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Impact Wrestling - Wrestling Will Matter

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Final Countdown, drop me a PM and let's discuss your victory.

Done. Also, I thought Hardcore Justice was very good. Don't be discouraged if you don't get tons of feedback/predictions right away; speaking from my own experience, it took me awhile to really build up a following for my diary. I probably averaged 3 predictors per show for my first (in-game) year, and the huge anniversary show that I spent so long building towards only drew two. I nearly pulled the plug right then, but those two predictors urged me to keep going. I did, and eventually more people started predicting and leaving feedback. Just keep going as long as you're enjoying yourself, and the readers/comments will eventually come.


Singles Match

Austin Aries vs. Amazing Red


Singles Match

Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky


Bound for Glory Series

D'Angelo Dinero vs. James Storm


Singles Match

Sting vs. AJ Styles


Plus Colt Cabana makes his first Television Championship Defense!

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Done. Also, I thought Hardcore Justice was very good. Don't be discouraged if you don't get tons of feedback/predictions right away; speaking from my own experience, it took me awhile to really build up a following for my diary. I probably averaged 3 predictors per show for my first (in-game) year, and the huge anniversary show that I spent so long building towards only drew two. I nearly pulled the plug right then, but those two predictors urged me to keep going. I did, and eventually more people started predicting and leaving feedback. Just keep going as long as you're enjoying yourself, and the readers/comments will eventually come.


Singles Match

Austin Aries vs. Amazing Red


Singles Match

Madison Rayne vs. Velvet Sky


Bound for Glory Series

D'Angelo Dinero vs. James Storm


Singles Match

Sting vs. AJ Styles


Plus Colt Cabana makes his first Television Championship Defense!


Nah, man, I was merely joking. I didn't anticipate as much feedback as I'm currently getting to begin with. It was my way of bumping my topic for more reads without typing bump.

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<b><u>Xplosion Results</b></u>


Sarita defeated ODB


<i><b>Mike Tenay:</b> Immortal are no more! Heyman wins!


<b>Taz:</b> Kurt and Sting are getting into it, though, Tenay.


<b>Tenay:</b> A Scorpion Death Drop on Styles! What's going on with Sting?


<b>Sting:</b> I told you I'm Crazy!


The <u>Hardcore Justice</u> highlight video concludes with Sting giving off a maniacal laughter from the top of the entrance walkway.</i>


<b>Impact Wrestling - Psychotherapy</b>


<b>Mike Tenay:</b> <i>Ladies and gentlemen, we welcome you a wave of change here at Impact Wrestling as Sunday night, Team Heyman were successful of getting rid of Immortal.</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>Tonight, Tenay, Heyman has promised us an episode of wrestling. No Hogan, no Bischoff, no Immortal.</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>That's right Taz. Heyman did, however, state that he would address the situation at the end of the night. But coming up Taz is a little Knockout action. Do I need to even go into how much you like the Knockouts?</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>No you shouldn't, Tenay, but I'll go ahead and say it: I love these girls!</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>Let's get to our first match of the night, Velvet Sky and Madison Rayne.</i>


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

Velvet Sky defeats Madison Rayne


<i>While the match was nothing to brag about, Velvet Sky continues to push into her own with a win over a very game and established Madison Rayne.


There were bits in the match where Rayne seemed to be in control, but it only encouraged Velvet Sky to fight back that much harder. Eventually the crowd got behind her, too, with encouraging "Velvet Sky" chants. With all the momentum in her favor, Velvet Sky finished Madison Rayne off with a Beauty Mark at 7:02 which led to a pinfall.</i>


