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WAR on the Vegas Strip...

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... Landmark Announcement coming this week on "Battleground"...

In what may go down as a landmark announcement in WAR history, it’s being reported that J.K. Stallings Jr. has ‘something on the horizon that will change Wrestling Action in Revolt forever’.


At first, it was expected that such an announcement was to be directed at the fiery combination of Joanne Rodriguez and Ravyn; two women who not only tore the house down at “Firestorm” in one-on-one action but ALSO are known to be jockeying for a roster spot in the company. With that said; however, while their status with the company MAY be addressed on “Battleground” this week, THIS ambiguous announcement has to do with the company’s upcoming pay-per-view event.


Little is known as to WHAT will be addressed but, as a teaser, this is what can be read on the main page of WAR-wrestling.com today:



What will Mr. Stallings’ announcement be? How will it change WAR ‘forever’? Will THIS be the defining moment for the young WAR owner after weeks of perceived failure?


Tune into “Battleground” this week to find out…










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Ares/Jacob Jett/Slick Rick vs. Jayson Wright/Masked Cougar/Snap Dragon

Think both feuds could do with a heel win.


Puerto Rican Power© vs. ?????

No ????? is gonna taske that belt off of him without a longer feud. Though you could surprise me here. Say, with an O'Leary heel turn leading to a title change.


Buddy Garner vs. Chris Caulfield

Caulfield will find some way to keep on losing to the top.


Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado

Some kind of interferance draw. Could be a clean Tornado win as well, but I'm a Reed mark.



More interested in the angles than the matches though. Stallings angle is probably the anouncment of a women's title. But Caulfield was also supposed to explain why he hid tornado, IIRC?

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Ares/Jacob Jett/Slick Rick vs. Jayson Wright/Masked Cougar/Snap Dragon

I consider this to be a bit of an upset. Dharma finally pays off in this match.


Puerto Rican Power© vs. ?????

It's hard to pick against Mr. Squiggles but Puerto Rican has been dominant.


Buddy Garner vs. Chris Caulfield

The Hardcore American destroys The Machine.


Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado

A tough match to pick. I am going with some sort of draw.

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Ares/Jacob Jett/Slick Rick vs. Jayson Wright/Masked Cougar/Snap Dragon

Puerto Rican Power© vs. ?????

Buddy Garner vs. Chris Caulfield

Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado


Excited to see how that last match turns out, being that Troy is most likely your "go-to guy" but Reed is always a possibility because of his skill in the ring. Albeit being your promotion I'm guessing has much more of an entertainment-over-wrestling product it would probably benefit to keep Troy on top until you have a main event scene that can match his popularity (unless of course, you already have that and I'm just reading too quickly :p)

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3-Segments left to write for "Battleground"; so , I'm thinking it'll be up this weekend (as that's the bulk of my upcoming free time).


Excited to see how that last match turns out, being that Troy is most likely your "go-to guy" but Reed is always a possibility because of his skill in the ring. Albeit being your promotion I'm guessing has much more of an entertainment-over-wrestling product it would probably benefit to keep Troy on top until you have a main event scene that can match his popularity (unless of course, you already have that and I'm just reading too quickly :p)


WAR is more popularity than performance; however, it's not a vast difference. With that in mind, Art's good popularity and amazing in-ring skills make him a GREAT main eventer in the company. Does that mean he'll trump THE man in WAR (Tornado)? We'll see... ;)


Slowly, there are a few who could possibly challenge Tornado for the top crown; however, the next closes wrestler's overness is around a "C+" (where Tornado is at a "B").


In reality though, Tornado's creative control clause could dictate HOW long he stays on top (even if I find someone to possibly overtake his spot).

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WAR is more popularity than performance; however, it's not a vast difference. With that in mind, Art's good popularity and amazing in-ring skills make him a GREAT main eventer in the company. Does that mean he'll trump THE man in WAR (Tornado)? We'll see... ;)


Slowly, there are a few who could possibly challenge Tornado for the top crown; however, the next closes wrestler's overness is around a "C+" (where Tornado is at a "B").


In reality though, Tornado's creative control clause could dictate HOW long he stays on top (even if I find someone to possibly overtake his spot).


Hopefully that's soon, I really was hoping for HE to win at Firestorm :mad:

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Hopefully that's soon, I really was hoping for HE to win at Firestorm :mad:


I've always wanted to book Travis Century (or in this case HE -- Who needs no name) but he really doesn't pose too much of a threat Tornado; at least in the way of taking the strap from him. A good beat down? Some public humiliation? Yea, he's good for that. Taking the belt from Tornado and leading the company? Not so much.


He was brought in from day one in which to be a serviceable feud that could ultimately FURTHER frame Troy Tornado's character. As it's been said, it's often the easiest in which to frame who someone is by who they are not. In this case, Century's zealot-like perspective on life ultimately forced Tornado's 'dirty but cool' persona to the forefront.


As of right now, after losing at "Firestorm", you'll see Century slowly assimilate BACK into the fold. It may take a little bit but I'm thinking he'll find SOMETHING to do coming up here. As we'll find, Tornado won't be the best option for him going forward though.

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I've always wanted to book Travis Century (or in this case HE -- Who needs no name) but he really doesn't pose too much of a threat Tornado; at least in the way of taking the strap from him. A good beat down? Some public humiliation? Yea, he's good for that. Taking the belt from Tornado and leading the company? Not so much.


He was brought in from day one in which to be a serviceable feud that could ultimately FURTHER frame Troy Tornado's character. As it's been said, it's often the easiest in which to frame who someone is by who they are not. In this case, Century's zealot-like perspective on life ultimately forced Tornado's 'dirty but cool' persona to the forefront.


As of right now, after losing at "Firestorm", you'll see Century slowly assimilate BACK into the fold. It may take a little bit but I'm thinking he'll find SOMETHING to do coming up here. As we'll find, Tornado won't be the best option for him going forward though.


Oh, I completely agree with you on that frontier. Travis Century isn't someone that can carry a promotion at all. Maybe from that lower level state like the jump from Small to Regional he could be positioned as a major star / major part of the main event scene, but for a promotion that's trying to a) move on to National size or, b) maintain Cult status, Travis definitely is not the guy to do it.


However, I can't help but have a soft spot for everyone in the game that has a good look, and if every worker had a great render and was even moderately pushable, believe me I would every worker on contract that fit that criteria :p


That being said I am very excited to see where you go with this and as long as you keep me entertained I'll still be here!

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Taped Promo

Involved: J.K. Stallings Jr.

“Uprising: Power to the People!”


{The final "Battleground" broadcast of June 2010 opens with the unexpected sight of WAR owner, J.K. Stallings Jr.}


{Instead of witnessing a sold-out OMEGA night-club crowd, basking in the craziness of 2,000 drunken 30'somethings with an obsession for underground wrestling organizations, we are given a stark contrast of such. Seated on the edge of his desk, a piece of furniture littered with action figures, comic books, and various other novelty items, a comically grinning Stallings is shown in an energized state; despite being in a relaxed seating manner. None the less, with his hair spiked as high as it will go and his attire screaming of a grown nerd making good on his 'just wait until they look at me' promise to the world, the zany WAR owner looks to be almost exploding with anticipation.}


{Fidgeting slightly at the open of the segment, it's almost as if Stallings simply cannot WAIT to address those on the OTHER side of the camera lens. With that in mind, the second he's given the 'go' from his camera man, he's heard practically spewing forth with an energetic sense of pure excitement.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
HEY, WAR FANS... The BIG Honcho here...


{Stallings comically winks in a dramatic fashion.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
"Firestorm" was a GREAT success; 5-Stars ALL the way AROUND!


{The camera man is heard speaking from behind the lens; a fact that we typically don't see very much at all in Pro Wrestling. That said, it seems as though it's another example of a general lack of respect for Stallings all together.}


[Camera Man]:
Didn't U-Demand force you to change the Main Event?


{Stallings drops his bubbly act for a brief second in which to snap his head toward the camera man. Still, in a comical fashion, he contorts his face in which to obviously show he is unhappy.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:


{Shortly after that, Stallings is shown re-adjusting his bow-tie shortly before cracking the very same corny grin as before. More or less, it's as if he moved on from his unhappiness in a matter of seconds.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Aaaaaaas I was saying.... HUGE success! Monumental... Mountainous... Monstrous... Success!!
{Gigantic grin plasters across his face}
So... To Capitalize on such... I've constructed THE... MOST... INFLUENTIAL EVENT in WAR HISTORY....


{Stallings practically bounces straight off his desk with intense joy. His finger in the air in a profound manner, the excited billionaire resembles a young child on Christmas morning if you will.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Cue the music!


{Stallings poses with his arms out in a grandiose manner, almost in an excited hug kind of way; however, as no music is heard, he starts to lose patience. Speaking out of the corner of his mouth, attempting to hide what he's saying from the crowd, the billionaire brat appears to be left hanging.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Cue the music!


{He whispers quickly out of the corner of his mouth; still holding the very same comical grin upon his face.}


[Camera Man]:


{Dropping his dramatic grin once again, Stallings turns toward a sense of rage; that said it's more comical than aggressive.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:


{With that, the triumphant sound of an age old presidential theme is heard slowly starting up in the background. With time, the volume becomes louder and louder until Stallings is shown shooting a comically angered gaze his way; in which the music slowly turns back down once again. From there, now standing before his desk, Stallings puffs his puny chest outward in a proud manner.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Tonight, before YOU GREAT people, I place my company in YOUR hands....


{Stallings pauses for a brief second in which to allow his ambiguous statement to take hold. Grinning like a crazed fool, the billionaire brat looks to be oozing with an uncontrollable sense of excitement by now; barely able to stand still as he practically bounces in step.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
That's Right, Right-io... Right-a-roo... YOU... everyone of YOU... will personally dictate WHAT will HAPPEN when WAR returns to Pay-per-view...
{Pauses; smirking like a school boy at this point}
For AN... "Uprising"!


{Stallings pauses for a brief second, allowing, again, for his message to sink in.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Starting AFTER "Battleground" tonight... Scramble to the inter-webs... THERE... in domain for which I conquered.... YOU will have the GI-NORMOUS opportunity to shape Wrestling Action in Revolt as YOU see fit. Yep, Yep, Yeppers... It's all in


{Stallings pauses in which to display his gigantic, over the top, comical smile; eyes closed and everything}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Until THEN.... Let's RETURN... to YOUR regularly scheduled... "Battleground"... EVENT!!! R-R-R-R-R-ROOLLLLL that Intro!!!


