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CCW: Second City Sizzle! (August-Week 1-Tuesday, 2010)

Live from the CCW Gym in Chicago Illinois

Attendance: 250

Lead Announcer: Davis Ditterich

Play by Play: Remmington Remus

Color: Honey Golightly


~Pre-Show/DVD Bonus~

Gold Dragon defeated Arthur Dexter Bradley

:::Rhino Umaga and Samoan Machine bury the hatchet!:::

Samoan Destruction Inc. defeat Animal Harker & Joe Benning


~Main Show~



Stretch C. vs. Island Boy Apollo


Stretch wastes no time and goes right after Apollo. Apollo is taken back by the aggression from Stretch and unable to get in much offense early on. After regrouping, Apollo is able to gain some momentum with a series of quick blows, culminating in a diving forearm. Apollo then whips Stretch into the corner and tries to follow him in with a lariat only to get a face full of boot. Stretch then goes in for the kill and locks in a Stretch Mark! (Chicken Choker)


Winner: Stretch C.! (E)


DVD Bonus!

Him or me! (C+)


Inside the locker room of The Big Problem we see him and Heather B. talking. Both show signs of anger and Heather seems like she just might slap Problem.


Heather: I heard Enough! If you ever want to get your hands on me again you’ll end your partnership with Anger tonight! Don’t say a word…just lay him out with a Problem Solver and we can celebrate our greatness at the hotel tonight…I even bought some new lingerie just for the occasion…


Heather blows a kiss to Problem before walking off. Problem shakes his head as he picks up a pair of spiked shoulder pads with a note attached to them that reads “To Demon Problem, welcome to the family!”


Pirate's Chest Match!



Mr. Odlaw vs. "Pirate King" Hugh de Aske


Before the contestants came out a pair of sexy pirate girls wheeled out a huge Treasure Chest. The announcer tells us that inside is all manner of weapons and each one would be legal during the match. Mr. Odlaw and Hugh both sprinted out of the back and headed straight for the chest. As Odlaw tried to get the chest open Hugh nailed him with a dropkick. Hugh opened the chest and pulled out a pair of brass knuckles which he held up to the cheering crowd. Hugh unloaded on Odlaw and soon Odlaw was busted wide open. Hugh then went back to the chest and pulled out a gold scepter and nailed Odlaw across the back. Hugh went for a second blow but Papa Bondye came out and blew some blue dust in the face of Hugh. As Hugh staggered around, Odlaw pulled a peg leg and craked Hugh in the skull with it. Odlaw then went back in the chest and pulled out a small sack of tacks and poured them in the ring as Papa Bondye nailed Hugh with the peg leg. Odlaw tossed Hugh into the ring and slammed him right on the tacks. Odlaw then rolled out of the ring and pulled a cannonball out of the chest. Odlaw got in the ring and raised it above his head but as he did Hugh kicked him in the leg and odlaw fell down. Hugh got to his feet amid cheers and whipped odlaw into the corner. Hugh then followed it up with a huge spear that caused Odlaw to slump down in the corner. Hugh lifted the cannon ball up and then rolled it like a bowling ball right into Odlaw’s open crotch! Hugh then made the pin and was declared the winner!


Winner: The Pirate king Hugh de Aske! (E)


What happened?


As Hugh raised his arms up in victory the lights went out. When the lights went back on Hugh, papa Bondye, and Mr. Odlaw were all laid out in the ring. Over each body was a Pirate Flag!


Last Chance for "IT" Steel Cage Match



Griff vs. Senor Suerte


A big blue cage was lowered as the ring was cleared of the tacks from the previous match. Serte came out first to a nice pop. Griff then came out holding the pouch which he left at the end of the ramp, before stepping inside the cage. The cage door was shut and locked and the match began with Suerte going at Griff with wild punches. The match went back and forth, with each man holding nothing back. Eventually Griff landed a huge powerbomb on Suerte and began climbing the cage. Griff struggled to get up and soon Suerte was also climbing. Suerte caught up with Griff and the two began to punch it out as they straddled the cage. Suerte got the upper hand and soon Griff went sailing off the cage and crashing into the ring. Suerte then climber down and won the match!


Winner: Senor Suerte! (E)


It’s mine…all mine! (E+)


Senor Suerte recovers the pouch and opens it up, revealing “IT” to the crowd. The camer zooms in to get a better view. The crowd is in awe as Suerte holds up a baby shoe!