<i>After the match, <b>Angelina Love</b> and <b>Winter</b> circled the ring stalking Velvet Sky, but Knockout Champion, <b>Mickie James</b> charged into the ring, daring the two to come fight. Not liking the evened odds, Winter and Angelina Love back peddled to the back.</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>While it looks like Velvet Sky is slowly positioning herself in contention status, Angelina Love and Winter refuse to back down. With Mickie James as a new ally, Taz, you've gotta think this feud will come to an end.</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>No kidding. I thought they were about to throw down right there, Mike!</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>Well fans of the X-Division should not be disappointed in this bout. After a spectacular three way dance at Hardcore Justice, Austin Aries will meet one on one with Amazing Red.</i>


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

Austin Aries defeats Amazing Red


<i>To say this match stole the show was an understatement as Aries and Amazing Red worked at such an incredible pace, that the arena attendance could do nothing more than simply marvel at what was going on.


After proving his worth at <u>Hardcore Justice</u> the Impact Wrestling fans who weren't familiar with Austin Aries work before couldn't help but warmly receive the highspots he landed during the match. Even a brief "Austin Aries" chant broke out for a short moment.


Though Amazing Red threw everything he possibly could at Aries, the match came to an end when Aries went to the top rope and wowed the crowd with a 450 Splash at 8:47 to pick up the pinfall.</i>


<i>Though, the crowd absolutely popped for him post-match, Aries resorted back to his heel roots by dusting his hands after the match and putting the boots on a down Amazing Red before tossing him to the outside. Aries then extended his hand to <b>So Cal Val</b> and asked for a microphone to which she acquiesced.</i>


<b>Austin Aries:</b> <i>If you people would shut up and listen, I have something important to say! Now I know there's a commercial break coming up, but since I know Kendrick is sitting at home, afraid that I might come after him again, I'm going to wait in this ring until the cameras starting rolling again.</i>


<i>After the commercial break, the cameras go to the ring where Austin Aries is casually relaxing along the top turnbuckle.</i>


<b>Aries:</b> <i>We're back on? Good! Hey Brian, how's your vacation this week? While you're sitting at home, thanking God, or whoever the hell else it is that you believe in, that you still have that X-Division Championship, I'm going to give you a little notice: you didn't beat me. At no point during my championship match were my shoulders down for three seconds. As far as I'm concerned, the only real loser in that match was Alex Shelley. But you know what, I know you're not a coward. You made this big spiel about being a fighting champion and restoring honor in the X-Division...if that's the case, prove it! I'm not talking about on Impact, because quite frankly, I'm bigger than that, I'm a pay per view headliner! Word is there's a pay per view coming up called <u>Victory Road</u>. Kendrick, if you truly have the stones, bring that fancy gold belt and put it on the line against me! Now hit my music!</i>


<i>Aries dropped the microphone and motioned to his waist to state that he's the future X-Division Champion. Austin Aries then left the ring and headed to the back.</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>Austin Aries is one confident dude, Tenay. And confidence will get you a long way.</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>You call it confidence, I call it ****iness, but we'll save that debate for another time, partner. Up next is a Bound for Glory Series match. James Storm, hot off his tag team victory over Mexican America is set to take on The Pope D'Angelo Dinero. Let's take a look at the Bound for Glory Series scorecard, Taz!</i>


<b><u>Bound For Glory Series</b></u>


<i>1. Crimson - 38 points

2. Rob Van Dam - 35 points

3. Matt Morgan - 31 points

4. Gunner - 28 points

5. Brother Devon - 21 points

5. Bully Ray - 21 points

5. James Storm - 21 points

5. Robert Roode - 21 points

5. AJ Styles - 21 points

6. The Pope - 7 points

6. Samoa Joe - 7 points</i>


<b><u>Bound for Glory Series</b></u>

James Storm defeats D'Angelo Dinero


<i>While the match itself was nothing to speak of, it did help establish the importance of the Bound for Glory series as The Pope and James Storm worked at a decent rate to pull the crowd's interest in the match.


