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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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B]Buddy Garner[/b] vs. Hopkirk

Somehow he's not as old, and more talented.


Ares vs. Christopher Lafleur vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon vs. Teddy Powell vs. Thrill Seeker

This still goes against my 'Ares is god' logic, but fluffy won last week


G-Phunk vs. Jayson Wright

He has a story behind him right now


Brutus O'Leary vs. Johnny Martin

He's your Cena... wait he has some talent... never mind


Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Prudence and ?????

The return of Nemesis to the ring. If you need proof ask the five ?.

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Recovering from the flu...

I just wanted to swing into GDS (for the first time really since Friday) in which to say that I'm sorry for no updates in the last week or so. I came down with the Flu starting last Thursday and, after laying on the couch since then, It's safe to say that I still feel like cr@p. That said, I haven't done anything but sleep in that time frame (even missing work which drives me crazy); so, TEW/WAR on the Vegas Strip... has obviously taken a backseat as of late.


While I'm still pretty floored, I do believe I should be able to start the write-up for the first episode of "Battleground" on POP! (#11 overall I believe) in the next coming days.


More or less, I just wanted to give those who read this dynasty the ability to know where I've been as of late (and why nothing has been updated in that time frame too).


Drink a lot of Vitamin-C right now as a preventative thing (or get your Flu shot). Take it from me, you DON'T want the flu.

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Buddy Garner vs. Hopkirk


Ares vs. Christopher Lafleur vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon vs. Teddy Powell vs. Thrill Seeker


G-Phunk vs. Jayson Wright


Brutus O'Leary vs. Johnny Martin


Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez vs. James Prudence and ?????


I've had flu too this week, but this has given me the chance to read some dynasties on here for the first time in a while - when I haven't been laid out :).

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The WAR General has been busy as of late. First, he brought Wrestling Action in Revolt to POP! with a lengthy deal that will further the company’s public image. Then, he developed one of THE most anticipated division’s in ALL of pro wrestling with the Blitzkrieg Division. Now, he’s gone as far as to, yet again, change the landscape of WAR for years to come with the advancement of our PPV deal with U-Demand.


In a move that he’s been documented in saying is
“All mine”
, the expansionist authority figure now has Wrestling Action in Revolt steamrolling into the direction of a monthly PPV event (unlike the weekly agreement once known before). In this case, the FIRST event under Nemesis’ control has been fittingly entitled:
“Rise or Fall…”


We attempted to reach out to the ACTUAL WAR Owner, J.K. Stallings Jr., for a comment on the matter; however, were quickly redirected to a family spokesperson due to his lingering injuries. Said spokesperson wished the company luck and said that Mr. Stallings was ‘excited to return when the doctors said it is okay.’


While little information has come out as to WHO or WHAT will take place on the PPV event, one thing proves to be true… The WAR General has plans for Wrestling Action in Revolt & shows no signs as to slowing down that control.










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J.K. Stallings Jr. brings about end of documentary!

... Seizes control of raw footage...

For months now, there has been an underground documentary forming about the life & return of J.K. Stallings Jr. to the pro wrestling industry. While rumors have circulated about it’s potential unraveling as of late, the final ‘nail in the coffin’ seems to have come at the hand of cash; and lots of it.


In a shocking turn of events, said documentary has suspended development after it’s muse called for such. At first, it appeared that the two sides would go to court over the already taped footage; however, days later, all of that came to an end as it was announced that Stallings and his documentarian had come to an agreement over it’s ending.


The amount for which the documentarian was given is still unknown; however, it’s expected to be A LOT as several friends of said documentarian claim he was still “focused on his story” as of a few days ago. Now, moving forward, questions about WHY J.K. Stallings Jr. would want to kill a documentary about himself are starting to rise.


A man known for being insanely extravagant, it comes as shock to MANY to know that he’s simply turning down more press.


None the less, the raw footage of Stalling resurgent climb will remain exactly that… raw. Also, most likely will reside in the hand of StallCorp indefinitely!





<hr color="black">
This should cause NO alarm to those who are still reading “WAR on the Vegas Strip…”.
I am not going anywhere, this dynasty isn’t going anywhere, and I’m still VERY happy with how it’s coming out. If anything, I started to feel as though the documentarian’s turn to tell the story was starting to wane. He had been removed from speaking to WAR employees and was all but shunned by Stallings all together. At this point, his perspective on WAR/Stallings return was starting to grow rather stale.


It’s ALWAYS been my goal to not have ONE perspective in this dynasty. In a sense, I knew at first that I would be changing my ‘voices’ throughout the project & this so happens to be one of those moments. Truthfully, even as a new ‘voice of the story’ comes in, it certainly won’t be the last. There are many more perspectives down the road that will come as I continue to evolve the experience of WAR/Stallings return.


I have a good idea of whose eyes we will witness the ‘return of Stallings’ through next. That said, I won’t actually be making that announcement until AFTER Episode #11 (first “Battleground” on POP!).


Speaking of that, Episode #11 will be up on Tuesday night; so, if you’re interested in reading it then certainly look for that!
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I got the sense that you weren't getting what you entirely what you wanted. From my point of view, the Documentarian would have made a great end-game character, but not one that dragged out over the long run.


Actually, when I first started the whole 'documentarian' concept, it was done with the knowledge that it would get to this point. I had a real clear-cut idea of how I wanted to frame Stallings and 'his perspective of the story' gave me that ability early on. In a sense, we were able to see humbled, determined, yet anxious, Stallings turn into a full-fledged 'iron curtained' business man toward the end of his perspective. Now, moving forward, we've got that image of Stallings already in our head (what he's become or maybe what he always was) while we lead into the next set of eyes.


I agree though, he could have certainly been a great 'end game' perspective. That said, I already know exactly who the 'end game' set of eyes will be & probably won't waver from that idea. So, in the end, the nameless documentarian was simply there to 'set the stage' for future developments through the eyes/mouths/hands of others.

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Backstage Brawl

Involved: James Prudence and Shawn Gonzalez

“The beginning of the end...”


{As “Battleground” opens LIVE on POP! there is no ceremonious highlight package; as one would expect with such a major development in the tenure of Wrestling Action in Revolt. Instead of glitz and glamour, instead of a produced vignette aimed at centering a tone through pre-taped images, we are instead force-fed the jarring image of WAR wrestlers James Prudence and Shawn Gonzalez brawling in a heated fashion backstage.]


[Captured in a guerilla-like fashion, as if this instance came about seconds before the show came to air, the two heated rivals lay into one another with no fear of injury.}


<Steve Smith>:
What a way to open “Battleground” on POP! ladies and gentlemen! These two men, Prudence and Gonzalez, can’t STAND one another and it’s all come to a head… right here… right NOW!


<Slick Rick>:
Prudence has vowed to be the one to END Shawn Gonzalez in the last few months! He believes that’s where he’ll get the respect due to him. Well, tonight, the “Fire-starter” is on the verge of setting a blaze!!


{With heavy fists-of-fury, occasionally grabbing an unorthodox weapon like a TV light-stand in the process, Prudence and Gonzalez appear as though they are literally unwilling to allow each other to BOTH exist on the broadcast tonight. In a sense, their every strike, their every irish whip into a nearby cement wall, their EVERY weaponry blow, tells the age-old tale of ‘this company only has enough room for one of us’; only through action instead of words.}


{In the end, as Prudence utilizes a dirty low-blow upon the “Lone Wolf”, one that adds further hurt due to the usage of lazily placed baseball bat, the often devious “Platinum” wrestler of Reign is ultimately shown standing over his fallen victim.}


{After a round of a few heavy-handed punches to his rivals head, strikes that feel cheap given the previous low-blow to start it all, James is then shown holding Gonzalez’ borderline lifeless head off the cement floor with his fight-weathered hand. Kneeling beside him, Prudence ultimately lays down a challenge toward that of his rival. All the while, said rival (Gonzalez) looks to be drifting in and out of consciousness.}


[James Prudence]:
You… ME… 3-weeks from now… “Rise…OR… FALL”…


{Breathing heavily due to the action before hand, Prudence takes a second to allow drama to sink in. Then, moves on forward with his encrypted message of a challenge set forth for “Rise or Fall”.}


[James Prudence]:
You cost me… the WAR Championship… 2-weeks ago in the cell. Now, it’s YOUR turn to SUFFER!


{With that, Prudence lands one last hard right-hand across the face of the reeling Gonzalez. Then, in doing so, the stoic “Lone Wolf” is ultimately seen in a ‘put to rest’ kind of fashion; most likely drifting back into unconsciousness. In turn, the man they call “Platinum”, others call the “Fire-Starter”, is shown slowly stomping his way from the scene; his message of a challenge set for “Rise or Fall” resonating in the background.}


Steve Smith:
With the announcement of “Rise or Fall…” coming in a few weeks time, it appears that James Prudence simply cannot wait to put his OWN stamp on the PPV event itself!

Slick Rick:
As he should!! This IS Prudence’s time to prove that he’s ‘on the rise’! Reign knows it, the General knows it, I know it, and you ALL should jump on board before you look like fools! I’ll slow it down for you folks with hearing problems… James… Prudence… IS… the… REAL… DEAL!!

Steve Smith:
Well, tonight, he’s proven that thus far; I have to give him credit. While it was a low blow strike that ultimately got him the upper hand in this brawl, it was exactly that… a brawl… not a match; everything is legal there. Now, we’ll have to see if Gonzalez accepts Prudence’s challenge for a one-on-one at WAR’s upcoming PPV event, “Rise or Fall…”!?!







