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Fight Hard Federation - No Managing, All Booking

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Fight Hard Federation

No Managing

All Booking





Main Eventers

Alex Braun

Johnny Martin

James Prudence

Fumihiro Ota


Upper Midcarders

Hell Monkey

Spanish Superfly

Larry Wood

Steven Parker

Matthew Keith



Greg Gauge

Samoan Machine


Lower Midcarders

Davis Wayne Newton


Title History:

Fight Hard Championship:

James Prudence

(Wk 4, January 2010 - ???)

1 Defences

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Wrestling Observer Radio, Saturday, Week 2, January 2010, 32:00 Mark


Dave Meltzer: One really good spot I liked in that match was right at the ending, when, uh... Koki goes up to the top rope, and he like, gets ready for the... huh... Koki something, you know, the 450 Moonsault, and then out of nowhere, comes Magnum Kobe with the quick flash Enziguri on the back of the head, and then the Top Rope Kobe Bomb


Bryan Alvarez: Yeah...


Dave Meltzer: That was just... Amazing.


Bryan Alvarez: So, your rating of that match?


Dave Meltzer: Well, huh... The whole match wasn't five stars or anything, but it was enjoyable, especially for WLW level, I gave it 3 stars and a half


Bryan Alvarez: And the show?


Dave Meltzer: Hmm... I'm not sure yet, I will probably give it 3 stars and a half too, it had its fair share of bad matches and its fair share of good matches, but overall, the pros outweigh the cons on this one.


Bryan Alvarez: Well, there you have it, that's WLW Breakdown Tour from Yesterday, and now, we gotta discuss something else, Dave...


Dave Meltzer: We do indeed.




Dave Meltzer: (Laughs)


Bryan Alvarez: Alright, folks, so listen up, for those of you who have been living under a rock for the past two weeks, on January first, a Portuguese Billionaire called Diogo Brás created a Federation, and he called it “Fight Hard Federation”, its first show is scheduled for Sunday of Week 4, and it will be called “Genesis”, now, some days ago, Diogo signed in Black Cat Bailey, Larry Wood, Spanish Superfly, Alex Braun, Davis Wayne Newton, Fumihiro Ota, Insane Machine, James Prudence, JD Morgan, Johnny Martin, Matthew Keith, Rafael Luiz, Rhino Umaga, Stuart Ferdinand, Greg Gauge, Hell Monkey, Samoan Machine, Sky King, Steve Flash and Steven Parker.


Dave Meltzer: All great names in the industry.


Bryan Alvarez: (Small Chuckle) Yes, that's right, all great names in the industry, he also signed Mitch Naess for the Announcer Role, Doc Messing and Sara Silver for the Colour Commentator spot, Eugene Williams and Wilson Carlisle for the Referee spot, and last, but not least, The Stomper and Craig Prince as Road Agents. Once again, all great names in our industry. Fans went wild salivating while imagining all of this talent together in one ring. And the hype-machine went full-speed ahead for every fan into the Indy Wrestling Scene. Sunday, Week 4 of January 2010 couldn't come fast enough... Until yesterday.


Dave Meltzer: (Laugh)


Bryan Alvarez: You see... Apparently, this Diogo fellow isn't exactly a smart fellow, he may have a lot of money, but he sure as hell doesn't know how to spend It. Yesterday, it was announced that BLACK HAT HAILEY... JD MORGAN... RHINO UMAGA... INSANE MACHINE... RAFAEL RUIZ... STUART FERDINAND... SKY KING... AND STEVE FREAKING FLASH HAVE ALL BEEN RELEASED FROM FIGHT HARD FEDERATION.


Dave Meltzer: Before the first show.


Bryan Alvarez: BEFORE ITS FIRST SHOW. And not only that, but STEVE FLASH!? There are some names here that I can kinda understand, maybe he was having money issues or somethi-


Dave Meltzer: He wasn't.


Bryan Alvarez: Yeah, he wasn't, but even if he was having money issues, look at the roster he has: Spanish Superfly, Davis Wayne Newton, Fumihito Ota, James Prudence, Johnny Martin, Matthew Keith, Greg Gauge, Hell Monkey, Samoan Machine, Larry Wood and Alex Braun. Now, don't get me wrong folks, this is a lot of good talent here, especially for the Indy Scene. All big names everyone knows. But STEVE FLASH? He's better than at least half of these jokers.


Dave Meltzer: And that's not even the main problem, see, for those that might be thinking “Oh, Steve Flash just wanted too much money”, don't think that. Well, first of all, because Steve Flash is a great guy, and second of all, because the contract was already signed by the time he released him.




Dave Meltzer: Yeah... That's just... Dumb. I don't care how much money you have, if you sign in Steve Flash and then send him out later, you clearly don't know what you're doing.


Bryan Alvarez: But that's not the best part... See... Yesterday, it was announced, that the new Arena being built in New York, you know... The one that holds 150 THOUSAND people? Yeah, that arena, well, more like stadium, was built by this Diogo fellow, EXCLUSIVELY FOR FIGHT HARD FEDERATION!!!


Dave Meltzer: Yeah...


Bryan Alvarez: PREPOSTEROUS, just... Preposterous.


Dave Meltzer: For those that don't realize just how huge that is, SWF holds, in average, 15,000 people per year at their biggest PPV, The Supreme Challenge. This venue Diogo Brás created holds 10 times that. Plus, its exclusively made for FHF, so, even if someone wanted to use this Venue, and let's be honest, no one was gonna use a venue that big, because any event that would get about 150 000 people already has a venue of its own, Diogo Brás couldn't let them, because the stadium has the ring ready and it was clearly made with Fight Hard Federation in mind. Now, listen, there are 12 workers in that Federation, and although they are good at their jobs, none of them have the star potential to call in 150 people on their own, much less 1000 times that. This federation is destined to fail, and its clearly just a hobby of a rich guy that wants to waste his time booking. He has already tried to contact some people from the higher federations and literally no one is interested in joining him, even with amazing pays, because pretty much everyone knows this federation will have no legs to stand on its own in a few weeks or months at most, and it will crash down worse than INSPIRE did, and it won't be pretty.


