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From The Ashes (A WCW Reborn Dynasty)

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This is my first attempt at a diary/dynasty, using the WCW Reborn Scenario, which can be found at http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/showthread.php?t=510543.

The next post will be the background, followed by the "current champions" post, which I will update at the end of the first batch of updates. I am currently just past my second PPV in this game, so I will update to then before editing the roster and champions, so as not to give anybody any spoilers.

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(Copied from the WCW Reborn Scenario thread, which is the mod I'm using for this diary)


World Championship Wrestling


The big happening was in December, when with no buzz or knowledge of the internet, WCW was reborn. The story as it unfolded was that Shane McMahon had become somewhat distant from the McMahon family. With Stephanie and Triple H the heirs to the empire, Shane couldn't help but feel overlooked by his father. After a few months, Vince saw the error in his ways and finally picked up a phone and called his true son. When Vince asked what he could do to make things better, all Shane requested was he wanted a sign from Vince that he mattered to him. After some bantering apparently Shane convinced his father to hand over the WCW copyrights and some other unused copyrights as a sign of faith, a sign that he was important. Important enough for Vince to hand over what he spent a decade to defeat. In his haste, Vince McMahon didn't read the contract well enough and when he signed the paper he was simply happy to have his son back.


That is when Viacom announced a press conference. Starting in January 2012, WCW was returning to the airwaves on Spike TV! Looking to fill the void left by TNA on the restructuring channel, Viacom couldn't turn down the chance to have a McMahon back on their network. Vince figured out at the same time as the rest of us, when the curtain dropped revealing the WCW logo and Spike TV logo on the back spread. Nitro was returning. His own son had stabbed him in the back. The initial deal for WCW Nitro would see it air LIVE every Tuesday, but was only an hour long. However, Spike TV and WCW both said a plan to expand it to a full two hours was the ultimate goal, but they wanted time to naturally grow instead of hastily put out a bloated show.


Most on the internet thought the new WCW would simply look a lot like the old WCW, that is to say the old TNA. They didn't possibly see how WCW could compete again. That was until December 19th, only 3 days after the WCW/Spike TV press conference. Building into Royal Rumble WWE was hyping CM Punk vs. Triple H. After his awesome promo work and matches, CM Punk was only now finishing up his feud with Kevin Nash and X-Pac who were brought back, and the "whodunit" storyline was leading to this date, the official reformation of The Corporation. To conclude that nights RAW, CM Punk was supposed to defeated X-Pac and then when Triple H finally revealed himself as the person trying to keep CM Punk down, revealing The Corporation, Punk was to hit him with the Go 2 Sleep to a delighted crowd. This all went to plan, but it was when CM Punk was after the Go 2 Sleep on HHH that it happened. CM Punk rolled out of the ring and grabbed a T-Shirt from under the ring. He slipped it on and jumped onto the top rope. "WCW" was written across his chest. It turned out that in July CM Punk only signed a contract through the end of the year, and he was set to sign a new deal with WWE that very night after the show was over. CM Punk simply said his lawyers had to go over it one more time.


CM Punk's signing with WCW was announced at midnight that same night. Sources revealed Punk thought WWE was still holding him down, and only when his contract was expiring did they finally pull the trigger on the HHH match, which they thought would convince him to stay.


Another jump from WWE to WCW was more quiet, but Joey Styles quit his job at WWE.com to become the new voice of WCW. In an interview on WCW.com, Styles said he never wanted to stop announcing, despite what he said in the past, but he's always been a company guy and didnt want to disrespect any of the other announcers at WWE which is why he kept saying he didnt want to announce again. Styles also would be having a big hand in WCW.com.


Over the next week the names started to pour into the WCW roster page. The initial roster is small, but obviously will expand vigorously throughout January and all of 2012.


WCW Roster:

Alex Shelley

Caylen Croft

Chavo Guerrero

Chris Jericho

Chris Masters

Chris Sabin

CM Punk

Colt Cabana

Curry Man

Curt Hawkins


Darren Young

Derrick Bateman

Gail Kim

"Husky" Harris Rotondo

"Lucky" Jason Cannon

Jeff Hardy

Jillian Hall

Kenny Dykstra

Kevin Thorn

Kurt Angle

Luke Gallows

Matt Striker

Michael Tarver

Mick Foley (semi-active)

Mickie James

Mike Knox

Montel Vontavious Porter

Sid Vicious

Trent Barreta

Tyler Reks

Vance Archer



WCW Staff:

