been there as a true King of Wrestling recently and why he was just rolled up by a glorified student Rhett Titus.


Hero then pulled a letter out of his tights and threw it at Claudio before shouting “THIS!”


Hero then left the ring as Claudio was in the centre of the ring holding the letter. ©


Match Five

Charlie Haas vs. "Unreal" Michael Elgin w/Truth Martini

A fantastic match here that really showed how Elgin has stepped up his game in recent months as he had no problem hanging with the former WWE star. Haas tried to outwrestle Elgin but Elgin was just using his power advantage to keep powering out of holds and throwing around Haas like a rag doll. In the end the whole crowd was shocked as Elgin somehow managed to get the pinfall on Haas with his Back to Reality (Cross Arm German Suplex).

Winner – Michael Elgin (C+)


After the match Elgin lifted up Haas and planted him with a Powerbomb and was about to do yet another one but Shelton Benjamin ran down to make the save for his tag team partner before any more damage could be done.


Shelton got on the microphone and announced that he was not meant to be here tonight but there are two good reasons why it is good that he is here. The first is so he can have Haas’ back in situation like the one that just happened whilst the second is that Daisuke Sekimoto’s plane has been delayed and whilst he will still face Sami on tomorrow’s card he cannot make the show tonight and taking his place in the dream partner tag team match will be Shelton himself. (C+)


Match Six

ROH Television Title

Shane Hollister w/Truth Martini defends against Adam Cole

Perhaps the toughest test to date for Hollister since becoming television champion against the in form Adam Cole who is already one half of the tag team champions. This was a great showcase between the two young stars that had it all from hold for hold wrestling to aerial manoeuvres to hard strikes with both men putting it all on the line to try and overcome the other. The match itself went for just over ten minutes of fast paced action that seemed to just fly over for the fans in attendance with Hollister trying to work the leg to neutralise the threat from Cole and also set up for his patented Iowa Leglock.

In the end though all the working of the leg counted for nothing as out of nowhere Cole managed to level Hollister with the Corona Kick followed by the Corona Crash to become the new television champion and a double title holder in the company.

Winner and NEW ROH Television Champion – Adam Cole (D+)


After the match was over whilst the House of Truth regrouped on the outside of the ring Kyle O’Reilly came down and congratulated his friend and tag team partner hoisting him up on to his shoulders as Cole held his two belts aloft into the air. ©


Before the next match out came Sami Callihan looking fired up but wanting to get on the microphone. He talked about how he promised to have a way of neutralising the threat of interference from Larry Dallas and now he will bring out that neutraliser.


As Callihan’s music plays again a woman comes out from the back which Callihan announces to be his wife and new manager Chrissy Callihan (Chrissy Rivera) as he announces if Dallas gets involved she is on alert to stop him by any means. (D)


Match Seven

Grudge Match

"Callihan Death Machine" Sami Callihan w/Chrissy Callihan vs. "The Whole Shebang" Johnny Gargano w/Larry Dallas

This match was just a brutal hard striking high impact match right from start to finish as both men put across the animosity of the feud very well getting the crowd on the edge of their seats as the majority were desperate for Callihan to finally get revenge. Indeed Callihan thought he had the match won when he had Gargano in the Stretch Muffler but Larry Dallas got on the apron forcing Callihan to break the hold.

As Callihan went to nail Dallas, Gargano pulled Chrissy into the ring and in self defence she nailed him with a low blow only for the referee Bryce Remsburg to see it and award the match to Gargano on a disqualification.

Winner by DQ – Johnny Gargano (C-)


After the match was over Callihan planted Gargano with his Headlock Driver (Headlock flipped forward into a modified Snapmare driver) before turning his attention to Dallas but before he could get his hands on the devious sports agent all he heard was a massive “WHACK!”.


Callihan turned around to see Chrissy laying there with blood coming from the back of her head as you heard someone on the microphone say “That bitch was in a need of a hostile makeover” as Callihan looked up to see Shiima Xion standing at the top of the ramp with Larry Dallas and a worse for wear looking Johnny Gargano.


Shiima then went on to say that he has been saying for weeks that Ring of Honor needs a hostile makeover but he couldn’t do it alone the roster was just too big and that is why he went to the man he knows can make a difference, the super agent himself Larry Dallas.


