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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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I just started reading this forum again after a long hiatus from playing TEW, and I gotta say, I'm digging this fed. The documentary angle is inspired. Please keep up the great work!



The Brotherhood vs. Cali-Air

Puerto Rican Power © vs. Fumihiro Ota

Hyde Park Hitmen vs. The Tri-State Kings

Buddy Garner vs. Eric Tyler

Troy Tornado © vs. Shawn Gonzalez

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I hope that this doesn't spiral out of control and become a Quentin Tarantino movie, or maybe i do. :)


From what we've seen thus far, it's already starting to unravel. ;)


Whether it's with their stop star (Tornado), pet project (Big Problem), the failure of the 'dirty trick' on BSC, or the consistent ribbing of Ares (Acid), things are quickly falling apart from a backstage perspective. Really, the story of WAR feelings like a ticking time-bomb waiting to take out all, even itself, in the process.


As for Stallings, much like a Tarantino movie, he's become so engulfed by his NEED (not want) for revenge that all other things are not important. Morality? Not important. Fairness? Not important. Respect? Not important. In the end, ALL that's important... is getting EVEN.


I just started reading this forum again after a long hiatus from playing TEW, and I gotta say, I'm digging this fed. The documentary angle is inspired. Please keep up the great work!


Welcome back, TeflonBilly!


Wrestling Action in Revolt has been A LOT of fun to craft from the ground-up in this most recent dynasty. Conceptually, and in-practice, it's one of those company's that I'm entirely glued in on. Also, I feel as though the documentary style really gives an inclusive but removed ability to tell the story. SO, instead of back and forth conversations between people backstage (like in previous dynasty's that I've done), it's more focused on telling the story of WAR, Stallings, and how the first is used as a catalyst for the second's hope for revenge.


All in all, I just wanted to say 'thank you' for your comment & that I certainly will keep things going for quite some time (especially if there are readers out there with feedback like you've given).

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The ribbing of Acid? What?


It's been minor as of late; however, I think I addressed it in my previous post where the documentarian lays out how the backstage culture of WAR has quickly become toxic. In that, Acid ribbed Puerto Rican Power to the point of an almost brawl. Now, backstage at the most recent show (the one where the results will be up tomorrow), he's at it again with another backstage rib/argument.


It's no real shock as Acid has always been known to be a locker room cancer; however, when combined with a locker room morale level of like 64%, it's bound to continue to happen.


I guess we'll see, if it were to continue, how much Stallings values Ares (Acid)?

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It's been minor as of late; however, I think I addressed it in my previous post where the documentarian lays out how the backstage culture of WAR has quickly become toxic. In that, Acid ribbed Puerto Rican Power to the point of an almost brawl. Now, backstage at the most recent show (the one where the results will be up tomorrow), he's at it again with another backstage rib/argument.


It's no real shock as Acid has always been known to be a locker room cancer; however, when combined with a locker room morale level of like 64%, it's bound to continue to happen.


I guess we'll see, if it were to continue, how much Stallings values Ares (Acid)?

Have you tried adding moe backstage rules or perks?

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Have you tried adding moe backstage rules or perks?


Oh yea, I've given as many perks as possible really (given Stallings' extensive bank account). I've recently added some locker room leaders, thinking it would bounce things back up; however, shortly after the initial benefit, things went back into the hole as my manner for dealing with Tornado/Big Problem (light warnings of sorts) has brought it back down.


In the end, I'm not looking for a perfect backstage environment though. While it's against the natural order of things, trying to have a cohesive backstage area, I've given upon that notion so that I can instead tell the story of the toxic environment of WAR (over all).

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What about the rules? I guess you left those alone. :p


Funny enough, there actually is a strict policy of no drugs, alcohol, or smoking, backstage. More or less, those who are testing positive or either doing so, at least in my mind, before-and-after shows or are doing so when they aren't supposed to be. Someone like Troy Tornado, and all of his party-going abilities, would probably be using whatever he wanted at whatever point he wanted. In the end, he's been bred to think he can do anything he wants; so, even though the rules are such, is he going to follow them? Probably not.


Thus is the life on the Strip...

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Dueling Promos

Involved: Reign + J.K. Stallings Jr.

“Reign is born”


{Walking through the “Gates of WAR” with an immense sense of confidence, the newfound faction led by WAR General Nemesis is seen overtaking the ringside area shortly after “Battleground” starts. With a mixed-response permeating in the background, this grouping of grandeur appear EVEN more powerful given the charging militaristic theme of one, Nemesis, playing in the background.}


{With the WAR Championship in the monstrous grasp of one “All Hail” TITUS, a fact that came true last week as TITUS debuted, assaulted Tornado, and STOLE his championship in the process, their appears to be an almost palpable sense of deviousness to said faction. More or less, with the symbol of such, a stolen symbol at that, it’s rather easy to paint this new faction as overtly heel in nature.}


{Once in the ring, with a microphone already in hand, the tailored-suit-clad WAR General is shown taking a brief second to overlook the crowd with a sense of stern confidence. Projecting his chin outward in an authoritative manner, the roaring man of power looks THAT much more grandiose with the threesome of James Prudence, TITUS, and the Guru at his back. In the end, as he raises the microphone up to his scruff-infested face, there appears to be a sense of silence overtaking the Empire Coliseum; the kind of silence that comes with intrigue.}


It’s been 7 days since ‘the plan’ came to a head and yet… it ALL still feels as great as it did back then.
{Vile grin forms upon Nemesis’ face}
You see, for weeks now, Wrestling Action in Revolt has suffered from the lack of a spine. With a non-existent owner on high, stuffed away in his little ‘luxury box’, chomping on sh*t that only rich people care about, this organization has been cast onto my shoulders; hoping that my brand of violence would eventually mold WAR into a battleground for THE best that our industry has to offer. While I accepted the role at first with selfless intentions, to be honest… I’ve grown f*cking… TIRED… of letting OTHERS reap the benefits for my back-breaking work!


{A mixed reaction follows as Nemesis stands as a LEGEND in his own right. With this in mind, he’s always going to have his fans whether face or heel.}


So I said enough of this bull-sh*t…
{Pauses; projects his chin outward in an authoritative fashion}
It’s about DAMN time that the General overtakes his OWN army… and THAT’S what THIS… is all about…


{Nemesis sternly points to the men around him.}


With THESE men at my side, there’s no telling what I can accomplish as the SOLE ruler of WAR.
Tonight, in this very ring, there’s no denying that a NEW Empire has formed within the ranks… an Empire of my own…
{Pauses; looks out upon the crowd}
… This sparks the beginning… of MY…



Reign is born!


{The crowd reacts again in a mixed manner; however, there appears to be more booing than cheering more or less. In the end, the stolen WAR Championship is most likely the great inspiration for such a negative response; as, most times, a LEGEND like Nemesis is bound to be cheered wildly for his years of service.}


In the end, we are not a group built upon tradition, respect, or valor…
{Slowly shakes his head}
Reign has been built with ONE goal in mind…
… The complete, and systematic, overtaking of Wrestling… Action… in Revolt!


{The crowd boos once again as Nemesis stands in stern opposition to their response.}


With the monster… “ALL HAIL”… TITUS, the heralded “Platinum” James Prudence, and the great mastermind Guru, at my side… NO ONE will be able to stop me. Not Stallings. Not Tornado. Not anyone!! When it’s all said and done, and the dust has finally cleared, you will ALL look upon me as your LEADER… your RULER… Your… GENERAL…


{Nemesis cracks a vile grin as he confidently basks in the negative response thrown in his direction. Meanwhile though, spinning such a response around, the sight of the WAR Owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., shockingly walking through the “Gates of WAR” sends the crowd into a tizzy.}



Fighting for HIS Company


{Doing so for the first time, that is walking through the “Gates of WAR”, the small-statured billionaire looks down upon the ring in a focused manner. All in all, with the crowd firmly behind him, the resurgent Stallings looks to be there on business; holding a microphone already in hand and without need for any sense of music for an entrance.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I think you’re forgetting something, Nemesis… around here… I… write the checks. This company from pillar-to-post, is mine and mine only.
{Crowd pops}
I may have hired you on as my General but don’t fool my act of graciousness as an open invitation for madness. Wrestling Action in Revolt, at the end of the day, is MY creation…
You, even with the power I’ve given you, are nothing but an EMPLOYEE… of mine…


That’s where you’re wrong, Stallings. I may have signed on as an employee of yours but those days are LONG past. You know NOTHING about this industry… NOTHING about our craft. Whether you LIKE it or NOT, I’M the one who knows how to guide WAR toward success… not you…
You may have the money… but I have the knowledge… the respect… and the understanding of this ‘sport’… You can’t compete with that… and you know it…


{Stallings shakes his head as he laughs slightly under his breath.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
While that may be true…
{A slight grin forms upon his face}
Let’s just say… I could sever the head of this little rebellion of yours in a matter of seconds. All it takes is a simple stroke of my pen, a small gesture of my power, to bring this Reign of yours to it’s knees. I mean… look at that muscle-bound, title stealing, huffing-and-puffing, big-man next to you… TITUS, is it?
I know you’re high on this behemoth, right? All it takes is my word… and you’re big-bad-henchman will be BACK on the unemployment line… WATCHING this broadcast from his sunken couch!


