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Guest Booker: It Came From the North: Nemesis and ACPW

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ACPW Members Only News Blast








Dan DaLay stands on the curb, waiting for ELITE’s limo on the street outside of a small Italian restaurant. As he waits, he stops to chat with a pair of very sexy ladies that strut by on the sidewalk.



As he talks them up, letting them both feel his muscles while he stands, staring down other drivers and holding the handicap spot right in front of the bistro.….





…..Eddie Chandler and Trent Sheaffer walk out the door of the eatery, again jawing with each other, seemingly picking up where they left off in last week’s main event.



This time it is about the bill, but by the look on DaLay’s face when he hears it, it has been everything of late.



EC: “I’m just saying, Trent. When I was coming up, I always picked up the tab when ate with a vet….You need to learn how this business works.”



Trent fumes as Eddie smirks. A waiter pushes out the door behind them, giving Sheaffer his credit card back. The machine isn’t taking it.



EC: “Go take care of that bill, rook. Don’t stiff this fine establishment. I had the lobster scampi; they deserve to be paid for such a fine meal.”



Sheaffer sulks back into the restaurant, uttering under his breath. DaLay can barely resist the women who are whispering in his ear as Chandler barks at him, asking about their limo.



EC: “For christ’s-sake, where is it? I want to get back to the hotel.”



DaLay really doesn’t hear him, walking off down the street with one girl on each arm.



Everyone is smiling.



Except for Eddie Chandler, who leans over the curb, his jaw out.



Suddenly, the limo tears around the corner, screeching to a halt in front of Chandler, who swings the back door open himself.



When he climbs in, the door swings shut on its own and locks loudly. Chandler tries the handle and angrily begins yanking on it. The tires start spinning, smoking, with the brake on. Chandler’s face changes from angry to afraid when the brake is released and the limo begins screaming up the street. Suddenly, it gets thrown into reverse and comes barreling back by the restaurant backward.



Dan DaLay, on the corner of the next block, turns toward the commotion just in time to see…….two glowing eyes in the windshield as the limo skids around, straightens itself out, and burns rubber….tearing off into the distance.









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