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Underground Pro Wrestling...born in North Dakota?!? Really? (c-verse)

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Underground Pro Wrestling growing up!











After another successful event from Underground Pro Wrestling, more and more people are taking notice of the little promotion on the prairie. In fact it would be more accurate to classify uPw as SMALL in level among the wrestling promotions in the United States. uPw owner J.R. Rose was to be very excited by the news that more people are taking notice and are now talking about the rising young promotion. The question now is how long can they remain Underground? With the jump in size and of course the ever important revenue, uPw has been reported to make some new additions to their roster. It's been reported that a wrestler recently let go by Coastal Zone Championship Wrestling has signed to compete in uPw. Apparently uPw manager Streetz has already go his hands on the new signing as well. And that name is none other than...






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That name is none other than Jeremiah Moose. It is reported that Moose will now be known as...




Jeremiah Future





Another important name that will be coming to uPw, that won't be seen in the ring but his influence will be all over the matches, will be Road Agent...





Craig Prince






If you're wondering it appears J.R. Rose was able to secure Prince's services due to a working agreement with North of the Border Pro Wrestling. The uPw roster is said to be excited about working with Craig Prince and its thought he will help the in ring product a bunch.






It is also being reported uPw's Remmington Remus will no longer have to talk to himself as an agreement with PSW's Doc Messing has been reached and he will be right by Remmington's side for the next uPw event.





Doc Messing







Last and not least it appears uPw has reached an agreement with another Canadian veteran wrestler, Sky King.




Sky King






That's all the insider uPw news for now. Lastly congratulations to Underground Pro Wrestling and J.R. Rose for rising and size when very few thought they would be able to succeed. Check back here often for all the latest news from around the world of pro wrestling. If you need your wrestling fix, we have you covered!

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from upwherecometheunderground.com





Underground Pro Wrestling has grown and there is a stampede of people trying to get a look at uPw as Underground Pro Wrestling presents...




uPw Bison Stampede






On Friday Week 4, July 2010, Underground Pro Wrestling and its wrestlers return to The Barn to do battle again. Somehow, someway, Mario da Silva has talked his way into getting an opportunity to face Extraordinario Jr. for the uPw Championship. Extraordinario Jr. has said he doesn't care who comes to the ring to face him, he will defend the title with everything he has. Will da Silva be the man to upend the champ and prove once and for all that he is the best in uPw like he claims? It will be on at uPw Bison Stampede.






That's not all though, not mentioned in any of the signings to uPw, Mimic will make his in ring debut for Underground Pro Wrestling as he faces Ant-Man. Will Mimic impress and gain the victory? Or will Ant-Man get on track in uPw?







Also making his debut with Streetz at his side is Jeremiah Future. He will face off against uPw founder J.R. Rose. Is Jeremiah Future the Future of uPw? Or will Rose show up the new comer in his debut?






Jebediah returns to the ring as well. This month, Fearless Blue gets the unenviable task of facing The Amish Warrior. Can Blue get the upset? Or will Jebediah prove to be too much for the Fearless one to handle?






Only one way to find, join uPw for uPw Bison Stampede as uPw marches into the future and continue to gain momentum.















uPw Bison Stampede




Fearless Blue vs. Jebediah




Mimic vs. Ant-Man




J.R. Rose vs. Jeremiah Future





uPw Championship


Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Mario da Silva

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Fearless Blue vs. Jebediah

Jebediah picks up another win.


Mimic vs. Ant-Man

Could go either way but I give Ant-Man a win here since he has feud going with Jebediah.


J.R. Rose vs. Jeremiah Future

Not too sure here either but I give this one to more established guy.


uPw Championship

Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Mario da Silva

Still too early for a title change.

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Fearless Blue vs. Jebediah


For someone who's gimmick it is to squash the lower-carders, he certainly takes a long time doing it, 15 minutes to take care of Sanders at the last show :p


Mimic vs. Ant-Man


Agree with Zergon Ant-Man needs to be kept reasonably strong for his feud with Jebediah.


J.R. Rose vs. Jeremiah Future


I've not see Jeremiah Moose (or Future as he will now be known) pushed in any diary, even for feds at this 'start-up' level.


uPw Championship

Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Mario da Silva


Title isn't changing hands here, too early and Morgan will more than likely interfere to cost Da Silva the win.

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Fearless Blue vs. Jebediah

Another win for the big fella


Mimic vs. Ant-Man

needs the win but Im becoming more intrigured by Mimic


J.R. Rose vs. Jeremiah Future

Id go for JF. Love the render


uPw Championship


Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Mario da Silva

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Friday Week 4, July 2010















uPw Bison Stampede

The Barn

Midwest, United States

Attendance: 55







We join not one but two people now ringside at the Barn as Remmington Remus and Doc Messing occupy the announce table. Both men are smiling as the show begins. Got to love the love for pro wrestling.











Remmington- Welcome to uPw Bison Stampede. Tonight is a special night for me as I will no longer be calling the action alone, so let me welcome former Pittsburgh radio personality, Doc Messing to Underground Pro Wrestling. It’s good to have you here, Doc.






