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ECW on Sci-Fi

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No fancy backstory just running ECW from when it first emerged in the WWE about 5 years ago now. Here is a quick recap of One Night Stand to start us off and we can go from there. First diary attempt people so all advice is appreciated.




ECW One Night Stand Results


Tazz Def Jerry Lawler


Kurt Angle Def Randy Orton


The F.B.I Def Tajari and Super Crazy


Rey Mysterio vs Sabu ended in a No Contest


Mick Foley, Edge and Lita Def Terry Funk, Tommy Dreamer and Beaulah


Balls Mahoney Def Masato Tanaka


Rob Van Dam Def John Cena



ECW On Sci Fi Preview


The first ever ECW On Sci Fi is here this tuesday and what a main event we have in store for you. Paul Heyman declared earlier today on Raw that Rob Van Dam has been named the ECW Heavyweight Champion to add to his WWE Title he won at One Night Stand. Now the search starts for his first opponent. A 4 main tournament will start this week on Sci-Fi when Kurt Angle takes on ECW Original Sabu in the main event.


Also in action, The Big Show has issued an open challenge, declaring himself the most dominate force in ECW.


Rob Van Dam will be on ECW to address the fans, and Originals Stevie Richards, The Sandman and Tommy Dreamer will also be in action.


Main Card

Kurt Angle Vs Sabu

Big Show Vs ???

Stevie Richards Vs ???

Tommy Dreamer Vs The Sandman

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Seems interesting. As sebsplex said, ECW was such a "third-world" type of situation when it could have been great.


Kurt Angle Vs Sabu

Big Show Vs ???

Stevie Richards Vs ???

Tommy Dreamer Vs The Sandman


Completely in agreement with Destiny here. Angle is a no-brainer, I can't see Big Show losing on the first show, the second mystery opponent could be a big signing, and I hate Sandman.

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Good to see the comments. I think the important thing is to try and merge the originals with the new talent coming through and that's what I intend to do. Realistically how many ECW originals are gonna be top of the card contenders a couple of weeks down the line? R.V.D for one and possibly Sabu but the rest of the guys can't really lead the brand as champion. People like Dreamer, Sandman etc will act as enhancement talents, always sure to get a big crowd reaction. Having said that it was important to me to keep the original ECW spirit alive and I'm happy I've managed to get four originals in the first show including one in the main event. Right up is pretty much done just got a two hour train journey coming up now where I can check it over and get it posted
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Kurt Angle Vs Sabu take a leap here establish the ECW is here to play. at a minimum double DQ, this should not be well established WWE squashes old school ECW



Big Show Vs ??? This big man should dominate, a gaint standing above the hard core. all so he can eventually prove the bigger they are the harder they fall



Stevie Richards Vs ??? I like stevie but he makes a great stepping stone for a debuting force.



Tommy Dreamer Vs The Sandman - Double DQ for getting to violent for tv.

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First off I would like to say I will definitely be keeping an eye on this, I tried starting up a WWECW dynasty several years ago and immediately ran into a brick wall. Here's hoping to you not doing that. :D


Kurt Angle Vs Sabu

-I don't know how you're going to push the ECW Originals but I have a feeling this will be an Originals-based brand this time.


Big Show Vs ???

- I could see Big Show being one of the non-originals getting a big push.


Stevie Richards Vs ???

- Someone's going to be debuting...question is who? I vote either Benoit or Jeff Hardy.


Tommy Dreamer Vs The Sandman

- Should be a good hardcore bout, but I see Tommy picking up the victory here.

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Ecw On Sci Fi - 2nd Week June 2006


ECW returns to our screens after a five year absence and we kick things off with two of the original extremists from ECW. Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman.


Tommy Dreamer Vs The Sandman


These two men have a great respect for each other, but it doesn't stop them from kicking the c**p out of one another. After a fierce hardcore battle that saw a big work when Dreamer was getting up on the ropes with his back to Sandman, who had his singapore cane in hand, proceeded to beat Dreamer in an homage to there famous ECW moment, Dreamer picks up the win after a very extreme battle with a DDT onto a trash can lid.

