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The Ballad of Michael Valentine

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On one end of the table sat Micheal Valentine. On the other end of the table sat Fumihiro Ota.


Each of them were famous in their own rights. Valentine had worked for various wrestling companies in the past as a backstage worker or holding a small role on the booking team. After a boom of available Head Booker jobs, Valentine found work at NYCW. However, here he and The Stomper often butted heads on issues involving the company. His refusal to update the roster with fresh young talent and to stop paying the veterans so much caused NYCW to get into a lot of debt. After months of being in constant, immense debt NYCW folded.


Ota had starred at SWF for a time prior to 2005, being successful in the cruiserweight division until it was cut. After being fired, he moved on to CZCW. With money saved from his days at SWF and his new income Ota set up Phoenix Wrestling Company and had their headquarters set up in Philadelphia. Now he was looking for a Head Booker for his new company, he couldn't hold and the role and continue his work at CZCW.


Otta and Valentine discussed the wrestling business with each other, and the latter of the two explained his failures at NYCW and the former shared his visions and plans for PWC. Then they stood and shook hands; another potential Head Booker entered as Valentine left.


Later that night he received a call from Otta, and was offered a job as the Head Booker of PWC.


Even later he had moved to Philly, and was looking around the new Phoenix Wrestling Company offices.




I've finally gotten everything settled. Fumihiro and I have acquired several guys I've worked with before, they're promising young guys. Our roster is made up by young kids between 18-25 for the most part, a few older guys here and there. However they are mostly here because of their experience.


Three days until our first show: PWC Infliction. I like the name a lot, the matches schedule is as follows:


Thomas Morgan vs. Frankie Dee

Brandon Idol vs. Nomad

American Elemental vs. Crash Lewis for the PWC United States championship.

Rapheal and Zeus Maxmillion vs Samoan Destruction Inc. for the PWC World Tag Team championship.

Champagne Lover vs C.H. Threepwood vs Fumihiro Ota for the PWC World Heavyweight championship.


It should be interesting to see how things go. Right now we're unsure who will win what or if we even want to decide who wins what. I will return to this sometime after the event probably.


I will be busy with meetings and directing PWC Infliction.

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PWC Roster (As of September 2005.)


Main Eventers

C.H. Treepwood

Fumihiro Ota

Champagne Lover


Upper Midcarders

Samoan Machine

Rhino Umaga

Crash Lewis

Joss Thompson

American Elemental



Flemmy Lemming

Brendan Idol

Ben Williams


Lower Midcarders


Thomas Morgan

Frankie Dee




Zeus Maxmillion


Tag Teams

Samoan Destruction Inc. - Samoan Machine & Rhino Umaga



Julie Forletta (Currently, she is not managing anyone.)


Announcer: Marvin Earnest

Colour Commentator: Ted Ross


Referee: Jay Fair, Dwayne Hewitt


Road Agent: Jason Rogers

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Wednesday, Week 3, September 2005 - The Weston Gymnasium

Audience: 244




Before the first match of the night begins, a quick graphic is shown letting the audience know that the Samoan Destruction Inc. tag team from CGC will be making an appearance under the same name today. F




Thomas Morgan vs. Frankie Dee

Making up first competitors of PWC, Morgan and Dee strolled into the squared ring respectively. The match started fast, with both competitors aiming to gain an early upper hand. It became clear that neither man would gain any upper hand on the other; the two just began trying to beat down their opponents body. As Morgan began to gain an advantage over Dee, he own through submission.

Thomas Morgan defeats Frankie Dee via submission

Rating: F




The match finishes, and Thomas Morgan begins celebrating. Frankie Dee gets up from the mat and obviously looks angry; then he jumps Morgan from behind. Dee proceeds to beat down on Morgan. F




Brandan Idol vs. Nomad

Nomad stomped his way to the ring angrily. Idol practically pranced to the ring, obviously trying to make the best out of the match before it even started. Things got under way and Nomad delivered several vicious blows to Idol's head, he wasn't able to give any back right away. After a little bit of Nomad dominating the match, Idol started to mount a comeback, giving a fight by delivering kicks and punches and several other athletic moves.


The two shared blows, and Idol pushed Nomad into the one of the corner turnbuckles. They were both visibly tired. After a few idle seconds, Idol ran towards where his opponent almost lay, probably looking to dropkick him or something similar. Just in time however, Nomad raised his legs and his big boots met Idols shocked face. They both fell to the mat, and were at risk of being counted out until Idol managed to crawl over and pin Nomad.

