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Championship Wrestling from Boston was my idea: A C-Verse diary

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There was always something strange about Boston in wrestling history, perhaps even the entire New England area. From the days of Wild Man Sullivan destroying people everywhere to Corporal Doom getting his big break. However with the death of Gene Plumelli came the death of wrestling as a strong force in Boston, in came Richard Eisen and his Supreme power and the shift of focus in New England to Connecticut.


A lot of people still remember Iron Mike and Major WG with fond words and memories. The Boston days were the type of days that people used to love watching on TV, my father included. It was actually him that said if I ever wanted to make it in wrestling that the only place I should go was Boston, because that was the only place in the world where wrestling was still ‘real’ to everyone. I get what he means, the fans and the legacy it all meant so much to the people there; when Plumelli died I’m told it was like a father dying for a lot of people.


You can’t have malice and hatred towards Eisen for what he did; he actually saved a lot of people from being jobless, in front and behind the cameras. For the heartless a**hole he is (and trust me I should know, he’s canned me before signing me on more than one occasion) he really shone through during that time, even if he did seem cold and evil.


I can’t claim to have any memories of Boston. It was 1978 when it closed, I wasn’t even born until 1985 but the stories my father and uncles tell me every day about it when I ask, it was something else.


The old guard have their own memories of Boston too; I’ve worked a few shows with Doom on and Mustafa, stories of Ed Henson and Whipper Spencer Marks tearing up the joint and mad all night parties. Eric Tyler getting his start out in Boston and pictures of the Demon’s Of Rage in full paint and shoulder pads, something the Warlord’s would later take on as their own.


A legacy, it’s a word thrown around all too often but never fully earned. Sam Strong’s career is a legacy, Micky Starr’s title reigns were legacies in themselves and Boston was the greatest legacy in wrestling, a true dynasty for all to watch. People said they’d never see Boston run the rounds again.


But this is 2010.


I had a call from a few wrestlers from around the area about an idea that had been forming, lately it had seemed that Eisen had stopped asking Nero to bring in outside wresters for his show and it was beginning to stop others getting work. Certain names had to go as far as Mexico for one or two shows a month just to get by as a wrestler.


I’d moved down from Washington late last year, my job as an architect had required me to move and when I mentioned Boston to my father he jumped at the chance, he hoped he could visit and be shown around the wrestling history museum there, it was his birthday gift in December. That was when he was told about the plan put in place; I’ve never seen my father as excited as when he was told, for a 62 year old man, he can still dance pretty damn well.


Speaking to the local sporting comission was easy enough, having the title's made as replicas to the original's that still hang in the museum, little more difficult however, we managed it.


Boston as I’ve said many times, holds a place in the heart of many wrestling purists from the past, fans like me from the present that can YouTube this stuff and Boston itself as an institution. However what does it hold for the younger generation? The future of this country? There's only one way to find out...


My name is Wilson Carlisle




And Championship Wrestling From Boston is my idea.

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What the world is saying about Championship Wrestling From Boston


“I was the final champion there, so I feel I should have the first say on what has transpired. The Boston territory was one of the finer moments of my wrestling career, even if it was right at the beginning. For me the true essence of Boston may never be able to be recreated, but what is being put forward sounds like an updated version of MY Boston. I wish Wilson all the best, the few shows he did with me he showed himself to be a respectful youngster and I feel it is in good hands” Corporal Doom, former CWB champion


“Championship Wrestling From Boston died when I took all its talent, some second rate referee thinks he can run it again because I won’t give him a job? As long as it doesn’t cut into my ticket sales it will never be of any interest to me at all” Richard Eisen, colossal jacka** and SWF owner


“It won’t have the extreme brawls that it did, but it’s a different time in wrestling and Pittsburgh has that covered. I’m hoping that CWB manages to improve the younger talent in this country, build its own legacy” Eric Tyler


“Boston has reopened? Well my idea to rival ol’ Rich is on hold for another week then” Gil Thomas, colossal hype machine


“CWB WILL FEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLL THEEEEEEEEEE FOOOOORRRRRCCCCEEEEE!” Jim Force; he has not actually been contacted; however he may still turn up anyway.


“If they’re around in 8 months, tell me, they seem better than my chances in this sh*thole anyway” an unnamed SWF employee who may have just made his situation nuclear.




The first show that we’re running is going to be called ‘Reborn’. An apt title which will have its card revealed after I get my roster up :)


Not much will be done in the form of backstage stuff, maybe the occasional worker leaving bit or something but I feel I’ll get too bogged down if I go too over the top with a back story.


Much like LeviticalLawKid3 who ran an excellent KANZEN diary and is running an even better CZCW one it seems right now (take a read of it if you can, the back story is great) I will run much like a Chikara podcast in the run up to shows, maybe 2 before every show, just so that I can hype the matches somewhat and it gives me more time to write shows. I’m guessing that it’ll be a show every 4 or 5 days, maybe talk about stuff that’s happening in the world in between.


For anyone after little bits of information, the company is starting at 20% popularity with 10% prestige and $50,000.



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