{Flashing his overtly dramatic, yet comical, grin, were are presented the final images of the zany WAR leader shortly before transitioning to the broadcast's typical, high-octane, opening credits. Utilizing a cartoon-like flash upon his perfectly white teeth, a tongue-and-cheek moment that ultimately plays upon the fact of Stallings' overtly corny persona, it's ultimately staged as a STARK contrast between the comical nature of the company owner & the intense product for which it promotes.}


{A short, high-octane, rock-and-roll-esque, opening video is played following Stallings’ response. In doing so, there is no commentary at this point. Ultimately, this only adds to the further anticipation of WHO may be the shocking NEW WAR commentator; a fact we later learn only in moments.}





Involved: Mitch Naess & Eric Tyler

“Expertise comes to the desk!”


{Shortly after Mr. Stallings’ impromptu announcement from the comforts of his nerd-cave (aka his office), we gradually progress toward a view of the sold-out OMEGA night-club. As the rabid fan-base in attendance roars with drunken excitement, taking every opportunity to flash whatever hand signals they can as the camera man passes by, we are eventually presented with the voice of the newfound ‘Voice of WAR’, Mitch Naess}


[Mitch Naess]:
HELL-O… and WELCOME… to “Battleground”!!


{The crowd continues to roar as Naess pauses for a second. While his statements are unheard by the excited sold-out crowd, his enthusiasm coincides quite well with the overall feeling taking place at ringside.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Boy-o-Boy do we have a BIG show for you tonight; however, before we get into all of that… Allow me to introduce to you… the NEW addition to the WAR commentary desk. He’s arguably the GREATEST in-ring technition this industry has EVER seen; truly one of THE greats! The LEGENDARY… “Traditionalist”… Eric… Tyler!!


{We transition to a view of the commentary desk now in which to witness the sight of Eric Tyler seated behind said commentary desk. Alongside Naess, there’s a level of nostalgia gripping the broadcast as two former DaVE figures are now seated side-by-side for the first time in MANY years.}


[Mitch Naess]:
Eric, while I expect to butt heads in the coming future… I DO respect, and see it as a privilege, to work alongside someone of your expertise. If ANYONE knows the sport of Professional Wrestling… It’s YOU!


{A slight nod from Tyler gives way to his confidence on the matter. That said, there’s no smile upon his face; in a flattered fashion.}


[Eric Tyler]:
I promise you, I will bring the SAME level of greatness to THIS desk as I did for SO many years in the ring.
{Stares to the camera; strong in his statement}
You’re right. I know wrestling; probably BETTER than ANYONE ELSE does. I know the in’s… the out’s… the up’s…and the down’s of this GREAT craft & I’ll bring that wealth of knowledge to YOU… the ill-informed fans of WAR.


{Naess turns his head slightly as if to hold back an argument already. Smirking, realizing such a statement was polarizing, he attempts to do his best to stay positive in such a momentous moment.}


[Mitch Naess]:
And I’m sure we’ll ALL be better for it…


{He says sarcastically while smiling. Meanwhile, Tyler nods his head as if his statement is entirely true; free from the back-handed nature of Naess’ response.}


{Naess is shown smiling as one would when they are trying their BEST to bite their lip. Meanwhile, Tyler continues to lean forward upon the desk in a strong fashion; imposing his will upon said desk in the process.}





Ares, Jacob Jett
, and Slick Rick
w/Misty & Mandy
vs. Jayson Wright
, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon


3 vs. 3 Match

“The roar of the awoken Dragon!”


The 3,000 rabid WAR fans in attendance practically roar with disdain the second that a smoking (yes, smoking a cigarette) Slick Rick is shown strolling through the "Gates of WAR"; Misty & Mandy on either arm. The villainous grin upon his face, dripping with intense arrogance, tells of a man who certainly relishes such hatred. Meanwhile, the trio of the Blitzkrieg Champion Masked Cougar, the youthful Jayson "Mr." Wright (w/ Dharma) and the dramatic Snap Dragon, receive a response quite the opposite; quite possibly not on their own accord but in direct defiance of Slick. That said, with former Blitzkrieg Champion Ares and the "Amazing" Jacob Jett (w/ Blondie) at his side, the crude former color commentator steps into battle with an ever GREATER chip on his shoulder (knowing his teammates to be strong).


Back-and-forth they war as the lovely WAR Pin-up Girls react dramatically to every strike, maneuver, and pinfall attempt (well... everyone but the apathetic Blondie; she seems more preoccupied with her smart phone). Jayson "Mr." Wright, playing the ultimate young and determined hero, does well by his sister; however, given her spunkiness, it never seems to really quench her thirst if you will. Meanwhile, despite not paying attention, it's expected that Blondie is thrilled with Jacob's aerial explosiveness within this match; wowing everyone in attendance despite doing very little to pull his manager's face out of her phone.


Oh, and Misty & Mandy for whatever reason seem to be hanging on every mannerism projected by the lude, crude, and rude, Slick Rick.


In the end though, despite a strong showing by all, it's the shocking actions of a traitor that brings about an end...


As Masked Cougar stands triumphant in the ring, recently flooring Jacob Jett with a reverse DDT that came from breaking-free from his opponent's powerslam attempt, his moment in the sun would only last for a few short seconds. For, moments later, the Blitzkrieg Champion is shown face-down on the canvas; a victim of a true 'back-stabbing' scenario by Snap Dragon...



Snap Dragon turns!


With a running neckbreaker (reverse stunner-like) as his weapon of choice, Snap Dragon shocks the WAR crowd by viciously dropping a fellow Coastal Zone Flier; a brethren once thought unbreakable.


Mitch Naess:


Eric Tyler:
That boy just broke Cougar's neck!


Mitch Naess:
Snap Dragon has JUST turned his BACK on Masked Cougar...


Eric Tyler:
If not the WHOLE Coastal Zone region, Mitch. Well played kid... THAT'S how you do it!


It is THAT defining strike that opens up the devious Slick Rick to take control of the situation. Seconds after the neckbreaker, Slick is shown swooping in for the kill; utilizing a leaping piledriver to drive the Blitzkrieg Champion's head mercilessly into the canvas. From there, it's only a matter of time before the former commentator is able to pick up the victory as "Mr." Wright is lying outside of the ring (the victim of an attack by Jacob Jett; a fact that is driving Dharma nuts) and Snap Dragon is the very man who PUT Masked Cougar into this predicament.


Ares, Jacob Jett, and Slick Rick via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Leaping Piledriver by Slick Rick upon Masked Cougar

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
I can't believe it... Slick Rick is 2-0...

Eric Tyler:
It's not always about being the BEST wrestler in the ring... Often, it's about being the craftiest. Snap Dragon came in, made his point, leveled Cougar, and Slick swooped in to take advantage. It may not win you a 'best wrestler' prize BUT it'll definitely bring about more wins than losses.

Mitch Naess:
I blame YOU Snap Dragon for giving Slick any MORE confidence going into the ring... We'll NEVER hear the end of this now.

Eric Tyler:
As you shouldn't. He may have stepped into the ring a little late versus the rest of the roster but, thus far, he's proved himself to be a force here in WAR whether you like it or not.

Mitch Naess:




Backstage Argument

Involved: Joanne Rodriguez, Ravyn, J.K. Stallings Jr., and ?????

“We want our spot!”


{Positioned over the collective shoulder of the equally beautiful, yet deadly, Ravyn & Joanne Rodriguez, the camera lens bounces in a guerrilla-like fashion as we witness this buzz-worthy combination stomping aggressively down a regally-laced hallway. Not speaking to one another yet appearing to be on the same page, the two competitors seem spirited in their stride; justified if you will.}


{Turning the corner at a swift pace, the two now pass through a wide doorway with continued confidence. As the camera lens catches up, lacking slightly behind, it becomes obvious now that they've just stomped their way into Mr. Stallings personal office on high within the Empire Hotel & Casino.}


{Seated behind a grandiose desk, his feet positioned lazily upon it's top in a crossed manner, the young billionaire is almost unrecognizable given the identity masking abilities of his comic book in hand; all that can be seen is his hair spiked wildly behind the cover & back page. With this in mind, entirely fixated on what he's reading, making weird noises of excitement in connection, Stallings is obviously unaware that the two have stormed into his office.}


{Wasting no time, the more vocal & brash of the two, Joanne Rodriguez is heard getting straight to the point with an aggressive tone.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
We did what you asked us to do... NOW... Where's our SPOT on the WAR roster?


{Pulling his comic book down in a dramatic fashion, Stallings looks somewhat annoyed by being disrupted. With that said, it's not in an intimidating manner by any means. More so like a 14-year would roll his eyes at the first sound of his parent's preaching voice.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
Save the world? Trap Dr. Mastermind?!?! NO... I guess THIS is MORE important...


{He relays in a sarcastic, annoyed, fashion. Again, not intimidating in the slightest. If anything, it's more so comical and cartoonish.}


{Meanwhile, in response, with her hands on her hips in an high attitude-like fashion, J-Ro fires back in direct defiance of his tone.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
You're DAMN right it is!


{Catching himself in a tizzy, Stallings drops his face slightly and buries his head in his hands in a somber fashion. From that position, we hear him begin to speak once again; humbled}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
I'm sorry... You don't deserve that... Stress, ya know? Just a lot of stress...


{He sighs; removing his hand from his face. That said, despite being quite somber moments before, almost in a bi-polar like fashion, Stallings is already cracking his signature corny grin. In a way, it's as if he went from to opposite extremes in a matter of seconds; a true cartoon character.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
You DID tear the roof down at "Firestorm"; I COULDN'T be ANY happier! 5-Stars... 5-medals... 5-EVERYTHING... Just WOWSERS...


{The girls collectively contort their face as if to say that they think Stallings is REALLY weird.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
I don't see ANY problem in...


{With a gigantic grin upon his face, Stallings attempts to finish his phrase; however, is abruptly blocked by ANOTHER bruising beauty...}



She may be a Cat... but she's really a b*tch!


{Storming into the room much like Ravyn & J-Ro did moments before, an unknown female is shown stepping before this scenario with VERY little fear whatsoever. With an air as if she was OWED something, this beautiful veteran radiates a fiery edge to her. More or less, she seems much like a... well... a b*tch.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
Uh... who the HELL are you?


{Meeting J-Ro on the same level, attitude-wise, the two stare one another down in a ferocious fashion.}


[Catherine Quine]:
... Someone you should be thanking EVERY single day of your life...


