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FCW...The chance of FREEDOM.

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So there I was in Puerto Rico on a two week holiday, that was nearly 3 months ago. You see there I was in a beach bar when I bumped into two guys Shawn Gonzalez and the other was big and quite menace, apparently they’re both wrestlers who had been at the top in the industry in the last decade. I don’t quite remember how we got talking on the subject(one too many mojitos I think), but any way there we were.


So apparently their company FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling was in need off a new head booker, now I’m not gonna lie I don’t really know much about booking wrestling but back in my native England I’d booked a few boxing and MMA shows, I mean how much more difficult could it be?


After persuading PRP and Shawn, I was worth of the risk at booking the shows, I packed up everything in England, said goodbye to my family and moved back out to the Puerto Rico. And I must say I’m loving it. All I know now is I can’t wait to get started and meet the workers I get to work with.



I’m Quinn Kilbane, and this is my CHANCE OF FREEDOM Puerto Rican style.





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Day one at FCW.


Day one on the job at FCW , I must say the nerves are getting to me a little but the excitement is also there , boy I can’t wait. I walked into a High School Gym where FCW had been using as a training camp for the roster.


Has I stood there in the entrance to the gym, a man dressed in a crisp looking pin strip suit and a cigar hanging from the side of his mouth, this man obviously is the manager CARL BATCH formerly of DAVE fame or so I’m told. As nice as it was to talk to Carl I was more interested at was happening in the ring behind him.


I said goodbye to Carl and walked over to the ring, the four men in the stopped what they were doing and all stared at me, after a few seconds I introduced myself as the new booker. All looked a bit confused at first, before introducing themselves as HELL’S BOUNCER, HANDSOME STRANGER, BRADFORD PEVERELL and THE SENSATIONAL SINGH, they was going through some moves for their 4 way match for the number 1 contender at FCW FREEDOM Fighters. They all look promising and I can’t wait to start working with them.


The rest of the day was spent talking to rest of the roster , Shawn and PRP. I must say though the likes of the luchadors of EL HIJO DEL ZONK, DRAGON DEL ARCO IRIS JNR and AMO DEL GATO looked amazing as I watched them practice and the moves they pull off is incredible.


I have just a week to book my first show FREEDOM Fighters but I’m sure with help from Shawn and PRP we’ll but on one heck of a show.




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FREEDOM Fighters



Amo Del Gato vs. El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr



The 937lbs Express vs. The latino Kings © vs. ??? & ???



Shawn Gonzalez vs. Mainstream Hernandez ©



Hell’s Bouncer vs. Handsome Stranger vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Bradford Peverell



D.C Rayne vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

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Really Big fan of FCW ever since I did a game with them that lasted 26 years, hope it treats you well and can't wait to see where you take it.



Amo Del Gato vs. El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr



The 937lbs Express vs. The latino Kings © vs. ??? & ???

It's probably not a good idea to have your tag team titles or any of your titles change hands on the first show.



Shawn Gonzalez vs. Mainstream Hernandez ©

Same reason as above plus I think Shawn is above the Peoples Championship.



Hell’s Bouncer vs. Handsome Stranger vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Bradford Peverell

Use him while you can cause you won't have him for long.



D.C Rayne vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

DC is a tag team wrestler so this should be an easy win for PRP although it will probably be a good match.

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Amo Del Gato vs. El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr



The 937lbs Express vs. The latino Kings © vs. ??? & ???



Shawn Gonzalez vs. Mainstream Hernandez ©



Hell’s Bouncer vs. Handsome Stranger vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Bradford Peverell



D.C Rayne vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

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FREEDOM Fighters



Amo Del Gato vs. El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr

For reasons unbeknownst to me, I mark for Zonk



The 937lbs Express vs. The latino Kings © vs. ??? & ???

The Kings travel in packs, and they've got Jesus for back-up



Shawn Gonzalez vs. Mainstream Hernandez ©

Possibly via shenanigans, allowing Mainstream to keep the title



Hell’s Bouncer vs. Handsome Stranger vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Bradford Peverell

When in doubt, pick the man with the boa.