Buddy Garner vs. Hopkirk


Singles Match

“He really IS... a Machine!”


The greasy-and-grimy Hopkirk smirks in a devilish fashion as he looks upon his injured opponent theoretically handcuffed in a medical sling. This image, one depicting the former MMA-standout in a truly weakened fashion, becomes that much more a vision of limitation as the weathered Hopkirk violently lays into the overwhelmed Garner. That said, it doesn’t take time for Buddy to redesign his approach within the unforgiving ring ropes. With time, utilizing drop-toe-holds, leg roll ups, and a number of heavy-thrusted kicks, the embattled Garner is eventually able to ACTUALLY restore a sense of power to his presence (despite the obvious injury). In the end though, as Hopkirk grows angered by beating one-up’ed by an injured foe, his anger eventually gets the best of him.


As Hopkirk charges in a rhino like fashion, heavy on his feet no doubt, the insane athleticism of Buddy Garner comes to a head in an act of true desperation. Leaping up, executing a standing Hurricanrana, Garner then holds said lock in tact with his legs vice-gripping the neck of Hopkirk. With time, Hopkirk tries to wrestle free; however, there’s no breaking the hold. Before you know it, Hopkirk has tapped; a shocking sight seeing how Buddy Garner didn’t even have two arms to compete with tonight!


Buddy Garner via submission

Ending Maneuver:
Standing Hurricanrana into a leg-vice-grip upon Hopkirk’s neck

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
I didn’t think that was possible! I mean, he was down one arm!! Hopkirk is NO slouch and YET… Buddy Garner was able to defeat the long-time rocker with a submission move sent straight from the GOD’s above! Smashingly great!! Wonderful!

Slick Rick:
Hopkirk screwed himself over on this one. If ONLY he would have sat back on his pressure, there’s NO WAY Garner could have beaten him if he would have centered primarily on the arm. Now, he looks like a dumba$$ for not doing so. It’s your own DAMN fault, Hopkirk.

Steve Smith:
I guess it just goes to show you that SOME are just destined for what they do. Buddy Garner, no matter what ring or octagon he steps into, ALWAYS has a good chance of walking away with the win! He truly IS… a Machine!




Dueling Promos

Involved: Troy Tornado © and ????

“Reality check!”


{Stepping out through the “Gates of WAR” with a look of devilish joy upon his face, the rebellious rocker and WAR Champion himself, Troy Tornado, appears to be overtly antagonistic with such a grin. Slowly shuffling his feet in a lazy fashion, c*cking his head back in the stereotypical “I’m too cool for anything” scenario, the leather-clad Tornado looks entirely the part; at least as it pertains to the gritty cool rock-star that he’s become in Wrestling Action in Revolt.}


{Taking his sweet time, as always, the WAR Champion eventually overtakes the ringside area as the screaming masses shower him with absolute euphoria. In a sense, he is THE guy in WAR and, from the response he typically gets, there is NO denying that.}


{All in all, as the gold-plated championship gleams in the bright lights above, resting lazily upon his shoulder, Tornado is ultimately heard projecting his voice before said masses; all the while still projecting the very same arrogant grin that he came to ‘the dance’ with.}


[Troy Tornado]:
For months now, Nemesis has done EVERYTHING in his power to put me through the ringer. It’s become his obsession to RIP this very championship from my grasp. That’s why, when he announced a deal with the POP! network, I KNEW hell was about to break loose. He didn’t WANT me to step into “Battleground” tonight with the belt… and yet…
{Devilish grin forms slowly}
… Here I am… Belt still in-tact… STILL on TOP…


{The crowd pops as Troy Tornado meets them with a lazy, yet arrogant, grin.}


[Troy Tornado]:
You see, Nemesis, I KNOW It pisses you off… I KNOW that it eats you deep down… BUT… the truth of the matter is… your days of ‘stopping me’ are LONG gone. You MAY want the belt on someone else but you see… FIRST… You’ve got to find someone who can ACTUALLY beat me!


{Tornado’s grin grows even larger as a slight chuckle is seen coming from under his breath. All in all, his tone, down to his very stance, tells of a man with extreme confidence.}


[Troy Tornado]:
If this were… I don’t know… f*ck… ten years ago, then I’m SURE you’d step into this very ring and attempt to take it away yourself. The thing is though, we aren’t in the 90’s anymore and… well… you can barely bend over without breaking in half.
{Slight chuckle}
Face it, Nemesis… There ‘aint a SINGLE person on this roster that can take the belt away from me. You MAY have had a chance LONG… LONG… ago… but now, you’re forced to watch from the sidelines…
Forced to watch on as challenger-by-challenger fall at my feet…
{Devilish laugh follows}
… You can keep pushing them down the pike but, the thing is, I’ll keep knockin’ them down!


{The crowd pops again, excited by Tornado’s statement of high-arrogance, as Tornado looks out upon them with true confidence radiating.}


[Troy Tornado]:
So here we are… “Battleground”… the GRAND POP! debut and the very thing you couldn’t stand, the very thought that p*ssed you off from the start, is STILL ringing true…
{Pauses; smirks}
No matter how hard you tried, how many men you pushed in my path, I’m STILL standing here… The Wrestling Action in Revolt Champion!!!


{Again, a gigantic pop follows, one suitable of a top draw, as Troy Tornado is shown soaking up every second of it. Lazily standing, his title gleaming upon his shoulder, there doesn’t appear to be ANYTHING troubling the WAR Champion…}


{Just then, before Tornado could continue forth with his promo, the lazed WAR Champion is suddenly interrupted by the classic theme of the Tri-State Kings. Within seconds of that, as Tornado dramatically rolls his head, and eyes, toward the “Gates of WAR” as an annoyed 14-year old would, the sight of the LEGENDARY Eric Tyler is witnessed by all.}



The “Traditionalist” crashes the party!


{Standing out upon the steel rampway, looking down upon the ringside area both physically and psychologically, the famed “Traditionalist” dramatically disapproves with the WAR Champion with a simple stare. None the less, as he slowly raises a black microphone up to his mouth, Tornado does his best to look as bored as possible from the very onset. In a way, he projects an air much like, once again, an annoyed 14-year old would as he’s staring down the barrel of any authority-based figure looking to ‘talk to him’.}


[Troy Tornado]:
What the HELL do you want?


{Tornado proclaims while rolling his eyes.}


[Eric Tyler]:
Your little ‘rebellious’ streak may work with Nemesis but NOT with me, boy…


{Eric Tyler stares an annoyed Troy Tornado down with a sense of true sternness.}


[Eric Tyler]:
He may see himself in you but I just see a punk who never really GREW up; who’s STUCK in his own little degenerate bull… Feeling though he’s on TOP of the world when really… He’s nothing but an immature a$$hole in need of a reality check!


{The sternness continues as Tyler pauses.}


[Eric Tyler]:
Well, let ME be the chosen one to force-feed you that very ‘reality check’…
{Pauses; stares Tornado down}
… You’re NOT as good as you think you are; not even CLOSE. You couldn’t last a SECOND in the ring with me… a TRUE wrestler. What you DO, if you can call it that, is put on a ‘show’…
… You’re EXACTLY what’s wrong with this industry.
… I don’t ‘put on shows’… I wrestle… and I’m DAMN good at it…


{Tornado lazily raises his right arm up in a ‘okay, I get it…’ kind of fashion; cutting Tyler off it seems.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Right… right… right… Let me stop you there, Tyler…
{Rolls his eyes again}
… That whole ‘in my day’ cr@p ‘aint going to fly with me… This ‘aint the 80’s anymore… you know that, right? You couldn’t keep UP with me if you tried. Hell, you’d probably croak from a damn heart-attack before you even got CLOSE to giving me a go.
Just like with Nemesis… Face it, Tyler… You don’t have ENOUGH left in that decrepit tank of yours to EVEN make it a challenge…


{The crowd pops as Eric Tyler’s face contorts into a heated snarl. Meanwhile, Tornado laughs in direct defiance of such a response.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Do yourself a favor… grab your walker… shuffle to the back… check your depends… and get BACK to your shuffle board.
{Smirks as he pauses}
They MAY call you a LEGEND but you you’re nowhere NEAR my league…


{Again, Tyler’s snarl grows that much larger; obviously angered by Tornado’s statement.}


[Eric Tyler]:
How dare you…


{Taken back by Tornado’s brashness, Tyler appears immensely flustered as all he can respond with is a ‘do you know who I am?’ kind of response.}


[Eric Tyler]:
I’m nowhere near YOUR league? YOUR… League? Who the HELL do you THINK you are… speaking to me like that?
{Pauses; stern look upon his face}
I was breaking backs FAR before you EVEN THOUGHT of becoming a professional wrestler! Now, you THINK that, just because you have the belt, that you’re BETTER than me?
{Shakes his head in anger as he paces}
I’d like to see you TRY to beat me…


{Focusing his anger, Tyler now turns his initial response into that of a challenge…}


[Eric Tyler]:
… Hell, if you’re so ‘OUT of my league’ then how about you put that to a test… You… Me… “Rise or Fall…”… We’ll see EXACTLY who the better man REALLY is!


{The crowd pops at such a thought, not necessarily for Tyler really, the sight of Tornado perking up slightly is seen.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Let me get this straight… You want ME… at “Rise or Fall…”?
{Shakes his head; laughs to himself}
Do you HAVE a death-wish?


{Tornado continues to laugh to himself. Meanwhile, Eric Tyler doesn’t appear to be amused in the slightest. In the end, before Tornado can even respond to the challenge, arrogantly standing in defiance of the wrestling LEGEND, the moment at hand is shockingly interrupted by the theme of the WAR General himself.}



The WAR General cometh!