Brandan Idol defeats Nomad via pinfall

Rating: E




PWC United States championship

American Elemental vs. Crash Lewis

American Elemental had previously worked under Head Booker Micheal Valentine before NYCW folded, it was only fitting - with Valentine knowing how good Elemental was and could become - that he get a title shot. The match began after Crash Lewis and Elemental entered the ring, the two enjoyed just about the same about of time where they held the upper hand on the the other.


As the match began to progress more, Elemental gained more offensive time over the veteran Lewis. It was clear the Lewis was older, as he grew tired quicker. Elemental realized this, and jumped on the opportunity delivering blow after blow in an attempt to end the match. After a bit, he took Lewis to the top of the corner turnbuckles and delivered a suplex, winning through pinfall after.

American Elemental defeats Crash Lewis via pinfall to win the PWC United States Championship

Rating: D




Following American Elemental's victory he scopes up his title and begins to make his way out of the ring. Walking up the ramp, he is met by a running Flemmy Lemming. Lemming spears Elemental off the ramp and into a barrier that separates the wrestlers with the audience. The attacker remains unharmed, staring down at the targets new belt as he lay motionless. Elemental is carted off on a stretcher with a neck brace on. F




The duo of Rhino Umaga and Samoan Machine make their way to the ring, where they respectively ask for the microphe from the Marv Earnest. They talk about how they are the only established tag team on the PWC roster, and how they would like a challenge for the PWC World Tag Team Championships. Rapheal and Zeus Maxmillion run into the ring and begin beating down the Samoan Destruction Inc. tag team. The match begins. D




PWC World Tag Team championship

Rapheal and Zeus Maxmillion vs. Samoan Destruction Inc.

The match begins with Rapheal and Zeus Maxmillion holding the upper hand over the only actual tag team on the PWC roster, as they started their unforgiving attack before the bell was even rung to indicate that the match had begun. However, the experience that Rhino Umaga and Samoan Machine share together showed and they came to defeat the unorganized due of Rapheal and Zeus Maxmillion.

Samoan Destruction Inc. defeats Rapheal and Zeus Maxmillion via pinfall to win the PWC World Tag Team Championships

Rating: D




PWC World Heavyweight championship

Champagne Lover vs Fumihiro Ota vs C.H. Threepwood [Elimination]

Finally the main event of the night comes. Treepwood and Ota come out to the ring first, and are seen discussing something quickly and nodding towards each other as Lover is still making his way to the ring. A bell rings letting the wrestlers and the audience know that the match had began. Ota and Treepwood gang up on Lover, however even then Ota stays in the back ground most of the time letting the much younger Treepwood do the majority of the work.


Lover is beaten down, and it is obvious there is no chance of mounting a comeback. Treepwood locks him into a leglock cloverleaf, and Lover taps out almost immediately. Treepwood is visibly tired, while Ota still looks like he just went out to the ring. The former of the two looks at Ota and seems to mouth, "Are you ready?" Ota walks over to Treepwood and after sharing blows with him, delivers a low blow. After Ota's last competitor falls to the mat, he pins him.

Fumihiro Ota defeats C.H. Treepwood and Champagne Lover via pinfall [Treepwood defeating Lover first via submission] to win the PWC World Heavyweight Championship

Rating: C




After his victory Fumihiro Ota rushes to grab his new belt, and celebrates in the ring. The remaining audience boos at him. Ota celebrates for several minutes, going completely over the top. Seeming to laugh at the boos, he smiles at his new title and leaves the ring. C+




Thomas Morgan defeated Frankie Dee

Brandan Idol defeated Nomad

American Elemental defeated Crash Lewis for the PWC United States title

Samoan Destruction Inc. defeated Rapheal and Zeus Maxmillion for the PWC World Tag Team titles

Fumihiro Ota defeated Champagne Lover and C.H. Threepwood for the PWC World Heavyweight title


Final Rating: C-

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The show was a success. Everyone agreed to me on this; we went out for dinner we were all showered and shining. We invited several of the new fans to come with us. They told us what they thought, improvements that could be made, and generally had a good time.


We need to find a place in Philly to hold events at. New Jersey was great, but I'd rather not make the trip every month. Some of the other guys who've bought or started to rent houses and apartments agree. Gas prices are a bitch. Plane prices are a bitch. Buses are dirty. Maybe we should invest in a bus.