{Cat responds as she stares over her brow.}


Thank? Thank... YOU? What... are you delirious?


[Catherine Quine]:
If it weren't for me, NEITHER of you would HAVE this opportunity. So, if ANYONE is going to get this shot... It's ME!


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
If I could interject...


{Stallings projects in a sheepish fashion from behind his desk.}


[Catherine Quine]:
Shut-it, Boy Wonder...


{Stallings sinks deeper into his chair as his neck literally scrunches downward. Projecting a comical face that can only be describe as 'eek', it's obvious that Stallings is afraid of what's happening before him.}


[Catherine Quine]:
I didn't bust my a$$ the past 2-decades in which to see two little twits like you take MY shot! If YOU two want the limelight, you'll HAVE to get behind ME first!


{Not backing down, J-Ro steps forward in which to meet Cat nose-to-nose. Meanwhile, Ravyn is shown standing off to the side with her hands clenched in fists; ready for a fight if need be.}


{Stallings looks like he may soil himself as he ducks lower and lower in his oversized, overcompensating, black leather executive chair.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
I don't get behind ANYONE...


We were HERE first...


{A tense staredown follows; with no one backing down.}


[J.K. Stallings Jr]:
You know...


{Stallings tries to interject from his sunken stature upon the chair; meek and sheepish in his tone.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
This doesn't concern you...


{Stallings, while terrified upon J-Ro's response, rolls his eyes in a "well, It actually does" kind of manner. That said, he makes sure to hide such a thought as he's obviously afraid of what will happen to him.}


[Joanne Rodriguez]:
I don't know about Ravyn... but I wouldn't mind beatin' some god-damn sense into ya...


{She says while curling her lip in an aggressive fashion.}


Sounds good to me...


{A slight pause follows as Cat stares both of them down in a stern fashion.}


[Catherine Quine]:
Biggest mistake of your lives...
See you in the ring...


{With that, after a lengthy, very tense, staredown between the two-sides, Catherine is shown stomping out of the room in a fury. Meanwhile, equally fierce in their collective stare, the combination of Ravyn & J-Ro appear overtly ready for battle.}


{All the while, J.K. has sunken so far down that the only visible aspect of him currently is his darting eyes and mountainous spikey hair sticking out from behind the desk.}


Mitch Naess:
Catherine Quine, one of THE most respected female wrestlers in the industry today, has just found her way to Wrestling Action in Revolt. She's a battle-tested indy veteran and someone who really HAS, whether we like it or not, helped to pave a path for women's wrestling over the last few decades. I can't wait to see a Ravyn/Rodriguez/Quine match-up!

Eric Tyler:
She's a spark-plug, isn't she? Maybe she can teach these young one's a thing or two about wrestling...

Mitch Naess:
I don't know if there's much for them to learn anymore... BOTH Ravyn & J-Ro are quite the in-ring talents!

Eric Tyler:
You can ALWAYS learn something; especially when you're as BLIND as those two are.

Mitch Naess:
I don't know if I'd call them blind...

Eric Tyler:
Well, they obviously don't recognize GREATNESS; even when it's right in front of them...




Catherine Quine vs. Joanne Rodriguez vs. Ravyn


Triple Threat Match

“The Bird of Prey!”


There is a wave of anticipation rolling within OMEGA as these three brutish beauties stand across from one another in the ring. As the bell tolls profoundly, it's as if the gate was lifted before the bull. In no time, speeding toward the center threefold, the action explodes with very little warning or hope for subsiding. Truthfully, it's as if someone stole another's dog or something; so much emotion wrapped in one quick burst.


Pretty early on, the combination of Joanne Rodriguez and Ravyn are shown to almost be united in an unspoken manner against the arrogant challenger before them in Catherine Quine. Working as one, the two who THRILLED the WAR landscape at "Firestorm" bring about an onslaught that simply overruns the newfound fighter. That said, it wouldn't take very long for that partnership to eventually fizzle...


Before you know it, the original alliance has completely fallen through the floor as, after subduing their shared enemy, there's not much more for them left then to take it to one another; a fact that both are quite good at. None the less, from this point on, the match-up evolves into a traditional 3-way competition with everyone fending for themselves only.


Cat would resurface, as it pertains to momentum, and bring forth a determined approach. However, despite that, in the end, she would ultimately 'eat her words' from earlier...


Speeding toward the end, a sense of real desperation begins to take hold as all three see both an avenue for victory and a potential for a loss...


In no time, one person separates herself from the pack; Ravyn.


After Joanne Rodriguez, strong throughout the match in her hardened spitfire fashion, is leveled by an angered, and equally desperate, Catherine Quine (as she fights to keep her arrogance intact despite being overwhelmed by her opponents at points), the 'outsider of sorts' finds herself on the vicious end of a "Nevermore" (Pedigree) from Ravyn.


As Quine spins around, all that's needed is a hard boot to the stomach to set up said move. Seconds later, after impact, there's very little that can be done to stop Ravyn. At that point, it's all an afterthought as a three count is ultimately all that's left.


Ravyn via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“Nevermore” (Pedigree) upon Catherine Quine

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
What a BIG win for Ravyn! After losing at “Firestorm”, there was NO doubt in my mind that she would use tonight as equalizer of sorts! Just a hard-fought win in this one!

Eric Tyler:
I’ve known my fair share of women wrestlers in the past and these brauds rank up there with some of the best I’ve seen.

Mitch Naess:
Braud? What are you... from the 30’s or something?
You can’t just go around using that word anymore. They’ve shown themselves to be worthy of anyone’s respect.

Eric Tyler:
Yea, Yea, Yea… I’ve heard it time and time again. “Women need respect in Professional Wrestling”. Well, I TRIED to give you that and it seems that Mitch is more focused on some STUPID word if anything else. To be honest, you won’t get ALL of my respect though until you can battle as viciously as men do! Until then, you’ll ALWAYS be just another T & A reference for those who can’t pay attention to the TRUE art of Wrestling.

Mitch Naess:
There was ALL kinds of wrong in that statement…

Eric Tyler:
And yet… I stand by it.

Mitch Naess:
I don’t expect otherwise…




In-Ring Argument

Involved: Puerto Rican Power©, Brutus O'Leary, and ????

“The Lone Wolf will have to wait...”


{We return from a short commercial break promoting the newly announced “Uprising” pay-per-view event in which to witness the sight of Puerto Rican Power and Brutus O’Leary already standing nose-to-nose in the center of the ring. This jarring sight, dominating the screen post-commercial, tells of a budding rivalry growing more heated with every passing second.}


{With their collective jaw’s clenched hard, the two brutish brawlers stand in a state of potential violence. Truly, known for their hardened fighting style, as well as their stern silence, it would come as NO shock for either to throw a punch at ANY moment. That said, as they stare one another down, the rabid WAR fan-base doesn’t help the situation all that much as they chant – “Fight” over and over again; much like an annoying buddy would as they stood out of harm’s reach in a bar.}


{Before anything can happen though, the soaring tones of mariachi styled music overtakes the OMEGA night club.}


{With a chorus of boos igniting, the first person seen walking through the “Gates of WAR” is none other than the beautiful yet b*tchy, Jennifer Heat.}



Make way for the 'LEGENDARY Luchador'!


[Jennifer Heat]:
Allow me to introduce to YOU… THE… GREATEST… Luchador of ALL-TIME… A TRUE… LEGEND… amongst puny men…


{With a thunderous step, El Platinum-ay explodes through the “Gates of WAR” dripping with high-confidence. Extending his arms outward in a ‘look at me’ fashion, the generic masked flier looks out upon the crowd while yelling to himself, off-mic,: “Look at ME… I’m the GREATEST of ALL-TIME!”.}


{As one would expect, the crowd doesn’t like this one bit.}


{The only people who dislike this MORE is possibly the current Sin City Champion Puerto Rican Power & the recent challenger Brutus O’Leary. Slowly pulling their gaze away from one another, still hardened in nature, the two brawlers look toward the “Gates of WAR” with a collective snarl in use. Interrupted YET AGAIN, these two never seem to have the possibility of a true one-on-one affair.}


[Jennifer Heat]:
No one wants to watch a match between a steroid freak and lanky boxer who CAN’T…
… And THAT is why El Platinum-ay will GRACE this championship match with his presence. He will INSTANTLY add credibility to your SAD little attempt at wrestling. Ah yes!! All HAIL… El Platinum-ay… The man… The MYTH… The LEGEND…


{The crowd continues to boo like crazy as Jennifer Heat walks out front of a arrogantly sauntering El Platinum-ay. Slowly, moving down the steel rampway, they grow closer-and-closer to the ringside area. Meanwhile, Power & O’Leary prove themselves to be a terrible welcoming committee…}


{In the end, taking ABSOLUTELY forever, milking EVERY moment for what it’s worth despite being booed like crazy, El Platinum-ay is shown taking his place within the ring in which to officially force himself into tonight’s Sin City Championship match. In a matter of a few minutes, we’ve gone from a MUCH anticipated singles match between Power & Leary into a full-on three-way-dance; adding Platinum-ay in the process.}


Mitch Naess:

Eric Tyler:
Mexico rejoice… It looks like you’ll have a champion ONCE AGAIN in El Platinum-ay!

Mitch Naess:
Once again? He hasn’t done much of ANYTHING here in WAR outside of lose a ‘career’ match and then come back under a stupid mask!! He’s NOT a Mexican LEGEND… HE’s…

{Eric Tyler budges in in which to cut him off.}

Eric Tyler:
His title history would cause ANY spreadsheet software to CRASH after the 500th page… He ONCE held the TOP Mexican Championship for 70-years…

Mitch Naess:
This is ridiculous…

Eric Tyler:
He single-handedly BUILT the panama-canal in 2-days; from UNDERNEATH the water…

Mitch Naess:
Are you REALLY doing this?

Eric Tyler:
HE IS… The Man… the Myth… THE… Luchador…

Mitch Naess:
I can’t believe you’ve resorted to this cr@p...






Puerto Rican Power© vs.
"The Hyde Park Hitman"
Brutus O'Leary vs.
"Luchador LEGEND"
El Platinum-ay
w/Jennifer Heat


Triple Threat Match

WAR Sin City Championship Match

“Picking up the scraps!”


It’s obvious that neither Power nor O’Leary seem all that happy with El Platinum-ay’s forceful entrance into tonight’s WAR Sin City Championship match. That said, you wouldn’t really know without the subtle tells as both are notorious for their hardened, almost ice-cold, approach to life in general. In a way, they are entirely the definition of ‘blue collar fighter’; little thrills, no pizazz, just all hardened, violent, action.