Submission Match



Greg Gauge vs. Air Attack Weasel


Greg and Weasel began with some light technical moves before stepping things up with more elaborate holds. Every time Greg put a hold on Weasel had a counter and for every counter Greg had a reversal. Things went back and forth until Weasel landed a jumping DDT on Greg. Weasel then climbed the top rope and dove off but Greg caught him with a Cross Face which he quickly transitioned to a Proton Lock for the win.


Winner: Greg Gauge!(D)


CCW Championshp! ©


Demon Spite walked out to a nice pop and grabbed a nearby mic.


Demon Spite: First off, congrats to Demon Problem. You’ll make a fine addition to the brotherhood of the spiked shoulder pads! Ha, ha. Now then, CCW has been up and running for almost half a year and we still have yet to crown a single champion. Well, in December we will be holding Windy City Warfare and for one night only disregarding the precedent of holding a tag match in the main event. At Windy City Warfare the Eight wrestlers with the best record in CCW will be in a tournament to crown the first Champion of Chicago! Thank you, and enjoy the remainder of the show!


~Main Event~



Demon Problem w/Heather B. and Demon Anger vs. Running Wolf and Ace Youngblood


Demon Problem and Demon Anger came out without Heather B. anywhere in site. Wolf and Ace came out to a small pop despite many thinking they had no chance at beating the Demons of Rage 2.0. Problem and Wolf went at right away and soon Wolf was receiving a massive beating at the hands of Problem. Ace got in and he too took a beating before receiving a Demon Device and getting pinned! As the Demons got their arms raise Heather B. appeared at the top of the ramp, she simply shook her head as Problem and Anger embraced in the ring amid loud cheers.


Winners: The Demons of Rage 2.0! (D)


Overall Show: D!

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Loved the show. A baby shoe. Interesting...


The Pirate match was excellent as well - I can imagine the plunder in that one. I'll be interested to see how you can balance the concept of tag main events with a top singles belt...


Angel Hamill vs. Hugh de Aske

Hugh is gold for this promotion size and focus.


Stretch C. vs. Joe benning

Stretch is, for the first time in my time here, an interesting character in a diary!


Davis Wayne Newton vs. Senor Suerte

I hate DWN on principal.


Demon Problem vs. Animal Harker

Squi****y squa****y


~Main Event!~

Gold Dragon & Air Attack Weasel vs. Greg Gauge & Hector Galindo

Never get involved in a land war in Asia and never bet against Greg Gauge.

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A few weeks prior to September’s show…


As usual I was sitting at my desk working the next month’s plans out, however unlike the usual Demon Spite had his door closed. Also unusual was he was screaming at the top of his lungs at Rhino Umaga. Most guys wouldn’t talk above a whisper to Rhino and here Spite was screaming at him. From what I could hear, Spite was pissed Rhino was accepting a written contract to TCW. I get why Spite was angry, but really we had nothing to keep any of these guys here…not yet anyway. Rhino came bursting out a moment later as I was still lost in thought and soon Spite followed him. Spite looked at me and uttered a sentence that shot down my next three months worth of plans…


SpiteFire Samoan Machine and Arthur Dexter Bradley…tell them they can thank their Samoan cousin Rhino for that!


Damn! Two more guys gone from the upper end of the roster. Add that to the problem of not having Anger for a few months…this card is going to be the weakest one yet….

CCW: Second City Strike! (August-Week 1-Tuesday, 2010)

Live from the CCW Gym in Chicago Illinois

Attendance: 231

Lead Announcer: Davis Ditterich

Play by Play: Remmington Remus

Color: Honey Golightly


~Pre-Show/DVD Bonus~



~Main Show~




Angel Hamill vs. “Pirate King” Hugh de Aske


In what can only be described as a “real barn burner” Hugh de Aske was met blow for blow by the younger and faster Angel. Hugh was able to finally get some momentum after Angel missed a diving cross body splash. Hugh then nailed Angel with a Walk the Plank (Sliced Bread) for the win.


Winner: “Pirate King” Hugh de Aske! (D)


Another Broadside! (E)


Once again when Hugh had his armed raised in victory the lights went out and when they came on Hugh was laid out with a Pirate Flag laid over his body. This time however, the flag had blood stains on it.