{With a dominant militaristic theme blaring in the background, the WAR General is shown slowly shuffling through the “Gates of WAR” as his weathered frame STILL projects a sense of TRUE authority. None the less, as he shockingly stands aside Eric Tyler, his longtime rival, the suit-wearing General is shown protruding his chin outward in a stern fashion shortly before getting onto the mic.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
For once, I can ACTUALLY say that I agree with Eric Tyler…


{The WAR General projects such a statement with a gritty, husky, tone. Meanwhile, Nemesis is shown pausing for a second in which to let said statement permeate with the fans.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
You DO need a ‘reality check’ and Tyler is JUST the man to BEAT IT into you!


{The crowd boos in response to Nemesis’ anti-Tornado statement. Meanwhile, Tornado still stands in a lazy fashion as he arrogantly defies the famed LEGENDS before him.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
So, let’s make this official… In 3-weeks’ time… It will be YOU, Tornado, defending the WAR Championship against this man, Eric Tyler, at “Rise… Or… Fall…”.


{The crowd pops at the sound of such a match; despite not caring for the messenger.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
… When it’s all said and done, and the smoke has cleared, I have NO DOUBT that THIS man
{Points to Tyler}
will have NO problem putting YOU in your place; and in doing so… I’ll FINALLY have what I’ve wanted most…
{A snarl forms as Nemesis pauses for a second}
… A WAR Champion who can ACTUALLY be respected!


{Tornado scoffs; arrogantly laughing in defiance.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Respect this…


{With that, Tornado raises a middle-finger squarely in the direction of both Tyler and Nemesis. As expected, this gesture is not taken well by the wrestling LEGENDS; the truth of this is made obvious by the collective snarl upon their faces.}


[Eric Tyler]:
… You just made the BIGGEST mistake of your life, boy…
{Pauses; shakes his head in anger}
First thing I’m going to do is break that god-damn finger of yours… do you hear me?


[Troy Tornado]:
Yea… yea…
{Rolls his eyes again}
whatever. Soak up what you CAN Grandpa because in 3-weeks… This is ALL going to be traded in for a permanent hospital bed!


{With that, Tornado’s roaring rock theme blares once again. Upon the start of it, the combat-boot wearing rocker is ultimately shown, once again, raising his middle-finger in a lazy fashion toward the LEGENDs atop the ramp. Meanwhile, in connection, both Tyler and Nemesis are shown locked in a state of absolute fury. That said, before any sort of action could take place, the WAR General is shown speaking to his longtime rival off-microphone; most likely calming the situation in which to focus the action for “Rise or Fall…”.}


Steve Smith:
WHAT a HUGE development!! In 3-weeks’ time, when WAR returns to PPV, it’ll be Troy Tornado defending the WAR Championship against the living LEGEND in Eric Tyler!! Good GOD, what a main event for “Rise or Fall…”!

Slick Rick:
FINALLY, Troy Tornado’s days as WAR Champion are counting down to an end…

Steve Smith:
How can you be so confident of that?

Slick Rick:
It’s Tyler; that’s why. He’s a LIVING LEGEND for a f*cking reason!

Steve Smith:
… but he HAS been on somewhat of a losing streak as of late. It’s not like he’s coming into this match at a high point!

Slick Rick:
Means NOTHING, Steve-o. With someone like Tyler, a momentary slide is just that… momentary. He’s the kind of wrestler who ALWAYS finds his way BACK to the top. I promise you, in 3 weeks, we’ll be crowning a NEW champion… and that CHAMPION… will be the “Traditionalist”… Eric… Tyler!! Oh, I can’t wait!!

Steve Smith:
I can’t disagree that it SHOULD be one HELL of a match; one for the ages really!







Ares vs. Christopher Lafleur vs. Donnie J vs. Fox Mask vs. Fumihiro Ota vs. Masked Cougar vs. Matt Sparrow vs. Snap Dragon vs. Teddy Powell vs. Thrill Seeker


10-Man Battle Royal

Final Four compete in a ladder match

WAR Blitzkrieg Championship Match

“Crowning...the GOD!”


The sheer sight of 10-men all standing within the ring is a sight to be seen. Then, when you add the immense hunger radiating deep within each one of these men, all wanting to be the historic FIRST figure amongst a newfound Blitzkrieg division, there certainly stands that much more grandeur. None the less, as they all recklessly slam into one another, utilizing every inch of space around the ringside area for their wicked aerial games, the phenomenon of desperation is almost palpable. With every raging strike, every rebellious dive, every reckless chain of events, an overarching sense of rock-n-roll wrestling takes full affect.


As time goes on, a number of rebellious fliers begin to fall by the wayside as eliminations begin to take place. Here are they as follows:


Matt Sparrow was eliminated by Ares via pinfall @ 4:32

Thrill Seeker was eliminated by Fumihiro Ota via pinfall @ 5:27

Christopher Lafluer was eliminated by Fox Mask via pinfall @ 6:15

Fumihiro Ota was eliminated by Teddy Powell via pinfall @ 6:20

Teddy Powell was eliminated by Masked Cougar via via pinfall @ 6:45

Snap Dragon was eliminated by Donnie J via pinfall @ 7:22


At the 7:30 mark, there were only four men left standing. These men are as follows: Ares, Donnie J, Fox Mask, and Masked Cougar.


All four of them are feverishly focused; however, already showing signs of going through an all-out war at this given point. None the less, as is the nature of the incessant craziness of the Blitzkrieg Division, there is little time for rest. Seconds after Snap Dragon is eliminated, all four men remaining are seen clashing with one another in the center of the ring; a crazed moment that signifies the beginning of the end.


Speeding toward one another, the next casualty comes at the hand of the punk-rock “GOD of WAR” himself. Catching Donnie J off-guard as he descends from on high, attempting what appears to be a twisting top-rope closeline, Ares is able to manipulate his opponents weight in which to execute a modified bulldog; utilizing Donnie’s momentum as the point of major impact. None the less, bouncing his head off the canvas doesn’t bode well as Donnie J is pinned seconds later by the rebellious rocker.


Donnie J was eliminated by Ares via pinfall @ 8:03


The final two competitors eventually lose their ‘third-wheel’ moments later as Masked Cougar is ultimately defeated at the hand of a fellow babyface in Fox Mask. After Ares’ modified bulldog, the “GOD of WAR” is shown ultimately being thrown from the ring by a speeding dropkick from the ferocious Fox Mask. Seconds later, as Foxy and Cougar appear to create a joint endeavor, symbolizing a duo crash over the top rope onto Ares, Fox Mask is shockingly shown underhanding his temporary partner with a standing side-kick to the face as Cougar began to run. The jolt is so heavy that Masked Cougar never really regains his composure again. Instead, Fox Mask utilizes the moment to drop his fellow masked flier with a signature “Fox Flip Off DDT” (Flipping DDT). As expected, especially due to such a unique impact, Masked Cougar is simply unable to contest the pinfall.


Masked Cougar was eliminated by Fox Mask via pinfall @ 8:34


… and we were down to two: Fox Mask and Ares.


No longer in need of pinning one another, the ultimate x-factor itself, a heavy-duty ladder, is ultimately introduced. In the end, as they both battle with one another at reckless speeds, sniffing championship gold on the horizon, the end of the match would come as both stood atop the very same ladder.


Throwing punches back and forth, slamming the other’s head upon the top ladder rung, and even spitting on Ares’ part to gain an upper-hand, Fox Mask and Ares brawl with hopes of being the last man standing. After a hellacious back-and-forth, one that teases that EITHER man could fall, the ultimate outcome comes with Ares slamming Fox Mask’s head upon the top ladder rung once again. Woozy, still swinging like a madman though, Fox Mask attempts to regain his composure; however, it’s far too late. By this point, Ares has latched onto the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship and has even removed himself from the ladder by dangling on high. Seconds later, swinging his legs around, Ares is able to not ONLY remove the belt; however, also bring Fox Mask down to the canvas with a death-defying Hurricanrana (as Fox Mask stands upon the ladder and Ares dangles from the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship on high).


While both land viciously upon the canvas, champion as well, Ares’ fall ultimately doesn’t hurt AS bad… as he has the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship in his grasp upon his fall.


Ares via retrieving the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship

Ending Maneuver:
A Hurricanrana from Ares as he breaks the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship free & pulls Fox Mask off of the ladder in the process. Both crash violently to the canvas upon their descent.

Ending Time:

Ares is the FIRST-EVER WAR Blitzkrieg Champion!!


Steve Smith:
I don’t think I’ve EVER seen something like that before… that Hurricanrana… It was like a tornado or something. I can’t believe Ares would ACTUALLY do something like that. He could have gotten himself KILLED in the process!

Slick Rick:
That’s the beauty of the Blitzkrieg Division… At any time, at any point, someone could do some major damage to themselves and others. This ISN’T a division for the weak.

Steve Smith:
They really ARE suicidal, aren’t they?

Slick Rick:
It’s what they stand for! Hell, Ares is one fine f*cking champion to put that vision into place too. He personifies death-defying… suicidal… rebellious… action!

Steve Smith:
After seeing what I just saw, I can’t disagree with you there!




Hype Skit

Involved: Puerto Rican Power

“Headed to Appalachia!”