{The crowd pops loudly as Stallings smirks in their direction; confident despite being obviously in danger.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
You may have the brute force, Nemesis… but… I have the overarching power that COMES with being the OWNER of this great company…
and YOU… can’t compete with that… and YOU know it…


{A tense staredown persists as neither looks to back down. That said, it seems rather shocking to see Mr. Stallings THIS confident despite standing before a grouping that could destroy him twice-over.}


… I would advise you to step aside, Stallings…
{He snarls as Nemesis speaks slowly}
… My rivals don’t fare well… look at my history…


{Stalling stares back with confidence as he smirks boyishly}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
I’ve waited 6-long years for this… I’m not going… anywhere…


{A slight pause follow as the two continue to stare one another down with fervor.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
…and to PROVE that I’m not going anywhere… Tonight… in our main event… I will personally see to it that everything STAYS between Tornado and Gonzalez. For, when Tornado defends his WAR Championship against the “Lone Wolf”, I will be in the center of the action… standing as the special guest… referee…


{The crowd pops for such an announcement. Meanwhile, Nemesis doesn’t appear all that happy about the forced decision.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
After what you did last week, orchestrating this little faction of yours, I can’t trust you to be anywhere NEAR the ringside area. So, I’m going to see to it that these fans get the chance to witness a 5-star match… WITHOUT your interference.


{Crowd pops again as Stallings pauses slightly; never taking his eyes off of Nemesis in the process}


Let this be your warning, Stallings…
Walk away NOW and keep your health. If you stay and fight… you’re going to lose… there’s no way around it. MY Reign is unstoppable…


[J.K. Stallings Jr.]:
No, Nemesis… Let THIS be YOUR warning…
I’m not going anywhere… WAR… is… MINE!!


{With that, the tense scenario comes to a close with an overtly unsettling stare-down between WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., and WAR General, Nemesis. With his minions at his back, formed under the banner of the name ‘Reign’, Nemesis is shown protruding his chin outward, as well as his chest, in an enraged fashion. Meanwhile, shockingly enough, there appears to be no sense of fright with the small-statured owner. In any sense, he appears to be quite the opposite.}


Steve Smith:
It appears that Nemesis’ new group is entitled ‘Reign’; a fact that seems to be fitting given his WANT for an uprising. I wonder though, can Mr. Stallings REALLY expect to stop the WAR General and his troops? I mean… It’s not like Stallings is THAT big of a guy. Nemesis ALONE could rip him to shreds! Are we on the verge of a regime change? Is WAR Nemesis’ for the taking?

Slick Rick:
He ALREADY runs this place. Stallings may write the checks BUT Nemesis actually leads them ‘on the ground’. Brute force will beat out the power of the pen anyday…

Steve Smith:
I guess we’ll have to wait and see… That said… I fear WAR may be the ultimate casualty of such a power-struggle. There’s NO WAY this company can survive such an upheaval…

Slick Rick:
Oh, It can… by the end of tonight, I’m sure Reign will ALREADY have full control of the company. How can Stallings THINK he can keep up? There’s no chance!

Steve Smith:
He could garner up some opposition? I mean, we both know that Troy Tornado would LOVE to get his hands on any one of these guys… TITUS has his title for god-sakes!

Slick Rick:
We don’t even know for sure if Tornado is IN the building! After TITUS’ attack last week, no one has seen the man! There’s a chance he may STILL be in the gutter!!

Steve Smith:
I hope not… WAR, at least as we know it, may depend on Troy Tornado to save the day…

Slick Rick:
If that’s the case then we might as well praise Nemesis as the RULER of WAR already…
{Raspy laughter follows}




The Brotherhood vs. Cali-Air


Tag team match

WAR Tag Team Championship Tournament - Round 1

“Opening shock!”


The sheer size difference between the two teams tell the most obvious narrative of their altercation. Grunge-like, greasy, grimey, and psychologically slimy, the resurgent Brotherhood are shown massively overpowering their much smaller counterparts. At every turn, slamming Donnie J and Ash Campbell like a pair of ragdolls, Payne and Shearer appear like the more dominant force no doubt. In the end though, it’s not strength that brings about victory. It’s speedy craftiness. Being lifted high in the air for a potential powerbomb, Donnie J is ultimately shown slipping out of Shearer’s grasp; rolling down the back of his larger frame and executing a rapid-fire school-boy-roll-up. While Shearer fights it at first, a top rope missile drop-kick from a waiting Campbell is enough to put said pinfall attempt into motion. Seconds later, as Campbell leaps and strikes Payne on the apron in which to slow him down, the match comes to an end with a shocking flash-pin. Despite being dominated, Cali-Air debuts in WAR with a HUGE victory over a veteran team in the Brotherhood.


Cali-Air via flash pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
School-boy-roll-up/missile dropkick combo

Ending Time:

Cali-Air moves onto the next round of the WAR Tag Team Championship tournament.


Steve Smith:
Well heavens-to-betsy… Cali-Air won!

Slick Rick:
What… the HELL…

Steve Smith:
I didn’t see that one coming but… wow… the pairing of Donnie J and Ash Campbell have proven to be a successful one. They took a beating, came back for more, and won the match!

Slick Rick:
It’ll stop next week though… they’ve got Demonic Intervention next…

Steve Smith:
Oh… poor lads…




Backstage tension

Involved: Dharma and Jayson Wright

“It's not safe...”


{We transition backstage in which to see an unknown pair standing in a deserted hallway. The girl, one of extreme girl-next-door beauty, appears to be wide-eyed with excitement as the man in comparison seems overtly conflicted. Running his hands through his lengthy golden locks, the young man puts forth a sigh that screams of being overwhelmed. In the process, as the wide-eyed beauty stares off with a childlike sense of wonder, there appears to be an almost palpable form of tension between the two.}



Introducing Jayson “Mr.” Wright!


[Jayson Wright]:
I can’t let you do this…


{The beautiful female, clad in a downhome cowboy hat, appears unaffected by his statement. If anything, it’s almost as though she’s looking to comfort him in this time of great tension.}



Folksy beauty comes to WAR


There’s no need to fuss…


{She projects in a folksy manner; all bubble-gum and dew-drops in the process.}


I’ll be okay… I’m pretty tough when I need to be…


{She smiles gently as she raises her fists in a playful manner. Meanwhile, Jayson doesn’t seem all that sold on the matter; overrun by frustrating fear it seems.}


[Jayson Wright]:
It’s just that… I… I can’t be everywhere… all the time. I can’t protect you Dar… God knows I’ll try but… It’s… it’s just not safe here. There’s a REASON why their looking for new pin-ups!


{Jayson appears locked in an emotional state as he can barely stand still. Meanwhile, again, in a child-like sense of wonder, Dharma appears oblivious to the potential dangers before her.}


You don’t need to always look out for me, Jay… it’s not your job too…


[Jayson Wright]:
… Yes it is…


{He states almost immediately after her comment.}


Look… You know this has been my dream; to come to this city and make something of myself. I got bored of those dirt roads and chicken farms. THIS is where I need to be… THIS is where I intend to stay. You can worry, and I know you will, but… I’m all grown… I don’t need you to watch over me anymore. I promise… I’ll be okay…


{Dharma looks to comfort Jayson; however, his high anxiety about the situation makes it almost impossible. Adding gas to the flame though, out of nowhere there appears the tailored-suit-clad Guru. With a snarky smirk upon his face, nodding his head as he appears supremely confident, the Reign member only seems to add further tension between the tense scenario before him.}



Adding gas on the flames…


[The Guru]:
Oh don’t you worry, Jayson… We’ll take… EXTRA… special… care… of her…


{Slowly walking past, sizing up Dharma in the process, the Guru leaves just as fast as he appeared. Meanwhile though, as Dharma simply rolls her eyes playfully, laughing to herself like she’s heard this kind of thing before, Jayson appears to be further cast into an emotional state. Resonating with high anxiety, shaking his head in anger, the torn Mr. Wright looks to be perceiving Dharma’s possible existence in WAR as a terrifying scenario; one that is quite realistic given the outcome of the previous pin-up girls.}


{As the scene comes to a close, we’re given a final glimpse of Dharma attempting to subdue anxious ‘beast’ next to her. At the same time though, she still carries that sense of doe-eyed, folksy, wonder.}


Steve Smith:
I don’t know who these two are really BUT it seems like we may have just saw one of our NEW Pin-up girls! The results of a nation-wide search has not yet been released but we’ve been told that the NEW cast of Pin-ups will be here on “Battleground” tonight! Could this beautiful young girl be part of that new grouping? I guess we’ll find out…

Slick Rick:
I don’t know if she’s a pin-up but she sure is welcome to visit my hotel room tonight…
{Raspy laughter follows; leaning back in his seat}

Steve Smith:
Right… because she wants whatever ‘problem’ you have in your pants…

Slick Rick:
Yet… they still keep comin’…

Steve Smith:
I have no idea why… daddy issues no doubt…






Puerto Rican Power © vs. Fumihiro Ota


Standard Singles Match

Sin City Championship Match

“Frustration overflows into injury”


Huffing like an raging bull, the WAR Sin City Champion, Puerto Rican Power, quickly rushes the mysterious Fumihiro Ota within seconds of the bell being rung. With a dose of humility still resonating, being KO’ed last week by Ota, Power looks to be hell-bent on physically CRUSHING his newfound rival in a matter of seconds. Heavy closelines, powerful Suplexes, and a number of strikes that can best be described as KO punches of his own, are all utilized; however, despite the punishment, it never seems to keep the agile OTA on his back. Over time, Fumihiro’s quickness ultimately becomes a point of equals; slowing down the much larger Power with a number of fast-striking combos. In the end, becoming more so enraged, potentially fearful of the same outcome as last week, Power is ultimately shown puffing his chest in an alpha-like fashion; exploding with fury despite being obviously slowed. When it’s all said and done, Puerto Rican Power is able to defeat his rapid-fire challenger; however, not before paying for it himself as well.