Stretch C. vs. Joe Benning


Joe took the fight right to Stretch and had him reeling after a brutal series of punches. As Joe continued to beat down Stretch, the crowd began a Stretch chant and suddenly Stretch was able to mount a comeback. Stretch rocked Joe with several punches before taking Joe off his feet with a huge lariat. Joe got up slowly as Stretch was shaking with anticipation. Joe was up…and Stretch locked in a Stretch Mark (Chicken Choker/Crossface Chicken Wing) for the win.


Winner: Stretch C. (D-)


All my little Stretchers! (E)


Stretch grabs a mic from nearby and gets back into the ring to address the crowd…


Stretch: Is it good to be here in Chicago with all the little Stretchers voicing their support. My father may not accept me but I know each and every one of you do! [crowd cheer] Now, I may not be able to say who he is, but soon each and every one of you will know without a shadow of a doubt whose boy I am. And to my “brother”, you may have daddy’s love, training, and attention…but I got all of his good looks!




Davis Wayne Newton vs. Senor Suerte


Davis and Suerte went back and forth with some hip tosses and arm drags before working up to slams and suplexes. Things were relatively even and if it wasn’t for DWN thumbing Suerte in the eye, then the momentum would have never shifted much. DWN used his opening to land a few hard blows and lift Suerte up for a Suplex only to have Suerte wiggle out and drop behind DWN. Suerte then landed a Lucky Shot (reverse DDT) for the win.


Baby blues! (E+)


Suerte asked for a mic and was handed one…


Suerte: Last month I stunned the world by producing a Baby Shoe from the pouch…Now, as you all know, I am an orphan. This single shoe [suerte holds the shoe up] is all I have that connects me to my parents. Now what you may not know…my parents were killed in a fire. Some careless smoker tossed their cigarette into a garbage can and it started the trash on fire. The fire raged on and caught my house which engulfed my entire family…When I was rescued by the firemen all I had on was this single shoe. Ever since then it has brought me luck because when I have it I know my parents are watching over me…[wipes a tear] Now you all know, and I hope you’ll forgive me for not wanting to just come out and talk about it until I had it back in my hands. Enjoy the rest of the show…




Demon Problem vs. Animal Harker


The bell rang and within seconds this match was over. Animal Harker didn’t even have a chance to get his sympathy as is his trademark.


Winner: Demon Problem (D+)


A woman scorn…(B-)


After the match Heather B. came out holding a mic…


Heather: Congratulations. [she claps weakly] You won another match against a tiny nobody. Soon, however, that will end…Because I have a new monster. A monster, that will make you look like a tiny boy in comparison. Turn around and feast your eyes on my GARGANTUAN!


Demon Problem turns around and he is lifted off his feet by a huge man. The man slams Problem down with a massive choke slam that leaves Problem out cold. Heather walks to the ring and slaps Problem as he lay unconscious. She then walks off with the huge man close behind.




Gold Dragon & Air Attack Weasel vs. Greg Gauge & Hector Galindo


Gold Dragon and Hector Galindo started things out with some quick paced Lucha style action. Hector tagged Greg in and the match slowed down as Greg applied hold after hold. Dragon was able to get Weasel in and the pace quickened again. Hector tagged himself in and things really began to take off. Weasel got a tag to Dragon and Greg and Weasel brawled outside the ring. Dragon then landed a Leg Lariat on Hector and made the pin.


Winners: Gold Dragon & Air Attack Weasel! (C-)


Overall Show: D+

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CCW: Second City Strike! (October-Week 1-Tuesday, 2010)


Gargantuan vs. Island Boy Apollo

Joe Benning & Animal Harker vs. Greg Gauge & Davis Wayne Newton

Stretch C. vs. Senor Suerte

Gold Dragon vs. Griff

Air Attack Weasel vs. "Pirate King" Hugh de Aske

~Main Event~

Demon Problem and ??? vs. Hector Galindo and Leo Davis

All this plus...

Who is the Mystery Partner?

Which young up and comer stops by CCW?

Who is Stretch's Daddy?

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Stretch: Is it good to be here in Chicago with all the little Stretchers voicing their support. My father may not accept me but I know each and every one of you do! [crowd cheer] Now, I may not be able to say who he is, but soon each and every one of you will know without a shadow of a doubt whose boy I am. And to my “brother”, you may have daddy’s love, training, and attention…but I got all of his good looks!


Jay Chord. If it's anyone besides Jay Chord, I will eat a brick.


Also, who the heck is Gold Dragon/Cyber Fighter 3000? I didn't find him in the default database.