Messing- Thanks Remmington. I’m happy to be here and I’m looking forward to some great wrestling. I’ve been hearing some really good thing about uPw and can’t wait to see it with my own eyes.






Remmington- Believe me, you won’t be disappointed. Tonight you will see Mario da Silva of all people get a title shot against Extraordinario Jr. for the uPw Championship. Personally I’m not sure da Silva deserves the shot, but I still think we will have a heck of a main event in store for us tonight.






Messing- Extraordinario Jr. is definitely someone I am looking forward to seeing in action. Also tonight I understand we have a couple more uPw debuts as Jeremiah Future formerly Jeremiah Moose will take on J.R. Rose in what could steal the show.






Remmington- Right you are, but let’s not forget Mimic will also be making his wrestling debut for uPw here tonight. He’s an intriguing individual and will be facing the masked Ant-Man. But first the Amish Warrior, Jebediah is in action against Fearless Blue! Will Jebediah’s streak of dominance continue here tonight?






Messing- I wouldn’t bet against it. That is for sure.







Fearless Blue vs. Jebediah






This is an ugly match, certainly not the worst the uPw has put on but still ugly. Fearless Blue gets in as much ineffective offense as he can before Jebediah takes the match over and toys with the smaller Blue. Jebediah hits the Sundown Splash on Blue to get the pinfall and another win.






Match Result: Jebediah wins by pinfall in 9:55






Match Rating: F+







Following the match Jebediah stops short of leaving the ring and instead turns around and walks towards Fearless Blue who has had more than enough punishment already. Jebediah picks up Blue by the hair as Chad Brent begs him to stop.






Remmington- This does not look good for Fearless Blue.






Doc- This could cut a man’s career short for sure.






Jebediah sends Blue back down to the mat with a short-armed clothesline. Brent continues to plead but it doesn’t seem Jebediah is done as he picks Blue back up.







Remmington- Wait a minute! Here come Amazing Fire Fly!






Amazing Fire Fly runs down to the ring with a steel chair in his hands. He slides into the ring and goes for Jebediah with the chair. It’s too late though, as Jebediah is already on his way out of the ring and is able to avoid any sort of chair shot from Fire Fly.







Doc- Amazing Fire Fly saves Fearless Blue’s bacon. Blue would have been in a world of hurt if it wasn’t for Fire Fly.





Segment Rating: F-







Remmington- Up next we will see the debut of Mimic in Underground Pro Wrestling!






Mimic comes to the ring first and he doesn’t look too pleased with something. That something is about to be revealed as he calls for a microphone. He looks around The Barn and shakes his head in disgust before he starts.






Mimic- For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Mimic and yes I’m a Canadian. Another thing you don’t know about me is that I was actually signed when Underground Pro Wrestling first opened. And when I signed I was told I was going to be a big part of uPw and here we are at what the sixth show and this is the first time I’m being involved on the show? I guess it was nothing but lip service by our founding father, J.R. Rose.






And tonight, my first action I see is against a clown that wears an ant mask and must think he’s some sort of super hero or something. That’s really all okay though. It’s okay that I was lied to. It’s okay that I face some loser in a mask. Tonight I show J.R. Rose and uPw why I should be a big part of Underground Pro Wrestling, why I should be a featured attraction not just some Canadian facing a uPw sideshow attraction like Ant-Man in a mask.





Segment Rating: E







Mimic vs. Ant-Man






It’s a decent match that sees both men get in an equal amount of offense with Mimic working the crowd well whenever he is in control. Ant-Man shows off his impressive strength against a man that’s pretty close in size but Ant-Man tosses him around a bit like Mimic is twice as small. Mimic dominates the last couple of minutes and hits The Screwdriver to get the pinfall and a debut win in uPw.





Match Result: Mimic wins by pinfall in 15:54






Match Rating: E-






Remmington- Mimic picks up a win in his first uPw match and looked pretty good doing.






Doc- Mimic also acts as if he’s been disrespected here in uPw already and who knows what he will do next.






Remmington- Another uPw debut is up next as Jeremiah Future, the ex CZCW wrestler make his in ring debut against uPw founder J.R. Rose. Wonder what Rose is thinking after what Mimic said?

Streetz and his newest client, Jeremiah Future comes to the ring and Streetz is ready to introduce him to the fans and Underground Pro Wrestling.






Streetz- Let me introduce you to the future of Underground Pro Wrestling. This man, who flies high in the ring and is adored by the ladies out of it, is Jeremiah Future. His name says it all; he is the future of uPw. Not only of uPw, but he is the future of professional wrestling as we know it. He starts tonight with J.R. Rose. He may be the founder of Underground Pro Wrestling, but he isn’t in the same league with Mr. Future. Soon and I mean very soon, Jeremiah will get a shot at the uPw Championship and he will be the uPw Champion. But first, Mr. Rose, get out here so Mr. Future can take you down and out.