Winner of the match - Tommy Dreamer


After the match Dreamer grabs a mic


Dreamer: It's good to be back. ECW is back! Now I could come out here and talk about the old times and me and Sandman could pull out a few beers, a Singapore cane or two and just reminisce. But that's not what this is about, this is a new ECW. I know for a fact Paul Heyman has searched the independent promotions to find the future of ECW, and me and Sandman have decided to watch over the new recruits and show them the ways and the spirit of ECW. So were gonna sit down and watch the newest ECW superstar perform, right now.


Sandman: Get me a beer.


As Dreamer and Sandman take there seats at ringside to watch! Some new music for the ECW fans as an stocky wrestler with an intense look on his face makes his way to the ring. We are told by Joey Styles that this is "The Alpha Male" Marcus Cor Von


Then out comes Stevie Richards to a huge pop from the crowd. The hugely popular ECW original is in for a tough time tonight by the looks of it.


Marcus Cor Von Vs Stevie Richards


This one is quick and painful for Stevie Richards who is dominated by his aggressive opponent. This one ends in just three minutes when a Pounce by Cor Von picks up the three count.


Winner of the Match: Marcus Cor Von


After the match Cor Von gets on the mic to address the crowd and the two men sat at ringside.


Cor Von: ECW, welcome to a history making night. Tonight is the start of the reign of the Alpha Male in ECW. Dreamer, Sandman, you two guys are legends of this company. The word legend means a lot of things to alot of people, but to me it just means old, past it, has been. The is a new ECW and just like everyone talks about you two and the good old days. pretty soon everyone is going to be talking about me.


Marcus Cor Von seems happy with his debut as Sandman and Dreamer look on.




"One of a Kind!!!!"


We come back from the break and out comes the new WWE Champion, Rob Van Dam alongside Paul Heyman


Van Dam: well this is nice. We are back, it's been five long long years and we are finally back. I remember last year at one night stand it nearly killed me to think I was missing the ECW reunion. But now I'm leading the revolution. Which leads me to this shining belt around my waist. This man next to me, Paul Heyman! (pop) has offered me the ECW title belt, but I told him why be the champion of just ECW. When I can bring the WWE title here and be the champion of the whole company. I won this title last night and the is no way I'm giving up and no one can tak...


"No Chance in Hell"


It's Vince McMahon on ECW, he is giving a mixed reaction from the fans but mostly negative as he grabs a mic.


Vince: Paul, Rob, the reason I'm here is very simple. I'm not looking to ruin ECW's big night, but I have a brand on Monday nights that doesn't have a main heavyweight title. Rob congratulations on your win Sunday night and although the board of directors have voted in favour of you keeping the title after the controversial end to one night stand. I am here tonight to ask you, to relinquish the title. I'm sure Paul would be happy to name you ECW champion, but quite frankly. WWE is my baby and I don't want to see my title on this show.


Rob: Vince, as I was going to say before you interrupted me. I earned this title and the is no way I'm gonna hand it over to you.


Vince: well Rob the simple fact is that either you give me that title, or I can do what if always done when someone gets in my way. I can crush you and take it!


Paul: slow down Vince, your on ECW now, and my ECW will fight with everything with got against your so called WWE superstars so if you want to bring your boys to the land of extreme, the invitation is always open.


Vince: Paul, let's remember something here, I have beaten ECW once and I can do it again, but If you want to play it that way it's fine, because as the chairmen of the board I have certain rights and authority and I can do what I wish to get that title back, so at Vengence, Rob Van Dam you will defend your WWE Title against John Cena ... And Edge in a triple threat match, and next week right here on ECW you can pick a partner of your choice Rob, because your gonna be facing your Vengence opponents in a tag team match.


Big pop from the crowd for the huge main event for next week. It's Cena and Edge versus Rob Van Dam and his tag team partner.




After the break we go back to the ring for some more action as The Big Show makes his way to the ring. We wait patiently for his opponent to be announced when the is a huge pop as Spike Dudley makes his way to the ring.