Pumping with adrenaline, raging out of control despite the depleted nature, Power is shown utilizing his “San Juan Rush” (Spear) squarely upon the upper-chest of a staggered Ota. The impact is so harsh, so explosive, that both men go crashing violently to the canvas; both landing awkwardly on their necks in equal fashions.


As Power slowly rolls over onto Ota, a man who is now unconscious it appears, it’s obvious to see that the Sin City Champion is not 100% in the slightest. His upper-body, normally a beacon of power, appears to be much more fragile; potentially showing signs of a major neck in jury in the process. None the less, as he gingerly lays atop his fallen challenger, the carnage within the ring, the heated nature of their rivalry, has seemingly put BOTH at a point of potential, life-altering, injury.


Puerto Rican Power via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“San Juan Rush” (Spear)

Ending Time:

This marks Puerto Rican Power’s 6th successful defense of the WAR Sin City Championship.


Steve Smith:
… That didn’t look right…

Slick Rick:

Steve Smith:
Ladies and gentlemen, I fear that we may have a terrible situation within the ring right now. With one maneuver, it appears that BOTH the Sin City Champion, Puerto Rican Power, AND his masterful challenger, Fumihiro Ota, MAY be severely injured as a result…
{In shock}
… God, I just hope… well… I hope they’re okay…

Slick Rick:
I don’t know how they could be. The way they both landed… Puerto Rican Power lost his cool and his anger got the best of him. In the end, he’s the reason they’re both potentially on their way out in stretchers…

Steve Smith:
Something really did ‘snap’ it seems. I guess Ota’s KO on him last week really DID mess him up…
{In shock still}
… That said… It still doesn’t take away from what we just saw… We can only hope both men will be back in a WAR ring really soon…




WAR Sin City Championship - 24/7 Rules

Involved: Puerto Rican Power © and G-Phunk

“Opportunity knocks...”


{As the combination of Puerto Rican Power and Fumihiro Ota lay in an equally injured heap, the shocking sight of G-Phunk strutting his way through the “Gates of WAR” sends the Empire Coliseum into a fit of annoyance. Within a matter of a few seconds, smirking, strutting with a limp, and toying with the crowd, the sly street-walker enters the squared circle with a devious look upon his face.}


{Walking over toward the fallen heap, shoving ringside attendants out of the way in the process, men and women who were there to survey the level of damage done on both Ota and Power, G-Phunk is ultimately shown standing over an obviously injured Sin City Champion, Puerto Rican Power.}


{As Ota lay motionless upon his back, Power slowly tries to push himself up in a sit-up kind of fashion; however, appears to lack the kind of upper-body strength we’ve come to expect from the bruising heavyweight. In the end, as he struggles to push his way upward, a fact that is certainly failing despite his hard-headed attempts to brush past injury, G-Phunk is shown looking out upon the crowd with the very same devious smirk upon his face; nodding his head in a dramatic fashion as it’s expected that he’s about to do something… what? We have no idea…}


Steve Smith:
What’s this all about?

Slick Rick:
What do you think, Steve-o? Phunk’s come to claim a prize…

Steve Smith:
You don’t think… but… he’s injured. You can’t just kick a man while he’s down and expect to take the gold!

Slick Rick:
What are you talking about? That’s EXACTLY what the Sin City Championship is all about!! Power better hope he has SOMETHING left in that tank of his after all of this… because if he doesn’t… We’ve got ourselves a NEW Champion on the horizon!

Steve Smith:
Stop this carnage, ref!! You can’t allow this to happen!! Puerto Rican Power needs medical assistance…not ANOTHER match… He’s going to get himself KILLED…






Puerto Rican Power © vs. G-Phunk


Standard Singles Match

Sin City Championship Match

“Taking advantage of the situation”


Barely able to lift his head, the brutish Sin City Champion looks to be quite the opposite of his typical alpha-existence. Weakened by the force of his own high-impact, bone-crushing, maneuver, Power is entirely unable to stop the dubious G-Phunk from curb-stomping his head square into the canvas below. Potentially reeling from a neck injury, such a strike completely puts Power at bay; motionless with his head facing downward. Slowly, using all of his might, garnering enough strength to somehow roll him over, Phunk ultimately gains a SHOCKING victory; gaining the WAR Sin City Championship in the process. It may be underhanded, and not necessarily overtly legit, it still marks as a victory none the less.


G-Phunk wins via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:

Ending Time:
0:08 seconds

G-Phunk wins the WAR Sin City Championship!


Steve Smith:
Really? THIS is how Puerto Rican Power loses the Sin City Championship… a curb-stomp on a defenseless man? This is RIDICULOUS!!

Slick Rick:
Ridiculous? Ridiculous? Really?!?! THIS is how the Sin City Championship works; anytime, anywhere, ANY challenger. So, Power is hurt; who really cares? This was just a GREAT decision by G-Phunk as he knew he COULDN’T kick out! I say… bravo phunk! Bravo!

Steve Smith:
I can’t believe you right now… He pinned an INJURED MAN!! How is that fair?

Slick Rick:
How is ANYTHING about the 24/7 ruling fair? It’s business, Steve-o. That’s all. Phunk wanted gold and he got it. It doesn’t matter HOW he got it… he got it. It’s as simple as that…




Backstage mystery attack

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr.

“The king of a crumbling castle”


{We transition backstage in a guerilla-footage kind of fashion in which to find a nicely dressed man lying face-down on the cold cement below. Slowly, as the scenario truly starts to sink in, it becomes rather apparent that said ‘nicely dressed man’ is actually WAR owner, and famed billionaire, J.K. Stallings Jr.}



Left ‘for dead’ by an unknown attacker…


{Motionless, Stallings appears to be the victim of a heinous assault; however, without anyone around, said attacker stands as an ultimate mystery in question. Quickly, as if from nowhere, a number of nameless corporate figures, technitions, and several EMT’s, are all shown scurrying onto the scene with horror in their eyes.}


{With a frantic tone, they all attempt to survey the damage as the small group of helpers quickly becomes a large mass of WAR employees standing round his fallen frame. In the end, as EMT’s desperately call for others to ‘let him lay as he is’, fearing further injury, the overall truth appears to be that the wealthy WAR owner has been victimized by an unknown foe. How bad is he, who it was, and why such an attack took place, all remain unanswered. For now, the only thing that’s known is that J.K. Stallings Jr. is motionless upon the cement floor of a backstage hallway of the Empire Coliseum.}


Steve Smith:
It saddens me to say, ladies and gentlemen, that it appears that J.K. Stallings Jr. has been a victim of a heinous attack backstage. In no way is Mr. Stallings an in-ring competitor but, it seems, someone thought it necessary to lay into him like one. I can only hope, as one who works for the man, that what we just saw there is not as serious as it may first look…

Slick Rick:
YEA… the bastard writes my checks… He better rehab that check-writing hand of his FAST!!

Steve Smith:
To simply downgrade a human being to a monetary ability is down right deplorable… You should be ashamed of yourself…

Slick Rick:
Off your high-horse yet? I don’t really give a damn, Steve-o! He hired me, he pays me, and I get my job done. That’s the only thing I care for Mr. Stallings. If he’s hurt, That sucks… that said… it’s not like I’m going to lose sleep over it… unless if affects my bottom-line!! Then I’ll be pissed!

Steve Smith:
You’re sad…

Slick Rick:
Quite the contrary… I had triplets in my bed last night… let’s just say… It was a thrice good night!!

