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WWE 2006 Shane Takes over WWE

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Hey Guys this is a Fantasy Game from Editer Shane will be the owner of WWE Triple H is the Head Booker with on the Booking team Vince,Steph,Triple H,Shane,and Linda with Shane as owner will wwe be better or worse


First Show May be in 4 days it will be RAW

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Monday Night Raw



BAM BAM BOOM BOOM BAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ross-Hello Ladies and Gentalmen and Welcome to Monday Night Raw im Jim Ross and My Partner Jerry "the king" Lawler


Lawler-If Everyone hasn't heard Vince McMahon is not the COO any more his Son Shane Bought it on Sunday Night


Ross-That was a Hell of an anounsement but Vince is here tonight and so is Mr.Shane McMahon


Lawler-But with a New WWE Champion in Rob Van Dam after Cena won the WWE title from Edge


Ross-I think Shane Bought the WWE at a Wrong time


Lawler-I agree Ross


(Edge's Music Hits)


(Edge stops at the ramp)




Edge-I am going to make this short and sweet i am Cashing is my Rematch Clause at Vengance in just a 1 on 1 no John Cena


(Walks up to the ring)


Edge-If yall get thats say Edge is Awesome


(John Cena's Music Hits)




Cena-Well it looks like you dont wanna Brawl at Vengence so lets Battle NOW!!!


(Both Drops Mics Cena Takes off Shirt and Necklace)


(Shane's Music Hits)




Shane-Hold it right there.Since yall clearly want the Shot at the WWE title i am Making a Triple Threat Match at Vengence RVD vs John Cena vs The"Rated R Superstar" Edge in a lets see Steel cage match!!!


(Shane's Music hits)






Hass music hits


Garcia-The Following Contest is a 1 on 1 Contest interdoseing first From Houston,Texas he is Weighing in tonight at 6ft 2 249 pounds Charile Haas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Lawler-This is the First Contest and one of the Best


Ross-Do you here the obation King


Lawler-yes and it is the Biggest ive heard for Haas in his Carrer


Garcia-Interdosing his Opponet he is from Rockland County,New York he is 5 ft 9 169 pounds Guido!!!!!!!!!!!!


Ding Ding Ding


The Opening Taunt off is Happening Haas Tries a Hard knock to start the Match and is sucessful Guido lands hard on the mat Haas tries a early pin 1,2 and a kick out by Guido at 2 Haas is Messureing Guido and is unsucessful on the bodyslam Guido kicks him in the leg 3 times haas falls on a knee Guido Kicks him straight in the Mouth and haas falls down on his back guido tries to pin Haas 1,2 and a kick out guido to take out his fustraits punches the ref and he falls on his face and that gave haas enough time to get up and hit the Haastruction and he tries a pin 1,2,3


Ding Ding Ding


Garcia-Here is your winner Charile Haas


Ross-What a Contest


Lawler-that was a quick match


Ross-it looks like Haas wants a Mic


Haas-WWE is holding me down they have me fighting John Cena and now Guido wow now i challenge the Intercontenetical Champion Johnny Nitro Next Week


(Haas's music hits)






A limo is shown entering the Parking lot Vince McMahon Walks out Crowd Yells Thank you Vince

vince is shown walking in to Shanes new office


Shane-I think.......


Vince-Shut the HELL UP!!!!!!


(Vince grabs his Suit Case)


Shane-Bye Dad


(Vince is walking to his New office and the camrea goes back to Shane's office)


Shane-The Haas Nitro Match is official but thats not why i want to talk Tonight There will be a Triple Threat Between a Person of Cena's Choice Edge's Choice and RVD's Choice and that will be our Main Event but next it will be Johnny Nitro vs Mickey of the Spirt Squad and if he loses the Spirt Squad is FIRED!!!!!!!!!! and to handle DX they will fight Gymini and thats the Next two Matches


Ross-WOW just WOW




http://i337.photobucket.com/albums/n374/josephedgman/vs_logo.jpg Mickey


Garcia-The Folli....