Big Show Vs Spike Dudley


As much as ECW fans wanted it, Spike couldn't get any offence in here as the Big Show dominated from start to finish. Ending things with a huge chokeslam on the little Dudley brother.

Winner of the match - Big Show


Post match Big Show continues his assault on Spike Dudley ending with another chokeslam through a table this time, the angry big man eventually makes his way to the back




Now time for the main event as "The Wrestling Machine" Kurt Angle takes on the "Homicidal, Suicidal. Genocidal" Sabu


Kurt Angle Vs Sabu


This is a back and forth match, that clearly shows Kurt Angle has the hardcore spirit, with both men taking chair shots at multiple points in the match. This pay per view quality match lasts a good ten minutes when Angle takes control, he hits an Angle Slam on Sabu and locks in the Ankle lock but Sabu is able to roll through. Sabu goes for a version of his Arabian face crusher but Angle avoids it and hits a german suplex. With Sabu on the ground. Angle makes his way to the top rope to deliver a Moonsault to Sabu. chants of this is awesome and E C W ring around the arena but both men after a gruelling match are unable to beat the 10 count and the match ends in a no contest draw.

Match declared a No Contest


The show goes out with both men receiving medical treatmeant.


End of Show

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Apologies for the delay in post. I do all my writing on my iPad and spent this weekend at a friends house only to discover he only had wired Internet, so I had to wait until I was hope to post the show. It did however give me some time to write up the next show and some of the one after that. Coming up next will be next week's preview show plus a review of any moments from Raw and Smackdown worth noting and some WWE.com news aswell.


For anyone interested I'm running this on an old mod I tweaked myself and I also run Raw and Smackdown on my game. I'm currently in November time and I like where my ECW has gone and have always had a place in my heart for ECW so that is why I decided to create this diary.


As before all advice/criticism are welcome

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ECW on Sci Fi Preview


This week on ECW on Sci Fi the is a huge double main event. Rob Van Dam and a partner of his choice will take on the team of John Cena and Edge, how will Cena and Edge co exist when they come into the lions den that is ECW on Tuesday night, and who will RVD choose as his tag team partner.


In the second main event we have the re debut of Andrew "Test" Martin. The former WWE superstar is back with the company and has set his sights firmly on the ECW title, but to get there he is going to have to go through one of ECW toughest originals and the last man to ever hold the title. "The War Machine" Rhino


Also in action The Big Show has issued an open challenge to any ECW superstar to come to the ring and last more than three minutes with him in what he is calling his three minute challenge, and Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman have told us they will be looking over another new recruit to the land of extreme. All this and more on ECW on Sci Fi



John Cena & Edge Vs Rob Van Dam and ????

Test Vs Rhino

The Big Show Vs ????

The new Recruit match


Smackdown recap


On Smackdown this week. J.B.L was declared the number one contender to Rey Mysterios title and the great Khali continued to dominate superstars after his impressive win over The Undertaker at Judgement Day.


Raw Recap


DX continued to annoy Vince and Shane McMahon which resulted in a 5 on 2 match booked for Vengence. DX Vs the Spirit Squad.


Randy Orton began a feud with former mentor Ric Flair with Flair claiming Orton had lost his way and his arrogance was standing in the way of him becoming a true champion. They have a match booked for Vengence.


Carlito defeated Shelton Benjamin to become no 1 contender to Johnny Nitro's Intercontinental title.


Imposter Kane was challenged by Kane to a match at Vengence


John Cena and Edge teamed up for a match against Spirit squad members Kenny and Nicky with Spirit Squad picking up the win after Edge speared Cena after he felt Cena had purposely knocked him off the ring apron.





The WWE universe is full of stories at the moment after the debut of ECW. The belief is that ECW will get one all ECW match on every pay per view aswell as there own pay per view events except they will be less frequent with a pay per view each two/three months.


That means that ECW will be on the Vengence card and not just in the main event with RVD defending his WWE title, so expect some more ECW at Vengence, it's most likely to be the ECW title match.