Armando Estrada - Manager (Leader of the Estrada Talent Agency stable, no members besides him)

Barry Windham - Road Agent

Brad Armstrong - Road Agent

Christy Hemme - Backstage Interviewer

Diamond Dallas Page - Colour Commentator

Fit Finlay - Road Agent

Goose Mahoney - Referee

Joey Styles - Play-By-Play Announcer

Mickie Henson - Referee

Mike Chioda - Referee

Shane McMahon - Owner

Shane Sewell - Referee

Tommy Dreamer - Road Agent


- The initial roster was entirley made up of former WWE and TNA talents, but Shane McMahon promised he would search the world in the coming months to find the best talent in the world. Originally WCW was not going to sign Kurt Angle, but did at the insistence of Spike.


- Continuing CM Punk's influence, Steel Domain Wrestling was relaunched with Ace Steel running things to act as a developmental promotion.


SDW Roster

Ace Steel - Owner & Booker

Aloisia (Isis The Amazon)

Bobby Dutch (Bill Carr)

Brooke (Ms. Tessmacher)

Conrad Tanner (Kyle Rasmussen)

Daneen Lynn (SoCal Val)

Daniel Skyler (Dustin Starr) - Referee

Dean Hill - Announcer

Enzo De Luca (Robbie E/Rob Eckos)

Eric Escobar (Eric Perez)

Fahd Rakman (Fady the Arabian Bull)

Gavin Spears (Shawn Spears)

Hanzo Hokori (Kazuchika Okada)

Jamie Keyes (Brittany Beede)

Maverick Darsow (Dakota Darsow)

Monty Lynn (Rampage Brown)

Penny Cash (Jenny Quinn)

Sonia (Su Yung)


- What will WCW's future hold?

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Nitro, Week One

Here comes the money!

And we're underway with the very first episode of what is coined as "New Nitro" by the announcers, simply later known as Nitro. The announcers are Joey Styles on Play-By-Play, and Diamond Dallas Page as your color commentator. The crowd of 7,878 goes crazy as Shane McMahon comes to the ring. DDP talks about how happy he is to see the rebirth of something that he loved so much, even if it is under new management. Joey Styles brings him back to the show at hand, and they go quiet to let Shane cut his promo.


A loud W-C-W chant goes on for several minutes until the fans stop to let the new owner speak. Shane McMahon announces that things in "the new WCW" will be shaken up not only from the old WCW, but also will shake the entire foundation of wrestling as it is known. Tonight is the very first night of a new era, in which all of the promotion's titles will be put on the line, including our main event of the evening when CM Punk takes on Kurt Angle for the World Title. Shane then leaves the ring, so that our first match can begin.


"Lucky" Jason Cannon defeats Kevin Thorn for the United States Championship

Jason Cannon worked as the face for the match, Kevin Thorn obviously the heel.


The cameras cut backstage, where a smiling CM Punk is holding a microphone. He tells the fans the reason he left WWE was that he still wasn't properly being used, no matter how much they wanted to think that everything was okay. He was promised by Shane that WCW would not only feature him, but would be built around him. "Unlike some of the other McMahons, Shane delivers. And tonight, I deliver when I take the World Heavyweight Title."


The Dudebusters (Trent Beretta and Caylen Croft) defeat Michael Tarver and Kenny Dykstra to become the WCW Tag Champions

The Dudebusters were the faces, beating the makeshift heel team rather easily.


The cameras cut backstage again and we see Kurt Angle this time. He tells the fans, and CM Punk in particular, that he better not take it easy on him. He may have left TNA, but that wasn't because he was a quitter. He was too big for TNA, and he came to WCW to dominate a whole new brand of talent.


Chavo Guerrero defeated Christopher Daniels for the WCW Cruiserweight Title

Chavo beat Daniels by pinfall after hitting him with the championship belt while the referee's vision was blocked by Daniels' body.


A music video is shown, hyping the debut next week of "The Franchise Player" Montel Vontavious Porter


CM Punk defeated Kurt Angle to become the WCW World Heavyweight Champion

The match went about a half hour of back and forth action, both men fighting with all they had for the title. Towards the end, Punk went for the GTS, only for Angle to slide down and push Punk into the referee. Both men fell in a heap, only for Shane McMahon to run into the ring and smack Kurt Angle in the face with a steel chair. Angle crumpled into a heap and Shane hid under the ring. When Punk came to, he covered Angle and picked up the win.