{The off-site scene opens with the image of a grungy gas station; located in the middle of nowhere no doubt. With dirt plastered upon it’s floor, food that could be a good month past it’s edible date, and a weasely old man seated behind a weathered checkout desk, this space looks much like a rundown establishment that is most certainly 10-years past it’s prime. None the less, as a number of nameless truckers come in and out in a smattering, all dirtied from the road, the image of an equally gruff individual is shown forcibly stomping through the doorframe.}


{Slowly, he shuffles toward the weathered checkout desk with a hunched demeanor to his massive frame. Dressed in a pair of faded blue jeans, large dirtied construction-like boots, and a tan blue-collar work coat that’s seen better days, stained with gasoline and dirt, the towering figure ultimately comes to a halt before the counter.}


{With a brutish slam, said figure ultimately slams down a wad of cash upon the counter; most likely to pay for the gas he’s used outside. None the less, as the weasely old man counts the crushed wad, he slowly looks up upon the figure before him with an analyzing gaze.}


[Old-Man Clerk]:
Whatever you’re bound to do… it aint worth it.


{There’s no response from the towering behemoth before him. That said, slowly, he starts to peel away from the counter as if he’s already heard enough. In doing so, as he starts to shuffle away, it becomes apparent that the brutish behemoth is none other than Puerto Rican Power!}


[Old-Man Clerk]:
I know that look… that look aint going to get you anywhere but prison, boy.


{Puerto Rican Power continues to shuffle his way toward the doorway of the rundown gas station; however, before he can, the old-man behind the desk shoots one last question in his direction.}


[Old-Man Clerk]:
At least tell me where ya headin’… that ways I know to play dumb when the pigs come through.


{Slowly, Puerto Rican Power is shown turning his five-o-clock-shadowed face toward the old-man with a look that could only be described as: Intense. Following a brief staredown, Power is finally heard responding in his typical gruff manner; all the while he pushes his frame against the door in which to leave.}


[Puerto Rican Power]:
… Appalachia…


{With that, the brutish Power is shown shoving the door before him; stepping through the doorframe with reckless intent in mind. All in all, as he disappears into the blazing sun of the desert before him, climbing into a hazed beater truck, the knowledge that he’s going to Appalachia tells that he’s on the path BACK to the WAR Sin City Championship. Why? That’s where the belt lies right now… within the hands of the “Appalachian Grizzly” himself, Cletus!}


Steve Smith:
It looks like Puerto Rican Power is up to no good…

Slick Rick:
… It looks like he’s the idiot who is going to head back up to Appalachia to try to get the Sin City Championship back! Stupid move, Power… He already f*cked you up before… He’ll do it again!

Steve Smith:
I don’t know, Slick. That version of Power is someone I haven’t seen before. Sure, he’s always been a roughneck but… you can see the pain on his face. He wants revenge… and I would HATE to be the one dares to stop him!







Hype Video

Involved: ????

“HE... is... coming...”


{Interjected within the broadcast with a ‘screen snow’ sense of production, we eventually transition past the ‘error screen’ in which to witness a midnight black background. Slowly, as the tone of an off-tune church organ grows louder, playing a melodic hymn in the background, the image of a man begins to take shape.}


{This man, standing before an alter, his back to the pews, looks upon a homemade religious artifact before him. This artifact, being a prominent cross built from two weathered 2 x 4’s, dominates the scene as even the unknown figure seems to be unwilling to break his focus from it. With time, as the organ grows louder and louder, the camera lens is shown walking slowly down the aisle; hoping to eventually get a glimpse of the man standing before us.}


{In the end; however, no such sight would be given.}


{Instead, as the lens grows extremely close, only a few feet behind the bald African-American man standing before us, dressed in what appears to be a tattered preacher’s robe, the scene goes abruptly to black!}


{As the freakish organ playing comes to a slow dwindling halt, a voice is heard peering over said off-tune playing.}


The time is now…


{With that, the scene closes with an unsettling notion that SOMETHING is on the horizon in WAR. What? We’re not entirely sure as of yet. That said, as we stare upon a midnight black background, thinking over the message sent by the unknown man at the altar, there’s an expected truth that ‘the time’ has to do with a religious-inspired coup of sorts.}


Steve Smith:
The time is now? What does that mean? Who is that at the altar? What are we in sore for?

Slick Rick:
… You sure you don’t have another stupid question in that head of yours?

Steve Smith:
Stupid? We’ve seen these messages for weeks now! SOMETHING is coming… My guess is, whatever or whoever it is, we won’t like it very much.

Slick Rick:
The difference between you and me though is… I don’t really give a sh*t. We’ll find out when we do.

Steve Smith:
That’s because you’re drunk all the time…

Slick Rick:
It’s the ONLY way to be…




G-Phunk vs. Jayson "Mr." Wright


Singles Match

“Sisterly interference!”


It comes as no shock that G-Phunk has his eyes set on the WAR Pin-up beauty, Dharma, as she stands at ringside in support of her big brother, Jayson Wright. That said, as he’s heard continually chattering at Dharma, toying with her as he beats down upon the “Mr.” Wright, there appears to be a level of frustration growing upon the face of the Pin-up girl. None the less, as you may expect, as the youngster Wright begins to regain control of the match, utilizing his youthful spirit to his advantage, Dharma is ultimately shown clapping with joy. In turn though, as G-Phunk is able to force his way back to the forefront, utilizing a number of cheap, underhanded, tactics to get to that point, a complete opposite reaction is found from the frustrated sister. In the end, after Dharma is further frustrated at the constant chatter from Phunk, it’s the Pin-up girl who ultimately sways the final outcome…


Catching G-Phunk with a sunset-flip, “Mr.” Wright does everything in his power to try to roll his opponent up. That said, Phunk, in opposition, does all he can to stay upright by grabbing onto a nearby rope with all of his small-statured might. As the referee goes to check on the situation, Dharma is shown eventually reaching out and slapping G-Phunk square across the jaw; a fact that forces him to let go of the ropes in shock more so than anything.





From there, it all sets into motion as “Mr.” Wright is ultimately able to roll-up the dazed former Sin City Champion for a standard three count. Meanwhile, Dharma is shown outside of the ring, straightening her scantily-clad outfit, nodding her head shortly, in a way of non-verbally saying: “You got what was coming to you!”


Jayson Wright via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Sunset-flip roll-up w/ a slap from Dharma upon G-Phunk’s jaw

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Ever heard of… “You don’t put baby in a corner?”… Well, tonight, Dharma took it upon herself to SHOW G-Phunk that you NEVER put a WAR Pin-up Girl anywhere NEAR the same thing. After a match long sense of harassment, Dharma did the ONE thing no one thought possible… She shut-up G-Phunk…

Slick Rick:
She better watch herself, Steve-o. This whole doe-eye, save me, schtick is one thing… But the second you put your hands on a WAR wrestler… You’re asking for a beatin’. Her big bro won’t be able to save her much longer if she keeps on pulling crap like that!

Steve Smith:
Well, it is easy to see that you may be onto something here… It seems that big brother is unhappy with what just happened…

{Jayson Wright is shown storming away from the ringside area; unhappy about something. In turn, Dharma is shown pleading with him, walking only a few steps behind; however, “Mr.” Wright doesn’t seem to be all that open to forgiveness right now.}

Slick Rick:
She’s walking a very dangerous line…

Steve Smith:
She proved tonight though that she can take care of herself it seems…

Slick Rick:
Yea, that is while Big Bro is around. If she gets him hurt, and he’s in a hospital bed somewhere after trying to protect her, there’s a good chance that she won’t be so fortunate. Try that bull-sh*t on someone like Johnny Martin. Go ahead, try it. I promise you, Dharma, that you’ll be singing a DIFFERENT tune then!




Hype Video

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr. and WAR General Nemesis

“Where we've been and where we're going...”


{Transitioning from the ringside area, we are now presented a produced hype video centered around the health of one, J.K. Stallings Jr.}


{Initially, Stallings is projected as a strong, confident, highly-powerful, individual standing before a podium during the development of his newfound wrestling promotion, WAR. He looks absolutely the part, someone out of wall-street even; however, with time, that image is painfully destroyed by the shocking sight of him lying face down upon the cement in a pool of his own blood. From the highest of highs down to the lowest of lows, Mr. Stallings is quickly depicted as a man who was ultimately a victim of his own success.}


{After witnessing a black and white, up-close, shot of the fallen WAR owner, we once again transition to that of a brightly-lit office. Within said office sits an unknown doctor; however, within seconds, it becomes known that this medical figure is none other than the personal doctor to Mr. Stallings.}


[Mr. Stallings’ Personal Doctor]:
When Mr. Stallings entered our hospital…
{The doc stops to reflect; certainly saddened due to the truth of his condition at that point}
… There was much that needed to be done. He suffered a very serious head injury, the kind that typically only comes from head-on car collisions, and it was my job to ensure his recovery. Thankfully, almost a month out now, he’s shown signs of said recovery; however, there is STILL a long way for him to go at this point. His memory retention is all but shot at this point… It wouldn’t shock me if amnesia were to continue to follow for quite some time…


{Sighing to himself, the doctor appears to be STILL saddened over the current condition of his patient. None the less, as he looks up upon the lens, there’s a sense that things could go either way as it pertains to his overall, long-term, condition.}


[Mr. Stallings’ Personal Doctor]:
I would LOVE to tell you all that he’ll make a speedy recovery; however,…
{Pauses; deep in thought to himself}
… Doing so would simply be unprofessional on my part. That said, I am glad to announce that he will be discharged back to his home later this week. From there, Mr. Stallings will return to the hospital on a weekly basis for further treatments. If, at that point, he feels ready to return, it will ultimately be up to HIM to decide. Truthfully though, given the nature of his industry, it’s certainly a scary thought to, in a sense, release him BACK to the wolves…


{The doc takes another brief second to overthink his wording. From there, he moves on once again in which to bring about an end to his segment of the video.}


[Mr. Stallings’ Personal Doctor]:
It pains me to see him in this condition… but… If I know Mr. Stallings as well as I do,… Regardless of WHAT I tell him… He’ll ALWAYS end up doing what it is that HE wants to do. It’s in his very nature to succeed… and… I don’t expect anything less from him. All we can do is HOPE that he finds his health before he attempts to jump back into your world…


{Slowly fading onto the next scenario, leaving a grief-stricken doctor in the background, the image of the WAR General is now projected.}


{Seated behind a large executive desk, one that houses everything from an American Flag all the way down to a number of framed photos depicting his legendary career, the WAR General stares upon the tightly-focused camera lens with a look of sheer authority. There’s no smile, no warming features, but in it’s place is a protruded chin and a true sense of legendary sternness.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
It pains me to know that Mr. Stallings’ assault came on MY watch. To say the least, I find professional pride in ensuring the safety of our personal. Sure, things become quite murky between the ropes, I mean… We ARE in an industry built around violence, but those outside of those ropes, ‘the suits’ if you will, their safety is just as much my responsibility as well.