D.C Rayne vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

It's Puerto Rico

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Live from the San Juan High School Gym


Attendance: 300(Sold Out)





The big day is finally here, I couldn’t sleep last god damn nerves seem to be getting to me, I really hop people are gonna enjoy the show we’ve got set up tonight. There seems to be a really positive vibe in the locker room tonight and the guys really seem up for it.




Leper Messiah defeated Titan


Kirk Jameson & Steven Parker defeated Eddie Storm & Matt Hocking.


Main show




The first match on the show was the 3-way dance was between the three luchadors, El Hijo Del Zonk, Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr and Amo Del Gato, and they put on a solid match to open the show. The finish came around the 8 minute mark when Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr hit the Dragon Driver on Amo Del Gato for the three count.




Final match rating - D


http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/OxKreviazuk.jpghttp://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/KingKongKennedy.jpgvs.http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/RudyVelasquez.jpghttp://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/HectorGalindo.jpgvs.http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/FrankiePerez-1.jpghttp://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/MikeyJames-1.jpg for



The second mtach was for the FCW tag team titles as The Latino Kings try and defend their titles again The 937lbs Express and the debuting Cali Dragons. I was really happy to the Mikey and Frankie on board here at FCW both know how to put on a solid show. Another solid match it finished around the 11 minute mark after The 937lbs Express dominated for most of the match, Mikey James took advantage of their dominance and stole the win from under their noses, pinning Hector Galindo.




Final match rating - D




Out comes Puerto Rican Powers comes out to cut a promo hyping his upcoming match with D.C Rayne for the Puerto Rican Title.


PRP definitely knows what he’s doing when it comes to hyping the crowd, he came across as a real star.


Final Rating - D+




Up next is the Fatal 4 way for the number one contender to the Puerto Rican title.




Bradford Peverell comes out to huge cheers from the crowd, whilst The Sensational Singh, Hell’s Bouncer and Handsome Stranger come out to a chorus of boos. Really solid match, the crowd got really behind it. In the end its was Bradford Peverell that got the win following a dream left hook on Sensational Singh. Bradford Peverell will face the winner of Puerto Rican Power and D.C Rayne at the next event.


Winner - Bradford Peverell


Final match rating - D


http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/ShawnGonzalez-1.jpgvs.http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/MainstreamHernandez.jpg for



The FCW People’s Championship is on the line next as Shawn Gonzalez takes on Mainstream Hernandez. Great reaction from the crowd as Mainstream Hernandez and Shawn Gonzalez start things off, the finish when the ref is down and out runs Steven Parker and attacks Gonzalez hitting the future shock before getting the ref back up and helping Hernandez to the victory, extremely loud boos coming from the crowd as Hernandez makes defence number 1 of his People’s Championship.

Winner - Mainstream Hernandez


Final match rating - C-




Parker and Hernandez continue the beat down of Shawn Gonzalez before walking out celebrating and what hey think is a job well done.


Final Rating - D-


http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/DCRayne.jpgvs.http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/PuertoRicanPower.jpg for



Time for the Main Event as D.C Rayne challenges Puerto Rican Power for the FCW Puerto Rican Title.

Both come out to huge cheers from the crowd, they really seem in it now after a slow start. Really solid open match Rayne looked strong out there but in the end experience paid off as Puerto Power hit a San Juan Rush around the 20 minute mark to retain the Puerto Rican Title.


Winner - Puerto Rican Power


Final match rating - D


Overall Show Rating - D

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Really Big fan of FCW ever since I did a game with them that lasted 26 years, hope it treats you well and can't wait to see where you take it.



Amo Del Gato vs. El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr



The 937lbs Express vs. The latino Kings © vs. ??? & ???

It's probably not a good idea to have your tag team titles or any of your titles change hands on the first show.



Shawn Gonzalez vs. Mainstream Hernandez ©

Same reason as above plus I think Shawn is above the Peoples Championship.



Hell’s Bouncer vs. Handsome Stranger vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Bradford Peverell

Use him while you can cause you won't have him for long.



D.C Rayne vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

DC is a tag team wrestler so this should be an easy win for PRP although it will probably be a good match.



