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The official DBZ Mod thread

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Here, I'll be giving daily updates on what I have done, what I'm planning to do, and a bit of insight on how I plan on making the mod.


What's done so far:


All timeframes and dimensions have been created, and almost all Locations have been created as well.




I have decided to just use 3 timeframes (early, mid and end) for the mod. But, rather than try to squeeze the ratings in in such a way that Buu will actually be much stronger than Frieza, I will be doing the characters' ratings relevant to their own timeframe so as to allow for more accuracy when creating the threshold between characters in a specific timeframe. Now, the use of only 3 timeframes does have it's setbacks: for example, Goku in the early timeline will be much stronger than Raditz, even though there was a time when the opposite was the case, so as to allow Goku to adequately match up well with Frieza. Also, I'd be forced to make Vegeta a wildcard for the Early timeframe rather than making him a villain for the Saiyan Saga and an anti hero for the rest of the Sagas. But, I personally think this is still the best way to go about things; it'll make for a game world that is both accurate to DBZ and fun for the user to delve into.

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I will be doing Planet Vegeta for sure. I'll probably add most movie characters to their appropriate timeframe and set them to go on hiatus often.


Also, there's a good chance that I actually make the ratings relative to the entire database, rather than relevant to the timeframe. Once the player is able to conquer one timeline, I'm sure they'd want to go take on another by getting the time travel ability, so it'd be unrealistic to have each of the evil 'big 3' from the different timeframes at the same strength.

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