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FCW...The chance of FREEDOM.

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<p><span>http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/FCW.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

Big news coming out of FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling. FCW are currently working on having a weekly show. The show will apparently air on video streaming website iView.tv, little is known about the show apart from it’s going to be called FCW Super Estrellas De La Lucha Libre and that it’s set to debut with in the next couple of months.</p><p> </p><p>

More news as it happens, stay tuned.</p>

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<p><span>http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/FCW.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

In today’s edition of FCW: The Views of FREEDOM, we take a look at the big boss man, Puerto Rican Power.</p><p> </p><p>

This video was filmed exclusively for FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling.</p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/PuertoRicanPower.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

*The video starts with the camera zooming in towards a chair and desk inside an office*</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

PRP: Well you probably want to know why I lost it last month don’t you? Well I’ll tell you, what Mainstream Hernandez, Kirk Jameson and Shawn Gonzalez need to understand is that this is my company. And I’m sick and tired off these people running around attacking each other, ruining the shows that we produce. Now on to more pressing matters next month at FREEDOM Or Death, I defend my Puerto Rican Title against Hansome Stranger and if you think I’m losing it, you’ve got to be deluded. But if you wouldn’t mind going now I’ve got more important business to deal with.</p><p> </p><p>

*Video finishes with the camera zooming back out through the door, before fading to black*</p>

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<p>Quarter finals of the FCW Tag Team Titles Tournament.</p><p>

<strong>TigreDragon</strong> vs. Matt Hocking & Nelson Callum</p><p>

<em>I always go for the named team, although I could see Hocking and Callum taking it</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The 937lbs Express</strong> vs. ??? & ???</p><p>

<em>You're actually doing something with the big guys, so I'll have them taking the win here</em></p><p> </p><p>

Marc Speed vs. <strong>Hell Monkey</strong> vs. Masked Cougar</p><p>

<em>You won't keep Monkey for long- Burning Hammer or TCW often sign him on a written after a while- but it's hard to justify not building him into a top guy</em></p><p> </p><p>

Loser leaves FCW for the FCW People’s Championship</p><p>

<strong>Leper Messiah</strong> vs. Mainstream Hernandez</p><p>

<em>I'm guessing Supreme or TCW have come knocking for Hernandez</em></p><p> </p><p>

FCW Puerto Rican Title Match</p><p>

Handsome Stranger vs. <strong>Puerto Rican Power</strong></p><p>

<em>He'll refuse to lose anyway</em></p><p> </p><p>

One small note- you're booking a lot of heel vs. heel at the top of the card, and that won't really work as a long-term game plan. Unless you've got something special planned, I'd wrap up Power/Stranger and move into a new feud for him against a face you want to build up.</p>

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Quarter finals of the FCW Tag Team Titles Tournament.

TigreDragon vs. Matt Hocking & Nelson Callum


The 937lbs Express vs. ??? & ???


Marc Speed vs. Hell Monkey vs. Masked Cougar


Loser leaves FCW for the FCW People’s Championship

Leper Messiah vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Guessing someone snatched up Mainstream

FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Handsome Stranger vs. Puerto Rican Power

Pains me to pick over HS but .. It is Puerto Rico ...

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One small note- you're booking a lot of heel vs. heel at the top of the card, and that won't really work as a long-term game plan. Unless you've got something special planned, I'd wrap up Power/Stranger and move into a new feud for him against a face you want to build up.


Handsome Stranger is currently going through the process of turning face following the post match attack by Bradford Peverell.

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very welcome sir. This is entertaining so you deserve it.



Quarter finals of the FCW Tag Team Titles Tournament.

TigreDragon vs. Matt Hocking & Nelson Callum

Prefer the team. Ive never liked either Callum


The 937lbs Express vs. ??? & ???

???s need to impress and you dont love tradition enough to push the fatties


Marc Speed vs. Hell Monkey vs. Masked Cougar

CZCW called: they want their PPV match back.