Segment Rating: F+






J.R. Rose vs. Jeremiah Future w/ Streetz





This match steals the show with the ex-CZCWer looking good in his debut. Of course that isn’t too say that J.R. Rose looks bad. It’s quite that opposite as he helps to get the crowd on their feet and they are behind the uPw founder throughout the match. Future shows off a couple of high risk moves himself, including the riskiest to finish the match as he hits the High Velocity Headbutt to be the second of the uPw debuts to score a victory.





Match Result: Jeremiah Future wins by pinfall in 14:31






Match Rating: D






Remmington- Jeremiah Future is victorious in his debut. Up next, Mario da Silva will challenge for the uPw Championship in the uPw Bison Stampede Main Event.






Doc- Looking forward to this one, I can’t wait to see Extraordinario Jr. in action.






Remmington- You’ll be seeing him soon enough Doc.






Mario da Silva is the first to the ring and he has something to say to the uPw Universe.






da Silva- Finally, tonight I get the recognition I deserve and have a shot to win the uPw Championship. After all this garbage with Thomas Morgan, I deserve this. Actually in my opinion all that garbage with Morgan is over and I’m moving on. After all we all know I’m way better than he will ever be and I’m so much younger than him. Much better looking I should add as well. But it’s not about Morgan tonight or anymore. It’s about me beating the so called Lucha Sensation for the uPw Championship. All I know is I’m going to make a great champion! Finally Underground Pro Wrestling will have itself a real and classy champion!






Segment Rating: F+








uPw Championship


Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Mario da Silva






It’s a real good match that is hurt by the crowd not being into it right away. They start to warm up to it throughout as the two men go back and forth with da Silva getting a couple of nearfalls. The crowd cheered loudly each time Extraordinario Jr. was able to kick out. da Silva looks in complete control after a ref bump takes down Chad Brent and da Silve takes Extraordinario Jr. down with a low blow. He then goes outside the ring and grabs a chair to solidify his chance at winning. Thomas Morgan runs down to the ring though and slides into the ring to meet da Silva as he re-enters the ring. Morgan grabs the chair and clotheslines da Silva. While all this happens Extraordinario Jr. is able to recover and the ref isn’t too far behind him. Extraordinario gets da Silva on the mat after Morgan exits the ring. A Siempre Pelando quickly follows and Extraordinario Jr. scores the pinfall and another successful title defense.






Match Result: Extraordinario Jr. wins by pinfall in 16:47 to retain the uPw Championship







Match Rating: D-







Remmington- Extraordinario Jr. is uPw Champion for at least another month, thanks to Thomas Morgan making sure Mario da Silva didn’t cheat his way to a win. I guess Thomas Morgan doesn’t feel his issue with Mario da Silva has been resolved.






Doc- It sure seems that way. My question is who is next in line to face Extraordinario Jr. for the uPw Championship?






Remmington- I’m sure we will see the answer to that real soon. Thanks for joining us here tonight and join us again next month as uPw will return to The Barn.





Final Show Rating: E+

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From upwherecomestheunderground.com






Ahh Shucks ma, that blasted Underground wrasslin' company is still here as Underground Pro Wrestling presents....






uPw Ahh Shucks...





uPw returns to The Barn with an expanded show that will feature 6 matches instead of the usual 4. We will see another wrestler debut as the Canadian veteran Sky King will face off against uPw founder J.R. Rose.






The biggest match of the night is when Xavier Reckless gets his rematch for the uPw Championship against Extraordinario Jr. Reckless has been demanding this shot behind the scenes since he lost the first time and it has now been granted. Will Xavier be able to beat the Champion for the title?







Amazing Fire Fly saved Fearless Blue last month against Jebediah and is being rewarded by facing the Amish Warrior in a match. Will Amazing Fire Fly be able to beat the big man? Or will the Amish Warrior dominance continue?







Mario da Silva coming off his loss for the uPw Championship will face off against Donte Dunn. da Silva tried to cheat his way to victory and was foiled by Thomas Morgan. Will da Silva bounce back?






da Silva's nemesis, Thomas Morgan will face off against Roderick Remus who is reportedly still sore of not being on the shows more often. Will Morgan get on track or will Remus be able to vent his frustration and pick up a victory?





Last but not least the outspoken Mimic will be in action against Fearless Blue. Mimic was impressive last month, will that continue now? Or will Fearless Blue score a huge upset win?

















uPw Ahh Shucks...




Jebediah vs. Amazing Fire Fly




Donte Dunn vs. Mario da Silva




Fearless Blue vs. Mimic




J.R. Rose vs. Sky King




Thomas Morgan vs. Jeremiah Future




uPw Championship


Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Xavier Reckless

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Jebediah vs. Amazing Fire Fly

Jebediah is getting the push but his match results suck so I think that it´s better to move the overness that he had gained to someone more talented and Fire Fly is just that. Besides Jebediah can get his overness back via post-match attack and another squash over a jobber.


Donte Dunn vs. Mario da Silva

da Silva is doing more


Fearless Blue vs. Mimic

Mimic beat Ant-Man so I don´t see him falling short against Blue either.