Dallas then got on the microphone and talked about how with Gargano and Shiima ROH will have to stand up and take notice of “Dallas Talent Agency Inc.” and also that no matter how much Callihan thinks he has one over on them Dallas is always at least two steps ahead. Dallas then leaves Callihan with the warning that he better enjoy his time whilst he can as the next person set for a hostile makeover could well be him.


DTA Inc. then leave as Callihan and some medics attend to his fallen wife in the ring getting her onto a stretcher. (C-)


Match Eight

Dream Tag Team Match

The Leaders of the New School (Marty Scurll and Zack Sabre Jr.) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt and Nick Jackson)

A fantastic match here as the best tag team in Europe bar none faced off with a team regarded as one of the best in the United States and certainly did not disappoint. The whole match was filled with picture perfect wrestling with Scurll and Sabre using their vastly superior technical and submission wrestling whilst also still hanging with the Bucks in regards to aerial moves too.

In the end though there could only be one winner and that turned out to be the Young Bucks when Nick pinned Scurll after the More Bang for Your Buck (Rolling fireman's carry slam by Matt followed by a 450° splash by Nick followed by a moonsault by Matt).

Winners – The Young Bucks (C+)


After the contest was over the two teams embraced and shook hands as the LDRS got a please come back chant to which Sabre grabbed the microphone and announced that he could reveal that himself and Marty are on an extended stay in the United States and plan to work ROH as much as possible during that time. The two teams then raise one another’s arms in a show of mutual respect before leaving to the back. ©


Match Nine

Dream Partner Tag Team Match

Finlay and Eddie Edwards vs. Shelton Benjamin and Davey Richards

A fantastic response for Finlay from the New Jersey crowd and a great performance from all four men in this hard hitting strong style match which saw tensions boil over between Davey and Eddie heading into their massive contest with one another tomorrow.

The idea of both men was to try and injure the other one to gain an advantage for tomorrow and indeed Davey seemed to fall badly on his ankle leaving the world champion struggling and allowing Finlay to pick up the win over Shelton with his patented Tombstone Piledriver as Davey was too incapacitated to make the save.

Winners – Finlay and Eddie Edwards (C-)


Next up we got the music of Steve Corino as he slowly made his way down to the ring for his massive match with Kevin Steen looking focused. Once inside of the ring Corino talked about how he has had a long and hard spell of thought over the last week or so about what to do tonight and he has decided to do the right thing. Corino talks about how tempting it was to go back to his old self but he needs to win the right way before talking about visiting Jimmy Jacobs after the TV show to apologise and talking it over coming to realise that if it isn’t done the right way then it should not be done at all. Corino says he is going to forego any evil thoughts involving weapons and such and try to beat Steen straight up and prove he has indeed turned a massive recovery corner.


Kevin Steen then walks down to the ring with an icy stare set on Corino clearly ready to do whatever it takes to end the career of his former friend and mentor (C+)


Main Event

New Jersey Street Fight

If Corino loses he must retire

"The King of Old School" Steve Corino vs. "Mr. Wrestling" Kevin Steen

An emotional rollercoaster of a match here as the whole crowd were unsure as what to expect and about what frame of mind Corino was in.

The early stages of the contest saw Corino and Steen straight up wrestling and Corino getting legitimately the better of it and frustrating Steen leading to Steen surprising everyone by offering a handshake to Corino in appreciation of his work. As Corino shook his hand however he planted a field goal kick into the genitals of Corino to the boos of the crowd before going out to get a chair and levelling Corino with it numerous times busting the veteran wide open.

Steen then went and got a microphone standing over a bloody Corino telling him to bring back the old Corino and fight, Steen handed the chair to Corino but he threw it down refusing to use it on Steen and go back to his old ways. After this Steen then just continued to batter Corino all over the ringside area before once again getting a microphone and telling Corino to “use the damn chair” as the veteran refused to use it.

Steen then set up a table in the centre of the ring, picked up Corino and levelled him with a Package Piledriver through the table as Jimmy Jacobs ran down from the back with a white towel throwing it into the ring as the referee called for the bell.

Winner – Kevin Steen


As Steen walked to the back Jacobs tended to Corino in the ring along with medics until Corino asked for a microphone. Everyone thought Corino was going to say and emotional speech but instead he started verbally laying into Jacobs saying he had no right to do what he just did, Corino never quit Jacobs did it for him. Corino said that Jacobs had not changed at all and still only looked out for himself, well now Corino himself needs to look out for himself so as he never quit and Jacobs had no right to quit for him he wants Kevin Steen’s ass out here as the match isn’t over.