Loser leaves FCW for the FCW People’s Championship

Leper Messiah vs. Mainstream Hernandez

Hernandez is more likely to have been signed.


FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Handsome Stranger vs. Puerto Rican Power

PRP needs to look strong as a heel

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Handsome Stranger is currently going through the process of turning face following the post match attack by Bradford Peverell.


Ah, okay, I missed that. And by the way, that's actually very cool- I never thought of pulling a double-turn in that feud.

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Quarter finals of the FCW Tag Team Titles Tournament.

TigreDragon vs. Matt Hocking & Nelson Callum

Named team over random pairing.


The 937lbs Express vs. ??? & ???

Mystery guys are always a good bet. Besides Express guys really aren´t all that talented, though I admit that they can get overness quite quickly.


Marc Speed vs. Hell Monkey vs. Masked Cougar

Not yet sure where any of these three guys stand in terms of card position and push but Monkey is the one who got the win in last show so might as well back him up again.


Loser leaves FCW for the FCW People’s Championship

Leper Messiah vs. Mainstream Hernandez

I doubt that Messiah was stolen by bigger promotion so it´s likely Hernandez who is going.


FCW Puerto Rican Title Match

Handsome Stranger vs. Puerto Rican Power

Now that PRP has turned heel there just have to be a match between him and Gonzalez and that will likely be for the title so I´d say that Stranger falls short this time.

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<p>I know ThatShizzle has knocked you up a nice new logo but I did these a while ago. Always nice to have choices eh?</p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://img577.imageshack.us/img577/3500/fcwalt.jpg</span><span>http://img542.imageshack.us/img542/679/fcwalt2.jpg</span><span>http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/3196/fcwaltlogo3.jpg</span></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p>Quarter finals of the FCW Tag Team Titles Tournament.</p><p>

<strong>TigreDragon</strong> vs. Matt Hocking & Nelson Callum</p><p>

like Zergon said named team over random pairing.</p><p> </p><p>

The 937lbs Express vs. <strong>??? & ???</strong></p><p>

Hopefully the ???'s will be able to get a good match out of the 937IB express. It will be interesting to see who the mystery team is whether or not it is a team already on the roster or a new team that you are bringing in.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Marc Speed</strong> vs. Hell Monkey vs. Masked Cougar</p><p>

Big fan of all three but I think Marc will take this one.</p><p> </p><p>

Loser leaves FCW for the FCW People’s Championship</p><p>

<strong>Leper Messiah</strong> vs. Mainstream Hernandez</p><p>

I like how you are incorperating Mainstream Hernandez's departure from FCW into a match here. I am almost positive that Mainstream will loose and as a result leave the company because he ususally gets signed by a bigger company right away. Leper could have gotten signed but by my experience with my FCW game that went 26 years the only other contract he signed while I had him was for USPW and it was a PPA contract so I was still able to keep him.</p><p> </p><p>

FCW Puerto Rican Title Match</p><p>

Handsome Stranger vs. <strong>Puerto Rican Power</strong></p><p>

First match since his heel turn it probably wouldn't be a good idea to have him loose here because then the turn would look pointless IMO.</p>

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Live from the San Juan High School Gym

Attendance 300






Brent Rock & Jacob Jett defeated Titan & Hell’s Bouncer


Bradford Peverell defeated Eddie Howard






The show starts with TigreDragon facing off against Matt Hocking & Nelson Callum in the first quarter final of Tag Team Title Tournament, really good opening match. The finish comes after Tigre Salvaje Jnr and Dragon Del Arco Irish Jnr hit a standing leg drop/ shooting star press on Matt Hocking for the win.


Winners - TigreDragon

Overall Match Rating - D-




The second quarter final is up next as The 937lbs Express take on the debuting Huey Cannonball & Jefferson Stardust in what is consided to be the worst match of the night Huey Cannonball & Jefferson Stardust get the debut win against another poor Ox Mastadon & King Kong Kennedy and advance to the semi finals.