{Steve Smith is shown hanging his head, shaking it as well, as Slick Rick laughs continually in a hearty, raspy, fashion.}




The Hyde Park Hitmen vs. The Tri-State Kings


Tag Team Match

WAR Tag Team Tournament Match - Round 1

“Numbers game”


From the very onset of the match, it’s quite obvious that these two teams hate one another. Whether it’s a regional thing, or just a ‘you beat me previously’ thing, the sheer hatred is entirely visible on Alex Braun’s weathered face. With this in mind, it should come as NO shock that these two tandems wage in a stiff back-and-forth; one indicative of so much bubbling hatred. The bully that he is, Alex Braun is shown in control for most of the match, a fact that’s made easier by having such a strong partner as Johnny Martin; however, that’s not to say that the Bostonian bruisers, the Hyde Park Hitmen, don’t level a King or two on several occasions. While the Hyde Park natives land a number of highlight reel power blows, a running Powerslam from Dozer almost ends the match around the 4 minute mark, it’s the knowledgeable approach of the hardened veteran Kings that makes the difference. Utilizing a number of rest holds, said Kings are able to dictate the speed of the match while also keeping the powerful KO-hands of Brutus O’Leary at bay. In the end though, the true “Hands of Stone”, if not “Fists of Stone”, can no longer be controlled for much longer.


Swinging for the fences, O’Leary starts overrunning the reeling Kings. Every attempted maneuver, ever back-handed dirty trick, is overpowered by the unforgiving clash of knuckles and face. Sensing they are falling out of control, Braun acts quickly; tossing O’Leary out of the ring in a blatant fashion. Meanwhile, as he taunts the fallen O’Leary in the ring, Braun watches on as he attempts to pull the referee’s attention away from the action outside. Unluckily for the Hyde Park natives, Braun is successful in doing so.





As O’Leary rises to his feet, he’s met with a strong Superkick from a nearby Steve Flash; acting as a cheerleader of sorts for his Tri-State King brethren outside of the ring. Seconds later, as Braun finally lets go off Jez, the head referee, the count begins.


Dozer attempts to change the outcome; however, is met with a crossing closeline from Johnny Martin as he speeds around the turnbuckle on the outside. More or less, there’s nothing that can help them now. O’Leary, having an iron jaw in most cases, is unable to return to his feet fast enough in which to re-enter the ring before the final 10 count. Seconds later he would have been fine; however, not today.


The Tri-State Kings via count-out

Ending Maneuver:
Superkick from Steve Flash upon Brutus O’Leary (outside of the ring/unseen by Jez McArthuer)

Ending Time:

The Tri-State Kings move onto the next round of the WAR Tag Team Championship tournament.


Steve Smith:
I would say I’m shocked but my opinion of the Tri-State Kings are pretty low by this point. Yet again, the Kings win due to their numbers game. This time, it’s a Superkick from Steve Flash that gains the victory for Braun and Martin… not their OWN doing but the doing of another…

Slick Rick:
Oh ‘Waaaaaaaa’… You wanna cry about it some more? Get over it, Steve-o. THIS is how the industry is now a days. That whole ‘one on one’, let’s see who the BETTER MAN, schtick is long gone. Today, if you want to succeed… You better find yourself some strength in numbers. It’s like running with a gang… If you’re not… You’re f*cked…

Steve Smith:
I had hopes that our WAR General would see to it that we were different but… I guess not… The Kings ‘win’ another one… Cheaters they are…

Slick Rick:
Winners… they are…







NEW WAR Pin-up girls announced

Involved: Steve Smith + ???????

“Beauty personified...”


{Standing before a ruckus crowd, most certainly collectively inebriated to the moon by now, the unsung ‘voice’ of Wrestling Action in Revolt, Steve Smith, appears within the center of the ring. With a microphone already in hand, the dorky, yet respected, figure quickly dives into the action ahead with a sense of spirited excitement. Why? We don’t know quite yet at this point; however, later, in hindsight, would be certainly expected.}


[steve Smith]:
For the last week, Wrestling Action in Revolt has been on a search for the NEW cast of WAR Pin-up girls. While it saddened us all to see the demise of our previous foursome, Mr. Stallings made it known that WAR could simply not move forward without a new collection of beauties at the helm. So, without further ado… after a week long search that pulled our scouts in every direction of this great country… I give to you… the NEW… WAR… PIN-UP… GIRLS!!!!


{The crowd pops accordingly, furthering the truth that sex certainly STILL sells in great amount, as the new cast of WAR Pin-up girls make their appearance for the first time.}



The NEW WAR Pin-up girls!


{Walking hand-in-hand, united in a playful manner, these four beauties quickly tug upon the very primal notion of sexual wanting. Scantily clad, these slender ‘sex kittens’ do all they can to toy, play, and squirm, the collective male masses of the charged WAR fan-base.}


{Once in the ring, after waving to the crowd, playfully hugging one another, bouncing around as their clothing brings their obvious assets to the center stage, the new WAR Pin-up girls seemingly line up in which to have their names officially announced by Mr. Smith. Sadly though, no such statement would be made. Instead, as Steve Smith brings his microphone up to his quivering mouth once again, the purely evil tones of Demonic Intervention’s theme begins to play…}



‘Rising from the shadows’… Again… to claim more victims…


{Stomping toward the ringside area, the threesome of Genio Verde, DAMiaN, and the Leper Messiah, quickly strike fear in the collective faces of the new WAR Pin-up girls. Knowing the demise of the previous grouping, who could blame them?}


{In the end, as the crowd boos mightily, the demonic threesome are shown entering the ring with obvious evil intent in mind. Snagging the microphone from a petrified Smith, Genio Verde slowly gazes upon the beauties before him… ready to speak of their demise… once again…}


[Genio Verde]:
You four are an example of the disease plaguing this wretched society…


{The crowd boos like crazy as the WAR Pin-up girls cower in fear…}


[Genio Verde]:
In our attempts at YOUR collective extinction, WAR officials supposedly searched the nation for a new cast to fill the shoes of the fallen few who USED to carry your name. Your arrival… is just a symbol of this disease… this disgusting… beauty-oriented… intensely shallow society that the WAR Pin-up girls have come to personify.


{The camera zooms in on a few of the WAR pin-up girls as sheer horror resides upon their faces.}


[Genio Verde]:
You SHOULD be afraid…
… For tonight, you will become yet ANOTHER victim in our rise from the shadows…
{Looks to both Leper and DAMiaN}
… Leave none with an ounce of breath left in them…


{Projecting an unsettling cackle of sorts, the masked Verde laughs heartily in an evil fashion. Meanwhile, DAMiaN and Leper Messiah are shown slowly walking toward the beautiful foursome; wrenching their hands in a scheming fashion. Crazily enough, unlike previous moments, their attack would ultimately be thwarted…}



"Mr." Wright to the Rescue!!


{Speeding toward the ring at incessant speeds, the newfound Jayson “Mr.” Wright is shown exploding into the ring with reckless abandon. Swinging for the fences, the young heartthrob quickly knocks Genio Verde to the ground with a thunderous right hand; a fact that forces Verde’s microphone to fly clear outside of the ring in the process.}


{Spinning around, the combination of DAMiaN and the Leper Messiah snarl with intense anger; pissed that their attack on the new WAR Pin-up girls has been thwarted.}


{From there, Jayson would attempt to subdue the beasts before him; however, his valiant efforts would ultimately get him an epic a$$-kickin’ of his own.}


{Thrown around the ring like a ragdoll, Wright is violently destroyed at the hands of DAMiaN, Leper Messiah, and an overtly enraged Genio Verde. Luckily though, with the attention square on him, the beautiful WAR Pin-up girls are able to sneak out of the ring; guided toward safety by the ‘voice of WAR’, Steve Smith.}


{In the end, after a collection of chokeslams by both DAMiaN and Leper Messiah, Jayson Wright is finally shown ‘laid to rest’ by a “Damnation Drop” (Release Powerbomb) by the towering DAMiaN.}


{Lying motionless upon his back, the demonic threesome eventually is shown exiting the ring in a methodical fashion. Obviously enraged by the interference, they are ultimately shown stomping their way toward the “Gates of WAR”; snarling in a vile fashion in the process. Meanwhile, Jayson Wright is shown to be hovering on the edge of life following such a powerful assault.}


Slick Rick:
Damn… I wouldn’t mind rollin’ in the sheets with some of those b*tches…
{Laughs in a raspy fashion}
… I guess I should be thankin’ that idiot who ran in to save them. Now, I’ve got a better chance to reel ‘em in… So… thank you… ‘dead guy’…
{Again, Slick laughs in a raspy fashion}




Hype Video

Involved: Buddy Garner and Eric Tyler

“WHO is the BEST?”


{Moments before the epic “Ultimate Submission match” officially opens, we are presented a short hype video depicting their struggle as entirely heated. While there is little in the form of on-the-mic entertainment value within said package, most of the sights shown are that within the ring ropes as both Garner and Tyler attempt to destroy the other solely in competition. Trading blows, submission moves, and a number of technically-sound maneuvers, the overarching narrative within their continual altercation is that of equals. While they came from different backgrounds, BOTH are shown to be at the top of their games; competing at a high-level in which to FINALLY take a step over the other. In the end, as the image of Garner and Tyler are shown upon the screen, facing one another in a ‘versus’ kind of scenario, their appears to a sense of expectation behind their upcoming battle… one centered around the notion of WHO will ultimately prove to be… THE BEST?}


Steve Smith:
After weeks of beating one another down, these two men are bound to clash in a potentially FINAL epic battle. Time for talk has long past, time for analyzing their place in WAR has come to an end… Here, tonight, we will find out WHO is better… Garner… or Tyler?

