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WWE The Brands Split...... For Real this Time

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I will be starting off where i am in my game, two weeks before the Royal Rumble list all champions teams , stables and lay out the Royal Rumble PPV Schedule to start. I will also spotlight a wrestler every once in awhile since ive played about a year......


First its Raw.......





WWE Champion


US Champion


World Tag Team Champions


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Now Smackdown's Champions


World Heavyweight Champion



Intercontinental Champion



WWE Tag Team Champions


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40 Man Royal Rumble

John Cena,MVP,CM Punk,Mason Ryan,Wade Barrett ,Alex Riley, Drew McIntyre,DH Smith, Kofi Kingston,Evan Bourne,ADR ,Shelton Benjamin,Charlie Haas, HHH, Big Show, Christian,Chris Jericho, Vance Archer, Luke Gallows, Mike McGillicutty ,Daniel Bryan,Rey Mysterio ,Miz,John Morrison ,Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin,Ted Dibiase,Cody Rhodes,Jack Swagger, Frankie Kazarian , Mistico, David Otunga,Truth, Sheamus,Heath Slater,Justin Gabriel, Kaval Mark Henry,Paul London, and Matt Hardy


©Kane vs Dolph Ziggler- WWE Title Match

©Randy Orton vs Tyson Kidd- World heavyweight Title Match

©Ryan and Punk vs Worlds Greatest

©Miz and Morrison vs Motor City Machine Guns- WWE Tag Title Matc

©Dibiase vs Mistico- IC Title Match


TAKE Your Guess if You Want....... If Anyone guess The Royal Rumble Winner they can Choose the number 1 contender for the Smackdown PPV No Way Out. I will give you 10 Choices to choose from.

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40 Man Royal RumbleJohn Cena,MVP,CM Punk,Mason Ryan,Wade Barrett ,Alex Riley, Drew McIntyre,DH Smith, Kofi Kingston,Evan Bourne,ADR ,Shelton Benjamin,Charlie Haas, HHH, Big Show, Christian,Chris Jericho, Vance Archer, Luke Gallows, Mike McGillicutty ,Daniel Bryan,Rey Mysterio ,Miz,John Morrison ,Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin,Ted Dibiase,Cody Rhodes,Jack Swagger, Frankie Kazarian , Mistico, David Otunga,Truth, Sheamus,Heath Slater,Justin Gabriel, Kaval Mark Henry,Paul London, and Matt Hardy

Love Wade Barrett! :D


©Kane vs Dolph Ziggler- WWE Title Match

Not that many major title changes at the Rumble

©Randy Orton vs Tyson Kidd- World heavyweight Title Match

See Above

©Ryan and Punk vs Worlds Greatest

Not a fan of Mason

(C)Miz and Morrison vs Motor City Machine Guns- WWE Tag Title Matc

Miz and Morrison is AWESOME!!

©Dibiase vs Mistico- IC Title Match

Maybe you wont mess up DiBase like WWE has:p


Looks good so far, your writing may get me to write for my WCW Dynasty :p

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Royal Rumble Match Preview


The New Nexus Made up of these four man.............




......... Have been raising hell attacking anyone and everyone. This led to former nexus member Wade Barrett saying he'd eliminate every nexus member in a promo on Raw. While he was about to leave the Nexus came through the crowd. They surrounded Barrett and started to taunt him. Barrett smirked and then his alliance cheered by the fans of Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger and Sheamus ran off the Nexus. The WWE end of the Show logo came on screen with the two groups staring down.

Smackdown superstars are not as friendly as their raw counterparts. Miz and Morrison saying if they had the chance theyre gonna take the win at the expense of each other. With Raw Divided and every Smackdown wrestler seeking indvidual wins this Royal Rumble is a must watch.