Amo Del Gato vs. El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr



The 937lbs Express vs. The latino Kings © vs. ??? & ???



Shawn Gonzalez vs. Mainstream Hernandez ©



Hell’s Bouncer vs. Handsome Stranger vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Bradford Peverell



D.C Rayne vs. Puerto Rican Power ©


FREEDOM Fighters



Amo Del Gato vs. El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr

For reasons unbeknownst to me, I mark for Zonk



The 937lbs Express vs. The latino Kings © vs. ??? & ???

The Kings travel in packs, and they've got Jesus for back-up



Shawn Gonzalez vs. Mainstream Hernandez ©

Possibly via shenanigans, allowing Mainstream to keep the title



Hell’s Bouncer vs. Handsome Stranger vs. The Sensational Singh vs. Bradford Peverell

When in doubt, pick the man with the boa.



D.C Rayne vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

It's Puerto Rico


TakerNGN74 2/5

Jingo 1/5



A few surprises in the booking some of you might think. Hope everyone enjoyed the show.

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After an amazing show last night this week seems a little easier on the blood pressure and stress levels. PRP and Shawn both seemed happy with the out come of the show which is a good sign I guess.


As I was talking to the boss today I Brought up the idea of promoting the FCW through the internet and showing the fans a behind the scenes view of the roster and the workings of a wrestling promotion, honestly he looked at me lost for a few seconds before finally agreeing that it could be a good idea, but if it failed I’d be the one to blame. So starting in the next few days you’ll be getting a behind the scenes view of the FCW.


FCW: The Views of FREEDOM debuts soon.



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In the first of the FCW: Views of FREEDOM, we take a look at the recently crowned tag team champions the Cali Dragons, Frankie Perez and Mikey James


This video was filmed exclusively for FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling.


* The video opens on a beach looking out at the ocean, then up pop Mikey James and Frankie Perez.*




FP: Man, what a couple of crazy days, flying back n forth between Cali and Puerto Rico as been tiring but its been worth it

MJ: Too right man all for these right here

*Mikey lifts up the FCW Tag Team Belt*

MJ: You see me an Frankie wasted no time making our intentions in FCW clear, now I respect 937lbs Express don’t get me wrong, those guys were intimidating to face, but if you’re not going to kill off the match then we’re going to take advantage.

FP: Just like we did at FREEDOM Fighters, and that’s why we stand here today FCW tag Team Champions. Now I really can’t wait for the next event in FCW and having some quality matches with my man Mikey.

FP: Ahh shoot Mikey we need to go, we’ve got a flight to catch.

MJ&FP: Until next time peeps…PEACE.


*The video finishes with the Dragons jumping in a car and driving off.*

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Good show dude keep up the good work, I hope that as this progresses you can at least get a couple C- or even C rated shows. If you do things the right way there is no doubt in my mind that you will be able to pull it off.


Thank you man, hopefully I can pull it off, I've got the next couple of shows thought out and the general direction i want to take the company.

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The Fight for FREEDOM


Amo del gato & El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr & ???


The Cali Dragons vs. Matthew Keith & Kirk Jameson


D.C. Rayne w/ Eddie Howard vs. Mainstream Hernandez


Steven Parker vs. Shawn Gonzalez


FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Bradford Peverell vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

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Nices start, interesting to see where you will go with FCW as I´m currently playing with them too. :)



Amo del gato & El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr & ???

I assume that the new guy will get a debut win since other three guys though talented, are more or less jobbers on the start of the game.

The Cali Dragons vs. Matthew Keith & Kirk Jameson

Real team over random pairing. Cali Dragons and Keith are great addition to FCW though I´m little worried that either SWF or TCW will steal them soon as it usually happens after a few months.


D.C. Rayne w/ Eddie Howard vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Rayne is a tag guy while Hernandez is singles guy so Mainstream needs the win more.


Steven Parker vs. Shawn Gonzalez

I would assume that Gonzalez didn´t like losing to Hernandez considering the overness difference so I guess you aren´t going to make him lose twice on a row.


FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Bradford Peverell vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

Peverell isn´t ready for the belt yet and besides keeping PRP and he´s insane overness in the main events are probably the smart thing to do at the start.