So yes; the show was a success. I hope to improve on it next time around.


Am still undecided about what to book for A Night of Hell. Will return with what I have later. Have meetings to go to now.

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Good so far. Nice group of workers. Ota and Lover will carry a promotion pretty well. I imagine an Ota and American Elemental match will be good, if they have chemistry then it'll pull so great match grades. Good group of young guys too. I say grab some of the younger guys from CZCW or MAW if you have room and cash. Looks like you have some lightweight and fliers.
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Dear dairy,


The company is young and needs some actual scouts. Anyways, here's the lineup for the next event (Mostly writing this down so I won't forget.):



DM: Ben Williams vs. Brandan Idol


Raphael vs. Thomas Morgan

Flemmy Lemming vs. Crash Lewis

Nomad vs. C.H. Treepwood

Champagne Lover vs. American Elemental

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Wednesday, Week 3, October 2005 - The Tri-State Gateway

Audience: 263


Ben Williams vs. Brandan Idol

Dark Match


The match starts slow, but as the two begin to get tired out Ben Williams begins to take the upper hand. After a series of connected punches by Williams, Idol tries to mount a comeback with his own series of punches, however Williams soon dispels any notion that his opponent could beat him by delivering a mounted elbow drop.


Winner: Ben Williams by pinfall.

Rating: F



Following the dark match, the ring is cleaned up and mostly all the audience have taken their sits by now. Marv Earnest makes his way down to the ring, and announces the matches for the night and introduces Ted Ross. Then Earnest introduces the competitors for the first match.


Raphael vs. "Trademark " Thomas Morgan


A solid match between the two competitors, both have something to prove. Raphael is 17 and young and looking to make it big in the wrestling business. Morgan is 30 and aging and has never gotten a break in the business, even though his skills merit better. The competitors begin the match with a flush of punches, given back-and-forth to each other.


As the match begins to slow down, Morgan begins to take the lead. He manages to lock Raphael in a series of armlocks and chinlocks, never letting his competitor get enough time to even attempt a comeback. It becomes obvious that Morgan is growing tired of his own game, and attempts to finish Raphael through submission by placing a figure-four armlock.


This however, is unsuccessful and Raphael is able to break it for the match to continue. He delivers some punches and Morgan counters by bring Raphael head down and his knee up for the two opposing body parts to meet. Raphael folds to the mat, and rises to his knees, looking up at his competitor. Morgan smiles down, and pulls on his hair to get him up.


On the way up, Raphael pushes Morgan away and as his oppoants body comes running back at him he delivers a low-blow and wins the match.


Winner: Raphael by pinfall.

Rating: F




Following the match, after several minutes, we cut backstage where Raphael is making his way through the hallways that connects the various rooms. A undressed for a match Frankie Dee come running up to Raphael. Continuing to walk, Raphael simply says "What?" Dee goes on to talk about how great he did in his match, and how they should become partners. Raphael agrees.


Rating: D


Ted Ross: Well that had a surprise ending.

Marv Earnest: Indeed, it did. However it also seems that we have a new tag team.

Ted Ross: Maybe, we'll see how things will play out.

Marv Earnest: After this next match - Flemmy Lemming vs. Crash Lewis - Ted will be interviewing Flemmy.


Flemmy Lemming vs. Crash Lewis


Lewis dominates the match at the very beginning, using his superior strength and body size to his advantage. However Lewis tires quickly and Lemming beings targeting his legs and arms, weakening them through kicks and various other hits. Lewis tries several times to mount a comeback to retake the upper hand, and gets a decent amount of offense time.


Lemming proves to quick and nimble, dodging many of Lewis' hits. As the match progresses Lewis grows more tired and simply cannot compete with his much younger competitor. The one with the upper hand finishes the match after hitting Lewis with a tiger suplex and finishing up with a double chickenwing forcing Lewis to tap out.


Winner: Flemmy Lemming by submission.

Rating: F




Several minutes after the match is finished, we cut to backstage where Ted Ross is standing with Flemmy Lemming. He has a towel on his shoulder, presumably to wipe the sweat away from his face. Ross pipes up, and begins the interview, "It is good to be with you Flemmy."


To which Lemming replied, "Yes, I suppose the same."


"Tonight you garnered a impressive win over Crash Lewis; a strong midcarder. How do you feel about the match?"


"I feel like I won, and I feel like that is enough."


Ross ignores the snide remark, "Last week you attacked American Elemental, why?"