J.R. Rose vs. Sky King

Hard one to say since King is still unknown guy at this point. I go with Rose even though he lost last time.


Thomas Morgan vs. Jeremiah Future

Unlike I expected, Future seems to be a real deal so I give this one to him.


uPw Championship

Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Xavier Reckless

Nope Xavier isn´t the next champ either.

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<p><strong>Jebediah</strong> vs. Amazing Fire Fly</p><p>

I love Zergons rationale but Im going with the big fella anyway</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Donte Dunn vs. <strong>Mario da Silva</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Fearless Blue vs. <strong>Mimic</strong></p><p>

I hate betting against my fave quest guy</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

J.R. Rose vs. <strong>Sky King</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Thomas Morgan vs. J<strong>eremiah Future</strong></p><p>

Morgan is about my least favourite cverse worker. Apart from maybe Giedroyc</p>

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Friday Week 4, August 2010















uPw Ahh Shucks…

The Barn

Midwest, United States

Attendance: 53








We enter The Barn just outside Bismarck, North Dakota and a familiar sight greets us as Remmington Remus sits at the announce table along with the not yet familiar Doc Messing by his side. Remmington has that smile on his face again and the joy he expresses on his face is infectious as Doc grins big as well.







Remmington- Ahh shucks, here we are again, as uPw presents uPw Ahh Shucks… Welcome to the show and it’s going to be action packed. Tonight for the first time we have not 4 but 6 awesome matches for you here tonight. Including our big main event when Xavier Reckless gets his second chance at capturing the uPw Championship.






Doc- Will the second time be the charm for Xavier? Don’t forget Remmington that tonight we will see Mimic and Jeremiah Future wrestle and they both had impressive debuts last month.






Remmington- They sure did. Also the hottest feud in Underground Pro Wrestling is between Thomas Morgan and Mario da Silva and they are both here tonight. They have separate matches but I wouldn’t be surprised to see their paths cross here tonight. But first let’s get to Amazing Fire Fly getting a shot to end Jebediah’s impressive winning streak.








Jebediah vs. Amazing Fire Fly





The best match that Jebediah has been in for awhile now. Jebediah started the match by dominating Amazing Fire Fly but is unable to put him away. Jebediah makes a mistake when he tosses Fire Fly to the outside and doesn’t follow up. Fire Fly is able to recover and quickly springs off the ropes to take down the Amish Warrior. Fire Fly uses his speed and quickness from there to stay ahead of Jebediah and eventually hits the Sky High Fire Fly to get the big upset victory.






Match Result: Amazing Fire Fly wins by pinfall in 11:53






Match Rating: E






Remmington- Huge upset here in my eyes. Amazing Fire Fly is victorious and Jebediah looks to be beside himself as he makes his way back to the backstage area. Speaking of backstage area, we have a pre-taped interview from there with Mario da Silva who is coming off an unsuccessful challenge at the uPw Championship last month.







Doc- Something tells me this probably has something to do with Thomas Morgan.





We go to the dark and familiar halls of the backstage area of the barn where Mario da Silva stands with a sour face and cool pair of sunglasses despite the dim lighting.







da Silva- Last month, I was so close to realizing a dream of mine. I was so close to walking away the uPw Champion. Then, when I was on the verge of victory, Thomas Morgan runs in and costs me the match. I was prepared to be done with that man. I was prepared to move on; after all I know for a fact I’m the better man. I’ve shown it already, no need to show him up anymore. Now though, now this is just getting started! Thomas Morgan you and I will meet in the ring again, I’m not sure when, hopefully real soon though. Because I will once and for all show you I’m a better Canadian than you, that I’m a better wrestler than you. I’m going to show the Stone family how pathetic you really are and that you are their greatest failure!






Segment Rating: E






Remmington- Wow, strong words from Mario da Silva.







Doc- You said it, Remmington. Those shots at the end about the Stone Family will not set well with Thomas Morgan. He is so proud to have been trained by the Stone Family, no doubt those are fighting words.






Remmington- Mario da Silva is in action next, taking on Donte Dunn.







Donte Dunn vs. Mario da Silva






An ok match that improves on the one that preceded it. Mario da Silva looks frustrated in the ring as Donte Dunn puts up a heck of a fight. Mario uses his technical ability to keep the bigger Dunn off balance but Dunn keeps the match even. This seems to further frustrate da Silva who decides to end the match quickly after hitting a snap suplex on Dunn; he uses the ropes for leverage on the pin and gets the pinfall when Chad Brent fails to see it.






Match result: Mario da Silva wins by pinfall in 13:32






Match Rating: E+








Doc- da Silva wins. He used a little something extra but it goes into the books as win for da Silva. I’m thinking he was looking forward to his eventual matchup with Thomas Morgan and just wanted to get out of the ring with a win.






Remmington- I’m thinking you may be right Doc, up next Mimic returns to the uPw ring and will face the ex back yard star, Fearless Blue.