Bryan Alvarez: (Chuckle) I just... can't imagine anyone would be THIS STUPID and fail so much. Anyways, the show is gonna be called “Genesis”, it will be released on http://www.fhf.com for free one day after the show. So me and Big Dave here will most likely review it if we get the time to do it. If you are interested in buying a ticket for it, go ahead, I'm sure it will have some good wrestling, with the talent it has, but its without a shadow of a doubt the biggest disappointment ever, and we haven't even had the first show yet. The card for the show will be released tomorrow. So, anyways, let's talk SWF...


Cut off at 37:35 mark

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Wrestling Observer, Week 3 of January of 2010, Monday Update:


-The card for the “Genesis” from Fight Hard Federation has been released:


10 Men Battle Royal for the Fight Hard Championship


Alex Braun VS Johnny Martin VS James Prudence VS Fumihiro Ota VS Hell Monkey VS Spanish Superfly VS Larry Wood VS Steven Parker VS Matthew Keith VS Samoan Machine


Only way to make us be even more disappointed: Announce this is a one-time show.

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OOC: Each show is gonna be released with a “Wrestling Observer Radio” segment and a “Wrestling Observer” segment. The wrestling observer radio will have the opinions of Dave Meltzer and Bryan Alvarez and it will be a very in depth look at the show that happened, while also adding in some nice touches about everything that is going on around the world, not just FHF. Meanwhile, the Wrestling Observer segment will have a more clean-cut and summarized look.
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Wrestling Observer Radio, Monday, Week 1, February 2010, 39:00 Mark


Dave Meltzer: -nd I'm glad for that, you know? Because this wasn't what Joel Bryant had in mind before, he was gonna give the title to Wolf Hawkins, and I'm glad they changed their minds on this one. And I'm not saying Wolf Hawkins doesn't deserve the belt, far from it. Its just that, not even three weeks ago, Ricky Dale Johnson pinned Wolf Hawkins fair and square, and if Rocky Golden lost his title now, we were most likely have a Ricky-Wolf feud. And Jesus Christ, have we seen that match enough times.


Bryan Alvarez: The only match more over-done in TCW aside from Hawkins and Johnson is Golden and Cornell.


Dave Meltzer: (Chuckle) And they might be going there for the fifth time in the past 2 years.


Bryan Alvarez: Jesus... You know, with TCW's roster, it just shocks me Bryant keeps making the same feuds and the same matches over and over again. Its just absurd.


Dave Meltzer: Well, they keep giving good money, as stale as it is. And plus, in their mind, they're giving the young talent a lot.


Bryan Alvarez: By putting them in the same matches, over and over again.


Dave Meltzer: (Dry chuckle) Yeah...


Bryan Alvarez: Well, enough about that, let's talk FIGHT HARD FEDERATION!!!


Dave Meltzer: Let's do it.


Bryan Alvarez: So, you watched the show on their site?


Dave Meltzer: I did, in fact, I finished it just before this show.


Bryan Alvarez: Really? Huh, how about that. Then the show must really be fresh on your mind.


Dave Meltzer: Yeah, its a show that will be hard to forget.


Bryan Alvarez: (Chuckle) Yes it is, well then, let's do this segment by segment. The show starts and right before we even have anything happen, I laugh my ass off. You see, they show us this amazing stadium, that must have cost a fortune to build, with a bunch of spots, in a colossal stadium-colosseum mix, and then they pull in the camera to below, and what do we see? EIGHTEEN PEOPLE IN THE SEATS.


Dave Meltzer: (Laugh)


Bryan Alvarez: You knew it was gonna be bad, but not THIS bad, did you?


Dave Meltzer: Well, no, I was expecting about 90 to 150 people total, but we got far less than that.


Bryan Alvarez: Far less... That's a huge understatement.


Dave Meltzer: Yeah... But, huh, well, you know, to be fair, I think they handled the whole situation pretty well.


Bryan Alvarez: You did?


Dave Meltzer: Yeah, huh, I mean... I was expecting the show to be completely awful, like, a complete dud, as people saw no one was gonna be watching this, but apparently, whoever was on the backstage managed to motivate both the workers and the staff, because the show passed by like any other show and almost everyone did their best, even given the audience and the material, so, ye-


Bryan Alvarez: Yeah, we'll talk about the “material” now, so, anyways. The show starts and the voices of PSW, Mitch Naess and Doc Messing, welcome us to, and I quote, “THE BIGGEST SHOWCASE OF TALENT IN PRO-WRESTLING”.


Dave Meltzer: (Chuckle)


Bryan Alvarez: Apparently, Mitch Naess doesn't watch his own shows.


Dave Meltzer: Yeah, Mitch Naess is being too nice to this federation.


Bryan Alvarez: Also accompanying the voices of PSW is Sara Silver~~, the best color commentator in the world by far, and I gotta say, seeing Mitch Naess, Doc Messing and Sara Silver together in the same broadcast table kinda gives me goosegumps.


Dave Meltzer: Yeah, they certainly made this show look a lot better than it actually was. So props on them on that.


Bryan Alvarez: We open up the show and out comes Davis Wayne Newton, and I immediately stop the stream to make sure my eyes are seeing well and I was not seeing things.


Dave Meltzer: (Laugh).


Bryan Alvarez: Then... After rubbing my eyes, I look again, and no, I was in fact, NOT seeing things, Davis Wayne Newton was in fact walking to the ring with a king crown, a cape and a golden staff. And immediately I go “**** this company”.


Dave Meltzer: Well, he pulled it off.


Bryan Alvarez: He pulled it off because he's one of the best young wrestlers in the world and he has amazing charisma, he could probably pull off the stupidest gimmicks ever, like, I dunno, the gimmick of a fishmen or something. But anyways, point is, he comes out, pics the mic, and he starts heeling it up. He says he is shocked that he isn't in the Battle Royal for the Fight Hard Championship and that he is better than everyone in this federation, and he should just be given the title, etc, etc. He's heeling it up and the crowd is not really eating it up.


Dave Meltzer: Not for lack of trying, the crowd did initially pretend they were caring and like booing and that good stuff, but seeing Davis Wayne Newton come out in a King Gimmick was just a let down, and its not like Davis didn't do very well, and in fact, the gimmick works. But this wasn't what the people that bought a ticket to see this were expecting.