Speaking of which rumours are flying around about who will be the first champion. The belief is that WWE are planning on a triple threat match for the title with Angle Vs Sabu Vs Test the most likely outcome. They have some big plans for Test over at ECW.


More original superstars are likely to be annouced and re introduced aswell as some new talent. Expect Dreamer and Sandman to be getting in the ring with the new guys very soon.


That's all for now but we will keep you posted on any developments.



Vengence Card


RVD Vs John Cena Vs Edge - WWE Title


DX Vs the Spirit Squad


Ric Flair Vs Randy Orton


Johnny Nitro Vs Carlito


Kane Vs imposter Kane

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ECW on Sci Fi - 3rd Week June 2006


The show kicks off with the WWE champion in the ring.


RVD: Tonight, I'm going be teaming up against my two opponents for Vengence. Now this shouldn't be too hard after seeing what happened to them on Raw last night. So, being the kind generous man that I am, I thought I'd let them know right now who they will be facing tonight to give them a chance to prepare for this man.


Silence as anticipation builds around the arena before finally we hear the familar theme music of ...




Sabu joins RVD in the ring


RVD: That's right, me and Sabu go a long way back, we are former ECW tag team champions and tonight it's about rolling back to those years and showing John Cena and Edge just exactly what we are capable of.




We head backstage to find Mat Striker on the microphone.


Striker: it's true class, your favourite teacher is here on ECW. I'm going to be educating the people who watch this show, the wrestlers on this show and everyone out there tonight. Vince McMahon has recognised that ECW needs a calming hand on the cane, so has named me the executive assistant of ECW. He knows from my years of high quality teaching and time in education that I have the discipline to lead ECW to the top and will give my upmost to make sure ECW passes the test.


Mat Striker has a cheesy grin when from off camera Balls Mahoney appears.


Balls: Striker, the is only one man who runs ECW and that is Paul Heyman. so take that big long teaching cane and shove it right up your....


Striker: Balls, i am simply here to aid Paul Heyman and help make executive decisions, like the one i'm making now, as far as I know no one has accepted The Big Show's challenge, so on behalf of you Balls, I am accepting that challenge for you, so you best get out there because that match is next




After the break we come back with Balls in the ring and the Big Show making his way towards it.


Big Show Vs Balls Mahoney


Same again for the Big Show who once again dominates an ECW original in the ring. Big Show can end it whenever he wants but leave it until about 2 and a half minutes before finally chokeslamming Balls to end the match

Winner of the match: Big Show




We head backstage to find Edge in his dressing room, he is going through a warm up in preparation for his match tonight when he notices someone in the room, he turns and finds John Cena standing behind him.


Cena: listen, last night you left me in the ring to take a beating from those jumped up cheerleadies. Tonight we have to be on the same wavelength, were going into the lions den. Those guys were facing tonight. RVD. Sabu. There dangerous, so we can deal with our issues next week on Raw, and then at Vengence, but for tonight let's put that aside, go out there and get the job done.


Edge: you don't have to worry about me Champ. I'm going out there tonight to win, just like I do every night. Try not to get in my way and mess things up like last night and we will have no problem.




Dreamer and Sandman are out here to watch the next young superstar to appear. again it's Stevie Richards in the ring to face him but this time joined by Nova with the Blue Meanie outside, this is a tag team match. Out comes his opponents. Dressed in very regal clothing and sporting a British flag on there trunks. Out comes Lord Steven Haworth and Sir Douglas Williams. A British wrestling team who doesn't exactly look like your standing ECW superstars


Steven Haworth/Douglas Williams Vs B.W.O


Haworth and Williams are dominate here and certainly show the is some real talent coming through ECW. They don't give the B.W.O much of a chance but Stevie does get some offence in, but Haworth quickly reverses it and hits a swinging neckbreaker variant called a British Neckbreaker by Joey Styles. this picks up the win for Steven Haworth

Winner of the match: Steven Haworth/Douglas Williams

Post match Haworth gets on the mic


Haworth: Sir Douglas, infront of you seats two of the most famous names ever to be linked to ECW, how lucky for them then, that they got to see first hand the next two stars to appear from ECW up live and personal.