{Snarling toward the camera, obviously p*ssed about the scenario at hand, the WAR General does his very best to ‘rah-rah’ his position before the fans.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I am personally working with WAR security, as well as the Empire’s security staff, to ultimately find the culprit for this heinous act. With no cameras in the area for which he was attacked, there’s a giant void in the investigation… but… I promise to YOU, and to Mr. Stallings most importantly, that I WILL find his attacker before it’s all said and done. And when I do… You best expect that all HELL… will… break… loose!


{With that, in an eerie fashion really, a slight devilish smirk forms upon the WAR General’s face. After addressing the camera in his typical chin-protruding manner, said smirk paints an ultimately devious picture about the supposed ‘hunt’ for Stallings’ attacker. In a way, knowing that many feel it was the General himself who attacked Stallings, it only adds further mystery as said smirk grandly ‘stirs the pot’.}


Steve Smith:
Is it JUST me or did the WAR General’s response to the investigation of Mr. Stallings’ attack seem a little… well… off?

Slick Rick:
He’s got A LOT on his plate, Steve-o! The man works long hours, putting his head against the grind, making sure that WAR functions at it’s BEST while Mr. Stallings is gone, and YET… He’s still manning up the investigation. If anything, it may have just been his tiredness starting to show through. I mean, he IS 50+ at this point in his life. He’s no youngster anymore…

Steve Smith:
I don’t know… something just seems… fishy…

Slick Rick:
What? Is your mom around visiting again?

Steve Smith:
I didn’t say SMELLS fish… wait… shutup!




Brutus O'Leary vs. Johnny Martin
w/ Tri-State Kings (Alex Braun and Steve Flash)


Singles Match

“A win is a win!”


There’s a ‘big fight’ mentality circulating around the ringside area as Brutus O’Leary and Johnny Martin take the ring. Sadly, as time continues forth within the match, that very sense of grandeur starts to crumble away. Ultimately, the culprit of such a scenario is the very underhanded nature of the self-proclaimed “Cornerstone”, Johnny Martin.


Their in-ring exchange is quite indicative of what you would expect: harsh, brutish, stiff, and overtly disrespectful to one another. That said, it’s the overarching deviousness of the Tri-State Kings that eventually makes the BIGGEST difference.


Even WITH the famed “Hands of Stone” reeling, making a great case for himself as the FUTURE of WAR with his dreaded strikes, the “Cornerstone” eventually utilizes his devilish knowledge of the in-ring process in which to sway the momentum. Pulling the referee in front of him as O’Leary winds up, the haymaker throwing Brutus accidently, at least from his part, strikes said referee square across the jaw with a “Hyde Park Haymaker”; a scenario entirely orchestrated by the cheating hands of Johnny Martin.


Steve Smith:
COME ON!!! Martin JUST blatantly pulled Jez in the way of O’Leary’s “Hyde Park Haymaker”!! He SHOULD be disqualified for that!!


Slick Rick:
Oh get over yourself, Steve-o! This self-righteous schtick is getting old! Jez KNOWS of the dangers in the ring. Hell… He’s STANDING in the middle of the action; so, if he gets roughed up here and there it’s to be EXPECTED!! If anything, you should be praising Martin for his quick thinking…


Steve Smith:
Praising Martin for cheating?


Slick Rick:
That’s right!!


Steve Smith:
Never!! Oh no… Here comes Braun and Flash… This isn’t fair, GOD-Damnit!!!



Joining the action; creating a 3-on-1!


With no referee present, Tri-State King members Alex Braun and Steve Flash are shown overtaking the ringside area in which to administer an ugly 3-on-1 beatdown of the struggling “Hands of Stone”. O’Leary does all he can to fend off his attackers, doing quite well actually despite the numbers game; however, with time, the underhanded tactics of the Kings ultimately slow down the wildly swinging Brutus. From there, there’s nothing that he could really do… Martin, Braun, and Flash viciously have their way with the up-and-coming youngster.


In the end, after beating O’Leary down to a pulp, Martin is eventually shown lifting his semi-lifeless body off the canvas. Seconds later, a “Twist on the Rocks” (Twisting Spike DDT) is all that’s left as the “Cornerstone” forces O’Leary’s head square into the unforgiving canvas below.


Before you know it, with Flash and Braun doing their best to awake the sleeping referee, making sure to duck outside of the ring after slapping the in-ring official across the face in which to ‘wake him up’, a dramatic three count follows as Martin is shown lazily lying atop the fallen O’Leary; sporting an arrogant grin upon his face as if he had just pulled the ultimate undoing.


Johnny Martin via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Twist on the Rocks” (Twisting Spike DDT) after an unseen run-in from Tri-State King members Alex Braun and Steve Flash

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
Well ‘congrats’ Martin… You cheated your way to another victory. You carry yourself like a LEGEND… but your actions tell of a coward!

Slick Rick:
Oh pipe-down, Steve-o! The Tri-State Kings are the GOLD standard of professional wrestling. The good, the bad, the ugly… It doesn’t really matter as it’s ALL part of our sport. Whether it’s Martin, Braun, Flash, or Tyler, they ALL know EXACTLY how to get the job done; it’s as SIMPLE as that!

Steve Smith:
It’s absolute poppy-c*ck if you ask me!!

Slick Rick:
Saucy words from a tie-wearing fool…
{Raspy laughter follows}




Backstage Plotting

Involved: WAR General Nemesis and Eric Tyler

“Who'da thunk?”


{We now transition backstage in which to digest the shocking image of two long-time rivals standing as one. While they don’t appear all that comfortable, at least by a friend’s measure, the combination of the WAR General Nemesis and the famed “Traditionalist” Eric Tyler carries a sense of absolute grandeur to it’s development. Two men, known for their bitter hatred of one another for almost 15-years now, now finds themselves on the very same side of a polarizing situation at hand. None the less, as they stand across from one another, eye-to-eye, nose-to-nose, there’s an air that somehow, someway, they’ve buried the hatchet; even if it is JUST for the time being.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
After all the years… all the bloodshed… all the injuries…
{Pauses; a sadistic smirk grows upon his face slowly}
… I never thought I’d be standing aside the very man I tried to destroy for 15-years…


{A shared devilish grin is seen on both of their faces as they stare one another in the eye in a cordial standoff of sorts.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
… But if there’s one man that I know can ‘get the job done’… It’s YOU, Eric.
I gave you EVERYTHING I had for over a decade and yet… here you stand. You’re EXACTLY the kind of champion this company NEEDS…
… Exactly the kind of wrestler who can BEAT… Troy Tornado.


{Slowly nodding his head in approval, the aged ICON of traditional-fame looks back upon the WAR General with high confidence upon his face.}


[Eric Tyler]:
That’s right, Nemesis… after ALL we’ve been through… Here I am… still standing.
{Nods with a hardened grin upon his face}
Now, some 30-years after I started in this industry, I’m going to do embark upon ANOTHER first in my career… and that’s gain WAR Championship Gold! Allies or not… I WILL become champion… and there’s NOTHING that Tornado can do about it!


{Again, a shared smirk runs between the two of them. However, with that in mind, their alliance feels extremely tentative given their immensely violent history.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
That’s what I like to hear, Eric. You see, while I spent my career attempting to CRUSH tradition… I NOW understand the greatness of it’s impression. Long after I’ve become worm meat, it’ll be tradition that speaks of my name. In the end, with my legacy tied entirely with this company, I MUST see the gold around someone else’s waist. Tornado is a fool, a nobody, a damn cockroach in need of being squashed. You, Eric,… you will be the exterminator that FINALLY rids MY company of that cockroach… In turn, cementing my legacy for good.


{Nemesis pauses for a second as he looks deep into Eric’s eyes with an arrogant snarl upon his face.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
… You may not CARE about my legacy, Eric, but it’s IMPOSSIBLE to separate one of us from the other. So, if you want history to treat you just as kind, we’ll need BOTH of us at the top of our game. Do you understand? They’ll speak of our rivalry, our time in this ring, as the true ‘Golden Age’ this industry has EVER seen. Now, all you have to do is… beat Tornado…
… cement your OWN legacy so that you may strengthen mine…


{An arrogant chuckle between the two is exchanged as Eric seems somewhat annoyed with what’s been said; however, still going along with it.}


[Eric Tyler]:
… You’re right, I DON’T really care about YOUR legacy…
That said, I DO care about mine…
{Pauses; smirks in a hardened fashion}
… and in a few weeks, I WILL cement what it is you’re looking for but NOT for you… for myself… as I WILL become the next Wrestling Action in Revolt Champion!!