Match Must Continue


As Jacobs left with a look of “well I tried” on his face Steen hit the ring again and Corino was there to meet him as the two traded off right hands with Corino working on adrenaline alone after taking such a beating earlier on.

The two men than began brawling all over the ringside area with all manner of weapons as Corino channelled the old Steve Corino and just fought a brutal and bloody war until he fell victim to a Package Piledriver but somehow kicked out at 2.9.

Steen continued to beat down on Corino and nailed the Steenalizer before screaming at Corino to stay down but the fight in Corino was too much and after another Package Piledriver Corino got up and motioned to Steen saying “Is that all you have got?” as Steen said “Goodbye my friend” and planted a Super kick right on the Jaw of Corino before lifting him up for yet another Package Piledriver and covering for the 1....2...3.

Winner – Kevin Steen (C+)


After the match an emotional Kevin Steen broke down in tears and asked for a microphone as he talked about how in 2004 he met Steve Corino working for the Elite Wrestling Revolution in Quebec, Canada and immediately the two struck up a bond. Steen talked about how Corino since that point has been a mentor and father figure to him, whenever he needed someone Corino was there, whether in the right or wrong Corino always stood by him for seven years until Steen turned his back on Corino.


Steen then apologised and said if he could turn back the clock he wouldn’t have wanted it to end this way, he intended to take a swipe at ROH and in the heat of the moment betrayed a seven year friendship, something that up until today he did not realise the importance of.


Steen then helps Corino to his feet and hands the microphone to the departing star. Corino talks more about how he saw potential in Steen from the very beginning and how Steen reminded Corino of himself when he was younger.


Corino then talks about how maybe he mentored Steen in the wrong way but he has come to realise that in wrestling to get ahead you have to be an evil person inside of the ring but it is the rest of the time that really matters. Corino tells Steen to continue showing his killer instinct in the ring but learn to do things the right way outside of the ring.


Steen then whispers something to Corino as the two shake hands and embrace one another before out from the back come Corino’s sister Allison Danger and her husband Ares, his son Colby and the rest of the face locker room as Corino breaks down in the centre of the ring staining the mat with a mixture of tears and blood as the show and Steve Corino’s long and illustrious career come to an end. (B-)


Show Rating C+


ROH 10th Anniversary Weekender Night 1

New Jersey

Saturday Week 2 February 2012


1. Roderick Strong beat Dave Cole (Strong Hold)

2. Jay Briscoe (W) & Mark Briscoe beat Alex Payne & Pelle Primeau (L) (Jay Driller)

3. El Generico beat Kyle O'Reilly (Turnbuckle Brainbuster)

4. Kenny King & Rhett Titus (W) beat Claudio Castagnoli (L) & Chris Hero (Roll Up)

5. Michael Elgin beat Charlie Haas (Back to Reality)

6. ROH Television Title: Adam Cole beat Shane Hollister© (Corona Crash)

7. Johnny Gargano beat Sami Callihan (Disqualification)

8. Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson (W) beat Marty Scurll (L) & Zack Sabre Jr. (More Bang for Your Buck)

9. Finlay (W) & Eddie Edwards beat Shelton Benjamin (L) & Davey Richards (Tombstone Piledriver)

10. Kevin Steen beat Steve Corino (Package Piledriver)

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ROH 10th Anniversary Weekender Night 2

New York, NY

Sunday Week 2 February 2012

Live on iPPV on GoFightLive

Announcers: Kevin Kelly and Dave Prazak


Match One

"The Whole Shebang" Johnny Gargano w/Larry Dallas vs. Alex Colon

A second chance for Colon to impress the ROH higher ups here and the youngster did not disappoint here with a solid performance in this short opener. Colon got in his fair share of offence but did eventually fall to the Hurts Donut to be pinned.

Winner – Johnny Gargano (D+)


After the match Dallas stayed down at the ringside area and personally announced the newest member of Dallas Talent Agency Inc Shiima Xion as he strutted down to the ring for his match next.

Match Two

"The Future of Fashion" Shiima Xion w/Larry Dallas vs. Jimmy Jacobs

A fantastic match between these two men which clearly surpassed their match recently on television and really elevated the status of Xion in the company after a fantastic showing. Jacobs despite being the only person left in Redemption these days was sticking to the rules and not losing his cool or snapping despite constant interference from Dallas on behalf of Xion. In the end the crowd were shocked when Xion picked up the massive win cleanly with the Bible Black followed by a 450 Splash.