Bryan Alvarez: Yeah, so anyways, Davis Wayne Newton is all heeling it up and out of nowhere comes GREG GAUGE~~ Son of Sam Keith, and for the second straight time in the first 5 minutes of this show, I laugh my ass off. Alright guys, imagine this, you are watching a “King” talking about how he is royalty and should be given the championship, and out of nowhere. Comes someone out as a Knight of Camelot or something, complete with armor, lance and even horse. Honestly, Greg Gauge deserves better than this.


Dave Meltzer: But still, Greg Gauge also pulled it off.


Bryan Alvarez: I guess, but no one was expecting this, when people see the roster, and people see the card, and people see the name of the Federation, the last thing they are expecting is a Knight and a King having a face-off. So, anyways, Greg Gauge comes in and says that he is not worthy of the name of the king, and he is complaining about things he shouldn't, and he hasn't been given a chance because he isn't worthy of his crown and whatever. He says that he is challenging him for a match right there, and may the best man win. Davis Wayne Newton accept and so they're about to have this match.


Dave Meltzer: This angle was bad...


Bryan Alvarez: Yeah, it was.


Dave Meltzer: Like, not even caring about the gimmicks, the gimmicks were stupid, but they were alright, the whole promo was just out of place and both Davis and Greg can do better than this on the microphone. They might still be getting used to this whole federation, and, to be air, both Greg and Davis are more well known for working a match than working the mic. But yeah, this was bad.


Bryan Alvarez: Rating?


Dave Meltzer: Yeah, I gave this promo a E+. Not the best of show starters.


Bryan Alvarez: Yeah, well, the match that followed was just as bad. Greg Gauge VS Davis Wayne Newton and this is not the match you would expect from these two guys either.


Dave Meltzer: Yeah, but this was Davis' falt completely.


Bryan Alvarez: Huh.


Dave Meltzer: Yeah, this match had no gimmicks, it was a simple Face VS Heel confrontation, no, not even a Face VS Heel confrontation, it was more like a Wrestler VS Wrestler confrontation, that was all there was to it. And after a while, Greg Gauge managed to grab in the Proton Lock (Cattle Mutillation) and that was it. But Davis Wayne did terrible this match. Greg Gauge tried, but Davis was completely off his game tonight.


Bryan Alvarez: Righ-


Dave Meltzer: Like, Greg tried to save the match, and he did a fairly good job at salvaging it, but for example, there was this one spot where Greg and Davis were in a lockup and Davis was going for the whole thing where he manages to out-clash the opponent and put his shoulders on the ground, and then he would jump on top of him but his opponent would use his feet to make him circle out and them jump in back to the initial Lockup position. And even that was screwed up, Davis Wayne didn't circle out well enough and Greg Gauge had to do a far bigger jump and a nip up to keep up. And he salvaged what could have looked really terrible, but it still felt awkward. Then, there was this spot where Davis was going for a Gutwrench Suplex and Greg Gauge would fall on his feet and give a Lariat to the back of Davis' head, but Davis was out of position, so Greg had to improvise and go for a reverse DDT. And Davis wasn't expecting that so he just no-sold the whole deal.


Bryan Alvarez: Yeah...


Dave Meltzer: It was really bad for the level of these two guys, but I'm not gonna say it was terrible or something like that. I saw a worse match just two days ago.


Bryan Alvarez: Really? Which one?


Dave Meltzer: You know, the one at “Stars of RAW 11”, the, huh... What's his face. Huh...


Bryan Alvarez: Oh, right, Artemis Eye-Rochester VS The Kipper.


Dave Meltzer: Yeah, exactly, that match was worse than this one, and I gave that match a E, but this one is worth more, if only because of the fighters involved in it. So, I'm giving this a D-. But its still a bad match.


Bryan Alvarez: Alright, so next, we had a video hyping up the 10-Men Battle Royal for the Fight Hard Championship, and you could tell they had to burn time, because it was eight minutes long.


Dave Meltzer: Yeah, but it was alright, especially for Indy-Level, that usually has like a bunch of scenes that look like they were recorded on a Phone. This one had some good quality and it showed a bunch of good stuff. Alex Braun with his title victory at PSW, Spanish Superfly with his high-flying crap over at MFWP, Larry Wood with his insane Hardcore Brawling at Warrior Engine XXV, etc. It felt like something big and it did a fairly good job at hyping up the crowd for the upcoming Battle Royal, especially, after the disappointment that was the rest of the show.


Bryan Alvarez: Rating?


Dave Meltzer: D-.


Bryan Alvarez: That doesn't sound so good.


Dave Meltzer: Well, as I said, its good stuff for Indy level, and it hyped up the match fairly well, but as you said, it dragged on for a while and with the stuff we see at Burning Hammer of the Gods, SWF and TCW, this is just very bad in comparison.


Bryan Alvarez: Well, alright then, so next, we had the Battle Royal. And before we even discuss the battle royal, I gotta ask three very important questions.


Dave Meltzer: Oh boy.


Bryan Alvarez: First... Why the **** was Machine going around with glittery and rainbow-like face paint? And why was he acting like a person that took way too much caffeine and drugs? He looked like a Samoan Jim Force.


Dave Meltzer: I think that's the point.


Bryan Alvarez: That's just STUPID.


Dave Meltzer: Yeah, it is, but well, apparently someone thought of that and decided to go along with it.


Bryan Alvarez: Ok, second question: Why is Steven Parker going around with a pink scarf made of exotic feathers?


Dave Meltzer: I have no idea.


Bryan Alvarez: STUPID.


Dave Meltzer: Yeah, they're going for the whole “Fabulous” deal with him. Not sure why.


Bryan Alvarez: And last, but certainly not least: WHY IS FUMIHIRO OTA NOT DRESSED AS A NINJA?


Dave Meltzer: Yeah...


Bryan Alvarez: ARE YOU KIDDING ME? So, let me get this straight, you put in four gimmicks that aren't needed, you give Greg Gauge a Knight armor, you give Davis Wayne Newton a crown, a cape and a staff, you give Samoan Machine colored facepaint, you give Steven Parker fabulous scarfs, but you take away Fumihiro's Ninja clothes and make him walk as a normal Wrestler? WHAT THE **** IS YOUR PROBLEM?