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40 Man Royal Rumble

John Cena,MVP,CM Punk,Mason Ryan,Wade Barrett ,Alex Riley, Drew McIntyre,DH Smith, Kofi Kingston,Evan Bourne,ADR ,Shelton Benjamin,Charlie Haas, HHH, Big Show, Christian,Chris Jericho, Vance Archer, Luke Gallows, Mike McGillicutty ,Daniel Bryan,Rey Mysterio ,Miz,John Morrison ,Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin,Ted Dibiase,Cody Rhodes,Jack Swagger, Frankie Kazarian , Mistico, David Otunga,Truth, Sheamus,Heath Slater,Justin Gabriel, Kaval Mark Henry,Paul London, and Matt Hardy


©Kane vs Dolph Ziggler- WWE Title Match

©Randy Orton vs Tyson Kidd- World heavyweight Title Match

©Ryan and Punk vs Worlds Greatest

©Miz and Morrison vs Motor City Machine Guns- WWE Tag Title Matc

©Dibiase vs Mistico- IC Title Match

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The Show starts of with the rundown of the card by the three man booth of Jim Ross, Micheal Cole and Jerry The King Lawler.


A hype video is played for the IC title match.


Match 1 IC Title Match -©Dibiase vs Mistico

The competitive opening contest ends after a dark version of Mistico shows up on the ramp. With Mistico distracted and looking at the ramp Dibiase runs and hits dream street from behind.

WINNER- Dibiase


Miz and Morrison are backstage in their locker room. They first talk of defeating the guns and then winning the Rumble. Miz says he will win and Morrison laughs and says their will be rejoicing in the Palace of Wisdom tonight. They stare off, give an uneasy laugh and Miz..... says tag titles first.


Match 2 WWE Tag Team Title- Miz and Morrison vs The Motor Ciry Machine Guns


The Tag title match is back and forth non stop action from both teams and the fans are into it actually cheering for both teams. The end of the bout comes when Miz and Chris Sabin take each other to the outside. Shelley gets kicked to the face and experiences Starship Pain.

WINNER- Miz and Morrison


A Hype Video is played for Ryan and Punk.


Match 3 World Tag Team Title Match- Punk and Ryan vs W.G.T.T.


The match showed great isolation from Punk and Ryan keeping Charlie Haas close to their corner and just beating on him. Haas shows resilience and gets the hot tag though and Shelton comes in cleans house and hits a T-bone suplex on CM Punk and a superkick knocking Mason Ryan out cold. Then Christian runs down to interfere and while he distracts the referee John Cena jumps in and takes out both Haas and Benjamin with Attitude Adjustments.


Winner Punk and Ryan


A Royal Rumble Hype video with many participants of the Rumble plays and includes HHH, Del Rio and John Cena amongst others.


Randy is backstage talking about the young Tyson Kidd and remembers being Tyson, a young kid trying to defeat a veteran for the Heavyweight Title. Difference is Randy did it on his own and Tyson walks around with bodyguard Mark Henry. Randy says Tyson lets just do this me and you no one else Kidd.


Match 4 World Heavyweight Title Match- Orton vs Kidd


The match is one of domination from the heavy fan favorite Orton. Tyson gets a couple of shots in but seems to be at a disadvantage when not resorting to cheap tactics. Mid match a super kick meant for Orton hits the referee. Orton goes for an RKO but is low blowed by Tyson. Tyson gets a chair and stalks Orton who is down. Ortons up and Tyson swings , Orton ducks kicks Tyson in the ribs and RKOs him onto the chair , then kicks the chair out of the ring. Ref is back up and counts the three. Orton shakes his head at Kidd and says not that way Kdd before celebrating his title win.


Winner Orton


Another Rumble Hype Video is played.


Kane Cuts a crazy promo and says Ziggler is gonna walk into hell see what the devil didnt want to see and be a change man


Match 5 WWE Title Match- Kane vs Dolph Ziggler


Ziggler is scrappy and at one point of the match starts flailing with kicks and punches none of which hurt Kane but one does hit which infuriates Kane. Kane then starts to hit viciously more power in his kicks, in his fists and hits a chokeslam. He picks up ziggler and then..... http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20101121141120/prowrestling/images/f/fe/Kane_vs_ziggler.png

...... its over.