Winner – Shiima Xion (C+)


After the match Xion wasn’t finished and continued to beat on Jacobs until the whole crowd was shocked when KEVIN STEEN came down and ran off Xion and Dallas.


As Jacobs got up and noticed that Steen was the one that saved him there was a stand off until Jacobs left the ring and Steen got the microphone.


Steen began by saying “My name is Kevin Steen and I am an evil person.....and I like it” then launching into a tirade to Jacobs that he learnt nothing from last night with Corino with Steen explaining that when it comes to in the ring you have to have an evil streak.


Steen says that Jacobs was just humiliated by a rookie and that will continue to happen if he does not realise and change back to being the old barbaric berserker we all knew and loved and even sometimes feared.


Steen then says he is there to help, he wants to atone for the wrongdoings he has done and also carry on what Corino started, he wants Jacobs to come join the Kevin Steen path of redemption as Steen looks to make amends with those he has wrongfully scorned. ©


Match Three

Grudge Match

Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin and El Generico vs. The House of Truth (Shane Hollister, Roderick Strong and Michael Elgin) w/Truth Martini and Valerie Malone

A solid if maybe a little bit underwhelming match here as the six men did not really seem to block that well and it showed in the performances. There was still a lot of good points in the match with both people getting in many of their signature spots and crowd clearly having no idea of which way the match would actually go until Generico picked up the big win for the babyface team when he pinned Hollister after a Turnbuckle Brainbuster.

Winners – Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin and El Generico ©


The match being over certainly did not put an end to the fighting as the House of truth jumped the winning team and laid waste to them with Haas and Benjamin both ending up out of it on the outside of the ring whilst Generico was falling victim to what can only be described as a mugging.


Suddenly for the second time tonight KEVIN STEEN hit the ring this time with a chair and cleared away the HOT but as he helped Generico up he was pushed away as Generico wanted no part of Steen.


Generico then left up the ramp as Steen was in the ring shouting the words “I’m Sorry” to Generico. ©


Match Four

Grudge Match

The Embassy (Dan Maff and Tommaso Ciampa) w/Prince Nana and Princess Mia vs. The All Night Express (Kenny King and Rhett Titus)

After the recent bitterness between these two sides this was a high impact match from start to finish and allowed King and Titus to work out their recent frustrations with The Embassy. The match was dominated by Dan Maff showing his superior power for a lot of the contest before eventually Ciampa fell victim to the Coronation from King as the ANX picked up another big win.

Winners – All Night Express ©


Match Five

Special Challenge Match #1

Zack Sabre Jr. vs. "Very European" Claudio Castagnoli w/Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey

A fantastic display of old fashioned European wrestling between these two men here as both showed they have a lot of respect for one another and worked a totally clean contest.

The match itself was reminiscent almost of the old school World of Sport style matches in the way it was fought and indeed Sabre at one point thought he had the massive win on his Ring of Honor singles debut when he locked in his patented Arm Bar but Claudio managed to reach the ropes.

In the end the ROH veteran picked up the win with a massive Pop-Up European Uppercut on Sabre as the crowd showed their appreciation for both men.

Winner – Claudio Castagnoli (C+)


Before Claudio could leave the ring we were treated to an appearance from Chris Hero as he came down and got into the ring with his KOW tag team partner. Hero talked about what happened last night and asked Claudio one simple question “When?”.


Claudio deliberated for a while before saying to Hero that he was going to tell him but he just hasn’t had the right words to say.


Hero then cuts him off an asks if there is ever a right time to tell someone you have betrayed a friendship before launching into a tirade on Claudio revealing that last year both men had WWE tryouts and Hero was not deemed to have the WWE style and as a result both men decided that as they work better as a team they would both stay where they are until WWE would accept both of them.


Then Hero talks about how he found the letter he threw at Claudio yesterday a few days ago and was shocked to see that all Claudio’s promises were false ones as Claudio has officially signed a contract with the WWE and is abandoning both Ring of Honor and the Kings of Wrestling.


Hero then says that whenever it is that he is officially going he wants to be the person to fight him in his last ROH match and can’t promise that WWE will even want him anymore after Hero breaks his bones, breaks his spirit and stretches him like he has never been stretched before.