Winners - Huey Cannonball & Jefferson Stardust

Overall Match Rating - E-




Out comes Puerto Rican Power comes down to the ring microphone in one hand, the FCW Puerto Rican Title in the other. He cuts a promo shooting down Shawn Gonzalez as weak whilst Handsome stranger is no challenger to his title.


Overall Rating - C+




In a match that could be considered an indy wrestling fans dream match Marc Speed faced off again Hell Monkey and Masked Cougar, really solid wrestling here with the fan getting behind it, in the end Marc Speed gets the win making Hell Monkey tap out.


Winner - Marc Speed

Overall Match Rating - D+


http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/LeperMessiah.jpgvs.http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/MainstreamHernandez.jpg for http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/FCW_Peoples.jpg


Up next is the loser leaves FCW match for the Peoples Championship between Leper Messiah and Mainstream Hernandez. Both wrestlers were booed during the match before a debuting Bulldozer Brandon Smith runs down to the ring with a steel chair. Both men stop as they wonder what is going to happen, Brandon Smith turns towards Mainstream Hernandez before turning round and striking Leper Messiah allowing Hernandez to get the win.


Winner - Mainstream Hernandez

Overall Match Rating - D-




Following the match Brandon Smith and Mainstream Hernandez continue the beat down on Leper Messiah screaming at him to get out of the ring.


Overall rating - E+


http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/HandsomeStranger.jpgvs.http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/PuertoRicanPower.jpg for http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/FCW_PuertoRican.jpg


Time for the main event as Handsome Stranger takes on Puerto Rican Power for the Puerto Rican Title. Solid in ring action the end comes when Bradford Peverell comes down to distract Handsome Stranger, when the ref’s back is turned telling Peverell to get to the back, out from the crowd Shawn Gonzalez attacks Puerto Rican Power with the Puerto Rican Title allowing Handsome Stranger to get the three count.


Winner- New FCW Puerto Rican Champion Handsome Stranger

Overall Match Rating - C-




All four men continue to brawl in the ring and on the outside before referees, wrestlers and security pull them apart.


Overall Rating - C


Overall Show Rating - D+


Definitely the best show we have producted since taking over as head booker, hopefully we can build on this and carry on with some great shows.

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FCW Tag Team Title Tournament

The Awesomeness vs. Brent Rock & Jacob Jett


Natural Storm vs. TigreDragon


Hell Monkey vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Marc Speed


Shawn Gonzalez & Handsome Stranger vs. Bradford Peverell & Puerto Rican Power

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On this edition of FCW: The Views of FREEDOM we meet up with new FCW Puerto Rican Champion Handsome Stranger.


The following footage was filmed exclusively for FREEDOM Caribbean Wrestling




*The video starts in a posh looking restaurant, the camera pans over the FCW Puerto Rican title which is draped over a table.*


HS: Finally I have been given a chance to carry the top belt in here in FCW, I’d like to think I’ve proven my doubters wrong here by beating Puerto Rican Power but I know some people won’t see it like that. Seeing as it took a shot from this belt here to put the big man down but that came from his former best friend Shawn Gonzalez and that’s a bridge Puerto Rican Power seems to have been happy to burn, that jackass Bradford Peverell still seems to be sticking his nose in my business though which is fine if he wants to roll with the big dogs. So at FREEDOM’s Fury, Shawn gonzalez and myself will take on Puerto Rican Power & Bradford Peverell in a No disqualifications tag team match. Lets see if they can handle themselves in the ring with us.