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The Fight for FREEDOM


Amo del gato & El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr & ???

I cant go against a ? Mark


The Cali Dragons vs. Matthew Keith & Kirk Jameson

I could see Matthew and Kirk winning but they are not a team so it wouldn't make a lot of sense.


D.C. Rayne w/ Eddie Howard vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Mainstream Hernandez is the better choice for you going foward


Steven Parker vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Steven is good but not good enough to overcome Shawn Gonzalez


FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Bradford Peverell vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

Hopefully this will be a good match for you but I feel that this is just a start of a long title reign for Puerto Rican Power.

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The Fight for FREEDOM


Amo del gato & El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr & ???

Suspect it's either a win for Zonk and Co, or a post-match assault on Del Arco Iris


The Cali Dragons vs. Matthew Keith & Kirk Jameson

Jameson and Keith have more talent.


D.C. Rayne w/ Eddie Howard vs. Mainstream Hernandez


Steven Parker vs. Shawn Gonzalez

For the life of me, I can't figure out what a Steven Parker push would look like


FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Bradford Peverell vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

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In today’s edition of Views of FREEDOM, we get to an insider view into the life Shawn Gonzalez


This video was film exclusively for FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling.




*The video opens with shawn sat in dimly lit room*


SG: Nice of you to finally join me, I’ve got a few things to get of my chest about that jackass Steven Parker. Who the hell does he think he is coming to the company I help set up and attacking me during a match, so at The Fight for FREEDOM I’m gonna teach you a lesson in respect. So be ready for a beating of life ti…


*Shawn Gonzalez is stopped talking by something or someone*

*A shadowy figure is stood over Shawn’s body and is revealed to be Mainstream Hernandez*




MH: Shawn, You don’t learn do you, so see me and Steven are the evolution of FCW you need to quit whilst you’re ahead because this isn’t going to get easier for you.


*The video ends with Hernandez pushing over the camera and it fades into darkness*

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Nice start, terrible picking from me lets see where we go from here.


Amo del gato & El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr & ???

Squiggles are always good but i'm a Zonk fan .. sue me!

The Cali Dragons vs. Matthew Keith & Kirk Jameson

Big debut win for a team i've often used myself (in the rare times i use a bigger fed).

D.C. Rayne w/ Eddie Howard vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Still, not 100% with these guys but i'll go with the masses here.

Steven Parker vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Easy pick right!?

FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Bradford Peverell vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

No reason for PRP to lose here.

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The Fight for FREEDOM

Live from the San Juan High School Gym.

Attendance 291




FCW the Fight for FREEDOM is finally here, damn the past month as gone so fast but the show is booked and boy am I looking forward to it.




Handsome Stranger defeated Leper Messiah


The Latino Kings defeated Titan & Carlos Gonzalez






The first match of the show was again entrusted to the luchadors, as Amo Del Gato & El Hijo Del Zonk took on the tandem of Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr & Tigre Salvaje Jnr, originally it was set to be Dragon teaming with a debuting Velocidad but unfortunately he had commitments to SOTBPW so Tigre stepped in at the last minute. The finish came around the 8 minute mark as Amo Del Gato pinned Tigre Salvaje Jnr after hitting a Ninth Life.


Winners - Amo Del Gato & El Hijo Del Zonk

Final Match Rating - D




Puerto Rican Power comes down to the ring to cut a promo hyping his match with Bradford Peverell, he also hypes the Shawn Gonzalez vs. Steven Parker fight exclaiming that if Mainstream Hernandez interferes in the match at any point he will be stripped of the FCW People’s Championship.


Final Rating - C



Match number Two saw the Tag Team champions The Cali Dragons take on the team of Kirk Jameson & Matthew Keith, lots of back and forth action here and the crowd is really into it. The two youngsters put on a good showing here but in the end it was the tag team champions that walk away with the victory as Mikey James pinned Kirk Jameson after Scythe Side Kick.


Winners - The Cali Dragons

Final Match Rating - D




Up next is D.C Rayne taking on Mainstream Hernandez, two good wrestlers who both have a good look to them, the crowd was really into this match and getting quite vocal towards Hernandez about his actions last month. The finish came around the 14 minute mark as both men are counted out before fighting their way to the back.