Hero then tells Claudio to get out of “...his ring”. (C+)


Match Six

Special Challenge Match #2

Dave Finlay vs. "That Young Knockout Kid" Chris Hero w/Shane Hagadorn and Sara Del Rey

A short but stiff match here as Finlay showed he can still fight the good fight against the best wrestlers in the world today. Hero pulled off the majority of his move set as he desperately tried to put away the veteran Irish brawler but Finlay showed a resistance we have came to expect from him in the past and just would not stay down. That is until Hero loaded up his elbow pad and levelled Finlay with not one but two roaring elbows with it to finally put Finlay down for the three count.

Winner – Chris Hero (D+)


Match Seven

Special Challenge Match #3

Daisuke Sekimoto vs. "Callihan Death Machine" Sami Callihan

Another fantastic match between two more very stiff workers as Callihan seemingly was taking his frustrations with DTA out on Sekimoto but Sekimoto was not having any of it and hitting back as good as if not harder than he was receiving.

The end was a fighting spirit style ending with both men popping up on high impact head drops and suplexes until finally Callihan landed a massive lariat before locking in his patented Stretch Muffler submission for the tap out victory and possibly the biggest of his ROH career so far.

Winner – Sami Callihan ©


Match Eight

ROH World Tag Team Titles

Double Dog Collar Match

Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly vs. The Briscoe Brothers (Jay and Mark Briscoe)

A fantastic match here that any other night would have been the main event itself as it had everything from good wrestling to a heck of a lot of blood. All four men bled for the cause as this brutal and bloody feud between the two sides was surely put to bed as there is no way that in the future they could top this match at all.

All manner of weapons were used in the match as well as the chains of the collars themselves to both choke and also strike/whip their opponents with the welts on Mark Briscoe’s back certainly a sight to behold.

In the end the finish to the match came when a bloody Adam Cole landed Jay Briscoe with the Panama’s Sunrise off one ladder onto another ladder for the massive pinfall victory.

Winners and still ROH World Tag Team Champions – Adam Cole and Kyle O’Reilly ©


After the match was over the bloody champions somehow managed to leave on their own power whilst Jay Briscoe ended up leaving on a stretcher with a neck brace on following the massive end to the match. (D)


It was then time for the main event of the evening as the former American Wolves each made their own separate entrances with the crowd spilt 50/50 after throughout the feud both men have worked both face and heel and now are both more face. There were a lot of streamers for both men that took referee Todd Sinclair a long time to remove from the ring before the stage was set for the action. (C-)


Main Event

ROH World Heavyweight Title

Sixty Minute Ironman Match

"The Lone Wolf" Davey Richards defends against "The Future of Wrestling" Eddie Edwards

One of the best matches in the history of the company that surely had fans in the audience and also watching on iPPV on the edge for their seats for the whole sixty minutes of nonstop action.

The early stages saw Edwards working over the ankle that Davey seemed to tweak in the match yesterday with a variety of submissions and around the nine minute mark of the match Davey was locked in an Ankle lock variation much like he uses himself and to avoid further more permanent damage tapped out to give Edwards the first fall. Edwards leads 1-0.

As the referee got Edwards to release the hold and allow Davey to his feet it was clear that Davey was struggling so the ringside doctor got into the ring and was advising Davey to just give up and avoid more permanent damage but Davey disregarded the remarks and somehow got to his feet and carried on the fight.

Davey was then working on pure adrenaline and began hammering Edwards with strike after strike causing a lot of bruising and welts before a massive double kick right to the temple took Davey back on level terms at around the twenty minute mark. 1-1

After this the match went through a spell where both men were working over the other in spells of submissions and strikes until we reached the fifty minute mark and both men just began absolutely going for it with Davey landing four power bombs and then the DR Driver to virtually decimate Edwards to go 2-1 up. Richards leads 2-1.

With time running out Edwards possibly suffering a concussion was somehow managing to gain an upper hand and as time ticked away he was getting constant near falls before with thirty seconds left he landed the 2k1 bomb before locking on the Achilles Lock.

With the time running down Richards was desperately trying not to tap out until the bell went and Edwards released the hold with both men just laying there after giving their all.

Winner – Davey Richards (2-1) (B)


Edwards was the first to his feet and he went over to the table and grabbed the title belt standing over the fallen champion and as Davey got up it looked like Edwards was about to level Davey with the belt. Davey turned around but everyone got a shock as Eddie dropped to a knee and offered the belt out to Richards as Richards also dropped to a knee and both of the Wolves embraced one another before Davey asked for a microphone.


Davey talked about all the bad blood over the last half a year between the two men and said he has come to realise that the matches they have been putting on prove that they are by far the best two wrestlers in the world today.