Slick Rick:
It’s no contest: Tyler is the best.

Steve Smith:
… And I think it’s Garner! That’s the GREAT thing about WAR… We don’t need to speculate… We’ll find out… RIGHT… NOW!




Buddy Garner vs. Eric Tyler


30-minute Ultimate Submission Match

“Can't... get it... done...”


Slowly, yet surely, both men gage the best of their opponent. Plotting, each man does their best to outsmart the other; even if their exchange is rather harsh in nature. In a perfect example of when brutality can become art, Garner and Tyler unveil a wrestling clinic of sorts as they utilize the squared circle as their own awe-inspiring playground. While their back-and-forth is rather tempered at first, both men doing their best to research the other, even this far into their rivalry, the focused approach by both puts forth the narrative that neither is willing to make a mistake; that victory is the ONLY outcome.


Spending the majority of the match lying upon the canvas, each man works their best plan of action centered around weakening a number of targeted body parts. Whether it’s Tyler stretching Garner’s neck or it’s the “Machine” twisting the “Traditionalist’s” ankle, it’s rather obvious to see that this is not your typical Sports Entertainment-kind of match. In a stark contrast to the typical ‘flash’ of today, both Garner and Tyler defy the times as they compete within a great, technically sound, hard-nosed, back-and-forth, submission bout.


The action is so back-and-forth, so focused, that the first submission doesn’t come until a shade after 18-minutes. Reversing a Piledriver attempt into a take-down twisting leg-lock, Garner is shown wrenching violently upon the aged Tyler’s leg in the process. At first, the famed “Traditionalist” is able to pull his way toward a nearby bottom rope; however, as he grows closer, Garner is able to roll the both of them in another, opposite, direction. Wrenching violently in a new direction, removed from the rope-break now, Tyler reluctantly taps as he bites his own tongue in pain; a fact that pushes him to bleed from the mouth in the process.


Wincing, hobbling, and showing a sense of injury, Eric Tyler does all he can to soldier on. Shockingly enough, despite being weakened, the famed “Traditionalist” furthers his legend by never truly giving up; still fighting despite being obviously slowed down. That said, his luck would shift a good 7-minutes later as he, in a last ditch effort, flings Garner over the top rope with a desperation back-body-drop. Speeding in his direction, Garner goes over the top rope in an explosive manner; crashing in a thunderous fashion upon the outside padded area directly on his back. In the end, the thud of the impact is not the ONLY sad thing that comes away from the drop… Seconds after he attempts to get back up, it’s also shown that he’s injured his back in the process.


Both injured, Garner and Tyler appear to hobble into the closing seconds of the match.


Catching a reeling Garner with a Spinebuster off the ropes, a move that both furthers the injury of Garner’s back & takes a great deal of energy out of the equally injured Tyler (Right leg), the Tri-State King is ultimately able to pull himself back together again; locking in his signature high-hanging Boston crab moments later.


Wrenching, leaning back heavily, and attempting to break Garner’s already injured back in half, Tyler does his very best to force Buddy into submission. Crazily enough, holding said submission in hopes of tying the outcome of the match, no such scenario would come to pass.


For close to 90 seconds, Tyler continues to wrench backward as much as possible.


As the 10-second count down persists, Tyler leans back more-and-more; however, his attempt at breaking Garner in half doesn’t work. Shockingly enough, as the match comes to an end, 30-minutes in length, it comes with the sight of Eric Tyler STILL attempting to force Garner to submit; enraged that he wasn’t able to make the “Machine” submit within the range of the last 90-seconds. In the end, despite 30-minutes of action, the ultimate score comes down to… 1-0. As you can expect, once again, after 30-minutes of action, Eric Tyler is downright frustrated with the fact that he wasn’t able to score ONE point…


Buddy Garner via a score of 1-0

Ending Maneuver:
Twisted Leg Lock at the 18:24 mark

Ending Time:


{Clapping is heard from Steve Smith; standing from his commentary desk}

Steve Smith:
That… was… Amazing!! Bravo men… Bravo!

Slick Rick:
Garner tapped before the match ended; Jez pretended to miss it! This match SHOULD be a tie!

Steve Smith:
What match were you watching? Garner didn’t tap… not for a second. Tyler tried his best but, to no avail, he wasn’t able to force the “Machine” to give up! I don’t know HOW he held up… but he did… he fought it out…

Slick Rick:
Tyler was cheated!!!

Steve Smith:
What are you on? Hallucinating much? Garner won fair and square. There was NO tap… no nothing! Garner won, right here, right now, fair and square, 1-0…

Slick Rick:
You can say what you want but I SAW him tap…

Steve Smith:
Again… You HAVE to be on something…




Plotting in his office

Involved: WAR General Nemesis

“The show MUST go on...”


{We transition backstage now in which to see the WAR General, Nemesis, standing within, what appears to be, his own personal office of sorts. As he half-sits upon a gigantic black desk behind him, the room littered with memorabilia of Nemesis’ years gone past, the WAR General is shown attempting his best look of sadness. That said, it’s obvious to see that this emotion is entirely fabricated; a fact made known by the infrequent devilish grin that occasionally forms at given points.}


It brings me much sadness to report that, earlier tonight, WAR’s owner, and my good friend, J.K. Stallings Jr. was viciously assaulted by an unknown foe. At this point, the true extent of his injuries are not known; however, it’s expected that he’s suffered a severe concussion due to the attack. Believe me when I say, the family of Wrestling Action in Revolt is certainly reeling here tonight… and we will not rest until this attacker is brought to justice…


{With a confident, single, nod, the WAR General starts to protrude his chin as he always does when projecting a sense of roaring authority.}


… However, the show MUST go on. It’s how Stallings would want it to be. That said, our fallen leader inspired me earlier. While he may have been combative with myself, and Reign, I know that it ultimately came from a place of competition. He lives, breathes, sweats, and dreams, WAR and it’s hopeful success…
… and THAT’S why I MUST further his wishes for tonight’s main event. You see, Stallings was entirely right… our main event needs a stronger hand behind the stripes; a man with a bigger set of balls. Now, since Stallings no longer has the ability to do so… I’ve decided, as WAR General, to see to it that tonight’s WAR Championship match is an EPIC affair…
{Snarls slightly}
Later tonight, as Troy Tornado defends his championship against the newfound #1 contender in the “Lone Wolf” Shawn Gonzalez… I… will be the special guest referee…
{Pauses as a devilish snarl forms}
… As they say… Let the BEST… man… win…


{With that, the scene comes to a gradual close with a fade-out process that stays focused upon a devilishly snarling WAR General. In the end, something doesn’t seem right. Earlier in the night, Stallings and Nemesis were practically at odds with one another. Now, since Stallings has mysteriously been assaulted by an unknown foe, Nemesis has now swooped in and secured a position of power once held by Stallings himself (the special guest referee for tonight’s main event). The snarl, devilish in nature, says it all though…}


Steve Smith:
Something smells fishy here…

Slick Rick:
What? Did your mom show up?

{Smith stops for a second, glaring at Slick with a look that could kill; however, then moves on in a professional manner.}

Steve Smith:
It wasn’t that long ago that Stallings and Nemesis were seemingly at odds. Then, out of nowhere, the WAR Owner was assaulted viciously backstage by an unknown foe. NOW, securing Stallings spot of power in the main event, Nemesis has used his General powers to overtake the special guest referee here tonight. I know I may be drawing lines here but… could Nemesis be the one behind Stallings’ demise?

Slick Rick:
Could he? F*ck yea. Did he? There’s no way to prove it.

Steve Smith:
There HAS to be a way to prove it…






Troy Tornado © vs. Shawn Gonzalez


Singles Match

WAR Championship Match

“Reign over me”


[special Guest Referee]



From the very onset of the match, there lies an air of a dubious nature. For, standing between the two competitors, dressed in a loosened shirt and tie, is none other than the imposing WAR General Nemesis. Projecting a stern sense of authority, chin extended out and all, the General himself stands as a constant force in the middle; arguing with both competitors at several points in which to dictate his will. As expected, neither Gonzalez nor WAR Champion Tornado are outright willing to listen.


Warring with one another, we have the ultimate war of opposites: Troy Tornado as the loud-mouthed, in-your-face, ‘joe cool’, grungey rock-star and Shawn Gonzalez as the silent-but-deadly, overtly stoic, yet intensely aggressive, “Lone Wolf”. With this in mind, the action that unfolds is quite in-line with such narrative. Tornado, jaw-jacking at every turn, does his best to portray the showman we’ve all come to love; however, as his opposite, the “Lone Wolf” goes about his business in a silent-assassin kind of fashion hellbent on victory. More or less, within their own personas, both men do all they can to overcome the other; utilizing everything in their arsenal for victory.