Each individual got their fair share of offense with both coming very close to winning the match at at least one point or another with near fall pins coming from both of them. James Storm, however, would be the one to further branch out into his singles career as he managed to put The Pope away at 10:36 with a Last Call kick.</i>


<b><u>Bound For Glory Series</b></u>


<i>1. Crimson - 38 points

2. Rob Van Dam - 35 points

3. Matt Morgan - 31 points

4. Gunner - 28 points

4. James Storm - 28 points

5. Brother Devon - 21 points

5. Bully Ray - 21 points

5. Robert Roode - 21 points

5. AJ Styles - 21 points

6. The Pope - 7 points

6. Samoa Joe - 7 points</i>


<i>While James Storm was celebrating, <b>Rhett Titus</b> and <b>Kenny King</b> slowly walked toward the ring. James Storm, anticipating a brawl awaited for both of them to enter. The crowd popped once <b>Robert Roode</b> rushed down the walkway and entered the ring awaiting the two men as well. King and Titus moved to the apron of the ring and stepped inside. While many were expecting a brawl, King grabbed a microphone and the two Impact newcomers began to speak.</i>


<b>Kenny King:</b> <i>We're not thugs. We don't ambush people, we don't attack them backstage, Titus and I, we're competitors. You see, Beer Money, you may not know who we are and that's fine. For the last two years, Rhett Titus and myself have been putting together tag team classics, we've feuded with, and beat, some of the best tag teams in the world. And whether it was win or loss for us, we always established one thing: the All-Night Express, Rhett Titus and myself, we're a tag team to look out for. No matter where we were at or who we wrestled, two names always came up: Robert Roode and James Storm. People say you're the best in the world and whether that's true or not, I'm not one to argue. The fact is, though, the All-Night Express want to see for ourselves. Now I understand that the two of you are involved in this Bound for Glory series, but as long as those World Tag Team Championships are in your possession, as long as people call you the best team in wrestling, Titus and myself will not back down.</i>


<i>James Storm took the microphone and began to speak.</i>


<b>James Storm:</b> <i>For over four years me and Robert Roode have bled, sweat, and cried for these belts. LAX, Motor City Machine Guns, Team 3D, Mexican America, we've sent them all packing. No matter how much we wanted to beat their asses though, one thing stood out: each of those teams earned a shot at these two belts. You punks have only been here for five damn days and you're already demanding a match? I can think of three or four teams back there ahead of you boys.</i>


<b>King:</b> <i>And just like every team before, we'll beat them. And then we'll beat you.</i>


<i>Roode then took a microphone.</i>


<b>Robert Roode:</b> <i>You know why they call us the greatest team in wrestling? We don't come out here and talk about how good we are to these fans. We don't need to. We have a catalog of Impact Wrestling matches showing what we do best: tag team wrestling. You think you're the next big tag team? That's great. No one should be in this business if they lack in confidence. You think you're Tag Team Championship contenders? Prove it. Next week, here on Impact!</i>


<b>King:</b> <i>I don't care who Impact management puts in front of us. We will win.</i>


<b>Roode:</b> <i>That's what I like to hear. Next week, you boys show up, wrestle your tag match. We'll be watching.</i>


<i>Beer Money's theme music hit and the two raised their hands to the audience as the All-Night Express left the ring and headed to the backstage area.</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>Well, we will finally get to see All-Night Express in action next week, Taz! But fans, after this commercial break, Colt Cabana makes his first Television Championship defense!</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>I can't wait, this is going to be good!</i>


<i>When Impact returned, the camera focused in on the announce table.</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>Straight from Heyman's desk I have received information on the new rules involving the Television Championship title. The belt must be defended at least twice a month, Taz. Once on Pay Per View and at least one time on Impact Wrestling. Failure for a champion to do so, will lead to a stripping of the belt. Impact matches will be contested in a fifteen minute time-limit while Pay Per Views will be thirty minutes. Gotta love that, Taz, I think it's an amazing idea.</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>Talk about a fighting champion, Tenay. It doesn't seem like the Television Champion will have a day off.</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>And just five days removed from his title win, Colt Cabana has already stepped up to take on his first challenger.</i>