Winner Kane


Main Event - The Royal Rumble Match


The forty man match is a long and hectic match with the fans counting down virtually every time a new competitor was about to enter. The final four came down to. Jack Swagger, Wade Barrett, Cm Punk and Rey Mysterio. Swagger and Barrett. All four men look at each other knowing whats at stake a Title Shot at Wrestlemania and the Main Event slot to. Mysterio is the first to be eliminated after trying to hit a 619 on CM Punk who mid 619 kicks Rey Mysterio causing Rey to be eliminated.

Swagger is then eliminated when Wade Barrett hits him with an a big boot. Cm Punk who ran out under the bottom rope after eliminating Mysterio climbs in the ring. Two Men left Barrett and Cm Punk, its fitting the last two men brutally hate each other and have the chance to take away something big from each other. While they are stalemating the fans are chanting Barrett, Barrett , Barrett which visibly upsets CM Punk. After an exchange of fists Cm Punk throws a head kick stunning Barrett. At this time Cm Punk picks up Barrett and tries to eliminate him. Punk is unsuccessful and Barrett picks up Punk and hits a Wasteland over the top rope


Winner Wade Barett


Barrett Celebrates while confetti falls, he points at a WrestleMania banner and sheds a tear saying ive done it. He then celebrates in the crowd with the people. Him being their hero making sure the nexus did not win.



Timber 3/6

matthew222 5/6 ( Including the Royal Rumble) that's impressive :D

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matthew222the grand winner picking 1 out of 40 and getting it right( which still amazes me) here are your choices for No Way Out opponents for Randy Orton's Heavyweight title.... Orton is face and well....

1. Daniel Bryan(Face)

2. Rey Mysterio(Face)

3. Tyson Kidd(Heel)

4. Mark Henry(Heel)

5. Matt Hardy(Face)

6. Christopher Daniels(Heel)

7. David Otunga (Heel)

8. Miz (Heel)

9. Morrison(Heel)

10. Cody Rhodes(Heel)


You can make it a triple threat if you want i haven't had one for a major title in a long time.

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RAW Preview




Wade Barrett speaks on Royal Rumble Win and picks the title he will go after at Wrestlemania.




And a fully loaded show featuring a US title match and a tag title match along with stars Del Rio, Triple H and Others. Also Jack Swagger talks about injury sustained in the Royal Rumble


Full Raw Card


The Big Show vs Vladimir Kozlov

©Drew McIntyre vs MVP vs Micheal McGillicutty - US Title Match

Del Rio vs Alex Riley

Dolph Ziggler, Cena and Christian vs Worlds Greatest Tag Team and Kane

©Cm Punk and Mason Ryan vs Bourne and Kingston- Tag Title Match

Wade Barrett vs R-Truth

Sheamus vs Triple H

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Full Raw Card


The Big Show vs Vladimir Kozlov

©Drew McIntyre vs MVP vs Micheal McGillicutty - US Title Match

Del Rio vs Alex Riley

Dolph Ziggler, Cena and Christian vs Worlds Greatest Tag Team and Kane

(c)Cm Punk and Mason Ryan vs Bourne and Kingston- Tag Title Match

Wade Barrett vs R-Truth

No Brainer

Sheamus vs Triple H

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The Big Show vs Vladimir Kozlov

©Drew McIntyre vs MVP vs Micheal McGillicutty - US Title Match

Del Rio vs Alex Riley

Dolph Ziggler, Cena and Christian vs Worlds Greatest Tag Team and Kane

©Cm Punk and Mason Ryan vs Bourne and Kingston- Tag Title Match

Wade Barrett vs R-Truth

Sheamus vs Triple H

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