{Eric Tyler does the universal ‘belt’ motion around his waist as a hardened grin still forms upon his face. Meanwhile, as he slowly backpeddles away, not out of fear but sheer arrogance, the spirited stare-down between the two long-time rivals continues to rage on.}


[WAR General Nemesis]:
I don’t care WHO you do it for… just do it…


{With that, the segment comes to a close as the WAR General watches on as Eric Tyler slowly exits through the doorframe of his self-promoting office. All in all, even though they seem part of a united front, there’s certainly many blemishes ALREADY in their tentative combination.}


Steve Smith:
Something seems rather unholy as it pertains to THESE two standing as allies.

Slick Rick:
Unholy? Maybe. However, it’s MORE insane to see TWO LEGENDS stand as one over ANYTHING!! Then again, ripping the belt off of Tornado seems like a GOOD reason for anything…

Steve Smith:
I love seeing Troy Tornado carry the WAR Championship with pride but… even I have to say that he’s fighting a terrible uphill battle now! Tyler and Nemesis… working as one? Good GOD… That just seems wrong on every front!!




Eric Tyler and James Prudence vs. Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez


Tag Team Match

“Round #1”


While there isn’t much SHOCK value in the fact that Tyler has joined Prudence’s side in the main event, the sheer sight of this in-ring LEGEND adds a sense of extra grandeur to the match at hand. In connection, despite making him seem slightly less ‘big time’ in comparison, Prudence ultimately sports a gigantic grin upon his face as he believes, in this moment, teaming with someone of Tyler’s stature, speaks of his current status as the “IT” guy. All in all, while this all in mind, the physical interaction between the two teams is certainly painted as a tentative one. It could be because of the general newness of both teams to one another, not really trusting the other due to their intertwined past; however, whatever it is, neither team looks to really ‘blow the other out of the water’, at least not right away, as both look to gain the ultimate outcome: Victory.


Throughout the action, everyone remains looking pretty strong. The mysteriously stoic “Lone Wolf” puts forth his typical onslaught of grandeur, a fact that riles the fans up dramatically in his favor; however, as we’ve seen as of late, the tricky nature of Prudence ultimately brings him ‘back down to earth’ at given moments. That said, given their fight from earlier, one that he lost due to underhanded tactics, Gonzalez certainly appears hell-bent on revenge as it pertains to the “Platinum” wrestler; throwing him around like a rag-doll in which to prove a point.


Meanwhile, the newfound rivalry between Tornado and Tyler appears to be generating further steam as both men do their best to feel the other out. Well, that’s more so Tyler’s approach to things; breaking down Tornado from head-to-toe with several technically-sound maneuvers bent upon slowing his energetic pace. In contrast, Tornado continues forth in his typical rock-star persona; reckless, wild, and borderline to his own destruction as he does everything in his power to overrun anything, and everyone, before him. As expected, such an approach is truly awe-inspiring to watch; however, eventually finds a stiff wall for collision as Eric Tyler utilizes his masterful knowledge to eventually ‘break-down’ the speeding train before him.


In the end, as the match starts to unravel toward it’s end, the action spilling out around the ringside are in the process, there develops this air of true chaos.


With brawling seen all around the ringside area, it’s what ultimately happens within the center of the ring that brings about an end…


As James Prudence (the legal man at the time) attempts to run from an angered “Lone Wolf” (the other legal man currently), ducking back into the ring in which to get away following a cheap attempt at a low-blow, Prudence is ultimately floored to the canvas with a Superkick that he wasn’t expecting; employed by the WAR Champion, Troy Tornado. Now, with a grin upon his face, Tornado is shown lifting Prudence off the canvas and ultimately ‘feeding him’ to the wolf himself; tossing him over to the angered hands of Gonzalez. Seconds later, Gonzalez is shown violently planting his recent rival square into the canvas with a new maneuver entitled “The Slow Drain” (Hard Brainbuster Suplex)!


Steve Smith:
Eat canvas, Prudence!!


Slick Rick:
So harsh for such a little prick!


Steve Smith:
I don’t even care, Slick! I can’t stand that punk!


With that, the end comes about with the “Lone Wolf” lying atop his fallen rival, James Prudence; a fact that you KNOW Gonzalez loves given their brawl from earlier (won dubiously by Prudence). Sadly, Eric Tyler is unable to help him during this victorious three count as he’s nursing a minor knee injury outside of the ring; a fact put forth by a spear-like maneuver utilized by Tornado outside of the ring as they brawled viciously!


Shawn Gonzalez and Troy Tornado via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“The Slow Drain” (Hard Brainbuster Suplex) from Shawn Gonzalez upon James Prudence

Ending Time:


Steve Smith:
They came, they saw, they conquered!! Even though the pairing of Tornado and Gonzalez ALWAYS felt a little uneasy, tonight they’ve done exactly what needs to be done to win!

Slick Rick:
Blah… blah… blah… They win tonight. Whoop-di-f*cking-do… Prudence and Tyler STILL are the better men. They’ll show that soon enough at “Rise or Fall…”

Steve Smith:
That remains to be seen, Slick. “Rise or Fall…” is certainly shaping up to be one hell of a PPV though! I can’t wait to see these two sets of rivals clash on the grand scale once again!

Slick Rick:
I’m calling it now… Prudence standing above Gonzalez… YET AGAIN… and Eric Tyler as the NEW WAR Champion!! I can’t wait!!

Steve Smith:
That’s a scary, scary, thought…




Sneak Attack

Involved: WAR General Nemesis, James Prudence, Troy Tornado ©, and Eric Tyler

“Opportunity rises!”


{The disdain upon the WAR General’s face is impossible not to recognize. Standing atop the steel rampway leading to the ringside area, Nemesis stands in an air of extreme anger; his protruding chin and vicious snarl telling of that truth. Meanwhile, in direct connection, fellow Reign member, and touted upcoming singles star, James Prudence appears to be overtly frustrated with what had just taken place. Pulling himself out of the ring via under the bottom rope, the annoyed man of “Platinum” is shown running his hands through his shaggy blonde hair in an attempt to check for blood as he walks.}


{Coming upon the General, Prudence attempts to speak; however, is quickly shoved past the raging authority with a simple push to the back of his head; much like you would see an angered father do to a young child. Staggering through the “Gates of WAR”, not looking back as his head hangs low, Prudence exits the stage as the WAR General continues to look upon the ringside area with intensity unseen.}


{Adding further depth to his intensity is none other than the WAR Champion himself, Troy Tornado, locking eyes with his ferocious rival from afar.}


{Slowly raising the WAR Championship high into the air, positioning the gleaming plate to practically stare down Nemesis in the process, Tornado is shown projecting back toward the WAR General with a true ‘sh*t-eating-grin’. Smirking, even laughing to himself, Tornado does his VERY best to rub the current situation straight into Nemesis’ face. More or less, despite his WANT for an undoing, Tornado KNOWS that his continued success only riles him up more!}


{For Tornado though, all wouldn’t continue to be fun and games as he toys with the WAR General…}


{As Nemesis practically foams from the mouth, wringing his hands together in an angered OCD-like manner, the WAR Champion continues to laugh in defiance. That said, his focus upon Nemesis opens up a perfect opportunity for Eric Tyler to once again enter through the bottom rope…}


Steve Smith:
Oh… this doesn’t look good… Eric Tyler has returned to the ring and Tornado doesn’t know it!!


{Speeding in a hurried fashion, Tyler eventually drops Tornado to the canvas with one simple move; cheap but effective. With a chop-block to the back of the WAR Champion’s right knee, Tornado is shown collapsing to the canvas, WAR Championship and all, as he quickly grabs said knee in certain pain.}


Steve Smith:
OH… GOOD…LORD!! Tyler may have JUST torn every ligament in Tornado’s right knee!! What a DAMN cheap-shot!!


Slick Rick:
That’s what he gets for not paying attention…


Steve Smith:
Truthfully folks, I don’t know if Tornado can WALK on that knee… it’s obvious to see he’s in A LOT of pain!!


{Wincing, breathing heavily, and showing obvious pain in that knee, Tornado looks out upon his attacker as Tyler has already exited the ring. Standing outside of the ropes, only a good 4-feet away from his fallen victim, Tyler eventually closes the show with one final heated stare upon Tornado. In turn, as the show goes off the air, the rising tension between the two is documented; a tension made more evident by the underhanded strike of one Eric Tyler!!}


Steve Smith:
I hope you’re happy, Eric!! You got your little cheap-shot in; ‘congrats’. I’m sure this was his plan ALL along… to find a moment where he could sweep in for the strike. I wouldn’t be shocked if Nemesis and Tyler had this as part of tonight’s main event all along!

Slick Rick:
So WHAT if they did? Troy Tornado KNOWS that to be the WAR Champion you MUST ALWAYS have your head on a swivel. Tonight, he got lazy, which isn’t surprising, and he paid for it! Now I can’t WAIT for “Rise or Fall…”!! If Tornado’s knee is busted then there’s NO doubt that Tyler will walk away as the NEW WAR Champion!! This could be AWESOME!!

Steve Smith:
It won’t be a valiant victory though…

Slick Rick:
Doesn’t need to be! A victory is a victory in WAR! We could be looking at our NEW champ in a few weeks-time if Tornado can’t even get back on his feet!