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Gargantuan vs. Island Boy Apollo

Gargantuan could be an excellent signing for you. If nothing else, he and Problem will do well to build up overness and momentum to redistribute to the rest of your roster.


Joe Benning & Animal Harker vs. Greg Gauge & Davis Wayne Newton

Normally, with you, I bet against DWN. Here, though, he can't lose.


Stretch C. vs. Senor Suerte

I never thought this would be my "must-see" matchup...ever. But you've done an excellent job of highlighting these two. I'm confused, though. Is Suerte face? His last promo sounded awfully 'faceish'. Oh, and I agree with Hash. Stretch = Stretch Chord (which is, by the way, an awesome name and has the same type of sound as Rip Chord...)


Gold Dragon vs. Griff

Tough call, though Griff is floundering a bit right now.


Air Attack Weasel vs. "Pirate King" Hugh de Aske

Hugh wins, lights go out, the flag is now torn and bloody?


~Main Event~

Demon Problem and ??? vs. Hector Galindo and Leo Davis

Problem and his partner (Demon Spite?) win this one easily.


Which young up and comer stops by CCW?

Darryl Devine


Who is Stretch's Daddy?


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Gargantuan vs. Island Boy Apollo

Gargantuan could be an excellent signing for you. If nothing else, he and Problem will do well to build up overness and momentum to redistribute to the rest of your roster.


Joe Benning & Animal Harker vs. Greg Gauge & Davis Wayne Newton

Normally, with you, I bet against DWN. Here, though, he can't lose.


Stretch C. vs. Senor Suerte

I never thought this would be my "must-see" matchup...ever. But you've done an excellent job of highlighting these two. I'm confused, though. Is Suerte face? His last promo sounded awfully 'faceish'. Oh, and I agree with Hash. Stretch = Stretch Chord (which is, by the way, an awesome name and has the same type of sound as Rip Chord...)


Gold Dragon vs. Griff

Tough call, though Griff is floundering a bit right now.


Air Attack Weasel vs. "Pirate King" Hugh de Aske

Hugh wins, lights go out, the flag is now torn and bloody?


~Main Event~

Demon Problem and ??? vs. Hector Galindo and Leo Davis

Problem and his partner (Demon Spite?) win this one easily.


Which young up and comer stops by CCW?

Darryl Devine


Who is Stretch's Daddy?



Suerte is indeed a face...while Stretch is a tweener going toward a face...although due to the system he is labeled a heel. As for Griff floundering...well, I didn't want my user charecter with 0 expereince to become Goldberg...not yet anyways. And sorry, but Spite is not going to compete...ever! [His stats are horrible as he is not an active wrestler]

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Gargantuan vs. Island Boy Apollo


Joe Benning & Animal Harker vs. Greg Gauge & Davis Wayne Newton


Stretch C. vs. Senor Suerte


Gold Dragon vs. Griff


Air Attack Weasel vs. "Pirate King" Hugh de Aske


~Main Event~

Demon Problem and ??? vs. Hector Galindo and Leo Davis


??? = Land Mass, duh. Otherwise known as Demon Gluttony


Which young up and comer stops by CCW?

Jay Chord


Who is Stretch's Daddy?

Rip Chord

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CCW: Second City Strike! (October-Week 1-Tuesday, 2010)

Live from the CCW Gym in Chicago Illinois

Attendance: 234

Lead Announcer: Davis Ditterich

Play by Play: Remmington Remus

Color: Honey Golightly


~Pre-Show/DVD Bonus~


Ace Youngblood defeated Angel Hamill and Mr. Odlaw in a 3 way!

The Masked Superstar defeated Running Wolf

:::Honey Golightly almost gets a word from the mystery partner…:::


~Main Show~




Gargantuan with/Heather B. vs. Island Boy Apollo


The bell rang and Apollo landed a few ounches that Gargantuan simply shrugged off. Gargantuan then lifted Apollo up with one hand and slammed him hard into the mat with a massive Choke Slam before making the pin.


Winner: Gargantuan! (E)


Only room for one monster…(B)


After the match Demon Problem came out but as soon as he hit the ring he was swarmed by security. Problem and Gargantuan tried to fight through the guards but the numbers were enough to hold them apart. Heather then instructed Gargantuan to leave and he did as security held Problem back.




