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National Wrestling Federation...The Battle for Britain.

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In a high rise office in the middle of London three men are sat discussing the state of wrestling in Britain, and how its changed in the past couple of years.



???: The year is 2010 and for the past 4 years 21 Century Wrestling led by the cretin that is Jeff Nova have dominated the British wrestling scene whilst the other promotions have all but rotted away.


???: I couldn’t agree more Ring of Fire and Men of Steel Combat have seen talent raid completely ruin them, something needs to happen so we have a thriving wrestling scene.


???: aye lad you’re right just look at the big two in America SWF use to run with out competition until TCW came along and now just look at what it’s done for the business.


???: So what are you implying my friend?


???: That we create a promotion to battle 21CW and challenge them to the top spot in Britain.


???: Hmmm, and how do you expect to get talent to come and work for us at this “promotion”? 21CW have most the best talents locked up in written contracts.


???: Well we look at the best talent on the Europe circuit as well as Britain and further a field.


???: I’m certainly okay with that.


???: How do you expect us to be able to compete with 21CW especially when they have a TV deal to be able to showcase there talents?


???: We’ll also get a TV deal I’m sure if we start now with should be able to have roster that’s able to put on a great TV show for the nation.


???: Hmmm well it would certainly be nice to get one back over 21CW.


???: Exactly lad, well gents unfortunately I have to go but we shall discuss this further tomorrow.


???: Goodbye.


???: Goodbye.



these three men are Dunton Hall Tyler Baker and Robert Etchinson.


And this is the birth of the Nation Wrestling Federation.

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I try not to comment in diaries by people with only a few posts - no disrespect intended but on the whole they start with great intentions and stop being updated fast - but in this case I'll make an exception.


NWF are a fun company and Im a massive sucker for the UK C-verse. Ill be following this and hoping you sign The Elimination Agents, Menace, Joe Simpson, The Duponts and Brilliant White...

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I try not to comment in diaries by people with only a few posts - no disrespect intended but on the whole they start with great intentions and stop being updated fast - but in this case I'll make an exception.


NWF are a fun company and Im a massive sucker for the UK C-verse. Ill be following this and hoping you sign The Elimination Agents, Menace, Joe Simpson, The Duponts and Brilliant White...



No disrespect taken at all your 21CW diary was one of the main reasons i started a UK based dairy, it's got a some great talent that are free agents and on PPA contracts so I'll hopefully have a great roster for the first show.

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No disrespect taken at all your 21CW diary was one of the main reasons i started a UK based dairy, it's got a some great talent that are free agents and on PPA contracts so I'll hopefully have a great roster for the first show.


Well thanks very much sir. Good luck with NWF.

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I try not to comment in diaries by people with only a few posts - no disrespect intended but on the whole they start with great intentions and stop being updated fast - but in this case I'll make an exception.


That is a pretty crappy thing to say. There are tons of established writers/posters who do exactly that, post counts mean nothing. I try to never hold a lack of a post count against a writer.


NWF has been the only UK based company that I have had a long term game, mainly because I had the chance to mold the roster to my liking. I am looking forward to seeing what you can do with this.

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It's been a few weeks since NWF came in to existence and Dunton, Robert and Tyler are sat in the same office discussing recent affairs.




DH: So gents its been a few weeks since we was last here, and I can tell you now I’ve been busy working on our little roster for the NWF. I can also tell you that 21CW has suffered from a talent raiding off there own.


TB: Talent raiding?!?!


RE: What did you do Dunton?


DH: Yes Tyler, talent raiding, oh nothing much Robert I may have just persuaded a few of the 21CW guys to jump ship is all.


TB: Like who? If you don’t mind me asking.


DH: That my friend is, for the minute a closely guarded secret. How’s it looking on getting a TV or PPV deal anyway?


RE: Well TV stations won’t deal with us until they are scheduling for the spring. On the PPV side of things, United Kingdom Choice aren’t interested with dealing with us because of a recently signed agreement with 21CW, Premier pay UK-TV didn’t actually know who we was so they did want to risk it, same thing with Euro Your Demand. On a positive note I’m still waiting to hear back from UK-1 on a potential deal.


DH: Good so we could still be getting coverage soon enough. Unfortunately gents I need to be going. Goodbye


RE & TB: Goodbye

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Dunton, Robert and Tyler are talking about the recent goings on in the world NWF…





DH: So Robert, Tyler are we any closer to a PPV or TV deal?


RE: Yes Dunton, we are UK-1 are happy to broadcast our porduct on PPV but no such look with a TV deal, companies aren’t willing to risk showing any wrestling programs on TV because of the economic climate.


DH: You mean these multi-million pound companies are scared because of how some people have spent their money?


TB: exactly! But its not all doom and gloom we can still broadcast a weekly PPV and then 1 mega show at the end of the month.


DH: I like that idea Tyler.


* All three men pause for a minute and look at each other*


RE: Do you hear that?


TB: Hear what exactly?


RE: That loud Booming sound, coming from down the corridor.


DH: Oh I’ve been expecting this.


RE: Expecting what Dunton?!?!


*Dunton Hall pauses for a few seconds*


DH: Gents meet two of the guys I got to jump ship from 21CW, Rolling Johnny Stones and Luke Cool.


*Rolling Johnny Stones and Luke Cool enter the room*




RJS: Mr Etchinson, Mr Baker, It’s nice to finally get the chance to talk. I know Mr Hall wanted to keep this under wraps for a little while.


LC: It’s great to be here, I can’t wait to start performing for NWF.


TB: If you don’t mind me asking what persuaded you to jump ship?


LC: It was an easy choice really. Jeff over 21CW wasn’t looking like pushing me to be the top star I know I am.


RJS: Plain and simple I needed a new challenge and I think I’ve found it here.


DH: Both correct answers, let’s hope with all prosper together.




*All 5 men celebrate on what could be*



the entire roster is up next.

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Main Event


Harley Neill(Heel)

Luke Cool(Face)

Rolling Johnny Stones(Face)

Steve Stoat(Heel)


Upper Midcard


Danny Patterson(Heel)

Don Henderson(Heel)

Joey Beauchamp(Face)

Merle O’Curle(Heel)




Eric Future(Face)

Genocide Agent(Heel)

Johnny Highspot(Face)


Petey Barnes(Face)

Suicide Agent(Heel)


Lower Midcard


Christopher Lister(Face)

Jase Cole(Face)

Nigel Svensson(Face)

Red Dragon(Heel)




Bali Daljit(Face)

Greg Gauge(Heel)

Jacques DuPont(Heel)

Pierre DuPont(Heel)


The Rest


Dunton Hall

Kev Jordan

Tyler Baker

Robert Etchinson

Roy Worrall

Scotty Gregory

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Championship Wrestling

live on Pay-Per-View


The X force VS Nigel & Stig Svensson


Greg Gauge VS Red Dragon


The Dead Pool VS ??? for the vacant British Commonwealth tag team titles


Luke Cool VS Stevie Stoat for the vacant British National Title


The Cockney Rebels VS Joey Beauchamp & Merle O'Curle


Rolling Johnny Stones VS Don Henderson for the British Commonwealth Title

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The X force VS Nigel & Stig Svensson


Greg Gauge VS Red Dragon


The Dead Pool VS ??? for the vacant British Commonwealth tag team titles


Luke Cool VS Stevie Stoat for the vacant British National Title


The Cockney Rebels VS Joey Beauchamp & Merle O'Curle


Rolling Johnny Stones VS Don Henderson for the British Commonwealth Title

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