El Platinum-ay on the other hand stands proud in defiance; hands on his hips as he jets his chest outward in a profound fashion. With the lovely Jennifer Heat standing in his corner, praising the supposed Mexican LEGEND from the ringside area, Platinum-ay saunters around the ring as if it were a damn prize to simply see him in attendance.


Unluckily for him, O’Leary and Power aren’t amused…


Despite his grand entrance, El Platinum-ay is quickly subdued in a less-than-flashy manner. Utilizing their power-games, quite common with both O’Leary and Power, the men before the masked flier make pretty quick work of him. Before you know it, Platinum-ay is already thrown from the ring in a thunderous fashion by the Sin City Champion himself. Crashing to the floor, Platinum-ay dramatically sells some sense of a back injury as he strolls around the ringside area wincing in pain; all the while Jennifer is shown walking close behind in fear that he could REALLY be hurt.


Back in the ring, with the distraction removed, Power and O’Leary meet in the center of the ring once again. Nose-to-nose, eye-to-eye, a hardened stare starts it all. From there, getting the chance to finally compete one-on-one, an explosion of brutish power is all that can be seen…


With the “Pride of Hyde Park” swinging for the fences, O’Leary proves himself to be a worthy foe while throwing punch after punch. In a ‘Golden Gloves’ manner, the tough-as-nails boxer sends the Sin City Champion reeling rather early. That said, even with such strength, Power doesn’t seem to be willing to just take the roll of the victim.


With a heavy hip to the stomach, Puerto Rican Power eventually regains control himself; utilizing his bullish strength to overrun his challenger.


While still striking like O’Leary, Power is shown more so using his dense frame to collide with his challenger. Before you know it, such an approach brings the “Hyde Park Hitman” down to earth if you will; bringing about an even battle none the less.


While all of this is going on, El Platinum-ay is STILL shown circling the ringside area in pain; dramatically wincing as, at several points, he threatens that he may have to ‘retire due to his injuries’ (as he claims to the camera man at ringside)…


Sadly, he wouldn’t just retire.


In the end though, he would benefit from the crazed hands of a violent simpleton…



The "Appalachian Grizzly" returns!


Storming from the back in a heavy stomping fashion, Cletus eventually makes his presence known by overtaking the ringside area in a brutish sense of fury. With Colonel Hazzard behind him, shouting demands from behind, the “Appalachian Grizzly” passes right by a mouth-dropped El Platinum-ay in which to enter the squared circle. Once in there, at first, Jay Fair attempts to get him to leave; however, later realizes that no such scenario is going to happen… At this point… He simply needs to just step back; as he does.


With a running big boot, one that feels much like a chugging locomotive, Cletus is shown flooring BOTH Puerto Rican Power and Brutus O’Leary in a crushing fashion.


Before you know it, after a round of additional power moves from the interfering big-man, Cletus is shown turning toward the crowd, flexing, and roaring like a ferocious Grizzly!


Meanwhile, sensing his opportunity, El Platinum-ay is shown taking to the top rope in a devious fashion. Seconds later, leaping from the top rope, connecting with a top rope leg drop, Platinum-ay is shown frantically trapping O’Leary’s leg upward in a pinning fashion.


Despite not really doing ANYTHING, El Platinum-ay ultimately benefits from the crazed violence of Cletus. So much so that he’s NOW the NEW WAR Sin City Champion after gaining a three-count over fellow challenger Brutus O’Leary.


El Platinum-ay via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Top Rope Legdrop by El Platinum-ay upon Brutus O’Leary (Really though, it was the assault by Cletus upon both O’Leary and Power that brought about his victory)

Ending Time:

El Platinum-ay becomes the WAR Sin City Champion with this victory!


Mitch Naess:
First Slick wins… NOW… El Platinum-ay is the NEW Sin City Champion? This is about to drive me to drink! Really? What is WAR coming to?

Eric Tyler:
Just like with Slick though, you don’t ALWAYS have to be the BEST fighter in which to come away with the win. El Platinum-ay waited on the wings, played up his injuries it seems, and, in the end, succeeded thanks to the help of Cletus. Truthfully, it’s a thing of GREAT intelligence to simply stand and wait for your turn. In this case, it’s made him a champion!

Mitch Naess:
But he didn’t DO anything!

Eric Tyler:
A lot of people have made CAREERS out of not doing anything… IN this case, he brought home the title without HAVING to really break a sweat. This will probably set him up for a lengthy reign as he didn’t need to strain anything in which to come away with the win. Great move, Platinum-ay. Your LEGEND will continue on…

Mitch Naess:
Oh no… Not you too…

Eric Tyler:
What? He’s a LEGEND!

Mitch Naess:
I think I’m going to be sick…




In-Ring Argument

Involved: Chris Caulfield and Troy Tornado©

“The truth was ALWAYS there...”


{As the aged guitar rift of a prominent 70's rock theme blares over the OMEGA sound system, the "Extreme ICON" himself, Chris Caulfield, is shown slowly sauntering out through the "Gates of WAR". With his famed, yet controversial, "Rusty" (dented steel chair) in his hand, displaying it to the crowd as a thunderous roar of love is showered upon him, the hellbound brawler finds himself already beloved by the WAR fan-base. In reality, given his past, everything he's given to this industry, it should come as no shock really. Caulfield is a man's man; a fighter's-fighter. Whether it was building his legacy in DaVE or furthering it in WAR, this 35-year-old ICON certainly does project the part of a rebellious warrior.}


{Slowly entering the squared circle, "Rusty" bouncing light fragments every which way due to the countless dents already present, there seems to be a level of focus to Caulfield's presence. While not always a 'fun-loving' guy, more stern in his gaze, something paints his mood as FAR more aggressive than normal. That said, as he grabs onto a nearby microphone, looking out upon the roaring crowd as his music fades into the background, high anticipation grips the rabid WAR crowd; expecting to hear WHY the "Extreme ICON" took a shot at Tornado when he did just a week ago.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
For a week now, all I've heard is... Why?
WHY would you knock the living HELL out of Troy Tornado? WHY use ole' "Rusty" here to plant that sum-b*tch on his back?
Even as I walked into battle with a DAMN psychopath in face-paint, ALL that was asked of me is... Why...
Well... It's really quite simple.
{Pauses; looks out upon the crowd}
But before I can get to that, I'm not the kind of snitch that stabs a knife in your back... I'd rather dig it straight through your heart. So, Tornado... get on out here... We've got some sh*t to address...


{Just then, as if there were NO time to waste, Tornado's heavy-metal theme overwhelms the OMEGA night club in the same dominant fashion we see from his in-ring work. That said, while the song proves to be explosive in every sense of the word, the WAR Champion's mannerisms tell of a complete opposite of such. Sauntering out in a lazy fashion, his head c*cked slightly, his shuffle rather lackadaisical, and his title dangling over his shoulder as if it were to drop at any time, Tornado shows little energy whatsoever. The only real spark, or sign that he's really alive, is the dirty smirk upon his face & the impenetrable sense of cool that radiates from his every pour.}


{Taking FOREVER to enter the squared circle, Tornado doesn't seem to be in much rush. Meanwhile, as the crowd showers him with a sense of aggressive excitement, the lazed WAR Champion almost seems to be unresponsive to it. Truly, even if they WEREN'T there, you feel as though he'd be acting in the same manner; rather high on himself. With that in mind, it's as if he's too cool to even acknowledge the fans who are screaming his name from ringside.}


{Once he's entered the ring, Tornado is quickly handed a microphone; a fact that he takes forever to fulfill.}


{Standing across from one another, the two men look upon eachother in totally different manners.}


{Tornado, lazily in his every mannerism, c*cks his head to the sight while still grinning in a devilishly cool manner. That said, it's impossible to REALLY prove that he's even looking at Caulfield as his sunglasses are too dark to direct his gaze.}


{Caulfield, staring back upon Tornado with a stern sense of defiance upon his face, looks to be unimpressed by the dominant WAR Champion before him. Shaking his head in a "frickin' punk" manner, the "Extreme Icon" is shown rubbing his face shortly before diving straight into it.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
Good... You DO have some balls. I'll give ya credit there...
... But that's where it ends...


{Tornado simply scoffs with laughter as he still stands in a overtly lazed fashion.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
You may have EVERYONE fooled, Tornado, but I can see straight through your bull-sh*t.
You're an a$$hole; a fame-wh*re down to your last bone.


{The crowd doesn't know WHO to really cheer for at this point. With that said, it's almost as though they're split down the middle; popping for both men.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
You don't care about wrestling... Hell, you don't care about a DAMN thing but yourself. ALL you REALLY care about is the sh*t that's been GIVEN to you since you've made WAR your own little playground. But you see, those days... well they ended last week on "Battleground"...


{The crowd pops; however, there's a sense as though they're holding back from giving ALL of their support behind Caulfield. In a way, Tornado has been THE figure in WAR for so long, so beloved for his rebellious rocker persona, that it's impossible for them to truly look at him in a different light all together; or at least so they thought.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
Now I 'aint no saint; I'm an a$$hole myself... but you see... the difference is, I'm not pretending to be something I'm not. You, on the other hand Tornado, YOU walk around this place like your some sort of savior; like some sort of rock GOD we all should drop to our knees and worship. Well, I don't know about all of you...
{Points to the crowd}
but I don't bend down for nobody.
{Crowd pops}
You stand above these people as if YOU'RE their savior... but... in reality... You don't give a damn about ANY one of them... do ya?


{Taking a second, laughing in defiance of Caulfield's accusatory tone, Troy Tornado looks to be in no hurry whatsoever. However, slowly, very slowly, the WAR Champion is shown raising a microphone to his smirking mouth; sending a message that would change the course of EVERYTHING in the process.}


[Troy Tornado]:


{The crowd collectively stands back in shock; trying to make sense of what they just heard. Meanwhile, Tornado continues to grin like a dirty punk.}


[Troy Tornado]:
I DON'T give a sh*t about these people...


{A smattering of boos start to transition entirely into a wave of momentous disdain. Even with that though, Tornado's demeanor doesn't shift in the slightest. If anything, he remains the same regardless of what the fans think of him.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Why should I? To be the 'great hero'? To be their... 'Savior'?
{A dirty scoff follows}
{Laughs again; following his sarcastic tone}
These pathetic dip-sh*ts don't deserve an ounce of my focus. I am FAR to important to care about any one of them...