Dave Meltzer: I think the whole point is that the Main Eventers and Upper Midcarders are more serious people, while the Midcarders and Lower Midcarders should have some nice gimmicks to add to their characters.


Bryan Alvarez: But that makes no sense.


Dave Meltzer: I know, I'm just telling you what's going on in their perspectives.


Bryan Alvarez: Seriously, though, that makes no sense, there are some people that deal well with Gimmicks, Fumihiro Ota is known for having a Ninja Attire and doing Ninja-like stuff, so you take away his ninja attire and now he just looks like a kinda old man Japanese man.


Dave Meltzer: That's the idea...


Bryan Alvarez: (Sigh) Anyways. The match itself was ok, it was a very slow-build like Battle Royal, the way it started, all 10 Wrestlers faced in 1 vs 1 combinations. The first person to go out was Spanish Superfly due to Larry Wood throwing him out in a nice Powerbomb like move. Both Larry Wood and Samoan Machine had the whole “Monster” thing going on, as per usual. Meanwhile, Hell Monkey was going in a very “Human Machine” like way, with constant suplexes and great submission holds.


Dave Meltzer: Samoan Machine was another person out of his game. He wasn't as bad as Davis, I don't think, but that might be because he was more protected in a ring with 9 other people.


Bryan Alvarez: Yeah, well... Matthew Keith was next, and he was eliminated by Johnny Martin, shortly after, Johnny Martin was thrown like a ragdoll by Larry Wood, and you could tell by this point Larry Wood was gonna be responsible for half the eliminations of this match.


Dave Meltzer: They definitely booked him to be the strongest dog of the neighborhood.


Bryan Alvarez: Eventually, Hell Monkey eliminated Steven Parker, which was trying to throw him out a Rana followed by a Knee on the face when he tried to hold on to Hell Monkey for dear life. And that was a really cool spot. But before he could celebrate, Larry Wood went for his trademark Running Big Boot which Hell Monkey sold like death.


Dave Meltzer: And then there were five.


Bryan Alvarez: Alex Braun, James Prudence, Fumihiro Ota, Larry Wood and Samoan Machine. And by this point, Everyone catched on that Larry Wood was a monster, so pretty much everyone joined together to throw Larry Wood out, Larry Wood managed to give a Running Big Boot on Samoan Machine, but that was not enough to send him down, and everyone managed to take Larry Wood down with a bunch of Finishers. Fumihiro Ota used his Superkick, Ninja Strike. James Prudence used his Fame Asser, “Surf's Up”, and then, when Larry Wood got up, Alex Braun used the Braun Damage, his trademark Tiger Driver, and sent him off the ring.


Dave Meltzer: Considering he needed three finishers to be defeated, I am guessing he's gonna be a top dog on Fight Hard Federation.


Bryan Alvarez: Yeah, then they just sent Samoan Machine, who was still out from the Running Big Boot. And then we had Alex Braun VS James Prudence VS Fumihiro Ota, arguably the top three of the federation.


Dave Meltzer: 3 of the Top 4, if we count Johnny Martin.


Bryan Alvarez: I guess. Anyways, Fumihiro Ota and James Prudence ganged in on Alex Braun and from then on, it was a slow build to the finish. Each time they tried to take Alex Braun out, Alex Braun would manage to hold on just barely, and almost get to a come back, only to get dropped. This happened two times, and then, out of nowhere. Alex Braun managed to get a hold of James Prudence, went for Braun Damage, but Fumihiro Ota Ninja Striked Alex Braun in a sick spot, where Alex Braun dizzy and fell of the ring.


Dave Meltzer: I legitimately thought Alex Braun got dizzy and that wasn't planned, but looking back, it was part of the match, it just looked real.


Bryan Alvarez: Then, Fumihiro Ota went in for the Ninja Strike on James Prudence, but James Prudence dodged it and gave Fumihiro Ota a Clothesline for the win. And there you have it folks, James Prudence is your first ever Fight Hard Champion!!!


Dave Meltzer: That was a ok match, a little bit too long of a Battle Royal for my taste, but everything that mattered was shown well enough. Superfly did some cool spots and got eliminated in a nice bump. Hell Monkey, Larry Wood and Samoan Machine looked like amazing fighters. Fumihiro Ota and Alex Braun looked like tough ****. And James Prudence did a good job on the hateful heel part.


Bryan Alvarez: Rating?


Dave Meltzer: C-. And the show gets D Star.


Bryan Alvarez: Well, ok.


Dave Meltzer: It was alright, we are constantly jaded by good Wrestling, but taking into account the size of the company and the fact this is their first ever show. I say this is fairly impressive. Although I would normally expect more from this roster.


Bryan Alvarez: Maybe they shouldn't have fired STEVE FLASH.


Dave Meltzer: (Chuckle) Yeah, maybe the show would be a little better with that guy on the mix.


Bryan Alvarez: So, anyways. That's all we have for you, folks. Tomorrow, me and Dave will be interviewing the legendary Dan Stone, always a fun to have him on the show. So, we will see you soon.

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Wrestling Observer, Week 1 of February 2010


Fight Hard Federation


FHF held in New York, at the Fight Hard Arena, their first show, “Genesis 2010”. They drew in 18 fans. Surely a huge disappointment, especially considering the arena holds 150 000 Seats.


Davis Wayne Newton came out to the ring in a King Gimmick, he says he's the King of this federation and that he should have been given the Title as soon as he joined, he's mad that not only hasn't he been given the title, he hasn't even been given a chance at getting it tonight in the Battle Royal. He says that is ridiculous, and says he wants a spot on the Battle Royal.

Out comes Greg Gauge in a Knight Armor and Gimmick, he says Davis has no right to call himself royalty, as he is not royalty and his blood is dark and not blue, he says he hasn't been given a chance at the Battle Royal either, but he will most gladly use the night to beat some sense into the fake King. Davis Wayne Newton accepts the challenge. Bad promo, both of these men can do and have done better.







Greg Gauge VS Davis Wayne Newton


This match suffered from Davis, who was off his game and was having a bad timing and being very clunky in the ring. The match started fairly balanced, but as it went on, it became clearer Greg Gauge was superior to Davis Wayne Newton in the ring, this was finally proven when Greg managed to lock in the Proton Lock (Cattle Mutilation) in the center of the ring, giving Davis no choice but to tap out.