Sadly though, the WAR General couldn’t allow the match to go down naturally…


Counting slow at points, fast at others, and not EVEN counting every once in awhile, the stern authority appears more willing to ‘toy’ with the competitors than anything else. Even though Gonzalez and Tornado are fighting for the gold, Nemesis makes sure that the central focus is STILL upon him; puffing his chest, extending his chin out, and barking orders at every turn.


As the intensity of the match heats up, removing the feel-out nature of before, the WAR General finds himself becoming increasingly d*ck’ish with his demands. At one point, as he yells square in the face of Troy Tornado to relinquish a pinfall attempt, a fact that I don’t think we’ve EVER seen in wrestling, the whole tense nature finally explodes as the WAR Champion is shown shoving his hand square in Nemesis’ face; the ultimate act of ‘f*ck off”. As one would expect, Nemesis’ chest puffs out that much more in aggression. However, as the WAR General, he’s unable to get involved… or is he…


As Tornado spins back around like a defiant degenerate, turning his attention back upon his challenger, the WAR General does the unthinkable… Slamming a haymakered fist directly in the back of the Champ’s head. Staggering at first, Tornado spins around to see what had happened, ready for a fight; however, is met with yet another strike from the WAR General; that being a stiff closeline.



The WAR General strikes Tornado!


With the fans booing like crazy, the WAR General ultimately stands over the fallen Tornado as he checks for blood upon his face; slowly coming back to his feet. However, before he can engage the General again, the Calvary in the form of “Reign” becomes present…


Not knowing of their presence, Gonzalez tries to take Tornado from behind, still focused on victory despite his tempered pace; however, after a hardened combo, his attempt at a suplex is quickly thwarted by the interfering hands of James Prudence.



The minions do HIS bidding!


Stomping the “Lone Wolf” down to the canvas, seconds after a flying double-forearm shiver to the head, the interfering “Platinum” figure is quickly showered with the hatred of many. That said, he wasn’t the first to really get the brunt of the interfering action…


Only minutes after the WAR General staggered him, Troy Tornado, cast out of Gonzalez’ suplex attempt by a diving Prudence, is now shown in the menacing hands of one… TITUS. Just like last week, in a matter of 5-seconds or so, the triumphant, yet embattled, WAR Champion has gone from upright to lying upon his back… the victim of a back-breaking “Paralyzer”” (Torture Rack). Flailing his body every which way, a fact that could, in real-time, be breaking several bones in his body, TITUS appears to be on the verge of absolute destruction; his focus… Troy Tornado.


In the end, as TITUS holds Tornado at his-will on high, and James Prudence violently stomps Gonzalez into the mat with an inspired step, the WAR General is shown calling for the bell as he barks toward a nearby ring announcer; bringing about an ending that I’m sure he’s quite happy with.


Troy Tornado via DQ

Ending Maneuver:
Interference from Reign (James Prudence and TITUS)

Ending Time:

This marks Troy Tornado’s 5th successful title defense of the WAR Championship.


{With the rabid WAR fanbase booing like crazy in the background, it’s almost impossible to hear the ringside announcers.}

Steve Smith:
…What was THAT all about? First off, I thought Nemesis was NEVER to use force or else he would lose his WAR Generalship? Meanwhile, WHY did the match get called for Tornado and not simply thrown out? BOTH Tornado and Gonzalez were attacked… This makes no sense!!

Slick Rick:
There ‘aint NO WAY that Stallings is taking the Generalship away from Nemesis. Hell, he’s not even here… He’s in a hospital tonight…
{Laughs in a raspy fashion}

Steve Smith:
Was THIS their plan all along; to get Stallings out of the picture? Now, with the WAR owner in the hospital, Nemesis has free-range to do whatever he wants… Good GOD, I hope this isn’t true…

Slick Rick:
He ‘aint done yet, Steve-o! It looks like Tornado is about to take a ride!

Steve Smith:





Post-match attack

Involved: WAR General Nemesis, The Guru, James Prudence, TITUS, Troy Tornado, and Shawn Gonzalez

“It 'aint personal...”


{As a confused ring announcer rings out the final decision, projecting with very little confidence in the process, the action within the ring has not changed in the slightest: Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez are being violently picked-apart by the hyena-like dominance of the members of Reign.}


[Ring Announcer]:
Your winner… and STILL… Wrestling Action in Revolt Champion… Troy… Tornaaaaaaaaddooooooo!!!


{A light smattering of clapping is heard; however, the rabid WAR fanbase is still entirely unhappy by what they’ve just witnessed. Meanwhile, as they shower the ringside area with utter disdain, the combination of TITUS and James Prudence continue forth with their dirty work.}


{While James Prudence picks away violently upon the fallen Gonzalez, stomping every inch of his frame in the process, “All Hail” TITUS is show finally tossing the lifeless body of Troy Tornado down to the canvas; removed from the hellacious maneuver as the “Paralyzer” (Torture Rack). Sadly though, there would be NO rest for the WAR Champion thereafter…}


{Lifting his lifeless frame upward again with brute force, TITUS is ultimately shown powerbombing Tornado back upon the canvas a number of times. In the end though, the final powerbomb is the one that sends shockwaves throughout the WAR galaxy.}


{In his final execution of said powerbomb, TITUS is shown putting his full-force behind the descent; forcing Tornado downward in an epic fashion. Upon impact with the canvas, instead of coming to a deadly halt, the WAR Champion is ultimately shown crashing through the canvas below in a thunderous heap!!}



Powerbombed through the RING!!


[steve Smith]:


[slick Rick]:
Now THAT’S a damn powerbomb!!
{Laughs in a raspy fashion}


[steve Smith]:
Tornado HAS to be dead… He HAS to be… Someone get in there and CHECK on the MAN!!


{There stands a gaping hole in the middle of the ring; one which houses an obviously injured Troy Tornado.}


{In the process, as Prudence finishes off the fallen Gonzalez with a diving dropkick to the “Lone Wolf’s” head, a fact that forces him BACK upon the canvas as he attempted to push-up his way upward, Reign is ultimately shown joining eachother just before the gigantic hole in the ring. Unifying in which to raise their hands as one, the rabid WAR fanbase is heard showering the newfound faction with a response only left for those most hated. Meanwhile, the carnage is obvious to see…}


{Shawn Gonzalez is lying unconscious upon his back. Meanwhile, Troy Tornado currently resides within a hole in the center of the ring. In the end, the only piece left in which to recognize the man is that of his black, shiny, wrestling boot lying upon the edge of the canvas hole; extending down into the unforgiving abyss.}


Steve Smith:
I fear what this means for WAR…

Slick Rick:
The ‘end of days’ as we know it…

Steve Smith:
Stallings is in a nearby hospital, Gonzalez may be injured, and Tornado may be… well… dead…
{Shakes his head in shock}
… I don’t know what the HELL is going to happen…

Slick Rick:
REIGN is what’s going to happen. With Stallings gone, Nemesis has full-range to do WHATEVER he wants!! Reign formed for exactly that: to help the WAR General get his way. If you ask me, Wrestling Action in Revolt is bound for one HELL of a transformation…

Steve Smith:
Ladies and gentlemen, please check WAR.com for further updates on those who were injured in tonight’s broadcast. In the end, keep Mr. Stallings in your hearts and minds over the next few days & wish for a speedy recovery. Tune in NEXT WEEK as “Battleground” is bound to be… well… a warzone…
















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Somehow, you double posted your show.


Fixed! Thank you. I had a time-out issue when I first posted it.





WAR: "Battleground" - PPV Episode #7

Date of Event:
Monday, 4th Week of April 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

8, 435 out of 10,000 at the Empire Coliseum (Located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

PPV Buyrate:
0.08 (+/- 0.00)

Event Grade:


  • Reign debuts and WAR Owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., shows resistance to the 'takeover'. In the end, Stallings announces he will be the special guest referee in tonight's main event. (C-)

  • Cali-Air defeated the Brotherhood in 5:50 via flash pinfall. (D)

  • Jayson "Mr." Wright tries to talk Dharma out of becoming a member of the NEW WAR Pin-up girl cast. Meanwhile, the Guru stirs the pot with a insensitive comment. (C-)

  • Puerto Rican Power retained the WAR Sin City Championship by defeating Fumihiro Ota in 8:09 via pinfall. (C-)

  • G-Phunk comes in and takes advantage of the situation as Puerto Rican Power is seen injured. (D-)

  • G-Phunk wins the WAR Sin City Championship by defeating Puerto Rican Power in 0:08 seconds. (D)

  • WAR Owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., is found assaulted backstage by an unknown foe. (C+)

  • The Tri-State Kings defeated the Hyde Park Hitmen in 5:42 via count-out (Superkick from Steve Flash). (D)

  • The WAR Pin-up girls are announced; however, the demonic threesome of Genio Verde, DAMiaN, and Leper Messiah, come out in which to further their 'rise from the shadows'; targeting the new cast of the WAR Pin-up girls in the process. In the end though, before they can attack, Jayson Wright appears in which to save them. Sadly, he's beaten badly for his valiant effort. ©

  • Hype Video for Buddy Garner vs. Eric Tyler. (C+)

  • Buddy Garner defeated Eric Tyler with a score of 1-0 in a 30-minute Ultimate Submission Match. (B-)

  • Nemesis announces that, due to Stallings' injury, HE will be the special guest referee in tonight's main event. (B)

  • Troy Tornado retains the WAR Championship by defeating Shawn Gonzalez in 19:33 via DQ (due to a run-in by Reign). ©

  • James Prudence and TITUS attacked Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez post-match. In the end, TITUS is seen powerbombing Troy Tornado repeatedly; the final time sends the WAR Champion THROUGH the ring! ©

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4th Week of April, 2010

... Stepping inside Stallings' "Iron Curtain" ...