{The momentous wave of boos becomes that much stronger as Tornado simply laughs in an arrogantly defiant manner.}


[Troy Tornado]:
But YOU care... don't you?
{Pauses; smirks devilishly}
Maybe that's why I am who I am.... and you never became much more than a "D-List Celebrity".


{Caulfield cracks a grin; however, it's not in a laughing manner. If anything, it's the very look someone projects seconds before they cold-clock someone in the face for saying something unpleasant about the other.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
I'm not a celebrity... I'm a wrestler... and I'm DAMN proud of it.


{The crowd pops like crazy in favor of Caulfield as the "Extreme Icon" stares down the arrogantly laughing WAR Champion before him.}


[Troy Tornado]:
To be proud only means you didn't achieve; it's your way of talking yourself off the edge, right?
I don't NEED to be proud. You see, I DO things... I win matches... championships... sponsorship... ALL the things that you, deep down, WISH you could have. The thing is though, you can't... because, at the end of the day, you're weak. You CARE about this bull-sh*t; this rah-rah crap that gets you nowhere. At the end of the day, I don't need any of it... I don't need you... I don't need these fans... HELL, I don't even need WAR....
I ONLY need ME....
{Pauses; smirks}
Cause ME is pretty DAMN loaded...


{Tornado laughs rather heartily; still dirty in nature. Meanwhile, Caulfield is shown clenching his grip upon "Rusty" that much harder at this point.}


[Troy Tornado]:
So yea... I give you credit too, Caulfield. You were able to see past the bull-sh*t and see me for who I REALLY am. I guess these idiots at ringside couldn't do the same...
{Pauses as he smirks devilishly; the crowd boos}
That's not MY fault you're all too stupid to see the truth.


[Chris Caulfield]:
Reckless punks like you ALWAYS get what's comin' them... I know... cause I was in your shoes before...


[Troy Tornado]:
You were NEVER in my shoes...


{Tornado interjects; laughing through his response.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
F*ck you, Tornado...


{Tornado doesn't budge. If anything, it only seems to make him laugh more. Meanwhile, Caulfield is viciously serious at this point; on the verge of violent action it seems.}


[Chris Caulfield]:
You just started somethin' that I'm SURE you can't finish...


{Caulfield stares down Tornado as he smirks in a devilish fashion before speaking once again.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Ask ANYONE here whether I can finish or not...
{Vile smirk continues to formulate}
In the ring, any man will tell you they brought their best and YET... I still won; I always win. In the bedroom,...
{Dirty laughter follows}
Let's just say that I NEVER leave a b*tch unhappy!


{Tornado laughs as the crowd boos heartily in his direction.}


[Troy Tornado]:
Huff-and-puff all you want... Nothing's going to change... it never does... I will ALWAYS be on TOP of this god-forsaken company and there 'aint NOTHIN' you can do about it...


{With that, Tornado is shown lazily dropping his mic upon the canvas below. In doing so, the WAR Champion slowly back-peddles away in a shuffling fashion; never taking his focus off of Caulfield as he snickers arrogantly. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the ring, Chris seems gripped with disdain. Snarling, the contorted face of the "Extreme Icon" tells of a man focused on vile intent. With that said, as he grips "Rusty" hard in his hands, never taking his focus off of the WAR Champion in the process, many expect Caulfield's upcoming opponent, Buddy Garner, to suffer due to the rage roaring within the former DaVE fighter.}


Mitch Naess:
Well, I guess we should have seen this all along... Tornado is about himself only. It's pretty obvious. I guess, for me, I thought there was a SHRED of decency under that arrogance. I guess not.

Eric Tyler:
I've been saying it since day one; Troy Tornado is a punk. That said, I've got to show him some respect for what he did here tonight. He COULD have towed the line; make everyone think what they WANT to think. However, instead of that, he came out and pretty much just blasted them all for not seeing it all along. Tornado is a punk; there's no way around that. At least he's not trying to cover it up or anything.

Mitch Naess:
I don't know if he REALLY wants to start this with Caulfield though... that's NOT a man you want to piss off... We've BOTH seen him, you first hand EVEN, cripple some of the best of them!

Eric Tyler:
I'm still alive and kickin'; he didn't do the job well enough I guess.
{Villainous smirk follows}
He's not superman though and, right now, it's going to take THAT to get the belt off of Tornado. Trust me, I've seen first hand... that a$$hole in the ring [Tornado] may just hold the strap up until the doors on this company closes.

Mitch Naess:
I guess we'll see... but... for right now... Caulfield has a match to get to; and not just ANY other match. "Machine"... "Extreme Icon"... one-on-one... and it's happening.... NOW!




"The Machine"
Buddy Garner vs.
"The Extreme ICON"
Chris Caulfield


Singles Match

“Pushing his body to the Extreme!”


Two men, both known for coming up short at “Firestorm”, stand across from one another with the thought of imperative victory in tonight’s secondary main event. In reality, while neither could EVER been labeled as unsuccessful, a black-stain from losing just a few days ago, in a highly publicized event, brings their altercation to a fevered pitch. Both want to right the ship going forward… Only ONE will actually have a chance to do so.


Slowly, methodically, tempered, these two fighters gradually build their shared warfare. While they rage internally no doubt, anxiously needing a victory tonight, both appear rather cautious in their mannerisms. In a way, it’s as if the grandeur of a win, and the devastation of a loss, inspires the two competitors to ultimately play it careful from the get-go. Not to mention, neither have really ANY history with one another; so, the gradual development of their match is quite possibly a byproduct of ALSO getting to know one another.


As they feel one another out, we are ultimately presented the age old battle of Brawler vs. Technition.


Caulfield, most known for his extreme nature, has his best maneuver removed from the ring (that being an epic chair shot from ‘Rusty’). With this in mind, for the first time since joining WAR, the extreme ICON is forced to actually wrestle a match. As one would expect, his approach is not very well rounded in nature. More or less, it’s based upon heavy-handed strikes, stiff kicks, and the occasional simple wrestling maneuver such as an head-lock takedown or standard suplex. Really, his onslaught is quite vanilla; however, effective due to the harsh nature of his attack.


On the other hand, Buddy Garner brings forth his typical “Machine” onslaught. Cold, calculated, and building with viciousness, the hardened MMA-fighter slowly slides into his typical approach as the extreme ICON before him struggles to keep up. Truthfully, while Caulfield does well for himself, he ALWAYS seems rather wild in his attitude as Garner’s explosive onslaught becomes increasingly difficult to counteract. Before you know it, after a number of impact moves, a string of submission holds ultimately prove to be Garner’s best weapon (as is the norm). With time, Caulfield’s aged body appears to give in a little more than the normal fighter due to said submissions.


As the match progresses, Caulfield becomes increasingly wild (if not desperate) in his actions.


Meanwhile, building every maneuver and submission to a desired point, the “Machine” is constructing a well-developed path toward victory.


Continuing to focus feverishly upon the notoriously injured back of the extreme ICON, Buddy Garner eventually cracks a devilish grin once he knows that his prey is starting to wane physically.


The set-up is there (the back injury of Caulfield) for Garner to eventually force his way into the winner’s circle once again…


… Well, at least it looked that way.


At the 15 minute mark, it was expected that Buddy Garner was WELL on his way toward a victory. Locking his opponent in an unforgiving camel clutch, the “Machine” wrenches back in a manner that most certainly furthers Caulfield’s back pain. Placing his hands as a brace upon the sides of Caulfield’s mouth, adding further insult to injury, Garner does ALL he can to break Caulfield in half…


… for 45-seconds Caulfield puts up with the pain of the hold …


Yelling, spitting, roaring in pain, Caulfield fights it though; never giving up.


Eric Tyler:
Give up you fool!


Mitch Naess:
Is it foolish or heroic? I mean, Chris Caulfield is taking Garner’s BEST and YET he’s not tapping!


Eric Tyler:
Foolish and Heroic are all in the same. Caulfield’s going to lose his career here; not that I care really. It should have ended LONG ago!


Eventually, he’s able to grab a nearby ring-rope; a fact that only enrages the “Machine” due to not being able to force him to submit.


With that, Garner attempts to pull him back into the center of the ring in which to reapply the hold; however, in doing so, the extreme ICON is able to flip over and roll his opponent into a modified pinfall attempt. However, that would only produce a 2-count.


Reeling and obviously injured, Caulfield would return to his feet; however, would be instantly pulled into a belly-to-back suplex attempt. Reaching outward toward ‘Rusty’, who lay outside of the ring, Caulfield does ALL He can to block the suplex by fortifying himself.


He eventually breaks free…


… BUT Garner attempts it again.


Caulfield is able to break free once again; however, in this case, the injured brawler is ultimately able to catch an unsuspecting Garner with a harsh double-arm DDT!


Mitch Naess:
Double-Arm DDT!!!


Eric Tyler:
He actually DOES know a wrestling move…


The impact drives Garner’s head firmly into the canvas to the point of extreme pain; wincing as he lay upon the canvas holding his neck. Seconds later, as Garner pulls himself back to his feet in a brutish fashion, the match is brought to an end with a shocking SECOND double-arm DDT by the extreme ICON!


The rabid WAR fan-base roars with excitement as Chris Caulfield has done it; overcoming the explosive MMA-fighter. That said, you wouldn’t know it as he’s barely able to return to his feet; needing the nearby rope as an obvious crutch in the process.


Chris Caulfield via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
Two double arm DDT’s in a matter of 20-seconds

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
He took the BEST of Garner’s onslaught and YET… Chris Caulfield was able to not only survive but WIN! The LEGEND of Caulfield is ALIVE and STRONG here in Wrestling Action in Revolt!

Eric Tyler:
LEGEND? Really? LEGEND?!?! This IDIOT is in NO WAY a LEGEND!!

Mitch Naess:
It’s this kind of extreme drama that has come to DEFINE Caulfield. It’s just SO crazy to see it all these years later. I thought the death of DaVE would bring about the, well, death of Caulfield; however, he’s proving me wrong daily.

Eric Tyler:
Don’t dodge my questioning! It’s absurd that you would call this talenteless HACK a LEGEND! He’s NOWHERE NEAR my league!