Greg Gauge b. Davis Wayne Newton,







3: A video appears on the Titantron, hyping up the upcoming 10 Men Battle Royal for the Fight Hard Championship, it basically showed each fighter in the Battle Royal fighting, with a narrator explaining that these men were gonna face for the Fight Hard Championship, it was a little big too long for what it was, but it did an Ok job at hyping up the crowd and it gets kudos purely because the quality of the video is above decent.









James Prudence VS Alex Braun VS Johnny Martin VS Fumihiro Ota VS Hell Monkey VS Spanish Superfly VS Larry Wood VS Steven Parker VS Matthew Keith VS Samoan Machine


The match was a very slow Battle Royal, in the first five minutes, there were no eliminations, Samoan Machine was off his game, but this wasn't very noticeable, due to everything going on.


-There were five 1 on 1 confrontations, Alex Braun was fighting with James Prudence, Johnny Martin was fighting with Fumihiro Ota, Hell Monkey was fighting with Steven Parker, Spanish Superfly was fighting with Larry Wood and Matthew Keith was fighting with Samoan Machine.


-Eventually, Larry Wood managed to Powerbomb Spanish Superfly out of the ring in a cool spot, but not too sick as it sounds on text.


-After this happened, Larry Wood started brawling with Samoan Machine and Matthew Keith.


-Meanwhile, Alex Braun manages to put James Prudence out, but before he can send him out of the ring, he sees Johnny Martin almost taking Fumihiro Ota out of the ring, and he goes to help in sending him off.


-Fumihiro Ota manages to escape from both of them and Alex Braun goes after him.


-Johnny Martin tries to go after Fumihiro too, but he's interrupted by Johnny Martin, who managed to avoid the brawl going on between Larry Wood and Samoan Machine.


-Johnny Martin quickly eliminates Matthew Keith with a clothesline, but with him distracted looking at Keith, Larry Wood, who was close, quickly sees a chance to strike and throws Johnny Martin out of the ring. It was fairly obvious by this point Larry Wood was being booked as a monster that destroys everyone.


-Some minutes later, Hell Monkey VS Steven Parker ends with Steven Parker trying to send Hell Monkey out of the ring, in a powerbomb like move, Hell Monkey reverses in a Rana, but Steven Parker gets only one feet on the ground and tries to bring Hell Monkey down with him. This doesn't work, however, as Hell Monkey gives a knee in Steven Parker's face, sending him down.


-Before Hell Monkey can enter the ring, though, he's caught by Larry Wood's infamous Running Big Boot, that sends him out of the ring, in a very cool spot.


-Just after this happens, Samoan Machine tries to go after Larry Wood, but he too gets a Running Big Boot in the face, everyone else stops doing what they were doing and they start attacking Larry Wood.


-At the beginning, it looks like Larry Wood will overpower everyone, but he gets Ninja striked (Superkicked) by Fumihiro Ota, then, he gets a Surf's Up from James Prudence (Fame-asser).


-That isn't enough to bring the giant down, though, and he gets up even stronger than before. This doesn't last long, though, because he's welcomed with a Braun Damage (Tiger Driver), and after that, his dead weight is thrown by the three men out of the ring.


-Samoan Machine is next, he too is dead weight and he still hasn't woke up from the Running Big Boot, the three men send him out too.


-After this, both Fumihiro Ota and James Prudence start attacking Alex Braun, hoping to take him down.


-This goes on for a while, with constant fake finishes and fake come backs. There were two different occasions where Alex Braun was about to be thrown off the ring, but he manages to hold on just barely, and then it looks like he's about to come back on both Prudence and Ota, only to be caught by surprise with a kick or a punch.


-Third time seems to be the charm, though, as Alex Braun manages to shove Ota and grab Prudence, getting ready for a Braun Damage (Tiger driver)


-He was too close to the ropes as this happened, though, and Fumihiro Ota Ninja Strked (Superkicked) him, making him roll out of the ropes and out of the ring in a very cool and realistic spot. I had to double-check to make sure it wasn't real.


-James Prudence seems to be unware of what just happened, and Fumihiro Ota uses this as a chance to Ninja strike him too, but out of nowhere James Prudence dodges the Superkick and Clotheslines Fumihiro Ota out of the ropes, for the win.




James Prudence b. Alex Braun, Johnny Martin, Fumihiro Ota, Hell Monkey, Spanish Superfly, Larry Wood, Steven Parker, Matthew Keith, Samoan Machine,







The show itself gets D, the Battle Royal was fine, but the rest of the stuf in it was really below average, regardless, it was a nice show, considering the side of the federation, the roster of FHF can do much better, though, and we have seen them do better before.

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Wrestling Observer, Week 1 of February 2010, Thursday Update


-The Card for the next FHF show is out, called “Timeless Clash”, here's the card:


Fight Hard Championship

Alex Braun VS James Prudence (Champion)


Johnny Martin VS Fumihiro Ota VS Matthew Keith


Hell Monkey, Spanish Superfly and Greg Gauge VS Steven Parker, Larry Wood and Davis Wayne Newton

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This is outstanding.


Only one possible suggestion and this might just be happening to me - but I find the blue and red during the extended conversations can hurt my eyes. I wondered if anyone else found it difficult to focus on these two colours?


But I love this, especially the lowercarders with silly gimmicks.

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Hey, Rathen4, thanks for reading my Dynasty, and glad you enjoyed some of it.

I made the text Blue and Red so that it would be easier in the eyes and wouldn't make the entire text look as bland, considering its lenght, I'm sorry if it did the opposite of what it was meant to do.