Doc- Mimic was impressive last month; lets’ see if that will carry over here at uPw Ahh Shucks…







Mimic is second to the ring but he calls for the house microphone and stares at Fearless Blue who retreats to a corner to listen to what Mimic has to say, either out of respect or perhaps he fears Mimic.







Mimic- I told you all that I would show why I should be featured. Sure Ant-Man put up a fight but in the end he proved to be no match for me. And here I am tonight, in the middle of the show when it’s obvious I should be closing the show. To make it worse I’m facing this guy?






Blue perks up but doesn’t make a move towards Mimic and instead lets him continue.






Mimic- You are putting me against a guy that used to think jumping off the roof of his house was cool. Why am I against a guy that barely deserves to be carrying my bags into the building tonight? Where are the so-called stars of uPw? Where are my matches against the Thomas Morgans, J.R. Roses, and Extraordinario Jrs.? I guess all I can do is beat this punk and try to wake up uPw management so they give me the proper respect and shots I deserve. So Blue, let’s do this think.







Segment Rating- E+









Fearless Blue vs. Mimic






Mimic continues to work the crowd well but the match is probably the worst of the show so far. Fearless Blue has a little bit more fire to him after listening to Mimic’s “compliments” about him and gets some nice offense in. Mimic doesn’t let it last though and toys with Fearless Blue for most of the match before putting him away with The Screwdriver.






Match Result: Mimic wins by pinfall in 13:51






Match Rating: E-







Remmington- Mimic looks impressive in the ring here again tonight.






Doc- He sure did, wonder if it was enough to get the attention of uPw Management? If not, Mimic is not going to be happy.







J.R. Rose vs. Sky King






These two men try to steal the show and crowd begins to get into the match the longer it goes. Sky King and Rose put on a pretty spectacular air show that goes back and forth but J.R. Rose puts Sky King away with The Thorn.






Match Result: J.R. Rose wins by pinfall in 14:16







Match Rating: D-






Remmington Remus- Really good match between J.R. Rose and the debuting Sky King. J.R. Rose is victorious here tonight. Up next Thomas Morgan will take on Jeremiah Future. Future was impressive last month, will that continue here tonight?






Thomas Morgan has something to say when he enters the ring first and he calls for a microphone.






Morgan- I know I face Jeremiah Future tonight, but I would like to discuss this thing between myself and that fake Canadian, Mario da Silva. Mario, I too, would love to step into the ring and settle this thing once and for all. I’m tired of you running down to the ring and costing me matches. My goal here is to capture the uPw Championship and help this promotion grow but you keep standing in my way. I hope we meet in the ring real soon so I can end this on my terms and not yours.







Segment Rating: F+









Thomas Morgan vs. Jeremiah Future w/ Streetz






Another really good match and building off the last one see Thomas Morgan looking strong against Jeremiah. Future gets in some solid offense and shows off his ability coming off the turnbuckle and gets a couple of near falls. Streetz gets himself involved in the match but it’s not enough to get his client the win. The match swings in the favor of Morgan but Mario da Silva appears from the back. Streetz runs interference with Chad Brent and da Silva slides in behind Morgan. da Silva hits a spinning heel kick to the back of Morgan’s head. Future quickly follows it up with the High Velocity Headbutt and he gains the pinfall.






Match Result: Jeremiah Future wins by pinfall in 14:31






Match Rating: D-






Remmington- Thomas Morgan is screwed over again by Mario da Silva. This feud can’t get to the ring soon enough. I’m sure Morgan feels the same way.






Doc- I think uPw fans feel the same way as well.






Remmington- Up next, Xavier Reckless gets his second chance to win the uPw Championship as he take on the Champ, Extraordinario Jr.







uPw Championship


Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Xavier Reckless






Fittingly the Main Event is the match of the night as both men put everything on the line. One looks to win the belt for the first time and the other looks to keep it around his waist. Despite the contrasting styles of the two men, the match flows well. Reckless prefers to fight it out and Extraordinario Jr. is fine with countering with his own brawling style. Extraordinario Jr. turns on his speed and uses his high flying offense to overwhelm the challenger. He hits the Siempre Peleando on Reckless and scores the pinfall to retain the uPw Championship.






Match Result: Extraordinario Jr. wins pinfall in 15:11 to retain the uPw Championship






Match Rating: D







Remmington- A great match to cap off a great night here for uPw. Join us next month as uPw returns to bring you more exciting action.








Final Show Rating: D-

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From upwherecomestheunderground.com








"How'd you get so big and strong?"







Underground Pro Wrestling presents...








uPw Corn Fed







Underground Pro Wrestling returns to The Barn with Extraordinario Jr. still on top of the promotion with the uPw Championship around his waist. As uPw Corn Fed he may face his biggest challenge yet as he will take on Streetz' client, Jeremiah Future. Future has been impressive in his two matches so far and has been given the latest shot to try to uncrown the Champion. Will uPw Corn Fed see the Future become the now? Or will Extraordinario Jr. leave town the uPw champion for another month?







The man that failed in his second attempt to win the uPw Championship, will open this event as it seems he will be starting from the bottom to maybe earn a third chance at a title shot. Xavier Reckless will face off against Donte Dunn.