<i>Just as Mike Tenay mentioned him, <b>Colt Cabana's</b> song hit the soundsystem and the Impact Wrestling Television Champion hopped on stage tapping his foot to the song and clapping his hands. Colt then rolled into the ring where he grabbed a microphone.</i>


<b>Colt Cabana:</b> <i>Finally, the Windy City Warrior has come back to Impact Wrestling! Ok, so not back, since this technically still my debut week, but still.</i>


<i>The crowd laughed a little at Colt's shtick.</i>


<b>Cabana:</b> <i>All kidding aside, it was nice to be recognized for my talents at Hardcore Justice. For that, I've gotta thank Paul Heyman. Heyman, I promise I won't let you down. Heyman, if I'm still Television Champion when my contract runs out, I promise I won't walkout on ya, buddy!</i>


<i>A CM Punk chant briefly brokeout in the arena.</i>


<b>Cabana:</b> <i>Shhh. You can't say that on television!</i>


<b>Taz:</b> <i>This guy is a riot, Tenay!</i>


<b>Cabana:</b> <i>Right now, though, having this belt means a hell of a whole lot. All that history it has. First it was the Legends Championship with Booker T.</i>


<i>Cabana then did his best Booker T impersonation by sticking his hand in his face and shaking his head.</i>


<b>Cabana:</b> <i>Then it became the Global Championship with...well, I'd rather forget about that time, to be honest. Now it's the Television Champion and Eric Young, you were a hell of a worker and it was an honor to do battle with you on Sunday. If you ever want to try to reclaim this, I'll glad accept a rematch any place, anywhere. Right now, though, there's someone in the back who like Young and myself was overlooked by Impact management. Well, not anymore. It's my pleasure to welcome my first title challenger at this time, Jay Lethal!</i>


<i><b>Jay Lethal</b> came out on stage to a warm reception with some of the people in attendance chanting "Welcome back!"</i>


<b><u>Television Championship</b></u>

Colt Cabana© defeats Jay Lethal


<i>Despite Colt Cabana having his first successful title defense, returning wrestler Jay Lethal still looked strong in his Impact Wrestling debut, catching the Television championship with everything from a suicide dive to his hip toss, cartwheel, drop kick combination, but still Colt Cabana never gave in.


Lethal continued his assault firing away with a mixture of punches and European uppercuts, but Colt Cabana soon returned fire, finally planting Lethal with a lariat. Colt awaited for Lethal to stand up and caught him with a bridged German suplex, but Lethal managed to power out right before the referee counted his three.


Colt Cabana finally put the end to the bout by catching an unsuspecting Jay Lethal with a Colt .45 at 12:28 to make for his first successful TNA Television Championship.</i>


<i>While Cabana and Lethal shook hands on their match, the camera went to the interview area backstage where <b>AJ Styles</b> was the focus of the night. Impact would go to a commercial shortly afterward.</i>


<b>Interviewer:</b> <i>Why do you think Sting did what he did at Hardcore Justice?</i>


<b>AJ Styles:</b> <i>How the hell would I know? It's no surprise that Sting has a few screws list, but don't worry Stinger, after tonight, I'm going to knock a little sense in ya!</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>Coming up after the break, Sting against AJ Styles.</i>


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

Sting defeats AJ Styles


<i>The match itself devolved from a wrestling match to a brawl as AJ Styles honed in on Sting to exact some revenge after the post-match Scorpion Death Drop he received at <u>Hardcore Justice</u>. The two men displayed the increasing animosity by brawling throughout the arena before the match bell even sounded.


Sting, in an attempt to escape from Styles, finally rolled inside of the ring. AJ Styles however leapt from the ring apron and onto the top rope knocking Sting to the canvas with a flying elbow smash. While, theoretically, Styles could have looked for a pin after such a high impact move, Styles lifted Sting to his feet and began to pound into him with some sound right hands before running to the ropes. As he rebounded, however, Sting stopped his momentum with an elbow to the face.