Mitch Naess:
Okay, Eric… Yep… You’re in a ‘league of your own’…

Eric Tyler:
Your sarcasm will put you in a hospital bed if you don’t watch it…

{Naess backs-off slightly; obviously not wanting to fight Tyler}

Mitch Naess:
All in all, WHATEVER you want to classify him as, Caulfield continues to cement himself as one of THE most talked about stars in WAR in just a short time. He may be getting closer to the END of his career then the beginning but he’s still got A LOT left in the tank it seems!




Post-Match Attack

Involved: Troy Tornado© and Chris Caulfield

“The tides are turned...”


{Barely able to pull himself to his feet, an obviously depleted Caulfield has his right arm raised in victory as the rabid WAR fan-base showers him with a response fit for a KING. That said, leaning his back against a nearby rope, the "Extreme Icon" is shown cracking a vile grin of his own; happy with the carnage he had just bestowed upon the dwindling "Machine".}


{In his depleted state, Caulfield is unable to witness an impending Troy Tornado; who has recently shuffled through the "Gates of WAR" in a lazy/cool fashion.}


{Once at ringside, the WAR Champion is shown grabbing "Rusty" nearby and entering the ring with nothing short of evil intent.}


Mitch Naess:
Tornado just grabbed "Rusty"... what would he... oh no... wait... You can't do that!


Eric Tyler:
He's about to lay-out Caulfield with his OWN weapon!


The crowd attempts to warn Caulfield; however, his classic 70's rock theme makes it simply impossible to do so. Within seconds later, Tornado strikes Caulfield from behind with his OWN faithful weapon, "Rusty" (Dented steel chair). Strike-after-strike, blow-by-blow, some 6 shots later, the unforgiving steel of his newfound weapon leaves the "Extreme ICON" lying in a heap upon the canvas. Bloodied from his forehead, squirming as he attempts to get up despite his injuries, Chris looks to be the victim of an absolute train-wreck.}


Mitch Naess:
There are 6 more dents on "Rusty" today... ALL from the head of his friend, Caulfield...


Eric Tyler:
You KNOW "Rusty" isn't a real person, right?


Mitch Naess:
I know that but Caulfield doesn't. To him, this is really a friend who just bloodied him...


{After bridging the end of the chair across his victim's throat for a matter of seconds, Tornado is ultimately shown letting go; a fact that drives Caulfield to gasp for air as he aggressively tugs at his throat.}


{Now, ripping a microphone from a nearby ring announcer, Tornado slowly lays down before his fallen victim; face to bloody face. Conscious enough, Caulfield tries to swing at him from his weakened state; however, his depleted nature makes it impossible to really do any damage. Instead, Tornado is shown violently grabbing his wrist and throwing his sad attempt back upon the canvas. In doing so, the WAR Champion stares deep into Caulfield's eyes; glazed over as they both may be.}


{Keeping his sunglasses on, another sign of his disrespect for all, Tornado slowly begins to speak as he simply laughs in the direction of his fallen victim.}


[Troy Tornado]:
I always finish... have that rattle around in that head of yours... You THINK you're extreme?
You 'aint seen NOTHIN' yet...


{With that, ending his phrase in a powerful manner, Tornado is shown jabbing the end of his microphone square into the already bloodied cut upon Caulfield's face. In doing so, the "Extreme ICON" flops in injury as the WAR Champion is shown slowly pulling himself back to his feet; utilizing a nearby ringrope as his crutch of sorts.}


{Never making eye contact with the crowd, or even acknowledging that he KNOWS they are there, Tornado continues on his way; lazily shuffling out of the squared circle with his gleaming championship in hand. With time, exiting through the "Gates of WAR", it truly feels as though he's unchanged by the recent shift in attention toward him. More or less, he is who he is... no matter what. And who he is... is... an a$$hole.}


Mitch Naess:
Caulfield's losing A LOT of blood right now... someone should get that sown up quick... I'm sure he doesn't have much left after the years...

Eric Tyler:
He'll live to fight another day; he always does. Now, it'd be SMART of him to maybe, this time around, just give up. He's an idiot plain and simple; he never really knows when to back down. Some do it because their brave... but with Caulfield... it's basically because he doesn't know any better.

Mitch Naess:
Something tells me that this battle between the two of them is going to be a vicious affair...

Eric Tyler:
This is the kind of fight that could put BOTH into retirement when it's all said and done. I guess we'll see...




"Fear This!"
Art Reed vs. Troy Tornado


Singles Match

Non-Title Match

“Accidental KO...”


It’s surreal to witness. For months now, Troy Tornado has been the darling rebel of Wrestling Action in Revolt. In a lot of ways, he’s come to define the company as a whole with his overt brashness. However, despite all of that, in one night, he’s quickly transformed to that of public enemy #1. It’s not that the new perception came about due to the fan’s absolute LOVE of Chris Caulfield or even the message he brought with him earlier but more so because of Tornado’s blatant disregard for those who had cheered him on for so long. In a way, we all weren’t fools for celebrating the dominating WAR Champion all this time… WE just finally came to see the TRUTH… That Troy Tornado cares for only himself… Everyone else means NOTHING to him.


In contrast, Art Reed is perceived as the ‘Golden Boy’ Troy Tornado never was. Heroic, statuesque, proud and greatly respected, this masterful technition stands before the WAR Champion as a true opposite in a lot of ways. While Tornado is loud & brash, Reed is silent and humble. Truly, this is the best way to decipher their differences as one is ‘All about me’ while the other simply shows up to ‘do his job’. None the less, with this in mind, especially given Tornado’s newfound hated streak, the man they’ve labeled as “Fear This!” finds himself with a feverish fan-base at his back.


Almost immediately, their in-ring action carries the very same feel. As Tornado laughs, mocks, and even disrespects his challenger at every turn, Reed simply keeps his emotions in check while coming at the dominating WAR Champion in a controlled fearless manner. At one point, as Tornado rubs his boot across the face of the fallen Reed, an age old heel tactic of disrespect, OMEGA practically radiates with disdain as those within it collectively shake their head in anger.


Mitch Naess:
Oh what a difference a night can make…. Last week, These fans LOVED Tornado; however, after getting to see the TRUTH for once, that ALL has turned completely on it’s head.


Eric Tyler:
That just shows you how STUPID these fans really are. They couldn’t SEE that Tornado was a self-absorbed a$$hole? That’s their OWN fault.


You would think, over-time, this level of disrespect would push Reed to ‘lose his cool’; however, that never seems to develop. Instead, the seasoned veteran focuses his attention upon the technical aspect of his in-ring assault; spending very little time, as it seems, upon the ugly thought of revenge (a fact that tends to consume us and ultimately make us make mistakes).


As one would expect, whenever Reed is able to go on the offensive, utilizing a suplex or traditional take-down as his weapon of choice, the OMEGA night-club is heard equally exploding in a fit of excitement.


… Boy, did they get their excitement.


From the very start, this altercation speeds in an ‘all-out’ manner. Holding NOTHING back, tempering NOTHING in the process, Reed & Tornado wage in a battle that pushes one another to the verge edge of what’s possible. With that in mind, for the first time in quite some time, Tornado finds himself unable to simply out ‘explode’ his opponent. In this case, Reed actually seems to possess MORE athleticism than the hated WAR Champion.


Despite his challenger never-backing-down, Tornado never seems to lose his cool either. In this case though, it’s more about not breaking from his high-arrogance than remaining calm. Even as each pinfall attempt only gains a 2-count or less, it’s as if he’s shown shrugging his shoulders in a ‘whatever’ kind of fashion; most likely expecting to pick up the win sooner or later (as he always have).


With time, all HELL would break loose as WAR referee Jay Fair is eventually knocked-out on accident. As Art Reed takes Tornado over with a simple suplex, Fair is shown getting caught in the middle of the action as he is unaware of said maneuver (instead focusing on kicking a piece of garbage out of the ring). The suplex collides with Fair; eventually causing him to fall to the canvas in a thunderous heap. From there, it’s as if the impact has caused him severe neurological distress as he lays upon his stomach holding his head.


Mitch Naess:
Fair is down!! Fair is down!!


In the end though, it wouldn’t really be HIM that brings about the end…



Bloodied and back for revenge!


Hobbling toward the ring, Chris Caulfield eventually appears from the back with a severely dented ‘Rusty’ in hand. With crazy eyes, the extreme ICON appears as though he’s obsessed with gaining a sense of revenge upon the man who floored him earlier.


Mitch Naess:
Here we go! Caulfield is comin’ down to for revenge!!!


Eric Tyler:
Coming for and getting are TWO different things… That IDIOT with the chair will find a way to get his a$$ kicked… He always does…


Hopping up onto the apron, Caulfield points aggressively in the direction of the WAR Champion as the other hand clutches ‘Rusty’. Slowly, Tornado walks toward him as he laughs in defiance of his possible attacker. However, as Caulfield goes to strike Tornado from the apron, he accidentally collides with the head of Art Reed…



Caulfield accidentally hits Reed with "Rusty"!


Mitch Naess:


Eric Tyler:
What’d I say?
He’s a damn IDIOT!


Mitch Naess:
Art Reed is out COLD due to a inadvertent chair shot from Caulfield! He was going for Tornado but got Reed!!


Reed, who regained his composure following an upper-cut from Tornado, one that was followed by a spit to the face as Reed lay upon the canvas, quickly jumps to his feet in which to hit his opponent from behind. However, not seeing Caulfield, as he shoves Tornado from behind, this forces ‘Rusty’ to connect with HIS head and not Tornado’s.


The impact forces Reed’s legs to go limp as he collapses to the canvas once again; not expecting the strike.


Shocked by what had happened, Caulfield spaces for a second in a “Oh no… I didn’t mean to do that” kind of fashion. That said, this opens up the ability to Troy Tornado to sweep in and force the extreme ICON’s head into the ring-post nearby. In this case, the impact of Caulfield’s head upon the steel pole brings about a state of semi-consciousness as Chris lay upon the cement floor below.


Mitch Naess:
Tornado is going to win this and it’s ALL thanks to Caulfield’s accidental chair shot!


Eric Tyler:
What haven’t you learned thus far, Naess? A win is a win!


Seconds later, leaping to the top rope in one swoop, Tornado is shown looking out upon the crowd as he stands perched on high. Making sure to celebrate himself & flick off the crowd all in one grand taunt, Tornado eventually leaps from the top rope in which to connect with his signature “F*ck-off!” (Top Rope Elbow Drop).


Connecting with such, driving his elbow square into the forehead of Reed, there’s little that ANYONE can do now.