Mimic who has been outspoken against uPw founder J.R. Rose will get his chance to face the founder in the ring at uPw Corn Fed. Mimic is still sore from not being used until the 6th show despite being on the roster since the start. Will Mimic make the ultimate impression by defeating the uPw Founder?






The hottest feud in uPw still won't be in the ring at the same time, officially that it. Instead Mario da Silva will face off against Cal Sanders and Thomas Morgan will face Sky King. Will the history between da Silva and Morgan continue to repeat? When will they finally meet in the ring and put an end to what has been building between them?






Roderick Remus will also return to action and is said to be steamed that he still hasn't been given much of a chance within uPw. He will face off against Ant-Man it the surprise semi-main event. Will Remus open some eyes or will it be Ant-Man to do the eye opening around Underground Pro Wrestling?







Only one way to find out. Join uPw live from The Barn and come see all the exciting action of...













uPw Corn Fed






Xavier Reckless vs. Donte Dunn




Cal Sanders vs. Mario da Silva




Thomas Morgan vs. Sky King





J.R. Rose vs. Mimic




Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus w/ Willow




uPw Championship


Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Jeremiah Future w/Streetz

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Xavier Reckless vs. Donte Dunn

Reckless was main eventing on last show while if I remember right Dunn haven´t get a single victory yet.


Cal Sanders vs. Mario da Silva

Interferences are always possible in Silva´s/Morgan´s matches but I doubt you put Sanders over Silva so Silva gets another win.


Thomas Morgan vs. Sky King

Again interferense is possible but King haven´t been established yet so I go with Morgan getting a victory.


J.R. Rose vs. Mimic

Mimic continues to show that he deserves to be on the top.


Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus w/ Willow

Neitehr man haven´t done much yet but Remus was champ in your last diary so I go with him here.


uPw Championship

Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Jeremiah Future w/Streetz

Still too soon to have a title change.

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Sunday Week 4, September 2010













uPw Corn Fed

The Barn

Midwest, United States

Attendance: 54







We go ringside of the dimly lit Barn and join the duo of Remmington Remus and Doc Messing sitting at the announce table. Remmington has that infectious smile spread across his face once again.







Remmington- Welcome to uPw Corn Fed. Tonight it is Jeremiah Future’s turn to challenge the uPw Champion, Extraordinario Jr. for the uPw Championship. Extraordinario Jr. has been a solid champion and has beaten everyone that has challenged him thus far. Will tonight be The Future for Jeremiah or will the Lucha Sensation walk away with the uPw Championship once again?






Doc- Also tonight, Thomas Morgan and Mario da Silva are in the building and will be competing in different matches, not that, that has stopped them from meeting. Will tonight prove to be any different?







Remmington- Also, Mimic will take on uPw Founder, J.R. Rose. Mimic had some unflattering things to say about Rose and uPw upon his debut a couple of short months ago. Tonight, Rose can make Mimic answer for those comments, but will he.






Doc- Hey Remmington, let’s go to the ring.






Remmington- Yes, let’s do that. Up first the man that failed to beat Extraordinario Jr. last month, Xavier Reckless faces Donte Dunn.







Xavier Reckless vs. Donte Dunn






It’s an ok match to open the show that surprisingly sees Donte Dunn getting most of the offense in. Xavier looks oddly unhappy throughout the match. Dunn catches Xavier with a big Full Nelson Bomb and gets the pinfall and what would be considered a big upset victory.






Match Result: Donte Dunn wins by pinfall in 11:24






Match Rating: E+







Remmington- Wow! Donte Dunn scores the upset over Xavier Reckless.






Doc- Looks like Xavier is going to have a long climb to get another shot at the uPw Championship at this rate.






Remmington- So true, up next, Mario da Silva is in action as he takes on “Now American” Cal Sanders.







Mario da Silva demands a microphone as soon as he gets in the ring and he is obliged. The crowd boos him as he holds the microphone up to his mouth. He grins at their reaction and begins what he has to say.






da Silva- You all know who I want to talk about. That pathetic excuse for a Canadian, Thomas Morgan. Tom, it’s a shame that you lost yet another match last month. That must really get to you. More importantly that must really get to the Stones. That must sadden them so much to see your shoulders get pinned to the mat, 1, 2, 3. It must sadden them to see you lose, month after month after month. It must pain them to know that I am a better Canadian than you are, Tom. Tonight I show you just how much better I am again as I beat former Canadian Cal Sanders here tonight. I know it’s going to burn you when I win another.





Segment Rating: E-






Cal Sanders vs. Mario da Silva






It’s a surprisingly good in ring match with little heat behind it, besides fans booing da Silva. Cal Sanders shows off he has some skills with some solid chain wrestling, but da Silva shows that he can chain wrestle too. Mario than shows off his submission ability by locking on a Kimura and Cal Sanders has no choice but to tap out, giving Mario da Silva another win.