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<p>FREEDOM’S Fury</p><p> </p><p>

FCW Tag Team Title Tournament</p><p>

<strong>The Awesomeness </strong>vs. Brent Rock & Jacob Jett</p><p> </p><p>

Natural Storm vs. <strong>TigreDragon</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hell Monkey</strong> vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Mainstream Hernandez </strong>vs. Marc Speed</p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Gonzalez & Handsome Stranger vs. <strong>Bradford Peverell & Puerto Rican Power</strong></p>

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<p><strong>The Awesomeness</strong> vs. Brent Rock & Jacob Jett</p><p>

<em>Real team over random pairing.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Natural Storm</strong> vs. TigreDragon</p><p>

<em>Storm is always going to be a threat in tag matches and this is no different as TigreDragon isn´t established enough to go over them.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hell Monkey</strong> vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith</p><p>

<em>Both are great wrestlers but Monkey is the more established guy.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez vs. <strong>Marc Speed</strong></p><p>

<em>I´m guessing that this is non-title in which case Speed is more likely to get a win in order to set up a title match on later date. </em></p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Gonzalez & Handsome Stranger vs. <strong>Bradford Peverell & Puerto Rican Power</strong></p><p>

<em>This one could go either way but PRP just lost the title so I assume that he gets feel good win here.</em></p>

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<p><strong>The Awesomeness</strong> vs. Brent Rock & Jacob Jett</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Natural Storm</strong> vs. TigreDragon</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hell Monkey</strong> vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith</p><p> </p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez vs. <strong>Marc Speed</strong></p><p>

I am with Zergon on this if this match is non title than Marc could win in order to set up a title match later on. However if this is a title match and you just forgot to let us know then Mainstream would probably win.</p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Gonzalez & Handsome Stranger vs. <strong>Bradford Peverell & Puerto Rican Power </strong></p><p>

Since PRP just lost the title he should get the win in order to balance out his morale:D</p>

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<p><strong>The Awesomeness </strong>vs. Brent Rock & Jacob Jett</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Natural Storm </strong>vs. TigreDragon</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Hell Monkey</strong> vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith</p><p> </p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez vs. <strong>Marc Speed</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Shawn Gonzalez & Handsome Stranger vs.<strong> Bradford Peverell & Puerto Rican Power</strong></p>

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Live from the San Juan High School

Attendance 300(Sold Out)





Frankie Perez defeated Nelson Callum


Kirk Jameson & Matt Hocking defeated El Hijo Del Zonk & Amo Del Gato




http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/JeffersonStardust.jpghttp://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/HueyCannonball.jpg vs.http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/JacobJett.jpghttp://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/RichardBlood.jpg


In the first match of the night The Awesomeness take on the tandem of Jacob Jett and Brent Rock, solid match featuring some good wrestling in the end Huey Cannonball gets the win for his team pinning Brent Rock. The Awesomeness advance to the final of the FCW Tag Team Title Tournament.


Winners - The Awesomeness

Overall Match Rating - D+


http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/DCRayne.jpghttp://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/EddieHoward.jpg vs. http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/DragnDelArcoIris.jpghttp://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/TigreSalvaje.jpg


In the second semi final of the Tag Team Title Tournament, The Natural Storm face off against TigreDragon. The more experienced tag team here The Natural Storm dominate from the start by not allowing the luchadors to really get there offence going by keeping them grounded. The finish comes when Eddie Howard makes Tigre Salvaje Jnr tap out.


Winners - The Natural Storm

Overall Match Rating - D-




Puerto Rican Power and Bradford Peverell come down to the ring, both ask for microphones. They start cutting a promo on there upcoming match against Handsome Stranger and Shawn Gonzalez, shooting them down with a barrage of insults.


Overall Rating - C-


http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/HellMonkey.jpg vs. http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/BulldozerBrandon_alt1.jpg w/ http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/MainstreamHernandez.jpg


Down comes Hell Monkey for what will be his last appearance for FCW to take on Brandon Smith, who debuted last month helping Mainstream Hernandez getting rid off Leper Messiah. The bout featured some good wrestling and solid crowd reaction as Hell Monkey takes the win in his final match.