Joe Benning & Animal Harker vs. Greg Gauge & Davis Wayne Newton


Joe and Greg started things off with some quick back and forth leading to a quick series of tags by Joe and Animal. Animal took the fight to Greg but he was unable to hold on to the momentum for long. Greg and Davis worked over Animal until he made a hot tag to Joe who cleared the ring to a huge pop. Joe and Greg then went at it in the ring as Animal and Davis battled outside. Greg was able to somehow get a Proton Lock hooked on Joe and soon Joe was tapping out as Animal was a moment too late for the save.


Winners: Greg Gauge and Davis Wayne Newton! (D-)


~DVD Bonus!~


****y Punk! (E+)


Backstage Senor Suerte turned a corner and knocked the coffee out of the hands of Jay Chord who was visiting the CCW locker room. Suerte tried to apologize but Jay told him it was ok. Suerte even offered the cost of the coffee which Jay took reluctantly. Suerte then turned to walk away only for Jay to grab Suerte and turn him back around. Jay then kicked Suerte in the gut and landed a DDT on the concrete before tossing the change at Suerte and walking off.




Stretch C. vs. Senor Suerte


Stretch took the fight to the obviously weakened Suerte. For his part, Suerte seemed out of it and the announcers noted the backstage altercation with Jay Chord that the live audience missed out on. Suerte was able to mount a comeback and just as he was going for a Lucky Shot, Jay Chord came out and hopped on the ring apron. Suerte dropped Stretch and went over to Jay but the ref held Suerte back as security took Jay away. Stretch then got behind Suerte and hooked in a Stretch Mark for the win.


Winner: Stretch C.! (D-)


Perfect partner! (B)


Demon Problem walks out with a mic as the crowd cheers him. He motions for the crowd to become silent and they comply.


Problem: So, it looks like Heather has found herself a cheap knock off of the most dominant man in this sport! Gargantuan…or should I call you The Little Problem? You are not on my level. You may be big…you may be mean…you may have my former manager…but the one thing you don’t have is MY connections. People like Demon Spite and Demon Anger who have been training me non-stop since I took the name Demon Problem. People like my partner for tonight…the one, the only…



The Force!


Jim Force runs out to a huge pop from the crowd as the announcers confess their disbelief that he is there. Force gets into the ring and Deomn Problenm hands him the mic.


Force: GAAAAAAAAAR GAN TUAN! It has been foretold, that one day a deadly nemesis would emerge from the shadows and try to choke the air out of the very foundation of this business. When that day comes, the nemesis would be met by a Force that which the world has never seen. You are looking at a Demon Force in the ring tonight, one that will shatter your foul stench with the power of righteousness!


Tonight marks the beginning of the end for you and all your kind and soon you too will feel the unmistakable coldness that is the ring mat as the light above blind you like the prophet Eli, only the vision that you see will be of a world where you have been vanquished once and for all!!!


The crowd cheers as Demon Problem and The Force shake violently in the ring and then begin to run against the ropes for no apparent reason. The announcers remark how they have never seen anything like this in their lives!




Gold Dragon vs. Griff


Griff isn’t able to get any offense in as Gold Dragon utilizes various martial arts moves to keep Griff on the defensive. Gold Dragon then lands a Leg Lariat before making the pin.


Winner: Gold Dragon! (D-)




Air Attack Weasel vs. "Pirate King" Hugh de Aske


Air Attack Weasel and Hugh got at it with some quick back and forth moves, which results in neither man getting any advantage. Hugh lands a low blow behind the ref’s back and soon he has the advantage as Weasel is unable to fight back. Hugh eventually lands a Walk the Plank and picks up the win.


Winner: Hugh de Aske! (D)


Not Again! (D-)


Once again the lights go out after Hugh’s win and when they go back on Hugh is standing in the ring confused. He looks down and sees a huge red X painted on the canvas and the P.A. system begins to play Yo Ho, yo ho, a Pirate’s life for me. Hugh looks around for an assailant but none comes foreword and as he looks ready to walk away the song stops and we hear…


Fifteen men on a dead man’s chest…yo ho ho and a bottle of rum! Everyone has a little pirate in them Hugh, but even they follow the code. You still owe me a debt and everyone pays me what they owe. See you soon little pirate king…


Hugh seems shaken up as he walks to back nervously looking around…


~Main Event~




Demon Problem and The Force vs. Hector Galindo and Leo Davis


Within moments of the bell The Force lands a hugeright on Leo that sends him to the floor. Meanwhile, Demon Problem lands a Problem Solver on Hector that sends Hector to the floor. The Force then lifts Leo up and lands a huge Force Slam (Running Power Slam) for the win.