Edwards then also has a microphone and talks about how he agrees with Davey and tonight the better wrestler won and Edwards can accept that as he is glad it is someone like Davey that is champion. Edwards talks about how Davey has been through so much and is the epitome of fighting spirit and if anyone deserves to be the face of Ring of Honor it is him.


Richards then talks about how he is not the only face of the company, there is more than one face to the company....there is two....two faces....two wolves. The crowd then cheers with a roar of approval as Davey asks Eddie to reform the American Wolves talking about how they can dominate both the singles and tag team division and Davey agrees.


Before they can say anything else the music of the Black Gate Asylum hits as Kimber Lee appears with a microphone of her own and talks about how she told Davey there would be consequences for his actions once the inmates are running the asylum.


Lee once again refers to the higher power and whilst she is talking many different people in cloaks start coming out of the crowd and surrounding the ring, surrounding Davey and Eddie as she talks about how now is the time for the Black Gate to rise up and take control.


As all the cloaked men get on the apron Alex Payne and Pelle Primeau appear alongside Lee on the ramp as the lights then go out and when they come back on there is a two men in cloaks standing behind Edwards and Richards as the two stars turn around and get levelled and beaten down.


Edwards and Richards are dispatched to the outside of the ring as all of the “inmates” got on the apron and Pelle, Payne and Lee get in the ring.


Lee talks about how the higher power is now upon us and he has brought along the newest inmate of the Black Gate. Both men have been scorned and cast aside by Ring of Honor over recent times and now both men are coming back as the inmates will begin running the asylum.


Lee talks about the newest inmate, how he is a former top star in the company that was cast aside because the company did not believe in him. The man then pulls down the hood of his cloak to reveal former two time World Champion AUSTIN ARIES. The crowd boos with a small portion cheering before Aries gets on the microphone and talks about how he has been looking to get revenge for what happened and now the higher power of the Black Gate has given him the opportunity to be a part of something big....a part of a REVOLUTION.


Aries then says without further ado he will introduce to the world the leader of the inmates, the leader of the asylum, the leader of the takeover, the leader of the revolution....THE FALLEN ANGEL CHRISTOPHER DANIELS.


Daniels rips off the hood and stands tall among the stars in the ring as again some of the crowd boo and some cheer happy to see the return of an ROH icon.


Daniels then talks about how he was wronged by ROH and shoved down the card when he joined the House of Truth then discarded to that company down south like a pair of old shoes.


Daniels talked about how his time in the House of Truth made him realise many things and the main thing was that he is not a follower but a leader. Daniels talks about the days of the Prophecy and how he was the most feared and powerful man in ROH at the time but this time he doesn’t care if he is feared or respected. Daniels mentions that he and the inmates of the Asylum will not stop until they have destroyed ROH from the inside out and mentions that no one quite realises how far the Black Gate stretches but soon enough they will find out.


Daniels then invites all of the people on the apron into the ring as they all bow down to Daniels who is stood with Aries, Payne, Pelle and Lee in the centre of the ring before uttering the words that what he said was not just the truth it was “The Gospel of the Black Gate” as the iPPV ends with the iconic image of all five workers raising their hands in the centre of the ring as the rest are still bowed down to them. (B)


Show Rating B-


ROH 10th Anniversary Weekender Night 2

New York, NY

Sunday Week 2 February 2012


1. Johnny Gargano beat Alex Colon (Hurts Donut)

2. Shiima Xion beat Jimmy Jacobs (450 Splash)

3. Charlie Haas, Shelton Benjamin & El Generico (W) beat Roderick Strong, Shane Hollister (L) & Michael Elgin (Turnbuckle Brainbuster)

4. Kenny King (W) & Rhett Titus beat Tommaso Ciampa (L) & Dan Maff (Coronation)

5. Claudio Castagnoli beat Zack Sabre Jr. (Pop-Up European Uppercut)

6. Chris Hero beat Dave Finlay (Loaded Roaring Elbow)

7. Sami Callihan beat Daisuke Sekimoto (Stretch Muffler)

8. ROH World Tag Team Titles Dog Collar Match: Adam Cole (W) & Kyle O’Reilly© beat Jay Briscoe (L) & Mark Briscoe (Panama’s Sunrise onto a ladder from a ladder)

9. ROH World Title Ironman Match: Davey Richards © beat Eddie Edwards (Two Falls to One)

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