Williams: You two, had the best view in the house and will never forget the day that Lord Steven Haworth and Sir Douglas Williams, collectively knows as London's Calling, began there dominance over the world of E C W.


Sandman and Dreamer don't look too impressed with these two brash young men but it has to be said they were very impressive in there first match on ECW




Time for our first main event as Andrew "Test" Martin takes on "The War Machine" Rhino


Test Vs Rhino


Test shows a level of hardcore wrestling he is not known for early on in this match by taking a chair to Rhino, which even manages to win him some fans in the crowd. The big moment of the match comes with Test setting up a table in the corner with Rhino down, he turns but only to be hit with a Gore straight through the table. Rhino drags Test to the centre of the ring but he kicks out at two and three quarters. Test eventually gets the upper hand and is able to put the former champ away with a Pumphandle Slam followed by a Test Elbow Drop from the top rope, with the assist of a chair no less


Winner of the match: Test


Post match Test signals he is coming for the ECW title and the crowd seems to be taking to him.




Time for the main event as John Cena and Edge take on Rob Van Dam and Sabu


John Cena & Edge Vs RVD & Sabu

The potential ECW champion and WWE champion team up here well and show a real sense of teamwork as they dominate the early going's. Edge however is able to send Sabu into the ropes and make the tag. For the next five minutes Sabu is subject to a beating as the two rivals from Raw work well together, but Sabu battles on and makes a hot tag to the WWE Champion. He clears up the ring of his two challenges and sets them up in the corner for a now recovered Sabu to his two consecutive Air Sabu on the superstars. the end comes with Sabu as the legal man dominating Cena in the ring with Edge and RVD outside the ring. Cena is able to reverse a takedown attempt into the FU for the 3 count and the victory for his team.


Winner of the Match: John Cena and Edge


Post match Edge tries to jump Cena but he sees it coming. He avoids a spear and hits another FU. RVD then sneaks into the ring and goes for the Van Daminator, but Cena again blocks and pulls RVD into yet another FU.


ECW goes off the air with John Cena standing tall in the world of extreme, to a very very mixed response from the crowd


End of show

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Anyone wondering Lord Steven Haworth is the real name of a wrestler best known as Desmond Wolfe in TNA or Nigel McGuisness in ROH




RVD Vs John Cena Vs Edge - WWE Title


DX Vs the Spirit Squad


Ric Flair Vs Randy Orton


Johnny Nitro Vs Carlito


Kane Vs imposter Kane


I went obvious here, i could see some real twist leaving me wrong on every single one of these.




Cheers for the predictions, not much of Vengence will get done in detail as this is an ECW thread but I just thinks it's important to keep you up to date with what is happening on Raw and Smackdown, especially in these first few months when I will be relaying on already established WWE talent to help big the ratings up while I try and introduce some new blood and get some guys up to main event status. atm I only have 4 legitimate main event wrestlers on my brand in RVD, Sabu, Kurt Angle and Big Show. Pretty soon the show changes to 1 and a half hours and I am. Very close to building two guys up to that main event picture

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ECW On Sci-Fi Preview


The last ECW On Sci Fi before Vengence promises to be massive. The ECW title match for Vengence has been confirmed by Paul Heyman and it will be a triple threat match. Kurt Angle Vs Sabu Vs Test. Earlier today these three men's names were drawn randomly in preparation for tonight where the will be 3 pick your poison matches.


Kurt Angle drew Test and has chosen the WWE champion RVD as his opponent. Test has drawn Sabu and has given Sabu the tough challenge of facing the so far undefeated Big Show, and Sabu has drawn Kurt Angle and he will face "The War Machine" Rhino.


Also in action, another original ECW superstar, CW Anderson will take on another new recruit, of course Dreamer and Sandman will be there to watch over the events.


RVD Vs Test

Kurt Angle Vs Rhino

Big Show Vs Sabu

CW Anderson Vs ????




Welcome to the ECW section of wwerumours, we have lots of news about the new brand.