After the match, Shane hands Punk the title, raising the new champion's hand high into the air as Punk looks confused. Upon seeing the replay, Punk looks to Shane. The owner gives Punk a thumbs up and big grin. Punk hits Shane with the GTS and walks out of the arena, holding the championship in one hand, but looking less than pleased with the way that the match turned out.

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Nitro, Week Two

The show opens up with the new Nitro video opening, showing the main talent that is going to be featured in the new promotion. The cameras then cut to the sell-out crowd of 8,600 in The Kaplan Arena going crazy. The announcers remind us of the shocking events that happened as we went off-air last week, only to be cut off by the sound of static and CM Punk's entrance music starting. The crowd goes even more wild as the new champion walks onto the stage with the belt on his shoulder.


Punk looks around the crowd, a mix of happiness and remorse on his face. He makes his way to the ring with little fanfare, grabbing a microphone when he's in there. Wasting little time, he lets the fans know that he had no clue about what Shane had planned last week, or that it had even happened until he saw the replay. He looks up the ramp and says "Kurt, I want to offer you a re-match at the pay-per-view." The words are barely out of his mouth when the Olympic Gold Medalist's music hits.


Angle walks onto the stage with a microphone, and tells Punk he doesn't believe him for one second. "It's appropriate that the pay-per-view is called Souled Out," he tells Punk. "Because that's exactly what you did last week." A you sold out chant erupts from the divided crowd. "I'd be a fool not to take a championship match," Angle says. "You're on."


Paul Burchill and Curt Hawkins defeat The Dudebusters in a non-title match.

Burchill and Hawkins are accompanied to the ring by Armando Estrada, who announces them as the first members of "The Estrada Talent Agency." Burchill picks up the win when Estrada distracts Croft, allowing Burchill to get the roll-up.


Backstage, Shane McMahon and CM Punk are spotted arguing in a hallway. Shane is heard telling Punk not to go through with the match at Souled Out, but Punk says he didn't want Shane's help last week, and he doesn't want it this week. He slaps Shane before walking off.


Daniels is walking through the hallways when he runs into Chavo Guerrero. Chavo mocks him for a few minutes about losing last week, until Daniels says Guerrero can't get lucky twice. He challenges him for Souled Out, and Chavo accepts.


Kenny Dykstra defeats Jason Cannon in a non-title match

Dykstra won with his finisher after the lights went out. When they came back on, Kevin Thorn was standing on the announce table, pointing at Cannon, allowing Kenny to hit his finisher for the win.



Chris Jericho comes out to the ring after commercials, to the delight of the fans. He cuts a promo for several minutes about what WCW means to him, saying that if "this ****-hole of a company is going to be back, it needs a true star in Y2J." He says that this time in WCW, he will be booked properly and is a future WCW champion. He issues an open challenge to anyone in the back.

MVP's music hits, and the playmaker comes out to accept the challenge. He gets into the ring and reaches for the microphone, only to hit Jericho in the face and start the match.


Chris Jericho defeated MVP by submission

MVP went for a drive-by kick, only to have it ducked and The Liontamer locked in. He tapped after a valiant struggle. After the match, Jericho put his foot on Porter's chest, raising one arrogant arm into the air.


Kurt Angle defeated Luke Gallows

Angle made Gallows tap to the ankle lock in the center of the ring. Everybody expected Punk to run in and help his friend, but it didn't happen. After the match, Punk's music hits and he comes slowly to the ring. Angle looks braced for a fight, but Punk extends his hand towards the challenger. Angle laughs at Punk, gives him the one-finger salute, and walks out of the ring. The show goes off air with Punk looking pissed holding his title.

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Nitro, Week Three

The show kicks off with the usual opening video, followed by a shot of the 6,148 members of the screaming crowd. Behind the commentary desk now, with little fanfare other than Joey Styles welcoming him and explaining that Page left to pursue other options within WCW, is Paul Heyman.


Immediately the cameras cut to the ramp, where CM Punk makes his entrance. He still doesn't look entirely happy, but he is the champion after all. You can tell that he is bothered over the lack of trust from Kurt Angle,though. When he enters the ring, we see PJ Polaco (Justin Credible) already waiting for the opening match.


CM Punk squashed PJ Polaco

Punk ran through the former Justin Credible easily, squashing him in just under 4 minutes. Styles made reference to Punk's first match in WWE being against Polaco, "back when they still knew how to manage talent."