I'll take away the color tags and see how it goes

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<p><em>Wrestling Observer Radio, Monday, Week 1, March, 01:06:00 Mark</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> Fox Mask has always been the best talent of CZCW and the main reason why CZCW is loved so much, so this is bad news. Plus, Fox Mask was the trainer of the “Coastal Resort”, which was another important part of CZCW and its future. I don't know where this is going, and I don't know if Fox Mask did the right move, chances are, SWF is not gonna use Fox Mask well. They're already planning on changing his name to “Snow Fox”, which tells you all you need to know really. At most, him and Remmy Skye are gonna be the midcarders making good matches while putting people like Hell's Bouncer and Marat Khozlov over. At worst, they're gonna be House Show material and be fired as soon as their contract comes up. I don't think either of them will have a single title reign or a storyline worth something.<p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Yeah, because I guarantee... I GUARANTEE... they're not gonna give Fox Mask OR Remmy Skye anything, they're gonna go in with their mentality of paying your du...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> And that's the other thing, you know how Richard Eisen works, he's gonna put both of them in stupid gimmicks, make them lose again and again, and then blame it on them when they're not over. And THEN... to make matters worse, they're gonna be fired and its gonna be up to CZCW to decide if they want them back... Which they probably will , but still.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Well... We'll see how it goes, I just know people are gonna tell us we don't know anything and that we will eat our hats when Fox Mask becomes a SWF World Champion, but... huh... Yeah, we'll see. Anyways... Fight Hard Federation released Time Clash on their website, you got the chance to see that?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> Yeah, I saw it some hours ago.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Wanna do this segment-by-segment or just a quick review? We're in the one hour mark already.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> Huh... Let's go segment by segment.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Alrighty then. The show begins with a promo backstage with Alex Braun hyping up his match later on the show against James Prudence for the Fight Hard Championship, he claims James Prudence is someone that doesn't deserve the championship and that doesn't give two ****s about the small Federations and only wants to get money and mock all the people involved in these projects. He says he has been working hard with FHF and PSW and that he never takes anything for granted and always works his hardest.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> It was a below average promo, I don't think Alex Braun was feeling the material given to him.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Apparently, his gimmick is of someone fighting hard for the lower promotions and always giving his best, no matter who he is fighting for.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Melzer:</strong> Its a well-thought out gimmick for a Federation as small as this, but everyone knows Alex Braun is not gonna work as hard in here as he is working hard on PSW. Speaking of which, did you know he's planning on retiring in one year or so? He's probably gonna be a road agent for PSW there. So he's looking to have one last year or something.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Huh... really? How about that..</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> Nothing's set in stone yet, and we know Braun has promised he would retire at least two times before, when leaving SWF and when DAVE closed. So yeah, who knows?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Third time is the charm...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> I guess...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Your rating for this promo?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> It gets a D+, it was alright.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Ok, so then, we move on for the first match of the night. Hell Monkey, Spanish Superfly and Greg Gauge face Steven Parker, Larry Wood and Davis Wayne Newton, the story of the match was that Greg Gauge and Steven Parker didn't even get in the ring. Larry Wood starts facing Spanish Superfly and its pretty much a single match from there.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> Yeah, I liked the story, Larry Wood attacked Spanish Superfly, power-bombed him, punched him, brawled with him, and there were a few hints of a hot-tag, but each time Spanish Superfly was about to get it after a cool highspot, Larry Wood would just get up and drive Spanish Superfly to the floor again.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> After a few minutes of this, Larry Wood picks Spanish Superfly, gives him a vicious bodyslam, runs to the ropes, waits for Spanish Superfly to get up, gives him a Running Big Boot, double clotheslines Hell Monkey and Greg Gauge out of the ring and proceeds to pin Spanish Superfly in what was essentially a single match.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> As I said before, they're clearly building up Larry Wood as a monster, and they did a fairly good job at portraying that in this match.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> I just wanna say that I still find it hilarious that they have a colossal arena and only 18 people actually paid for a ticket.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> Oh, speaking of which, Davis Wayne Newton was again off his game tonight, which is amazing, because he didn't even have to do anything aside from staying on his corner, but even that he ****ed up, he went to the wrong corner and only realized he was on the wrong corner midway through the match, after Hell Monkey repeatedly threatened to punch him, I don't know if that was Kayfabe, but wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't. Hell Monkey looked pissed.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> I thought Davis was just playing the heel part trying to annoy Heel and Greg.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> I thought so too, but after some minutes with Hell Monkey and Greg Gauge annoyed but not doing anything, I realized it was Davis ****ing up. This is the second strike.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> I don't know what's more hilarious, him ****ing up a technical match with Greg Gauge or him ****ing up a Tag Team Match where he's supposed to be in his corner.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> (Chuckle) Yeah... I gave this match a D-, the match itself was fine, but Davis was just pissing me off.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> D- is fine for what was basically a squash match.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> Yeah...</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Then, we had the Triple Threat Match between Johnny Martin, Fumihiro Ota and Matthew Keith. Before the match, Matthew Keith was bitching he lost to Johnny Martin, he said a bunch of excuses, he said that he was distracted, he said that he was completely mad this happened, and he said he wanted the Battle Royal to happen again because of that.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> I'm not sure what they're going for with Matthew Keith, I'm guessing a Complainer or something like that?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Whatever it is, it was a fun little gimmick, Johnny Martin and Fumihiro Ota didn't talk, although I laughed at Fumihiro's face, he was completely despising Matthew, as if he was dirt, for a guy that is usually on a Ninja Mask, he has ****ing awesome facial expressions.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> Yeah, he does. This promo was good, I give it a D. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> So, then, they had their match, and this was a good match. Fumihiro Ota, even though he's an heel, joined in with Johnny Martin and they both went against Matthew, grounding him and attacking him. Four minutes in, Fumihiro did the Ninja Strike on Matthew, and by that point, Matthew was knocked out. But then, when Fumihiro Ota went in for the cover, Johnny Martin interrupted him, and then, the two veterans started fighting, while Matthew Keith was unconscious.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> Their face-off was very Japanese-Like.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Yeah, they had their chop-fights, their slug-fests, lariats, stiff strikes, tough submissions, it was a single match between them, basically, they were both equally matched for most of it until Matthew finally got up, head-kicked Fumihiro Ota from behind and busted Johnny Martin with the Proton Lock, the Cattle Mutillation.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> And the next spot was awesome.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Yeah, Johnny Martin managed to overpower the Cattle Mutillation, slowly, but surely, get up with the cattle mutilation still applied, elevate Johnny Martin along with him, and then use a “Twist on The Rocks”, a Rolling Cutter, as soon as the Cattle Mutillation was dropped.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> It was sick. And that was it, cover, 1, 2, 3. I liked the match, there were some mistakes here and there, but I gave it a D+.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Then, we had the main event. Alex Braun VS James Prudence. And this match was pretty good, at least for Fight Hard Federation.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> It was another slow-built match.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Alex Braun and James Prudence locked in and had a small chain-wrestling for the first few minutes, then, it evolved into a brawl, then, it evolved into a submission fest for both sides. Finally, Alex Braun went for the finisher and hit the Braun Damage, the tiger driver, and the crowd of 18 people was going wild for this moment. They went for the cover, 1... 2... and when James Prudence put the feet on the rope, the crowd was literally enraged, you could see them flipping their **** out.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> I should note that by that this point, Alex Braun was tired, the match went too long for his cardio, but it was still a pretty good match.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Alex Braun got James Prudence up, went in for the second Braun Damage, only to be reversed in a rana. James Prudence began to pull out some High Flying moves, including a sick running Enziguri. James Prudence then got Alex Braun in the Surf's Up, and went for the 1... the 2... and the 3, right after Alex Braun kicked out.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> And by this point, Alex Braun got up and he was in the fighting spirit mode.