Rumour has it two big signings have been made by ECW that WWE thought wasn't going to happen, and these two are going to have a big impact on Big Show's current storyline. It may involve Show losing his match Vs Sabu this week aswell.


Speaking of Sabu, the are big arguments among management at the moment as to whether to give him or Kurt Angle the title at Vengence. It's fairly certain Test won't be coming out as champion but nothing is decided yet.


Some people believe the title should go to Angle to signal the new era, where as others are arguing an ECW original should be the first man to hold the belt.


Paul Heyman and Mat Striker are hoping to build up a good guy bad guy relationship for the fans similar to when bischoff and Austin were co GM's. And this week's prospect is expected to be a lot more respectful of Dreamer and Sandman than the previous lot.

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not sure if this was a quick pick



RVD Vs Test - test is well, not ECW for now.


Kurt Angle Vs Rhino - by DQ when Rhino shows Kurt what hard core really means


Big Show Vs Sabu Draw - hmm after his no contest, I give Sabu even odds of drawing with big show here. other wise Big show wins with haymens help


CW Anderson Vs ???? - the beginning of things is the best time for ??? marks to debut to wins.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ECW on Sci Fi - June Week 4 2006


The show kicks off with Tommy Dreamer and The Sandman out at ringside in there usual spot. CW Anderson is in the ring waiting for his opponent. Out comes a man covered in tattoos with long hair who seems to cause a reaction from the more hardcore fans. he seems happy to be here and Joey Styles tells us this man is CM Punk.


CW Anderson Vs CM Punk


The battle of the initials goes the same way as the previous new recruits matches with CM Punk putting in an impressive performance. He dominates Anderson and is able to put him away with a Go To Sleep, am impressive performance from the young man


Winner of the Match: CM Punk


Post match CM Punk grabs the mic


Punk "Well, it really is an honour to wrestle for you two guys. I remember growing up and watching you two steal the show on ECW. Let me introduce myself. My name is CM Punk, and I have been an ECW fan from the beginning, I never thought I'd get the chance to be in an ECW ring and now that I have. I Want to prove what I can do and have my name up there alongside the Sandman and Tommy Dreamer. Guys it's a rea..."


Suddenly out of nowhere comes Marcus Cor Von. he flies into the ring and hits a Pounce on an unexpected Punk. he is chased off by the two ECW originals at ringside. Cor Von looks happy with himself as he heads to the back




Out come Kurt Angle for his match with Rhino


Kurt Angle Vs Rhino


Rhino does better than expected here against a guy who is just a class above, but Angle never really gets out of first gear and takes over the match eventually ending it with an Ankle Long forcing rhino to tap as Kurt Angle builds momentum heading into his ECW Title match at Vengence.


Winner of the Match: Kurt Angle




We head backstage and find new ECW interviewer Tiffany


Tiffany: My guest at this time is the World's Largest Athelte, The Big Show, Big Show so far in ECW you have destroyed two original ECW Superstars and tonight you take on another one in Sabu. What are you thoughts for the match


Show: My thoughts, my thoughts are the same tonight as they have been since I came to ECW. I'm here to prove that ECW couldn't touch the WWE or WCW, and once I have gone through all of the original ECW superstars. I'm going to take there title and prove just how easy it is.




Next up its the Big Show Vs Sabu


Big Show Vs Sabu


A classic big man little man match up here. Sabu uses his speed to avoid getting caught by Show, and Show hunts the smaller man around the ring trying to cut off the angles. Eventually Show is able to take control and begins to dominate Sabu by throwing him around the ring, he squashes a mini revival and gets ready to set Sabu up for the chokeslam when out of no one from the crowd comes...