Winners: Demon Problem and The Force! (D)


Phase one complete! (B+)


After the match Demon Problem and The Force play to the crowd as the arena goes nuts. Within minutes a Demon Force chant breaks out as The Force and Demon Problem shake the ring ropes and pose for the crowd.


Overall show: D!


***Thoughts on the show are appreciated…next card will be up in a few days.

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Excellent little show - still moving storylines forward without them becoming stale. I agree - Jay now seems too obvious as Stretch's brother, though I'm sure you could make that work.


The Force was a perfect partner for The Problem - and they scored a B+ rating to boot? Awesome. Too bad Spite is done for - a reunion of sorts where Spite passes the torch (or doesn't...) to the Problem would've made for some good drama.


The Force promo was awesome too - channeling the spirit of the Ultimate Warrior without being a complete ripoff (ok, he DID run the ropes...).

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***Thanks for all the feedback, it really is appreciated!


CCW: Second City Strike! (November-Week 3-Tuesday, 2010)


Gargantuan vs. Running Wolf

Senor Suerte vs. Jay Chord

Animal Harker and Joe Benning vs. Hugh de Aske and Leo Davis

Griff vs. Air Attack Weasel

Greg Gauge vs. Gold Dragon

~Main Event~

Demon Problem and The Force vs. Hector Galindo and Davis Wayne Newton

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Gargantuan vs. Running Wolf

Keep running, Wolf.


Senor Suerte vs. Jay Chord

A toss-up, really. I see Stretch costing JC this one.


Animal Harker and Joe Benning vs. Hugh de Aske and Leo Davis

Animal Harker and Leo Davis in the same match! Talk about suckatude.


Griff vs. Air Attack Weasel

Although I know you are hesitant to give Griff a "Goldberg-esque" push, he's jobbed enough to easily go over AAW.


Greg Gauge vs. Gold Dragon

Gauge does the job for a more long-term solution in CCW.


~Main Event~

Demon Problem and The Force vs. Hector Galindo and Davis Wayne Newton

The new Demons dominate.

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CCW: Second City Strike! (November-Week 3-Tuesday, 2010)

Live from the CCW Gym in Chicago Illinois

Attendance: 197

Lead Announcer: Davis Ditterich

Play by Play: Remmington Remus

Color: Honey Golightly


~Pre-Show/DVD Bonus~


Stretch C. won a 5 Way which included, Angel Hamill, Mr. Odlaw, Island Boy Apollo, and Ace Youngblood


~Main Show~




Gargantuan with/Heather B. vs. Running Wolf


The bell rang and Wolf landed a few punches that made Gargantuan stumble back. Running Wolf ran at Gargantuan with a lariat but a big boot from Gargantuan knocked Wolf down on his ass. Gargantuan then lifted Wolf up with one hand and slammed him hard into the mat with a massive Choke Slam before making the pin.


Winner: Gargantuan! (E)


Fear me! ©


After the match Gargantuan lifted Running Wolf up and once again delivered a Choke Slam. Gargantuan then lifted Wolf up and delivered a Force Slam followed with a mocking gesture directed toward Jim Force.




Senor Suerte vs. Jay Chord


Suerte and Chord started things off with a few arm drags and a series of drop kick misses. Jay misses a high drop kick and Suerte takes advantage of it by delivering a elbow on the prone Jay. Suerte then runs at the ropes and when he reaches them his leg is grabbed by a hand from under the ring. Suerte falls on his face and Stretch comes out from under the ring as the crowd pops for him. Jay Chord then lands a CCP (Chord’s Cradle Piledriver) and picks up the win.


Winner: Jay Chord! (D)


You’re no Chord! (D)


After the match Stretch walks into the ring with a mic which Jay Chord snatches from him before Stretch could even speak.


Jay: Don’t even try it…Month after month you have come out here and tried to imply that you are the son of a legend…my father Rip Chord! Don’t try to deny it…we all know what these little comments imply. You’re saying that one night, when Rip was drunk beyond all hell he laid with a dog and came back with a flea known as Stretch! I don’t know about these fans…but when I look at you, I don’t see any Rip Chord in you! You’re a joke Stretch, but if you want to be a Chord…then you need to earn it. Me and you…one on one, next month. I win, you retire from the business for good, but if somehow you manage to win…then you can call yourself Stretch Chord! Sound good? [stretch nods his approval] Good…you and me one on one in a match MY father made famous…a Bar Room Brawl! [huge crowd pop]




Animal Harker and Joe Benning vs. Leo Davis and “Pirate King” Hugh de Aske


Animal and Joe seem to be working as one, while Leo and Hugh spent most of the time arguing with one another. While Leo was in the ring, Yo ho, ho…a Pirate’s Life For me began to play. Hugh freaked out and ran through the crowd as Leo was lifted up in a suplex by Joe. Animal climbed the top turnbuckle and landed a spear on Leo and made the pin.