Sting had AJ in the corner where began to redden his chest with some nasty sounding chops. Styles, ever enraged, grabbed Sting and reversed the position hitting Sting with some nasty overhand chops. Styles then placed Sting on the top rope, climbing with him where both guys slammed to the canvas after a superplex. Styles moved in for the cover, but Sting lifted his shoulder up at two.


AJ Styles and Sting slowly moved to their feet, before Styles could continue his offense, Styles broke it up with a kick to the gut before planting Sting on his head with a DDT. Sting then moved to his feet with a maniacal smile before lifting Styles and power whipping him into the turnbuckle. Sting then charged toward Styles from the opposite turnbuckle, but met a boot to the face from Styles. Styles then followed up by moving from the corner and dropping Sting with a bulldog. Styles went for the cover again, but Sting once again kicked out. Styles then showed it was time for an end by signaling for a Styles Clash. As Styles placed Sting's head between his legs and extended his arms to taunt to the crowd, Sting took him down with a double leg and locked in the Scorpion Death Lock. Styles looked to fight out of it at first, trying as hard as he possibly could to get to the ropes. Styles eventually had no choice and tapped out at 22:08.</i>


<i>Despite the match already being over, Sting kept the Scorpion Death Lock applied and while the referee tried to break it, Sting wouldn't give. Having seen enough, <b>Kurt Angle</b> rushed down into the ring nailing Sting with a series of right hands. Once Sting hit the canvas, he rolled out of the ring and darted toward the stage escaping Angle's wrath. Angle grabbed a microphone from So Cal Val and began to speak.</i>


<b>Kurt Angle:</b> <i>I don't know what's gotten into you, Sting, but I've had enough! I've always respected you as a competitor, but you've managed to do nothing but disgust me these last few weeks. Sting, there will be no more running for you. I promise Paul I wouldn't say anything yet, but damn it, I'm not going to wait. At Victory Road, I'll finally be able to get my hands on you. It's real, it's damn real!</i>


<i>Sting gave an exaggerated spooked look on his face at Angle's announcement, and Angle moved over to check on AJ Styles. Before Impact Wrestling's last commercial break, <b>Paul Heyman</b> was seen heading out of his office.</i>


<b>Tenay:</b> <i>When Impact returns to break, Paul Heyman will make first formal address as Impact Wrestling President.</i>


<i>When Impact Wrestling returned, Paul Heyman made his entrance much to the delight of the arena. He played up to the crowd before entering the ring and grabbing a microphone.</i>


<b>Paul Heyman:</b> <i>Tonight, wrestling mattered! And I promise that from now on, wrestling will continue to matter here on Impact Wrestling! Now, I didn't want Kurt Angle to reveal the main event plans for Victory Road like he did, but Sting vs. Kurt Angle will be one of many great matches offered at Victory Road! But that's not why I'm here. The topic for tonight is Immortal. The future of Immortal. Well, Hulk Hogan isn't here, and I can assure you he won't be in the future. As for the rest of the Immortal crew, I've left them home for the week to make some decisions: either leave with Bischoff and Hogan, who won't have your back, or stay as part of the Impact Wrestling roster. I saw you guys wrestle first hand on Sunday, and each and everyone of you has the talent to make an impact on this roster. But, hey, if you'd rather be ass kissers in exchange for receiving pay-raises and title shots, then you can go straight to the unemployment line.</i>


<i><b>Eric Bischoff's</b> music hit as he walked out on stage followed by a chorus of boos. Bischoff then stepped into the ring as Heyman acknowledged his appearance.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>Before someone calls security, don't worry, I invited him out here. You know, Eric, you and I aren't at all different. In fact, for all the crap you've showed down these people's throat, you signed a lot of new talent. I'll be honest, I could use you around in the office. After all, unlike the rest of Immortal, you were the only one to contact me about doing business. And I respected that. You fought against me and when defeat was at your hands, you conceded. That gets nothing but respect from me, Eric. So I'll tell me, do you want to work for Impact Wrestling?</i>