As Jay Fair slowly awakes from his pain, returning to reality in the process, we’re ALL forced to watch on as he dramatically counts to three in favor of Tornado (taking short breaks between each-and-every count due to his potential injuries). Meanwhile, Tornado is shown lazily laying atop his opponent, his back resting upon Reed’s chest, in a way of furthering his disrespect for any and all…


Troy Tornado via pinfall

Ending Maneuver:
“F*ck-Off!” (Top Rope Elbow Drop) following a botched interference from Chris Caulfield & ‘Rusty’

Ending Time:


Mitch Naess:
Tornado wins…
{He says in THE most dead of tones; not enthusiastic to say the least}

Eric Tyler:
You may want to re-think aligning with someone like Caulfield. This kind of cr@p always seems to follow him. Reed, if you KNEW what was best for you, you’d stay FAR away from that idiot. He cost you a possible win tonight; however, he could do FAR worse if you EVER accept him as an ally.

Mitch Naess:
Even with how calm he typically is, I’m SURE Reed won’t be happy with how this one came out. He was continually disrespected by Tornado and, in the end, lost the match due to a botched interference from another. He MAY have had a chance to win on his own tonight but I guess we’ll never know for sure.

Eric Tyler:
Grow some b@lls, Reed… Next week… take it TO Caulfield for what he did here tonight! I dare you… grow some b@lls and become the man you COULD be!

Mitch Naess:
That’s a little harsh…

Eric Tyler:
It’s the truth. I’ve seen this kid wrestle for YEARS now. He’s got the talent… he just doesn’t have the mean streak to make a difference.

Mitch Naess:
… And getting revenge for this will give him that streak?

Eric Tyler:
It’ll AT LEAST show that he’s not going to stand for what happened…

Mitch Naess:
I guess we’ll have to see what comes of this next week…




Post-Match Celebration

Involved: Troy Tornado©

“High on himself...”


{Through it all, the final “Battleground” of July 2010 closes with the overwhelming sight of the once beloved WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, posing arrogantly before a feverishly booing crowd. With his gleaming championship over his sweaty, fish-net wearing, shoulder, the devilish smirk upon his face tells of a man who truly does not care what the fans think of him. If anything, it’s almost as though he’s basking in the extreme negativity; laughing to himself in defiance of their collective tone.}


{As carnage lay around the ring, Caulfield outside of such and Reed face-up in the ring, “Battleground” closes with the zoomed out image of the squared circle for which Tornado arrogantly poses within. As trash is thrown from every which direction, collecting in piles within said ring, it’s glaringly obvious that we’ve entered into a NEW age of Wrestling Action in Revolt…}


Mitch Naess:
These fans can’t stand Troy Tornado… THAT’S blatantly obvious…

Eric Tyler:
Like a REAL Champion, he doesn’t seem to care in the slightest.

Mitch Naess:
A REAL Champion doesn’t care? What kind of psycho-babble is that?

Eric Tyler:
It’s true. A REAL Champion doesn’t LISTEN to these fools. Can you TAG them in when you’re in need of help? Can they BOOK you into a title opportunity? No & No. It’s up to you and you alone. Once you realize that, there’s no looking back. Tornado has ALWAYS been an a$$hole but now… we all know WHY! He doesn’t give a DAMN about ANY of you…

Mitch Naess:
Tune in next week on “Battleground” as the fallout of Troy Tornado turning his BACK on the fans of WAR continues on…

Eric Tyler:
… and the subsequent greatness he’ll achieve for doing so!
















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WAR: "Battleground" - TV Episode #8

Date of Event:
Monday, 4th Week of July 2010

Wrestling Action in Revolt (WAR)

3,000 out of 3,000 at OMEGA (Night Club/Music Hall Located in the Empire Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, NV)

TV Rating:
0.64 (+ 0.03)

Competitors TV Rating:
SWF "Uprising" - 12.09 (+ 0.24)

Event Grade:


  • J.K. Stallings Jr. announces the creation of "Uprising: Power to the People!". With this in mind, fan-voting will dictate the course of WAR leading into said PPV.

  • Eric Tyler is announced as the new WAR commentator to work alongside fellow DaVE alumni, Mitch Naess.

  • Ares, Slick Rick, and Jacob Jett defeated Jayson Wright, Masked Cougar, and Snap Dragon in 6:29 after Slick Rick pinned Masked Cougar; thanks to Snap Dragon's heel turn -- attacking Masked Cougar.

  • Joanne Rodriguez & Ravyn attempt to force Mr. Stallings' hand; trying to get their roster spot. However, before it can be said, Catherine Quine interrupts and ultimately challenges the two to a match.

  • Ravyn defeated Joanne Rodriguez and Catherine Quine in 5:55 via pinfall.

  • WAR Sin City Champion, Puerto Rican Power, and Brutus O'Leary appear ready to fight; however, before they can do so, Jennifer Heat announces that the LEGENDARY luchador, El-Platinu-ay, will be an impromptu part of said match.

  • El Platinum-ay wins the WAR Sin City Championship in 7:41 after pinning Puerto Rican Power following a run-in attack by Cletus (upon both Power & O'Leary).

  • Chris Caulfield announces WHY he attacked Troy Tornado. In doing so, Tornado turns heel due to Caulfield's hunch being true.

  • Chris Caulfield defeated Buddy Garner in 17:02 via pinfall.

  • WAR Champion, Troy Tornado, strikes Chris Caulfield from behind with "Rusty" following his win over Garner. After doing so, striking him a good 6-times with said dented weapon, a short promo is given.

  • Troy Tornado defeated Art Reed in 12:01 via pinfall with help from Chris Caulfield's botched attack with "Rusty"; accidentally striking Art Reed when going for Troy Tornado.

  • Troy Tornado poses before the crowd as he's showered with boos.

Next Show:
WAR: "Battleground" - TV Episode #9

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Wrestling Action in Revolt is now in


For the next month, YOU will dictate the development of THE hottest pay-per-view event in professional wrestling history! With a simple click of your mouse, power will TRULY be in YOUR hands as “Uprising” becomes a personal playground of sorts. Want to see Ash Campbell challenge Troy Tornado for the WAR Championship? El Platinum-ay defend the Sin City Championship in a ‘Hellbound’ match? Witness an underground darling grace the WAR stage for the first time? ALL OF THIS, every single piece of it, will be there for YOU to create.


For the next 3 weeks, J.K. Stallings Jr. will call on YOU to forge a path for his company going forward. Following each “Battleground” episode, a new questionnaire will be promoted on WAR-wrestling.com. From there, your choices, your direction, YOUR perspective, will ultimately shape “Uprising” into THE most talked about event in history!


The power is


… choose your direction wisely.


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{With a shaky delivery, the camera lens comes to life once again with the hazed vision of an unknown space. Slowly, as the utilizer of such a camera becomes more stern handed, the blurry image at hand begins to unveil itself; giving sight to a dark-damp-and-dingy unfinished basement.}


{With the walls jetting in and out, resembling rocks more so than cement bricks, the surrounding area almost feels more like a cave than anything else. The darkness doesn’t help this notion all that much; that or the random water droplet falling from the pipes ahead and collecting in a collection of buckets below.}


{Slowly, as the camera man pans over, we witness the sight of a standing John “Nemesis” Campbell doing curls with a faded dumbbell. With a cigarette loosely dangling in his mouth, exhaling plumes of smoke at unexplained moments, the man perceived as a wrestling LEGEND looks more like a simple man than anything else; one not ALL that worried about his health for that matter.}


{As he continues to curl his faded dumbbell upward, smoking throughout it all, a familiar voice is heard projecting from behind the lens.}


[Ash Campbell]:
Is this the work-out of champions?


{He relays in a sarcastic tone; more back-handed than joking.}


{Nemesis doesn’t respond as he continues about his business.}


[Ash Campbell]:
You’re going to give yourself a heart-attack…


{Still, nothing from Nemesis.}


[Ash Campbell]:
I’m starting to think that’s what you really want… just to end it all.


{Ash states in a frustrated fashion.}


[John “Nemesis” Campbell]:
Jesus, Ash… stop with this sh*t already…


{Nemesis barks in a tone that speaks of one who is equally frustrated with his Son. That said, he doesn’t stop his half-work-out-half-smoke session.}


[John “Nemesis” Campbell]:
Don’t you have something better to do…


[Ash Campbell]:
What; saving my ONLY Father from killing himself isn’t important?


[John “Nemesis” Campbell]:
I don’t need you lookin’ over my shoulder, Ash. I did JUST FINE without it. Don’t you got a concert or something to go to? There’s got to be some sh*t out there that’s more interesting then talkin’ down to your dad…


{Nemesis states in an equally back-handed manner.}


[Ash Campbell]:


[John “Nemesis” Campbell]:


[Ash Campbell]:


{Nemesis doesn’t respond as he finishes up his round of curls. Throwing his dumbbell on the ground below, grunting in the process, the wrestling LEGEND is eventually shown walking slightly off-camera; a fact that Ash adjusts for. Still smoking like a chimney, Nemesis is shown running his right hand through his already sweaty hair.}


[John “Nemesis” Campbell]:
Honestly, Ash… turn that sh*t off…


[Ash Campbell]:
Is THIS what you want your fans to see? A washed-up has been who can barely walk? I know THEIR perception of you is FAAR more important to you than what your Family thinks. You’ve made that crystal clear!


{Nemesis shakes his head in frustration as he slowly starts to shuffle in a labored fashion toward a nearby set of stairs leading out of the basement.}


[John “Nemesis” Campbell]:
Give it a rest, Ash… up your dosage or somethin’… I don’t have time for this bull-sh*t…


[Ash Campbell]:
Nice dad…


{Ash responds in a sarcastic fashion.}


{Meanwhile, just before Nemesis is shown exiting the downstairs basement, slowly stepping up each and every step as he winces throughout, we’re left with one final statement by the wrestling LEGEND.}


[John “Nemesis” Campbell]:


{Correcting his son once again, forcing him to call him by his wrestling name versus the norm of Dad, Father, or John, there appears to be an obvious disconnect between Father & Son. With that in mind, it’s as if the MAN John Campbell is entirely unable to remove himself from the PERSONA of Nemesis.}


{Slowly, the camera lens comes to a halt once again with the final image being that of Nemesis wincing in pain as he finally steps off scene; leaving his son, Ash, in the dark… metaphorically and literally.}


Original WAR-wrestling.com Programming

Brought to you by StallMedia

(A subsidiary of StallCorp)












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Jennifer Heat & El Platinum-ay©

"Your NEW WAR Sin City Champion!"