Match Result: Mario da Silva wins by submission in 11:37






Match Rating: D-







Remmington- Mario da Silva gets an impressive submission victory over the former Canadian. I’m sure he’ll be rubbing that one in to Thomas Morgan next time he gets anywhere near a microphone. Let’s go to a pre-taped interview with my brother, Roderick Remus as he discusses his match tonight against Ant-Man.







Doc- Than we’ll return to the ring to see Thomas Morgan in action against fellow Canadian, Sky King.







We go backstage of the Barn where we see Roderick Remus with Willow by his side standing in front of what appears to be a door to a locker room. Or perhaps it’s a door to the janitorial closet.






Roderick- Once again, I’m ignored and passed over. How many shows have I been left off now? It’s getting real sad. Yet they keep sticking that big goof Jebediah on shows and not myself? How does that work exactly? With my talent, I deserve so much better. J.R. Rose, I hope you are paying attention, I know you have some pull around here still. I deserve better Rose. At uPw Corn Fed I’m going to destroy Ant-Man, then maybe, maybe I’ll get a little recognition. If not, well I’ll make sure I turn some heads anyway I can.





Segment Rating: E-







Thomas Morgan vs. Sky King






Another solid match for the night, but slightly below the previous match. Sky King looks solid and goes back and forth with Thomas Morgan. Sky King gains an edge early thanks to his high flying moves throwing off Morgan. Morgan storms back by grounding Sky King with some sweet chain wrestling and submission moves. Morgan looks poised to get the win, but on cue, Mario da Silva hits the ring and with the refs’ back turned he takes Morgan down allowing Sky King to his the Sky King Splash to get the upset win.






Match Result: Sky King wins by pinfall in 12:55






Match Rating: D-






Remmington- It happened again, Thomas Morgan loses the match thanks to Mario da Silva interfering in the match. Mario da Silva has become a huge pain in the side of Morgan.






Morgan gets up off the mat really upset. Mario da Silva is busy jawing with a fan at ringside and Morgan quickly leaves the ring and hits da Silva from behind, beating him down with fists and forearms.





Remmington- It appears like Thomas Morgan has had enough.





Mario da Silva starts fighting back and punches and forearm shots are being traded back and forth. They then trade Irish whips into the guard rails around the ring, before they go back to straight brawling. Backstage people start pouring out to ringside to separate the two men. While they are restrained they both try to get at one another.






Morgan can clearly be heard shouting, “Next month! Let’s do this thing!”






Mario smiles in response and shouts back, “Fine with me!”






Morgan breaks free temporally and gets in a couple of more shots before being restrained again and da Silva is taken backstage ending the brawl between the two men.






Segment Rating: F






Remmington- It sounds like next month these two men are finally going to meet in the ring again. Thomas Morgan won the first encounter months ago, and I’m sure Mario da Silva is aware of that fact and will look to do anything to be the victor next month.






Doc- Thomas Morgan has a fire lit under him now and Mario could be in trouble once Morgan gets his hands on him.






Remmington- Up next, Mimic gets a shot at uPw Founder, J.R. Rose.







Mimic comes to the ring with a sinister grin on his face and wants a microphone before the match gets underway. He gets want he wants and he stares down J.R. Rose who is already standing in the ring.






Mimic- Finally Underground Pro Wrestling gets it. This is the third month I’ve been involved on the card and this place is better off for it. I’ve shown what I can do with the scrubs of Underground Pro Wrestling and now I get to take on the man that started it all. He’s the man that called me up and said I have a roster spot for you and you are going to be a big part of the promotion. It only took like 6 months for my first match. 6 months! Mr. Rose, tonight I show you why it was a mistake to shove me to the side. Why it was a mistake that I wasn’t involved in the tournament for the uPw Championship. Tonight Mr. Rose, I beat you, than I want my shot to really show what I can do!






Segment Rating: E-






J.R. Rose vs. Mimic





Another solid match for the night that is pretty much on par with the rest that were seen already to this point. Mimic does a good job getting heat from the crowd whenever he controls the match. Rose shows off that exciting high flying style he likes to employ and tries for The Thorn on Mimic. But Mimic slips out of is and hits a wicked looking clothesline. Mimic than makes a pin attempt and puts his feet on the ropes for leverage and gains the 3 count and the victory over the uPw Founder.






Match Result: Mimic wins by pinfall in 13:58






Match Rating: D-






Remmington- Mimic steals one from J.R. Rose. Despite him cheating for the victory he looked good in the ring again. Up next, my brother is in action against Ant-Man. First we have another taped segment, this time we will hear from Streetz as his Client Jeremiah Future gets a shot to become uPw Champion here tonight.





The scene shifts back to the backstage area of The Barn to see Streetz standing by with Jeremiah Future in the dim hallway.






Streetz- Finally The Future can be realized when this man beside me will win the uPw Championship from Extraordinario Jr. The man beside me has more talent in his little finger than the uPw Champ has in his entire body and at uPw Corn Fed that will be shown for all to see. So Mr. Jr. make sure you have that belt nice and shiny because my boy here needs some new bling. The Future is now.






