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WWF 1997: Turning the tide

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This is a new mod that I designed. I hope you'll enjoy it.










The booking committe sat down in their room. It was the end of 1996. Then, one man entered and started talking.




Vince: The financial reports are just awful. That was the worst year ever in the WWF. If 1997 will be like this... I'm afraid we'll have to shut the WWF for good.


The booking committe started whispering. They couldn't believe it.




Jim: Vince, I suggest we will just focus on Wrestling. I think that if we'll find a good enough wrestler, then we'll...


Vince: Good enough wrestler? Dammit, Jim, look on WCW! They reinvented Hogan, and he can't wrestle a ****! We need another formula!




Russo:: Vince, I think that I got the formula. We just need to keep viewers guessing. And I think that we found the good wrestler that got what it takes to take us to the next level.


Everyone looked at Russo. They were skeptical about him.


Vince: Who is it?


Russo: Stone Cold Steve Austin!


Vince: Yeah, he will be great as the top heel, but I need a guy that will be a better babyface the Bret and Shawn.


Russo: Austin, Vince, Austin! He will be your guy! He's so damn popular, Vince, you've noticed it, don't you? So why we need to fight it? Why not to push him to the next level? And by the way, if you don't know how to do it... I got a friend that will be happy to show you.


Everyone looked at Vince. He thought about it.


Vince: But it will be your responsibillity, Russo. I hope for you that you're friend will make it.


And that was how I, Yossi Hayat, got the job as the head writer in the WWF, during their hardest time ever.

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Well, this is it. I've designed this new mod that starts in 1997. So meanwhile, you can just guess who will win the following matches on RAW:


WWF Monday Night RAW preview:


  • Owen Hart vs Mankind
  • "Diesel" and "Razor Ramon" vs Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon
  • Marc Mero and Goldust vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley and ???
    A bonus guess: Who will be Hunter's partner?
  • British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia
  • Undertaker vs Crush
  • Vader vs Bret Hart




Bret Hart will open the new year with a special interview! Will Steve Austin be there?


Shawn Michaels and Sycho Sid will talk about their match for the WWF title at the Royal Rumble!


Ahmed Johnson will try to attack Faarooq before their match at the Rumble!


And a lot more!

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Can't beat more mods for 2005. I hope you have fun with this.



WWF Monday Night RAW preview:


* Owen Hart vs Mankind

(Owen is great but Mankind goes over here.)


* "Diesel" and "Razor Ramon" vs Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon

(The fakes go over Furnas and Lafon till someone comes and "unmasks them)


* Marc Mero and Goldust vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley and ???

A bonus guess: Who will be Hunter's partner?

(HHH goes over, even though i can't stand him. Either Shawn Micheals or X pac)


* British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia

(BB takes this as it doesn't look like Rocky is the ROCK as of yet)


* Undertaker vs Crush

(UT wins with a dominating performance)


* Vader vs Bret Hart Draw or DQ

(This seems a start of a feud. Vader is the monster and Brett the kinda guy that is known for beating them. Yokozuna comes to mind. I say Draw or DQ so that it starts or continues the feud.)

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  • 3 weeks later...


Owen Hart vs Mankind

Love Hart but thinkin Mankind wins this


"Diesel" and "Razor Ramon" vs Doug Furnas and Phil Lafon

I see a Domination to build them up


Marc Mero and Goldust vs Hunter Hearst Helmsley and ???

A bonus guess: Who will be Hunter's partner?-HBK!!


British Bulldog vs Rocky Maivia


Undertaker vs Crush


Vader vs Bret Hart

By cheating i think


dont know if you are still doing it but worth a shot! :D

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