The camera lens slowly comes into focus; however, it’s incessant attempt to bring clarity to the viewer is unneeded. Directly after said lens comes into focus, the figure before it proves to be shadowed anyways. Hiding their identity, this unknown figure sits a good 5-feet away; clouded by some sense of blanketing darkness. In the end, the only thing that can be seen is the faint light of a smoldering cigarette.


As our faithful documentarian engages said mysterious figure, the overall tone continues to carry an ominous feel; the kind of feel that can ultimately be classified as borderline unsettling.


Given the rise of Mr. Stallings’ self-imposed ‘iron curtain’, I’ve been forced to find my information through newfound means. I would MUCH rather speak to Stallings himself, as he was the reason that I ultimately became interested in such a story; however, that’s proven to be almost impossible these days. My repeated attempts to speak with the WAR owner have consistently come back in the form of a convoluted ‘no’. Whether it’s the fact that he’s too busy at this moment or his trusty spin-doctor claiming HE would be my best point of contact for all things WAR, I’ve come to realize that this curtain, this impenetrable, vacuum, is something that I certainly cannot break… at least… right now…


With this in mind, I have reached out to several WAR figures in which to document the grumblings backstage. Sadly, this is as far as I can get to the ‘true word’ of Wrestling Action in Revolt. Again, sadly, I was unable to find very many who would be willing to even speak with me; fearing retaliation from Mr. Stallings himself in the process.


Whether through fear-tactics or unspoken law, Stallings has somehow developed a wave of secrecy amongst the WAR brethren… well… until now. Swearing to keep their identity unknown, I had finally found an insider willing to ‘spill the beans’ if you will… to talk, very candidly, about what they have come to see backstage. Today, I speak with that figure… hoping to find out the TRUTH that Mr. Stallings has so desperately attempted to keep from my camera lens…


Welcome, insider… thank you for meeting with me today…


A sense of silence fills the room as it appears the unknown insider is taking awhile to speak. Then, a good 5-seconds later, an electronic voice is heard peering from the darkness before the lens.


[unknown Insider]:
… You’re welcome. As long as you keep my identity a secret then I’m more than happy to speak...


Of course. Let me ask you, since Stallings has repeatedly brushed this question aside, is it true? Has Troy Tornado continually failed drug test after drug test?


I can’t tell you for sure. I mean, the officials have kept that one as lock solid of a secret as possible. That said, I’ve heard some things lately. It’s starting to circulate with the boys; that Rennie [Troy Tornado] is something of an untouchable around here. To be honest, he could probably fail week-in-and-week-out and we’ll never really know the FULL truth behind it. He’s Stallings’ guy; enough said.


That HAS to rile the locker room up though, right?


A slight sense of laughter is heard, al be it electronic, as it appears the unknown insider finds his question to be comical in nature.


[unknown Insider]:
This is pro wrestling… not fairies on ice. This industry has ALWAYS been this way. Hell, I don’t ever see that changing. As long as he’s making money for Stallings, he’ll be front-center; in the lime-light. The second he f*cks up publically, starts to wane in popularity, or loses that cross-over appeal, he’ll find a much less easy of a road before him. Right now though, he can do no wrong.


[Documentarian ]:
Either way, it’s been said that the WAR locker room is pretty much toxic these days. Can you attest to that?


[unknown Insider]:
Oh, f*ck yea. It’s never really been an easy place to be. I mean, Stallings may have money but he certainly doesn’t have the full respect of the boys. He’s given people like Rennie [Troy Tornado] and Kruse [TITUS] free-range, fired people like Veronica and the rest of the Pin-ups, and has done little-to-nothing to curb Morton’s [Ares] bull-sh*t as of late. To be honest, if he doesn’t keep a better finger on the locker room, there’s a chance he could ultimately breed a disastrous culture!


The documentarian quickly interjects with interest in his tone.


Tyler Morton’s bull-sh*t?


[unknown Insider]:
He’s an a$$-hole. I’ve heard rumors about the guy in the past but wow… he’s a grade-A… A$$-hole. Last week it was Power and that was bad enough. This week, he f*cked with [Warlord] Agony and practically got his a$$ kicked by a 50+ something grandfather. Again though, Stallings has done little to curb his antics. If anything, he’s been given free-range as well. Bull-sh*t I tell you. Bull-sh*t.


Is it safe to say that Stallings lost the locker room?


The unknown insider puts forth a scoff.


[unknown Insider]:
He never had it. There was nothing there for him to lose. Some guys said that this happened back in HGC; however, just in a different manner. He lost it then because he was too much of a child. Now, it looks like he’s lost it because… well… his mind is always looking toward success… yet, never really paying attention to HOW he gets there. It’ll burn him in the end… Hell, I may be out of a job if it does…


A sense of laughter is heard once again from the unknown insider.


Focused on revenge?


[unknown Insider]:
That’s what some are saying. Maybe it’s true? I mean, he picked a meaningless fight with BSC a few weeks back. I mean, really? BSC? Sure they’re on the strip too but NO ONE goes to those shows. Now, it seems like he isn’t done…


With BSC?


[unknown Insider]:
BSC… CZCW… He’s pulling a full-on regional war… or at least that’s what I’ve heard…




[unknown Insider]:
Yea, no one knows too much about it but it sounds like Stallings is gearing up for something. More and more of their guys are showing up on our roster these days… so… whatever it is, it seems like people may be picking sides already?


Thank you for all of this. We’ll be in touch here in the future; no doubt.


[unknown Insider]:
Yea, that’s fine. Just keep my name out of it.


With that, the camera lens slowly comes to a halt once again. However, before it can completely go black, the ominous sight of the unknown insider continues to stir the pot as to the mystery behind Stallings’ ‘iron curtain’ that this person would need SO much in the way of masking his/or herself.





<hr color="black">
What we learned

+ Ares ribbed Warlord Agony and it almost turned into a fist fight. In turn, WAR officials levied a 'stern warning'; however, nothing was done to Ares despite this being his second hazing in two weeks.

+ Troy Tornado tests positive for 'hard drugs'. Fatherly Approach was utilized and Tornado's response was to hopefully stay clean in the future.

+ TITUS tests positive for 'steroids'. Unlike in past weeks though, a 'stern warning' was utilized. In this case, TITUS looked bored and stormed out afterward.

+ Also, it appears that CZCW may be next on Stallings' radar for WAR.
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I want to ask, do you have the other rules in place? (The one where you have tobe three hours before the show, and the one where you can't leave until the last match is completed).


I do have a number of rules in place. This is what I currently have:


+ No drugs allowed backstage.

+ No alcohol allowed backstage.

+ No smoking allowed backstage.

+ All workers must remain in the arena until the final match is completed.

+ WAR will provide catering.

+ WAR will provide a masseuse.

+ WAR will provide a chiropractor.

+ WAR will organize accommodations for non-local workers.


I was thinking about adding that WAR would PAY for non-local accommodations; however, I'm not entirely sure. I mean, with $50 million in the bank, it wouldn't hurt me in anyway really. That said, I'm currently sitting at a 70.8% for locker room morale (as it tends to fluctuate between 60% and 70%).

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I think, but I'm not sure, more rules means lower overall morale, BUT, it will lead to less incidents. So loosening rules will gain higher morale, but you are hoping for no incidents. Considering you aren't hurting for money, more optional and perks is a good idea.
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Why aren't you writing for WWE or TNA! WHY!!!!!!!!


Because they'd lose all their sponsors due to the level of content produced, have parents rioting in the streets about many angles and storylines, and probably have a lot of the fans turned off.


E-V writes great stuff, no doubt. But I think even he can agree that it's not mainstream stuff, :o

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Why aren't you writing for WWE or TNA! WHY!!!!!!!!


Wow!! :D :D


That's an awesome compliment to receive, Timber! Honestly, I write dynasty's because that would ultimately be my 'dream job' of sorts (writing for a wrestling promotion that is). More or less, TEW is my means for such a scenario (even if entirely fake. ha).


That said, again, thank you for such a great nod.


Because they'd lose all their sponsors due to the level of content produced, have parents rioting in the streets about many angles and storylines, and probably have a lot of the fans turned off.