(Nitro brings Mickey to the Ring and Boots him and the Bell rings)


Ding Ding Ding


Johnny Taunts Mickey Pleads then Low Blows Nitro and rolls him up and has a hand full of tights 1,2,3




Lawler-Did u see that that was a Big hand full

of Tights


(DX Music hits)


HBK-Wait Mick you cheated to keep your carrer


HHH-Are You Ready I said Are you Ready


(They run to the Ring and Runs him out)


(Gymini Comes out)


HHH-Lets just Start the Dam Match




Triple H starts and Jake Starts


Triple H and Jake Starts with the Starting Group Grapple Jake pulls him to the Turnbuckel and Ties his left arm to the Top rope and Big Boots him and Jake tags in Jesse.Jesse and Jake are doing a Kicking Showdown on Triple H.The Ref gets them off of him and gets Jake out of the ring Jesse does a Power Punch to Hunter and Tags

Jake.Jake gets Triple H up and tishwips him to the rope then over the top Bodyslams him to the mat hard and Tags Jesse.Jesse Gets him up then triple h counters a kick to the Waist and Punches him 10 times he goes to the oppisite Corner Triple H tags HBK.Shawn comes fired up and now does a jumping closeline and in about 5 seconds jumps up and taunts him and Spine Busters him Shawn is getting ready for some sweet chin music and when Jake gets up Triple H tags him self in Shawn sweet chin muciced him and triple H got in the ring and Tauted him for the pedigree then Jesse got in and Closelined Triple H and Shawn Closelined Jesse and they both landed out of the ring Now Every person in the match is knocked out and the ref starts the count 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Triple H gets on his feet and then falls down and Jake gets up and Picks up Triple H and Big boots him but Shawn Sweet Chin Musiced him then Pulls Triple H too him Then jesse Pulls him oof the apron the gets in pulls jake to there side and stands him up gets on the apron tags him then pushes him at the ref then the ref fell to the mat Jesse gets off the apron and graps a Slughamer and Slams Triple H's head with it and slams Shawn's to and gets out of the ring and Puts the Slughammer back gets in the ring and gets the ref up and pins Triple H 1,2 and a kick out and Jesse has a face of shock Triple H has Blood going down his Face with Shawn Knocked out Next to the ring with a Hell of a lot of blood Till the ref looks out of the ring and sees a bloody Slugehamer and Has a questionable look on his face till a ref gets up and tells him what they did but with him being a good ref he points at his eye and says i didn't see it and Triple H Gets up quickly and pedigrees Jesse and pins 1,2,3


Garcia-Here's your winner Degeneration X


(Vince's Music Hits and He comes with the Spirt Squad)




Vince-Before yall leave the Spirt Squad challenges you at Vengence in a No DQ match


HBK and HHH-Your on and if your not down with that we got 2 words for you


Crowd-SUCK IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(DX music hits)




Kenny vs Chris Masters


Chris Masters is waiting in the ring and kenny is not showing up in till

Nicky Comes out


Nicky-Kenny is not here but i will fight


Nicky vs Chris Masters


Ding Ding Ding


As soon as Nicky gets in the ring Masters Knocks him down with a punch.Masters picks him up and does another hard knock to the head.Masters Tauts then picks him up then nicky slaps chis masters arms off of him the Dropkicks him in the chin and tries a pin 1,2 and a kickout by Masters Nicky gets on the toprope and jumps and misses him.Masters used the advantage propreyly and Tauts him for his finning move in till here comes Vince.Vince distracts Masters and that gave Nicky the Advantage till vince distarcts the ref and Nicky grabs a chir and slames it to masters face he rolls the chair out and pins him 1,2 and a kick out Nicky digs in his pockets and digs out brass knuckels and punches masters with the brass rolls them to vince and pins him 1,2,3


Ding Ding Ding


Cena is Backstage


Cena-My Guy in the Triple Threat is Batista!!!!!!


Edge is in the Locker room


Edge-My Guy is Mark Henry


RVD is in the ECW Raw locker room


RVD my guy is-Sabu



Batista vs Mark Henry vs Sabu

(Batistas Music Hits)




Garcia-I would like to interdose accupity by John Cena he's the Animal Batista


Mark Henry's Music Hits




Garcia-I would like to interdose accumpityed by The "Rated R Superstar" Edge he's the Worlds Strongest man Mark Henry


(Sabu's Mucic Hits and the Crowd goes wild)


Garcia-I would like to interdose ECW GM Paul Heyman




Heyman-I would love to interdose the Futre winner of this contest he is accupityed by The ECW and WWE Champion Rob Van Dam he is the Homicidel Suicidel and Judisidl SABU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \





Mark Goes out of the ring Sabu and Batista looks at each other and Cases after him Sabu was Faster so he caut up and Jumped on the baracade and Flew on top of him stoping him then Batista Roled Mark in the ring And Sabu Then Batista rolled in and Sabu was on the top rope and Sabu Did a Flying Drop Kick since Triple Threats are NO DQ sabu got a Chair and put batista on henry went of the ropes jumped off the chair and Flew on both of them.Then Edge Got in the ring attaced him and put Mark Henrys arm on Batista 1,2,3


Ding Ding Ding


Garcia-Heres your winner Mark Henry




Edge-Ok My guy won so i pick the Stipulation so the Triple Threat is a Ladder Match


(Edge Smiles)

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