Segment Rating: E-








Ant-Man vs. Roderick Remus w/ Willow





This match may have been the poorest match of the show but still a pretty solid matchup. It’s a pretty even match between the two men with Ant-Man once again showing off his impressive strength by tossing Remus around the ring. Willow gets involved a couple of times but it doesn’t lead to any decisive outcomes. Remus though catches Ant-Man with an awesome Super Kick that puts Ant-Man on the mat. Remus than scores the pinfall and gets the win.






Match Result: Roderick Remus wins by pinfall in 13:25




Match Rating: D-






Remmington- Roderick Remus wins the match, will it be enough for uPw to take notice of my brother. Time will tell. Up next, it’s the match we have been waiting for; the uPw Championship will be up for grabs as Jeremiah Future challenges Extraordinario Jr.







uPw Championship


Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Jeremiah Future w/Streetz




The crowd is into this match from the start and they are firmly behind the uPw Champion. The Champ looks impressive as does the challenger, Jeremiah Future. Streetz does his best to distract the Champion into making a fatal mistake and give his client the victory but it never works out for Future and his manager. Streetz decides a new approach and distracts the ref up on the ring apron. When this happens Mimic runs down to the ring and slides into the ring. He hits the Screwdriver on Jeremiah Future and quickly exits the ring. Brent turns around to see Extraordinario Jr. hit Future with the Siempre Peleando and gain the pinfall victory.





Match Result: Extraordinario Jr. wins by pinfall in 17:23 to retain the uPw Championship





Match Rating: D+






Remmington- A fantastic main event, soiled by Mimic’s interference. Extraordinario Jr. is still the champion thanks to Mimic. It was odd to see Mimic help the Champion retain.






Doc- It sure was, look forward to hearing just what that was about.






Remmington- And the only way to do that is to join us again when uPw returns to The Barn!







Final Show Rating: D-






Note- This was Xavier Reckless' last appearance for uPw after walking out on contract negotiations after 3 offers. So I had to replace him and of course job him to Dunn.

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From upwherecomestheunderground.com...




Underground Pro Wrestling has signed two new wrestlers to the promotion after the departure of Xavier Reckless. One is a newcomer to the wrestling world but will someday be a household name. The other is a star on the independent scene.



uPw would like to welcome...




KC Glenn





American Elemental





to the Underground family. It is still unknown when the two will make their official debuts in the ring but both hope to make an immediate impact when they do.






From upwherecomestheunderground.com...





There is a rumble in and around the Underground as Underground Pro Wrestling presents....






uPw Badlands Rumble






The big news in uPw besides the new signings, is it will be Mimic challenging Extraordinario Jr. for the uPw Championship. Is this the month that Extraordinario Jr. loses the belt or will the Champion continue his impressive title reign? Will Mimic put the ultimate explanation on his statement that he should be the main focus in uPw? Or will Extraordinario Jr. shut up the outspoken Mimic?





Roderick Remus has challenged and gotten a match against J.R. Rose. Remus is claiming Rose is holding him back and he wants to show Rose what he can do in the ring. Will Remus impress? Or will Roderick prove to be full of it?



American Elemental will make his debut in the Underground facing against Jeremiah Future. Future and Streetz are still upset after Mimic cost Future a chance to win the uPw Championship and looks to get on track and prove he is indeed the Future. Elemental looks to show that he belongs in the Underground with a victory. Who will win?




The match that uPw fans have been waiting for is upon us as Mario da Silva will take on Thomas Morgan. da Silva looks to prove that he is indeed the better Canadian and the better wrestler against Morgan. Morgan looks to silence Mario once and for all. Who will walk away with the bragging rights?




Only one way to find out the answer to all of these questions and that is to join Underground Pro Wrestling for uPw Badlands Rumble.
















uPw Badlands Rumble




Taylor Kidd vs. Sky King




Amazing Fire Fly vs. Donte Dunn




J.R. Rose vs. Roderick Remus w/ Willow




Mario da Silva vs. Thomas Morgan




Jeremiah Future w/ Streetz vs. American Elemental





uPw Championship


Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Mimic

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Taylor Kidd vs. Sky King

King got a win over Morgan so I don´t see him losing against Kidd either.

Amazing Fire Fly vs. Donte Dunn

Hard to say as both guys got a big wins resently Dunn over Reckless and Fly over Jebediah... in the end I think that Fly´s win counts more since Xavier was leaving so I give this one to Fly.


J.R. Rose vs. Roderick Remus w/ Willow

Coin flip but I´m not a big fan of giving user characters a push so I go with Remus instead.


Mario da Silva vs. Thomas Morgan

Man, this is a hard card to predict as this is another can go wither way match. In the end I think that Morgan needs the win more since he has mostly losses so far thanks to Silva interfering on his matches.

Jeremiah Future w/ Streetz vs. American Elemental

Another hard one but Future is more established so I go with him this time.


uPw Championship

Extraordinario Jr. © vs. Mimic

Still little bit early for a title change but this might not be a clear win if you want to keep Mimic on the title picture.

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