Post match, Kurt Angle runs down to the ring and immediately starts attacking Punk. He hits him with the angle slam and drives the belt into his face before locking in the ankle lock. He holds the submission until Punk is screaming in pain, only letting him go once the damage has already been done.


Armando Estrada walks onto the ramp with a microphone following commercials, and announces that Curt Hawkins is no longer a member of the Estrada Talent Agency, and he has signed a new tag team to attempt to win the titles. In fact, they have a championship match right now. All of a sudden, two blurs of men run past him and down to the ring, climbing the turnbuckles and flipping back in to be revealed as Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin.


The Guns defeat The Dudebusters for the WCW Tag Team Championships.

A decent, high-paced back and forth match ends when Alex Shelley pins Trent Beretta following Armando Estrada climbing the apron to distract Shelley.


Backstage, Shane McMahon bursts into Kurt Angle's locker room and demands an explanation. Kurt tells Shane that he showed Punk how much he thought of him, and gave him a preview of what is going to happen against Souled Out. Shane tells Kurt he will be punished for what he did when he takes on the debuting Jeff Hardy.


Kevin Thorn is making his way towards the entrance for a match when he is all of a sudden blindsided by someone from behind. Paul Burchill attacks Thorn, beating him around the backstage area for several minutes before deciding Thorn has had enough.


Paul Burchill defeated Jason Cannon in a non-title match.

Burchill picked up the pinfall with his finisher after a hard-fought matchup. At one point, Cannon would have had the victory, but Estrada put his client's foot on the bottom rope to break up the pin.


Montel Vontavious Porter and Christopher Daniels defeated Chris Jericho and Chavo Guerrero

The heel team worked over Daniels for most of the matchup, until he got the hot tag to MVP. Porter cleared house and laid out Chavo, leaving him open for the BME from Daniels, who picked up the win for his team.


Kurt Angle defeated Jeff Hardy

Angle was in control a lot of the match, Hardy coming back to hit all of his high spots towards the end. The ending of the match came when he missed a Swanton Bomb, only for Angle to lock in the ankle lock for the submission.


Post-match, Shane McMahon runs to the ring with a chair. He hands it to Jeff Hardy, who hits the celebrating Kurt Angle in the back with it. The two go to work on Angle, until CM Punk runs down to the ring and tries to call them off. He stands between Jeff and Angle and a tense moment happens until Jeff swings the chair and hits Punk in the head with it. Angle rolls out of the ring and leaves, leaving the crowd to watch Shane yelling at Jeff as Punk lays lifeless in the ring.

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Nitro, Week Four

The show kicks off with Joey Styles and Paul Heyman announcing that tonight we will see the contract signing between CM Punk and Kurt Angle. Also, they recap what the viewers of WCW.com knew, that MVP and Chris Jericho will be facing each other at Souled Out in a two out of three falls match.


Chris Jericho defeated Christopher Daniels by submission.

The ending of the match came when Daniels had Jericho down and went for the BME, only for Chavo Guerrero to knock him off the turnbuckle, leaving Jericho to apply the Liontamer and get the submission.


The Guns and Curt Hawkins defeated The Dudebusters and Luke Gallows

Alex Shelley pinned Luke Gallows, using his tights for leverage.


Before the next match, the announcers hype that at Souled Out, we will see Jason Cannon put his title on the line in a triple threat match against Kevin Thorn and Paul Burchill.

Jason Cannon and Chris Masters defeated Kevin Thorn and Paul Burchill

Cannon pinned Burchill after a Cannon Shot, once Thorn left Burchill in the rin on his own and walked to the back.


MVP beat Chavo Guerrero in a non-title match.

MVP picked up the win with a drive-by kick after Daniels distracted Chavo Guerrero as payback for earlier in the night.


CM Punk and Kurt Angle come out for their contract signing, Shane McMahon asks them to sign the paper. Punk signs the contract before pushing it across the table to Angle. Angle, instead of signing, takes the microphone from Shane. "I don't trust you," he said, pointing to Punk. "And I DAMN sure don't trust you," he continued as he poked Shane hard in the chest. "But when it comes to Souled Out, I am going to be focused on gaining the WCW championship." He signs the paper, and Angle and Punk get into a staredown across the desk.