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> They brawled again a little, Alex Braun managed to knock James Prudence out with the rolling backhand elbow, then give him a knee strike, and then got him up for the Braun Damage, but James Prudence rolled him to the ground and managed to roll him in with the Prudential Pain Plan, a Fujiwara Armbar.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> They had intense seconds as the crowd screamed “Please don't tap” and Alex Braun got to the ropes. But he didn't manage to reach them and hat to tap out.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Awesome match for FHF levels.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> Yeah, it was pretty enjoyable, I liked how James Prudence won the match fair and square, wasn't expecting that to happen. Either ways, it was very open, and although Alex Braun was visibly tired towards the end, James Prudence managed to pull some good moments out of him, and the end was just awesome. </p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> What's the rating you gave?</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Dave Meltzer:</strong> I gave this match a C-, and the show got a D+, it was better than the last show, the three matches were alright, the first match was a squatch, the second match was alright and the third match was a tough main event, its gonna be a hard act to follow.</p><p> </p><p> <strong>Bryan Alvarez:</strong> Alright, so that's Fight Hard Federation. That's all we have for you folks, we're running out of time, tomorrow, we'll bring you more news regarding Fox Mask's signing to SWF, and also, we'll review CZCW Uprising 2010. Until then, we will see you soon.</p></div></blockquote>
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<p><em>Wrestling Observer, Week 1 of March 2010</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Fight Hard Federation</strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> FHF held in New York, at the Fight Hard Arena, their second show, “Timeless Clash 2010”. They drew 18 fans for the second time. The last show wasn't apparently good enough to bring in new viewers. I couldn't help but notice at least half of the fans were the same as the ones last show, I wonder if they are plants.</p><p> </p><p> The show starts with a promo backstage, Alex Braun is talking to the camera, saying he is not like James Prudence, saying he always works hard and always does his best, no matter how many people are watching him. He says he knows James Prudence has been mocking FHF and he knows he does not deserve the title. He says he's taking it to the good crowd, the hard-working people. A traditional face promo, Alex Braun wasn't feeling the material, I don't think. </p><p> </p><p> D+</p><p> </p><p> --------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> Hell Monkey, Spanish Superfly and Greg Gauge VS Steven Parker, Larry Wood and Davis Wayne Newton</p><p> </p><p> A fairly quick match, Larry Wood just outright dominated Spanish Superfly, there were no tags in this match. The match suffered from Davis Wayne Newton, who didn't even bother checking if he was in the right corner. Hell Monkey was clearly pissed off, and I don't know if he was kayfabing or not when he threatened to punch Davis Wayne Newton if he didn't go to his spot. Larry Wood dominated Spanish Superfly all match, and there were multiple spots where Spanish Superfly managed to pull of a good high flying spot and try to tag his partners, only to be cut off by Larry Wood at the last moment. Eventually, the inevitable happened, as Larry Wood busted Spanish Superfly in a Running Big Boot just after giving him a sick Body Slam.</p><p> </p><p> D-</p><p> </p><p> --------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> As the Thriple Threat Match between Johnny Martin, Fumihiro Ota and Matthew Keith was starting, Keith picked a Microphone during his entrance and started complaining, he mocked both men in the ring for being veterans that will never make it to the top, he said he was mad at last month when he was eliminated from the Battle Royal, he said he was distracted, he demanded the Battle Royal to happen again, he demanded a title shot against James Prudence, he said he was the best man in this federation, and he couldn't believe what was happening to him. He said he was gonna prove he was the best after dominating these two old washed up veterans. Johnny Martin had a neutral face all the way through the promo, Fumihiro Ota had surprisingly good facial expressions for a man that usually uses a mask. Still a bad move to take away his Ninja outfit.</p><p> </p><p> D</p><p> </p><p> --------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> Johnny Martin VS Fumihiro Ota VS Matthew Keith</p><p> </p><p> This was a fairly Puro-styled match.</p><p> </p><p> -Johnny and Ota joined together into beating down Keith, for the delight of the crowd.</p><p> </p><p> -Right at the beginning of the match, as Keith was trying to fight both men, Ota busted him with the Ninja Strike (Superkick) right on the face and went for the cover.</p><p> </p><p> -Martin interrupted the cover and Ota got up, mad at Martin.</p><p> </p><p> -They started immediately punching each other out, they went for elbows, they went for stiff strikes, and at a certain point, they started going for the classic Knife Edge Chop Fest.</p><p> </p><p> -Eventually, Ota almost got Martin with a Ninja Strike (Superkick), but Martin avoided it, busted Ota from behind and went for the Twist on The Rocks (Rolling Cutter), but Ota managed to give a knee right on Martin's face followed by a Snapmare Takedown.</p><p> </p><p> -Ota got up from the Snapmare takedown and tried to go for yet another Ninja Strike (Superkick), Martin dodged it again, but this time, he didn't even have time to attack Ota, has Keith appeared from out of nowhere and gave a Head Kick right on Ota's right temple from behind.</p><p> </p><p> -Keith then grabbed Martin, who was unware of what was happening, took him to the ground with a Wrestling-Like takedown and went for the Proton Lock (Cattle Mutillation)</p><p> </p><p> -Some seconds after, Martin managed to get up while still in the Proton Lock, managed to elevate Keith along with him and did a flying Twist on The Rocks (Rolling Cutter) in an awesome spot for the win.</p><p> </p><p> D+</p><p> </p><p> --------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> Fight Hard Championship</p><p> Alex Braun VS James Prudence (Champion)</p><p> </p><p> Alex Braun was visibly tired towards the end of the match, but James Prudence still managed to get in some good spots from him, and the match didn't suffer too much from this. </p><p> </p><p> -They immediately started with chain wrestling, not taking it to the ground, but having some cool classical chain-wrestling moments.</p><p> </p><p> -After a while, they finally took it to the ground, and they were too evenly matched, so they both gave up on the Chain Wrestling idea.</p><p> </p><p> -They went for stiff strikes on each other, and the match got far more brutal from then, some irish whips, some power moves, and a bit of high-flying from Prudence.</p><p> </p><p> -Finally, Braun took Prudence to the ground and he went for a Camel Clutch, but James Prudence managed to trip him and give him a Camel Clutch too.</p><p> </p><p> -The Camel Clutch was reversed, though, when Alex Braun got up and gave an Eletric Chair Drop to Prudence.</p><p> </p><p> -Prudence didn't give up, though, and managed to lock in a vicious headscissors on Braun during the fall.</p><p> </p><p> -Braun rolled out and started punching the crap out of Prudence, trying to knock him out for the pinfall.</p><p> </p><p> -Prudence tried to pull in a Triangle from the position, but he didn't manage to, and eventually he had to give up and grab the ropes, to get ouf ot his predictament.</p><p> </p><p> -Braun didn't even give him a chance to recompose, he grabbed him out of the Ropes, gave him a elbow strike, and followed it up with the Braun Damage (Tiger Driver), for the pinfall.</p><p> </p><p> -But Prudence put in the feet on the rope right at the last second, in a cool spot that drove the crowd mad.</p><p> </p><p> -Alex Braun got slightly overwhelmed and it was at this point that he was visibly tiring, he got Prudence up for another Braun Damage.</p><p> </p><p> -But this time, James Prudence reversed in a Rana, and from this point forward, James Prudence went for a bunch of comebacks, including a running headscissors, a flying Knee Drop, a running flipping DDT and a completely sick Runnning Enziguri.</p><p> </p><p> -But all of those were Near Falls, so James Prudence had to pull out the big guns.</p><p> </p><p> -James Prudence busted a very tired and damaged Alex Braun and jumped into the Surf's Up (Fame Asser) for the pinfall.</p><p> </p><p> -And the near fall.</p><p> </p><p> -James Prudence was at this point in-kayfabe tired from all the moves he pulled off, and thus was getting to the ropes.</p><p> </p><p> -Meanwhile, Alex Braun got up, very damaged, but ready to strike.</p><p> </p><p> -James Prudence got up with the help of the ropes, and right as he turned, he got pulled in on a backhand elbow, a kneestrike and another Braun Damage.</p><p> </p><p> -But right as the Braun Damage (Tiger Driver) was about to go down, Prudence back-knee'd Alex Braun in the face, leaving him down, and took opportunity of him going down to go for the Prudential Pain Plan (Fujiwara Armbar).</p><p> </p><p> -Alex Braun was in the center of the ring, and he gave his all to get to the ropes, as the crowd was screaming “Please, don't tap”</p><p> </p><p> -He managed to get to the ropes, but he was too tired and damaged to grasp them, so he had to tap out, for a surprisingly clean win from Prudence.</p><p> </p><p> C-</p><p> </p><p> --------------------------------------------------</p><p> </p><p> The show itself gets a D+, the squash match had its problems with Davis, but it was just a squash match, the second match was pretty good and had a cool ending, and the main event was phenomenal for FHF levels. Although it could have been even better had it been a little shorter or had Braun had better cardio.</p></div></blockquote>
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<p><em>Wrestling Observer, Week 1 of February 2010, Thursday Update</em></p><p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>-The card for the new FHF show is out, called “Shamrock Upbringing”, here's the card:<p> </p><p> </p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><strong>Fight Hard Championship</strong><p><strong> Johnny Martin VS James Prudence (Champion)</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Hell Monkey and Spanish Superfly VS Larry Wood and Steven Parker</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong> Greg Gauge VS Samoan Machine</strong></p></div></blockquote></div></blockquote>
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<p>Johnny Martin VS <strong>James Prudence (Champion)</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hell Monkey and Spanish Superfly</strong> VS Larry Wood and Steven Parker</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Greg Gauge </strong>VS Samoan Machine</p><p> </p><p>