<b>Bischoff:</b> <i>Paul, let's be honest.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>Mr. Heyman.</i>


<b>Bischoff:</b> <i>Mr. Heyman, since I took over the Impact Wrestling office staff, Impact Wrestling has only seen upside. Hogan was just brought in to spike television ratings. Everything else was all my doing. When people complained about the six sided ring, I purchased a ring crew to construct a four sided ring. When people complained about us not being in high definition, who do you think worked the deal out with SpikeTV to bring us a high definition set? And those goofy initials, TNA, it was my idea to rebrand us as Impact Wrestling. I did all of this, Pa...Mr. Heyman, ask anyone in the office.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>Those are very valid points. You are a critical asset to this company. You want to work for Impact Wrestling? Fine, but first, I want you to get on your knees and beg.</i>


<i>Bischoff looked surprised and looked a tad upset.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>Karma is a bitch! I'm doing this for Fortune, Tommy Dreamer, the X-Division, Dixie Carter! For anyone you ever embarrassed on these cameras get on your knees and apologize!</i>


<i>Bischoff finally knelt on both knees and began speaking in the microphone.</i>


<b>Bischoff:</b> <i>I...I..I'm sorry Mr. Heyman. I promise I will be your right hand man during from now on. You will never ever have to worry about me ruining any of your future plans.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>You're damn right I won't!</i>


<i>Just then Heyman pulled out Eric Bischoff's contract and held it out in front of him.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>There's one more person I forgot to mention in the list of people you screwed over. He'd like to have some choice words with you.</i>


<i>While Bischoff had no idea who he was talking about, <b>Ken Anderson</b> came out from the crowd and slid in the ring behind Eric Bischoff.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>You turned this guy into a yes man made him take a backseat to you and Hogan WHILE he was the World Heavyweight Champion! And quite frankly, he never got to truly express just how upset he was that you cost him the World Championship not once, but twice. Bischoff, apologize to Mr. Anderson!</i>


<i>Bischoff turned around seeing Ken Anderson and began shaking his head as if begging Anderson not to do anything. Anderson, however, lifted Eric Bischoff up and flattened him with a Mic Check to the delight of the crowd.</i>


<b>Heyman:</b> <i>Get this trash out of here!</i>


<i><b>Christopher Daniels</b>, <b>Kazarian</b>, and <b>Beer Money</b> all moved to the ring, pulling the flattened Eric Bischoff out of the ring. From there, all four men walked Bischoff to the backstage area. Heyman and Anderson stood in the ring waving goodbye to Bischoff as Impact went off the air.</i>


<b><u>Quick Results</b></u>


Velvet Sky defeated Madison Rayne (D+)

Austin Aries defeated Amazing Red (B-)

James Storm defeated D'Angelo Dinero (C+)

Colt Cabana defeated Jay Lethal (D+)

Sting defeated AJ Styles ©


Impact Wrestling (C-)


A little sad at the low rating, but it makes sense. I planned to put a lot of other things in this episode of Impact, but forgot almost all of them when it came time to put it all together. Had to completely change the write-up this time around to make it seem like it was done on purpose. I think I pulled it off fairly well.

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<i>With <b>Immortal's</b> course reaching its end in Impact Wrestling's storybook, a new chapter emerges. <b>Sting</b>, the man who single handedly defied Immortal throughout the year has finally reached his breaking point. Last night, it was revealed just how insane Sting truly is. <b>Kurt Angle</b>, standing for valor and honor, has finally taken a stand to Sting's unruly antics and will look to put an end on Sting's reign of insanity at <u>Victory Road</u>.