Little Spike Dudley, and he has a chair. Spike nails the Big Show once on the back of the head, and twice, and three times. Show staggers but he doesn't go down and is able to grab Spike and chokeslam him, but as he turns Sabu has the chair and he nails Show before going to the top and hitting an Arabian Facebuster on The big man. Sabu goes for the pin and 1, 2 and... 3. Sabu with the massive victory heading into Vengence


Winner of the match: Sabu


Sabu goes to the back with his arms raised while a furious Big Show zones in on Spike Dudley through the crowd. Joey Styles reckons Spike Dudley may have just made a mistake




Backstage we go to find Paul Heyman and Mat Striker


Heyman: Striker, have you heard the news. ECW will be on Pay Per view next month. That's right ECW Barely Legal will be back


Striker: well that's great but I have some, potentially bad news for you. As I'm sure your aware last night on Raw John Cena beat Edge in the main event, with RVD on commentary. Well if heard a rumour that both Cena and Edge are here tonight.


Heyman: Striker, as far as I'm concerned that's great news, I welcome all WWE superstars to the land of extreme. I know Vince sent you here to try and keep WWE control over ECW, well that's all well and good but what you don't understand is that you can't control Anarchy. I hope Cena and Edge are ready for what there gonna get.




Time for the main event as RVD goes one on one with Test


RVD Vs Test


Test is impressive every week and really does hold his own here, he dominates for large periods of the match but RVD shows why he is the WWE Champion, coming back with a Van Daminator and Rolling Thunder, just as he looks like he is going to put the match to bed. Edge appears at the top of the stage, the distraction is enough for RVD to take his mind off the game and as he turns he is hit by a running big boot. Test goes for the pin gets a 1, a 2, and Van Dam kicks out. Test is stunned and Edge looks on as Van Dam is able to reverse a pump handle slam attempt, and lays out Test again, unfortunately for RVD he also takes out the ref. Still with his mind on the game RVD goes up top and hits a five star frog splash on Test, he gets up to revive the ref as Edge enters the ring, he goes for a Spear but it's avoided by RVD who hits a Van Daminator. As Van Dam gets ready to clear the ring of Edge he is hit on the back of the head by Lita. RVD grabs Lita and the crowd cheer as he throws her out the ring, but when he turns Edge is there and this time connects with the spear. Edge is happy with himself and looks to do more damage but soon escapes through the crowd as John Cena enters the ring. Edge watches on as Cena looks at the carnage in the ring, helps RVD up, and then hits him with an FU, infuriating the crowd. Cena gets out the ring quickly as ECW Alumni come from the back and chase him and Edge out of the arena. Test just so happens to be coming around, he picks RVD and hits him with a Pump Handle Slam and here is the referee coming round to count the 1, 2, 3.

Winner of the Match: Test


Just five days away from Vengence Test has a huge win and RVD must recover from this beating to defend his title.


End Of Show

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apologies for the delay. who knew moving home could be such a hassle. Hopefully gonna be getting the updates more regularly now. I'm still working on the format so all advice is still wanted.


The Mod i'm using is one I received from a friend through email who enjoys modding for his own personal gain and takes this game alot more serious than I do. His name is James but he is on here, I can't for the life of me remember his username as I know him personally, but I will ask him and post it. Occasionally I believe he helps people out with mods but like I say all I know is he is on here alot more than me

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Vengence Card


Triple Threat match for the WWE Title


Rob Van Dam © Vs John Cena Vs Edge

5 on 2 Handicap Match


D-Generation X Vs The Spirit Squad


Triple Threat Match for the ECW Title


Kurt Angle Vs Sabu Vs Test


Kane Vs Imposter Kane


Ric Flair Vs Randy Orton


Women's Title Match


Mickie James © Vs Trish Stratus


Intercontinental Title Match


Johnny Nitro © Vs Carlito


Just to Clairfy. only the matches involving ECW Superstars or are relevant to ECW will get detailed match reports. On the first show I did a recap of Raw and Smackdown but I haven't repeated it because it was very bland and after a couple of months in my game ECW runs totally separately to Raw and Smackdown so they really arnt relevant. I will mention if something regarding ECW happens on one of there shows though. The only thing I will post is full cards like the one above so you know who is appearing in the big pay per views and if you ever want to know what way a certain superstar is going or why they are being pushed on Raw and Smackdown, just ask and I'll update you


Cheers guys

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