{We transition backstage in which to witness the sight of a proud El Platinum-ay standing before the lens with his newly acquired WAR Sin City Championship draped over his right shoulder. As his chest puffs outward in a grandiose fashion, raising his chin slightly in a way to show himself as prestigious, the masked ‘LEGENDARY Luchador’ looks the part of a champion. That said, the means for which he obtained said title, ‘picking up the scraps’ if you will after a Cletus attacked floored BOTH Puerto Rican Power & Brutus O’Leary, there still remains a stain upon his reign; even if HE doesn’t seem to think in any other way.}


{After a brief single-framed shot of the Sin City Champion, the camera lens slowly pans out slightly now in which to see the lovely Jennifer Heat standing alongside him.}


{With an arrogant smirk upon her face, personifying a b*tch in many ways, Heat looks to be equally proud over her client’s victory on this past “Battleground”.}


[Jennifer Heat]:
Feast your unworthy eyes on THE… NEW… WAR… Sin City Champion!


{She pauses, smirking the entire time, in which for her message to sink in. Meanwhile, El Platinum-ay continues to puff his chest outward as he stands in a statuesque fashion.}


[Jennifer Heat]:
Another notch in his LEGENDARY belt, you may as well just induct him into the “Hall of Fame” right now! I mean, with this win, the all-powerful… all-knowing… ALL-winning… Platinum-ay adds to his ALREADY lengthy career accomplishments. Where were YOU when El Platinum-ay single-handedly defeated the United Kingdom at the battle of Mexico?
Where were YOU when THIS LEGENDARY Luchador leaped from the sun itself in which to Hurricanrana an ENTIRE impending army at the battle of Puerto Rico?
{Shakes her head; scoffing in a way}
Most likely sitting on your FAT a$$es; watching yet ANOTHER mindless reality TV show and stuffing your already greasy faces with lard! You all disgust me…
{After she turns her nose up, she eventually smirks once again.}
… But this man, this GOD of Luchador Wrestling,… I stand in AWE of him.


{She pauses once again in which to smirk while placing her right hand upon El Platinum-ay’s chest. In doing so, the masked Luchador looks over to her in a ‘you don’t deserve me’ fashion. In doing so, she quickly retreats her hand and looks somewhat embarrassed.}


[El Platinum-ay]:
Just as I dominated Mexico… I have come to dominate Sin City…


{He projects in a TERRIBLE accent that sounds NOTHING like someone from Mexico. While he attempts to sound profound, said terribleness makes this all truly laughable.}


[El Platinum-ay]:
It no matter who comes before me, I will defeat them ALL!!
{Smirks as he puffs his chest once again}
They are ALL… NO MATCH… for El Platinum-ay!!


[Jennifer Heat]:
Oh, El-Platinum-ay!! How AMAZING you are!!


{El Platinum-ay puffs his chest that much further as his chin rises with grandiosity.}


[Jennifer Heat]:
Let this be a warning to ANY of you who DARE cross his path… You are not wrestling a MAN… NO… you are tangling with… A LEGEND!!!


{Jennifer puffs her chest proudly as well; in unison with the masked man next to her. All in all, as the scene comes to a close, a message is projected across an already black background. This message, almost a plea from WAR-wrestling.com, states…


Who will YOU choose to challenge El Platinum-ay for the WAR Sin City Championship?

… Please SAVE US from this stupidity …


… Just as the message shows up, it eventually disappears into the black background behind it. More or less, pulling NO punches, it seems as though Wrestling Action in Revolt is practically BEGGING for the WAR fan-base to save them from the debauchery of El Platinum-ay as Sin City Champion.}


Original WAR-wrestling.com Programming

Brought to you by StallMedia

(A subsidiary of StallCorp)












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Consider me an El Platinum-ay supporter.


He once beat the entire roster of TCW with:

  • One arm tied behind his back
  • Both legs broken
  • Blindfolded
  • With a biased ref


Yeah! He's the NEW Chuck Norris!!!



El Platinum-ay as EVERYTHING, even the location and the role of J.K Stallings.

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Did you know that, one day, long ago, it was El Platinum-ay who toppled communism with a round of Tornado DDT's across the world?




Consider me an El Platinum-ay supporter.


He once beat the entire roster of TCW with:

  • One arm tied behind his back
  • Both legs broken
  • Blindfolded
  • With a biased ref


Yeah! He's the NEW Chuck Norris!!!



El Platinum-ay as EVERYTHING, even the location and the role of J.K Stallings.




We are all coming to find out what Mexico already knew; El Platinum-ay is the sun, moon, stars, and peppermint patty to the world!


(Side note: Stallings as El Platinum-ay would be AWESOME! Platinum-ay's in stereo!)

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So you fired Prudence?


He is better than Tommy Cornell, only they don't include hiim. Every ranking would be:


El Platinum-ay


Every El Platinum-ay match outranks this:


<object style="height: 390px; width: 640px"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS7hkwbKmBM?version=3&feature=player_detailpage"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KS7hkwbKmBM?version=3&feature=player_detailpage" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" width="640" height="360"></object>

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[From an independent website comes the one man review. All the information that you might ever need to know about professional wrestling comes from this walking encylopedia of knowledge. The man who actually believes all that. Welcome to A View From A Hawk's Eye. Settled within a chair in a studio office is the man himself: Scott Hawkes. Scott is dressed in a suit and adjusts his tie as he looks to the camera.]


Scott Hawkes

"Good evening everyone and welcome to A View From A Hawk's Eye. I am Scott Hawkes and this evening I am going to be reviewing the latest offering from Wrestling Action in Revolt out in Las Vegas, Nevada. J.K. Stallings, Jr. has created a very interesting product combining the modern wrestling of the Blitzkrieg division, Hardcore wrestling and everything in between making for a very, shall we say, interesting viewing each and every week."


"Now, we begin this week's showing with the owner himself, J.K. Stallings, Jr. and his very own Power To The People speech. Will that be a success? I am not so sure because, let's be honest, wrestling fans don't truly know what they want. They are told what they want by great men like Richard Eisen, Tommy Cornell and, yes, even, J.K. Stallings. I must admit, though, that J.K. Stallings does amuse me for the most part with his off-beat shenaningans. I also must add a hearty welcome to the announce team of Eric Tyler. The Traditionalist offers a breath of fresh air that is missing without Slick Rick on the announce booth. You might even say that he is the Voice of Reason here in WAR."


"Our first match offering is a three versus three match pitting the best of the Blitzkrieg division against two masked men and a man who gets dragged around by his sister. Snap Dragon makes a snap judgement, showing his true colors as he attacks Masked Cougar. Perhaps this will elevate his status toward a title shot? I cannot say for sure but, on the other hand, Slick Rick is 2-0 in action. Who's to say that he shouldn't be getting the title shot?"


"Now we move on to those beautiful females of wrestling. We have a J-Ro, a cat and a Ravyn. Oh and a Stallings. The three women put on a show worthy of Las Vegas. Though, really, who wouldn't rather see the three of them wrestle for Babes of Sin City? Now THAT would be fun! Ravyn gets a win this week but she didn't pin J-Ro, who is the one who lit the match for women's wrestling in WAR. So, as far as this reporter is concerned, Joanne Rodriguez is still on top...right where I like her. Now, let's move to the intermission."




[Following the intermisson, we come back to see Scott Hawkes lying on a sofa. He looks up at the camera, yawns and stretches and sits up.]


Scott Hawkes

"Welcome back to A View From A Hawk's Eye. I am Scott Hawkes and we are talking the latest WAR Battleground. We left off with the most amazing, most legendary, most incredible athlete to ever grace the squared circle. That man, of course, is El Platinum-ay! Not only does he have a hot chick on his arm but he enters into the WAR Sin City Championship match. The match was mostly hard-hitting from the fists of Brutus O'Leary and Puerto Rican Power. The action really picks up when Cletus comes back from the Appalachian mountains! What most people did not see, because it happened so quickly, was El Platinum-ay took out everyone in the ring, including Cletus! He told me that following the match. He took out everyone and then got the pinfall, securing the WAR Sin City Championship on a real Champion and man of the people! Congratulations El Platinum-ay!"


"Now we move on to the truth. They say that 'the truth is out there.' The problem is that the truth was always out there. The wrestling fans just didn't want to see it. They didn't want to see that Troy Tornado didn't care one little bit about them. They are all lemmings. They all do what their rock stars, their idols, their athletes tell them to do. If, next week, Troy Tornado came out and praised the fans they would be eating out of his hands again. But why would he? He is the champion. He is the top wrestler in WAR. And Chris Caulfield? He's a little...rusty."


"Speaking of the Hardcore American, I think he got rocked by Buddy Garner a few too many times and didn't know when to submit in their match. Sure, he wins the match but how much time did this cost him of his career? How much pain and punishment can one man suffer during a lifetime? If he had just given up, then perhaps he would have been able to avoid the suffering he took at the hands of Troy Tornado after the match. The Extreme ICON, the Extreme American, if you will, may not live to fight another day. And he won't if he continues to mess with an amazing champion."


"Then we move on to the main event and the match of the night. Art Reed is a mastermind of technical moves inside the ring and against any other athlete he might have won the match but it wasn't to be on this night. He was facing the Rock Star, the true WAR Icon, the REAL champion Troy Tornado. As everyone could see, Tornado was on the verge of winning when the referee was knocked cold and that Mr. No Brain Cells Chris Caulfield comes out to try and interfere. And you fans condone that? But justice prevailed when Caulfield's attempt to interfere was thwarted and he was taken out. Then it was time for Tornado to land his finisher and that is all she wrote for this edition of WAR Battleground."


"Thank you to everyone for watching my programming. Have a good night!"


[scott lays back on the sofa and closes his eyes as the screen fades to black.]


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So you fired Prudence?


He is better than Tommy Cornell, only they don't include hiim. Every ranking would be:


El Platinum-ay


Every El Platinum-ay match outranks this:


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Yea, 'sadly', James Prudence lost a 'career match' versus Shawn Gonzalez. I guess we'll NEVER know how good he COULD have been in WAR...


Maybe he can return as a masked man someday. I'm sure he'd look AMAZING in a mask. ;)


Scott Hawkes -- A View From a Hawk's Eye


Just AWESOME, Angel! :D I was really excited when you messaged me about this; however, it fails in comparison to reading the actual thing. Thank you for that! :D I love to see another's view on WAR; even if it IS heel slanted. ;)


That said, I'm sure you'll personally be hearing from Chris Caulfield...

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