Souled Out Card

(feel free to predict)


Paul Burchill, Kevin Thorn, Jason Cannon in a triple threat match for the US Title


The Dudebusters vs The Guns for the WCW Tag Team Championship


Christopher Daniels vs Chavo Guerrero for the Cruiserweight Championship


Chris Jericho vs MVP in a two out of three falls match


Kurt Angle vs CM Punk for the WCW Heavyweight Championship

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Souled Out Card

(feel free to predict)


Paul Burchill, Kevin Thorn, Jason Cannon in a triple threat match for the US Title


The Dudebusters vs The Guns for the WCW Tag Team Championship


Christopher Daniels vs Chavo Guerrero for the Cruiserweight Championship


Chris Jericho vs MVP in a two out of three falls match


Kurt Angle vs CM Punk for the WCW Heavyweight Championship

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WCW Souled Out 2012


The announcers welcome us to the Birmingham-Jefferson Arena which is sold out by 17,654 people. A couple of "sold out" puns later, they run down the card quickly before throwing things to the first match of the night.


Paul Burchill defeated Kevin Thorn and Jason Cannon for the WCW United States Championship

Burchill capitalized when Cannon hit Thorn with a Cannon Shot, throwing the champion out of the ring and stealing the win and the title.


Backstage, we cut to a promo by Kurt Angle who talks directly to CM Punk and tells him that tonight, trust doesn't matter. Ulterior motives are left behind. Tonight, it's one on one, and Kurt Angle is going to kick CM Punk's ass.


The Guns defeated The Dudebusters to retain the WCW Tag Team Championship

Chris Sabin pinned Caylen Croft using the ropes for leverage.


Chavo Guerrero defeated Christopher Daniels to retain the WCW Cruiserweight Championship.

Guerrero pinned Daniels after a hard-fought contest following a frog splash from the top rope.


Backstage, Shane McMahon has CM Punk in his office, telling him that he's got his back in the main event tonight. Punk tells him not to bother. "If I can't beat Kurt Angle on my own, I don't deserve this," he told him, tapping the title before walking out of the office.


MVP defeated Chris Jericho 2 falls to 1.

Chris Jericho got the first fall after a codebreaker. MVP was hit by the ring bell to win the second fall by disqualification. MVP then won the third-fall with a drive-by kick.


A video is shown, reminding the fans of what happened during the past month of WCW programming involving Shane McMahon, Kurt Angle, and CM Punk.


Kurt Angle defeated CM Punk to win the WCW World Heavyweight Championship

The match started off with technical wrestling, until both men became frustrated and started to brawl. Many near-falls happened before Kurt Angle locked the ankle lock on CM Punk. Punk rolled through, causing the referee to be knocked out of the ring by Angle. Shane McMahon came down with a steel chair, and BLASTED CM Punk in the face with it. Angle pinned Punk, and Shane counted the 1-2-3.


Post-match, Shane hands Angle the title and raises his arm in victory as the ring is showered with confetti, both men laughing over the fallen body of CM Punk

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Nitro, February Week One


The show starts with a highlight video showing the events of Souled Out the night before, with particular emphasis on the main event and the shocking turn of Shane McMahon on CM Punk.


Here comes the money!

Shane McMahon comes out on the stage with a microphone in hand, followed by Kurt Angle as well as the surprising appearances of James Storm and Robert Roode. Getting into the ring, Shane has a big grin on his face, as does Kurt Angle. Shane tells Punk that he had his chance. Shane gave him shot after shot to have a company built around him, and he didn't take the golden opportunity. "Well, that opportunity was passed on to someone that truly deserves it. Kurt Angle! This man and I have tried to destroy each other in the past, and through that we have forged a respect for each other. Kurt knows what it takes to get ahead in this business, unlike you, Punk."

Shane goes on to explain that Roode and Storm have been signed to WCW as well, and are grateful for their opportunity to work in the new promotion. McMahon announces that the new alliance is to be called Mega Money, Incorporated. He also says that tonight we will see CM Punk take on Mega Money, Inc's enforcer, the new signee of Big Shad Gaspard.


Too Much (Scotty Taylor and Brian Lawler) defeated Drinking Money (Roode and Storm) to become #1 contenders for the WCW Tag Team Championships

Scott Taylor picked up the win over James Storm following the W-O-R-M

Post-match, The Guns come out and beat Too Much into the ring before holding their titles high in the air with Estrada.


Jason Cannon defeated Matt Striker and Christopher Daniels to become #1 contender for the US Title

Cannon pinned Striker clean after the Cannon Shot


Trent Beretta defeated Chavo Guerrero in a non-title match

Trent got the win via a surprise roll-up as Chavo went for the Gory Bomb and Beretta managed to turn it into a sunset flip pin.