Steve Smith:
Folks, this is a terrible way to close “Battleground” but I’m afraid we must go. Stick around for POP!’s other new sensation – “Xtreme Air” on DIRECTLY after us!! Tune in next week, Monday night, POP!, in which to find out the severity of Troy Tornado’s injury!! Will he be able to compete? Will he need surgery? We’ll find all of this out… Next week… ON “Battleground”!!!! Good Night!!















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Amazing show, but not an easy one to call. Also, yay Ares is God, and champ, and about to get a proper feud because he's champ.


I've always wanted Ares to have a bigger role, as he was one of the first personas I thought of when I created WAR; however, up until now he's kinda been dwindling in the background. I, at first, wanted him to run a feud with the Tri-State Kings but, as we saw, that fell by the wayside as Braun/O'Leary and Tyler/Garner took center stage of that.


Now, if only I can find a way to make Johnny Martin relevant again like has happened with Ares!


With Ares, he's got a full division worth of feuds on the way. It doesn't always mean that he will BE the champion, as it's beneficial to have the belt bounce a bit to create new stars in the division, but he certainly will be a figurehead of the Blitzkrieg Division as a whole.






WAR: "Battleground" - TV Episode #1

Date of Event:
Monday, 1st Week of June 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

3,000 out of 3,000 at OMEGA (Night Club/Music Hall Located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

TV Rating:
0.42 (-/+ 0.00)

Competitors TV Rating:
SWF "Uprising" - 11.08 (- 0.07)

Event Grade:


  • James Prudence and Shawn Gonzalez brawl backstage to open "Battleground". In the end, Prudence's dirty-tactics help him get over the "Lone Wolf" in the fight. A challenge is set by Prudence for "Rise or Fall..."!. ©

  • Buddy Garner defeated Hopkirk in 5:46 via submission. (C-)

  • Troy Tornado comes out to 'rub in' the fact that he is STILL the WAR Champion (despite the WAR General's attempt at finding a NEW champion) Shockingly, Eric Tyler comes out and a verbal back-and-forth follows as an obvious lack of respect is seen between the two. In the end, the WAR General comes out and announces that Tyler is EXACTLY the kind of champion he wants; even with their ugly history in DaVE. When it's all said and done, Nemesis books Troy Tornado to defend the WAR Championship against Eric Tyler at "Rise or Fall...". (C+)

  • Ares wins the WAR Blitzkrieg Championship in 9:56 via capturing the title on high; defeating Fox Mask as the final competitor. (D+)

  • Puerto Rican Power is shown at a dingy gas station in the middle of nowhere in route to Appalachia. (D+)

  • A mysterious, dark religious-inspired, hype video is shown for someone who is apparently 'coming...'. ©

  • Jayson Wright defeated G-Phunk in 5:14 via pinfall w/ a 'slap' help from Dharma. (D)

  • A hype video is shown depicting what happened to J.K. Stallings Jr. and where his health is now. With that, the WAR General, and acting authority in WAR, Nemesis, speaks to the fact that he is determined to FIND Stallings' attacker. (B)

  • Johnny Martin defeated Brutus O'Leary in 10:08 via pinfall w/ help from interference from Alex Braun and Steve Flash. (D)

  • Shockingly, long-time rivals in Eric Tyler and WAR General Nemesis are shown talking backstage. While they're NOT buddy-buddy, there appears to be an 'olive branch' of sorts between the two as they BOTH focus on taking the belt off of Troy Tornado. (B-)

  • Troy Tornado and Shawn Gonzalez defeated James Prudence and Eric Tyler in 18:22 via pinfall. ©

  • The WAR General Nemesis is livid, shoving James Prudence like an angered father as he walks backstage; however, focuses the brunt of his anger on Troy Tornado from afar. In the end though, with a stare-down between the two, the door is opened up for Eric Tyler to land a cheap-shot 'chop-block' from behind; potentially injuring Tornado's right knee in the process. ©

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I was hated the second I walked into the locker room.


… The thing is, little did they know, I hated the very part of me they did as well.


Growing up a
meant you were
son. Everywhere I went, every school I attended, every friend I’ve ever known, always looked at me as some freak of nature. In a way, I was branded with a Scarlett letter; one that, at least by MY experience, was not one I achieved but rather was born into.


I’m sure I could have evaded further ridicule by planting my own feet in another industry; however, such a thought felt like running to me.


I don’t want to run anymore…


Whether I like it or not, whether I like HIM or not, it’s undeniably in my blood to wrestle. Some have labeled me a natural, others have accredited my father’s genes for such a development; however, what they don’t realize is that I worked my a$$ off, from the age of 12, to become what I am today. To them all; however, that means nothing. The only thing that does is the last-name… “Campbell”.


So, as I dig deep, pretending to ignore the lingering stares from my fellow counterparts, I’ve already come to expect that this locker room will NEVER be a place of comfort. No matter what I do, no matter how I strive, no matter how I fail even, I will forever be chalked up as HIS son.


This is




… one that’s ridiculously impossible to separate from



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Monday, 1st Week of June 2010

A conversation with Daniel Bolte [G-Phunk]

Relationship: PSW Travel Clique


“It must be nice…”


Daniel [bolte] scoffs in a dismissive fashion. It wasn’t meant to be mean, and I wouldn’t expect much given our road history; however, the underlying truth of his statement burns through my chest like a hot-iron.


Out of everyone on the WAR roster, Daniel Bolte [Grandmaster Phunk/G-Phunk] knew me best. For months now, he and I had often pooled our measly pay in which to rent a dingy motel room just outside of Pittsburgh. Alone, there was NO way either of us could even afford that on PSW-pay, occasionally grabbing a buck or two from our under-attended events, but together we could secure enough to simply ‘live’. That said, rooming with “D”, as I call him, not out of coolness but more laziness, was not all hearts-and-roses.


Daniel had a gambling problem, one that often sucked our pool dry; however, once and a while, and I’m saying only in a blue moon, it came out to our advantage; adding an extra buck-or-two to ACTUALLY step away from our gas station food and into an equally dingy restaurant.


With all of that said though, he was part of my clique; if you could say that. A two-headed monster simply just attempting to ‘stay alive’ in an industry known for CRUSHING more than it saves.


That’s why his glaring understanding of MY life, in all of it’s shattered facets, was enough to occasionally burn deep. Especially now that we’re both housed in a company that ALSO has HIM at the top of it’s ladder. Sadly, it was NOW impossible to escape the ugliness of my situation. Also, it was rather impossible to escape Daniel’s constant jabbing at the very wound that leaves me ultimately frustrated.


“So you’re moving from the gutter to the penthouse, huh?”


A blatant scoff is heard projected from deep within the stomach of Daniel. Shaking his head in a “you’ve got to be kidding me” kind of way, it’s obvious to see that he’s having ‘fun’ with all of this. Meanwhile, I’m not necessarily sharing in his cackling. If anything, the moment only seems to drive the theoretical stake deeper into my already collapsed chest.


I SHOULD be ecstatic, jumping from the ground for which I stand, but my underlying excitement is ultimately weighed down by the crippling truth of such an ascent; that it wasn’t MY ability alone that granted me such a climb to the ‘penthouse’ as Daniel claims.


“I should latch myself onto you… See if I can keep my damn head afloat while I’m here.”


Laughter from Daniel is heard resonating further. Meanwhile, the frustration is pulling at me like ropes on either of my hands; attempting to rip my body in half.


“Hell, I can’t even sniff a win these days. But, If I’m running with you, then maybe I can see myself to the TOP as well. I mean, that’s where YOU’RE going no doubt. Never heard of a booker who ran themselves into the ground…”


I continued to pack up my bag, throwing my gear in the duffle bag before me, as my eyes stay far from those of Daniel’s. It wasn’t that I was trying to blow him off. Sure, he can be annoying as HELL when he wants to be but that’s Daniel. More or less, I was so fixated on my OWN thoughts, living another life in my OWN head, that it was impossible to look at anyone, or even fully embrace them, when all that I knew was bouncing above.


“I’m not the booker, Daniel. You’re not listening to me…


“I know… I know… You’re not THE booker but you’re on the team now. Must be nice to have daddy’s pull in our corner…”


Again, laughter shoots from Daniel’s mouth as if he simply couldn’t hold it back. He KNEW it would drive me insane, pointing out what I already have struggled over with very little sensitivity, but, either way, it was said. I wish I could shoot it all down, claim that I had actually DONE something to get to this position, but even I couldn’t play that joke in this scenario.


I was now on the booking team NOT because I had shown an ability to book on a ‘grand scale’ but because my FATHER was already the HEAD of such.


It was HIS pull that gave me this opportunity; an ugly truth that had plagued my chances at EVER being my OWN man.


… I hated every second of it; however, knew that there was no turning down. In a way, even with my disdain for my father, even WITH my frustrations in this industry, to turn down such an opportunity would simply be saying “I don’t want to succeed’. If I had already gotten to that point, allowing my last-name to dictate an ultra-defiant tone to EVERYTHING pertaining to him, then I might as well just retire now; at the ripe age of 22.


It destroyed me, conflicted me, frustrated me, and tortured me inside… BUT… it was a position that I simply could NOT say no to.


“Daddy to the rescue, huh…”


I responded in my best attempt to make light, if not a joke, of the situation. That said, even as the words crossed my lips, there was a level of disdain seeping through. At this point though, it was disdain for myself; if not for my current state.