Winners - N/A

Final Match Rating - D+




Carl Batch is stood in the middle of the ring and he wants to know why his client, The Sensational Singh doesn’t have an opponent for tonight. Claiming the damn locker room is to scared to challenge him but if there is anybody willing to fight then come out now. Batch’s ramblings are cut short as one half of The Natural Storm Eddie Howard comes out. Howard accepts the challenge but not before laying Batch out with huge clothesline. Singh against Howard will happen next month.


Final Rating - D




In the ring Shawn Gonzalez is about to go toe to toe with Steven Parker, this two seem to have a genuine problem with each other, beating the crap out of each other, the match came to an end when Kirk Jameson & Matthew Keith ran down and attacked Shawn Gonzalez, earning him the DQ win. The 3 youngsters stood over the laid out body of Shawn Gonzalez celebrating.


Winner - Shawn Gonzalez

Final Match Rating - D+


http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/BradfordPeverell.jpgvs.http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/PuertoRicanPower.jpg for http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/FCW_PuertoRican.jpg


The main event of the show saw Bradford Peverell challenge Puerto Rican Power for the FCW Puerto Rican Title. Both wrestlers were getting great reactions from the crowd as they fought out a really tough match with end come after 20 minutes when PRP hit the San Juan Rush for the 3 count.


Winner - Puerto Rican Power

Final Match Rating - D-



Overall Show Rating - D



Another solid show in my opinion, but I’ll have to wait and see what PRP and Shawn say about it first.

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Nice start, terrible picking from me lets see where we go from here.


Amo del gato & El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr & ???

Squiggles are always good but i'm a Zonk fan .. sue me!

The Cali Dragons vs. Matthew Keith & Kirk Jameson

Big debut win for a team i've often used myself (in the rare times i use a bigger fed).

D.C. Rayne w/ Eddie Howard vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Still, not 100% with these guys but i'll go with the masses here.

Steven Parker vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Easy pick right!?

FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Bradford Peverell vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

No reason for PRP to lose here.

4/5 good going.


The Fight for FREEDOM


Amo del gato & El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr & ???

Suspect it's either a win for Zonk and Co, or a post-match assault on Del Arco Iris


The Cali Dragons vs. Matthew Keith & Kirk Jameson

Jameson and Keith have more talent.


D.C. Rayne w/ Eddie Howard vs. Mainstream Hernandez


Steven Parker vs. Shawn Gonzalez

For the life of me, I can't figure out what a Steven Parker push would look like


FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Bradford Peverell vs. Puerto Rican Power ©


3/5 not bad at all man


Nices start, interesting to see where you will go with FCW as I´m currently playing with them too. :)



Amo del gato & El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr & ???

I assume that the new guy will get a debut win since other three guys though talented, are more or less jobbers on the start of the game.

The Cali Dragons vs. Matthew Keith & Kirk Jameson

Real team over random pairing. Cali Dragons and Keith are great addition to FCW though I´m little worried that either SWF or TCW will steal them soon as it usually happens after a few months.


D.C. Rayne w/ Eddie Howard vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Rayne is a tag guy while Hernandez is singles guy so Mainstream needs the win more.


Steven Parker vs. Shawn Gonzalez

I would assume that Gonzalez didn´t like losing to Hernandez considering the overness difference so I guess you aren´t going to make him lose twice on a row.


FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Bradford Peverell vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

Peverell isn´t ready for the belt yet and besides keeping PRP and he´s insane overness in the main events are probably the smart thing to do at the start.


3/5 pretty good man,


The Fight for FREEDOM


Amo del gato & El Hijo Del Zonk vs. Dragon Del Arco Iris Jnr & ???

I cant go against a ? Mark


The Cali Dragons vs. Matthew Keith & Kirk Jameson

I could see Matthew and Kirk winning but they are not a team so it wouldn't make a lot of sense.