With <u>Victory Road</u> still two weeks away, fellow <b>Fortune</b> member and <b>AJ Styles</b> closest friend <b>Christopher Daniels</b> will look to exact some revenge in Styles' name when he takes on the World Heavyweight Champion, Sting, in Impact Wrestling's main event.


Will Christopher Daniels get a taste of revenge or will Sting look to send yet another message to Kurt Angle? This and much more only on Impact Wrestling!</i>


<b><u>Scheduled Card for Impact Wrestling (August, Week 2)</b></u>


<b><u>Tornado Tag Team Match</b></u>

<i>Angelina Love & Winter vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky</i>


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

<i>Eric Young vs. Shannon Moore</i>


<b><u>Tag Team Match</b></u>

<i>The All-Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus) vs. British Invasion (Douglas Williams & Brutus Magnus)</i>


<b><u>Bound for Glory Series</b></u>

<i>Rob Van Dam vs. Brother Devon</i>


<b><u>Singles Match</b></u>

<i>Sting vs. Christopher Daniels</i>


<b><u>Predictions Leaderboard (August Edition)</b></u>

TracyBrooksFan - 4/5

The Final Countdown - 4/5

jonnycosmic - 4/5

ChrisKid - 4/5 (I'll count the CC match even if you didn't pick it. I didn't expect the others to, but they did. So free point there.)

EdgeHeaD - 4/5 (See above)



All of you thought D'Angelo Dinero was winning his match, save for Tracy. I'm thinking you guys were expecting tag team shenanigans with ANE, but I'm going to go a different route with those guys. :-D.

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Tornado Tag Team Match

Angelina Love & Winter vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky

I think these two need a win for one of them to establish themselves as a contender to face Mickie.


Singles Match

Eric Young vs. Shannon Moore


Tag Team Match

The All-Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus) vs. British Invasion (Douglas Williams & Brutus Magnus)

They came in quite hot, and they need the win to keep that going. Plus what have The British Invasion actually done recently?


Bound for Glory Series

Rob Van Dam vs. Brother Devon


Singles Match

Sting vs. Christopher Daniels

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Tornado Tag Team Match

Angelina Love & Winter vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky


Singles Match

Eric Young vs. Shannon Moore


Tag Team Match

The All-Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus) vs. British Invasion (Douglas Williams & Brutus Magnus)


Bound for Glory Series

Rob Van Dam vs. Brother Devon


Singles Match

Sting vs. Christopher Daniels

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Tornado Tag Team Match

Angelina Love & Winter vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky


Singles Match

Eric Young vs. Shannon Moore


Tag Team Match

The All-Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus) vs. British Invasion (Douglas Williams & Brutus Magnus)


Bound for Glory Series

Rob Van Dam vs. Brother Devon


Singles Match

Sting vs. Christopher Daniels

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Tornado Tag Team Match

Angelina Love & Winter vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky


Singles Match

Eric Young vs. Shannon Moore


Tag Team Match

The All-Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus) vs. British Invasion (Douglas Williams & Brutus Magnus)


Bound for Glory Series

Rob Van Dam vs. Brother Devon


Singles Match

Sting vs. Christopher Daniels

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Tornado Tag Team Match

Angelina Love & Winter vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky


Singles Match

Eric Young vs. Shannon Moore


Tag Team Match

The All-Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus) vs. British Invasion (Douglas Williams & Brutus Magnus)


Bound for Glory Series

Rob Van Dam vs. Brother Devon


Singles Match

Sting vs. Christopher Daniels

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Tornado Tag Team Match

Angelina Love & Winter vs. Mickie James & Velvet Sky


Singles Match

Eric Young vs. Shannon Moore-Best underrated high flyer.


Tag Team Match

The All-Night Express (Kenny King & Rhett Titus) vs. British Invasion (Douglas Williams & Brutus Magnus)-Don't let the Brits lose. They have a great future.


Bound for Glory Series

Rob Van Dam vs. Brother Devon


Singles Match

Sting vs. Christopher Daniels

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