“Just don’t forget me, boy… You KNOW I’m set for the ‘big-time’…”


His statement felt more like a plea than a reminder. With that said, in this moment, Daniel had gone from being a battle-tested friend, one that drove me nuts no doubt, into a pleading soul; one with little focus on trying to be ‘cool’.


It was at that point that I knew my life had changed entirely.


Here was a guy who I had spent the last few months with just attempting to stay alive, an equal on every front when it came to the slums of Pittsburgh, and now that very same man is practically crying at my feet.



I had gone from a gutter-rat to the very heights of the WAR penthouse suite…


be a moment of great triumph…


… For me, though, it was a moment of great torture.

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Here's your chance...

Influence the next perspective on WAR!


That's right. Despite starting with Ash Campbell's perspective as of late, It came to me last night that giving YOU the opportunity to influence the story would be amazing. In no way does this mean that I've run out of ideas. ha. If anything, this is MORE of a sign that I have so many different perspectives that I WANT to tell & would like to know what the readers thought would be most interesting to read right now.


So, without further ado, here is the link to the 1-question survey:



Before making a choice though, it may be good to read below in which to better understand the basic outline of each perspective. With that, it may be easier to visualize what may be most interesting to read.


Here are the stories/perspectives up for vote:


Ash Campbell

[This is the story, as we've seen already, about a young wrestler who must struggle with the frustration of being Nemesis' son. With much disdain for his famous father, deep-rooted as we'd find out, Ash now finds himself in the awkward position of becoming the newest member of the WAR booking team; even IF he's done nothing to really PROVE that he should be in this position. In the end, it's a story of unwanted nepotism and the battles he has with the man he is frustrated to be connected with.]



[This is the story of an aging wrestling LEGEND who isn't what we ALL thought of him to be from a public persona perspective. In our eyes he may be 'larger than life'; however, in reality, he's a weathered soul who must battle with the knowledge of his family's disdain. Also, with a body that's certainly failed him after years of injury, we find the wrestling LEGEND struggling with demons that simply attempt to keep him 'upright'. In the end, despite having MAJOR clout in WAR, being the head booker of the company, there's much in the way of negativity within the life of one we perceive as theoretically untouchable.]


J.K. Stallings Jr.

[This is the story about a resurgent billionaire who has a nasty addiction to the sense of revenge. He was once forced out of TCW, simply pushed aside publically, and labeled somewhat of a failure, all despite being one of THE most potentially dominate owner's of all-time. With intense money in his pockets, and a focused agenda to destroy all who wronged him in the past, this is the story of one man's obsessed efforts to reclaim his name amongst the public. Does he do it ethically and in a family-friendly fashion? Good GOD no; as we've already seen thus far.]


Troy Tornado

[This is the story about the perspective of WAR based upon the eyes and ears of "THE GUY". After being allowed to test positive for 'hard drugs' since his debut with WAR, it's become obviously apparent (due to the documentarian's searching) that Tornado is truly an untouchable. With a gigantic contract, everything he could ask for, and a glorious city at his feet, this hard-rock partier obviously sees the company in an entirely different way than any one else on the roster. His relationship with Stallings, Nemesis, and the rest of the roster, would certainly be documented as his place in the company, and his relationship with said people, are all very important to the fabric of it's existence. In a sense, without Tornado, WAR wouldn't have probably made it THIS far.]


Teddy Powell

[This is the story about a once 'up-and-coming' wrestler who found himself hitting the proverbial glass ceiling of success. After dominating the tag team scene in DaVE, Powell's partner, Sammy Bach, was scooped up by TCW upon the hardcore company's death. Sadly, Powell was not picked up. With an obvious sign that he was not wanted, Powell drifted backward into the indy scene as his long-time partner went onto mainstream success. Now, recently picked up by WAR, Powell has become obsessed with his own NEED for success. He feels as though he's been forgotten, pushed aside, labeled as not worthy enough of the mainstream level, and he's focused on changing that mindset. Sadly, for him though, others perspectives of him thus far may STILL keep him back; despite coming to the 'big lights'.]


Indy Sensation comes to WAR

[i haven't decided upon the wrestler himself; however, I was thinking about it being someone along the likes of Mean Jean Cattley or something. In this case, this is a complete stranger coming into WAR in which to hopefully make it big. Think Bryan Danielson or something along that lines.]


Internet wrestling bloggist

[This is pretty straight forward; however, would be much like the documentarian (outside perspective) but would be more centered around articles about the interweavings of WAR.]
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Though I know he is a long shot, I chose Teddy Powell. The reason that I chose him is because of our talks in the past about him, E-V. I know that you love his character and his 'real life' history with being left behind by his former partner and wanting and needing the success that comes with breaking that glass ceiling.


No matter who is selected, though, I know that you will do an excellent job with the storytelling.

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So I got a little behind in reading this and was wondering what happened to our mysterious documentarian. Will it ever be revealed who his insider was? That was the biggest thing that I was curious about in the whole Documentarian scenario.


As for my vote, Ash would be good, or Teddy Powell. Really, I just don't want to read the story from someone especially in charge, moreso someone who's fighting for his spot like the documentarian was.

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Just my personal two-cents, but G-Phunk has developed a nice character in that single segment: a condescending, cocky character that in reality has been beginning to realize he's running into dead ends and is hunting for every last opportunity to survive in the cold wrestling world.


Another good view could be a foreign worker (Magnum KOBE?, Swoop?) experiencing the American Wrestling scene and finding WAR as his first environment. Partly disgusted with the "American" Wrestling scene due to his exposure to WAR, he also finds himself enthralled with the party habits of Vegas, eventually becoming addicted to the "Vegas Party Style".

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We've got 10 votes in thus far and it's extremely close between three perspectives! That said, I'm going to keep voting open until 6:00 PM mountain time. From there, the winning perspective will be revealed (or in Ash's case, will continue) .


Thank you for your votes thus far!!

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Eknath Dutta FIRED from Wrestling Action in Revolt!

... Conspiracy theories run a muck! ...

Despite being an initial priority, and a prominent member of the WAR booking team, it’s been announced that Wrestling Action in Revolt will be parting ways with Eknath Dutta (The Guru). This comes as a blatant shock to most familiar with the inner-workings of WAR as Dutta has often been perceived as one of J.K. Stallings Jr.’s most trusted voices. That said, whispers have claimed that Dutta may have been leaking information to the now defunct documentary about Stallings’ resurgence. In the end, if true, it’s entirely plausible that his ‘behind-the-back’ dealings may have been his ultimate downfall.


Even with Dutta being part of a major current storyline, being a member of Reign, his influence in the story itself has waned as of late. Now, the question will be whether he’s written off or just simply never addressed again? If it WERE for dubious reasons, then there’s no doubt that Stallings’ may ultimately make his name, ‘The Guru’, a ‘dirty word’ on WAR TV.


With Eknath recently leaving CZCW due to the recent struggle between it and WAR, it’s expected that the industry veteran will be seeking independent bookings in the very near future.





<hr color="black">
To those who wanted to know who the unknown informant was, here you go: it was Eknath Dutta (The Guru). Upon finding out about his 'behind the back dealings' to the documentarian, Dutta was fired in typical Stallings' fashion. More or less, there was no ironing this out as the WAR owner would most certainly fire ANYONE who was willing to go behind him.


Thank you to those who are still voting for the "new perspective" on Monkey Survey. We're steadily climbing up to about 16 votes at this point. As before though, the race is still REALLY close as to WHO will ultimately tell the next story of WAR.
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The deadline has come and passed!


With 19 (btw, THANK YOU to SO many who voted) votes in, it's official that the next perspective of Wrestling Action in Revolt will come from the eyes/ears/mouth of an indepedent wrestler first coming to the 'bright lights'. In a way, for an idea, think of what happened to Bryan Danielson/CM Punk (possibly Chris Hero) for the kind of transformation that will be seen. So, not only will be STILL find out about the inner-workings of WAR, Stallings included, we'll now be given an insight into a somewhat nobody coming into the fold of the 'big time'. Fresh off of the indy scene, still carrying that high school gymnasium stench, we'll now follow a new perspective as they attempt to crack the mainstream public through the means of WAR!


For proof, here is how the vote fell out:




I was extremely interested in telling ANY one of these stories, and down the road one of these will most certainly be the NEXT perspective explored; however, for now, we have the indy sensation coming up the ranks.


With that said, I'm leaning toward Mean Jean Cattley as the perspective of choice. He's been working on the indy circuit for quite some time, is seen as an INDY guy I would say, and it's about time that he finally tests the market of the 'big time'. As you'll see though, at least with him, there's a real sense of tension about what to do when it comes down to it. Leave the home he's come to make for himself in MAW or finally taking a stab at the mainstream public with WAR?


More or less, I don't think there's another person I would want to work with in this manner BECAUSE I like the idea of working with an older perspective. Sure, I could tell it from the eyes of a 21-something indy wrestler; however, what would they know about the struggles of being on the circuit? In a way, it would just feel like a youngster hoping to get their shot at stardom (if not expecting it would happen with youthful zeal). In this case, there's that underlying sense of desperation as Cattley knows it's either now.... or never...

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Just to warn you, I did a personal cult game also and Cattley eventually became the midcard champ. Now back on topic when you get to National he will blow you off to stay with MAW even if declare war on them.


Yea, I may need to deter from Mean Jean if he won't sign with me? I'm not entirely sure if he's loyal to MAW or not (like how Chord wont' sign); however, in case that he is, I could always attempt to locate another indy star.


Out of all of them though, he just feels like a good fit for the story I'm trying to tell with this perspective.


I guess we'll see...

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