This is great - but your conversations are so good in the podcast transcript that I'm not sure we need the observer afterwards, and I'm worried you'll burn out if you just end up repeating yourself for every show.</p><p> </p><p>

Really excellent dialogue though, wish I could write it like that.</p>

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<p>Hey, Rathen4, thanks for reading.</p><p> </p><p>

I like doing the Newsletter thing because its a far quicker way to read the matches, with the Observer, I like dropping in backstory, things unrelated, jokes, etc. I don't see myself reading the Podcast if I wasn't that interested in this Dynasty, but I could see myself having a quick read through the shows in the Newsletter. That's why I decided to do both.</p>

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Just read through this and I'm liking the Wrestling Observer radio format for talking about the show. The King DWN gimmick sounds pretty funny given that it's being done so over-the-top but I'm shocked that he's been so inconsistent so far in just two shows. Hopefully he picks that up and doesn't get himself fired like Steve Flash.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="SGRaaize" data-cite="SGRaaize" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="31866" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Hey, Rathen4, thanks for reading.<p> </p><p> I like doing the Newsletter thing because its a far quicker way to read the matches, with the Observer, I like dropping in backstory, things unrelated, jokes, etc. I don't see myself reading the Podcast if I wasn't that interested in this Dynasty, but I could see myself having a quick read through the shows in the Newsletter. That's why I decided to do both.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> It's all good buddy, just don't want to see you get bored and drop this because it is really is very clever.</p>
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