D.C. Rayne w/ Eddie Howard vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Mainstream Hernandez is the better choice for you going foward


Steven Parker vs. Shawn Gonzalez

Steven is good but not good enough to overcome Shawn Gonzalez


FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Bradford Peverell vs. Puerto Rican Power ©

Hopefully this will be a good match for you but I feel that this is just a start of a long title reign for Puerto Rican Power.


3/5 not bad going, i think the booking of the D.C Rayne vs. Mainstream Hernandez threw everybody off but it all make sense in the up coming shows.


hope you enjoy the show

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Anothe good show keep up the good work, are you planning on having Shawn Gonzalez and Puerto Rican Power have any one on one matches in the future? I think it would be a wise decision for the company and if you put those two in the main event and they have a decent match it could put you in the C- to C rating range for your overall show rating.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="TakerNGN74" data-cite="TakerNGN74" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="32706" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Anothe good show keep up the good work, are you planning on having Shawn Gonzalez and Puerto Rican Power have any one on one matches in the future? I think it would be a wise decision for the company and if you put those two in the main event and they have a decent match it could put you in the C- to C rating range for your overall show rating.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Maybe in the future but for the next couple of shows probably not but it may happen, glad your enjoying the shows.</p>
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<p><span>http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/FCW.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

In today’s edition of Views of FREEDOM, we talk to Mainstream Hernandez, Steven Parker, Kirk Jameson and Matthew Keith.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/MainstreamHernandez.jpg</span><span>http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/StevenParker.jpg</span><span>http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/KirkJameson.jpg</span><span>http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/MatthewKeith.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

This video was film exclusively for FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

*The Video Starts in a trendy looking club, where we see the group of men surrounded by some beautiful looking women.*</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

MH: What the hell do you want? Can’t you see me and the boys are trying to party here.</p><p> </p><p>

SP: yeah get lost, we’re busy, unless you want know what its like to be Shawn Gonzalez.</p><p> </p><p>

MK: Screw Gonzalez!! The loser, we boys are the evolution of pro wrestling, you’re standing by greatness here.</p><p> </p><p>

KJ: Young, Rich and Fearless baby, you gotta love the champagne lifestyle that we live.</p><p> </p><p>

MH: now guards if you could get rid of this guy here.</p><p> </p><p>

*The video ends with the boys partying with the ladies and the bodyguards getting rid of the cameraman.*</p>

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<p><span>http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/FCW.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Presents...</strong></p><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong>

FREEDOM Of The City</strong></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Howard vs. The sensational Singh w/ Carl Batch</p><p> </p><p>

FCW Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

The Cali Dragons © vs. The 937lbs Express</p><p> </p><p>

Champagne Lifestyle(Mainstream Hernandez & Steven Parker) vs. Shawn Gonzalez & A partner of his choosing</p><p> </p><p>

3 Way Dance</p><p>

Handsome Stranger vs. Leper Messiah vs. Hell’s Bouncer</p><p> </p><p>

FCW Puerto Rican Championship Match</p><p>

Bradford Peverell vs. Puerto Rican Power©</p>

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<p>FREEDOM Of The City</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

Eddie Howard vs. <strong>The sensational Singh</strong> w/ Carl Batch</p><p>

Singh with some help from his manager.</p><p> </p><p>

FCW Tag Team Championship Match</p><p>

<strong>The Cali Dragons ©</strong> vs. The 937lbs Express</p><p>

Cali's won't lose this quick and they need a few wins to really be considered champs.</p><p> </p><p>

Champagne Lifestyle(Mainstream Hernandez & Steven Parker) vs. <strong>Shawn Gonzalez & A partner of his choosing</strong></p><p>

Shawn gets some revenge and he should partner with Zonk.</p><p> </p><p>

3 Way Dance</p><p>

<strong>Handsome Stranger</strong> vs. Leper Messiah vs. Hell’s Bouncer</p><p>

HS is close to taking on PRP. Should be a good match.</p><p> </p><p>

FCW Puerto Rican Championship Match</p><p>

Bradford Peverell vs. <strong>Puerto Rican Power©</strong></p><p>

Brad puts on a good show, but PRP isn't ready to drop the belt just yet. More likely he'll lose it to Handsome Stranger.</p>

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