E-V writes great stuff, no doubt. But I think even he can agree that it's not mainstream stuff, :o


True, sadly true. Still, it'd be great to see. If i had the money i'd give him a promotion. :)


WAR is more mainstream than my other dynasty's; however, that should tell you something I guess. ha. I've always seen myself as an ECW-fan grown up. To me, what I see on a weekly basis from TNA/WWE does absolutely nothing for me. I get bored really easy and a lot of it comes down to having a watered down, overtly safe, entirely cliche, product style. To me, especially with WAR, I've been happy to do a weekly PPV show as it fits my vision for wrestling much more: Rebellious, rock-star like, in-your-face, testing the status quo.


While I'm not necessarily an 'attitude era' freak, even though I did enjoy the era, I find myself liking to book with a rebellious sense of grandeur underneath it all. Would that work for a mainstream company? Probably not. I tend to always gravitate toward 'cult' as it allows me to turn the product on it's head & go crazy.


All in all, Vince (or Dixie) would probably end up hating me before it was all said and done. ha.

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After being the victim of a heinous backstage assault, one that still has the attacker’s identity unknown, WAR.com has recently learned that J.K. Stallings Jr. will be out indefinitely due to a wide-range of injuries. While said injuries are still unverified, it’s been rumored by inside sources to be a combination of head trauma and potential internal bleeding. With this in mind, a number of private investigators have been employed by WAR officials in which to get to the bottom of such a deplorable act; one that will leave the WAR Owner out of action for quite some time.


In connection, WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, ALSO appears to be reeling from a debilitating concussion following a powerbomb that sent him THROUGH the ring at the close of “Battleground”. The maneuver, brutishly put forth by TITUS, was said to be a symbol of the WAR General’s dominance over Wrestling Action in Revolt; especially now that Stallings is no longer in the picture. Either way, outside of what it may have meant for the WAR General and his newfound Reign faction, Troy Tornado is said to be still suffering from lingering issues stemming from said concussion.


In the end, with Mr. Stallings no longer present at WAR events and the company’s own top-champion injured, and without his belt for that matter, one has to wonder how ANYONE can stop the WAR General from completely overtaking the company?










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In a move that can only be described as confusing, reports out of the WAR General’s office is that Nemesis will shockingly hand over the WAR Championship to it’s rightful holder, Troy Tornado, on this NEXT episode of "Battleground".


For weeks now, the embattled champion has been without his strap, stolen originally at the hand of his newfound rivals in the Brotherhood; however, this next week, the WAR General himself has vowed to personally HAND OVER said championship despite his own henchman, TITUS , being the one holding onto the stolen strap. With this in mind, it should come as NO shock that many are questioning the validity of such a statement.


Why would the WAR General simply hand over the title after months of tension between he and Tornado? Also, with the title already in his control, being in TITUS’ hands, what would the WAR General gain out of such a scenario?


If we’ve learned ANYTHING about our WAR General, Nemesis,…


He only makes decisions that ultimately benefits him… and no one else…










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To those about to wage in WAR, the battleground is the ultimate place for which LEGENDS are born. Putting everything on the line, a warrior has very little room for error. For, if one is to slip, even momentarily, mass destruction is almost an absolute certainty.


WAR is no place for the weak. When stepping onto the hallowed battleground, only one thing remains… Will you, or will you not, rise to the occasion?


Will you rise for your country? Will you rise for your family? Will you rise for greatness? Will you rise for your brothers? Will you rise… for the banner of WAR?


This and this alone is what measures a man…


… What turns an ordinary person into that of a LEGEND …


Who will dominate the Battleground?


WHO will become the LEGENDS of WAR?




It was only two weeks ago that these two squared off; however, the buzz from their original bout has carried quite far. That said, this time around, the international juggernaut in
American Elemental
will hope to change the course of their connection; hoping to score a career-shifting victory over the punk-rock “GOD of WAR”
! When it’s all said and done, and the final bell has rung, will Am El have evened the score to 1-1? – OR – Will the rebellious punk-rock “GOD”, once again, prove himself to be the FAR superior flier?




After a shocking victory over the established Brotherhood last week, the newfound west-coast connection,
, is hoping to bottle magic once again as they take on the intensely violent monsters in
Demonic Intervention
. In reality, it’s common knowledge that Donnie J and Ash Campbell are fighting an uphill battle with this one; however, last week, we saw a tandem with a scrappy quickness unseen in WAR tag team wrestling thus far. Is that enough to subdue the beast before them? Only time will tell for sure. That said, as these two WAR tag teams square off in an epic
semi-final matchup
, only one REAL question remains… Who will take on step further to becoming the first-ever WAR Tag Team Champions?



In the first scheduled
WAR Sin City Championship match
since it’s inception, the newfound champion,
G-Phunk ©
, will be forced to defend his gleaming crown against the likes of the former champion,
Puerto Rican Power
, and said former champion’s recent rival,
Fumihiro Ota
, in a chaotic three-way dance. While that would certainly be enough to create a sense of drama, the WAR General himself, Nemesis, has declared said altercation as a ‘No DQ’ bout; stating:
“With the loss of Mr. Stallings, It’s become apparent that I, and I alone, will lead WAR toward a new tomorrow; starting with THIS three-way dance for the Sin City Championship. Up until now, there’s been little in the sense of framework for the title and, to be honest, I f*cking love that about the belt. This week though, it’s obvious that a true BATTLE is on hand as Power attempts to overcome his rival in Ota & also retain the gold in the process. That’s why I’ve decided to make it a ‘No DQ’ match as I’ve been down this road before myself… It’s a b*tch and calls for nothing to get in the way of the war”
. In the end, WHO will take home the WAR Sin City Championship? Also, will that person EVEN walk out of the Empire Coliseum WITH the gold; as we saw Verde sweep in and nab the gold in an underhanded manner?




In a TRUE battle of east and west coast, this
WAR Tag Team Tournament semi-final matchup
brings us a true culture clash. Pitting high-flying coastal zone action up against the gritty hardness of the Tri-State motto, the explosive
Coastal Zone Chaos
will do their best to overcome the great tradition of the
Tri-State Kings
. More or less, it all comes down to an age-old struggle that goes on far past these two WAR Tag teams; that being: What will win out – Athleticism or Veteran Knowledge? In the end, will it be the Tri-State Kings or Coastal Zone Chaos that move onto the FINALS of the WAR Tag Team Tournament?



It comes as NO SHOCK that
James Prudence
would be granted such a matchup given the recent formation of Reign (a faction that currently aligns him with the ONLY source of power in WAR). Claiming he would ‘force others to respect him by ending Gonzalez’ career’, the controversial “Platinum” wrestler has quickly cultivated an absolute obsession as it pertains to the “Lone Wolf”
Shawn Gonzalez
. Acting as a thorn in his side, Prudence has become a point of focus as many question whether he’ll be ABLE to ACTUALLY subdue the snarling “Wolf”. Either way though, whether he can or he can’t, this week’s episode of “Battleground” places the lingering question to the forefront. With Reign at his side, can James Prudence make good on his lofty threat? – OR – Will the rabid “Lone Wolf” sink his teeth into another hungry challenger looking to base a career off of his demise? In the end, it’s expected that only ONE MAN will walk out on their own two feet this week… as the match has been declared a
“Last Man Standing” match
by the WAR General himself.




WAR Battleground Quick Picks

American Elemental vs. Ares

Cali-Air vs. Demonic Intervention

G-Phunk © vs. Puerto Rican Power vs. Fumihiro Ota

Coastal Zone Chaos vs. The Tri-State Kings

James Prudence vs. Shawn Gonzalez


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Quick point just to make sure I haven't missed anything but isn't G-Phunk the Sin City Champion? :p


WAR Battleground Quick Picks

American Elemental vs. Ares

Cali-Air vs. Demonic Intervention

Genio Verde © vs. Puerto Rican Power vs. Fumihiro Ota

Coastal Zone Chaos vs. The Tri-State Kings

James Prudence vs. Shawn Gonzalez

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Quick point just to make sure I haven't missed anything but isn't G-Phunk the Sin City Champion? :p


You didn't miss anything...


I'm just missing my mind right now. ;)


Yes, G-Phunk is the Sin City Champion as of right now (defeating Puerto Rican Power last week as he was being tended to by medical professionals after a dual injury-outcome of his match with Fumihiro Ota). For some reason, probably because I think of them both as weasely heels, I got the two mixed up in my mind and ran with it.


So, yes, I've made the changes & thank you MichiganHero for catching that one!


(As it's obvious my thought process was a little off-kilter)

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American Elemental vs. Ares

-Ares > AmEl

Cali-Air vs. Demonic Intervention

-Cue Underdog Opening Song. Also, faces to take on the TSK

G-Phunk © vs. Puerto Rican Power vs. Fumihiro Ota

-Too soon for a title change in my opinion, but it could happen

Coastal Zone Chaos vs. The Tri-State Kings

-Way more likely in my book than Coastal Zone Chaos and I like them vs the underdog Cali-Air team for a feud

James Prudence vs. Shawn Gonzalez

-Platinum will REIGN over WAR

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