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Eye Of The Innovator

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This is something ive been mulling over in my head for quite some time... I always liked organic games, but always wanted to take a bigger role in them so heres what this is.


Starting year 2000 (Just incase a promotion gets over enough for TV/PPV deals. Dont really see TV/PPV deals being needed but if I need them Ill import them. )


Active workers: 15 (10 wrestlers, 1 ref, 1 colour, 1 manager, 1 road agent, and 1 announcer)


From this point on the world is shaped by my hands(and I guess the random generated workers too?).

What I mean is at the end of every year I will import a new company and possibly jump ship to it. Each company will start with a semi-randomized product.

(Max: 30 living companies at a time to prevent data from getting to outta control!)


Now as for what your gonna see in this diary:

Mainly overviews of months.

New workers entering the world.

Stat changes (from the workers in my promotion)

Title changes.

Win/Loss records possibly of workers(in the company im booking, as well as possibly the top guys of the other promotions) per quarter year maybe?



My avatar will be a mildly-useful wrestler (50 in all top rows. Everything else to be randomized via D20x5)



The first promotion will be:

Awesome Australian Wrestling

Location: Central Aussie

Momentum F

Money $250,000


Touring: 3 on 1 off schedule.



Traditional: Heavy

Mainstream: Low

Comedy: None

Cult: Medium

Risque: Very Low

Modern: Key Feature

Realism: Medium

Hyper Realism: Low

Hardcore: Medium

Lucha: None

Pure: Low

Daredevil: Heavy


Intesity: 70

Danger: 75

Women's Wrestling: Integrated

T&A: None

Face/Heel Divide: None


Match Ratio: 100%


Expected match lengths: 6 across the board



The next update will probably be Tomorrow(Wednesday at the latest) which will feature info about the first ten wrestlers, as well as my avatar. (and anything I forgot to mention in this post! LOL)

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((ooc: sorry about being later than I thought kinda got swamped in real life. The next(technicaly first?) update might be in maybe a week or week and a half... considering I have to book I THINK 12 shows to end a month and im debating if I want to update the world happenings each month or catch you guys up on them after each full tour.))


The Roster



Boomerang Bailey

What can I say about the kid? Hes young... he knows how to land his moves well... and well... I didnt want to say it but hes a bit of a one trick pony... the kids a spot monkey through and through.

(Best stats: Top Rows: Aerial: 35 Flash 65. Other notable stats: 80 Charisma/70 Stamina/70 Athleticism/80 safety.)


Cedric Greene:

Cedrice Greene's name is so fitting... because hes so damned green in the ring. Hes a (barely) passable brawler... hes got alot of power.... and id imagine he can go for maybe 5 minutes before being exhausted. He does have an ok mind for matches though...

(Best Stat: Top Row: Brawling: 38. Other notables: 71 power. 50 Psychology 78 star quality. Openly admits to being on steroids.)


Chip Stone

Chip Stone is.... charismatic... and not much else... hes got alot of raw physical skills that could do with development... only time will tell how he does... oh and hes a natural babyface.

(Best Stat: Top Row: Submission: 42. Other Notables: Charisma: 73, all physical skills: 65)

Christopher Cera

Christopher Cera is a former MMA fighter and is probably the second best talent we have. He doesnt have much personality though.

(Best Stat: Top Row: Submission: 66. Other Notables: Star Quality: 89)


Chuck Wilson:

Chuck Wilson is a former bodybuilder, and if I may add hes also egomaniacal jerk. Believed to be on steroids.

(Best Stat: Top Row: Brawling:28 Other Notables: Charisma: 66 Power: 82 Star Quality: 88)


Rocky B:

This kid is nuts... for some reason he thinks hes Sylvester Stallone... in rocky... literally... the kid wants to be referred to as the Italian Stallion Rocky Balboa... hes not even italian from what I can tell.......... anyway heres what you need to know. He's quite possibly the worst worker on the roster. Thats it. Horrible... watching his matches may make you want to CRY they are that bad.

(Best Stat: N/A (all top rows 25 or less.) Other notables: 80 selling, 80 stamina.)

Honey Bunny:

...So... according to the pain on the side of my face you should... 1. Never laugh at a persons name 2. If you avoid 1 you should make sure that you really are laughing at a stage name and not a birth name... owww... anyways Honey is a former model and (very unsuccesful) actress, shes got a great attitude(when shes not slapping you...) and she seems to have the drive to suceed in the business...

(Best stat: Top Row: Brawling: 28 other notables: Mic/Charisma 73, acting: 82, Sex Appeal: 84 )

Johnny Malone

The self proclaimed veteran Johnny Malone... mid thirties... claims to have worked the aussie micro-indy scene for roughly 20 years... the problem with his statement? Ive never seen an indy show or any wrestling out here aside from a charity event last year using only half of the people on our very roster.

(Best Stat: Top Row: all 70s. Other notables: Other notables: Performance skills are all pretty good... but hes exceptionally good at selling moves nearly pefectly (99))

Kristy Teela

Kristy Teela is a sweet little thing, who just happens to be the protege of Johnny Malone. Shes got some gymnastics in her background... and she seems to be willing to work hard... I think she just might have alot of potential to grow into a memorable wrestler.

(Best stat: Top Row: Aerial 60. Other Notables: Flashiness: 50 Stamina: 75, Consistency: 70, Selling 70)

Riddles The Enigma

Well aside from having quite possibly the best name EVER. Riddles has a background in martial arts. Hes taken to wrestliing pretty fast.

(Best Stat: Topw Row:Brawling & Chain 36. Other Noticeables: Stamina: 80 safety and consistency: 60)


thats everyone... oh wait... me

Don Harvey

Well im gonna be honest... im actually pretty good in the ring.... im a very, very solid all rounder but then again were not here to talk about me so... for now... we'll leave how good I am up to mystery. (OOC: ...or anyone who read the first post... I did however reroll the psychology because it was an 18 which would have had me start out with 90 psychology. The new roll gave me a reasonable number like a 40-45)

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