Winners: Joe Benning and Animal Harker! (D-)




Griff vs. Air Attack Weasel


Air Attack Weasel rebounded off the ropes and landed a huge elbow smash to start the match off. Griff did manage to get in some offense but none seemed to be effective enough to stop the high flying Weasel. Eventually Weasel slammed Griff to the mat and climbed the turnbuckle signaling for his finisher. Weasel then flew off the top turnbuckle and landed a Weasel Waffle (Senton Splash) for the win.


Winner: Air Attack Weasel! (E+)




Greg Gauge vs. Gold Dragon


Greg manages to get a few holds on Gold Dragon before Dragon is able to utilize his martial arts background to take over and keep Greg on the defense. Greg sends Dragon into the ropes but when he comes off he lands a Leg Lariat and Greg is knocked out cold.


Winner: Gold Dragon! (C-)



~Main Event~




Demon Problem and The Force vs. Hector Galindo and Davis Wayne Newton


The Force lands a huge shoulder tackle on Davis that sends him to the floor. Meanwhile, Demon Problem lands a Problem Solver on Hector that sends Hector to the mat. The Force then lifts Hector up and lands a huge Force Slam (Running Power Slam) for the win as the crowd goes nuts!


Winners: Demon Problem and The Force! (D)


Feel The Force! (B)


After the match Demon Problem and The Force play to the crowd as the arena goes nuts just like last month. Within minutes a Demon Force chant breaks out once again and The Force and Demon Problem shake the ring ropes and pose for the crowd in response. The Force then grabs a mic and begins to address the crowd…


Force: Once again the darkness has been lifted and the light of goodness shines down upon CCW! Despite this joyous occasion a dark cloud remains floating just overhead casting a dark and twisted shadow upon all unlucky enough to pass by it. Gargantuan! You are that dark cloud and I am the wind that shall force you from our skies once and for all. Next month, you and I shall meet in the ring in a match that will have the people speaking about it for years to come. The sheer power that will be unleashed shall be enough to tear down mountains. When the dust settles, you will be looking up at your superior as I raise my arm in victory and you leave CCW once and for all! Gargantuan…next month you…shall…feel…THE FORCE!


Overall show: D+!


***Thoughts on the show are appreciated…next card will be up in a few days.

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CCW: Last Stand! (December-Week 3-Monday, 2010)


CCW Double Debut

Kevin Christopher vs. Edward Cornell


CCW Championship Tournament Round 1

Match 1: Demon Problem vs. Hector Galindo

Match 2: Gold Dragon vs. Hugh de Aske

Match 3: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Senor Suerte

Match 4: Greg Gauge vs. Air Attack Weasel


Chord Challenge Bar Room Brawl

Stretch C. vs. Jay Chord


CCW Championship Tournament Semi-Finals

Match 5: Winner of Match 1 vs. Winner of Match 2

Match 6: Winner of Match 3 vs. Winner of Match 4


Loser Leaves CCW Match

The Force vs. Gargantuan


~Main Event~

CCW Championship Tournament Finals

Match 7: Winner of Match 5 vs. Winner of Match 6

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CCW: Last Stand! (December-Week 3-Monday, 2010)


CCW Double Debut

Kevin Christopher vs. Edward Cornell


CCW Championship Tournament Round 1

Match 1: Demon Problem vs. Hector Galindo

Match 2: Gold Dragon vs. Hugh de Aske

Match 3: Davis Wayne Newton vs. Senor Suerte

Match 4: Greg Gauge vs. Air Attack Weasel


Chord Challenge Bar Room Brawl

Stretch C. vs. Jay Chord


CCW Championship Tournament Semi-Finals

Match 5: Demon Problem versus Gold Dragon

Match 6: Senor Suerte versus Greg Gauge


Loser Leaves CCW Match

The Force vs. Gargantuan


~Main Event~

CCW Championship Tournament Finals

Demon Problem versus Greg Gauge

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