"I think it is obvious, I want a chance at the United States title."


"You cannot expect to simply attack the hold and get that change, can you?"


"If I don't get the chance then I'll continue to take the matter into my own hands until I get my shot."


Lemming walks away from the set, leaving Ross confused. We cut back to the commentator table.


Rating: D


Marv Earnest: Watch out American Elemental, that's all I can say.


Nomad vs. C.H. Treepwood


Treepwood starts the match with a early advantage, Nomad gets very little offense in. This theme continues throughout the match. Nomad never manages to get enough offense time to mount any form of come back or to even battle Treepwood. His face features an angry expression, and he is obviously still angry of the results of last months PWC Infliction.


He begins to look to finish the match, and brings Nomad to the mat where he basically toys with him for a bit. Putting him in various submission moves but never allowing him to tap out. Treepwood eventually locks Nomad into his Anaconda Vise, and his competitor taps out vigorously.


Winner: C.H. Treepwood by submission.

Rating: E


Ted Ross: A impressive win by C.H., don't you agree?

Marv Earnest: It was, Nomad hardly got any offense in the entire match.

Ted Ross: I kind of feel sorry for the kid.

Marv Earnest: Oh brother...


Champagne Lover vs. American Elemental

Steel Cage


The match was very open, with both competitors getting roughly the same amount of offense time. The majority of the match was held inside the steel cage, they rarely left the ring. As the match began to fold, Lover took the upper hand after having delivered a legsweep to get Elemental to the ground and simply used his brawling skills to keep him there.


Lover proved very good in mat wrestling, and dominated over Elemental while the two toyed on the mat. It became Elemental was getting annoyed, and he began to mount a comeback and proved that he too - besides his flashy ariel skill set - had some mat wrestling skills. Elemental battled and battled until he had time to stand again.


After, he rolled out of the ring and began making his way for the steel cage door, which could be easily opened. Lover had other plans however, he rolled of the ring too and grabs Elemental by the head, pushed it against the steel cage wall and used it similar to how you'd use a cheese grinder. He pushed Elemental back into the ring now.


Elemental's competitor was obviously tired, and he took a few moments getting back into the ring himself. By the time he gathered enough energy to do so, his opponent was ready for him. Lover stood in the ring, and Elemental stood in the ring. Lover charged, however Elemental was quick and he dropped to the mat just in time.


Lover fell over his competitors body, and landed on the ropes. Now Elemental ran towards the opposing ropes and jumped onto the highest one, and he used that to jump onto the steel cage. Now Lover was standing again, or he was doing his best to stand; he was in the middle of the ring. Elemental pushed off the steel cage wall and twisted midair to connect with a bionic elbow.


Lover folded to the mat, and Elemental rolled him out of the ring and carries him out to the area outside the steel cage. He begins to climb the steel cage, and Lover rises and begins to climb the steel cage too. They both make it to the top, and near the edge exchange punches before Lover pushes Elemental off to the ground below. Lover climbs down, and places his body over Elemental's.


Winner: Champagne Lover by pinfall.

Rating: D




As the match ends, Lover rises and helps Elemental to his feet. The two shake each others hands, and gives a quick hug. Now Elemental leans on Lover as they begin to make their way back to the locker room. They talk walking up the ramp, and soon Flemmy Lemming comes running down the ramp with a steel chair in hand.


Lemming hits both Lover and Elemental square across the chest, they crumble down to the ramp. Lemming leans down and seems the mouth, "The title is mine soon." He leaves, and soon a group of guys come down to help Lover and Elemental finish the way up the lock room.


Rating: E


Total Show Rating: D


Next: Prediction Results and a Prediction Card

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Matt: 1/5; you win, I suppose.


There isn't any prize however, maybe if Timber predicts too I'll start doing a prize.




The show was disappointing to say the least. It didn't live up to the first, although it shouldn't have caused us to lose any popularity. The problem with the matches being somewhat worse then they should have been was letting Dwayne Hewitt referee all the matches. He is inexperienced and needs more time working lower matches before we do that again.


Ota liked the booking however, and the angles, from what we've discussed. Was good to find a place in Philly to work events at, will most likely use that from now on. We've finally decided on the some the matches, likely to have two more decided on the spot.


Brendan Idol vs. Thomas Morgan

Frankie Dee vs. Ben Williams

Flemmy Lemming vs. American Elemental

C.H. Treepwood vs. ???

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