MVP defeated Matt Hardy

MVP owned the majority of the match, and picked up the win via drive-by kick.


CM Punk defeated Big Shad by disqualification

Shad got an early advantage by attacking Punk as he took his shirt off. Punk was fighting valiantly back when Shane McMahon attacked Punk to end the match.

Drinking Money, Shane, and Shad beat Punk down in the middle of the ring. Shane sets Punk up in one corner, having his cronies hold a chair in front of his face. As Shane ascends the top rope of the opposite corner, suddenly familiar music hits.

Bret Hart runs down to the ring and grabs the chair, attacking Roode, Storm, and Shad with it. Shane McMahon flees, and Hart helps Punk to his feet, holding the chair in hand as they stare up the ramp at Shane.

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enjoying so far. I like the concept - having Shane run WCW in oppostion to the WWE could be something that would pull things out of the doldrums they are in (even if it was still under the E universe umbrella behind the scenes).


Punk and Angle have a good feud going on top while the characters on the undercard develop

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enjoying so far. I like the concept - having Shane run WCW in oppostion to the WWE could be something that would pull things out of the doldrums they are in (even if it was still under the E universe umbrella behind the scenes).


Punk and Angle have a good feud going on top while the characters on the undercard develop


It's not supposed to be under the WWE umbrella. O.o Thanks for the compliments, though. I'm doing my best to develop personalities in the undercard, but I keep finding myself booking around the one main feud.

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Nitro, February Week Two

The same chords that played strong at the end of the last show open up this one as Bret Hart marches down to the ring with a steel chair in one hand and a microphone in the other. He unfolds the chair and sits in it, facing the entrance ramp. "Shane," he says simply. "Do you really think that your father was that much of an idiot to have given you the rights to WCW without a backup plan? Say what you want about Vince McMahon. Cold-hearted emotionless bastard, yes." He has to pause for a few seconds as the crowd goes crazy. "Idiot? No. When he gave you the rights to WCW, he also gave me a share in the new company." The crowd goes crazy again. "Now, you're still the owner. You still get to decide the matches. But I have a contract here, and I've made a match of my own. CM Punk will get his title re-match against Kurt Angle at Superbrawl!"


At this point, Shane McMahon's entrance music hits, and he comes out onto the stage with Kurt Angle. "You have a contract here? That means that I get to make matches with you, right?" Bret nods, and Shane continues. "Then tonight, you go one on one, in the main event, with KURT ANGLE!" Bret looks pissed, but resigned to his fate.


"Alright, Shane, have it your way. But with my stock in the company, I want to propose to you a deal. At Superbrawl, I want a match. And I want it against you, Shane! The winner not only gets to be the special referee in the Punk/Angle title match, but gets control of WCW!"


Shane gets a big grin on his face, and nods. "You're on!" he says before Punk comes from the back and assaults Kurt Angle. The two brawl until Shane calls for security, breaking their fight up. In the chaos, Bret has made his way up the ramp and manages to hit Shane in the head with his chair.


Alex Shelley defeated Scotty Taylor in a singles match

Taylor went for the W-O-R-M, but his foot was pulled by Chris Sabin, allowing Shelley to hit his finisher for the win.


Shawn Daivari defeated Trent Beretta

Chavo Guerrero, who was doing guest commentary, distracted Beretta towards the end, allowing Daivari to get the roll-up for the 1-2-3.


Backstage, CM Punk and Bret Hart are talking. Hart tells Punk that he knows Punk likes to do things on his own, but there's no way he could take down Mega Money Inc single-handedly. Punk agrees and says that unlike Shane, Punk wants Bret's help. The two shake hands.


Paul Burchill defeated "Lucky" Jason Cannon to retain the US championship

Burchill hit Cannon with brass knuckles, knocking the challenger out and allowing himself to pick up the win.


MVP defeated Matt Striker

Porter continues to look strong after picking up the win with a Playmaker


Kurt Angle defeated Bret Hart by submission

Before the match, CM Punk was found knocked out in his locker room. Hart fought valiantly, but Angle was just so much closer to his physical prime than Hart. Add that in to the interference of Big Shad and Shane McMahon, and Hart had to submit.


Mega Money Inc beats on a helpless Bret Hart after the match, until Punk comes running down to the ring with the same steel chair from earlier in the show and clears out Shane's crew. He helps Bret to his feet as the show goes off the air.

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