Winner - Hell Monkey

Overall Match Rating - D+


http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/MainstreamHernandez.jpg w/http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/BulldozerBrandon_alt1.jpg vs. http://i583.photobucket.com/albums/ss279/serotonin187/MarcSpeed.jpg


Up next Mainstream Hernandez takes on Marc Speed , the peoples champion is looking as cocky as ever following especially now with a man like Brandon Smith by his side. Really solid in ring action here. Mainstream Hernandez gets the win following interference by Brandon Smith.


Winner - Mainstream Hernandez

Overall Match Rating- C-




We go backstage where we find Handsome Stranger and Shawn Gonzalez talking when suddenly they are jumped by Puerto Rican Power and Bradford Peverell, all four men are fighting to the ring and it looks like the main event as started early.


Overall Rating - D+




The main event starts with all four men still battling on the outside, before Peverell is thrown into the ring by Shawn Gonzalez and its officially underway. The match finish after a gruelling 20 minutes when Shawn Gonzalez makes Bradford Peverell tap out after a Latino Crab.


Winners - Handsome Stranger and Shawn Gonzalez

Overall Match Rating - C-


Overall Show Rating - C-


Most definitely the best show we have produced here, Really proud of the guys efforts tonight and i can't wait to build on this progress.

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FCW Tag Team Title Tournament

The Awesomeness vs. Brent Rock & Jacob Jett


Natural Storm vs. TigreDragon


Hell Monkey vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Marc Speed


Shawn Gonzalez & Handsome Stranger vs. Bradford Peverell & Puerto Rican Power


2/5 unlucky man, better luck next time.


The Awesomeness vs. Brent Rock & Jacob Jett

Real team over random pairing.


Natural Storm vs. TigreDragon

Storm is always going to be a threat in tag matches and this is no different as TigreDragon isn´t established enough to go over them.


Hell Monkey vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Both are great wrestlers but Monkey is the more established guy.


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Marc Speed

I´m guessing that this is non-title in which case Speed is more likely to get a win in order to set up a title match on later date.


Shawn Gonzalez & Handsome Stranger vs. Bradford Peverell & Puerto Rican Power

This one could go either way but PRP just lost the title so I assume that he gets feel good win here.


3/5 not bad going.


The Awesomeness vs. Brent Rock & Jacob Jett


Natural Storm vs. TigreDragon


Hell Monkey vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Marc Speed

I am with Zergon on this if this match is non title than Marc could win in order to set up a title match later on. However if this is a title match and you just forgot to let us know then Mainstream would probably win.


Shawn Gonzalez & Handsome Stranger vs. Bradford Peverell & Puerto Rican Power

Since PRP just lost the title he should get the win in order to balance out his morale:D


Also 3/5 good going.


The Awesomeness vs. Brent Rock & Jacob Jett


Natural Storm vs. TigreDragon


Hell Monkey vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Marc Speed


Shawn Gonzalez & Handsome Stranger vs. Bradford Peverell & Puerto Rican Power


another 3/5 not bad at all.


The Awesomeness vs. Brent Rock & Jacob Jett


Natural Storm vs. TigreDragon


Hell Monkey vs. Bulldozer Brandon Smith


Mainstream Hernandez vs. Marc Speed


Shawn Gonzalez & Handsome Stranger vs. Bradford Peverell & Puerto Rican Power


2/5 sorry man better luck next time.


Thank you everyone that made predictions on the event. Also just a shameless plug for my other diary Rapid Pro Wrestling...From the ashes, check it out if you want. And again thank you for taking part.

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The FREEDOM Movement



FCW Tag Team Championship Match

Natural Storm vs. The Awesomeness


Three way Dance

Frankie Perez vs. Kirk Jameson vs. Masked Cougar


FCW People’s Championship Match

Mainstream Hernandez w/ Brandon Smith vs. ???


Puerto Rican Power vs. Shawn Gonzalez


Handsome Stranger vs. Bradford Peverell




Also sorry about any sort of updates for a while I've been busy with work and what not.

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